1// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package orm
17import (
18	"context"
19	"database/sql"
20	"reflect"
21	"time"
24// Driver define database driver
25type Driver interface {
26	Name() string
27	Type() DriverType
30// Fielder define field info
31type Fielder interface {
32	String() string
33	FieldType() int
34	SetRaw(interface{}) error
35	RawValue() interface{}
38// Ormer define the orm interface
39type Ormer interface {
40	// read data to model
41	// for example:
42	//	this will find User by Id field
43	// 	u = &User{Id: user.Id}
44	// 	err = Ormer.Read(u)
45	//	this will find User by UserName field
46	// 	u = &User{UserName: "astaxie", Password: "pass"}
47	//	err = Ormer.Read(u, "UserName")
48	Read(md interface{}, cols ...string) error
49	// Like Read(), but with "FOR UPDATE" clause, useful in transaction.
50	// Some databases are not support this feature.
51	ReadForUpdate(md interface{}, cols ...string) error
52	// Try to read a row from the database, or insert one if it doesn't exist
53	ReadOrCreate(md interface{}, col1 string, cols ...string) (bool, int64, error)
54	// insert model data to database
55	// for example:
56	//  user := new(User)
57	//  id, err = Ormer.Insert(user)
58	//  user must be a pointer and Insert will set user's pk field
59	Insert(interface{}) (int64, error)
60	// mysql:InsertOrUpdate(model) or InsertOrUpdate(model,"colu=colu+value")
61	// if colu type is integer : can use(+-*/), string : convert(colu,"value")
62	// postgres: InsertOrUpdate(model,"conflictColumnName") or InsertOrUpdate(model,"conflictColumnName","colu=colu+value")
63	// if colu type is integer : can use(+-*/), string : colu || "value"
64	InsertOrUpdate(md interface{}, colConflitAndArgs ...string) (int64, error)
65	// insert some models to database
66	InsertMulti(bulk int, mds interface{}) (int64, error)
67	// update model to database.
68	// cols set the columns those want to update.
69	// find model by Id(pk) field and update columns specified by fields, if cols is null then update all columns
70	// for example:
71	// user := User{Id: 2}
72	//	user.Langs = append(user.Langs, "zh-CN", "en-US")
73	//	user.Extra.Name = "beego"
74	//	user.Extra.Data = "orm"
75	//	num, err = Ormer.Update(&user, "Langs", "Extra")
76	Update(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
77	// delete model in database
78	Delete(md interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
79	// load related models to md model.
80	// args are limit, offset int and order string.
81	//
82	// example:
83	// 	Ormer.LoadRelated(post,"Tags")
84	// 	for _,tag := range post.Tags{...}
85	//args[0] bool true useDefaultRelsDepth ; false  depth 0
86	//args[0] int  loadRelationDepth
87	//args[1] int limit default limit 1000
88	//args[2] int offset default offset 0
89	//args[3] string order  for example : "-Id"
90	// make sure the relation is defined in model struct tags.
91	LoadRelated(md interface{}, name string, args ...interface{}) (int64, error)
92	// create a models to models queryer
93	// for example:
94	// 	post := Post{Id: 4}
95	// 	m2m := Ormer.QueryM2M(&post, "Tags")
96	QueryM2M(md interface{}, name string) QueryM2Mer
97	// return a QuerySeter for table operations.
98	// table name can be string or struct.
99	// e.g. QueryTable("user"), QueryTable(&user{}) or QueryTable((*User)(nil)),
100	QueryTable(ptrStructOrTableName interface{}) QuerySeter
101	// switch to another registered database driver by given name.
102	Using(name string) error
103	// begin transaction
104	// for example:
105	// 	o := NewOrm()
106	// 	err := o.Begin()
107	// 	...
108	// 	err = o.Rollback()
109	Begin() error
110	// begin transaction with provided context and option
111	// the provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back.
112	// if the context is canceled, the transaction will be rolled back.
113	// the provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used.
114	// if a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support, an error will be returned.
115	// for example:
116	//  o := NewOrm()
117	// 	err := o.BeginTx(context.Background(), &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelRepeatableRead})
118	//  ...
119	//  err = o.Rollback()
120	BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) error
121	// commit transaction
122	Commit() error
123	// rollback transaction
124	Rollback() error
125	// return a raw query seter for raw sql string.
126	// for example:
127	//	 ormer.Raw("UPDATE `user` SET `user_name` = ? WHERE `user_name` = ?", "slene", "testing").Exec()
128	//	// update user testing's name to slene
129	Raw(query string, args ...interface{}) RawSeter
130	Driver() Driver
131	DBStats() *sql.DBStats
134// Inserter insert prepared statement
135type Inserter interface {
136	Insert(interface{}) (int64, error)
137	Close() error
140// QuerySeter query seter
141type QuerySeter interface {
142	// add condition expression to QuerySeter.
143	// for example:
144	//	filter by UserName == 'slene'
145	//	qs.Filter("UserName", "slene")
146	//	sql : left outer join profile on t0.id1==t1.id2 where t1.age == 28
147	//	Filter("profile__Age", 28)
148	// 	 // time compare
149	//	qs.Filter("created", time.Now())
150	Filter(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
151	// add raw sql to querySeter.
152	// for example:
153	// qs.FilterRaw("user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)")
154	// //sql-> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE age>=18)
155	FilterRaw(string, string) QuerySeter
156	// add NOT condition to querySeter.
157	// have the same usage as Filter
158	Exclude(string, ...interface{}) QuerySeter
159	// set condition to QuerySeter.
160	// sql's where condition
161	//	cond := orm.NewCondition()
162	//	cond1 := cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1).Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)
163	//	//sql-> WHERE T0.`profile_id` IS NOT NULL AND NOT T0.`Status` IN (?) OR T1.`age` >  2000
164	//	num, err := qs.SetCond(cond1).Count()
165	SetCond(*Condition) QuerySeter
166	// get condition from QuerySeter.
167	// sql's where condition
168	//  cond := orm.NewCondition()
169	//  cond = cond.And("profile__isnull", false).AndNot("status__in", 1)
170	//  qs = qs.SetCond(cond)
171	//  cond = qs.GetCond()
172	//  cond := cond.Or("profile__age__gt", 2000)
173	//  //sql-> WHERE T0.`profile_id` IS NOT NULL AND NOT T0.`Status` IN (?) OR T1.`age` >  2000
174	//  num, err := qs.SetCond(cond).Count()
175	GetCond() *Condition
176	// add LIMIT value.
177	// args[0] means offset, e.g. LIMIT num,offset.
178	// if Limit <= 0 then Limit will be set to default limit ,eg 1000
179	// if QuerySeter doesn't call Limit, the sql's Limit will be set to default limit, eg 1000
180	//  for example:
181	//	qs.Limit(10, 2)
182	//	// sql-> limit 10 offset 2
183	Limit(limit interface{}, args ...interface{}) QuerySeter
184	// add OFFSET value
185	// same as Limit function's args[0]
186	Offset(offset interface{}) QuerySeter
187	// add GROUP BY expression
188	// for example:
189	//	qs.GroupBy("id")
190	GroupBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter
191	// add ORDER expression.
192	// "column" means ASC, "-column" means DESC.
193	// for example:
194	//	qs.OrderBy("-status")
195	OrderBy(exprs ...string) QuerySeter
196	// set relation model to query together.
197	// it will query relation models and assign to parent model.
198	// for example:
199	//	// will load all related fields use left join .
200	// 	qs.RelatedSel().One(&user)
201	//	// will  load related field only profile
202	//	qs.RelatedSel("profile").One(&user)
203	//	user.Profile.Age = 32
204	RelatedSel(params ...interface{}) QuerySeter
205	// Set Distinct
206	// for example:
207	//  o.QueryTable("policy").Filter("Groups__Group__Users__User", user).
208	//    Distinct().
209	//    All(&permissions)
210	Distinct() QuerySeter
211	// set FOR UPDATE to query.
212	// for example:
213	//  o.QueryTable("user").Filter("uid", uid).ForUpdate().All(&users)
214	ForUpdate() QuerySeter
215	// return QuerySeter execution result number
216	// for example:
217	//	num, err = qs.Filter("profile__age__gt", 28).Count()
218	Count() (int64, error)
219	// check result empty or not after QuerySeter executed
220	// the same as QuerySeter.Count > 0
221	Exist() bool
222	// execute update with parameters
223	// for example:
224	//	num, err = qs.Filter("user_name", "slene").Update(Params{
225	//		"Nums": ColValue(Col_Minus, 50),
226	//	}) // user slene's Nums will minus 50
227	//	num, err = qs.Filter("UserName", "slene").Update(Params{
228	//		"user_name": "slene2"
229	//	}) // user slene's  name will change to slene2
230	Update(values Params) (int64, error)
231	// delete from table
232	//for example:
233	//	num ,err = qs.Filter("user_name__in", "testing1", "testing2").Delete()
234	// 	//delete two user  who's name is testing1 or testing2
235	Delete() (int64, error)
236	// return a insert queryer.
237	// it can be used in times.
238	// example:
239	// 	i,err := sq.PrepareInsert()
240	// 	num, err = i.Insert(&user1) // user table will add one record user1 at once
241	//	num, err = i.Insert(&user2) // user table will add one record user2 at once
242	//	err = i.Close() //don't forget call Close
243	PrepareInsert() (Inserter, error)
244	// query all data and map to containers.
245	// cols means the columns when querying.
246	// for example:
247	//	var users []*User
248	//	qs.All(&users) // users[0],users[1],users[2] ...
249	All(container interface{}, cols ...string) (int64, error)
250	// query one row data and map to containers.
251	// cols means the columns when querying.
252	// for example:
253	//	var user User
254	//	qs.One(&user) //user.UserName == "slene"
255	One(container interface{}, cols ...string) error
256	// query all data and map to []map[string]interface.
257	// expres means condition expression.
258	// it converts data to []map[column]value.
259	// for example:
260	//	var maps []Params
261	//	qs.Values(&maps) //maps[0]["UserName"]=="slene"
262	Values(results *[]Params, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
263	// query all data and map to [][]interface
264	// it converts data to [][column_index]value
265	// for example:
266	//	var list []ParamsList
267	//	qs.ValuesList(&list) // list[0][1] == "slene"
268	ValuesList(results *[]ParamsList, exprs ...string) (int64, error)
269	// query all data and map to []interface.
270	// it's designed for one column record set, auto change to []value, not [][column]value.
271	// for example:
272	//	var list ParamsList
273	//	qs.ValuesFlat(&list, "UserName") // list[0] == "slene"
274	ValuesFlat(result *ParamsList, expr string) (int64, error)
275	// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
276	// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
277	// table data
278	// name  | value
279	// total | 100
280	// found | 200
281	// to map[string]interface{}{
282	// 	"total": 100,
283	// 	"found": 200,
284	// }
285	RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
286	// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
287	// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
288	// table data
289	// name  | value
290	// total | 100
291	// found | 200
292	// to struct {
293	// 	Total int
294	// 	Found int
295	// }
296	RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
299// QueryM2Mer model to model query struct
300// all operations are on the m2m table only, will not affect the origin model table
301type QueryM2Mer interface {
302	// add models to origin models when creating queryM2M.
303	// example:
304	// 	m2m := orm.QueryM2M(post,"Tag")
305	// 	m2m.Add(&Tag1{},&Tag2{})
306	//  	for _,tag := range post.Tags{}{ ... }
307	// param could also be any of the follow
308	// 	[]*Tag{{Id:3,Name: "TestTag1"}, {Id:4,Name: "TestTag2"}}
309	//	&Tag{Id:5,Name: "TestTag3"}
310	//	[]interface{}{&Tag{Id:6,Name: "TestTag4"}}
311	// insert one or more rows to m2m table
312	// make sure the relation is defined in post model struct tag.
313	Add(...interface{}) (int64, error)
314	// remove models following the origin model relationship
315	// only delete rows from m2m table
316	// for example:
317	//tag3 := &Tag{Id:5,Name: "TestTag3"}
318	//num, err = m2m.Remove(tag3)
319	Remove(...interface{}) (int64, error)
320	// check model is existed in relationship of origin model
321	Exist(interface{}) bool
322	// clean all models in related of origin model
323	Clear() (int64, error)
324	// count all related models of origin model
325	Count() (int64, error)
328// RawPreparer raw query statement
329type RawPreparer interface {
330	Exec(...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
331	Close() error
334// RawSeter raw query seter
335// create From Ormer.Raw
336// for example:
337//  sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %sid%s,%sname%s FROM %suser%s WHERE id = ?",Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q)
338//  rs := Ormer.Raw(sql, 1)
339type RawSeter interface {
340	//execute sql and get result
341	Exec() (sql.Result, error)
342	//query data and map to container
343	//for example:
344	//	var name string
345	//	var id int
346	//	rs.QueryRow(&id,&name) // id==2 name=="slene"
347	QueryRow(containers ...interface{}) error
349	// query data rows and map to container
350	//	var ids []int
351	//	var names []int
352	//	query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT 'id','name' FROM %suser%s", Q, Q)
353	//	num, err = dORM.Raw(query).QueryRows(&ids,&names) // ids=>{1,2},names=>{"nobody","slene"}
354	QueryRows(containers ...interface{}) (int64, error)
355	SetArgs(...interface{}) RawSeter
356	// query data to []map[string]interface
357	// see QuerySeter's Values
358	Values(container *[]Params, cols ...string) (int64, error)
359	// query data to [][]interface
360	// see QuerySeter's ValuesList
361	ValuesList(container *[]ParamsList, cols ...string) (int64, error)
362	// query data to []interface
363	// see QuerySeter's ValuesFlat
364	ValuesFlat(container *ParamsList, cols ...string) (int64, error)
365	// query all rows into map[string]interface with specify key and value column name.
366	// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
367	// table data
368	// name  | value
369	// total | 100
370	// found | 200
371	// to map[string]interface{}{
372	// 	"total": 100,
373	// 	"found": 200,
374	// }
375	RowsToMap(result *Params, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
376	// query all rows into struct with specify key and value column name.
377	// keyCol = "name", valueCol = "value"
378	// table data
379	// name  | value
380	// total | 100
381	// found | 200
382	// to struct {
383	// 	Total int
384	// 	Found int
385	// }
386	RowsToStruct(ptrStruct interface{}, keyCol, valueCol string) (int64, error)
388	// return prepared raw statement for used in times.
389	// for example:
390	// 	pre, err := dORM.Raw("INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (?)").Prepare()
391	// 	r, err := pre.Exec("name1") // INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (`name1`)
392	Prepare() (RawPreparer, error)
395// stmtQuerier statement querier
396type stmtQuerier interface {
397	Close() error
398	Exec(args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
399	//ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
400	Query(args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
401	//QueryContext(args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
402	QueryRow(args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
403	//QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
406// db querier
407type dbQuerier interface {
408	Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
409	PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
410	Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
411	ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
412	Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
413	QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
414	QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
415	QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
418// type DB interface {
419// 	Begin() (*sql.Tx, error)
420// 	Prepare(query string) (stmtQuerier, error)
421// 	Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
422// 	Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
423// 	QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
424// }
426// transaction beginner
427type txer interface {
428	Begin() (*sql.Tx, error)
429	BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*sql.Tx, error)
432// transaction ending
433type txEnder interface {
434	Commit() error
435	Rollback() error
438// base database struct
439type dbBaser interface {
440	Read(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location, []string, bool) error
441	Insert(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location) (int64, error)
442	InsertOrUpdate(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *alias, ...string) (int64, error)
443	InsertMulti(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, int, *time.Location) (int64, error)
444	InsertValue(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, bool, []string, []interface{}) (int64, error)
445	InsertStmt(stmtQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location) (int64, error)
446	Update(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location, []string) (int64, error)
447	Delete(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, reflect.Value, *time.Location, []string) (int64, error)
448	ReadBatch(dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, interface{}, *time.Location, []string) (int64, error)
449	SupportUpdateJoin() bool
450	UpdateBatch(dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, Params, *time.Location) (int64, error)
451	DeleteBatch(dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, *time.Location) (int64, error)
452	Count(dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, *time.Location) (int64, error)
453	OperatorSQL(string) string
454	GenerateOperatorSQL(*modelInfo, *fieldInfo, string, []interface{}, *time.Location) (string, []interface{})
455	GenerateOperatorLeftCol(*fieldInfo, string, *string)
456	PrepareInsert(dbQuerier, *modelInfo) (stmtQuerier, string, error)
457	ReadValues(dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, []string, interface{}, *time.Location) (int64, error)
458	RowsTo(dbQuerier, *querySet, *modelInfo, *Condition, interface{}, string, string, *time.Location) (int64, error)
459	MaxLimit() uint64
460	TableQuote() string
461	ReplaceMarks(*string)
462	HasReturningID(*modelInfo, *string) bool
463	TimeFromDB(*time.Time, *time.Location)
464	TimeToDB(*time.Time, *time.Location)
465	DbTypes() map[string]string
466	GetTables(dbQuerier) (map[string]bool, error)
467	GetColumns(dbQuerier, string) (map[string][3]string, error)
468	ShowTablesQuery() string
469	ShowColumnsQuery(string) string
470	IndexExists(dbQuerier, string, string) bool
471	collectFieldValue(*modelInfo, *fieldInfo, reflect.Value, bool, *time.Location) (interface{}, error)
472	setval(dbQuerier, *modelInfo, []string) error