4# This file illustrates how to set up a correct G'MIC filter source
5# (e.g. to be included in 'gmic-community/include/' afterwards).
7# It contains toy filters in various categories to show how things are
8# working. This should be a good basis for creating your own filters
9# for the G'MIC plug-in.
12# ^ Remove this header when creating your G'MIC filter source ! ^
13# ^ But keep the first line '#@gmic' (mandatory), it identifies the file
14# as a G'MIC filter source ^
18#  File        : john_doe.gmic   <-- Put your name as the filename.
19#                ( G'MIC commands file )
21#  Description : A template file for creating new G'MIC filters.
23#  Copyright   : John Doe (jd)
24#                ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Doe/ )
26#  License     : CeCILL v2.0
27#                ( http://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html )
29#  This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
30#  abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
31#  modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
32#  license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
33#  "http://cecill.info".
35#  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
36#  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
37#  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
38#  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
39#  liability.
41#  In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
42#  with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
43#  software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
44#  that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
45#  therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
46#  professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
47#  encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
48#  requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
49#  data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
50#  same conditions as regards security.
52#  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
53#  knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
56# ^ This is a regular header. Of course you can change the License with a more
57# or less restrictive rules (non-commercial for instance).
59#------ Syntax rules for a G'MIC command file :
61#*** General syntax :
63# - Each line starting with 'command_name :' starts a new definition of the G'MIC custom command 'command_name'.
64# - Each line starting with '#' is a comment line.
65# - Any other line is considered as the continuation of a previously started G'MIC custom command.
67#*** Specific rules for the command-line interface 'gmic':
69# - A comment line starting with '#@cli' will be parsed by 'gmic' to display help for
70#    G'MIC custom commands (when invoked with option 'h'). More precisely :
72#      _ '#@cli :: subsection' defines a new command subsection in the displayed help.
73#      _ '#@cli command_name : arguments_format1 : arguments_format2 : ... : (qualifier)'
74#        starts a new command description.
75#      _ '#@cli : description' add a new description line to the current command description.
77#*** Specific rules for the universal plug-in :
79# - A comment line starting with '#@gui' will be parsed by the plug-in to define the filters tree.
80# - A comment line starting with '#@gui_xx' will define a filter only for a specific language 'xx'
81#    (e.g. 'en','fr'...).
82# - A comment line starting with '#@gui_xx hide(/Filter or folder name)' will hide the existing
83#    filter of folder for the locale 'xx'.
84# - More precisely, the syntax of a '#@gui' comment line is :
86#    '#@gui Folder name'
88# or
90#    '#@gui Command name : command, preview_command, parameter = typedef, parameter2 = typedef'
91#    '#@gui : parameter3 = typedef, parameter4 = typedef ...., parameterN = typedef'
93#   where :
95#      'command' is the G'MIC command name called to process the image.
97#      'preview_command' is the G'MIC command name called to process the preview.
99#           Note that you can optionally specify a float-valued factor>=0 between parentheses at the end of
100#           the 'preview_command' to force the default zoom factor used by the preview for this filter.
101#           Use (0) for a 1:1 preview, (1) for previewing the whole image, (2) for 1/2 image and so on...
102#           You can also put an additional '+' sign after the parenthesis to specify the rendered preview
103#           is still accurate for different zoom factors.
105#      'parameter = typedef' tells about the names, types and default values of the filter parameters.
107#           'typedef' can be :
109#      _ 'bool(default_value={ 0 | 1 | false | true })'                           : Add a boolean parameter (0 or 1) (as a checkbutton).
110#      _ 'button(_alignment)'                                                     : Add a boolean parameter (0 or 1) (as a button).
111#      _ 'choice(_default_indice,Choice0,..,ChoiceN)'                             : Add a integer parameter (as a combobox).
112#      _ 'color(R,_G,_B,_A)'                                                      : Add R,G,B[,A] parameters (as a colorchooser).
113#      _ 'point(_X,_Y,_removable={ -1 | 0 | 1 },_burst={ 0 | 1 },_R,_G,_B,_[-]A,_radius%,_is_visible={ 0 | 1 })' :
114#          Add X,Y parameters (as a moveable point over the preview).
115#      _ 'value(value)'                                                           : Add a pre-defined value parameter (not displayed).
116#      _ 'file[_in,_out](_default_filename)'                                      : Add a filename parameter (as a filechooser).
117#      _ 'float(default_value,min_value,max_value)'                               : Add a float-valued parameter (as a float slider).
118#      _ 'folder(_default_foldername)'                                            : Add a foldername parameter (as a folderchooser).
119#      _ 'int(default_value,min_value,max_value)'                                 : Add a integer parameter (as an integer slider).
120#      _ 'link(_alignment,_label,URL)'                                            : Display a URL (do not add a parameter).
121#      _ 'note(_label)'                                                           : Display a label (do not add a parameter).
122#      _ 'text(_is_multiline={ 0 | 1 },_default text)'                            : Add a single or multi-line text parameter (as a text entry).
123#      _ 'separator()'                                                            : Display an horizontal separator (do not add a parameter).
125#   Type separators '()' can be replaced by '[]' or '{}' if necessary (for instance if parentheses are required in
126#   an argument of the typedef, e.g in a text). You can also replace 'typedef' by '_typedef' to tell the plug-in not
127#   to update the image preview when the corresponding parameter is modified.
129#   Use '_none_' as a special command or preview_command to tell the plug-in that the entry requires no G'MIC call.
131#   A G'MIC command can return new values for each parameter of the filter, into the status (see command 'status').
132#   To do so, the returned status must follow the syntax : {params1}{params2}{..}{paramsN} where N must be exactly
133#   equal to the number of parameters for the current filter.
135#   A G'MIC command can also specify the blending mode, the opacity and the position of each of the output image
136#   (i.e. layer in the plug-in). To do so, set the image name to something like 'mode(grainmerge),opacity(50),pos(30,50),name(name)'.
137#     - Blending mode name should be the same as the argument of the 'blend' command.
138#     - Opacity is a float number in [0,100].
139#     - X and Y positions are integers.
140#     - 'name' is the layer name.
144# The filters below will go the the 'Testing / John Doe' category. This is a good 'standard' location
145# for placing new filters that are still in testing mode.
146# Once considered as stable, such filters can be moved to one of the existing (considered as 'stable') category
147# (e.g. 'Artistics' or 'Details', or moved in a brand new category if no one corresponds to the topic of the filters.
150#@gui <b>Testing</b>
151#@gui <i>John Doe</i>
154#@gui About : _none_, jd_about
155#@gui : note = note{"
156#@gui : <span foreground="purple">( <b>J</b>ohn Doe's <b>F</b>ilter <b>S</b>et for <b>G'MIC</b>)</span>\n\nis proposed to you by"}
157#@gui : note = link("John Doe","http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Doe/")
158#@gui : note = link{"( Affiliation )","http://www.affiliation_url.org"}
159#@gui : note = note{"\n"}
160#@gui : sep = separator()
161#@gui : note = note{"
162#@gui : The source code of this set of filters is available at :"}
163#@gui : note = link("http://www.filters_url.org/template.gmic")
164#@gui : "}
165#@gui : sep = separator()
166jd_about :
167  fx_logo "John Doe's Filters"
169# ^ Please prefix all your G'MIC commands with your initials, so it reduce possible name conflicts with commands defined in other sources !
171#@gui Toy filter : jd_toyfilter, jd_toyfilter_preview(0)
172#@gui : Smoothness = float(0,0,10)
173#@gui : Mirror = choice("X","Y","XY")
174#@gui : sep = separator(), Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical","Duplicate top","Duplicate left","Duplicate bottom","Duplicate right","Duplicate horizontal","Duplicate vertical","Checkered","Checkered inverse"), Preview split = point(50,50,0,0,200,200,200,0,10,0)
175#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<small>Author : <i>First_name Last_name</i>.      Latest update: <i>12/29/2010</i>.</small>")
176jd_toyfilter :
177  blur $1
178  if $2==0 mirror x
179  elif $2==1 mirror y
180  else mirror xy
181  endif
183jd_toyfilter_preview :
184  gui_split_preview "jd_toyfilter ${1--2}",${-3--1}
186#@gui __
187# ^ The line above allows to goes 2 levels up, so exit the 'Testing / John Doe' folders.
188# Now, the parser considers you are located in the root path of the filter tree.
192# The filters below will go the the 'Various' folder.
193# Put filters in regular locations only when you are sure that everything is working well,
194# as many users will possibly experience your filter !
197#@gui <b>Various</b>
199#@gui Extr'artistic : jd_xtrartistic, jd_xtrartistic_preview(1)
200#@gui : Smoothness = float(10,0,30)
201#@gui : Sharpness = float(100,0,500)
202#@gui : sep = separator(), Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical","Duplicate top","Duplicate left","Duplicate bottom","Duplicate right","Duplicate horizontal","Duplicate vertical","Checkered","Checkered inverse"), Preview split = point(50,50,0,0,200,200,200,0,10,0)
203#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<small>Author : <i>First_name Last_name</i>.      Latest update: <i>12/29/2010</i>.</small>")
204jd_xtrartistic :
205  blur $1 sharpen {100*$2}
207jd_xtrartistic_preview :
208  gui_split_preview "jd_xtrartistic ${1--2}",${-3--1}
210#@gui _
211# ^ The line above allows to goes 1 level up, so exit the 'Various' folder.
212# Now, the parser considers you are located in the root path of the filter tree.
213# .... You get the idea ....
215# A last important note : to be able to test your external filter source, copy it as
216# '$HOME/.gmic' (for Unix-like OS) or '%APPDATA/gmic' (for Windows-like OS). It
217# will be considered as 'local' filter source by the plug-in. Once everything is working
218# fine, you may want to submit your G'MIC filter source to the 'gmic-community' repository
219# (with a pull-request):
221# https://github.com/dtschump/gmic-community/
223# Thanks for your participation.
226# Local Variables:
227# mode: sh
228# End:
230# (End of G'MIC custom commands)