1 //
2 // libtgvoip is free and unencumbered public domain software.
3 // For more information, see http://unlicense.org or the UNLICENSE file
4 // you should have received with this source code distribution.
5 //
7 #include "OpusDecoder.h"
8 #include "audio/Resampler.h"
9 #include "logging.h"
10 #include <assert.h>
11 #include <math.h>
12 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <opus/opus.h>
15 #else
16 #include <opus.h>
17 #endif
19 #include "VoIPController.h"
21 #define PACKET_SIZE (960*2)
23 using namespace tgvoip;
OpusDecoder(const std::shared_ptr<MediaStreamItf> & dst,bool isAsync,bool needEC)25 tgvoip::OpusDecoder::OpusDecoder(const std::shared_ptr<MediaStreamItf>& dst, bool isAsync, bool needEC){
26 	dst->SetCallback(OpusDecoder::Callback, this);
27 	Initialize(isAsync, needEC);
28 }
OpusDecoder(const std::unique_ptr<MediaStreamItf> & dst,bool isAsync,bool needEC)30 tgvoip::OpusDecoder::OpusDecoder(const std::unique_ptr<MediaStreamItf>& dst, bool isAsync, bool needEC){
31 	dst->SetCallback(OpusDecoder::Callback, this);
32 	Initialize(isAsync, needEC);
33 }
OpusDecoder(MediaStreamItf * dst,bool isAsync,bool needEC)35 tgvoip::OpusDecoder::OpusDecoder(MediaStreamItf* dst, bool isAsync, bool needEC){
36 	dst->SetCallback(OpusDecoder::Callback, this);
37 	Initialize(isAsync, needEC);
38 }
Initialize(bool isAsync,bool needEC)40 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Initialize(bool isAsync, bool needEC){
41 	async=isAsync;
42 	if(async){
43 		decodedQueue=new BlockingQueue<unsigned char*>(33);
44 		bufferPool=new BufferPool(PACKET_SIZE, 32);
45 		semaphore=new Semaphore(32, 0);
46 	}else{
47 		decodedQueue=NULL;
48 		bufferPool=NULL;
49 		semaphore=NULL;
50 	}
51 	dec=opus_decoder_create(48000, 1, NULL);
52 	if(needEC)
53 		ecDec=opus_decoder_create(48000, 1, NULL);
54 	else
55 		ecDec=NULL;
56 	buffer=(unsigned char *) malloc(8192);
57 	lastDecoded=NULL;
58 	outputBufferSize=0;
59 	echoCanceller=NULL;
60 	frameDuration=20;
61 	consecutiveLostPackets=0;
62 	enableDTX=false;
63 	silentPacketCount=0;
64 	levelMeter=NULL;
65 	nextLen=0;
66 	running=false;
67 	remainingDataLen=0;
68 	processedBuffer=NULL;
69 	prevWasEC=false;
70 	prevLastSample=0;
71 }
~OpusDecoder()73 tgvoip::OpusDecoder::~OpusDecoder(){
74 	opus_decoder_destroy(dec);
75 	if(ecDec)
76 		opus_decoder_destroy(ecDec);
77 	free(buffer);
78 	if(bufferPool)
79 		delete bufferPool;
80 	if(decodedQueue)
81 		delete decodedQueue;
82 	if(semaphore)
83 		delete semaphore;
84 }
SetEchoCanceller(EchoCanceller * canceller)87 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetEchoCanceller(EchoCanceller* canceller){
88 	echoCanceller=canceller;
89 }
Callback(unsigned char * data,size_t len,void * param)91 size_t tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Callback(unsigned char *data, size_t len, void *param){
92 	return ((OpusDecoder*)param)->HandleCallback(data, len);
93 }
HandleCallback(unsigned char * data,size_t len)95 size_t tgvoip::OpusDecoder::HandleCallback(unsigned char *data, size_t len){
96 	if(async){
97 		if(!running){
98 			memset(data, 0, len);
99 			return 0;
100 		}
101 		if(outputBufferSize==0){
102 			outputBufferSize=len;
103 			int packetsNeeded;
104 			if(len>PACKET_SIZE)
105 				packetsNeeded=len/PACKET_SIZE;
106 			else
107 				packetsNeeded=1;
108 			packetsNeeded*=2;
109 			semaphore->Release(packetsNeeded);
110 		}
111 		assert(outputBufferSize==len && "output buffer size is supposed to be the same throughout callbacks");
112 		if(len==PACKET_SIZE){
113 			lastDecoded=(unsigned char *) decodedQueue->GetBlocking();
114 			if(!lastDecoded)
115 				return 0;
116 			memcpy(data, lastDecoded, PACKET_SIZE);
117 			bufferPool->Reuse(lastDecoded);
118 			semaphore->Release();
119 			if(silentPacketCount>0){
120 				silentPacketCount--;
121 				if(levelMeter)
122 					levelMeter->Update(reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(data), 0);
123 				return 0;
124 			}
125 			if(echoCanceller){
126 				echoCanceller->SpeakerOutCallback(data, PACKET_SIZE);
127 			}
128 		}else{
129 			LOGE("Opus decoder buffer length != 960 samples");
130 			abort();
131 		}
132 	}else{
133 		if(remainingDataLen==0 && silentPacketCount==0){
134 			int duration=DecodeNextFrame();
135 			remainingDataLen=(size_t) (duration/20*960*2);
136 		}
137 		if(silentPacketCount>0 || remainingDataLen==0 || !processedBuffer){
138 			if(silentPacketCount>0)
139 				silentPacketCount--;
140 			memset(data, 0, 960*2);
141 			if(levelMeter)
142 				levelMeter->Update(reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(data), 0);
143 			return 0;
144 		}
145 		memcpy(data, processedBuffer, 960*2);
146 		remainingDataLen-=960*2;
147 		if(remainingDataLen>0){
148 			memmove(processedBuffer, processedBuffer+960*2, remainingDataLen);
149 		}
150 	}
151 	if(levelMeter)
152 		levelMeter->Update(reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(data), len/2);
153 	return len;
154 }
Start()157 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Start(){
158 	if(!async)
159 		return;
160 	running=true;
161 	thread=new Thread(std::bind(&tgvoip::OpusDecoder::RunThread, this));
162 	thread->SetName("opus_decoder");
163 	thread->SetMaxPriority();
164 	thread->Start();
165 }
Stop()167 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::Stop(){
168 	if(!running || !async)
169 		return;
170 	running=false;
171 	semaphore->Release();
172 	thread->Join();
173 	delete thread;
174 }
RunThread()176 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::RunThread(){
177 	int i;
178 	LOGI("decoder: packets per frame %d", packetsPerFrame);
179 	while(running){
180 		int playbackDuration=DecodeNextFrame();
181 		for(i=0;i<playbackDuration/20;i++){
182 			semaphore->Acquire();
183 			if(!running){
184 				LOGI("==== decoder exiting ====");
185 				return;
186 			}
187 			unsigned char *buf=bufferPool->Get();
188 			if(buf){
189 				if(remainingDataLen>0){
190 					for(effects::AudioEffect*& effect:postProcEffects){
191 						effect->Process(reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(processedBuffer+(PACKET_SIZE*i)), 960);
192 					}
193 					memcpy(buf, processedBuffer+(PACKET_SIZE*i), PACKET_SIZE);
194 				}else{
195 					//LOGE("Error decoding, result=%d", size);
196 					memset(buf, 0, PACKET_SIZE);
197 				}
198 				decodedQueue->Put(buf);
199 			}else{
200 				LOGW("decoder: no buffers left!");
201 			}
202 		}
203 	}
204 }
DecodeNextFrame()206 int tgvoip::OpusDecoder::DecodeNextFrame(){
207 	int playbackDuration=0;
208 	bool isEC=false;
209 	size_t len=jitterBuffer->HandleOutput(buffer, 8192, 0, true, playbackDuration, isEC);
210 	bool fec=false;
211 	if(!len){
212 		fec=true;
213 		len=jitterBuffer->HandleOutput(buffer, 8192, 0, false, playbackDuration, isEC);
214 		//if(len)
215 		//	LOGV("Trying FEC...");
216 	}
217 	int size;
218 	if(len){
219 		size=opus_decode(isEC ? ecDec : dec, buffer, len, (opus_int16 *) decodeBuffer, packetsPerFrame*960, fec ? 1 : 0);
220 		consecutiveLostPackets=0;
221 		if(prevWasEC!=isEC && size){
222 			// It turns out the waveforms generated by the PLC feature are also great to help smooth out the
223 			// otherwise audible transition between the frames from different decoders. Those are basically an extrapolation
224 			// of the previous successfully decoded data -- which is exactly what we need here.
225 			size=opus_decode(prevWasEC ? ecDec : dec, NULL, 0, (opus_int16*)nextBuffer, packetsPerFrame*960, 0);
226 			if(size){
227 				int16_t* plcSamples=reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(nextBuffer);
228 				int16_t* samples=reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(decodeBuffer);
229 				constexpr float coeffs[]={0.999802, 0.995062, 0.984031, 0.966778, 0.943413, 0.914084, 0.878975, 0.838309, 0.792344,
230 										  0.741368, 0.685706, 0.625708, 0.561754, 0.494249, 0.423619, 0.350311, 0.274788, 0.197527, 0.119018, 0.039757};
231 				for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
232 					samples[i]=(int16_t)round((plcSamples[i]*coeffs[i]+(float)samples[i]*(1.0-coeffs[i])));
233 				}
234 			}
235 		}
236 		prevWasEC=isEC;
237 		prevLastSample=decodeBuffer[size-1];
238 	}else{ // do packet loss concealment
239 		consecutiveLostPackets++;
240 		if(consecutiveLostPackets>2 && enableDTX){
241 			silentPacketCount+=packetsPerFrame;
242 			size=packetsPerFrame*960;
243 		}else{
244 			size=opus_decode(prevWasEC ? ecDec : dec, NULL, 0, (opus_int16 *) decodeBuffer, packetsPerFrame*960, 0);
245 			//LOGV("PLC");
246 		}
247 	}
248 	if(size<0)
249 		LOGW("decoder: opus_decode error %d", size);
250 	remainingDataLen=size;
251 	if(playbackDuration==80){
252 		processedBuffer=buffer;
253 		audio::Resampler::Rescale60To80((int16_t*) decodeBuffer, (int16_t*) processedBuffer);
254 	}else if(playbackDuration==40){
255 		processedBuffer=buffer;
256 		audio::Resampler::Rescale60To40((int16_t*) decodeBuffer, (int16_t*) processedBuffer);
257 	}else{
258 		processedBuffer=decodeBuffer;
259 	}
260 	return playbackDuration;
261 }
SetFrameDuration(uint32_t duration)264 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetFrameDuration(uint32_t duration){
265 	frameDuration=duration;
266 	packetsPerFrame=frameDuration/20;
267 }
SetJitterBuffer(std::shared_ptr<JitterBuffer> jitterBuffer)270 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetJitterBuffer(std::shared_ptr<JitterBuffer> jitterBuffer){
271 	this->jitterBuffer=jitterBuffer;
272 }
SetDTX(bool enable)274 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetDTX(bool enable){
275 	enableDTX=enable;
276 }
SetLevelMeter(AudioLevelMeter * levelMeter)278 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::SetLevelMeter(AudioLevelMeter *levelMeter){
279 	this->levelMeter=levelMeter;
280 }
AddAudioEffect(effects::AudioEffect * effect)282 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::AddAudioEffect(effects::AudioEffect *effect){
283 	postProcEffects.push_back(effect);
284 }
RemoveAudioEffect(effects::AudioEffect * effect)286 void tgvoip::OpusDecoder::RemoveAudioEffect(effects::AudioEffect *effect){
287 	std::vector<effects::AudioEffect*>::iterator i=std::find(postProcEffects.begin(), postProcEffects.end(), effect);
288 	if(i!=postProcEffects.end())
289 		postProcEffects.erase(i);
290 }