1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <atomic>
15 #include <map>
16 #include <memory>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include "api/adaptation/resource.h"
21 #include "api/sequence_checker.h"
22 #include "api/units/data_rate.h"
23 #include "api/video/video_bitrate_allocator.h"
24 #include "api/video/video_rotation.h"
25 #include "api/video/video_sink_interface.h"
26 #include "api/video/video_stream_encoder_interface.h"
27 #include "api/video/video_stream_encoder_observer.h"
28 #include "api/video/video_stream_encoder_settings.h"
29 #include "api/video_codecs/video_codec.h"
30 #include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
31 #include "call/adaptation/adaptation_constraint.h"
32 #include "call/adaptation/resource_adaptation_processor.h"
33 #include "call/adaptation/resource_adaptation_processor_interface.h"
34 #include "call/adaptation/video_source_restrictions.h"
35 #include "call/adaptation/video_stream_input_state_provider.h"
36 #include "modules/video_coding/utility/frame_dropper.h"
37 #include "modules/video_coding/utility/qp_parser.h"
38 #include "rtc_base/experiments/rate_control_settings.h"
39 #include "rtc_base/numerics/exp_filter.h"
40 #include "rtc_base/race_checker.h"
41 #include "rtc_base/rate_statistics.h"
42 #include "rtc_base/task_queue.h"
43 #include "rtc_base/task_utils/pending_task_safety_flag.h"
44 #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h"
45 #include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"
46 #include "video/adaptation/video_stream_encoder_resource_manager.h"
47 #include "video/encoder_bitrate_adjuster.h"
48 #include "video/frame_encode_metadata_writer.h"
49 #include "video/video_source_sink_controller.h"
51 namespace webrtc {
53 // VideoStreamEncoder represent a video encoder that accepts raw video frames as
54 // input and produces an encoded bit stream.
55 // Usage:
56 //  Instantiate.
57 //  Call SetSink.
58 //  Call SetSource.
59 //  Call ConfigureEncoder with the codec settings.
60 //  Call Stop() when done.
61 class VideoStreamEncoder : public VideoStreamEncoderInterface,
62                            private EncodedImageCallback,
63                            public VideoSourceRestrictionsListener {
64  public:
65   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/12000): Reporting of VideoBitrateAllocation is being
66   // deprecated. Instead VideoLayersAllocation should be reported.
67   enum class BitrateAllocationCallbackType {
68     kVideoBitrateAllocation,
69     kVideoBitrateAllocationWhenScreenSharing,
70     kVideoLayersAllocation
71   };
72   VideoStreamEncoder(Clock* clock,
73                      uint32_t number_of_cores,
74                      VideoStreamEncoderObserver* encoder_stats_observer,
75                      const VideoStreamEncoderSettings& settings,
76                      std::unique_ptr<OveruseFrameDetector> overuse_detector,
77                      TaskQueueFactory* task_queue_factory,
78                      BitrateAllocationCallbackType allocation_cb_type);
79   ~VideoStreamEncoder() override;
81   void AddAdaptationResource(rtc::scoped_refptr<Resource> resource) override;
82   std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<Resource>> GetAdaptationResources() override;
84   void SetSource(rtc::VideoSourceInterface<VideoFrame>* source,
85                  const DegradationPreference& degradation_preference) override;
87   void SetSink(EncoderSink* sink, bool rotation_applied) override;
89   // TODO(perkj): Can we remove VideoCodec.startBitrate ?
90   void SetStartBitrate(int start_bitrate_bps) override;
92   void SetFecControllerOverride(
93       FecControllerOverride* fec_controller_override) override;
95   void ConfigureEncoder(VideoEncoderConfig config,
96                         size_t max_data_payload_length) override;
98   // Permanently stop encoding. After this method has returned, it is
99   // guaranteed that no encoded frames will be delivered to the sink.
100   void Stop() override;
102   void SendKeyFrame() override;
104   void OnLossNotification(
105       const VideoEncoder::LossNotification& loss_notification) override;
107   void OnBitrateUpdated(DataRate target_bitrate,
108                         DataRate stable_target_bitrate,
109                         DataRate target_headroom,
110                         uint8_t fraction_lost,
111                         int64_t round_trip_time_ms,
112                         double cwnd_reduce_ratio) override;
114   DataRate UpdateTargetBitrate(DataRate target_bitrate,
115                                double cwnd_reduce_ratio);
117  protected:
118   // Used for testing. For example the |ScalingObserverInterface| methods must
119   // be called on |encoder_queue_|.
encoder_queue()120   rtc::TaskQueue* encoder_queue() { return &encoder_queue_; }
122   void OnVideoSourceRestrictionsUpdated(
123       VideoSourceRestrictions restrictions,
124       const VideoAdaptationCounters& adaptation_counters,
125       rtc::scoped_refptr<Resource> reason,
126       const VideoSourceRestrictions& unfiltered_restrictions) override;
128   // Used for injected test resources.
129   // TODO(eshr): Move all adaptation tests out of VideoStreamEncoder tests.
130   void InjectAdaptationResource(rtc::scoped_refptr<Resource> resource,
131                                 VideoAdaptationReason reason);
132   void InjectAdaptationConstraint(AdaptationConstraint* adaptation_constraint);
134   void AddRestrictionsListenerForTesting(
135       VideoSourceRestrictionsListener* restrictions_listener);
136   void RemoveRestrictionsListenerForTesting(
137       VideoSourceRestrictionsListener* restrictions_listener);
139  private:
140   class VideoFrameInfo {
141    public:
VideoFrameInfo(int width,int height,bool is_texture)142     VideoFrameInfo(int width, int height, bool is_texture)
143         : width(width), height(height), is_texture(is_texture) {}
144     int width;
145     int height;
146     bool is_texture;
pixel_count()147     int pixel_count() const { return width * height; }
148   };
150   struct EncoderRateSettings {
151     EncoderRateSettings();
152     EncoderRateSettings(const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate,
153                         double framerate_fps,
154                         DataRate bandwidth_allocation,
155                         DataRate encoder_target,
156                         DataRate stable_encoder_target);
157     bool operator==(const EncoderRateSettings& rhs) const;
158     bool operator!=(const EncoderRateSettings& rhs) const;
160     VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters rate_control;
161     // This is the scalar target bitrate before the VideoBitrateAllocator, i.e.
162     // the |target_bitrate| argument of the OnBitrateUpdated() method. This is
163     // needed because the bitrate allocator may truncate the total bitrate and a
164     // later call to the same allocator instance, e.g.
165     // |using last_encoder_rate_setings_->bitrate.get_sum_bps()|, may trick it
166     // into thinking the available bitrate has decreased since the last call.
167     DataRate encoder_target;
168     DataRate stable_encoder_target;
169   };
171   class DegradationPreferenceManager;
173   void ReconfigureEncoder() RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
174   void OnEncoderSettingsChanged() RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
176   // Implements VideoSinkInterface.
177   void OnFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) override;
178   void OnDiscardedFrame() override;
180   void MaybeEncodeVideoFrame(const VideoFrame& frame,
181                              int64_t time_when_posted_in_ms);
183   void EncodeVideoFrame(const VideoFrame& frame,
184                         int64_t time_when_posted_in_ms);
185   // Indicates whether frame should be dropped because the pixel count is too
186   // large for the current bitrate configuration.
187   bool DropDueToSize(uint32_t pixel_count) const RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
189   // Implements EncodedImageCallback.
190   EncodedImageCallback::Result OnEncodedImage(
191       const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
192       const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info) override;
194   void OnDroppedFrame(EncodedImageCallback::DropReason reason) override;
196   bool EncoderPaused() const;
197   void TraceFrameDropStart();
198   void TraceFrameDropEnd();
200   // Returns a copy of |rate_settings| with the |bitrate| field updated using
201   // the current VideoBitrateAllocator.
202   EncoderRateSettings UpdateBitrateAllocation(
203       const EncoderRateSettings& rate_settings) RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
205   uint32_t GetInputFramerateFps() RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
206   void SetEncoderRates(const EncoderRateSettings& rate_settings)
207       RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
209   void RunPostEncode(const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
210                      int64_t time_sent_us,
211                      int temporal_index,
212                      DataSize frame_size);
213   bool HasInternalSource() const RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
214   void ReleaseEncoder() RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
215   // After calling this function |resource_adaptation_processor_| will be null.
216   void ShutdownResourceAdaptationQueue();
218   void CheckForAnimatedContent(const VideoFrame& frame,
219                                int64_t time_when_posted_in_ms)
220       RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
222   // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/11341) : Remove this version of RequestEncoderSwitch.
223   void QueueRequestEncoderSwitch(
224       const EncoderSwitchRequestCallback::Config& conf)
225       RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
226   void QueueRequestEncoderSwitch(const webrtc::SdpVideoFormat& format)
227       RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
229   TaskQueueBase* const main_queue_;
231   const uint32_t number_of_cores_;
233   EncoderSink* sink_;
234   const VideoStreamEncoderSettings settings_;
235   const BitrateAllocationCallbackType allocation_cb_type_;
236   const RateControlSettings rate_control_settings_;
238   std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoderFactory::EncoderSelectorInterface> const
239       encoder_selector_;
240   VideoStreamEncoderObserver* const encoder_stats_observer_;
242   VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
243   std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> encoder_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_)
244       RTC_PT_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
245   bool encoder_initialized_;
246   std::unique_ptr<VideoBitrateAllocator> rate_allocator_
247       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_) RTC_PT_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
248   int max_framerate_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
250   // Set when ConfigureEncoder has been called in order to lazy reconfigure the
251   // encoder on the next frame.
252   bool pending_encoder_reconfiguration_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
253   // Set when configuration must create a new encoder object, e.g.,
254   // because of a codec change.
255   bool pending_encoder_creation_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
257   absl::optional<VideoFrameInfo> last_frame_info_
258       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
259   int crop_width_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
260   int crop_height_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
261   absl::optional<uint32_t> encoder_target_bitrate_bps_
262       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
263   size_t max_data_payload_length_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
264   absl::optional<EncoderRateSettings> last_encoder_rate_settings_
265       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
266   bool encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
268   // Set to true if at least one frame was sent to encoder since last encoder
269   // initialization.
270   bool was_encode_called_since_last_initialization_
271       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
273   bool encoder_failed_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
274   Clock* const clock_;
276   rtc::RaceChecker incoming_frame_race_checker_
277       RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
278   std::atomic<int> posted_frames_waiting_for_encode_;
279   // Used to make sure incoming time stamp is increasing for every frame.
280   int64_t last_captured_timestamp_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
281   // Delta used for translating between NTP and internal timestamps.
282   const int64_t delta_ntp_internal_ms_
283       RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
285   int64_t last_frame_log_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
286   int captured_frame_count_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
287   int dropped_frame_cwnd_pushback_count_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
288   int dropped_frame_encoder_block_count_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
289   absl::optional<VideoFrame> pending_frame_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
290   int64_t pending_frame_post_time_us_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
292   VideoFrame::UpdateRect accumulated_update_rect_
293       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
294   bool accumulated_update_rect_is_valid_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
296   // Used for automatic content type detection.
297   absl::optional<VideoFrame::UpdateRect> last_update_rect_
298       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
299   Timestamp animation_start_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
300   bool cap_resolution_due_to_video_content_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
301   // Used to correctly ignore changes in update_rect introduced by
302   // resize triggered by animation detection.
303   enum class ExpectResizeState {
304     kNoResize,              // Normal operation.
305     kResize,                // Resize was triggered by the animation detection.
306     kFirstFrameAfterResize  // Resize observed.
307   } expect_resize_state_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
309   FecControllerOverride* fec_controller_override_
310       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
311   absl::optional<int64_t> last_parameters_update_ms_
312       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
313   absl::optional<int64_t> last_encode_info_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
315   VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo encoder_info_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
316   VideoEncoderFactory::CodecInfo codec_info_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
317   VideoCodec send_codec_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
319   FrameDropper frame_dropper_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
320   // If frame dropper is not force disabled, frame dropping might still be
321   // disabled if VideoEncoder::GetEncoderInfo() indicates that the encoder has a
322   // trusted rate controller. This is determined on a per-frame basis, as the
323   // encoder behavior might dynamically change.
324   bool force_disable_frame_dropper_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
325   RateStatistics input_framerate_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
326   // Incremented on worker thread whenever |frame_dropper_| determines that a
327   // frame should be dropped. Decremented on whichever thread runs
328   // OnEncodedImage(), which is only called by one thread but not necessarily
329   // the worker thread.
330   std::atomic<int> pending_frame_drops_;
332   // Congestion window frame drop ratio (drop 1 in every
333   // cwnd_frame_drop_interval_ frames).
334   absl::optional<int> cwnd_frame_drop_interval_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
335   // Frame counter for congestion window frame drop.
336   int cwnd_frame_counter_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
338   std::unique_ptr<EncoderBitrateAdjuster> bitrate_adjuster_
339       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
341   // TODO(sprang): Change actually support keyframe per simulcast stream, or
342   // turn this into a simple bool |pending_keyframe_request_|.
343   std::vector<VideoFrameType> next_frame_types_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
345   FrameEncodeMetadataWriter frame_encode_metadata_writer_;
347   // Experiment groups parsed from field trials for realtime video ([0]) and
348   // screenshare ([1]). 0 means no group specified. Positive values are
349   // experiment group numbers incremented by 1.
350   const std::array<uint8_t, 2> experiment_groups_;
352   struct AutomaticAnimationDetectionExperiment {
353     bool enabled = false;
354     int min_duration_ms = 2000;
355     double min_area_ratio = 0.8;
356     int min_fps = 10;
ParserAutomaticAnimationDetectionExperiment357     std::unique_ptr<StructParametersParser> Parser() {
358       return StructParametersParser::Create(
359           "enabled", &enabled,                  //
360           "min_duration_ms", &min_duration_ms,  //
361           "min_area_ratio", &min_area_ratio,    //
362           "min_fps", &min_fps);
363     }
364   };
366   AutomaticAnimationDetectionExperiment
367   ParseAutomatincAnimationDetectionFieldTrial() const;
369   AutomaticAnimationDetectionExperiment
370       automatic_animation_detection_experiment_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
372   // Provides video stream input states: current resolution and frame rate.
373   VideoStreamInputStateProvider input_state_provider_;
375   std::unique_ptr<VideoStreamAdapter> video_stream_adapter_
376       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
377   // Responsible for adapting input resolution or frame rate to ensure resources
378   // (e.g. CPU or bandwidth) are not overused. Adding resources can occur on any
379   // thread.
380   std::unique_ptr<ResourceAdaptationProcessorInterface>
381       resource_adaptation_processor_;
382   std::unique_ptr<DegradationPreferenceManager> degradation_preference_manager_
383       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
384   std::vector<AdaptationConstraint*> adaptation_constraints_
385       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
386   // Handles input, output and stats reporting related to VideoStreamEncoder
387   // specific resources, such as "encode usage percent" measurements and "QP
388   // scaling". Also involved with various mitigations such as initial frame
389   // dropping.
390   // The manager primarily operates on the |encoder_queue_| but its lifetime is
391   // tied to the VideoStreamEncoder (which is destroyed off the encoder queue)
392   // and its resource list is accessible from any thread.
393   VideoStreamEncoderResourceManager stream_resource_manager_
394       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
395   std::vector<rtc::scoped_refptr<Resource>> additional_resources_
396       RTC_GUARDED_BY(&encoder_queue_);
397   // Carries out the VideoSourceRestrictions provided by the
398   // ResourceAdaptationProcessor, i.e. reconfigures the source of video frames
399   // to provide us with different resolution or frame rate.
400   // This class is thread-safe.
401   VideoSourceSinkController video_source_sink_controller_
402       RTC_GUARDED_BY(main_queue_);
404   // Default bitrate limits in EncoderInfoSettings allowed.
405   const bool default_limits_allowed_;
407   // QP parser is used to extract QP value from encoded frame when that is not
408   // provided by encoder.
409   QpParser qp_parser_;
410   const bool qp_parsing_allowed_;
412   // Public methods are proxied to the task queues. The queues must be destroyed
413   // first to make sure no tasks run that use other members.
414   rtc::TaskQueue encoder_queue_;
416   // Used to cancel any potentially pending tasks to the main thread.
417   ScopedTaskSafety task_safety_;
419   RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VideoStreamEncoder);
420 };
422 }  // namespace webrtc