6        TimeTicks, mib-2
7            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
9            FROM SNMPv2-TC;
13          LAST-UPDATED "9810190200Z"
14          ORGANIZATION "IETF AToMMIB Working Group"
15          CONTACT-INFO
16            "          Michael Noto
17              Postal:  3Com Corporation
18                       5400 Bayfront Plaza, M/S 3109
19                       Santa Clara, CA 95052
20                       USA
21              Tel:     +1 408 326 2218
22              E-mail:  mike_noto@3com.com
24                       Ethan Mickey Spiegel
25              Postal:  Cisco Systems
26                       170 W. Tasman Dr.
27                       San Jose, CA 95134
28                       USA
29              Tel:     +1 408 526 6408
30              E-mail:  mspiegel@cisco.com
32                       Kaj Tesink
33              Postal:  Bellcore
34                       331 Newman Springs Road
35                       Red Bank, NJ 07701
36                       USA
37              Tel:     +1 732 758 5254
38              Fax:     +1 732 758 4177
39              E-mail:  kaj@bellcore.com"
40          DESCRIPTION
41           "This MIB Module provides Textual Conventions
42           and OBJECT-IDENTITY Objects to be used by
43           ATM systems."
44          ::= { mib-2 37 3 } -- atmMIB 3 (see [3])
46     -- The Textual Conventions defined below are organized
47     -- alphabetically
51             DISPLAY-HINT "1x"
52             STATUS  current
53             DESCRIPTION
54                 "An ATM address. The semantics are implied by
55                 the length. The address types are: - no
56                 address (0 octets) - E.164 (8 octets) - NSAP
57                 (20 octets) In addition, when subaddresses
58                 are used the AtmAddr may represent the
59                 concatenation of address and subaddress. The
60                 associated address types are: - E.164, E.164
61                 (16 octets) - E.164, NSAP (28 octets) - NSAP,
62                 NSAP (40 octets) Address lengths other than
63                 defined in this definition imply address
64                 types defined elsewhere.  Note: The E.164
65                 address is encoded in BCD format."
66            SYNTAX   OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..40))
69    AtmConnCastType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
70            STATUS  current
71            DESCRIPTION
72              "The type of topology of a connection (point-
73              to-point, point-to-multipoint). In the case
74              of point-to-multipoint, the orientation of
75              this VPL or VCL in the connection.
76              On a host:
77              - p2mpRoot indicates that the host
78                is the root of the p2mp connection.
79              - p2mpLeaf indicates that the host
80                is a leaf of the p2mp connection.
81              On a switch interface:
82              - p2mpRoot indicates that cells received
83                by the switching fabric from the interface
84                are from the root of the p2mp connection.
85              - p2mpLeaf indicates that cells transmitted
86                to the interface from the switching fabric
87                are to the leaf of the p2mp connection."
88            SYNTAX   INTEGER {
89               p2p(1),
90               p2mpRoot(2),
91               p2mpLeaf(3)
92               }
94    AtmConnKind ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
95            STATUS  current
96            DESCRIPTION
97                "The type of call control used for an ATM
98                connection at a particular interface. The use
99                is as follows:
100                   pvc(1)
101                      Virtual link of a PVC. Should not be
102                      used for an PVC/SVC (i.e., Soft PVC)
103                      crossconnect.
104                   svcIncoming(2)
105                      Virtual link established after a
106                      received signaling request to setup
107                      an SVC.
108                   svcOutgoing(3)
109                      Virtual link established after a
110                      transmitted or forwarded signaling
111                      request to setup an SVC.
112                   spvcInitiator(4)
113                      Virtual link at the PVC side of an
114                      SVC/PVC crossconnect, where the
115                      switch is the initiator of the Soft PVC
116                      setup.
117                   spvcTarget(5)
118                      Virtual link at the PVC side of an
119                      SVC/PVC crossconnect, where the
120                      switch is the target of the Soft PVC
121                      setup.
123                For PVCs, a pvc virtual link is always cross-
124                connected to a pvc virtual link.
126                For SVCs, an svcIncoming virtual link is always cross-
127                connected to an svcOutgoing virtual link.
129For Soft PVCs, an spvcInitiator is either cross-connected to
130an svcOutgoing or an spvcTarget, and an spvcTarget is either
131cross-connected to an svcIncoming or an spvcInitiator."
132        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
133           pvc(1),
134           svcIncoming(2),
135           svcOutgoing(3),
136           spvcInitiator(4),
137           spvcTarget(5)
138           }
140    AtmIlmiNetworkPrefix ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
141        STATUS   current
142        DESCRIPTION
143            "A network prefix used for ILMI address
144            registration.  In the case of ATM endsystem
145            addresses (AESAs), the network prefix is the first
146            13 octets of the address which includes the AFI,
147            IDI, and HO-DSP fields.  In the case of native
148            E.164 addresses, the network prefix is the entire
149            E.164 address encoded in 8 octets, as if it were
150            an E.164 IDP in an ATM endsystem address
151            structure."
152        REFERENCE
153            "ATM Forum, Integrated Local Management Interface
154               (ILMI) Specification, Version 4.0,
155               af-ilmi-0065.000, September 1996, Section 9
156             ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface Signalling
157               Specification, Version 4.0 (UNI 4.0),
158               af-sig-0061.000, June 1996, Section 3"
159        SYNTAX   OCTET STRING (SIZE(8|13))
161AtmInterfaceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
162        STATUS       current
163        DESCRIPTION
164            "The connection setup procedures used for the
165            identified interface.
167            Other: Connection setup procedures other than
168               those listed below.
170            Auto-configuration:
171               Indicates that the connection setup
172               procedures are to be determined dynamically,
173               or that determination has not yet been
174               completed. One such mechanism is via ATM
175               Forum ILMI auto-configuration procedures.
177            ITU-T DSS2:
178            -  ITU-T Recommendation Q.2931, Broadband
179               Integrated Service Digital Network (B-ISDN)
180               Digital Subscriber Signalling System No.2
181               (DSS2) User-Network Interface (UNI) Layer 3
182               Specification for Basic Call/Connection
183               Control (September 1994)
184            -  ITU-T Draft Recommendation Q.2961,
185               B-ISDN DSS 2 Support of Additional Traffic
186               Parameters (May 1995)
188            -  ITU-T Draft Recommendation Q.2971,
189               B-ISDN DSS 2 User Network Interface Layer 3
190               Specification for Point-to-multipoint
191               Call/connection Control (May 1995)
193            ATM Forum UNI 3.0:
194               ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
195               Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification,
196               (1994).
198            ATM Forum UNI 3.1:
199               ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
200               Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
201               (November 1994).
203            ATM Forum UNI Signalling 4.0:
204               ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface (UNI)
205               Signalling Specification Version 4.0,
206               af-sig-0061.000 (June 1996).
208            ATM Forum IISP (based on UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1) :
209               Interim Inter-switch Signaling Protocol
210               (IISP) Specification, Version 1.0,
211               af-pnni-0026.000, (December 1994).
213            ATM Forum PNNI 1.0 :
214               ATM Forum, Private Network-Network Interface
215               Specification, Version 1.0, af-pnni-0055.000,
216               (March 1996).
218            ATM Forum B-ICI:
219               ATM Forum, B-ICI Specification, Version 2.0,
220               af-bici-0013.002, (November 1995).
222            ATM Forum UNI PVC Only:
223               An ATM Forum compliant UNI with the
224               signalling disabled.
225            ATM Forum NNI PVC Only:
226               An ATM Forum compliant NNI with the
227               signalling disabled."
228        SYNTAX  INTEGER  {
229                  other(1),
230                  autoConfig(2),
231                  ituDss2(3),
232                  atmfUni3Dot0(4),
233                  atmfUni3Dot1(5),
234                  atmfUni4Dot0(6),
235                  atmfIispUni3Dot0(7),
236                  atmfIispUni3Dot1(8),
237                  atmfIispUni4Dot0(9),
238        atmfPnni1Dot0(10),
239        atmfBici2Dot0(11),
240        atmfUniPvcOnly(12),
241        atmfNniPvcOnly(13)  }
243AtmServiceCategory ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
244        STATUS  current
245        DESCRIPTION
246            "The service category for a connection."
247        REFERENCE
248            "ATM Forum Traffic Management Specification,
249            Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
250        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
251           other(1),   -- none of the following
252           cbr(2),     -- constant bit rate
253           rtVbr(3),   -- real-time variable bit rate
254           nrtVbr(4),  -- non real-time variable bit rate
255           abr(5),     -- available bit rate
256           ubr(6)      -- unspecified bit rate
257           }
259AtmSigDescrParamIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
260        STATUS  current
261        DESCRIPTION
262            "The value of this object identifies a row in the
263            atmSigDescrParamTable. The value 0 signifies that
264            none of the signalling parameters defined in the
265            atmSigDescrParamTable are applicable."
266        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
268AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
269        STATUS  current
270        DESCRIPTION
271            "The value of this object identifies a row in the
272            atmTrafficDescrParamTable.  The value 0 signifies
273            that no row has been identified."
274        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
276AtmVcIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
277        STATUS  current
278        DESCRIPTION
279            "The VCI value for a VCL. The maximum VCI value
280            cannot exceed the value allowable by
281            atmInterfaceMaxVciBits defined in ATM-MIB."
282        SYNTAX   INTEGER (0..65535)
284AtmVpIdentifier ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
285        STATUS  current
286        DESCRIPTION
287            "The VPI value for a VPL or VCL. The value VPI=0
288            is only allowed for a VCL. For ATM UNIs supporting
289            VPCs the VPI value ranges from 0 to 255.  The VPI
290            value 0 is supported for ATM UNIs conforming to
291            the ATM Forum UNI 4.0 Annex 8 (Virtual UNIs)
292            specification. For ATM UNIs supporting VCCs the
293            VPI value ranges from 0 to 255.  For ATM NNIs the
294            VPI value ranges from 0 to 4095.  The maximum VPI
295            value cannot exceed the value allowable by
296            atmInterfaceMaxVpiBits defined in ATM-MIB."
297        SYNTAX    INTEGER (0..4095)
299AtmVorXAdminStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
300        STATUS  current
301        DESCRIPTION
302            "The value determines the desired administrative
303            status of a virtual link or cross-connect. The up
304            and down states indicate that the traffic flow is
305            enabled or disabled respectively on the virtual
306            link or cross-connect."
307        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
308           up(1),
309           down(2)
310            }
313        STATUS  current
314        DESCRIPTION
315            "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime at the time a
316            virtual link or cross-connect entered its current
317            operational state. If the current state was
318            entered prior to the last re-initialization of the
319            agent then this object contains a zero value."
320        SYNTAX   TimeTicks
323        STATUS  current
324        DESCRIPTION
325            "The value determines the operational status of a
326            virtual link or cross-connect. The up and down
327            states indicate that the traffic flow is enabled
328            or disabled respectively on the virtual link or
329            cross-connect. The unknown state indicates that
330            the state of it cannot be determined. The state
331            will be down or unknown if the supporting ATM
332            interface(s) is down or unknown respectively."
333        SYNTAX   INTEGER {
334           up(1),
335           down(2),
336           unknown(3)
337           }
344-- The following atmTrafficDescriptorTypes has been moved
345-- from RFC1695 and no longer appear in the revision of
346-- RFC1695[3].
348atmTrafficDescriptorTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mib-2 37 1 1}
349                                            -- atmMIBObjects
350                                            -- See [3].
352-- All other and new OBJECT IDENTITIES
353-- are defined under the following subtree:
355    atmObjectIdentities OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {atmTCMIB 1}
357-- The following values are defined for use as
358-- possible values of the ATM traffic descriptor type.
360atmNoTrafficDescriptor  OBJECT-IDENTITY
361    STATUS  deprecated
363        "This identifies the no ATM traffic
364        descriptor type.  Parameters 1, 2, 3, 4,
365        and 5 are not used.  This traffic descriptor
366        type can be used for best effort traffic."
367    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 1}
370    STATUS  current
372        "This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP
373        and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the
374        parameter vector for this type:
375        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
376                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
377        Parameter 2: not used
378        Parameter 3: not used
379        Parameter 4: not used
380        Parameter 5: not used."
382        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
383           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
384         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
385           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
386           November 1994."
387    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 2}
389atmClpNoTaggingNoScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
390    STATUS  deprecated
392        "This traffic descriptor is for CLP without
393        tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use
394        of the parameter vector for this type:
395        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
396                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
397        Parameter 2: peak cell rate in cells/second
398                     for CLP=0 traffic
399        Parameter 3: not used
400        Parameter 4: not used
401        Parameter 5: not used."
402    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 3}
404atmClpTaggingNoScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
405    STATUS  deprecated
407        "This traffic descriptor is for CLP with
408        tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use
409        of the parameter vector for this type:
410        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
411                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
412        Parameter 2: peak cell rate in cells/second
413                     for CLP=0 traffic, excess
414                     tagged as CLP=1
415        Parameter 3: not used
416        Parameter 4: not used
417        Parameter 5: not used."
418    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 4}
421    STATUS  current
423        "This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP
424        with Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the
425        parameter vector for this type:
426        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
427                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
428        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
429                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
430        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
431        Parameter 4: not used
432        Parameter 5: not used."
434        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
435           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
436         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
437           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
438           November 1994."
439    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 5}
441atmClpNoTaggingScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
442    STATUS  current
444        "This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with
445        Sustained Cell Rate and no tagging.  The use
446        of the parameter vector for this type:
447        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
448                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
449        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
450                     for CLP=0 traffic
451        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
452        Parameter 4: not used
453        Parameter 5: not used."
455        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
456           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
457         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
458           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
459           November 1994."
460    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 6}
462atmClpTaggingScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
463    STATUS  current
465        "This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with
466        tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of
467        the parameter vector for this type:
468        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
469                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
470        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
471                     for CLP=0 traffic, excess tagged as
472                     CLP=1
473        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
474        Parameter 4: not used
475        Parameter 5: not used."
477        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
478           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
479         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
480           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
481           November 1994."
482    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 7}
484atmClpNoTaggingMcr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
485    STATUS  current
487        "This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with
488        Minimum Cell Rate and no tagging.  The use of
489        the parameter vector for this type:
490        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
491                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
492        Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
493        Parameter 3: minimum cell rate in cells/second
494        Parameter 4: unused
495        Parameter 5: unused."
497        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
498           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
499         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
500           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
501           November 1994."
502    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 8}
504atmClpTransparentNoScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
505    STATUS  current
507        "This traffic descriptor type is for the CLP-
508        transparent model and no Sustained Cell Rate.
509        The use of the parameter vector for this type:
510        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
511                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
512        Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
513        Parameter 3: not used
514        Parameter 4: not used
515        Parameter 5: not used.
517        This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
518        connections following the CBR.1 conformance
519        definition.
521        Connections specifying this traffic descriptor
522        type will be rejected at UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1
523        interfaces.  For a similar traffic descriptor
524        type that can be accepted at UNI 3.0 and
525        UNI 3.1 interfaces, see atmNoClpNoScr."
527        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
528           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
529         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
530           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
531           November 1994.
532         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
533           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
534    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 9}
536atmClpTransparentScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
537    STATUS  current
539        "This traffic descriptor type is for the CLP-
540        transparent model with Sustained Cell Rate.
541        The use of the parameter vector for this type:
542        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
543                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
544        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
545                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
546        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
547        Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
548        Parameter 5: not used.
550        This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
551        connections following the VBR.1 conformance
552        definition.
554        Connections specifying this traffic descriptor
555        type will be rejected at UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1
556        interfaces.  For a similar traffic descriptor
557        type that can be accepted at UNI 3.0 and
558        UNI 3.1 interfaces, see atmNoClpScr."
560        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
561           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
562         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
563           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
564           November 1994.
565         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
566           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
567    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 10}
569atmNoClpTaggingNoScr  OBJECT-IDENTITY
570    STATUS  current
572        "This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP
573        with tagging and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The
574        use of the parameter vector for this type:
575        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
576                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
577        Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
578        Parameter 3: not used
579        Parameter 4: not used
580        Parameter 5: not used.
582        This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
583        connections following the UBR.2 conformance
584        definition ."
586        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
587           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
588         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
589           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
590           November 1994.
591         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
592           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
593    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 11}
596    STATUS  current
598        "This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP
599        and no Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the
600        parameter vector for this type:
601        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
602                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
603        Parameter 2: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
604        Parameter 3: not used
605        Parameter 4: not used
606        Parameter 5: not used.
608        This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
609        CBR connections following the UNI 3.0/3.1
610        conformance definition for PCR CLP=0+1.
611        These CBR connections differ from CBR.1
612        connections in that the CLR objective
613        applies only to the CLP=0 cell flow.
615        This traffic descriptor type is also
616        applicable to connections following the UBR.1
617        conformance definition."
619        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
620           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
621         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
622           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
623           November 1994.
624         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
625           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
626    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 12}
629    STATUS  current
631        "This traffic descriptor type is for no CLP
632        with Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of the
633        parameter vector for this type:
634        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
635                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
636        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
637                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
638        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
639        Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
640        Parameter 5: not used.
642        This traffic descriptor type is applicable
643        to VBR connections following the UNI 3.0/3.1
644        conformance definition for PCR CLP=0+1 and
645        SCR CLP=0+1.  These VBR connections
646        differ from VBR.1 connections in that
647        the CLR objective applies only to the CLP=0
648        cell flow."
650        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
651           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
652         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
653           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
654           November 1994.
655         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
656           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
657    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 13}
659atmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt  OBJECT-IDENTITY
660    STATUS  current
662        "This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with
663        Sustained Cell Rate and no tagging.  The use
664        of the parameter vector for this type:
665        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
666                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
667        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
668                     for CLP=0 traffic
669        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
670        Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
671        Parameter 5: not used.
673        This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
674        connections following the VBR.2 conformance
675        definition."
677        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
678           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
679         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
680           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
681           November 1994.
682         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
683           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
684    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 14}
686atmClpTaggingScrCdvt  OBJECT-IDENTITY
687    STATUS  current
689        "This traffic descriptor type is for CLP with
690        tagging and Sustained Cell Rate.  The use of
691        the parameter vector for this type:
692        Parameter 1: peak cell rate in cells/second
693                     for CLP=0+1 traffic
694        Parameter 2: sustainable cell rate in cells/second
695                     for CLP=0 traffic, excess tagged as
696                     CLP=1
697        Parameter 3: maximum burst size in cells
698        Parameter 4: CDVT in tenths of microseconds
699        Parameter 5: not used.
701        This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
702        connections following the VBR.3 conformance
703        definition."
705        "ATM Forum,ATM User-Network Interface,
706           Version 3.0 (UNI 3.0) Specification, 1994.
707         ATM Forum, ATM User-Network Interface,
708           Version 3.1 (UNI 3.1) Specification,
709           November 1994.
710         ATM Forum, Traffic Management Specification,
711           Version 4.0, af-tm-0056.000, June 1996."
712    ::= {atmTrafficDescriptorTypes 15}