5        Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, mib-2, transmission
6            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
8            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
9        TruthValue
10            FROM SNMPv2-TC
11        ifIndex, InterfaceIndex
12            FROM IF-MIB;
15        LAST-UPDATED "200309190000Z"  -- September 19, 2003
16        ORGANIZATION "IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB
17                     Working Group"
18        CONTACT-INFO
19            "WG E-mail: hubmib@ietf.org
20          To subscribe: hubmib-request@ietf.org
22                 Chair: Dan Romascanu
23                Postal: Avaya Inc.
24                        Atidum Technology Park, Bldg. 3
25                        Tel Aviv 61131
26                        Israel
27                   Tel: +972 3 645 8414
28                E-mail: dromasca@avaya.com
30               Editor: John Flick
31               Postal: Hewlett-Packard Company
32                       8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
33                       Roseville, CA 95747-5557
34                       USA
35                  Tel: +1 916 785 4018
36                  Fax: +1 916 785 1199
37               E-mail: johnf@rose.hp.com"
38        DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to describe generic objects for
39                    ethernet-like network interfaces.
41                    The following reference is used throughout this
42                    MIB module:
44                    [IEEE 802.3 Std] refers to:
45                       IEEE Std 802.3, 2002 Edition: 'IEEE Standard
47                       for Information technology -
48                       Telecommunications and information exchange
49                       between systems - Local and metropolitan
50                       area networks - Specific requirements -
51                       Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with
52                       collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method
53                       and physical layer specifications', as
54                       amended by IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002:
55                       'Amendment: Media Access Control (MAC)
56                       Parameters, Physical Layer, and Management
57                       Parameters for 10 Gb/s Operation', August,
58                       2002.
60                    Of particular interest is Clause 30, '10 Mb/s,
61                    100 Mb/s, 1000 Mb/s, and 10 Gb/s Management'.
63                    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  This
64                    version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3635;
65                    see the RFC itself for full legal notices."
67        REVISION    "200309190000Z"  -- September 19, 2003
68        DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 10 Gb/sec
69                     interfaces.  This resulted in the following
70                     revisions:
72                     - Updated dot3StatsAlignmentErrors and
73                       dot3StatsSymbolErrors DESCRIPTIONs to
74                       reflect behaviour at 10 Gb/s
75                     - Added dot3StatsRateControlAbility and
76                       dot3RateControlStatus for management
77                       of the Rate Control function in 10 Gb/s
78                       WAN applications
79                     - Added 64-bit versions of all counters
80                       that are used on high-speed ethernet
81                       interfaces
82                     - Added object groups to contain the new
83                       objects
84                     - Deprecated etherStatsBaseGroup and
85                       split into etherStatsBaseGroup2 and
86                       etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup, so that
87                       interfaces which can only operate at
88                       full-duplex do not need to implement
89                       half-duplex-only statistics
90                     - Deprecated dot3Compliance and replaced
91                       it with dot3Compliance2, which includes
92                       the compliance information for the new
93                       object groups
95                     In addition, the dot3Tests and dot3Errors
96                     object identities have been deprecated,
97                     since there is no longer a standard method
98                     for using them.
100                     This version published as RFC 3635."
102        REVISION    "199908240400Z"  -- August 24, 1999
103        DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 1000 Mb/sec
104                     interfaces and full-duplex interfaces.
105                     This version published as RFC 2665."
107        REVISION    "199806032150Z"  -- June 3, 1998
108        DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 100 Mb/sec
109                     interfaces.
110                     This version published as RFC 2358."
112        REVISION    "199402030400Z"  -- February 3, 1994
113        DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 1650."
114        ::= { mib-2 35 }
116    etherMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherMIB 1 }
118    dot3    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 7 }
120    -- the Ethernet-like Statistics group
122    dot3StatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
123        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF Dot3StatsEntry
124        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
125        STATUS     current
126        DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a collection of ethernet-like
127                    interfaces attached to a particular system.
128                    There will be one row in this table for each
129                    ethernet-like interface in the system."
130        ::= { dot3 2 }
132    dot3StatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
133        SYNTAX     Dot3StatsEntry
134        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
135        STATUS     current
136        DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a particular interface to an
137                    ethernet-like medium."
138        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
139        ::= { dot3StatsTable 1 }
141    Dot3StatsEntry ::=
142        SEQUENCE {
144            dot3StatsIndex                      InterfaceIndex,
145            dot3StatsAlignmentErrors            Counter32,
146            dot3StatsFCSErrors                  Counter32,
147            dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames      Counter32,
148            dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames    Counter32,
149            dot3StatsSQETestErrors              Counter32,
150            dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions      Counter32,
151            dot3StatsLateCollisions             Counter32,
152            dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions        Counter32,
153            dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors  Counter32,
154            dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors         Counter32,
155            dot3StatsFrameTooLongs              Counter32,
156            dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors   Counter32,
157            dot3StatsEtherChipSet               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
158            dot3StatsSymbolErrors               Counter32,
159            dot3StatsDuplexStatus               INTEGER,
160            dot3StatsRateControlAbility         TruthValue,
161            dot3StatsRateControlStatus          INTEGER
162        }
164    dot3StatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
165        SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
166        MAX-ACCESS  read-only  -- read-only since originally an
167                               -- SMIv1 index
168        STATUS      current
169        DESCRIPTION "An index value that uniquely identifies an
170                    interface to an ethernet-like medium.  The
171                    interface identified by a particular value of
172                    this index is the same interface as identified
173                    by the same value of ifIndex."
174        REFERENCE   "RFC 2863, ifIndex"
175        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 1 }
177    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
178        SYNTAX      Counter32
179        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
180        STATUS      current
181        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
182                    interface that are not an integral number of
183                    octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
185                    The count represented by an instance of this
186                    object is incremented when the alignmentError
187                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
188                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
189                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
190                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
191                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
193                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
195                    This counter does not increment for group
196                    encoding schemes greater than 4 bits per group.
198                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
199                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
200                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
201                    that amount of time could be less than a
202                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
203                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
204                    station is advised to poll the
205                    dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors object for 10 Gb/s
206                    or faster interfaces.
208                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
209                    occur at re-initialization of the management
210                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
211                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
212        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
213                    aAlignmentErrors"
214        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 2 }
216    dot3StatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
217        SYNTAX      Counter32
218        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
219        STATUS      current
220        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
221                    interface that are an integral number of octets
222                    in length but do not pass the FCS check.  This
223                    count does not include frames received with
224                    frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
226                    The count represented by an instance of this
227                    object is incremented when the frameCheckError
228                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
229                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
230                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
231                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
232                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
233                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
235                    Note:  Coding errors detected by the physical
236                    layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
237                    frame to fail the FCS check.
239                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
240                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
242                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
243                    that amount of time could be less than a
244                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
245                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
246                    station is advised to poll the
247                    dot3HCStatsFCSErrors object for 10 Gb/s or
248                    faster interfaces.
250                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
251                    occur at re-initialization of the management
252                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
253                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
254        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
255                    aFrameCheckSequenceErrors."
256        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 3 }
258    dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
259        SYNTAX      Counter32
260        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
261        STATUS      current
262        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames that are involved in a single
263                    collision, and are subsequently transmitted
264                    successfully.
266                    A frame that is counted by an instance of this
267                    object is also counted by the corresponding
268                    instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts,
269                    ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts,
270                    and is not counted by the corresponding
271                    instance of the dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames
272                    object.
274                    This counter does not increment when the
275                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
277                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
278                    occur at re-initialization of the management
279                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
280                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
281        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
282                    aSingleCollisionFrames."
283        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 4 }
285    dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
286        SYNTAX      Counter32
287        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
288        STATUS      current
289        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames that are involved in more
291                    than one collision and are subsequently
292                    transmitted successfully.
294                    A frame that is counted by an instance of this
295                    object is also counted by the corresponding
296                    instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts,
297                    ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts,
298                    and is not counted by the corresponding
299                    instance of the dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames
300                    object.
302                    This counter does not increment when the
303                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
305                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
306                    occur at re-initialization of the management
307                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
308                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
309        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
310                    aMultipleCollisionFrames."
311        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 5 }
313    dot3StatsSQETestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
314        SYNTAX      Counter32
315        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
316        STATUS      current
317        DESCRIPTION "A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR
318                    is received on a particular interface. The
319                    SQE TEST ERROR is set in accordance with the
320                    rules for verification of the SQE detection
321                    mechanism in the PLS Carrier Sense Function as
322                    described in IEEE Std. 802.3, 2000 Edition,
323                    section
325                    This counter does not increment on interfaces
326                    operating at speeds greater than 10 Mb/s, or on
327                    interfaces operating in full-duplex mode.
329                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
330                    occur at re-initialization of the management
331                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
332                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
333        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],, also,
334                    aSQETestErrors."
335        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 6 }
337    dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
338        SYNTAX      Counter32
339        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
340        STATUS      current
341        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which the first
342                    transmission attempt on a particular interface
343                    is delayed because the medium is busy.
345                    The count represented by an instance of this
346                    object does not include frames involved in
347                    collisions.
349                    This counter does not increment when the
350                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
352                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
353                    occur at re-initialization of the management
354                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
355                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
356        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
357                    aFramesWithDeferredXmissions."
358        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 7 }
360    dot3StatsLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
361        SYNTAX      Counter32
362        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
363        STATUS      current
364        DESCRIPTION "The number of times that a collision is
365                    detected on a particular interface later than
366                    one slotTime into the transmission of a packet.
368                    A (late) collision included in a count
369                    represented by an instance of this object is
370                    also considered as a (generic) collision for
371                    purposes of other collision-related
372                    statistics.
374                    This counter does not increment when the
375                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
377                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
378                    occur at re-initialization of the management
379                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
380                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
381        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
382                    aLateCollisions."
383        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 8 }
385    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
386        SYNTAX      Counter32
387        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
388        STATUS      current
389        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
390                    particular interface fails due to excessive
391                    collisions.
393                    This counter does not increment when the
394                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
396                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
397                    occur at re-initialization of the management
398                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
399                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
400        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
401                    aFramesAbortedDueToXSColls."
402        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 9 }
404    dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
405        SYNTAX      Counter32
406        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
407        STATUS      current
408        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
409                    particular interface fails due to an internal
410                    MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
411                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
412                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
413                    either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
414                    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the
415                    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
417                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
418                    an instance of this object is implementation-
419                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
420                    object may represent a count of transmission
421                    errors on a particular interface that are not
422                    otherwise counted.
424                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
425                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
426                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
427                    that amount of time could be less than a
428                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
429                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
430                    station is advised to poll the
431                    dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors object for
432                    10 Gb/s or faster interfaces.
434                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
436                    occur at re-initialization of the management
437                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
438                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
439        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
440                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError."
441        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 10 }
443    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors OBJECT-TYPE
444        SYNTAX      Counter32
445        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
446        STATUS      current
447        DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the carrier sense
448                    condition was lost or never asserted when
449                    attempting to transmit a frame on a particular
450                    interface.
452                    The count represented by an instance of this
453                    object is incremented at most once per
454                    transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense
455                    condition fluctuates during a transmission
456                    attempt.
458                    This counter does not increment when the
459                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
461                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
462                    occur at re-initialization of the management
463                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
464                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
465        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
466                    aCarrierSenseErrors."
467        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 11 }
469    -- { dot3StatsEntry 12 } is not assigned
471    dot3StatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
472        SYNTAX      Counter32
473        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
474        STATUS      current
475        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
476                    interface that exceed the maximum permitted
477                    frame size.
479                    The count represented by an instance of this
480                    object is incremented when the frameTooLong
481                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
482                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
483                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
484                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
485                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
486                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
488                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
489                    counter can roll over in less than 80 minutes if
490                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
491                    that amount of time could be less than a
492                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
493                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
494                    station is advised to poll the
495                    dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs object for 10 Gb/s
496                    or faster interfaces.
498                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
499                    occur at re-initialization of the management
500                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
501                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
502        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
503                    aFrameTooLongErrors."
504        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 13 }
506    -- { dot3StatsEntry 14 } is not assigned
508    -- { dot3StatsEntry 15 } is not assigned
510    dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
511        SYNTAX      Counter32
512        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
513        STATUS      current
514        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
515                    particular interface fails due to an internal
516                    MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
517                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
518                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
519                    either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
520                    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
521                    dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
523                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
524                    an instance of this object is implementation-
525                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
526                    object may represent a count of receive errors
527                    on a particular interface that are not
528                    otherwise counted.
530                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
531                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
533                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
534                    that amount of time could be less than a
535                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
536                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
537                    station is advised to poll the
538                    dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors object for
539                    10 Gb/s or faster interfaces.
541                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
542                    occur at re-initialization of the management
543                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
544                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
545        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
546                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError."
547        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 16 }
549    dot3StatsEtherChipSet OBJECT-TYPE
551        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
552        STATUS      deprecated
553        DESCRIPTION "******** THIS OBJECT IS DEPRECATED ********
555                    This object contains an OBJECT IDENTIFIER
556                    which identifies the chipset used to
557                    realize the interface. Ethernet-like
558                    interfaces are typically built out of
559                    several different chips. The MIB implementor
560                    is presented with a decision of which chip
561                    to identify via this object. The implementor
562                    should identify the chip which is usually
563                    called the Medium Access Control chip.
564                    If no such chip is easily identifiable,
565                    the implementor should identify the chip
566                    which actually gathers the transmit
567                    and receive statistics and error
568                    indications. This would allow a
569                    manager station to correlate the
570                    statistics and the chip generating
571                    them, giving it the ability to take
572                    into account any known anomalies
573                    in the chip.
575                    This object has been deprecated.  Implementation
576                    feedback indicates that it is of limited use for
577                    debugging network problems in the field, and
578                    the administrative overhead involved in
579                    maintaining a registry of chipset OIDs is not
580                    justified."
581        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 17 }
583    dot3StatsSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
584        SYNTAX      Counter32
585        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
586        STATUS      current
587        DESCRIPTION "For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the
588                    number of times there was an invalid data symbol
589                    when a valid carrier was present.
591                    For an interface operating in half-duplex mode
592                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
593                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
594                    of time equal to or greater than slotTime, and
595                    during which there was at least one occurrence
596                    of an event that causes the PHY to indicate
597                    'Data reception error' or 'carrier extend error'
598                    on the GMII.
600                    For an interface operating in full-duplex mode
601                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
602                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
603                    of time equal to or greater than minFrameSize,
604                    and during which there was at least one
605                    occurrence of an event that causes the PHY to
606                    indicate 'Data reception error' on the GMII.
608                    For an interface operating at 10 Gb/s, the
609                    number of times the receiving media is non-idle
610                    (a carrier event) for a period of time equal to
611                    or greater than minFrameSize, and during which
612                    there was at least one occurrence of an event
613                    that causes the PHY to indicate 'Receive Error'
614                    on the XGMII.
616                    The count represented by an instance of this
617                    object is incremented at most once per carrier
618                    event, even if multiple symbol errors occur
619                    during the carrier event.  This count does
620                    not increment if a collision is present.
622                    This counter does not increment when the
623                    interface is operating at 10 Mb/s.
625                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
626                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
627                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
628                    that amount of time could be less than a
630                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
631                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
632                    station is advised to poll the
633                    dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors object for 10 Gb/s
634                    or faster interfaces.
636                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
637                    occur at re-initialization of the management
638                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
639                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
640        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
641                    aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier."
642        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 18 }
644    dot3StatsDuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE
645        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
646                        unknown(1),
647                        halfDuplex(2),
648                        fullDuplex(3)
649                    }
650        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
651        STATUS      current
652        DESCRIPTION "The current mode of operation of the MAC
653                    entity.  'unknown' indicates that the current
654                    duplex mode could not be determined.
656                    Management control of the duplex mode is
657                    accomplished through the MAU MIB.  When
658                    an interface does not support autonegotiation,
659                    or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the
660                    duplex mode is controlled using
661                    ifMauDefaultType.  When autonegotiation is
662                    supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled
663                    using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits.  In either
664                    case, the currently operating duplex mode is
665                    reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.
667                    Note that this object provides redundant
668                    information with ifMauType.  Normally, redundant
669                    objects are discouraged.  However, in this
670                    instance, it allows a management application to
671                    determine the duplex status of an interface
672                    without having to know every possible value of
673                    ifMauType.  This was felt to be sufficiently
674                    valuable to justify the redundancy."
675        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
676                    aDuplexStatus."
677        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 19 }
679    dot3StatsRateControlAbility OBJECT-TYPE
680        SYNTAX      TruthValue
681        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
682        STATUS      current
683        DESCRIPTION "'true' for interfaces operating at speeds above
684                    1000 Mb/s that support Rate Control through
685                    lowering the average data rate of the MAC
686                    sublayer, with frame granularity, and 'false'
687                    otherwise."
688        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
689                    aRateControlAbility."
690        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 20 }
692    dot3StatsRateControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
693        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
694                        rateControlOff(1),
695                        rateControlOn(2),
696                        unknown(3)
697                    }
698        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
699        STATUS      current
700        DESCRIPTION "The current Rate Control mode of operation of
701                    the MAC sublayer of this interface."
702        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
703                    aRateControlStatus."
704        ::= { dot3StatsEntry 21 }
706    -- the Ethernet-like Collision Statistics group
708    -- Implementation of this group is optional; it is appropriate
709    -- for all systems which have the necessary metering
711    dot3CollTable OBJECT-TYPE
712        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3CollEntry
713        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
714        STATUS      current
715        DESCRIPTION "A collection of collision histograms for a
716                    particular set of interfaces."
717        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
718                    aCollisionFrames."
719        ::= { dot3 5 }
721    dot3CollEntry OBJECT-TYPE
722        SYNTAX      Dot3CollEntry
723        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
724        STATUS      current
725        DESCRIPTION "A cell in the histogram of per-frame
726                    collisions for a particular interface.  An
728                    instance of this object represents the
729                    frequency of individual MAC frames for which
730                    the transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
731                    particular interface is accompanied by a
732                    particular number of media collisions."
733        INDEX       { ifIndex, dot3CollCount }
734        ::= { dot3CollTable 1 }
736    Dot3CollEntry ::=
737        SEQUENCE {
738            dot3CollCount        Integer32,
739            dot3CollFrequencies  Counter32
740        }
742    -- { dot3CollEntry 1 } is no longer in use
744    dot3CollCount OBJECT-TYPE
745        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..16)
746        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
747        STATUS      current
748        DESCRIPTION "The number of per-frame media collisions for
749                    which a particular collision histogram cell
750                    represents the frequency on a particular
751                    interface."
752        ::= { dot3CollEntry 2 }
754    dot3CollFrequencies OBJECT-TYPE
755        SYNTAX      Counter32
756        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
757        STATUS      current
758        DESCRIPTION "A count of individual MAC frames for which the
759                    transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
760                    particular interface occurs after the
761                    frame has experienced exactly the number
762                    of collisions in the associated
763                    dot3CollCount object.
765                    For example, a frame which is transmitted
766                    on interface 77 after experiencing
767                    exactly 4 collisions would be indicated
768                    by incrementing only dot3CollFrequencies.77.4.
769                    No other instance of dot3CollFrequencies would
770                    be incremented in this example.
772                    This counter does not increment when the
773                    interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
775                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
777                    occur at re-initialization of the management
778                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
779                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
780        ::= { dot3CollEntry 3 }
782    dot3ControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
783        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3ControlEntry
784        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
785        STATUS      current
786        DESCRIPTION "A table of descriptive and status information
787                    about the MAC Control sublayer on the
788                    ethernet-like interfaces attached to a
789                    particular system.  There will be one row in
790                    this table for each ethernet-like interface in
791                    the system which implements the MAC Control
792                    sublayer.  If some, but not all, of the
793                    ethernet-like interfaces in the system implement
794                    the MAC Control sublayer, there will be fewer
795                    rows in this table than in the dot3StatsTable."
796        ::= { dot3 9 }
798    dot3ControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
799        SYNTAX      Dot3ControlEntry
800        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
801        STATUS      current
802        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
803                    about the MAC Control sublayer on a single
804                    ethernet-like interface."
805        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
806        ::= { dot3ControlTable 1 }
808    Dot3ControlEntry ::=
809        SEQUENCE {
810            dot3ControlFunctionsSupported       BITS,
811            dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes         Counter32,
812            dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes       Counter64
813        }
815    dot3ControlFunctionsSupported OBJECT-TYPE
816        SYNTAX      BITS {
817                        pause(0)   -- 802.3 flow control
818                    }
819        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
820        STATUS      current
821        DESCRIPTION "A list of the possible MAC Control functions
822                    implemented for this interface."
823        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
824                    aMACControlFunctionsSupported."
825        ::= { dot3ControlEntry 1 }
827    dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes OBJECT-TYPE
828        SYNTAX      Counter32
829        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
830        STATUS      current
831        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
832                    interface that contain an opcode that is not
833                    supported by this device.
835                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
836                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
837                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
838                    that amount of time could be less than a
839                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
840                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
841                    station is advised to poll the
842                    dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes object for 10 Gb/s
843                    or faster interfaces.
845                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
846                    occur at re-initialization of the management
847                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
848                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
849        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
850                    aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived"
851        ::= { dot3ControlEntry 2 }
853    dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes OBJECT-TYPE
854        SYNTAX      Counter64
855        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
856        STATUS      current
857        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
858                    interface that contain an opcode that is not
859                    supported by this device.
861                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
862                    dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes.  It should be used
863                    on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
865                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
866                    occur at re-initialization of the management
867                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
868                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
869        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
870                    aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived"
871        ::= { dot3ControlEntry 3 }
873    dot3PauseTable OBJECT-TYPE
874        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3PauseEntry
875        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
876        STATUS      current
877        DESCRIPTION "A table of descriptive and status information
878                    about the MAC Control PAUSE function on the
879                    ethernet-like interfaces attached to a
880                    particular system. There will be one row in
881                    this table for each ethernet-like interface in
882                    the system which supports the MAC Control PAUSE
883                    function (i.e., the 'pause' bit in the
884                    corresponding instance of
885                    dot3ControlFunctionsSupported is set).  If some,
886                    but not all, of the ethernet-like interfaces in
887                    the system implement the MAC Control PAUSE
888                    function (for example, if some interfaces only
889                    support half-duplex), there will be fewer rows
890                    in this table than in the dot3StatsTable."
891        ::= { dot3 10 }
893    dot3PauseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
894        SYNTAX      Dot3PauseEntry
895        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
896        STATUS      current
897        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
898                    about the MAC Control PAUSE function on a single
899                    ethernet-like interface."
900        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
901        ::= { dot3PauseTable 1 }
903    Dot3PauseEntry ::=
905        SEQUENCE {
906            dot3PauseAdminMode                  INTEGER,
907            dot3PauseOperMode                   INTEGER,
908            dot3InPauseFrames                   Counter32,
909            dot3OutPauseFrames                  Counter32,
910            dot3HCInPauseFrames                 Counter64,
911            dot3HCOutPauseFrames                Counter64
912        }
914    dot3PauseAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE
915        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
916                        disabled(1),
917                        enabledXmit(2),
918                        enabledRcv(3),
919                        enabledXmitAndRcv(4)
920                    }
921        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
922        STATUS      current
923        DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the default
924                    administrative PAUSE mode for this interface.
926                    This object represents the
927                    administratively-configured PAUSE mode for this
928                    interface.  If auto-negotiation is not enabled
929                    or is not implemented for the active MAU
930                    attached to this interface, the value of this
931                    object determines the operational PAUSE mode
932                    of the interface whenever it is operating in
933                    full-duplex mode.  In this case, a set to this
934                    object will force the interface into the
935                    specified mode.
937                    If auto-negotiation is implemented and enabled
938                    for the MAU attached to this interface, the
939                    PAUSE mode for this interface is determined by
940                    auto-negotiation, and the value of this object
941                    denotes the mode to which the interface will
942                    automatically revert if/when auto-negotiation is
943                    later disabled.  Note that when auto-negotiation
944                    is running, administrative control of the PAUSE
945                    mode may be accomplished using the
946                    ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits object in the
947                    MAU-MIB.
949                    Note that the value of this object is ignored
950                    when the interface is not operating in
951                    full-duplex mode.
953                    An attempt to set this object to
954                    'enabledXmit(2)' or 'enabledRcv(3)' will fail
955                    on interfaces that do not support operation
956                    at greater than 100 Mb/s."
957        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 1 }
959    dot3PauseOperMode OBJECT-TYPE
960        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
961                        disabled(1),
962                        enabledXmit(2),
963                        enabledRcv(3),
964                        enabledXmitAndRcv(4)
965                    }
966        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
967        STATUS      current
968        DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the PAUSE mode currently
970                    in use on this interface, as determined by
971                    either (1) the result of the auto-negotiation
972                    function or (2) if auto-negotiation is not
973                    enabled or is not implemented for the active MAU
974                    attached to this interface, by the value of
975                    dot3PauseAdminMode.  Interfaces operating at
976                    100 Mb/s or less will never return
977                    'enabledXmit(2)' or 'enabledRcv(3)'.  Interfaces
978                    operating in half-duplex mode will always return
979                    'disabled(1)'.  Interfaces on which
980                    auto-negotiation is enabled but not yet
981                    completed should return the value
982                    'disabled(1)'."
983        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 2 }
985    dot3InPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
986        SYNTAX      Counter32
987        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
988        STATUS      current
989        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
990                    interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE
991                    operation.
993                    This counter does not increment when the
994                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
996                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
997                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
998                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
999                    that amount of time could be less than a
1000                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
1001                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
1002                    station is advised to poll the
1003                    dot3HCInPauseFrames object for 10 Gb/s or
1004                    faster interfaces.
1006                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1007                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1008                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1009                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1010        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1011                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived."
1012        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 3 }
1014    dot3OutPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1015        SYNTAX      Counter32
1016        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1017        STATUS      current
1018        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames transmitted on
1019                    this interface with an opcode indicating the
1020                    PAUSE operation.
1022                    This counter does not increment when the
1023                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
1025                    For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
1026                    counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
1027                    it is incrementing at its maximum rate.  Since
1028                    that amount of time could be less than a
1029                    management station's poll cycle time, in order
1030                    to avoid a loss of information, a management
1031                    station is advised to poll the
1032                    dot3HCOutPauseFrames object for 10 Gb/s or
1033                    faster interfaces.
1035                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1036                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1037                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1038                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1039        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1040                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted."
1041        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 4 }
1043    dot3HCInPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1044        SYNTAX      Counter64
1045        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1046        STATUS      current
1047        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
1048                    interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE
1049                    operation.
1051                    This counter does not increment when the
1052                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
1054                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1055                    dot3InPauseFrames.  It should be used on
1056                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1058                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1059                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1060                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1061                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1062        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1063                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived."
1064        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 5 }
1066    dot3HCOutPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
1067        SYNTAX      Counter64
1068        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1069        STATUS      current
1070        DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames transmitted on
1071                    this interface with an opcode indicating the
1072                    PAUSE operation.
1074                    This counter does not increment when the
1075                    interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
1077                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1078                    dot3OutPauseFrames.  It should be used on
1079                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1081                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1082                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1083                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1084                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1085        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1086                    aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted."
1087        ::= { dot3PauseEntry 6 }
1089    dot3HCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
1090        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Dot3HCStatsEntry
1091        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1092        STATUS      current
1093        DESCRIPTION "A table containing 64-bit versions of error
1094                    counters from the dot3StatsTable.  The 32-bit
1095                    versions of these counters may roll over quite
1096                    quickly on higher speed ethernet interfaces.
1097                    The counters that have 64-bit versions in this
1098                    table are the counters that apply to full-duplex
1099                    interfaces, since 10 Gb/s and faster
1100                    ethernet-like interfaces do not support
1101                    half-duplex, and very few 1000 Mb/s
1102                    ethernet-like interfaces support half-duplex.
1104                    Entries in this table are recommended for
1105                    interfaces capable of operating at 1000 Mb/s or
1106                    faster, and are required for interfaces capable
1107                    of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.  Lower speed
1108                    ethernet-like interfaces do not need entries in
1109                    this table, in which case there may be fewer
1110                    entries in this table than in the
1111                    dot3StatsTable. However, implementations
1112                    containing interfaces with a mix of speeds may
1113                    choose to implement entries in this table for
1115                    all ethernet-like interfaces."
1116        ::= { dot3 11 }
1118    dot3HCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1119        SYNTAX      Dot3HCStatsEntry
1120        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1121        STATUS      current
1122        DESCRIPTION "An entry containing 64-bit statistics for a
1123                    single ethernet-like interface."
1124        INDEX       { dot3StatsIndex }
1125        ::= { dot3HCStatsTable 1 }
1127    Dot3HCStatsEntry ::=
1128        SEQUENCE {
1129            dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors           Counter64,
1130            dot3HCStatsFCSErrors                 Counter64,
1131            dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors Counter64,
1132            dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs             Counter64,
1133            dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors  Counter64,
1134            dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors              Counter64
1135        }
1137    dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1138        SYNTAX      Counter64
1139        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1140        STATUS      current
1141        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
1142                    interface that are not an integral number of
1143                    octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
1145                    The count represented by an instance of this
1146                    object is incremented when the alignmentError
1147                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
1148                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
1149                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
1150                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
1151                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
1152                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
1154                    This counter does not increment for group
1155                    encoding schemes greater than 4 bits per group.
1157                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1158                    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors.  It should be used
1159                    on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1161                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1162                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1164                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1165                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1166        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1167                    aAlignmentErrors"
1168        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 1 }
1170    dot3HCStatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1171        SYNTAX      Counter64
1172        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1173        STATUS      current
1174        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
1175                    interface that are an integral number of octets
1176                    in length but do not pass the FCS check.  This
1177                    count does not include frames received with
1178                    frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
1180                    The count represented by an instance of this
1181                    object is incremented when the frameCheckError
1182                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
1183                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
1184                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
1185                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
1186                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
1187                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
1189                    Note:  Coding errors detected by the physical
1190                    layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
1191                    frame to fail the FCS check.
1193                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1194                    dot3StatsFCSErrors.  It should be used on
1195                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1197                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1198                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1199                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1200                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1201        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1202                    aFrameCheckSequenceErrors."
1203        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 2 }
1205    dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1206        SYNTAX      Counter64
1207        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1208        STATUS      current
1209        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
1210                    particular interface fails due to an internal
1211                    MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
1213                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
1214                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
1215                    either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
1216                    dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the
1217                    dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
1219                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
1220                    an instance of this object is implementation-
1221                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
1222                    object may represent a count of transmission
1223                    errors on a particular interface that are not
1224                    otherwise counted.
1226                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1227                    dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors.  It should
1228                    be used on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or
1229                    faster.
1231                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1232                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1233                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1234                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1235        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1236                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError."
1237        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 3 }
1239    dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
1240        SYNTAX      Counter64
1241        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1242        STATUS      current
1243        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
1244                    interface that exceed the maximum permitted
1245                    frame size.
1247                    The count represented by an instance of this
1248                    object is incremented when the frameTooLong
1249                    status is returned by the MAC service to the
1250                    LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
1251                    which multiple error conditions pertain are,
1252                    according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
1253                    Layer Management, counted exclusively according
1254                    to the error status presented to the LLC.
1256                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1257                    dot3StatsFrameTooLongs.  It should be used on
1258                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1260                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1262                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1263                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1264                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1265        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1266                    aFrameTooLongErrors."
1267        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 4 }
1269    dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1270        SYNTAX      Counter64
1271        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1272        STATUS      current
1273        DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
1274                    particular interface fails due to an internal
1275                    MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
1276                    counted by an instance of this object if it is
1277                    not counted by the corresponding instance of
1278                    either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
1279                    dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
1280                    dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
1282                    The precise meaning of the count represented by
1283                    an instance of this object is implementation-
1284                    specific.  In particular, an instance of this
1285                    object may represent a count of receive errors
1286                    on a particular interface that are not
1287                    otherwise counted.
1289                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1290                    dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors.  It should be
1291                    used on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or
1292                    faster.
1294                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1295                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1296                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1297                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1298        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1299                    aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError."
1300        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 5 }
1302    dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1303        SYNTAX      Counter64
1304        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1305        STATUS      current
1306        DESCRIPTION "For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the
1307                    number of times there was an invalid data symbol
1308                    when a valid carrier was present.
1310                    For an interface operating in half-duplex mode
1311                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
1312                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
1313                    of time equal to or greater than slotTime, and
1314                    during which there was at least one occurrence
1315                    of an event that causes the PHY to indicate
1316                    'Data reception error' or 'carrier extend error'
1317                    on the GMII.
1319                    For an interface operating in full-duplex mode
1320                    at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
1321                    media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
1322                    of time equal to or greater than minFrameSize,
1323                    and during which there was at least one
1324                    occurrence of an event that causes the PHY to
1325                    indicate 'Data reception error' on the GMII.
1327                    For an interface operating at 10 Gb/s, the
1328                    number of times the receiving media is non-idle
1329                    (a carrier event) for a period of time equal to
1330                    or greater than minFrameSize, and during which
1331                    there was at least one occurrence of an event
1332                    that causes the PHY to indicate 'Receive Error'
1333                    on the XGMII.
1335                    The count represented by an instance of this
1336                    object is incremented at most once per carrier
1337                    event, even if multiple symbol errors occur
1338                    during the carrier event.  This count does
1339                    not increment if a collision is present.
1341                    This counter is a 64 bit version of
1342                    dot3StatsSymbolErrors.  It should be used on
1343                    interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1345                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
1346                    occur at re-initialization of the management
1347                    system, and at other times as indicated by the
1348                    value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
1349        REFERENCE   "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
1350                    aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier."
1351        ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 6 }
1353    --  802.3 Tests
1355    dot3Tests   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 6 }
1357    dot3Errors  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 7 }
1359    --  TDR Test
1361    dot3TestTdr OBJECT-IDENTITY
1362        STATUS      deprecated
1365                    The Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) test is
1366                    specific to ethernet-like interfaces of type
1367                    10Base5 and 10Base2.  The TDR value may be
1368                    useful in determining the approximate distance
1369                    to a cable fault.  It is advisable to repeat
1370                    this test to check for a consistent resulting
1371                    TDR value, to verify that there is a fault.
1373                    A TDR test returns as its result the time
1374                    interval, measured in 10 MHz ticks or 100 nsec
1375                    units, between the start of TDR test
1376                    transmission and the subsequent detection of a
1377                    collision or deassertion of carrier.  On
1378                    successful completion of a TDR test, the result
1379                    is stored as the value of an appropriate
1380                    instance of an appropriate vendor specific MIB
1381                    object, and the OBJECT IDENTIFIER of that
1382                    instance is stored in the appropriate instance
1383                    of the appropriate test result code object
1384                    (thereby indicating where the result has been
1385                    stored).
1387                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
1388                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
1389                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
1390                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
1391                    standard way of using this object identity."
1392        ::= { dot3Tests 1 }
1394    -- Loopback Test
1396    dot3TestLoopBack OBJECT-IDENTITY
1397        STATUS      deprecated
1400                    This test configures the MAC chip and executes
1401                    an internal loopback test of memory, data paths,
1402                    and the MAC chip logic.  This loopback test can
1403                    only be executed if the interface is offline.
1404                    Once the test has completed, the MAC chip should
1406                    be reinitialized for network operation, but it
1407                    should remain offline.
1409                    If an error occurs during a test, the
1410                    appropriate test result object will be set
1411                    to indicate a failure.  The two OBJECT
1412                    IDENTIFIER values dot3ErrorInitError and
1413                    dot3ErrorLoopbackError may be used to provided
1414                    more information as values for an appropriate
1415                    test result code object.
1417                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
1418                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
1419                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
1420                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
1421                    standard way of using this object identity."
1422        ::= { dot3Tests 2 }
1424    dot3ErrorInitError OBJECT-IDENTITY
1425        STATUS      deprecated
1428                    Couldn't initialize MAC chip for test.
1430                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
1431                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
1432                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
1433                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
1434                    standard way of using this object identity."
1435        ::= { dot3Errors 1 }
1437    dot3ErrorLoopbackError OBJECT-IDENTITY
1438        STATUS      deprecated
1441                    Expected data not received (or not received
1442                    correctly) in loopback test.
1444                    This object identity has been deprecated, since
1445                    the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
1446                    and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
1447                    initiating an interface test.  This left no
1448                    standard way of using this object identity."
1449        ::= { dot3Errors 2 }
1451    -- { dot3 8 }, the dot3ChipSets tree, is defined in [RFC2666]
1453    -- conformance information
1455    etherConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherMIB 2 }
1457    etherGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherConformance 1 }
1458    etherCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherConformance 2 }
1460    -- compliance statements
1462    etherCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1463        STATUS      deprecated
1466                    The compliance statement for managed network
1467                    entities which have ethernet-like network
1468                    interfaces.
1470                    This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
1471                    dot3Compliance."
1473        MODULE  -- this module
1474            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsGroup }
1476            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
1477            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
1478                        for all systems which have the necessary
1479                        metering. Implementation in such systems is
1480                        highly recommended."
1481        ::= { etherCompliances 1 }
1483    ether100MbsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1484        STATUS      deprecated
1487                    The compliance statement for managed network
1488                    entities which have 100 Mb/sec ethernet-like
1489                    network interfaces.
1491                    This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
1492                    dot3Compliance."
1494        MODULE  -- this module
1495            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStats100MbsGroup }
1497            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
1498            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
1499                        for all systems which have the necessary
1500                        metering. Implementation in such systems is
1501                        highly recommended."
1502        ::= { etherCompliances 2 }
1504    dot3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1505        STATUS      deprecated
1508                    The compliance statement for managed network
1509                    entities which have ethernet-like network
1510                    interfaces.
1512                    This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
1513                    dot3Compliance2."
1515        MODULE  -- this module
1516            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsBaseGroup }
1518            GROUP       etherDuplexGroup
1519            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1520                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1521                        capable of operating in full-duplex mode.
1522                        It is highly recommended for all
1523                        ethernet-like network interfaces."
1525            GROUP       etherStatsLowSpeedGroup
1526            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1527                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1528                        capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
1529                        half-duplex mode."
1531            GROUP       etherStatsHighSpeedGroup
1532            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1533                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1534                        capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
1536            GROUP       etherControlGroup
1537            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1538                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
1539                        support the MAC Control sublayer."
1541            GROUP       etherControlPauseGroup
1542            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1543                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
1544                        support the MAC Control PAUSE function."
1546            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
1547            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
1548                        for all ethernet-like network interfaces
1549                        which are capable of operating in
1550                        half-duplex mode and have the necessary
1551                        metering. Implementation in systems with
1553                        such interfaces is highly recommended."
1554        ::= { etherCompliances 3 }
1556        dot3Compliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
1557            STATUS      current
1558            DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for managed network
1559                        entities which have ethernet-like network
1560                        interfaces.
1562                        Note that compliance with this MIB module
1563                        requires compliance with the ifCompliance3
1564                        MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement of the IF-MIB
1565                        (RFC2863).  In addition, compliance with this
1566                        MIB module requires compliance  with the
1567                        mauModIfCompl3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement of
1568                        the MAU-MIB (RFC3636)."
1570        MODULE  -- this module
1571            MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsBaseGroup2 }
1573            GROUP       etherDuplexGroup
1574            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1575                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1576                        capable of operating in full-duplex mode.
1577                        It is highly recommended for all
1578                        ethernet-like network interfaces."
1580            GROUP       etherRateControlGroup
1581            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1582                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1583                        capable of operating at speeds faster than
1584                        1000 Mb/s. It is highly recommended for all
1585                        ethernet-like network interfaces."
1587            GROUP       etherStatsLowSpeedGroup
1588            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1589                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1590                        capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
1591                        half-duplex mode."
1593            GROUP       etherStatsHighSpeedGroup
1594            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1595                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1596                        capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
1598            GROUP       etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup
1599            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1600                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1602                        capable of operating in half-duplex mode."
1604            GROUP       etherHCStatsGroup
1605            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1606                        ethernet-like network interfaces which are
1607                        capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
1608                        It is recommended for all ethernet-like
1609                        network interfaces which are capable of
1610                        operating at 1000 Mb/s or faster."
1612            GROUP       etherControlGroup
1613            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1614                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
1615                        support the MAC Control sublayer."
1617            GROUP       etherHCControlGroup
1618            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1619                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
1620                        support the MAC Control sublayer and are
1621                        capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster."
1623            GROUP       etherControlPauseGroup
1624            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1625                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
1626                        support the MAC Control PAUSE function."
1628            GROUP       etherHCControlPauseGroup
1629            DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
1630                        ethernet-like network interfaces that
1631                        support the MAC Control PAUSE function and
1632                        are capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or
1633                        faster."
1635            GROUP       etherCollisionTableGroup
1636            DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
1637                        for all ethernet-like network interfaces
1638                        which are capable of operating in
1639                        half-duplex mode and have the necessary
1640                        metering. Implementation in systems with
1641                        such interfaces is highly recommended."
1642        ::= { etherCompliances 4 }
1644    -- units of conformance
1646    etherStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1647        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
1648                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
1649                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
1650                      dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
1651                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
1652                      dot3StatsSQETestErrors,
1653                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
1654                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
1655                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
1656                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
1657                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
1658                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
1659                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
1660                      dot3StatsEtherChipSet
1661                    }
1662        STATUS      deprecated
1663        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********
1665                    A collection of objects providing information
1666                    applicable to all ethernet-like network
1667                    interfaces.
1669                    This object group has been deprecated and
1670                    replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup and
1671                    etherStatsLowSpeedGroup."
1672        ::= { etherGroups 1 }
1674    etherCollisionTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1675        OBJECTS     { dot3CollFrequencies
1676                    }
1677        STATUS      current
1678        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing a histogram
1679                    of packets successfully transmitted after
1680                    experiencing exactly N collisions."
1681        ::= { etherGroups 2 }
1683    etherStats100MbsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1684        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
1685                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
1686                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
1687                      dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
1688                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
1689                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
1690                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
1691                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
1692                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
1693                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
1694                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
1695                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
1696                      dot3StatsEtherChipSet,
1697                      dot3StatsSymbolErrors
1699                    }
1700        STATUS      deprecated
1701        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********
1703                    A collection of objects providing information
1704                    applicable to 100 Mb/sec ethernet-like network
1705                    interfaces.
1707                    This object group has been deprecated and
1708                    replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup and
1709                    etherStatsHighSpeedGroup."
1710        ::= { etherGroups 3 }
1712    etherStatsBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1713        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
1714                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
1715                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
1716                      dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
1717                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
1718                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
1719                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
1720                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
1721                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
1722                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
1723                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
1724                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
1725                    }
1726        STATUS      deprecated
1727        DESCRIPTION "********* THIS GROUP IS DEPRECATED **********
1729                    A collection of objects providing information
1730                    applicable to all ethernet-like network
1731                    interfaces.
1733                    This object group has been deprecated and
1734                    replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup2 and
1735                    etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup, to separate
1736                    objects which must be implemented by all
1737                    ethernet-like network interfaces from
1738                    objects that need only be implemented on
1739                    ethernet-like network interfaces that are
1740                    capable of half-duplex operation."
1741        ::= { etherGroups 4 }
1743    etherStatsLowSpeedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1744        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsSQETestErrors }
1745        STATUS      current
1746        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1748                    applicable to ethernet-like network interfaces
1749                    capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
1750                    half-duplex mode."
1751        ::= { etherGroups 5 }
1753    etherStatsHighSpeedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1754        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsSymbolErrors }
1755        STATUS      current
1756        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1757                    applicable to ethernet-like network interfaces
1758                    capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
1759        ::= { etherGroups 6 }
1761    etherDuplexGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1762        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsDuplexStatus }
1763        STATUS      current
1764        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1765                    about the duplex mode of an ethernet-like
1766                    network interface."
1767        ::= { etherGroups 7 }
1769    etherControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1770        OBJECTS     { dot3ControlFunctionsSupported,
1771                      dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes
1772                    }
1773        STATUS      current
1774        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1775                    about the MAC Control sublayer on ethernet-like
1776                    network interfaces."
1777        ::= { etherGroups 8 }
1779    etherControlPauseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1780        OBJECTS     { dot3PauseAdminMode,
1781                      dot3PauseOperMode,
1782                      dot3InPauseFrames,
1783                      dot3OutPauseFrames
1784                    }
1785        STATUS      current
1786        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1787                    about and control of the MAC Control PAUSE
1788                    function on ethernet-like network interfaces."
1789        ::= { etherGroups 9 }
1791    etherStatsBaseGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
1792        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsIndex,
1793                      dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
1794                      dot3StatsFCSErrors,
1795                      dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
1796                      dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
1797                      dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
1798                    }
1799        STATUS      current
1800        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1801                    applicable to all ethernet-like network
1802                    interfaces."
1803        ::= { etherGroups 10 }
1805    etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1806        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
1807                      dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
1808                      dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
1809                      dot3StatsLateCollisions,
1810                      dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
1811                      dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors
1812                    }
1813        STATUS      current
1814        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1815                    applicable only to half-duplex ethernet-like
1816                    network interfaces."
1817        ::= { etherGroups 11 }
1819    etherHCStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1820        OBJECTS     { dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors,
1821                      dot3HCStatsFCSErrors,
1822                      dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
1823                      dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs,
1824                      dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
1825                      dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors
1826                    }
1827        STATUS      current
1828        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
1829                    statistics applicable to higher-speed
1830                    ethernet-like network interfaces."
1831        ::= { etherGroups 12 }
1833    etherHCControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1834        OBJECTS     { dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes }
1835        STATUS      current
1836        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
1837                    statistics for the MAC Control sublayer on
1838                    higher-speed ethernet-like network interfaces."
1839        ::= { etherGroups 13 }
1841    etherHCControlPauseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1842        OBJECTS     { dot3HCInPauseFrames,
1843                      dot3HCOutPauseFrames
1845                    }
1846        STATUS      current
1847        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
1848                    statistics for the MAC Control PAUSE function on
1849                    higher-speed ethernet-like network interfaces."
1850        ::= { etherGroups 14 }
1852    etherRateControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
1853        OBJECTS     { dot3StatsRateControlAbility,
1854                      dot3StatsRateControlStatus
1855                    }
1856        STATUS      current
1857        DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
1858                    about the Rate Control function on ethernet-like
1859                    interfaces."
1860        ::= { etherGroups 15 }