1-- ==================================================================
2-- Copyright (C) 2017 by  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved.
4-- Description: HUAWEI-OSPFV3-MIB.mib, The HUAWEI-OSPFV3-MIB provides information about OSPFv3
5-- Reference: draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-mib-11
6-- Version:    V2.19
7-- History:
8-- ==================================================================
13            hwDatacomm
14            FROM HUAWEI-MIB
17            Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, Unsigned32
18                    FROM SNMPv2-SMI
19            TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus
20                    FROM SNMPv2-TC
22                    FROM SNMPv2-CONF
23            InterfaceIndex
24                    FROM IF-MIB
25            InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength
26                    FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
27            Metric, BigMetric, Status,
28            HelloRange, DesignatedRouterPriority
29                    FROM OSPF-MIB;
31    hwOspfv3 MODULE-IDENTITY
32            LAST-UPDATED "201708172015Z"
34                 "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd."
35            CONTACT-INFO
36                 "Huawei Industrial Base
37                   Bantian, Longgang
38                    Shenzhen 518129
39                    People's Republic of China
40                    Website: http://www.huawei.com
41                    Email: support@huawei.com
42                  "
43             DESCRIPTION
44                 "The MIB module for OSPF version 3.
45                  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
46                  This version of this MIB module is part of
47                  RFC draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-mib-11;
48                  see the RFC itself for full legal
49                  notices."
52            REVISION "201708172015Z"
53            DESCRIPTION "modify hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatus discription"
55            REVISION "201608041521Z"
56            DESCRIPTION "Added
57	                hwOspfv3DeleteRouteByPurge,
58		            hwOspfv3DeleteRouteByPurgeClear,
59		            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact,
60		            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear,
61		            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact,
62		            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear,
63		            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurge,
64		            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear,
65		            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact,
66		            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear,
67		            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact,
68		            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear,
69		            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurge,
70		            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear "
72            REVISION "201605251110Z"
73            DESCRIPTION "Added a trap hwOspfv3GreaterAgeLsaRecived"
75            REVISION "201605251110Z"
76            DESCRIPTION "Added hwOspfv3LsaId to indicates the link-id of recived lsa"
78            REVISION "201605251110Z"
79            DESCRIPTION "Added hwOspfv3LsaAge to indicates the age of recived lsa"
81	    REVISION "201603231750Z"
82            DESCRIPTION "Changed the type of hwOspfv3ProcessId from Integer32 to Unsigned32"
84	    REVISION "201603181750Z"
85            DESCRIPTION "Added
86	                    hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteThreshold,
87                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteThresholdClear,
88                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteExceed,
89                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteExceedClear,
90                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteThreshold,
91                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteThresholdClear,
92                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteExceed,
93                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteExceedClear"
95            REVISION "201603011750Z"
96            DESCRIPTION "Deleted hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressInterval, Added hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressReason to indicates the suppress status change reason, change hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressInterval of hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatusChange to hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressReason"
98            REVISION "201603011750Z"
99            DESCRIPTION "Modified hwOspfv2PeerFlappingSuppressStatusChange status currentdescription"
101 						 REVISION "201507081110Z"
102             DESCRIPTION "Added hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatus to indicates the suppress status of peer flapping"
104             REVISION "201505031110Z"
105             DESCRIPTION "Added hwOspfv3IntraAreaRouterIdConflictRecovered to indicates process id"
107             REVISION "201504031110Z"
108             DESCRIPTION "Added hwOspfv3IntraAreaRouterIdConflictRecovered to indicates the routerid conflict recovered"
110             REVISION "200706122100Z"
111             DESCRIPTION -- RFC Editor assigns RFC xxxx
112                 "Initial version, published as RFC xxxx"
113             ::= { hwDatacomm 147 }
115    -- Texual conventions
117    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
118             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
119             STATUS        current
120             DESCRIPTION
121                "The values one might be able to configure for
122                variables bounded by the Refresh Interval"
123             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..3600)
125    HWOspfv3DeadIntRangeTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
126             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
127             STATUS        current
128             DESCRIPTION
129                "The range, in seconds, of dead interval value."
130             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..'FFFF'h)
132    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
133             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
134             STATUS      current
135             DESCRIPTION
136                "A 32-bit, unsigned integer uniquely identifying the
137                router in the Autonomous System. To ensure uniqueness,
138                this may default to the value of one of the router's
139                IPv4 host addresses if IPv4 is configured on the
140                router."
141             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..'FFFFFFFF'h)
144             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
145             STATUS      current
146             DESCRIPTION
147                  "A unique 32-bit identifier of the piece of the
148                  routing domain that is being described by a link
149                  state advertisement.  In contrast to OSPFv2, the
150                  Link State ID (LSID) has no addressing semantics."
151             REFERENCE
152                  "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.4, Link State ID"
153             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..'FFFFFFFF'h)
155    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
156             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
157             STATUS      current
158             DESCRIPTION
159                "An OSPFv3 Area Identifier"
160             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..'FFFFFFFF'h)
162    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
163             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
164             STATUS      current
165             DESCRIPTION
166                "An OSPFv3 interface instance ID"
167             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..255)
169    HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
170             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
171             STATUS      current
172             DESCRIPTION
173                "The sequence number field is a signed 32-bit
174                integer.  It is used to detect old and duplicate
175                link state advertisements.  The space of
176                sequence numbers is linearly ordered.  The
177                larger the sequence number, the more recent the
178                advertisement."
179             REFERENCE
180                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.6, LS sequence
181                number"
182             SYNTAX      Integer32
185             DISPLAY-HINT "d"
186             STATUS      current
187             DESCRIPTION
188                "The age of the link state advertisement in
189                seconds.  The high-order bit of the LS age
190                field is considered the DoNotAge bit for
191                support of on-demand circuits."
192             REFERENCE
193                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.1, LS age;
194                 Extending OSPF to Support Demand Circuits,
195                 Section 2.2, The LS age field"
196             SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..3600 | 32768..36368)
199            STATUS current
200            DESCRIPTION
201                "The range of intervals on which hello messages are
202                exchanged."
203            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535)
207    -- Top-level structure of MIB
208    hwOspfv3Notifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwOspfv3 0 }
209    hwOspfv3Objects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwOspfv3 1 }
210    hwOspfv3Conformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwOspfv3 2 }
212    -- OSPFv3 General Variables
214    -- These parameters apply globally to the Router's
215    -- OSPFv3 Process.
217    hwOspfv3GeneralGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 1 }
219    hwOspfv3RouterId OBJECT-TYPE
220            SYNTAX         HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
221            MAX-ACCESS     read-write
222            STATUS         current
223            DESCRIPTION
224                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the
225                router in the Autonomous System. To ensure
226                uniqueness, this may default to the value of
227                one of the router's IPv4 host addresses,
228                represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer,
229                if IPv4 is configured on the router."
230            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 1 }
232    hwOspfv3AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
233            SYNTAX          Status
234            MAX-ACCESS      read-write
235            STATUS          current
236            DESCRIPTION
237                "The administrative status of OSPFv3 in the
238                router. The value 'enabled' denotes that the
239                OSPFv3 Process is active on at least one
240                interface; 'disabled' disables it on all
241                interfaces."
242            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 2 }
244    hwOspfv3VersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
245            SYNTAX          INTEGER { version3 (3) }
246            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
247            STATUS          current
248            DESCRIPTION
249                "The version number of OSPF for IPv6 is 3."
250            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 3 }
252    hwOspfv3AreaBdrRtrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
253            SYNTAX          TruthValue
254            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
255            STATUS          current
256            DESCRIPTION
257                "A flag to note whether this router is an area
258                border router."
259            REFERENCE
260                "OSPF Version 2, Section 3 Splitting the AS into
261                Areas"
262            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 4 }
264    hwOspfv3AsBdrRtrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
265            SYNTAX          TruthValue
266            MAX-ACCESS      read-write
267            STATUS          current
268            DESCRIPTION
269                "A flag to note whether this router is
270                configured as an Autonomous System border router."
271            REFERENCE
272                "OSPF Version 2, Section 3.3 Classification of
273                routers"
274            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 5 }
276    hwOspfv3AsScopeLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE
277            SYNTAX          Gauge32
278            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
279            STATUS          current
280            DESCRIPTION
281                "The number of AS-Scope (e.g. AS-External) link state
282                advertisements in the link state database."
283            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 6 }
285    hwOspfv3AsScopeLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE
286            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
287            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
288            STATUS          current
289            DESCRIPTION
290                "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the LS checksums of
291                the AS-scoped link state advertisements
292                contained in the link state database. This sum
293                can be used to determine if there has been a
294                change in a router's link state database, and
295                to compare the link state database of two
296                routers."
297            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 7 }
299    hwOspfv3OriginateNewLsas OBJECT-TYPE
300            SYNTAX          Counter32
301            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
302            STATUS          current
303            DESCRIPTION
304                "The number of new link-state advertisements
305                that have been originated. This number is
306                incremented each time the router originates a new
307                LSA."
308            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 8 }
310    hwOspfv3RxNewLsas OBJECT-TYPE
311            SYNTAX          Counter32
312            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
313            STATUS          current
314            DESCRIPTION
315                "The number of link state advertisements
316                received determined to be new instantiations.
317                This number does not include newer
318                instantiations of self-originated link state
319                advertisements."
320            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 9 }
322    hwOspfv3ExtLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE
323            SYNTAX          Gauge32
324            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
325            STATUS          current
326            DESCRIPTION
327                "The number of AS-Scope External(LS type 0x4005) link state
328                advertisements in the link state database"
330            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 10 }
333    hwOspfv3ExtAreaLsdbLimit OBJECT-TYPE
334            SYNTAX          Integer32 (-1..'7FFFFFFF'h)
335            MAX-ACCESS      read-write
336            STATUS          current
337            DESCRIPTION
338                "The maximum number of non-default
339                AS-external-LSAs entries that can be stored in the
340                link state database. If the value is -1, then
341                there is no limit.
343                When the number of non-default AS-external-LSAs
344                in a router's link-state database reaches
345                ospfv3ExtAreaLsdbLimit, the router enters Overflow
346                state. The router never holds more than
347                ospfv3ExtAreaLsdbLimit non-default AS-external-LSAs
348                in its database. Ospfv3ExtAreaLsdbLimit MUST be set
349                identically in all routers attached to the OSPFv3
350                backbone and/or any regular OSPFv3 area. (i.e.,
351                OSPFv3 stub areas and NSSAs are excluded)."
352            ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 11 }
354  hwOspfv3RestartSupport OBJECT-TYPE
355           SYNTAX       INTEGER { none (1),
356                                  plannedOnly (2),
357                                  plannedAndUnplanned (3)
358                             }
359           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
360           STATUS       current
361           DESCRIPTION
362              "The router's support for OSPFv3 Graceful restart.
363              Options include: no restart support, only planned
364              restarts or both planned and unplanned restarts."
365           ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 12 }
367    hwOspfv3RestartInterval OBJECT-TYPE
368           SYNTAX       HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
369           UNITS        "seconds"
370           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
371           STATUS       current
372           DESCRIPTION
373              "Configured OSPFv3 Graceful restart timeout interval."
374           ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 13 }
376    hwOspfv3RestartStatus OBJECT-TYPE
377           SYNTAX       INTEGER { notRestarting (1),
378                                  plannedRestart (2),
379                                  unplannedRestart (3)
380                                }
381           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
382           STATUS       current
383           DESCRIPTION
384              "The current status of OSPFv3 Graceful restart capability."
385           ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 14 }
387    hwOspfv3RestartAge OBJECT-TYPE
388           SYNTAX       HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
389           UNITS        "seconds"
390           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
391           STATUS       current
392           DESCRIPTION
393              "Remaining time in current OSPFv3 Graceful restart
394              interval."
395           ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 15 }
397    hwOspfv3RestartExitRc OBJECT-TYPE
398           SYNTAX       INTEGER { none (1),
399                                  inProgress (2),
400                                  completed (3),
401                                  timedOut (4),
402                                  topologyChanged (5)
403                                }
404           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
405           STATUS       current
406           DESCRIPTION
407              "Describes the outcome of the last attempt at a
408              Graceful restart.
410              none:............no restart has yet been attempted.
411              inProgress:......a restart attempt is currently underway.
412              completed:.......the last restart completed successfully.
413              timedOut:........the last restart timed out.
414              topologyChanged:.the last restart was aborted due to
415                               a topology change."
416        ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 16 }
418    hwOspfv3NotificationEnable OBJECT-TYPE
419           SYNTAX TruthValue
420           MAX-ACCESS read-write
421           STATUS current
422           DESCRIPTION
423               "If this object is set to true(1), then it enables
424                the generation of OSPFv3 Notifications. If it is
425                set to false(2), these notifications are not
426                generated.
428                Configured values MUST survive an agent reboot."
429       ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 17 }
431    hwOspfv3ReferenceBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE
432           SYNTAX       Unsigned32
433           MAX-ACCESS   read-write
434           STATUS       current
435           DESCRIPTION
436               "Reference bandwidth in kilobits per second for
437               calculating default interface metrics.  The
438               default value is 100,000 KBPS (100 MBPS).
440               This object is persistent, and when written, the
441               entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile
442               storage."
443           DEFVAL { 100000 }
444           ::= { hwOspfv3GeneralGroup 18 }
446    -- The OSPFv3 Area Data Structure contains information
447    -- regarding the various areas. The interfaces and
448    -- virtual links are configured as part of these areas.
449    -- Area 0, by definition, is the Backbone Area
451    hwOspfv3AreaTable OBJECT-TYPE
452            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3AreaEntry
453            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
454            STATUS          current
455            DESCRIPTION
456                "Information describing the configured
457                parameters and cumulative statistics of the router's
458                attached areas."
459            REFERENCE
460                "OSPF Version 2, Section 6 The Area Data
461                Structure"
462            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 2 }
464    hwOspfv3AreaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
465            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3AreaEntry
466            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
467            STATUS          current
468            DESCRIPTION
469                "Information describing the configured
470                parameters and cumulative statistics of one of the
471                router's attached areas."
472            INDEX           { hwOspfv3AreaId }
473            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaTable 1 }
475    HwOspfv3AreaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
476            hwOspfv3AreaId
477                    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc,
478            hwOspfv3AreaImportAsExtern
479                    INTEGER,
480            hwOspfv3AreaSpfRuns
481                    Counter32,
482            hwOspfv3AreaBdrRtrCount
483                    Gauge32,
484            hwOspfv3AreaAsBdrRtrCount
485                    Gauge32,
486            hwOspfv3AreaScopeLsaCount
487                    Gauge32,
488            hwOspfv3AreaScopeLsaCksumSum
489                    Unsigned32,
490            hwOspfv3AreaSummary
491                    INTEGER,
492            hwOspfv3AreaRowStatus
493                    RowStatus,
494            hwOspfv3AreaStubMetric
495                    BigMetric,
496            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorRole
497                    INTEGER,
498            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorState
499                    INTEGER,
500            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorStabInterval
501                    Unsigned32,
502            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorEvents
503                    Counter32
504             }
506    hwOspfv3AreaId OBJECT-TYPE
507            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
508            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
509            STATUS          current
510            DESCRIPTION
511                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying an area.
512                Area ID 0 is used for the OSPFv3 backbone."
513            REFERENCE
514                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters"
515            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 1 }
517    hwOspfv3AreaImportAsExtern OBJECT-TYPE
518            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
519                            importExternal(1),   -- normal area
520                            importNoExternal(2), -- stub area
521                            importNssa(3)        -- not-so-stubby-area
522                            }
523            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
524            STATUS          current
525            DESCRIPTION
526                "Indicates whether an area is a Stub area, NSSA, or
527                standard area. AS-scope LSAs are not imported into Stub
528                Areas or NSSAs. NSSAs import AS-External data as NSSA
529                LSAs which have Area-scope"
530            REFERENCE
531                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters"
532            DEFVAL { importExternal }
533            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 2 }
535    hwOspfv3AreaSpfRuns OBJECT-TYPE
536            SYNTAX          Counter32
537            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
538            STATUS          current
539            DESCRIPTION
540                "The number of times that the intra-area route
541                table has been calculated using this area's
542                link state database. This is typically done
543                using Dijkstra's algorithm."
544            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 3 }
546    hwOspfv3AreaBdrRtrCount OBJECT-TYPE
547            SYNTAX          Gauge32
548            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
549            STATUS          current
550            DESCRIPTION
551                "The total number of area border routers
552                reachable within this area. This is initially zero,
553                and is calculated in each SPF Pass."
554            DEFVAL { 0 }
555            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 4 }
557    hwOspfv3AreaAsBdrRtrCount OBJECT-TYPE
558            SYNTAX          Gauge32
559            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
560            STATUS          current
561            DESCRIPTION
562                "The total number of Autonomous System border
563                routers reachable within this area. This is
564                initially zero, and is calculated in each SPF
565                Pass."
566            DEFVAL { 0 }
567            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 5 }
569    hwOspfv3AreaScopeLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE
570            SYNTAX          Gauge32
571            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
572            STATUS          current
573            DESCRIPTION
574                "The total number of Area-Scope link state
575                advertisements in this area's link state
576                database."
577             DEFVAL { 0 }
578            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 6 }
580    hwOspfv3AreaScopeLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE
581            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
582            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
583            STATUS          current
584            DESCRIPTION
585                "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the Area-Scope link state
586                advertisements' LS checksums contained in this
587                area's link state database. The sum can be used
588                to determine if there has been a change in a
589                router's link state database, and to compare the
590                link-state database of two routers."
591            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 7 }
593    hwOspfv3AreaSummary OBJECT-TYPE
594            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
595                            noAreaSummary(1),
596                            sendAreaSummary(2)
597                            }
598            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
599            STATUS          current
600            DESCRIPTION
601                "The variable ospfv3AreaSummary controls the
602                import of Inter-Area LSAs into stub and
603                NSSA areas. It has no effect on other areas.
605                If it is noAreaSummary, the router will neither
606                originate nor propagate Inter-Area LSAs into the
607                stub or NSSA area. It will rely entirely on its
608                default route.
610                If it is sendAreaSummary, the router will both
611                summarize and propagate Inter-Area LSAs."
612            DEFVAL   { sendAreaSummary }
613            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 8 }
615    hwOspfv3AreaRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
616            SYNTAX          RowStatus
617            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
618            STATUS          current
619            DESCRIPTION
620                "This object permits management of the table by
621                facilitating actions such as row creation,
622                construction and destruction.
624                The value of this object has no effect on
625                whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
626                modified."
627            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 9 }
629    hwOspfv3AreaStubMetric OBJECT-TYPE
630            SYNTAX          BigMetric
631            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
632            STATUS          current
633            DESCRIPTION
634                "The metric value advertised for the default route
635                 into Stub and NSSA areas."
636            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 10 }
638    hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorRole OBJECT-TYPE
639            SYNTAX          INTEGER { always(1), candidate(2) }
640            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
641            STATUS          current
642            DESCRIPTION
643                "Indicates an NSSA border router's policy to
644                perform NSSA translation of NSSA-LSAs into
645                AS-External-LSAs."
646            DEFVAL { candidate }
647            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 11 }
649    hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorState OBJECT-TYPE
650            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
651                            enabled(1),
652                            elected(2),
653                            disabled(3)
654                            }
655            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
656            STATUS          current
657            DESCRIPTION
658                 "Indicates if and how an NSSA border router is
659                 performing NSSA translation of NSSA-LSAs into
660                 AS-External-LSAs.  When this object is set to
661                 'enabled', the NSSA border router's
662                 ospfv3AreaNssaTranslatorRole has been set to 'always'.
663                 When this object is set to 'elected', a candidate
664                 NSSA border router is translating NSSA-LSAs into
665                 AS-External-LSAs.  When this object is set to
666                 'disabled', a candidate NSSA Border router is NOT
667                 translating NSSA-LSAs into AS-External-LSAs."
668            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 12 }
670    hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorStabInterval OBJECT-TYPE
671            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
672            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
673            STATUS          current
674            DESCRIPTION
675                "The stability interval defined as the number of
676                seconds after an elected translator determines its
677                services are no longer required that it should
678                continue to perform its translation duties."
679            DEFVAL { 40 }
680            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 13 }
682    hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorEvents OBJECT-TYPE
683            SYNTAX          Counter32
684            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
685            STATUS          current
686            DESCRIPTION
687                "Indicates the number of Translator state changes
688                that have occurred since the last start-up of the
689                OSPFv3 routing process.
691                Discontinuities in the value of this counter
692                can occur at re-initialization of the management
693                system and at other times as indicated by the
694                value of ospfv3DiscontinuityTime."
695            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaEntry 14 }
697    -- OSPFv3 AS-Scope Link State Database
698    -- The Link State Database contains the AS-Scope Link State
699    -- Advertisements from throughout the areas that the
700    -- device is attached to.
702    hwOspfv3AsLsdbTable OBJECT-TYPE
703            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry
704            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
705            STATUS          current
706            DESCRIPTION
707                "The OSPFv3 Process's AS-Scope Link State Database."
708            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 3 }
710    hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE
711            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry
712            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
713            STATUS          current
714            DESCRIPTION
715                "A single AS-Scope Link State Advertisement."
716            INDEX           { hwOspfv3AsLsdbType,
717                              hwOspfv3AsLsdbRouterId,
718                              hwOspfv3AsLsdbLsId }
719            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbTable 1 }
721    HwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
722            hwOspfv3AsLsdbType
723                    Unsigned32,
724            hwOspfv3AsLsdbRouterId
725                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
726            hwOspfv3AsLsdbLsId
727                    Unsigned32,
728            hwOspfv3AsLsdbSequence
729                    HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC,
730            hwOspfv3AsLsdbAge
731                    HWOspfv3LsaAgeTC,
732            hwOspfv3AsLsdbChecksum
733                    Integer32,
734            hwOspfv3AsLsdbAdvertisement
735                    OCTET STRING,
736            hwOspfv3AsLsdbTypeKnown
737                    TruthValue
738            }
740    hwOspfv3AsLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE
741            SYNTAX          Unsigned32(0..'FFFFFFFF'h)
742            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
743            STATUS          current
744            DESCRIPTION
745                "The type of the link state advertisement.
746                Each link state type has a separate
747                advertisement format. AS-Scope LSAs not recognized
748                by the router may be stored in the database."
749            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 1 }
751    hwOspfv3AsLsdbRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
752            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
753            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
754            STATUS          current
755            DESCRIPTION
756                "The 32 bit number that uniquely identifies the
757                originating router in the Autonomous System."
758            REFERENCE
759                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.1 Global parameters"
760            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 2 }
762    hwOspfv3AsLsdbLsId OBJECT-TYPE
763            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
764            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
765            STATUS          current
766            DESCRIPTION
767                "The Link State ID is an LS Type Specific field
768                containing a unique identifier;
769                it identifies the piece of the routing domain
770                that is being described by the advertisement.
771                In contrast to OSPFv2, the LSID has no
772                addressing semantics."
773            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 3 }
775    -- Note that the OSPF Sequence Number is a 32 bit signed
776    -- integer. It starts with the value '80000001'h,
777    -- or -'7FFFFFFF'h, and increments until '7FFFFFFF'h
778    -- Thus, a typical sequence number will be very negative.
780    hwOspfv3AsLsdbSequence OBJECT-TYPE
781            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC
782            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
783            STATUS          current
784            DESCRIPTION
785                "The sequence number field is a signed 32-bit
786                integer. It is used to detect old and duplicate
787                link state advertisements. The space of
788                sequence numbers is linearly ordered. The
789                larger the sequence number the more recent the
790                advertisement."
791            REFERENCE
792                "OSPF Version  2,  Section  12.1.6  LS  sequence
793                number"
794            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 4 }
796    hwOspfv3AsLsdbAge OBJECT-TYPE
797            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3LsaAgeTC -- Should be 0..MaxAge
798                                           -- unless DoNotAge bit is set
799            UNITS           "seconds"
800            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
801            STATUS          current
802            DESCRIPTION
803                "This field is the age of the link state
804                advertisement in seconds."
805            REFERENCE
806                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.1 LS age"
807            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 5 }
809    hwOspfv3AsLsdbChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
810            SYNTAX          Integer32
811            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
812            STATUS          current
813            DESCRIPTION
814                "This field is the checksum of the complete
815                contents of the advertisement, excepting the
816                age field. The age field is excepted so that
817                an advertisement's age can be incremented
818                without updating the checksum. The checksum
819                used is the same that is used for ISO
820                connectionless datagrams; it is commonly
821                referred to as the Fletcher checksum."
822            REFERENCE
823                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.7 LS checksum"
824            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 6 }
826    hwOspfv3AsLsdbAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE
827            SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..65535))
828            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
829            STATUS          current
830            DESCRIPTION
831                "The entire Link State Advertisement, including
832                its header."
833            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 7 }
835    hwOspfv3AsLsdbTypeKnown OBJECT-TYPE
836            SYNTAX          TruthValue
837            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
838            STATUS          current
839            DESCRIPTION
840                "Indicates whether the LSA type is recognized by
841                this Router."
842            ::= { hwOspfv3AsLsdbEntry 8 }
844    -- OSPFv3 Area-Scope Link State Database
846    -- The Link State Database contains the Area-Scope Link State
847    -- Advertisements from throughout the area that the
848    -- device is attached to.
850    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbTable OBJECT-TYPE
851            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry
852            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
853            STATUS          current
854            DESCRIPTION
855                "The OSPFv3 Process's Area-Scope Link State Database."
856            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 4 }
858    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE
859            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry
860            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
861            STATUS          current
862            DESCRIPTION
863                "A single Area-Scope Link State Advertisement."
864            INDEX           { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAreaId,
865                              hwOspfv3AreaLsdbType,
866                              hwOspfv3AreaLsdbRouterId,
867                              hwOspfv3AreaLsdbLsId }
868            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbTable 1 }
870    HwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
871            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAreaId
872                    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc,
873            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbType
874                    Unsigned32,
875            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbRouterId
876                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
877            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbLsId
878                    Unsigned32,
879            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbSequence
880                    HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC,
881            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAge
882                    HWOspfv3LsaAgeTC,
883            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbChecksum
884                    Integer32,
885            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAdvertisement
886                    OCTET STRING,
887            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbTypeKnown
888                    TruthValue
889            }
891    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAreaId OBJECT-TYPE
892            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
893            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
894            STATUS          current
895            DESCRIPTION
896                "The 32-bit identifier of the Area from which the
897                LSA was received."
898            REFERENCE
899                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters"
900            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 1 }
902    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE
903            SYNTAX          Unsigned32(0..'FFFFFFFF'h)
904            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
905            STATUS          current
906            DESCRIPTION
907                "The type of the link state advertisement.
908                Each link state type has a separate
909                advertisement format. Area-Scope LSAs unrecognized
910                by the router are also stored in this database."
911            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 2 }
913    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
914            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
915            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
916            STATUS          current
917            DESCRIPTION
918                "The 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the
919                originating router in the Autonomous System."
920            REFERENCE
921                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.1 Global parameters"
922            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 3 }
924    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbLsId OBJECT-TYPE
925            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
926            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
927            STATUS          current
928            DESCRIPTION
929                "The Link State ID is an LS Type Specific field
930                containing a unique identifier;
931                it identifies the piece of the routing domain
932                that is being described by the advertisement.
933                In contrast to OSPFv2, the LSID has no
934                addressing semantics."
935            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 4 }
937    -- Note that the OSPF Sequence Number is a 32 bit signed
938    -- integer.  It starts with the value '80000001'h,
939    -- or -'7FFFFFFF'h, and increments until '7FFFFFFF'h
940    -- Thus, a typical sequence number will be very negative.
942    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbSequence OBJECT-TYPE
943            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC
944            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
945            STATUS          current
946            DESCRIPTION
947                "The sequence number field is a signed 32-bit
948                integer. It is used to detect old and
949                duplicate link state advertisements. The space
950                of sequence numbers is linearly ordered. The
951                larger the sequence number the more recent the
952                advertisement."
953            REFERENCE
954                "OSPF Version  2,  Section  12.1.6  LS  sequence
955                number"
956            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 5 }
958    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAge OBJECT-TYPE
959            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3LsaAgeTC -- Should be 0..MaxAge
960                                           -- unless DoNotAge bit is set
961            UNITS           "seconds"
962            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
963            STATUS          current
964            DESCRIPTION
965                "This field is the age of the link state
966                advertisement in seconds."
967            REFERENCE
968                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.1 LS age"
969            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 6 }
971    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
972            SYNTAX          Integer32
973            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
974            STATUS          current
975            DESCRIPTION
976                "This field is the checksum of the complete
977                contents of the advertisement, excepting the
978                age field. The age field is excepted so that
979                an advertisement's age can be incremented
980                without updating the checksum. The checksum
981                used is the same that is used for ISO
982                connectionless datagrams; it is commonly
983                referred to as the Fletcher checksum."
984            REFERENCE
985                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.7 LS checksum"
986            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 7 }
988    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE
989            SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..65535))
990            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
991            STATUS          current
992            DESCRIPTION
993                "The entire Link State Advertisement, including
994                its header."
995            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 8 }
997    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbTypeKnown OBJECT-TYPE
998            SYNTAX          TruthValue
999            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1000            STATUS          current
1001            DESCRIPTION
1002                "Indicates whether the LSA type is recognized
1003                by this Router."
1004            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaLsdbEntry 9 }
1006    -- OSPFv3 Link-Scope Link State Database
1008    -- The Link State Database contains the Link-Scope Link State
1009    -- Advertisements from the links that the
1010    -- device is attached to.
1012    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbTable OBJECT-TYPE
1013            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry
1014            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1015            STATUS          current
1016            DESCRIPTION
1017                "The OSPFv3 Process's Link-Scope Link State Database."
1018            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 5 }
1020    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1021            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry
1022            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1023            STATUS          current
1024            DESCRIPTION
1025                "A single Link-Scope Link State Advertisement."
1026            INDEX           { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbIfIndex,
1027                              hwOspfv3LinkLsdbIfInstId,
1028                              hwOspfv3LinkLsdbType,
1029                              hwOspfv3LinkLsdbRouterId,
1030                              hwOspfv3LinkLsdbLsId }
1031            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbTable 1 }
1033    HwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1034            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbIfIndex
1035                    InterfaceIndex,
1036            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbIfInstId
1037                    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc,
1038            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbType
1039                    Unsigned32,
1040            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbRouterId
1041                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
1042            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbLsId
1043                    HWOspfv3LsIdTC,
1044            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbSequence
1045                    HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC,
1046            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbAge
1047                    HWOspfv3LsaAgeTC,
1048            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbChecksum
1049                    Integer32,
1050            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbAdvertisement
1051                    OCTET STRING,
1052            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbTypeKnown
1053                    TruthValue
1054            }
1056    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1057            SYNTAX         InterfaceIndex
1058            MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
1059            STATUS         current
1060            DESCRIPTION
1061                "The identifier of the link from which the LSA
1062                was received."
1063            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 1 }
1065    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbIfInstId OBJECT-TYPE
1066            SYNTAX         HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc
1067            MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
1068            STATUS         current
1069            DESCRIPTION
1070                "The identifier of the interface instance from
1071                which the LSA was received."
1072            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 2 }
1074    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE
1075            SYNTAX          Unsigned32(0..'FFFFFFFF'h)
1076            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1077            STATUS          current
1078            DESCRIPTION
1079                "The type of the link state advertisement.
1080                Each link state type has a separate
1081                advertisement format. Link-Scope LSAs unrecognized
1082                by the router are also stored in this database."
1083            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 3 }
1085    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
1086            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
1087            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1088            STATUS          current
1089            DESCRIPTION
1090                "The 32 bit number that uniquely identifies the
1091                originating router in the Autonomous System."
1092            REFERENCE
1093                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.1 Global parameters"
1094            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 4 }
1096    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbLsId OBJECT-TYPE
1097            SYNTAX        HWOspfv3LsIdTC
1098            MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1099            STATUS        current
1100            DESCRIPTION
1101                "The Link State ID is an LS Type Specific field
1102                containing a unique identifier;
1103                it identifies the piece of the routing domain
1104                that is being described by the advertisement.
1105                In contrast to OSPFv2, the LSID has no
1106                addressing semantics."
1107            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 5 }
1109    -- Note that the OSPF Sequence Number is a 32 bit signed
1110    -- integer.  It starts with the value '80000001'h,
1111    -- or -'7FFFFFFF'h, and increments until '7FFFFFFF'h
1112    -- Thus, a typical sequence number will be very negative.
1114    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbSequence OBJECT-TYPE
1115            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3LsaSequenceTC
1116            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1117            STATUS          current
1118            DESCRIPTION
1119                "The sequence number field is a signed 32-bit
1120                integer. It is used to detect old and duplicate
1121                link state advertisements. The space of
1122                sequence numbers is linearly ordered. The
1123                larger the sequence number the more recent the
1124                advertisement."
1125            REFERENCE
1126                "OSPF Version  2,  Section  12.1.6  LS  sequence
1127                number"
1128            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 6 }
1130    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbAge OBJECT-TYPE
1131            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3LsaAgeTC -- Should be 0..MaxAge
1132                                             -- unless DoNotAge bit is set
1133            UNITS           "seconds"
1134            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1135            STATUS          current
1136            DESCRIPTION
1137                "This field is the age of the link state
1138                advertisement in seconds."
1139            REFERENCE
1140                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.1 LS age"
1141            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 7 }
1143    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
1144            SYNTAX          Integer32
1145            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1146            STATUS          current
1147            DESCRIPTION
1148                "This field is the checksum of the complete
1149                contents of the advertisement, excepting the
1150                age field. The age field is excepted so that
1151                an advertisement's age can be incremented
1152                without updating the checksum. The checksum
1153                used is the same that is used for ISO
1154                connectionless datagrams; it is commonly
1155                referred to as the Fletcher checksum."
1156            REFERENCE
1157                "OSPF Version 2, Section 12.1.7 LS checksum"
1158            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 8 }
1160    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE
1161            SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..65535))
1162            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1163            STATUS          current
1164            DESCRIPTION
1165                "The entire Link State Advertisement, including
1166                its header."
1167            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 9 }
1169    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbTypeKnown OBJECT-TYPE
1170            SYNTAX          TruthValue
1171            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1172            STATUS          current
1173            DESCRIPTION
1174                "Indicates whether the LSA type is recognized by this
1175                 Router."
1176            ::= { hwOspfv3LinkLsdbEntry 10 }
1181    -- OSPFv3 Interface Table
1183    hwOspfv3IfTable OBJECT-TYPE
1184            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3IfEntry
1185            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1186            STATUS          current
1187            DESCRIPTION
1188                "The OSPFv3 Interface Table describes the
1189                interfaces from the viewpoint of OSPFv3."
1190            REFERENCE
1191                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.3 Router interface
1192                parameters"
1193            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 6 }
1195    hwOspfv3IfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1196            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3IfEntry
1197            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1198            STATUS          current
1199            DESCRIPTION
1200                "The OSPFv3 Interface Entry describes one
1201                interface from the viewpoint of OSPFv3."
1202            INDEX           { hwOspfv3IfIndex,
1203                              hwOspfv3IfInstId }
1204            ::= { hwOspfv3IfTable 1 }
1207    HwOspfv3IfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1208            hwOspfv3IfIndex
1209                    InterfaceIndex,
1210            hwOspfv3IfInstId
1211                    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc,
1212            hwOspfv3IfAreaId
1213                    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc,
1214            hwOspfv3IfType
1215                    INTEGER,
1216            hwOspfv3IfAdminStatus
1217                    Status,
1218            hwOspfv3IfRtrPriority
1219                    DesignatedRouterPriority,
1220            hwOspfv3IfTransitDelay
1221                    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc,
1222            hwOspfv3IfRetransInterval
1223                    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc,
1224            hwOspfv3IfHelloInterval
1225                    HWHelloRange,
1226            hwOspfv3IfRtrDeadInterval
1227                     HWOspfv3DeadIntRangeTc,
1228            hwOspfv3IfState
1229                    INTEGER,
1230            hwOspfv3IfDesignatedRouter
1231                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
1232            hwOspfv3IfBackupDesignatedRouter
1233                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
1234            hwOspfv3IfEvents
1235                    Counter32,
1236            hwOspfv3IfRowStatus
1237                    RowStatus,
1238            hwOspfv3IfMetricValue
1239                    Metric,
1240            hwOspfv3IfLinkScopeLsaCount
1241                    Gauge32,
1242            hwOspfv3IfLinkLsaCksumSum
1243                    Unsigned32,
1244            hwOspfv3IfPollInterval
1245                    Unsigned32,
1246            hwOspfv3IfMulticastForwarding
1247                    INTEGER
1248            }
1250    hwOspfv3IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1251            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
1252            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1253            STATUS          current
1254            DESCRIPTION
1255                "The interface index of this OSPFv3 interface.
1256                 It corresponds to the interface index of the
1257                 IPv6 interface on which OSPFv3 is configured."
1258            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 1 }
1260    hwOspfv3IfInstId OBJECT-TYPE
1261            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc
1262            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1263            STATUS          current
1264            DESCRIPTION
1265                "Enables multiple interface instances of OSPFv3
1266                to be run over a single link. Each protocol
1267                instance would be assigned a separate ID. This ID
1268                has local link significance only."
1269            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 2 }
1271    hwOspfv3IfAreaId OBJECT-TYPE
1272            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
1273            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1274            STATUS          current
1275            DESCRIPTION
1276                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the area
1277                to which the interface connects. Area ID
1278                0 is used for the OSPFv3 backbone."
1279            DEFVAL          { 0 }
1280            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 3 }
1282    hwOspfv3IfType OBJECT-TYPE
1283            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1284                            broadcast(1),
1285                            nbma(2),
1286                            pointToPoint(3),
1287                            loopback(4),
1288                            pointToMultipoint(5),
1289                            p2mpNonbroadcast(6)
1290                            }
1291            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1292            STATUS          current
1293            DESCRIPTION
1294                "The OSPFv3 interface type."
1295            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 4 }
1297    hwOspfv3IfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1298            SYNTAX          Status
1299            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1300            STATUS          current
1301            DESCRIPTION
1302                "The OSPFv3 interface's administrative status.
1303                The value formed on the interface, and the
1304                interface will be advertised as an internal route
1305                to some area. The value 'disabled' denotes
1306                that the interface is external to OSPFv3."
1307            DEFVAL          { enabled }
1308            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 5 }
1310    hwOspfv3IfRtrPriority OBJECT-TYPE
1311            SYNTAX          DesignatedRouterPriority
1312            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1313            STATUS          current
1314            DESCRIPTION
1315                "The priority of this interface. Used in
1316                multi-access networks, this field is used in
1317                the designated router election algorithm. The
1318                value 0 signifies that the router is not
1319                eligible to become the designated router on this
1320                particular network. In the event of a tie in
1321                this value, routers will use their Router ID as
1322                a tie breaker."
1323            DEFVAL          { 1 }
1324            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 6 }
1326    hwOspfv3IfTransitDelay OBJECT-TYPE
1327            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
1328            UNITS           "seconds"
1329            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1330            STATUS          current
1331            DESCRIPTION
1332                "The estimated number of seconds it takes to
1333                transmit a link state update packet over this
1334                interface."
1335            DEFVAL          { 1 }
1336            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 7 }
1338    hwOspfv3IfRetransInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1339            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
1340            UNITS           "seconds"
1341            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1342            STATUS          current
1343            DESCRIPTION
1344                "The number of seconds between link state
1345                advertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies
1346                belonging to this interface. This value is
1347                also used when retransmitting database
1348                description and link state request packets."
1349            DEFVAL          { 5 }
1350            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 8 }
1352    hwOspfv3IfHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1353            SYNTAX          HWHelloRange
1354            UNITS           "seconds"
1355            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1356            STATUS          current
1357            DESCRIPTION
1358                "The length of time, in seconds, between the
1359                Hello packets that the router sends on the
1360                interface. This value must be the same for all
1361                routers attached to a common network."
1362            DEFVAL          { 10 }
1363            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 9 }
1365    hwOspfv3IfRtrDeadInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1366            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3DeadIntRangeTc
1367            UNITS           "seconds"
1368            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1369            STATUS          current
1370            DESCRIPTION
1371                "The number of seconds that a router's Hello
1372                packets have not been seen before its
1373                neighbors declare the router down on the interface.
1374                This should be some multiple of the Hello interval.
1375                This value must be the same for all routers attached
1376                to a common network."
1377            DEFVAL          { 40 }
1378            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 10 }
1380   hwOspfv3IfState OBJECT-TYPE
1381            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1382                            down(1),
1383                            loopback(2),
1384                            waiting(3),
1385                            pointToPoint(4),
1386                            designatedRouter(5),
1387                            backupDesignatedRouter(6),
1388                            otherDesignatedRouter(7)
1389                            }
1390            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1391            STATUS          current
1392            DESCRIPTION
1393                "The OSPFv3 Interface State."
1394            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 11 }
1396    hwOspfv3IfDesignatedRouter OBJECT-TYPE
1397            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
1398            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1399            STATUS          current
1400            DESCRIPTION
1401                "The Router ID of the Designated Router."
1402            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 12 }
1404    hwOspfv3IfBackupDesignatedRouter OBJECT-TYPE
1405            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
1406            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1407            STATUS          current
1408            DESCRIPTION
1409                "The Router ID of the Backup Designated
1410                Router."
1411            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 13 }
1413    hwOspfv3IfEvents OBJECT-TYPE
1414            SYNTAX          Counter32
1415            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1416            STATUS          current
1417            DESCRIPTION
1418                "The number of times this OSPFv3 interface has
1419                changed its state, or an error has occurred."
1420            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 14 }
1422     hwOspfv3IfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1423            SYNTAX          RowStatus
1424            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1425            STATUS          current
1426            DESCRIPTION
1427                "This object permits management of the table by
1428                facilitating actions such as row creation,
1429                construction and destruction.
1431                The value of this object has no effect on
1432                whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
1433                modified."
1434            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 15 }
1438    hwOspfv3IfMetricValue OBJECT-TYPE
1439            SYNTAX          Metric
1440            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1441            STATUS          current
1442            DESCRIPTION
1443                "The metric assigned to this interface.
1444                 The default value of the Metric is
1445                Reference Bandwidth / ifSpeed. The value
1446                of the reference bandwidth is configured
1447                by the ospfv3ReferenceBandwidth object."
1448            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 16 }
1450     hwOspfv3IfLinkScopeLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE
1451            SYNTAX          Gauge32
1452            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1453            STATUS          current
1454            DESCRIPTION
1455                "The total number of Link-Scope link state
1456                advertisements in this link's link state
1457                database."
1458            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 17 }
1460     hwOspfv3IfLinkLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE
1461            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1462            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1463            STATUS          current
1464            DESCRIPTION
1465                "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the Link-Scope link state
1466                advertisements' LS checksums contained in this
1467                link's link state database. The sum can be used
1468                to determine if there has been a change in a
1469                router's link state database, and to compare the
1470                link state database of two routers."
1471            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 18 }
1473    hwOspfv3IfPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1474            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1475            UNITS           "seconds"
1476            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1477            STATUS          current
1478            DESCRIPTION
1479                "The larger time interval, in seconds, between
1480                the Hello packets sent to an inactive
1481                non-broadcast multi-access neighbor."
1482            DEFVAL          { 120 }
1483            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 19 }
1485    hwOspfv3IfMulticastForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
1486            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1487                            blocked(1),   -- no multicast forwarding
1488                            multicast(2), -- using multicast address
1489                            unicast(3)    -- to each OSPFv3 neighbor
1490                            }
1491            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1492            STATUS          current
1493            DESCRIPTION
1494                "The way multicasts should forwarded on this
1495                interface; not forwarded, forwarded as data
1496                link multicasts, or forwarded as data link
1497                unicasts. Data link multicasting is not
1498                meaningful on point to point and NBMA interfaces,
1499                and setting ospfv3MulticastForwarding to 0
1500                effectively disables all multicast forwarding."
1501            DEFVAL { blocked }
1502            ::= { hwOspfv3IfEntry 20 }
1505    -- OSPFv3 Virtual Interface Table
1507    -- The Virtual Interface Table describes the virtual
1508    -- links that the OSPFv3 Process is configured to
1509    -- carry on.
1511    hwOspfv3VirtIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
1512            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3VirtIfEntry
1513            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1514            STATUS          current
1515            DESCRIPTION
1516                "Information about this router's virtual
1517                interfaces."
1518            REFERENCE
1519                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.4 Virtual link
1520                parameters"
1521            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 7 }
1523    hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1524            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3VirtIfEntry
1525            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1526            STATUS          current
1527            DESCRIPTION
1528                "Information about a single Virtual Interface."
1529            INDEX           { hwOspfv3VirtIfAreaId,
1530                              hwOspfv3VirtIfNeighbor }
1531            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfTable 1 }
1533    HwOspfv3VirtIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1534            hwOspfv3VirtIfAreaId
1535                    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc,
1536            hwOspfv3VirtIfNeighbor
1537                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
1538            hwOspfv3VirtIfIndex
1539                    InterfaceIndex,
1540            hwOspfv3VirtIfInstId
1541                    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc,
1542            hwOspfv3VirtIfTransitDelay
1543                    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc,
1544            hwOspfv3VirtIfRetransInterval
1545                    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc,
1546            hwOspfv3VirtIfHelloInterval
1547                    HelloRange,
1548            hwOspfv3VirtIfRtrDeadInterval
1549                    HWOspfv3DeadIntRangeTc,
1550            hwOspfv3VirtIfState
1551                    INTEGER,
1552            hwOspfv3VirtIfEvents
1553                    Counter32,
1554            hwOspfv3VirtIfRowStatus
1555                    RowStatus,
1556            hwOspfv3VirtIfLinkScopeLsaCount
1557                    Gauge32,
1558            hwOspfv3VirtIfLinkLsaCksumSum
1559                    Unsigned32
1560            }
1562    hwOspfv3VirtIfAreaId OBJECT-TYPE
1563            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
1564            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1565            STATUS          current
1566            DESCRIPTION
1567                "The Transit Area that the Virtual Link
1568                traverses. By definition, this is not
1569                Area 0"
1570            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 1 }
1572    hwOspfv3VirtIfNeighbor OBJECT-TYPE
1573            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
1574            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1575            STATUS          current
1576            DESCRIPTION
1577                "The Router ID of the Virtual Neighbor."
1578            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 2 }
1580    hwOspfv3VirtIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1581            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
1582            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1583            STATUS          current
1584            DESCRIPTION
1585                "The local interface index assigned to this
1586                OSPFv3 virtual interface. It is advertised in
1587                Hello's sent over the virtual link and in the
1588                router's router-LSAs."
1589            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 3 }
1591    hwOspfv3VirtIfInstId OBJECT-TYPE
1592            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc
1593            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1594            STATUS          current
1595            DESCRIPTION
1596                "Specifies the interface instance ID to be used
1597                for the virtual interface. This ID has local link
1598                significance only."
1599            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 4 }
1601    hwOspfv3VirtIfTransitDelay OBJECT-TYPE
1602            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
1603            UNITS           "seconds"
1604            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1605            STATUS          current
1606            DESCRIPTION
1607                "The estimated number of seconds it takes to
1608                transmit a link state update packet over this
1609                interface."
1610            DEFVAL          { 1 }
1611            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 5 }
1613    hwOspfv3VirtIfRetransInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1614            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
1615            UNITS           "seconds"
1616            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1617            STATUS          current
1618            DESCRIPTION
1619                "The number of seconds between link state
1620                advertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies
1621                belonging to this interface. This value is
1622                also used when retransmitting database
1623                description and link state request packets. This
1624                value should be well over the expected
1625                round-trip time."
1626            DEFVAL          { 5 }
1627            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 6 }
1629    hwOspfv3VirtIfHelloInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1630            SYNTAX          HelloRange
1631            UNITS           "seconds"
1632            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1633            STATUS          current
1634            DESCRIPTION
1635                "The length of time, in seconds, between the
1636                Hello packets that the router sends on the
1637                interface.  This value must be the same for the
1638                virtual neighbor."
1639            DEFVAL          { 10 }
1640            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 7 }
1642    hwOspfv3VirtIfRtrDeadInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1643            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3DeadIntRangeTc
1644            UNITS           "seconds"
1645            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1646            STATUS          current
1647            DESCRIPTION
1648                "The number of seconds that a router's Hello
1649                packets have not been seen before its
1650                neighbors declare the router down. This should
1651                be some multiple of the Hello interval. This
1652                value must be the same for the virtual
1653                neighbor."
1654            DEFVAL          { 40 }
1655            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 8 }
1657    hwOspfv3VirtIfState OBJECT-TYPE
1658            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1659                            down(1),
1660                            pointToPoint(4)
1661                            }
1662            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1663            STATUS          current
1664            DESCRIPTION
1665                "OSPFv3 virtual interface states. The same encoding
1666                as the hwOspfv3IfTable is used."
1667            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 9 }
1669    hwOspfv3VirtIfEvents OBJECT-TYPE
1670            SYNTAX          Counter32
1671            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1672            STATUS          current
1673            DESCRIPTION
1674                "The number of state changes or error events on
1675                this Virtual Link"
1676            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 10 }
1678    hwOspfv3VirtIfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1679            SYNTAX          RowStatus
1680            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
1681            STATUS          current
1682            DESCRIPTION
1683                "This object permits management of the table by
1684                facilitating actions such as row creation,
1685                construction and destruction.
1687                The value of this object has no effect on
1688                whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
1689                modified."
1690            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 11 }
1692    hwOspfv3VirtIfLinkScopeLsaCount OBJECT-TYPE
1693            SYNTAX          Gauge32
1694            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1695            STATUS          current
1696            DESCRIPTION
1697                "The total number of Link-Scope link state
1698                advertisements in this virtual link's link state
1699                database."
1700            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 12 }
1702    hwOspfv3VirtIfLinkLsaCksumSum OBJECT-TYPE
1703            SYNTAX          Unsigned32
1704            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1705            STATUS          current
1706            DESCRIPTION
1707                "The 32-bit unsigned sum of the Link-Scope link-state
1708                advertisements' LS checksums contained in this
1709                virtual link's link-state database. The sum can be used
1710                to determine if there has been a change in a
1711                router's link state database, and to compare the
1712                link state database of two routers."
1713            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtIfEntry 13 }
1716    -- OSPFv3 Neighbor Table
1718    -- The OSPFv3 Neighbor Table describes all neighbors in
1719    -- the locality of the subject router.
1721    hwOspfv3NbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
1722            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3NbrEntry
1723            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1724            STATUS          current
1725            DESCRIPTION
1726                "A table of non-virtual neighbor information."
1727            REFERENCE
1728                "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data
1729                Structure"
1730            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 8 }
1732    hwOspfv3NbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1733            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3NbrEntry
1734            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1735            STATUS          current
1736            DESCRIPTION
1737                "The information regarding a single neighbor."
1738            REFERENCE
1739                "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data
1740                Structure"
1741            INDEX           { hwOspfv3NbrIfIndex,
1742                              hwOspfv3NbrIfInstId,
1743                              hwOspfv3NbrRtrId }
1744            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrTable 1 }
1746    HwOspfv3NbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1747            hwOspfv3NbrIfIndex
1748                    InterfaceIndex,
1749            hwOspfv3NbrIfInstId
1750                    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc,
1751            hwOspfv3NbrRtrId
1752                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
1753            hwOspfv3NbrAddressType
1754                    InetAddressType,
1755            hwOspfv3NbrAddress
1756                    InetAddress,
1757            hwOspfv3NbrOptions
1758                    Integer32,
1759            hwOspfv3NbrPriority
1760                    DesignatedRouterPriority,
1761            hwOspfv3NbrState
1762                    INTEGER,
1763            hwOspfv3NbrEvents
1764                    Counter32,
1765            hwOspfv3NbrLsRetransQLen
1766                    Gauge32,
1767            hwOspfv3NbrHelloSuppressed
1768                    TruthValue,
1769            hwOspfv3NbrIfId
1770                    InterfaceIndex,
1771            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperStatus
1772                    INTEGER,
1773            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperAge
1774                    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc,
1775            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperExitRc
1776                    INTEGER
1777            }
1779    hwOspfv3NbrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1780            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
1781            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1782            STATUS          current
1783            DESCRIPTION
1784                "The local link ID of the link over which the
1785                 neighbor can be reached."
1786            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 1 }
1788    hwOspfv3NbrIfInstId OBJECT-TYPE
1789            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc
1790            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1791            STATUS          current
1792            DESCRIPTION
1793                "Interface instance over which the neighbor
1794                can be reached. This ID has local link
1795                significance only."
1796            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 2 }
1798    hwOspfv3NbrRtrId OBJECT-TYPE
1799            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
1800            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1801            STATUS          current
1802            DESCRIPTION
1803               "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the neighboring
1804               router in the Autonomous System."
1805            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 3 }
1807    hwOspfv3NbrAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
1808            SYNTAX          InetAddressType
1809            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1810            STATUS          current
1811            DESCRIPTION
1812                "The address type of ospfv3NbrAddress. Only IPv6
1813                addresses without zone index are expected."
1814            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 4 }
1816    hwOspfv3NbrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
1817            SYNTAX          InetAddress
1818            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1819            STATUS          current
1820            DESCRIPTION
1821                "The IPv6 address of the neighbor associated with
1822                the local link."
1823            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 5 }
1825    hwOspfv3NbrOptions OBJECT-TYPE
1826            SYNTAX          Integer32
1827            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1828            STATUS          current
1829            DESCRIPTION
1830                "A Bit Mask corresponding to the neighbor's
1831                options field."
1832            REFERENCE
1833                "OSPF Version 3, Appendix A.2 the Options field"
1834            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 6 }
1836    hwOspfv3NbrPriority OBJECT-TYPE
1837            SYNTAX          DesignatedRouterPriority
1838            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1839            STATUS          current
1840            DESCRIPTION
1841                "The priority of this neighbor in the designated
1842                router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies
1843                that the neighbor is not eligible to become the
1844                designated router on this particular network."
1845            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 7 }
1847    hwOspfv3NbrState OBJECT-TYPE
1848            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
1849                            down(1),
1850                            attempt(2),
1851                            init(3),
1852                            twoWay(4),
1853                            exchangeStart(5),
1854                            exchange(6),
1855                            loading(7),
1856                            full(8)
1857                            }
1858            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1859            STATUS          current
1860            DESCRIPTION
1861                "The State of the relationship with this
1862                Neighbor."
1863            REFERENCE
1864                "OSPF Version 2, Section 10.1 Neighbor States"
1865            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 8 }
1867    hwOspfv3NbrEvents OBJECT-TYPE
1868            SYNTAX          Counter32
1869            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1870            STATUS          current
1871            DESCRIPTION
1872                "The number of times this neighbor relationship
1873                has changed state, or an error has occurred."
1874            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 9 }
1876    hwOspfv3NbrLsRetransQLen OBJECT-TYPE
1877            SYNTAX          Gauge32
1878            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1879            STATUS          current
1880            DESCRIPTION
1881                "The current length of the retransmission
1882                queue."
1883            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 10 }
1885    hwOspfv3NbrHelloSuppressed OBJECT-TYPE
1886            SYNTAX          TruthValue
1887            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1888            STATUS          current
1889            DESCRIPTION
1890                "Indicates whether Hellos are being suppressed
1891                to the neighbor"
1892            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 11 }
1894    hwOspfv3NbrIfId OBJECT-TYPE
1895            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
1896            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
1897            STATUS          current
1898            DESCRIPTION
1899                "The interface ID that the neighbor advertises
1900                in its Hello Packets on this link, that is, the
1901                neighbor's local interface index."
1902            ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 12 }
1904    hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1905           SYNTAX       INTEGER { notHelping (1),
1906                                  helping (2)
1907                                }
1908           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1909           STATUS       current
1910           DESCRIPTION
1911              "Indicates whether the router is acting
1912              as a Graceful restart helper for the neighbor."
1913              ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 13 }
1915    hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperAge OBJECT-TYPE
1916           SYNTAX       HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
1917           UNITS        "seconds"
1918           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1919           STATUS       current
1920           DESCRIPTION
1921              "Remaining time in current OSPFv3 Graceful restart
1922              interval, if the router is acting as a restart
1923              helper for the neighbor."
1924           ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 14 }
1926    hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperExitRc OBJECT-TYPE
1927           SYNTAX       INTEGER { none (1),
1928                                  inProgress (2),
1929                                  completed (3),
1930                                  timedOut (4),
1931                                  topologyChanged (5)
1932                                }
1933           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1934           STATUS       current
1935           DESCRIPTION
1936              "Describes the outcome of the last attempt at acting
1937              as a Graceful restart helper for the neighbor.
1939              none:............no restart has yet been attempted.
1940              inProgress:......a restart attempt is currently underway.
1941              completed:.......the last restart completed successfully.
1942              timedOut:........the last restart timed out.
1943              topologyChanged:.the last restart was aborted due to
1944                               a topology change."
1945        ::= { hwOspfv3NbrEntry 15 }
1948    -- OSPFv3 Configured Neighbor Table
1950    -- The OSPFv3 Configured Neighbor Table describes all configured
1951    -- neighbors
1953    hwOspfv3CfgNbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
1954            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry
1955            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1956            STATUS          current
1957            DESCRIPTION
1958                "A table of configured, non-virtual neighbor
1959                information."
1960            REFERENCE
1961                "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data
1962                Structure"
1963            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 9 }
1965    hwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1966            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry
1967            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1968            STATUS          current
1969            DESCRIPTION
1970                "The information regarding a single configured
1971                neighbor or neighbor discovered by lower-level
1972                protocols such as Inverse Neighbor Discovery."
1973            REFERENCE
1974                "OSPF Version 2, Section 10 The Neighbor Data
1975                Structure"
1976            INDEX           { hwOspfv3CfgNbrIfIndex,
1977                              hwOspfv3CfgNbrIfInstId,
1978                              hwOspfv3CfgNbrRtrId }
1979            ::= { hwOspfv3CfgNbrTable 1 }
1981    HwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1982            hwOspfv3CfgNbrIfIndex
1983                    InterfaceIndex,
1984            hwOspfv3CfgNbrIfInstId
1985                    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc,
1986            hwOspfv3CfgNbrRtrId
1987                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
1988            hwOspfv3CfgNbrPriority
1989                    DesignatedRouterPriority,
1990            hwOspfv3CfgNbrRowStatus
1991                    RowStatus
1992            }
1994    hwOspfv3CfgNbrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1995            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
1996            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
1997            STATUS          current
1998            DESCRIPTION
1999                "The local link ID of the link over which the
2000                 neighbor can be reached."
2001            ::= { hwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry 1 }
2003    hwOspfv3CfgNbrIfInstId OBJECT-TYPE
2004            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc
2005            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2006            STATUS          current
2007            DESCRIPTION
2008                "Interface instance over which the neighbor
2009                can be reached. This ID has local link
2010                significance only."
2011            ::= { hwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry 2 }
2013    hwOspfv3CfgNbrRtrId OBJECT-TYPE
2014            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
2015            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2016            STATUS          current
2017            DESCRIPTION
2018                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the static neighbor
2019               router in the Autonomous System."
2020            ::= { hwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry 3 }
2022    hwOspfv3CfgNbrPriority OBJECT-TYPE
2023            SYNTAX          DesignatedRouterPriority
2024            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2025            STATUS          current
2026            DESCRIPTION
2027                "The priority of this neighbor in the designated
2028                router election algorithm. The value 0 signifies
2029                that the neighbor is not eligible to become the
2030                designated router on this particular network."
2031            DEFVAL          { 1 }
2032            ::= { hwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry 4 }
2034    hwOspfv3CfgNbrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2035            SYNTAX          RowStatus
2036            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2037            STATUS          current
2038            DESCRIPTION
2039                "This object permits management of the table by
2040                facilitating actions such as row creation,
2041                construction and destruction.
2043                The value of this object has no effect on
2044                whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
2045                modified."
2046            ::= { hwOspfv3CfgNbrEntry 5 }
2048    -- OSPFv3 Virtual Neighbor Table
2050    -- This table describes all virtual neighbors.
2051    -- Since Virtual Links are configured in the
2052    -- virtual interface table, this table is read-only.
2054    hwOspfv3VirtNbrTable OBJECT-TYPE
2055            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry
2056            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2057            STATUS          current
2058            DESCRIPTION
2059                "A table of virtual neighbor information."
2060            REFERENCE
2061                "OSPF Version 2, Section 15 Virtual Links"
2062            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 10 }
2064    hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2065            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry
2066            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2067            STATUS          current
2068            DESCRIPTION
2069                "Virtual neighbor information."
2070            INDEX           { hwOspfv3VirtNbrArea,
2071                              hwOspfv3VirtNbrRtrId }
2072            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrTable 1 }
2074    HwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
2075            hwOspfv3VirtNbrArea
2076                    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc,
2077            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRtrId
2078                    HWOspfv3RouterIdTc,
2079            hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfIndex
2080                    InterfaceIndex,
2081            hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfInstId
2082                    HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc,
2083            hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddressType
2084                    InetAddressType,
2085            hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddress
2086                    InetAddress,
2087            hwOspfv3VirtNbrOptions
2088                    Integer32,
2089            hwOspfv3VirtNbrState
2090                    INTEGER,
2091            hwOspfv3VirtNbrEvents
2092                    Counter32,
2093            hwOspfv3VirtNbrLsRetransQLen
2094                    Gauge32,
2095            hwOspfv3VirtNbrHelloSuppressed
2096                    TruthValue,
2097            hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfId
2098                    InterfaceIndex,
2099            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatus
2100                    INTEGER,
2101            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperAge
2102                    HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc,
2103            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperExitRc
2104                    INTEGER
2105            }
2107    hwOspfv3VirtNbrArea OBJECT-TYPE
2108            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
2109            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2110            STATUS          current
2111            DESCRIPTION
2112                "The Transit Area Identifier."
2113            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 1 }
2115    hwOspfv3VirtNbrRtrId OBJECT-TYPE
2116            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
2117            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2118            STATUS          current
2119            DESCRIPTION
2120                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the
2121                neighboring router in the Autonomous System."
2122            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 2 }
2124    hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2125            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
2126            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2127            STATUS          current
2128            DESCRIPTION
2129                "The local interface ID for the virtual link over
2130                which the neighbor can be reached."
2131            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 3 }
2133    hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfInstId OBJECT-TYPE
2134            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3IfInstIdTc
2135            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2136            STATUS          current
2137            DESCRIPTION
2138                "The interface instance for the virtual link over
2139                which the neighbor can be reached."
2140            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 4 }
2142    hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
2143            SYNTAX          InetAddressType
2144            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2145            STATUS          current
2146            DESCRIPTION
2147                "The address type of ospfv3VirtNbrAddress. Only IPv6
2148                addresses without zone index are expected."
2149            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 5 }
2151    hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddress OBJECT-TYPE
2152            SYNTAX          InetAddress
2153            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2154            STATUS          current
2155            DESCRIPTION
2156                "The IPv6 address advertised by this Virtual Neighbor.
2157                It must be a Global scope address."
2158            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 6 }
2160    hwOspfv3VirtNbrOptions OBJECT-TYPE
2161            SYNTAX          Integer32
2162            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2163            STATUS          current
2164            DESCRIPTION
2165                "A Bit Mask corresponding to the neighbor's options
2166                field."
2167            REFERENCE
2168                "OSPF Version 3, Appendix A.2 the Options field"
2169            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 7 }
2171    hwOspfv3VirtNbrState OBJECT-TYPE
2172            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
2173                            down(1),
2174                            attempt(2),
2175                            init(3),
2176                            twoWay(4),
2177                            exchangeStart(5),
2178                            exchange(6),
2179                            loading(7),
2180                            full(8)
2181                            }
2182            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2183            STATUS          current
2184            DESCRIPTION
2185                "The state of the Virtual Neighbor Relationship."
2186            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 8 }
2188    hwOspfv3VirtNbrEvents OBJECT-TYPE
2189            SYNTAX          Counter32
2190            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2191            STATUS          current
2192            DESCRIPTION
2193                "The number of times this virtual link has
2194                changed its state, or an error has occurred."
2195            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 9 }
2197    hwOspfv3VirtNbrLsRetransQLen OBJECT-TYPE
2198            SYNTAX          Gauge32
2199            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2200            STATUS          current
2201            DESCRIPTION
2202                "The current length of the retransmission
2203                queue."
2204            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 10 }
2206    hwOspfv3VirtNbrHelloSuppressed OBJECT-TYPE
2207            SYNTAX          TruthValue
2208            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2209            STATUS          current
2210            DESCRIPTION
2211                "Indicates whether Hellos are being suppressed
2212                to the neighbor"
2213            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 11 }
2215    hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfId OBJECT-TYPE
2216            SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
2217            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2218            STATUS          current
2219            DESCRIPTION
2220                "The interface ID that the neighbor advertises
2221                in its Hello Packets on this virtual link, that is,
2222                the neighbor's local interface ID."
2223            ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 12 }
2225   hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2226           SYNTAX       INTEGER { notHelping (1),
2227                                  helping (2)
2228                                }
2229           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
2230           STATUS       current
2231           DESCRIPTION
2232              "Indicates whether the router is acting
2233              as a Graceful restart helper for the neighbor."
2234              ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 13 }
2236    hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperAge OBJECT-TYPE
2237           SYNTAX       HWOspfv3UpToRefreshIntervalTc
2238           UNITS        "seconds"
2239           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
2240           STATUS       current
2241           DESCRIPTION
2242              "Remaining time in current OSPFv3 Graceful restart
2243              interval, if the router is acting as a restart
2244              helper for the neighbor."
2245           ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 14 }
2247    hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperExitRc OBJECT-TYPE
2248           SYNTAX       INTEGER { none (1),
2249                                  inProgress (2),
2250                                  completed (3),
2251                                  timedOut (4),
2252                                  topologyChanged (5)
2253                                }
2254           MAX-ACCESS   read-only
2255           STATUS       current
2256           DESCRIPTION
2257              "Describes the outcome of the last attempt at acting
2258               as a Graceful restart helper for the neighbor.
2260              none:............no restart has yet been attempted.
2261              inProgress:......a restart attempt is currently underway.
2262              completed:.......the last restart completed successfully.
2263              timedOut:........the last restart timed out.
2264              topologyChanged:.the last restart was aborted due to
2265                               a topology change."
2266        ::= { hwOspfv3VirtNbrEntry 15 }
2267    --
2268    -- The OSPFv3 Area Aggregate Table
2269    --
2271    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateTable OBJECT-TYPE
2272            SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF HwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry
2273            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2274            STATUS          current
2275            DESCRIPTION
2276                "A range of IPv6 prefixes specified by a
2277                prefix/prefix length pair. Note that if
2278                ranges are configured such that one range
2279                subsumes another range the most specific
2280                match is the preferred one."
2281            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 11 }
2283    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2284            SYNTAX          HwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry
2285            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2286            STATUS          current
2287            DESCRIPTION
2288                "A range of IPv6 prefixes specified by a
2289                prefix/prefix length pair. Note that if
2290                ranges are configured such that one range
2291                subsumes another range the most specific match is
2292                the preferred one."
2293            REFERENCE
2294                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2  Area parameters"
2295            INDEX           { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateAreaId,
2296                              hwOspfv3AreaAggregateAreaLsdbType,
2297                              hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefixType,
2298                              hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefix,
2299                              hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefixLength }
2300            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateTable 1 }
2302    HwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
2303            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateAreaId
2304                    HWOspfv3AreaIdTc,
2305            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateAreaLsdbType
2306                    INTEGER,
2307            hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefixType
2308                    InetAddressType,
2309            hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefix
2310                    InetAddress,
2311            hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefixLength
2312                    InetAddressPrefixLength,
2313            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateRowStatus
2314                    RowStatus,
2315            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEffect
2316                    INTEGER
2317            }
2319    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateAreaId OBJECT-TYPE
2320            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
2321            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2322            STATUS          current
2323            DESCRIPTION
2324                "The Area the Address Aggregate is to be found
2325                within."
2326            REFERENCE
2327                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters"
2328            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 1 }
2330    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateAreaLsdbType OBJECT-TYPE
2331            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
2332                            interAreaPrefixLsa(8195), -- 0x2003
2333                            nssaExternalLsa(8199)     -- 0x2007
2334                            }
2335            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2336            STATUS          current
2337            DESCRIPTION
2338                "The type of the Address Aggregate.  This field
2339                specifies the Area Lsdb type that this Address
2340                Aggregate applies to."
2341            REFERENCE
2342                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix A.4.1 The Link State
2343                Advertisement header"
2344            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 2 }
2346    hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefixType OBJECT-TYPE
2347            SYNTAX          InetAddressType --{ ipv6(2) }
2348            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2349            STATUS          current
2350            DESCRIPTION
2351                "The prefix type of ospfv3AreaAggregatePrefix. Only
2352                IPv6 addresses are expected."
2353            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 4 }
2355    hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefix OBJECT-TYPE
2356            SYNTAX          InetAddress
2357            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2358            STATUS          current
2359            DESCRIPTION
2360                "The IPv6 Prefix."
2361            REFERENCE
2362                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters"
2363            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 5 }
2365    hwOspfv3AreaAggregatePrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
2366            SYNTAX          InetAddressPrefixLength (1..128)
2367            UNITS           "bits"
2368            MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
2369            STATUS          current
2370            DESCRIPTION
2371                "The length of the prefix (in bits). A prefix can
2372                not be shorter than 0 bits."
2373            REFERENCE
2374                "OSPF Version 2, Appendix C.2 Area parameters"
2375            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 6 }
2377    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2378            SYNTAX          RowStatus
2379            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2380            STATUS          current
2381            DESCRIPTION
2382                "This object permits management of the table by
2383                facilitating actions such as row creation,
2384                construction and destruction.
2386                The value of this object has no effect on
2387                whether other objects in this conceptual row can be
2388                modified."
2389            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 7 }
2391    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEffect OBJECT-TYPE
2392            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
2393                            advertiseMatching(1),
2394                            doNotAdvertiseMatching(2)
2395                            }
2396            MAX-ACCESS      read-create
2397            STATUS          current
2398            DESCRIPTION
2399                "Prefixes subsumed by ranges either trigger the
2400                advertisement of the indicated aggregate
2401                (advertiseMatching), or result in the prefix not
2402                being advertised at all outside the area."
2403            DEFVAL          { advertiseMatching }
2404            ::= { hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEntry 8 }
2409    -- The Ospfv3 Notification Table
2411    -- The Ospfv3 Notification Table records fields that are
2413    -- required for notifications
2415    hwOspfv3NotificationEntry OBJECT IDENTIFIER
2416            ::= { hwOspfv3Objects 12 }
2418    hwOspfv3ConfigErrorType OBJECT-TYPE
2419        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
2420                        badVersion (1),
2421                        areaMismatch (2),
2422                        unknownNbmaNbr (3), -- Router is DR eligible
2423                        unknownVirtualNbr (4),
2424                        helloIntervalMismatch (5),
2425                        deadIntervalMismatch (6),
2426                        optionMismatch (7),
2427                        mtuMismatch (8),
2428                        duplicateRouterId (9),
2429                        noError (10) }
2430        MAX-ACCESS   accessible-for-notify
2431        STATUS   current
2432        DESCRIPTION
2433           "Potential types of configuration conflicts.
2434           Used by the ospfv3ConfigError and
2435           ospfv3ConfigVirtError notifications. When the last value
2436           of a notification using this object is needed, but no
2437           notifications of that type have been sent, this value
2438           pertaining to this object should be returned as
2439           noError"
2440        ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 1 }
2442    hwOspfv3PacketType OBJECT-TYPE
2443        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
2444                        hello (1),
2445                        dbDescript (2),
2446                        lsReq (3),
2447                        lsUpdate (4),
2448                        lsAck (5),
2449                        nullPacket (6) }
2450        MAX-ACCESS   accessible-for-notify
2451        STATUS       current
2452        DESCRIPTION
2453           "OSPFv3 packet types. When the last value of a notification
2454           using this object is needed, but no notifications of
2455           that type have been sent, the value pertaining
2456           to this object should be returned as nullPacket"
2457        ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 2 }
2459    hwOspfv3PacketSrc      OBJECT-TYPE
2460            SYNTAX       InetAddress
2461            MAX-ACCESS   accessible-for-notify
2462            STATUS       current
2463            DESCRIPTION
2464               "The IPv6 address of an inbound packet that cannot
2465               be identified by a neighbor instance. When
2466               the last value of a notification using this object is
2467               needed, but no notifications of that type have been sent,
2468               the value pertaining to this object should
2469               be returned as 0.
2471               Only IPv6 addresses without zone index are expected."
2472        ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 3 }
2474    hwOspfv3IfName OBJECT-TYPE
2475            SYNTAX          OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
2476            MAX-ACCESS      accessible-for-notify
2477            STATUS          current
2478            DESCRIPTION
2479                "The interface name"
2480            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 4 }
2482    hwOspfv3IfStateChgReason OBJECT-TYPE
2483        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
2484        		noEvent(1),
2485			interfaceUp(2),
2486			waitTimerExpired(3),
2487			backupSeenOccured(4),
2488			neighborChangeEventOccured(5),
2489			loopInd(6),
2490			unloopInd(7),
2491			interfaceDown(8)
2492                        }
2493        MAX-ACCESS   accessible-for-notify
2494        STATUS   current
2495        DESCRIPTION
2496            "Interface state change reason."
2497        ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 5 }
2499   hwOspfv3NbrStateChgReason OBJECT-TYPE
2500        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
2501                        noEvent(1),
2502			receivedHelloPacket(2),
2503			start(3),
2504			receivedTwoWay(4),
2505			negotiationDone(5),
2506			exchangeDone(6),
2507			receivedBadLSRequest(7),
2508			loadingDone(8),
2509			establishedAdjacency(9),
2510			mismatchInSeqNumber(10),
2511			receivedOneWay(11),
2512			nbrKilled(12),
2513			inactivityTimerExpired(13),
2514			linkDown(14)
2515			}
2516        MAX-ACCESS   accessible-for-notify
2517        STATUS   current
2518        DESCRIPTION
2519            "Neighbor state change reason."
2520        ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 6 }
2522    hwOspfv3ProcessId OBJECT-TYPE
2523            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2524            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2525            STATUS current
2526            DESCRIPTION
2527                "The process ID indicates the OSPFv3 process number. The value ranges from 1 to 4294967295."
2528            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 7 }
2530    hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2531            SYNTAX          HWOspfv3AreaIdTc
2532            MAX-ACCESS      read-only
2533            STATUS          current
2534            DESCRIPTION
2535                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying an area.
2536                Area ID 0 is used for the OSPFv3 backbone."
2537            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 8 }
2539     hwOspfv3NewRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
2540            SYNTAX         HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
2541            MAX-ACCESS     read-only
2542            STATUS         current
2543            DESCRIPTION
2544                "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifying the
2545                router in the Autonomous System. To ensure
2546                uniqueness, this may default to the value of
2547                one of the router's IPv4 host addresses,
2548                represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer,
2549                if IPv4 is configured on the router."
2550            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 9 }
2552     hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2553            SYNTAX INTEGER
2554                {
2555                none(1),
2556                holddown(2),
2557                holdmaxcost(3)
2558                }
2559            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2560            STATUS current
2561            DESCRIPTION
2562                "his object indicates the mode of the OSPFv3 neighbor relationship flapping suppression.
2563none(1): OSPFv3 neighbor relationship flapping suppression is not started yet.
2564holddown(2): OSPFv3 neighbor relationship flapping suppression works in Hold-down mode.
2565holdmaxcost(3): OSPFv3 neighbor relationship flapping suppression works in Hold-max-cost mode.
2567     ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 10 }
2569     hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressReason OBJECT-TYPE
2570            SYNTAX INTEGER
2571                {
2572                resumeTimerExpired(1),
2573                configureChange(2),
2574                resetSuppressFlapping(3),
2575                neighbourFlapping(4),
2576                holddownToHoldmaxcost(5)
2577                }
2578            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2579            STATUS current
2580            DESCRIPTION
2581                "The reason of peer flapping suppress status change."
2582            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 11 }
2584        hwOspfv3LsaId OBJECT-TYPE
2585            SYNTAX HWOspfv3RouterIdTc
2586            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2587            STATUS current
2588            DESCRIPTION
2589                  "A 32-bit integer uniquely identifies an area.
2590                LSA-ID is used for the OSPF LSA."
2591            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 12 }
2593        hwOspfv3LsaAge OBJECT-TYPE
2594            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3600)
2595            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2596            STATUS current
2597            DESCRIPTION
2598                "This age of the ospf lsa."
2599            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 13 }
2601     hwOspfv3PurgeHostName OBJECT-TYPE
2602            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
2603            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2604            STATUS current
2605            DESCRIPTION
2606                  "This object indicates the name of an OSPFv3 router which purge OSPFv3 routes."
2607            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 14 }
2609     hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
2610            SYNTAX InetAddress
2611            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2612            STATUS current
2613            DESCRIPTION
2614                  "This object indicates the IP address of an OSPFv3 router which purge OSPFv3 routes."
2615            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 15 }
2617     hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId OBJECT-TYPE
2618            SYNTAX InetAddress
2619            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2620            STATUS current
2621            DESCRIPTION
2622                  "This object indicates the 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies the router in the Autonomous System."
2623            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 16 }
2625     hwOspfv3FlushLsaNum OBJECT-TYPE
2626            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2627            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2628            STATUS current
2629            DESCRIPTION
2630                  "This object indicates the number of LSAs deleted by the local device or another device."
2631            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 17 }
2633     hwOspfv3AffectedNodeNum OBJECT-TYPE
2634            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2635            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2636            STATUS current
2637            DESCRIPTION
2638                  "This object indicates the number of affected node when OSPFv3 routes were deleted."
2639            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 18 }
2641     hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum OBJECT-TYPE
2642            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2643            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2644            STATUS current
2645            DESCRIPTION
2646                  "This object indicates the total number of node in the System."
2647            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 19 }
2649     hwOspfv3PurgeStatPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
2650            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2651            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2652            STATUS current
2653            DESCRIPTION
2654                  "This object indicates the period interval for purge statistic."
2655            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 20 }
2657     hwOspfv3RuledOutDeviceNum OBJECT-TYPE
2658            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2659            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2660            STATUS current
2661            DESCRIPTION
2662                  "This object indicates the number of node ruled out when checking faulty device."
2663            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 21 }
2665     hwOspfv3PurgeHostName1 OBJECT-TYPE
2666            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
2667            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2668            STATUS current
2669            DESCRIPTION
2670                  "This object indicates the name of an OSPFv3 router which maybe purge OSPFv3 routes."
2671            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 22 }
2673     hwOspfv3PurgeHostName2 OBJECT-TYPE
2674            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
2675            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2676            STATUS current
2677            DESCRIPTION
2678                  "This object indicates the name of an OSPFv3 router which maybe purge OSPFv3 routes."
2679            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 23 }
2681     hwOspfv3PurgeHostName3 OBJECT-TYPE
2682            SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
2683            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2684            STATUS current
2685            DESCRIPTION
2686                  "This object indicates the name of an OSPFv3 router which maybe purge OSPFv3 routes."
2687            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 24 }
2689     hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE
2690            SYNTAX InetAddress
2691            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2692            STATUS current
2693            DESCRIPTION
2694                  "This object indicates the IP address of an OSPFv3 router which maybe purge OSPFv3 routes."
2695            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 25 }
2697     hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE
2698            SYNTAX InetAddress
2699            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2700            STATUS current
2701            DESCRIPTION
2702                  "This object indicates the IP address of an OSPFv3 router which maybe purge OSPFv3 routes."
2703            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 26 }
2705     hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE
2706            SYNTAX InetAddress
2707            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2708            STATUS current
2709            DESCRIPTION
2710                  "This object indicates the IP address of an OSPFv3 router which maybe purge OSPFv3 routes."
2711            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 27 }
2713     hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId1 OBJECT-TYPE
2714            SYNTAX InetAddress
2715            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2716            STATUS current
2717            DESCRIPTION
2718                  "This object indicates the 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies the router in the Autonomous System."
2719            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 28 }
2721     hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId2 OBJECT-TYPE
2722            SYNTAX InetAddress
2723            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2724            STATUS current
2725            DESCRIPTION
2726                  "This object indicates the 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies the router in the Autonomous System."
2727            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 29 }
2729     hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId3 OBJECT-TYPE
2730            SYNTAX InetAddress
2731            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
2732            STATUS current
2733            DESCRIPTION
2734                  "This object indicates the 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies the router in the Autonomous System."
2735            ::= { hwOspfv3NotificationEntry 30 }
2737    -- Notification definitions
2739   hwOspfv3VirtIfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2740        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId,  -- The originator of the notification
2741                  hwOspfv3VirtIfState,  -- The new state
2742                  hwOspfv3IfStateChgReason -- The interface state change reason
2743           }
2744        STATUS       current
2745        DESCRIPTION
2746           "An ospfv3VirtIfStateChange notification signifies that there
2747           has been a change in the state of an OSPFv3 virtual
2748           interface.
2750           This notification should be generated when the interface
2751           state regresses (e.g., goes from Point-to-Point to Down)
2752           or progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point)."
2753        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 1 }
2755   hwOspfv3NbrStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2756        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId,   -- The originator of the notification
2757                  hwOspfv3NbrState,    -- The new state
2758                  hwOspfv3IfName,   -- The interface name
2759                  hwOspfv3NbrStateChgReason -- The neighbor state change reason
2760           }
2761        STATUS       current
2762        DESCRIPTION
2763           "An ospfv3NbrStateChange notification signifies that
2764           there has been a change in the state of a
2765           non-virtual OSPFv3 neighbor. This notification should be
2766           generated when the neighbor state regresses
2767           (e.g., goes from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or
2768           Down) or progresses to a terminal state (e.g.,
2769           2-Way or Full). When an neighbor transitions
2770           from or to Full on non-broadcast multi-access
2771           and broadcast networks, the notification should be
2772           generated by the designated router. A designated
2773           router transitioning to Down will be noted by
2774           ospfIfStateChange."
2775        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 2 }
2777   hwOspfv3VirtNbrStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2778        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2779                  hwOspfv3VirtNbrState,  -- The new state
2780                  hwOspfv3NbrStateChgReason -- The neighbor state change reason
2781           }
2782        STATUS       current
2783        DESCRIPTION
2784           "An ospfv3VirtNbrStateChange notification signifies
2785           that there has been a change in the state of an OSPFv3
2786           virtual neighbor. This notification should be generated
2787           when the neighbor state regresses (e.g., goes
2788           from Attempt or Full to 1-Way or Down) or
2789           progresses to a terminal state (e.g., Full)."
2790        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 3 }
2792   hwOspfv3IfConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2793        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2794           hwOspfv3IfState,         -- State of the interface
2795           hwOspfv3PacketSrc,       -- IPv6 address of source
2796           hwOspfv3ConfigErrorType, -- Type of error
2797           hwOspfv3PacketType       -- Type of packet
2798           }
2799        STATUS       current
2800        DESCRIPTION
2801           "An ospfv3IfConfigError notification signifies that a
2802           packet has been received on a non-virtual
2803           interface from a router whose configuration
2804           parameters conflict with this router's
2805           configuration parameters. Note that the event
2806           optionMismatch should cause a notification only if it
2807           prevents an adjacency from forming."
2808        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 4 }
2810   hwOspfv3VirtIfConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2811        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2812           hwOspfv3VirtIfState,     -- State of the interface
2813           hwOspfv3ConfigErrorType, -- Type of error
2814           hwOspfv3PacketType
2815           }
2816        STATUS       current
2817        DESCRIPTION
2818           "An ospfv3VirtIfConfigError notification signifies that a
2819           packet has been received on a virtual interface
2820           from a router whose configuration parameters
2821           conflict with this router's configuration
2822           parameters. Note that the event optionMismatch
2823           should cause a notification only if it prevents an
2824           adjacency from forming."
2825        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 5 }
2828   hwOspfv3IfRxBadPacket NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2829        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2830           hwOspfv3IfState,         -- State of the interface
2831           hwOspfv3PacketSrc,       -- The source IPv6 address
2832           hwOspfv3PacketType       -- Type of packet
2833           }
2834        STATUS       current
2835        DESCRIPTION
2836           "An ospfv3IfRxBadPacket notification signifies that an
2837           OSPFv3 packet that cannot be parsed has been received on a
2838           non-virtual interface."
2839        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 6 }
2841   hwOspfv3VirtIfRxBadPacket NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2842        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2843          hwOspfv3VirtIfState,      -- State of the interface
2844          hwOspfv3PacketType        -- Type of packet
2845          }
2846        STATUS       current
2847        DESCRIPTION
2848           "An ospfv3VirtIfRxBadPacket notification signifies
2849           that an OSPFv3 packet that cannot be parsed has been received
2850           on a virtual interface."
2851        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 7 }
2856   hwOspfv3IfStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2857        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2858           hwOspfv3IfState,   -- The new state
2859           hwOspfv3IfName,   -- The interface name
2860           hwOspfv3IfStateChgReason -- The interface state change reason
2861           }
2862        STATUS       current
2863        DESCRIPTION
2864           "An ospfv3IfStateChange notification signifies that there
2865           has been a change in the state of a non-virtual
2866           OSPFv3 interface. This notification should be generated
2867           when the interface state regresses (e.g., goes
2868           from Dr to Down) or progresses to a terminal
2869           state (i.e., Point-to-Point, DR Other, Dr, or
2870           Backup)."
2871        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 8 }
2875   hwOspfv3RestartStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2876        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2877                  hwOspfv3RestartStatus,  -- new status
2878                  hwOspfv3RestartInterval,
2879                  hwOspfv3RestartExitRc
2880                }
2881        STATUS       current
2882        DESCRIPTION
2883           "An ospfv3RestartStatusChange notification signifies that
2884           there has been a change in the graceful restart
2885           state for the router. This notification should be
2886           generated when the router restart status
2887           changes."
2888        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 9 }
2890   hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2891        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2892                  hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperStatus,  -- new status
2893                  hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperAge,
2894                  hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperExitRc
2895                }
2896        STATUS       current
2897        DESCRIPTION
2898           "An ospfv3NbrRestartHelperStatusChange notification
2899           signifies that there has been a change in the
2900           graceful restart helper state for the neighbor.
2901           This notification should be generated when the
2902           neighbor restart helper status transitions for a neighbor."
2903        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 10 }
2905   hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2906        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2907                  hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatus,  -- new status
2908                  hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperAge,
2909                  hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperExitRc
2910                }
2911        STATUS       current
2912        DESCRIPTION
2913           "An ospfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange
2914           notification signifies that there has been a
2915           change in the graceful restart helper state for
2916           the virtual neighbor. This notification should be
2917           generated when the virtual neighbor restart helper status
2918           transitions for a virtual neighbor."
2919        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 11 }
2921   hwOspfv3NssaTranslatorStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2922        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2923                  hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorState  -- new status
2924                }
2925        STATUS       current
2926        DESCRIPTION
2927           "An ospfv3NssaTranslatorStatusChange notification
2928            indicates that there has been a change in the router's ability
2929            to translate OSPFv3 NSSA LSAs into OSPFv3 External LSAs.
2930            This notification should be generated when the Translator Status
2931            transitions from or to any defined status on a per area basis."
2932        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 12 }
2934   hwOspfv3LastAuthKeyExpiry NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2935        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2936                  hwOspfv3IfName    -- The interface name
2937                }
2938        STATUS       current
2939        DESCRIPTION
2940           "An hwOspfv3LastAuthKeyExpiry notification
2941            indicates that the last key associated with an interface has expired.
2942            When this notification is received, either the lifetime of the key should be extended
2943            or a new key should be configured."
2944        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 13 }
2946   hwOspfv3AuthSequenceNumWrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2947        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3RouterId, -- The originator of the notification
2948                  hwOspfv3IfName    -- The interface name
2949                }
2950        STATUS       current
2951        DESCRIPTION
2952           "An hwOspfv3AuthSequenceNumWrap notification
2953            indicates that the 64-bit authentication sequence number has wrapped.
2954            When this notification is received, all the keys must be reset
2955            to avoid the possibility of replay attacks."
2956        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 14 }
2958   hwOspfv3IntraAreaRouterIdConflictRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2959        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex, hwOspfv3RouterId, hwOspfv3NewRouterId }
2960        STATUS       current
2961        DESCRIPTION
2962           "The object is used to monitor router ID conflict recovery in an intra area."
2963        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 15 }
2965   hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2966        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3RouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex, hwOspfv3IfName, hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatus, hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressReason }
2967        STATUS       current
2968        DESCRIPTION
2969           "These objects are used to monitor changed OSPFv3 peer flapping suppress status."
2970        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 16 }
2972   hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2973        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId }
2974        STATUS       current
2975        DESCRIPTION
2976           "This object indicates that the number of AS-external LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes exceeds the configured alarm threshold."
2977        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 17 }
2979   hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteThresholdClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2980        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId }
2981        STATUS       current
2982        DESCRIPTION
2983           "This object indicates that the number of AS-external LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes has been less than the configured alarm threshold."
2984        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 18 }
2986   hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2987        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId }
2988        STATUS       current
2989        DESCRIPTION
2990           "This object indicates that the number of AS-external LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes exceeds the configured maximum number."
2991        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 19 }
2993   hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteExceedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
2994        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId }
2995        STATUS       current
2996        DESCRIPTION
2997           "This object indicates that the number of AS-external LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes has been less than the configured maximum number."
2998        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 20 }
3000   hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3001        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3002        STATUS       current
3003        DESCRIPTION
3004           "This object indicates that the number of NSSA LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes exceeds the configured alarm threshold."
3005        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 21 }
3007   hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteThresholdClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3008        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3009        STATUS       current
3010        DESCRIPTION
3011           "This object indicates that the number of NSSA LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes has been less than the configured alarm threshold."
3012        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 22 }
3014   hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3015        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3016        STATUS       current
3017        DESCRIPTION
3018           "This object indicates that the number of NSSA LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes exceeds the configured maximum number."
3019        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 23 }
3021   hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteExceedClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3022        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3023        STATUS       current
3024        DESCRIPTION
3025           "This object indicates that the number of NSSA LSAs generated when an OSPFv3 process imports external routes has been less than the configured maximum number."
3026        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 24 }
3028   hwOspfv3GreaterAgeLsaRecived NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3029        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3RouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex, hwOspfv3IfName, hwOspfv3LsaId, hwOspfv3LsaAge }
3030        STATUS       current
3031        DESCRIPTION
3032           "This object is used to monitor the router recive a greater age lsa in ospfv3."
3033        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 25 }
3035   hwOspfv3DeleteRouteByPurge NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3036        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex,
3037                hwOspfv3FlushLsaNum, hwOspfv3AffectedNodeNum, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum, hwOspfv3PurgeStatPeriod }
3038        STATUS current
3039        DESCRIPTION
3040            "This object indicates that the local device deleted OSPFv3 routes advertised by other devices.
3041            Reset or isolate the device from the network."
3042        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 26 }
3044   hwOspfv3DeleteRouteByPurgeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3045        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3046        STATUS current
3047        DESCRIPTION
3048            "This object indicates that the local device did not delete OSPFv3 routes advertised by other devices."
3049        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 27 }
3051   hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3052        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex,
3053                hwOspfv3FlushLsaNum, hwOspfv3AffectedNodeNum, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum, hwOspfv3PurgeStatPeriod }
3054        STATUS current
3055        DESCRIPTION
3056            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by the local device were deleted by another device.
3057            Reset or isolate the faulty device from the network."
3058        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 28 }
3060   hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3061        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3062        STATUS current
3063        DESCRIPTION
3064            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by the local device were not deleted by another device."
3065        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 29 }
3067   hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3068        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex,
3069                hwOspfv3FlushLsaNum, hwOspfv3AffectedNodeNum, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum, hwOspfv3RuledOutDeviceNum, hwOspfv3PurgeStatPeriod }
3070        STATUS current
3071        DESCRIPTION
3072            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by the local device were deleted by another device,
3073            and the possibly faulty device did not support OSPFv3 flush LSA source trace. Log in to the possibly faulty device.
3074            If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network. Otherwise, check other devices.
3075            Neither of the devices displayed in the display ospfv3 purge-source-trace analysis-info  command output is the faulty device."
3076        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 30 }
3078   hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3079        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3080        STATUS current
3081        DESCRIPTION
3082            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by the local device were not deleted by another device."
3083        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 31 }
3085   hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurge NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3086        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum,
3087                hwOspfv3PurgeHostName1, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress1, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId1,
3088                hwOspfv3PurgeHostName2, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress2, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId2,
3089                hwOspfv3PurgeHostName3, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress3, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId3 }
3090        STATUS current
3091        DESCRIPTION
3092            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by the local device were deleted by another device.
3093            Log in to the possibly faulty device. If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network.
3094            Otherwise, check other devices."
3095        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 32 }
3097   hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3098        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3099        STATUS current
3100        DESCRIPTION
3101            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by the local device were not deleted by another device."
3102        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 33 }
3104   hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3105        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex,
3106                hwOspfv3FlushLsaNum, hwOspfv3AffectedNodeNum, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum, hwOspfv3PurgeStatPeriod }
3107        STATUS current
3108        DESCRIPTION
3109            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by another device were deleted.
3110            Reset or isolate the faulty device from the network."
3111        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 34 }
3113   hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3114        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3115        STATUS current
3116        DESCRIPTION
3117            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by another device were not deleted."
3118        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 35 }
3120   hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3121        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex,
3122                hwOspfv3FlushLsaNum, hwOspfv3AffectedNodeNum, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum, hwOspfv3RuledOutDeviceNum, hwOspfv3PurgeStatPeriod }
3123        STATUS current
3124        DESCRIPTION
3125            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by another device were deleted,
3126            and the possibly faulty device did not support OSPFv3 flush LSA source trace.
3127            Log in to the possibly faulty device. If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network.
3128            Otherwise, check other devices. Neither of the devices displayed in the display ospfv3 purge-source-trace analysis-info
3129            command output is the faulty device."
3130        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 36 }
3132   hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3133        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3134        STATUS current
3135        DESCRIPTION
3136            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by another device were not deleted."
3137        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 37 }
3139   hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurge NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3140        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex, hwOspfv3TotalNodeNum,
3141                hwOspfv3PurgeHostName1, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress1, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId1,
3142                hwOspfv3PurgeHostName2, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress2, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId2,
3143                hwOspfv3PurgeHostName3, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress3, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId3 }
3144        STATUS current
3145        DESCRIPTION
3146            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by another device were deleted. Log in to the possibly faulty device.
3147            If the device is deleting routes, reset or isolate it from the network. Otherwise, check other devices."
3148        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 38 }
3150   hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3151        OBJECTS { hwOspfv3ProcessId, hwOspfv3PurgeHostName, hwOspfv3PurgeIpAddress, hwOspfv3PurgeRouterId, hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex }
3152        STATUS current
3153        DESCRIPTION
3154            "This object indicates that OSPFv3 routes advertised by another device were not deleted."
3155        ::= { hwOspfv3Notifications 39 }
3157    -- conformance information
3159    hwOspfv3Groups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwOspfv3Conformance 1 }
3160    hwOspfv3Compliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwOspfv3Conformance 2 }
3162    -- compliance statements
3164    hwOspfv3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
3165            STATUS          current
3166            DESCRIPTION     "The compliance statement"
3167            MODULE          -- this module
3168            MANDATORY-GROUPS {
3169                            hwOspfv3BasicGroup,
3170                            hwOspfv3AreaGroup,
3171                            hwOspfv3IfGroup,
3172                            hwOspfv3VirtIfGroup,
3173                            hwOspfv3NbrGroup,
3174                            hwOspfv3CfgNbrGroup,
3175                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrGroup,
3176                            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateGroup
3177                            }
3179            GROUP           hwOspfv3AsLsdbGroup
3180            DESCRIPTION
3181                "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3182                display their AS-scope link state database."
3184            GROUP           hwOspfv3AreaLsdbGroup
3185            DESCRIPTION
3186                "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3187                display their Area-scope link state database."
3189            GROUP           hwOspfv3LinkLsdbGroup
3190            DESCRIPTION
3191                "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3192                display their Link-scope link state database."
3194            GROUP           hwOspfv3NotificationObjectGroup
3195            DESCRIPTION
3196                "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3197                support OSPFv3 notifications."
3199            GROUP           hwOspfv3NotificationGroup
3200            DESCRIPTION
3201                "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3202                support OSPFv3 notifications."
3204            OBJECT          hwOspfv3NbrAddressType
3205            SYNTAX          InetAddressType -- { ipv6(2) }
3206            DESCRIPTION
3207                "An implementation is only required to support IPv6
3208                address without zone index."
3210            OBJECT          hwOspfv3NbrAddress
3211            SYNTAX          InetAddress (SIZE (16))
3212            DESCRIPTION
3213                "An implementation is only required to support IPv6
3214                address without zone index."
3216            OBJECT          hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddressType
3217            SYNTAX          InetAddressType --{ ipv6(2) }
3218            DESCRIPTION
3219                "An implementation is only required to support IPv6
3220                address without zone index."
3222            OBJECT          hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddress
3223            SYNTAX          InetAddress (SIZE (16))
3224            DESCRIPTION
3225                "An implementation is only required to support IPv6
3226                address without zone index."
3228            ::= { hwOspfv3Compliances 1 }
3230        hwOspfv3ReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
3231          STATUS     current
3232          DESCRIPTION
3233                  "When this MIB module is implemented without
3234                  support for read-create (i.e., in read-only
3235                  mode), the implementation can claim read-only
3236                  compliance.  Such a device can then be monitored,
3237                  but cannot be configured with this MIB."
3239          MODULE -- this module
3240               MANDATORY-GROUPS {
3241                       hwOspfv3BasicGroup,
3242                       hwOspfv3AreaGroup,
3243                       hwOspfv3IfGroup,
3244                       hwOspfv3VirtIfGroup,
3245                       hwOspfv3NbrGroup,
3246                       hwOspfv3CfgNbrGroup,
3247                       hwOspfv3VirtNbrGroup,
3248                       hwOspfv3AreaAggregateGroup
3249                       }
3251          GROUP           hwOspfv3AsLsdbGroup
3252          DESCRIPTION
3253              "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3254              display their AS-scope link state database."
3256          GROUP           hwOspfv3AreaLsdbGroup
3257          DESCRIPTION
3258              "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3259              display their Area-scope link state database."
3261          GROUP           hwOspfv3LinkLsdbGroup
3262          DESCRIPTION
3263              "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3264              display their Link-scope link state database
3265              for non-virtual interfaces."
3267          GROUP           hwOspfv3NotificationObjectGroup
3268          DESCRIPTION
3269              "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3270              support OSPFv3 notifications."
3272          GROUP           hwOspfv3NotificationGroup
3273          DESCRIPTION
3274              "This group is required for OSPFv3 systems that
3275              support OSPFv3 notifications."
3277          OBJECT hwOspfv3RouterId
3278          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3280          DESCRIPTION
3281               "Write access is not required."
3283          OBJECT hwOspfv3AdminStatus
3284          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3285          DESCRIPTION
3286               "Write access is not required."
3288          OBJECT hwOspfv3ExtAreaLsdbLimit
3289          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3290          DESCRIPTION
3291               "Write access is not required."
3293          OBJECT hwOspfv3ReferenceBandwidth
3294          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3295          DESCRIPTION
3296               "Write access is not required."
3298          OBJECT hwOspfv3RestartSupport
3299          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3300          DESCRIPTION
3301               "Write access is not required."
3303          OBJECT hwOspfv3RestartInterval
3304          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3305          DESCRIPTION
3306               "Write access is not required."
3309          OBJECT hwOspfv3NotificationEnable
3310          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3311          DESCRIPTION
3312               "Write access is not required."
3315          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaSummary
3316          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3317          DESCRIPTION
3318               "Write access is not required."
3320          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaRowStatus
3321          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3322          DESCRIPTION
3323               "Write access is not required."
3325          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaStubMetric
3326          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3327          DESCRIPTION
3328               "Write access is not required."
3330          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorRole
3331          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3332          DESCRIPTION
3333               "Write access is not required."
3335          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorStabInterval
3336          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3337          DESCRIPTION
3338               "Write access is not required."
3341          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfAreaId
3342          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3343          DESCRIPTION
3344               "Write access is not required."
3346          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfType
3347          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3348          DESCRIPTION
3349               "Write access is not required."
3351          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfAdminStatus
3352          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3353          DESCRIPTION
3354               "Write access is not required."
3356          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfRtrPriority
3357          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3358          DESCRIPTION
3359               "Write access is not required."
3361          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfTransitDelay
3362          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3363          DESCRIPTION
3364               "Write access is not required."
3366          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfRetransInterval
3367          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3368          DESCRIPTION
3369               "Write access is not required."
3371          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfHelloInterval
3372          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3373          DESCRIPTION
3374               "Write access is not required."
3376          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfRtrDeadInterval
3377          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3378          DESCRIPTION
3379               "Write access is not required."
3381          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfPollInterval
3382          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3383          DESCRIPTION
3384               "Write access is not required."
3386          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfRowStatus
3387          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3388          DESCRIPTION
3389               "Write access is not required."
3391          OBJECT hwOspfv3IfMetricValue
3392          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3393          DESCRIPTION
3394               "Write access is not required."
3396          OBJECT hwOspfv3VirtIfTransitDelay
3397          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3398          DESCRIPTION
3399               "Write access is not required."
3401          OBJECT hwOspfv3VirtIfRetransInterval
3402          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3403          DESCRIPTION
3404               "Write access is not required."
3406          OBJECT hwOspfv3VirtIfHelloInterval
3407          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3408          DESCRIPTION
3409               "Write access is not required."
3411          OBJECT hwOspfv3VirtIfRtrDeadInterval
3412          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3413          DESCRIPTION
3414               "Write access is not required."
3416          OBJECT hwOspfv3VirtIfRowStatus
3417          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3418          DESCRIPTION
3419               "Write access is not required."
3421          OBJECT hwOspfv3CfgNbrPriority
3422          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3423          DESCRIPTION
3424               "Write access is not required."
3426          OBJECT hwOspfv3CfgNbrRowStatus
3427          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3428          DESCRIPTION
3429               "Write access is not required."
3431          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaAggregateRowStatus
3432          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3433          DESCRIPTION
3434               "Write access is not required."
3436          OBJECT hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEffect
3437          MIN-ACCESS read-only
3438          DESCRIPTION
3439               "Write access is not required."
3441       ::= { hwOspfv3Compliances 2 }
3444    -- units of conformance
3446    hwOspfv3BasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3447            OBJECTS         {
3448                            hwOspfv3RouterId,
3449                            hwOspfv3AdminStatus,
3450                            hwOspfv3VersionNumber,
3451                            hwOspfv3AreaBdrRtrStatus,
3452                            hwOspfv3AsBdrRtrStatus,
3453                            hwOspfv3AsScopeLsaCount,
3454                            hwOspfv3AsScopeLsaCksumSum,
3455                            hwOspfv3OriginateNewLsas,
3456                            hwOspfv3RxNewLsas,
3457                            hwOspfv3ExtLsaCount,
3458                            hwOspfv3ExtAreaLsdbLimit,
3459                            hwOspfv3RestartSupport,
3460                            hwOspfv3RestartInterval,
3461                            hwOspfv3RestartStatus,
3462                            hwOspfv3RestartAge,
3463                            hwOspfv3RestartExitRc,
3464                            hwOspfv3NotificationEnable,
3465                            hwOspfv3ReferenceBandwidth
3466                            }
3467            STATUS          current
3468            DESCRIPTION
3469                "These objects are used for managing/monitoring
3470                OSPFv3 global parameters."
3471            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 1 }
3474    hwOspfv3AreaGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3475            OBJECTS         {
3476                            hwOspfv3AreaImportAsExtern,
3477                            hwOspfv3AreaSpfRuns,
3478                            hwOspfv3AreaBdrRtrCount,
3479                            hwOspfv3AreaAsBdrRtrCount,
3480                            hwOspfv3AreaScopeLsaCount,
3481                            hwOspfv3AreaScopeLsaCksumSum,
3482                            hwOspfv3AreaSummary,
3483                            hwOspfv3AreaRowStatus,
3484                            hwOspfv3AreaStubMetric,
3485                            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorRole,
3486                            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorState,
3487                            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorStabInterval,
3488                            hwOspfv3AreaNssaTranslatorEvents
3489                               }
3490            STATUS          current
3491            DESCRIPTION
3492                "These objects are used for OSPFv3 systems
3493                supporting areas."
3494            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 2 }
3496    hwOspfv3AsLsdbGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3497            OBJECTS         {
3498                            hwOspfv3AsLsdbSequence,
3499                            hwOspfv3AsLsdbAge,
3500                            hwOspfv3AsLsdbChecksum,
3501                            hwOspfv3AsLsdbAdvertisement,
3502                            hwOspfv3AsLsdbTypeKnown
3503                            }
3504            STATUS          current
3505            DESCRIPTION
3506                "These objects are used for OSPFv3 systems
3507                that display their AS-scope link state database."
3508            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 3 }
3510    hwOspfv3AreaLsdbGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3511            OBJECTS         {
3512                            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbSequence,
3513                            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAge,
3514                            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbChecksum,
3515                            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbAdvertisement,
3516                            hwOspfv3AreaLsdbTypeKnown
3517                            }
3518            STATUS          current
3519            DESCRIPTION
3520                "These objects are used for OSPFv3 systems
3521                that display their Area-scope link state database."
3522            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 4 }
3524    hwOspfv3LinkLsdbGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3525            OBJECTS         {
3526                            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbSequence,
3527                            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbAge,
3528                            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbChecksum,
3529                            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbAdvertisement,
3530                            hwOspfv3LinkLsdbTypeKnown
3531                            }
3532            STATUS          current
3533            DESCRIPTION
3534                "These objects are used for OSPFv3 systems
3535                that display their Link-scope link state database."
3536            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 5 }
3540    hwOspfv3IfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3541            OBJECTS         {
3542                            hwOspfv3IfAreaId,
3543                            hwOspfv3IfType,
3544                            hwOspfv3IfAdminStatus,
3545                            hwOspfv3IfRtrPriority,
3546                            hwOspfv3IfTransitDelay,
3547                            hwOspfv3IfRetransInterval,
3548                            hwOspfv3IfHelloInterval,
3549                            hwOspfv3IfRtrDeadInterval,
3550                            hwOspfv3IfState,
3551                            hwOspfv3IfDesignatedRouter,
3552                            hwOspfv3IfBackupDesignatedRouter,
3553                            hwOspfv3IfEvents,
3554                            hwOspfv3IfRowStatus,
3555                            hwOspfv3IfMetricValue,
3556                            hwOspfv3IfLinkScopeLsaCount,
3557                            hwOspfv3IfLinkLsaCksumSum,
3558                            hwOspfv3IfPollInterval,
3559                            hwOspfv3IfMulticastForwarding
3560                            }
3561            STATUS          current
3562            DESCRIPTION
3563                "These interface objects used for
3564                managing/monitoring OSPFv3 interfaces."
3565            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 6 }
3567    hwOspfv3VirtIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3568            OBJECTS         {
3569                            hwOspfv3VirtIfIndex,
3570                            hwOspfv3VirtIfInstId,
3571                            hwOspfv3VirtIfTransitDelay,
3572                            hwOspfv3VirtIfRetransInterval,
3573                            hwOspfv3VirtIfHelloInterval,
3574                            hwOspfv3VirtIfRtrDeadInterval,
3575                            hwOspfv3VirtIfState,
3576                            hwOspfv3VirtIfEvents,
3577                            hwOspfv3VirtIfRowStatus,
3578                            hwOspfv3VirtIfLinkScopeLsaCount,
3579                            hwOspfv3VirtIfLinkLsaCksumSum
3580                            }
3581            STATUS          current
3582            DESCRIPTION
3583                "These virtual interface objects are used for
3584                managing/monitoring OSPFv3 virtual interfaces."
3585            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 7 }
3587    hwOspfv3NbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3588            OBJECTS         {
3589                            hwOspfv3NbrAddressType,
3590                            hwOspfv3NbrAddress,
3591                            hwOspfv3NbrOptions,
3592                            hwOspfv3NbrPriority,
3593                            hwOspfv3NbrState,
3594                            hwOspfv3NbrEvents,
3595                            hwOspfv3NbrLsRetransQLen,
3596                            hwOspfv3NbrHelloSuppressed,
3597                            hwOspfv3NbrIfId,
3598                            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperStatus,
3599                            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperAge,
3600                            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperExitRc
3601                            }
3602            STATUS          current
3603            DESCRIPTION
3604                "These neighbor objects are used for
3605                managing/monitoring OSPFv3 neighbors."
3606            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 8 }
3608    hwOspfv3CfgNbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3609            OBJECTS         {
3610                            hwOspfv3CfgNbrPriority,
3611                            hwOspfv3CfgNbrRowStatus
3612                            }
3613            STATUS          current
3614            DESCRIPTION
3615                "These configured neighbor objects are used for
3616                managing/monitoring OSPFv3 configured neighbors."
3617            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 9 }
3619    hwOspfv3VirtNbrGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3620            OBJECTS         {
3621                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfIndex,
3622                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfInstId,
3623                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddressType,
3624                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrAddress,
3625                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrOptions,
3626                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrState,
3627                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrEvents,
3628                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrLsRetransQLen,
3629                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrHelloSuppressed,
3630                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrIfId,
3631                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatus,
3632                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperAge,
3633                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperExitRc
3634                            }
3635            STATUS          current
3636            DESCRIPTION
3637                "These virtual neighbor objects are used for
3638                managing/monitoring OSPFv3 virtual neighbors."
3639            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 10 }
3641    hwOspfv3AreaAggregateGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3642            OBJECTS         {
3643                            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateRowStatus,
3644                            hwOspfv3AreaAggregateEffect
3645                            }
3646            STATUS          current
3647            DESCRIPTION
3648                "These area aggregate objects used required for
3649                aggregating OSPFv3 prefixes for summarization
3650                across areas."
3651            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 11 }
3653    hwOspfv3NotificationObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3654            OBJECTS         {
3655                            hwOspfv3ConfigErrorType,
3656                            hwOspfv3PacketType,
3657                            hwOspfv3PacketSrc,
3658                            hwOspfv3IfName,
3659                            hwOspfv3IfStateChgReason,
3660                            hwOspfv3NbrStateChgReason,
3661                            hwOspfv3ProcessId,
3662                            hwOspfv3AreaIdIndex,
3663                            hwOspfv3NewRouterId
3664                            }
3665            STATUS          current
3666            DESCRIPTION
3667                "These objects are used to record notification
3668                parameters"
3669            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 12 }
3671    hwOspfv3NotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
3672            NOTIFICATIONS   {
3673                            hwOspfv3VirtIfStateChange,
3674                            hwOspfv3NbrStateChange,
3675                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrStateChange,
3676                            hwOspfv3IfConfigError,
3677                            hwOspfv3VirtIfConfigError,
3678                            hwOspfv3IfRxBadPacket,
3679                            hwOspfv3VirtIfRxBadPacket,
3680                            hwOspfv3IfStateChange,
3681                            hwOspfv3RestartStatusChange,
3682                            hwOspfv3NbrRestartHelperStatusChange,
3683                            hwOspfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange,
3684                            hwOspfv3NssaTranslatorStatusChange,
3685                            hwOspfv3LastAuthKeyExpiry,
3686                            hwOspfv3AuthSequenceNumWrap,
3687                            hwOspfv3IntraAreaRouterIdConflictRecovered,
3688                            hwOspfv3PeerFlappingSuppressStatusChange,
3689                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteThreshold,
3690                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteThresholdClear,
3691                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteExceed,
3692                            hwOspfv3ImportAseRouteExceedClear,
3693                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteThreshold,
3694                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteThresholdClear,
3695                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteExceed,
3696                            hwOspfv3ImportNssaRouteExceedClear,
3697                            hwOspfv3GreaterAgeLsaRecived,
3698                            hwOspfv3DeleteRouteByPurge,
3699                            hwOspfv3DeleteRouteByPurgeClear,
3700                            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact,
3701                            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear,
3702                            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact,
3703                            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear,
3704                            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurge,
3705                            hwOspfv3RouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear,
3706                            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExact,
3707                            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeExactClear,
3708                            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexact,
3709                            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeInexactClear,
3710                            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurge,
3711                            hwOspfv3ThirdPartRouteBeDeletedByPurgeClear
3712                            }
3713            STATUS          current
3714            DESCRIPTION
3715                "This group is used for OSPFv3 notifications"
3716            ::= { hwOspfv3Groups 13 }
3718    END