4      MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2       FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7    ianaItuAlarmNumbers MODULE-IDENTITY
8        LAST-UPDATED "200409090000Z"  -- September 09, 2004
10        CONTACT-INFO
11            "Postal:    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
12                        Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
13                        and Numbers
14                        4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
15                        Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601
16                        USA
18            Tel:    +1  310-823-9358
19            E-Mail: iana&iana.org"
21            "The MIB module defines the ITU Alarm
22            textual convention for objects expected to require
23            regular extension.
25            Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).  The
26            initial version of this MIB module was published
27            in RFC 3877. For full legal notices see the RFC
28            itself. Supplementary information may be available on:
29                 http://www.ietf.org/copyrights/ianamib.html"
30         REVISION    "200409090000Z"
31         DESCRIPTION
32             "Initial version, published as RFC 3877."
33        ::= { mib-2 119 }
36   IANAItuProbableCause ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
37       STATUS current
39           "ITU-T probable cause values. Duplicate values defined in
40            X.733 are appended with X733 to ensure syntactic uniqueness.
41            Probable cause value 0 is reserved for special purposes.
43            The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) is responsible
44            for the assignment of the enumerations in this TC.
45            IANAItuProbableCause value of 0 is reserved for special
46            purposes and MUST NOT be assigned.
48            Values of IANAItuProbableCause in the range 1 to 1023 are
49            reserved for causes that correspond to ITU-T probable cause.
51            All other requests for new causes will be handled on a
52            first-come, first served basis and will be assigned
53            enumeration values starting with 1025.
55            Request should  come in the form of well-formed
56            SMI [RFC2578] for enumeration names that are unique and
57            sufficiently descriptive.
59            While some effort will be taken to ensure that new probable
60            causes do not conceptually duplicate existing probable
61            causes it is acknowledged that the existence of conceptual
62            duplicates in the starting probable cause list is an known
63            industry reality.
65            To aid IANA in the administration of probable cause names
66            and values, the OPS Area Director will appoint one or more
67            experts to help review requests.
69            See http://www.iana.org"
70       REFERENCE
71           "ITU Recommendation M.3100, 'Generic Network Information
72               Model', 1995
73            ITU Recommendation X.733, 'Information Technology - Open
74               Systems Interconnection - System Management: Alarm
75               Reporting Function', 1992
76            ITU Recommendation X.736, 'Information Technology - Open
77               Systems Interconnection - System Management: Security
78               Alarm Reporting Function', 1992"
80       SYNTAX         INTEGER
81               {
82               -- The following probable causes were defined in M.3100
83                aIS  (1),
84                callSetUpFailure  (2),
85                degradedSignal  (3),
86                farEndReceiverFailure  (4),
87                framingError  (5),
88                lossOfFrame (6),
89                lossOfPointer  (7),
90                lossOfSignal  (8),
91                payloadTypeMismatch (9),
92                transmissionError (10),
93                remoteAlarmInterface (11),
94                excessiveBER  (12),
95                pathTraceMismatch  (13),
96                unavailable  (14),
97                signalLabelMismatch (15),
98                lossOfMultiFrame (16),
99                receiveFailure (17),
100                transmitFailure (18),
101                modulationFailure (19),
102                demodulationFailure (20),
103                broadcastChannelFailure (21),
104                connectionEstablishmentError (22),
105                invalidMessageReceived (23),
106                localNodeTransmissionError (24),
107                remoteNodeTransmissionError (25),
108                routingFailure (26),
109    --Values 27-50 are reserved for communications alarm related
110    --probable causes
111    -- The following are used with equipment alarm.
112                backplaneFailure (51),
113                dataSetProblem  (52),
114                equipmentIdentifierDuplication  (53),
115                externalIFDeviceProblem  (54),
116                lineCardProblem (55),
117                multiplexerProblem  (56),
118                nEIdentifierDuplication  (57),
119                powerProblem  (58),
120                processorProblem  (59),
121                protectionPathFailure  (60),
122                receiverFailure  (61),
123                replaceableUnitMissing  (62),
124                replaceableUnitTypeMismatch (63),
125                synchronizationSourceMismatch  (64),
126                terminalProblem   (65),
127                timingProblem   (66),
128                transmitterFailure  (67),
129                trunkCardProblem  (68),
130                replaceableUnitProblem  (69),
131                realTimeClockFailure (70),
132    --An equipment alarm to be issued if the system detects that the
133    --real time clock has failed
134                antennaFailure (71),
135                batteryChargingFailure (72),
136                diskFailure (73),
137                frequencyHoppingFailure (74),
138                iODeviceError (75),
139                lossOfSynchronisation (76),
140                lossOfRedundancy (77),
141                powerSupplyFailure (78),
142                signalQualityEvaluationFailure (79),
143                tranceiverFailure (80),
144                protectionMechanismFailure (81),
145                protectingResourceFailure (82),
146    -- Values 83-100 are reserved for equipment alarm related probable
147    -- causes
148    -- The following are used with environmental alarm.
149                airCompressorFailure  (101),
150                airConditioningFailure  (102),
151                airDryerFailure   (103),
152                batteryDischarging  (104),
153                batteryFailure   (105),
154                commercialPowerFailure  (106),
155                coolingFanFailure  (107),
156                engineFailure  (108),
157                fireDetectorFailure  (109),
158                fuseFailure  (110),
159                generatorFailure  (111),
160                lowBatteryThreshold (112),
161                pumpFailure  (113),
162                rectifierFailure  (114),
163                rectifierHighVoltage  (115),
164                rectifierLowFVoltage  (116),
165                ventilationsSystemFailure  (117),
166                enclosureDoorOpen  (118),
167                explosiveGas  (119),
168                fire (120),
169                flood   (121),
170                highHumidity  (122),
171                highTemperature  (123),
172                highWind  (124),
173                iceBuildUp  (125),
174                intrusionDetection  (126),
175                lowFuel  (127),
176                lowHumidity  (128),
177                lowCablePressure  (129),
178                lowTemperatue  (130),
179                lowWater  (131),
180                smoke  (132),
181                toxicGas  (133),
182                coolingSystemFailure (134),
183                externalEquipmentFailure (135),
184                externalPointFailure (136),
185    -- Values 137-150 are reserved for environmental alarm related
186    -- probable causes
187    -- The following are used with Processing error alarm.
188                storageCapacityProblem (151),
189                memoryMismatch  (152),
190                corruptData  (153),
191                outOfCPUCycles   (154),
192                sfwrEnvironmentProblem  (155),
193                sfwrDownloadFailure  (156),
194                lossOfRealTimel (157),
195    --A processing error alarm to be issued after the system has
196    --reinitialised. This will indicate
197    --to the management systems that the view they have of the managed
198    --system may no longer
199    --be valid. Usage example: The managed
200    --system issues this alarm after a reinitialization with severity
201    --warning to inform the
202    --management system about the event. No clearing notification will
203    --be sent.
204                applicationSubsystemFailure (158),
205                configurationOrCustomisationError (159),
206                databaseInconsistency (160),
207                fileError (161),
208                outOfMemory (162),
209                softwareError (163),
210                timeoutExpired (164),
211                underlayingResourceUnavailable (165),
212                versionMismatch (166),
213    --Values 168-200 are reserved for processing error alarm related
214    -- probable causes.
215                bandwidthReduced (201),
216                congestion (202),
217                excessiveErrorRate (203),
218                excessiveResponseTime (204),
219                excessiveRetransmissionRate (205),
220                reducedLoggingCapability (206),
221                systemResourcesOverload (207 ),
222                -- The following were defined X.733
223                adapterError (500),
224                applicationSubsystemFailture (501),
225                bandwidthReducedX733 (502),
226                callEstablishmentError (503),
227                communicationsProtocolError (504),
228                communicationsSubsystemFailure (505),
229                configurationOrCustomizationError (506),
230                congestionX733 (507),
231                coruptData (508),
232                cpuCyclesLimitExceeded (509),
233                dataSetOrModemError (510),
234                degradedSignalX733 (511),
235                dteDceInterfaceError (512),
236                enclosureDoorOpenX733 (513),
237                equipmentMalfunction (514),
238                excessiveVibration (515),
239                fileErrorX733 (516),
240                fireDetected (517),
241                framingErrorX733 (518),
242                heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (519),
243                humidityUnacceptable (520),
244                inputOutputDeviceError (521),
245                inputDeviceError (522),
246                lanError (523),
247                leakDetected (524),
248                localNodeTransmissionErrorX733 (525),
249                lossOfFrameX733 (526),
250                lossOfSignalX733 (527),
251                materialSupplyExhausted (528),
252                multiplexerProblemX733 (529),
253                outOfMemoryX733 (530),
254                ouputDeviceError (531),
255                performanceDegraded (532),
256                powerProblems (533),
257                pressureUnacceptable (534),
258                processorProblems (535),
259                pumpFailureX733 (536),
260                queueSizeExceeded (537),
261                receiveFailureX733 (538),
262                receiverFailureX733 (539),
263                remoteNodeTransmissionErrorX733 (540),
264                resourceAtOrNearingCapacity (541),
265                responseTimeExecessive (542),
266                retransmissionRateExcessive (543),
267                softwareErrorX733 (544),
268                softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated (545),
269                softwareProgramError (546),
270                storageCapacityProblemX733 (547),
271                temperatureUnacceptable (548),
272                thresholdCrossed (549),
273                timingProblemX733 (550),
274                toxicLeakDetected (551),
275                transmitFailureX733 (552),
276                transmiterFailure (553),
277                underlyingResourceUnavailable (554),
278                versionMismatchX733 (555),
279                -- The following are defined in X.736
280                authenticationFailure (600),
281                breachOfConfidentiality (601),
282                cableTamper (602),
283                delayedInformation (603),
284                denialOfService (604),
285                duplicateInformation (605),
286                informationMissing (606),
287                informationModificationDetected (607),
288                informationOutOfSequence (608),
289                keyExpired (609),
290                nonRepudiationFailure (610),
291                outOfHoursActivity (611),
292                outOfService (612),
293                proceduralError (613),
294                unauthorizedAccessAttempt (614),
295                unexpectedInformation (615),
297                other (1024)
298                }
301       STATUS current
303               "The ITU event Type values.
305               The Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) is
306               responsible for the assignment of the enumerations
307               in this TC.
309               Request should  come in the form of well-formed
310               SMI [RFC2578] for enumeration names that are unique
311               and sufficiently descriptive.
313               See http://www.iana.org "
314       REFERENCE
315              "ITU Recommendation X.736, 'Information Technology - Open
316               Systems Interconnection - System Management: Security
317               Alarm Reporting Function', 1992"
318       SYNTAX         INTEGER
319              {
320              other (1),
321              communicationsAlarm (2),
322              qualityOfServiceAlarm (3),
323              processingErrorAlarm (4),
324              equipmentAlarm (5),
325              environmentalAlarm (6),
326              integrityViolation (7),
327              operationalViolation (8),
328              physicalViolation (9),
329              securityServiceOrMechanismViolation (10),
330              timeDomainViolation (11)
331              }
333   END