4// Common utilities
8// (c) 2005-2020 by Martin Willisegger
10// Project   : Common scripts
11// Component : MySQLi data processing class
12// Website   : https://sourceforge.net/projects/nagiosql/
13// Version   : 3.4.1
14// GIT Repo  : https://gitlab.com/wizonet/NagiosQL
20// Class: Common database functions for MySQL (mysqli database module)
24// Includes any functions to communicate with an MySQL database server
26// Name: MysqliDbClass
28// Class variables:     $arrParams              Array including the server settings
29// ----------------     $strErrorMessage        Database error string
30//                      $error                  Boolean - Error true/false
31//                      $strDBId                Database connection id
32//                      $intLastId              ID of last dataset
33//                      $intAffectedRows        Counter variable of all affected data dows
34//                      $booSSLuse              Use SSL connection
36// Parameters:          $arrParams['server']    -> DB server name
37// -----------          $arrParams['port']      -> DB server port
38//                      $arrParams['user']      -> DB server username
39//                      $arrParams['password']  -> DB server password
40//                      $arrParams['database']  -> DB server database name
43namespace functions;
45class MysqliDbClass
47    // Define class variables
48    public $error            = false;   // Will be filled in functions
49    public $strDBId;                    // Will be filled in functions
50    public $intLastId        = 0;       // Will be filled in functions
51    public $intAffectedRows  = 0;       // Will be filled in functions
52    public $strErrorMessage  = '';      // Will be filled in functions
53    public $booSSLuse        = false;   // Defines if SSL is used or not
54    public $arrParams        = array(); // Must be filled in while initialization
56    /**
57     * MysqliDbClass constructor.
58     */
59    public function __construct()
60    {
61        $this->arrParams['server']      = '';
62        $this->arrParams['port']        = 0;
63        $this->arrParams['username']    = '';
64        $this->arrParams['password']    = '';
65        $this->arrParams['database']    = '';
66    }
68    /**
69     * MysqliDbClass destructor.
70     */
71    public function __destruct()
72    {
73        $this->dbDisconnect();
74    }
76    /**
77     * Opens a connection to the database server and select a database
78     * @param int $intMode                      1 = connect only / 0 = connect + dbselect
79     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
80     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
81     */
82    public function hasDBConnection($intMode = 0)
83    {
84        $booReturn = true;
85        $this->dbconnect();
86        if ($this->error == true) {
87            $booReturn = false;
88        }
89        if (($booReturn == true) && ($intMode == 0)) {
90            $this->dbselect();
91            if ($this->error == true) {
92                $booReturn = false;
93            }
94        }
95        return $booReturn;
96    }
98    /**
99     * Sends an SQL statement to the server and returns the result of the first data field
100     * @param string $strSQL                    SQL Statement
101     * @return string                           <data> = successful / <empty> = error
102     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
103     */
104    public function getFieldData($strSQL)
105    {
106        // Reset error variables
107        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
108        $this->error           = false;
109        $strReturn             = '';
110        // Send the SQL statement to the server
111        $resQuery = mysqli_query($this->strDBId, $strSQL);
112        // Error processing
113        if ($resQuery && (mysqli_num_rows($resQuery) != 0) && (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) == '')) {
114            // Return the field value from position 0/0
115            $arrDataset = mysqli_fetch_array($resQuery, MYSQLI_NUM);
116            $strReturn = $arrDataset[0];
117        } elseif (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) != '') {
118            $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId). '::';
119            $this->error             = true;
120        }
121        return $strReturn;
122    }
124    /**
125     * Sends an SQL statement to the server and returns the result of the first data set
126     * @param string $strSQL                    SQL Statement
127     * @param array|null $arrDataset            Result array (by reference)
128     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
129     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
130     */
131    public function hasSingleDataset($strSQL, &$arrDataset)
132    {
133        //$arrDataset = array();
134        $booReturn  = true;
135        // Reset error variables
136        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
137        $this->error           = false;
138        // Send the SQL statement to the server
139        $resQuery = mysqli_query($this->strDBId, $strSQL);
140        // Error processing
141        if ($resQuery && (mysqli_num_rows($resQuery) != 0) && (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) == '')) {
142            // Put the values into the array
143            $arrDataset = mysqli_fetch_array($resQuery, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
144        } elseif (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) != '') {
145            $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId). '::';
146            $this->error            = true;
147            $booReturn              = false;
148        }
149        return $booReturn;
150    }
152    /**
153     * Sends an SQL statement to the server and returns the result of all dataset in a data array
154     * @param string $strSQL                    SQL Statement
155     * @param array $arrDataset                 Result array (by reference)
156     * @param int $intDataCount                 Number of data result sets
157     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
158     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
159     */
160    public function hasDataArray($strSQL, &$arrDataset, &$intDataCount)
161    {
162        $arrDataset   = array();
163        $intDataCount = 0;
164        $booReturn    = true;
165        // Reset error variables
166        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
167        $this->error            = false;
168        // Send the SQL statement to the server
169        $resQuery = mysqli_query($this->strDBId, $strSQL);
170        // Error processing
171        if ($resQuery && (mysqli_num_rows($resQuery) != 0) && (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) == '')) {
172            $intDataCount = mysqli_num_rows($resQuery);
173            $intCount = 0;
174            // Put the values into the array
175            while ($arrDataTemp = mysqli_fetch_array($resQuery, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
176                foreach ($arrDataTemp as $key => $value) {
177                    $arrDataset[$intCount][$key] = $value;
178                }
179                $intCount++;
180            }
181        } elseif (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) != '') {
182            $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId). '::';
183            $this->error            = true;
184            $booReturn              = false;
185        }
186        return $booReturn;
187    }
189    /**
190     * Insert/update or delete data
191     * @param string $strSQL                    SQL Statement
192     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
193     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
194     */
195    public function insertData($strSQL)
196    {
197        // Reset error variables
198        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
199        $this->error           = false;
200        $booReturn             = false;
201        // Send the SQL statement to the server
202        if ($strSQL != '') {
203            mysqli_query($this->strDBId, $strSQL);
204            // Error processing
205            if (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) == '') {
206                $this->intLastId = mysqli_insert_id($this->strDBId);
207                $this->intAffectedRows = mysqli_affected_rows($this->strDBId);
208                $booReturn = true;
209            } else {
210                $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId) . '::';
211                $this->error = true;
212            }
213        }
214        return $booReturn;
215    }
217    /**
218     * Count the sum of data records
219     * @param string $strSQL                    SQL Statement
220     * @return int                              <number> = successful / 0 = no dataset or error
221     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
222     */
223    public function countRows($strSQL)
224    {
225        // Reset error variables
226        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
227        $this->error           = false;
228        $intReturn             = 0;
229        // Send the SQL statement to the server
230        $resQuery = mysqli_query($this->strDBId, $strSQL);
231        // Error processing
232        if ($resQuery && (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) == '')) {
233            $intReturn = mysqli_num_rows($resQuery);
234        } else {
235            $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId);
236            $this->error            = true;
237        }
238        return $intReturn;
239    }
241    /**
242     * Returns a safe insert string for database manipulations
243     * @param string $strInput                  Input String
244     * @return string                           Output String
245     */
246    public function realEscape($strInput)
247    {
248        return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->strDBId, $strInput);
249    }
251    /**
252     * Initialize a mysql database connection
253     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
254     */
255    private function dbinit()
256    {
257        $this->strDBId = mysqli_init();
258        return true;
259    }
261    /**
262     * Connect to database server
263     * @param string $dbserver                  Server name
264     * @param int $dbport                       TCP port
265     * @param string $dbuser                    Database user
266     * @param string $dbpasswd                  Database password
267     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
268     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
269     */
270    private function dbconnect($dbserver = null, $dbport = null, $dbuser = null, $dbpasswd = null)
271    {
272        // Reset error variables
273        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
274        $this->error           = false;
275        $booReturn             = true;
276        // Get parameters
277        if ($dbserver == null) {
278            $dbserver = $this->arrParams['server'];
279        }
280        if ($dbport   == null) {
281            $dbport   = $this->arrParams['port'];
282        }
283        if ($dbuser   == null) {
284            $dbuser   = $this->arrParams['username'];
285        }
286        if ($dbpasswd == null) {
287            $dbpasswd = $this->arrParams['password'];
288        }
289        // Not all parameters available
290        if (($dbserver == '') || ($dbuser == '') || ($dbpasswd == '')) {
291            $this->strErrorMessage .= gettext('Missing server connection parameter!'). '::';
292            $this->error = true;
293            $booReturn   = false;
294        }
295        if ($booReturn == true) {
296            $this->dbinit();
297            //if ($this->booSSLuse == true) {
298            // TO BE DEFINED
299            //}
300            $intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
301            error_reporting(0);
302            if ($dbport == 0) {
303                $booReturn = mysqli_real_connect($this->strDBId, $dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpasswd);
304            } else {
305                $booReturn = mysqli_real_connect($this->strDBId, $dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, null, $dbport);
306            }
307            error_reporting($intErrorReporting);
308            // Connection fails
309            if ($booReturn == false) {
310                $this->strErrorMessage  = '[' .$dbserver. '] ' .gettext('Connection to the database server has failed '
311                        . 'by reason:'). ' ::';
312                $strError = mysqli_connect_error();
313                $this->strErrorMessage .= $strError. '::';
314                $this->error            = true;
315            }
316        }
317        return $booReturn;
318    }
320    /**
321     * Select a database
322     * @param string $database                  Database name
323     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
324     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
325     */
326    private function dbselect($database = null)
327    {
328        // Reset error variables
329        $this->strErrorMessage = '';
330        $this->error           = false;
331        $booReturn             = true;
332        // Get parameters
333        if ($database == null) {
334            $database = $this->arrParams['database'];
335        }
336        // Not all parameters available
337        if ($database == '') {
338            $this->strErrorMessage .= gettext('Missing database connection parameter!'). '::';
339            $this->error   = true;
340            $booReturn     = false;
341        }
342        if ($booReturn == true) {
343            $bolConnect = mysqli_select_db($this->strDBId, $database);
344            // Session cannot be etablished
345            if (!$bolConnect) {
346                $this->strErrorMessage .= '[' .$database. '] ' .
347                    gettext('Connection to the database has failed by reason:'). ' ::';
348                $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId). '::';
349                $this->error            = true;
350                $booReturn              = false;
351            }
352        }
353        if ($booReturn == true) {
354            mysqli_query($this->strDBId, "set names 'utf8'");
355            if (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) != '') {
356                $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId). '::';
357                $this->error            = true;
358                $booReturn              = false;
359            }
360        }
361        if ($booReturn == true) {
362            mysqli_query($this->strDBId, "set session sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'");
363            if (mysqli_error($this->strDBId) != '') {
364                $this->strErrorMessage .= mysqli_error($this->strDBId). '::';
365                $this->error            = true;
366                $booReturn              = false;
367            }
368        }
369        return $booReturn;
370    }
372    /*
373    /**
374     * Set SSL connection parameters
375     * @param string $sslkey                    SSL key
376     * @param string $sslcert                   SSL certificate
377     * @param string $sslca                     SSL CA file (optional)
378     * @param string $sslpath                   SSL certificate path (optional)
379     * @param string $sslcypher                 SSL cypher (optional)
380     * @return bool                             true = successful
381     *                                          Status messages are stored in class variable
382     */
383    /*
384    private function dbsetssl($sslkey, $sslcert, $sslca = null, $sslpath = null, $sslcypher = null)
385    {
386        // Reset error variables
387        $this->strErrorMessage = "";
388        $this->error           = false;
389        $booReturn             = true;
390        // Values are missing
391        if (($sslkey == "") || ($sslcert == "")) {
392            $this->strErrorMessage = gettext("Missing MySQL SSL parameter!")."::";
393            $this->error   = true;
394            $booReturn     = false;
395        }
396        if ($booReturn == true) {
397            mysqli_ssl_set($this->strDBId, $sslkey, $sslcert, $sslca, $sslpath, $sslcypher);
398        }
399        return($booReturn);
400    }
401    */
403    /**
404     * Close database server connectuon
405     * @return bool                             true = successful / false = error
406     */
407    private function dbDisconnect()
408    {
409        mysqli_close($this->strDBId);
410        return true;
411    }