1title System Information Setup
2description  This section defines some of the information reported in
3description  the "system" mib group in the mibII tree.
5token syslocation
6info  The [typically physical] location of the system.
7info  Note that setting this value here means that when trying to
8info  perform an snmp SET operation to the sysLocation.0 variable will make
9info  the agent return the "notWritable" error code.  IE, including
10info  this token in the snmpd.conf file will disable write access to
11info  the variable.
12info  arguments:  location_string
13question 1 The location of the system
15token syscontact
16info  The contact information for the administrator
17info  Note that setting this value here means that when trying to
18info  perform an snmp SET operation to the sysContact.0 variable will make
19info  the agent return the "notWritable" error code.  IE, including
20info  this token in the snmpd.conf file will disable write access to
21info  the variable.
22info  arguments:  contact_string
23question 1 The contact information
25token sysservices
26info  The proper value for the sysServices object.
27info  arguments:  sysservices_number
28question 1 does this host offer physical services (eg, like a repeater) [answer 0 or 1]
29question 2 does this host offer datalink/subnetwork services (eg, like a bridge)
30question 3 does this host offer internet services (eg, supports IP)
31question 4 does this host offer end-to-end services (eg, supports TCP)
32question 7 does this host offer application services (eg, supports SMTP)
33validanswer 1 ^(0|1)$
34validanswer 2 ^(0|1)$
35validanswer 3 ^(0|1)$
36validanswer 4 ^(0|1)$
37validanswer 7 ^(0|1)$
38line eval $1*1 + $2*2 + $3*4 + $4*8 + $7*64
40group system_setup
41single syslocation
42single syscontact
43single sysservices Do you want to properly set the value of the sysServices.0 OID (if you don't know, just say no)?