1-- =================================================================
2-- Copyright (C) 2016 by HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved.
3-- Description: MIB interface of BFD protocol configuration.
4--              The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol
5--              is standardized by the IETF. BFD detects the
6--              traffic forwarding capability of the link or system by
7--              quickly sending BFD control packets (the UDP packets in
8--              a specified format) at intervals between two nodes.
9-- Reference:
10-- Version:     V1.55
12-- =================================================================
16        IMPORTS
17            hwDatacomm
18                FROM HUAWEI-MIB
19            EnabledStatus
20                FROM P-BRIDGE-MIB
22                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
23            IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE,
25                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
26            RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, DisplayString
27                FROM SNMPv2-TC
28            Ipv6Address
29                FROM IPV6-TC
30            InetAddressType, InetAddress
31                FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;
35            LAST-UPDATED "201601080000Z"
36            ORGANIZATION "Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd."
37            CONTACT-INFO
38                "Huawei Industrial Base
39                  Bantian, Longgang
40                   Shenzhen 518129
41                   People's Republic of China
42                   Website: http://www.huawei.com
43                   Email: support@huawei.com
44                "
45            DESCRIPTION
46                "MIB interface of BFD protocol configuration.
47                 The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol
48                 is standardized by the IETF. BFD detects the
49                 traffic forwarding capability of the link or system by
50                 quickly sending BFD control packets (the UDP packets in
51                 a specified format) at intervals between two nodes.
52                "
54            -- Revision history
55              REVISION    "201601080000Z"
56            DESCRIPTION "V1.55, add hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag and hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag."
58            REVISION    "201601080000Z"
59            DESCRIPTION "V1.54, add hwBfdSessFsmDiscordant and hwBfdSessFsmAccordant."
61            REVISION    "201511080000Z"
62            DESCRIPTION "V1.53, add hwBfdPWSessDownTrap and hwBfdPWSessUpTrap for Pw Bfd session."
64            REVISION    "201510230000Z"
65            DESCRIPTION "V1.52, add hwBfdSessApOperFailed for virtual access."
67            REVISION    "201508040000Z"
68            DESCRIPTION "V1.51, add hwBfdSessFaultDown and hwBfdSessResume."
70            REVISION    "201507290000Z"
71            DESCRIPTION "V1.50, modify the DESCRIPTION of hwBfdSessGlobalDefaultIpAddr."
73            REVISION    "201507140000Z"
74            DESCRIPTION "V1.49, move hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType from hwBfdAlarmTraps  to hwBfdNotifications."
76            REVISION    "201507030000Z"
77            DESCRIPTION "V1.48, add hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType and hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFail for virtual access."
79            REVISION    "201409040000Z"
80            DESCRIPTION "V1.47, modified the revision history."
82            REVISION    "201409010000Z"
83            DESCRIPTION "V1.46, modified the date of copyright."
85            REVISION     "201406300000Z"
86            DESCRIPTION  "V1.45, add hwBfdDynamicSessionTos for dynamic session tos in hwBfdScalarsObjects, add hwBfdv6MultiHopSessUpTrap,hwBfdv6MultiHopSessDownTrap for IPv6 MultiHop.
87			             Add hwBfdSessPeerAddr,hwBfdSessBindType,hwBfdSessVrfIndex for hwBfdSessUpTrap and hwBfdSessDownTrap, add hwBfdv6SingleHopSessUpTrap,hwBfdv6SingleHopSessDownTrap for IPv6 SingleHop.
88						 Add hwBfdDynamicSessionTos for dynamic session tos."
90            REVISION     "201405230000Z"
91            DESCRIPTION  "V1.44, modified the scope of hwBfdIfConfName ."
93            REVISION     "201401220000Z"
94            DESCRIPTION  "V1.43, modified the description of hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask for VTE/VPW/FRP/BGPLSP."
96            REVISION     "201309220000Z"
97            DESCRIPTION  "V1.42, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessConfBindType for new bfd type bgpTunnel, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessBindType for new bfd type bgpTunnel."
99            REVISION     "201308160000Z"
100            DESCRIPTION  "V1.41, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessConfBindType for new bfd type ldpTunnel, modified the value and the description of hwBfdSessBindType for new bfd type ldpTunnel."
102            REVISION     "201211230000Z"
103            DESCRIPTION  "V1.40, add hwBfdStaticSessionTos for static session tos. Add hwBfdDynamicSessionTosEx for extend hwBfdDynamicSessionTos. Add hwBfdSessConfTOSEx for extend hwBfdSessConfTOS. Add hwBfdSessDscp to display dscp value when it is enable in a bfd session."
105            REVISION     "201108170000Z"
106            DESCRIPTION  "V1.25, add hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask."
108            REVISION     "201107140000Z"
109            DESCRIPTION  "V1.24, add hwBfdDynamicSessionTos for dynamic session tos."
111            REVISION     "201105110000Z"
112            DESCRIPTION  "V1.23, modified BfdInterval to Integer32."
114            REVISION     "201104270000Z"
115            DESCRIPTION  "V1.22, removed the range of hwBfdSessActualRxInterval, hwBfdSessActualTxInterval, added the default value of hwBfdAdminStatus, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval, hwBfdSessDetectMult, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessDynamicNumber, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber, hwBfdSessLimitNumber, hwBfdSessStaticNumber, hwBfdVersionNumber."
117            REVISION     "201104130000Z"
118            DESCRIPTION  "V1.21, modified the description of hwBfdIfConfEnable, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval, hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag."
120            REVISION     "201101120000Z"
121            DESCRIPTION  "V1.20, modified for bfd mib standardization."
123            REVISION     "201010200000Z"
124            DESCRIPTION  "V1.19, updated the description and format."
126            REVISION     "201008250000Z"
127            DESCRIPTION  "V1.18, modified the trap nodes of hwBfdSessGroupUpTrap and hwBfdSessGroupDownTrap.
128                          Updated the description and format."
130            REVISION     "201008020000Z"
131            DESCRIPTION  "V1.17, modified BfdInterval to Unsigned32."
133            REVISION     "201008020000Z"
134            DESCRIPTION  "V1.16, modified hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr and hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr's range from 1...16384 to 0...4294967295."
136            REVISION     "201007220000Z"
137            DESCRIPTION  "V1.15, modified the description and format."
139            REVISION     "201005190000Z"
140            DESCRIPTION  "V1.14, modified syntax of hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime and hwBfdSessionPerStartTime."
142            REVISION     "201004250000Z"
143            DESCRIPTION  "V1.13, modified description of all leaves."
145            REVISION     "201004120000Z"
146            DESCRIPTION  "V1.12, updated the description and format."
148            REVISION     "201002120000Z"
149            DESCRIPTION  "V1.11, modified syntax of hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime and hwBfdSessionPerStartTime."
151            REVISION     "201001130000Z"
152            DESCRIPTION  "V1.10, added four trap nodes of hwBfdSessUpTrap, hwBfdSessDownTrap, hwBfdSessGroupUpTrap
153                          and hwBfdSessGroupDownTrap."
155            REVISION     "200912240000Z"
156            DESCRIPTION  "V1.09, changed the range of leaves hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval and
157                          hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval."
159            REVISION     "200911270000Z"
160            DESCRIPTION  "V1.08, changed the range of leaf hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr as 0-4294967295."
162            REVISION     "200903040000Z"
163            DESCRIPTION  "V1.07, added flagNoPW, entireDynamic, staticAuto enum."
165            REVISION     "200806060000Z"
166            DESCRIPTION  "V1.06, added leaf hwBfdSessConfVlanID in table hwBfdSessionTable and changed the attribute of leaf hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex as read-create."
168            REVISION     "200604270000Z"
169            DESCRIPTION  "V1.00, initial version."
171            ::= { hwDatacomm 38 }
176-- Textual conventions
178        BfdInterval ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
179            STATUS current
180            DESCRIPTION
181                "Bfd Time Interval Type."
182            SYNTAX Integer32
184        BfdDiag ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
185            STATUS current
186            DESCRIPTION
187                "Diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for
188                 the last session state changed.
189                "
190            SYNTAX Integer32
194-- Node definitions
196        hwBfdScalarsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 1 }
199        hwBfdVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
200            SYNTAX Unsigned32
201            MAX-ACCESS read-only
202            STATUS current
203            DESCRIPTION
204                "The current version number of the BFD protocol is 1.
205                 Default: 1
206                "
207            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 1 }
210        hwBfdAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
211            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
212            MAX-ACCESS read-write
213            STATUS current
214            DESCRIPTION
215                "Describe the administrative status of a BFD protocol.
216                 Options:
217                 1. enabled(1)   -denotes that the BFD Process is active on all interface
218                 2. disabled(2)  -denotes that the BFD process is disabled on all interfaces
219                 Default: 2
220                "
221            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 2 }
224        hwBfdSessLimitNumber OBJECT-TYPE
225            SYNTAX Unsigned32
226            MAX-ACCESS read-only
227            STATUS current
228            DESCRIPTION
229                "Define the maximum number of BFD sessions allowed in the logic router.
230                 Default: 0
231                "
232            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 3 }
235        hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber OBJECT-TYPE
236            SYNTAX Unsigned32
237            MAX-ACCESS read-only
238            STATUS current
239            DESCRIPTION
240                "Define the maximum number of BFD sessions allowed per board.
241                 Default: 0
242                "
243            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 4 }
246        hwBfdSessStaticNumber OBJECT-TYPE
247            SYNTAX Unsigned32
248            MAX-ACCESS read-only
249            STATUS current
250            DESCRIPTION
251                "The total number of BFD static sessions.
252                 Default: 0
253                "
254            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 5 }
257        hwBfdSessDynamicNumber OBJECT-TYPE
258            SYNTAX Unsigned32
259            MAX-ACCESS read-only
260            STATUS current
261            DESCRIPTION
262                "The total number of BFD dynamic sessions.
263                 Default: 0
264                "
265            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 6 }
268        hwBfdSessGlobalDefaultIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
269            SYNTAX IpAddress
270            MAX-ACCESS read-write
271            STATUS current
272            DESCRIPTION
273                "Define the default multicast IP address used in BFD multicast detection.
274                 Default:
275                "
276            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 7 }
279        hwBfdEchoPassiveStatus OBJECT-TYPE
280            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
281            MAX-ACCESS read-write
282            STATUS current
283            DESCRIPTION
284                "The passive Echo function of BFD.
285                 Options:
286                 1. enabled(1)  -denotes that the BFD EchoPassive capability is enabled
287                 2. disabled(2) -denotes that the BFD EchoPassive capability is disabled
288                 Default: 2
289                "
290            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 8 }
293        hwBfdEchoAclNum OBJECT-TYPE
294            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 2000..2999)
295            MAX-ACCESS read-write
296            STATUS current
297            DESCRIPTION
298                "The Acl Number for passive Echo function of BFD.
299                 Default: 0
300                "
301            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 9 }
304        hwBfdSessDynamicPingInterval OBJECT-TYPE
305            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (30..600)
306            MAX-ACCESS read-write
307            STATUS current
308            DESCRIPTION
309                "Define the sending interval of the MPLS echo packet.
310                 Default: 60
311                 Unit: second
312                "
313            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 10 }
316        hwBfdSessDynamicSupportPassive OBJECT-TYPE
317            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
318            MAX-ACCESS read-write
319            STATUS current
320            DESCRIPTION
321                "The capability of automatically creating BFD sessions on the LSP egress.
322                 Options:
323                 1. enabled(1)  -denotes that the egress can create BFD sessions
324                 2. disabled(2) -denotes that the egress can not create BFD sessions
325                 Default: 2
326                "
327            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 11 }
329        hwBfdSessDelayUpTime OBJECT-TYPE
330            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..600)
331            MAX-ACCESS read-write
332            STATUS current
333            DESCRIPTION
334                "Define delay interval before the session turns to up.
335                 Unit: second
336                 Default: 0
337                "
338            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 12 }
341        hwBfdSessMultiDstPort OBJECT-TYPE
342            SYNTAX Integer32 (0|3784|4784)
343            MAX-ACCESS read-write
344            STATUS current
345            DESCRIPTION
346                "The destination UDP port of multi-hop BFD session. When the
347                 administrative status of BFD protocol is disabled, this value
348                 will be 0.
349                 Default: 3784
350                "
351            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 13 }
353        hwBfdTrapSendInterval OBJECT-TYPE
354            SYNTAX Integer32 (0|1..600)
355            MAX-ACCESS read-write
356            STATUS current
357            DESCRIPTION
358                "Define the sending interval of TRAP message.
359                 Unit: second
360                 Default: 120
361                "
362            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 14 }
364        hwBfdLimitDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
365            SYNTAX OCTET STRING
366            MAX-ACCESS read-only
367            STATUS current
368            DESCRIPTION
369                "The device name which session number reached up limit."
370            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 15 }
372        hwBfdDynamicSessionTos OBJECT-TYPE
373            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7)
374            MAX-ACCESS read-write
375            STATUS current
376            DESCRIPTION
377                "The Tos-Exp of dynamic session.
378                 Default: 7
379                "
380            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 16 }
382        hwBfdStaticSessionTos OBJECT-TYPE
383            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 | 255)
384            MAX-ACCESS read-write
385            STATUS current
386            DESCRIPTION
387                "The Tos-Exp of static session.
388                 Default: 7
389                "
390            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 17 }
392        hwBfdDynamicSessionTosEx OBJECT-TYPE
393            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 | 255)
394            MAX-ACCESS read-write
395            STATUS current
396            DESCRIPTION
397                "The extended Tos-Exp of dynamic session.
398                 Default: 7
399                "
400            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 18 }
402        hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType OBJECT-TYPE
403            SYNTAX INTEGER
404                {
405                localDiscriminatorNonsupport(101),
406                localDiscriminatorConflict(102)
407                }
408            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
409            STATUS current
410            DESCRIPTION
411                "The virtual access AP notify process bfd session configuration failed.
412                 Options:
413                 1. localDiscriminatorNonsupport(101)
414                 2. localDiscriminatorConflict(102)
415                "
416            ::= { hwBfdScalarsObjects 19 }
418        hwBfdObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 2 }
421        hwBfdIfConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
422            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdIfConfEntry
423            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
424            STATUS current
425            DESCRIPTION
426                "The interface configuration table of BFD.
427                 The index of this table is hwBfdIfConfIndex.
428                "
429            ::= { hwBfdObjects 1 }
432        hwBfdIfConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
433            SYNTAX HwBfdIfConfEntry
434            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
435            STATUS current
436            DESCRIPTION
437                "The interface configuration table of BFD.
438                 The index of this entry is hwBfdIfConfIndex.
439                "
440            INDEX { hwBfdIfConfIndex }
441            ::= { hwBfdIfConfTable 1 }
444        HwBfdIfConfEntry ::=
445            SEQUENCE {
446                hwBfdIfConfIndex
447                    Integer32,
448                hwBfdIfConfName
449                    OCTET STRING,
450                hwBfdIfConfEnable
451                    Integer32,
452                hwBfdIfConfDeleting
453                    Integer32,
454                hwBfdIfConfAvailable
455                    Integer32,
456                hwBfdIfConfSessCnt
457                    Integer32,
458                hwBfdIfConfRowStatus
459                    RowStatus
460             }
462        hwBfdIfConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
463            SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
464            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
465            STATUS current
466            DESCRIPTION
467                "It is the configuration index of this interface.
468                 This index is automatically allocated inside the system
469                 and is not user-configurable.
470                "
471            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 1 }
474        hwBfdIfConfName OBJECT-TYPE
475            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
476            MAX-ACCESS read-create
477            STATUS current
478            DESCRIPTION
479                "It is the name of this Interface."
480            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 2 }
483        hwBfdIfConfEnable OBJECT-TYPE
484            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
485            MAX-ACCESS read-only
486            STATUS current
487            DESCRIPTION
488               "The flag whether the interface has enabled BFD.
489                Options:
490                1. disable(0) -Indicates that the interface has disabled BFD
491                2. enable(1)  -Indicates that the interface has enabled BFD
492               "
493            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 3 }
496        hwBfdIfConfDeleting OBJECT-TYPE
497            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
498            MAX-ACCESS read-only
499            STATUS current
500            DESCRIPTION
501                "The flag that whether the interface is in deleting.
502                 Options:
503                 1. notDeleted(0)  -the interface is not deleted
504                 2. deleted(1)     -the interface is deleted
505                "
506            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 4 }
509        hwBfdIfConfAvailable OBJECT-TYPE
510            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
511            MAX-ACCESS read-only
512            STATUS current
513            DESCRIPTION
514                "The flag that whether the interface is available.
515                 Options:
516                 1. notAvailable(0) -the interface is not available
517                 2. available(1)    -the interface is available
518                "
519            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 5 }
522        hwBfdIfConfSessCnt OBJECT-TYPE
523            SYNTAX Integer32
524            MAX-ACCESS read-only
525            STATUS current
526            DESCRIPTION
527                "The number of sessions that has been bound to this interface."
528            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 6 }
531        hwBfdIfConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
532            SYNTAX RowStatus
533            MAX-ACCESS read-create
534            STATUS current
535            DESCRIPTION
536                "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows."
537            ::= { hwBfdIfConfEntry 7 }
540        hwBfdSessionConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
541            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSessionConfEntry
542            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
543            STATUS current
544            DESCRIPTION
545                "BFD Session Configuration Table. Use this table to get/configure BFD sessions.
546                 The index of this table is hwBfdSessConfName.
547                "
548            ::= { hwBfdObjects 2 }
551        hwBfdSessionConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
552            SYNTAX HwBfdSessionConfEntry
553            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
554            STATUS current
555            DESCRIPTION
556                "BFD Session Configuration Table. Use this table to get/configure BFD sessions.
557                 The index of this entry is hwBfdSessConfName.
558                "
559            INDEX { hwBfdSessConfName }
560            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfTable 1 }
563        HwBfdSessionConfEntry ::=
564            SEQUENCE {
565                hwBfdSessConfName
566                    OCTET STRING,
567                hwBfdSessConfMIndex
568                    Unsigned32,
569                hwBfdSessConfLocalDiscr
570                    Unsigned32,
571                hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr
572                    Unsigned32,
573                hwBfdSessConfPeerAddr
574                    IpAddress,
575                hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex
576                    Unsigned32,
577                hwBfdSessConfBindIfName
578                    OCTET STRING,
579                hwBfdSessConfDemandEnable
580                    Integer32,
581                hwBfdSessConfDemandTimerInterval
582                    Unsigned32,
583                hwBfdSessConfDetectMult
584                    Unsigned32,
585                hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval
586                    BfdInterval,
587                hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinTxInterval
588                    BfdInterval,
589                hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval
590                    Integer32,
591                hwBfdSessConfTOS
592                    Integer32,
593                hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag
594                    Integer32,
595                hwBfdSessConfCommitFlag
596                    Integer32,
597                hwBfdSessConfAdminStatus
598                    Integer32,
599                hwBfdSessConfRowStatus
600                    RowStatus,
601                hwBfdSessConfSourceAddr
602                    IpAddress,
603                hwBfdSessConfVrfIndex
604                    Unsigned32,
605                hwBfdSessConfVPNName
606                    OCTET STRING,
607                hwBfdSessConfDefaultIp
608                    INTEGER,
609                hwBfdSessConfPISFlag
610                    INTEGER,
611                hwBfdSessConfBindType
612                    INTEGER,
613                hwBfdSessConfNextHop
614                    IpAddress,
615                hwBfdSessConfStaticLspName
616                    OCTET STRING,
617                hwBfdSessConfPWSecondaryFlag
618                    INTEGER,
619                hwBfdSessConfTunnelDetectType
620                    INTEGER,
621                hwBfdSessConfVcId
622                    Unsigned32,
623                hwBfdSessConfVsiName
624                    OCTET STRING,
625                hwBfdSessConfVsiPeerAddr
626                    IpAddress,
627                hwBfdSessConfDiscrAuto
628                    EnabledStatus,
629                hwBfdSessConfPeerIpv6Addr
630                    Ipv6Address,
631                hwBfdSessConfSourceIpv6Addr
632                    Ipv6Address,
633                hwBfdSessConfIpv6NextHop
634                    Ipv6Address,
635                hwBfdSessConfIsIpv6Addr
636                    TruthValue,
637                hwBfdSessConfKeychainName
638                    OCTET STRING,
639                hwBfdSessConfMeticulous
640                    EnabledStatus,
641                hwBfdSessConfLooseAuthentication
642                    TruthValue,
643                hwBfdSessConfOneArmEcho
644                    EnabledStatus,
645                hwBfdSessConfMinEchoRxInterval
646                    Unsigned32,
647                hwBfdSessConfPWTtlMode
648                    INTEGER,
649                hwBfdSessConfPWTtl
650                    Integer32,
651                hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIpType
652                    InetAddressType,
653                hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIp
654                    InetAddress,
655                hwBfdSessConfSelectBoard
656                    DisplayString,
657                hwBfdSessConfPWSPE
658                    INTEGER,
659                hwBfdSessConfPWTrackIfName
660                    DisplayString,
661                hwBfdSessConfIsPWTrackIf
662                    EnabledStatus,
663                hwBfdSessConfEncapsulationType
664                    DisplayString,
665                hwBfdSessConfPEVid
666                    Unsigned32,
667                hwBfdSessConfCEVid
668                    Unsigned32,
669                hwBfdSessConfTOSEx
670                    Integer32,
671                hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag
672                    INTEGER
673             }
675        hwBfdSessConfName OBJECT-TYPE
676            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15))
677            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
678            STATUS current
679            DESCRIPTION
680                "It is the name of this configuration model."
681            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 1 }
684        hwBfdSessConfMIndex OBJECT-TYPE
685            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
686            MAX-ACCESS read-only
687            STATUS current
688            DESCRIPTION
689                "It is the configuration index of this session."
690            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 2 }
693        hwBfdSessConfLocalDiscr OBJECT-TYPE
694            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
695            MAX-ACCESS read-create
696            STATUS current
697            DESCRIPTION
698                "Define the local discriminator of the BFD session."
699            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 3 }
702        hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr OBJECT-TYPE
703            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
704            MAX-ACCESS read-create
705            STATUS current
706            DESCRIPTION
707                "Define the remote discriminator of the BFD session."
708            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 4 }
711        hwBfdSessConfPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
712            SYNTAX IpAddress
713            MAX-ACCESS read-create
714            STATUS current
715            DESCRIPTION
716                "Define the IP address of the peer in the BFD session."
717            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 5 }
720        hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
721            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
722            MAX-ACCESS read-only
723            STATUS current
724            DESCRIPTION
725                "It is the index of the binding interface in the BFD configuration."
726            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 6 }
729        hwBfdSessConfBindIfName OBJECT-TYPE
730            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64))
731            MAX-ACCESS read-create
732            STATUS current
733            DESCRIPTION
734                "It is the name of the binding interface in the BFD configuration."
735            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 7 }
738        hwBfdSessConfDemandEnable OBJECT-TYPE
739            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
740            MAX-ACCESS read-create
741            STATUS current
742            DESCRIPTION
743                "It is the flag of the BFD demand mode.
744                 Options:
745                 1. disabled(0) -disable the BFD demand mode
746                 2. enabled(1)  -enable the BFD demand mode
747                "
748            DEFVAL { 0 }
749            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 8 }
752        hwBfdSessConfDemandTimerInterval OBJECT-TYPE
753            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 500..300000)
754            MAX-ACCESS read-create
755            STATUS current
756            DESCRIPTION
757                "Define the detecting interval in the BFD session with the demand mode.
758                 Unit: millisecond
759                "
760            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 9 }
763        hwBfdSessConfDetectMult OBJECT-TYPE
764            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..50)
765            MAX-ACCESS read-create
766            STATUS current
767            DESCRIPTION
768                "It is Detect time multiplier of the configuration. The
769                 negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value,
770                 provides the detection time for the transmitting
771                 system in Asynchronous mode.
772                "
773           ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 10 }
776        hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
777            SYNTAX BfdInterval (1..2147483647)
778            MAX-ACCESS read-create
779            STATUS current
780            DESCRIPTION
781                "This is the minimum interval of the configuration,in
782                 milliseconds, between received BFD Control packets
783                 that this system is capable of supporting.
784                 Unit: millisecond
785                "
786            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 11 }
789        hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
790            SYNTAX BfdInterval (1..2147483647)
791            MAX-ACCESS read-create
792            STATUS current
793            DESCRIPTION
794                "This is the minimum interval of the configuration,
795                 in milliseconds, that the local system would
796                 like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets.
797                 Unit: millisecond
798                "
799            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 12 }
802        hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval OBJECT-TYPE
803            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60)
804            MAX-ACCESS read-create
805            STATUS current
806            DESCRIPTION
807                "The wait-to-restore (WTR) time of the BFD session.
808                 The event that indicates the session changing into the Up
809                 state is reported to the application program only after
810                 the WTR times out.
811                 Unit: minute
812                "
813            DEFVAL { 0 }
814            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 13 }
817        hwBfdSessConfTOS OBJECT-TYPE
818            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7)
819            MAX-ACCESS read-create
820            STATUS current
821            DESCRIPTION
822                "This is the TOS value of bfd packet."
823            DEFVAL { 7 }
824            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 14 }
827        hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag OBJECT-TYPE
828            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
829            MAX-ACCESS read-create
830            STATUS current
831            DESCRIPTION
832                "The PST flag of the BFD session configuration.
833                 It indicates the status association between the current BFD
834                 session and the interface bound to the session.
835                 Options:
836                 1. disabled(0)  -indicates that the PST capability of the BFD session is disabled
837                 2. enabled(1)   -indicates that the PST capability of the BFD session is enabled
838                "
839            DEFVAL { 0 }
840            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 15 }
843        hwBfdSessConfCommitFlag OBJECT-TYPE
844            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
845            MAX-ACCESS read-create
846            STATUS current
847            DESCRIPTION
848                "It is the commit flag of the configuration entry.
849                 Options:
850                 1. notCommit(0) -not commit
851                 2. commit(1)    -commit
852                "
853            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 16 }
856        hwBfdSessConfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
857            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
858            MAX-ACCESS read-create
859            STATUS current
860            DESCRIPTION
861                "A BFD session can be administratively enabled or disabled.
862                 The AdminStatus field indicates the BFD session status.
863                 Options:
864                 1. 0 -disable
865                 2. 1 -enable
866                "
867            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 17 }
870        hwBfdSessConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
871            SYNTAX RowStatus
872            MAX-ACCESS read-create
873            STATUS current
874            DESCRIPTION
875                "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows."
876            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 18 }
879        hwBfdSessConfSourceAddr OBJECT-TYPE
880            SYNTAX IpAddress
881            MAX-ACCESS read-create
882            STATUS current
883            DESCRIPTION
884                "Define the source IP address of the BFD session."
885            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 19 }
888        hwBfdSessConfVrfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
889            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
890            MAX-ACCESS read-only
891            STATUS current
892            DESCRIPTION
893                "The index of the VPN interface."
894            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 20 }
897        hwBfdSessConfVPNName OBJECT-TYPE
898            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31))
899            MAX-ACCESS read-create
900            STATUS current
901            DESCRIPTION
902                "The name of VPN interface."
903            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 21 }
906        hwBfdSessConfDefaultIp OBJECT-TYPE
907            SYNTAX INTEGER
908                {
909                no(1),
910                yes(2)
911                }
912            MAX-ACCESS read-create
913            STATUS current
914            DESCRIPTION
915                "BFD session use default multicast IP as the detect peer-ip
916                 Options:
917                 1. no(1)  -do not use the default multicast IP
918                 2. yes(2) -use the default multicast IP
919                "
920            DEFVAL { 1 }
921            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 22 }
924        hwBfdSessConfPISFlag OBJECT-TYPE
925            SYNTAX INTEGER
926                {
927                false(1),
928                true(2),
929                subif(3)
930                }
931            MAX-ACCESS read-create
932            STATUS current
933            DESCRIPTION
934                "The state of BFD session is associated with the state of the binding interface
935                 Options:
936                 1. false(1) -do not associate with interface state
937                 2. true(2)  -associate with interface state
938                 3. subif(3) -associate with interface and correlative sub interface
939                "
940            DEFVAL { 1 }
941            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 23 }
944        hwBfdSessConfBindType OBJECT-TYPE
945            SYNTAX INTEGER
946                {
947                interfaceIp(1),
948                peerIp(2),
949                sourceIp(3),
950                ifAndSourceIp(4),
951                fec(5),
952                tunnelIf(6),
953                ospf(7),
954                isis(8),
955                ldpLsp(9),
956                staticLsp(10),
957                teLsp(11),
958                teTunnel(12),
959                pw(13),
960                vsiPw(15),
961                ldpTunnel(21),
962                bgpTunnel(22)
963                }
964            MAX-ACCESS read-create
965            STATUS current
966            DESCRIPTION
967                "The binding type of the BFD session.
968                 Options:
969                 1. interfaceIp(1)    -BFD for IP with peer-ip and interface
970                 2. peerIp(2)         -BFD for IP only with peer-ip
971                 3. sourceIp(3)       -BFD for IP with peer-ip and source-ip
972                 4. ifAndSourceIp(4)  -BFD for IP with peer-ip, interface and source-ip
973                 5. fec(5)            -BFD for FEC(NOT support now)
974                 6. tunnelIf(6)       -BFD for Tunnel interface(NOT support now)
975                 7. ospf(7)           -BFD for OSPF
976                 8. isis(8)           -BFD for ISIS
977                 9. ldpLsp(9)         -BFD for LDP-LSP
978                 10. staticLsp(10)    -BFD for static LSP
979                 11. teLsp(11)        -BFD for TE-LSP
980                 12. teTunnel(12)     -BFD for TE-Tunnel
981                 13. pw(13)           -BFD for PW
982                 14. vsiPw(15)        -BFD for VSI PW
983                 15. ldpTunnel(21)    -BFD for LDP-Tunnel
984                 16. bgpTunnel(22)    -BFD for BGP-Tunnel
985                "
986            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 24 }
989        hwBfdSessConfNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
990            SYNTAX IpAddress
991            MAX-ACCESS read-create
992            STATUS current
993            DESCRIPTION
994                "It is the next hop of the BFD session."
995            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 25 }
998        hwBfdSessConfStaticLspName OBJECT-TYPE
999            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..20))
1000            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1001            STATUS current
1002            DESCRIPTION
1003                "It is the static LSP name of the BFD session."
1004            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 26 }
1007        hwBfdSessConfPWSecondaryFlag OBJECT-TYPE
1008            SYNTAX INTEGER
1009                {
1010                flagMasterPW(1),
1011                flagSecondaryPW(2),
1012                flagNoPW(3)
1013                }
1014            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1015            STATUS current
1016            DESCRIPTION
1017                "The role of the PW bound with BFD session.
1018                 Options:
1019                 1. flagMasterPW(1)   -master PW
1020                 2. flagSecondaryPW(2)-secondary PW
1021                 3. flagNoPW(3)       -no PW
1022                "
1023            DEFVAL { 1 }
1024            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 27 }
1027        hwBfdSessConfTunnelDetectType OBJECT-TYPE
1028            SYNTAX INTEGER
1029                {
1030                flagBothDown(1),
1031                flagNeighborDown(2)
1032                }
1033            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1034            STATUS current
1035            DESCRIPTION
1036                "Set the failure notifies policy type.
1037                 Options:
1038                 1. flagBothDown(1)     -notify applications when detecting both Detect-Down and Neighbor-Down
1039                 2. flagNeighborDown(2) -notify applications only when detecting Neighbor-Down
1040                "
1041            DEFVAL { 1 }
1042            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 28 }
1045        hwBfdSessConfVcId OBJECT-TYPE
1046            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
1047            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1048            STATUS current
1049            DESCRIPTION
1050                "It is the ID of VC."
1051            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 29 }
1054        hwBfdSessConfVsiName OBJECT-TYPE
1055            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31))
1056            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1057            STATUS current
1058            DESCRIPTION
1059                "It is the name of VSI."
1060            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 30 }
1063        hwBfdSessConfVsiPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1064            SYNTAX IpAddress
1065            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1066            STATUS current
1067            DESCRIPTION
1068                "It is the peer-ip of VSI."
1069            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 31 }
1071        hwBfdSessConfDiscrAuto OBJECT-TYPE
1072            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
1073            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1074            STATUS current
1075            DESCRIPTION
1076                "Describe whether the discriminator can be auto allocated.
1077                 Options:
1078                 1.enabled(1)  -the discriminator can be allocated automatically
1079                 2.disabled(2) -the discriminator can not be allocated automatically
1080                "
1081            DEFVAL { disabled }
1082            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 32 }
1084        hwBfdSessConfPeerIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
1085            SYNTAX Ipv6Address
1086            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1087            STATUS current
1088            DESCRIPTION
1089                "Define the peer IPv6 address of the BFD session."
1090            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 33 }
1092        hwBfdSessConfSourceIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
1093            SYNTAX Ipv6Address
1094            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1095            STATUS current
1096            DESCRIPTION
1097                "Define the source IPv6 address of the BFD session."
1098            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 34 }
1100        hwBfdSessConfIpv6NextHop OBJECT-TYPE
1101            SYNTAX Ipv6Address
1102            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1103            STATUS current
1104            DESCRIPTION
1105                "It is the next hop of the BFD session."
1106            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 35 }
1108        hwBfdSessConfIsIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
1109            SYNTAX TruthValue
1110            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1111            STATUS current
1112            DESCRIPTION
1113                "Whether the peer address of the BFD session is IPv6 address."
1114            DEFVAL { false }
1115            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 36 }
1118        hwBfdSessConfKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE
1119            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..47))
1120            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1121            STATUS current
1122            DESCRIPTION
1123                "Specify the name of the keychain for authentication."
1124            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 37 }
1126        hwBfdSessConfMeticulous OBJECT-TYPE
1127            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
1128            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1129            STATUS current
1130            DESCRIPTION
1131                "Whether enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type.
1132                 Options:
1133                 1. enabled(1)  -enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type
1134                 2. disabled(2) -disabled meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type
1135                "
1136            DEFVAL { disabled }
1137            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 38 }
1139        hwBfdSessConfLooseAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE
1140            SYNTAX TruthValue
1141            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1142            STATUS current
1143            DESCRIPTION
1144                "Whether loose authentication check.
1145                 Options:
1146                 1.True(1)  -loose-check
1147                 2.False(2) -do not loose-check
1148                "
1149            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 39 }
1151        hwBfdSessConfOneArmEcho OBJECT-TYPE
1152            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
1153            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1154            STATUS current
1155            DESCRIPTION
1156                "The value of this object identifies whether a session works in one-arm-echo mode.
1157                 Options:
1158                 1. enabled(1)  -indicates that the session works in one-arm-echo mode
1159                 2. disabled(2) -indicates that the session does not work in one-arm-echo mode
1160                "
1161            DEFVAL { disabled }
1162            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 40 }
1164        hwBfdSessConfMinEchoRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1165            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0|1..4294967295)
1166            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1167            STATUS current
1168            DESCRIPTION
1169                "The value of this object identifies the minimum interval between received BFD
1170                 Control packets, in milliseconds.This value reflects the capability of receiving
1171                 BFD Control packets.
1172                 Unit: millisecond
1173                "
1174            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 41 }
1176        hwBfdSessConfPWTtlMode OBJECT-TYPE
1177            SYNTAX INTEGER
1178            {
1179            config(1),
1180            auto(2),
1181            default(3),
1182            none(4)
1183            }
1184            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1185            STATUS current
1186            DESCRIPTION
1187                "The value of this object identifies the configuration mode of a TTL used by
1188                 the BFD session for PW.
1189                 Options:
1190                 1. config(1) -indicates that the TTL is manually set
1191                 2. auto(2)   -indicates that the TTL is automatically calculated based on an IP address
1192                 3. default(3)-indicates that the TTL is 255 by default
1193                 4. none(4)   -indicates that the TTL is not in PW mode
1194                "
1195            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 42 }
1197        hwBfdSessConfPWTtl OBJECT-TYPE
1198            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
1199            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1200            STATUS current
1201            DESCRIPTION
1202                "The value of this object identifies the TTL used by the BFD session for PW.
1203                 The vlaue is configurable only when the configuration mode of a TTL is config.
1204                "
1205            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 43 }
1207        hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIpType OBJECT-TYPE
1208            SYNTAX InetAddressType
1209            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1210            STATUS current
1211            DESCRIPTION
1212                "The value of this object identifies the type of the destination address of the BFD
1213                 session for PW.
1214                "
1215            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 44 }
1217        hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIp OBJECT-TYPE
1218            SYNTAX InetAddress
1219            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1220            STATUS current
1221            DESCRIPTION
1222                "The value of this object identifies the destination IP address of the BFD session
1223                 for PW.
1224                "
1225            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 45 }
1227        hwBfdSessConfSelectBoard OBJECT-TYPE
1228            SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..47))
1229            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1230            STATUS current
1231            DESCRIPTION
1232                "This object indicates the main processing board of a BFD session."
1233            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 46 }
1235        hwBfdSessConfPWSPE OBJECT-TYPE
1236            SYNTAX INTEGER
1237            {
1238            upe(1),
1239            spe(2),
1240            none(3)
1241            }
1242            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1243            STATUS current
1244            DESCRIPTION
1245                "The value of this object identifies the node on which a BFD session is set up.
1246                 The values are as follows.
1247                 Options:
1248                 1. upe(1)  -indicates that a BFD session is set up on a UPE to detect a PW
1249                 2. spe(2)  -indicates that a BFD session is set up on an SPE to detect a PW
1250                 3. none(3) -indicates that a BFD session does not detect a PW
1251                 Default: none
1252                "
1253            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 47 }
1255        hwBfdSessConfPWTrackIfName OBJECT-TYPE
1256            SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
1257            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1258            STATUS current
1259            DESCRIPTION
1260                "This object indicates the interface monitored by the BFD session for PW."
1261            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 48 }
1263        hwBfdSessConfIsPWTrackIf OBJECT-TYPE
1264            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
1265            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1266            STATUS current
1267            DESCRIPTION
1268                "The value of this object identifies whether the BFD session for
1269                 PW monitors an interface. The values are as follows.
1270                 Options:
1271                 1. enabled(1) -enables the BFD session for PW to monitor the interface
1272                 2. disabled(2)-disables the BFD session for PW from monitoring the interface
1273                "
1274            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 49 }
1276        hwBfdSessConfEncapsulationType OBJECT-TYPE
1277            SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..63))
1278            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1279            STATUS current
1280            DESCRIPTION
1281                "The value of this object identifies the VC encapsulation type on an SPE.
1282                 The values are as follows:
1283                fr
1284                atm-aal5-sdu
1285                atm-trans-cell
1286                vlan
1287                ethernet
1288                hdlc
1289                ppp
1290                atm-nto1-vcc
1291                atm-nto1-vpc
1292                ip-layer2
1293                atm-1to1-vcc
1294                atm-1to1-vpc
1295                atm-aal5-pdu
1296                satop-e1
1297                satop-t1
1298                esopsn-basic
1299                ip-interworking
1300                "
1301            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 50 }
1303        hwBfdSessConfPEVid OBJECT-TYPE
1304            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094)
1305            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1306            STATUS current
1307            DESCRIPTION
1308                "The value of this object identifies the outer tag of a sub-interface
1309                 for QinQ VLAN tag termination or the VLAN ID of a sub-interface for
1310                 dot1q VLAN tag termination.
1311                "
1312            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 51 }
1314        hwBfdSessConfCEVid OBJECT-TYPE
1315            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094)
1316            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1317            STATUS current
1318            DESCRIPTION
1319                "The value of this object identifies the inner tag in QinQ packets."
1320            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 52 }
1322        hwBfdSessConfTOSEx OBJECT-TYPE
1323            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7 | 255)
1324            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1325            STATUS current
1326            DESCRIPTION
1327                "This is the extended TOS value of bfd packet."
1328            DEFVAL { 7 }
1329            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 53 }
1331        hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag OBJECT-TYPE
1332            SYNTAX INTEGER
1333                {
1334                no(1),
1335                yes(2)
1336                }
1337            MAX-ACCESS read-create
1338            STATUS current
1339            DESCRIPTION
1340                "BFD session impact interface when the device reboot
1341                 Options:
1342                 1. no(1)  -do not impact interface when the device reboot
1343                 2. yes(2) -impact interface when the device reboot
1344                "
1345            DEFVAL { 1 }
1346            ::= { hwBfdSessionConfEntry 54 }
1348        hwBfdSessionTable OBJECT-TYPE
1349            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSessionEntry
1350            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1351            STATUS current
1352            DESCRIPTION
1353                "The BFD Session Table describes the BFD sessions.
1354                 The index of this table is hwBfdSessIndex.
1355                "
1356            ::= { hwBfdObjects 3 }
1359        hwBfdSessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1360            SYNTAX HwBfdSessionEntry
1361            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1362            STATUS current
1363            DESCRIPTION
1364                "The BFD Session Table describes the BFD sessions.
1365                 The index of this entry is hwBfdSessIndex.
1366                "
1367            INDEX { hwBfdSessIndex }
1368            ::= { hwBfdSessionTable 1 }
1371        HwBfdSessionEntry ::=
1372            SEQUENCE {
1373                hwBfdSessIndex
1374                    Unsigned32,
1375                hwBfdSessMIndex
1376                    Unsigned32,
1377                hwBfdSessBindVRRP
1378                    Integer32,
1379                hwBfdSessCfgName
1380                    OCTET STRING,
1381                hwBfdSessPeerAddr
1382                    IpAddress,
1383                hwBfdSessBindIfIndex
1384                    Integer32,
1385                hwBfdSessBindIfName
1386                    OCTET STRING,
1387                hwBfdSessLocalDiscr
1388                    Unsigned32,
1389                hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr
1390                    Unsigned32,
1391                hwBfdSessOperMode
1392                    Integer32,
1393                hwBfdSessDetectMult
1394                    Unsigned32,
1395                hwBfdSessDemandTimerInterval
1396                    BfdInterval,
1397                hwBfdSessActualRxInterval
1398                    BfdInterval,
1399                hwBfdSessActualTxInterval
1400                    BfdInterval,
1401                hwBfdSessWTRInterval
1402                    Integer32,
1403                hwBfdSessTOS
1404                    Integer32,
1405                hwBfdSessState
1406                    Integer32,
1407                hwBfdSessDiag
1408                    Integer32,
1409                hwBfdSessSourceAddr
1410                    IpAddress,
1411                hwBfdSessVrfIndex
1412                    Unsigned32,
1413                hwBfdSessVPNName
1414                    OCTET STRING,
1415                hwBfdSessType
1416                    INTEGER,
1417                hwBfdSessBindAppType
1418                    INTEGER,
1419                hwBfdSessDefaultIp
1420                    INTEGER,
1421                hwBfdSessPISFlag
1422                    INTEGER,
1423                hwBfdSessBindType
1424                    INTEGER,
1425                hwBfdSessNextHop
1426                    IpAddress,
1427                hwBfdSessStaticLspName
1428                    OCTET STRING,
1429                hwBfdSessLspIndex
1430                    Unsigned32,
1431                hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag
1432                    INTEGER,
1433                hwBfdSessTunnelDetectType
1434                    INTEGER,
1435                hwBfdSessVcId
1436                    Unsigned32,
1437                hwBfdSessVsiName
1438                    OCTET STRING,
1439                hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr
1440                    IpAddress,
1441                hwBfdSessDiscrAuto
1442                    EnabledStatus,
1443                hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr
1444                    Ipv6Address,
1445                hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr
1446                    Ipv6Address,
1447                hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop
1448                    Ipv6Address,
1449                hwBfdSessIsIPv6Addr
1450                    TruthValue,
1451                hwBfdSessMeticulous
1452                    EnabledStatus,
1453                hwBfdSessLooseAuthentication
1454                    TruthValue,
1455                hwBfdSessAuthenticationStatus
1456                    Integer32,
1457                hwBfdSessOneArmEcho
1458                    EnabledStatus,
1459                hwBfdSessPWTtlMode
1460                    INTEGER,
1461                hwBfdSessPWTtl
1462                    Integer32,
1463                hwBfdSessRemotePeerIpType
1464                    InetAddressType,
1465                hwBfdSessRemotePeerIp
1466                    InetAddress,
1467                hwBfdSessSelectBoard
1468                    DisplayString,
1469                hwBfdSessPWSPE
1470                    INTEGER,
1471                hwBfdSessPWTrackIfName
1472                    DisplayString,
1473                hwBfdSessIsPWTrackIf
1474                    EnabledStatus,
1475                hwBfdSessEncapsulationType
1476                    DisplayString,
1477                hwBfdSessPEVid
1478                    Unsigned32,
1479                hwBfdSessCEVid
1480                    Unsigned32,
1481                hwBfdSessPeerInetAddrType
1482                    InetAddressType,
1483                hwBfdSessPeerInetAddr
1484                    InetAddress,
1485                hwBfdSessInetNextHopType
1486                    InetAddressType,
1487                hwBfdSessInetNextHop
1488                    InetAddress,
1489                hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask
1490                    OCTET STRING,
1491                hwBfdSessDscp
1492                    Integer32,
1493                hwBfdSessPWId
1494                    Unsigned32
1495             }
1497        hwBfdSessIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1498            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1499            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
1500            STATUS current
1501            DESCRIPTION
1502                "It is unique and the Index of this session.
1503                 This index is automatically allocated inside the system
1504                 and is not user-configurable.
1505                "
1506            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 1 }
1509        hwBfdSessMIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1510            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1511            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1512            STATUS current
1513            DESCRIPTION
1514                "This value indicate the configuration has Main Index."
1515            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 2 }
1518        hwBfdSessBindVRRP OBJECT-TYPE
1519            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
1520            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1521            STATUS current
1522            DESCRIPTION
1523                "Describe the capability of bound with VRRP for the BFD session.
1524                 Options:
1525                 1. notBind(0) -not bind
1526                 2. bind(1)    -bind
1527                "
1528            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 3 }
1531        hwBfdSessCfgName OBJECT-TYPE
1532            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..15))
1533            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1534            STATUS current
1535            DESCRIPTION
1536                "This indicate the name of the session which
1537                 will be display course information or statistic
1538                 information of the session.
1539                "
1540            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 4 }
1543        hwBfdSessPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1544            SYNTAX IpAddress
1545            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1546            STATUS current
1547            DESCRIPTION
1548                "Define the peer IP address of the BFD session."
1549            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 5 }
1552        hwBfdSessBindIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1553            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
1554            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1555            STATUS current
1556            DESCRIPTION
1557                "It is the index of the binding interface in the BFD session"
1558            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 6 }
1561        hwBfdSessBindIfName OBJECT-TYPE
1562            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64))
1563            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1564            STATUS current
1565            DESCRIPTION
1566                "It is the name of the binding interface in the BFD session."
1567            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 7 }
1570        hwBfdSessLocalDiscr OBJECT-TYPE
1571            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
1572            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1573            STATUS current
1574            DESCRIPTION
1575                "A unique, nonzero discriminator value generated by the
1576                 transmitting system, used to demultiplex multiple BFD
1577                 sessions between the same pair of system.
1578                "
1579            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 8 }
1582        hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr OBJECT-TYPE
1583            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
1584            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1585            STATUS current
1586            DESCRIPTION
1587                "The discriminator received from the corresponding remote
1588                 system. This field reflects back the received value of My
1589                 Discriminator, or is zero if that value is unknown.
1590                "
1591            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 9 }
1594        hwBfdSessOperMode OBJECT-TYPE
1595            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4)
1596            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1597            STATUS current
1598            DESCRIPTION
1599                "Describe the current operating mode configured with the BFD session.
1600                 Options:
1601                 1. 0 -asynchronous mode with echo function
1602                 2. 1 -asynchronous mode without echo function
1603                 3. 2 -demand mode with echo function
1604                 4. 3 -demand mode without echo function
1605                 5. 4 -asynchronous One-arm-echo mode
1606                "
1607            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 10 }
1610        hwBfdSessDetectMult OBJECT-TYPE
1611            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (3..50)
1612            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1613            STATUS current
1614            DESCRIPTION
1615                "Detect time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval,
1616                 multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for
1617                 the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode.
1618                 Default: 3
1619                "
1620            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 11 }
1623        hwBfdSessDemandTimerInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1624            SYNTAX BfdInterval
1625            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1626            STATUS current
1627            DESCRIPTION
1628                "It is the detecting interval in the BFD session with the demand mode.
1629                 Unit: millisecond
1630                "
1631            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 12 }
1634        hwBfdSessActualRxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1635            SYNTAX BfdInterval
1636            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1637            STATUS current
1638            DESCRIPTION
1639                "This is the minimum interval, in milliseconds, between
1640                 received BFD Control packets that this system is capable
1641                 of supporting.
1642                 Unit: millisecond
1643                "
1644            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 13 }
1647        hwBfdSessActualTxInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1648            SYNTAX BfdInterval
1649            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1650            STATUS current
1651            DESCRIPTION
1652                "This is the minimum interval, in milliseconds, that the
1653                 local system would like to use when transmitting BFD
1654                 Control packets.
1655                 Unit: millisecond
1656                "
1657            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 14 }
1660        hwBfdSessWTRInterval OBJECT-TYPE
1661            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..60)
1662            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1663            STATUS current
1664            DESCRIPTION
1665                "The WTR interval of the BFD session.
1666                 Unit: minute
1667                "
1668            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 15 }
1671        hwBfdSessTOS OBJECT-TYPE
1672            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7)
1673            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1674            STATUS current
1675            DESCRIPTION
1676                "This is the TOS value of bfd packet."
1677            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 16 }
1680        hwBfdSessState OBJECT-TYPE
1681            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3)
1682            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1683            STATUS current
1684            DESCRIPTION
1685                "Describe the current state of the BFD session.
1686                 Options:
1687                 1. 0 -admin down
1688                 2. 1 -down
1689                 3. 2 -init
1690                 4. 3 -up
1691                "
1692            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 17 }
1695        hwBfdSessDiag OBJECT-TYPE
1696            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..31)
1697            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1698            STATUS current
1699            DESCRIPTION
1700                "A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for
1701                 the last session state change.
1702                 Options:
1703                 1. 0      -no diagnostic
1704                 2. 1      -control detection time expired
1705                 3. 2      -echo function failed
1706                 4. 3      -neighbor signaled session down
1707                 5. 4      -forwarding plane reset
1708                 6. 5      -path down
1709                 7. 6      -concatenated path down
1710                 8. 7      -administratively down
1711                 9. 8      -reverse concatenated path down
1712                 10. 9     -neighbor signaled session down (receive admindown)
1713                 11. 10-31 -reserved for future use
1714                "
1715            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 18 }
1718        hwBfdSessSourceAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1719            SYNTAX IpAddress
1720            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1721            STATUS current
1722            DESCRIPTION
1723                "The source address of the session."
1724            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 19 }
1727        hwBfdSessVrfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1728            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
1729            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1730            STATUS current
1731            DESCRIPTION
1732                "The index of the VPN interface."
1733            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 20 }
1736        hwBfdSessVPNName OBJECT-TYPE
1737            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..31))
1738            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1739            STATUS current
1740            DESCRIPTION
1741                "The name of VPN interface."
1742            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 21 }
1745        hwBfdSessType OBJECT-TYPE
1746            SYNTAX INTEGER
1747                {
1748                static(1),
1749                dynamic(2),
1750                entireDynamic(3),
1751                auto(4)
1752                }
1753            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1754            STATUS current
1755            DESCRIPTION
1756                "The type of the BFD session.
1757                 Options:
1758                 1. static(1)        -static
1759                 2. dynamic(2)       -dynamic
1760                 3. entireDynamic(3) -entire dynamic
1761                 4. auto(4)          -auto
1762                "
1763            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 22 }
1766--   other or unknown
1767        hwBfdSessBindAppType OBJECT-TYPE
1768            SYNTAX INTEGER
1769                {
1770                noApplication(1),
1771                vrrp(2),
1772                ifnet(3),
1773                vrrpAndIfnet(4),
1774                bgp(5),
1775                ospf(6),
1776                bgpAndOspf(7),
1777                oamLspmL2vpn(8),
1778                oamTnlL2vpn(9),
1779                lspmL2vpnTnlps(10),
1780                oamMplsfwL2vpn(11),
1781                isis(12),
1782                vsiPw(13),
1783                vrrpOamLspmL2vpn(14),
1784                vrrpOamTnlL2vpn(15),
1785                vrrpLspmL2vpnTnlps(16),
1786                vrrpOamMplsfwL2vpn(17),
1787                pim(18),
1788                bgpIsis(19),
1789                bgpPim(20),
1790                ospfIsis(21),
1791                ospfPim(22),
1792                isisPim(23),
1793                bgpOspfIsis(24),
1794                bgpOspfPim(25),
1795                bgpIsisPim(26),
1796                ospfIsisPim(27),
1797                bgpOspfIsisPim(28),
1798                bgp6(29),
1799                ospfv3(30),
1800                isis6(31),
1801                pim6(32),
1802                bgp6Ospfv3(33),
1803                bgp6Isis6(34),
1804                bgp6Pim6(35),
1805                ospfv3Isis6(36),
1806                ospfv3Pim6(37),
1807                isis6Pim6(38),
1808                bgp6Ospfv3Isis6(39),
1809                bgp6Ospfv3Pim6(40),
1810                bgp6Isis6Pim6(41),
1811                ospfv3Isis6Pim6(42),
1812                bgp6Ospfv3Isis6Pim6(43),
1813                auto(44),
1814                autoIsis(45),
1815                autoOspf(46),
1816                autoBgp(47),
1817                autoPim(48),
1818                autoIsisOspf(49),
1819                autoIsisBgp(50),
1820                autoIsisPim(51),
1821                autoOspfBgp(52),
1822                autoOspfPim(53),
1823                autoBgpPim(54),
1824                autoIsisOspfBgp(55),
1825                autoIsisOspfBgpPim(56),
1826                autoIsis6(57),
1827                autoOspfv3(58),
1828                autoBgp6(59),
1829                autoPim6(60),
1830                autoIsis6Ospfv3(61),
1831                autoIsis6Bgp6(62),
1832                autoIsis6Pim6(63),
1833                autoOspfv3Bgp6(64),
1834                autoOspfv3Pim6(65),
1835                autoBgp6Pim6(66),
1836                autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6(67),
1837                autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6Pim6(68),
1838                etrunk(69),
1839                etrunkIfnet(70),
1840                etrunkVrrp(71),
1841                etrunkVrrpIfnet(72),
1842                etrunkOamLspmL2vpn(73),
1843                etrunkOamTnlL2vpn(74),
1844                etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlps(75),
1845                etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpn(76),
1846                etrunkvsiPw(77),
1847                etrunkOamLspmL2vpnVrrp(78),
1848                etrunkOamTnlL2vpnVrrp(79),
1849                etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlpsVrrp(80),
1850                etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpnVrrp(81),
1851                rip(82),
1852                bgpRip(83),
1853                ospfRip(84),
1854                isisRip(85),
1855                pimRip(86),
1856                bgpOspfRip(87),
1857                bgpIsisRip(88),
1858                bgpPimRip(89),
1859                ospfIsisRip(90),
1860                ospfPimRip(91),
1861                isisPimRip(92),
1862                bgpOspfIsisRip(93),
1863                bgpOspfPimRip(94),
1864                ospfIsisPimRip(95),
1865                autoRip(96),
1866                autoBgpRip(97),
1867                autoOspfRip(98),
1868                autoIsisRip(99),
1869                autoPimRip(100),
1870                autoBgpOspfRip(101),
1871                autoBgpIsisRip(102),
1872                autoBgpPimRip(103),
1873                autoOspfIsisRip(104),
1874                autoOspfPimRip(105),
1875                autoIsisPimRip(106),
1876                autoBgpOspfIsisRip(107),
1877                autoBgpOspfPimRip(108),
1878                autoOspfIsisPimRip(109),
1879                autoIsisOspfBgpPimVrrp(110),
1880                autoIsisOspfPimVrrp(111),
1881                autoIsisOspfBgpVrrp(112),
1882                autoIsisBgpPimVrrp(113),
1883                autoOspfBgpPimVrrp(114),
1884                autoIsisOspfVrrp(115),
1885                autoIsisBgpVrrp(116),
1886                autoOspfBgpVrrp(117),
1887                autoIsisPimVrrp(118),
1888                autoOspfPimVrrp(119),
1889                autoBgpPimVrrp(120),
1890                autoIsisVrrp(121),
1891                autoOspfVrrp(122),
1892                autoBgpVrrp(123),
1893                autoPimVrrp(124),
1894                autoVrrp(125),
1895                autoVrrpBgp6(126),
1896                autoOspfv3Isis6Pim6(127),
1897                autoOspfBgpPim(128),
1898                autoIsisOspfPim(129),
1899                autoIsisPimBgp(130),
1900                bgpOspfIsisPimRip(131),
1901                autoBgpOspfIsisPimRip(132),
1902                bgpRsvp(133),
1903                ospfRsvp(134),
1904                isisRsvp(135),
1905                pimRsvp(136),
1906                ripRsvp(137),
1907                bgpOspfRsvp(138),
1908                bgpIsisRsvp(139),
1909                bgpPimRsvp(140),
1910                bgpRipRsvp(141),
1911                ospfIsisRsvp(142),
1912                ospfPimRsvp(143),
1913                ospfRipRsvp(144),
1914                isisPimRsvp(145),
1915                isisRipRsvp(146),
1916                pimRipRsvp(147),
1917                bgpOspfIsisRsvp(148),
1918                bgpOspfPimRsvp(149),
1919                bgpOspfRipRsvp(150),
1920                bgpIsisPimRsvp(151),
1921                bgpIsisRipRsvp(152),
1922                bgpPimRipRsvp(153),
1923                ospfIsisPimRsvp(154),
1924                ospfIsisRipRsvp(155),
1925                isisPimRipRsvp(156),
1926                bgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(157),
1927                bgpOspfIsisRipRSvp(158),
1928                bgpOspfPimRipRsvp(159),
1929                bgpIsisPimRipRsvp(160),
1930                ospfIsisPimRipRsvp(161),
1931                bgpOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(162),
1932                autoRsvp(163),
1933                autoBgpRsvp(164),
1934                autoOspfRsvp(165),
1935                autoIsisRsvp(166),
1936                autoPimRsvp(167),
1937                autoRipRsvp(168),
1938                autoBgpOspfRsvp(169),
1939                autoBgpIsisRsvp(170),
1940                autoBgpPimRsvp(171),
1941                autoBgpRipRsvp(172),
1942                autoOspfIsisRsvp(173),
1943                autoOspfPimRsvp(174),
1944                autoOspfRipRsvp(175),
1945                autoIsisPimRsvp(176),
1946                autoIsisRipRsvp(177),
1947                autoPimRipRsvp(178),
1948                autoBgpOspfIsisRsvp(179),
1949                autoBgpOspfPimRsvp(180),
1950                autoBgpOspfRipRsvp(181),
1951                autoOspfIsisPimRsvp(182),
1952                autoOspfIsisRipRsvp(183),
1953                autoIsisPimRipRsvp(184),
1954                autoBgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(185),
1955                autoBgpOspfIsisRipRsvp(186),
1956                autoOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(187),
1957                rsvp(188)
1958                }
1959            MAX-ACCESS read-only
1960            STATUS current
1961            DESCRIPTION
1962                "The Application type that this BFD session has been bound to
1963                 Options:
1964                 1. noApplication(1)              -No application
1965                 2. vrrp(2)                       -VRRP
1966                 3. ifnet(3)                      -IFNET
1967                 4. vrrpAndIfnet(4)               -VRRP&IFNET
1968                 5. bgp(5)                        -BGP
1969                 6. ospf(6)                       -OSPF
1970                 7. bgpAndOspf(7)                 -BGP&OSPF
1971                 8. oamLspmL2vpn(8)               -OAM&LSPM&L2VPN (for LDP LSP and static LSP)
1972                 9. oamTnlL2vpn(9)                -OAM&TUNNEL&L2VPN (for TE_Tunnnel)
1973                 10. lspmL2vpnTnlps(10)           -LSPM&TUNNEL_PS&L2VPN (for TE_LSP)
1974                 11. oamMplsfwL2vpn(11)           -OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN (for PW)
1975                 12. isis(12)                     -ISIS
1976                 13. vsiPw(13)                    -VSIPW (for VSI PW)
1977                 14. vrrpOamLspmL2vpn(14)         -VRRP&OAM&LSPM&L2VPN
1978                 15. vrrpOamTnlL2vpn(15)          -VRRP&OAM&TUNNEL&L2VPN
1979                 16. vrrpLspmL2vpnTnlps(16)       -VRRP&LSPM&TUNNEL_PS&L2VPN
1980                 17. vrrpOamMplsfwL2vpn(17)       -VRRP&OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN
1981                 18. pim(18)                      -PIM
1982                 19. bgpIsis(19)                  -BGP&ISIS
1983                 20. bgpPim(20)                   -BGP&PIM
1984                 21. ospfIsis(21)                 -OSPF&ISIS
1985                 22. ospfPim(22)                  -OSPF&PIM
1986                 23. isisPim(23)                  -ISIS&PIM
1987                 24. bgpOspfIsis(24)              -BGP&OSPF&ISIS
1988                 25. bgpOspfPim(25)               -BGP&OSPF&PIM
1989                 26. bgpIsisPim(26)               -BGP&ISIS&PIM
1990                 27. ospfIsisPim(27)              -OSPF&ISIS&PIM
1991                 28. bgpOspfIsisPim(28)           -BGPOSPF&ISIS&PIM
1992                 29. bgp6(29)                     -BGP6
1993                 30. ospfv3(30)                   -OSPFV3
1994                 31. isis6(31)                    -ISIS6
1995                 32. pim6(32)                     -PIM6
1996                 33. bgp6Ospfv3(33)               -BGP6&OSPFV3
1997                 34. bgp6Isis6(34)                -BGP6&ISIS6
1998                 35. bgp6Pim6(35)                 -BGP6&PIM6
1999                 36. ospfv3Isis6(36)              -OSPFV3&ISIS6
2000                 37. ospfv3Pim6(37)               -OSPFV3&PIM6
2001                 38. isis6Pim6(38)                -ISIS6&PIM6
2002                 39. bgp6Ospfv3Isis6(39)          -BGP6&OSPFV3&ISIS6
2003                 40. bgp6Ospfv3Pim6(40)           -BGP6&OSPFV3&PIM6
2004                 41. bgp6Isis6Pim6(41)            -BGP6&ISIS6&PIM6
2005                 42. ospfv3Isis6Pim6(42)          -OSPFV3&ISIS6&PIM6
2006                 43. bgp6Ospfv3Isis6Pim6(43)      -BGP6&OSPFV3&ISIS6&PIM6
2007                 44. auto(44)                     -AUTO
2008                 45. autoIsis(45)                 -AUTO&ISIS
2009                 46. autoOspf(46)                 -AUTO&OSPF
2010                 47. autoBgp(47)                  -AUTO&BGP
2011                 48. autoPim(48)                  -AUTO&PIM
2012                 49. autoIsisOspf(49)             -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF
2013                 50. autoIsisBgp(50)              -AUTO&ISIS&BGP
2014                 51. autoIsisPim(51)              -AUTO&ISIS&PIM
2015                 52. autoOspfBgp(52)              -AUTO&OSPF&BGP
2016                 53. autoOspfPim(53)              -AUTO&OSPF&PIM
2017                 54. autoBgpPim(54)               -AUTO&BGP&PIM
2018                 55. autoIsisOspfBgp(55)          -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP
2019                 56. autoIsisOspfBgpPim(56)       -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP&PIM
2020                 57. autoIsis6(57)                -AUTO&ISIS6
2021                 58. autoOspfv3(58)               -AUTO&OSPFV3
2022                 59. autoBgp6(59)                 -AUTO&BGP6
2023                 60. autoPim6(60)                 -AUTO&PIM6
2024                 61. autoIsis6Ospfv3(61)          -AUTO&ISIS6&OSPFV3
2025                 62. autoIsis6Bgp6(62)            -AUTO&ISIS6&BGP6
2026                 63. autoIsis6Pim6(63)            -AUTO&ISIS6&PIM6
2027                 64. autoOspfv3Bgp6(64)           -AUTO&OSPFV3&BGP6)
2028                 65. autoOspfv3Pim6(65)           -AUTO&OSPFV3&PIM6)
2029                 66. autoBgp6Pim6(66)             -AUTO&BGP6&PIM6
2030                 67. autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6(67)      -AUTO&ISIS6&OSPFV3&BGP6
2031                 68. autoIsis6Ospfv3Bgp6Pim6(68)  -AUTO&ISIS6&OSPFV3&BGP6&PIM6
2032                 69. etrunk(69)                   -ETRUNK
2033                 70. etrunkIfnet(70)              -ETRUNK&IFNET
2034                 71. etrunkVrrp(71)               -ETRUNK&VRRP
2035                 72. etrunkVrrpIfnet(72)          -ETRUNK&VRRP&IFNET
2036                 73. etrunkOamLspmL2vpn(73)       -ETRUNK&OAM&LSPM&L2VPN
2037                 74. etrunkOamTnlL2vpn(74)        -ETRUNK&OAM&TNL&L2VPN
2038                 75. etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlps(75)     -ETRUNK&LSPM&L2VPN&TNLPS
2039                 76. etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpn(76)     -ETRUNK&OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN
2040                 77. etrunkvsiPw(77)              -ETRUNK&VSIPW
2041                 78. etrunkOamLspmL2vpnVrrp(78)   -ETRUNK&OAM&LSPM&L2VPN&VRRP
2042                 79. etrunkOamTnlL2vpnVrrp(79)    -ETRUNK&OAM&TNL&L2VPN&VRRP
2043                 80. etrunkLspmL2vpnTnlpsVrrp(80) -ETRUNK&LSMP&L2VPN&TNLPS&VRRP
2044                 81. etrunkOamMplsfwL2vpnVrrp(81) -ETRUNK&OAM&MPLSFW&L2VPN&VRRP
2045                 82. rip(82)                      -RIP
2046                 83. bgpRip(83)                   -BGP&RIP
2047                 84. ospfRip(84)                  -OSPF&RIP
2048                 85. isisRip(85)                  -ISIS&RIP
2049                 86. pimRip(86)                   -PIM&RIP
2050                 87. bgpOspfRip(87)               -BGP&OSPF&RIP
2051                 88. bgpIsisRip(88)               -BGP&ISIS&RIP
2052                 89. bgpPimRip(89)                -BGP&PIM&RIP
2053                 90. ospfIsisRip(90)              -OSPF&ISIS&RIP
2054                 91. ospfPimRip(91)               -OSPF&PIM&RIP
2055                 92. isisPimRip(92)               -ISIS&PIM&RIP
2056                 93. bgpOspfIsisRip(93)           -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP
2057                 94. bgpOspfPimRip(94)            -BGP&OSPF&PIM&RIP
2058                 95. ospfIsisPimRip(95)           -OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP
2059                 96. autoRip(96)                  -AUTO&RIP
2060                 97. autoBgpRip(97)               -AUTO&BGP&RIP
2061                 98. autoOspfRip(98)              -AUTO&OSPF&RIP
2062                 99. autoIsisRip(99)              -AUTO&ISIS&RIP
2063                 100. autoPimRip(100)             -AUTO&PIM&RIP
2064                 101. autoBgpOspfRip(101)         -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&RIP
2065                 102. autoBgpIsisRip(102)         -AUTO&BGP&ISIS&RIP
2066                 103. autoBgpPimRip(103)          -AUTO&BGP&PIM&RIP
2067                 104. autoOspfIsisRip(104)        -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&RIP
2068                 105. autoOspfPimRip(105)         -AUTO&OSPF&PIM&RIP
2069                 106. autoIsisPimRip(106)         -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&RIP
2070                 107. autoBgpOspfIsisRip(107)     -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP
2071                 108. autoBgpOspfPimRip(108)      -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&PIM&RIP
2072                 109. autoOspfIsisPimRip(109)     -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP
2073                 110. autoIsisOspfBgpPimVrrp(110) -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP&PIM&VRRP
2074                 111. autoIsisOspfPimVrrp(111)    -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&PIM&VRRP
2075                 112. autoIsisOspfBgpVrrp(112)    -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&BGP&VRRP
2076                 113. autoIsisBgpPimVrrp(113)     -AUTO&ISIS&BGP&PIM&VRRP
2077                 114. autoOspfBgpPimVrrp(114)     -AUTO&OSPF&BGP&PIM&VRRP
2078                 115. autoIsisOspfVrrp(115)       -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&VRRP
2079                 116. autoIsisBgpVrrp(116)        -AUTO&ISIS&BGP&VRRP
2080                 117. autoOspfBgpVrrp(117)        -AUTO&OSPF&BGP&VRRP
2081                 118. autoIsisPimVrrp(118)        -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&VRRP
2082                 119. autoOspfPimVrrp(119)        -AUTO&OSPF&PIM&VRRP
2083                 120. autoBgpPimVrrp(120)         -AUTO&BGP&PIM&VRRP
2084                 121. autoIsisVrrp(121)           -AUTO&ISIS&VRRP
2085                 122. autoOspfVrrp(122)           -AUTO&OSPF&VRRP
2086                 123. autoBgpVrrp(123)            -AUTO&BGP&VRRP
2087                 124. autoPimVrrp(124)            -AUTO&PIM&VRRP
2088                 125. autoVrrp(125)               -AUTO&VRRP
2089                 126. autoVrrpBgp6(126)           -AUTO&VRRP&BGP6
2090                 127. autoOspfv3Isis6Pim6(127)    -AUTO&OSPFV3&ISIS6&PIM6
2091                 128. autoOspfBgpPim(128)         -AUTO&OSPF&BGP&PIM
2092                 129. autoIsisOspfPim(129)        -AUTO&ISIS&OSPF&PIM
2093                 130. autoIsisPimBgp(130)         -AUTO&ISIS&BGP&PIM
2094                 131. bgpOspfIsisPimRip(131)      -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP
2095                 132. autoBgpOspfIsisPimRip(132)  -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP
2096                 133. bgpRsvp(133)                -BGP&RSVP
2097                 134. ospfRsvp(134)               -OSPF&RSVP
2098                 135. isisRsvp(135)               -ISIS&RSVP
2099                 136. pimRsvp(136)                -PIM&RSVP
2100                 137. ripRsvp(137)                -RIP&RSVP
2101                 138. bgpOspfRsvp(138)            -BGP&OSPF&RSVP
2102                 139. bgpIsisRsvp(139)            -BGP&ISIS&RSVP
2103                 140. bgpPimRsvp(140)             -BGP&PIM&RSVP
2104                 141. bgpRipRsvp(141)             -BGP&RIP&RSVP
2105                 142. ospfIsisRsvp(142)           -OSPF&ISIS&RSVP
2106                 143. ospfPimRsvp(143)            -OSPF&PIM&RSVP
2107                 144. ospfRipRsvp(144)            -OSPF&RIP&RSVP
2108                 145. isisPimRsvp(145)            -ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2109                 146. isisRipRsvp(146)            -ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2110                 147. pimRipRsvp(147)             -PIM&RIP&RSVP
2111                 148. bgpOspfIsisRsvp(148)        -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RSVP
2112                 149. bgpOspfPimRsvp(149)         -BGP&OSPF&PIM&RSVP
2113                 150. bgpOspfRipRsvp(150)         -BGP&OSPF&RIP&RSVP
2114                 151. bgpIsisPimRsvp(151)         -BGP&ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2115                 152. bgpIsisRipRsvp(152)         -BGP&ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2116                 153. bgpPimRipRsvp(153)          -BGP&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2117                 154. ospfIsisPimRsvp(154)        -OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2118                 155. ospfIsisRipRsvp(155)        -OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2119                 156. isisPimRipRsvp(156)         -ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2120                 157. bgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(157)     -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2121                 158. bgpOspfIsisRipRSvp(158)     -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2122                 159. bgpOspfPimRipRsvp(159)      -BGP&OSPF&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2123                 160. bgpIsisPimRipRsvp(160)      -BGP&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2124                 161. ospfIsisPimRipRsvp(161)     -OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2125                 162. bgpOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(162)  -BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2126                 163. autoRsvp(163)               -AUTO&RSVP
2127                 164. autoBgpRsvp(164)            -AUTO&BGP&RSVP
2128                 165. autoOspfRsvp(165)           -AUTO&OSPF&RSVP
2129                 166. autoIsisRsvp(166)           -AUTO&ISIS&RSVP
2130                 167. autoPimRsvp(167)            -AUTO&PIM&RSVP
2131                 168. autoRipRsvp(168)            -AUTO&RIP&RSVP
2132                 169. autoBgpOspfRsvp(169)        -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&RSVP
2133                 170. autoBgpIsisRsvp(170)        -AUTO&BGP&ISIS&RSVP
2134                 171. autoBgpPimRsvp(171)         -AUTO&BGP&PIM&RSVP
2135                 172. autoBgpRipRsvp(172)         -AUTO&BGP&RIP&RSVP
2136                 173. autoOspfIsisRsvp(173)       -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&RSVP
2137                 174. autoOspfPimRsvp(174)        -AUTO&OSPF&PIM&RSVP
2138                 175. autoOspfRipRsvp(175)        -AUTO&OSPF&RIP&RSVP
2139                 176. autoIsisPimRsvp(176)        -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2140                 177. autoIsisRipRsvp(177)        -AUTO&ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2141                 178. autoPimRipRsvp(178)         -AUTO&PIM&RIP&RAVP
2142                 179. autoBgpOspfIsisRsvp(179)    -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RSVP
2143                 180. autoBgpOspfPimRsvp(180)     -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&PIM&RSVP
2144                 181. autoBgpOspfRipRsvp(181)     -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&RIP&RSVP
2145                 182. autoOspfIsisPimRsvp(182)    -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2146                 183. autoOspfIsisRipRsvp(183)    -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2147                 184. autoIsisPimRipRsvp(184)     -AUTO&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2148                 185. autoBgpOspfIsisPimRsvp(185) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RSVP
2149                 186. autoBgpOspfIsisRipRsvp(186) -AUTO&BGP&OSPF&ISIS&RIP&RSVP
2150                 187. autoOspfIsisPimRipRsvp(187) -AUTO&OSPF&ISIS&PIM&RIP&RSVP
2151                 188. rsvp(188)                   -RSVP
2152                "
2153            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 23 }
2156        hwBfdSessDefaultIp OBJECT-TYPE
2157            SYNTAX INTEGER
2158                {
2159                no(1),
2160                yes(2)
2161                }
2162            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2163            STATUS current
2164            DESCRIPTION
2165                "BFD session use default multicast IP as the detect peer-ip
2166                 Options:
2167                 1. no(1)  -do not use the default multicast IP
2168                 2. yes(2) -use the default multicast IP
2169                "
2170            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 24 }
2173        hwBfdSessPISFlag OBJECT-TYPE
2174            SYNTAX INTEGER
2175                {
2176                false(1),
2177                true(2),
2178                subif(3)
2179                }
2180            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2181            STATUS current
2182            DESCRIPTION
2183                "The state of BFD session is associated with the state of the binding interface
2184                 Options:
2185                 1. false(1) -do not associate with interface state
2186                 2. true(2)  -ssociate with interface state
2187                 3. subif(3) -associate with interface and correlative sub interface
2188                "
2189            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 25 }
2192        hwBfdSessBindType OBJECT-TYPE
2193            SYNTAX INTEGER
2194                {
2195                interfaceIp(1),
2196                peerIp(2),
2197                sourceIp(3),
2198                ifAndSourceIp(4),
2199                fec(5),
2200                tunnelIf(6),
2201                ospf(7),
2202                isis(8),
2203                ldpLsp(9),
2204                staticLsp(10),
2205                teLsp(11),
2206                teTunnel(12),
2207                pw(13),
2208                vsiPw(15),
2209                ldpTunnel(21),
2210                bgpTunnel(22)
2211                }
2212            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2213            STATUS current
2214            DESCRIPTION
2215                "The binding type of the BFD session.
2216                 Options:
2217                 1. interfaceIp(1)   -BFD for IP with peer-ip and interface
2218                 2. peerIp(2)        -BFD for IP only with peer-ip
2219                 3. sourceIp(3)      -BFD for IP with peer-ip and source-ip
2220                 4. ifAndSourceIp(4) -BFD for IP with peer-ip, interface and source-ip
2221                 5. fec(5)           -BFD for FEC(NOT support now)
2222                 6. tunnelIf(6)      -BFD for Tunnel interface(NOT support now)
2223                 7. ospf(7)          -BFD for OSPF
2224                 8. isis(8)          -BFD for ISIS
2225                 9. ldpLsp(9)        -BFD for LDP-LSP
2226                 10. staticLsp(10)   -BFD for static LSP
2227                 11. teLsp(11)       -BFD for TE-LSP
2228                 12. teTunnel(12)    -BFD for TE-Tunnel
2229                 13. pw(13)          -BFD for PW;
2230                 14. vsiPw(15)       -BFD for VSI PW
2231                 15. ldpTunnel(21)   -BFD for LDP-Tunnel
2232                 16. bgpTunnel(22)   -BFD for BGP-Tunnel
2233                "
2234            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 26 }
2237        hwBfdSessNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
2238            SYNTAX IpAddress
2239            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2240            STATUS current
2241            DESCRIPTION
2242                "It is the next hop of the BFD session."
2243            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 27 }
2246        hwBfdSessStaticLspName OBJECT-TYPE
2247            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20))
2248            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2249            STATUS current
2250            DESCRIPTION
2251                "It is the static LSP name of the BFD session."
2252            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 28 }
2255        hwBfdSessLspIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2256            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
2257            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2258            STATUS current
2259            DESCRIPTION
2260                "It is the index of the static LSP or LDP LSP in BFD session, mapping the channel index in MPLS network."
2261            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 29 }
2264        hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag OBJECT-TYPE
2265            SYNTAX INTEGER
2266                {
2267                flagMasterPW(1),
2268                flagSecondaryPW(2),
2269                flagNoPW(3)
2270                }
2271            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2272            STATUS current
2273            DESCRIPTION
2274                "The role of the PW bound with BFD session.
2275                 Options:
2276                 1. flagMasterPW(1)    -master PW
2277                 2. flagSecondaryPW(2) -secondary PW
2278                 3. flagNoPW(3)        -no PW
2279                 Default: 1
2280                "
2281            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 30 }
2284        hwBfdSessTunnelDetectType OBJECT-TYPE
2285            SYNTAX INTEGER
2286                {
2287                flagBothDown(1),
2288                flagNeighborDown(2)
2289                }
2290            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2291            STATUS current
2292            DESCRIPTION
2293                "Set the failure notifies policy type.
2294                 Options:
2295                 1. flagBothDown(1)     -notify applications when detecting both Detect-Down and Neighbor-Down
2296                 2. flagNeighborDown(2) -notify applications only when detecting Neighbor-Down
2297                 Default: 1
2298                "
2299            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 31 }
2302        hwBfdSessVcId OBJECT-TYPE
2303            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
2304            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2305            STATUS current
2306            DESCRIPTION
2307                "It is the ID of VC."
2308            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 32 }
2311        hwBfdSessVsiName OBJECT-TYPE
2312            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..31))
2313            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2314            STATUS current
2315            DESCRIPTION
2316                "It is the name of VSI."
2317            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 33 }
2320        hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2321            SYNTAX IpAddress
2322            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2323            STATUS current
2324            DESCRIPTION
2325                "It is the peer-ip of VSI."
2326            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 34 }
2328        hwBfdSessDiscrAuto OBJECT-TYPE
2329            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
2330            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2331            STATUS current
2332            DESCRIPTION
2333                "Describe whether the discriminator can be auto allocated.
2334                 Options:
2335                 1. enabled(1)   -the discriminator can be allocated automatically
2336                 2. disabled(2)  -the discriminator can not be allocated automatically
2337                 Default: disabled
2338                "
2339            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 35 }
2341        hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
2342            SYNTAX Ipv6Address
2343            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2344            STATUS current
2345            DESCRIPTION
2346                "Define the peer IPv6 address of the BFD session."
2347            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 36 }
2349        hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
2350            SYNTAX Ipv6Address
2351            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2352            STATUS current
2353            DESCRIPTION
2354                "Define the source IPv6 address of the BFD session."
2355            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 37 }
2357        hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop OBJECT-TYPE
2358            SYNTAX Ipv6Address
2359            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2360            STATUS current
2361            DESCRIPTION
2362                "It is the next hop of the BFD session."
2363            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 38 }
2365        hwBfdSessIsIPv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
2366            SYNTAX TruthValue
2367            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2368            STATUS current
2369            DESCRIPTION
2370                "Whether the peer address of the BFD session is IPv6 address.
2371                 Default: false
2372                "
2373            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 39 }
2375        hwBfdSessMeticulous OBJECT-TYPE
2376            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
2377            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2378            STATUS current
2379            DESCRIPTION
2380                "Whether enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type.
2381                 Options:
2382                 1. enabled(1)  -enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type
2383                 2. disabled(2) -disabled meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type
2384                 Default: 2
2385                "
2386            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 40 }
2388        hwBfdSessLooseAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE
2389            SYNTAX TruthValue
2390            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2391            STATUS current
2392            DESCRIPTION
2393                "Whether loose authentication check.
2394                 Options:
2395                 1. True(1)  -loose-check
2396                 2. False(2) -do not loose-check
2397                 Default: false
2398                "
2399            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 41 }
2401        hwBfdSessAuthenticationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2402            SYNTAX Integer32
2403            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2404            STATUS current
2405            DESCRIPTION
2406                "Authentication status of the bfd session
2407                 Options:
2408                 1. 0       -authentication disable
2409                 2. 1       -interface board do not support bfd authentication
2410                 3. 2       -keychain does not exist
2411                 4. 3       -auth BFD session number exceed
2412                 5. 4       -authentication in operation normally
2413                 100. 100   -exception
2414                 Default: 0
2415                "
2416            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 42 }
2418        hwBfdSessOneArmEcho OBJECT-TYPE
2419            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
2420            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2421            STATUS current
2422            DESCRIPTION
2423                "The value of this object identifies whether a session works in one-arm-echo mode.
2424                 Options:
2425                 1. enabled(1)  -indicates that the session works in one-arm-echo mode
2426                 2. disabled(2) -indicates that the session does not work in one-arm-echo mode
2427                 Default: disabled
2428                "
2429            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 43 }
2431        hwBfdSessPWTtlMode OBJECT-TYPE
2432            SYNTAX INTEGER
2433                {
2434                config(1),
2435                auto(2),
2436                default(3),
2437                nottl(4)
2438                }
2439            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2440            STATUS current
2441            DESCRIPTION
2442                "The value of this object identifies the configuration mode of a TTL used by
2443                 the BFD session for PW.
2444                 Options:
2445                 1. config(1)   -indicates that the TTL is manually set
2446                 2. auto(2)     -indicates that the TTL is automatically calculated based on an IP address
2447                 3. default(3)  -indicates that the TTL is 255 by default
2448                 4. nottl(4)    -indicates that the TTL is not in PW mode
2449                "
2450            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 44 }
2452        hwBfdSessPWTtl OBJECT-TYPE
2453            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
2454            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2455            STATUS current
2456            DESCRIPTION
2457                "The value of this object identifies the TTL used by the BFD session for PW."
2458            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 45 }
2460        hwBfdSessRemotePeerIpType OBJECT-TYPE
2461            SYNTAX InetAddressType
2462            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2463            STATUS current
2464            DESCRIPTION
2465                "The value of this object identifies the type of the destination address of the BFD
2466                 session for PW.
2467                "
2468            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 46 }
2470        hwBfdSessRemotePeerIp OBJECT-TYPE
2471            SYNTAX InetAddress
2472            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2473            STATUS current
2474            DESCRIPTION
2475                "The value of this object identifies the destination IP address of the BFD session
2476                 for PW.
2477                "
2478            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 47 }
2480        hwBfdSessSelectBoard OBJECT-TYPE
2481            SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..47))
2482            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2483            STATUS current
2484            DESCRIPTION
2485                "This object indicates the main processing board of a BFD session."
2486            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 48 }
2488        hwBfdSessPWSPE OBJECT-TYPE
2489            SYNTAX INTEGER
2490            {
2491            upe(1),
2492            spe(2),
2493            none(3)
2494            }
2495            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2496            STATUS current
2497            DESCRIPTION
2498                "The value of this object identifies the node on which a BFD session is set up.
2499                 The values are as follows.
2500                 Options:
2501                 1. upe(1)  -indicates that a BFD session is set up on a UPE to detect a PW
2502                 2. spe(2)  -indicates that a BFD session is set up on an SPE to detect a PW
2503                 3. none(3) -indicates that a BFD session does not detect a PW
2504                 Default: none
2505                "
2506            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 49 }
2508        hwBfdSessPWTrackIfName OBJECT-TYPE
2509            SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
2510            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2511            STATUS current
2512            DESCRIPTION
2513                "This object indicates the interface monitored by the BFD session for PW."
2514            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 50 }
2516        hwBfdSessIsPWTrackIf OBJECT-TYPE
2517            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
2518            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2519            STATUS current
2520            DESCRIPTION
2521                "The value of this object identifies whether the BFD session for
2522                 PW monitors an interface. The values are as follows.
2523                 Options:
2524                 1. enabled(1)  -enables the BFD session for PW to monitor the interface
2525                 2. disabled(2) -disables the BFD session for PW from monitoring the interface
2526                "
2527            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 51 }
2529        hwBfdSessEncapsulationType OBJECT-TYPE
2530            SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..63))
2531            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2532            STATUS current
2533            DESCRIPTION
2534                "The value of this object identifies the VC encapsulation type on an SPE.
2535                 The values are as follows:
2536                fr
2537                atm-aal5-sdu
2538                atm-trans-cell
2539                vlan
2540                ethernet
2541                hdlc
2542                ppp
2543                atm-nto1-vcc
2544                atm-nto1-vpc
2545                ip-layer2
2546                atm-1to1-vcc
2547                atm-1to1-vpc
2548                atm-aal5-pdu
2549                satop-e1
2550                satop-t1
2551                esopsn-basic
2552                ip-interworking
2553                "
2554            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 52 }
2556        hwBfdSessPEVid OBJECT-TYPE
2557            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094)
2558            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2559            STATUS current
2560            DESCRIPTION
2561                "The value of this object identifies the outer tag of a sub-interface
2562                 for QinQ VLAN tag termination or the VLAN ID of a sub-interface for
2563                 dot1q VLAN tag termination.
2564                "
2565            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 53 }
2567        hwBfdSessCEVid OBJECT-TYPE
2568            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4094)
2569            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2570            STATUS current
2571            DESCRIPTION
2572                "The value of this object identifies the inner tag in QinQ packets."
2573            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 54 }
2575        hwBfdSessPeerInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
2576            SYNTAX InetAddressType
2577            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2578            STATUS current
2579            DESCRIPTION
2580                "The value of this object identifies the type of the destination address of the BFD
2581                 session.
2582                "
2583            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 55 }
2585        hwBfdSessPeerInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2586            SYNTAX InetAddress
2587            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2588            STATUS current
2589            DESCRIPTION
2590                "The value of this object identifies the destination IP address of the BFD session."
2591            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 56 }
2593        hwBfdSessInetNextHopType OBJECT-TYPE
2594            SYNTAX InetAddressType
2595            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2596            STATUS current
2597            DESCRIPTION
2598                "The value of this object identifies the type of the next hop of the BFD
2599                 session.
2600                "
2601            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 57 }
2603        hwBfdSessInetNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
2604            SYNTAX InetAddress
2605            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2606            STATUS current
2607            DESCRIPTION
2608                "The value of this object identifies the next hop of the BFD session."
2609            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 58 }
2611        hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask OBJECT-TYPE
2612            SYNTAX OCTET STRING
2613            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2614            STATUS current
2615            DESCRIPTION
2616                "A value which indicates the set of applications that
2617                 this BFD session binds. Every bit indicates a application.
2618                 The corresponding bit and applications are as follows:
2619                 bit  application
2620                   0  IFNET
2621                   1  Route-Management
2622                   2  OSPF
2623                   3  ISISL1
2624                   4  ISISL2
2625                   5  PIM
2626                   6  ISISL1L2
2627                   7  BGP
2628                   8  VRRP
2629                   9  LSPM
2630                  10  RSVP
2631                  11  LDP
2632                  12  TE
2633                  13  Product Private APP
2634                  14  L2VPN
2635                  15  OAM_MANAGER
2636                  16  VTE
2637                  17  VPW
2638                  18  MPLSFW
2639                  19  VGMP
2640                  20  LSPV
2641                  21  VSI_PW
2642                  22  ETHOAM
2643                  23  AUTO
2644                  24  E-TRUNK
2645                  25  OSPFv3
2646                  26  ISISL1_6
2647                  27  ISISL2_6
2648                  28  PIM6
2649                  29  ISISL1L2_6
2650                  30  BGP6
2651                  31  RM6
2652                  32  RBS
2653                  33  RIP
2654                  34  FRP
2655                  35  BGPLSP
2656                "
2657            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 59 }
2659        hwBfdSessDscp OBJECT-TYPE
2660            SYNTAX Integer32 (0..63 | 255)
2661            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2662            STATUS current
2663            DESCRIPTION
2664                "This is the dscp value of bfd packet.
2665                 255 is invalid value.
2666                "
2667            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 60 }
2669        hwBfdSessPWId OBJECT-TYPE
2670            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
2671            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2672            STATUS current
2673            DESCRIPTION
2674                "It is the ID of PW."
2675            ::= { hwBfdSessionEntry 61 }
2677        hwBfdSessionPerTable OBJECT-TYPE
2678            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSessionPerEntry
2679            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2680            STATUS current
2681            DESCRIPTION
2682                "This table specifies BFD Session performance counters.
2683                 The index of this table is hwBfdSessPerIndex.
2684                "
2685            ::= { hwBfdObjects 4 }
2688        hwBfdSessionPerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2689            SYNTAX HwBfdSessionPerEntry
2690            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2691            STATUS current
2692            DESCRIPTION
2693                "This table specifies BFD Session performance counters.
2694                 The index of this entry is hwBfdSessPerIndex.
2695                "
2696            INDEX { hwBfdSessPerIndex }
2697            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerTable 1 }
2700        HwBfdSessionPerEntry ::=
2701            SEQUENCE {
2702                hwBfdSessPerIndex
2703                    Unsigned32,
2704                hwBfdSessPerfPktIn
2705                    Counter32,
2706                hwBfdSessPerfPktInHC
2707                    Counter32,
2708                hwBfdSessPerfPktOut
2709                    Counter32,
2710                hwBfdSessPerfPktOutHC
2711                    Counter32,
2712                hwBfdSessPerfBadIn
2713                    Counter32,
2714                hwBfdSessPerfBadInHC
2715                    Counter32,
2716                hwBfdSessPerfBadOut
2717                    Counter32,
2718                hwBfdSessPerfBadOutHC
2719                    Counter32,
2720                hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime
2721                    OCTET STRING,
2722                hwBfdSessPerfSessDownCount
2723                    Unsigned32,
2724                hwBfdSessPerfSessShortBreakCount
2725                    Unsigned32,
2726                hwBfdSessionPerStartTime
2727                    OCTET STRING
2728             }
2730        hwBfdSessPerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2731            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
2732            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2733            STATUS current
2734            DESCRIPTION
2735                "The index of BFD session statistics.
2736                 This index is automatically allocated inside the system
2737                 and is not user-configurable.
2738                "
2739            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 1 }
2742        hwBfdSessPerfPktIn OBJECT-TYPE
2743            SYNTAX Counter32
2744            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2745            STATUS current
2746            DESCRIPTION
2747                "The statistical information of the received Octets in local
2748                 system in this session.The total received packet number.
2749                "
2750            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 2 }
2753        hwBfdSessPerfPktInHC OBJECT-TYPE
2754            SYNTAX Counter32
2755            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2756            STATUS current
2757            DESCRIPTION
2758                "The statistical information of the received Octets in local
2759                 system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total received
2760                 packet number.
2761                "
2762            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 3 }
2765        hwBfdSessPerfPktOut OBJECT-TYPE
2766            SYNTAX Counter32
2767            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2768            STATUS current
2769            DESCRIPTION
2770                "The statistical information of the send Packets in local
2771                 system in this session.
2772                "
2773            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 4 }
2776        hwBfdSessPerfPktOutHC OBJECT-TYPE
2777            SYNTAX Counter32
2778            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2779            STATUS current
2780            DESCRIPTION
2781                "The statistical information of the send Packets in local
2782                 system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total send
2783                 packet number.
2784                "
2785            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 5 }
2788        hwBfdSessPerfBadIn OBJECT-TYPE
2789            SYNTAX Counter32
2790            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2791            STATUS current
2792            DESCRIPTION
2793                "The statistical information of the received Errors in local
2794                 system in this session.
2795                "
2796            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 6 }
2799        hwBfdSessPerfBadInHC OBJECT-TYPE
2800            SYNTAX Counter32
2801            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2802            STATUS current
2803            DESCRIPTION
2804                "The statistical information of the received Errors in local
2805                 system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total received wrong
2806                 packet number.
2807                "
2808            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 7 }
2811        hwBfdSessPerfBadOut OBJECT-TYPE
2812            SYNTAX Counter32
2813            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2814            STATUS current
2815            DESCRIPTION
2816                "The statistical information of the send Errors in local
2817                 system in this session.
2818                "
2819            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 8 }
2822        hwBfdSessPerfBadOutHC OBJECT-TYPE
2823            SYNTAX Counter32
2824            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2825            STATUS current
2826            DESCRIPTION
2827                "The statistical information of the send Errors in local
2828                 system in this session.The high 4 bytes of total send
2829                 wrong packet number.
2830                "
2831            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 9 }
2834        hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime OBJECT-TYPE
2835            SYNTAX OCTET STRING
2836            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2837            STATUS current
2838            DESCRIPTION
2839                "The time of session last time down."
2840            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 10 }
2843        hwBfdSessPerfSessDownCount OBJECT-TYPE
2844            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2845            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2846            STATUS current
2847            DESCRIPTION
2848                "The total count of session down."
2849            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 11 }
2852        hwBfdSessPerfSessShortBreakCount OBJECT-TYPE
2853            SYNTAX Unsigned32
2854            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2855            STATUS current
2856            DESCRIPTION
2857                "The total count of session shortbreak."
2858            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 12 }
2861        hwBfdSessionPerStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
2862            SYNTAX OCTET STRING
2863            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2864            STATUS current
2865            DESCRIPTION
2866                "The time that session start detection."
2867            ::= { hwBfdSessionPerEntry 13 }
2870        hwBfdSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE
2871            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdSlotEntry
2872            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2873            STATUS current
2874            DESCRIPTION
2875                "The Slot table of BFD.
2876                 BFD statistics on specify board of containing the following objects.
2877                 The index of this table is hwBfdSlotID.
2878                "
2879            ::= { hwBfdObjects 5 }
2882        hwBfdSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2883            SYNTAX HwBfdSlotEntry
2884            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2885            STATUS current
2886            DESCRIPTION
2887                "The Slot table of BFD.
2888                 BFD statistics on specify board of containing the following objects.
2889                 The index of this entry is hwBfdSlotID.
2890                "
2891            INDEX { hwBfdSlotID }
2892            ::= { hwBfdSlotTable 1 }
2895        HwBfdSlotEntry ::=
2896            SEQUENCE {
2897                hwBfdSlotID
2898                    Unsigned32,
2899                hwBfdSlotReserveOneHopSessNum
2900                    Unsigned32,
2901                hwBfdSlotOneHopSessNum
2902                    Unsigned32,
2903                hwBfdSlotCurrentSessNum
2904                    Unsigned32,
2905                hwBfdSlotRowStatus
2906                    RowStatus
2907             }
2909        hwBfdSlotID OBJECT-TYPE
2910            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..31)
2911            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2912            STATUS current
2913            DESCRIPTION
2914                "The ID of slot."
2915            ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 1 }
2918        hwBfdSlotReserveOneHopSessNum OBJECT-TYPE
2919            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..512)
2920            MAX-ACCESS read-create
2921            STATUS current
2922            DESCRIPTION
2923                "The number of session reserving for one-hop session on the board."
2924            ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 2 }
2927        hwBfdSlotOneHopSessNum OBJECT-TYPE
2928            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..512)
2929            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2930            STATUS obsolete
2931            DESCRIPTION
2932                "The number of session for one-hop session on the board."
2933            ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 3 }
2936        hwBfdSlotCurrentSessNum OBJECT-TYPE
2937            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..512)
2938            MAX-ACCESS read-only
2939            STATUS current
2940            DESCRIPTION
2941                "The number of session on the board on current."
2942            ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 4 }
2945        hwBfdSlotRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
2946            SYNTAX RowStatus
2947            MAX-ACCESS read-create
2948            STATUS current
2949            DESCRIPTION
2950                "Used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows."
2951            ::= { hwBfdSlotEntry 5 }
2954        hwBfdTtlConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
2955            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdTtlConfEntry
2956            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2957            STATUS current
2958            DESCRIPTION
2959                "The TTL configuration table.
2960                 The index of this table is hwBfdTtlConfAddr, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen and hwBfdTtlConfType."
2961            ::= { hwBfdObjects 6 }
2964        hwBfdTtlConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2965            SYNTAX HwBfdTtlConfEntry
2966            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2967            STATUS current
2968            DESCRIPTION
2969                "The TTL configuration table.
2970                 The index of this entry is hwBfdTtlConfAddr, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen and hwBfdTtlConfType."
2971            INDEX { hwBfdTtlConfAddr, hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen,hwBfdTtlConfType}
2972            ::= { hwBfdTtlConfTable 1 }
2975        HwBfdTtlConfEntry ::=
2976            SEQUENCE {
2977                hwBfdTtlConfAddr
2978                    IpAddress,
2979                hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen
2980                    Integer32,
2981                hwBfdTtlConfType
2982                    INTEGER,
2983                hwBfdTtlConfValue
2984                    Integer32,
2985                hwBfdTtlConfRowStatus
2986                    RowStatus
2987             }
2989        hwBfdTtlConfAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2990            SYNTAX IpAddress
2991            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
2992            STATUS current
2993            DESCRIPTION
2994                "IP address."
2995            ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 1 }
2998        hwBfdTtlConfMaskLen OBJECT-TYPE
2999            SYNTAX Integer32 (8..32)
3000            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3001            STATUS current
3002            DESCRIPTION
3003                "Length of IP address mask."
3004            ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 2 }
3007        hwBfdTtlConfType OBJECT-TYPE
3008            SYNTAX INTEGER
3009                {
3010                singleHop(1),
3011                multiHop(2)
3012                }
3013            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3014            STATUS current
3015            DESCRIPTION
3016                "Type of BFD session.
3017                 Options:
3018                 1. singleHop(1) -single hop bfd session
3019                 2. multiHop(2)  -multi hop bfd session
3020                "
3021            ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 3 }
3024        hwBfdTtlConfValue OBJECT-TYPE
3025            SYNTAX Integer32(1..255)
3026            MAX-ACCESS read-create
3027            STATUS current
3028            DESCRIPTION
3029                "TTL value."
3030            ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 4 }
3033        hwBfdTtlConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
3034            SYNTAX RowStatus
3035            MAX-ACCESS read-create
3036            STATUS current
3037            DESCRIPTION
3038                "The status of this table entry."
3039            ::= { hwBfdTtlConfEntry 50 }
3043        hwBfdPassiveAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE
3044            SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HwBfdPassiveAuthEntry
3045            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3046            STATUS current
3047            DESCRIPTION
3048                "The authentication configuration table for entire dynamic bfd session on egress.
3049                 The index of this table is hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr and hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol.
3050                "
3051            ::= { hwBfdObjects 7 }
3054        hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3055            SYNTAX HwBfdPassiveAuthEntry
3056            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
3057            STATUS current
3058            DESCRIPTION
3059                "The authentication configuration table for entire dynamic bfd session on egress.
3060                 The index of this entry is hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr and hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol.
3061                "
3062            INDEX { hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr, hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol}
3063            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthTable 1 }
3066        HwBfdPassiveAuthEntry ::=
3067            SEQUENCE {
3068                hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr
3069                    IpAddress,
3070                hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol
3071                    Integer32,
3072                hwBfdPassiveAuthKeychainName
3073                    OCTET STRING,
3074                hwBfdPassiveAuthMeticulous
3075                    EnabledStatus,
3076                hwBfdPassiveAuthLoose
3077                    TruthValue,
3078                hwBfdPassiveAuthRowStatus
3079                    RowStatus
3080             }
3082        hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
3083            SYNTAX IpAddress
3084            MAX-ACCESS read-create
3085            STATUS current
3086            DESCRIPTION
3087                "Specify the Lsr-id IP address of the ingress."
3088            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 1 }
3090        hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
3091            SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2)
3092            MAX-ACCESS read-create
3093            STATUS current
3094            DESCRIPTION
3095                "Specify the protocol on ingress.
3096                 Options:
3097                 1. te(1)  -MPLS TE protocol
3098                 2. ldp(2) -MPLS LDP protocol
3099                "
3100            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 2 }
3102        hwBfdPassiveAuthKeychainName OBJECT-TYPE
3103            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..47))
3104            MAX-ACCESS read-create
3105            STATUS current
3106            DESCRIPTION
3107                "Specify the name of the keychain for authentication of entire dynamic bfd session."
3108            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 3 }
3110        hwBfdPassiveAuthMeticulous OBJECT-TYPE
3111            SYNTAX EnabledStatus
3112            MAX-ACCESS read-only
3113            STATUS current
3114            DESCRIPTION
3115                "Whether enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type.
3116                 Options:
3117                 1. enabled(1)  -enable meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type
3118                 2. disabled(2) -disabled meticulous authentication for MD5 or SHA-1 type
3119                 Default: 2
3120                "
3121            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 4 }
3123        hwBfdPassiveAuthLoose OBJECT-TYPE
3124            SYNTAX TruthValue
3125            MAX-ACCESS read-only
3126            STATUS current
3127            DESCRIPTION
3128                "Whether loose authentication check.
3129                 Options:
3130                 1. True(1)  -loose-check
3131                 2. False(2) -do not loose-check
3132                 Default: false
3133                "
3134            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 5 }
3136        hwBfdPassiveAuthRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
3137            SYNTAX RowStatus
3138            MAX-ACCESS read-create
3139            STATUS current
3140            DESCRIPTION
3141                "The status of this table entry."
3142            ::= { hwBfdPassiveAuthEntry 50 }
3145        hwBfdNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 3 }
3148        hwBfdSessDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3149            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessBindIfName, hwBfdSessDiag,
3150                hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessVPNName, hwBfdSessType, hwBfdSessDefaultIp, hwBfdSessBindType,
3151                hwBfdSessStaticLspName, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessVcId, hwBfdSessVsiName,
3152                hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop }
3153            STATUS current
3154            DESCRIPTION
3155                "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session
3156                 became down. The BFD session is characterized
3157                 by the objects in this node.
3158                "
3159            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 1 }
3162        hwBfdSessUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3163            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessBindIfName, hwBfdSessDiag,
3164                hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessVPNName, hwBfdSessType, hwBfdSessDefaultIp, hwBfdSessBindType,
3165                hwBfdSessStaticLspName, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessVcId, hwBfdSessVsiName,
3166                hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop }
3167            STATUS current
3168            DESCRIPTION
3169                "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session
3170                 became up. The BFD session is characterized
3171                 by the objects in this node.
3172                "
3173            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 2 }
3176        hwBfdSessReachLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3177            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessLimitNumber }
3178            STATUS current
3179            DESCRIPTION
3180                "There is the notify when the session number reach the global limit."
3181            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 3 }
3184        hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIf NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3185            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessConfBindIfName, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber }
3186            STATUS current
3187            DESCRIPTION
3188                "There is the notify when the session number reach the interface limit."
3189            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 4 }
3192        hwBfdSessReachLimitResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3193            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessLimitNumber }
3194            STATUS current
3195            DESCRIPTION
3196                "There is the notify when the session number reach the global limit was cleared. "
3197            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 5 }
3200        hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIfResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3201            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessConfBindIfName, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber, hwBfdLimitDeviceName  }
3202            STATUS current
3203            DESCRIPTION
3204                "There is the notify when the session number reach the interface limit was cleared. "
3205            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 6 }
3207        hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3208            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFailType }
3209            STATUS current
3210            DESCRIPTION
3211                "This notification is generated when the virtual access AP process BFD configuration failed."
3212            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 7 }
3214        hwBfdSessFaultDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3215            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName }
3216            STATUS current
3217            DESCRIPTION
3218                "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session
3219                 became down. The BFD session is characterized
3220                 by the objects in this node.
3221                "
3222            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 8 }
3225        hwBfdSessResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3226            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName }
3227            STATUS current
3228            DESCRIPTION
3229                "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session
3230                 resume from down state. The BFD session is characterized
3231                 by the objects in this node.
3232                "
3233            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 9 }
3235        hwBfdSessApOperFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3236            OBJECTS {
3237                hwBfdCfgApUserName,
3238                hwBfdCfgApIPAddress,
3239                hwBfdCfgApID,
3240                hwBfdCfgApOperation,
3241                hwBfdCfgApReason }
3242            STATUS current
3243            DESCRIPTION
3244                "The operation failed to config access point."
3245            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 10 }
3247        hwBfdSessFsmDiscordant NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3248            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName }
3249            STATUS current
3250            DESCRIPTION
3251                "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session
3252                 FSM's board is different from the monitored link's board.
3253                 The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node.
3254                "
3255            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 11 }
3258        hwBfdSessFsmAccordant NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3259            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessDiag, hwBfdSessBindIfName }
3260            STATUS current
3261            DESCRIPTION
3262                "This trap occurred when the state of the BFD session
3263                 FSM's board is the same as the monitored link's board.
3264                 The BFD session is characterized by the objects in this node.
3265                "
3266            ::= { hwBfdNotifications 12 }
3269        hwBfdConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 4 }
3272        hwBfdCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdConformance 1 }
3275--  this module
3276        hwBfdFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
3277            STATUS current
3278            DESCRIPTION
3279                "The compliance statement for entities which
3280                 implement the Huawei BFD MIB.
3281                "
3282            MODULE -- this module
3283                MANDATORY-GROUPS { hwBfdGroup, hwBfdSessGroup, hwBfdObsoleteGroup, hwBfdNotificationGroup }
3284            ::= { hwBfdCompliances 1 }
3287        hwBfdGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdConformance 2 }
3290        hwBfdGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3291            OBJECTS { hwBfdVersionNumber, hwBfdAdminStatus, hwBfdSessLimitNumber, hwBfdSessInterfaceLimitNumber, hwBfdSessStaticNumber,
3292                hwBfdSessDynamicNumber, hwBfdSessGlobalDefaultIpAddr, hwBfdEchoPassiveStatus, hwBfdEchoAclNum, hwBfdSessDynamicPingInterval,
3293                hwBfdSessDynamicSupportPassive, hwBfdSessDelayUpTime, hwBfdSessMultiDstPort, hwBfdTrapSendInterval, hwBfdIfConfName, hwBfdIfConfDeleting, hwBfdIfConfAvailable, hwBfdIfConfSessCnt,
3294                hwBfdIfConfRowStatus, hwBfdSlotReserveOneHopSessNum,hwBfdSlotCurrentSessNum, hwBfdSlotRowStatus, hwBfdLimitDeviceName, hwBfdDynamicSessionTos, hwBfdStaticSessionTos, hwBfdDynamicSessionTosEx
3295                 }
3296            STATUS current
3297            DESCRIPTION
3298                "A collection of objects providing BFD global information."
3299            ::= { hwBfdGroups 1 }
3302        hwBfdSessGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3303            OBJECTS { hwBfdSessConfMIndex, hwBfdSessConfLocalDiscr, hwBfdSessConfRemoteDiscr, hwBfdSessConfPeerAddr, hwBfdSessConfBindIfIndex,
3304                hwBfdSessConfBindIfName, hwBfdSessConfDemandEnable, hwBfdSessConfDemandTimerInterval, hwBfdSessConfDetectMult, hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinRxInterval,
3305                hwBfdSessConfDesiredMinTxInterval, hwBfdSessConfWTRInterval, hwBfdSessConfTOS, hwBfdSessConfPSTFlag, hwBfdSessConfCommitFlag,
3306                hwBfdSessConfAdminStatus, hwBfdSessConfRowStatus, hwBfdSessConfSourceAddr, hwBfdSessConfVrfIndex, hwBfdSessConfVPNName,
3307                hwBfdSessConfDefaultIp, hwBfdSessConfPISFlag, hwBfdSessConfBindType, hwBfdSessConfNextHop, hwBfdSessConfStaticLspName,
3308                hwBfdSessConfPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessConfTunnelDetectType, hwBfdSessConfVcId, hwBfdSessConfVsiName, hwBfdSessConfVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessConfDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessConfPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessConfSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessConfIpv6NextHop, hwBfdSessConfIsIpv6Addr,
3309                hwBfdSessConfKeychainName, hwBfdSessConfMeticulous, hwBfdSessConfLooseAuthentication, hwBfdSessConfPWTtlMode,
3310                hwBfdSessConfPWTtl, hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIp, hwBfdSessConfRemotePeerIpType, hwBfdSessConfPWSPE, hwBfdSessConfPWTrackIfName, hwBfdSessConfIsPWTrackIf, hwBfdSessConfEncapsulationType,
3311                hwBfdSessConfPEVid, hwBfdSessConfCEVid, hwBfdSessConfTOSEx, hwBfdSessConfbImpactFlag, hwBfdSessMIndex, hwBfdSessBindVRRP,
3312                hwBfdSessCfgName, hwBfdSessPeerAddr, hwBfdSessBindIfIndex, hwBfdSessBindIfName, hwBfdSessLocalDiscr,
3313                hwBfdSessRemoteDiscr, hwBfdSessOperMode, hwBfdSessDetectMult, hwBfdSessDemandTimerInterval, hwBfdSessActualRxInterval,
3314                hwBfdSessActualTxInterval, hwBfdSessWTRInterval, hwBfdSessTOS, hwBfdSessState, hwBfdSessDiag,
3315                hwBfdSessSourceAddr, hwBfdSessVrfIndex, hwBfdSessVPNName, hwBfdSessType, hwBfdSessBindAppType,
3316                hwBfdSessDefaultIp, hwBfdSessPISFlag, hwBfdSessBindType, hwBfdSessNextHop, hwBfdSessStaticLspName,
3317                hwBfdSessLspIndex, hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag, hwBfdSessTunnelDetectType, hwBfdSessVcId, hwBfdSessVsiName, hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr, hwBfdSessDiscrAuto, hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr, hwBfdSessIpv6NextHop, hwBfdSessIsIPv6Addr, hwBfdSessMeticulous,hwBfdSessLooseAuthentication, hwBfdSessAuthenticationStatus,
3318                hwBfdSessPWTtlMode, hwBfdSessPWTtl, hwBfdSessRemotePeerIp, hwBfdSessRemotePeerIpType, hwBfdSessSelectBoard, hwBfdSessPWSPE, hwBfdSessPWTrackIfName,
3319                hwBfdSessIsPWTrackIf, hwBfdSessEncapsulationType, hwBfdSessPEVid, hwBfdSessCEVid, hwBfdSessPeerInetAddrType, hwBfdSessPeerInetAddr, hwBfdSessInetNextHopType, hwBfdSessInetNextHop, hwBfdSessBindAppTypeMask, hwBfdSessDscp, hwBfdSessPerfPktIn,
3320                hwBfdSessPerfPktInHC, hwBfdSessPerfPktOut, hwBfdSessPerfPktOutHC, hwBfdSessPerfBadIn, hwBfdSessPerfBadInHC,
3321                hwBfdSessPerfBadOut, hwBfdSessPerfBadOutHC, hwBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime, hwBfdSessPerfSessDownCount, hwBfdSessPerfSessShortBreakCount,
3322                hwBfdSessionPerStartTime, hwBfdTtlConfValue, hwBfdTtlConfRowStatus,
3323                hwBfdPassiveAuthPeerAddr, hwBfdPassiveAuthProtocol, hwBfdPassiveAuthKeychainName, hwBfdPassiveAuthMeticulous, hwBfdPassiveAuthLoose, hwBfdPassiveAuthRowStatus, hwBfdSessPWId}
3324            STATUS current
3325            DESCRIPTION
3326                "A collection of objects providing BFD session information."
3327            ::= { hwBfdGroups 2 }
3330        hwBfdObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3331            OBJECTS { hwBfdIfConfEnable ,hwBfdSlotOneHopSessNum}
3332            STATUS obsolete
3333            DESCRIPTION
3334                "A collection of objects which are obsolete."
3335            ::= { hwBfdGroups 3 }
3338        hwBfdNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
3339            NOTIFICATIONS { hwBfdSessDown, hwBfdSessUp, hwBfdSessReachLimit, hwBfdSessReachLimitResume, hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIf, hwBfdSessReachLimitBindIfResume, hwBfdSessCfgRemoteFail }
3340            STATUS current
3341            DESCRIPTION
3342                "A collection of traps."
3343            ::= { hwBfdGroups 4 }
3345        hwBfdTrapsVbOids OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 5 }
3347        hwBfdSessVlanID  OBJECT-TYPE
3348            SYNTAX Integer32
3349            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
3350            STATUS current
3351            DESCRIPTION
3352                "The VLANID binding to BFD session.
3353                "
3354            ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 1 }
3356        hwBfdCfgApUserName OBJECT-TYPE
3357            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
3358            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
3359            STATUS current
3360            DESCRIPTION
3361                "The name of user failed to configure access point."
3362            ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 2 }
3364        hwBfdCfgApIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
3365            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
3366            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
3367            STATUS current
3368            DESCRIPTION
3369                "The IP-address of user failed to configure access point."
3370            ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 3 }
3372        hwBfdCfgApID OBJECT-TYPE
3373            SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..8191)
3374            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
3375            STATUS current
3376            DESCRIPTION
3377                "The ID of access point failed to be configured."
3378            ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 4 }
3380        hwBfdCfgApOperation OBJECT-TYPE
3381            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
3382            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
3383            STATUS current
3384            DESCRIPTION
3385                "The operation of confiuration to access point."
3386            ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 5 }
3388        hwBfdCfgApReason OBJECT-TYPE
3389            SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
3390            MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
3391            STATUS current
3392            DESCRIPTION
3393                "The reason of failed to configure access point."
3394            ::= { hwBfdTrapsVbOids 6 }
3396        hwBfdTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBFDMIB 6 }
3398        hwBfdCommonTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdTraps 1 }
3400        hwBfdAlarmTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdTraps 2 }
3402        hwBfdAlarmTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 }
3404        hwBfdSessUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3405            OBJECTS
3406            {
3407                hwBfdSessLocalDiscr,
3408                hwBfdSessVlanID,
3409                hwBfdSessSourceAddr,
3410                hwBfdSessNextHop,
3411                hwBfdSessIndex,
3412                hwBfdSessPeerAddr,
3413                hwBfdSessBindType,
3414                hwBfdSessVrfIndex
3415            }
3416            STATUS current
3417            DESCRIPTION
3418                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3419                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3420                 enter the up(3) state from some other state.
3421                "
3422            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 1 }
3424        hwBfdSessDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3425            OBJECTS
3426            {
3427                hwBfdSessLocalDiscr,
3428                hwBfdSessVlanID,
3429                hwBfdSessSourceAddr,
3430                hwBfdSessNextHop,
3431                hwBfdSessIndex,
3432                hwBfdSessPeerAddr,
3433                hwBfdSessBindType,
3434                hwBfdSessVrfIndex
3435            }
3436            STATUS current
3437            DESCRIPTION
3438                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3439                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3440                 enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some
3441                 other state.
3442                "
3443            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 2 }
3445        hwBfdv6SingleHopSessUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3446            OBJECTS
3447            {
3448                hwBfdSessIndex,
3449                hwBfdSessVlanID,
3450                hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr,
3451                hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr
3452            }
3453            STATUS current
3454            DESCRIPTION
3455                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3456                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3457                 enter the up(3) state from some other state.
3458                "
3459            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 3 }
3461         hwBfdv6SingleHopSessDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3462            OBJECTS
3463            {
3464                hwBfdSessIndex,
3465                hwBfdSessVlanID,
3466                hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr,
3467                hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr
3468            }
3469            STATUS current
3470            DESCRIPTION
3471                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3472                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3473                 enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some
3474                 other state.
3475                "
3476            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 4 }
3478        hwBfdv6MultiHopSessUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3479            OBJECTS
3480            {
3481                hwBfdSessIndex,
3482                hwBfdSessVrfIndex,
3483                hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr,
3484                hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr
3485            }
3486            STATUS current
3487            DESCRIPTION
3488                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3489                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3490                 enter the up(3) state from some other state.
3491                "
3492            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 5 }
3494         hwBfdv6MultiHopSessDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3495            OBJECTS
3496            {
3497                hwBfdSessIndex,
3498                hwBfdSessVrfIndex,
3499                hwBfdSessSourceIpv6Addr,
3500                hwBfdSessPeerIpv6Addr
3501            }
3502            STATUS current
3503            DESCRIPTION
3504                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3505                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3506                 enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some
3507                 other state.
3508                "
3509            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 6 }
3510        hwBfdPWSessUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3511            OBJECTS
3512            {
3513                hwBfdSessIndex,
3514                hwBfdSessCfgName,
3515                hwBfdSessLocalDiscr,
3516                hwBfdSessDiag,
3517                hwBfdSessBindType,
3518                hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag,
3519                hwBfdSessPWId,
3520                hwBfdSessVsiName,
3521                hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr
3522            }
3523            STATUS current
3524            DESCRIPTION
3525                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3526                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3527                 enter the up(3) state from some other state.
3528                "
3529            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 7 }
3530        hwBfdPWSessDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3531            OBJECTS
3532            {
3533                hwBfdSessIndex,
3534                hwBfdSessCfgName,
3535                hwBfdSessLocalDiscr,
3536                hwBfdSessDiag,
3537                hwBfdSessBindType,
3538                hwBfdSessPWSecondaryFlag,
3539                hwBfdSessPWId,
3540                hwBfdSessVsiName,
3541                hwBfdSessVsiPeerAddr
3542            }
3543            STATUS current
3544            DESCRIPTION
3545                "This notification is generated when the bfdSessState
3546                 object for one entry in bfdSessionTable is about to
3547                 enter the down(1) or adminDown(0) states from some
3548                 other state.
3549                "
3550            ::= { hwBfdAlarmTraps 0 8 }
3552    END
3555-- HUAWEI-BFD-MIB.mib