3       IMPORTS
4           TimeTicks, IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32,
6               FROM SNMPv2-SMI
7           DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
8               FROM SNMPv2-TC
10               FROM SNMPv2-CONF
11           adIdentity
12               FROM ADTRAN-MIB
13           adGenAOSConformance, adGenAOSRouter
14               FROM ADTRAN-AOS;
16       adGenAOSNetMonMib MODULE-IDENTITY
17        LAST-UPDATED "201010270000Z"  -- Oct 27, 2010 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ
19        CONTACT-INFO
20               "Technical Support Dept.
21                Postal: ADTRAN, Inc.
22                901 Explorer Blvd.
23                Huntsville, AL 35806
25                Tel: +1 800 726-8663
26                Fax: +1 256 963 6217
27                E-mail: support@adtran.com"
29            DESCRIPTION
30                "This MIB contains network monitoring information."
32            REVISION "201010270000Z"  -- Oct 27, 2010 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ
33            DESCRIPTION
34                "Added adGenAOSnmTrackTraps and a limited RO adGenAOSnmTrackTable
35                to allow OID support for the adGenAOSnmTrackStateChgFail
36                and adGenAOSnmTrackStateChgPass trap additions.
37                Changes by Joe Sieja."
39            REVISION "200901200000Z"  -- Jan 20, 2009 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ
40            DESCRIPTION
41                "Added adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSentCount to the
42                adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryTable and adGenAOSnmTwPktSentCount to
43                the adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryTable.
44                Changes by Reba Holland."
46            REVISION "200809300000Z"  -- Sept 30, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ
47            DESCRIPTION
48                "Added adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsTable and
49                 adGenAOSnmTWAMPResponderStatsTable. These tables will be used
50                 to retrieve the statistics available for enabled responders.
51                 Changes by Reba Holland."
53            REVISION "200808120000Z"  -- Aug 12, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ
54            DESCRIPTION
55                "Changed adGenAOSNetMon to use adGenAOSnmIndex in all
56                tables that were using adGenAOSnmName.  Added ICMP Timestamp
57                and TWAMP responders. Removed adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryIndex and
58                adGenAOSnmTwHistoryIndex from the adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryTable
59                and adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryTable. Using adGenAOSnmICMPTsSeqNum
60                and adGenAOSnmTwSeqNum as indices in these tables instead.
61                Added adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndex. Changed adGenAOSnmIndex
62                to have a maximum value of 1000.
63                Changes by Reba Holland."
65            REVISION "200806250000Z"  -- June 25, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ
66            DESCRIPTION
67                "Changed adGenAOSNetMon to be under the adGenAOSRouter tree
68                instead of the adGenAOSCommon tree.
69                Changes by Reba Holland."
72            REVISION    "200708230000Z"  -- August 23, 2007
73            DESCRIPTION
74                "First Draft of ADTRAN-AOS-NETWORKMONITOR MIB module."
77          ::= { adIdentity 10000 53 2 2 }
79      adGenAOSNetMon    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSRouter 2 }
81-- ========================================================================
83     adGenAOSnmTrackTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 0 }
85     adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
86        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..1000)
87        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
88        STATUS      current
90        "This object contains an unused value for adGenAOSnmIndex in
91         the adGenAOSnmProbeTable, or a zero to indicate that none exist."
92        ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 1 }
94     --
96     --  Network Monitor Probe Table
98     --  The variables that create a NetMon probe.
100     adGenAOSnmProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE
101         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmProbeEntry
102         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
103         STATUS   current
104         DESCRIPTION
105            "Create a network monitor probe."
106         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 2 }
108     adGenAOSnmProbeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
109         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmProbeEntry
110         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
111         STATUS   current
112         DESCRIPTION
113            "The parameters for a particular network monitor probe."
114         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex }
115         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeTable 1 }
118     AdGenAOSnmProbeEntry ::=
119         SEQUENCE {
120             adGenAOSnmIndex                Integer32,
121             adGenAOSnmName                 OCTET STRING,
122             adGenAOSnmType                 INTEGER,
123             adGenAOSnmRowStatus            RowStatus
124     }
127     adGenAOSnmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
128         SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..1000)
129         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
130         STATUS   current
131         DESCRIPTION
132                "Uniquely identifies a row in the adGenAOSnmProbeTable.
133                This is the index chosen by the management station for
134                row creation. If the adGenAOSnmIndex is already in use when
135                attempting to create a new row with a set operation, then an
136                error will be returned."
137         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeEntry 1 }
141     adGenAOSnmName OBJECT-TYPE
142         SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
143         MAX-ACCESS read-create
144         STATUS  current
145         DESCRIPTION
146            "Unique string to identify probe."
147         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeEntry 2 }
150     adGenAOSnmType OBJECT-TYPE
151         SYNTAX  INTEGER     {
152                 icmpEcho (1),
153                 tcpConnect (2),
154                 httpRequest (3),
155                 icmpTimeStamp (4),
156                 twamp (5)
158         }
159         MAX-ACCESS  read-create
160         STATUS  current
161         DESCRIPTION
162            "Specifies the type of probe."
163         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeEntry 3 }
166     adGenAOSnmRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
167         SYNTAX   RowStatus
168         MAX-ACCESS   read-create
169         STATUS   current
170         DESCRIPTION
171            "SNMP Version 2 Row Status Variable. The status of the conceptual
172            row. In order for this object to become active, the following
173            row objects MUST be defined: adGenAOSnmName and adGenAOSnmType.
174            The control row objects adGenAOSnmName and adGenAOSnmType cannot be
175            modified once this conceptual row has been created. The value
176            'notInService' and 'createAndWait' will not be supported. This
177            object can be set to 'destroy' from any value at any time."
178         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeEntry 4 }
180     --
182     --  Network Monitor Configure Probe Table
184     --  The variables that configure a NetMon probe.
186     adGenAOSnmConfigProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE
187         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry
188         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
189         STATUS   current
190         DESCRIPTION
191            "Configure a network monitor probe."
192         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 3 }
194     adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
195         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry
196         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
197         STATUS   current
198         DESCRIPTION
199            "The parameters used to configure a particular network monitor
200            probe."
201         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex }
202         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeTable 1 }
205     AdGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry ::=
206         SEQUENCE {
207             adGenAOSnmCfgName              OCTET STRING,
208             adGenAOSnmAdminStatus          INTEGER,
209             adGenAOSnmPollPeriod           Integer32,
210             adGenAOSnmTimeoutPeriod        Unsigned32,
211             adGenAOSnmToleranceMode        INTEGER,
212             adGenAOSnmFailTolerance        INTEGER,
213             adGenAOSnmPassTolerance        INTEGER,
214             adGenAOSnmToleranceTestSize    INTEGER,
215             adGenAOSnmClearCounters        INTEGER
216     }
218     adGenAOSnmCfgName OBJECT-TYPE
219         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
220         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
221         STATUS   current
222         DESCRIPTION
223            "The name of the corresponding probe entry. The probe identified by
224            a particular value of this index is the same probe as identified
225            by the same value as a adGenAOSnmName object instance."
226         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 1 }
228     adGenAOSnmAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
229        SYNTAX  INTEGER
230                {
231                  enabled (1),
232                  disabled (2)
233                }
234         MAX-ACCESS read-write
235         STATUS  current
236         DESCRIPTION
237            "Specifies ability to enable or disable the probe."
238         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 2 }
240     adGenAOSnmPollPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
241        SYNTAX   Integer32 (0..65535)
242        MAX-ACCESS read-write
243        STATUS  current
244        DESCRIPTION
245            "Specifies the poll period, in seconds, of the probe."
246         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 3 }
248     adGenAOSnmTimeoutPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
249        SYNTAX   Unsigned32
250        MAX-ACCESS read-write
251        STATUS  current
252        DESCRIPTION
253            "Time to wait for a response after which a packet is considered
254            lost."
255         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 4 }
257     adGenAOSnmToleranceMode OBJECT-TYPE
258        SYNTAX  INTEGER
259                {
260                  none (1),
261                  rate (2),
262                  consecutive (3)
263                }
264         MAX-ACCESS read-write
265         STATUS  current
266         DESCRIPTION
267            "Specifies the tolerance mode of the probe."
268         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 5 }
270     adGenAOSnmFailTolerance OBJECT-TYPE
271        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..254)
272         MAX-ACCESS read-write
273         STATUS  current
274         DESCRIPTION
275            "Specifies how many probe operations must fail before the probe
276            state transitions to the fail state."
277         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 6 }
279     adGenAOSnmPassTolerance OBJECT-TYPE
280        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..255)
281         MAX-ACCESS read-write
282         STATUS  current
283         DESCRIPTION
284            "Specifies how many probe operations must fail before the probe
285            state transitions to the fail state."
286         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 7 }
288     adGenAOSnmToleranceTestSize OBJECT-TYPE
289        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..255)
290         MAX-ACCESS read-write
291         STATUS  current
292         DESCRIPTION
293            "Specifies test size for rate calculations when the tolerance mode
294             is set to 'rate'."
295         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 8 }
297     adGenAOSnmClearCounters OBJECT-TYPE
298        SYNTAX INTEGER {
299                clear (1)
300        }
301        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
302         STATUS  current
303         DESCRIPTION
304            "Clear the counters and statistics history of a probe.
305            This is a write-only variable. A read will result in no action
306            being taken."
307         ::= { adGenAOSnmConfigProbeEntry 9 }
309     --
311     --  Network Monitor Probe Status Table
313     --  The variables that display the status of a NetMon probe.
315     adGenAOSnmProbeStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
316         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry
317         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
318         STATUS   current
319         DESCRIPTION
320            "View the status of a network monitor probe."
321         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 4 }
323     adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
324         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry
325         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
326         STATUS   current
327         DESCRIPTION
328            "The parameters used to view the status of a particular network
329            monitor probe."
330         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex }
331         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusTable 1 }
334     AdGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry ::=
335         SEQUENCE {
336             adGenAOSnmStatusName                   OCTET STRING,
337             adGenAOSnmTestStatus                   INTEGER,
338             adGenAOSnmTestsRun                     Counter32,
339             adGenAOSnmTestsFailed                  Counter32,
340             adGenAOSnmStatsToleranceTestSize       Counter32,
341             adGenAOSnmStatsToleranceTestValue      Counter32,
342             adGenAOSnmTimeSinceLastStatusChange    TimeTicks
343     }
345     adGenAOSnmStatusName OBJECT-TYPE
346         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
347         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
348         STATUS   current
349         DESCRIPTION
350            "The name of the corresponding probe entry. The probe identified by
351            a particular value of this index is the same probe as identified
352            by the same value as a adGenAOSnmName object instance."
353         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 1 }
355     adGenAOSnmTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE
356        SYNTAX  INTEGER
357                {
358                  fail (1),
359                  pass (2)
360                }
361         MAX-ACCESS read-only
362         STATUS  current
363         DESCRIPTION
364            "Current test state of the probe."
365         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 2 }
367     adGenAOSnmTestsRun OBJECT-TYPE
368        SYNTAX   Counter32
369        MAX-ACCESS read-only
370        STATUS  current
371        DESCRIPTION
372            "Number of test run on the probe."
373         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 3 }
375     adGenAOSnmTestsFailed OBJECT-TYPE
376        SYNTAX   Counter32
377        MAX-ACCESS read-only
378        STATUS  current
379        DESCRIPTION
380            "Number of test that failed."
381         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 4 }
383     adGenAOSnmStatsToleranceTestSize OBJECT-TYPE
384        SYNTAX  Counter32
385        MAX-ACCESS read-only
386        STATUS  current
387        DESCRIPTION
388            "Specifies the test size."
389         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 5 }
391     adGenAOSnmStatsToleranceTestValue OBJECT-TYPE
392        SYNTAX  Counter32
393        MAX-ACCESS read-only
394        STATUS  current
395        DESCRIPTION
396            "Specifies number of tests that passed or failed.
397            Check 'adGenAOSnmTestStatus' for test state."
398         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 6 }
400     adGenAOSnmTimeSinceLastStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE
401        SYNTAX   TimeTicks
402        MAX-ACCESS read-only
403        STATUS  current
404        DESCRIPTION
405            "Time since last status change."
406         ::= { adGenAOSnmProbeStatusEntry 7 }
409     --
411     --  Network Monitor Configure TWAMP Probe Table
413     --  Used to configure TWAMP-specific probe parameters.
415     adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE
416         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry
417         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
418         STATUS   current
419         DESCRIPTION
420            "Configure a network monitor TWAMP probe."
421         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 5 }
423     adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
424         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry
425         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
426         STATUS   current
427         DESCRIPTION
428            "The parameters used to configure a particular network monitor
429            TWAMP probe."
430         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex }
431         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeTable 1 }
434     AdGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry ::=
435         SEQUENCE {
436             adGenAOSnmCfgTwName                        OCTET STRING,
437             adGenAOSnmTwDestHostname                   DisplayString,
438             adGenAOSnmTwDestPort                       INTEGER,
439             adGenAOSnmTwSrcIP                          IpAddress,
440             adGenAOSnmTwSrcPort                        INTEGER,
441             adGenAOSnmTwDscp                           INTEGER,
442             adGenAOSnmTwPaddingLen                     INTEGER,
443             adGenAOSnmTwPaddingFormat                  INTEGER,
444             adGenAOSnmTwPaddingPattern                 OCTET STRING,
445             adGenAOSnmTwDataPadType                    INTEGER,
446             adGenAOSnmTwPktSendCnt                     INTEGER,
447             adGenAOSnmTwSendScheduleType               INTEGER,
448             adGenAOSnmTwSendScheduleValue              INTEGER,
449             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMinFail               Unsigned32,
450             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInAvgFail               Unsigned32,
451             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMaxFail               Unsigned32,
452             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMinPass               Unsigned32,
453             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInAvgPass               Unsigned32,
454             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMaxPass               Unsigned32,
455             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMinFail              Unsigned32,
456             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutAvgFail              Unsigned32,
457             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMaxFail              Unsigned32,
458             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMinPass              Unsigned32,
459             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutAvgPass              Unsigned32,
460             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMaxPass              Unsigned32,
461             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMinFail               Unsigned32,
462             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtAvgFail               Unsigned32,
463             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMaxFail               Unsigned32,
464             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMinPass               Unsigned32,
465             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtAvgPass               Unsigned32,
466             adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMaxPass               Unsigned32,
467             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMinFail                 Integer32,
468             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInAvgFail                 Integer32,
469             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMaxFail                 Integer32,
470             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMinPass                 Integer32,
471             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInAvgPass                 Integer32,
472             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMaxPass                 Integer32,
473             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMinFail                Integer32,
474             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutAvgFail                Integer32,
475             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMaxFail                Integer32,
476             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMinPass                Integer32,
477             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutAvgPass                Integer32,
478             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMaxPass                Integer32,
479             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMinFail                 Integer32,
480             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtAvgFail                 Integer32,
481             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMaxFail                 Integer32,
482             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMinPass                 Integer32,
483             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtAvgPass                 Integer32,
484             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMaxPass                 Integer32,
485             adGenAOSnmTwPktRtLossFail                  INTEGER ,
486             adGenAOSnmTwPktRtLossPass                  INTEGER ,
487             adGenAOSnmTwHistoryDepth                   INTEGER
490     }
492     adGenAOSnmCfgTwName OBJECT-TYPE
493         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
494         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
495         STATUS   current
496         DESCRIPTION
497            "The name of the corresponding TWAMP probe entry. The probe
498            identified by a particular instance of this object is the same
499            probe as identified by the same value as a adGenAOSnmName
500            object instance."
501         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 1 }
503     adGenAOSnmTwDestHostname OBJECT-TYPE
504         SYNTAX     DisplayString
505         MAX-ACCESS   read-write
506         STATUS   current
507         DESCRIPTION
508            "Specifies the destination hostname or IP address as a string in
509            dotted decimal format."
510         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 2 }
512     adGenAOSnmTwDestPort OBJECT-TYPE
513        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
514         MAX-ACCESS read-write
515         STATUS  current
516         DESCRIPTION
517            "Specifies the destination port. If zero then the actual destination
518            port will be dynamically negotiated with the responder."
519         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 3 }
521     adGenAOSnmTwSrcIP OBJECT-TYPE
522       SYNTAX     IpAddress
523       MAX-ACCESS read-write
524       STATUS	  current
526               "Specifies the source IPv4 address."
527         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 4 }
529     adGenAOSnmTwSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
530        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65535)
531         MAX-ACCESS read-write
532         STATUS  current
533         DESCRIPTION
534            "Specifies the source port. If zero then the actual source port will
535            be dynamically assigned ever probe operation."
536         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 5 }
538     adGenAOSnmTwDscp OBJECT-TYPE
539        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..63)
540         MAX-ACCESS read-write
541         STATUS  current
542         DESCRIPTION
543            "Specifies the DiffServ Code Point value that will be used on
544            packets sent and will be negotiated with the responder."
545         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 6 }
547     adGenAOSnmTwPaddingLen OBJECT-TYPE
548        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1462)
549         MAX-ACCESS read-write
550         STATUS  current
551         DESCRIPTION
552            "Size of TWAMP padding length."
553         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 7 }
555     adGenAOSnmTwPaddingFormat OBJECT-TYPE
556        SYNTAX  INTEGER
557                {
558                        ascii (1),
559                        hex (2)
560                }
561         MAX-ACCESS read-write
562         STATUS  current
563         DESCRIPTION
564            "Specifies the format of the padding pattern."
565         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 8 }
567     adGenAOSnmTwPaddingPattern OBJECT-TYPE
568         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..80))
569         MAX-ACCESS read-write
570         STATUS  current
571         DESCRIPTION
572            "Specifies data pattern to pad the packet. This can be an ascii
573            or hexadecimal pattern and must match the type set in
574            adGenAOSnmTwPktFormat. In addition, adGenAOSnmTwDataPadType must be
575            set to 'custom'. "
576         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 9 }
578     adGenAOSnmTwDataPadType OBJECT-TYPE
579        SYNTAX  INTEGER
580                {
581                  zeroes (1),
582                  random (2),
583                  custom (3)
584                }
585         MAX-ACCESS read-write
586         STATUS  current
587         DESCRIPTION
588            "Specifies how the TWAMP padding payload is filled."
589         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 10 }
592     adGenAOSnmTwPktSendCnt OBJECT-TYPE
593        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..1000)
594         MAX-ACCESS read-write
595         STATUS  current
596         DESCRIPTION
597            "Specifies the number of packets to send and receive for one probe
598            operation.  More than one is required for inter-packet delay
599            variation measurements."
600         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 11 }
602     adGenAOSnmTwSendScheduleType OBJECT-TYPE
603        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
604                        periodic (1),
605                        poisson (2)   -- for future use, not currently supported
606                       }
607         MAX-ACCESS read-write
608         STATUS  current
609         DESCRIPTION
610            "Specifies in milliseconds the time between test packets during a
611            single probe operation."
612         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 12 }
614     adGenAOSnmTwSendScheduleValue OBJECT-TYPE
615        SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..5000)
616        MAX-ACCESS read-write
617        STATUS  current
618        DESCRIPTION
619            "Specifies in milliseconds the time between start of each packet
620            send operation."
621         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 13 }
623     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
624        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
625        MAX-ACCESS read-write
626        STATUS  current
627        DESCRIPTION
628            "Specifies the minimum inbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
629            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
630            operation to fail."
631         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 14 }
633     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
634        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
635        MAX-ACCESS read-write
636        STATUS  current
637        DESCRIPTION
638            "Specifies the average inbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
639            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
640            operation to fail."
641         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 15 }
643     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
644        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
645        MAX-ACCESS read-write
646        STATUS  current
647        DESCRIPTION
648            "Specifies the maximum inbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
649            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
650            operation to fail."
651         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 16 }
653     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
654        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
655        MAX-ACCESS read-write
656        STATUS  current
657        DESCRIPTION
658            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum inbound
659            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
660            probe operation to pass."
661         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 17 }
663     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
664        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
665        MAX-ACCESS read-write
666        STATUS  current
667        DESCRIPTION
668            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average inbound
669            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
670            probe operation to pass."
671         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 18 }
673     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
674        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
675        MAX-ACCESS read-write
676        STATUS  current
677        DESCRIPTION
678            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum inbound
679            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
680            probe operation to pass."
681         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 19 }
683     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
684        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
685        MAX-ACCESS read-write
686        STATUS  current
687        DESCRIPTION
688            "Specifies the minimum outbound absolute-value inter-packet
689            delay variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the
690            probe operation to fail."
691         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 20 }
693     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
694        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
695        MAX-ACCESS read-write
696        STATUS  current
697        DESCRIPTION
698            "Specifies the average outbound absolute-value inter-packet
699            delay variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the
700            probe operation to fail."
701         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 21 }
703     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
704        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
705        MAX-ACCESS read-write
706        STATUS  current
707        DESCRIPTION
708            "Specifies the maximum outbound absolute-value inter-packet
709            delay variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the
710            probe operation to fail."
711         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 22 }
713     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
714        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
715        MAX-ACCESS read-write
716        STATUS  current
717        DESCRIPTION
718            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum outbound
719            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
720            probe operation to pass."
721         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 23 }
723     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
724        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
725        MAX-ACCESS read-write
726        STATUS  current
727        DESCRIPTION
728            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average outbound
729            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
730            probe operation to pass."
731         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 24 }
733     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
734        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
735        MAX-ACCESS read-write
736        STATUS  current
737        DESCRIPTION
738            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum outbound
739            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
740            probe operation to pass."
741         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 25 }
743     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
744        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
745        MAX-ACCESS read-write
746        STATUS  current
747        DESCRIPTION
748            "Specifies the minimum round-trip absolute-value inter-packet
749            delay variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the
750            probe operation to fail."
751         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 26 }
753     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
754        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
755        MAX-ACCESS read-write
756        STATUS  current
757        DESCRIPTION
758            "Specifies the average round-trip absolute-value inter-packet
759            delay variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the
760            probe operation to fail."
761         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 27 }
763     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
764        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
765        MAX-ACCESS read-write
766        STATUS  current
767        DESCRIPTION
768            "Specifies the maximum round-trip absolute-value inter-packet
769            delay variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the
770            probe operation to fail."
771         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 28 }
773     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
774        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
775        MAX-ACCESS read-write
776        STATUS  current
777        DESCRIPTION
778            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum round-trip
779            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
780            probe operation to pass."
781         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 29 }
783     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
784        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
785        MAX-ACCESS read-write
786        STATUS  current
787        DESCRIPTION
788            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average round-trip
789            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
790            probe operation to pass."
791         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 30 }
793     adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
794        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
795        MAX-ACCESS read-write
796        STATUS  current
797        DESCRIPTION
798            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum round-trip
799            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
800            probe operation to pass."
801         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 31 }
803     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
804        SYNTAX  Integer32
805        MAX-ACCESS read-write
806        STATUS  current
807        DESCRIPTION
808            "Specifies the minimum inbound delay threshold in milliseconds that
809            will cause the probe operation to fail."
810         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 32 }
812     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
813        SYNTAX  Integer32
814        MAX-ACCESS read-write
815        STATUS  current
816        DESCRIPTION
817            "Specifies the average inbound delay threshold in milliseconds that
818            will cause the probe operation to fail."
819         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 33 }
821     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
822        SYNTAX  Integer32
823        MAX-ACCESS read-write
824        STATUS  current
825        DESCRIPTION
826            "Specifies the maximum inbound delay threshold in milliseconds that
827            will cause the probe operation to fail."
828         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 34 }
830     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
831        SYNTAX  Integer32
832        MAX-ACCESS read-write
833        STATUS  current
834        DESCRIPTION
835            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum inbound delay
836            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
837         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 35 }
839     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
840        SYNTAX  Integer32
841        MAX-ACCESS read-write
842        STATUS  current
843        DESCRIPTION
844            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average inbound delay
845            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
846         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 36 }
848     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
849        SYNTAX  Integer32
850        MAX-ACCESS read-write
851        STATUS  current
852        DESCRIPTION
853            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum inbound delay
854            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
855         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 37 }
857     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
858        SYNTAX  Integer32
859        MAX-ACCESS read-write
860        STATUS  current
861        DESCRIPTION
862            "Specifies the minimum outbound delay threshold in milliseconds that
863            will cause the probe operation to fail."
864         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 38 }
866     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
867        SYNTAX  Integer32
868        MAX-ACCESS read-write
869        STATUS  current
870        DESCRIPTION
871            "Specifies the average outbound delay threshold in milliseconds that
872            will cause the probe operation to fail."
873         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 39 }
875     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
876        SYNTAX  Integer32
877        MAX-ACCESS read-write
878        STATUS  current
879        DESCRIPTION
880            "Specifies the maximum outbound delay threshold in milliseconds that
881            will cause the probe operation to fail."
882         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 40 }
884     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
885        SYNTAX  Integer32
886        MAX-ACCESS read-write
887        STATUS  current
888        DESCRIPTION
889            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum outbound delay
890            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
891         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 41 }
893     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
894        SYNTAX  Integer32
895        MAX-ACCESS read-write
896        STATUS  current
897        DESCRIPTION
898            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average outbound delay
899            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
900         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 42 }
902     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
903        SYNTAX  Integer32
904        MAX-ACCESS read-write
905        STATUS  current
906        DESCRIPTION
907            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum outbound delay
908            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
909         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 43 }
911     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
912        SYNTAX  Integer32
913        MAX-ACCESS read-write
914        STATUS  current
915        DESCRIPTION
916            "Specifies the minimum round-trip delay threshold in milliseconds
917            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
918         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 44 }
920     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
921        SYNTAX  Integer32
922        MAX-ACCESS read-write
923        STATUS  current
924        DESCRIPTION
925            "Specifies the average round-trip delay threshold in milliseconds
926            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
927         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 45 }
929     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
930        SYNTAX  Integer32
931        MAX-ACCESS read-write
932        STATUS  current
933        DESCRIPTION
934            "Specifies the maximum round-trip delay threshold in milliseconds
935            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
936         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 46 }
938     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
939        SYNTAX  Integer32
940        MAX-ACCESS read-write
941        STATUS  current
942        DESCRIPTION
943            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum round-trip
944            delay that will allow the probe operation to pass."
945         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 47 }
947     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
948        SYNTAX  Integer32
949        MAX-ACCESS read-write
950        STATUS  current
951        DESCRIPTION
952            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average round-trip
953            delay that will allow the probe operation to pass."
954         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 48 }
956     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
957        SYNTAX  Integer32
958        MAX-ACCESS read-write
959        STATUS  current
960        DESCRIPTION
961            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum round-trip
962            delay that will allow the probe operation to pass."
963         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 49 }
965     adGenAOSnmTwPktRtLossFail OBJECT-TYPE
966        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1000)
967        MAX-ACCESS read-write
968        STATUS  current
969        DESCRIPTION
970            "Specifies the round-trip packet-loss threshold in milliseconds
971            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
972         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 50 }
974     adGenAOSnmTwPktRtLossPass OBJECT-TYPE
975        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1000)
976        MAX-ACCESS read-write
977        STATUS  current
978        DESCRIPTION
979            "Specifies the round-trip packet-loss threshold in milliseconds
980            that will allow the probe operation to change to the pass state."
981         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 51 }
983     adGenAOSnmTwHistoryDepth OBJECT-TYPE
984        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..127)
985        MAX-ACCESS read-write
986        STATUS  current
987        DESCRIPTION
988            "Specifies the number of probe operation statistic results to keep."
989         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeEntry 52 }
993     --
995     --  Network Monitor TWAMP History Table
997     --  The variables that display the history for a NetMon TWAMP probe.
999     adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
1000         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry
1001         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1002         STATUS   current
1003         DESCRIPTION
1004            "Operation history for a network monitor TWAMP probe."
1005         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 6 }
1007     adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1008         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry
1009         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1010         STATUS   current
1011         DESCRIPTION
1012            "The read-only history of a particular network monitor TWAMP probe."
1013         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex, adGenAOSnmTwSeqNum }
1014         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryTable 1 }
1017     AdGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry ::=
1018         SEQUENCE {
1019             adGenAOSnmTwSeqNum              Integer32,
1020             adGenAOSnmTwHistoryName         OCTET STRING,
1021             adGenAOSnmTwStartTime           DisplayString,
1022             adGenAOSnmTwEndTime             DisplayString,
1023             adGenAOSnmTwLocalSyncState      TruthValue,
1024             adGenAOSnmTwLocalClkErr         Counter64,
1025             adGenAOSnmTwRemoteSyncState     TruthValue,
1026             adGenAOSnmTwRemoteClkErr        Counter64,
1027             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMin          Integer32,
1028             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMax          Integer32,
1029             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMin         Integer32,
1030             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMax         Integer32,
1031             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMin          Integer32,
1032             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMax          Integer32,
1033             adGenAOSnmTwLossRoundTrip       Counter32,
1034             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutSum         Integer32,
1035             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutSum2        Counter64,
1036             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutNum         Counter32,
1037             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInSum          Integer32,
1038             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInSum2         Counter64,
1039             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInNum          Counter32,
1040             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtSum          Integer32,
1041             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtSum2         Counter64,
1042             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtNum          Counter32,
1043             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInMin         Counter32,
1044             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInMax         Counter32,
1045             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInSum         Counter32,
1046             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInSum2        Counter64,
1047             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInNum         Counter32,
1048             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutMin        Counter32,
1049             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutMax        Counter32,
1050             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutSum        Counter32,
1051             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutSum2       Counter64,
1052             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutNum        Counter32,
1053             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtMin         Counter32,
1054             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtMax         Counter32,
1055             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtSum         Counter32,
1056             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtSum2        Counter64,
1057             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtNum         Counter32,
1058             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInMin         Counter32,
1059             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInMax         Counter32,
1060             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInSum         Counter32,
1061             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInSum2        Counter64,
1062             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInNum         Counter32,
1063             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutMin        Counter32,
1064             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutMax        Counter32,
1065             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutSum        Counter32,
1066             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutSum2       Counter64,
1067             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutNum        Counter32,
1068             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtMin         Counter32,
1069             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtMax         Counter32,
1070             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtSum         Counter32,
1071             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtSum2        Counter64,
1072             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtNum         Counter32,
1073             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInMin         Counter32,
1074             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInMax         Counter32,
1075             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInSum         Counter32,
1076             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInSum2        Counter64,
1077             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInNum         Counter32,
1078             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutMin        Counter32,
1079             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutMax        Counter32,
1080             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutSum        Counter32,
1081             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutSum2       Counter64,
1082             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutNum        Counter32,
1083             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtMin         Counter32,
1084             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtMax         Counter32,
1085             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtSum         Counter32,
1086             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtSum2        Counter64,
1087             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtNum         Counter32,
1088             adGenAOSnmTwPktSentCount        Counter32
1089        }
1091     adGenAOSnmTwSeqNum OBJECT-TYPE
1092        SYNTAX   Integer32 (1..120)
1093        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1094        STATUS  current
1095        DESCRIPTION
1096                "Along with adGenAOSnmTwHistoryName, uniquely identifies a
1097                row in the adGenAOSTwampHistoryTable.  A sequence number of
1098                '1' signifies the current history entry."
1099         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 1 }
1101     adGenAOSnmTwHistoryName OBJECT-TYPE
1102         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
1103         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1104         STATUS   current
1105         DESCRIPTION
1106            "The name of the corresponding TWAMP probe entry. The probe
1107            identified by a particular value of this object is the same probe as
1108            identified by the same value as a adGenAOSnmName object instance."
1109         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 2 }
1111     adGenAOSnmTwStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
1112        SYNTAX      DisplayString
1113        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1114        STATUS  current
1115        DESCRIPTION
1116                "Date and time the probe operation started."
1117         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 3 }
1119     adGenAOSnmTwEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
1120        SYNTAX      DisplayString
1121        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1122        STATUS  current
1123        DESCRIPTION
1124                "Date and time the probe operation ended."
1125         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 4 }
1127     adGenAOSnmTwLocalSyncState OBJECT-TYPE
1128        SYNTAX   TruthValue
1129        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1130        STATUS  current
1131        DESCRIPTION
1132                "If return value is true, local clock is in sync."
1133         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 5 }
1135     adGenAOSnmTwLocalClkErr OBJECT-TYPE
1136        SYNTAX   Counter64
1137        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1138        STATUS  current
1139        DESCRIPTION
1140                "Local clock error estimate in nanoseconds."
1141         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 6 }
1143     adGenAOSnmTwRemoteSyncState OBJECT-TYPE
1144        SYNTAX   TruthValue
1145        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1146        STATUS  current
1147        DESCRIPTION
1148                "If return value is true, remote clock is in sync."
1149         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 7 }
1151     adGenAOSnmTwRemoteClkErr OBJECT-TYPE
1152        SYNTAX   Counter64
1153        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1154        STATUS  current
1155        DESCRIPTION
1156                "Remote clock error estimate in nanoseconds."
1157         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 8 }
1159     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMin OBJECT-TYPE
1160        SYNTAX   Integer32
1161        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1162        STATUS  current
1163        DESCRIPTION
1164                "The inbound minimum delay in milliseconds."
1165         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 9 }
1167     adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMax OBJECT-TYPE
1168        SYNTAX   Integer32
1169        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1170        STATUS  current
1171        DESCRIPTION
1172                "The inbound maximum delay in milliseconds."
1173         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 10 }
1175     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
1176        SYNTAX   Integer32
1177        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1178        STATUS  current
1179        DESCRIPTION
1180                "The outbound minimum delay in milliseconds."
1181         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 11 }
1183     adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
1184        SYNTAX   Integer32
1185        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1186        STATUS  current
1187        DESCRIPTION
1188                "The outbound maximum delay in milliseconds."
1189         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 12 }
1191     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
1192        SYNTAX   Integer32
1193        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1194        STATUS  current
1195        DESCRIPTION
1196                "The round-trip minimum delay in milliseconds."
1197         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 13 }
1199     adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
1200        SYNTAX   Integer32
1201        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1202        STATUS  current
1203        DESCRIPTION
1204                "The round-trip maximum delay in milliseconds."
1205         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 14 }
1207      adGenAOSnmTwLossRoundTrip OBJECT-TYPE
1208        SYNTAX   Counter32
1209        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1210        STATUS  current
1211        DESCRIPTION
1212                "The round-trip packet loss."
1213         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 15 }
1215      adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
1216        SYNTAX   Integer32
1217        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1218        STATUS  current
1219        DESCRIPTION
1220                "The sum of outbound delay in milliseconds."
1221         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 16 }
1223      adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1224        SYNTAX   Counter64
1225        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1226        STATUS  current
1227        DESCRIPTION
1228                "The sum of the squares of outbound delay in milliseconds."
1229         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 17 }
1231      adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
1232        SYNTAX   Counter32
1233        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1234        STATUS  current
1235        DESCRIPTION
1236                "The number of individual outbound delay samples."
1237         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 18 }
1239      adGenAOSnmTwDelayInSum OBJECT-TYPE
1240        SYNTAX   Integer32
1241        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1242        STATUS  current
1243        DESCRIPTION
1244                "The sum of inbound delay in milliseconds."
1245         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 19 }
1247      adGenAOSnmTwDelayInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1248        SYNTAX   Counter64
1249        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1250        STATUS  current
1251        DESCRIPTION
1252                "The sum of the squares of inbound delay in milliseconds."
1253         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 20 }
1255      adGenAOSnmTwDelayInNum OBJECT-TYPE
1256        SYNTAX   Counter32
1257        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1258        STATUS  current
1259        DESCRIPTION
1260                "The number of individual inbound delay samples."
1261         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 21 }
1263      adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
1264        SYNTAX   Integer32
1265        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1266        STATUS  current
1267        DESCRIPTION
1268                "The sum of round-trip delay in milliseconds."
1269         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 22 }
1271      adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1272        SYNTAX   Counter64
1273        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1274        STATUS  current
1275        DESCRIPTION
1276                "The sum of the squares of round-trip delay in milliseconds."
1277         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 23 }
1279      adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
1280        SYNTAX   Counter32
1281        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1282        STATUS  current
1283        DESCRIPTION
1284                "The number of individual round-trip delay samples."
1285         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 24 }
1287      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInMin OBJECT-TYPE
1288        SYNTAX   Counter32
1289        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1290        STATUS  current
1291        DESCRIPTION
1292                "The minimum value in the set of positive inbound inter-packet
1293                delay variation measurements."
1294         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 25 }
1296      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInMax OBJECT-TYPE
1297        SYNTAX   Counter32
1298        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1299        STATUS  current
1300        DESCRIPTION
1301                "The maximum value in the set of positive inbound inter-packet
1302                delay variation measurements."
1303         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 26 }
1305      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInSum OBJECT-TYPE
1306        SYNTAX   Counter32
1307        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1308        STATUS  current
1309        DESCRIPTION
1310                "The sum of positive inbound inter-packet delay variation
1311                measurements."
1312         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 27 }
1314      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1315        SYNTAX   Counter64
1316        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1317        STATUS  current
1318        DESCRIPTION
1319                "The sum of the squares of positive inbound inter-packet
1320                delay variation measurements."
1321         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 28 }
1323      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInNum OBJECT-TYPE
1324        SYNTAX   Counter32
1325        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1326        STATUS  current
1327        DESCRIPTION
1328                "The number of positive inbound inter-packet delay variation
1329                measurements."
1330         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 29 }
1332      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
1333        SYNTAX   Counter32
1334        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1335        STATUS  current
1336        DESCRIPTION
1337                "The minimum value in the set of positive outbound inter-packet
1338                delay variation measurements."
1339         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 30 }
1341      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
1342        SYNTAX   Counter32
1343        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1344        STATUS  current
1345        DESCRIPTION
1346                "The maximum value in the set of positive outbound inter-packet
1347                delay variation measurements."
1348         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 31 }
1350      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
1351        SYNTAX   Counter32
1352        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1353        STATUS  current
1354        DESCRIPTION
1355                "The sum of positive outbound inter-packet delay variation
1356                 measurements."
1357         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 32 }
1359      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1360        SYNTAX   Counter64
1361        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1362        STATUS  current
1363        DESCRIPTION
1364                "The sum of the squares of positive outbound inter-packet
1365                delay variation measurements."
1366         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 33 }
1368      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
1369        SYNTAX   Counter32
1370        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1371        STATUS  current
1372        DESCRIPTION
1373                "The number of positive outbound inter-packet delay variation
1374                measurements."
1375         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 34 }
1377      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
1378        SYNTAX   Counter32
1379        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1380        STATUS  current
1381        DESCRIPTION
1382                "The minimum value in the set of positive round-trip
1383                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
1384         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 35 }
1386      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
1387        SYNTAX   Counter32
1388        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1389        STATUS  current
1390        DESCRIPTION
1391                "The maximum value in the set of positive round-trip
1392                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
1393         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 36 }
1395      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
1396        SYNTAX   Counter32
1397        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1398        STATUS  current
1399        DESCRIPTION
1400                "The sum of positive round-trip inter-packet delay variation
1401                measurements."
1402         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 37 }
1404      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1405        SYNTAX   Counter64
1406        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1407        STATUS  current
1408        DESCRIPTION
1409                "The sum of the squares of of positive round-trip inter-packet
1410                delay variation measurements."
1411         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 38 }
1413      adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
1414        SYNTAX   Counter32
1415        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1416        STATUS  current
1417        DESCRIPTION
1418                "The number of positive round-trip inter-packet delay variation
1419                measurements."
1420         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 39 }
1422      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInMin OBJECT-TYPE
1423        SYNTAX   Counter32
1424        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1425        STATUS  current
1426        DESCRIPTION
1427                "The minimum value in the set of negative inbound inter-packet
1428                delay variation measurements."
1429         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 40 }
1431      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInMax OBJECT-TYPE
1432        SYNTAX   Counter32
1433        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1434        STATUS  current
1435        DESCRIPTION
1436                "The maximum value in the set of negative inbound inter-packet
1437                delay variation measurements."
1438         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 41 }
1440      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInSum OBJECT-TYPE
1441        SYNTAX   Counter32
1442        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1443        STATUS  current
1444        DESCRIPTION
1445                "The sum of negative inbound inter-packet delay variation
1446                measurements."
1447         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 42 }
1449      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1450        SYNTAX   Counter64
1451        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1452        STATUS  current
1453        DESCRIPTION
1454                "The sum of the squares of negative inbound inter-packet
1455                delay variation measurements."
1456         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 43 }
1458      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInNum OBJECT-TYPE
1459        SYNTAX   Counter32
1460        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1461        STATUS  current
1462        DESCRIPTION
1463                "The number of negative inbound inter-packet delay variation
1464                measurements."
1465         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 44 }
1467      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
1468        SYNTAX   Counter32
1469        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1470        STATUS  current
1471        DESCRIPTION
1472                "The minimum value in the set of negative outbound inter-packet
1473                delay variation measurements."
1474         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 45 }
1476      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
1477        SYNTAX   Counter32
1478        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1479        STATUS  current
1480        DESCRIPTION
1481                "The maximum value in the set of negative outbound inter-packet
1482                delay variation measurements."
1483         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 46 }
1485      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
1486        SYNTAX   Counter32
1487        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1488        STATUS  current
1489        DESCRIPTION
1490                "The sum of negative outbound inter-packet delay variation
1491                measurements."
1492         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 47 }
1494      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1495        SYNTAX   Counter64
1496        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1497        STATUS  current
1498        DESCRIPTION
1499                "The sum of the squares of negative outbound inter-packet
1500                delay variation measurements."
1501         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 48 }
1503      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
1504        SYNTAX   Counter32
1505        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1506        STATUS  current
1507        DESCRIPTION
1508                "The number of negative outbound inter-packet delay variation
1509                measurements."
1510         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 49 }
1512      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
1513        SYNTAX   Counter32
1514        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1515        STATUS  current
1516        DESCRIPTION
1517                "The minimum value in the set of negative round-trip
1518                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
1519         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 50 }
1521      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
1522        SYNTAX   Counter32
1523        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1524        STATUS  current
1525        DESCRIPTION
1526                "The maximum value in the set of negative round-trip
1527                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
1528         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 51 }
1530      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
1531        SYNTAX   Counter32
1532        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1533        STATUS  current
1534        DESCRIPTION
1535                "The sum of negative round-trip inter-packet delay variation
1536                measurements."
1537         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 52 }
1539      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1540        SYNTAX   Counter64
1541        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1542        STATUS  current
1543        DESCRIPTION
1544                "The sum of the squares of negative round-trip inter-packet
1545                delay variation measurements."
1546         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 53 }
1548      adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
1549        SYNTAX   Counter32
1550        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1551        STATUS  current
1552        DESCRIPTION
1553                "The number of negative round-trip inter-packet delay variation
1554                measurements."
1555         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 54 }
1557      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInMin OBJECT-TYPE
1558        SYNTAX   Counter32
1559        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1560        STATUS  current
1561        DESCRIPTION
1562                "The minimum value in the set of absolute inbound inter-packet
1563                delay variation measurements."
1564         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 55 }
1566      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInMax OBJECT-TYPE
1567        SYNTAX   Counter32
1568        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1569        STATUS  current
1570        DESCRIPTION
1571                "The maximum value in the set of absolute inbound inter-packet
1572                delay variation measurements."
1573         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 56 }
1575      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInSum OBJECT-TYPE
1576        SYNTAX   Counter32
1577        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1578        STATUS  current
1579        DESCRIPTION
1580                "The sum of absolute inbound inter-packet delay variation
1581                measurements."
1582         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 57 }
1584      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1585        SYNTAX   Counter64
1586        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1587        STATUS  current
1588        DESCRIPTION
1589                "The sum of the squares of absolute inbound inter-packet
1590                delay variation measurements."
1591         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 58 }
1593      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInNum OBJECT-TYPE
1594        SYNTAX   Counter32
1595        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1596        STATUS  current
1597        DESCRIPTION
1598                "The number of absolute inbound inter-packet delay variation
1599                measurements."
1600         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 59 }
1602      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
1603        SYNTAX   Counter32
1604        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1605        STATUS  current
1606        DESCRIPTION
1607                "The minimum value in the set of absolute outbound inter-packet
1608                delay variation measurements."
1609         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 60 }
1611      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
1612        SYNTAX   Counter32
1613        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1614        STATUS  current
1615        DESCRIPTION
1616                "The maximum value in the set of absolute outbound inter-packet
1617                delay variation measurements."
1618         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 61 }
1620      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
1621        SYNTAX   Counter32
1622        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1623        STATUS  current
1624        DESCRIPTION
1625                "The sum of absolute outbound inter-packet delay variation
1626                 measurements."
1627         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 62 }
1629      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1630        SYNTAX   Counter64
1631        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1632        STATUS  current
1633        DESCRIPTION
1634                "The sum of the squares of absolute outbound inter-packet
1635                delay variation measurements."
1636         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 63 }
1638      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
1639        SYNTAX   Counter32
1640        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1641        STATUS  current
1642        DESCRIPTION
1643                "The number of absolute outbound inter-packet delay variation
1644                measurements."
1645         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 64 }
1647      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
1648        SYNTAX   Counter32
1649        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1650        STATUS  current
1651        DESCRIPTION
1652                "The minimum value in the set of absolute round-trip
1653                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
1654         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 65 }
1656      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
1657        SYNTAX   Counter32
1658        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1659        STATUS  current
1660        DESCRIPTION
1661                "The maximum value in the set of absolute round-trip
1662                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
1663         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 66 }
1665      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
1666        SYNTAX   Counter32
1667        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1668        STATUS  current
1669        DESCRIPTION
1670                "The sum of absolute round-trip inter-packet delay variation
1671                measurements."
1672         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 67 }
1674      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
1675        SYNTAX   Counter64
1676        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1677        STATUS  current
1678        DESCRIPTION
1679                "The sum of the squares of absolute round-trip inter-packet
1680                delay variation measurements."
1681         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 68 }
1683      adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
1684        SYNTAX   Counter32
1685        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1686        STATUS  current
1687        DESCRIPTION
1688                "The number of absolute round-trip inter-packet delay variation
1689                measurements."
1690         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 69 }
1692      adGenAOSnmTwPktSentCount  OBJECT-TYPE
1693        SYNTAX   Counter32
1694        MAX-ACCESS read-only
1695        STATUS  current
1696        DESCRIPTION
1697                "The number of packets sent."
1698         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryEntry 70 }
1699     --
1701     --  Network Monitor Configure ICMP Timestamp Probe Table
1703     --  The variables that configure a NetMon ICMP Timestamp probe.
1705     adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE
1706         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry
1707         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1708         STATUS   current
1709         DESCRIPTION
1710            "Configure a network monitor ICMP timestamp probe."
1711         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 7 }
1713     adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1714         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry
1715         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1716         STATUS   current
1717         DESCRIPTION
1718            "The parameters used to configure a particular network monitor ICMP
1719            timestamp probe."
1720         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex }
1721         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeTable 1 }
1724     AdGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry ::=
1725         SEQUENCE {
1726             adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSName                    OCTET STRING,
1727             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDestHostname               DisplayString,
1728             adGenAOSnmICMPTSSrcIP                      IpAddress,
1729             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDscp                       INTEGER,
1730             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingLen                 INTEGER,
1731             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingFormat              INTEGER,
1732             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingPattern             OCTET STRING,
1733             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDataPadType                INTEGER,
1734             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSendCnt                 INTEGER,
1735             adGenAOSnmICMPTSSendScheduleType           INTEGER,
1736             adGenAOSnmICMPTSSendScheduleValue          INTEGER,
1737             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMinFail           Unsigned32,
1738             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInAvgFail           Unsigned32,
1739             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMaxFail           Unsigned32,
1740             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMinPass           Unsigned32,
1741             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInAvgPass           Unsigned32,
1742             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMaxPass           Unsigned32,
1743             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMinFail          Unsigned32,
1744             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutAvgFail          Unsigned32,
1745             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMaxFail          Unsigned32,
1746             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMinPass          Unsigned32,
1747             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutAvgPass          Unsigned32,
1748             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMaxPass          Unsigned32,
1749             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMinFail           Unsigned32,
1750             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtAvgFail           Unsigned32,
1751             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMaxFail           Unsigned32,
1752             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMinPass           Unsigned32,
1753             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtAvgPass           Unsigned32,
1754             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMaxPass           Unsigned32,
1755             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMinFail             Integer32,
1756             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInAvgFail             Integer32,
1757             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMaxFail             Integer32,
1758             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMinPass             Integer32,
1759             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInAvgPass             Integer32,
1760             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMaxPass             Integer32,
1761             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMinFail            Integer32,
1762             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutAvgFail            Integer32,
1763             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMaxFail            Integer32,
1764             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMinPass            Integer32,
1765             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutAvgPass            Integer32,
1766             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMaxPass            Integer32,
1767             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMinFail             Integer32,
1768             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtAvgFail             Integer32,
1769             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMaxFail             Integer32,
1770             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMinPass             Integer32,
1771             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtAvgPass             Integer32,
1772             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMaxPass             Integer32,
1773             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktRtLossFail              INTEGER,
1774             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktRtLossPass              INTEGER,
1775             adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryDepth               INTEGER
1776        }
1778     adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSName OBJECT-TYPE
1779         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
1780         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
1781         STATUS   current
1782         DESCRIPTION
1783            "The name of the corresponding ICMP timestamp probe entry.
1784            The probe identified by a particular value of this object is the
1785            same probe as identified by the same value as a
1786            adGenAOSnmName object instance."
1787         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 1 }
1789     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDestHostname OBJECT-TYPE
1790         SYNTAX     DisplayString
1791         MAX-ACCESS   read-write
1792         STATUS   current
1793         DESCRIPTION
1794            "Specifies the destination hostname or IP address as a string in
1795            dotted decimal format."
1796         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 2 }
1799       SYNTAX     IpAddress
1800       MAX-ACCESS read-write
1801       STATUS	  current
1802       DESCRIPTION
1803               "Specifies the source IPv4 address."
1804         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 3 }
1807        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..63)
1808         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1809         STATUS  current
1810         DESCRIPTION
1811            "Specifies the DiffServ Code Point value that will be used on
1812            packets sent and will be negotiated with the responder."
1813         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 4 }
1815     adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingLen OBJECT-TYPE
1816        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1462)
1817         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1818         STATUS  current
1819         DESCRIPTION
1820            "Size of ICMP padding length."
1821         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 5 }
1823     adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingFormat OBJECT-TYPE
1824        SYNTAX  INTEGER
1825                {
1826                        ascii (1),
1827                        hex (2)
1828                }
1829         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1830         STATUS  current
1831         DESCRIPTION
1832            "Specifies the format of the padding pattern."
1833         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 6 }
1835     adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingPattern OBJECT-TYPE
1836         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..80))
1837         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1838         STATUS  current
1839         DESCRIPTION
1840            "Specifies data pattern to pad the packet. This can be an ascii or
1841            hexadecimal pattern and must match the type set in
1842            adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktFormat. In addition, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDataPadType
1843            must be set to 'custom'. "
1844         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 7 }
1846     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDataPadType OBJECT-TYPE
1847        SYNTAX  INTEGER
1848                {
1849                  zeroes (1),
1850                  random (2),
1851                  custom (3)
1852                }
1853         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1854         STATUS  current
1855         DESCRIPTION
1856            "Specifies how the ICMP padding paylod is filled."
1857         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 8 }
1860     adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSendCnt OBJECT-TYPE
1861        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..1000)
1862         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1863         STATUS  current
1864         DESCRIPTION
1865            "Specifies the number of packets to send and receive for one probe
1866            operation.  More than one is required for inter-packet delay
1867            variation measurements."
1868         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 9 }
1870     adGenAOSnmICMPTSSendScheduleType OBJECT-TYPE
1871        SYNTAX  INTEGER {
1872                        periodic (1),
1873                        poisson (2)  -- for future use, not currently supported
1874                       }
1875         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1876         STATUS  current
1877         DESCRIPTION
1878            "Specifies in milliseconds the time between test packets during a
1879            single probe operation."
1880         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 10 }
1882     adGenAOSnmICMPTSSendScheduleValue OBJECT-TYPE
1883        SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..5000)
1884        MAX-ACCESS read-write
1885        STATUS  current
1886        DESCRIPTION
1887            "Specifies in milliseconds the time between start of each packet
1888            send operation."
1889         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 11 }
1891     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
1892         SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1893         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1894         STATUS  current
1895         DESCRIPTION
1896            "Specifies the minimum inbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
1897            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
1898            operation to fail."
1899         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 12 }
1901     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
1902         SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1903         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1904         STATUS  current
1905         DESCRIPTION
1906            "Specifies the average inbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
1907            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
1908             operation to fail."
1909         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 13 }
1911     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
1912         SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1913         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1914         STATUS  current
1915         DESCRIPTION
1916            "Specifies the maximum inbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
1917            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
1918            operation to fail."
1919         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 14 }
1921     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
1922         SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1923         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1924         STATUS  current
1925         DESCRIPTION
1926            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum inbound
1927            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
1928            probe operation to pass."
1929         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 15 }
1931     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
1932         SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1933         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1934         STATUS  current
1935         DESCRIPTION
1936            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average inbound
1937            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
1938            probe operation to pass."
1939         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 16 }
1941     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
1942        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1943         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1944         STATUS  current
1945         DESCRIPTION
1946            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum inbound
1947            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
1948            probe operation to pass."
1949         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 17 }
1951     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
1952        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1953         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1954         STATUS  current
1955         DESCRIPTION
1956            "Specifies the minimum outbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
1957            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
1958            operation to fail."
1959         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 18 }
1961     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
1962        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1963         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1964         STATUS  current
1965         DESCRIPTION
1966            "Specifies the average outbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
1967            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
1968            operation to fail."
1969         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 19 }
1971     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
1972        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1973         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1974         STATUS  current
1975         DESCRIPTION
1976            "Specifies the maximum outbound absolute-value inter-packet delay
1977            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
1978            operation to fail."
1979         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 20 }
1981     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
1982        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1983         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1984         STATUS  current
1985         DESCRIPTION
1986            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum outbound
1987            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
1988            probe operation to pass."
1989         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 21 }
1991     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
1992        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
1993         MAX-ACCESS read-write
1994         STATUS  current
1995         DESCRIPTION
1996            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average outbound
1997            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
1998            probe operation to pass."
1999         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 22 }
2001     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
2002        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2003         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2004         STATUS  current
2005         DESCRIPTION
2006            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum outbound
2007            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
2008            probe operation to pass."
2009         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 23 }
2011     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
2012        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2013         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2014         STATUS  current
2015         DESCRIPTION
2016            "Specifies the minimum round-trip absolute-value inter-packet delay
2017            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
2018            operation to fail."
2019         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 24 }
2021     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
2022        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2023         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2024         STATUS  current
2025         DESCRIPTION
2026            "Specifies the average round-trip absolute-value inter-packet delay
2027            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
2028            operation to fail."
2029         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 25 }
2031     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
2032        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2033         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2034         STATUS  current
2035         DESCRIPTION
2036            "Specifies the maximum round-trip absolute-value inter-packet delay
2037            variation threshold in milliseconds that will cause the probe
2038            operation to fail."
2039         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 26 }
2041     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
2042        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2043         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2044         STATUS  current
2045         DESCRIPTION
2046            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum round-trip
2047            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
2048            probe operation to pass."
2049         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 27 }
2051     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
2052        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2053         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2054         STATUS  current
2055         DESCRIPTION
2056            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average round-trip
2057            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
2058            probe operation to pass."
2059         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 28 }
2061     adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
2062        SYNTAX  Unsigned32
2063         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2064         STATUS  current
2065         DESCRIPTION
2066            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum round-trip
2067            absolute-value inter-packet delay variation that will allow the
2068            probe operation to pass."
2069         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 29 }
2071     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
2072        SYNTAX  Integer32
2073         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2074         STATUS  current
2075         DESCRIPTION
2076            "Specifies the minimum inbound delay threshold in milliseconds
2077            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2078         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 30 }
2080     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
2081        SYNTAX  Integer32
2082         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2083         STATUS  current
2084         DESCRIPTION
2085            "Specifies the average inbound delay threshold in milliseconds
2086            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2087         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 31 }
2089     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
2090        SYNTAX  Integer32
2091         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2092         STATUS  current
2093         DESCRIPTION
2094            "Specifies the maximum inbound delay threshold in milliseconds
2095            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2096         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 32 }
2098     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
2099        SYNTAX  Integer32
2100         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2101         STATUS  current
2102         DESCRIPTION
2103            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum inbound delay
2104            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2105         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 33 }
2107     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
2108        SYNTAX  Integer32
2109         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2110         STATUS  current
2111         DESCRIPTION
2112            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average inbound delay
2113            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2114         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 34 }
2116     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
2117        SYNTAX  Integer32
2118         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2119         STATUS  current
2120         DESCRIPTION
2121            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum inbound delay
2122            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2123         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 35 }
2125     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
2126        SYNTAX  Integer32
2127         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2128         STATUS  current
2129         DESCRIPTION
2130            "Specifies the minimum outbound delay threshold in milliseconds
2131            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2132         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 36 }
2134     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
2135        SYNTAX  Integer32
2136         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2137         STATUS  current
2138         DESCRIPTION
2139            "Specifies the average outbound delay threshold in milliseconds
2140            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2141         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 37 }
2143     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
2144        SYNTAX  Integer32
2145         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2146         STATUS  current
2147         DESCRIPTION
2148            "Specifies the maximum outbound delay threshold in milliseconds
2149            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2150         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 38 }
2152     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
2153        SYNTAX  Integer32
2154         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2155         STATUS  current
2156         DESCRIPTION
2157            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum outbound delay
2158            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2159         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 39 }
2161     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
2162        SYNTAX  Integer32
2163         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2164         STATUS  current
2165         DESCRIPTION
2166            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average outbound delay
2167            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2168         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 40 }
2170     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
2171        SYNTAX  Integer32
2172         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2173         STATUS  current
2174         DESCRIPTION
2175            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum outbound delay
2176            that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2177         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 41 }
2179     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMinFail OBJECT-TYPE
2180        SYNTAX  Integer32
2181         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2182         STATUS  current
2183         DESCRIPTION
2184            "Specifies the minimum round-trip delay threshold in milliseconds
2185            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2186         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 42 }
2188     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtAvgFail OBJECT-TYPE
2189        SYNTAX  Integer32
2190         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2191         STATUS  current
2192         DESCRIPTION
2193            "Specifies the average round-trip delay threshold in milliseconds
2194            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2195         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 43 }
2197     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMaxFail OBJECT-TYPE
2198        SYNTAX  Integer32
2199         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2200         STATUS  current
2201         DESCRIPTION
2202            "Specifies the maximum round-trip delay threshold in milliseconds
2203            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2204         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 44 }
2206     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMinPass OBJECT-TYPE
2207        SYNTAX  Integer32
2208         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2209         STATUS  current
2210         DESCRIPTION
2211            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for minimum round-trip
2212            delay that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2213         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 45 }
2215     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtAvgPass OBJECT-TYPE
2216        SYNTAX  Integer32
2217         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2218         STATUS  current
2219         DESCRIPTION
2220            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for average round-trip
2221            delay that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2222         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 46 }
2224     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMaxPass OBJECT-TYPE
2225        SYNTAX  Integer32
2226        MAX-ACCESS read-write
2227         STATUS  current
2228         DESCRIPTION
2229            "Specifies the threshold in milliseconds for maximum round-trip
2230            delay that will allow the probe operation to pass."
2231         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 47 }
2233     adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktRtLossFail OBJECT-TYPE
2234        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1000)
2235         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2236         STATUS  current
2237         DESCRIPTION
2238            "Specifies the round-trip packet-loss threshold in milliseconds
2239            that will cause the probe operation to fail."
2240         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 48 }
2242     adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktRtLossPass OBJECT-TYPE
2243        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1000)
2244         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2245         STATUS  current
2246         DESCRIPTION
2247            "Specifies the round-trip packet-loss threshold in milliseconds
2248            that will allow the probe operation to change to the pass state."
2249         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 49 }
2251     adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryDepth OBJECT-TYPE
2252        SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..127)
2253         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2254         STATUS  current
2255         DESCRIPTION
2256            "Specifies the number of probe operation statistic results to keep."
2257         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeEntry 50 }
2261     --
2263     --  Network Monitor ICMP timestamp History Table
2265     --  The variables that display the history for a NetMon ICMP timestamp
2266     --  probe.
2268     adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
2269         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry
2270         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
2271         STATUS   current
2272         DESCRIPTION
2273            "Operation history for a network monitor ICMP timestamp probe."
2274         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 8 }
2276     adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2277         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry
2278         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
2279         STATUS   current
2280         DESCRIPTION
2281            "The read-only history of a particular network monitor ICMP
2282            timestamp probe."
2283         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex, adGenAOSnmICMPTSSeqNum  }
2284         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryTable 1 }
2287     AdGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry ::=
2288         SEQUENCE {
2289             adGenAOSnmICMPTSSeqNum             Integer32,
2290             adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryName        OCTET STRING,
2291             adGenAOSnmICMPTSStartTime          DisplayString,
2292             adGenAOSnmICMPTSEndTime            DisplayString,
2293             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMin         Integer32,
2294             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMax         Integer32,
2295             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMin        Integer32,
2296             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMax        Integer32,
2297             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMin         Integer32,
2298             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMax         Integer32,
2299             adGenAOSnmICMPTSLossRoundTrip      Counter32,
2300             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutSum        Integer32,
2301             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutSum2       Counter64,
2302             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutNum        Counter32,
2303             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInSum         Integer32,
2304             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInSum2        Counter64,
2305             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInNum         Counter32,
2306             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtSum         Integer32,
2307             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtSum2        Counter64,
2308             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtNum         Counter32,
2309             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMin        Counter32,
2310             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMax        Counter32,
2311             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum        Counter32,
2312             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum2       Counter64,
2313             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInNum        Counter32,
2314             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMin       Counter32,
2315             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMax       Counter32,
2316             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum       Counter32,
2317             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum2      Counter64,
2318             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutNum       Counter32,
2319             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMin        Counter32,
2320             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMax        Counter32,
2321             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum        Counter32,
2322             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum2       Counter64,
2323             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtNum        Counter32,
2324             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMin        Counter32,
2325             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMax        Counter32,
2326             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum        Counter32,
2327             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum2       Counter64,
2328             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInNum        Counter32,
2329             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMin       Counter32,
2330             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMax       Counter32,
2331             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum       Counter32,
2332             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum2      Counter64,
2333             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutNum       Counter32,
2334             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMin        Counter32,
2335             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMax        Counter32,
2336             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum        Counter32,
2337             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum2       Counter64,
2338             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtNum        Counter32,
2339             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInMin        Counter32,
2340             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInMax        Counter32,
2341             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInSum        Counter32,
2342             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInSum2       Counter64,
2343             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInNum        Counter32,
2344             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutMin       Counter32,
2345             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutMax       Counter32,
2346             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutSum       Counter32,
2347             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutSum2      Counter64,
2348             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutNum       Counter32,
2349             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtMin        Counter32,
2350             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtMax        Counter32,
2351             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtSum        Counter32,
2352             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtSum2       Counter64,
2353             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtNum        Counter32,
2354             adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSentCount       Counter32
2355        }
2358        SYNTAX   Integer32 (1..120)
2359        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2360        STATUS  current
2361        DESCRIPTION
2362                "Along with adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryName, uniquely identifies a
2363                row in the adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryTable. A sequence number of
2364                '1' signifies the current history entry."
2365         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 1 }
2367     adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryName OBJECT-TYPE
2368         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
2369         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
2370         STATUS   current
2371         DESCRIPTION
2372            "The name of the corresponding ICMP timestamp probe entry.
2373            The probe identified by a particular value of this object is the
2374            same probe as identified by the same value as a
2375            adGenAOSnmName object instance."
2376         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 2 }
2378     adGenAOSnmICMPTSStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
2379        SYNTAX      DisplayString
2380        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2381        STATUS  current
2382        DESCRIPTION
2383                "The date and time the probe operation started."
2384         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 3 }
2386     adGenAOSnmICMPTSEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
2387        SYNTAX      DisplayString
2388        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2389        STATUS  current
2390        DESCRIPTION
2391                "The date and time the probe operation ended."
2392         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 4 }
2394     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMin OBJECT-TYPE
2395        SYNTAX   Integer32
2396        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2397        STATUS  current
2398        DESCRIPTION
2399                "The inbound minimum delay in milliseconds."
2400         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 5 }
2402     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMax OBJECT-TYPE
2403        SYNTAX   Integer32
2404        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2405        STATUS  current
2406        DESCRIPTION
2407                "The inbound maximum delay in milliseconds."
2408         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 6 }
2410     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
2411        SYNTAX   Integer32
2412        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2413        STATUS  current
2414        DESCRIPTION
2415                "The outbound minimum delay in milliseconds."
2416         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 7 }
2418     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
2419        SYNTAX   Integer32
2420        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2421        STATUS  current
2422        DESCRIPTION
2423                "The outbound maximum delay in milliseconds."
2424         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 8 }
2426     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
2427        SYNTAX   Integer32
2428        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2429        STATUS  current
2430        DESCRIPTION
2431                "The round-trip minimum delay in milliseconds."
2432         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 9 }
2434     adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
2435        SYNTAX   Integer32
2436        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2437        STATUS  current
2438        DESCRIPTION
2439                "The round-trip maximum delay in milliseconds."
2440         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 10 }
2442      adGenAOSnmICMPTSLossRoundTrip OBJECT-TYPE
2443        SYNTAX   Counter32
2444        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2445        STATUS  current
2446        DESCRIPTION
2447                "The round-trip packet loss."
2448         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 11 }
2450      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
2451        SYNTAX   Integer32
2452        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2453        STATUS  current
2454        DESCRIPTION
2455                "The sum of outbound delay in milliseconds."
2456         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 12 }
2458      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2459        SYNTAX   Counter64
2460        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2461        STATUS  current
2462        DESCRIPTION
2463                "The sum of the squares of outbound delay in milliseconds."
2464         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 13 }
2466      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
2467        SYNTAX   Counter32
2468        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2469        STATUS  current
2470        DESCRIPTION
2471                "The number of individual outbound delay samples."
2472         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 14 }
2474      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInSum OBJECT-TYPE
2475        SYNTAX   Integer32
2476        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2477        STATUS  current
2478        DESCRIPTION
2479                "The sum of inbound delay in milliseconds."
2480         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 15 }
2482      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2483        SYNTAX   Counter64
2484        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2485        STATUS  current
2486        DESCRIPTION
2487                "The sum of the squares of inbound delay in milliseconds."
2488         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 16 }
2490      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInNum OBJECT-TYPE
2491        SYNTAX   Counter32
2492        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2493        STATUS  current
2494        DESCRIPTION
2495                "The number of individual inbound delay samples."
2496         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 17 }
2498      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
2499        SYNTAX   Integer32
2500        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2501        STATUS  current
2502        DESCRIPTION
2503                "The sum of round-trip delay in milliseconds."
2504         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 18 }
2506      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2507        SYNTAX   Counter64
2508        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2509        STATUS  current
2510        DESCRIPTION
2511                "The sum of the squares of round-trip delay in milliseconds."
2512         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 19 }
2514      adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
2515        SYNTAX   Counter32
2516        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2517        STATUS  current
2518        DESCRIPTION
2519                "The number of individual round-trip delay samples."
2520         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 20 }
2522      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMin OBJECT-TYPE
2523        SYNTAX   Counter32
2524        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2525        STATUS  current
2526        DESCRIPTION
2527                "The minimum value in the set of positive inbound inter-packet
2528                delay variation measurements."
2529         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 21 }
2531      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMax OBJECT-TYPE
2532        SYNTAX   Counter32
2533        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2534        STATUS  current
2535        DESCRIPTION
2536                "The maximum value in the set of positive inbound inter-packet
2537                delay variation measurements."
2538         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 22 }
2540      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum OBJECT-TYPE
2541        SYNTAX   Counter32
2542        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2543        STATUS  current
2544        DESCRIPTION
2545                "The sum of positive inbound inter-packet delay variation
2546                measurements."
2547         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 23 }
2549      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2550        SYNTAX   Counter64
2551        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2552        STATUS  current
2553        DESCRIPTION
2554                "The sum of the squares of positive inbound inter-packet
2555                delay variation measurements."
2556         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 24 }
2558      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInNum OBJECT-TYPE
2559        SYNTAX   Counter32
2560        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2561        STATUS  current
2562        DESCRIPTION
2563                "The number of positive inbound inter-packet delay variation
2564                measurements."
2565         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 25 }
2567      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
2568        SYNTAX   Counter32
2569        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2570        STATUS  current
2571        DESCRIPTION
2572                "The minimum value in the set of positive outbound inter-packet
2573                delay variation measurements."
2574         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 26 }
2576      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
2577        SYNTAX   Counter32
2578        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2579        STATUS  current
2580        DESCRIPTION
2581                "The maximum value in the set of positive outbound inter-packet
2582                delay variation measurements."
2583         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 27 }
2585      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
2586        SYNTAX   Counter32
2587        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2588        STATUS  current
2589        DESCRIPTION
2590                "The sum of positive outbound inter-packet delay variation
2591                measurements."
2592         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 28 }
2594      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2595        SYNTAX   Counter64
2596        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2597        STATUS  current
2598        DESCRIPTION
2599                "The sum of the squares of positive outbound inter-packet
2600                delay variation measurements."
2601         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 29 }
2603      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
2604        SYNTAX   Counter32
2605        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2606        STATUS  current
2607        DESCRIPTION
2608                "The number of positive outbound inter-packet delay variation
2609                measurements."
2610         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 30 }
2612      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
2613        SYNTAX   Counter32
2614        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2615        STATUS  current
2616        DESCRIPTION
2617                "The minimum value in the set of positive round-trip
2618                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
2619         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 31 }
2621      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
2622        SYNTAX   Counter32
2623        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2624        STATUS  current
2625        DESCRIPTION
2626                "The maximum value in the set of positive round-trip
2627                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
2628         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 32 }
2630      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
2631        SYNTAX   Counter32
2632        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2633        STATUS  current
2634        DESCRIPTION
2635                "The sum of positive round-trip inter-packet delay variation
2636                measurements."
2637         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 33 }
2639      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2640        SYNTAX   Counter64
2641        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2642        STATUS  current
2643        DESCRIPTION
2644                "The sum of the squares of positive round-trip inter-packet
2645                delay variation measurements."
2646         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 34 }
2648      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
2649        SYNTAX   Counter32
2650        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2651        STATUS  current
2652        DESCRIPTION
2653                "The number of positive round-trip inter-packet delay variation
2654                measurements."
2655         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 35 }
2657      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMin OBJECT-TYPE
2658        SYNTAX   Counter32
2659        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2660        STATUS  current
2661        DESCRIPTION
2662                "The minimum value in the set of negative inbound inter-packet
2663                delay variation measurements."
2664         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 36 }
2666      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMax OBJECT-TYPE
2667        SYNTAX   Counter32
2668        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2669        STATUS  current
2670        DESCRIPTION
2671                "The maximum value in the set of negative inbound inter-packet
2672                delay variation measurements."
2673         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 37 }
2675      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum OBJECT-TYPE
2676        SYNTAX   Counter32
2677        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2678        STATUS  current
2679        DESCRIPTION
2680                "The sum of negative inbound inter-packet delay variation
2681                measurements."
2682         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 38 }
2684      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2685        SYNTAX   Counter64
2686        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2687        STATUS  current
2688        DESCRIPTION
2689                "The sum of the squares of negative inbound inter-packet delay
2690                variation measurements."
2691         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 39 }
2693      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInNum OBJECT-TYPE
2694        SYNTAX   Counter32
2695        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2696        STATUS  current
2697        DESCRIPTION
2698                "The number of negative inbound inter-packet delay variation
2699                measurements."
2700         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 40 }
2702      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
2703        SYNTAX   Counter32
2704        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2705        STATUS  current
2706        DESCRIPTION
2707                "The minimum value in the set of negative outbound inter-packet
2708                delay variation measurements."
2709         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 41 }
2711      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
2712        SYNTAX   Counter32
2713        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2714        STATUS  current
2715        DESCRIPTION
2716                "The maximum value in the set of negative outbound inter-packet
2717                delay variation measurements."
2718         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 42 }
2720      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
2721        SYNTAX   Counter32
2722        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2723        STATUS  current
2724        DESCRIPTION
2725                "The sum of negative outbound inter-packet delay variation
2726                measurements."
2727         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 43 }
2729      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2730        SYNTAX   Counter64
2731        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2732        STATUS  current
2733        DESCRIPTION
2734                "The sum of the squares of negative outbound inter-packet delay
2735                variation measurements."
2736         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 44 }
2738      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
2739        SYNTAX   Counter32
2740        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2741        STATUS  current
2742        DESCRIPTION
2743                "The number of negative outbound inter-packet delay variation
2744                measurements."
2745         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 45 }
2747      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
2748        SYNTAX   Counter32
2749        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2750        STATUS  current
2751        DESCRIPTION
2752                "The minimum value in the set of negative round-trip
2753                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
2754         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 46 }
2756      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
2757        SYNTAX   Counter32
2758        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2759        STATUS  current
2760        DESCRIPTION
2761                "The maximum value in the set of negative round-trip
2762                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
2763         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 47 }
2765      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
2766        SYNTAX   Counter32
2767        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2768        STATUS  current
2769        DESCRIPTION
2770                "The sum of negative round-trip inter-packet delay variation
2771                measurements."
2772         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 48 }
2774      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2775        SYNTAX   Counter64
2776        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2777        STATUS  current
2778        DESCRIPTION
2779                "The sum of the squares of negative round-trip inter-packet
2780                delay variation measurements."
2781         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 49 }
2783      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
2784        SYNTAX   Counter32
2785        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2786        STATUS  current
2787        DESCRIPTION
2788                "The number of negative round-trip inter-packet delay variation
2789                measurements."
2790         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 50 }
2792      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInMin OBJECT-TYPE
2793        SYNTAX   Counter32
2794        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2795        STATUS  current
2796        DESCRIPTION
2797                "The minimum value in the set of absolute inbound inter-packet
2798                delay variation measurements."
2799         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 51 }
2801      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInMax OBJECT-TYPE
2802        SYNTAX   Counter32
2803        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2804        STATUS  current
2805        DESCRIPTION
2806                "The maximum value in the set of absolute inbound inter-packet
2807                delay variation measurements."
2808         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 52 }
2810      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInSum OBJECT-TYPE
2811        SYNTAX   Counter32
2812        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2813        STATUS  current
2814        DESCRIPTION
2815                "The sum of absolute inbound inter-packet delay variation
2816                measurements."
2817         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 53 }
2819      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2820        SYNTAX   Counter64
2821        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2822        STATUS  current
2823        DESCRIPTION
2824                "The sum of the squares of absolute inbound inter-packet delay
2825                variation measurements."
2826         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 54 }
2828      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInNum OBJECT-TYPE
2829        SYNTAX   Counter32
2830        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2831        STATUS  current
2832        DESCRIPTION
2833                "The number of absolute inbound inter-packet delay variation
2834                measurements."
2835         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 55 }
2837      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutMin OBJECT-TYPE
2838        SYNTAX   Counter32
2839        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2840        STATUS  current
2841        DESCRIPTION
2842                "The minimum value in the set of absolute outbound inter-packet
2843                delay variation measurements."
2844         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 56 }
2846      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutMax OBJECT-TYPE
2847        SYNTAX   Counter32
2848        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2849        STATUS  current
2850        DESCRIPTION
2851                "The maximum value in the set of absolute outbound inter-packet
2852                delay variation measurements."
2853         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 57 }
2855      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutSum OBJECT-TYPE
2856        SYNTAX   Counter32
2857        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2858        STATUS  current
2859        DESCRIPTION
2860                "The sum of absolute outbound inter-packet delay variation
2861                measurements."
2862         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 58 }
2864      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2865        SYNTAX   Counter64
2866        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2867        STATUS  current
2868        DESCRIPTION
2869                "The sum of the squares of absolute outbound inter-packet delay
2870                variation measurements."
2871         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 59 }
2873      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutNum OBJECT-TYPE
2874        SYNTAX   Counter32
2875        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2876        STATUS  current
2877        DESCRIPTION
2878                "The number of absolute outbound inter-packet delay variation
2879                measurements."
2880         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 60 }
2882      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtMin OBJECT-TYPE
2883        SYNTAX   Counter32
2884        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2885        STATUS  current
2886        DESCRIPTION
2887                "The minimum value in the set of absolute round-trip
2888                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
2889         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 61 }
2891      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtMax OBJECT-TYPE
2892        SYNTAX   Counter32
2893        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2894        STATUS  current
2895        DESCRIPTION
2896                "The maximum value in the set of absolute round-trip
2897                inter-packet delay variation measurements."
2898         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 62 }
2900      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtSum OBJECT-TYPE
2901        SYNTAX   Counter32
2902        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2903        STATUS  current
2904        DESCRIPTION
2905                "The sum of absolute round-trip inter-packet delay variation
2906                measurements."
2907         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 63 }
2909      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtSum2 OBJECT-TYPE
2910        SYNTAX   Counter64
2911        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2912        STATUS  current
2913        DESCRIPTION
2914                "The sum of the squares of absolute round-trip inter-packet
2915                delay variation measurements."
2916         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 64 }
2918      adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtNum OBJECT-TYPE
2919        SYNTAX   Counter32
2920        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2921        STATUS  current
2922        DESCRIPTION
2923                "The number of absolute round-trip inter-packet delay variation
2924                measurements."
2925         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 65 }
2927      adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSentCount  OBJECT-TYPE
2928        SYNTAX   Counter32
2929        MAX-ACCESS read-only
2930        STATUS  current
2931        DESCRIPTION
2932                "The number of packets sent."
2933         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryEntry 66 }
2934     --
2935     --  Network Monitor ICMP Timestamp Responder.
2936     --
2937     adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponder OBJECT-TYPE
2938        SYNTAX  INTEGER
2939                {
2940                  enabled (1),
2941                  disabled (2)
2942                }
2943         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2944         STATUS  current
2945         DESCRIPTION
2946            "Specifies ability to enable or disable the ICMP Timstamp
2947            responder to respond to ICMP timestamp requests."
2948         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 9 }
2950     --
2951     --  Network Monitor TWAMP Responder.
2952     --
2953     adGenAOSnmTWAMPResponder OBJECT-TYPE
2954        SYNTAX  INTEGER
2955                {
2956                  enabled (1),
2957                  disabled (2)
2958                }
2959         MAX-ACCESS read-write
2960         STATUS  current
2961         DESCRIPTION
2962            "Specifies ability to enable or disable the TWAMP
2963            responder to respond to ICMP timestamp requests."
2964         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 10 }
2965     --
2967     --  Network Monitor ICMP timestamp Responder Statistics Table
2969     --  The variables that display the statistics for a NetMon ICMP timestamp
2970     --  responder.
2972     adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
2973         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry
2974         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
2975         STATUS   current
2976         DESCRIPTION
2977            "Operation history for a network monitor ICMP timestamp probe."
2978         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 11 }
2980     adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2981         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry
2982         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
2983         STATUS   current
2984         DESCRIPTION
2985            "The read-only statistics of the network monitor ICMP
2986            timestamp responder."
2987         INDEX { adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsIndex  }
2988         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsTable 1 }
2991     AdGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry ::=
2992         SEQUENCE {
2993             adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsIndex        Unsigned32,
2994             adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderPacketsReceived   Counter32,
2995             adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderPacketsSent       Counter32,
2996             adGenAOSnmClearICMPTSResponderCounters     INTEGER
2997        }
2999      adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3000        SYNTAX   Unsigned32
3001        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3002        STATUS  current
3003        DESCRIPTION
3004                "Uniquely identifies a row in the
3005                adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsTable."
3006         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry 1 }
3008      adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
3009        SYNTAX   Counter32
3010        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3011        STATUS  current
3012        DESCRIPTION
3013                "Number of packets received by the responder."
3014         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry 2 }
3016      adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE
3017        SYNTAX   Counter32
3018        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3019        STATUS  current
3020        DESCRIPTION
3021                "Number of packets sent by the responder."
3022         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry 3 }
3024     adGenAOSnmClearICMPTSResponderCounters OBJECT-TYPE
3025        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3026                clear (1)
3027        }
3028        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3029         STATUS  current
3030         DESCRIPTION
3031            "Clear the counters of the ICMP timestamp responder.
3032            This is a write-only variable. A read will result in no action
3033            being taken."
3034         ::= { adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsEntry 4 }
3036     --
3038     --  Network Monitor TWAMP Responder Statistics Table
3040     --  The variables that display the statistics for a NetMon TWAMP
3041     --  responder.
3043     adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
3044         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry
3045         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
3046         STATUS   current
3047         DESCRIPTION
3048            "Operation history for a network monitor TWAMP probe."
3049         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 12 }
3051     adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3052         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry
3053         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
3054         STATUS   current
3055         DESCRIPTION
3056            "The read-only statistics of the network monitor TWAMP responder."
3057         INDEX { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsIndex  }
3058         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsTable 1 }
3061     AdGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry ::=
3062         SEQUENCE {
3063                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsIndex        Unsigned32,
3064                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderPacketsReceived   Counter32,
3065                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderPacketsSent       Counter32,
3066                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionClosed     Counter32,
3067                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionOpened     Counter32,
3068                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionRejected   Counter32,
3069                adGenAOSnmClearTwampResponderCounters     INTEGER
3070        }
3072      adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3073        SYNTAX   Unsigned32
3074        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3075        STATUS  current
3076        DESCRIPTION
3077                "Uniquely identifies a row in the
3078                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsTable."
3079         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 1 }
3081      adGenAOSnmTwampResponderPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE
3082        SYNTAX   Counter32
3083        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3084        STATUS  current
3085        DESCRIPTION
3086                "Number of packets received by the responder."
3087         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 2 }
3089      adGenAOSnmTwampResponderPacketsSent OBJECT-TYPE
3090        SYNTAX   Counter32
3091        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3092        STATUS  current
3093        DESCRIPTION
3094                "Number of packets sent by the responder."
3095         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 3 }
3097      adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionClosed OBJECT-TYPE
3098        SYNTAX   Counter32
3099        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3100        STATUS  current
3101        DESCRIPTION
3102                "Number of responder sessions closed."
3103         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 4 }
3105      adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionOpened OBJECT-TYPE
3106        SYNTAX   Counter32
3107        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3108        STATUS  current
3109        DESCRIPTION
3110                "Number of responder sessions opened."
3111         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 5 }
3113      adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionRejected OBJECT-TYPE
3114        SYNTAX   Counter32
3115        MAX-ACCESS read-only
3116        STATUS  current
3117        DESCRIPTION
3118                "Number of responder sessions closed."
3119         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 6 }
3121     adGenAOSnmClearTwampResponderCounters OBJECT-TYPE
3122        SYNTAX INTEGER {
3123                clear (1)
3124        }
3125        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
3126         STATUS  current
3127         DESCRIPTION
3128            "Clear the counters of the TWAMP responder.
3129            This is a write-only variable. A read will result in no action
3130            being taken."
3131         ::= { adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsEntry 7 }
3133     --  Network Monitor Configure ICMP Echo Probe Table
3135     --  The variables that configure a NetMon ICMP Echo probe.
3137     adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE
3138         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry
3139         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
3140         STATUS   current
3141         DESCRIPTION
3142            "Configure a network monitor ICMP echo probe."
3143         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 13 }
3145     adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3146         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry
3147         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
3148         STATUS   current
3149         DESCRIPTION
3150            "The parameters used to configure a particular network monitor ICMP
3151            echo probe."
3152         INDEX { adGenAOSnmIndex }
3153         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeTable 1 }
3156     AdGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry ::=
3157         SEQUENCE {
3158             adGenAOSnmCfgIEName                    OCTET STRING,
3159             adGenAOSnmIEDestHostname               DisplayString,
3160             adGenAOSnmIESrcIP                      IpAddress,
3161             adGenAOSnmIEPacketLength               INTEGER,
3162             adGenAOSnmIEPacketPattern              OCTET STRING
3163        }
3165     adGenAOSnmCfgIEName OBJECT-TYPE
3166         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
3167         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
3168         STATUS   current
3169         DESCRIPTION
3170            "The name of the corresponding ICMP echo probe entry.
3171            The probe identified by a particular value of this object is the
3172            same probe as identified by the same value as a
3173            adGenAOSnmName object instance."
3174         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry 1 }
3176     adGenAOSnmIEDestHostname OBJECT-TYPE
3177         SYNTAX     DisplayString
3178         MAX-ACCESS   read-write
3179         STATUS   current
3180         DESCRIPTION
3181            "Specifies the destination hostname or IP address as a string in
3182            dotted decimal format."
3183         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry 2 }
3185     adGenAOSnmIESrcIP OBJECT-TYPE
3186       SYNTAX     IpAddress
3187       MAX-ACCESS read-write
3188       STATUS	  current
3189       DESCRIPTION
3190               "Specifies the source IPv4 address."
3191         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry 3 }
3193     adGenAOSnmIEPacketLength OBJECT-TYPE
3194        SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..1462)
3195         MAX-ACCESS read-write
3196         STATUS  current
3197         DESCRIPTION
3198            "Length of the ICMP packet."
3199         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry 4 }
3201     adGenAOSnmIEPacketPattern OBJECT-TYPE
3202         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..4))
3203         MAX-ACCESS read-write
3204         STATUS  current
3205         DESCRIPTION
3206            "Specifies the hexadecimal pattern for the ICMP packet."
3207         ::= { adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeEntry 5 }
3210     --  Network Monitor Track Table
3212     --  The variables that configure a NetMon Track.
3214     adGenAOSnmTrackTable OBJECT-TYPE
3215         SYNTAX   SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSnmTrackEntry
3216         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
3217         STATUS   current
3218         DESCRIPTION
3219            "Network monitor Track."
3220         ::= { adGenAOSNetMon 14 }
3222     adGenAOSnmTrackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
3223         SYNTAX   AdGenAOSnmTrackEntry
3224         MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
3225         STATUS   current
3226         DESCRIPTION
3227            "Network monitor Track entry."
3228         INDEX { adGenAOSnmTrackIndex }
3229         ::= { adGenAOSnmTrackTable 1 }
3232     AdGenAOSnmTrackEntry ::=
3233         SEQUENCE {
3234             adGenAOSnmTrackIndex                   Integer32,
3235             adGenAOSnmTrackName                    OCTET STRING
3236        }
3238     adGenAOSnmTrackIndex OBJECT-TYPE
3239         SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..1000)
3240         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
3241         STATUS   current
3242         DESCRIPTION
3243                "Uniquely identifies a row in the adGenAOSnmTrackTable."
3245         ::= { adGenAOSnmTrackEntry 1 }
3247     adGenAOSnmTrackName OBJECT-TYPE
3248         SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..40))
3249         MAX-ACCESS   read-only
3250         STATUS   current
3251         DESCRIPTION
3252            "The name of the corresponding Track entry."
3254         ::= { adGenAOSnmTrackEntry 2 }
3257     -- conformance information
3259     adGenAOSnmConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSConformance 7 }
3260     adGenAOSnmGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSnmConformance 1 }
3261     adGenAOSnmCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSnmConformance 2 }
3264-- MIB Compliance statements.
3267-- Full compliance statement
3268     adGenAOSnmFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
3269        STATUS  current
3270        DESCRIPTION
3271        "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
3272        version 2 of the adGenAOSNetMon MIB. When this MIB is implemented
3273        with support for read-create, then such an implementation can claim
3274        full compliance. Network Monitor probes can then be both monitored
3275        and configured with this MIB.  No more than 10 rows can be created
3276        in the adGenAOSnmProbeTable at this time. Attempting to create more
3277        than this value will return an error."
3279        MODULE  -- this module
3280        MANDATORY-GROUPS { adGenAOSnmProbeGroup }
3282         GROUP adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndexGroup
3283         DESCRIPTION
3284            "This optional group is only required for systems
3285             that support the creation of entries in
3286             the adGenAOSnmProbeTable."
3288         OBJECT      adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndex
3289         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
3290         DESCRIPTION
3291            "This object is only required for systems
3292             that support the creation of entries in
3293             the adGenAOSnmProbeTable."
3295         GROUP  adGenAOSnmConfigProbeGroup
3296         DESCRIPTION
3297            "This optional group is used to configure the probes created with
3298            adGenAOSnmProbeGroup."
3300        GROUP  adGenAOSnmProbeStatusGroup
3301        DESCRIPTION
3302        "This optional group is used to view the statistics of the probes."
3304        GROUP  adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeGroup
3305        DESCRIPTION
3306        "This optional group is used to configure the TWAMP probes."
3308        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryGroup
3309        DESCRIPTION
3310        "This optional group is used to view the statistics of the TWAMP
3311        probes."
3313        GROUP  adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeGroup
3314        DESCRIPTION
3315        "This optional group is used to configure the ICMP timestamp probes."
3317        GROUP  adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryGroup
3318        DESCRIPTION
3319        "This optional group is used to view the statistics of the ICMP
3320        timestamp probes."
3322        GROUP  adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderGroup
3323        DESCRIPTION
3324        "This optional group is used to enable/disable the ICMP
3325        timestamp responder."
3327        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTWAMPResponderGroup
3328        DESCRIPTION
3329        "This optional group is used to enable/disable the TWAMP responder."
3331        GROUP  adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsGroup
3332        DESCRIPTION
3333        "This optional group is used to ICMP responder statistics."
3335        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsGroup
3336        DESCRIPTION
3337        "This optional group is used to TWAMP responder statistics."
3339        GROUP  adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeGroup
3340        DESCRIPTION
3341        "This optional group is used to configure the ICMP echo probes."
3343        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTrackGroup
3344        DESCRIPTION
3345        "This optional group is used to retrieve track information."
3347        OBJECT       adGenAOSnmRowStatus
3348        SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) }
3349        WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), createAndGo(4),
3350                               destroy(6) }
3351        DESCRIPTION
3352        "In order for this object to become active, the following
3353         row objects MUST be defined: adGenAOSnmName and adGenAOSnmType.
3354         The control row objects adGenAOSnmName and adGenAOSnmType cannot be
3355         modified once this conceptual row has been created. Writes of the value
3356         'notInService' and 'createAndWait' will not be supported. This
3357         object can be set to 'destroy' from any value at any time."
3359        OBJECT       adGenAOSnmName
3360        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
3361        DESCRIPTION
3362        "Must be defined before adGenAOSnmRowStatus can be set to 'active'.
3363        This object cannot be modified once the conceptual row has been
3364        created."
3366        OBJECT       adGenAOSnmType
3367        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
3368        DESCRIPTION
3369        "Must be defined before adGenAOSnmRowStatus can be set to 'active'.
3370        This object cannot be modified once the conceptual row has been
3371        created."
3373         ::= { adGenAOSnmCompliances 1 }
3377-- Read-Only Compliance
3379     adGenAOSnmReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
3380         STATUS  current
3381         DESCRIPTION
3382            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
3383            version 2 of the adGenAOSNetMon MIB. When this MIB is implemented
3384            without support for read-create (i.e. in read-only mode),
3385            then such an implementation can claim read-only compliance.
3386            A network monitor probe can then be monitored but cannot
3387            be configured with this MIB."
3389        MODULE  -- this module
3391         GROUP adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndexGroup
3392         DESCRIPTION
3393            "This optional group is only required for systems
3394             that support the creation of entries in
3395             the adGenAOSnmProbeTable."
3397         OBJECT      adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndex
3398         MIN-ACCESS  read-only
3399         DESCRIPTION
3400            "This object is only required for systems
3401             that support the creation of entries in
3402             the adGenAOSnmProbeTable."
3405         GROUP  adGenAOSnmConfigProbeGroup
3406         DESCRIPTION
3407            "This optional group is used to configure the probes created with
3408            adGenAOSnmProbeGroup."
3410         GROUP  adGenAOSnmProbeStatusGroup
3411         DESCRIPTION
3412            "This optional group is used to view the statistics of the probes."
3414         GROUP  adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeGroup
3415         DESCRIPTION
3416            "This optional group is used to configure the TWAMP probes."
3418        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryGroup
3419        DESCRIPTION
3420        "This optional group is used to view the statistics of the TWAMP
3421        probes."
3423        GROUP  adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeGroup
3424        DESCRIPTION
3425        "This optional group is used to configure the ICMP timestamp probes."
3427        GROUP  adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryGroup
3428        DESCRIPTION
3429        "This optional group is used to view the statistics of the ICMP
3430        timestamp probes."
3432        GROUP  adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderGroup
3433        DESCRIPTION
3434        "This optional group is used to enable/disable the ICMP
3435        timestamp responder."
3437        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTWAMPResponderGroup
3438        DESCRIPTION
3439        "This optional group is used to enable/disable the TWAMP responder."
3441        GROUP  adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsGroup
3442        DESCRIPTION
3443        "This optional group is used to ICMP responder statistics."
3445        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsGroup
3446        DESCRIPTION
3447        "This optional group is used to TWAMP responder statistics."
3449        GROUP  adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeGroup
3450        DESCRIPTION
3451        "This optional group is used to configure the ICMP echo probes."
3453        GROUP  adGenAOSnmTrackGroup
3454        DESCRIPTION
3455        "This optional group is used to retrieve track information."
3457        OBJECT       adGenAOSnmRowStatus
3458        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
3459        DESCRIPTION
3460        "Write access is not allowed."
3462        OBJECT       adGenAOSnmName
3463        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
3464        DESCRIPTION
3465        "Write access is not allowed."
3467        OBJECT       adGenAOSnmType
3468        MIN-ACCESS   read-only
3469        DESCRIPTION
3470        "Write access is not allowed."
3472         GROUP  adGenAOSnmNotificationGroup
3473         DESCRIPTION
3474            "This optional group defines the asynchronous
3475            notifications generated by Network Monitoring Monitoring."
3479         ::= { adGenAOSnmCompliances 2 }
3481     -- units of conformance
3483     adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndexGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3484         OBJECTS {
3485                        adGenAOSnmProbeTableNextIndex
3486                }
3487         STATUS  current
3488         DESCRIPTION
3489            "The object necessary to get the next index for creation of the
3490            network monitor probe."
3491         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 1 }
3493     adGenAOSnmProbeGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3494         OBJECTS {
3495                        adGenAOSnmIndex, adGenAOSnmName,
3496                        adGenAOSnmType, adGenAOSnmRowStatus
3497                }
3498         STATUS  current
3499         DESCRIPTION
3500            "The objects necessary to create the network monitor probe."
3501         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 2 }
3503     adGenAOSnmConfigProbeGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3504         OBJECTS {
3505                        adGenAOSnmCfgName, adGenAOSnmAdminStatus,
3506                        adGenAOSnmPollPeriod, adGenAOSnmTimeoutPeriod,
3507                        adGenAOSnmToleranceMode, adGenAOSnmFailTolerance,
3508                        adGenAOSnmPassTolerance,    adGenAOSnmToleranceTestSize,
3509                        adGenAOSnmClearCounters
3510                 }
3511         STATUS  current
3512         DESCRIPTION
3513            "The objects necessary to configure the network monitor probe."
3514         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 3 }
3517     adGenAOSnmProbeStatusGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3518         OBJECTS {
3519                        adGenAOSnmStatusName, adGenAOSnmTestStatus, adGenAOSnmTestsRun,
3520                        adGenAOSnmTestsFailed, adGenAOSnmStatsToleranceTestSize,
3521                        adGenAOSnmStatsToleranceTestValue, adGenAOSnmTimeSinceLastStatusChange
3522                }
3523         STATUS  current
3524         DESCRIPTION
3525            "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of the
3526            probes."
3527         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 4 }
3529     adGenAOSnmCfgTwampProbeGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3530         OBJECTS {
3531                        adGenAOSnmCfgTwName, adGenAOSnmTwDestHostname,
3532                        adGenAOSnmTwDestPort, adGenAOSnmTwSrcIP, adGenAOSnmTwSrcPort,
3533                        adGenAOSnmTwDscp, adGenAOSnmTwPaddingLen, adGenAOSnmTwPaddingFormat,
3534                        adGenAOSnmTwPaddingPattern, adGenAOSnmTwDataPadType,
3535                        adGenAOSnmTwPktSendCnt,  adGenAOSnmTwSendScheduleType,
3536                        adGenAOSnmTwSendScheduleValue, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMinFail,
3537                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInAvgFail, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMaxFail,
3538                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMinPass, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInAvgPass,
3539                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsInMaxPass, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMinFail,
3540                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutAvgFail, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMaxFail,
3541                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMinPass, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutAvgPass,
3542                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsOutMaxPass, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMinFail,
3543                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtAvgFail, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMaxFail,
3544                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMinPass, adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtAvgPass,
3545                        adGenAOSnmTwIpdvAbsRtMaxPass, adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMinFail,
3546                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayInAvgFail, adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMaxFail,
3547                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMinPass, adGenAOSnmTwDelayInAvgPass,
3548                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMaxPass, adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMinFail,
3549                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutAvgFail, adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMaxFail,
3550                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMinPass, adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutAvgPass,
3551                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMaxPass, adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMinFail,
3552                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtAvgFail, adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMaxFail,
3553                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMinPass, adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtAvgPass,
3554                        adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMaxPass, adGenAOSnmTwPktRtLossFail,
3555                        adGenAOSnmTwPktRtLossPass, adGenAOSnmTwHistoryDepth
3558                }
3559         STATUS  current
3560         DESCRIPTION
3561            "The objects necessary to configure the network monitor TWAMP
3562             probe."
3563         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 5 }
3565     adGenAOSnmTwampHistoryGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3566         OBJECTS {
3567             adGenAOSnmTwSeqNum, adGenAOSnmTwHistoryName,
3568             adGenAOSnmTwStartTime, adGenAOSnmTwEndTime,
3569             adGenAOSnmTwLocalSyncState, adGenAOSnmTwLocalClkErr,
3570             adGenAOSnmTwRemoteSyncState, adGenAOSnmTwRemoteClkErr,
3571             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMin, adGenAOSnmTwDelayInMax,
3572             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMin, adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutMax,
3573             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMin, adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtMax,
3574             adGenAOSnmTwLossRoundTrip, adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutSum,
3575             adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutSum2, adGenAOSnmTwDelayOutNum,
3576             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInSum, adGenAOSnmTwDelayInSum2,
3577             adGenAOSnmTwDelayInNum, adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtSum,
3578             adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtSum2, adGenAOSnmTwDelayRtNum,
3579             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInMin, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInMax,
3580             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInSum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInSum2,
3581             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosInNum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutMin,
3582             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutMax, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutSum,
3583             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutSum2, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosOutNum,
3584             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtMin, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtMax,
3585             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtSum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtSum2,
3586             adGenAOSnmTwIpvPosRtNum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInMin,
3587             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInMax, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInSum,
3588             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInSum2, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegInNum,
3589             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutMin,  adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutMax,
3590             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutSum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutSum2,
3591             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegOutNum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtMin,
3592             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtMax, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtSum,
3593             adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtSum2, adGenAOSnmTwIpvNegRtNum,
3594             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInMin, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInMax,
3595             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInSum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInSum2,
3596             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsInNum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutMin,
3597             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutMax, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutSum,
3598             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutSum2, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsOutNum,
3599             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtMin, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtMax,
3600             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtSum, adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtSum2,
3601             adGenAOSnmTwIpvAbsRtNum, adGenAOSnmTwPktSentCount
3602         }
3603         STATUS  current
3604         DESCRIPTION
3605            "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of the
3606            TWAMP probe."
3607         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 6 }
3609     adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSProbeGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3610         OBJECTS {
3611                adGenAOSnmCfgICMPTSName, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDestHostname,
3612                adGenAOSnmICMPTSSrcIP, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDscp,
3613                adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingLen, adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingFormat,
3614                adGenAOSnmICMPTSPaddingPattern, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDataPadType,
3615                adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSendCnt, adGenAOSnmICMPTSSendScheduleType,
3616                adGenAOSnmICMPTSSendScheduleValue, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMinFail,
3617                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInAvgFail, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMaxFail,
3618                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMinPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInAvgPass,
3619                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsInMaxPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMinFail,
3620                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutAvgFail, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMaxFail,
3621                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMinPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutAvgPass,
3622                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsOutMaxPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMinFail,
3623                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtAvgFail, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMaxFail,
3624                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMinPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtAvgPass,
3625                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpdvAbsRtMaxPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMinFail,
3626                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMax,
3627                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum2,
3628                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMin,
3629                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum,
3630                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutNum,
3631                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMax,
3632                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum2,
3633                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMin,
3634                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum,
3635                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInNum,
3636                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMin,  adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMax,
3637                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum2,
3638                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMin,
3639                adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum,
3640                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInAvgFail, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMaxFail,
3641                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMinPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInAvgPass,
3642                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMaxPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMinFail,
3643                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutAvgFail, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMaxFail,
3644                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMinPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutAvgPass,
3645                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMaxPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMinFail,
3646                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtAvgFail, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMaxFail,
3647                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMinPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtAvgPass,
3648                adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMaxPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktRtLossFail,
3649                adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktRtLossPass, adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryDepth
3651         }
3652         STATUS  current
3653         DESCRIPTION
3654            "The objects necessary to configure the network monitor ICMP
3655            timestamp probe."
3656         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 7 }
3658     adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3659         OBJECTS {
3660             adGenAOSnmICMPTSSeqNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSHistoryName,
3661             adGenAOSnmICMPTSStartTime, adGenAOSnmICMPTSEndTime,
3662             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInMax,
3663             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutMax,
3664             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtMax,
3665             adGenAOSnmICMPTSLossRoundTrip, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutSum,
3666             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayOutNum,
3667             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInSum,  adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInSum2,
3668             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayInNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtSum,
3669             adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSDelayRtNum,
3670             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInMax,
3671             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInSum2,
3672             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosInNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMin,
3673             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum,
3674             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosOutNum,
3675             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtMax,
3676             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtSum2,
3677             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvPosRtNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMin,
3678             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum,
3679             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegInNum,
3680             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMin,  adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutMax,
3681             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutSum2,
3682             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegOutNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMin,
3683             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum,
3684             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvNegRtNum,
3685             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInMax,
3686             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInSum2,
3687             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsInNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutMin,
3688             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutMax, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutSum,
3689             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutSum2, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsOutNum,
3690             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtMin, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtMax,
3691             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtSum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtSum2,
3692             adGenAOSnmICMPTSIpvAbsRtNum, adGenAOSnmICMPTSPktSentCount
3693                }
3694         STATUS  current
3695         DESCRIPTION
3696            "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of the
3697            ICMP timestamp probe."
3698         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 8 }
3701         adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderGroup OBJECT-GROUP
3702         OBJECTS {
3703                adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponder
3704         }
3705         STATUS  current
3706         DESCRIPTION
3707            "Object designed to assist in changing the state of the ICMP
3708            timestamp responder."
3709         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 9 }
3711         adGenAOSnmTWAMPResponderGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
3712         OBJECTS {
3713                adGenAOSnmTWAMPResponder
3714         }
3715         STATUS  current
3716         DESCRIPTION
3717            "Object designed to assist in changing the state of the TWAMP
3718            responder."
3719         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 10 }
3721         adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
3722         OBJECTS {
3723             adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderStatsIndex,
3724             adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderPacketsReceived,
3725             adGenAOSnmICMPTSResponderPacketsSent,
3726             adGenAOSnmClearICMPTSResponderCounters
3727         }
3728         STATUS  current
3729         DESCRIPTION
3730            "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of the
3731            ICMP timestamp responder."
3732         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 11 }
3734         adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
3735         OBJECTS {
3736                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderStatsIndex,
3737                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderPacketsReceived,
3738                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderPacketsSent,
3739                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionClosed,
3740                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionOpened,
3741                adGenAOSnmTwampResponderSessionRejected,
3742                adGenAOSnmClearTwampResponderCounters
3743         }
3744         STATUS  current
3745         DESCRIPTION
3746            "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of the
3747            TWAMP responder."
3748         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 12 }
3750     adGenAOSnmCfgIEProbeGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3751         OBJECTS {
3752                adGenAOSnmCfgIEName,
3753                adGenAOSnmIEDestHostname,
3754                adGenAOSnmIESrcIP,
3755                adGenAOSnmIEPacketLength,
3756                adGenAOSnmIEPacketPattern
3757                }
3758         STATUS  current
3759         DESCRIPTION
3760            "Objects designed to assist in configuring the ICMP echo probe."
3761         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 13 }
3763     adGenAOSnmTrackGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
3764         OBJECTS {
3765             adGenAOSnmTrackIndex,
3766             adGenAOSnmTrackName
3767                }
3768         STATUS  current
3769         DESCRIPTION
3770            "Objects designed to assist in retrieving track information."
3771         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 14 }
3773     adGenAOSnmNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
3774         NOTIFICATIONS { adGenAOSnmTrackStateChgFail,
3775                         adGenAOSnmTrackStateChgPass }
3776         STATUS  current
3777         DESCRIPTION
3778            "Traps which may be used to enhance event driven
3779            management of Network Monitoring traps."
3780         ::= { adGenAOSnmGroups 15 }
3783 -- definition of track-related traps.
3785	adGenAOSnmTrackStateChgFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3786	    OBJECTS { adGenAOSnmTrackIndex, adGenAOSnmTrackName }
3787	    STATUS  current
3789	            "A stateChangeFail trap indicates that the specified track
3790	            has changed states from Pass to Fail."
3791	    ::= { adGenAOSnmTrackTraps 1 }
3793    adGenAOSnmTrackStateChgPass NOTIFICATION-TYPE
3794	    OBJECTS { adGenAOSnmTrackIndex, adGenAOSnmTrackName }
3795	    STATUS  current
3797	            "A stateChangePass trap indicates that the specified track
3798	            has changed states from Fail to Pass."
3799	    ::= { adGenAOSnmTrackTraps 2 }
3800     END