3--  Module: Communications Configuration TC
4--  File:   52conftc.mib
5--  Date:   04 May 2007 - Version 5.602.pub
7--  Textual Conventions companion to the Comms Config MIB
8--  Contains the REGISTRY of XCMI Standard NetBIOS Listen Ports
12        OBJECT-TYPE
13            FROM SNMPv2-SMI             -- IETF RFC 1442/1902/2578
15            FROM SNMPv2-TC              -- IETF RFC 1443/1903/2579
16    xeroxCommonMIB
17            FROM XEROX-COMMON-MIB;
20    LAST-UPDATED "0705040000Z" -- 04 May 2007
21    ORGANIZATION "Xerox Corporation - XCMI Working Group"
23        "           XCMI Editors
24        Email:      coherence@crt.xerox.com
25        "
27        "Version:   5.602.pub
29        The TC module for textual conventions, enumerated types, OIDs,
30        and other volatile elements of the companion Communications
31        Config MIB, which supports active configuration discovery of
32        communications end system applications, communications
33        intermediate systems, and communications gateways for network
34        accessible host systems.
36        Copyright (C) 1996-2006 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved."
37    ::= { xeroxCommonMIB 63 }
40--          The Comms Config TC
42--          Textual Conventions
45--          SNMP over NetBIOS Transport Domain and Transport Address
47--          For use with SNMPv1/v2 protocols over the NetBIOS.
51--          See section 2.0 'Definitions' of SNMPv2 Transport Mappings
52--          (RFC 1449/1906) for information on SNMP mappings over other
53--          network/transport protocols from other protocol suites.
55xcmSnmpNetbiosDomain OBJECT-IDENTITY
56    STATUS      current
58        "The SNMP over NetBIOS transport domain.  The corresponding
59        transport address is of type 'XcmSnmpNetbiosAddress'."
60    ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 3 }
62XcmSnmpNetbiosAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
63    STATUS      current
65        "The canonical NetBIOS transport address.  The corresponding
66        SNMP over NetBIOS transport domain is 'xcmSnmpNetbiosDomain'.
68        The canonical NetBIOS transport address
69        (registered as a NetBIOS session layer name via 'AddName'):
71            Octets      Contents        Encoding
72            ------      --------        --------
73              1-12      MAC-address     ASCII hexadecimal (uppercase)
74                        [IEEE 802.x]        ('0'-'9', 'A'-'F')
75             13-14      XCMI-reserved   ASCII decimal zeros
76                        [XCMI future]       ('0' - 0x30)
77             15-16      NetBIOS-port    binary network-byte order
78                        [XCMI std port]     (high-order byte first)
79        "
82xcmSnmpIPHostnameDomain OBJECT-IDENTITY
83    STATUS      current
85        "The transport domain for SNMP over UDP when
86         using host name instead of IP address.  The corresponding
87         transport address is of type 'XcmSnmpIPHostnameAddress'."
88    ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 5 }
90XcmSnmpIPHostnameAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
91    STATUS      current
93        "The transport address.  The corresponding
94        transport domain is 'xcmSnmpIPHostnameDomain'.
96            Octets      Contents            Encoding
97            ------      --------            --------
98              1         Host Name Length    unsigned char 0-255
99              2-n       FQDN
100              n+1, n+2  UDP Port                                "
106--          REGISTRY of XCMI Standard NetBIOS Ports
107--          (used with XCMI standard SNMP over NetBIOS mapping)
109--          Entity                      Listen Port
110--          ------                      -----------
111--          SNMP management agent       161 (decimal)
112--          SNMP management station     162 (decimal)
115--          Comms Options Types and Syntaxes
117--          Implementation of these options is optional for all systems,
118--          and useful for ones which implement stack layer graphing
119--          (via the Stack and Mux Groups) and ALSO for ones which do
120--          NOT implement stack layer graphing (eg, low cost systems).
122XcmCommsConfigGroupSupport ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
123    STATUS      current
125        "The terse conformance statement of ALL mandatory, conditionally
126        mandatory, and optional XCMI Comms Config MIB object groups
127        supported by this management agent implementation (ie, version)
128        on this host system, specified in a bit-mask.
130        The current set of values (which MAY be extended in the future)
131        is given below:
133              1 : commsConfigGroup            -- 2**0
134              2 : commsOptionGroup            -- 2**1
135              4 : commsDirRecordGroup         -- 2**2
136              8 : commsDirAttributeGroup      -- 2**3
137             16 : commsDirStringGroup         -- 2**4
138             32 : commsProtocolGroup          -- 2**5
140        Usage:  Conforming management agents SHALL accurately
141        report their support for XCMI Comms Config MIB object groups."
142    SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)  -- biggest int = 2**31-1
144XcmCommsDirRecordType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
145    STATUS      current
147        "The type of the directory record specified
148        in this conceptual row in the 'xcmCommsDirRecordTable'.
150        Usage:  Directory records of type 'recordXxxGroup' SHALL
151        contain only 'xxxIndex' directory attributes (ie, pointers to
152        individual 'recordXxx' directory records)."
153    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
154        other(1),                       -- see key attribute type/index
155        unknown(2),                     -- NOT valid as record type
156        top(10),                        -- top (root of directory)
157        recordService(100),             -- individual service record
160        recordServiceGroup(101),        -- group of service records
161        recordAccount(200),             -- individual account record
162        recordAccountGroup(201),        -- group of account records
163        recordDepartment(300),          -- individual department record
164        recordDepartmentGroup(301),     -- group of department records
165        recordMailbox(400),             -- individual mailbox record
166        recordMailboxGroup(401),        -- group of mailboxe records
167        recordResource(500),            -- individual resource record
168        recordResourceGroup(501),       -- group of resource records
169        recordSpeedDial(600),           -- individual speed dial record
170        recordSpeedDialGroup(601),      -- group of speed dial records
171        recordUser(700),                -- individual user
172        recordUserGroup(701),           -- group of users
173        recordButtonDial(800),          -- individual button dial record
174        recordButtonDialGroup(801),     -- group of button dial records
175        recordRepository(900),          -- individual repository
176        recordRepositoryGroup(901)      -- group of repositories
177    }
179XcmCommsDirAttributeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
180    STATUS      current
182        "A directory attribute type, used to identify this
183        integer-valued directory attribute, which MAY have a matching
184        string-valued directory attribute in 'xcmCommsDirStringTable'.
186        Usage:   When directory attribute type indicates integer-valued,
187        the value of 'xcmCommsDirAttributeValue' SHALL be the
188        actual value of this directory attribute.
190        Usage:   When directory attribute type indicates string-valued,
191        the value of 'xcmCommsDirAttributeValue' SHALL be zero,
192        EXCEPT for a directory attribute type of 'protocolTyped...',
193        when the protocol type SHALL be specified as the integer value.
194        The actual string-valued attribute SHALL be specified in
195        an exactly matching row of 'xcmCommsDirStringTable'.
197        Usage:  Matching directory attributes (string-valued)
198        SHALL be specified in an exactly matching row of
199        'xcmCommsDirStringTable'.  Matching rows have EXACTLY the SAME
200        values of 'xcmCommsDirRecordType', 'xcmCommsDirRecordIndex',
201        'xcmCommsDirAttributeType', and 'xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex'.
203        Usage:  Parallel directory attributes (peers of this one)
204        SHALL be specified in parallel (NOT matching) rows of
205        'xcmCommsDirAttributeTable' (integer-valued attributes) or
206        'xcmCommsDirStringTable' (string-valued attributes).  Parallel
207        rows have EXACTLY the SAME values of 'xcmCommsDirRecordType',
208        'xcmCommsDirRecordIndex', and 'xcmCommsDirAttributeIndex',
209        but MUST have a DIFFERENT value of 'xcmCommsDirAttributeType'.
211        Usage:   When directory attribute type is 'protocolTyped...' the
212        particular protocol layer SHALL be specified by placing a
213        a value from the enumeration 'XcmCommsStackExtProtocol' in
216        'xcmCommsDirAttributeValue' for this row."
218        "See:   'xcmCommsDirAttributeType' in the XCMI Comms Config MIB
219                'XcmCommsStackExtProtocol' in the XCMI Comms Engine TC."
220    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
221        --  WARNING - this enumeration is work-in-progress - do NOT use
222        other(1),
223        unknown(2),
224        --  Structural directory attributes (integer-valued)
225        --
226        parentRecordType(10),           -- (xcmCommsDirRecordType)
227        parentRecordIndex(11),          -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
228        parentGroupRecordType(12),      -- (xcmCommsDirRecordType)
229        parentGroupRecordIndex(13),     -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
230        peerRecordType(20),             -- (xcmCommsDirRecordType)
231        peerRecordIndex(21),            -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
232        peerGroupRecordType(22),        -- (xcmCommsDirRecordType)
233        peerGroupRecordIndex(23),       -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
234        childRecordType(30),            -- (xcmCommsDirRecordType)
235        childRecordIndex(31),           -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
236        childGroupRecordType(32),       -- (xcmCommsDirRecordType)
237        childGroupRecordIndex(33),      -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
238        --  Service directory attributes (integer-valued)
239        --
240        serviceIndex(100),              -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
241        serviceGroupIndex(101),         -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
242        servicePosixRights(102),        -- (XcmSecPosixRights)
243        servicePosixVerbs(103),         -- (XcmSecPosixVerbs)
244        serviceType(110),               -- (XcmSvcMonServiceType)
245        serviceSkill(111),              -- (XcmSecUserSkill)
246        serviceScope(112),              -- (XcmSecAccountScope)
247        servicePhysicalDeviceIndex(120),-- (hrDeviceIndex)
248        serviceLogicalDeviceIndex(121), -- (hrDeviceIndex)
249        serviceExternalDeviceIndex(122),-- (hrDeviceIndex)
250        serviceSWRunIndex(123),         -- (hrSWRunIndex)
251        serviceSWInstalledIndex(124),   -- (hrSWInstalledIndex)
252        serviceStorageIndex(125),       -- (hrStorageIndex)
253        servicePriority(130),           -- (xcmSvcMonServicePriority)
254        --  Service lifetime usage and limits (integer-valued)
255        --  ('serviceLifetimeUsage' SHALL have subtype per
256        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC)
257        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
258        --  ('serviceLifetimeUsage' MAY have units class/type specified
259        --  in parallel '...[UnitClass|Unit]' rows)
260        serviceLifetimeUsage(140),          -- (deviceLifetimeUsage)
261        serviceLifetimeUnitClass(141),      -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnitClass)
262        serviceLifetimeUnit(142),           -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnit)
263        serviceLifetimeLimit(143),          -- (deviceMaximumLifetime...
264        --  Service lifetime errors and warnings (integer-valued)
265        --  ('serviceLifetime[Error|Warning]Count' MAY have subtype per
266        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC,
267        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
268        serviceLifetimeErrorCount(144),     -- (deviceLifetimeErrorCount
269        serviceLifetimeErrorLimit(145),     -- (deviceLifetimeErrorLimit
272        serviceLifetimeWarningCount(146),   -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
273        serviceLifetimeWarningLimit(147),   -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
274        --  Service directory attributes (string-valued)
275        --
276        serviceName(150),               -- (...Utf8String)
277        serviceFullName(151),           -- (...Utf8String)
278        serviceCode(152),               -- (...Utf8String)
279        servicePassword(153),           -- (...Utf8String)
280        servicePasscode(154),           -- (...Utf8String)
281        serviceAlias(155),              -- (...Utf8String)
282        serviceLoginDate(156),          -- (DateAndTime)
283        serviceLogoutDate(157),         -- (DateAndTime)
284        serviceDescription(160),        -- (...Utf8String)
285        serviceLocation(161),           -- (...Utf8String)
286        serviceTypeOID(162),            -- (...Utf8String) - string OID
287        serviceProductID(163),          -- (ProductID) - see '93pidtc'
288        serviceLanguageConfigured(170), -- (...Utf8String) - RFC 1766
289        serviceLanguageSupported(171),  -- (...Utf8String) - RFC 1766
290        serviceCharsetConfigured(172),  -- (...Utf8String) - IANA name
291        serviceCharsetSupported(173),   -- (...Utf8String) - IANA name
292        serviceTree(180),               -- (...Utf8String)
293        serviceContext(181),            -- (...Utf8String)
294        serviceVolume(182),             -- (...Utf8String)
295        servicePath(183),               -- (...Utf8String)
296        --  Account directory attributes (integer-valued)
297        --
298        accountIndex(200),              -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
299        accountGroupIndex(201),         -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
300        accountPosixRights(202),        -- (XcmSecPosixRights)
301        accountPosixVerbs(203),         -- (XcmSecPosixVerbs)
302        accountRole(210),               -- (XcmSecUserRole)
303        accountSkill(211),              -- (XcmSecUserSkill)
304        accountScope(212),              -- (XcmSecAccountScope)
305        --  Account lifetime usage and limits (integer-valued)
306        --  ('accountLifetimeUsage' SHALL have subtype per
307        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC)
308        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
309        --  ('accountLifetimeUsage' MAY have units class/type specified
310        --  in parallel '...[UnitClass|Unit]' rows)
311        accountLifetimeUsage(240),          -- (deviceLifetimeUsage)
312        accountLifetimeUnitClass(241),      -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnitClass)
313        accountLifetimeUnit(242),           -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnit)
314        accountLifetimeLimit(243),          -- (deviceMaximumLifetime...
315        --  Account lifetime errors and warnings (integer-valued)
316        --  ('accountLifetime[Error|Warning]Count' MAY have subtype per
317        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC,
318        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
319        accountLifetimeErrorCount(244),     -- (deviceLifetimeErrorCount
320        accountLifetimeErrorLimit(245),     -- (deviceLifetimeErrorLimit
321        accountLifetimeWarningCount(246),   -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
322        accountLifetimeWarningLimit(247),   -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
323        --  Account directory attributes (string-valued)
324        --
325        accountName(250),               -- (...Utf8String)
328        accountFullName(251),           -- (...Utf8String)
329        accountCode(252),               -- (...Utf8String)
330        accountPassword(253),           -- (...Utf8String)
331        accountPasscode(254),           -- (...Utf8String)
332        accountAlias(255),              -- (...Utf8String)
333        accountLoginDate(256),          -- (DateAndTime)
334        accountLogoutDate(257),         -- (DateAndTime)
335        accountDescription(260),        -- (...Utf8String)
336        accountLocation(261),           -- (...Utf8String)
337        --  Department directory attributes (integer-valued)
338        --
339        departmentIndex(300),           -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
340        departmentGroupIndex(301),      -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
341        --  Department directory attributes (string-valued)
342        --
343        departmentName(350),            -- (...Utf8String)
344        departmentFullName(351),        -- (...Utf8String)
345        departmentCode(352),            -- (...Utf8String)
346        departmentDescription(360),     -- (...Utf8String)
347        departmentLocation(361),        -- (...Utf8String)
348        --  Mailbox directory attributes (integer-valued)
349        --
350        mailboxIndex(400),              -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
351        mailboxGroupIndex(401),         -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
352        --  Mailbox directory attributes (string-valued)
353        --
354        mailboxName(450),               -- (...Utf8String)
355        mailboxFullName(451),           -- (...Utf8String)
356        mailboxCode(452),               -- (...Utf8String)
357        mailboxDescription(460),        -- (...Utf8String)
358        mailboxLocation(461),           -- (...Utf8String)
359        --  Resource directory attributes (integer-valued)
360        --
361        resourceIndex(500),             -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
362        resourceGroupIndex(501),        -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
363        resourcePosixRights(502),       -- (XcmSecPosixRights)
364        resourcePosixVerbs(503),        -- (XcmSecPosixVerbs)
365        resourceType(510),              -- (XcmRsrcType)
366        resourceSkill(511),             -- (XcmSecUserSkill)
367        resourceScope(512),             -- (XcmSecAccountScope)
368        --  Resource lifetime usage and limits (integer-valued)
369        --  ('resourceLifetimeUsage' SHALL have subtype per
370        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC)
371        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
372        --  ('resourceLifetimeUsage' MAY have units class/type specified
373        --  in parallel '...[UnitClass|Unit]' rows)
374        resourceLifetimeUsage(540),         -- (deviceLifetimeUsage)
375        resourceLifetimeUnitClass(541),     -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnitClass)
376        resourceLifetimeUnit(542),          -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnit)
377        resourceLifetimeLimit(543),         -- (deviceMaximumLifetime...
378        --  Resource lifetime errors and warnings (integer-valued)
379        --  ('resourceLifetime[Error|Warning]Count' MAY have subtype per
380        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC,
381        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
384        resourceLifetimeErrorCount(544),    -- (deviceLifetimeErrorCount
385        resourceLifetimeErrorLimit(545),    -- (deviceLifetimeErrorLimit
386        resourceLifetimeWarningCount(546),  -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
387        resourceLifetimeWarningLimit(547),  -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
388        --  Resource directory attributes (string-valued)
389        --
390        resourceName(550),              -- (...Utf8String)
391        resourceFullName(551),          -- (...Utf8String)
392        resourceCode(552),              -- (...Utf8String)
393        resourcePassword(553),          -- (...Utf8String)
394        resourcePasscode(554),          -- (...Utf8String)
395        resourceAlias(555),             -- (...Utf8String)
396        resourceLoginDate(556),         -- (DateAndTime)
397        resourceLogoutDate(557),        -- (DateAndTime)
398        resourceDescription(560),       -- (...Utf8String)
399        resourceLocation(561),          -- (...Utf8String)
400        --  Speed Dial directory attributes (integer-valued)
401        --
402        speedDialIndex(600),            -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
403        speedDialGroupIndex(601),       -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
404        --  Speed Dial directory attributes (string-valued)
405        --
406        speedDialName(650),             -- (...Utf8String)
407        speedDialFullName(651),         -- (...Utf8String)
408        speedDialCode(652),             -- (...Utf8String)
409        speedDialDescription(660),      -- (...Utf8String)
410        speedDialLocation(661),         -- (...Utf8String)
411        --  User directory attributes (integer-valued)
412        --
413        userIndex(700),                 -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
414        userGroupIndex(701),            -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
415        userPosixRights(702),           -- (XcmSecPosixRights)
416        userPosixVerbs(703),            -- (XcmSecPosixVerbs)
417        userRole(710),                  -- (XcmSecUserRole)
418        userSkill(711),                 -- (XcmSecUserSkill)
419        userScope(712),                 -- (XcmSecAccountScope)
420        --  User lifetime usage and limits (integer-valued)
421        --  ('userLifetimeUsage' SHALL have subtype per
422        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC)
423        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
424        --  ('userLifetimeUsage' MAY have units class/type specified
425        --  in parallel '...[UnitClass|Unit]' rows)
426        userLifetimeUsage(740),             -- (deviceLifetimeUsage)
427        userLifetimeUnitClass(741),         -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnitClass)
428        userLifetimeUnit(742),              -- (xcmHrDevDetailUnit)
429        userLifetimeLimit(743),             -- (deviceMaximumLifetime...
430        --  User lifetime errors and warnings (integer-valued)
431        --  ('userLifetime[Error|Warning]Count' MAY have subtype per
432        --  the 'XcmGenMessageMapStringLabel' syntax in XCMI General TC,
433        --  specified in 'xcmCommsDirStringValue')
434        userLifetimeErrorCount(744),        -- (deviceLifetimeErrorCount
435        userLifetimeErrorLimit(745),        -- (deviceLifetimeErrorLimit
436        userLifetimeWarningCount(746),      -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
437        userLifetimeWarningLimit(747),      -- (deviceLifetimeWarning...
440        --  User directory attributes (string-valued)
441        --
442        userName(750),                  -- (...Utf8String)
443        userFullName(751),              -- (...Utf8String)
444        userCode(752),                  -- (...Utf8String)
445        userPassword(753),              -- (...Utf8String)
446        userPasscode(754),              -- (...Utf8String)
447        userAlias(755),                 -- (...Utf8String)
448        userLoginDate(756),             -- (DateAndTime)
449        userLogoutDate(757),            -- (DateAndTime)
450        userDescription(760),           -- (...Utf8String)
451        userLocation(761),              -- (...Utf8String)
452        --  Button Dial directory attributes (integer-valued)
453        --
454        buttonDialIndex(800),           -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
455        buttonDialGroupIndex(801),      -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
456        --  Button Dial directory attributes (string-valued)
457        --
458        buttonDialName(850),            -- (...Utf8String)
459        buttonDialFullName(851),        -- (...Utf8String)
460        buttonDialCode(852),            -- (...Utf8String)
461        buttonDialDescription(860),     -- (...Utf8String)
462        buttonDialLocation(861),        -- (...Utf8String)
463        --  Repository directory attributes (integer-valued)
464        --
465        repositoryIndex(900),           -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
466        repositoryGroupIndex(901),      -- (xcmCommsDirRecordIndex)
467        repositoryPosixRights(902),     -- (XcmSecPosixRights)
468        repositoryPosixVerbs(903),      -- (XcmSecPosixVerbs)
469        repositorySkill(911),           -- (XcmSecUserSkill)
470        repositoryScope(912),           -- (XcmSecAccountScope)
471        --  Repository directory attributes (string-valued)
472        --
473        repositoryName(950),            -- (...Utf8String)
474        repositoryFullName(951),        -- (...Utf8String)
475        repositoryCode(952),            -- (...Utf8String)
476        repositoryPassword(953),        -- (...Utf8String)
477        repositoryPasscode(954),        -- (...Utf8String)
478        repositoryAlias(955),           -- (...Utf8String)
479        repositoryLoginDate(956),       -- (DateAndTime)
480        repositoryLogoutDate(957),      -- (DateAndTime)
481        repositoryDescription(960),     -- (...Utf8String)
482        repositoryLocation(961),        -- (...Utf8String)
483        --  Protocol directory attributes (integer-valued)
484        --
485        --  Conformance:  'protocolType' attributes SHALL
486        --  have protocol type in 'xcmCommsDirAttributeValue' (integer),
487        --  as an enumerated type from 'XcmCommsStackExtProtocol'
488        --  defined in the XCMI Comms Engine MIB.
489        --  Other 'protocolXxx' (integer) attributes SHALL have
490        --  protocol type in a parallel 'protocolType' base row.
491        --
492        protocolType(1000),             -- (XcmCommsStackExtProtocol)
493        protocolPurpose(1001),          -- (XcmCommsStackExtPurpose)
496        protocolRole(1002),             -- (XcmCommsStackExtRole)
497        protocolSuite(1003),            -- (XcmCommsStackExtSuite)
498        protocolLayer(1004),            -- (XcmCommsStackExtLayer)
499        protocolDeviceIndex(1010),      -- (hrDeviceIndex)
500        protocolInterfaceIndex(1011),   -- (ifIndex)
501        protocolPriority(1030),         -- (xcmSvcMonServicePriority)
502        protocolConnectorType(1510),    -- (xcmCOOsilanConnectorType)
503        protocolConnectorAdaptive(1511),-- (TruthValue)
504        protocolSignalType(1512),       -- (xcmCOOsilanSignalType)
505        protocolSignalAdaptive(1513),   -- (TruthValue)
506        protocolCableType(1514),        -- (xcmCOOsilanCableType)
507        protocolCableAdaptive(1515),    -- (TruthValue)
508        protocolFrameType(1520),        -- (xcmCOOsilanFrameType)
509        protocolFrameAdaptive(1521),    -- (TruthValue)
510        protocolMinFrameSize(1522),     -- (Ordinal32)
511        protocolMaxFrameSize(1523),     -- (Ordinal32)
512        protocolSpeed(1530),            -- (ifSpeed)
513        protocolSpeedAdaptive(1531),    -- (TruthValue)
514        protocolMinSpeed(1532),         -- (ifSpeed)
515        protocolMaxSpeed(1533),         -- (ifSpeed)
516        protocolBidirectional(1534),    -- (TruthValue)
517        protocolDirection(1535),        -- (xcmCOOsiwanDirection)
518        protocolFlowControl(1536),      -- (TruthValue)
519        protocolMaxConnections(1537),   -- (Cardinal32)
520        protocolInputTimeout(1540),     -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
521        protocolInputFlowWindow(1541),  -- (Ordinal32)
522        protocolInputPrime(1542),       -- (TruthValue)
523        protocolMinInputChars(1543),    -- (Cardinal32)
524        protocolMaxInputChars(1544),    -- (Cardinal32)
525        protocolOutputTimeout(1550),    -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
526        protocolOutputFlowWindow(1551), -- (Ordinal32)
527        protocolOutputPrime(1552),      -- (TruthValue)
528        protocolMinOutputChars(1553),   -- (Cardinal32)
529        protocolMaxOutputChars(1554),   -- (Cardinal32)
530        protocolMaxRetries(1560),       -- (Cardinal32)
531        protocolRetryInterval(1561),    -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
532        protocolPollInterval(1562),     -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
533        protocolListen(1570),           -- (TruthValue)
534        protocolListenSocket(1571),     -- (Ordinal32)
535        protocolListenInterval(1572),   -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
536        protocolSpool(1580),            -- (TruthValue)
537        protocolMaxSpool(1581),         -- (Cardinal32)
538        protocolJobTimeout(1582),       -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
539        protocolAutoSwitch(1583),       -- (xcmCODirectPrintProtocol)
540        protocolBinaryPS(1584),         -- (TruthValue)
541        protocolDefaultPDL(1585),       -- (XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily)
542        protocolSendStartTime(1590),    -- (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay)
543        protocolSendEndTime(1591),      -- (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay)
544        protocolReceiveStartTime(1592), -- (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay)
545        protocolReceiveEndTime(1593),   -- (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay)
546        protocolSendLineNumber(1600),   -- (xcmCOOsiwanLineNumber)
547        protocolSendCoverSheet(1601),   -- (TruthValue)
548        protocolSendHeader(1602),       -- (TruthValue)
549        protocolSendConfirmPrint(1603), -- (TruthValue)
552        protocolSendManual(1604),       -- (TruthValue)
553        protocolSendSecurity(1605),     -- (TruthValue)
554        protocolSendStoreTime(1606),    -- (Cardinal32) - seconds
555        protocolSendResolution(1610),   -- (Cardinal32) - dots/inch
556        protocolSendErrorCorrection(1611),      -- (TruthValue)
557        protocolReceiveLineNumber(1620),-- (xcmCOOsiwanLineNumber)
558        protocolReceiveCoverSheet(1621),-- (TruthValue)
559        protocolReceiveFooter(1622),    -- (TruthValue)
560        protocolReceiveToMemory(1623),  -- (TruthValue)
561        protocolReceiveManual(1624),    -- (TruthValue)
562        protocolReceiveSecurity(1625),  -- (TruthValue)
563        protocolReceiveAutoReduce(1626),-- (TruthValue)
564        protocolReceiveOverflow(1627),  -- (TruthValue)
565        protocolReceiveCollate(1628),   -- (TruthValue)
566        protocolReceiveResolution(1630),-- (Cardinal32) - dots/inch
567        protocolReceiveErrorCorrection(1631),   -- (TruthValue)
568        --  Protocol directory attributes (string-valued)
569        --
570        --  Conformance:  'protocolTypedXxx' attributes SHALL
571        --  have protocol type in 'xcmCommsDirAttributeValue' (integer),
572        --  as an enumerated type from 'XcmCommsStackExtProtocol'
573        --  defined in the XCMI Comms Engine MIB.
574        --
575        protocolTypedName(2000),                -- (...Utf8String)
576        protocolTypedFullName(2001),            -- (...Utf8String)
577        protocolTypedPassword(2002),            -- (...Utf8String)
578        protocolTypedHostName(2003),            -- (...Utf8String)
579        protocolTypedQueueName(2004),           -- (...Utf8String)
580        protocolTypedServerName(2005),          -- (...Utf8String)
581        protocolTypedDescription(2006),         -- (...Utf8String)
582        protocolTypedLocation(2007),            -- (...Utf8String)
583        protocolTypedAddress(2010),             -- (...Utf8String)
584        protocolTypedBroadcastAddress(2011),    -- (...Utf8String)
585        protocolTypedListenAddress(2012),       -- (...Utf8String)
586        protocolTypedMulticastAddress(2013),    -- (...Utf8String)
587        protocolTypedConfirmAddress(2014),      -- (...Utf8String)
588        protocolTypedConfirmURL(2015),          -- (...Utf8String)
589        protocolTypedAcceptAddress(2020),       -- (...Utf8String)
590        protocolTypedAcceptSubnet(2021),        -- (...Utf8String)
591        protocolTypedRejectAddress(2022),       -- (...Utf8String)
592        protocolTypedRejectSubnet(2023),        -- (...Utf8String)
593        protocolTypedURC(2030),                 -- (...Utf8String)
594        protocolTypedURI(2031),                 -- (...Utf8String)
595        protocolTypedURL(2032),                 -- (...Utf8String)
596        protocolTypedURN(2033),                 -- (...Utf8String)
597        protocolTypedDeviceName(2040),          -- (...Utf8String)
598        reserved(3000)
599    }
602XcmCommsLDAPAttributeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
603    STATUS      current
605        "The type of LDAP attribute stored in this communications,
606        device, or service detail conceptual row.
608        Usage:  Conforming XCMI management stations and agents SHALL
609        encode LDAP attributes as UTF-8 strings (like SLPv2, RFC 2608).
610        - Integers SHALL be encoded as (signed) decimal strings.
611        - Booleans SHALL be encoded as 'true' or 'false' strings.
612        - Binary data (e.g., 'userCertificate') SHALL be stored
613        in SLPv2 opaque encoding (leading '\FF' and escaped octets)."
615        "See:   'xcmCOInternetLDAPAttributeStr'
616                in XCMI Comms Config TC.
617        See:    'systemDirectoryLDAPObjectClass' and
618                'systemDirectoryLDAPAttribute' in XCMI Svc Mon TC.
619        See:    Section 5 'Service Attributes' in
620                Service Location Protocol v2 (RFC 2608).
621        See:    Section 9 'Attribute Types' in
622                COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema (RFC 1274).
623        See:    Section 5 'Attribute Types' in
624                Summary of X.500:1996 User Schema for LDAPv3 (RFC 2256).
625        See:    Section 9.1 'Attribute Types' in
626                Definition of inetOrgPerson LDAP Class (RFC 2798)."
627    SYNTAX      INTEGER {
628        other(1),
629        unknown(2),
631        --  ITU-T X.520 Directory Attributes
632        --  (see section 5 'Attribute Types' in RFC 2256)
633        --  (LDAP Attribute OIDs are '2.5.4.x', where x = attrType)
634        --  (see section 7.7 'person', 7.8 'organizationalPerson', and
635        --  7.11 'residentialPerson' in RFC 2256)
636        commonName(3),                  -- 'cn' - common name string
637        surname(4),                     -- 'sn' - family name string
638        serialNumber(5),                -- device serial number string
639        country(6),                     -- 'c' - country (ISO 3166)
640        city(7),                        -- 'l' - locality or region
641        state(8),                       -- 'st' - state or province
642        streetAddress(9),               -- 'street' - physical address
643        org(10),                        -- 'o' - organization name
644        orgUnit(11),                    -- 'ou' - organization unit
645        title(12),                      -- organizational title
646                                        -- see 'userClass' and
647                                        -- 'personalTitle'
648        description(13),                -- description of object
649        searchGuide(14),                -- search guide - OBSOLETE
650        businessCategory(15),           -- business type of organization
651        postalAddress(16),              -- postal delivery address
652        postalCode(17),                 -- postal code (aka ZIP code)
653        postOfficeBox(18),              -- post office box
654        office(19),                     -- 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName'
655        telephoneNumber(20),            -- ITU-T E.164 format (RFC 2806)
658        telexNumber(21),                -- ITU-T Telex number
659        teletexTerminal(22),            -- ITU-T Teletex terminal id
660        faxNumber(23),                  -- ITU-T T.series Fax (RFC 2806)
661        x121Address(24),                -- ITU-T X.121 address
662        isdnNumber(25),                 -- 'internationalISDNNumber'
663        registeredAddress(26),          -- for telegrams and expedited
664        destinationIndicator(27),       -- for telegram service
665        preferredDeliveryMethod(28),    -- preference for delivery
666        presentationAddress(29),        -- ISO OSI presentation address
667        supportedContext(30),           -- ISO OSI application contexts
668        member(31),                     -- member distinguished name
669        owner(32),                      -- owner distinguished name
670        role(33),                       -- 'roleOccupant' - role DN
671        seeAlso(34),                    -- see also distinguished name
672        userPassword(35),               -- user password (MUST encrypt)
673        userCertificate(36),            -- user certificate or URL
674        caCertificate(37),              -- CA certificate or URL
675        authorityRevocationList(38),    -- authority rev list or URL
676        certificateRevocationList(39),  -- certificate rev list or URL
677        crossCertificatePair(40),       -- cross certificate pair
678        name(41),                       -- base type - NOT used
679        givenName(42),                  -- first name string
680        initials(43),                   -- initials (without surname)
681        generationQualifier(44),        -- generation (e.g., "IInd")
682        x500UniqueIdentifier(45),       -- X.500 unique id (see 'uid')
683        dnQualifier(46),                -- relative DN qualifier
684        enhancedSearchGuide(47),        -- X.500 client search filters
685        protocolInformation(48),        -- additional ISO OSI address
686        distinguishedName(49),          -- base type - NOT used
687        uniqueMember(50),               -- X.500 unique member (???)
688        houseIdentifier(51),            -- building id within location
689        supportedAlgorithms(52),        -- ISO OSI supported algorithms
690        deltaRevocationList(53),        -- delta rev list or URL
691        dmdName(54),                    -- mgmt domain admin authority
693        --  Selected COSINE and Internet X.500 Attributes
694        --  (see section 9.1.3 'Attributes from RFC 1274' in RFC 2798)
695        --  (see Section 8.3.2 'Pilot Person' in RFC 1274)
696        --  ('pilotPerson' derived from X.521 'person')
697        --  (names below follow RFC 2798 changes to RFC 1274)
698        uid(101),                       -- 'userid' in RFC 1274
699                                        -- (system login name)
700        textEncodedORAddress(102),      -- X.400 O/R address
701                                        -- (historic)
702        mail(103),                      -- 'rfc822Mailbox' in RFC 1274
703                                        -- (RFC 2822/822 format)
704        info(104),                      -- general info
705        favoriteDrink(105),             -- favorite beverage of person
706        roomNumber(106),                -- room number
707        photo(107),                     -- ITU-T T.4 G3 Fax (per X.420)
708        userClass(108),                 -- see 'title'
709        host(109),                      -- host computer
710        manager(110),                   -- manager of an object
711        documentIdentifier(111),        -- document unique id
714        documentTitle(112),             -- document title
715        documentVersion(113),           -- document version number
716        documentAuthor(114),            -- document author
717        documentLocation(115),          -- document location
718        homePhone(116),                 -- 'homeTelephoneNumber'
719                                        -- in RFC 1274 (E.164 format)
720        secretary(117),                 -- secretary of a person
721        otherMailbox(118),              -- other than X.400 and RFC 822
722        domainComponent(121),           -- component of a DNS name
723        associatedDomain(127),          -- associated DNS domain
724        associatedName(128),            -- associated DNS name
725        homePostalAddress(129),         -- home postal address
726        personalTitle(130),             -- personal title - see 'title'
727        mobile(131),                    -- 'mobileTelephoneNumber'
728                                        -- in RFC 1274 (E.164 format)
729        pager(132),                     -- 'pagerTelephoneNumber'
730                                        -- in RFC 1274 (E.164 format)
731        friendlyCountry(133),           -- friendly (readable) country
732        uniqueIdentifier(134),          -- unique id for an object
733        orgStatus(135),                 -- 'organizationalStatus'
734        buildingName(138),              -- building name of org or unit
735        personalSignature(143),         -- ITU-T T.4 G3 Fax (per X.420)
736        audio(145),                     -- audio data
737                                        -- (historic)
738        documentPublisher(146),         -- document publisher
740        --  'inetOrgPerson' Object Class Attributes
741        --  (see section 9.1 'Attribute Types' in RFC 2798)
742        --  ('inetOrgPerson' derived from X.521 'organizationalPerson')
743        carLicense(201),                -- vehicle license plate
744        departmentNumber(202),          -- dept id within organization
745        displayName(203),               -- preferred name of person
746        employeeNumber(204),            -- employee number w/in org
747        employeeType(205),              -- employee type w/in org
748        jpegPhoto(206),                 -- JPEG photo
749                                        -- (historic)
750        preferredLanguage(207),         -- preferred language (RFC 3066)
751        userSMIMECertificate(208),      -- signed message for S/MIME
752        userPKCS12(209),                -- PKCS #12 for personal id info
754        --  URI Attributes
755        --  (see definition of 'labeledURI' in RFC 2079)
756        --  ('labeledURI' is MAY in 'inetOrgPerson' class in RFC 2798)
757        labeledURI(300)                 -- URI (RFC 2396/2732 format)
758    }
761--          Special Comms Option Types
764xcmCOSpecialTypes OBJECT-IDENTITY
765    STATUS      current
767        "The root of all special comms option types defined in
770        the Comms Config TC."
771    ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 4 }
773xcmCOSpecialLabel OBJECT-IDENTITY
774--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
775    STATUS      current
777        "Human-readable name for the following configuration subtree,
778        specified in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString'.
780        Usage:  To label tree vertices (eg, for client GUI)."
781    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 1 }
783xcmCOSpecialImport OBJECT-IDENTITY
784--  SYNTAX      integerIndex
785    STATUS      current
787        "The 'xcmCommsOptionIndex' of an 'imported' configuration
788        subtree, specified in 'xcmCommsOptionValueInteger'.
790        Usage:  To import a section of common config from elsewhere.
791        All comms configuration options in the 'imported' subtree SHALL
792        be 'imported' and THEN any dependent options found via the
793        current 'xcmCommsOptionFamilyIndex' chain SHALL be treated as
794        though they logically 'followed' the 'imported' configuration
795        subtree.
797        Usage:  This row SHALL be logically 're-typed' by inheritance
798        from the first imported row (eg, 'xcmCOOsilanEthernet'), but
799        ONLY for the 'scoping' of dependent options which are found via
800        the current 'xcmCommsOptionFamilyIndex' chain (eg, a dependent
801        option for 'xcmCOOsilanEthernetFrameOverride').
803        Usage:  The pointer specified in 'xcmCommsOptionValueInteger'
804        SHALL be used to evaluate the 'imported' configuration substree
805        and THEN any 'local' options SHALL be evaluated from the current
806        'xcmCommsOptionFamilyIndex' chain.
808        Usage:  As would normally be true of any option, this row SHALL
809        NOT affect the 'scoping' of independent options found via the
810        current 'xcmCommsOptionNextIndex' chain (eg, the next protocol
811        within a given protocol suite configuration subtree)."
812    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 2 }
814xcmCOSpecialRemark OBJECT-IDENTITY
815--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
816    STATUS      current
818        "Human-readable remark for the following configuration subtree,
819        specified in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString'.
821        Usage:  To comment tree vertices (eg, for client GUI)."
822    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 3 }
825xcmCOSpecialAddress OBJECT-IDENTITY
826--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
827    STATUS      current
829        "Human-readable canonical address for the protocol specified in
830        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
831        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, '').
833        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol addresses."
834    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 4 }
836xcmCOSpecialState OBJECT-IDENTITY
837--  SYNTAX      XcmCommsMmgtState
838    STATUS      current
840        "The current state of the communications protocol specified
841        in 'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
842        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueInteger' (eg, 'opened(9)').
844        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol entity
845        states."
847        "See:   'XcmCommsMgmtState' in XCMI Comms Engine TC."
848    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 5 }
850xcmCOSpecialConditions OBJECT-IDENTITY
851--  SYNTAX      XcmCommsMmgtConditions
852    STATUS      current
854        "The current conditions of the communications protocol specified
855        in 'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
856        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueInteger' (eg, 'openInProgress').
858        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol entity
859        conditions."
861        "See:   'XcmCommsMgmtConditions' in XCMI Comms Engine TC."
862    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 6 }
865--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
866    STATUS      current
868        "Human-readable directory name for the directory specified in
869        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetDNS') is specified
870        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, 'showstopper.sample.com').
872        Usage:  'Overloads' directory types to yield directory names."
873    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 7 }
875xcmCOSpecialSupportedInteger OBJECT-IDENTITY
876--  SYNTAX      integerNumber
877    STATUS      current
881        "Integer-encoded supported value for the option specified in
882        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOOsilanFrameType') is found
883        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueInteger' (eg, 'mac(3)').
885        Usage:  'Overloads' option types to yield options supported."
886    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 8 }
888xcmCOSpecialSupportedString OBJECT-IDENTITY
889--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
890    STATUS      current
892        "String-encoded supported value for the option specified in
893        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOAppletalkNBPType') is found
894        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, 'LaserPrinter').
896        Usage:  'Overloads' option types to yield options supported."
897    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 9 }
899xcmCOSpecialAcceptAddress OBJECT-IDENTITY
900--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
901    STATUS      current
903        "Human-readable 'accept' address for the protocol specified in
904        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
905        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, '').
907        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol specific
908        addresses of remote entities at this protocol layer,
909        from which incoming datagrams and/or connections SHALL
910        be accepted.
912        Usage:  Address format is the protocol specific canonical
913        format defined for this protocol type as defined elsewhere in
914        this XCMI Comms Config TC."
915    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 10 }
917xcmCOSpecialAcceptSubnet OBJECT-IDENTITY
918--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
919    STATUS      current
921        "Human-readable 'accept' subnet for the protocol specified in
922        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
923        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, '' as might
924        be specified in an 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask' comms option).
926        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol specific
927        subnet masks of remote entities at this protocol layer,
928        from which incoming datagrams and/or connections SHALL
929        be accepted.
931        Usage:  Subnet mask format is the protocol specific canonical
932        format defined for this protocol type as defined elsewhere in
933        this XCMI Comms Config TC."
936    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 11 }
938xcmCOSpecialRejectAddress OBJECT-IDENTITY
939--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
940    STATUS      current
942        "Human-readable 'reject' address for the protocol specified in
943        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
944        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, '').
946        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol specific
947        addresses of remote entities at this protocol layer,
948        from which incoming datagrams and/or connections SHALL
949        be rejected.
951        Usage:  Address format is the protocol specific canonical
952        format defined for this protocol type as defined elsewhere in
953        this XCMI Comms Config TC."
954    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 12 }
956xcmCOSpecialRejectSubnet OBJECT-IDENTITY
957--  SYNTAX      stringLocalization
958    STATUS      current
960        "Human-readable 'reject' subnet for the protocol specified in
961        'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetIP') is specified
962        in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueString' (eg, '' as might
963        be specified in an 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask' comms option).
965        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol specific
966        subnet masks of remote entities at this protocol layer,
967        from which incoming datagrams and/or connections SHALL
968        be rejected.
970        Usage:  Subnet mask format is the protocol specific canonical
971        format defined for this protocol type as defined elsewhere in
972        this XCMI Comms Config TC."
973    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 13 }
975xcmCOSpecialMaxRequestRetries OBJECT-IDENTITY
976--  SYNTAX      Cardinal32 - retries
977    STATUS      current
979        "The maximum request retries for the communications protocol
980        specified in 'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetDNS')
981        is specified in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueInteger' (eg, '4' retries).
983        Usage:  A value of zero indicates that the request SHALL ONLY be
984        attempted once (no retries) before being considered a failure.
986        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol request
987        retry limits."
988    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 14 }
991xcmCOSpecialRequestTimeout OBJECT-IDENTITY
992--  SYNTAX      Cardinal32 - seconds
993    STATUS      current
995        "The request timeout for the communications protocol
996        specified in 'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetDNS')
997        is specified in 'xcmCommsOptionsValueInteger' (eg, '3' seconds).
999        Usage:  A value of zero indicates that the request timeout is a
1000        local system default (and NOT reported/configured).
1002        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to yield protocol request
1003        timeout limits."
1004    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 15 }
1006xcmCOSpecialSecurity OBJECT-IDENTITY
1007--  SYNTAX      TruthValue - protocol enable/disable
1008    STATUS      current
1010        "The security protocol (datalink, network, transport layer, etc)
1011        specified in 'xcmCommsOptionValueOID' (eg, 'xcmCOInternetTLS')
1012        is enabled and disabled by 'xcmCommsOptionsValueInteger'.
1014        Usage:  'Overloads' protocol types to configure security for
1015        datalink, network, transport, and application layer protocols."
1016    ::= { xcmCOSpecialTypes 16 }
1019--          OSI LAN Protocol Suite
1023    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 11 }
1024    -- integerTruthValue
1027    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1100 }
1028    -- integerTruthValue
1029xcmCOOsilanConnectorType        -- OSI LAN Connector Type
1030    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanPhysicals 1 }
1031    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=rj11, 4=rj45, 5=db9,
1032    -- 6=bnc, 7=aui, 8=sma, 9=rg48)
1033xcmCOOsilanConnectorOverride    -- OSI LAN Connector Type Override
1034    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanConnectorType 1 }
1035    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanConnectorType' above)
1036xcmCOOsilanConnectorDetected    -- OSI LAN Connector Type Detected
1037    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanConnectorType 2 }
1038    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanConnectorType' above)
1039xcmCOOsilanConnectorAdaptive    -- OSI LAN Connector Type Adaptive
1040    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanConnectorType 3 }
1041    -- integerTruthValue
1042xcmCOOsilanSignalType           -- OSI LAN Signal Type
1043    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanPhysicals 2 }
1046    -- integerEnum
1047    -- (1=none,
1048    --  2=other,
1049    --  3=10baseT, 4=10base2, 5=10base5, 6=10baseFL, - Standard Ethernet
1050    --  7=100baseTX (HalfDuplex),                    - Fast Ethernet
1051    --  8=100baseFX (FullDuplex),                    - Fast Ethernet
1052    --  9=4mbTokenRing, 10=16mbTokenRing,            - Token Ring
1053    --  11=100mbTokenRing,                           - Fast Token Ring
1054    --  12=10baseT (HalfDuplex),
1055    --  13=10baseT (FullDuplex),
1056    --  14=1000baseTX (HalfDuplex),                 - 1 Gigabit Ethernet
1057    --  15=1000baseFX (FullDuplex)                  - 1 Gigabit Ethernet
1058    -- )
1059    --
1060    -- This object identifies the values to be used in
1061    -- SignalOverride and SignalDetected. It does not
1062    -- specify a row to be returned in the Comms Option Group
1063    --
1064    -- This object identifies the values to be used in
1065    -- SignalOverride and SignalDetected. It does not
1066    -- specify a row to be returned in the Comms Option Group
1067xcmCOOsilanSignalOverride       -- OSI LAN Signal Type Override
1068    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSignalType 1 }
1069    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanSignalType' above)
1070    -- This is the requested signal type
1071    -- If SignalAdaptive is true 1=none should be the returned
1072    -- because SignalDetected will return the value being used
1073    -- This should be implemented as R/W in the Comms Option Group
1074xcmCOOsilanSignalDetected       -- OSI LAN Signal Type Detected
1075    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSignalType 2 }
1076    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanSignalType' above)
1077    -- This is signal type in use
1078    -- This should be implemented as R/O in the Comms Option Group
1079xcmCOOsilanSignalAdaptive       -- OSI LAN Signal Type Adaptive
1080    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSignalType 3 }
1081    -- integerTruthValue
1082    -- If true is selected "autodetect" signal type has been selected
1083    -- If false is selected the SignalOverride value has been selected
1084    -- This should be implemented as R/W in the Comms Option Group
1085xcmCOOsilanSignalSupport        -- OSI LAN Signal Type Support
1086    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSignalType 4 }
1087    -- integerEnum (list of 'xcmCOOsilanSignalType' above)
1088xcmCOOsilanCableType            -- OSI LAN Cable Type
1089    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanPhysicals 3 }
1090    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
1091    -- 3=utp, 4=stp, 5=ftp,                         - Twisted Pair
1092    -- 6=thinCoax, 7=thickCoax,                     - Coax
1093    -- 8=fiber)                                     - Fiber
1094xcmCOOsilanCableOverride        -- OSI LAN Cable Type Override
1095    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanCableType 1 }
1096    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanCableType' above)
1097xcmCOOsilanCableDetected        -- OSI LAN Cable Type Detected
1098    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanCableType 2 }
1099    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanCableType' above)
1102xcmCOOsilanCableAdaptive        -- OSI LAN Cable Type Adaptive
1103    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanCableType 3 }
1104    -- integerTruthValue
1105xcmCOOsilanCableSupport         -- OSI LAN Cable Type Support
1106    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanCableType 4 }
1107    -- integerEnum (list of 'xcmCOOsilanCableType' above)
1110    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1200 }
1111    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
1112xcmCOOsilanFrameType            -- OSI LAN Frame Type
1113    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1201 }
1114    -- integerEnum (1=llc, 2=snap, 3=mac, 4=ethernetII, 5=adaptive)
1115    -- (Ethernet [IEEE 802.3] supports all five of above frame types)
1116    -- (ALL others [IEEE 802.x] support ONLY llc, snap, or adaptive)
1117    -- ('adaptive' obsoleted by 'xcmCOOsilanFrameTypeAdaptive' below)
1118xcmCOOsilanFrameOverride        -- OSI LAN Frame Type Override
1119    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanFrameType 1 }
1120    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanFrameType' above)
1121xcmCOOsilanFrameDetected        -- OSI LAN Frame Type Detected
1122    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanFrameType 2 }
1123    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsilanFrameType' above)
1124xcmCOOsilanFrameAdaptive        -- OSI LAN Frame Type Adaptive
1125    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanFrameType 3 }
1126    -- integerTruthValue
1127    -- (obsoletes 'adaptive' in 'xcmCOOsilanFrameType' above)
1128xcmCOOsilanEthernet             -- OSI LAN Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
1129    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1203 }
1130    -- integerTruthValue
1131xcmCOOsilanTokenBus             -- OSI LAN Token Bus (IEEE 802.4)
1132    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1204 }
1133    -- integerTruthValue
1134xcmCOOsilanTokenRing            -- OSI LAN Token Ring (IEEE 802.5)
1135    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1205 }
1136    -- integerTruthValue
1137xcmCOOsilanFDDI                 -- OSI LAN FDDI
1138    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanSuite 1207 }
1139    -- integerTruthValue
1141xcmCOOsilanEthernetType         -- OSI LAN Ethernet Adapter Type
1142    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernet 1 }
1143    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
1144    -- 3=integral,                      - adapter on system board
1145    -- 4=isa,                           - adapter on ISA interface
1146    -- 5=eisa,                          - adapter on EISA interface
1147    -- 6=pci,                           - adapter on PCI interface
1148    -- 7=pcmcia)                        - adapter on PCMCIA interface
1150    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernet 2 }
1151    -- integerNumber ('hrDeviceIndex' in IETF HR MIB, or 0=unknown)
1153    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetDevice 1 }
1154    -- stringLocalization ('xcmHrDevInfoName' in HRX, eg, '/dev/elan1')
1158    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernet 3 }
1159    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1161    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed 1 }
1162    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed' above)
1164    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed 2 }
1165    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed' above)
1167    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed 3 }
1168    -- integerTruthValue
1170    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed 4 }
1171    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II, list of speeds)
1173    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed 5 }
1174    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1176    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernetSpeed 6 }
1177    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1179    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernet 4 }
1180    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifMtu' in IETF MIB-II)
1182    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernet 5 }
1183    -- integerNumber ('ifIndex' in IETF MIB-II, or 0=unknown)
1185    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanEthernet 6 }
1186    -- stringLocalization (hex format, MAC address)
1187    -- ([12 octets] - ASCII hex of IEEE 802.x MAC address)
1188    -- (MAC address in 'ifPhysAddress' in IETF MIB-II)
1190xcmCOOsilanTokenRingType        -- OSI LAN Token Ring Adapter Type
1191    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 1 }
1192    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
1193    -- 3=integral,                      - adapter on system board
1194    -- 4=isa,                           - adapter on ISA interface
1195    -- 5=eisa,                          - adapter on EISA interface
1196    -- 6=pci,                           - adapter on PCI interface
1197    -- 7=pcmcia)                        - adapter on PCMCIA interface
1199    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 2 }
1200    -- integerNumber ('hrDeviceIndex' in IETF HR MIB, or 0=unknown)
1202    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingDevice 1 }
1203    -- stringLocalization ('xcmHrDevInfoName' in HRX, eg, '/dev/trlan1')
1205    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 3 }
1206    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1208    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed 1 }
1209    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed' above)
1211    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed 2 }
1214    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed' above)
1216    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed 3 }
1217    -- integerTruthValue
1219    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed 4 }
1220    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II, list of speeds)
1222    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed 5 }
1223    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1225    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSpeed 6 }
1226    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1228    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 4 }
1229    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifMtu' in IETF MIB-II)
1231    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 5 }
1232    -- integerNumber ('ifIndex' in IETF MIB-II, or 0=unknown)
1234    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 6 }
1235    -- stringLocalization (hex format, MAC address)
1236    -- ([12 octets] - ASCII hex of IEEE 802.x MAC address)
1237    -- ('burned in' MAC address, MAY be 'ifPhysAddress' in IETF MIB-II)
1238    -- See: 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRingMACOverride' below
1239xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSSR         -- OSI LAN Token Ring Source Stn Route
1240    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 11 }
1241    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableSSR, false=disableSSR)
1242    -- See: IBM Token Ring Network Architecture Reference, SC30-3374-01,
1243    --      page 2-3 'Source Routing', page 2-8 'Broadcast Terminology',
1244    --      and page 3-8 'Routing Information Field'
1245    -- See: 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRing[AllRoute|SingleRR|Adaptive]' below
1246xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSSRAllRoute -- OSI LAN Token Ring All Route Request
1247    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 12 }
1248    -- integerTruthValue (true=allRouteReq, false=singleRouteReq)
1249    -- (true specifies send broadcast requests, when SSR is enabled)
1250    -- (false specifies send unicast requests, when SSR is enabled)
1251xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSSRSingleRR -- OSI LAN Token Ring Single Route Resp
1252    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 13 }
1253    -- integerTruthValue (true=singleRouteResp, false=allRouteResp)
1254    -- (true specifies send unicast responses, when SSR is enabled)
1255    -- (false specifies send broadcast responses, when SSR is enabled)
1256xcmCOOsilanTokenRingSSRAdaptive -- OSI LAN Token Ring Adaptive
1257    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 14 }
1258    -- integerTruthValue (true=adaptive, false=static)
1259    -- (true specifies sniff local subnetwork, when SSR is enabled)
1260    -- (false specifies use 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRing[AllRoute|SingleRR]')
1261xcmCOOsilanTokenRingMACOverride -- OSI LAN Token Ring MAC Override
1262    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsilanTokenRing 21 }
1263    -- stringLocalization (hex format, MAC address)
1264    -- ([12 octets] - ASCII hex of IEEE 802.x MAC address)
1265    -- (specifies the local MAC address of this token ring station)
1266    -- (MAY be used to override 'burned in' hardware address in
1267    -- 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRingMACAddress' and FORCE 'ifPhysAddress')
1270    -- See: 'xcmCOOsilanTokenRingMACAddress' above
1273--          OSI WAN Protocol Suite
1277    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 13 }
1278    -- integerTruthValue
1281    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1100 }
1282    -- integerTruthValue
1283xcmCOOsiwanConnectorType        -- OSI WAN Connector Type
1284    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 1 }
1285    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=rj11, 4=rj45)
1286xcmCOOsiwanConnectorOverride    -- OSI WAN Connector Type Override
1287    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanConnectorType 1 }
1288    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsiwanConnectorType' above)
1289xcmCOOsiwanConnectorDetected    -- OSI WAN Connector Type Detected
1290    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanConnectorType 2 }
1291    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsiwanConnectorType' above)
1292xcmCOOsiwanConnectorAdaptive    -- OSI WAN Connector Type Adaptive
1293    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanConnectorType 3 }
1294    -- integerTruthValue
1295xcmCOOsiwanSignalType           -- OSI WAN Signal Type
1296    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 2 }
1297    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=tone, 4=pulse)
1298xcmCOOsiwanSignalOverride       -- OSI WAN Signal Type Override
1299    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSignalType 1 }
1300    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsiwanSignalType' above)
1301xcmCOOsiwanSignalDetected       -- OSI WAN Signal Type Detected
1302    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSignalType 2 }
1303    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOOsiwanSignalType' above)
1304xcmCOOsiwanSignalAdaptive       -- OSI WAN Signal Type Adaptive
1305    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSignalType 3 }
1306    -- integerTruthValue
1307xcmCOOsiwanSignalSupport        -- OSI WAN Signal Type Support
1308    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSignalType 4 }
1309    -- integerEnum (list of 'xcmCOOsiwanSignalType' above)
1310xcmCOOsiwanLineNumber           -- OSI WAN Line Number
1311    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 4 }
1312    -- integerNumber (1=default or 1..n)
1313xcmCOOsiwanSendManual           -- OSI WAN Receive Manual
1314    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 5 }
1315    -- integerTruthValue (true=sendManual, false=sendAuto)
1316xcmCOOsiwanReceiveManual        -- OSI WAN Receive Manual
1317    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 6 }
1318    -- integerTruthValue (true=receiveManual, false=receiveAuto)
1319xcmCOOsiwanRingsBeforeAnswer    -- OSI WAN Rings Before Answer
1320    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 7 }
1321    -- integerNumber (1..n)
1322xcmCOOsiwanErrorCorrection      -- OSI WAN Error Correction
1323    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 8 }
1326    -- integerTruthValue
1327xcmCOOsiwanDirection            -- OSI WAN Direction
1328    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 9 }
1329    -- integerEnum (1=sendAndReceive, 2=sendOnly, 3=receiveOnly)
1330xcmCOOsiwanSendStartTime        -- OSI WAN Send Start Time
1331    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 10 }
1332    -- integerNumber (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay in XCMI HRX TC)
1333xcmCOOsiwanSendEndTime          -- OSI WAN Send End Time
1334    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 11 }
1335    -- integerNumber (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay in XCMI HRX TC)
1336xcmCOOsiwanReceiveStartTime     -- OSI WAN Receive Start Time
1337    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 12 }
1338    -- integerNumber (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay in XCMI HRX TC)
1339xcmCOOsiwanReceiveEndTime       -- OSI WAN Receive End Time
1340    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 13 }
1341    -- integerNumber (XcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay in XCMI HRX TC)
1342xcmCOOsiwanRingerVolume         -- OSI WAN Ringer Volume
1343    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 20 }
1344    -- integerNumber (0=off, or 1..100)
1345xcmCOOsiwanMonitorVolume        -- OSI WAN Monitor Volume
1346    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 21 }
1347    -- integerNumber (0=off, or 1..100)
1348xcmCOOsiwanAlarmVolume          -- OSI WAN Alarm Volume
1349    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 22 }
1350    -- integerNumber (0=off, or 1..100)
1351xcmCOOsiwanKeyboardVolume       -- OSI WAN Keyboard Volume
1352    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPhysicals 23 }
1353    -- integerNumber (0=off, or 1..100)
1356    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1200 }
1357    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsiwan...')
1358xcmCOOsiwanFax                  -- CCITT Fax (facsimile)
1359    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1241 }
1360    -- integerTruthValue
1361xcmCOOsiwanPSTN                 -- CCITT PSTN (analog telephone)
1362    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1251 }
1363    -- integerTruthValue
1364xcmCOOsiwanISDN                 -- CCITT ISDN (digital telephone)
1365    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1261 }
1366    -- integerTruthValue
1369    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 1 }
1370    -- stringLocalization
1372    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 2 }
1373    -- integerNumber ('hrDeviceIndex' in IETF HR MIB, or 0=unknown)
1375    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxDevice 1 }
1376    -- stringLocalization ('xcmHrDevInfoName' in HRX, eg, '/dev/lpr1')
1378    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 3 }
1379    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1383    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed 1 }
1384    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed' above)
1386    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed 2 }
1387    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed' above)
1389    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed 3 }
1390    -- integerTruthValue
1392    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed 4 }
1393    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II, list of speeds)
1395    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed 5 }
1396    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1398    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFaxSpeed 6 }
1399    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
1401    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 5 }
1402    -- integerNumber ('ifIndex' in IETF MIB-II, or 0=unknown)
1403xcmCOOsiwanFaxAcceptAddress     -- CCITT Fax Accept Address (list)
1404    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 11 }
1405    -- stringLocalization (used for both send and receive)
1406xcmCOOsiwanFaxRejectAddress     -- CCITT Fax Reject Address (list)
1407    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 12 }
1408    -- stringLocalization (used for both send and receive)
1409xcmCOOsiwanFaxSendCoverSheet    -- CCITT Fax Send Add Cover Sheet
1410    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 20 }
1411    -- integerTruthValue
1412xcmCOOsiwanFaxSendHeader        -- CCITT Fax Send Add Header
1413    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 21 }
1414    -- integerTruthValue
1415xcmCOOsiwanFaxSendManual        -- CCITT Fax Send Manual
1416    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 22 }
1417    -- integerTruthValue (true=sendManual, false=sendAuto)
1418xcmCOOsiwanFaxSendSecurity      -- CCITT Fax Send Security
1419    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 23 }
1420    -- integerTruthValue (true=checkRemoteAddress, false=noSecurity)
1421xcmCOOsiwanFaxMaxRetries        -- CCITT Fax Send Max Retries
1422    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 24 }
1423    -- integerNumber (0=immediate, or 1..n)
1424xcmCOOsiwanFaxRetryInterval     -- CCITT Fax Send Retry Interval
1425    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 25 }
1426    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
1427xcmCOOsiwanFaxSendStoreTime     -- CCITT Fax Send Store For Later Time
1428    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 26 }
1429    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=discard, or 1..n)
1430xcmCOOsiwanFaxMaxOriginalLength -- CCITT Fax Send Max Original Length
1431    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 27 }
1432    -- integerNumber (millimeters, 0=infinite, or 1..n)
1433xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveCoverSheet -- CCITT Fax Receive Add Cover Sheet
1434    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 30 }
1435    -- integerTruthValue
1438xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveFooter     -- CCITT Fax Receive Print Footer
1439    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 31 }
1440    -- integerTruthValue
1441xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveToMemory   -- CCITT Fax Receive To Memory
1442    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 32 }
1443    -- integerTruthValue (true=receiveToMemory, false=rejectReceive)
1444xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveManual     -- CCITT Fax Receive Manual
1445    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 33 }
1446    -- integerTruthValue (true=receiveManual, false=receiveAuto)
1447xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveSecurity   -- CCITT Fax Receive Security
1448    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 34 }
1449    -- integerTruthValue (true=checkRemoteAddress, false=noSecurity)
1450xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveAutoReduce -- CCITT Fax Receive Auto Reduce To Fit
1451    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 35 }
1452    -- integerTruthValue (true=autoReduce, false=noAutoReduce)
1453xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveOverflow   -- CCITT Fax Receive Overflow To Next
1454    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 36 }
1455    -- integerTruthValue
1456xcmCOOsiwanFaxReceiveCollate    -- CCITT Fax Receive Collate
1457    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 37 }
1458    -- integerTruthValue
1460xcmCOOsiwanFaxG3                -- CCITT Fax G3 Mode
1461    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 40 }
1462    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableG3, false=disableG3)
1464xcmCOOsiwanFaxG4                -- CCITT Fax G4 Mode
1465    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 41 }
1466    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableG4, false=disableG4)
1468xcmCOOsiwanFaxLineSwitching     -- CCITT Fax Line Switching
1469    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 42 }
1470    -- integerTruthValue (enable/disable internal/external line switch)
1472xcmCOOsiwanFaxMaxSpeedDial      -- CCITT Fax Max Speed Dial Entries
1473    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanFax 43 }
1474    -- integerNumber (fax max speed dial entries)
1475    -- (see - 'XcmCommsDirRecordType' in XCMI TC, especially
1476    -- 'recordSpeedDial' and 'recordSpeedDialGroup' records)
1477    -- (see - 'XcmCommsDirAttributeType' in XCMI CC TC, especially
1478    -- 'service...' and 'speedDial...' attributes)
1480xcmCOOsiwanPSTNAddress          -- CCITT PSTN (analog telephone)
1481    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanPSTN 1 }
1482    -- stringLocalization
1484xcmCOOsiwanISDNAddress          -- CCITT ISDN (digital telephone)
1485    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanISDN 1 }
1486    -- stringLocalization
1489    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1400 }
1490    -- integerTruthValue
1494    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1700 }
1495    -- integerTruthValue
1496xcmCOOsiwanDPA                          -- ISO 10175 (printing)
1497    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1713 }
1498    -- integerTruthValue
1499xcmCOOsiwanFTAM                         -- ISO 8571 (filing)
1500    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1714 }
1501    -- integerTruthValue
1502xcmCOOsiwanVT                           -- ISO 9041 (terminal)
1503    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1716 }
1504    -- integerTruthValue
1505xcmCOOsiwanMHS                          -- CCITT X.400 (email)
1506    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1740 }
1507    -- integerTruthValue
1508xcmCOOsiwanDS                           -- CCITT X.500 (directory)
1509    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1750 }
1510    -- integerTruthValue
1511xcmCOOsiwanDAP                          -- CCITT X.500 DAP (access)
1512    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1751 }
1513    -- integerTruthValue
1514xcmCOOsiwanDSP                          -- CCITT X.500 DSP (backbones)
1515    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1752 }
1516    -- integerTruthValue
1517xcmCOOsiwanMgmt                         -- CCITT X.700 (system mgmt)
1518    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1770 }
1519    -- integerTruthValue
1520xcmCOOsiwanCMIP                         -- CCITT X.710/X.711 CMIP (mgmt)
1521    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1771 }
1522    -- integerTruthValue
1523xcmCOOsiwanSecurity                     -- CCITT X.800 (system security)
1524    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOOsiwanSuite 1780 }
1525    -- integerTruthValue
1528--          Internet Protocol Suite
1532    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 14 }
1533    -- integerTruthValue
1536    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1200 }
1537    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
1538    -- (obsoletes 'xcmCOInternetIPDatalinks')
1539xcmCOInternetSLIP               -- SLIP (serial datalink)
1540    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1201 }
1541    -- integerTruthValue
1542xcmCOInternetPPP                -- PPP (serial datalink)
1543    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1202 }
1544    -- integerTruthValue
1548    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1400 }
1549    -- integerTruthValue
1550xcmCOInternetIP                 -- IP (CL network)
1551    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1301 }
1552    -- integerTruthValue
1553xcmCOInternetICMP               -- ICMP (layer management - network)
1554    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1302 }
1555    -- integerTruthValue
1556xcmCOInternetARP                -- ARP (routing)
1557    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1303 }
1558    -- integerTruthValue
1559xcmCOInternetDHCP               -- DHCP (routing/boot)
1560    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1304 }
1561    -- integerTruthValue
1562xcmCOInternetBOOTP              -- BOOTP (routing/boot)
1563    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1305 }
1564    -- integerTruthValue
1565xcmCOInternetRARP               -- RARP (routing/boot)
1566    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1306 }
1567    -- integerTruthValue
1568xcmCOInternetIPv6               -- IPv6 (CL Network, RFC 2460)
1569    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1310 }
1570    -- integerTruthValue
1571xcmCOInternetUDP                -- UDP (CL transport)
1572    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1401 }
1573    -- integerTruthValue
1574xcmCOInternetTCP                -- TCP (CO transport)
1575    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1402 }
1576    -- integerTruthValue
1577xcmCOInternetPing               -- Ping (echo)
1578    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1404 }
1579    -- integerTruthValue
1580xcmCOInternetSSL3               -- SSL3 (security)
1581    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1405 }
1582    -- integerTruthValue
1583    -- (Netscape Secure Sockets Layer v3)
1584xcmCOInternetTLS                -- TLS (security)
1585    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1406 }
1586    -- integerTruthValue
1587    -- (see RFC 2246, TLS Protocol v1.0, January 1999)
1589xcmCOInternetICMPv6               -- ICMPv6 (RFC 2463)
1590    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1410 }
1591    -- integerTruthValue
1593xcmCOInternetSSL3Port               -- SSL3 port number
1594    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSSL3 1 }
1595    -- integerNumber
1597xcmCOInternetIPAddress          -- IP Node Address
1598    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 1 }
1599    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
1602    -- (IPv4 - decimal values [1-3 octets] of four 8-bit components)
1603    -- (eg, '')
1605xcmCOInternetIPv6Address          -- IPv6 Node Address
1606    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6 1 }
1607    -- (IPv6 - eight hex values [0-4 octets] of 16-bit components
1608    --  optionally followed by '/' and prefix length [1-3 octets] -
1609    --  ASCII decimal of 1-octet prefix length)
1610    -- (eg, 'FEDC:BA98:7654:3210/64')
1611    -- (see section 2.2 'Textual Representation of Addresses' and
1612    --  section 2.3 'Text Representation of Address Prefixes' in
1613    -- RFC 2373, IPv6 Addressing Architecture)
1614    -- (see section 2 'Literal IPv6 Address Format in URL Syntax' in
1615    -- RFC 2732, Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs)
1617xcmCOInternetIPSocketAddress    -- IP Socket Address
1618    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPAddress 1 }
1619    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d:socket')
1620    -- (note - in IPv4 ONLY, a dot '.' MAY also be used before 'socket'
1621    -- and such use of dot was recommended in XCMI v4.0 and earlier)
1622    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
1624xcmCOInternetIPv6SocketAddress    -- IPv6 Socket Address
1625    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6Address 1 }
1626    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/ppp]:socket'
1627    -- ('socket' [1-5 octets] - ASCII decimal of 2-octet socket)
1628    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1631    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6Address 2 }
1632    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
1633    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1634    -- Indicates an address that was manually configured, e.g., by user
1635    -- configuration.
1638    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6Address 3 }
1639    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
1640    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1641    -- Indicates an address that was assigned to this system by
1642    -- a DHCPv6 server.
1645    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6Address 4 }
1646    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
1647    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1648    -- Indicates the address created with the link local prefix fe80
1649    -- and the EUI-64 interface id by IPv6 stateless auto-configuration.
1652    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6Address 5 }
1653    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
1654    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1655    -- Indicates an address created by IPv6 stateless auto-configuration
1659    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6Address 6 }
1660    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
1661    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1662    -- Indicates an address chosen by the system at random, e.g.,
1663    -- an RFC 3041 privacy address.
1666    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6 2 }
1667    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8]')
1668    -- The EUI-64 Interface Identifier generated
1669    -- automatically by the device from the Ethernet
1670    -- MAC (physical/link layer) address.
1673    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6 3 }
1674    -- stringLocalization
1675    -- (IPv6 - eight hex values [0-4 octets] of 16-bit components
1676    --  optionally followed by '/' and prefix length [1-3 octets] -
1677    --  ASCII decimal of 1-octet prefix length)
1678    -- (eg, 'FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210/64')
1679    -- The IPv6 address prefix values received from
1680    -- Router Advertisements when a router is present on the local
1681    -- network per RFC 2462.
1683xcmCOInternetIPv6DefaultGateway         -- IPv6 Default Gateway
1684    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6 4 }
1685    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
1686    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
1688xcmCOInternetIPv6HostName               -- System Hostname
1689    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPv6 5 }
1690    -- stringLocalization
1691    -- The HostName used for IPv4 and IPv6 will be one and the same.
1693xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask       -- IP Subnet Mask
1694    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 2 }
1695    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
1696    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
1698xcmCOInternetIPAddressViaRARP   -- IP Address Via RARP (dynamic)
1699    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 3 }
1700    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableRARP, false=disableRARP)
1701    -- (if false, then use 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' value)
1702    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetIPAddressSource')
1704xcmCOInternetIPDefaultGateway   -- IP Default Gateway
1705    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 4 }
1706    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
1707    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
1710xcmCOInternetIPAddressSource    -- IP Address Source (static/dynamic)
1711    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 5 }
1712    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
1713    -- 3=static, 4=viaRARP, 5=viaBOOTP, 6=viaDHCP,
1714    -- 7=viaDHCPAutoIP,
1715    -- 8=viaAutoIPv6,
1716    --  (see 'IPv6 Sateless Address Autoconfig', RFC 2462, Dec 1998)
1717    -- 9=viaAutoIPv4)
1718    --  (see 'draft-ietf-zeroconf-ipv4-linklocal-17.txt', Jul 2004
1719    --  and Automatic Private IP Addressing)
1720    --  (Obsoletes 'xcmCOInternetIPAddressViaRARP')
1721xcmCOInternetIPDatalinks        -- IP Datalinks
1722    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 12 }
1723    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
1724    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetDatalinks')
1725xcmCOInternetIPHostName         -- IP Host Name
1726    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 50 }
1727    -- stringLocalization
1728xcmCOInternetIPAutoIPAddress -- Computed AutoIP Address
1729OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 51 }
1730-- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal '1.b.c.d')
1731-- <or>
1732-- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8]')
1733-- (IPv4 - decimal values [1-3 octets] or four 8-bit components)
1734-- (eg, '')
1735-- (IPv6 - eight hex values [0-4 octets] of 16-bit components)
1736-- (eg, 'FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210')
1737-- (see section 2.2 'Textual Representation of Addresses' in
1738-- RFC 2373, IPv6 Addressing Architecture)
1739-- (see section 2 'Literal IPv6 Address Format in URL Syntax' in
1740-- RFC 2732, Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs)
1741xcmCOInternetIPAutoEnable          -- Enable auto IP Address
1742    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 60 }
1743    -- integerTruthValue (true=enabled, false=disabled)
1746   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 61 }
1747   -- The upper level enumeration for the network address
1748   -- caching for the walkup installation protocol
1750   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 62 }
1751   -- The upper level enumeration for the walkup
1752   -- installation protocol for device selection
1755    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIP 70 }
1756    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableIPSec, false=disableIPSec)
1758-- Network Address Caching (xcmCOInternetIPBcastCache)
1759xcmCOInternetIPBCacheEnabled     -- Network Address Cache Allowed
1760    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPBcastCache 1 }
1761    -- integerTruthValue
1764    -- (true=enable network addess caching,
1765    --  false=disable caching)
1767xcmCOInternetIPBCacheAddress1    -- Network Address Cache 1
1768    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPBcastCache 2 }
1769    -- stringLocalization
1770    -- The formatting for this string is the
1771    -- per xcmCOInternetIPAutoIPAddress
1772xcmCOInternetIPBCacheAddress2    -- Network Address Cache 2
1773    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPBcastCache 3 }
1774    -- stringLocalization
1775    -- The formatting for this string is the
1776    -- per xcmCOInternetIPAutoIPAddress
1777xcmCOInternetIPBCacheAddress3    -- Network Address Cache 3
1778    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPBcastCache 4 }
1779    -- stringLocalization
1780    -- The formatting for this string is the
1781    -- per xcmCOInternetIPAutoIPAddress
1782xcmCOInternetIPBCacheAddress4    -- Network Address Cache 4
1783    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPBcastCache 5 }
1784    -- stringLocalization
1785    -- The formatting for this string is the
1786    -- per xcmCOInternetIPAutoIPAddress
1788-- Installation Protocol for device selection (xcmCOInternetIPInstall)
1789xcmCOInternetIPInstallSelect       -- Printer selected for installation
1790   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPInstall 1 }
1791   -- integerTruthValue
1792   -- (true=selected for installation, false=not selected)
1793xcmCOInternetIPAllSubnetsLocal     -- Local-only Installation Subnets
1794   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPInstall 2 }
1795   -- integerTruthValue
1796   -- (true=Only local subnet allowed,
1797   --  false=Remote subnets allowed)
1800--  DHCP Configuration
1802xcmCOInternetDHCPClassID        -- DHCP Class ID (option to server)
1803    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCP 1 }
1804    -- stringLocalization (dotted decimal 'ProductID' OR label of Pid)
1805xcmCOInternetDHCPLeaseTime      -- DHCP Lease Time (option to server)
1806    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCP 2 }
1807    -- integerNumber (seconds, -1=infinite, 0=none, or 1..n)
1808xcmCOInternetDHCPRequestTimeout -- DHCP Request Timeout (for replies)
1809    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCP 3 }
1810    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
1812xcmCOInternetDHCPServer -- DHCP Server
1813    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCP 4 }
1814    -- stringLocalization
1815    -- The server that provided the IP Address for this
1816    -- device. The formatting for this string is the
1817    -- per xcmCOInternetIPAutoIPAddress
1821--  DHCP Options
1823--  Final arc of each of the following DHCP option get/set flags is the
1824--  option code as defined in IETF DHCP Options (RFC 2132, March 1997)
1826--  DHCP options named 'xxxGet' are legal for read by client
1827--  DHCP options named 'xxxSet' are legal for write/read by client
1829xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet      -- DHCP Option Get (read by client)
1830    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCP 10 }
1831    -- integerTruthValue
1832xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionSet      -- DHCP Option Set (write by client)
1833    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCP 11 }
1834    -- integerTruthValue
1836--  DHCP Options - BOOTP Vendor Extensions in RFC 1497 (RFC 2132, pg 5)
1838xcmCODHCPGetSubnetMask          -- single subnet mask
1839    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 1 }
1840    -- integerTruthValue
1841xcmCODHCPGetSubnetTimeOffset    -- single subnet time offset
1842    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 2 }
1843    -- integerTruthValue
1844xcmCODHCPGetRouter              -- list routers
1845    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 3 }
1846    -- integerTruthValue
1847xcmCODHCPGetTPTimeServer        -- list RFC 868 time servers
1848    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 4 }
1849    -- integerTruthValue
1850xcmCODHCPGetIEN116NameServer    -- list IEN 116 name servers
1851    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 5 }
1852    -- integerTruthValue
1853xcmCODHCPGetDNSNameServer       -- list DNS name servers
1854    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 6 }
1855    -- integerTruthValue
1856xcmCODHCPGetLogServer           -- list MIT-LCS UDP log servers
1857    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 7 }
1858    -- integerTruthValue
1859xcmCODHCPGetCookieServer        -- list RFC 865 cookie servers
1860    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 8 }
1861    -- integerTruthValue
1862xcmCODHCPGetLPRServer           -- list LPR servers
1863    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 9 }
1864    -- integerTruthValue
1865xcmCODHCPGetImpressServer       -- list Imagen Impress servers
1866    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 10 }
1867    -- integerTruthValue
1868xcmCODHCPGetResourceLocServer   -- list RFC 887 RLP servers
1869    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 11 }
1870    -- integerTruthValue
1871xcmCODHCPGetHostName            -- single client host name
1872    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 12 }
1875    -- integerTruthValue
1876xcmCODHCPGetBootFileSize        -- size in 512-octet blocks
1877    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 13 }
1878    -- integerTruthValue
1879xcmCODHCPGetMeritDumpFile       -- single core dump file path
1880    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 14 }
1881    -- integerTruthValue
1882xcmCODHCPGetDNSDomainName       -- single DNS domain name
1883    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 15 }
1884    -- integerTruthValue
1885xcmCODHCPGetSwapServer          -- single client swap server
1886    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 16 }
1887    -- integerTruthValue
1888xcmCODHCPGetRootPath            -- single client root path
1889    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 17 }
1890    -- integerTruthValue
1891xcmCODHCPGetExtensionsPath      -- single client extensions path
1892    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 18 }
1893    -- integerTruthValue
1895--  DHCP Options - IP Layer Parameters per Host (RFC 2132, pg 11)
1897xcmCODHCPGetIPForwarding        -- single IP forwarding enable
1898    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 19 }
1899    -- integerTruthValue
1900xcmCODHCPGetNLSourceRouting     -- non-local source route enable
1901    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 20 }
1902    -- integerTruthValue
1903xcmCODHCPGetNLPolicyFilter      -- list nl source route filters
1904    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 21 }
1905    -- integerTruthValue
1906xcmCODHCPGetMaxIPDatagramSize   -- single max IP datagram size
1907    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 22 }
1908    -- integerTruthValue
1909xcmCODHCPGetIPDefaultTTL        -- single IP default TTL
1910    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 23 }
1911    -- integerTruthValue
1912xcmCODHCPGetPathMTUAgeTimeout   -- single Path MTU age timeout
1913    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 24 }
1914    -- integerTruthValue
1915xcmCODHCPGetPathMTUPlateau      -- list Path MTU sizes
1916    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 25 }
1917    -- integerTruthValue
1919--  DHCP Options - IP Layer Parameters per Interface (RFC 2132, pg 13
1921xcmCODHCPGetInterfaceMTUSize    -- single interface MTU size
1922    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 26 }
1923    -- integerTruthValue
1924xcmCODHCPGetAllSubnetsLocal     -- single subnets local enable
1925    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 27 }
1926    -- integerTruthValue
1927xcmCODHCPGetBroadcastAddress    -- single IP broadcast address
1928    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 28 }
1931    -- integerTruthValue
1932xcmCODHCPGetMaskDiscovery       -- single mask discovery enable
1933    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 29 }
1934    -- integerTruthValue
1935xcmCODHCPGetMaskSupplier        -- single mask response enable
1936    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 30 }
1937    -- integerTruthValue
1938xcmCODHCPGetRouterDiscovery     -- single router discover enable
1939    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 31 }
1940    -- integerTruthValue
1941xcmCODHCPGetRouterSolAddress    -- single router solicit address
1942    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 32 }
1943    -- integerTruthValue
1944xcmCODHCPGetStaticRoute         -- list static routes
1945    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 33 }
1946    -- integerTruthValue
1948--  DHCP Options - Link Layer Parameters per Interface (RFC 2132, pg 16)
1950xcmCODHCPGetARPTrailer          -- single ARP trailer enable
1951    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 34 }
1952    -- integerTruthValue
1953xcmCODHCPGetARPCacheTimeout     -- single ARP cache timeout
1954    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 35 }
1955    -- integerTruthValue
1956xcmCODHCPGetEthernetFrameIEEE   -- single IEEE 802.3 enable
1957    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 36 }
1958    -- integerTruthValue
1960--  DHCP Options - TCP Layer Parameters per Interface (RFC 2132, pg 17)
1962xcmCODHCPGetTCPDefaultTTL       -- single TCP default TTL
1963    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 37 }
1964    -- integerTruthValue
1965xcmCODHCPGetTCPKeepInterval     -- single TCP keepalive interval
1966    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 38 }
1967    -- integerTruthValue
1968xcmCODHCPGetTCPKeepGarbage      -- single TCP KA garbage enable
1969    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 39 }
1970    -- integerTruthValue
1972--  DHCP Options - Application and Service Parameters (RFC 2132, pg 18)
1974xcmCODHCPGetNISDomainName       -- single NIS domain name
1975    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 40 }
1976    -- integerTruthValue
1977xcmCODHCPGetNISNameServer       -- list NIS name servers
1978    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 41 }
1979    -- integerTruthValue
1980xcmCODHCPGetNTPTimeServer       -- list NTP time servers
1981    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 42 }
1982    -- integerTruthValue
1983xcmCODHCPGetVendorSpecific      -- any vendor specific info
1984    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 43 }
1987    -- integerTruthValue
1988xcmCODHCPGetNetbiosNameServer   -- list NetBIOS name servers
1989    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 44 }
1990    -- integerTruthValue
1991xcmCODHCPGetNetbiosDistServer   -- list NetBIOS dg dist servers
1992    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 45 }
1993    -- integerTruthValue
1994xcmCODHCPGetNetbiosNodeType     -- single NetBIOS node type
1995    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 46 }
1996    -- integerTruthValue
1997xcmCODHCPGetNetbiosScope        -- single NetBIOS scope
1998    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 47 }
1999    -- integerTruthValue
2000xcmCODHCPGetXWindowFontServer   -- list X Window font servers
2001    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 48 }
2002    -- integerTruthValue
2003xcmCODHCPGetXWindowDisplayMgr   -- list X Window display mgrs
2004    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 49 }
2005    -- integerTruthValue
2006xcmCODHCPGetNISPlusDomainName   -- single NIS+ domain name
2007    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 64 }
2008    -- integerTruthValue
2009xcmCODHCPGetNISPlusNameServer   -- list NIS+ name servers
2010    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 65 }
2011    -- integerTruthValue
2012xcmCODHCPGetMobileIPHomeAgent   -- list Mobile IP home agents
2013    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 68 }
2014    -- integerTruthValue
2015xcmCODHCPGetSMTPMailServer      -- list SMTP mail servers
2016    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 69 }
2017    -- integerTruthValue
2018xcmCODHCPGetPOP3MailServer      -- list POP3 mail servers
2019    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 70 }
2020    -- integerTruthValue
2021xcmCODHCPGetNNTPNewsServer      -- list NNTP news servers
2022    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 71 }
2023    -- integerTruthValue
2024xcmCODHCPGetWWWServer           -- list WWW servers
2025    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 72 }
2026    -- integerTruthValue
2027xcmCODHCPGetFingerServer        -- list Finger servers
2028    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 73 }
2029    -- integerTruthValue
2030xcmCODHCPGetIRCServer           -- list IRC chat servers
2031    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 74 }
2032    -- integerTruthValue
2033xcmCODHCPGetStreetTalkServer    -- list StreetTalk name servers
2034    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 75 }
2035    -- integerTruthValue
2036xcmCODHCPGetStreetTalkDAServer  -- list StreetTalk DA servers
2037    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 76 }
2038    -- integerTruthValue
2040--  DHCP Options - DHCP Extensions (RFC 2132, pg 25)
2044xcmCODHCPSetIPAddressRequest    -- single client IP address
2045    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionSet 50 }
2046    -- integerTruthValue
2047xcmCODHCPSetIPAddressLeaseTime  -- single IP address lease time
2048    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionSet 51 }
2049    -- integerTruthValue
2050xcmCODHCPSetOptionOverload      -- single option overload type
2051    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionSet 52 }
2052    -- integerTruthValue
2053xcmCODHCPGetMessageType         -- single DHCP message type
2054    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 53 }
2055    -- integerTruthValue
2056xcmCODHCPGetServerID            -- single DHCP server identifier
2057    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 54 }
2058    -- integerTruthValue
2059xcmCODHCPGetParameterRequest    -- list DHCP parameter requests
2060    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 55 }
2061    -- integerTruthValue
2062xcmCODHCPGetErrorMessage        -- single DHCP error message
2063    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 56 }
2064    -- integerTruthValue
2065xcmCODHCPGetMaxMessageSize      -- single max DHCP message size
2066    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 57 }
2067    -- integerTruthValue
2068xcmCODHCPGetRenewT1Interval     -- single renewing T1 interval
2069    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 58 }
2070    -- integerTruthValue
2071xcmCODHCPGetRebindT2Interval    -- single rebind T2 interval
2072    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 59 }
2073    -- integerTruthValue
2074xcmCODHCPSetClassID             -- single class identifier
2075    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionSet 60 }
2076    -- integerTruthValue
2077xcmCODHCPSetClientID            -- single client identifier
2078    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionSet 61 }
2079    -- integerTruthValue
2080xcmCODHCPGetTFTPServerName      -- single TFTP server name
2081    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 66 }
2082    -- stringLocalization (the name used by the device)
2083xcmCODHCPGetBootFileName        -- single boot filename
2084    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 67 }
2085    -- stringLocalization (the name used by the device)
2087--  DHCP Options - Novell NetWare Directory Services (RFC 2241, pg 18)
2089xcmCODHCPGetNDSNameServer       -- list NetWare NDS name servers
2090    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 85 }
2091    -- integerTruthValue
2092xcmCODHCPGetNDSTreeName         -- single NetWare NDS tree name
2093    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 86 }
2094    -- integerTruthValue
2095xcmCODHCPGetNDSContext          -- single NetWare NDS context
2096    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPOptionGet 87 }
2099    -- integerTruthValue
2101xcmCOInternetUDPAddress         -- UDP Address
2102    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetUDP 1 }
2103    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d:socket')
2104    -- (note - in IPv4 ONLY, a dot '.' MAY also be used before 'socket'
2105    -- and such use of dot was recommended in XCMI v4.0 and earlier)
2106    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2108xcmCOInternetUDPPort            -- UDP Port
2109    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetUDP 2 }
2110    -- stringLocalization (ASCII decimal format, 'socket')
2112xcmCOInternetTCPAddress         -- TCP Address
2113    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetTCP 1 }
2114    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d:socket')
2115    -- (note - in IPv4 ONLY, a dot '.' MAY also be used before 'socket'
2116    -- and such use of dot was recommended in XCMI v4.0 and earlier)
2117    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2119xcmCOInternetTCPPort            -- TCP Port
2120    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetTCP 2 }
2121    -- stringLocalization (ASCII decimal format, 'socket')
2123xcmCOInternetTCPMaxSegmentSize -- TCP Default Max Segment Size
2124    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetTCP 3 }
2125    -- integerNumber
2128    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1700 }
2129    -- integerTruthValue
2130xcmCOInternetRaw                -- Raw Print (printing)
2131    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1501 }
2132    -- integerTruthValue
2133xcmCOInternetIPP                -- IPP (printing)
2134    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1502 }
2135    -- integerTruthValue
2136xcmCOInternetLPR                -- LPR (printing)
2137    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1503 }
2138    -- integerTruthValue
2139xcmCOInternetFTP                -- FTP (filing)
2140    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1504 }
2141    -- integerTruthValue
2142xcmCOInternetSMTP               -- SMTP (email)
2143    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1505 }
2144    -- integerTruthValue
2145    -- (see RFC 821 / STD 10, 'Simple Mail Transfer Protocol', Aug 1982)
2146    -- (see RFC 1869 / STD 10, 'SMTP Service Extensions', November 1995)
2147xcmCOInternetTelnet             -- Telnet (virtual terminal)
2148    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1506 }
2149    -- integerTruthValue
2150xcmCOInternetDNS                -- DNS (directory)
2151    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1507 }
2154    -- integerTruthValue
2155xcmCOInternetTFTP               -- TFTP (filing)
2156    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1508 }
2157    -- integerTruthValue
2158xcmCOInternetHTTP               -- HTTP (World Wide Web - WWW)
2159    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1509 }
2160    -- integerTruthValue
2162xcmCOInternetSNMP               -- SNMP (network mgmt)
2163    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1510 }
2164    -- integerTruthValue
2165xcmCOInternetSNMPv1             -- SNMPv1 (network mgmt)
2166    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1511 }
2167    -- integerTruthValue
2168    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetSNMPVersion')
2169xcmCOInternetSNMPv2             -- SNMPv2 (network mgmt)
2170    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1512 }
2171    -- integerTruthValue
2172    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetSNMPVersion')
2173xcmCOInternetSNMPv3             -- SNMPv3 (network mgmt)
2174    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1513 }
2175    -- integerTruthValue
2176    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetSNMPVersion')
2177xcmCOInternetSNMPVersion        -- SNMP Version (network mgmt)
2178    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSNMP 1 }
2179    -- integerEnum (from 'XcmGenSNMPVersion' in XCMI General TC)
2180    -- (obsoletes 'xcmCOInternetSNMP[v1|v2|v3]')
2182xcmCOInternetPOP3               -- Internet POP3 (email access)
2183    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1514 }
2184    -- integerTruthValue
2185    -- (see RFC 1939 / STD 53, 'Post Office Protocol v3', May 1996)
2186    -- (see RFC 1957, 'Implementations of POP3', June 1996)
2187    -- (see RFC 2384, 'POP URL Scheme', August 1998)
2188    -- (see RFC 2449, 'POP3 Extension Mechanism, November 1998)
2190xcmCOInternetIMAP4              -- Internet IMAP4 (email access)
2191    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1515 }
2192    -- integerTruthValue
2193    -- (see RFC 2060, 'Internet Msg Access Protocol v4', December 1996)
2194    -- (see RFC 2192, 'IMAP URL Scheme', September 1997)
2195    -- (see RFC 2683, 'IMAP4 Implementations', September 1999)
2197xcmCOInternetFax                -- Internet Fax (facsimile over email)
2198    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1516 }
2199    -- integerTruthValue
2200    -- (see RFC 2305, 'Simple Fax Using Internet Mail', March 1998)
2201    -- (see RFC 2532, 'Extended Fax Using Internet Mail', March 1999)
2203xcmCOInternetNTP                -- NTP (RFC 4330)
2204    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1517}
2205     -- integerTruthValue
2207xcmCOInternetWINS               -- Microsoft WINS (directory)
2210    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1519 }
2211    -- integerTruthValue
2213xcmCOInternetSunOncSuite        -- Sun ONC Suite (distributed computing)
2214    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1520 }
2215    -- integerTruthValue
2216xcmCOInternetSunOncNIS          -- Sun ONC NIS (directory)
2217    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1521 }
2218    -- integerTruthValue
2219xcmCOInternetSunOncPlusNIS      -- Sun ONC+ NIS+ (directory)
2220    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1522 }
2221    -- integerTruthValue
2222xcmCOInternetSunOncRPC          -- Sun ONC RPC (w/ NIS)
2223    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1523 }
2224    -- integerTruthValue
2225xcmCOInternetSunOncPlusRPC      -- Sun ONC+ RPC (w/ NIS+)
2226    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1524 }
2227    -- integerTruthValue
2228xcmCOInternetSunTiRPC           -- Sun TI RPC (transactions)
2229    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1525 }
2230    -- integerTruthValue
2232xcmCOInternetHTTPS               -- HTTPS (World Wide Web - WWW)
2233    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1526 }
2234    -- integerTruthValue
2236xcmCOInternetOsfDceSuite        -- OSF DCE Suite (distributed computing)
2237    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1530 }
2238    -- integerTruthValue
2239xcmCOInternetOsfDceCDS          -- OSF DCE CDS (directory)
2240    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1531 }
2241    -- integerTruthValue
2242xcmCOInternetOsfDceRPC          -- OSF DCE RPC (w/ CDS)
2243    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1532 }
2244    -- integerTruthValue
2245xcmCOInternetOsfDceKerberos     -- OSF DCE Kerberos (security tickets)
2246    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1533 }
2247    -- integerTruthValue
2249xcmCOInternetOsfDmeSuite        -- OSF DME Suite (distributed mgmt)
2250    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1540 }
2251    -- integerTruthValue
2253xcmCOInternetLDAP               -- LDAP (to X.500 directory, RFC 1777)
2254    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1551 }
2255    -- integerTruthValue
2256xcmCOInternetCLDAP              -- CLDAP (to X.500 directory, RFC 1798)
2257    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1552 }
2258    -- integerTruthValue
2260xcmCOInternetSalutation         -- Salutation (FX/IBM consortium)
2261    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1561 }
2262    -- integerTruthValue
2265xcmCOInternetUpnpSuite          -- MS UPnP Suite (plug-and-play)
2266    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1570 }
2267    -- integerTruthValue
2268xcmCOInternetUpnpSSDP           -- MS UPnP SSDP (discovery)
2269    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1571 }
2270    -- integerTruthValue
2271xcmCOInternetUpnpGENA           -- MS UPnP GENA (notification)
2272    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1572 }
2273    -- integerTruthValue
2275xcmCOInternetSLP                -- SLP (discovery)
2276    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1591 }
2277    -- integerTruthValue
2278xcmCOInternetSLPv1              -- SLPv1 (discovery)
2279    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1592 }
2280    -- integerTruthValue
2281    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetSLPVersion')
2282xcmCOInternetSLPv2              -- SLPv2 (discovery)
2283    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1593 }
2284    -- integerTruthValue
2285    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetSLPVersion')
2288-- Configuration mechanism.  Used to release all resources
2289-- that have been dynamically allocated to the system.
2290-- Helps prevent stale records.
2291-- If enabled, on shutdown:
2292--       if DHCP is enabled, send DHCPRELEASE to DHCP server
2293--       if DDNS is enabled, delete resource records being
2294--          maintained by the device
2295    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite  1600}
2296    -- integerTruthValue
2297    -- (true=enable, false=disable)
2299xcmCOInternetDHCPv6               -- DHCPv6
2300    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1800 }
2301-- integerTruthValue
2302-- DHCPv6
2303    -- RFC 3315, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)
2305xcmCOInternetDHCPv6ConfigState    -- DHCPv6 configuration
2306    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDHCPv6 1 }
2307-- integerEnum (1=Use DHCPv6 per RFC 2462: Obey M and O flags in
2308-- router advertisements, in the absence of a router, perform
2309-- DHCPv6 client requests by default, 2=Do not perform DHCPv6
2310-- client requests if router not present on the local network,
2311-- 3=Never use DHCPv6)
2313xcmCOInternetDNSv6                -- DNS (directory)
2314    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1801 }
2315-- integerTruthValue
2316-- DNS over IPv6
2319xcmCOInternetDNSv6DomainName      -- DNS Domain Name (directory)
2320    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNSv6 1 }
2321-- stringLocalization
2322-- The domain name for this system for DNS over IPv6.
2324xcmCOInternetDNSv6ServerAddress   -- DNS Server Address (directory)
2325OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNSv6 2 }
2326-- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
2327-- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
2329xcmCOInternetDNSv6DynamicUpdate   -- DNS Dynamic Update (directory)
2330OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNSv6 3 }
2331-- integerTruthValue
2332-- (true=enableDynamicUpdate, false=disableDynamicUpdate)
2333-- (see RFC 2136 'Dynamic Updates in DNS', April 1997)
2336-- Configuration mechanism.  Used to release all resources
2337    -- that have been dynamically allocated to the system.
2338-- Helps prevent stale records.
2339-- If enabled, on shutdown:
2340--       if DHCPv6 is enabled, send DHCPRELEASE to DHCPv6 server
2341--       if DDNSv6 is enabled, delete resource records being
2342--          maintained by the device
2343OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSuite 1802}
2344-- integerTruthValue
2345-- (true=enable, false=disable)
2347xcmCOInternetSLPVersion         -- SLP Version (discovery)
2348    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 1 }
2349    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
2350    -- 3=SLPv1,                                     - RFC 2165
2351    -- 4=SLPv2)                                     - RFC 2608
2352    -- (obsoletes 'xcmCOInternetSLP[v1|v2]')
2354xcmCOInternetRawHostName        -- Raw Host Name
2355    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 1 }
2356    -- stringLocalization
2358xcmCOInternetRawHostAddress     -- Raw Host Address
2359    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 2 }
2360    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2361    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2363xcmCOInternetRawListenSocket    -- Raw Listen Socket
2364    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 3 }
2365    -- integerNumber (9100=default or 1..n)
2366    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
2367xcmCOInternetRawMaxClients      -- Raw Max Clients (concurrently)
2368    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 4 }
2369    -- integerNumber (0..n)
2372xcmCOInternetRawAcceptAddress   -- Raw Accept Address (list)
2373    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 11 }
2374    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2375xcmCOInternetRawAcceptSubnet    -- Raw Accept Subnet (list)
2376    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 12 }
2377    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2378xcmCOInternetRawRejectAddress   -- Raw Reject Address (list)
2379    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 21 }
2380    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2381xcmCOInternetRawRejectSubnet    -- Raw Reject Subnet (list)
2382    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 22 }
2383    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2384xcmCOInternetRawSpool           -- Raw Spool (printing)
2385    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 31 }
2386    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
2387xcmCOInternetRawMaxSpool        -- Raw Max Spool (printing)
2388    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 32 }
2389    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
2390xcmCOInternetRawJobTimeout      -- Raw Job Timeout (printing)
2391    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 40 }
2392    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
2393xcmCOInternetRawAutoSwitch      -- Raw Auto Switch (printing)
2394    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 41 }
2395    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
2396xcmCOInternetRawBinaryPS        -- Raw Binary PS (printing)
2397    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 42 }
2398    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
2399    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
2400    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
2401xcmCOInternetRawDefaultPDL      -- Raw Default PDL (printing)
2402    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 43 }
2403    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
2404    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
2405    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
2406    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
2407    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2408    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
2409    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2410xcmCOInternetRawBidirectional      --
2411    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetRaw 44 }
2412    -- integerTruthValue (true=enabled, false=disabled)
2414xcmCOInternetIPPHostName        -- IPP Host Name
2415    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 1 }
2416    -- stringLocalization
2418xcmCOInternetIPPHostAddress     -- IPP Host Address
2419    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 2 }
2420    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2421    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2423xcmCOInternetIPPListenSocket    -- IPP Listen Socket
2424    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 3 }
2425    -- integerNumber (631=default or 1..n)
2428    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
2429xcmCOInternetIPPMaxClients      -- IPP Max Clients (concurrently)
2430    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 4 }
2431    -- integerNumber (0..n)
2432xcmCOInternetIPPVersionString   -- IPP Version String
2433    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 9 }
2434    -- stringLocalization (eg, '1.1' for IPP/1.1, RFC 2910/2911)
2435xcmCOInternetIPPAcceptAddress   -- IPP Accept Address (list)
2436    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 11 }
2437    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2438xcmCOInternetIPPAcceptSubnet    -- IPP Accept Subnet (list)
2439    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 12 }
2440    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2441xcmCOInternetIPPRejectAddress   -- IPP Reject Address (list)
2442    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 21 }
2443    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2444xcmCOInternetIPPRejectSubnet    -- IPP Reject Subnet (list)
2445    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 22 }
2446    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2447xcmCOInternetIPPSpool           -- IPP Spool (printing)
2448    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 31 }
2449    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
2450xcmCOInternetIPPMaxSpool        -- IPP Max Spool (printing)
2451    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 32 }
2452    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
2453xcmCOInternetIPPJobTimeout      -- IPP Job Timeout (printing)
2454    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 40 }
2455    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
2456xcmCOInternetIPPAutoSwitch      -- IPP Auto Switch (printing)
2457    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 41 }
2458    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
2459xcmCOInternetIPPBinaryPS        -- IPP Binary PS (printing)
2460    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 42 }
2461    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
2462    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
2463    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
2464xcmCOInternetIPPDefaultPDL      -- IPP Default PDL (printing)
2465    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 43 }
2466    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
2467    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
2468    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
2469    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
2470    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2471    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
2472    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2473xcmCOInternetIPPAuthScheme   -- IPP Authentication Scheme
2474    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIPP 50 }
2475    -- integerEnum (Basic(2), Digest(3))
2476    -- The IPP Authentication Scheme selected by the user
2478xcmCOInternetLPRHostName        -- LPR Host Name
2479    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 1 }
2480    -- stringLocalization
2483xcmCOInternetLPRHostAddress     -- LPR Host Address
2484    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 2 }
2485    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2486    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2488xcmCOInternetLPRListenSocket    -- LPR Listen Socket (RFC 1179)
2489    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 3 }
2490    -- integerNumber (515=default or 1..n)
2491    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
2492xcmCOInternetLPRMaxClients      -- LPR Max Clients (concurrently)
2493    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 4 }
2494    -- integerNumber (0..n)
2495xcmCOInternetLPRAcceptAddress   -- LPR Accept Address (list)
2496    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 11 }
2497    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2498xcmCOInternetLPRAcceptSubnet    -- LPR Accept Subnet (list)
2499    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 12 }
2500    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2501xcmCOInternetLPRRejectAddress   -- LPR Reject Address (list)
2502    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 21 }
2503    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2504xcmCOInternetLPRRejectSubnet    -- LPR Reject Subnet (list)
2505    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 22 }
2506    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2507xcmCOInternetLPRSpool           -- LPR Spool (printing)
2508    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 31 }
2509    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
2510xcmCOInternetLPRMaxSpool        -- LPR Max Spool (printing)
2511    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 32 }
2512    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
2513xcmCOInternetLPRJobTimeout      -- LPR Job Timeout (printing)
2514    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 40 }
2515    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
2516xcmCOInternetLPRAutoSwitch      -- LPR Auto Switch (printing)
2517    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 41 }
2518    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
2519xcmCOInternetLPRBinaryPS        -- LPR Binary PS (printing)
2520    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 42 }
2521    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
2522    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
2523    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
2524xcmCOInternetLPRDefaultPDL      -- LPR Default PDL (printing)
2525    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLPR 43 }
2526    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
2527    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
2528    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
2529    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
2530    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2531    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
2532    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2534xcmCOInternetSMTPHostName       -- SMTP Host Name
2535    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 1 }
2538    -- stringLocalization
2540xcmCOInternetSMTPHostAddress    -- SMTP Host Address
2541    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 2 }
2542    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2543    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2545xcmCOInternetSMTPListenSocket   -- SMTP Listen Socket
2546    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 3 }
2547    -- integerNumber (25=default or 1..n)
2548    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
2549xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxClients     -- SMTP Max Clients (concurrently)
2550    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 4 }
2551    -- integerNumber (0..n)
2552xcmCOInternetSMTPAcceptAddress  -- SMTP Accept Address (list)
2553    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 11 }
2554    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2555xcmCOInternetSMTPAcceptSubnet   -- SMTP Accept Subnet (list)
2556    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 12 }
2557    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2558xcmCOInternetSMTPRejectAddress  -- SMTP Reject Address (list)
2559    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 21 }
2560    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress')
2561xcmCOInternetSMTPRejectSubnet   -- SMTP Reject Subnet (list)
2562    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 22 }
2563    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOInternetIPSubnetMask')
2564xcmCOInternetSMTPSpool          -- SMTP Spool (printing)
2565    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 31 }
2566    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
2567xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxSpool       -- SMTP Max Spool (printing)
2568    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 32 }
2569    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
2570xcmCOInternetSMTPJobTimeout     -- SMTP Job Timeout (printing)
2571    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 40 }
2572    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
2573xcmCOInternetSMTPAutoSwitch     -- SMTP Auto Switch (printing)
2574    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 41 }
2575    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
2576xcmCOInternetSMTPBinaryPS       -- SMTP Binary PS (printing)
2577    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 42 }
2578    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
2579    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
2580    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
2581xcmCOInternetSMTPDefaultPDL     -- SMTP Default PDL (printing)
2582    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 43 }
2583    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
2584    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
2585    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
2586    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
2587    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2588    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
2589    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
2590xcmCOInternetSMTPSubject        -- SMTP Subject (default)
2591    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 44 }
2594    -- stringLocalization
2595    -- (default subject field for outgoing SMTP message)
2596xcmCOInternetSMTPSignatureLine  -- SMTP Signature Line (default)
2597    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 45 }
2598    -- stringLocalization
2599    -- (default signature line for outgoing SMTP message)
2600xcmCOInternetSMTPUserName       -- SMTP User Name (for login to MTA)
2601    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 47 }
2602    -- stringLocalization
2603    -- (default user name for login to remote MTA)
2604xcmCOInternetSMTPPassword       -- SMTP Password (for login to MTA)
2605    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 48 }
2606    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
2607    -- (default password for login to remote MTA)
2608xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxInputText   -- SMTP Max Text Body Size (incoming)
2609    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 50 }
2610    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2611    -- (max text body size for incoming SMTP message)
2612    -- (value of zero indicates incoming text body is NOT allowed)
2613xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxInputAttach -- SMTP Max Attachment Size (incoming)
2614    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 51 }
2615    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2616    -- (max attachment size for incoming SMTP message)
2617    -- (value of zero indicates incoming attachment is NOT allowed)
2618xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxOutputText  -- SMTP Max Text Body Size (outgoing)
2619    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 52 }
2620    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2621    -- (max text body size for outgoing SMTP message)
2622    -- (value of zero indicates outgoing text body is NOT allowed)
2623xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxOutputAttach -- SMTP Max Attachment Size (outgoing)
2624    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 53 }
2625    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2626    -- (max attachment size for outgoing SMTP message)
2627    -- (value of zero indicates outgoing attachment is NOT allowed)
2628xcmCOInternetSMTPConfirmRequest -- SMTP Confirm Outgoing Email
2629    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 54 }
2630    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableDSN, false=disableDSN)
2631xcmCOInternetSMTPConfirmReply   -- SMTP Confirm Incoming Email
2632    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 55 }
2633    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableDSN, false=disableDSN)
2634xcmCOInternetSMTPConfirmTimeout -- SMTP Confirm Outgoing Timeout
2635    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 56 }
2636    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
2637xcmCOInternetSMTPFeatureReply   -- SMTP Feature Report in Confirm Reply
2638    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 57 }
2639    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableReport, false=disableReport)
2640xcmCOInternetSMTPMailAddress    -- SMTP Mail Address
2641    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 58 }
2642    -- stringLocalization (RFC 822 format - 'user@hostname')
2643    -- (see RFC 822, 'Format of Internet Mail Messages', August, 1982)
2644xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxInFragments -- SMTP Max Fragments (incoming)
2645    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 59 }
2646    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 2..n)
2647    -- (max fragments for incoming SMTP message)
2650    -- (zero indicates incoming fragments are NOT allowed)
2651xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxOutFragments -- SMTP Max Fragments (outgoing)
2652    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 60 }
2653    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 2..n)
2654    -- (max fragments for outgoing SMTP message)
2655    -- (zero indicates outgoing fragments are NOT allowed)
2656xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxInAttachments -- SMTP Max Attachments (incoming)
2657    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 61 }
2658    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 1..n)
2659    -- (max attachments for incoming SMTP message)
2660    -- (zero indicates incoming attachments are NOT allowed)
2661xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxOutAttachments -- SMTP Max Attachments (outgoing)
2662    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 62 }
2663    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 1..n)
2664    -- (max attachments for outgoing SMTP message)
2665    -- (zero indicates outgoing attachments are NOT allowed)
2666xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxInputSize   -- SMTP Max Message Size (incoming)
2667    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 63 }
2668    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2669    -- (max size in bytes for incoming SMTP message)
2670    -- (zero indicates incoming messages are NOT allowed)
2671xcmCOInternetSMTPMaxOutputSize  -- SMTP Max Message Size (outgoing)
2672    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 64 }
2673    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2674    -- (max size in bytes for outgoing SMTP message)
2675    -- (zero indicates outgoing messages are NOT allowed)
2676xcmCOInternetSMTPReversePath  -- SMTP Reverse Path
2677    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 65 }
2678    -- stringLocalization (RFC 822 format - 'user@hostname')
2679    -- The reverse source routing list for SMTP mail.
2680xcmCOInternetSMTPAutoServer -- Automatic SMTP Server detection
2681   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSMTP 70 }
2682   -- integerTruthValue
2683   -- (true=enable automatic SMTP Server Detection,
2684   --  false=disable auto detection)
2686xcmCOInternetDNSDomainName      -- DNS Domain Name (directory)
2687    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 1 }
2688    -- stringLocalization
2689xcmCOInternetDNSLanguage        -- DNS Language (directory)
2690    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 3 }
2691    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
2692    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
2693xcmCOInternetDNSCharset         -- DNS Charset (directory)
2694    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 4 }
2695    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
2696    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per RFC 2277 and RFC 2279)
2697xcmCOInternetDNSServerName      -- DNS Server Name (directory)
2698    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 5 }
2699    -- stringLocalization
2701xcmCOInternetDNSServerAddress   -- DNS Server Address (directory)
2702    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 6 }
2705    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2706    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2708xcmCOInternetDNSDynamicUpdate   -- DNS Dynamic Update (directory)
2709    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 13 }
2710    -- integerTruthValue
2711    -- (true=enableDynamicUpdate, false=disableDynamicUpdate)
2712    -- (see RFC 2136 'Dynamic Updates in DNS', April 1997)
2713xcmCOInternetDNSUpdatePolicy    -- DNS Update Policy (directory)
2714    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 14 }
2715    -- integerEnum
2716    -- (1=lastUpdateWins, 2=firstUpdateWins)
2717    -- (see RFC 2136 'Dynamic Updates in DNS', April 1997)
2718xcmCOInternetDNSMulticastEnable  -- DNS Multicast Enable
2719    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetDNS 30 }
2720    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableMDNS, false=disableMDNS)
2721    -- (use of link local multicast DNS extensions)
2722    -- (see 'draft-ietf-dnsext-mdns-03.txt', July 2001)
2723    -- (see 'draft-guttman-dhc-mdns-enable-01.txt', July 2001)
2725xcmCOInternetHTTPAddressURL     -- HTTP Universal Resource Locator (WWW)
2726    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 1 }
2727    -- stringLocalization
2728xcmCOInternetHTTPAddressURI     -- HTTP Universal Resource ID (WWW)
2729    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 2 }
2730    -- stringLocalization
2731xcmCOInternetHTTPAddressURN     -- HTTP Universal Resource Name (WWW)
2732    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 3 }
2733    -- stringLocalization
2734xcmCOInternetHTTPVersionString  -- HTTP Version String
2735    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 9 }
2736    -- stringLocalization (eg, '1.1' for HTTP/1.1, RFC 2616)
2737xcmCOInternetHTTPListenSocket   -- HTTP Listen Socket
2738    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 11 }
2739    -- integerNumber (80=default or 1..n)
2740    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
2741xcmCOInternetHTTPMaxClients     -- HTTP Max Clients (concurrently)
2742    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 12 }
2743    -- integerNumber (0..n)
2744xcmCOInternetHTTPClientTimeout  -- HTTP Client Timeout (concurrently)
2745    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 13 }
2746    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
2747xcmCOInternetHTTPStatusRefresh  -- HTTP Status Refresh Delay
2748    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 14 }
2749    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
2750    -- The refresh delay used by CWIS when updating status
2752xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy   -- HTTP Proxy enabled/disabled
2753    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 20 }
2755xcmCOInternetHTTPInfoFwd  -- HTTP Information Forwarding
2756    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTP 25 }
2757    -- integerTruthValue
2758    -- (true=Information Forwarding to Xerox enabled,
2761    --  false=Information Forwarding disabled)
2762    -- When enabled information about model, install date, etc.
2763    -- can be sent to Xerox.
2764xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyIPAddress  -- HTTP Proxy IP address
2765    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 1 }
2767xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyHostName  -- HTTP Proxy Host Name
2768    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 2 }
2770xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyPortNumber   -- HTTP Proxy Port Number
2771    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 3 }
2773xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyExceptions   -- HTTP Proxy Exceptions
2774    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 4 }
2775    --  stringLocalization
2776    --  Used to specify a list of addresses that do not require
2777    --    the use of proxy.
2778    --  Semicolons are used to separate entries.
2779    --  Address lists that are longer than 255 characters require
2780    --    multiple rows to be predefined in the CommsOption table.
2781    --  The rows are related using the NextIndex, PreviousIndex
2782    --    and FamilyIndex.
2783    --  The FamilyIndex from the first
2784    --    xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyExceptions node shall indicate the
2785    --    next node.
2786    --  The final node shall be identified using NextIndex
2787    --     and FamilyIndex equal to zero.
2788    --  It is the responsibility of the management tool to "get"
2789    --     all rows and concatenate them for display.
2790    --  It is the responsibility of the management tool to break
2791    --     up the string into segments that are less than 255 to
2792    --     "set" the rows.
2794xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyServer      -- HTTP Proxy Server IP Address
2795                                  --    or Host Name
2796    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 5 }
2797    -- stringLocalization
2798    -- The IP address or Host Name of the HTTP Proxy server.
2800xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyUserName   -- HTTP Proxy User Name (for login)
2801    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 6 }
2802    -- stringLocalization
2803    -- (default user name for login to HTTP Proxy )
2805xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyPassword  -- HTTP Proxy Password (for login)
2806    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 7 }
2807    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
2808    -- (default password for login to HTTP Proxy )
2810xcmCOInternetHTTPProxyAutoDetect  -- HTTP Proxy Auto Detect
2811    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetHTTPProxy 8 }
2812    -- integerTruthValue
2813    -- (true=automatically check for and retrieve proxy server
2814    --    if no valid proxy server is defined,
2817    --  false=do not automatically check for valid proxy server)
2819xcmCOInternetPOP3HostName       -- POP3 Host Name
2820    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 1 }
2821    -- stringLocalization
2823xcmCOInternetPOP3HostAddress    -- POP3 Host Address
2824    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 2 }
2825    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2826    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2828xcmCOInternetPOP3PollInterval   -- POP3 Poll Interval
2829    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 4 }
2830    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
2831    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
2832    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
2833    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
2834xcmCOInternetPOP3Subject        -- POP3 Subject (default)
2835    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 44 }
2836    -- stringLocalization
2837    -- (default subject field for outgoing POP3 message)
2838xcmCOInternetPOP3SignatureLine  -- POP3 Signature Line (default)
2839    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 45 }
2840    -- stringLocalization
2841    -- (default signature line for outgoing POP3 message)
2842xcmCOInternetPOP3UserName       -- POP3 User Name (for login to MTA)
2843    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 47 }
2844    -- stringLocalization
2845    -- (default user name for login to remote MTA)
2846xcmCOInternetPOP3Password       -- POP3 Password (for login to MTA)
2847    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 48 }
2848    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
2849    -- (default password for login to remote MTA)
2850xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxInputText   -- POP3 Max Text Body Size (incoming)
2851    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 50 }
2852    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2853    -- (max text body size for incoming POP3 message)
2854    -- (value of zero indicates incoming text body is NOT allowed)
2855xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxInputAttach -- POP3 Max Attachment Size (incoming)
2856    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 51 }
2857    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2858    -- (max attachment size for incoming POP3 message)
2859    -- (value of zero indicates incoming attachment is NOT allowed)
2860xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxOutputText  -- POP3 Max Text Body Size (outgoing)
2861    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 52 }
2862    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2863    -- (max text body size for outgoing POP3 message)
2864    -- (value of zero indicates outgoing text body is NOT allowed)
2865xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxOutputAttach -- POP3 Max Attachment Size (outgoing)
2866    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 53 }
2867    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2868    -- (max attachment size for outgoing POP3 message)
2869    -- (value of zero indicates outgoing attachment is NOT allowed)
2870xcmCOInternetPOP3ConfirmRequest -- POP3 Confirm Outgoing Email
2873    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 54 }
2874    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableMDN, false=disableMDN)
2875xcmCOInternetPOP3ConfirmReply   -- POP3 Confirm Incoming Email
2876    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 55 }
2877    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableMDN, false=disableMDN)
2878xcmCOInternetPOP3ConfirmTimeout -- POP3 Confirm Outgoing Timeout
2879    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 56 }
2880    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
2881xcmCOInternetPOP3FeatureReply   -- POP3 Feature Report in Confirm Reply
2882    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 57 }
2883    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableReport, false=disableReport)
2884xcmCOInternetPOP3MailAddress    -- POP3 Mail Address
2885    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 58 }
2886    -- stringLocalization (RFC 822 format - 'user@hostname')
2887    -- (see RFC 822, 'Format of Internet Mail Messages', August, 1982)
2888xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxInFragments -- POP3 Max Fragments (incoming)
2889    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 59 }
2890    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 2..n)
2891    -- (max fragments for incoming POP3 message)
2892    -- (zero indicates incoming fragments are NOT allowed)
2893xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxOutFragments -- POP3 Max Fragments (outgoing)
2894    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 60 }
2895    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 2..n)
2896    -- (max fragments for outgoing POP3 message)
2897    -- (zero indicates outgoing fragments are NOT allowed)
2898xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxInAttachments -- POP3 Max Attachments (incoming)
2899    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 61 }
2900    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 1..n)
2901    -- (max attachments for incoming POP3 message)
2902    -- (zero indicates incoming attachments are NOT allowed)
2903xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxOutAttachments -- POP3 Max Attachments (outgoing)
2904    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 62 }
2905    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 1..n)
2906    -- (max attachments for outgoing POP3 message)
2907    -- (zero indicates outgoing attachments are NOT allowed)
2908xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxInputSize   -- POP3 Max Message Size (incoming)
2909    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 63 }
2910    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2911    -- (max size in bytes for incoming POP3 message)
2912    -- (zero indicates incoming messages are NOT allowed)
2913xcmCOInternetPOP3MaxOutputSize  -- POP3 Max Message Size (outgoing)
2914    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetPOP3 64 }
2915    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2916    -- (max size in bytes for outgoing POP3 message)
2917    -- (zero indicates outgoing messages are NOT allowed)
2919xcmCOInternetIMAP4HostName      -- IMAP4 Host Name
2920    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 1 }
2921    -- stringLocalization
2923xcmCOInternetIMAP4HostAddress   -- IMAP4 Host Address
2924    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 2 }
2925    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
2928    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
2930xcmCOInternetIMAP4PollInterval  -- IMAP4 Poll Interval
2931    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 4 }
2932    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
2933    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
2934    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
2935    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
2936xcmCOInternetIMAP4Subject       -- IMAP4 Subject (default)
2937    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 44 }
2938    -- stringLocalization
2939    -- (default subject field for outgoing IMAP4 message)
2940xcmCOInternetIMAP4SignatureLine -- IMAP4 Signature Line (default)
2941    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 45 }
2942    -- stringLocalization
2943    -- (default signature line for outgoing IMAP4 message)
2944xcmCOInternetIMAP4UserName      -- IMAP4 User Name (for login to MTA)
2945    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 47 }
2946    -- stringLocalization
2947    -- (default user name for login to remote MTA)
2948xcmCOInternetIMAP4Password      -- IMAP4 Password (for login to MTA)
2949    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 48 }
2950    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
2951    -- (default password for login to remote MTA)
2952xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxInputText  -- IMAP4 Max Text Body Size (incoming)
2953    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 50 }
2954    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2955    -- (max text body size for incoming IMAP4 message)
2956    -- (value of zero indicates incoming text body is NOT allowed)
2957xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxInputAttach -- IMAP4 Max Attachment Size (incoming)
2958    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 51 }
2959    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2960    -- (max attachment size for incoming IMAP4 message)
2961    -- (value of zero indicates incoming attachment is NOT allowed)
2962xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxOutputText -- IMAP4 Max Text Body Size (outgoing)
2963    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 52 }
2964    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2965    -- (max text body size for outgoing IMAP4 message)
2966    -- (value of zero indicates outgoing text body is NOT allowed)
2967xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxOutputAttach -- IMAP4 Max Attach Size (outgoing)
2968    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 53 }
2969    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
2970    -- (max attachment size for outgoing IMAP4 message)
2971    -- (value of zero indicates outgoing attachment is NOT allowed)
2972xcmCOInternetIMAP4ConfirmRequest -- IMAP4 Confirm Outgoing Email
2973    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 54 }
2974    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableMDN, false=disableMDN)
2975xcmCOInternetIMAP4ConfirmReply  -- IMAP4 Confirm Incoming Email
2976    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 55 }
2977    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableMDN, false=disableMDN)
2978xcmCOInternetIMAP4ConfirmTimeout -- IMAP4 Confirm Outgoing Timeout
2979    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 56 }
2980    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
2981xcmCOInternetIMAP4FeatureReply  -- IMAP4 Feature Report in Confirm Reply
2984    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 57 }
2985    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableReport, false=disableReport)
2986xcmCOInternetIMAP4MailAddress   -- IMAP4 Mail Address
2987    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 58 }
2988    -- stringLocalization (RFC 822 format - 'user@hostname')
2989    -- (see RFC 822, 'Format of Internet Mail Messages', August, 1982)
2990xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxInFragments -- IMAP4 Max Fragments (incoming)
2991    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 59 }
2992    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 2..n)
2993    -- (max fragments for incoming IMAP4 message)
2994    -- (zero indicates incoming fragments are NOT allowed)
2995xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxOutFragments -- IMAP4 Max Fragments (outgoing)
2996    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 60 }
2997    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 2..n)
2998    -- (max fragments for outgoing IMAP4 message)
2999    -- (zero indicates outgoing fragments are NOT allowed)
3000xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxInAttachments -- IMAP4 Max Attachments (incoming)
3001    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 61 }
3002    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 1..n)
3003    -- (max attachments for incoming IMAP4 message)
3004    -- (zero indicates incoming attachments are NOT allowed)
3005xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxOutAttachments -- IMAP4 Max Attachments (outgoing)
3006    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 62 }
3007    -- integerNumber (0=none, or 1..n)
3008    -- (max attachments for outgoing IMAP4 message)
3009    -- (zero indicates outgoing attachments are NOT allowed)
3010xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxInputSize   -- IMAP4 Max Message Size (incoming)
3011    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 63 }
3012    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
3013    -- (max size in bytes for incoming IMAP4 message)
3014    -- (zero indicates incoming messages are NOT allowed)
3015xcmCOInternetIMAP4MaxOutputSize  -- IMAP4 Max Message Size (outgoing)
3016    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetIMAP4 64 }
3017    -- integerNumber (bytes, 0=none, or 1..n)
3018    -- (max size in bytes for outgoing IMAP4 message)
3019    -- (zero indicates outgoing messages are NOT allowed)
3021xcmCOInternetNTPHostName        -- NTP Server hostname
3022    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 1 }
3023    -- stringLocalization
3025xcmCOInternetNTPHostAddress    -- NTP Server IP address
3026    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 2 }
3027    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
3029xcmCOInternetNTPv6HostAddress   -- NTP Server IPv6 address
3030    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 3 }
3031    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8/yyy]')
3032    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPv6Address' for references)
3034xcmCOInternetNTPPort            -- NTP Port number
3035    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 4 }
3036    -- integerNumber (1..999)
3039xcmCOInternetNTPGMTOffset       -- NTP GMT offset
3040    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 5 }
3041    -- integerNumber (-720..+780 minutes)
3043xcmCOInternetNTPPollInterval    -- NTP Polling interval
3044    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 6 }
3045    -- integerNumber (1..1440 minutes)
3047xcmCOInternetNTPSkewTime        -- NTP Skew time
3048    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetNTP 7 }
3049    -- integerNumber (1..300 minutes)
3051xcmCOInternetWINSDomainName     -- WINS Domain Name (directory)
3052    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetWINS 1 }
3053    -- stringLocalization
3054xcmCOInternetWINSLanguage       -- WINS Language (directory)
3055    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetWINS 3 }
3056    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3057    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3058xcmCOInternetWINSCharset        -- WINS Charset (directory)
3059    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetWINS 4 }
3060    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3061    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per RFC 2277 and RFC 2279)
3062xcmCOInternetWINSServerName     -- WINS Server Name (directory)
3063    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetWINS 5 }
3064    -- stringLocalization
3066xcmCOInternetWINSServerAddress  -- WINS Server Address (directory)
3067    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetWINS 6 }
3068    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
3069    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
3071xcmCOInternetWINSServerSocket   -- WINS Server Socket (directory)
3072    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetWINS 7 }
3073    -- integerNumber (1512=default or 1..n)
3074    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
3076xcmCOInternetLDAPLanguage       -- LDAP Language (directory)
3077    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 3 }
3078    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3079    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3080xcmCOInternetLDAPCharset        -- LDAP Charset (directory)
3081    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 4 }
3082    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3083    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per RFC 2271, RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
3084xcmCOInternetLDAPServerName     -- LDAP Server Name (directory)
3085    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 5 }
3086    -- stringLocalization
3088xcmCOInternetLDAPServerAddress  -- LDAP Server Address (directory)
3089    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 6 }
3090    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
3093    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
3095xcmCOInternetLDAPServerSocket   -- LDAP Server Socket (directory)
3096    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 7 }
3097    -- integerNumber (389=default or 1..n)
3098    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
3099xcmCOInternetLDAPPollInterval   -- LDAP Poll Interval (directory)
3100    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 8 }
3101    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
3102    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
3103    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
3104    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
3105xcmCOInternetLDAPBindDN         -- LDAP Bind User Name (directory)
3106    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 11 }
3107    -- stringLocalization
3108xcmCOInternetLDAPBindPassword   -- LDAP Bind Password (directory)
3109    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 12 }
3110    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
3111xcmCOInternetLDAPBaseDN         -- LDAP Base Dist Name (directory)
3112    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 13 }
3113    -- stringLocalization
3114xcmCOInternetLDAPPrinterName    -- LDAP Printer Name (directory)
3115    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 21 }
3116    -- stringLocalization
3117xcmCOInternetLDAPPrinterClass   -- LDAP Printer Object Class (directory)
3118    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 22 }
3119    -- stringLocalization
3120xcmCOInternetLDAPAttributeName  -- LDAP Attribute Name (directory)
3121    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 31 }
3122    -- stringLocalization (name of attribute)
3123xcmCOInternetLDAPAttributeType  -- LDAP Attribute Type (directory)
3124    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 32 }
3125    -- stringLocalization (data type of attribute)
3126xcmCOInternetLDAPAttributeInt   -- LDAP Attribute Integer (directory)
3127    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 33 }
3128    -- integerNumber (according to type above)
3129xcmCOInternetLDAPAttributeStr   -- LDAP Attribute String (directory)
3130    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 34 }
3131    -- stringLocalization (according to type) - value per SLPv2
3132    -- integerEnum (XcmCommsLDAPAttributeType) - name and data type
3133    -- (see 'XcmCommsLDAPAttributeType' for string encoding rules)
3134xcmCOInternetLDAPMaxSearchResult -- LDAP Max Search Result (directory)
3135    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 35 }
3136    -- integerNumber (0..n)
3137    -- (max search results - matching entries)
3138xcmCOInternetLDAPSearchTimeout  -- LDAP Search Timeout (directory)
3139    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetLDAP 36 }
3140    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
3142xcmCOInternetSSDPCacheTimeout   -- MS UPnP SSDP Cache Timeout
3143    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetUpnpSSDP 1 }
3144    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3145    -- (max time to cache service advertisements)
3146    -- (SHOULD default to 1800 seconds, per MS UPnP architecure specs)
3149    -- (device SHOULD renew advertisement every CacheTimeout/4 seconds)
3150xcmCOInternetSSDPTimeToLive     -- MS UPnP SSDP Time To Live
3151    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetUpnpSSDP 2 }
3152    -- integerNumber (hops, 0=none, or 1..n)
3153    -- (max hop count for SSDP messages)
3154    -- (SHOULD default to 1 hop - link local only, per MS Win/ME)
3155xcmCOInternetSSDPServerVersion  -- MS UPnP SSDP Server Version
3156    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetUpnpSSDP 3 }
3157    -- stringLocalization (versions of OS, UPnP, and specific product)
3158    -- (format 'OS/ver UPnP/ver ProductName/ver')
3159    -- (eg, 'Linux/8.0 UPnP/1.0 DocuCentre/470')
3161xcmCOInternetSLPLanguage        -- SLP Language (discovery)
3162    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 3 }
3163    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3164    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3165xcmCOInternetSLPCharset         -- SLP Charset (discovery)
3166    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 4 }
3167    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3168    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per RFC 2271, RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
3169xcmCOInternetSLPServerName      -- SLP Server Name (discovery)
3170    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 5 }
3171    -- stringLocalization (see Directory Agent in IETF SLP)
3173xcmCOInternetSLPServerAddress   -- SLP Server Address (discovery)
3174    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 6 }
3175    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
3176    -- (see 'xcmCOInternetIPAddress' for references)
3178xcmCOInternetSLPServerSocket    -- SLP Server Socket (discovery)
3179    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 7 }
3180    -- integerNumber (427=default or 1..n)
3181    -- (see Internet Assigned Numbers, RFC 1700, and IANA registry)
3182xcmCOInternetSLPPollInterval    -- SLP Poll Interval (discovery)
3183    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 8 }
3184    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
3185    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
3186    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
3187    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
3188    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOInternetSLPDAFindActiveWait')
3190--  SLPv2 (section 13, RFC 2608) and SLPv1 (section 22.2, RFC 2165)
3191xcmCOInternetSLPMaxMulticastTime -- SLP Max Multicast Complete Time
3192    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 10 }
3193    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3194    -- (max time to wait for a complete multicast query response)
3195    -- (SHOULD default to 15 seconds, per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3196    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_MAX_MC)
3197    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_3)
3198    -- (compare SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_7)
3199xcmCOInternetSLPDAFindStartWait  -- SLP DA Find Start Wait
3200    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 11 }
3201    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3202    -- (interval to wait before starting DA discovery after SA reboot)
3205    -- (SHOULD default to 3 seconds, per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3206    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_START_WAIT)
3207    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_4)
3208xcmCOInternetSLPInitialRetryWait -- SLP Initial Request Retry Wait
3209    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 12 }
3210    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3211    -- (interval to wait before initial retry of multicast or unicast)
3212    -- (SHOULD default to 2 seconds, per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3213    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_RETRY)
3214    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_2)
3215    -- (compare SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_5)
3216    -- (compare SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_6)
3217xcmCOInternetSLPMaxUnicastTime   -- SLP Max Unicast Complete Time
3218    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 13 }
3219    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3220    -- (max time to wait for a complete unicast query response)
3221    -- (SHOULD default to 15 seconds, per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3222    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_RETRY_MAX)
3223    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_8)
3224    -- (compare SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_8)
3225xcmCOInternetSLPDAHeartbeatTime  -- SLP DA Heartbeat Time
3226    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 14 }
3227    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3228    -- (interval to wait before DA multicast/broadcast DAAdvert)
3229    -- (SHOULD default to 10800 seconds [3 hours], per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3230    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_DA_BEAT)
3231    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_9)
3232xcmCOInternetSLPDAFindActiveWait -- SLP DA Find Active Retry Wait
3233    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 15 }
3234    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3235    -- (interval to wait before retry of active DA discovery)
3236    -- (SHOULD default to 900 seconds [15 minutes], per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3237    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_DA_FIND)
3238    -- (no SLPv1 RFC 2165 equivalent configuration)
3239    -- (obsoletes 'xcmCOInternetSLPPollInterval' above)
3240xcmCOInternetSLPRegPassiveWait   -- SLP Register After Passive Find Wait
3241    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 16 }
3242    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3243    -- (interval to wait before registration after passive DA discovery)
3244    -- (SHOULD default to 1-3 seconds, per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3245    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_REG_PASSIVE)
3246    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_10)
3247xcmCOInternetSLPRegActiveWait    -- SLP Register After Active Find Wait
3248    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 17 }
3249    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3250    -- (interval to wait before registration after active DA discovery)
3251    -- (SHOULD default to 1-3 seconds, per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3252    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_REG_ACTIVE)
3253    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_11)
3254xcmCOInternetSLPCloseConnWait    -- SLP Close Idle Connection Wait
3255    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 18 }
3256    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3257    -- (interval to wait before DAs and SAs close idle connection)
3258    -- (SHOULD default to 300 seconds [5 minutes], per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3261    -- (see SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_CLOSE_CONN)
3262    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_12)
3263xcmCOInternetSLPCacheReplyTime   -- SLPv1 Cache Reply by XID Time
3264    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 20 }
3265    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3266    -- (max time to cache responses by XID before discarding)
3267    -- (SHOULD default to 60 seconds, per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3268    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_0)
3269xcmCOInternetSLPMaxRegLifetime   -- SLPv1 Max Registration Lifetime
3270    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 21 }
3271    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3272    -- (max lifetime of registrations before expiration)
3273    -- (SHOULD default to 10800 seconds, per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3274    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_1)
3275xcmCOInternetSLPDAFindRetryWait  -- SLP DA Find Retry Wait
3276    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 22 }
3277    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3278    -- (interval to wait before retransmit DA discovery)
3279    -- (SHOULD default to 3 seconds, per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3280    -- (compare SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_RETRY)
3281    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_5)
3282xcmCOInternetSLPMaxDARequestTime -- SLP Max DA Request Time
3283    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 23 }
3284    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3285    -- (interval to wait before DA request timeout)
3286    -- (SHOULD default to 5 seconds, per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3287    -- (compare SLPv2 RFC 2608 CONFIG_RETRY)
3288    -- (see SLPv1 RFC 2165 CONFIG_INTERVAL_6)
3289xcmCOInternetSLPMulticastEnable  -- SLP Multicast Enable
3290    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 30 }
3291    -- integerTruthValue (true=useMulticast, false=useBroadcast)
3292    -- (use of multicast [scalable] versus broadcast [non-scalable])
3293    -- (SHOULD default to 'true', per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3294    -- (SHOULD default to 'true', per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3295xcmCOInternetSLPMulticastRadius  -- SLP Multicast Radius (hop count)
3296    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 31 }
3297    -- integerNumber (0..255)
3298    -- (multicast/broadcast radius)
3299    -- (SHOULD default to 32, per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3300    -- (range '0..32' for SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3301    -- (range '0..255' for SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3302xcmCOInternetSLPPathMTUSize      -- SLP Path MTU Size
3303    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 32 }
3304    -- integerNumber (0..n)
3305    -- (path max transmission unit size in bytes)
3306    -- (SHOULD default to 1400, per SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3307xcmCOInternetSLPScopeName        -- SLP Scope Name
3308    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 40 }
3309    -- stringLocalization
3310    -- (configured scope name)
3311    -- (SHOULD default to 'DEFAULT', per SLPv2 RFC 2608)
3312xcmCOInternetSLPScopeKey         -- SLP Scope Key
3313    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 41 }
3314    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
3317    -- (configured protected scope key)
3318    -- (see section 22, SLPv1 RFC 2165)
3319xcmCOInternetSLPAttributesEnable  -- SLP Attributes Enable
3320    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetSLP 50 }
3321    -- integerTruthValue
3322    -- (true=enable SLP Attributes support,
3323    --  false=disable SLP Attributes support)
3325xcmCOInternetOsfDceKerberosRealm -- OSF DCE Kerberos Realm (security)
3326    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOInternetOsfDceKerberos 1 }
3327    -- stringLocalization
3330--          AppleTalk Protocol Suite
3334    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 18 }
3335    -- integerTruthValue
3338    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1200 }
3339    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
3340    -- (obsoletes 'xcmCOAppletalkDDPDatalinks')
3341xcmCOAppletalkLLAP              -- LocalTalk LAP (datalink)
3342    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1201 }
3343    -- integerTruthValue
3344xcmCOAppletalkELAP              -- EtherTalk LAP (datalink)
3345    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1202 }
3346    -- integerTruthValue
3347xcmCOAppletalkTLAP              -- TokenTalk LAP (datalink)
3348    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1203 }
3349    -- integerTruthValue
3350xcmCOAppletalkPhase             -- AppleTalk Phase (datalink)
3351    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1211 }
3352    -- integerEnum (1=phase1, 2=phase2)
3355    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1400 }
3356    -- integerTruthValue
3357xcmCOAppletalkDDP               -- DDP (CL network)
3358    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1301 }
3359    -- integerTruthValue
3360xcmCOAppletalkAARP              -- AARP (routing)
3361    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1303 }
3362    -- integerTruthValue
3363xcmCOAppletalkATP               -- ATP (CL transport)
3364    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1401 }
3365    -- integerTruthValue
3366xcmCOAppletalkADSP              -- ADSP (CO transport)
3367    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1402 }
3368    -- integerTruthValue
3369xcmCOAppletalkRTMP              -- RTMP (routing)
3372    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1403 }
3373    -- integerTruthValue
3374xcmCOAppletalkAEP               -- AEP (echo)
3375    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1404 }
3376    -- integerTruthValue
3377xcmCOAppletalkNBP               -- NBP (directory)
3378    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1405 }
3379    -- integerTruthValue
3381xcmCOAppletalkDDPAddress        -- DDP Node Address
3382    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkDDP 1 }
3383    -- stringLocalization (dotted hex format, 'network.node')
3384    -- ('network' [4 octets] - ASCII hex of 2-octet AppleTalk network)
3385    -- ('node'    [2 octets] - ASCII hex of 1-octet AppleTalk node)
3386xcmCOAppletalkDDPSocketAddress  -- DDP Socket Address
3387    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkDDPAddress 1 }
3388    -- stringLocalization (dotted hex format, 'network.node.socket')
3389    -- ('network' [4 octets] - ASCII hex of 2-octet AppleTalk network)
3390    -- ('node'    [2 octets] - ASCII hex of 1-octet AppleTalk node)
3391    -- ('socket'  [2 octets] - ASCII hex of 1-octet AppleTalk socket)
3392xcmCOAppletalkDDPDatalinks      -- DDP Datalinks
3393    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkDDP 12 }
3394    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
3395    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCOAppletalkDatalinks')
3397xcmCOAppletalkNBPHostName       -- NBP Host Name (directory)
3398    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 1 }
3399    -- stringLocalization (AppleTalk name is 'Object:Type@Zone')
3400    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3401xcmCOAppletalkNBPLanguage       -- NBP Language (directory)
3402    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 3 }
3403    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3404    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3405xcmCOAppletalkNBPCharset        -- NBP Charset (directory)
3406    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 4 }
3407    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3408    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
3409    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3410xcmCOAppletalkNBPObject         -- NBP Object (directory)
3411    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 11 }
3412    -- stringLocalization
3413    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3414xcmCOAppletalkNBPType           -- NBP Type (directory)
3415    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 12 }
3416    -- stringLocalization ('LaserWriter'=default)
3417    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3418xcmCOAppletalkNBPZone           -- NBP Zone (directory)
3419    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 13 }
3420    -- stringLocalization
3421    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3422xcmCOAppletalkNBPNetwork        -- NBP Network (directory)
3423    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 21 }
3424    -- integerNumber (0..65534)
3425xcmCOAppletalkNBPNode           -- NBP Node (directory)
3428    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 22 }
3429    -- integerNumber (0..254)
3430xcmCOAppletalkNBPSocket         -- NBP Socket (directory)
3431    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 23 }
3432    -- integerNumber (0..254)
3433xcmCOAppletalkNBPZoneToNetworks -- NBP Zone to Networks (directory)
3434    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkNBP 31 }
3435    -- stringLocalization (dotted string 'zone.netFirst.netLast')
3438    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1700 }
3439    -- integerTruthValue
3440xcmCOAppletalkASP               -- ASP (CO session)
3441    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1501 }
3442    -- integerTruthValue
3443xcmCOAppletalkZIP               -- ZIP (directory)
3444    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1502 }
3445    -- integerTruthValue
3446xcmCOAppletalkPAP               -- PAP (printing)
3447    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1503 }
3448    -- integerTruthValue
3450xcmCOAppletalkSNMP              -- SNMP (network mgmt)
3451    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1510 }
3452    -- integerTruthValue
3453xcmCOAppletalkSNMPv1            -- SNMPv1 (network mgmt)
3454    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1511 }
3455    -- integerTruthValue
3456xcmCOAppletalkSNMPv2            -- SNMPv2 (network mgmt)
3457    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1512 }
3458    -- integerTruthValue
3459xcmCOAppletalkSNMPv3            -- SNMPv3 (network mgmt)
3460    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1513 }
3461    -- integerTruthValue
3463xcmCOAppletalkAFP               -- AFP (filing)
3464    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1601 }
3465    -- integerTruthValue
3466xcmCOAppletalkPS                -- PostScript (printing)
3467    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkSuite 1602 }
3468    -- integerTruthValue
3470xcmCOAppletalkPAPHostName       -- PAP Host Name
3471    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 1 }
3472    -- stringLocalization (AppleTalk name is 'Object:Type@Zone')
3473xcmCOAppletalkPAPHostAddress    -- PAP Host Address
3474    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 2 }
3475    -- stringLocalization (dotted hex format, 'network.node.socket')
3476xcmCOAppletalkPAPListenSocket   -- PAP Listen Socket
3477    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 3 }
3478    -- integerNumber (140=default or 3..255)
3479xcmCOAppletalkPAPMaxClients     -- PAP Max Clients (concurrently)
3480    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 4 }
3481    -- integerNumber (0..n)
3484xcmCOAppletalkPAPMaxPrinters    -- PAP Max Printers (printing)
3485    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 5 }
3486    -- integerNumber (1=default or 1..n)
3487xcmCOAppletalkPAPObject         -- PAP Object (printing)
3488    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 11 }
3489    -- stringLocalization
3490    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3491xcmCOAppletalkPAPType           -- PAP Type (printing)
3492    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 12 }
3493    -- stringLocalization ('LaserWriter'=default)
3494    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3495xcmCOAppletalkPAPZone           -- PAP Zone (printing)
3496    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 13 }
3497    -- stringLocalization
3498    -- (restricted to 'AppleASCII' chars, per Apple 'Inside Macintosh')
3499xcmCOAppletalkPAPNetwork        -- PAP Network (printing)
3500    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 21 }
3501    -- integerNumber (0..65534)
3502xcmCOAppletalkPAPNode           -- PAP Node (printing)
3503    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 22 }
3504    -- integerNumber (0..254)
3505xcmCOAppletalkPAPSpool          -- PAP Spool (printing)
3506    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 31 }
3507    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
3508xcmCOAppletalkPAPMaxSpool       -- PAP Max Spool (printing)
3509    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 32 }
3510    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
3511xcmCOAppletalkPAPJobTimeout     -- PAP Job Timeout (printing)
3512    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 40 }
3513    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
3514xcmCOAppletalkPAPAutoSwitch     -- PAP Auto Switch (printing)
3515    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 41 }
3516    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
3517xcmCOAppletalkPAPBinaryPS       -- PAP Binary PS (printing)
3518    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 42 }
3519    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
3520    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
3521    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
3522xcmCOAppletalkPAPDefaultPDL     -- PAP Default PDL (printing)
3523    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOAppletalkPAP 43 }
3524    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
3525    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
3526    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
3527    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
3528    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3529    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
3530    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3533--          NetWare Protocol Suite
3537    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 19 }
3540    -- integerTruthValue
3543    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1200 }
3544    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
3545    -- (obsoletes 'xcmCONetwareIPXDatalinks')
3548    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1400 }
3549    -- integerTruthValue
3550xcmCONetwareIPX                 -- IPX (CL network)
3551    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1301 }
3552    -- integerTruthValue
3553xcmCONetwareIP                -- IP Network Layer.
3554OBJECT IDENTIFIER  ::= {xcmCONetwareSuite 1302}
3555    -- integerTruthValue (true=Netware communicating via IP,
3556    -- false=Netware not communicating via IP)
3557xcmCONetwareSPX                 -- SPX (CO transport)
3558    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1402 }
3559    -- integerTruthValue
3560xcmCONetwareRIP                 -- RIP (routing)
3561    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1403 }
3562    -- integerTruthValue
3563xcmCONetwareEcho                -- Echo (echo)
3564    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1404 }
3565    -- integerTruthValue
3567xcmCONetwareIPXAddress          -- IPX Node Address
3568    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareIPX 1 }
3569    -- stringLocalization (dotted hex format, 'network.node')
3570    -- ('network' [8 octets] - unique network ID, '0' means 'local net')
3571    -- ('node'    [12 octets] - ASCII hex of IEEE 802.x MAC address)
3572xcmCONetwareIPXSocketAddress    -- IPX Socket Address
3573    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareIPXAddress 1 }
3574    -- stringLocalization (dotted hex format, 'network.node.socket')
3575    -- ('network' [8 octets] - unique network ID, '0' means 'local net')
3576    -- ('node'    [12 octets] - ASCII hex of IEEE 802.x MAC address)
3577    -- ('socket'  [4 octets] - ASCII hex of 2-octet NetWare socket)
3578xcmCONetwareIPXDatalinks        -- IPX Datalinks
3579    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareIPX 12 }
3580    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
3581    -- (obsoleted by 'xcmCONetwareDatalinks')
3584    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1700 }
3585    -- integerTruthValue
3586xcmCONetwareNCP                 -- NCP (core protocols)
3587    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1501 }
3588    -- integerTruthValue
3589xcmCONetwareNetbios             -- NetBIOS Emulation
3590    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1502 }
3591    -- integerTruthValue
3592xcmCONetwarePServer             -- PServer (printing)
3593    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1503 }
3596    -- integerTruthValue
3597xcmCONetwareFServer             -- FServer (filing)
3598    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1504 }
3599    -- integerTruthValue
3600xcmCONetwareMHS                 -- MHS (email)
3601    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1505 }
3602    -- integerTruthValue
3603xcmCONetwareBindery             -- Bindery (directory)
3604    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1507 }
3605    -- integerTruthValue
3606xcmCONetwareNDS                 -- NDS (directory)
3607    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1508 }
3608    -- integerTruthValue
3609xcmCONetwareRPrinter            -- RPrinter (printing)
3610    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1509 }
3611    -- integerTruthValue
3613xcmCONetwareSNMP                -- SNMP (network mgmt)
3614    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1510 }
3615    -- integerTruthValue
3616xcmCONetwareSNMPv1              -- SNMPv1 (network mgmt)
3617    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1511 }
3618    -- integerTruthValue
3619xcmCONetwareSNMPv2              -- SNMPv2 (network mgmt)
3620    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1512 }
3621    -- integerTruthValue
3622xcmCONetwareSNMPv3              -- SNMPv3 (network mgmt)
3623    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1513 }
3624    -- integerTruthValue
3626xcmCONetwareSAP                 -- SAP (discovery)
3627    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1591 }
3628    -- integerTruthValue
3630xcmCONetwareNDSIP                 -- Netware over IP
3631    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSuite 1600 }
3632    -- integerTruthValue
3633    -- (true = enabled; false= disabled )
3636    -- Novell server hostname used to find tree & context for filing
3637    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDSIP 1 }
3638    -- stringLocalization
3641    -- Novell server IP address used to find tree & context for filing
3642    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDSIP 2 }
3643    -- stringLocalization (IPv4 - dotted decimal 'a.b.c.d')
3644    -- <or>
3645    -- stringLocalization (IPv6 - hex w/ colons '[x1:...:x8]')
3646    -- (IPv4 - decimal values [1-3 octets] of four 8-bit components)
3647    -- (eg, '')
3648    -- (IPv6 - eight hex values [0-4 octets] of 16-bit components)
3651xcmCONetwareNDSIPUseHostname          -- to choose Hostname or IPAddress
3652    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDSIP 3 }
3653    -- integerTruthValue
3654    -- (true = Hostname; false= IPAddress )
3656xcmCONetwarePServerName         -- PServer Name (printing)
3657    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 1 }
3658    -- stringLocalization
3659    -- (compare with 'xcmCONetware[RPrinter|SAPUnit]Name')
3660xcmCONetwarePServerPassword     -- PServer Password (printing)
3661    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 2 }
3662    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
3663xcmCONetwarePServerQueueName    -- PServer Queue Name (printing)
3664    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 3 }
3665    -- stringLocalization
3666xcmCONetwarePServerPollInterval -- PServer Poll Interval (printing)
3667    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 4 }
3668    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
3669    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
3670    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
3671    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
3672xcmCONetwarePServerFindFServer  -- PServer Find FServer (printing)
3673    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 5 }
3674    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableFind, false=disableFind)
3675xcmCONetwarePServerMaxFServers  -- PServer Max FServers (printing)
3676    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 6 }
3677    -- integerNumber (1..n)
3678xcmCONetwarePServerNotify       -- PServer Notify (printing)
3679    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 7 }
3680    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableNotify, false=disableNotify)
3681xcmCONetwarePServerNotifyLocale -- PServer Notify Locale (printing)
3682    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServerNotify 1 }
3683    -- integerNumber (0=default, or 'xcmGenLocalizationIndex' of locale)
3684    -- (used to override 'xcmGenFixedLocalizationIndex' for this CPU)
3685xcmCONetwarePServerMaxPrinters  -- PServer Max Printers (printing)
3686    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 8 }
3687    -- integerNumber (1=default or 1..n)
3689-- Enable/Disable of a different job polling interval when
3690--   EnergyStarSuspend Mode is Enabled.
3691OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 9 }
3692-- integerTruthValue (true=enabled, false=disabled)
3694-- Pserver Poll Interval when EnergyStarSuspend Mode AND
3695--   xcmCONetwarePServerSuspendPoll arexe Enabled. Ignore if
3696--   EnergyStarSuspend Mode OR xcmCONetwarePServerSuspendPoll
3697--   are Disabled.
3698OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 10 }
3699-- integerNumber
3701xcmCONetwarePServerSpool        -- PServer Spool (printing)
3702    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 31 }
3703    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
3706xcmCONetwarePServerMaxSpool     -- PServer Max Spool (printing)
3707    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 32 }
3708    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
3709xcmCONetwarePServerJobTimeout   -- PServer Job Timeout (printing)
3710    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 40 }
3711    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
3712xcmCONetwarePServerAutoSwitch   -- PServer Auto Switch (printing)
3713    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 41 }
3714    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
3715xcmCONetwarePServerBinaryPS     -- PServer Binary PS (printing)
3716    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 42 }
3717    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
3718    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
3719    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
3720xcmCONetwarePServerDefaultPDL   -- PServer Default PDL (printing)
3721    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 43 }
3722    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
3723    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
3724    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
3725    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
3726    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3727    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
3728    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3729xcmCONetwarePServerConfigTimeout -- PServer Configuration Timeout
3730    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwarePServer 50 }
3731    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
3732    -- The amount of timeout automatic Print Server configuration
3733    -- is allowed to run before timing out.
3735xcmCONetwareRPrinterName        -- RPrinter PServer Name (printing)
3736    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 1 }
3737    -- stringLocalization
3738    -- (compare with 'xcmCONetware[PServer|SAPUnit]Name')
3739xcmCONetwareRPrinterNumber      -- RPrinter Printer Number (printing)
3740    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 2 }
3741    -- integerNumber (1..n)
3742xcmCONetwareRPrinterPollInterval -- RPrinter Poll Interval (printing)
3743    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 3 }
3744    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
3745    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
3746    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
3747    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
3748xcmCONetwareRPrinterJobTimeout  -- RPrinter Job Timeout (printing)
3749    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 40 }
3750    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
3751xcmCONetwareRPrinterAutoSwitch  -- RPrinter Auto Switch (printing)
3752    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 41 }
3753    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
3754xcmCONetwareRPrinterBinaryPS    -- RPrinter Binary PS (printing)
3755    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 42 }
3756    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
3757    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
3758    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
3759xcmCONetwareRPrinterDefaultPDL  -- RPrinter Default PDL (printing)
3762    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareRPrinter 43 }
3763    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
3764    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
3765    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
3766    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
3767    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3768    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
3769    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3771xcmCONetwareFServerName         -- FServer Name (filing)
3772    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareFServer 1 }
3773    -- stringLocalization
3774xcmCONetwareFServerPassword     -- FServer Password (filing)
3775    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareFServer 2 }
3776    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
3777xcmCONetwareFServerAddress      -- FServer Address (filing)
3778    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareFServer 3 }
3779    -- stringLocalization (dotted hex format, 'network.node')
3781xcmCONetwareBinderyLanguage     -- Bindery Language (directory)
3782    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareBindery 3 }
3783    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3784    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3785xcmCONetwareBinderyCharset      -- Bindery Charset (directory)
3786    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareBindery 4 }
3787    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3788    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per NetWare Bindery, RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
3790xcmCONetwareNDSTreeName         -- NDS Tree Name (directory)
3791    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDS 1 }
3792    -- stringLocalization
3793xcmCONetwareNDSContext          -- NDS Context (directory)
3794    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDS 2 }
3795    -- stringLocalization
3796xcmCONetwareNDSLanguage         -- NDS Language (directory)
3797    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDS 3 }
3798    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3799    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3800xcmCONetwareNDSCharset          -- NDS Charset (directory)
3801    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareNDS 4 }
3802    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3803    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per NetWare NDS, RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
3805xcmCONetwareSAPInterval         -- SAP Interval (discovery)
3806    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 1 }
3807    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
3808xcmCONetwareSAPNumber           -- SAP Number (discovery)
3809    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 2 }
3810    -- integerNumber (CAUTION - Novell assigned - 0=none, or 1..n)
3811    -- (used with any format, including legacy ones)
3812xcmCONetwareSAPValueString      -- SAP Value String (discovery)
3813    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 3 }
3814    -- stringLocalization
3815    -- (used with any format, including legacy ones)
3818xcmCONetwareSAPUnitName         -- SAP Unit Name (discovery)
3819    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 4 }
3820    -- stringLocalization
3821    -- (used with any format, including legacy ones)
3822    -- (compare with 'xcmCONetware[PServer|RPrinter]Name')
3823xcmCONetwareSAPFormatID         -- SAP Format ID (discovery)
3824    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 5 }
3825    -- stringLocalization
3826    -- (used ONLY with XC and FX XCMI/FXCMI standard formats)
3828-- Enable/Disable of a different SAP interval when
3829-- EnergyStarSuspend Mode is Enabled.
3830OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 6 }
3831-- integerTruthValue (true=enabled, false=disabled)
3833-- SAP Interval when EnergyStarSuspend Mode AND xcmCONetwareSAPSuspend
3834-- are Enabled. Ignore if EnergyStarSuspend Mode OR
3835-- xcmCONetwareSAPSuspend are Disabled.
3836OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetwareSAP 7 }
3837-- integerNumber
3840--          Vines Protocol Suite
3844    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 20 }
3845    -- integerTruthValue
3848    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1200 }
3849    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
3852    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1400 }
3853    -- integerTruthValue
3854xcmCOVinesVIP                   -- VIP (CL network)
3855    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1301 }
3856    -- integerTruthValue
3857xcmCOVinesVICP                  -- VICP (layer management - network)
3858    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1302 }
3859    -- integerTruthValue
3860xcmCOVinesVARP                  -- VARP (routing)
3861    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1303 }
3862    -- integerTruthValue
3863xcmCOVinesIP                    -- IP (CL network)
3864    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1311 }
3865    -- integerTruthValue
3866xcmCOVinesICMP                  -- ICMP (layer management - network)
3867    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1312 }
3868    -- integerTruthValue
3869xcmCOVinesARP                   -- ARP (routing)
3870    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1313 }
3871    -- integerTruthValue
3874xcmCOVinesVRTP                  -- VRTP (routing)
3875    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1314 }
3876    -- integerTruthValue
3877xcmCOVinesVIPC                  -- VIPC (CL transport)
3878    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1401 }
3879    -- integerTruthValue
3880xcmCOVinesVSPP                  -- VSPP (CO transport)
3881    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1402 }
3882    -- integerTruthValue
3883xcmCOVinesUDP                   -- UDP (CL transport)
3884    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1411 }
3885    -- integerTruthValue
3886xcmCOVinesTCP                   -- TCP (CO transport)
3887    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1412 }
3888    -- integerTruthValue
3891    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1700 }
3892    -- integerTruthValue
3893xcmCOVinesNetRPC                -- NetRPC (transactions)
3894    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1501 }
3895    -- integerTruthValue
3896xcmCOVinesSocket                -- Socket (CL/CO session)
3897    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1502 }
3898    -- integerTruthValue
3899xcmCOVinesNetbios               -- NetBIOS (emulation)
3900    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1503 }
3901    -- integerTruthValue
3902xcmCOVinesPrint                 -- Print (printing)
3903    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1701 }
3904    -- integerTruthValue
3905xcmCOVinesFiling                -- Filing (filing)
3906    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1702 }
3907    -- integerTruthValue
3908xcmCOVinesMail                  -- Mail (email)
3909    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1703 }
3910    -- integerTruthValue
3911xcmCOVinesStreetTalk            -- StreetTalk (directory)
3912    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesSuite 1704 }
3913    -- integerTruthValue
3915xcmCOVinesPrintName             -- Print Name to Server (printing)
3916    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 1 }
3917    -- stringLocalization
3918xcmCOVinesPrintPassword         -- Print Password to Server (printing)
3919    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 2 }
3920    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
3921xcmCOVinesPrintPollInterval     -- Print Poll Interval (printing)
3922    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 4 }
3923    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=immediate or 1..n)
3924    -- (0=immediate - poll as frequently as application wishes)
3925    -- (1..n=interval in seconds - SHOULD NOT be less than 3 seconds)
3926    -- (max_int=poll once every 68 years - ie, disable polling)
3927xcmCOVinesPrintMaxServers       -- Print Max Servers (printing)
3930    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 5 }
3931    -- integerNumber (0=infinite, or 1..n)
3932xcmCOVinesPrintServerName       -- Print Server Name (printing)
3933    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 6 }
3934    -- stringLocalization
3935xcmCOVinesPrintSpool            -- Print Spool (printing)
3936    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 31 }
3937    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
3938xcmCOVinesPrintMaxSpool         -- Print Max Spool (printing)
3939    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 32 }
3940    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
3941xcmCOVinesPrintJobTimeout       -- Print Job Timeout (printing)
3942    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 40 }
3943    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
3944xcmCOVinesPrintAutoSwitch       -- Print Auto Switch (printing)
3945    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 41 }
3946    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
3947xcmCOVinesPrintBinaryPS         -- Print Binary PS (printing)
3948    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 42 }
3949    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
3950    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
3951    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
3952xcmCOVinesPrintDefaultPDL       -- Print Default PDL (printing)
3953    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesPrint 43 }
3954    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
3955    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
3956    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
3957    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
3958    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3959    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
3960    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
3962xcmCOVinesStreetTalkLanguage    -- StreetTalk Language (directory)
3963    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesStreetTalk 3 }
3964    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
3965    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
3966xcmCOVinesStreetTalkCharset     -- StreetTalk Charset (directory)
3967    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOVinesStreetTalk 4 }
3968    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
3969    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per Vines StreetTalk, RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
3972--          NetBIOS Protocol Suite
3976    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 25 }
3977    -- integerTruthValue
3980    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1200 }
3981    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
3986    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1400 }
3987    -- integerTruthValue
3989xcmCONetbiosNBP                 -- NBP (NetBIOS Protocol)
3990    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1501 }
3991    -- integerTruthValue
3993xcmCONetbiosSNMP                -- SNMP (network mgmt)
3994    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1510 }
3995    -- integerTruthValue
3996xcmCONetbiosSNMPv1              -- SNMPv1 (network mgmt)
3997    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1511 }
3998    -- integerTruthValue
3999xcmCONetbiosSNMPv2              -- SNMPv2 (network mgmt)
4000    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1512 }
4001    -- integerTruthValue
4002xcmCONetbiosSNMPv3              -- SNMPv3 (network mgmt)
4003    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1513 }
4004    -- integerTruthValue
4006xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode           -- NetBIOS over TCP End Node
4007    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1520 }
4008    -- integerTruthValue
4009    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4010xcmCONetbiosIntNameServer        -- NetBIOS over TCP Name Server
4011    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1521 }
4012    -- integerTruthValue
4013    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4014xcmCONetbiosIntDistServer        -- NetBIOS over TCP Dist Server
4015    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1522 }
4016    -- integerTruthValue
4017    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4019xcmCONetbiosSAP                 -- SAP (discovery)
4020    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1591 }
4021    -- integerTruthValue
4024    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1700 }
4025    -- integerTruthValue
4026xcmCONetbiosSMB                 -- SMB (Server Message Block)
4027    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1701 }
4028    -- integerTruthValue
4029xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient          -- SMB Printing Client
4030    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1702 }
4031    -- integerTruthValue
4032xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer          -- SMB Printing Server
4033    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1703 }
4034    -- integerTruthValue
4035xcmCONetbiosSMBFClient          -- SMB Filing Client
4036    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1704 }
4037    -- integerTruthValue
4038xcmCONetbiosSMBFServer          -- SMB Filing Server
4041    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1705 }
4042    -- integerTruthValue
4043xcmCONetbiosSMBDomain          -- SMB Domain
4044    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSuite 1706 }
4046xcmCONetbiosNBPName             -- NBP Name (directory)
4047    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 1 }
4048    -- often used for 'SMB Host Name' value
4049    -- stringLocalization (hostname)
4050xcmCONetbiosNBPGroupName        -- NBP Group Name (directory)
4051    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 2 }
4052    -- often used for 'Workgroup' value
4053    -- stringLocalization (groupname)
4054xcmCONetbiosNBPPassword         -- NBP Password (directory)
4055    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 3 }
4056    -- stringLocalization (SHALL be encrypted)
4057xcmCONetbiosNBPService          -- NBP Service (directory)
4058    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 4 }
4059    -- often used for 'Share Name' value
4060    -- stringLocalization (servicename)
4061xcmCONetbiosNBPRemark           -- NBP Node Remark (directory)
4062    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 5 }
4063    -- often used for 'SMB Host Name Comment' value
4064    -- stringLocalization (hostname comment)
4065xcmCONetbiosNBPServiceRemark    -- NBP Service Remark (directory)
4066    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 6 }
4067    -- often used for 'Share Name Comment' value
4068    -- stringLocalization (sharename comment)
4069xcmCONetbiosNBPIPCRemark        -- NBP IPC Remark (directory)
4070    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 7 }
4071    -- stringLocalization (IPC$ comment - transport, address, type)
4072xcmCONetbiosNBPLanguage         -- NetBIOS Language (directory)
4073    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 8 }
4074    -- stringLocalization (language tag, per RFC 2277)
4075    -- (default is unknown language, per RFC 2277)
4076xcmCONetbiosNBPCharset          -- NetBIOS Charset (directory)
4077    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 9 }
4078    -- integerEnum (see 'CodedCharSet' in IETF Printer MIB)
4079    -- (default '106' UTF-8, per RFC 2277, RFC 2279)
4080xcmCONetbiosNBPOverNetbeui      -- NetBIOS over NetBEUI (native)
4081    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 11 }
4082    -- integerTruthValue
4083xcmCONetbiosNBPOverInternet     -- NetBIOS over TCP (RFC 1001/1002)
4084    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 12 }
4085    -- integerTruthValue
4086xcmCONetbiosNBPOverNetware      -- NetBIOS over IPX (Netware)
4087    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosNBP 13 }
4088    -- integerTruthValue
4090xcmCONetbiosIntEndNodeAddress    -- NetBIOS over TCP End Node Address
4091    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode 1 }
4092    -- stringLocalization (dotted decimal format, 'a.b.c.d')
4093    -- ('a' to 'd' [1-3 octets] - ASCII decimal of 1-octet components)
4094    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4097xcmCONetbiosIntEndNodeSource     -- NetBIOS over TCP End Node Source
4098    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode 2 }
4099    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
4100    -- 3=static, 4=reserved, 5=viaBOOTP, 6=viaDHCP)
4102xcmCONetbiosIntNodeType         -- NetBIOS over TCP Node Type
4103    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode 3 }
4104    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
4105    -- 3=broadcast, 4=pointToPoint, 5=mixedMode)
4106    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4107xcmCONetbiosIntNodeTypeSource   -- NetBIOS over TCP Node Type Source
4108    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode 4 }
4109    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
4110    -- 3=static, 4=reserved, 5=viaBOOTP, 6=viaDHCP)
4112xcmCONetbiosIntNodeScope         -- NetBIOS over TCP Node Scope
4113    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode 5 }
4114    -- stringLocalization (must be valid DNS name)
4115    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4116xcmCONetbiosIntNodeScopeSource   -- NetBIOS over TCP Node Scope Source
4117    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntEndNode 6 }
4118    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
4119    -- 3=static, 4=reserved, 5=viaBOOTP, 6=viaDHCP)
4121xcmCONetbiosIntNameServerAddress -- NetBIOS over TCP Name Server Address
4122    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntNameServer 1 }
4123    -- stringLocalization (dotted decimal format, 'a.b.c.d')
4124    -- ('a' to 'd' [1-3 octets] - ASCII decimal of 1-octet components)
4125    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4126xcmCONetbiosIntNameServerSource  -- NetBIOS over TCP Name Server Source
4127    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntNameServer 2 }
4128    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
4129    -- 3=static, 4=reserved, 5=viaBOOTP, 6=viaDHCP)
4131xcmCONetbiosIntDistServerAddress -- NetBIOS over TCP Dist Server Address
4132    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntDistServer 1 }
4133    -- stringLocalization (dotted decimal format, 'a.b.c.d')
4134    -- ('a' to 'd' [1-3 octets] - ASCII decimal of 1-octet components)
4135    -- See: RFC 1001/1002 (NetBIOS over TCP) and RFC 2132 (DHCP Options)
4136xcmCONetbiosIntDistServerSource  -- NetBIOS over TCP Dist Server Source
4137    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosIntDistServer 2 }
4138    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other,
4139    -- 3=static, 4=reserved, 5=viaBOOTP, 6=viaDHCP)
4141xcmCONetbiosSAPInterval         -- SAP Interval (discovery)
4142    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSAP 1 }
4143    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
4145xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientMaxConns  -- Print Client Max Conns (concurrently)
4146    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 4 }
4147    -- integerNumber (0..n)
4148xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientSpool     -- Print Client Spool (printing)
4149    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 31 }
4150    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
4153xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientMaxSpool  -- Print Client Max Spool (printing)
4154    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 32 }
4155    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
4156xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientJobTimeout -- Print Client Job Timeout (printing)
4157    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 40 }
4158    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4159xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientAutoSwitch -- Print Client Auto Switch (printing)
4160    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 41 }
4161    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
4162xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientBinaryPS   -- Print Client Binary PS (printing)
4163    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 42 }
4164    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
4165    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
4166    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
4167xcmCONetbiosSMBPClientDefaultPDL -- Print Client Default PDL (printing)
4168    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPClient 43 }
4169    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
4170    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
4171    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
4172    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
4173    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
4174    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
4175    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
4177xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerMaxConns  -- Print Server Max Conns (concurrently)
4178    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 4 }
4179    -- integerNumber (0..n)
4180xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerSpool     -- Print Server Spool (printing)
4181    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 31 }
4182    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=disk, 4=ram)
4183xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerMaxSpool  -- Print Server Max Spool (printing)
4184    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 32 }
4185    -- integerNumber (spool area size in bytes, 0..n)
4186xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerJobTimeout -- Print Server Job Timeout (printing)
4187    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 40 }
4188    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4189xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerAutoSwitch -- Print Server Auto Switch (printing)
4190    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 41 }
4191    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
4192xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerBinaryPS   -- Print Server Binary PS (printing)
4193    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 42 }
4194    -- integerTruthValue (true=enableBinaryPS, false=disableBinaryPS)
4195    -- (interpret all PostScript jobs as binary - ignore control chars)
4196    -- (PostScript per job submission protocol or 'xxxDefaultPDL' below)
4197xcmCONetbiosSMBPServerDefaultPDL -- Print Server Default PDL (printing)
4198    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBPServer 43 }
4199    -- integerEnum ('XcmPrtInterpreterLangFamily' in XCMI Prt Ext TC)
4200    -- (fixed PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'none' or 'other')
4201    -- (default PDL if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'autoSwitch')
4202    -- (ignored if 'xxxAutoSwitch' is 'ps...' or 'hp...')
4203    -- See: 'prtInterpreterLangFamily' in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
4204    -- See: 'prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex' (default PDL via value
4205    --      of 'prtInterpreterIndex') in IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759)
4208xcmCONetbiosSMBFServerName      -- SMB Filing Server Name
4209    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbiosSMBFServer 1 }
4210    -- stringLocalization
4213--          NetBEUI Protocol Suite
4217    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 26 }
4218    -- integerTruthValue
4221    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbeuiSuite 1200 }
4222    -- integerTruthValue (w/ chain of 'xcmCOOsilan...')
4223xcmCONetbeuiLLC                 -- NetBEUI LLC (ISO/IEEE 802.2)
4224    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbeuiSuite 1201 }
4225    -- integerTruthValue
4226xcmCONetbeuiDLC                 -- NetBEUI DLC (IBM SNA DLC)
4227    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCONetbeuiSuite 1202 }
4228    -- integerTruthValue
4231--          Serial Protocol Suite
4235    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 27 }
4236    -- integerTruthValue
4239    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1100 }
4240    -- integerTruthValue
4242    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1101 }
4243    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=rs232, 4=rs422, 5=v35)
4244xcmCOSerialSignalOverride       -- Serial Signal Type Override
4245    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSignalType 1 }
4246    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOSerialSignalType' above)
4247xcmCOSerialSignalDetected       -- Serial Signal Type Detected
4248    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSignalType 2 }
4249    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOSerialSignalType' above)
4250xcmCOSerialSignalAdaptive       -- Serial Signal Type Adaptive
4251    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSignalType 3 }
4252    -- integerTruthValue
4253xcmCOSerialSignalSupport        -- OSI LAN Signal Type Support
4254    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSignalType 4 }
4255    -- integerEnum (list of 'xcmCOSerialSignalType' above)
4257    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1102 }
4258    -- integerNumber ('hrDeviceIndex' in IETF HR MIB, or 0=unknown)
4260    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialDevice 1 }
4263    -- stringLocalization ('xcmHrDevInfoName' in HRX, eg, '/dev/com1')
4265    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1103 }
4266    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4268    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSpeed 1 }
4269    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOSerialSpeed' above)
4271    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSpeed 2 }
4272    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOSerialSpeed' above)
4274    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSpeed 3 }
4275    -- integerTruthValue
4277    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSpeed 4 }
4278    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II, list of speeds)
4280    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSpeed 5 }
4281    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4283    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSpeed 6 }
4284    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4286    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1104 }
4287    -- integerTruthValue
4288xcmCOSerialInputTimeout         -- POSIX.1 'VTIME' * 10 (in 'termios.h')
4289    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1105 }
4290    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4292    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1106 }
4293    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4295    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1107 }
4296    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=db9, 4=db25, 5=v35, 6=rj11)
4297xcmCOSerialConnectorOverride    -- Serial Connector Type Override
4298    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialConnectorType 1 }
4299    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOSerialConnectorType' above)
4300xcmCOSerialConnectorDetected    -- Serial Connector Type Detected
4301    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialConnectorType 2 }
4302    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOSerialConnectorType' above)
4303xcmCOSerialConnectorAdaptive    -- Serial Connector Type Adaptive
4304    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialConnectorType 3 }
4305    -- integerTruthValue
4306xcmCOSerialMinInputChars        -- POSIX.1 'VMIN' (in 'termios.h')
4307    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1108 }
4308    -- integerNumber (0=infinite or 1..n)
4309xcmCOSerialMaxInputChars        -- POSIX.1 'nbyte' (in 'read()')
4310    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1109 }
4311    -- integerNumber (0=infinite or 1..n)
4313    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1111 }
4314    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=odd, 3=even, 4=mark, 5=space)
4316    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1112 }
4319    -- integerNumber (0=default or 5..8)
4321    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1113 }
4322    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=xonXoff, 3=rtsCts, 4=dtrDsr,
4323    -- 5=robustXonXoff)
4325    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1114 }
4326    -- integerEnum (0=default or 1=1 bit, 2=1.5 bits)
4328    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1115 }
4329    -- integerEnum (0=default or 1=1 bit, 2=2 bits, 3=1.5 bits)
4331    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1116 }
4332    -- integerTruthValue
4333xcmCOSerialDTR                  -- Data Terminal Ready
4334    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1121 }
4335    -- integerEnum (1=fixedHigh, 2=fixedLow, 3=activeHigh, 4=activeLow)
4336xcmCOSerialDSR                  -- Data Set Ready
4337    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1122 }
4338    -- integerEnum (1=fixedHigh, 2=fixedLow, 3=activeHigh, 4=activeLow)
4339xcmCOSerialCTS                  -- Clear To Send
4340    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1123 }
4341    -- integerEnum (1=fixedHigh, 2=fixedLow, 3=activeHigh, 4=activeLow)
4342xcmCOSerialRTS                  -- Request To Send
4343    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1124 }
4344    -- integerEnum (1=fixedHigh, 2=fixedLow, 3=activeHigh, 4=activeLow)
4347    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialSuite 1200 }
4348    -- integerTruthValue
4351    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOSerialDatalinks 1 }
4352    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
4355--          Parallel Protocol Suite
4359    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 28 }
4360    -- integerTruthValue
4363    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1100 }
4364    -- integerTruthValue
4366    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1101 }
4367    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=centronics, 4=ecp, 5=epp)
4368xcmCOParallelSignalOverride     -- Parallel Signal Type Override
4369    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSignalType 1 }
4370    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOParallelSignalType' above)
4371xcmCOParallelSignalDetected     -- Parallel Signal Type Detected
4372    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSignalType 2 }
4375    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOParallelSignalType' above)
4376xcmCOParallelSignalAdaptive     -- Parallel Signal Type Adaptive
4377    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSignalType 3 }
4378    -- integerTruthValue
4379xcmCOParallelSignalSupport      -- OSI LAN Signal Type Support
4380    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSignalType 4 }
4381    -- integerEnum (list of 'xcmCOParallelSignalType' above)
4383    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1102 }
4384    -- integerNumber ('hrDeviceIndex' in IETF HR MIB, or 0=unknown)
4386    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelDevice 1 }
4387    -- stringLocalization ('xcmHrDevInfoName' in HRX, eg, '/dev/lpr1')
4388xcmCOParallelDeviceID           -- IEEE 1284 Device Identifier
4389    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelDevice 2 }
4390    -- stringLocalization (set of capabilities as 'key:value(,value)')
4391    -- (keys and values MUST be US-ASCII)
4392    -- (spaces, tabs, formfeeds and line breaks are allowed and ignored)
4393    -- (values are delimited by a comma)
4394    -- (capabilites are delimited by a semicolon)
4395    -- (REQUIRED capabilities for all systems are:
4396    -- - MANUFACTURER (or abbreviation MFG)
4397    -- - COMMAND SET (or abbreviation CMD)
4398    -- - MODEL (or abbreviation MDL)
4399    -- (OPTIONAL capabilities for all systems include:
4400    -- - COMMENT
4402    -- (eg, 'MANUFACTURER: Xerox; COMMAND SET:PCL, PJL, PS; MODEL: ...')
4403    -- (see section 7.6 of IEEE 1284-2000)
4405    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1103 }
4406    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4408    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSpeed 1 }
4409    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOParallelSpeed' above)
4411    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSpeed 2 }
4412    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOParallelSpeed' above)
4414    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSpeed 3 }
4415    -- integerTruthValue
4417    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSpeed 4 }
4418    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II, list of speeds)
4420    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSpeed 5 }
4421    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4423    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSpeed 6 }
4424    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4426    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1104 }
4427    -- integerTruthValue
4428xcmCOParallelInputTimeout       -- POSIX.1 'VTIME' * 10 (in 'termios.h')
4431    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1105 }
4432    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4434    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1106 }
4435    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4437    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1107 }
4438    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=other, 3=centronics, 4=db25)
4439xcmCOParallelConnectorOverride  -- Parallel Connector Type Override
4440    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelConnectorType 1 }
4441    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOParallelConnectorType' above)
4442xcmCOParallelConnectorDetected  -- Parallel Connector Type Detected
4443    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelConnectorType 2 }
4444    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCOParallelConnectorType' above)
4445xcmCOParallelConnectorAdaptive  -- Parallel Connector Type Adaptive
4446    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelConnectorType 3 }
4447    -- integerTruthValue
4448xcmCOParallelMinInputChars      -- POSIX.1 'VMIN' (in 'termios.h')
4449    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1108 }
4450    -- integerNumber (0=infinite or 1..n)
4451xcmCOParallelMaxInputChars      -- POSIX.1 'nbyte' (in 'read()')
4452    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1109 }
4453    -- integerNumber (0=infinite or 1..n)
4455    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1111 }
4456    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=odd, 3=even, 4=mark, 5=space)
4458    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1112 }
4459    -- integerNumber (0=default or 7..8)
4461    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1113 }
4462    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=xonXoff)
4464    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1116 }
4465    -- integerTruthValue
4467    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1117 }
4468    -- integerEnum (1=none, 2=ackBusy, 3=ackBusyAck, 4=busyAck)
4470    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1118 }
4471    -- integerNumber (microseconds, 0=none, or 1..n)
4474    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelSuite 1200 }
4475    -- integerTruthValue
4478    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOParallelDatalinks 1 }
4479    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
4483--          Direct Print Protocol Suite (Serial/Parallel)
4487    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 29 }
4488    -- integerTruthValue
4491    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCODirectPrintSuite 1100 }
4492    -- integerTruthValue
4495    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCODirectPrintSuite 1200 }
4496    -- integerTruthValue
4499    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCODirectPrintDatalinks 1 }
4500    -- integerEnum
4501    -- Generic datastream encoding and interpreter modes
4502    -- See: Vendor datastream encoding and interpreter language specs
4503    -- (1=none,                 - no sense - binary datastream
4504    --  2=other,                - other sensing mode or fixed encoding
4505    --  3=autoSwitch,           - sense both encoding and interpreter
4506    -- Adobe datastream modes (default to PostScript languages)
4507    -- See: Adobe "Serial and Parallel Binary Communications Protocols"
4508    -- See: Adobe PostScript and PDF interpreter language specs
4509    -- 11=psAutoSwitch,         - sense encoding, PS languages default
4510    -- 12=psRaw,                - fixed Raw encoding, PS default
4511    -- 13=psStandard,           - fixed Standard encoding, PS default
4512    -- 14=psBCP,                - fixed BCP encoding, PS default
4513    -- 15=psTBCP,               - fixed TBCP encoding, PS default
4514    -- 16=psAutoSwitchBCP,      - sense PS, default to BCP encoding
4515    -- 17=psAutoSwitchTBCP,     - sense PS, default to TBCP encoding
4516    -- 18=psAutoSwitchRaw,      - sense PS, default to Raw encoding
4517    -- 19=psAutoSwitchStandard  - sense PS, default to Standard encoding
4518    -- HP datastream modes (default to HP languages)
4519    -- See: HP PCL, PJL, and GL interpreter language specs
4520    -- 21=hpAutoSwitch,         - sense encoding, HP languages default
4521    -- 22=hpText,               - fixed Text encoding, HP default
4522    -- 23=hpPCL,                - fixed PCL encoding, HP default
4523    -- 24=hpPJL,                - fixed PJL encoding, HP default
4524    -- 25=hpGL,                 - fixed GL encoding, HP default
4525    -- 26=hpAutoSwitchText,     - sense HP, default to Text encoding
4526    -- 27=hpAutoSwitchPCL,      - sense HP, default to PCL encoding
4527    -- 28=hpAutoSwitchPJL,      - sense HP, default to PJL encoding
4528    -- 29=hpAutoSwitchGL)       - sense HP, default to GL encoding
4531--          USB Protocol Suite
4535    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 30 }
4538    -- integerTruthValue
4541    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1100 }
4543    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1102 }
4544    -- integerNumber ('hrDeviceIndex' in IETF HR MIB, or 0=unknown)
4546    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbDevice 1 }
4547    -- stringLocalization ('xcmHrDevInfoName' in HRX, eg, '/dev/com1')
4549    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1103 }
4550    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4552    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSpeed 1 }
4553    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOUsbSpeed' above)
4555    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSpeed 2 }
4556    -- integerNumber (see 'xcmCOUsbSpeed' above)
4558    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSpeed 3 }
4559    -- integerTruthValue
4561    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSpeed 4 }
4562    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II, list of speeds)
4564    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSpeed 5 }
4565    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4567    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSpeed 6 }
4568    -- integerNumber (as in 'ifSpeed' in IETF MIB-II)
4570    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1104 }
4571    -- integerTruthValue
4572xcmCOUsbInputTimeout            -- POSIX.1 'VTIME' * 10 (in 'termios.h')
4573    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1105 }
4574    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4576    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1106 }
4577    -- integerNumber (seconds, 0=infinite or 1..n)
4578xcmCOUsbMinInputChars           -- POSIX.1 'VMIN' (in 'termios.h')
4579    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1108 }
4580    -- integerNumber (0=infinite or 1..n)
4581xcmCOUsbMaxInputChars           -- POSIX.1 'nbyte' (in 'read()')
4582    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1109 }
4583    -- integerNumber (0=infinite or 1..n)
4586    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbSuite 1200 }
4587    -- integerTruthValue
4590    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCOUsbDatalinks 1 }
4591    -- integerEnum (see 'xcmCODirectPrintProtocol' below)
4595--          The Comms Config TC Dummy Group (DO NOT USE)
4597--          DO NOT USE - Present to suppress compiler warnings ONLY!
4599--          Note:  The following objects have 'odd' use of case in their
4600--          names (ie, 'xCm...'), in order to make obvious their related
4601--          textual conventions
4603xCmCommsConfigDummy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xcmCommsConfigTC 999 }
4605xCmSnmpNetbiosAddress OBJECT-TYPE
4606    SYNTAX      XcmSnmpNetbiosAddress
4607    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4608    STATUS      current
4609    DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE"
4610    ::= { xCmCommsConfigDummy 1 }
4612xCmCommsConfigGroupSupport OBJECT-TYPE
4613    SYNTAX      XcmCommsConfigGroupSupport
4614    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4615    STATUS      current
4616    DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE"
4617    ::= { xCmCommsConfigDummy 2 }
4619xCmCommsDirRecordType OBJECT-TYPE
4620    SYNTAX      XcmCommsDirRecordType
4621    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4622    STATUS      current
4623    DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE"
4624    ::= { xCmCommsConfigDummy 3 }
4626xCmCommsDirAttributeType OBJECT-TYPE
4627    SYNTAX      XcmCommsDirAttributeType
4628    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4629    STATUS      current
4630    DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE"
4631    ::= { xCmCommsConfigDummy 4 }
4633xCmCommsLDAPAttributeType OBJECT-TYPE
4634    SYNTAX      XcmCommsLDAPAttributeType
4635    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4636    STATUS      current
4637    DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE"
4638    ::= { xCmCommsConfigDummy 5 }
4640xCmSnmpIPHostnameAddress OBJECT-TYPE
4641    SYNTAX      XcmSnmpIPHostnameAddress
4642    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
4643    STATUS      current
4644    DESCRIPTION "Dummy - DO NOT USE"
4645    ::= { xCmCommsConfigDummy 6 }