1swagger: "2.0"
3  title: The Giant Swarm API v4
4  description: |
5    This is the documentation for the Giant Swarm API starting at version `v4`.
7    For an introduction to Giant Swarm, refer to the [documentation site](https://docs.giantswarm.io/).
9    The Giant Swarm API attempts to behave in a __restful__ way. As a developer, you access resources using the `GET` method and, for example, delete them using the same path and the `DELETE` method.
11    Accessing resources via GET usually returns all information available about a resource, while collections, like for example the list of all clusters you have access to, only contain a selected few attributes of each member item.
13    Some requests, like for example the request to create a new cluster, don't return the resource itself. Instead, the response delivers a standard message body, showing a `code` and a `message` part. The `message` contains information for you or a client's end user. The `code` attribute contains some string (example: `RESOURCE_CREATED`) that is supposed to give you details on the state of the operation, in addition to standard HTTP status codes. This message format is also used in the case of errors. We provide a [list of all response codes](https://github.com/giantswarm/api-spec/blob/master/details/RESPONSE_CODES.md) outside this documentation.
15    Feedback on the API as well as this documentation is welcome via `support@giantswarm.io` or on IRC channel [#giantswarm](irc://irc.freenode.org:6667/#giantswarm) on freenode.
17    ## Source
19    The source of this documentation is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/giantswarm/api-spec).
21  termsOfService: https://giantswarm.io/terms/
22  version: 4.0.0
23  license:
24    name: Apache 2.0
25    url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
27  - application/json
29  - application/json
31  - name: auth tokens
32    description: |
33      Auth Tokens are your way of authenticating against this API. You can create one by passing your email and base64 encoded password to the create auth token endpoint. The auth token never expires, in case you want to invalidate it you need to delete it (logout).
34  - name: clusters
35    description: |
36      Clusters are a central resource of the Giant Swarm API. As a user or team using Giant Swarm, you set up Kubernetes clusters to run your own workloads.
38      The API currently provides operations to create and delete clusters, as well as list all available clusters and get details on specific clusters.
39  - name: info
40    description: Information about the Giant Swarm installation
41  - name: key pairs
42    description: A key pair is a unique combination of a X.509 certificate and a private key. Key pairs are used to access the Kubernetes API of a cluster, both using `kubectl` and any standard web browser.
43    externalDocs:
44      url: https://docs.giantswarm.io/guides/accessing-services-from-the-outside/
45      description: "User guide: Accessing Pods and Services from the Outside"
46  - name: organizations
47    description: Organizations are groups of users who own resources like clusters.
48  - name: users
49    description: A user represents a person that should have access to the Giant Swarm API. Users can belong to many groups, and are identified by email address.
50  - name: releases
51    description: |
52      A release is a software bundle that constitutes a cluster.
54      Releases are identified by their
55      [semantic version number](http://semver.org/) in the `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`
56      format.
58      A release provides _components_, like for example Kubernetes. For each
59      release the contained components are listed. Changes in components are
60      detailed in the _changelog_ of a release.
62  AuthorizationHeaderToken:
63    description: |
64      Clients authenticate by passing an auth token via the `Authorization`
65      header with a value of the format `giantswarm <token>`. Auth tokens can be
66      obtained using the [createAuthToken](#operation/createAuthToken)
67      operation.
68    type: apiKey
69    name: Authorization
70    in: header
73  - AuthorizationHeaderToken: []
76  /v4/info/:
77    get:
78      operationId: getInfo
79      tags:
80        - info
81      summary: Get information on the installation
82      description: |
83        Returns a set of details on the installation. The output varies based
84        on the provider used in the installation.
86        This information is useful for example when creating new cluster, to
87        prevent creating clusters with more worker nodes than possible.
89        ### Example for an AWS-based installation
91        ```json
92        {
93          "general": {
94            "installation_name": "shire",
95            "provider": "aws",
96            "datacenter": "eu-central-1"
97          },
98          "workers": {
99            "count_per_cluster": {
100              "max": 20,
101              "default": 3
102            },
103            "instance_type": {
104              "options": [
105                "m3.medium", "m3.large", "m3.xlarge"
106              ],
107              "default": "m3.large"
108            }
109          }
110        }
111        ```
113        ### Example for a KVM-based installation
115        ```json
116        {
117          "general": {
118            "installation_name": "isengard",
119            "provider": "kvm",
120            "datacenter": "string"
121          },
122          "workers": {
123            "count_per_cluster": {
124              "max": 8,
125              "default": 3
126            },
127          }
128        }
129        ```
130      parameters:
131        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
132        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
133        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
134        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
135      responses:
136        "200":
137          description: Information
138          schema:
139            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4InfoResponse"
140          examples:
141            application/json:
142              {
143                "general": {
144                  "installation_name": "shire",
145                  "provider": "aws",
146                  "datacenter": "eu-central-1"
147                },
148                "workers": {
149                  "count_per_cluster": {
150                    "max": 20,
151                    "default": 3
152                  },
153                  "instance_type": {
154                    "options": [
155                      "m3.medium", "m3.large", "m3.xlarge"
156                    ],
157                    "default": "m3.large"
158                  }
159                }
160              }
161        "401":
162          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
163        default:
164          description: Error
165          schema:
166            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
168  /v4/auth-tokens/:
169    post:
170      operationId: createAuthToken
171      tags:
172        - auth tokens
173      summary: Create Auth Token (Login)
174      description: |
175        Creates a Auth Token for a given user. Must authenticate with email and password.
176      parameters:
177        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
178        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
179        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
180        - name: body
181          in: body
182          required: true
183          description: Create Auth Token Request
184          schema:
185            $ref: 'definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4CreateAuthTokenRequest'
186          x-examples:
187            application/json:
188              {
189                "email": "developer@example.com",
190                "password_base64": "cGFzc3dvcmQ="
191              }
192      responses:
193        "200":
194          description: Success
195          schema:
196            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4CreateAuthTokenResponse"
197          examples:
198            application/json:
199              {
200                "auth_token": "e5239484-2299-41df-b901-d0568db7e3f9"
201              }
202        "401":
203          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
205    delete:
206      operationId: deleteAuthToken
207      tags:
208        - auth tokens
209      summary: Delete Auth Token (Logout)
210      description: |
211        Deletes the authentication token provided in the Authorization header. This effectively logs you out.
212      parameters:
213        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
214        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
215        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
216        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
217      responses:
218        "200":
219          description: Success
220          schema:
221            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
222          examples:
223            application/json:
224              {
225                "code": "RESOURCE_DELETED",
226                "message": "The authentication token has been succesfully deleted."
227              }
228        "401":
229          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
231  /v4/users/:
232    get:
233      operationId: getUsers
234      tags:
235        - users
236      summary: Get users
237      description: |
238        Returns a list of all users in the system. Currently this endpoint is only available to users with admin permissions.
239      parameters:
240        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
241        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
242        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
243        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
244      responses:
245        "200":
246          description: Success
247          schema:
248            type: array
249            items:
250              $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4UserListItem"
251          examples:
252            application/json:
253              [
254                {"email": "andy@example.com", "created": "2017-01-15T12:00:00Z", "expiry": "2019-01-15T00:00:00Z"},
255                {"email": "bob@example.com", "created": "2017-02-15T12:30:00Z", "expiry": "2020-01-15T00:00:00Z"},
256                {"email": "charles@example.com", "created": "2017-03-15T13:00:00Z", "expiry": "2021-01-15T00:00:00Z"}
257              ]
258        "401":
259          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
260        default:
261          description: Error
262          schema:
263            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
265  /v4/user/:
266    get:
267      operationId: getCurrentUser
268      tags:
269        - users
270      summary: Get current user
271      description: |
272        Returns details about the currently authenticated user
273      parameters:
274        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
275        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
276        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
277        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
278      responses:
279        "200":
280          description: Success
281          schema:
282            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4UserListItem"
283          examples:
284            application/json:
285              {"email": "andy@example.com", "created": "2017-01-15T12:00:00Z", "expiry": "2019-01-15T00:00:00Z"}
286        "401":
287          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
288        default:
289          description: Error
290          schema:
291            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
293  /v4/users/{email}/:
294    get:
295      operationId: getUser
296      parameters:
297        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
298        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
299        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
300        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
301        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/UserEmailPathParameter"
302      tags:
303        - users
304      summary: Get user
305      description: |
306        Returns details about a specific user
307      responses:
308        "200":
309          description: Success
310          schema:
311            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4UserListItem"
312          examples:
313            application/json:
314              {"email": "andy@example.com", "created": "2017-01-15T12:00:00Z", "expiry": "2019-01-15T00:00:00Z"}
315        "401":
316          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
317        "404":
318          description: User not found
319          schema:
320            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
321          examples:
322            application/json:
323              {
324                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
325                "message": "The user could not be found. (not found: user with email 'bob@example.com' could not be found)"
326              }
327        default:
328          description: Error
329          schema:
330            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
332    put:
333      operationId: createUser
334      parameters:
335        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
336        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
337        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
338        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
339        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/UserEmailPathParameter"
340        - name: body
341          in: body
342          required: true
343          description: User account details
344          schema:
345            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4CreateUserRequest"
346          x-examples:
347            application/json:
348              {
349                "password": "cGFzc3dvcmQ=",
350                "expiry": "2020-01-01T12:00:00.000Z"
351              }
352      tags:
353        - users
354      summary: Create user
355      description: |
356        Creates a users in the system. Currently this endpoint is only available to users with admin permissions.
357      responses:
358        "201":
359          description: User created
360          schema:
361            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
362          examples:
363            application/json:
364              {
365                "code": "RESOURCE_CREATED",
366                "message": "The user with email 'bob@example.com' has been created."
367              }
368        "400":
369          description: User already exists
370          schema:
371            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
372          examples:
373            application/json:
374              {
375                "code": "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
376                "message": "The user could not be created. (invalid input: email 'bob@example.com' already exists)"
377              }
378        "401":
379          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
380        default:
381          description: Error
382          schema:
383            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
385    delete:
386      operationId: deleteUser
387      parameters:
388        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
389        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
390        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
391        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
392        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/UserEmailPathParameter"
393      tags:
394        - users
395      summary: Delete user
396      description: |
397        Deletes a users in the system. Currently this endpoint is only available
398        to users with admin permissions.
399      responses:
400        "200":
401          description: User deleted
402          schema:
403            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
404          examples:
405            application/json:
406              {
407                "code": "RESOURCE_DELETED",
408                "message": "The user with email 'bob@example.com' has been deleted."
409              }
410        "401":
411          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
412        "404":
413          description: User not found
414          schema:
415            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
416          examples:
417            application/json:
418              {
419                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
420                "message": "The user could not be deleted. (not found: user with email 'bob@example.com' could not be found)"
421              }
422        default:
423          description: Error
424          schema:
425            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
427  /v4/clusters/:
428    get:
429      operationId: getClusters
430      tags:
431        - clusters
432      summary: Get clusters
433      description: |
434        This operation fetches a list of clusters.
436        The result depends on the permissions of the user.
437        A normal user will get all the clusters the user has access
438        to, via organization membership.
439        A user with admin permission will receive a list of all existing
440        clusters.
442        The result array items are sparse representations of the cluster objects.
443        To fetch more details on a cluster, use the [getCluster](#operation/getCluster)
444        operation.
445      parameters:
446        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
447        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
448        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
449        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
450      responses:
451        "200":
452          description: Success
453          schema:
454            type: array
455            items:
456              $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4ClusterListItem"
457          examples:
458            application/json:
459              [
460                {
461                  "id": "g8s3o",
462                  "create_date": "2017-06-08T12:31:47.215Z",
463                  "name": "Staging Cluster",
464                  "owner": "acme"
465                },
466                {
467                  "id": "3dkr6",
468                  "create_date": "2017-05-22T13:58:02.024Z",
469                  "name": "Test Cluster",
470                  "owner": "testorg"
471                }
472              ]
473        "401":
474          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
475        default:
476          description: Error
477          schema:
478            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
479    post:
480      operationId: addCluster
481      tags:
482        - clusters
483      summary: Create cluster
484      description: |
485        This operation is used to create a new Kubernetes cluster for an
486        organization. The desired configuration can be specified using the
487        __cluster definition format__ (see
488        [external documentation](https://github.com/giantswarm/api-spec/blob/master/details/CLUSTER_DEFINITION.md)
489        for details).
491        The cluster definition format allows to set a number of optional
492        configuration details, like memory size and number of CPU cores.
493        However, one attribute is __mandatory__ upon creation: The `owner`
494        attribute must carry the name of the organization the cluster will
495        belong to. Note that the acting user must be a member of that
496        organization in order to create a cluster.
498        It is *recommended* to also specify the `name` attribute to give the
499        cluster a friendly name, like e. g. "Development Cluster".
501        Additional definition attributes can be used. Where attributes are
502        omitted, default configuration values will be applied. For example, if
503        no `release_version` is specified, the most recent version is used.
505        The `workers` attribute, if present, must contain an array of node
506        definition objects. The number of objects given determines the number
507        of workers created.
509        For example, requesting three worker nodes with default configuration
510        can be achieved by submitting an array of three empty objects:
512        ```"workers": [{}, {}, {}]```
514        For clusters on AWS, note that all worker nodes must use the same instance type.
516      parameters:
517        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
518        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
519        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
520        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
521        - name: body
522          in: body
523          required: true
524          description: New cluster definition
525          schema:
526            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4AddClusterRequest"
527          x-examples:
528            application/json:
529              {
530                "owner": "myteam",
531                "release_version": "1.4.2",
532                "name": "Example cluster with 3 default worker nodes",
533                "workers": [{}, {}, {}]
534              }
535      responses:
536        "201":
537          description: Cluster created
538          headers:
539            Location:
540              type: string
541              description: URI to obtain details on the new cluster using the [getCluster](#operation/getCluster) operation
542          schema:
543            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
544          examples:
545            application/json:
546              {
547                "code": "RESOURCE_CREATED",
548                "message": "A new cluster has been created with ID 'wqtlq'"
549              }
550        "401":
551          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
552        default:
553          description: error
554          schema:
555            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
557  /v4/clusters/{cluster_id}/:
558    get:
559      operationId: getCluster
560      tags:
561        - clusters
562      parameters:
563        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
564        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
565        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
566        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
567        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/ClusterIdPathParameter"
568      summary: Get cluster details
569      description: |
570        This operation allows to obtain all available details on a particular cluster.
571      responses:
572        "200":
573          description: Cluster details
574          schema:
575            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4ClusterDetailsResponse"
576          examples:
577            application/json:
578              {
579                "id": "wqtlq",
580                "create_date": "2017-03-03T10:50:45.949270905Z",
581                "api_endpoint": "https://api.wqtlq.example.com",
582                "name": "Just a Standard Cluster",
583                "release_version": "2.5.16",
584                "kubernetes_version": "",
585                "owner": "acme",
586                "workers": [
587                  {
588                    "memory": {"size_gb": 2.0},
589                    "storage": {"size_gb": 20.0},
590                    "cpu": {"cores": 4},
591                    "labels": {
592                      "beta.kubernetes.io/arch": "amd64",
593                      "beta.kubernetes.io/os": "linux",
594                      "ip": "",
595                      "kubernetes.io/hostname": "worker-1.x882ofna.k8s.gigantic.io",
596                      "nodetype": "hicpu"
597                    }
598                  },
599                  {
600                    "memory": {"size_gb": 8.0},
601                    "storage": {"size_gb": 20.0},
602                    "cpu": {"cores": 2},
603                    "labels": {
604                      "beta.kubernetes.io/arch": "amd64",
605                      "beta.kubernetes.io/os": "linux",
606                      "ip": "",
607                      "kubernetes.io/hostname": "worker-2.x882ofna.k8s.gigantic.io",
608                      "nodetype": "hiram"
609                    }
610                  }
611                ],
612                "kvm": {
613                  "port_mappings": [
614                    {
615                      "port": 30020,
616                      "protocol": "http"
617                    },
618                    {
619                      "port": 30021,
620                      "protocol": "https"
621                    },
622                  ]
623                }
624              }
625        "401":
626          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
627        "404":
628          description: Cluster not found
629          schema:
630            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
631          examples:
632            application/json:
633              {
634                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
635                "message": "The cluster with ID 'wqtlq' could not be found, or perhaps you do not have access to it. Please make sure the cluster ID is correct, and that you are a member of the organization that it belongs to."
636              }
637        default:
638          description: error
639          schema:
640            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
641    patch:
642      operationId: modifyCluster
643      tags:
644        - clusters
645      parameters:
646        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
647        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
648        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
649        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
650        - name: body
651          in: body
652          required: true
653          description: Merge-patch body
654          schema:
655            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4ModifyClusterRequest"
656          x-examples:
657            application/merge-patch+json:
658              {
659                "name": "New cluster name"
660              }
661        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/ClusterIdPathParameter"
662      summary: Modify cluster
663      description: |
664        This operation allows to modify an existing cluster.
666        A cluster modification is performed by submitting a `PATCH` request
667        to the cluster resource (as described in the
668        [addCluster](#operation/addCluster) and [getCluster](#operation/getCluster))
669        in form of a [JSON Patch Merge
670        (RFC 7386)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7386). This means, only the
671        attributes to be modified have to be contained in the request body.
673        The following attributes can be modified:
675        - `name`: Rename the cluster to something more fitting.
677        - `owner`: Changing the owner organization name means to change cluster
678        ownership from one organization to another. The user performing the
679        request has to be a member of both organizations.
681        - `release_version`: By changing this attribute you can upgrade a
682        cluster to a newer
683        [release](https://docs.giantswarm.io/api/#tag/releases).
685        - `workers`: By modifying the array of workers, nodes can be added to
686        increase the cluster's capacity. See details below.
688        ### Adding and Removing Worker Nodes (Scaling)
690        Adding worker nodes to a cluster or removing worker nodes from a cluster
691        works by submitting the `workers` attribute, which contains a (sparse)
692        array of worker node defintions.
694        _Sparse_ here means that all configuration details are optional. In the
695        case that worker nodes are added to a cluster, wherever a configuration
696        detail is missing, defaults will be applied. See
697        [Creating a cluster](#operation/addCluster) for details.
699        When modifying the cluster resource, you describe the desired state.
700        For scaling, this means that the worker node array submitted must
701        contain as many elements as the cluster should have worker nodes.
702        If your cluster currently has five nodes and you submit a workers
703        array with four elements, this means that one worker node will be removed.
704        If your submitted workers array has six elements, this means one will
705        be added.
707        As an example, this request body could be used to scale a cluster to
708        three worker nodes:
710        ```json
711        {
712          "workers": [{}, {}, {}]
713        }
714        ```
716        If the scaled cluster had four worker nodes before, one would be removed.
717        If it had two worker nodes before, one with default settings would be
718        added.
720        ### Limitations
722        - As of now, existing worker nodes cannot be modified.
723        - When removing nodes (scaling down), it is not possible to determine
724        which nodes will be removed.
725        - On AWS based clusters, all worker nodes must use the same EC2 instance
726        type (`instance_type` node attribute). By not setting an `instance_type`
727        when submitting a PATCH request, you ensure that the right instance type
728        is used automatically.
730      responses:
731        "200":
732          description: Cluster modified
733          schema:
734            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4ClusterDetailsResponse"
735        "401":
736          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
737        "404":
738          description: Cluster not found
739          schema:
740            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
741          examples:
742            application/json:
743              {
744                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
745                "message": "The cluster with ID 'wqtlq' could not be found, or perhaps you do not have access to it. Please make sure the cluster ID is correct, and that you are a member of the organization that it belongs to."
746              }
747        default:
748          description: error
749          schema:
750            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
751    delete:
752      operationId: deleteCluster
753      tags:
754        - clusters
755      parameters:
756        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
757        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
758        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
759        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
760        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/ClusterIdPathParameter"
761      summary: Delete cluster
762      description: |
763        This operation allows to delete a cluster.
765        __Caution:__ Deleting a cluster causes the termination of all workloads running on the cluster. Data stored on the worker nodes will be lost. There is no way to undo this operation.
767        The response is sent as soon as the request is validated.
768        At that point, workloads might still be running on the cluster and may be accessible for a little wile, until the cluster is actually deleted.
769      responses:
770        "202":
771          description: Deleting cluster
772          schema:
773            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
774          examples:
775            application/json:
776              {
777                "code": "RESOURCE_DELETION_STARTED",
778                "message": "The cluster with ID 'wqtlq' is being deleted."
779              }
780        "401":
781          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
782        "404":
783          description: Cluster not found
784          schema:
785            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
786          examples:
787            application/json:
788              {
789                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
790                "message": "The cluster with ID 'wqtlq' could not be found, or perhaps you do not have access to it. Please make sure the cluster ID is correct, and that you are a member of the organization that it belongs to."
791              }
792        default:
793          description: error
794          schema:
795            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
797  /v4/clusters/{cluster_id}/key-pairs/:
798    get:
799      operationId: getKeyPairs
800      tags:
801        - key pairs
802      summary: Get key pairs
803      description: |
804        Returns a list of information on all key pairs of a cluster as an array.
806        The individual array items contain metadata on the key pairs, but neither the key nor the certificate. These can only be obtained upon creation, using the [addKeypair](#operation/addKeyPair) operation.
807      parameters:
808        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
809        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
810        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
811        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
812        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/ClusterIdPathParameter"
813      responses:
814        "200":
815          description: Key pairs
816          schema:
817            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GetKeyPairsResponse"
818        "401":
819          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
820        default:
821          description: error
822          schema:
823            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
824    post:
825      operationId: addKeyPair
826      tags:
827        - key pairs
828      summary: Create key pair
829      parameters:
830        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
831        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
832        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
833        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
834        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/ClusterIdPathParameter"
835        - name: body
836          in: body
837          required: true
838          description: |
839            While the `ttl_hours` attribute is optional and will be set to a default value when omitted, the `description` is mandatory.
840          schema:
841            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4AddKeyPairRequest"
842          x-examples:
843            application/json:
844              {
845                "description": "Admin key pair lasting twelve hours",
846                "ttl_hours": 12,
847                "certificate_organizations": "system:masters"
848              }
849      description: |
850        This operation allows to create a new key pair for accessing a specific cluster.
852        A key pair consists of an unencrypted private RSA key and an X.509 certificate. In addition, when obtaining a key pair for a cluster, the cluster's certificate authority file (CA certificate) is delivered, which is required by TLS clients to establish trust to the cluster.
854        In addition to the credentials itself, a key pair has some metadata like a unique ID, a creation timestamp and a free text `description` that you can use at will, for example to note for whom a key pair has been issued.
856        ### Customizing the certificate's subject for K8s RBAC
858        It is possible to set the Common Name and Organization fields of the generated certificate's subject.
860        - `cn_prefix`: The certificate's common name uses this format: `<cn_prefix>.user.<clusterdomain>`.
862          `clusterdomain` is specific to your cluster and is not editable.
864          The `cn_prefix` however is editable. When left blank it will default
865          to the email address of the Giant Swarm user that is performing the
866          create key pair request.
868          The common name is used as the username for requests to the Kubernetes API. This allows you
869          to set up role-based access controls.
872        - `certificate_organizations`: This will set the certificate's `organization` fields. Use a comma separated list of values.
873          The Kubernetes API will use these values as group memberships.
875        __Note:__ The actual credentials coming with the key pair (key, certificate) can only be accessed once, as the result of the `POST` request that triggers their creation. This restriction exists to minimize the risk of credentials being leaked. If you fail to capture the credentials upon creation, you'll have to repeat the creation request.
876      responses:
877        "200":
878          description: Success
879          schema:
880            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4AddKeyPairResponse"
881          examples:
882            application/json:
883              {
884                "certificate_authority_data": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
885                "client_key_data": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
886                "client_certificate_data": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
887                "create_date": "2016-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",
888                "description": "Key pair description",
889                "id": "02:cc:da:f9:fb:ce:c3:e5:e1:f6:27:d8:43:48:0d:37:4a:ee:b9:67",
890                "ttl_hours": 8640
891              }
892        "401":
893          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
895  /v4/organizations/:
896    get:
897      operationId: getOrganizations
898      tags:
899        - organizations
900      summary: Get organizations
901      description: |
902        This operation allows to fetch a list of organizations the user is a
903        member of. In the case of an admin user, the result includes all
904        existing organizations.
905      parameters:
906        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
907        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
908        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
909        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
910      responses:
911        "200":
912          description: Success
913          schema:
914            type: array
915            items:
916              $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4OrganizationListItem"
917          examples:
918            application/json:
919              [
920                {"id": "acme"},
921                {"id": "giantswarm"},
922                {"id": "testorg"}
923              ]
924        "401":
925          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
926        default:
927          description: Error
928          schema:
929            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
931  /v4/organizations/{organization_id}/:
932    get:
933      operationId: getOrganization
934      tags:
935        - organizations
936      summary: Get organization details
937      description: |
938        This operation fetches organization details.
939      parameters:
940        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
941        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
942        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
943        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
944        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/OrganizationIdPathParameter"
945      responses:
946        "200":
947          description: Organization details
948          schema:
949            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4Organization"
950          examples:
951            application/json:
952              {
953                "id": "acme",
954                "members": [
955                  {"email": "user1@example.com"},
956                  {"email": "user2@example.com"}
957                ]
958              }
959        "401":
960          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
961        "404":
962          description: Organization not found
963          schema:
964            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
965          examples:
966            application/json:
967              {
968                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
969                "message": "The organization could not be found. (not found: the organization with id 'acme' could not be found)"
970              }
971        default:
972          description: Error
973          schema:
974            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
975    put:
976      operationId: addOrganization
977      tags:
978        - organizations
979      summary: Create an organization
980      description: |
981        This operation allows a user to create an organization.
982      parameters:
983        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
984        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
985        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
986        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
987        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/OrganizationIdPathParameter"
988        - name: body
989          in: body
990          required: true
991          schema:
992            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4Organization"
993          x-examples:
994            application/json:
995              {
996                "id": "string",
997                "members": [
998                  {"email": "myself@example.com"},
999                  {"email": "colleague@example.com"}
1000                ]
1001              }
1002      responses:
1003        "201":
1004          description: Organization created
1005          schema:
1006            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4Organization"
1007          examples:
1008            application/json:
1009              {
1010                "id": "acme",
1011                "members": [
1012                  {"email": "user1@example.com"},
1013                  {"email": "user2@example.com"}
1014                ]
1015              }
1016        "401":
1017          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
1018        "409":
1019          description: Organization already exists
1020          schema:
1021            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1022          examples:
1023            application/json:
1024              {
1025                "code": "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
1026                "message": "The organization could not be created. (org already exists)"
1027              }
1028        default:
1029          description: Error
1030          schema:
1031            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1032    patch:
1033      operationId: modifyOrganization
1034      tags:
1035        - organizations
1036      parameters:
1037        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
1038        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
1039        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
1040        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
1041        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/OrganizationIdPathParameter"
1042        - name: body
1043          in: body
1044          required: true
1045          schema:
1046            type: object
1047            properties:
1048              members:
1049                type: array
1050                description: List of members that belong to this organization
1051                items:
1052                  $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4OrganizationMember"
1053          x-examples:
1054            application/merge-patch+json:
1055              {
1056                "members": [{"email": "myself@example.com"}]
1057              }
1059      summary: Modify organization
1060      description: |
1061        This operation allows you to modify an existing organization. You must be
1062        a member of the organization or an admin in order to use this endpoint.
1064        The following attributes can be modified:
1066        - `members`: By modifying the array of members, members can be added to or removed from the organization
1068        The request body must conform with the [JSON Patch Merge (RFC 7386)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7386) standard.
1069        Requests have to be sent with the `Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json` header.
1071        The full request must be valid before it will be executed, currently this
1072        means every member you attempt to add to the organization must actually
1073        exist in the system. If any member you attempt to add is invalid, the entire
1074        patch operation will fail, no members will be added or removed, and an error message
1075        will explain which members in your request are invalid.
1076      responses:
1077        "200":
1078          description: Organization modified
1079          schema:
1080            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4Organization"
1081        "400":
1082          description: Invalid input
1083          schema:
1084            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1085          examples:
1086            application/json:
1087              {
1088                "code": "INVALID_INPUT",
1089                "message": "The organization could not be modified. (invalid input: user 'invalid-email' does not exist or is invalid)"
1090              }
1091        "401":
1092          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
1093        "404":
1094          description: Organization not found
1095          schema:
1096            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1097          examples:
1098            application/json:
1099              {
1100                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
1101                "message": "The organization could not be modified. (not found: the organization with id 'acme' could not be found)"
1102              }
1103        default:
1104          description: error
1105          schema:
1106            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1107    delete:
1108      operationId: deleteOrganization
1109      tags:
1110        - organizations
1111      summary: Delete an organization
1112      description: |
1113        This operation allows a user to delete an organization that they are a member of.
1114        Admin users can delete any organization.
1115      parameters:
1116        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
1117        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
1118        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
1119        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
1120        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/OrganizationIdPathParameter"
1121      responses:
1122        "200":
1123          description: Organization deleted
1124          schema:
1125            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1126          examples:
1127            application/json:
1128              {
1129                "code": "RESOURCE_DELETED",
1130                "message": "The organization with ID 'acme' has been deleted."
1131              }
1132        "401":
1133          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
1134        "404":
1135          description: Organization not found
1136          schema:
1137            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1138          examples:
1139            application/json:
1140              {
1141                "code": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
1142                "message": "The organization could not be deleted. (not found: the organization with id 'acme' could not be found)"
1143              }
1144        default:
1145          description: Error
1146          schema:
1147            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1149  /v4/organizations/{organization_id}/credentials/:
1150    post:
1151      operationId: addCredentials
1152      tags:
1153        - organizations
1154      summary: Set credentials
1155      description: |
1156        Add a set of credentials to the organization allowing the creation and
1157        operation of clusters within a cloud provider account/subscription.
1159        The actual type of these credentials depends on the cloud provider the
1160        installation is running on. Currently, only AWS is supported, with
1161        support for Azure being planned for the near future.
1163        Credentials in an organization are immutable. Each organization can only
1164        have one set of credentials.
1166        Once credentials have been set for an organization, they are used for
1167        every new cluster that will be created for the organization.
1169        ### Example request body for AWS
1171        ```json
1172        {
1173          "provider": "aws",
1174          "aws": {
1175            "roles": {
1176              "admin": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/GiantSwarmAdmin",
1177              "awsoperator": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/GiantSwarmAWSOperator"
1178            }
1179          }
1180        }
1181        ```
1182      parameters:
1183        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
1184        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
1185        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
1186        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
1187        - $ref: "./parameters.yaml#/parameters/OrganizationIdPathParameter"
1188        - name: body
1189          in: body
1190          required: true
1191          schema:
1192            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4AddCredentialsRequest"
1193          x-examples:
1194            application/json:
1195              {
1196                "provider": "aws",
1197                "aws": {
1198                  "roles": {
1199                    "admin": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/GiantSwarmAdmin",
1200                    "awsoperator": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/GiantSwarmAWSOperator"
1201                  }
1202                }
1203              }
1204      responses:
1205        "201":
1206          description: Credentials created
1207          headers:
1208            Location:
1209              type: string
1210              description: URI of the new credentials resource
1211          schema:
1212            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1213          examples:
1214            application/json:
1215              {
1216                "code": "RESOURCE_CREATED",
1217                "message": "A new set of credentials has been created with ID '5d9h4'"
1218              }
1219        "401":
1220          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"
1221        "409":
1222          description: Conflict
1223          schema:
1224            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1225          examples:
1226            application/json:
1227              {
1228                "code": "RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS",
1229                "message": "The organisation already has a set of credentials"
1230              }
1231        default:
1232          description: error
1233          schema:
1234            $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4GenericResponse"
1236  /v4/releases/:
1237    get:
1238      operationId: getReleases
1239      tags:
1240        - releases
1241      summary: Get releases
1242      description: |
1243        Lists all releases available for new clusters or for upgrading existing
1244        clusters. Might also serve as an archive to obtain details on older
1245        releases.
1246      parameters:
1247        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/RequiredGiantSwarmAuthorizationHeader'
1248        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XRequestIDHeader'
1249        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmActivityHeader'
1250        - $ref: './parameters.yaml#/parameters/XGiantSwarmCmdLineHeader'
1251      responses:
1252        "200":
1253          description: Releases list
1254          schema:
1255            type: array
1256            items:
1257              $ref: "./definitions.yaml#/definitions/V4ReleaseListItem"
1258          examples:
1259            application/json:
1260              [
1261                {
1262                  "version": "1.14.9",
1263                  "timestamp": "2017-09-21T08:14:03.37759Z",
1264                  "changelog": [
1265                    {
1266                      "component": "kubernetes",
1267                      "description": "Security fixes"
1268                    },
1269                    {
1270                      "component": "calico",
1271                      "description": "Security fixes"
1272                    }
1273                  ],
1274                  "components": [
1275                    {
1276                      "name": "kubernetes",
1277                      "version": "1.5.8"
1278                    },
1279                    {
1280                      "name": "calico",
1281                      "version": "0.9.1"
1282                    }
1283                  ],
1284                  "active": false
1285                },
1286                {
1287                  "version": "2.8.4",
1288                  "timestamp": "2017-11-11T12:24:56.59969Z",
1289                  "changelog": [
1290                    {
1291                      "component": "calico",
1292                      "description": "Bugfix"
1293                    }
1294                  ],
1295                  "components": [
1296                    {
1297                      "name": "kubernetes",
1298                      "version": "1.7.3"
1299                    },
1300                    {
1301                      "name": "calico",
1302                      "version": "1.1.1"
1303                    }
1304                  ],
1305                  "active": true
1306                }
1307              ]
1308        "401":
1309          $ref: "./responses.yaml#/responses/V4Generic401Response"