1package letsencrypt // import "rsc.io/letsencrypt"
3Package letsencrypt obtains TLS certificates from LetsEncrypt.org.
5LetsEncrypt.org is a service that issues free SSL/TLS certificates to
6servers that can prove control over the given domain's DNS records or the
7servers pointed at by those records.
12Like any other random code you find on the internet, this package should not
13be relied upon in important, production systems without thorough testing to
14ensure that it meets your needs.
16In the long term you should be using
17https://golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert instead of this package. Send
18improvements there, not here.
20This is a package that I wrote for my own personal web sites (swtch.com,
21rsc.io) in a hurry when my paid-for SSL certificate was expiring. It has no
22tests, has barely been used, and there is some anecdotal evidence that it
23does not properly renew certificates in a timely fashion, so servers that
24run for more than 3 months may run into trouble. I don't run this code
25anymore: to simplify maintenance, I moved the sites off of Ubuntu VMs and
26onto Google App Engine, configured with inexpensive long-term certificates
27purchased from cheapsslsecurity.com.
29This package was interesting primarily as an example of how simple the API
30for using LetsEncrypt.org could be made, in contrast to the low-level
31implementations that existed at the time. In that respect, it helped inform
32the design of the golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert package.
35Quick Start
37A complete HTTP/HTTPS web server using TLS certificates from
38LetsEncrypt.org, redirecting all HTTP access to HTTPS, and maintaining TLS
39certificates in a file letsencrypt.cache across server restarts.
41    package main
43    import (
44    	"fmt"
45    	"log"
46    	"net/http"
47    	"rsc.io/letsencrypt"
48    )
50    func main() {
51    	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
52    		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, TLS!\n")
53    	})
54    	var m letsencrypt.Manager
55    	if err := m.CacheFile("letsencrypt.cache"); err != nil {
56    		log.Fatal(err)
57    	}
58    	log.Fatal(m.Serve())
59    }
64The fundamental type in this package is the Manager, which manages obtaining
65and refreshing a collection of TLS certificates, typically for use by an
66HTTPS server. The example above shows the most basic use of a Manager. The
67use can be customized by calling additional methods of the Manager.
72A Manager m registers anonymously with LetsEncrypt.org, including agreeing
73to the letsencrypt.org terms of service, the first time it needs to obtain a
74certificate. To register with a particular email address and with the option
75of a prompt for agreement with the terms of service, call m.Register.
80The Manager's GetCertificate method returns certificates from the Manager's
81cache, filling the cache by requesting certificates from LetsEncrypt.org. In
82this way, a server with a tls.Config.GetCertificate set to m.GetCertificate
83will demand load a certificate for any host name it serves. To force loading
84of certificates ahead of time, install m.GetCertificate as before but then
85call m.Cert for each host name.
87A Manager can only obtain a certificate for a given host name if it can
88prove control of that host name to LetsEncrypt.org. By default it proves
89control by answering an HTTPS-based challenge: when the LetsEncrypt.org
90servers connect to the named host on port 443 (HTTPS), the TLS SNI handshake
91must use m.GetCertificate to obtain a per-host certificate. The most common
92way to satisfy this requirement is for the host name to resolve to the IP
93address of a (single) computer running m.ServeHTTPS, or at least running a
94Go TLS server with tls.Config.GetCertificate set to m.GetCertificate.
95However, other configurations are possible. For example, a group of machines
96could use an implementation of tls.Config.GetCertificate that cached
97certificates but handled cache misses by making RPCs to a Manager m on an
98elected leader machine.
100In typical usage, then, the setting of tls.Config.GetCertificate to
101m.GetCertificate serves two purposes: it provides certificates to the TLS
102server for ordinary serving, and it also answers challenges to prove
103ownership of the domains in order to obtain those certificates.
105To force the loading of a certificate for a given host into the Manager's
106cache, use m.Cert.
109Persistent Storage
111If a server always starts with a zero Manager m, the server effectively
112fetches a new certificate for each of its host name from LetsEncrypt.org on
113each restart. This is unfortunate both because the server cannot start if
114LetsEncrypt.org is unavailable and because LetsEncrypt.org limits how often
115it will issue a certificate for a given host name (at time of writing, the
116limit is 5 per week for a given host name). To save server state proactively
117to a cache file and to reload the server state from that same file when
118creating a new manager, call m.CacheFile with the name of the file to use.
120For alternate storage uses, m.Marshal returns the current state of the
121Manager as an opaque string, m.Unmarshal sets the state of the Manager using
122a string previously returned by m.Marshal (usually a different m), and
123m.Watch returns a channel that receives notifications about state changes.
128To avoid hitting basic rate limits on LetsEncrypt.org, a given Manager
129limits all its interactions to at most one request every minute, with an
130initial allowed burst of 20 requests.
132By default, if GetCertificate is asked for a certificate it does not have,
133it will in turn ask LetsEncrypt.org for that certificate. This opens a
134potential attack where attackers connect to a server by IP address and
135pretend to be asking for an incorrect host name. Then GetCertificate will
136attempt to obtain a certificate for that host, incorrectly, eventually
137hitting LetsEncrypt.org's rate limit for certificate requests and making it
138impossible to obtain actual certificates. Because servers hold certificates
139for months at a time, however, an attack would need to be sustained over a
140time period of at least a month in order to cause real problems.
142To mitigate this kind of attack, a given Manager limits itself to an average
143of one certificate request for a new host every three hours, with an initial
144allowed burst of up to 20 requests. Long-running servers will therefore stay
145within the LetsEncrypt.org limit of 300 failed requests per month.
146Certificate refreshes are not subject to this limit.
148To eliminate the attack entirely, call m.SetHosts to enumerate the exact set
149of hosts that are allowed in certificate requests.
152Web Servers
154The basic requirement for use of a Manager is that there be an HTTPS server
155running on port 443 and calling m.GetCertificate to obtain TLS certificates.
156Using standard primitives, the way to do this is:
158    srv := &http.Server{
159    	Addr: ":https",
160    	TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
161    		GetCertificate: m.GetCertificate,
162    	},
163    }
164    srv.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
166However, this pattern of serving HTTPS with demand-loaded TLS certificates
167comes up enough to wrap into a single method m.ServeHTTPS.
169Similarly, many HTTPS servers prefer to redirect HTTP clients to the HTTPS
170URLs. That functionality is provided by RedirectHTTP.
172The combination of serving HTTPS with demand-loaded TLS certificates and
173serving HTTPS redirects to HTTP clients is provided by m.Serve, as used in
174the original example above.
176func RedirectHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
177type Manager struct { ... }