2title: Release Process
3type: docs
4menu: thanos
6# Release Process
8This page describes the release cadence and process for Thanos project.
10We use [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
12NOTE: As [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) states all 0.y.z releases can contain breaking
13changes in API (flags, grpc API, any backward compatibility)
15## Cadence
17We aim for regular and strict one release per *6 weeks*. 6 weeks is counter from first release candidate to another.
18This means that there is no *code freeze* or anything like that. We plan to stick to the exact 6 weeks, so there is no
19rush into being within release (except bug fixes).
21No feature should block release.
23Additionally we (obviously) aim for `main` branch being stable.
25We are assigning a release shepherd for each minor release.
27Release shepherd responsibilities:
29* Perform releases (from first RC to actual release).
30* Announce all releases on all communication channels.
32| Release   | Time of first RC         | Shepherd (GitHub handle) |
34| v0.22.0   | (planned) 2021.07.06     | TBD                      |
35| v0.21.0   | (planned) 2021.05.25     | TBD                      |
36| v0.20.0   | 2021.04.20               | `@kakkoyun`              |
37| v0.19.0   | 2021.03.02               | `@bwplotka`              |
38| v0.18.0   | 2021.01.06               | `@squat`                 |
39| v0.17.0   | 2020.11.18               | `@metalmatze`            |
40| v0.16.0   | 2020.10.26               | `@bwplotka`              |
41| v0.15.0   | 2020.08.12               | `@kakkoyun`              |
42| v0.14.0   | 2020.07.10               | `@kakkoyun`              |
43| v0.13.0   | 2020.05.13               | `@bwplotka`              |
44| v0.12.0   | 2020.04.15               | `@squat`                 |
45| v0.11.0   | 2020.02.19               | `@metalmatze`            |
46| v0.10.0   | 2020.01.08               | `@GiedriusS`             |
47| v0.9.0    | 2019.11.26               | `@bwplotka`              |
48| v0.8.0    | 2019.10.09               | `@bwplotka`              |
49| v0.7.0    | 2019.08.28               | `@domgreen`              |
50| v0.6.0    | 2019.07.12               | `@GiedriusS`             |
51| v0.5.0    | 2019.06.31               | `@bwplotka`              |
53# For maintainers: Cutting individual release
55Process of releasing a *minor* Thanos version:
571. Release `v<major>.<minor+1>.0-rc.0`
581. If after 3 work days there is no major bug, release `v<major>.<minor>.0`
591. If within 3 work days there is major bug, let's triage it to fix it and then release `v<major>.<minor>.0-rc.++` Go to
60   step 2.
611. Do patch release if needed for any bugs afterwards. Use same `release-xxx` branch and migrate fixes to main.
63## How to release a version
65Release is happening on separate `release-<major>.<minor>` branch.
671. Prepare PR to branch `release-<major>.<minor>` that will start minor release branch and prepare changes to cut
68   release.
70   Push the created branch to origin (Thanos repository) to be able to make your PR with the CHANGELOG.md changes
71   against this branch later.
73    ```bash
74    $ git push origin release-<major>.<minor>
75    ```
77For release candidate just reuse same branch and rebase it on every candidate until the actual release happens.
791. Create small PR to `main` (!) to cut CHANGELOG. This helps to maintain new changelog on main.
81    1. Add entry to CHANGELOG indicating release in progress. This reduces risk for the new PRs to add changelog entries
82       to already released release.
83    1. Update `VERSION` file to version one minor version higher than the released one and `dev` suffix. This allows CI
84       to build thanos binary with the version indicating potential next minor release, showing that someone uses
85       non-released binary (which is fine, just better to know this!).
87Feel free to mimic following PR: https://github.com/thanos-io/thanos/pull/3861
891. Update [CHANGELOG file](/CHANGELOG.md)
91Note that `CHANGELOG.md` should only document changes relevant to users of Thanos, including external API changes,
92performance improvements, and new features. Do not document changes of internal interfaces, code refactorings and
93clean-ups, changes to the build process, etc. People interested in these are asked to refer to the git history. Format
94is described in `CHANGELOG.md`.
96The whole release from release candidate `rc.0` to actual release should have exactly the same section. We don't
97separate what have changed between release candidates.
991. Double check backward compatibility:
101    1. *In case of version after `v1+.y.z`*, double check if none of the changes break API compatibility. This should be
102       done in PR review process, but double check is good to have.
103    1. In case of `v0.y.z`, document all incompatibilities in changelog.
1051. Double check metric changes:
107    1. Note any changes in the changelog
108    1. If there were any changes then update the relevant alerting rules and/or dashboards since `thanos-mixin` is part
109       of the repository now
1111. Update website's [hugo.yaml](../website/hugo.yaml) to have correct links for new release (
112   add `0.y.z: "/:sections/:filename.md"`).
1141. Update tutorials:
116    1. Update the Thanos version used in the [tutorials](../tutorials) manifests.
117    1. In case of any breaking changes or necessary updates adjust the manifests so the tutorial stays up to date.
118    1. Update the [scripts/quickstart.sh](../scripts/quickstart.sh) script if needed.
1201. After review, merge the PR and immediately after this tag a version:
122    ```bash
123    tag=$(cat VERSION)
124    git tag -s "v${tag}" -m "v${tag}"
125    git push origin "v${tag}"
126    ```
128   Signing a tag with a GPG key is appreciated, but in case you can't add a GPG key to your Github account using the
129   following [procedure](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-gpg-key/), you can replace the `-s` flag by `-a`
130   flag of the `git tag` command to only annotate the tag without signing.
132   Please make sure that you are tagging the merge commit because otherwise GitHub's UI will show that there were more
133   commits after your release.
1351. Once a tag is created, the release process through CircleCI will be triggered for this tag.
1371. You must create a Github Release using the UI for this tag, as otherwise CircleCI will not be able to upload tarballs
138   for this tag. Also, you must create the Github Release using a Github user that has granted access rights to
139   CircleCI. List of maintainers is available [here](/MAINTAINERS.md)
1411. Go to the releases page of the project, click on the `Draft a new release` button and select the tag you just pushed.
142   Describe release and post relevant entry from changelog. Click `Save draft` rather than `Publish release` at this
143   time. (This will prevent the release being visible before it has got the binaries attached to it.)
1451. Once tarballs are published on release page, you can click `Publish` and release is complete.
1471. Announce `#thanos` slack channel.
1491. Pull commits from release branch to main branch for non `rc` releases.
1511. After releasing a major version, please cut a release for `kube-thanos` as well.
152   https://github.com/thanos-io/kube-thanos/releases
153   Make sure all the flag changes are reflected in the manifests. Otherwise, the process is the same, except we don't
154   have `rc` for the `kube-thanos`. We do this to make sure we have compatible manifests for each major versions.
156## Pre-releases (release candidates)
158The following changes to the above procedures apply:
160* In line with [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/), append something like `-rc.0` to the version (with the
161  corresponding changes to the tag name, the release name etc.).
162* Tick the `This is a pre-release` box when drafting the release in the Github UI.
163* Still update `CHANGELOG.md`, but when you cut the final release later, merge all the changes from the pre-releases
164  into the one final update.