2$Id: tzfile.py,v 1.8 2004/06/03 00:15:24 zenzen Exp $
5from datetime import datetime
6from struct import unpack, calcsize
8from pytz.tzinfo import StaticTzInfo, DstTzInfo, memorized_ttinfo
9from pytz.tzinfo import memorized_datetime, memorized_timedelta
12def _byte_string(s):
13    """Cast a string or byte string to an ASCII byte string."""
14    return s.encode('ASCII')
16_NULL = _byte_string('\0')
19def _std_string(s):
20    """Cast a string or byte string to an ASCII string."""
21    return str(s.decode('ASCII'))
24def build_tzinfo(zone, fp):
25    head_fmt = '>4s c 15x 6l'
26    head_size = calcsize(head_fmt)
27    (magic, format, ttisgmtcnt, ttisstdcnt, leapcnt, timecnt,
28        typecnt, charcnt) = unpack(head_fmt, fp.read(head_size))
30    # Make sure it is a tzfile(5) file
31    assert magic == _byte_string('TZif'), 'Got magic %s' % repr(magic)
33    # Read out the transition times, localtime indices and ttinfo structures.
34    data_fmt = '>%(timecnt)dl %(timecnt)dB %(ttinfo)s %(charcnt)ds' % dict(
35        timecnt=timecnt, ttinfo='lBB' * typecnt, charcnt=charcnt)
36    data_size = calcsize(data_fmt)
37    data = unpack(data_fmt, fp.read(data_size))
39    # make sure we unpacked the right number of values
40    assert len(data) == 2 * timecnt + 3 * typecnt + 1
41    transitions = [memorized_datetime(trans)
42                   for trans in data[:timecnt]]
43    lindexes = list(data[timecnt:2 * timecnt])
44    ttinfo_raw = data[2 * timecnt:-1]
45    tznames_raw = data[-1]
46    del data
48    # Process ttinfo into separate structs
49    ttinfo = []
50    tznames = {}
51    i = 0
52    while i < len(ttinfo_raw):
53        # have we looked up this timezone name yet?
54        tzname_offset = ttinfo_raw[i + 2]
55        if tzname_offset not in tznames:
56            nul = tznames_raw.find(_NULL, tzname_offset)
57            if nul < 0:
58                nul = len(tznames_raw)
59            tznames[tzname_offset] = _std_string(
60                tznames_raw[tzname_offset:nul])
61        ttinfo.append((ttinfo_raw[i],
62                       bool(ttinfo_raw[i + 1]),
63                       tznames[tzname_offset]))
64        i += 3
66    # Now build the timezone object
67    if len(ttinfo) == 1 or len(transitions) == 0:
68        ttinfo[0][0], ttinfo[0][2]
69        cls = type(zone, (StaticTzInfo,), dict(
70            zone=zone,
71            _utcoffset=memorized_timedelta(ttinfo[0][0]),
72            _tzname=ttinfo[0][2]))
73    else:
74        # Early dates use the first standard time ttinfo
75        i = 0
76        while ttinfo[i][1]:
77            i += 1
78        if ttinfo[i] == ttinfo[lindexes[0]]:
79            transitions[0] = datetime.min
80        else:
81            transitions.insert(0, datetime.min)
82            lindexes.insert(0, i)
84        # calculate transition info
85        transition_info = []
86        for i in range(len(transitions)):
87            inf = ttinfo[lindexes[i]]
88            utcoffset = inf[0]
89            if not inf[1]:
90                dst = 0
91            else:
92                for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
93                    prev_inf = ttinfo[lindexes[j]]
94                    if not prev_inf[1]:
95                        break
96                dst = inf[0] - prev_inf[0]  # dst offset
98                # Bad dst? Look further. DST > 24 hours happens when
99                # a timzone has moved across the international dateline.
100                if dst <= 0 or dst > 3600 * 3:
101                    for j in range(i + 1, len(transitions)):
102                        stdinf = ttinfo[lindexes[j]]
103                        if not stdinf[1]:
104                            dst = inf[0] - stdinf[0]
105                            if dst > 0:
106                                break  # Found a useful std time.
108            tzname = inf[2]
110            # Round utcoffset and dst to the nearest minute or the
111            # datetime library will complain. Conversions to these timezones
112            # might be up to plus or minus 30 seconds out, but it is
113            # the best we can do.
114            utcoffset = int((utcoffset + 30) // 60) * 60
115            dst = int((dst + 30) // 60) * 60
116            transition_info.append(memorized_ttinfo(utcoffset, dst, tzname))
118        cls = type(zone, (DstTzInfo,), dict(
119            zone=zone,
120            _utc_transition_times=transitions,
121            _transition_info=transition_info))
123    return cls()
125if __name__ == '__main__':
126    import os.path
127    from pprint import pprint
128    base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'zoneinfo')
129    tz = build_tzinfo('Australia/Melbourne',
130                      open(os.path.join(base, 'Australia', 'Melbourne'), 'rb'))
131    tz = build_tzinfo('US/Eastern',
132                      open(os.path.join(base, 'US', 'Eastern'), 'rb'))
133    pprint(tz._utc_transition_times)