1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3    werkzeug.contrib.iterio
4    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6    This module implements a :class:`IterIO` that converts an iterator into
7    a stream object and the other way round.  Converting streams into
8    iterators requires the `greenlet`_ module.
10    To convert an iterator into a stream all you have to do is to pass it
11    directly to the :class:`IterIO` constructor.  In this example we pass it
12    a newly created generator::
14        def foo():
15            yield "something\n"
16            yield "otherthings"
17        stream = IterIO(foo())
18        print stream.read()         # read the whole iterator
20    The other way round works a bit different because we have to ensure that
21    the code execution doesn't take place yet.  An :class:`IterIO` call with a
22    callable as first argument does two things.  The function itself is passed
23    an :class:`IterIO` stream it can feed.  The object returned by the
24    :class:`IterIO` constructor on the other hand is not an stream object but
25    an iterator::
27        def foo(stream):
28            stream.write("some")
29            stream.write("thing")
30            stream.flush()
31            stream.write("otherthing")
32        iterator = IterIO(foo)
33        print iterator.next()       # prints something
34        print iterator.next()       # prints otherthing
35        iterator.next()             # raises StopIteration
37    .. _greenlet: https://github.com/python-greenlet/greenlet
39    :copyright: 2007 Pallets
40    :license: BSD-3-Clause
42import warnings
44from .._compat import implements_iterator
47    import greenlet
48except ImportError:
49    greenlet = None
52    "'werkzeug.contrib.iterio' is deprecated as of version 0.15 and"
53    " will be removed in version 1.0.",
54    DeprecationWarning,
55    stacklevel=2,
59def _mixed_join(iterable, sentinel):
60    """concatenate any string type in an intelligent way."""
61    iterator = iter(iterable)
62    first_item = next(iterator, sentinel)
63    if isinstance(first_item, bytes):
64        return first_item + b"".join(iterator)
65    return first_item + u"".join(iterator)
68def _newline(reference_string):
69    if isinstance(reference_string, bytes):
70        return b"\n"
71    return u"\n"
75class IterIO(object):
76    """Instances of this object implement an interface compatible with the
77    standard Python :class:`file` object.  Streams are either read-only or
78    write-only depending on how the object is created.
80    If the first argument is an iterable a file like object is returned that
81    returns the contents of the iterable.  In case the iterable is empty
82    read operations will return the sentinel value.
84    If the first argument is a callable then the stream object will be
85    created and passed to that function.  The caller itself however will
86    not receive a stream but an iterable.  The function will be executed
87    step by step as something iterates over the returned iterable.  Each
88    call to :meth:`flush` will create an item for the iterable.  If
89    :meth:`flush` is called without any writes in-between the sentinel
90    value will be yielded.
92    Note for Python 3: due to the incompatible interface of bytes and
93    streams you should set the sentinel value explicitly to an empty
94    bytestring (``b''``) if you are expecting to deal with bytes as
95    otherwise the end of the stream is marked with the wrong sentinel
96    value.
98    .. versionadded:: 0.9
99       `sentinel` parameter was added.
100    """
102    def __new__(cls, obj, sentinel=""):
103        try:
104            iterator = iter(obj)
105        except TypeError:
106            return IterI(obj, sentinel)
107        return IterO(iterator, sentinel)
109    def __iter__(self):
110        return self
112    def tell(self):
113        if self.closed:
114            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
115        return self.pos
117    def isatty(self):
118        if self.closed:
119            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
120        return False
122    def seek(self, pos, mode=0):
123        if self.closed:
124            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
125        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
127    def truncate(self, size=None):
128        if self.closed:
129            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
130        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
132    def write(self, s):
133        if self.closed:
134            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
135        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
137    def writelines(self, list):
138        if self.closed:
139            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
140        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
142    def read(self, n=-1):
143        if self.closed:
144            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
145        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
147    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
148        if self.closed:
149            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
150        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
152    def readline(self, length=None):
153        if self.closed:
154            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
155        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
157    def flush(self):
158        if self.closed:
159            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
160        raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor")
162    def __next__(self):
163        if self.closed:
164            raise StopIteration()
165        line = self.readline()
166        if not line:
167            raise StopIteration()
168        return line
171class IterI(IterIO):
172    """Convert an stream into an iterator."""
174    def __new__(cls, func, sentinel=""):
175        if greenlet is None:
176            raise RuntimeError("IterI requires greenlet support")
177        stream = object.__new__(cls)
178        stream._parent = greenlet.getcurrent()
179        stream._buffer = []
180        stream.closed = False
181        stream.sentinel = sentinel
182        stream.pos = 0
184        def run():
185            func(stream)
186            stream.close()
188        g = greenlet.greenlet(run, stream._parent)
189        while 1:
190            rv = g.switch()
191            if not rv:
192                return
193            yield rv[0]
195    def close(self):
196        if not self.closed:
197            self.closed = True
198            self._flush_impl()
200    def write(self, s):
201        if self.closed:
202            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
203        if s:
204            self.pos += len(s)
205            self._buffer.append(s)
207    def writelines(self, list):
208        for item in list:
209            self.write(item)
211    def flush(self):
212        if self.closed:
213            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
214        self._flush_impl()
216    def _flush_impl(self):
217        data = _mixed_join(self._buffer, self.sentinel)
218        self._buffer = []
219        if not data and self.closed:
220            self._parent.switch()
221        else:
222            self._parent.switch((data,))
225class IterO(IterIO):
226    """Iter output.  Wrap an iterator and give it a stream like interface."""
228    def __new__(cls, gen, sentinel=""):
229        self = object.__new__(cls)
230        self._gen = gen
231        self._buf = None
232        self.sentinel = sentinel
233        self.closed = False
234        self.pos = 0
235        return self
237    def __iter__(self):
238        return self
240    def _buf_append(self, string):
241        """Replace string directly without appending to an empty string,
242        avoiding type issues."""
243        if not self._buf:
244            self._buf = string
245        else:
246            self._buf += string
248    def close(self):
249        if not self.closed:
250            self.closed = True
251            if hasattr(self._gen, "close"):
252                self._gen.close()
254    def seek(self, pos, mode=0):
255        if self.closed:
256            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
257        if mode == 1:
258            pos += self.pos
259        elif mode == 2:
260            self.read()
261            self.pos = min(self.pos, self.pos + pos)
262            return
263        elif mode != 0:
264            raise IOError("Invalid argument")
265        buf = []
266        try:
267            tmp_end_pos = len(self._buf or "")
268            while pos > tmp_end_pos:
269                item = next(self._gen)
270                tmp_end_pos += len(item)
271                buf.append(item)
272        except StopIteration:
273            pass
274        if buf:
275            self._buf_append(_mixed_join(buf, self.sentinel))
276        self.pos = max(0, pos)
278    def read(self, n=-1):
279        if self.closed:
280            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
281        if n < 0:
282            self._buf_append(_mixed_join(self._gen, self.sentinel))
283            result = self._buf[self.pos :]
284            self.pos += len(result)
285            return result
286        new_pos = self.pos + n
287        buf = []
288        try:
289            tmp_end_pos = 0 if self._buf is None else len(self._buf)
290            while new_pos > tmp_end_pos or (self._buf is None and not buf):
291                item = next(self._gen)
292                tmp_end_pos += len(item)
293                buf.append(item)
294        except StopIteration:
295            pass
296        if buf:
297            self._buf_append(_mixed_join(buf, self.sentinel))
299        if self._buf is None:
300            return self.sentinel
302        new_pos = max(0, new_pos)
303        try:
304            return self._buf[self.pos : new_pos]
305        finally:
306            self.pos = min(new_pos, len(self._buf))
308    def readline(self, length=None):
309        if self.closed:
310            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file")
312        nl_pos = -1
313        if self._buf:
314            nl_pos = self._buf.find(_newline(self._buf), self.pos)
315        buf = []
316        try:
317            if self._buf is None:
318                pos = self.pos
319            else:
320                pos = len(self._buf)
321            while nl_pos < 0:
322                item = next(self._gen)
323                local_pos = item.find(_newline(item))
324                buf.append(item)
325                if local_pos >= 0:
326                    nl_pos = pos + local_pos
327                    break
328                pos += len(item)
329        except StopIteration:
330            pass
331        if buf:
332            self._buf_append(_mixed_join(buf, self.sentinel))
334        if self._buf is None:
335            return self.sentinel
337        if nl_pos < 0:
338            new_pos = len(self._buf)
339        else:
340            new_pos = nl_pos + 1
341        if length is not None and self.pos + length < new_pos:
342            new_pos = self.pos + length
343        try:
344            return self._buf[self.pos : new_pos]
345        finally:
346            self.pos = min(new_pos, len(self._buf))
348    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
349        total = 0
350        lines = []
351        line = self.readline()
352        while line:
353            lines.append(line)
354            total += len(line)
355            if 0 < sizehint <= total:
356                break
357            line = self.readline()
358        return lines