1// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
3package opsworkscm
5import (
6	"context"
7	awsmiddleware "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/middleware"
8	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/signer/v4"
9	"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/opsworkscm/types"
10	"github.com/aws/smithy-go/middleware"
11	smithyhttp "github.com/aws/smithy-go/transport/http"
14// Creates and immedately starts a new server. The server is ready to use when it
15// is in the HEALTHY state. By default, you can create a maximum of 10 servers.
16// This operation is asynchronous. A LimitExceededException is thrown when you have
17// created the maximum number of servers (10). A ResourceAlreadyExistsException is
18// thrown when a server with the same name already exists in the account. A
19// ResourceNotFoundException is thrown when you specify a backup ID that is not
20// valid or is for a backup that does not exist. A ValidationException is thrown
21// when parameters of the request are not valid. If you do not specify a security
22// group by adding the SecurityGroupIds parameter, AWS OpsWorks creates a new
23// security group. Chef Automate: The default security group opens the Chef server
24// to the world on TCP port 443. If a KeyName is present, AWS OpsWorks enables SSH
25// access. SSH is also open to the world on TCP port 22. Puppet Enterprise: The
26// default security group opens TCP ports 22, 443, 4433, 8140, 8142, 8143, and
27// 8170. If a KeyName is present, AWS OpsWorks enables SSH access. SSH is also open
28// to the world on TCP port 22. By default, your server is accessible from any IP
29// address. We recommend that you update your security group rules to allow access
30// from known IP addresses and address ranges only. To edit security group rules,
31// open Security Groups in the navigation pane of the EC2 management console. To
32// specify your own domain for a server, and provide your own self-signed or
33// CA-signed certificate and private key, specify values for CustomDomain,
34// CustomCertificate, and CustomPrivateKey.
35func (c *Client) CreateServer(ctx context.Context, params *CreateServerInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*CreateServerOutput, error) {
36	if params == nil {
37		params = &CreateServerInput{}
38	}
40	result, metadata, err := c.invokeOperation(ctx, "CreateServer", params, optFns, c.addOperationCreateServerMiddlewares)
41	if err != nil {
42		return nil, err
43	}
45	out := result.(*CreateServerOutput)
46	out.ResultMetadata = metadata
47	return out, nil
50type CreateServerInput struct {
52	// The configuration management engine to use. Valid values include ChefAutomate
53	// and Puppet.
54	//
55	// This member is required.
56	Engine *string
58	// The ARN of the instance profile that your Amazon EC2 instances use. Although the
59	// AWS OpsWorks console typically creates the instance profile for you, if you are
60	// using API commands instead, run the service-role-creation.yaml AWS
61	// CloudFormation template, located at
62	// https://s3.amazonaws.com/opsworks-cm-us-east-1-prod-default-assets/misc/opsworks-cm-roles.yaml.
63	// This template creates a CloudFormation stack that includes the instance profile
64	// you need.
65	//
66	// This member is required.
67	InstanceProfileArn *string
69	// The Amazon EC2 instance type to use. For example, m5.large.
70	//
71	// This member is required.
72	InstanceType *string
74	// The name of the server. The server name must be unique within your AWS account,
75	// within each region. Server names must start with a letter; then letters,
76	// numbers, or hyphens (-) are allowed, up to a maximum of 40 characters.
77	//
78	// This member is required.
79	ServerName *string
81	// The service role that the AWS OpsWorks CM service backend uses to work with your
82	// account. Although the AWS OpsWorks management console typically creates the
83	// service role for you, if you are using the AWS CLI or API commands, run the
84	// service-role-creation.yaml AWS CloudFormation template, located at
85	// https://s3.amazonaws.com/opsworks-cm-us-east-1-prod-default-assets/misc/opsworks-cm-roles.yaml.
86	// This template creates a CloudFormation stack that includes the service role and
87	// instance profile that you need.
88	//
89	// This member is required.
90	ServiceRoleArn *string
92	// Associate a public IP address with a server that you are launching. Valid values
93	// are true or false. The default value is true.
94	AssociatePublicIpAddress *bool
96	// If you specify this field, AWS OpsWorks CM creates the server by using the
97	// backup represented by BackupId.
98	BackupId *string
100	// The number of automated backups that you want to keep. Whenever a new backup is
101	// created, AWS OpsWorks CM deletes the oldest backups if this number is exceeded.
102	// The default value is 1.
103	BackupRetentionCount *int32
105	// A PEM-formatted HTTPS certificate. The value can be be a single, self-signed
106	// certificate, or a certificate chain. If you specify a custom certificate, you
107	// must also specify values for CustomDomain and CustomPrivateKey. The following
108	// are requirements for the CustomCertificate value:
109	//
110	// * You can provide either a
111	// self-signed, custom certificate, or the full certificate chain.
112	//
113	// * The
114	// certificate must be a valid X509 certificate, or a certificate chain in PEM
115	// format.
116	//
117	// * The certificate must be valid at the time of upload. A certificate
118	// can't be used before its validity period begins (the certificate's NotBefore
119	// date), or after it expires (the certificate's NotAfter date).
120	//
121	// * The
122	// certificate’s common name or subject alternative names (SANs), if present, must
123	// match the value of CustomDomain.
124	//
125	// * The certificate must match the value of
126	// CustomPrivateKey.
127	CustomCertificate *string
129	// An optional public endpoint of a server, such as https://aws.my-company.com. To
130	// access the server, create a CNAME DNS record in your preferred DNS service that
131	// points the custom domain to the endpoint that is generated when the server is
132	// created (the value of the CreateServer Endpoint attribute). You cannot access
133	// the server by using the generated Endpoint value if the server is using a custom
134	// domain. If you specify a custom domain, you must also specify values for
135	// CustomCertificate and CustomPrivateKey.
136	CustomDomain *string
138	// A private key in PEM format for connecting to the server by using HTTPS. The
139	// private key must not be encrypted; it cannot be protected by a password or
140	// passphrase. If you specify a custom private key, you must also specify values
141	// for CustomDomain and CustomCertificate.
142	CustomPrivateKey *string
144	// Enable or disable scheduled backups. Valid values are true or false. The default
145	// value is true.
146	DisableAutomatedBackup *bool
148	// Optional engine attributes on a specified server. Attributes accepted in a Chef
149	// createServer request:
150	//
151	// * CHEF_AUTOMATE_PIVOTAL_KEY: A base64-encoded RSA public
152	// key. The corresponding private key is required to access the Chef API. When no
153	// CHEF_AUTOMATE_PIVOTAL_KEY is set, a private key is generated and returned in the
154	// response.
155	//
156	// * CHEF_AUTOMATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password for the administrative
157	// user in the Chef Automate web-based dashboard. The password length is a minimum
158	// of eight characters, and a maximum of 32. The password can contain letters,
159	// numbers, and special characters (!/@#$%^&+=_). The password must contain at
160	// least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number, and one special
161	// character. When no CHEF_AUTOMATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD is set, one is generated and
162	// returned in the response.
163	//
164	// Attributes accepted in a Puppet createServer
165	// request:
166	//
167	// * PUPPET_ADMIN_PASSWORD: To work with the Puppet Enterprise console, a
168	// password must use ASCII characters.
169	//
170	// * PUPPET_R10K_REMOTE: The r10k remote is
171	// the URL of your control repository (for example,
172	// ssh://git@your.git-repo.com:user/control-repo.git). Specifying an r10k remote
173	// opens TCP port 8170.
174	//
175	// * PUPPET_R10K_PRIVATE_KEY: If you are using a private Git
176	// repository, add PUPPET_R10K_PRIVATE_KEY to specify a PEM-encoded private SSH
177	// key.
178	EngineAttributes []types.EngineAttribute
180	// The engine model of the server. Valid values in this release include Monolithic
181	// for Puppet and Single for Chef.
182	EngineModel *string
184	// The major release version of the engine that you want to use. For a Chef server,
185	// the valid value for EngineVersion is currently 2. For a Puppet server, valid
186	// values are 2019 or 2017.
187	EngineVersion *string
189	// The Amazon EC2 key pair to set for the instance. This parameter is optional; if
190	// desired, you may specify this parameter to connect to your instances by using
191	// SSH.
192	KeyPair *string
194	// The start time for a one-hour period during which AWS OpsWorks CM backs up
195	// application-level data on your server if automated backups are enabled. Valid
196	// values must be specified in one of the following formats:
197	//
198	// * HH:MM for daily
199	// backups
200	//
201	// * DDD:HH:MM for weekly backups
202	//
203	// MM must be specified as 00. The
204	// specified time is in coordinated universal time (UTC). The default value is a
205	// random, daily start time. Example: 08:00, which represents a daily start time of
206	// 08:00 UTC. Example: Mon:08:00, which represents a start time of every Monday at
207	// 08:00 UTC. (8:00 a.m.)
208	PreferredBackupWindow *string
210	// The start time for a one-hour period each week during which AWS OpsWorks CM
211	// performs maintenance on the instance. Valid values must be specified in the
212	// following format: DDD:HH:MM. MM must be specified as 00. The specified time is
213	// in coordinated universal time (UTC). The default value is a random one-hour
214	// period on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. See TimeWindowDefinition for more
215	// information. Example: Mon:08:00, which represents a start time of every Monday
216	// at 08:00 UTC. (8:00 a.m.)
217	PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string
219	// A list of security group IDs to attach to the Amazon EC2 instance. If you add
220	// this parameter, the specified security groups must be within the VPC that is
221	// specified by SubnetIds. If you do not specify this parameter, AWS OpsWorks CM
222	// creates one new security group that uses TCP ports 22 and 443, open to
223	// (everyone).
224	SecurityGroupIds []string
226	// The IDs of subnets in which to launch the server EC2 instance. Amazon
227	// EC2-Classic customers: This field is required. All servers must run within a
228	// VPC. The VPC must have "Auto Assign Public IP" enabled. EC2-VPC customers: This
229	// field is optional. If you do not specify subnet IDs, your EC2 instances are
230	// created in a default subnet that is selected by Amazon EC2. If you specify
231	// subnet IDs, the VPC must have "Auto Assign Public IP" enabled. For more
232	// information about supported Amazon EC2 platforms, see Supported Platforms
233	// (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-supported-platforms.html).
234	SubnetIds []string
236	// A map that contains tag keys and tag values to attach to an AWS OpsWorks for
237	// Chef Automate or AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise server.
238	//
239	// * The key cannot be
240	// empty.
241	//
242	// * The key can be a maximum of 127 characters, and can contain only
243	// Unicode letters, numbers, or separators, or the following special characters: +
244	// - = . _ : / @
245	//
246	// * The value can be a maximum 255 characters, and contain only
247	// Unicode letters, numbers, or separators, or the following special characters: +
248	// - = . _ : / @
249	//
250	// * Leading and trailing white spaces are trimmed from both the key
251	// and value.
252	//
253	// * A maximum of 50 user-applied tags is allowed for any AWS
254	// OpsWorks-CM server.
255	Tags []types.Tag
257	noSmithyDocumentSerde
260type CreateServerOutput struct {
262	// The server that is created by the request.
263	Server *types.Server
265	// Metadata pertaining to the operation's result.
266	ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata
268	noSmithyDocumentSerde
271func (c *Client) addOperationCreateServerMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) {
272	err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsAwsjson11_serializeOpCreateServer{}, middleware.After)
273	if err != nil {
274		return err
275	}
276	err = stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsAwsjson11_deserializeOpCreateServer{}, middleware.After)
277	if err != nil {
278		return err
279	}
280	if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
281		return err
282	}
283	if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
284		return err
285	}
286	if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
287		return err
288	}
289	if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
290		return err
291	}
292	if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil {
293		return err
294	}
295	if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil {
296		return err
297	}
298	if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil {
299		return err
300	}
301	if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil {
302		return err
303	}
304	if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil {
305		return err
306	}
307	if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil {
308		return err
309	}
310	if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
311		return err
312	}
313	if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
314		return err
315	}
316	if err = addOpCreateServerValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
317		return err
318	}
319	if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opCreateServer(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil {
320		return err
321	}
322	if err = addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
323		return err
324	}
325	if err = addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
326		return err
327	}
328	if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil {
329		return err
330	}
331	return nil
334func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opCreateServer(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata {
335	return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{
336		Region:        region,
337		ServiceID:     ServiceID,
338		SigningName:   "opsworks-cm",
339		OperationName: "CreateServer",
340	}