2id: bithorlo
3name: Bithorlo
4description: "Bithorlo (BHO) is a HUNGARIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / GENERAL"
5language: hu-hu
6type: private
7encoding: ISO-8859-2
9  - https://www.bithorlo.info/
12  categorymappings:
13    # E-book
14    - {id: 40, cat: Books, desc: "E-book/Eng"}
15    - {id: 19, cat: Books, desc: "E-book/Hun"}
16    # Játék
17    - {id: 38, cat: Console, desc: "Játék/Consol"}
18    - {id: 15, cat: PC/Games, desc: "Játék/ISO"}
19    - {id: 37, cat: PC/Games, desc: "Játék/Rip"}
20    # Filmek
21    - {id: 51, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Cam/Eng"}
22    - {id: 50, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Cam/Hun"}
23    - {id: 2, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "DVD/Eng"}
24    - {id: 1, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "DVD/Hun"}
25    - {id: 42, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "Dvd9/Eng"}
26    - {id: 41, cat: Movies/DVD, desc: "Dvd9/Hun"}
27    - {id: 29, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "HD/Eng"}
28    - {id: 28, cat: Movies/HD, desc: "HD/Hun"}
29    - {id: 33, cat: TV, desc: "Sorozat/Eng"}
30    - {id: 5, cat: TV, desc: "Sorozat/Hun"}
31    - {id: 4, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Xvid/Eng"}
32    - {id: 3, cat: Movies/SD, desc: "Xvid/Hun"}
33    # Zene
34    - {id: 12, cat: Audio, desc: "Zene/Eng"}
35    - {id: 13, cat: Audio, desc: "Zene/Hun"}
36    # Egyéb
37    - {id: 20, cat: Other, desc: "Képek"}
38    - {id: 21, cat: PC/Mobile-Other, desc: "Mobil"}
39    # Program
40    - {id: 22, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Win/Program/ISO"}
41    - {id: 23, cat: PC/0day, desc: "Win/Program/Rip"}
42    # Felnőtt tartalom
43    - {id: 9, cat: XXX, desc: "XXX/Film"}
44    - {id: 10, cat: XXX, desc: "XXX/Kép"}
47  modes:
48    search: [q]
49    tv-search: [q, season, ep]
50    movie-search: [q]
51    music-search: [q]
52    book-search: [q]
55  - name: info_alert
56    type: info
57    label: Alert about Cookie
58    default: "If during your cookie save you get the following error:</br><b>The 'Value'='xzlogin,xzrecover,xzsignup' part of the cookie is invalid.</b></br>Then remove <b>acopendivids=xzlogin,xzrecover,xzsignup; </b> from the cookie string before proceeding to save."
59  - name: cookie
60    type: text
61    label: Cookie
62  - name: info
63    type: info
64    label: How to get the Cookie
65    default: "<ol><li>Login to this tracker with your browser<li>Open the <b>DevTools</b> panel by pressing <b>F12</b><li>Select the <b>Network</b> tab<li>Click on the <b>Doc</b> button (Chrome Browser) or <b>HTML</b> button (FireFox)<li>Refresh the page by pressing <b>F5</b><li>Click on the first row entry<li>Select the <b>Headers</b> tab on the Right panel<li>Find <b>'cookie:'</b> in the <b>Request Headers</b> section<li><b>Select</b> and <b>Copy</b> the whole cookie string <i>(everything after 'cookie: ')</i> and <b>Paste</b> here.</ol>"
66  - name: freeleech
67    type: checkbox
68    label: Search freeleech only
69    default: false
70  - name: sort
71    type: select
72    label: Sort requested from site
73    default: 4
74    options:
75      4: created
76      7: seeders
77      5: size
78      1: title
79  - name: type
80    type: select
81    label: Order requested from site
82    default: desc
83    options:
84      desc: desc
85      asc: asc
88  method: cookie
89  test:
90    path: browse.php
93  paths:
94    - path: browse.php
95  inputs:
96    $raw: "{{ range .Categories }}c{{.}}=1&{{end}}"
97    search: "{{ .Keywords }}"
98    # 0 active, 1 incldead, 2 onlydead, 3 freeleech
99    incldead: "{{ if .Config.freeleech }}3{{ else }}1{{ end }}"
100    sort: "{{ .Config.sort }}"
101    type: "{{ .Config.type }}"
103  rows:
104    selector: tr[class^="browse"]
106  fields:
107    category:
108      selector: a[href^="browse.php?cat="]
109      attribute: href
110      filters:
111        - name: querystring
112          args: cat
113        - name: trim # some torrents have an extra space
114    title:
115      selector: a[href^="torrent.php?id="]
116      attribute: title
117    details:
118      selector: a[href^="torrent.php?id="]
119      attribute: href
120    download:
121      selector: a[href^="download.php?id="]
122      attribute: href
123    poster:
124      selector: a[href^="torrent.php?id="][onmouseover]
125      attribute: onmouseover
126      filters:
127        - name: regexp
128          args: ", '(.*)'"
129    size:
130      selector: td:nth-child(4)
131    grabs:
132      selector: td:nth-child(5)
133    seeders:
134      selector: td:nth-child(6)
135    leechers:
136      selector: td:nth-child(7)
137    date:
138      selector: "a[style=\"font-size: 8pt;cursor: pointer;\"][title]"
139      filters:
140        - name: append
141          args: " +01:00" # CET
142        - name: dateparse
143          args: "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -07:00"
144    downloadvolumefactor:
145      case:
146        img[title="Ingyenes letöltés"]: 0
147        "*": 1
148    uploadvolumefactor:
149      selector: span:contains("Feltöltési szorzó")
150      filters:
151        - name: replace
152          args: ["Feltöltési szorzó × ", ""]
153# minimumseedtime: there is no mandatory seed time
154# engine n/a