1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers
3# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
4# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
5# Test Taproot softfork (BIPs 340-342)
7from test_framework.blocktools import (
8    create_coinbase,
9    create_block,
10    add_witness_commitment,
15from test_framework.messages import (
16    COutPoint,
17    CTransaction,
18    CTxIn,
19    CTxInWitness,
20    CTxOut,
21    ToHex,
23from test_framework.script import (
24    ANNEX_TAG,
25    CScript,
26    CScriptNum,
27    CScriptOp,
29    LegacySignatureHash,
32    OP_0,
33    OP_1,
34    OP_2,
35    OP_3,
36    OP_4,
37    OP_5,
38    OP_6,
39    OP_7,
40    OP_8,
41    OP_9,
42    OP_10,
43    OP_11,
44    OP_12,
45    OP_16,
46    OP_2DROP,
47    OP_2DUP,
54    OP_DROP,
55    OP_DUP,
56    OP_ELSE,
57    OP_ENDIF,
58    OP_EQUAL,
60    OP_HASH160,
61    OP_IF,
62    OP_NOP,
63    OP_NOT,
64    OP_NOTIF,
66    OP_RETURN,
67    OP_SWAP,
68    OP_VERIFY,
74    SegwitV0SignatureHash,
75    TaprootSignatureHash,
76    is_op_success,
77    taproot_construct,
79from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
80from test_framework.util import assert_raises_rpc_error, assert_equal
81from test_framework.key import generate_privkey, compute_xonly_pubkey, sign_schnorr, tweak_add_privkey, ECKey
82from test_framework.address import (
83    hash160,
84    sha256,
86from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
87from io import BytesIO
88import json
89import hashlib
90import os
91import random
93# === Framework for building spending transactions. ===
95# The computation is represented as a "context" dict, whose entries store potentially-unevaluated expressions that
96# refer to lower-level ones. By overwriting these expression, many aspects - both high and low level - of the signing
97# process can be overridden.
99# Specifically, a context object is a dict that maps names to compositions of:
100# - values
101# - lists of values
102# - callables which, when fed the context object as argument, produce any of these
104# The DEFAULT_CONTEXT object specifies a standard signing process, with many overridable knobs.
106# The get(ctx, name) function can evaluate a name, and cache its result in the context.
107# getter(name) can be used to construct a callable that evaluates name. For example:
109#   ctx1 = {**DEFAULT_CONTEXT, inputs=[getter("sign"), b'\x01']}
111# creates a context where the script inputs are a signature plus the bytes 0x01.
113# override(expr, name1=expr1, name2=expr2, ...) can be used to cause an expression to be evaluated in a selectively
114# modified context. For example:
116#   ctx2 = {**DEFAULT_CONTEXT, sighash=override(default_sighash, hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT)}
118# creates a context ctx2 where the sighash is modified to use hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT. This differs from
120#   ctx3 = {**DEFAULT_CONTEXT, hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT}
122# in that ctx3 will globally use hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT (including in the hashtype byte appended to the signature)
123# while ctx2 only uses the modified hashtype inside the sighash calculation.
125def deep_eval(ctx, expr):
126    """Recursively replace any callables c in expr (including inside lists) with c(ctx)."""
127    while callable(expr):
128        expr = expr(ctx)
129    if isinstance(expr, list):
130        expr = [deep_eval(ctx, x) for x in expr]
131    return expr
133# Data type to represent fully-evaluated expressions in a context dict (so we can avoid reevaluating them).
134Final = namedtuple("Final", "value")
136def get(ctx, name):
137    """Evaluate name in context ctx."""
138    assert name in ctx, "Missing '%s' in context" % name
139    expr = ctx[name]
140    if not isinstance(expr, Final):
141        # Evaluate and cache the result.
142        expr = Final(deep_eval(ctx, expr))
143        ctx[name] = expr
144    return expr.value
146def getter(name):
147    """Return a callable that evaluates name in its passed context."""
148    return lambda ctx: get(ctx, name)
150def override(expr, **kwargs):
151    """Return a callable that evaluates expr in a modified context."""
152    return lambda ctx: deep_eval({**ctx, **kwargs}, expr)
154# === Implementations for the various default expressions in DEFAULT_CONTEXT ===
156def default_hashtype(ctx):
157    """Default expression for "hashtype": SIGHASH_DEFAULT for taproot, SIGHASH_ALL otherwise."""
158    mode = get(ctx, "mode")
159    if mode == "taproot":
160        return SIGHASH_DEFAULT
161    else:
162        return SIGHASH_ALL
164def default_tapleaf(ctx):
165    """Default expression for "tapleaf": looking up leaf in tap[2]."""
166    return get(ctx, "tap").leaves[get(ctx, "leaf")]
168def default_script_taproot(ctx):
169    """Default expression for "script_taproot": tapleaf.script."""
170    return get(ctx, "tapleaf").script
172def default_leafversion(ctx):
173    """Default expression for "leafversion": tapleaf.version"""
174    return get(ctx, "tapleaf").version
176def default_negflag(ctx):
177    """Default expression for "negflag": tap.negflag."""
178    return get(ctx, "tap").negflag
180def default_pubkey_inner(ctx):
181    """Default expression for "pubkey_inner": tap.inner_pubkey."""
182    return get(ctx, "tap").inner_pubkey
184def default_merklebranch(ctx):
185    """Default expression for "merklebranch": tapleaf.merklebranch."""
186    return get(ctx, "tapleaf").merklebranch
188def default_controlblock(ctx):
189    """Default expression for "controlblock": combine leafversion, negflag, pubkey_inner, merklebranch."""
190    return bytes([get(ctx, "leafversion") + get(ctx, "negflag")]) + get(ctx, "pubkey_inner") + get(ctx, "merklebranch")
192def default_sighash(ctx):
193    """Default expression for "sighash": depending on mode, compute BIP341, BIP143, or legacy sighash."""
194    tx = get(ctx, "tx")
195    idx = get(ctx, "idx")
196    hashtype = get(ctx, "hashtype_actual")
197    mode = get(ctx, "mode")
198    if mode == "taproot":
199        # BIP341 signature hash
200        utxos = get(ctx, "utxos")
201        annex = get(ctx, "annex")
202        if get(ctx, "leaf") is not None:
203            codeseppos = get(ctx, "codeseppos")
204            leaf_ver = get(ctx, "leafversion")
205            script = get(ctx, "script_taproot")
206            return TaprootSignatureHash(tx, utxos, hashtype, idx, scriptpath=True, script=script, leaf_ver=leaf_ver, codeseparator_pos=codeseppos, annex=annex)
207        else:
208            return TaprootSignatureHash(tx, utxos, hashtype, idx, scriptpath=False, annex=annex)
209    elif mode == "witv0":
210        # BIP143 signature hash
211        scriptcode = get(ctx, "scriptcode")
212        utxos = get(ctx, "utxos")
213        return SegwitV0SignatureHash(scriptcode, tx, idx, hashtype, utxos[idx].nValue)
214    else:
215        # Pre-segwit signature hash
216        scriptcode = get(ctx, "scriptcode")
217        return LegacySignatureHash(scriptcode, tx, idx, hashtype)[0]
219def default_tweak(ctx):
220    """Default expression for "tweak": None if a leaf is specified, tap[0] otherwise."""
221    if get(ctx, "leaf") is None:
222        return get(ctx, "tap").tweak
223    return None
225def default_key_tweaked(ctx):
226    """Default expression for "key_tweaked": key if tweak is None, tweaked with it otherwise."""
227    key = get(ctx, "key")
228    tweak = get(ctx, "tweak")
229    if tweak is None:
230        return key
231    else:
232        return tweak_add_privkey(key, tweak)
234def default_signature(ctx):
235    """Default expression for "signature": BIP340 signature or ECDSA signature depending on mode."""
236    sighash = get(ctx, "sighash")
237    if get(ctx, "mode") == "taproot":
238        key = get(ctx, "key_tweaked")
239        flip_r = get(ctx, "flag_flip_r")
240        flip_p = get(ctx, "flag_flip_p")
241        return sign_schnorr(key, sighash, flip_r=flip_r, flip_p=flip_p)
242    else:
243        key = get(ctx, "key")
244        return key.sign_ecdsa(sighash)
246def default_hashtype_actual(ctx):
247    """Default expression for "hashtype_actual": hashtype, unless mismatching SIGHASH_SINGLE in taproot."""
248    hashtype = get(ctx, "hashtype")
249    mode = get(ctx, "mode")
250    if mode != "taproot":
251        return hashtype
252    idx = get(ctx, "idx")
253    tx = get(ctx, "tx")
254    if hashtype & 3 == SIGHASH_SINGLE and idx >= len(tx.vout):
255        return (hashtype & ~3) | SIGHASH_NONE
256    return hashtype
258def default_bytes_hashtype(ctx):
259    """Default expression for "bytes_hashtype": bytes([hashtype_actual]) if not 0, b"" otherwise."""
260    return bytes([x for x in [get(ctx, "hashtype_actual")] if x != 0])
262def default_sign(ctx):
263    """Default expression for "sign": concatenation of signature and bytes_hashtype."""
264    return get(ctx, "signature") + get(ctx, "bytes_hashtype")
266def default_inputs_keypath(ctx):
267    """Default expression for "inputs_keypath": a signature."""
268    return [get(ctx, "sign")]
270def default_witness_taproot(ctx):
271    """Default expression for "witness_taproot", consisting of inputs, script, control block, and annex as needed."""
272    annex = get(ctx, "annex")
273    suffix_annex = []
274    if annex is not None:
275        suffix_annex = [annex]
276    if get(ctx, "leaf") is None:
277        return get(ctx, "inputs_keypath") + suffix_annex
278    else:
279        return get(ctx, "inputs") + [bytes(get(ctx, "script_taproot")), get(ctx, "controlblock")] + suffix_annex
281def default_witness_witv0(ctx):
282    """Default expression for "witness_witv0", consisting of inputs and witness script, as needed."""
283    script = get(ctx, "script_witv0")
284    inputs = get(ctx, "inputs")
285    if script is None:
286        return inputs
287    else:
288        return inputs + [script]
290def default_witness(ctx):
291    """Default expression for "witness", delegating to "witness_taproot" or "witness_witv0" as needed."""
292    mode = get(ctx, "mode")
293    if mode == "taproot":
294        return get(ctx, "witness_taproot")
295    elif mode == "witv0":
296        return get(ctx, "witness_witv0")
297    else:
298        return []
300def default_scriptsig(ctx):
301    """Default expression for "scriptsig", consisting of inputs and redeemscript, as needed."""
302    scriptsig = []
303    mode = get(ctx, "mode")
304    if mode == "legacy":
305        scriptsig = get(ctx, "inputs")
306    redeemscript = get(ctx, "script_p2sh")
307    if redeemscript is not None:
308        scriptsig += [bytes(redeemscript)]
309    return scriptsig
311# The default context object.
313    # == The main expressions to evaluate. Only override these for unusual or invalid spends. ==
314    # The overall witness stack, as a list of bytes objects.
315    "witness": default_witness,
316    # The overall scriptsig, as a list of CScript objects (to be concatenated) and bytes objects (to be pushed)
317    "scriptsig": default_scriptsig,
319    # == Expressions you'll generally only override for intentionally invalid spends. ==
320    # The witness stack for spending a taproot output.
321    "witness_taproot": default_witness_taproot,
322    # The witness stack for spending a P2WPKH/P2WSH output.
323    "witness_witv0": default_witness_witv0,
324    # The script inputs for a taproot key path spend.
325    "inputs_keypath": default_inputs_keypath,
326    # The actual hashtype to use (usually equal to hashtype, but in taproot SIGHASH_SINGLE is not always allowed).
327    "hashtype_actual": default_hashtype_actual,
328    # The bytes object for a full signature (including hashtype byte, if needed).
329    "bytes_hashtype": default_bytes_hashtype,
330    # A full script signature (bytes including hashtype, if needed)
331    "sign": default_sign,
332    # An ECDSA or Schnorr signature (excluding hashtype byte).
333    "signature": default_signature,
334    # The 32-byte tweaked key (equal to key for script path spends, or key+tweak for key path spends).
335    "key_tweaked": default_key_tweaked,
336    # The tweak to use (None for script path spends, the actual tweak for key path spends).
337    "tweak": default_tweak,
338    # The sighash value (32 bytes)
339    "sighash": default_sighash,
340    # The information about the chosen script path spend (TaprootLeafInfo object).
341    "tapleaf": default_tapleaf,
342    # The script to push, and include in the sighash, for a taproot script path spend.
343    "script_taproot": default_script_taproot,
344    # The inner pubkey for a taproot script path spend (32 bytes).
345    "pubkey_inner": default_pubkey_inner,
346    # The negation flag of the inner pubkey for a taproot script path spend.
347    "negflag": default_negflag,
348    # The leaf version to include in the sighash (this does not affect the one in the control block).
349    "leafversion": default_leafversion,
350    # The Merkle path to include in the control block for a script path spend.
351    "merklebranch": default_merklebranch,
352    # The control block to push for a taproot script path spend.
353    "controlblock": default_controlblock,
354    # Whether to produce signatures with invalid P sign (Schnorr signatures only).
355    "flag_flip_p": False,
356    # Whether to produce signatures with invalid R sign (Schnorr signatures only).
357    "flag_flip_r": False,
359    # == Parameters that can be changed without invalidating, but do have a default: ==
360    # The hashtype (as an integer).
361    "hashtype": default_hashtype,
362    # The annex (only when mode=="taproot").
363    "annex": None,
364    # The codeseparator position (only when mode=="taproot").
365    "codeseppos": -1,
366    # The redeemscript to add to the scriptSig (if P2SH; None implies not P2SH).
367    "script_p2sh": None,
368    # The script to add to the witness in (if P2WSH; None implies P2WPKH)
369    "script_witv0": None,
370    # The leaf to use in taproot spends (if script path spend; None implies key path spend).
371    "leaf": None,
372    # The input arguments to provide to the executed script
373    "inputs": [],
375    # == Parameters to be set before evaluation: ==
376    # - mode: what spending style to use ("taproot", "witv0", or "legacy").
377    # - key: the (untweaked) private key to sign with (ECKey object for ECDSA, 32 bytes for Schnorr).
378    # - tap: the TaprootInfo object (see taproot_construct; needed in mode=="taproot").
379    # - tx: the transaction to sign.
380    # - utxos: the UTXOs being spent (needed in mode=="witv0" and mode=="taproot").
381    # - idx: the input position being signed.
382    # - scriptcode: the scriptcode to include in legacy and witv0 sighashes.
385def flatten(lst):
386    ret = []
387    for elem in lst:
388        if isinstance(elem, list):
389            ret += flatten(elem)
390        else:
391            ret.append(elem)
392    return ret
394def spend(tx, idx, utxos, **kwargs):
395    """Sign transaction input idx of tx, provided utxos is the list of outputs being spent.
397    Additional arguments may be provided that override any aspect of the signing process.
398    See DEFAULT_CONTEXT above for what can be overridden, and what must be provided.
399    """
401    ctx = {**DEFAULT_CONTEXT, "tx":tx, "idx":idx, "utxos":utxos, **kwargs}
403    def to_script(elem):
404        """If fed a CScript, return it; if fed bytes, return a CScript that pushes it."""
405        if isinstance(elem, CScript):
406            return elem
407        else:
408            return CScript([elem])
410    scriptsig_list = flatten(get(ctx, "scriptsig"))
411    scriptsig = CScript(b"".join(bytes(to_script(elem)) for elem in scriptsig_list))
412    witness_stack = flatten(get(ctx, "witness"))
413    return (scriptsig, witness_stack)
416# === Spender objects ===
418# Each spender is a tuple of:
419# - A scriptPubKey which is to be spent from (CScript)
420# - A comment describing the test (string)
421# - Whether the spending (on itself) is expected to be standard (bool)
422# - A tx-signing lambda returning (scriptsig, witness_stack), taking as inputs:
423#   - A transaction to sign (CTransaction)
424#   - An input position (int)
425#   - The spent UTXOs by this transaction (list of CTxOut)
426#   - Whether to produce a valid spend (bool)
427# - A string with an expected error message for failure case if known
428# - The (pre-taproot) sigops weight consumed by a successful spend
429# - Whether this spend cannot fail
430# - Whether this test demands being placed in a txin with no corresponding txout (for testing SIGHASH_SINGLE behavior)
432Spender = namedtuple("Spender", "script,comment,is_standard,sat_function,err_msg,sigops_weight,no_fail,need_vin_vout_mismatch")
434def make_spender(comment, *, tap=None, witv0=False, script=None, pkh=None, p2sh=False, spk_mutate_pre_p2sh=None, failure=None, standard=True, err_msg=None, sigops_weight=0, need_vin_vout_mismatch=False, **kwargs):
435    """Helper for constructing Spender objects using the context signing framework.
437    * tap: a TaprootInfo object (see taproot_construct), for Taproot spends (cannot be combined with pkh, witv0, or script)
438    * witv0: boolean indicating the use of witness v0 spending (needs one of script or pkh)
439    * script: the actual script executed (for bare/P2WSH/P2SH spending)
440    * pkh: the public key for P2PKH or P2WPKH spending
441    * p2sh: whether the output is P2SH wrapper (this is supported even for Taproot, where it makes the output unencumbered)
442    * spk_mutate_pre_psh: a callable to be applied to the script (before potentially P2SH-wrapping it)
443    * failure: a dict of entries to override in the context when intentionally failing to spend (if None, no_fail will be set)
444    * standard: whether the (valid version of) spending is expected to be standard
445    * err_msg: a string with an expected error message for failure (or None, if not cared about)
446    * sigops_weight: the pre-taproot sigops weight consumed by a successful spend
447    """
449    conf = dict()
451    # Compute scriptPubKey and set useful defaults based on the inputs.
452    if witv0:
453        assert tap is None
454        conf["mode"] = "witv0"
455        if pkh is not None:
456            # P2WPKH
457            assert script is None
458            pubkeyhash = hash160(pkh)
459            spk = CScript([OP_0, pubkeyhash])
460            conf["scriptcode"] = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, pubkeyhash, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
461            conf["script_witv0"] = None
462            conf["inputs"] = [getter("sign"), pkh]
463        elif script is not None:
464            # P2WSH
465            spk = CScript([OP_0, sha256(script)])
466            conf["scriptcode"] = script
467            conf["script_witv0"] = script
468        else:
469            assert False
470    elif tap is None:
471        conf["mode"] = "legacy"
472        if pkh is not None:
473            # P2PKH
474            assert script is None
475            pubkeyhash = hash160(pkh)
476            spk = CScript([OP_DUP, OP_HASH160, pubkeyhash, OP_EQUALVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIG])
477            conf["scriptcode"] = spk
478            conf["inputs"] = [getter("sign"), pkh]
479        elif script is not None:
480            # bare
481            spk = script
482            conf["scriptcode"] = script
483        else:
484            assert False
485    else:
486        assert script is None
487        conf["mode"] = "taproot"
488        conf["tap"] = tap
489        spk = tap.scriptPubKey
491    if spk_mutate_pre_p2sh is not None:
492        spk = spk_mutate_pre_p2sh(spk)
494    if p2sh:
495        # P2SH wrapper can be combined with anything else
496        conf["script_p2sh"] = spk
497        spk = CScript([OP_HASH160, hash160(spk), OP_EQUAL])
499    conf = {**conf, **kwargs}
501    def sat_fn(tx, idx, utxos, valid):
502        if valid:
503            return spend(tx, idx, utxos, **conf)
504        else:
505            assert failure is not None
506            return spend(tx, idx, utxos, **{**conf, **failure})
508    return Spender(script=spk, comment=comment, is_standard=standard, sat_function=sat_fn, err_msg=err_msg, sigops_weight=sigops_weight, no_fail=failure is None, need_vin_vout_mismatch=need_vin_vout_mismatch)
510def add_spender(spenders, *args, **kwargs):
511    """Make a spender using make_spender, and add it to spenders."""
512    spenders.append(make_spender(*args, **kwargs))
514# === Helpers for the test ===
516def random_checksig_style(pubkey):
517    """Creates a random CHECKSIG* tapscript that would succeed with only the valid signature on witness stack."""
518    return bytes(CScript([pubkey, OP_CHECKSIG]))
519    opcode = random.choice([OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_CHECKSIGADD])
520    if (opcode == OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY):
521        ret = CScript([pubkey, opcode, OP_1])
522    elif (opcode == OP_CHECKSIGADD):
523        num = random.choice([0, 0x7fffffff, -0x7fffffff])
524        ret = CScript([num, pubkey, opcode, num + 1, OP_EQUAL])
525    else:
526        ret = CScript([pubkey, opcode])
527    return bytes(ret)
529def random_bytes(n):
530    """Return a random bytes object of length n."""
531    return bytes(random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(n))
533def bitflipper(expr):
534    """Return a callable that evaluates expr and returns it with a random bitflip."""
535    def fn(ctx):
536        sub = deep_eval(ctx, expr)
537        assert isinstance(sub, bytes)
538        return (int.from_bytes(sub, 'little') ^ (1 << random.randrange(len(sub) * 8))).to_bytes(len(sub), 'little')
539    return fn
541def zero_appender(expr):
542    """Return a callable that evaluates expr and returns it with a zero added."""
543    return lambda ctx: deep_eval(ctx, expr) + b"\x00"
545def byte_popper(expr):
546    """Return a callable that evaluates expr and returns it with its last byte removed."""
547    return lambda ctx: deep_eval(ctx, expr)[:-1]
549# Expected error strings
551ERR_SIG_SIZE = {"err_msg": "Invalid Schnorr signature size"}
552ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE = {"err_msg": "Invalid Schnorr signature hash type"}
553ERR_SIG_SCHNORR = {"err_msg": "Invalid Schnorr signature"}
554ERR_OP_RETURN = {"err_msg": "OP_RETURN was encountered"}
555ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE = {"err_msg": "Invalid Taproot control block size"}
556ERR_WITNESS_PROGRAM_MISMATCH = {"err_msg": "Witness program hash mismatch"}
557ERR_PUSH_LIMIT = {"err_msg": "Push value size limit exceeded"}
558ERR_DISABLED_OPCODE = {"err_msg": "Attempted to use a disabled opcode"}
559ERR_TAPSCRIPT_CHECKMULTISIG = {"err_msg": "OP_CHECKMULTISIG(VERIFY) is not available in tapscript"}
560ERR_MINIMALIF = {"err_msg": "OP_IF/NOTIF argument must be minimal in tapscript"}
561ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY = {"err_msg": "Public key is neither compressed or uncompressed"}
562ERR_STACK_SIZE = {"err_msg": "Stack size limit exceeded"}
563ERR_CLEANSTACK = {"err_msg": "Stack size must be exactly one after execution"}
564ERR_STACK_EMPTY = {"err_msg": "Operation not valid with the current stack size"}
565ERR_SIGOPS_RATIO = {"err_msg": "Too much signature validation relative to witness weight"}
566ERR_UNDECODABLE = {"err_msg": "Opcode missing or not understood"}
567ERR_NO_SUCCESS = {"err_msg": "Script evaluated without error but finished with a false/empty top stack element"}
568ERR_EMPTY_WITNESS = {"err_msg": "Witness program was passed an empty witness"}
569ERR_CHECKSIGVERIFY = {"err_msg": "Script failed an OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY operation"}
589SIGHASH_BITFLIP = {"failure": {"sighash": bitflipper(default_sighash)}}
590SIG_POP_BYTE = {"failure": {"sign": byte_popper(default_sign)}}
591SINGLE_SIG = {"inputs": [getter("sign")]}
592SIG_ADD_ZERO = {"failure": {"sign": zero_appender(default_sign)}}
594DUST_LIMIT = 600
595MIN_FEE = 50000
597# === Actual test cases ===
600def spenders_taproot_active():
601    """Return a list of Spenders for testing post-Taproot activation behavior."""
603    secs = [generate_privkey() for _ in range(8)]
604    pubs = [compute_xonly_pubkey(sec)[0] for sec in secs]
606    spenders = []
608    # == Tests for BIP340 signature validation. ==
609    # These are primarily tested through the test vectors implemented in libsecp256k1, and in src/tests/key_tests.cpp.
610    # Some things are tested programmatically as well here.
612    tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0])
613    # Test with key with bit flipped.
614    add_spender(spenders, "sig/key", tap=tap, key=secs[0], failure={"key_tweaked": bitflipper(default_key_tweaked)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
615    # Test with sighash with bit flipped.
616    add_spender(spenders, "sig/sighash", tap=tap, key=secs[0], failure={"sighash": bitflipper(default_sighash)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
617    # Test with invalid R sign.
618    add_spender(spenders, "sig/flip_r", tap=tap, key=secs[0], failure={"flag_flip_r": True}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
619    # Test with invalid P sign.
620    add_spender(spenders, "sig/flip_p", tap=tap, key=secs[0], failure={"flag_flip_p": True}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
621    # Test with signature with bit flipped.
622    add_spender(spenders, "sig/bitflip", tap=tap, key=secs[0], failure={"signature": bitflipper(default_signature)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
624    # == Tests for signature hashing ==
626    # Run all tests once with no annex, and once with a valid random annex.
627    for annex in [None, lambda _: bytes([ANNEX_TAG]) + random_bytes(random.randrange(0, 250))]:
628        # Non-empty annex is non-standard
629        no_annex = annex is None
631        # Sighash mutation tests (test all sighash combinations)
632        for hashtype in VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT:
633            common = {"annex": annex, "hashtype": hashtype, "standard": no_annex}
635            # Pure pubkey
636            tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0])
637            add_spender(spenders, "sighash/purepk", tap=tap, key=secs[0], **common, **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
639            # Pubkey/P2PK script combination
640            scripts = [("s0", CScript(random_checksig_style(pubs[1])))]
641            tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
642            add_spender(spenders, "sighash/keypath_hashtype_%x" % hashtype, tap=tap, key=secs[0], **common, **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
643            add_spender(spenders, "sighash/scriptpath_hashtype_%x" % hashtype, tap=tap, leaf="s0", key=secs[1], **common, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
645            # Test SIGHASH_SINGLE behavior in combination with mismatching outputs
646            if hashtype in VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT_SINGLE:
647                add_spender(spenders, "sighash/keypath_hashtype_mis_%x" % hashtype, tap=tap, key=secs[0], annex=annex, standard=no_annex, hashtype_actual=random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT_NO_SINGLE), failure={"hashtype_actual": hashtype}, **ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE, need_vin_vout_mismatch=True)
648                add_spender(spenders, "sighash/scriptpath_hashtype_mis_%x" % hashtype, tap=tap, leaf="s0", key=secs[1], annex=annex, standard=no_annex, hashtype_actual=random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT_NO_SINGLE), **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"hashtype_actual": hashtype}, **ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE, need_vin_vout_mismatch=True)
650        # Test OP_CODESEPARATOR impact on sighashing.
651        hashtype = lambda _: random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT)
652        common = {"annex": annex, "hashtype": hashtype, "standard": no_annex}
653        scripts = [
654            ("pk_codesep", CScript(random_checksig_style(pubs[1]) + bytes([OP_CODESEPARATOR]))),  # codesep after checksig
655            ("codesep_pk", CScript(bytes([OP_CODESEPARATOR]) + random_checksig_style(pubs[1]))),  # codesep before checksig
656            ("branched_codesep", CScript([random_bytes(random.randrange(511)), OP_DROP, OP_IF, OP_CODESEPARATOR, pubs[0], OP_ELSE, OP_CODESEPARATOR, pubs[1], OP_ENDIF, OP_CHECKSIG])),  # branch dependent codesep
657        ]
658        random.shuffle(scripts)
659        tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
660        add_spender(spenders, "sighash/pk_codesep", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **common, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
661        add_spender(spenders, "sighash/codesep_pk", tap=tap, leaf="codesep_pk", key=secs[1], codeseppos=0, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
662        add_spender(spenders, "sighash/branched_codesep/left", tap=tap, leaf="branched_codesep", key=secs[0], codeseppos=3, **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), b'\x01'], **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
663        add_spender(spenders, "sighash/branched_codesep/right", tap=tap, leaf="branched_codesep", key=secs[1], codeseppos=6, **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), b''], **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
665    # Reusing the scripts above, test that various features affect the sighash.
666    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/annex", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], hashtype=hashtype, standard=False, **SINGLE_SIG, annex=bytes([ANNEX_TAG]), failure={"sighash": override(default_sighash, annex=None)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
667    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/script", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"sighash": override(default_sighash, script_taproot=tap.leaves["codesep_pk"].script)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
668    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/leafver", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"sighash": override(default_sighash, leafversion=random.choice([x & 0xFE for x in range(0x100) if x & 0xFE != 0xC0]))}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
669    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/scriptpath", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"sighash": override(default_sighash, leaf=None)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
670    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[0], **common, failure={"sighash": override(default_sighash, leaf="pk_codesep")}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
672    # Test that invalid hashtypes don't work, both in key path and script path spends
673    hashtype = lambda _: random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT)
674    for invalid_hashtype in [x for x in range(0x100) if x not in VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT]:
675        add_spender(spenders, "sighash/keypath_unk_hashtype_%x" % invalid_hashtype, tap=tap, key=secs[0], hashtype=hashtype, failure={"hashtype": invalid_hashtype}, **ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE)
676        add_spender(spenders, "sighash/scriptpath_unk_hashtype_%x" % invalid_hashtype, tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **SINGLE_SIG, hashtype=hashtype, failure={"hashtype": invalid_hashtype}, **ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE)
678    # Test that hashtype 0 cannot have a hashtype byte, and 1 must have one.
679    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype0_byte_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[0], hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT, failure={"bytes_hashtype": bytes([SIGHASH_DEFAULT])}, **ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE)
680    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype0_byte_scriptpath", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **SINGLE_SIG, hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT, failure={"bytes_hashtype": bytes([SIGHASH_DEFAULT])}, **ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE)
681    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype1_byte_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[0], hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL, failure={"bytes_hashtype": b''}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
682    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype1_byte_scriptpath", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **SINGLE_SIG, hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL, failure={"bytes_hashtype": b''}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
683    # Test that hashtype 0 and hashtype 1 cannot be transmuted into each other.
684    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype0to1_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[0], hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT, failure={"bytes_hashtype": bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
685    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype0to1_scriptpath", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **SINGLE_SIG, hashtype=SIGHASH_DEFAULT, failure={"bytes_hashtype": bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
686    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype1to0_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[0], hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL, failure={"bytes_hashtype": b''}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
687    add_spender(spenders, "sighash/hashtype1to0_scriptpath", tap=tap, leaf="pk_codesep", key=secs[1], **SINGLE_SIG, hashtype=SIGHASH_ALL, failure={"bytes_hashtype": b''}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
689    # Test aspects of signatures with unusual lengths
690    for hashtype in [SIGHASH_DEFAULT, random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT)]:
691        scripts = [
692            ("csv", CScript([pubs[2], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
693            ("cs_pos", CScript([pubs[2], OP_CHECKSIG])),
694            ("csa_pos", CScript([OP_0, pubs[2], OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_1, OP_EQUAL])),
695            ("cs_neg", CScript([pubs[2], OP_CHECKSIG, OP_NOT])),
696            ("csa_neg", CScript([OP_2, pubs[2], OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_2, OP_EQUAL]))
697        ]
698        random.shuffle(scripts)
699        tap = taproot_construct(pubs[3], scripts)
700        # Empty signatures
701        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/empty_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[3], hashtype=hashtype, failure={"sign": b""}, **ERR_SIG_SIZE)
702        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/empty_csv", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csv", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"sign": b""}, **ERR_CHECKSIGVERIFY)
703        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/empty_cs", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_pos", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"sign": b""}, **ERR_NO_SUCCESS)
704        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/empty_csa", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_pos", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"sign": b""}, **ERR_NO_SUCCESS)
705        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/empty_cs_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", failure={"sign": lambda _: random_bytes(random.randrange(1, 63))}, **ERR_SIG_SIZE)
706        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/empty_csa_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", failure={"sign": lambda _: random_bytes(random.randrange(66, 100))}, **ERR_SIG_SIZE)
707        # Appending a zero byte to signatures invalidates them
708        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/padzero_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[3], hashtype=hashtype, **SIG_ADD_ZERO, **(ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SIZE))
709        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/padzero_csv", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csv", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIG_ADD_ZERO, **(ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SIZE))
710        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/padzero_cs", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_pos", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIG_ADD_ZERO, **(ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SIZE))
711        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/padzero_csa", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_pos", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIG_ADD_ZERO, **(ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SIZE))
712        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/padzero_cs_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", **SIG_ADD_ZERO, **(ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SIZE))
713        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/padzero_csa_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", **SIG_ADD_ZERO, **(ERR_SIG_HASHTYPE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SIZE))
714        # Removing the last byte from signatures invalidates them
715        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/popbyte_keypath", tap=tap, key=secs[3], hashtype=hashtype, **SIG_POP_BYTE, **(ERR_SIG_SIZE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SCHNORR))
716        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/popbyte_csv", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csv", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIG_POP_BYTE, **(ERR_SIG_SIZE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SCHNORR))
717        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/popbyte_cs", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_pos", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIG_POP_BYTE, **(ERR_SIG_SIZE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SCHNORR))
718        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/popbyte_csa", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_pos", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, **SIG_POP_BYTE, **(ERR_SIG_SIZE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SCHNORR))
719        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/popbyte_cs_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", **SIG_POP_BYTE, **(ERR_SIG_SIZE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SCHNORR))
720        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/popbyte_csa_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", **SIG_POP_BYTE, **(ERR_SIG_SIZE if hashtype == SIGHASH_DEFAULT else ERR_SIG_SCHNORR))
721        # Verify that an invalid signature is not allowed, not even when the CHECKSIG* is expected to fail.
722        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/invalid_cs_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="cs_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", failure={"sign": default_sign, "sighash": bitflipper(default_sighash)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
723        add_spender(spenders, "siglen/invalid_csa_neg", tap=tap, key=secs[2], leaf="csa_neg", hashtype=hashtype, **SINGLE_SIG, sign=b"", failure={"sign": default_sign, "sighash": bitflipper(default_sighash)}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
725    # == Test that BIP341 spending only applies to witness version 1, program length 32, no P2SH ==
727    for p2sh in [False, True]:
728        for witver in range(1, 17):
729            for witlen in [20, 31, 32, 33]:
730                def mutate(spk):
731                    prog = spk[2:]
732                    assert len(prog) == 32
733                    if witlen < 32:
734                        prog = prog[0:witlen]
735                    elif witlen > 32:
736                        prog += bytes([0 for _ in range(witlen - 32)])
737                    return CScript([CScriptOp.encode_op_n(witver), prog])
738                scripts = [("s0", CScript([pubs[0], OP_CHECKSIG])), ("dummy", CScript([OP_RETURN]))]
739                tap = taproot_construct(pubs[1], scripts)
740                if not p2sh and witver == 1 and witlen == 32:
741                    add_spender(spenders, "applic/keypath", p2sh=p2sh, spk_mutate_pre_p2sh=mutate, tap=tap, key=secs[1], **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
742                    add_spender(spenders, "applic/scriptpath", p2sh=p2sh, leaf="s0", spk_mutate_pre_p2sh=mutate, tap=tap, key=secs[0], **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "dummy"}, **ERR_OP_RETURN)
743                else:
744                    add_spender(spenders, "applic/keypath", p2sh=p2sh, spk_mutate_pre_p2sh=mutate, tap=tap, key=secs[1], standard=False)
745                    add_spender(spenders, "applic/scriptpath", p2sh=p2sh, leaf="s0", spk_mutate_pre_p2sh=mutate, tap=tap, key=secs[0], **SINGLE_SIG, standard=False)
747    # == Test various aspects of BIP341 spending paths ==
749    # A set of functions that compute the hashing partner in a Merkle tree, designed to exercise
750    # edge cases. This relies on the taproot_construct feature that a lambda can be passed in
751    # instead of a subtree, to compute the partner to be hashed with.
753        # Combine with itself
754        lambda h: h,
755        # Combine with hash 0
756        lambda h: bytes([0 for _ in range(32)]),
757        # Combine with hash 2^256-1
758        lambda h: bytes([0xff for _ in range(32)]),
759        # Combine with itself-1 (BE)
760        lambda h: (int.from_bytes(h, 'big') - 1).to_bytes(32, 'big'),
761        # Combine with itself+1 (BE)
762        lambda h: (int.from_bytes(h, 'big') + 1).to_bytes(32, 'big'),
763        # Combine with itself-1 (LE)
764        lambda h: (int.from_bytes(h, 'little') - 1).to_bytes(32, 'big'),
765        # Combine with itself+1 (LE)
766        lambda h: (int.from_bytes(h, 'little') + 1).to_bytes(32, 'little'),
767        # Combine with random bitflipped version of self.
768        lambda h: (int.from_bytes(h, 'little') ^ (1 << random.randrange(256))).to_bytes(32, 'little')
769    ]
770    # Start with a tree of that has depth 1 for "128deep" and depth 2 for "129deep".
771    scripts = [("128deep", CScript([pubs[0], OP_CHECKSIG])), [("129deep", CScript([pubs[0], OP_CHECKSIG])), random.choice(PARTNER_MERKLE_FN)]]
772    # Add 127 nodes on top of that tree, so that "128deep" and "129deep" end up at their designated depths.
773    for _ in range(127):
774        scripts = [scripts, random.choice(PARTNER_MERKLE_FN)]
775    tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
776    # Test that spends with a depth of 128 work, but 129 doesn't (even with a tree with weird Merkle branches in it).
777    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/merklelimit", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"leaf": "129deep"}, **ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE)
778    # Test that flipping the negation bit invalidates spends.
779    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/negflag", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"negflag": lambda ctx: 1 - default_negflag(ctx)}, **ERR_WITNESS_PROGRAM_MISMATCH)
780    # Test that bitflips in the Merkle branch invalidate it.
781    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/bitflipmerkle", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"merklebranch": bitflipper(default_merklebranch)}, **ERR_WITNESS_PROGRAM_MISMATCH)
782    # Test that bitflips in the inner pubkey invalidate it.
783    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/bitflippubkey", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"pubkey_inner": bitflipper(default_pubkey_inner)}, **ERR_WITNESS_PROGRAM_MISMATCH)
784    # Test that empty witnesses are invalid.
785    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/emptywit", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"witness": []}, **ERR_EMPTY_WITNESS)
786    # Test that adding garbage to the control block invalidates it.
787    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/padlongcontrol", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"controlblock": lambda ctx: default_controlblock(ctx) + random_bytes(random.randrange(1, 32))}, **ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE)
788    # Test that truncating the control block invalidates it.
789    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/trunclongcontrol", tap=tap, leaf="128deep", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"controlblock": lambda ctx: default_merklebranch(ctx)[0:random.randrange(1, 32)]}, **ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE)
791    scripts = [("s", CScript([pubs[0], OP_CHECKSIG]))]
792    tap = taproot_construct(pubs[1], scripts)
793    # Test that adding garbage to the control block invalidates it.
794    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/padshortcontrol", tap=tap, leaf="s", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"controlblock": lambda ctx: default_controlblock(ctx) + random_bytes(random.randrange(1, 32))}, **ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE)
795    # Test that truncating the control block invalidates it.
796    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/truncshortcontrol", tap=tap, leaf="s", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"controlblock": lambda ctx: default_merklebranch(ctx)[0:random.randrange(1, 32)]}, **ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE)
797    # Test that truncating the control block to 1 byte ("-1 Merkle length") invalidates it
798    add_spender(spenders, "spendpath/trunc1shortcontrol", tap=tap, leaf="s", **SINGLE_SIG, key=secs[0], failure={"controlblock": lambda ctx: default_merklebranch(ctx)[0:1]}, **ERR_CONTROLBLOCK_SIZE)
800    # == Test BIP342 edge cases ==
802    csa_low_val = random.randrange(0, 17) # Within range for OP_n
803    csa_low_result = csa_low_val + 1
805    csa_high_val = random.randrange(17, 100) if random.getrandbits(1) else random.randrange(-100, -1) # Outside OP_n range
806    csa_high_result = csa_high_val + 1
808    OVERSIZE_NUMBER = 2**31
809    assert_equal(len(CScriptNum.encode(CScriptNum(OVERSIZE_NUMBER))), 6)
810    assert_equal(len(CScriptNum.encode(CScriptNum(OVERSIZE_NUMBER-1))), 5)
812    big_choices = []
813    big_scriptops = []
814    for i in range(1000):
815        r = random.randrange(len(pubs))
816        big_choices.append(r)
817        big_scriptops += [pubs[r], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY]
820    def big_spend_inputs(ctx):
821        """Helper function to construct the script input for t33/t34 below."""
822        # Instead of signing 999 times, precompute signatures for every (key, hashtype) combination
823        sigs = {}
824        for ht in VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT:
825            for k in range(len(pubs)):
826                sigs[(k, ht)] = override(default_sign, hashtype=ht, key=secs[k])(ctx)
827        num = get(ctx, "num")
828        return [sigs[(big_choices[i], random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT))] for i in range(num - 1, -1, -1)]
830    # Various BIP342 features
831    scripts = [
832        # 0) drop stack element and OP_CHECKSIG
833        ("t0", CScript([OP_DROP, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
834        # 1) normal OP_CHECKSIG
835        ("t1", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
836        # 2) normal OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY
837        ("t2", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
838        # 3) Hypothetical OP_CHECKMULTISIG script that takes a single sig as input
839        ("t3", CScript([OP_0, OP_SWAP, OP_1, pubs[1], OP_1, OP_CHECKMULTISIG])),
840        # 4) Hypothetical OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY script that takes a single sig as input
841        ("t4", CScript([OP_0, OP_SWAP, OP_1, pubs[1], OP_1, OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
842        # 5) OP_IF script that needs a true input
843        ("t5", CScript([OP_IF, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG, OP_ELSE, OP_RETURN, OP_ENDIF])),
844        # 6) OP_NOTIF script that needs a true input
845        ("t6", CScript([OP_NOTIF, OP_RETURN, OP_ELSE, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG, OP_ENDIF])),
846        # 7) OP_CHECKSIG with an empty key
847        ("t7", CScript([OP_0, OP_CHECKSIG])),
848        # 8) OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY with an empty key
849        ("t8", CScript([OP_0, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
850        # 9) normal OP_CHECKSIGADD that also ensures return value is correct
851        ("t9", CScript([csa_low_val, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD, csa_low_result, OP_EQUAL])),
852        # 10) OP_CHECKSIGADD with empty key
853        ("t10", CScript([csa_low_val, OP_0, OP_CHECKSIGADD, csa_low_result, OP_EQUAL])),
854        # 11) OP_CHECKSIGADD with missing counter stack element
855        ("t11", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_1, OP_EQUAL])),
856        # 12) OP_CHECKSIG that needs invalid signature
857        ("t12", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, pubs[0], OP_CHECKSIG, OP_NOT])),
858        # 13) OP_CHECKSIG with empty key that needs invalid signature
859        ("t13", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_0, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_NOT])),
860        # 14) OP_CHECKSIGADD that needs invalid signature
861        ("t14", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_0, pubs[0], OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_NOT])),
862        # 15) OP_CHECKSIGADD with empty key that needs invalid signature
863        ("t15", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_0, OP_0, OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_NOT])),
864        # 16) OP_CHECKSIG with unknown pubkey type
865        ("t16", CScript([OP_1, OP_CHECKSIG])),
866        # 17) OP_CHECKSIGADD with unknown pubkey type
867        ("t17", CScript([OP_0, OP_1, OP_CHECKSIGADD])),
868        # 18) OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY with unknown pubkey type
869        ("t18", CScript([OP_1, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
870        # 19) script longer than 10000 bytes and over 201 non-push opcodes
871        ("t19", CScript([OP_0, OP_0, OP_2DROP] * 10001 + [pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
872        # 20) OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY with empty key
873        ("t20", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_0, OP_0, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
874        # 21) Script that grows the stack to 1000 elements
875        ("t21", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1] + [OP_DUP] * 999 + [OP_DROP] * 999)),
876        # 22) Script that grows the stack to 1001 elements
877        ("t22", CScript([pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1] + [OP_DUP] * 1000 + [OP_DROP] * 1000)),
878        # 23) Script that expects an input stack of 1000 elements
879        ("t23", CScript([OP_DROP] * 999 + [pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
880        # 24) Script that expects an input stack of 1001 elements
881        ("t24", CScript([OP_DROP] * 1000 + [pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
882        # 25) Script that pushes a MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE-bytes element
883        ("t25", CScript([random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE), OP_DROP, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
884        # 26) Script that pushes a (MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1)-bytes element
885        ("t26", CScript([random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1), OP_DROP, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
886        # 27) CHECKSIGADD that must fail because numeric argument number is >4 bytes
887        ("t27", CScript([CScriptNum(OVERSIZE_NUMBER), pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD])),
888        # 28) Pushes random CScriptNum value, checks OP_CHECKSIGADD result
889        ("t28", CScript([csa_high_val, pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD, csa_high_result, OP_EQUAL])),
890        # 29) CHECKSIGADD that succeeds with proper sig because numeric argument number is <=4 bytes
891        ("t29", CScript([CScriptNum(OVERSIZE_NUMBER-1), pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD])),
892        # 30) Variant of t1 with "normal" 33-byte pubkey
893        ("t30", CScript([b'\x03' + pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIG])),
894        # 31) Variant of t2 with "normal" 33-byte pubkey
895        ("t31", CScript([b'\x02' + pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_1])),
896        # 32) Variant of t28 with "normal" 33-byte pubkey
897        ("t32", CScript([csa_high_val, b'\x03' + pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD, csa_high_result, OP_EQUAL])),
898        # 33) 999-of-999 multisig
899        ("t33", CScript(big_scriptops[:1998] + [OP_1])),
900        # 34) 1000-of-1000 multisig
901        ("t34", CScript(big_scriptops[:2000] + [OP_1])),
902        # 35) Variant of t9 that uses a non-minimally encoded input arg
903        ("t35", CScript([bytes([csa_low_val]), pubs[1], OP_CHECKSIGADD, csa_low_result, OP_EQUAL])),
904        # 36) Empty script
905        ("t36", CScript([])),
906    ]
907    # Add many dummies to test huge trees
908    for j in range(100000):
909        scripts.append((None, CScript([OP_RETURN, random.randrange(100000)])))
910    random.shuffle(scripts)
911    tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
912    common = {
913        "hashtype": hashtype,
914        "key": secs[1],
915        "tap": tap,
916    }
917    # Test that MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE byte stack element inputs are valid, but not one more (and 80 bytes is standard but 81 is not).
918    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/inputmaxlimit", leaf="t0", **common, standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign"), random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE)], failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1)]}, **ERR_PUSH_LIMIT)
919    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/input80limit", leaf="t0", **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), random_bytes(80)])
920    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/input81limit", leaf="t0", **common, standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign"), random_bytes(81)])
922    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/disabled_checkmultisig", leaf="t1", **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "t3"}, **ERR_TAPSCRIPT_CHECKMULTISIG)
923    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/disabled_checkmultisigverify", leaf="t2", **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "t4"}, **ERR_TAPSCRIPT_CHECKMULTISIG)
924    # Test that OP_IF and OP_NOTIF do not accept non-0x01 as truth value (the MINIMALIF rule is consensus in Tapscript)
925    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/minimalif", leaf="t5", **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), b'\x01'], failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), b'\x02']}, **ERR_MINIMALIF)
926    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/minimalnotif", leaf="t6", **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), b'\x01'], failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), b'\x03']}, **ERR_MINIMALIF)
927    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/minimalif", leaf="t5", **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), b'\x01'], failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), b'\x0001']}, **ERR_MINIMALIF)
928    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/minimalnotif", leaf="t6", **common, inputs=[getter("sign"), b'\x01'], failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), b'\x0100']}, **ERR_MINIMALIF)
929    # Test that 1-byte public keys (which are unknown) are acceptable but nonstandard with unrelated signatures, but 0-byte public keys are not valid.
930    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/unkpk/checksig", leaf="t16", standard=False, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "t7"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
931    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/unkpk/checksigadd", leaf="t17", standard=False, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "t10"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
932    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/unkpk/checksigverify", leaf="t18", standard=False, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "t8"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
933    # Test that 33-byte public keys (which are unknown) are acceptable but nonstandard with valid signatures, but normal pubkeys are not valid in that case.
934    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/oldpk/checksig", leaf="t30", standard=False, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash), failure={"leaf": "t1"}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
935    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/oldpk/checksigadd", leaf="t31", standard=False, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash), failure={"leaf": "t2"}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
936    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/oldpk/checksigverify", leaf="t32", standard=False, **common, **SINGLE_SIG, sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash), failure={"leaf": "t28"}, **ERR_SIG_SCHNORR)
937    # Test that 0-byte public keys are not acceptable.
938    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptypk/checksig", leaf="t1", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t7"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
939    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptypk/checksigverify", leaf="t2", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t8"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
940    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptypk/checksigadd", leaf="t9", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t10"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
941    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptypk/checksigadd", leaf="t35", standard=False, **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t10"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
942    # Test that OP_CHECKSIGADD results are as expected
943    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/checksigaddresults", leaf="t28", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t27"}, err_msg="unknown error")
944    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/checksigaddoversize", leaf="t29", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t27"}, err_msg="unknown error")
945    # Test that OP_CHECKSIGADD requires 3 stack elements.
946    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/checksigadd3args", leaf="t9", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t11"}, **ERR_STACK_EMPTY)
947    # Test that empty signatures do not cause script failure in OP_CHECKSIG and OP_CHECKSIGADD (but do fail with empty pubkey, and do fail OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY)
948    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptysigs/checksig", leaf="t12", **common, inputs=[b'', getter("sign")], failure={"leaf": "t13"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
949    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptysigs/nochecksigverify", leaf="t12", **common, inputs=[b'', getter("sign")], failure={"leaf": "t20"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
950    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/emptysigs/checksigadd", leaf="t14", **common, inputs=[b'', getter("sign")], failure={"leaf": "t15"}, **ERR_UNKNOWN_PUBKEY)
951    # Test that scripts over 10000 bytes (and over 201 non-push ops) are acceptable.
952    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/no10000limit", leaf="t19", **SINGLE_SIG, **common)
953    # Test that a stack size of 1000 elements is permitted, but 1001 isn't.
954    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/1000stack", leaf="t21", **SINGLE_SIG, **common, failure={"leaf": "t22"}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
955    # Test that an input stack size of 1000 elements is permitted, but 1001 isn't.
956    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/1000inputs", leaf="t23", **common, inputs=[getter("sign")] + [b'' for _ in range(999)], failure={"leaf": "t24", "inputs": [getter("sign")] + [b'' for _ in range(1000)]}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
957    # Test that pushing a MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE byte stack element is valid, but one longer is not.
958    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/pushmaxlimit", leaf="t25", **common, **SINGLE_SIG, failure={"leaf": "t26"}, **ERR_PUSH_LIMIT)
959    # Test that 999-of-999 multisig works (but 1000-of-1000 triggers stack size limits)
960    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/bigmulti", leaf="t33", **common, inputs=big_spend_inputs, num=999, failure={"leaf": "t34", "num": 1000}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
961    # Test that the CLEANSTACK rule is consensus critical in tapscript
962    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/cleanstack", leaf="t36", tap=tap, inputs=[b'\x01'], failure={"inputs": [b'\x01', b'\x01']}, **ERR_CLEANSTACK)
964    # == Test for sigops ratio limit ==
966    # Given a number n, and a public key pk, functions that produce a (CScript, sigops). Each script takes as
967    # input a valid signature with the passed pk followed by a dummy push of bytes that are to be dropped, and
968    # will execute sigops signature checks.
970        # n OP_CHECKSIGVERFIYs and 1 OP_CHECKSIG.
971        lambda n, pk: (CScript([OP_DROP, pk] + [OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY] * n + [OP_CHECKSIG]), n + 1),
972        # n OP_CHECKSIGVERIFYs and 1 OP_CHECKSIGADD, but also one unexecuted OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY.
973        lambda n, pk: (CScript([OP_DROP, pk, OP_0, OP_IF, OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_ENDIF] + [OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY] * n + [OP_2, OP_SWAP, OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_3, OP_EQUAL]), n + 1),
974        # n OP_CHECKSIGVERIFYs and 1 OP_CHECKSIGADD, but also one unexecuted OP_CHECKSIG.
975        lambda n, pk: (CScript([random_bytes(220), OP_2DROP, pk, OP_1, OP_NOTIF, OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_VERIFY, OP_ENDIF] + [OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY] * n + [OP_4, OP_SWAP, OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_5, OP_EQUAL]), n + 1),
976        # n OP_CHECKSIGVERFIYs and 1 OP_CHECKSIGADD, but also one unexecuted OP_CHECKSIGADD.
978        # n+1 OP_CHECKSIGs, but also one OP_CHECKSIG with an empty signature.
979        lambda n, pk: (CScript([OP_DROP, OP_0, pk, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_NOT, OP_VERIFY, pk] + [OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_VERIFY] * n + [OP_CHECKSIG]), n + 1),
980        # n OP_CHECKSIGADDs and 1 OP_CHECKSIG, but also an OP_CHECKSIGADD with an empty signature.
981        lambda n, pk: (CScript([OP_DROP, OP_0, OP_10, pk, OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_10, OP_EQUALVERIFY, pk] + [OP_2DUP, OP_16, OP_SWAP, OP_CHECKSIGADD, b'\x11', OP_EQUALVERIFY] * n + [OP_CHECKSIG]), n + 1),
982    ]
983    for annex in [None, bytes([ANNEX_TAG]) + random_bytes(random.randrange(1000))]:
984        for hashtype in [SIGHASH_DEFAULT, SIGHASH_ALL]:
985            for pubkey in [pubs[1], random_bytes(random.choice([x for x in range(2, 81) if x != 32]))]:
986                for fn_num, fn in enumerate(SIGOPS_RATIO_SCRIPTS):
987                    merkledepth = random.randrange(129)
990                    def predict_sigops_ratio(n, dummy_size):
991                        """Predict whether spending fn(n, pubkey) with dummy_size will pass the ratio test."""
992                        script, sigops = fn(n, pubkey)
993                        # Predict the size of the witness for a given choice of n
994                        stacklen_size = 1
995                        sig_size = 64 + (hashtype != SIGHASH_DEFAULT)
996                        siglen_size = 1
997                        dummylen_size = 1 + 2 * (dummy_size >= 253)
998                        script_size = len(script)
999                        scriptlen_size = 1 + 2 * (script_size >= 253)
1000                        control_size = 33 + 32 * merkledepth
1001                        controllen_size = 1 + 2 * (control_size >= 253)
1002                        annex_size = 0 if annex is None else len(annex)
1003                        annexlen_size = 0 if annex is None else 1 + 2 * (annex_size >= 253)
1004                        witsize = stacklen_size + sig_size + siglen_size + dummy_size + dummylen_size + script_size + scriptlen_size + control_size + controllen_size + annex_size + annexlen_size
1005                        # sigops ratio test
1006                        return witsize + 50 >= 50 * sigops
1007                    # Make sure n is high enough that with empty dummy, the script is not valid
1008                    n = 0
1009                    while predict_sigops_ratio(n, 0):
1010                        n += 1
1011                    # But allow picking a bit higher still
1012                    n += random.randrange(5)
1013                    # Now pick dummy size *just* large enough that the overall construction passes
1014                    dummylen = 0
1015                    while not predict_sigops_ratio(n, dummylen):
1016                        dummylen += 1
1017                    scripts = [("s", fn(n, pubkey)[0])]
1018                    for _ in range(merkledepth):
1019                        scripts = [scripts, random.choice(PARTNER_MERKLE_FN)]
1020                    tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
1021                    standard = annex is None and dummylen <= 80 and len(pubkey) == 32
1022                    add_spender(spenders, "tapscript/sigopsratio_%i" % fn_num, tap=tap, leaf="s", annex=annex, hashtype=hashtype, key=secs[1], inputs=[getter("sign"), random_bytes(dummylen)], standard=standard, failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), random_bytes(dummylen - 1)]}, **ERR_SIGOPS_RATIO)
1024    # Future leaf versions
1025    for leafver in range(0, 0x100, 2):
1026        if leafver == LEAF_VERSION_TAPSCRIPT or leafver == ANNEX_TAG:
1027            # Skip the defined LEAF_VERSION_TAPSCRIPT, and the ANNEX_TAG which is not usable as leaf version
1028            continue
1029        scripts = [
1030            ("bare_c0", CScript([OP_NOP])),
1031            ("bare_unkver", CScript([OP_NOP]), leafver),
1032            ("return_c0", CScript([OP_RETURN])),
1033            ("return_unkver", CScript([OP_RETURN]), leafver),
1034            ("undecodable_c0", CScript([OP_PUSHDATA1])),
1035            ("undecodable_unkver", CScript([OP_PUSHDATA1]), leafver),
1036            ("bigpush_c0", CScript([random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1), OP_DROP])),
1037            ("bigpush_unkver", CScript([random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1), OP_DROP]), leafver),
1038            ("1001push_c0", CScript([OP_0] * 1001)),
1039            ("1001push_unkver", CScript([OP_0] * 1001), leafver),
1040        ]
1041        random.shuffle(scripts)
1042        tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
1043        add_spender(spenders, "unkver/bare", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="bare_unkver", failure={"leaf": "bare_c0"}, **ERR_CLEANSTACK)
1044        add_spender(spenders, "unkver/return", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="return_unkver", failure={"leaf": "return_c0"}, **ERR_OP_RETURN)
1045        add_spender(spenders, "unkver/undecodable", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="undecodable_unkver", failure={"leaf": "undecodable_c0"}, **ERR_UNDECODABLE)
1046        add_spender(spenders, "unkver/bigpush", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="bigpush_unkver", failure={"leaf": "bigpush_c0"}, **ERR_PUSH_LIMIT)
1047        add_spender(spenders, "unkver/1001push", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="1001push_unkver", failure={"leaf": "1001push_c0"}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
1048        add_spender(spenders, "unkver/1001inputs", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="bare_unkver", inputs=[b'']*1001, failure={"leaf": "bare_c0"}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
1050    # OP_SUCCESSx tests.
1051    hashtype = lambda _: random.choice(VALID_SIGHASHES_TAPROOT)
1052    for opval in range(76, 0x100):
1053        opcode = CScriptOp(opval)
1054        if not is_op_success(opcode):
1055            continue
1056        scripts = [
1057            ("bare_success", CScript([opcode])),
1058            ("bare_nop", CScript([OP_NOP])),
1059            ("unexecif_success", CScript([OP_0, OP_IF, opcode, OP_ENDIF])),
1060            ("unexecif_nop", CScript([OP_0, OP_IF, OP_NOP, OP_ENDIF])),
1061            ("return_success", CScript([OP_RETURN, opcode])),
1062            ("return_nop", CScript([OP_RETURN, OP_NOP])),
1063            ("undecodable_success", CScript([opcode, OP_PUSHDATA1])),
1064            ("undecodable_nop", CScript([OP_NOP, OP_PUSHDATA1])),
1065            ("undecodable_bypassed_success", CScript([OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_2, opcode])),
1066            ("bigpush_success", CScript([random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1), OP_DROP, opcode])),
1067            ("bigpush_nop", CScript([random_bytes(MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE+1), OP_DROP, OP_NOP])),
1068            ("1001push_success", CScript([OP_0] * 1001 + [opcode])),
1069            ("1001push_nop", CScript([OP_0] * 1001 + [OP_NOP])),
1070        ]
1071        random.shuffle(scripts)
1072        tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
1073        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/bare", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="bare_success", failure={"leaf": "bare_nop"}, **ERR_CLEANSTACK)
1074        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/unexecif", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="unexecif_success", failure={"leaf": "unexecif_nop"}, **ERR_CLEANSTACK)
1075        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/return", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="return_success", failure={"leaf": "return_nop"}, **ERR_OP_RETURN)
1076        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/undecodable", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="undecodable_success", failure={"leaf": "undecodable_nop"}, **ERR_UNDECODABLE)
1077        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/undecodable_bypass", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="undecodable_success", failure={"leaf": "undecodable_bypassed_success"}, **ERR_UNDECODABLE)
1078        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/bigpush", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="bigpush_success", failure={"leaf": "bigpush_nop"}, **ERR_PUSH_LIMIT)
1079        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/1001push", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="1001push_success", failure={"leaf": "1001push_nop"}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
1080        add_spender(spenders, "opsuccess/1001inputs", standard=False, tap=tap, leaf="bare_success", inputs=[b'']*1001, failure={"leaf": "bare_nop"}, **ERR_STACK_SIZE)
1082    # Non-OP_SUCCESSx (verify that those aren't accidentally treated as OP_SUCCESSx)
1083    for opval in range(0, 0x100):
1084        opcode = CScriptOp(opval)
1085        if is_op_success(opcode):
1086            continue
1087        scripts = [
1088            ("normal", CScript([OP_RETURN, opcode] + [OP_NOP] * 75)),
1089            ("op_success", CScript([OP_RETURN, CScriptOp(0x50)]))
1090        ]
1091        tap = taproot_construct(pubs[0], scripts)
1092        add_spender(spenders, "alwaysvalid/notsuccessx", tap=tap, leaf="op_success", inputs=[], standard=False, failure={"leaf": "normal"}) # err_msg differs based on opcode
1094    # == Legacy tests ==
1096    # Also add a few legacy spends into the mix, so that transactions which combine taproot and pre-taproot spends get tested too.
1097    for compressed in [False, True]:
1098        eckey1 = ECKey()
1099        eckey1.set(generate_privkey(), compressed)
1100        pubkey1 = eckey1.get_pubkey().get_bytes()
1101        eckey2 = ECKey()
1102        eckey2.set(generate_privkey(), compressed)
1103        for p2sh in [False, True]:
1104            for witv0 in [False, True]:
1105                for hashtype in VALID_SIGHASHES_ECDSA + [random.randrange(0x04, 0x80), random.randrange(0x84, 0x100)]:
1106                    standard = (hashtype in VALID_SIGHASHES_ECDSA) and (compressed or not witv0)
1107                    add_spender(spenders, "legacy/pk-wrongkey", hashtype=hashtype, p2sh=p2sh, witv0=witv0, standard=standard, script=CScript([pubkey1, OP_CHECKSIG]), **SINGLE_SIG, key=eckey1, failure={"key": eckey2}, sigops_weight=4-3*witv0, **ERR_NO_SUCCESS)
1108                    add_spender(spenders, "legacy/pkh-sighashflip", hashtype=hashtype, p2sh=p2sh, witv0=witv0, standard=standard, pkh=pubkey1, key=eckey1, **SIGHASH_BITFLIP, sigops_weight=4-3*witv0, **ERR_NO_SUCCESS)
1110    # Verify that OP_CHECKSIGADD wasn't accidentally added to pre-taproot validation logic.
1111    for p2sh in [False, True]:
1112        for witv0 in [False, True]:
1113            for hashtype in VALID_SIGHASHES_ECDSA + [random.randrange(0x04, 0x80), random.randrange(0x84, 0x100)]:
1114                standard = hashtype in VALID_SIGHASHES_ECDSA and (p2sh or witv0)
1115                add_spender(spenders, "compat/nocsa", hashtype=hashtype, p2sh=p2sh, witv0=witv0, standard=standard, script=CScript([OP_IF, OP_11, pubkey1, OP_CHECKSIGADD, OP_12, OP_EQUAL, OP_ELSE, pubkey1, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_ENDIF]), key=eckey1, sigops_weight=4-3*witv0, inputs=[getter("sign"), b''], failure={"inputs": [getter("sign"), b'\x01']}, **ERR_UNDECODABLE)
1117    return spenders
1119def spenders_taproot_inactive():
1120    """Spenders for testing that pre-activation Taproot rules don't apply."""
1122    spenders = []
1124    sec = generate_privkey()
1125    pub, _ = compute_xonly_pubkey(sec)
1126    scripts = [
1127        ("pk", CScript([pub, OP_CHECKSIG])),
1128        ("future_leaf", CScript([pub, OP_CHECKSIG]), 0xc2),
1129        ("op_success", CScript([pub, OP_CHECKSIG, OP_0, OP_IF, CScriptOp(0x50), OP_ENDIF])),
1130    ]
1131    tap = taproot_construct(pub, scripts)
1133    # Test that keypath spending is valid & non-standard, regardless of validity.
1134    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/keypath_valid", key=sec, tap=tap, standard=False)
1135    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/keypath_invalidsig", key=sec, tap=tap, standard=False, sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash))
1136    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/keypath_empty", key=sec, tap=tap, standard=False, witness=[])
1138    # Same for scriptpath spending (and features like annex, leaf versions, or OP_SUCCESS don't change this)
1139    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_valid", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="pk", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")])
1140    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_invalidsig", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="pk", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")], sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash))
1141    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_invalidcb", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="pk", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")], controlblock=bitflipper(default_controlblock))
1142    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_valid_unkleaf", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="future_leaf", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")])
1143    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_invalid_unkleaf", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="future_leaf", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")], sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash))
1144    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_valid_opsuccess", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="op_success", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")])
1145    add_spender(spenders, "inactive/scriptpath_valid_opsuccess", key=sec, tap=tap, leaf="op_success", standard=False, inputs=[getter("sign")], sighash=bitflipper(default_sighash))
1147    return spenders
1149# Consensus validation flags to use in dumps for tests with "legacy/" or "inactive/" prefix.
1151# Consensus validation flags to use in dumps for all other tests.
1154def dump_json_test(tx, input_utxos, idx, success, failure):
1155    spender = input_utxos[idx].spender
1156    # Determine flags to dump
1157    flags = LEGACY_FLAGS if spender.comment.startswith("legacy/") or spender.comment.startswith("inactive/") else TAPROOT_FLAGS
1159    fields = [
1160        ("tx", tx.serialize().hex()),
1161        ("prevouts", [x.output.serialize().hex() for x in input_utxos]),
1162        ("index", idx),
1163        ("flags", flags),
1164        ("comment", spender.comment)
1165    ]
1167    # The "final" field indicates that a spend should be always valid, even with more validation flags enabled
1168    # than the listed ones. Use standardness as a proxy for this (which gives a conservative underestimate).
1169    if spender.is_standard:
1170        fields.append(("final", True))
1172    def dump_witness(wit):
1173        return OrderedDict([("scriptSig", wit[0].hex()), ("witness", [x.hex() for x in wit[1]])])
1174    if success is not None:
1175        fields.append(("success", dump_witness(success)))
1176    if failure is not None:
1177        fields.append(("failure", dump_witness(failure)))
1179    # Write the dump to $TEST_DUMP_DIR/x/xyz... where x,y,z,... are the SHA1 sum of the dump (which makes the
1180    # file naming scheme compatible with fuzzing infrastructure).
1181    dump = json.dumps(OrderedDict(fields)) + ",\n"
1182    sha1 = hashlib.sha1(dump.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
1183    dirname = os.environ.get("TEST_DUMP_DIR", ".") + ("/%s" % sha1[0])
1184    os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
1185    with open(dirname + ("/%s" % sha1), 'w', encoding="utf8") as f:
1186        f.write(dump)
1188# Data type to keep track of UTXOs, where they were created, and how to spend them.
1189UTXOData = namedtuple('UTXOData', 'outpoint,output,spender')
1191class TaprootTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
1192    def add_options(self, parser):
1193        parser.add_argument("--dumptests", dest="dump_tests", default=False, action="store_true",
1194                            help="Dump generated test cases to directory set by TEST_DUMP_DIR environment variable")
1196    def skip_test_if_missing_module(self):
1197        self.skip_if_no_wallet()
1199    def set_test_params(self):
1200        self.num_nodes = 2
1201        self.setup_clean_chain = True
1202        # Node 0 has Taproot inactive, Node 1 active.
1203        self.extra_args = [["-par=1", "-vbparams=taproot:1:1"], ["-par=1"]]
1205    def block_submit(self, node, txs, msg, err_msg, cb_pubkey=None, fees=0, sigops_weight=0, witness=False, accept=False):
1207        # Deplete block of any non-tapscript sigops using a single additional 0-value coinbase output.
1208        # It is not impossible to fit enough tapscript sigops to hit the old 80k limit without
1209        # busting txin-level limits. We simply have to account for the p2pk outputs in all
1210        # transactions.
1211        extra_output_script = CScript([OP_CHECKSIG]*((MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_WEIGHT - sigops_weight) // WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR))
1213        block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(self.lastblockheight + 1, pubkey=cb_pubkey, extra_output_script=extra_output_script, fees=fees), self.lastblocktime + 1)
1214        block.set_base_version(4)
1215        for tx in txs:
1216            tx.rehash()
1217            block.vtx.append(tx)
1218        block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
1219        witness and add_witness_commitment(block)
1220        block.rehash()
1221        block.solve()
1222        block_response = node.submitblock(block.serialize().hex())
1223        if err_msg is not None:
1224            assert block_response is not None and err_msg in block_response, "Missing error message '%s' from block response '%s': %s" % (err_msg, "(None)" if block_response is None else block_response, msg)
1225        if (accept):
1226            assert node.getbestblockhash() == block.hash, "Failed to accept: %s (response: %s)" % (msg, block_response)
1227            self.tip = block.sha256
1228            self.lastblockhash = block.hash
1229            self.lastblocktime += 1
1230            self.lastblockheight += 1
1231        else:
1232            assert node.getbestblockhash() == self.lastblockhash, "Failed to reject: " + msg
1234    def test_spenders(self, node, spenders, input_counts):
1235        """Run randomized tests with a number of "spenders".
1237        Steps:
1238            1) Generate an appropriate UTXO for each spender to test spend conditions
1239            2) Generate 100 random addresses of all wallet types: pkh/sh_wpkh/wpkh
1240            3) Select random number of inputs from (1)
1241            4) Select random number of addresses from (2) as outputs
1243        Each spender embodies a test; in a large randomized test, it is verified
1244        that toggling the valid argument to each lambda toggles the validity of
1245        the transaction. This is accomplished by constructing transactions consisting
1246        of all valid inputs, except one invalid one.
1247        """
1249        # Construct a bunch of sPKs that send coins back to the host wallet
1250        self.log.info("- Constructing addresses for returning coins")
1251        host_spks = []
1252        host_pubkeys = []
1253        for i in range(16):
1254            addr = node.getnewaddress(address_type=random.choice(["legacy", "p2sh-segwit", "bech32"]))
1255            info = node.getaddressinfo(addr)
1256            spk = bytes.fromhex(info['scriptPubKey'])
1257            host_spks.append(spk)
1258            host_pubkeys.append(bytes.fromhex(info['pubkey']))
1260        # Initialize variables used by block_submit().
1261        self.lastblockhash = node.getbestblockhash()
1262        self.tip = int(self.lastblockhash, 16)
1263        block = node.getblock(self.lastblockhash)
1264        self.lastblockheight = block['height']
1265        self.lastblocktime = block['time']
1267        # Create transactions spending up to 50 of the wallet's inputs, with one output for each spender, and
1268        # one change output at the end. The transaction is constructed on the Python side to enable
1269        # having multiple outputs to the same address and outputs with no assigned address. The wallet
1270        # is then asked to sign it through signrawtransactionwithwallet, and then added to a block on the
1271        # Python side (to bypass standardness rules).
1272        self.log.info("- Creating test UTXOs...")
1273        random.shuffle(spenders)
1274        normal_utxos = []
1275        mismatching_utxos = [] # UTXOs with input that requires mismatching output position
1276        done = 0
1277        while done < len(spenders):
1278            # Compute how many UTXOs to create with this transaction
1279            count_this_tx = min(len(spenders) - done, (len(spenders) + 4) // 5, 10000)
1281            fund_tx = CTransaction()
1282            # Add the 50 highest-value inputs
1283            unspents = node.listunspent()
1284            random.shuffle(unspents)
1285            unspents.sort(key=lambda x: int(x["amount"] * 100000000), reverse=True)
1286            if len(unspents) > 50:
1287                unspents = unspents[:50]
1288            random.shuffle(unspents)
1289            balance = 0
1290            for unspent in unspents:
1291                balance += int(unspent["amount"] * 100000000)
1292                txid = int(unspent["txid"], 16)
1293                fund_tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(txid, int(unspent["vout"])), CScript()))
1294            # Add outputs
1295            cur_progress = done / len(spenders)
1296            next_progress = (done + count_this_tx) / len(spenders)
1297            change_goal = (1.0 - 0.6 * next_progress) / (1.0 - 0.6 * cur_progress) * balance
1298            self.log.debug("Create %i UTXOs in a transaction spending %i inputs worth %.8f (sending ~%.8f to change)" % (count_this_tx, len(unspents), balance * 0.00000001, change_goal * 0.00000001))
1299            for i in range(count_this_tx):
1300                avg = (balance - change_goal) / (count_this_tx - i)
1301                amount = int(random.randrange(int(avg*0.85 + 0.5), int(avg*1.15 + 0.5)) + 0.5)
1302                balance -= amount
1303                fund_tx.vout.append(CTxOut(amount, spenders[done + i].script))
1304            # Add change
1305            fund_tx.vout.append(CTxOut(balance - 10000, random.choice(host_spks)))
1306            # Ask the wallet to sign
1307            ss = BytesIO(bytes.fromhex(node.signrawtransactionwithwallet(ToHex(fund_tx))["hex"]))
1308            fund_tx.deserialize(ss)
1309            # Construct UTXOData entries
1310            fund_tx.rehash()
1311            for i in range(count_this_tx):
1312                utxodata = UTXOData(outpoint=COutPoint(fund_tx.sha256, i), output=fund_tx.vout[i], spender=spenders[done])
1313                if utxodata.spender.need_vin_vout_mismatch:
1314                    mismatching_utxos.append(utxodata)
1315                else:
1316                    normal_utxos.append(utxodata)
1317                done += 1
1318            # Mine into a block
1319            self.block_submit(node, [fund_tx], "Funding tx", None, random.choice(host_pubkeys), 10000, MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_WEIGHT, True, True)
1321        # Consume groups of choice(input_coins) from utxos in a tx, testing the spenders.
1322        self.log.info("- Running %i spending tests" % done)
1323        random.shuffle(normal_utxos)
1324        random.shuffle(mismatching_utxos)
1325        assert done == len(normal_utxos) + len(mismatching_utxos)
1327        left = done
1328        while left:
1329            # Construct CTransaction with random nVersion, nLocktime
1330            tx = CTransaction()
1331            tx.nVersion = random.choice([1, 2, random.randint(-0x80000000, 0x7fffffff)])
1332            min_sequence = (tx.nVersion != 1 and tx.nVersion != 0) * 0x80000000  # The minimum sequence number to disable relative locktime
1333            if random.choice([True, False]):
1334                tx.nLockTime = random.randrange(LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD, self.lastblocktime - 7200)  # all absolute locktimes in the past
1335            else:
1336                tx.nLockTime = random.randrange(self.lastblockheight + 1)  # all block heights in the past
1338            # Decide how many UTXOs to test with.
1339            acceptable = [n for n in input_counts if n <= left and (left - n > max(input_counts) or (left - n) in [0] + input_counts)]
1340            num_inputs = random.choice(acceptable)
1342            # If we have UTXOs that require mismatching inputs/outputs left, include exactly one of those
1343            # unless there is only one normal UTXO left (as tests with mismatching UTXOs require at least one
1344            # normal UTXO to go in the first position), and we don't want to run out of normal UTXOs.
1345            input_utxos = []
1346            while len(mismatching_utxos) and (len(input_utxos) == 0 or len(normal_utxos) == 1):
1347                input_utxos.append(mismatching_utxos.pop())
1348                left -= 1
1350            # Top up until we hit num_inputs (but include at least one normal UTXO always).
1351            for _ in range(max(1, num_inputs - len(input_utxos))):
1352                input_utxos.append(normal_utxos.pop())
1353                left -= 1
1355            # The first input cannot require a mismatching output (as there is at least one output).
1356            while True:
1357                random.shuffle(input_utxos)
1358                if not input_utxos[0].spender.need_vin_vout_mismatch:
1359                    break
1360            first_mismatch_input = None
1361            for i in range(len(input_utxos)):
1362                if input_utxos[i].spender.need_vin_vout_mismatch:
1363                    first_mismatch_input = i
1364            assert first_mismatch_input is None or first_mismatch_input > 0
1366            # Decide fee, and add CTxIns to tx.
1367            amount = sum(utxo.output.nValue for utxo in input_utxos)
1368            fee = min(random.randrange(MIN_FEE * 2, MIN_FEE * 4), amount - DUST_LIMIT)  # 10000-20000 sat fee
1369            in_value = amount - fee
1370            tx.vin = [CTxIn(outpoint=utxo.outpoint, nSequence=random.randint(min_sequence, 0xffffffff)) for utxo in input_utxos]
1371            tx.wit.vtxinwit = [CTxInWitness() for _ in range(len(input_utxos))]
1372            sigops_weight = sum(utxo.spender.sigops_weight for utxo in input_utxos)
1373            self.log.debug("Test: %s" % (", ".join(utxo.spender.comment for utxo in input_utxos)))
1375            # Add 1 to 4 random outputs (but constrained by inputs that require mismatching outputs)
1376            num_outputs = random.choice(range(1, 1 + min(4, 4 if first_mismatch_input is None else first_mismatch_input)))
1377            assert in_value >= 0 and fee - num_outputs * DUST_LIMIT >= MIN_FEE
1378            for i in range(num_outputs):
1379                tx.vout.append(CTxOut())
1380                if in_value <= DUST_LIMIT:
1381                    tx.vout[-1].nValue = DUST_LIMIT
1382                elif i < num_outputs - 1:
1383                    tx.vout[-1].nValue = in_value
1384                else:
1385                    tx.vout[-1].nValue = random.randint(DUST_LIMIT, in_value)
1386                in_value -= tx.vout[-1].nValue
1387                tx.vout[-1].scriptPubKey = random.choice(host_spks)
1388                sigops_weight += CScript(tx.vout[-1].scriptPubKey).GetSigOpCount(False) * WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR
1389            fee += in_value
1390            assert fee >= 0
1392            # Select coinbase pubkey
1393            cb_pubkey = random.choice(host_pubkeys)
1394            sigops_weight += 1 * WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR
1396            # Precompute one satisfying and one failing scriptSig/witness for each input.
1397            input_data = []
1398            for i in range(len(input_utxos)):
1399                fn = input_utxos[i].spender.sat_function
1400                fail = None
1401                success = fn(tx, i, [utxo.output for utxo in input_utxos], True)
1402                if not input_utxos[i].spender.no_fail:
1403                    fail = fn(tx, i, [utxo.output for utxo in input_utxos], False)
1404                input_data.append((fail, success))
1405                if self.options.dump_tests:
1406                    dump_json_test(tx, input_utxos, i, success, fail)
1408            # Sign each input incorrectly once on each complete signing pass, except the very last.
1409            for fail_input in list(range(len(input_utxos))) + [None]:
1410                # Skip trying to fail at spending something that can't be made to fail.
1411                if fail_input is not None and input_utxos[fail_input].spender.no_fail:
1412                    continue
1413                # Expected message with each input failure, may be None(which is ignored)
1414                expected_fail_msg = None if fail_input is None else input_utxos[fail_input].spender.err_msg
1415                # Fill inputs/witnesses
1416                for i in range(len(input_utxos)):
1417                    tx.vin[i].scriptSig = input_data[i][i != fail_input][0]
1418                    tx.wit.vtxinwit[i].scriptWitness.stack = input_data[i][i != fail_input][1]
1419                # Submit to mempool to check standardness
1420                is_standard_tx = fail_input is None and all(utxo.spender.is_standard for utxo in input_utxos) and tx.nVersion >= 1 and tx.nVersion <= 2
1421                tx.rehash()
1422                msg = ','.join(utxo.spender.comment + ("*" if n == fail_input else "") for n, utxo in enumerate(input_utxos))
1423                if is_standard_tx:
1424                    node.sendrawtransaction(tx.serialize().hex(), 0)
1425                    assert node.getmempoolentry(tx.hash) is not None, "Failed to accept into mempool: " + msg
1426                else:
1427                    assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, None, node.sendrawtransaction, tx.serialize().hex(), 0)
1428                # Submit in a block
1429                self.block_submit(node, [tx], msg, witness=True, accept=fail_input is None, cb_pubkey=cb_pubkey, fees=fee, sigops_weight=sigops_weight, err_msg=expected_fail_msg)
1431            if (len(spenders) - left) // 200 > (len(spenders) - left - len(input_utxos)) // 200:
1432                self.log.info("  - %i tests done" % (len(spenders) - left))
1434        assert left == 0
1435        assert len(normal_utxos) == 0
1436        assert len(mismatching_utxos) == 0
1437        self.log.info("  - Done")
1439    def run_test(self):
1440        # Post-taproot activation tests go first (pre-taproot tests' blocks are invalid post-taproot).
1441        self.log.info("Post-activation tests...")
1442        self.nodes[1].generate(101)
1443        self.test_spenders(self.nodes[1], spenders_taproot_active(), input_counts=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3])
1445        # Transfer value of the largest 500 coins to pre-taproot node.
1446        addr = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
1448        unsp = self.nodes[1].listunspent()
1449        unsp = sorted(unsp, key=lambda i: i['amount'], reverse=True)
1450        unsp = unsp[:500]
1452        rawtx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(
1453            inputs=[{
1454                'txid': i['txid'],
1455                'vout': i['vout']
1456            } for i in unsp],
1457            outputs={addr: sum(i['amount'] for i in unsp)}
1458        )
1459        rawtx = self.nodes[1].signrawtransactionwithwallet(rawtx)['hex']
1461        # Mine a block with the transaction
1462        block = create_block(tmpl=self.nodes[1].getblocktemplate(NORMAL_GBT_REQUEST_PARAMS), txlist=[rawtx])
1463        add_witness_commitment(block)
1464        block.rehash()
1465        block.solve()
1466        assert_equal(None, self.nodes[1].submitblock(block.serialize().hex()))
1467        self.sync_blocks()
1469        # Pre-taproot activation tests.
1470        self.log.info("Pre-activation tests...")
1471        # Run each test twice; once in isolation, and once combined with others. Testing in isolation
1472        # means that the standardness is verified in every test (as combined transactions are only standard
1473        # when all their inputs are standard).
1474        self.test_spenders(self.nodes[0], spenders_taproot_inactive(), input_counts=[1])
1475        self.test_spenders(self.nodes[0], spenders_taproot_inactive(), input_counts=[2, 3])
1478if __name__ == '__main__':
1479    TaprootTest().main()