3#  Read the zproject/README.md for information about making permanent changes. #
6module CZMQ
7  module FFI
9    # extended generic type-free hash container
10    # @note This class is 100% generated using zproject.
11    class Zhashx
12      # Raised when one tries to use an instance of {Zhashx} after
13      # the internal pointer to the native object has been nullified.
14      class DestroyedError < RuntimeError; end
16      # Boilerplate for self pointer, initializer, and finalizer
17      class << self
18        alias :__new :new
19      end
20      # Attaches the pointer _ptr_ to this instance and defines a finalizer for
21      # it if necessary.
22      # @param ptr [::FFI::Pointer]
23      # @param finalize [Boolean]
24      def initialize(ptr, finalize = true)
25        @ptr = ptr
26        if @ptr.null?
27          @ptr = nil # Remove null pointers so we don't have to test for them.
28        elsif finalize
29          @finalizer = self.class.create_finalizer_for @ptr
30          ObjectSpace.define_finalizer self, @finalizer
31        end
32      end
33      # @param ptr [::FFI::Pointer]
34      # @return [Proc]
35      def self.create_finalizer_for(ptr)
36        Proc.new do
37          ptr_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new :pointer
38          ptr_ptr.write_pointer ptr
39          ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_destroy ptr_ptr
40        end
41      end
42      # @return [Boolean]
43      def null?
44        !@ptr or @ptr.null?
45      end
46      # Return internal pointer
47      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
48      def __ptr
49        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
50        @ptr
51      end
52      # So external Libraries can just pass the Object to a FFI function which expects a :pointer
53      alias_method :to_ptr, :__ptr
54      # Nullify internal pointer and return pointer pointer.
55      # @note This detaches the current instance from the native object
56      #   and thus makes it unusable.
57      # @return [::FFI::MemoryPointer] the pointer pointing to a pointer
58      #   pointing to the native object
59      def __ptr_give_ref
60        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
61        ptr_ptr = ::FFI::MemoryPointer.new :pointer
62        ptr_ptr.write_pointer @ptr
63        __undef_finalizer if @finalizer
64        @ptr = nil
65        ptr_ptr
66      end
67      # Undefines the finalizer for this object.
68      # @note Only use this if you need to and can guarantee that the native
69      #   object will be freed by other means.
70      # @return [void]
71      def __undef_finalizer
72        ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer self
73        @finalizer = nil
74      end
76      # Create a new callback of the following type:
77      # Destroy an item
78      #     typedef void (zhashx_destructor_fn) (
79      #         void **item);
80      #
81      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
82      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
83      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
84      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
85      def self.destructor_fn
86        ::FFI::Function.new :void, [:pointer], blocking: true do |item|
87          result = yield item
88          result
89        end
90      end
92      # Create a new callback of the following type:
93      # Duplicate an item
94      #     typedef void * (zhashx_duplicator_fn) (
95      #         const void *item);
96      #
97      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
98      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
99      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
100      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
101      def self.duplicator_fn
102        ::FFI::Function.new :pointer, [:pointer], blocking: true do |item|
103          result = yield item
104          result
105        end
106      end
108      # Create a new callback of the following type:
109      # Compare two items, for sorting
110      #     typedef int (zhashx_comparator_fn) (
111      #         const void *item1, const void *item2);
112      #
113      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
114      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
115      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
116      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
117      def self.comparator_fn
118        ::FFI::Function.new :int, [:pointer, :pointer], blocking: true do |item1, item2|
119          result = yield item1, item2
120          result = Integer(result)
121          result
122        end
123      end
125      # Create a new callback of the following type:
126      # Destroy an item.
127      #     typedef void (zhashx_free_fn) (
128      #         void *data);
129      #
130      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
131      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
132      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
133      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
134      def self.free_fn
135        ::FFI::Function.new :void, [:pointer], blocking: true do |data|
136          result = yield data
137          result
138        end
139      end
141      # Create a new callback of the following type:
142      # Hash function for keys.
143      #     typedef size_t (zhashx_hash_fn) (
144      #         const void *key);
145      #
146      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
147      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
148      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
149      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
150      def self.hash_fn
151        ::FFI::Function.new :size_t, [:pointer], blocking: true do |key|
152          result = yield key
153          result = Integer(result)
154          result
155        end
156      end
158      # Create a new callback of the following type:
159      # Serializes an item to a longstr.
160      # The caller takes ownership of the newly created object.
161      #     typedef char * (zhashx_serializer_fn) (
162      #         const void *item);
163      #
164      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
165      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
166      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
167      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
168      def self.serializer_fn
169        ::FFI::Function.new :pointer, [:pointer], blocking: true do |item|
170          result = yield item
171          result
172        end
173      end
175      # Create a new callback of the following type:
176      # Deserializes a longstr into an item.
177      # The caller takes ownership of the newly created object.
178      #     typedef void * (zhashx_deserializer_fn) (
179      #         const char *item_str);
180      #
181      # @note WARNING: If your Ruby code doesn't retain a reference to the
182      #   FFI::Function object after passing it to a C function call,
183      #   it may be garbage collected while C still holds the pointer,
184      #   potentially resulting in a segmentation fault.
185      def self.deserializer_fn
186        ::FFI::Function.new :pointer, [:string], blocking: true do |item_str|
187          result = yield item_str
188          result
189        end
190      end
192      # Create a new, empty hash container
193      # @return [CZMQ::Zhashx]
194      def self.new()
195        ptr = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_new()
196        __new ptr
197      end
199      # Unpack binary frame into a new hash table. Packed data must follow format
200      # defined by zhashx_pack. Hash table is set to autofree. An empty frame
201      # unpacks to an empty hash table.
202      # @param frame [Zframe, #__ptr]
203      # @return [CZMQ::Zhashx]
204      def self.unpack(frame)
205        frame = frame.__ptr if frame
206        ptr = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_unpack(frame)
207        __new ptr
208      end
210      # Same as unpack but uses a user-defined deserializer function to convert
211      # a longstr back into item format.
212      # @param frame [Zframe, #__ptr]
213      # @param deserializer [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
214      # @return [CZMQ::Zhashx]
215      def self.unpack_own(frame, deserializer)
216        frame = frame.__ptr if frame
217        ptr = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_unpack_own(frame, deserializer)
218        __new ptr
219      end
221      # Destroy a hash container and all items in it
222      #
223      # @return [void]
224      def destroy()
225        return unless @ptr
226        self_p = __ptr_give_ref
227        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_destroy(self_p)
228        result
229      end
231      # Insert item into hash table with specified key and item.
232      # If key is already present returns -1 and leaves existing item unchanged
233      # Returns 0 on success.
234      #
235      # @param key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
236      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
237      # @return [Integer]
238      def insert(key, item)
239        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
240        self_p = @ptr
241        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_insert(self_p, key, item)
242        result
243      end
245      # Update or insert item into hash table with specified key and item. If the
246      # key is already present, destroys old item and inserts new one. If you set
247      # a container item destructor, this is called on the old value. If the key
248      # was not already present, inserts a new item. Sets the hash cursor to the
249      # new item.
250      #
251      # @param key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
252      # @param item [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
253      # @return [void]
254      def update(key, item)
255        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
256        self_p = @ptr
257        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_update(self_p, key, item)
258        result
259      end
261      # Remove an item specified by key from the hash table. If there was no such
262      # item, this function does nothing.
263      #
264      # @param key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
265      # @return [void]
266      def delete(key)
267        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
268        self_p = @ptr
269        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_delete(self_p, key)
270        result
271      end
273      # Delete all items from the hash table. If the key destructor is
274      # set, calls it on every key. If the item destructor is set, calls
275      # it on every item.
276      #
277      # @return [void]
278      def purge()
279        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
280        self_p = @ptr
281        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_purge(self_p)
282        result
283      end
285      # Return the item at the specified key, or null
286      #
287      # @param key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
288      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
289      def lookup(key)
290        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
291        self_p = @ptr
292        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_lookup(self_p, key)
293        result
294      end
296      # Reindexes an item from an old key to a new key. If there was no such
297      # item, does nothing. Returns 0 if successful, else -1.
298      #
299      # @param old_key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
300      # @param new_key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
301      # @return [Integer]
302      def rename(old_key, new_key)
303        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
304        self_p = @ptr
305        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_rename(self_p, old_key, new_key)
306        result
307      end
309      # Set a free function for the specified hash table item. When the item is
310      # destroyed, the free function, if any, is called on that item.
311      # Use this when hash items are dynamically allocated, to ensure that
312      # you don't have memory leaks. You can pass 'free' or NULL as a free_fn.
313      # Returns the item, or NULL if there is no such item.
314      #
315      # @param key [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
316      # @param free_fn [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
317      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
318      def freefn(key, free_fn)
319        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
320        self_p = @ptr
321        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_freefn(self_p, key, free_fn)
322        result
323      end
325      # Return the number of keys/items in the hash table
326      #
327      # @return [Integer]
328      def size()
329        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
330        self_p = @ptr
331        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_size(self_p)
332        result
333      end
335      # Return a zlistx_t containing the keys for the items in the
336      # table. Uses the key_duplicator to duplicate all keys and sets the
337      # key_destructor as destructor for the list.
338      #
339      # @return [Zlistx]
340      def keys()
341        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
342        self_p = @ptr
343        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_keys(self_p)
344        result = Zlistx.__new result, true
345        result
346      end
348      # Return a zlistx_t containing the values for the items in the
349      # table. Uses the duplicator to duplicate all items and sets the
350      # destructor as destructor for the list.
351      #
352      # @return [Zlistx]
353      def values()
354        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
355        self_p = @ptr
356        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_values(self_p)
357        result = Zlistx.__new result, true
358        result
359      end
361      # Simple iterator; returns first item in hash table, in no given order,
362      # or NULL if the table is empty. This method is simpler to use than the
363      # foreach() method, which is deprecated. To access the key for this item
364      # use zhashx_cursor(). NOTE: do NOT modify the table while iterating.
365      #
366      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
367      def first()
368        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
369        self_p = @ptr
370        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_first(self_p)
371        result
372      end
374      # Simple iterator; returns next item in hash table, in no given order,
375      # or NULL if the last item was already returned. Use this together with
376      # zhashx_first() to process all items in a hash table. If you need the
377      # items in sorted order, use zhashx_keys() and then zlistx_sort(). To
378      # access the key for this item use zhashx_cursor(). NOTE: do NOT modify
379      # the table while iterating.
380      #
381      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
382      def next()
383        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
384        self_p = @ptr
385        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_next(self_p)
386        result
387      end
389      # After a successful first/next method, returns the key for the item that
390      # was returned. This is a constant string that you may not modify or
391      # deallocate, and which lasts as long as the item in the hash. After an
392      # unsuccessful first/next, returns NULL.
393      #
394      # @return [::FFI::Pointer]
395      def cursor()
396        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
397        self_p = @ptr
398        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_cursor(self_p)
399        result
400      end
402      # Add a comment to hash table before saving to disk. You can add as many
403      # comment lines as you like. These comment lines are discarded when loading
404      # the file. If you use a null format, all comments are deleted.
405      #
406      # @param format [String, #to_s, nil]
407      # @param args [Array<Object>] see https://github.com/ffi/ffi/wiki/examples#using-varargs
408      # @return [void]
409      def comment(format, *args)
410        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
411        self_p = @ptr
412        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_comment(self_p, format, *args)
413        result
414      end
416      # Save hash table to a text file in name=value format. Hash values must be
417      # printable strings; keys may not contain '=' character. Returns 0 if OK,
418      # else -1 if a file error occurred.
419      #
420      # @param filename [String, #to_s, nil]
421      # @return [Integer]
422      def save(filename)
423        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
424        self_p = @ptr
425        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_save(self_p, filename)
426        result
427      end
429      # Load hash table from a text file in name=value format; hash table must
430      # already exist. Hash values must printable strings; keys may not contain
431      # '=' character. Returns 0 if OK, else -1 if a file was not readable.
432      #
433      # @param filename [String, #to_s, nil]
434      # @return [Integer]
435      def load(filename)
436        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
437        self_p = @ptr
438        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_load(self_p, filename)
439        result
440      end
442      # When a hash table was loaded from a file by zhashx_load, this method will
443      # reload the file if it has been modified since, and is "stable", i.e. not
444      # still changing. Returns 0 if OK, -1 if there was an error reloading the
445      # file.
446      #
447      # @return [Integer]
448      def refresh()
449        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
450        self_p = @ptr
451        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_refresh(self_p)
452        result
453      end
455      # Serialize hash table to a binary frame that can be sent in a message.
456      # The packed format is compatible with the 'dictionary' type defined in
457      # http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:35/FILEMQ, and implemented by zproto:
458      #
459      #    ; A list of name/value pairs
460      #    dictionary      = dict-count *( dict-name dict-value )
461      #    dict-count      = number-4
462      #    dict-value      = longstr
463      #    dict-name       = string
464      #
465      #    ; Strings are always length + text contents
466      #    longstr         = number-4 *VCHAR
467      #    string          = number-1 *VCHAR
468      #
469      #    ; Numbers are unsigned integers in network byte order
470      #    number-1        = 1OCTET
471      #    number-4        = 4OCTET
472      #
473      # Comments are not included in the packed data. Item values MUST be
474      # strings.
475      #
476      # @return [Zframe]
477      def pack()
478        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
479        self_p = @ptr
480        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_pack(self_p)
481        result = Zframe.__new result, true
482        result
483      end
485      # Same as pack but uses a user-defined serializer function to convert items
486      # into longstr.
487      #
488      # @param serializer [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
489      # @return [Zframe]
490      def pack_own(serializer)
491        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
492        self_p = @ptr
493        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_pack_own(self_p, serializer)
494        result = Zframe.__new result, true
495        result
496      end
498      # Make a copy of the list; items are duplicated if you set a duplicator
499      # for the list, otherwise not. Copying a null reference returns a null
500      # reference. Note that this method's behavior changed slightly for CZMQ
501      # v3.x, as it does not set nor respect autofree. It does however let you
502      # duplicate any hash table safely. The old behavior is in zhashx_dup_v2.
503      #
504      # @return [Zhashx]
505      def dup()
506        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
507        self_p = @ptr
508        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_dup(self_p)
509        result = Zhashx.__new result, true
510        result
511      end
513      # Set a user-defined deallocator for hash items; by default items are not
514      # freed when the hash is destroyed.
515      #
516      # @param destructor [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
517      # @return [void]
518      def set_destructor(destructor)
519        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
520        self_p = @ptr
521        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_set_destructor(self_p, destructor)
522        result
523      end
525      # Set a user-defined duplicator for hash items; by default items are not
526      # copied when the hash is duplicated.
527      #
528      # @param duplicator [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
529      # @return [void]
530      def set_duplicator(duplicator)
531        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
532        self_p = @ptr
533        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_set_duplicator(self_p, duplicator)
534        result
535      end
537      # Set a user-defined deallocator for keys; by default keys are freed
538      # when the hash is destroyed using free().
539      #
540      # @param destructor [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
541      # @return [void]
542      def set_key_destructor(destructor)
543        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
544        self_p = @ptr
545        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_set_key_destructor(self_p, destructor)
546        result
547      end
549      # Set a user-defined duplicator for keys; by default keys are duplicated
550      # using strdup.
551      #
552      # @param duplicator [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
553      # @return [void]
554      def set_key_duplicator(duplicator)
555        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
556        self_p = @ptr
557        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_set_key_duplicator(self_p, duplicator)
558        result
559      end
561      # Set a user-defined comparator for keys; by default keys are
562      # compared using strcmp.
563      # The callback function should return zero (0) on matching
564      # items.
565      #
566      # @param comparator [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
567      # @return [void]
568      def set_key_comparator(comparator)
569        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
570        self_p = @ptr
571        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_set_key_comparator(self_p, comparator)
572        result
573      end
575      # Set a user-defined hash function for keys; by default keys are
576      # hashed by a modified Bernstein hashing function.
577      #
578      # @param hasher [::FFI::Pointer, #to_ptr]
579      # @return [void]
580      def set_key_hasher(hasher)
581        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
582        self_p = @ptr
583        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_set_key_hasher(self_p, hasher)
584        result
585      end
587      # Make copy of hash table; if supplied table is null, returns null.
588      # Does not copy items themselves. Rebuilds new table so may be slow on
589      # very large tables. NOTE: only works with item values that are strings
590      # since there's no other way to know how to duplicate the item value.
591      #
592      # @return [Zhashx]
593      def dup_v2()
594        raise DestroyedError unless @ptr
595        self_p = @ptr
596        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_dup_v2(self_p)
597        result = Zhashx.__new result, false
598        result
599      end
601      # Self test of this class.
602      #
603      # @param verbose [Boolean]
604      # @return [void]
605      def self.test(verbose)
606        verbose = !(0==verbose||!verbose) # boolean
607        result = ::CZMQ::FFI.zhashx_test(verbose)
608        result
609      end
610    end
611  end
616#  Read the zproject/README.md for information about making permanent changes. #