1freeswitch (1.2.7)
2	change fs_encode to support raw files to wav or to other raw
3	check for vm caller id info later so if its transfered it gets the updated details
4freeswitch (1.2.6)
5	core_sqldb: sql tuning by changing 2 Indices
6	freeswitch-core: database corruption handling
7	freeswitch-core: use system time as reference for FS uptime, instead of monotonic
8	freeswitch-core: hide sensitive dtmfs
9	freeswitch-core: record g729 calls to g729 wav files, playback g729 wav files
10	freeswitch-core: STUN: XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS attribute not handled
11	freeswitch-core: option to record session when bridged only
12	mod_callcenter: simple periodic announcement
13	mod_callcenter: New members joining queue don't ring agents when max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached is 0
14	mod_curl: add curl content-type option
15	mod_curl: adding ability to transmit a file using CURL from API or dialplan app
16	mod_directory: option to search by first and last name
17	mod_dptools: add option to allow any key to terminate playback or record
18	mod_event_socket: enable dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) listening in mod_event_socket on Windows
19	mod_lcr: Add 'round-robin' feature to carrer gateways
20	mod_local_stream: add an event (or filter) for mod_localstream PLAYBACK_START and PLAYBACK_STOP
21	mod_nibblebill: fix mod_nibblebill to use pgsql in core
22	mod_sofia: pass User-to-User header to variable-space
23	mod_sofia: option for freeswitch to trust users authed by proxy
24	mod_spandsp: Spandsp directory for making modem links
25	mod_voicemail: added voicemail call paging
26	build: building works on Visual Studio 2012
27	config: updating mod_cidlookup default configuration to use OpenCNAM as an example
28freeswitch (1.2.5)
29	mod_lua: Enable mod_lua to use native pgsql dbh support  (r:2cea7f0f)
30	mod_sofia: Add att_xfer_destination_number variable to indicate the original destination number of the attended transfer leg on REFER for semi-attended transfer scenarios.  (r:893cd7be)
31	sounds: Bump Callie sounds ver to 1.0.22  (r:41e00c78)
32freeswitch (1.2.4)
33	core: Add Postgres core db support (r:0c1180d5)
34	mod_cdr_mongodb: update MongoDB driver to v0.6  (r:10093b44)
35	mod_dingaling: do lookup in dingaling when an address is specified as host:foo.bar.com like sofia does  (r:fbfe830a)
36freeswitch (1.2.3)
37	core: add hold_events variable with start and stop times for each hold (r:9a193a9c)
38	core: update json lib in core and ESL and re-apply old patches (r:5a956890)
39	core: add skip_cdr_causes variable to list call hangup causes that should not trigger cdr processing (r:3cf238fc)
40	formats: add mod_mp4v2 for mp4 recording, most things are hardcodec, but it should work with 8000hz audio and H264 video (r:7e01bd10)
41	freetdm: M2UA Signaling gateway support (SIGTRAN)
42        freetdm: New TDM endpoint for raw IO access to boards (controllable channel)
43        freetdm: New dialplan paramters and SIP X headers to set ISUP message information elements
44        freetdm: Misc ISUP bug fixes
45	libsofia: Fix DoS vulnerability in processing Route Header (r:016550f2/FS-4627)
46	libtpl: add tpl to tree (r:4985a41f)
47	mod_sofia: add transfer_to variable for call processing (r:1b2b4565)
49freeswitch (1.2.2)
50	configuration: Add language config files for es-ES,es-MX,pt-BR,pt-PT (Thanks Francois Delawarde) (r:9cde99b4/FS-3003)
51	core: move recovery engine up into the core (r:66677c94)
52	core: add ignore_early_media=consume to ivr_originate (r:13dab11c)
53	core: add timestamps for on and off hold times to put in xml cdrs (r:b0e49d3e)
54	libtiff: update to 4.0.2 (r:a2b5af56)
55	mod_commands: add uuid_answer and uuid_pre_answer (r:ce88d572)
56	mod_commands: add uuid_early_ok (r:35f0e2ff)
57	mod_commands: add uuid_media_reneg api command to tell a channel to send a re-invite with optional list of new codecs (r:bfc46567)
58	mod_dptools: mutex app (r:212953bc)
59	mod_httapi: add cache param (r:a8b89bcc)
60	mod_sofia: change mod_sofia to use new core based recovery engine (r:2a8841ab)
61	mod_sofia: fire-message-events profile param (r:9c06cb34)
62	mod_sofia: add send-display-update profile param to disable the update method (r:8f0c726b)
63	mod_spidermonkey: add email function to js (r:37b36aea)
65freeswitch (1.2.1)
66	libapr: Updating in tree apr for 1.4.6 (r:4029614e)
67	libwebsockets: Initial commit (r:6fa2fd36)
68	mod_sofia: add rtp endpoint contributed by sangoma (r:ef5c1256)
69	mod_spidermonkey: add javascript chatplan app (r:61839229)
71freeswitch (1.2.0)
72	build: Automated builds for CI testing/Jenkins  (r:2aff535a)
73	build: add debian source package building script  (r:c164aae9)
74	build: add convenience script to set version in configure.in  (r:efc6f16c)
75	config: add screen_confirm macro to lang/en/ivr/sounds.xml  (r:9ea3ce66)
76	config: support for --with-logfilesdir, --with-dbdir, --with-htdocsdir, --with-soundsdir, --with-grammardir, --with-scriptdir and --with-recordin
77	config: Redo config files, example - mv conf/* -> conf/vanilla/*  (r:ee71daa1)
78	config: clean up switch.conf and add all the missing options needs more docs  (r:65fc2f8a)
79	config: add cdr_csv template for OpenCDRRate  (r:ca60afaa)
80	config: add conference_flags to config; mention 'audio-always' option - FreeSWITCH Jira
81	gsdir (r:7ae3f5b7/FS-302)
82	core: Add RECORD_STEREO_SWAP to reverse the record channels (r:d5042f2c/FS-3069)
83	core: api_on_startup (r:e164b76c)
84	core: allow dmachine and input callback to co-exist  (r:e185ff00)
85	core: add support for configurable timeout and passing of args to play_and_detect_speech  (r:410e523c)
86	core: partial with renaming  (r:24288832/FS-2216)
87	core: only flush on break when its a blocking situation  (r:3a076786)
88	core: In tone_detect all specs work, not just the first one detected  (r:d5ad8670/FS-4023)
89	core: add origination_nested_vars=true to allow vars within vars in originate strings e.g. [originate {origination_nested_vars=true,TEST=,var=,recur=W00t}user/1004 3000]  will end up as w00t  (r:385a92ce)
90	core: add core-db-pre-trans-execute and core-db-post-trans-execute to switch.conf.xml to wrap sql stmts around the core transactions  (r:21b1ffbf)
91	core: abstract out originate_signal_bond to a function to avoid confustion and regressions  (r:8bb55ed4)
92	core: update stun to more modern spec  (r:c3094046)
93	core: add initial-event-threads to switch.conf.xml  (r:7ec8fb43)
94	core: add enable-use-system-time param to switch.conf.xml (r:b1ae9746)
95	core: add execute_on_post_originate and api_on_post_originate to run on chosen newly originated channels vs execute_on_originate which runs on all candidates  (r:bf20f524)
96	core: have sql thread manually subscribe to each event it cares about instead of every event and filtering it  (r:6ea4c42c)
97	core: Add FreeSWITCH-Version string and Uptime-msec (uptime in *milliseconds*) to heartbeat events  (r:a8efae99)
98	core: add core_uuid global variable to expose the runtime uuid  (r:1d5b5f21)
99	core: add core-uuid attr to xml cdr tag  (r:1dd4bd49)
100	libesl: shutdown socket before closing to avoid blocking  (r:c41a16d4)
101	libesl: add wait handler to forking code in ivrd  (r:6c406aa0)
102	libzrtp: FreeSWITCH is now the official home of ZRTP code
103	fs_cli: set session loglevel as well in fs_cli when doing 'console loglevel info' also now implies '/log info' locally  (r:b80a3a34)
104	mod_commands: Add "file_exists" API (r:7eba3f2b/FS-3927)
105	mod_commands: add fsctl debug sql  (r:d655ceec)
106	mod_commands: show current process stack size from status command where supported  (r:d32a72bc)
107	mod_commands: add fsctl sql start/stop for standby controls  (r:46fee25d)
108	mod_commands: add api-expansion to switch.conf.xml and fsctl api_expansion command to control allowing apis to be expanded via variable expansion  (r:293429f7)
109	mod_conference: Add auto-record filename to conference_recording channel variable and ability to pull filename from API (r:b9295fd5/FS-1573)
110	mod_conference: Convenience feature in mod_conference: apply sub cmds to non_moderator members (r:04295ac9/FS-3249)
111	mod_conference: New conference commands: get and set (r:ab5f3f28/FS-3254)
112	mod_conference: Mirrored video when alone in conference (r:086cbf1b/FS-4176)
113	mod_conference: add outcall_flags  (r:090345de)
114	mod_conference: add flags to conference xml_list and show also on conference list  (r:8d6b64e0)
115	mod_commands: allow system API command to capture output from the executed command  (r:d7a37e97)
116	mod_dingaling: enable srtp for dingaling  (r:68d9a83e)
117	mod_dptools: add video_refresh dp and uuid_video_refresh fsapi  (r:99bac0d0)
118	mod_dptools: allow silence for moh type on campon  (r:13068f17)
119	mod_erlang_event: accept binary in api and bgapi  (r:f55f15c8)
120	mod_event_socket: add uuid to event socket apps  (r:3708c962)
121	mod_fax: Deprecated and now removed from tree
122	mod_httapi:  mod_httapi.c -- HT-TAPI Hypertext Telephony API (Twillio FreeSWITCH style)  (r:bc8cbee1)
123	mod_isac: add mod_iSAC (extracted from webRTC) 16hz @30ms,60ms 32khz @30ms  (r:a0473cda)
124	mod_loopback: allow mod loopback bowout to reach out across stacked loopback bridges and remove all of them  (r:ad7149bf)
125	mod_posix_timer: New timer module mod_posix_timer (r:9d7e9e67/FS-3731)
126	mod_say_fa: Initial commit of Farsi say module  (r:18ee7ce3)
127	mod_sofia: Add presence-privacy parameter to exclude extension numbers from the distributed presence string (r:c6633fa3/FS-849)
128	mod_sofia: Reverse data in dialog-info so the proto is in the params not in the user because polycom uses the target uri for what to dial and stips the params  (r:cdb4b29a)
129	mod_sofia: add registration-thread-frequency param  (r:5b7e2013)
130	mod_sofia: add support for yealink display update  (r:39c4e7a3)
131	mod_sofia: added a new param to the gateway config called options_user_agent to set something specific  (r:f25c5aaf/FS-3842)
132	mod_sofia: produce sip_full_via var  (r:23dcdbd8)
133	mod_sofia: add presence-disable-early sofia option to send non-specifc presence messages w/o special case for early  (r:9b023152)
134	mod_sofia: add sdp_secure_savp_only channel variable for silly asterisk srtp that only has the SAVP or cries  (r:50727f56)
135	mod_sofia: allow publish with no contact  (r:b843911c)
136	mod_sofia: add some defensive code to allow support for yealink in SCA mode even when its broken  (r:17cb6a22)
137	mod_sofia: add user_via to ack in case with track calls  (r:f558247d)
138	mod_sofia: one msg thread per cpu by default  (r:6f6765b8)
139	mod_sofia: mirror back record-route header in options  (r:ef9dfe42)
140	mod_sofia: add sip_require_timer=true variable to enable require timer on session refresh that breaks finicky endpoints  (r:b553d62f)
141	mod_sofia: Channel var now takes precedence over the profile setting  (r:ca39f15a)
142	mod_sofia: re-implement sla barge using eavesdrop backend  (r:a511ff30)
143	mod_sofia: add inbound-reg-in-new-thread sofia param to launch a new thread to process each new inbound register when using heavier backends  (r:0a5a057c)
144	mod_sofia: add mwi-use-reg-callid  (r:792b004f)
145	mod_sofia: block any inbound messages when queue is full; add debounce for mwi and pres on register; fix missing detach attr on new mode to process reg in new thread  (r:fb790bc3)
146	mod_sofia: add metadata col to internal registrations table  (r:192030c5)
147	mod_sofia: allow ep_codec_string to draw from absolute_codec_string before the profile prefs  (r:f685e4c5)
148	mod_sofia: put presence data in state events  (r:75aab0ee)
149	mod_sofia: add sip_recovery_break_rfc variable to set globally or per channel to not reverse the from and 2 on uas re-invites  (r:5f09b403)
150	mod_sofia: add tags to allow crypto in avp  (r:9fe08675)
151	mod_spandsp:  Add T31 modem support to mod_spandsp - similar to iaxmodem only wired into FS.  Also merge configs into single spandsp.conf.xml --see in tree example--  (r:d91f67d0)
152	mod_spandsp: add v18_mode var  (r:e941a61f)
153	mod_valet_parking: add orbit feature to valet_parking similar to mod_fifo (r:09725e2b)
154	mod_vlc: Adding mod_vlc initial working version  (r:77f3bd24)
155	mod_voicemail: vm_read should mark messages as read, but not saved  (r:693f2986)
156	mod_voicemail: Change vm_announce_cid to be true/false and utilize vm_play_phone_number_macro  (r:18289fa0)
157	mod_voicemail: fire event with result of vm auth attempt  (r:0a6dde7b)
158	mod_voicemail: Improved feedback to user when chaning vm passwords.  (r:7b54701d)
159	mod_xml_scgi: add mod_xml_scgi (like xml_curl minus the web server direct to an application backend that supports the SCGI protocol)  (r:d7cf0bbe)
161freeswitch (1.0.7)
163	build: Add mod_silk to windows build
164	build: fix mod_json_cdr build in windows (MODEVENT-63)
165	build: fix build error due to missing zlib linking when using libtool 2.2 or later
166	build: Enable mod_curl in windows build
167	build: apply fix for MODSOFIA-71 to windows build
168	build: Add more excludes to .gitignore (for Windows) (r:b6628d26/FSBUILD-269)
169	build: Bump version of en-us-callie sounds to 1.0.13 (r:ca0a69a3)
170	build: change build to use mod_spandsp instead of mod_fax and mod_voipcodecs (r:988147a7)
171	build: add mod_spandsp to windows build (r:4fa8be62)
172	build: merge -j option for bootstrap (r:abb7d2e5/FSBUILD-237)
173	build: dont fail on bootstrap due to missing libs (r:ff960d78)
174	build: numerous tweaks to allow building on VS2010
175	build: Fix build with --with-curl (r:e704f021/FSBUILD-285)
176	build: VS 2010 - Change to V4 framework, add SWIG v2.0 files to fix release build exceptions(temp fix till we upgrade all SWIG files) (r:812f4309)
177	build: Windows VS2010 build - remove strange characters (r:ba1546e0/FSBUILD-297)
178	build: Make bootstrap.sh Bourne shell compatible (r:8dbd62ff/FSBUILD-301)
179	build: add mod_osp Makefile to configure generated Makefiles (r:dc06a039/FS-122)
180	build: Remove mod_spidermonkey from windows 2008 x64 builds - does not work (r:280e894d)
181	build: fix warnings on windows x64 builds src and mods projects - only libsofia included on the libs side (r:45ecbc2f)
182	build: Patch debian init.d script to set ulimit values (r:0eb33e57/FS-2844)
183	build: add plc to core (r:b7c80a84)
184	build: VS2010 libportaudio project improvements for DirectX builds and switch to build DirectX by default (r:e9e33f51/FS-3033)
185	build: add make targets for mod_com_g729 mod_com_g729-activate mod_com_g729-install mod_com_g729-clean mod_com_g729-uninstall (r:17d52112)
186	build: add support for bz2 to getlibs (r:b61fc396)
187	build: Bump callie sounds to 1.0.15 (r:c8eaef60)
188	build: always use our includes first so we use our srcdir headers over installed versions (r:15c79424)
189	build:  pocketsphinx build for 0.7 windows vs2008 (r:a7613c06/FS-3348)
190	build: They no longer ship the wsj model in pocketsphinx... and seems the dictionary has moved a bit. (r:23571680)
191	build: unimrcp vs2010 build fixes for new version (r:2dcca5f4)
192	build: add sqlite to clean on make current or update-clean (r:2366f429)
193	build: Update windows to use Lame 3.98.4 (r:4349ec00)
194	build: fix mod_silk build issue (r:6fe6d8d7/FS-3649)
195	build: Rename AUTOMAKE_OPTS to AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS in several places (r:992eafd0)
196	build: don't allow using system libcurl on systems that strip out Curl_setopt, we use it (r:36f0a5b8/FS-2936)
197	codec2: working prototype, still for testing only (r:04ca0751)
198	config: move limit.conf to db.conf
199	config: Update VM phrase macros to voice option then action on main, config menus
200	config: Remove 99xx extension numbers to avoid dp conflicts (r:0c9bb174/DP-17)
201	config: update config example for caller-id-type (r:8f03a7cd)
202	config: default to 48k since most sound cards can do that (r:170404a4)
203	config: Create RFC2822_DATE for use in emails. Some clients fail to sort emails properly without a Date: line. (r:a1f19d91)
204	config: move enum to the bottom of default. (r:4d448c97)
205	config: Add att_xfer example to default dialplan (r:20ec962a)
206	config: default example to resolve some issues with SCA in cases where host and ip are mixed causing the phone to be confused. (r:0279261b)
207	config: Fix phrase files, still missing a sound file (r:6741f350/FS-2742)
208	config: Disallow global-intercept and group-intercept can intercept an outbound call in default dialplan (r:890871ba/FS-2777)
209	config: fix single domain assumption in default config to be more portable *cough* bkw *cough* (r:f987903e)
210	config: Bump Doxygen.conf version to 1.0.6... belatedly (r:cfeae1ba)
211	config: docs for acl (r:57b410eb)
212	config: add default to conf to demonstrate min-idle-cpu (r:b8b7266a)
213	config: change min/max enforcements to >= instead of > (r:0d5fcf65)
214	config: Add README_IMPORTANT.txt to default configuration (r:6cd5ce72)
215	config: Talking clock dialplan example (Thanks AviMarcus) (r:ffb4a3ae)
216	config: fix talking clock regexes (need ^ and $ so they don't match only 917x) (r:8529ba33)
217	config: Update phrase_en.xml to reflect 1.0.16 sounds version (r:7499dfb2)
218	config: bump en sounds version to 1.0.16 (r:50ce2cae)
219	config: Add ivr/ subdir to conf/lang/en/en.xml (r:42f10a48)
220	config: Fix mod_directory phrase file references to 'dir-press.wav' (correct: vm-press) (r:3ef2692f)
221	config: bump ru sounds version to 1.0.13 (r:2b1b19bf)
222	config: Fix eavesdrop so that *0 works as well as 88 as the access code (r:cbfe83cc)
223	config: change default to short date-time in VM sounds (r:3603a69d)
224	core: Add RTCP support (FSRTP-14)
225	core: handle some errors on missing db handle conditions
226	core: add ... and shutdown as a fail-safe when no modules are loaded
227	core: add apr func to disable loopback on multicast to simplify mod_multicast_event
228	core: free mem on shutdown (thanks Jalsot) (JANITOR-4)
229	core: try harder to get db handle in sql thread and fail out if it can't get one
230	core: always export 'export_vars'
231	core: add sanity check to launch threads that catch hangup and are not in a thread to make sure they clean up
232	core: Tweak bridge_early_media to support passthrough codecs
233	core: cleanup C reserved identifier violation (JANITOR-3)
234	core: add sound_prefix support in uuid_displace (FSCORE-550)
235	core: add 'critical' param on modules.conf to abort on mod load failure from Moc
236	core: add 'direction' chan var
237	core: fix race condition where 'delete' would beat 'insert' in the reporting db (FSCORE-597)
238	core: add callee id to events and add global param verbose-channel-events and fsctl verbose_events [on|off] to globally configure verbose events
239	core: fix potential excess cpu usage during originate
240	core: fix switch_get_addr to work with v6 properly
241	core: fix ZRTP compile issue (MODENDP-305)
242	core: fix Hangup on bridge event using switch_caller_profile_dup causes crash (FSCORE-601)
243	core: fix race condition when hangup happens after answer indication but before the session thread is started
244	core: fix switch_core_sqldb: library routine called out of sequence (sqlite)
245	core: attempt to address exotic scenario:  FS rewriting SDP when reattempting to bridge a call to second route in proxy_media=true
246	core: reset codecs after media bugs
247	core: add intercept_unbridged_only=true to only intercept if the channel is not bridged to anyone
248	core: Fix switch_url_encode() does not handle properly UTF-8 sequences (FSCORE-605)
249	core: add bind method to EventConsumer takes same args as constructor to bind more events to an existing consumer
250	core: Fix parsing empty XML files (FSCORE-608)
251	core: Initialize when no console (Windows) (r:909ad642/FSCORE-610)
252	core: (Win) bridge fails because session read lock failure (r:f8f91362/FSCORE-606)
253	core: Add option to hangup channel if record fails (r:a3e6bead/FSBUILD-591)
254	core: Crash when using tab completion on uuid_ commands (r:9637b89e/FSCORE-613)
255	core: fix uuid_media state change (r:2cc59f1e/FSCORE-615)
256	core: add new callstate field to channels table (r:0f133eae)
257	core: fix leg_timeout issue (r:3fbd9e21/MODAPP-433)
258	core: Add alternate timing method support for Windows XP and 2003 - must be conditionally compiled(default is original timing) (r:30d2e7fd/FSCORE-626)
259	core: Fix fail to parse variable absolute_codec_string when inside [] (r:bfe31288/FSCORE-631)
260	core: Fix limit not decrementing properly (r:f10eebf8/FSCORE-632)
261	core: Fix crash when receiving RTP packet w/ invalid length (r:26358d67/FSCORE-635)
262	core: Fix incorrect variable assignment in switch_channel_set_timestamp (r:8a7f38c6/FSCORE-636)
263	core: add api_reporting_hook (like api_hangup_hook but after reporting state) both honor session_in_hangup_hook (r:ed7ccc14)
264	core: only let force_transfer_* vars work when an explicit value was not supplied (r:91a87e9d)
265	core: Make switch_ivr_session_echo stop when CF_BREAK is set (r:2b120311/DP-19)
266	core: change channel app_flags to be realm specific and default old version to use __FILE__ as the realm name to avoid cross fire between apps using app flags (r:09c1815c)
267	core: preanswer before getting variables to avoid crash (r:25fe16df)
268	core: Windows: Don't report "unknown command" on console when empty command has been given (r:c8f9fb56/FSCORE-641)
269	core: Windows: Add start parameter -monotonic-clock, replaces build flag WIN32_MONOTONIC (r:3515c7a0/FSCORE-643)
270	core: Improve RTP timing on playback of files (r:d6d7773c/FSCORE-639)
271	core: Allows bind_meta_app to use chars other than * (r:fd254766/FSCORE-630)
272	core: Fixed core lib won't build for win32 (r:9327c994/FSCORE-646)
273	core: add last_bridge_to var to keep uuid of last bridged channel and fix race in show calls on hangup of bypass_media channels (r:77e2dccf)
274	core: Phrase "speak-text" application returns on first key press in phrase file on Windows (r:6d74d7ab/MODAPP-448)
275	core: pass originate flags into session_request so we can selectivly skip throttling (r:46c6650a)
276	core: Implemented 'Block Fork' and removed possibility for "-nc -nf" potential issue. (r:f26a6972/FSCORE-652)
277	core: Add console callback for listing loaded/available modules for load/unload/reload commands (r:d68a1218/FSCORE-662)
278	core: strip trailing and leading whitespace in api execute args and commands (r:ca481842)
279	core: Fix SQLLEN to prevent queue buffer overrun (r:68d1c32a/FS-2149)
280	core: add origination_caller_profile to log all attempted calls for a paticular leg (r:977a8ad7)
281	core: Add attribute "path" to autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml <load> entry. (r:1a75821d)
282	core: add tone2wav (r:6f2c455f)
283	core: add speed boost to sql thread (r:ef79535c)
284	core: reverse the linked list in ivr menus to support accidental feature of multiple entries for the same keys (r:d4a01324)
285	core: Add time of day string compare function switch_tod_cmp.  It usable in XML dialplan with time-of-day.  String format is hh:mm:ss you can define a range like this : 09:00-17:00  (Second are not optional) (r:4ab8fa13)
286	core: Add date time range string compare function switch_fulldate_cmp. It usable in XML dialplan with date-time. String format example : 2009-10-10 14:33:22~2009-11-10 17:32:31. (r:c9fcce08)
287	core: Add day of week 3 letter initial usage in "wday" field in the dialplan.  Example : mon-fri.  Using number as before is still supported.  Several public switch function are available. (r:59ec8ced)
288	core: set conditionals to only fire when the mutex can be obtained (r:07ec7867)
289	core: avoid segfault when sofia tries to update the callee id at the same time as the outbound call is transferred (r:df63657e)
290	core: make code more automagic to shut up the dude on the list (r:d093a4a4)
291	core: Fix memory leak if we fail to enqueue new event to EVENT_QUEUE in switch_event.c (r:ef773e07/FS-2148)
292	core: fix endless loop on startup when specifying -nosql (r:b6a533ee)
293	core: Buffer for url encode in switch_ivr_set_xml_chan_vars() too small by 1 (r:0cc28f37/FS-2167)
294	core: fix switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback to allow an args pointer with null callback to work like other apis (r:89d99a91)
295	core: ERROR_PARTIAL and BAD_PARTIAL are regarded as PARTIAL in switch_regex_match_partial (r:b4548a60/FS-2238)
296	core: sprinkle digit_timeout into switch_ivr_read and switch_ivr_play_and_get_digits and the higher level variants (r:cfa30468)
297	core: Fix parse of variable absolute_codec_string when inside [] (r:54bf6575/FS-2126)
298	core: Fix SWITCH_IO_FLAG_NOBLOCK needed for mod_sangoma_codec (r:bc304153/FS-2017)
299	core: fix coredump in rtcp socket handling (r:6c1070ea/FS-2009)
300	core: add bitrate patch from moc with some extra stuff for late neg mode (r:633f193d)
301	core: refactor fmtp parser as a core func (r:56f8c11f)
302	core: add switch_ivr_dmachine async digit parser to core (r:7f3319dc)
303	core: make parens optional on functions as vars ${foo(bar)} is now the same as ${foo bar} (r:fdba0e07)
304	core: fix default ptime for iLBC and make new configurable global map in switch.conf.xml (r:e3c427ad)
305	core: only pause recording media bugs in fifo (r:c1d41dd9)
306	core: Allow IPv6 in proxy mode (r:4e5911c2/FS-2776)
307	core: "Silent recovery" (r:93c2ed94)
308	core: fix switch_find_local_ip to properly handle force_local_ip_v4 and _v6 (r:f42c9036/FS-2778)
309	core: fix att_xfer/3-way scenario (r:0559cc50)
310	core: dmachine - timeout instantly when you have exact match and are equal to max digits (r:81a9f8ef)
311	core: Core ODBC support for transactions with MSSQL (r:d2ca8d40/FS-2050)
312	core: Show the UUID of the session in the log when sending RFC2833 DTMF packet and when receiving a RTP DTMF (r:9241a35e)
313	core: add record_post_process_exec_app and record_post_process_exec_api both can have <app|cmd>:<args> (r:07adca56)
314	core:  add -ncwait for Unix based implememtations to make the backgrounder wait to make sure the process starts before detaching (r:23d5fc19)
315	core: fire DTMF event when converting dtmf to inband with start_dtmf_generate (r:dcdd3811)
316	core: fail calls with uninitialized frame (r:7dafe4e2)
317	core: allow switch_process_import to specify a prefix (r:e0c37c1f)
318	core: add additional info when fail (r:4bbd9a4c/FS-2825)
319	core: avoid hypothetical problem with flushing queue with delayed events (r:49b6237e)
320	core: add send_silence_when_idle and dmachine honoring to park loop (r:3be3cd76)
321	core: ivr_enterprise_originate: Fix export of variable from the originator channel to the called channels (r:025c82e7)
322	core: Better handling of progress and answering to prevent sip profile from locking up at higher volumes (r:04e57577/FS-2801)
323	core: ACL for IPv6 address and swigall to boot (r:db91f0e8/FS-2842)
324	core: add intercept_unanswered_only var akin to intercept_unbridged_only (r:68f18efe)
325	core: switch_odbc_handle_exec_string duplication SQLExecute (r:8b0e7d24/FS-2880)
326	core: Fix timeout while bridge is waiting for CF_BRIDGED flag (r:2572621b/FS-2368)
327	core: don't parse events for b legs from a leg thread in case they are using a monolothic python script as a group_confirm exec over socket to send it messages while the call is ringing (r:ed5266d3)
328	core: add new function to check when messages need parsing to improve performance on parsing messages during originate (r:8b0421ff)
329	core: run execute_on_answer on_media _on_ring apps async (r:ef4a4ed0)
330	core: add switch_ivr_insert_file to insert one file into another at an arbitrary sample point (r:82394b37)
331	core: Slow reload cause calls to hang (r:1ba98b02/FS-2852)
332	core: Application intercept causes FS to stop processing calls (r:12fc65f7/FS-2872)
333	core: fix edge cases for endless loop in sql thread (r:5d7c09ed)
334	core: prevent race while changing codecs mid call (r:7aa72b67)
335	core: Fix crash in ODBC when SQL Server kills TCP connection (r:5aba96e3/FS-2910)
336	core: Fix fallback to CORE_DB when MSSQL fails init (r:3406d05b)
337	core: add new function to init an empty switch_sockaddr_t to avoid an unnecessary dns lookup on (r:009c41d4)
338	core: fix endless RTP loop in Windows (r:cb2d0736/FS-2924)
339	core: play_and_get_digits should actually timeout, not last forever... (r:28cab5ed/FS-2923)
340	core: Fix crash w/o core dump (r:00046ee0/FS-2933)
341	core: normalize tests for outbound channels to use switch_channel_direction instead of testing for CF_OUTBOUND (r:93cc3dc5)
342	core: add CF_DIALPLAN (r:3ff07445)
343	core: tweak on calle[re] id (r:9db4a826)
344	core: cid logic changes for calle[re] (r:8f452bc5)
345	core: change switch_strip_spaces to specify if you want it to dup the string or destroy the current buffer (r:4d7e4f1e)
346	core: fix secondary issue with min_digits = 0 and terminator key pressed to cancel (r:fe005bdd/FS-2789)
347	core: fix dtmf issue with jb on (r:90e58696)
348	core: fix ignore_early_media=ring_ready (r:5b752c54)
349	core: prevent race on execute_on_answer called from the B-leg of a call (r:751e0291)
350	core: drop rtp frame that was already replaced with a cng frame (r:34a0ca50)
351	core: fix partial match counting as exact match in dmachine (r:5eb951aa)
352	core: try to adjust the timer to be ok with the horrible 10000 microsecond kernel resolution on amazon ec3 but that doesn't mean it's not horribly wrong to run the kernel that slow (r:903b2901)
353	core: make exact matches return sooner in dmachine (r:e897646e)
354	core: don't let inherit_codec work when we have ep_codec_string set and the B-leg codec is not in that list since it will lead to failure (r:f79f9766)
355	core: set maximum query run time to 30 seconds at least on drivers that support SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT (r:5bb525e1)
356	core: dd switch_cache_db_affected_rows() to switch_core_sqldb (and switch_odbc) and expose it through Lua dbh:affected_rows() (r:d79cf484/FS-2962)
357	core: add bind meta on A-D and refactor (r:27869d7a)
358	core: add temp_hold_music var that is only valid until you transfer the call and finishing touches on bind meta to A-D (r:b262f44c)
359	core: add function to help set session read codec to slinear (r:1a08df9b)
360	core: add rtp_bug IGNORE_DTMF_DURATION to speed up dtmf detection of RFC2833 on strange carriers (r:b3fc001e)
361	core: Fix crash when re-connecting to non-working database server (r:29daaa07/FS-2960)
362	core: treat EINTR returns as a BREAK (now mapped to SWITCH_STATUS_INTR), we appriciate the interrupted syscalls but we would like to continue working properly (r:316963c5)
363	core: eat rtp frames with the wrong payload type number (r:fe1711fd)
364	core: up assert vaule on header loop detection to 1 meeeeelyonne for hmmhesegs (r:d9c56345)
365	core: Fix race condition in originate where USER_BUSY is reported as a no answer (r:cc06fdb5/FS-2992)
366	core: Allow check ip change to be optional (r:1cf79386/FS-2917)
367	core: handle 2833 in do_flush instead of dropping valid dtmf (r:3fa3e11c/FS-3002)
368	core: add record_restart_time_limit_on_dtmf var (r:7a1dcb69)
369	core: fix unreachable condition with a null args to make any key stop playback/record etc without dequing and remove hard-coded flush digits in play_and_get_digits be sure to flush it yourself before using (r:976859bb)
370	core: Fix a lock on reloadxml when stderr write is blocked.  Also remove an error parsing print since reason generated were wrong and duplicate. (r:2d6161e8)
371	core: fix || where it should be or in sql stmt that may cause stray records in the calls table
372	core: Add CS_NONE and correct variable name (r:3fd7b8f2)
373	core: Fix SQL issue (r:04bb74fc/FS-3050,FS-3051)
374	core: fix race with media bug exiting from write frame while read frame is trying to use it (r:1341a75a)
375	core: fix regression in rtp stack trying to avoid broken clients who send the wrong payload type, we were eating the stun packets in jingle calls (r:0bce777a)
376	core: Add capability to specify core-db-name in switch.conf.xml to have sqlite in a different location.  This is important for everyone with relatively 'high' sip registration since the addition of sip registration to the core require sqlite db to be moved to a faster location (Ramdisk for example). Useful for everyone who moved their sqlite db for sofia to ramdisk because of performance issue. (r:500e9acd)
377	core: Index column name wrong on table registrations.  (This wont create the index for people who already have the table) (r:1096e673)
378	core: allow uuid bridge on unaswered channels as long as there is media available on at least one (r:4f93ea25)
379	core: add multiple-registrations flag to the core similar to mod_sofia (r:b36a7c0b)
380	core: tolerate dtmf where there is no start packet and only end packets (r:097caed4)
381	core: Fix RTP auto flush during bridge w/Windows causing packet loss (r:f8d326de/FS-3057)
382	core: possible ill placed assert() before a NULL check in soa_static.c (r:91a5e776/FS-2803)
383	core: prevent crash on double call to asr_close (r:4f5ca9e8/FS-3077)
384	core: fix bug in switch_itodtmf (r:b53a6848)
385	core: use strdup instead of core_session_strdup in hangup hook (r:3a10d6a1)
386	core: fix jb + no timer situations (r:61d3c56f)
387	core: Add events PLAYBACK_START and PLAYBACK_STOP, plus some minor improvments for RECORD_STOP (r:bc397ab6/FS-2971)
388	core: Fix event queue from needlessly filling up (r:2044a749/FS-3105)
389	core: Fix issue that was preventing the sqlite handles from being recycled properly (r:11451c10/FS-3106)
390	core: clear timestamp when generating a fake empty frame to fix edge-case sending the same timestamp over and over (r:08496cd7)
391	core: wait for state change to avoid race (r:f33e9c6e/FS-2966)
392	core: Fix freeswitch.session in Lua, etc. (r:0ba25358/FS-3119)
393	core: try to reduce contention by not creating handles with the global mutex locked (r:b3a2fa1c)
394	core: add limits to simo open sql handles (r:61cdf0da)
395	core: Fix db locks affecting mod_callcenter (r:8da371c7/FS-3127)
396	core: improve flow of dtmf through a bridge when timer is disabled (r:59da356d)
397	core: Fix Freeswitch crash on Debian ARM (r:a80fae92/FS-3126)
398	core: switch_xml: reloadxml will(should) never lock again.  It will load the XML structure into a new XML structure, and just replace the currently available ROOT XML.  It then the job of the last user of the switch_xml structure to free it. (r:471bd6df)
399	core: switch_xml: Remove commented out mmap.  With the changes in the past 2 year, mmap can't really be put back in it current state. (r:34bd0e5e)
400	core: Fix jitterbuffer with SRTP enabled (r:069f5f7d/FS-3075)
401	core: this will remove the reported symptom but does not change the fact that 1khz resolution is ideal for proper performance (r:5f18ec94/FS-3168)
402	core: this was specific to the user channel which is not a real channel in every sense of the word as it has no running thread or any usable state changes so this new line of code in 233d3164be4412aaaf8f9f42d8042e48279a018a to wait for the state machine to stabilize before returning from originate caused an issue with user/ channels (r:88a6ac2f/FS-3170)
403	core: this also fixes the incorrect usage of L16 on payload 10 which may or may not break interop with other sip devices if we do it right.  also added rtp_disable_byteswap variable that can be set to false to disable byteswap when a device is encountered that is incompat (including all previous version of FS up till now) (r:e657e32f/FS-3172)
404	core: dont calibrate clock when timerfd enabled (r:26f5ebd4)
405	core: fix DTMF in SRTP/ZRTP (r:fd608901/FS-3165)
406	core: add switch_atomic_* type and functions switch_apr.c and switch_apr.h (r:3b56c119/FS-3173)
407	core: improve some defaults to tune performance if you use -heavy_timer, try not using it (r:5d783134)
408	core: Fix api_hangup_hook with no args (r:484a397d/FS-3194)
409	core: allow 100 microsecond tolerance on timer loop (r:6388e03d)
410	core: Fix X-PREPROCESS exec to wait pid (r:dae2cb4a)
411	core: Ability to use mod_say with native files; native is a special case so use the extension native e.g. en.native (r:3a2e1d03/FS-3176)
412	core: Fix: Bridging a call to multiple legs and using leg_delay_start, legs that lost the race before the leg_delay_start time is up still get originated for a brief moment (r:c5daf80e/FS-3218)
413	core: Have UPNP/PMP active without opening port mappings in the router/firewall (r:008f9889/FS-3208)
414	core: add execute_on function so you can have execute_on_answer_1 execute_on_answer_2 execute_on_answer_3 etc (r:27c6d111)
415	core: do this slightly safer so we don't have the mutex locked when we exec the app (r:ef175741)
416	core: Fix argument parsing for tone_detect app (r:38c3a67a/FS-3229)
417	core: add L16 def for 32ms and allow timer matrix to drop to 1ms to support nelly (r:82e3d49f)
418	core: fix segfault in zrtp srtcp (r:2330b340)
419	core: add switch_clean_name_string util function to strip out caller id name chars that can cause issues (r:244048f8)
420	core: switch_core_sqldb - clear pointer on release (r:aaef33cc)
421	core: all [] {} and <> can be stacked and override the delim per set <><^^:>{}{^^:}{^^;}[][^^:] (r:4c4bf59e/FS-3246)
422	core: fix default tipping point it was too low (r:e4eade33)
423	core: enable optimal defaults on linux kernels that can support newer features. (r:0b51aca3)
424	core: Lower NAT port mapping disabled log msg from WARNING to INFO (r:973a850d)
425	core: Change the structure of the phrases/language system. Previously it was fxml->phrases->macros->language->macro.  Changed it so fxml->languages->language->phrases->macros->macro You can have sub macros <macros name="voicemail"><macro ...> and allow you to call it login@voicemail. Change the sound-path to sound-prefix to make it constistant with the rest of freeswitch. Also allow to set a sound-prefix to a macros, so you can override it for a specific file set. You can set say-modules="en" or whatever in the <language section to define that say module to use. (r:4137b360)
426	core: Fix edge case segfault on fifo member answer call (r:bf107c6f/FS-3269)
427	core: Fix intercept application (r:f8835a81/FS-3271)
428	core: add bridged timestamp and hangup_complete_with_xml=true to add xml_cdr to the body of hangup_complete events (r:bd471fc6)
429	core: Modify freeswitch to use a configurable switchname instead of a hostname (r:00b53a91/FS-3277)
430	core: add option to disable srtp with --disable-srtp (r:a6b336e4)
431	core: record_session: Will auto create recursive destination folder if it doesn't already exist (Doesn't create folder when used with local cache feature) (r:c4b78a49)
432	core: add largest_jb_size (r:1772fcb0)
433	core: improve curl + openssl threading (r:7064487d/FS-2936)
434	core: reset offset_pos on seek to 0 (r:e375d1d2)
435	core: fix edge case between fail_on_single_reject and group_confirm (r:fae95433/FS-3303)
436	core: add prefix chars to playback_terminators + means include the term in the string and x means include the char and return SWITCH_STATUS_RESTART eg #+* only includes the * if you type it but not the # (r:38b3f43d)
437	core: add additional format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to strepoch (r:38f06a3b)
438	core: Fix APR EWOULDBLOCK issue (r:50e54364/FS-3308)
439	core: fire SWITCH_EVENT_RECORD_STOP after closing file (r:94e9957e/FS-3311)
440	core: add arrays to event headers and chanvars (r:c1c75952)
441	core: allow -1 as silence generation divisor to specify only zeroes silence (r:294a57fb)
442	core: Don't send silence frames for parked calls until media is ready. (r:dc028b36/FS-3046)
443	core: add code to pass recording bugs on to other legs when executing an attended transfer, needs testing and possible follup commits before using (r:e2da3bea)
444	core: flip_record_on_hold to make the recording flip to the other leg on hold, record_check_bridge to make recording the same file on the opposite leg of a bridge considered a duplicate attempt and record_toggle_on_repeat to make repeat recording the same file toggle the recording off (r:7bbbb9cc)
445	core: lower log-level of failed ivr_originate for mundane conditions like no answer and attended transfer (r:f25085e0)
446	core: add scoped channel variables (%[var=val,var2=val2] blocks valid in any app data field and will only last for that one app execution) (r:b2c3199f)
447	core: enable recursion for scoped variables so applications that exec more apps will preserve the scope, the most recent app will mask variables just during the duration of that app (r:c6268da5)
448	core: only clear scope vars when they were set (r:d4fcba74,r:77688084)
449	core: Add the ability to issue a break to switch_ivr_sleep when media is not ready, allowing continuation of processing of the dialplan. (r:dfc30b2e/FS-3373)
450	core: parse events and messages in channel_ready (r:94148095)
451	core: add last_hold_time and hold_accum vars for cdr data (r:676ef808)
452	core: avoid recursion loop in parse_all_events vs channel_ready (r:22d89943)
453	core: auto populate global origination_caller_id_name/number from effective_caller_id_name/number in enterprise originate (r:f8c029a1)
454	core: add --enable-timerfd-wrapper to wrap timefd syscalls for platforms with the right kernel and wrong libc (r:306b332d)
455	core: don't parse events in channel_ready during hold (r:cad68d53)
456	core: only parse messages from channel_ready when its a session calling channel ready on itself not when another thread calls it (r:1d12519d)
457	core: Fix single quote stripping and add %y to turn ' into \'  (r:3b5a0ae5/FS-3359)
458	core: push out signal data into its own queue system (r:f1ee225c)
459	core: When in a dialplan hunt and we have a custom caller_profile, ${destination_number} and other variable kept the previous value of the original dialplan parsing.  This correct this so it take the custom created caller_profile for that hunt (r:b0e0dd22)
460	core: pause traffic if sql_queue gets to big (r:2939262e)
461	core: fix detection of tones in monitor_early_media_fail (r:3cbae3fb/FS-3413)
462	core: use rwlock for global vars to reduce contention (r:0521886d)
463	core: Fix separate_string_blank_delim to handle strings with '&' (r:f3a42258/FS-3099)
464	core: Fix setting display on wrong channel on eavesdrop (r:3dc4b530)
465	core: add new detailed_calls view a version of the channels table that shows only one legged calls or bridged calls (r:beecd937)
466	core: display update on flip_cid (r:0fc8050c)
467	core: make sql stmt more portable (r:6b948cf1)
468	core: print ip:port on rtp bind err (r:11d2cd1b)
469	core: display fixes and add 2 new cols to channels to store last sent display data (r:d364e9f2)
470	core: sanitize outbound caller id number on one-legged calls (r:dee0f540/FS-3483)
471	core: clean up originator/ee profile so the right one is prevelant in events (r:3e2c662a)
472	core: check for answer flag in bridge to do display update properly (r:0f459d4b)
473	core: add event subclasses in switch_event.c (r:3696ced7/FS-3497)
474	core: add max_sessions to heartbeat event (r:9c8437a1/FS-3415)
475	core: fix event firing for CHANNEL_PROGRESS_MEDIA event (r:e2a4fb11/FS-3396)
476	core: add emulation for asterisk DIALSTATUS magic var (r:9d98d49f)
477	core: the new code requires accurate timestamps, we were incrementing it by the interval (20) instead of the samples (160) (r:f10566af/FS-3181)
478	core: pass cancel_cause into enterprise_originate (r:2e9724d2)
479	core: add support for global namespace in chat interface to bind to unhandled messages (r:6dd1264d)
480	core: resolve Syntax Error when using MSSQL in core (r:40990c04/FS-3527)
481	core: add RTP_BUG_ACCEPT_ANY_PACKETS to disable dropping invalid packets for interop with Oracle CCA (r:aea22cd4)
482	core: yield when doing b64 encode to avoid stealing the cpu on single proc crappy hardware (r:7d612da4)
483	core: DTMF stands for Devil Took My Fone (r:0c066f06)
484	core: add callee_id name/number to xml_cdr (r:bcd1e147)
485	core: add new flag to frames to denote pass thru frames that are not audio (r:cb9abe02)
486	core: change -hp to -rp, add -lp and -np, no priority flags means auto which will do -rp if you have > 1 cpu (r:c1dd008b)
487	core: only reap sigchld when in fork mode for system (r:1e712c7e)
488	core: Add application flag zombie_exec so registered applications can apply to be executed on channels that are already hungup, like the inline exec this is only limited to a small family of apps that do not use the channel for audio. (r:637a5ed8)
489	core: do not escape strings inside single quotes unless we can find a closing quote too (r:b4b99c41)
490	core: convert chat interface to use events instead of a bunch of args (r:9125a96c)
491	core: make app to turn on new zombie exec instead of always doing it (r:3a2f8183)
492	core: fix inaccurate sample count in file handle, buffered samples were being double tallied (r:5fe3a22d)
493	core: prevent sql injection by using sqlite formatter on various code that generates sql stmts with switch_snprintf (r:256a6264)
494	core: add ivr_menu_terminator variable you can set to none or the dtmf chars you want to terminate input (r:0a3e5d2f)
495	core: delay_echo was double the length in milliseconds from what it should be (r:3317f5d3)
496	core: fix issue where clearing a single realm does not completely clear (r:d2710422)
497	core: add manual_rtp_bug gen_one_gen_all to prevent rtp passthru to break the *S* word.. (r:9e094835)
498	core: Add transfer_history to logs (r:1bf97fa7)
499	core: add fsctl sync_clock_when_idle so you can sync the clock but have it not do it till there are 0 calls (r:2094f2d3)
500	core: add getGlobalVariable and setGlobalVariable to swig stuff (r:2faaee0e)
501	core: Fix erroneous "module busy" messages on module unload (r:bad5964b/FS-3589)
502	core: move code from uuid_kill into core (r:3c9551ee)
503	core: Directed pickup sends "call completed elsewhere" (r:43ca3ee8/FS-3634)
504	core: jitter-buffer tweaks (r:e3ade445/FS-3671 and r:599a4543/FS-3672)
505	core: Add option to disable PLC when using the jitter buffer (r:ba14f95d/FS-3678)
506	core: Allow fail_on_single_reject to do negated causes, i.e. fail_on_single_reject=!UNALLOCATED_NUMBER (r:522c0d53/FS-3675)
507	core: move the thing that passes proto_specific_hangup_cause to the core and prefix it with last_bridge_ and also log last_bridge_hangup_cauuse for good measure (r:e04f9ba9)
508	core: Add CHANNEL_EXECUTE to the list of default "verbose events" (r:ff7432d9/FS-3680)
509	core: fix queued dtmf on channels with no timer issue (r:bc968ca8)
510	core: use the non-signal checking version of switch_channel_up/down in the core (r:9ecf187d)
511	core: Link curl into core (r:74ed2cef)
512	docs: Major clean up of doxygen generated core API documentation (r:794246e1)
513	docs: Add libteletone back to core API documentation (r:c35c138d)
514	embedded languages: Provide core level support for conditional Set Global Variable (r:c017c24b/FSCORE-612)
515	embedded languages: add insertFile front end to switch_ivr_insert_file and reswig (r:c4e350ab)
516	flex client: check in basic flex demo as basis to develop a client application (r:25be760b)
517	flex client: the hotkeys js is broken, get rid of it (r:2f6f71d4)
518	fs_cli: block control-z from fs cli and print a warning how to exit properly (r:dc436b82)
519	fs_cli: skip blocking writes on fs_cli to avoid backing up event socket (r:2ec2a9b0)
520	fs_cli: let ctl-c work until you are connected (r:986f258d)
521	fs_cli: add -i --interrupt to fs_cli to allow control-c to exit the program (r:e7b3c3b1)
522	fs_cli: add timeout option to fs_cli (r:5fad26b4)
523	fs_cli: implement CLI prompt redrawing (r:a79f1f42) (many other minor changes by TC on 2011-09-22)
524	fs_cli: implement configurable prompt, input, and output coloring (r:c7ec19d6)
525	fs_cli: allow ;; seperated commands in fs_cli -x (r:cbc92936)
526	fs_cli: only enable new features on supported terminals (r:26cd927c)
527	lang: Improve French phrase files (FSCONFIG-23)
528	lang: Update langs - Add pt_PT, update es to have es_ES and es_MX, update mod_say_es and add mod_say_pt (FS-2937) (r:c81a9448/FS-2937)
529	libapr: Fix issue where after a bridge with a member, uuid of Agent is set to single quote character ' (r:3fee704d/FS-2738)
530	libdingaling: fix race on shutdown causing crash (FSMOD-47)
531	libdingaling: Fix crash in new GV interface when exceeding 24 calls (r:be00609a/FS-2171)
532	libdingaling: fix crash when GV call ends (r:687140b5/FS-3139)
533	libdingaling: fix small leak (r:d3ea42d8/FS-3334)
534	libdingaling: send keep alive packets to prevent NAT from munging connection (thanks Federico Beffa) (r:4bd305e5/FS-3612)
535	libesl: Fix potential race condition (ESL-36)
536	libesl: Add /uuid command to fs_cli to filter logs by uuid
537	libesl: Increase buffer in fs_cli for Win (r:d1d6be88/FSCORE-611)
538	libesl: fix esl buffer overflow (r:9c9cb5b3)
539	libesl: add -r to fs_cli to retry every second up to 2 min to connect (r:36bfe432)
540	libesl: Fix esl doc, s/ESL_STATUS_SUCESS/ESL_SUCCESS/g (r:84b4b5da)
541	libesl: make esl_connect thread-safe by using getaddrinfo instead of gethostbyname (r:52885dfc)
542	libesl: Add esl_connect_timeout to specify custom connection timeouts (r:12a0ec74)
543	libesl: use recv_timed in esl_connect_timemout in case we get stuck in a blocking recv (r:13137e22)
544	libesl: use uint32_t instead of long for timeout as in the rest of the lib, 0 means forever. Also added esl_send_recv_timed() (r:49d6c803)
545	libesl: Fix SEGV when using serialize function without any arguments (r:910729b5/ESL-44)
546	libesl: fix leak-on-error in esl_connect_timeout() (r:4263d60e)
547	libesl: Call close on connection handle if the connection fails (r:413dcc4c/ESL-50)
548	libesl: allow fs_cli -x to have args up to 1024 chars (was 256) (r:7039ba47)
549	libesl: Make last_event pointer last longer (r:a15f51d5/ESL-37)
550	libesl: use a packet buffer for ESL (r:2081bf97)
551	libesl: Noevent/Noevents disparity (r:d29d83d7/ESL-53)
552	libesl: FS-2957 esl lib on windows fails to build (r:5254df04/FS-2957)
553	libesl: Small fix on ESL that cause event_id to be set wrong on headers that had value failure. (r:eb88304a)
554	libesl: added python eslmod installation to esl Makefiles (r:b83a30ca)
555	libesl: null terminate buffer after reading from the socket to prevent cross-over to old data that confuses the parser and throws off framing (r:e8a10558/ESL-56)
556	libesl: add optional job-uuid param to bgapi in oop mod (r:e96acac3)
557	libesl: fix linger support in esl client lib (r:0444626b)
558	libesl: fix segfault (r:30813ca5/FS-3130)
559	libesl: Don't destroy last_event pointer until it's being set to a new pointer - fixes rare segfault (r:e8474d60/ESL-57)
560	libesl: Add 'make perlmod-install' to ESL (please test) (r:06c42179)
561	libesl: build python esl bindings and ship them in freeswitch-python-package (r:44bfcf1d/FS-3128)
562	libesl: use poll instead of select in ESL client lib because select is not your friend.... (r:ae595cd5)
563	libesl: Add digit_timeout to ESL::IVR's playAndGetDigits method (r:f564d383)
564	libesl: add array manipulation to the wraper code (r:ffa0a071)
565	libesl: fix mem leak - good catch, Jlenk! (r:e420e17f/FS-3386)
566	libesl: add sendmsg function to esl (r:2ae688a3)
567	libfreetdm: implemented freetdm config nodes and ss7 initial configuration
568	libfreetdm: fix codec for CAS signaling (r:b76e7f18)
569	libfreetdm: freetdm: ss7- added support for incoming group blocks, started adding support for ansi (r:c219a73c)
570	libfreetdm: receive side, update libteletone to track duration so it is less likely to double detect and push api changes down to freetdm (r:a65794fb/FS-3570)
571	libg7221: A bunch of tweaks to the G.722.1 codec (r:5d548570)
572	libgnutls: link to libgcrypt as well, please report any platforms this breaks, but it should be portable (r:c569fb0f/FS-1248)
573	libiksemel: making this the new default and patching libdingaling to use it exclusively with openssl, now we actually have single thread for gtalk an no gah noodlez (r:f506e19e/FS-3471)
574	libjs: non-portable comment syntax in .s files
575	libldns: select on FD > 1024 get this patch to ldns ppl (r:710fc7a7/FS-3110)
576	libopenzap: Add CLI tracing
577	libs: Merged OpenZAP and FreeTDM into the FreeSWITCH tree.
578	libs: Add support for TLS on Windows using openssl (r:1abe3b93/MODSOFIA-92)
579	libs: fix bsd shell incompatibility (r:e2b85e94/FS-287)
580	libsndfile: Update libsndfile and edit mod_sndfile.c to support ogg and flac (r:02a604f7/FS-1197)
581	libsofiasip: Fix random crashes (r:c15ee980/SFSIP-219)
582	libsofiasip: Fix T.38 bug in sofia_glue (r:2843f1ad/MODSOFIA-94)
583	libsofiasip: VS2010 sofia posix problem (r:46dd24c2/SFSIP-220)
584	libsofiasip: set minimum initital sip t1 timer to 1000ms to work around race condition on retry timer firing before all the things that are supposed to be handled by the timer are set.  The base resolution on this timer is 500ms, so doubling up makes sure we always hit the initial retry timer on the next run, where everything should be set.  The side effect was, 1/2 the time on a request that did not get immediate response, the timer would be fired and cleared, but the action (sending retry) was never done, and a new timer was not set, causing the request to just sit zombied and never retry.  A better solution would be to find and correct the race condition so the timer is never set to early and we never hit this condition. (r:20c2740c)
585	libsofiasip: fix bad assert (r:56404641/FS-3133)
586	libsofiasip: lower stack and boost priority of sofia schedule thread (r:257bc9ff)
587	libsofiasip: Fix for issue reported on the mailing list with a Chinese locale and windows. This commit removes a hidden char that should not have been there anyway. (r:7adaceb8)
588	libsofiasip: resolve edge case in the 3rd party sofia sip stack library when dealing with a malformed contact and missing ack. Will push upstream to sofia devs (r:d68605f5/FS-3394)
589	libsofiasip: use individual pools instead of sub-pools for nua handles to avoid pool swell (r:f7612413)
590	libsofiasip: Fix segfault in sofia's stun code (r:7403db70)
591	libsofiasip: add homer capture hooks to libsofia (r:3e029f0d)
592	libsofiasip: Fix mem leak when homer capture server not available (r:bc177a4b/FS-3475)
593	libspandsp: Fixed a typo in spandsp's msvc/inttypes.h Updated sig_tone processing in spandsp to the latest, to allow moy to proceed with his signaling work.
594	libspandsp: removed a saturate16 from spandsp that was causing problems fixed a typo in the MSVC inttypes.h file for spandsp
595	libspandsp: Changes to the signaling tone detector to detect concurrent 2400Hz + 2600Hz tones. This passes voice immunity and other key tests, but it bounces a bit when transitions like 2400 -> 2400+2600 -> 2600 occur. Transitions between tone off and tone on are clean. (r:bc13e944)
596	libspandsp: Fix Windows build after libspandsp update (r:d70cc852/FSBUILD-293)
597	libspandsp: Fix for T.30 processing of operator interrupts, to improve compatibility with some machines, which seem to send them when no operator is around. (r:84ee0ae6)
598	libspandsp: spandsp t38 fax receiving error in win XP - regression from f029f7ef (r:761cec8f/FS-2766)
599	libspandsp: Added missing error codes when an ECM FAX is abandoned with the T30_ERR message (r:ec57dc7a)
600	libspandsp: Fixed a vulnerability in T.4 and T.6 processing which is similar to http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2297 in libtiff. A really screwed up 2D T.4 image, or a maliciously constructed T.4 2D or T.6 image should potential run off the end of an image decoder buffer. (r:c6f67322)
601	libspandsp: Changed T.38 terminal handling, so errors from the user's packet transmit routine properly filter up the chain, cause termination of the FAX session, and are reported to the caller. (r:c890fbfa)
602	libspandsp: Numerous little changes to spandsp that haven't been pushed to Freeswitch for a while. The only big changes are a majorly rewritten V.42 and V.42bis which are now basically functional. (r:d30e82e2)
603	libspandsp: Another round of tweaks for spandsp. There should be no functional changes, although quite a few things have changed in the test suite (r:4a7bbf4e)
604	libstfu: add param to jb to try to recapture latency (disabled by default) (r:d59d41d7)
605	libsqlite: fix issue on mailing list mod_crd_sqlite entry limit and sqlite segfaults on triggers (r:1badec17)
606	libsqlite: make strdup NULL return strdup("") in sqlite for mac bug (r:b6bed14f)
607	libsqlite: force an update on sqlite build (r:71dd3ca8)
608	libunimrcp: Update to latest UniMRCP version.  MRCP requests can no timeout if there is no server response. (r:17099473)
609	libunimrcp: unimrcp lib does not notify mod_unimrcp of RTSP TEARDOWN timeouts (r:3484f338)
610	libunimrcp: fixed unimrcp to prevent double destroy of connection (r:493085bb)
611	mod_avmd: Initial check in - Advanced Voicemail Detect (r:10c6a30a) (by Eric Des Courtis)
612	mod_avmd: Add to windows build (r:df4bd935)
613	mod_avmd: Fix mem leak (r:cd951384/FS-2839)
614	mod_blacklist: Add mod_blacklist from contrib. (r:3a477c42)
615	mod_blacklist: Add example configuration file (r:d00f7464)
616	mod_blacklist: Resource leak fixes, config checks and add help output for api interface (r:41abb3e6)
617	mod_blacklist: add ability to dump a list back to it's text file (r:1d5f5ec7)
618	mod_blacklist: fix broken dump/save (r:abc5d7cd/FS-3617)
619	mod_callcenter: Initial commit of the mod_callcenter application. This module is in it early state of developpement.  You can see documentation on the wiki at : <a href="http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_callcenter">http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_callcenter</a> For support/comments, please use <a href="https://freeswitch.org/jira">https://freeswitch.org/jira</a> and select the MOD CALLCENTER module. (r:ba09b96d)
620	mod_callcenter: Add ability to unload/reload/load a queue setting (You still need to reloadxml before). Note that joining a queue will check for it in the config and load it on the fly... I've used the same system as in mod_voicemail.  Not sure if we should allow this, but just comment it out of the config before unload and it wont be available anymore (r:3eafca60)
621	mod_callcenter: Try to fix the ring-all, also add cli auto complete done in previous commit (r:1666783c)
622	mod_callcenter: Add missing odbc db support (Not tested, please someone test this) (r:42436e27)
623	mod_callcenter: More ODBC changes.  It is not a global settings value.  Cannot be changed in runtime. (r:6980305f)
624	mod_callcenter: Added value busy_delay_time and reject_delay_time so we can wait if those 2 occur (Un registred phone are considered as busy). Add a ready_time epoch time when we can contact an again again, fix ring-all (good this time I hope). (r:8082aa98)
625	mod_callcenter: Add tiers rules before jumping to a different level.  Also added support for dial-in agent. (r:86c9bed7)
626	mod_callcenter: Default the level to 0 since the new tier system will wait x second at level 1... just level 0 that will ring agent right away (if set to do so) (r:6558276a)
627	mod_callcenter: You can now allow caller that have hangup before agent answer to call back and resume their previous position. (r:ab2529d4)
628	mod_callcenter: correct multiple little things following the recent tiers and join back features (r:9b33bd1c)
629	mod_callcenter: Add more channel variable and event and fix a mem leak (r:2d3d8c8d)
630	mod_callcenter: Make more sence to bridge the caller to the agent.  Before, in the xml_cdr you saw it it like the agent initiated the call to the member (r:0be95658)
631	mod_callcenter: Added max-wait-time and max-wait-time-with-no-agent param to a queue. (r:3482f95e)
632	mod_callcenter: Make sure we fail to load if config is not present (r:e1fb79a1)
633	mod_callcenter: Fix invalid update of agent field (r:426a448f/FS-2738)
634	mod_callcenter: Allow to get queue info via api (r:70d592ae)
635	mod_callcenter: Fix bad return type so it compile on archlinux, thx bougyman (r:3a475986)
636	mod_callcenter: Make callcenter_config agent get return the value of the item requested.  Also added queue param max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached: If the max-wai-time-with-no-agent is already reached for the queue, then new caller can wait for x amount of second before it kicked out of the queue rather than get rejected automatically. (r:81a03869)
637	mod_callcenter: Add new event socket agent-offering.  Plus some documentation and better handling of bad agent type -- FS-2869 (r:80174cf3/FS-2869)
638	mod_callcenter: Add error response for queue load and queue reload (FS-2988) (r:49a5effc/FS-2988)
639	mod_callcenter: IMPORTANT UPDATE, DTMF during moh created an loop to reactivate MOH but got canceled right away because of pending DTMF in the queue never been cleaned.  Could cause masive disk write of debug, and can cause problem to the rest of FS stability.  This patch also include basic fundation for DTMF capture support for member waiting. (r:cd1982ce)
640	mod_callcenter: force loopback_bowout=false on originate.  This will need to be reworked, but should fix basic issues call to an agent using loopback (r:2e399b0b)
641	mod_callcenter: segfault using busy-delay-time parameter (r:c6f044d5/FS-3067)
642	mod_callcenter: Fix a bug when an caller leave the queue from a BREAK Call (Transfer...), it doesn't think an agent answered. (r:51a531aa)
643	mod_callcenter: Add new CLI cmd and change some to be more standard.  Patch from Francois Delawarde, thanks. (r:30dd1774)
644	mod_callcenter: >WARNING, some event value got removed< Adding new event time value that can then be used to calculate the Wait;Talk;Total duration of a member were on call.  CC-Wait-Time CC-Talk-Time and CC-Total-Time are no longer returned.  Visit the code or check the wiki for the updated variable. (r:5f233785)
645	mod_callcenter: Add better support when agent doesn't answer, including creating a new variable for the delay that is different than reject or busy.  Thanks to Francois Delawarde (r:26303c5c)
646	mod_callcenter: Add better handle of failed agent, member channel getting a break, and debuging info upon leaving.  Thanks to Fran?ois Delawarde (with some changes) (r:25cee255)
647	mod_callcenter: New Agent order Possibility: Agent order by Level and Position by agents.last_offered_call. Change the default and sequentially-by-agent-order strategy to include the longest-idle-agent.  This should offer a default consistant way to go through all the agent within the same tier/position. (Before, it was left to the DB to return the order of the result) (r:dcafff20/FS-3158)
648	mod_callcenter: Generate per member uuid different from the member session uuid.  Might fix transfer between queue.  More changes are coming (r:b63a72f8)
649	mod_callcenter: Remove the concept of Caller for Members.  Event Socket event have been changed (CC-Caller.* to CC-Member.*)  Also CC-Caller-UUID is renamed to CC-Member-Session-UUID. The reason for this is you could actually put people to be call in the queue.  So they are not caller per say.  But they are a member of a queue. (r:40a134bd)
650	mod_callcenter: Reload a queue wont delete all the currently waiting members.  Only a reload of the module will. (r:c5ae5de0/FS-3250)
651	mod_callcenter: Add a very prototype (and maybe not functional) strategy called : sequentially-by-next-agent-order. It will try to find the last agent we tried to reach, and start calling more agent after that one based on position. It will use the level for the next agent, but once that level is done, it start back at the lowest level (r:bef6f0f4)
652	mod_callcenter: New strategies: round-robin, random, and 'top-down' (r:2b4b23aa,r:bee247ca)
653	mod_callcenter: Display an warning when MOH is invalid and resume wait with silence. (r:37b14c9a/FS-2740)
654	mod_callcenter: Fix member been switch as abandoned when he was pickup by an agent (r:9ff8f53f/FS-3281)
655	mod_callcenter: Adapt mod_callcenter loopback agent fix to work with commit 2eae19e6 (r:d32ba761/FS-3657)
656	mod_cdr_mongodb: add MongoDB CDR module (r:a9169199)
657	mod_cdr_sqlite: initial commit (r:f625fe3b)
658	mod_cdr_sqlite: config file for mod_cdr_sqlite (r:25bc8fe3)
659	mod_cdr_sqlite: Drop transaction BEGIN/END around INSERT. We're only executing one command, and autocommit will automatically rollback if the INSERT fails. Sync state_handlers with mod_cdr_csv. Minor libpq fixups. (r:0f95b870)
660	mod_celt: Bump celt to 0.10.0 (r:231fbe5e)
661	mod_celt: update code in mod_celt to match API of 0.10.0 (r:6e4c30ea)
662	mod_celt: Add dependency to fix parallel builds (r:6e37a8b2)
663	mod_cepstral: add ability to set encoding of text (r:28738b06/FS-3001)
664	mod_cidlookup: null xml is bad (r:095815f8)
665	mod_cidlookup: honor skipcitystate when using whitepages (r:a66654de/FSMOD-53)
666	mod_cidlookup: fix crash when caching is enabled (r:2e1f0b50/FS-3350)
667	mod_commands: make break uuid_break and add cascade flag
668	mod_commands: add uuid_autoanswer command (now uuid_phone_event)
669	mod_commands: expand last patch to do hold as well and rename the command to uuid_phone_event
670	mod_commands: allow uuid_break to interrupt one or all in a delimited string of files the same as several individual files (r:eba05c3c)
671	mod_commands: add show channels count auto-completion for mod_commands (r:5ffc57e5/FSMOD-54)
672	mod_commands: Fix a segfault if no arguments is provided to limit_hash_usage (r:8ceb2a9b)
673	mod_commands: fsctl max_session should display int, not float (r:f7e2410e/FSCORE-634)
674	mod_commands: limit - reset rate and release resource apis  Thanks Moy (r:a7c31e6f/FSCORE-637)
675	mod_commands: Fix user_data returning the first value found instead of the last.  Also add support to get variable from the group. (r:402f2391)
676	mod_commands: Allow cond API to return empty false value (r:c8a897b9)
677	mod_commands: ***BEHAVIOUR CHANGE*** reloadacl, load <module>, reload <module> will now explicitly call reloadxml (r:42c9df72)
678	mod_commands: add nat_map usage (r:7577b8aa)
679	mod_commands: add escaping empty strings to sql_escape (r:7bd0a5a6/FS-2833)
680	mod_commands: add uuid_fileman <uuid> <cmd>:<val> <-- same vals as the callbacks in js and lua to control the currently playing file of a channel from the cli or ESL (for the people who were ignoring me on the conference call so I decided to implement it instead of try to explain it ) (r:c4369fc8)
681	mod_commands: FS-2210 Add support for auto completion for uuid_simplify (r:72bcc01b/FS-2210)
682	mod_commands: allow epoch in strftime_tz (r:bbf1cd1f)
683	mod_commands: Dramatic jitterbuffer changes (r:d5470961)
684	mod_commands: add uuid_buglist to fetch the current media-bugs attached to a given session uuid (r:f6eab64c)
685	mod_commands: add recovery_refresh app and api and use it in mod_conference to send a message to the channel telling it to sync its recovery snapshot (r:650393fb)
686	mod_commands: add moh by default to uuid_broadcast when only broadcasting to A leg use aleg arg to disable this (r:d164a797)
687	mod_commands: add API uuid_limit - thanks to Francois Delawarde (r:98a95016/FS-1792)
688	mod_commands: omit file_string:// prefix if input begins with ~ (r:f12ab59e)
689	mod_commands: fix crash when uuid_break all cannot find bonded uuid channel (r:69e61f76/FS-3468)
690	mod_commands: fix uuid_dual_transfer for inline dialplan (r:5d84efc3/FS-3403)
691	mod_commands: update show calls to show both 1 legged calls and bridged calls, also show bridged_calls for previous behaviour of show calls (r:c16c74d9)
692	mod_commands: Add 'presence_data' field to 'show channels like xxx' list of fields. This makes anthm's trick mentioned on the mailing list even more handy. (r:4872e6ff)
693	mod_commands: Update tab-complete for show cmd to include bridged_calls, detailed_calls, detailed_bridged_calls and removed distinct_channels (r:2fa8f110)
694	mod_commands: add threaded-system-exec param and fsctl (set it to false to use fork) (r:910f5364)
695	mod_conference: Fix reporting of volume up/down (MODAPP-419)
696	mod_conference: add last talking time per member to conference xml list
697	mod_conference: add terminate-on-silence conference param
698	mod_conference: Add User Flags to Member Data Events (MODAPP-423)
699	mod_conference: add conference_member_id variable to all sessions with the member id used by their conference participation (For drk__) (r:49c9bfdb)
700	mod_conference: fix relate nohear (r:f029ce07/MODAPP-428)
701	mod_conference: Fix floor change events not always firing (r:8f1767d3/MODAPP-424)
702	mod_conference: refactor conference to use switch_ivr_dmachine for the digit parsing controls are now bound to each member separately based on conference_controls channel var, then the caller-controls param in the profile or a default to "default" (r:ac19f73c)
703	mod_conference: Fix crash on dtmf action (r:4d5389bd/FS-2781)
704	mod_conference: revert to the last transfered conference on recover (r:d11c83b1)
705	mod_conference: Add a chan var conference_enter_sound to override conference enter-sound param on the profile (r:651acc62)
706	mod_conference: Add an unique id to the conference obj so that we can track conferences. (r:479f3de2)
707	mod_conference: Fix corrupted audio when playing "you are now (un)muted..." (r:10257c7d/FS-2768)
708	mod_conference: clear last_transferred conference when you exit the conference app (r:fb017a52)
709	mod_conference: Add energy level to conference_add_event_member_data (r:8d6d52e0)
710	mod_conference: if more digits than the length of the correct pin the remaining digits are accounted for next retry (r:b88cd345/FS-3000)
711	mod_conference: Fix unexpected behavior with endconf and auto-outcalls and pre_answer (r:6f58e6aa/FS-2771)
712	mod_conference: Added conference UUID to xml_list (r:10d696eb)
713	mod_conference: Added to the Auto OutCall support to specify the conf profile to be used using variable : conference_auto_outcall_profile (r:67edc7c3)
714	mod_conference: don't switch to CS_SOFT_EXECUTE before setting the current extension (r:4b5bcba0)
715	mod_conference: play files saying vol level in conf in lieu of making a function of say modules to return file_string urls (we need that) (r:94b680fb)
716	mod_conference: fire auto gain level events (r:d8ef36ed)
717	mod_conference: clear talk flag when you mute (r:b7419add)
718	mod_conference: fix pthread mutex lock error and add some tab completion and help messages from cli (r:547d5393/FS-3095)
719	mod_conference: Use the channel's sound_prefix if it's not set in the conference's config (r:0911ed74/FS-3124)
720	mod_conference: Add conf_uuid chan var for djbinter (Thanks Math) (r:3c9ee25a)
721	mod_conference: removes the existing conference transfer function and replaces it using the core transfer it also introduces a new tracking method where the same conference id is reserved for a particular member for the lifetime of the call allowing a user to transfer in and out of conferences and ivr and bridges etc and retain the same member id for the duration of that call (r:246b2195/FS-3095)
722	mod_conference: prevent race condition on conference join/exit (r:1552ecf5)
723	mod_conference: I finally tracked this down to the actual recordings generated by mod_conference.  This patch delays the recording slightly to allow time for the buffer to fill up, we were riding it so closely that sometimes we would come up short and inject silence into the file to preserve time passing (r:3253bcb3/FS-3147)
724	mod_conference: wait for channels to come up in paging mode (r:b8063c3d)
725	mod_conference: Conference APIs for enabling/disabling enter/exit sounds for active conferences (r:31cebd4f/FS-3219)
726	mod_conference: Fix pool swelling, replaced a pool strdup that could recur with a strdup/free to avoid it (r:bcd6c3a1/FS-3137)
727	mod_conference: remove auto gain events (r:7ba849b3)
728	mod_conference: add custom exit sound to match enter sound on conf (r:3d475876)
729	mod_conference: don't play default when playing a custom one (r:c7b36157)
730	mod_conference: Add 'conference xxxx list count' to get exact member count for a given conference (r:f731abe0)
731	mod_conference: move muted/unmuted indications to main thread via flags (r:e8962d56)
732	mod_conference: wait for thread to start in mod conference to avoid one in a million race on heavy traffic (r:b1cf5bee)
733	mod_conference: add conference member flag nomoh (r:f35a6814)
734	mod_conference: add hup command to conference (kick without the kick sound) (r:492db906)
735	mod_conference: see H.264 iFrames (r:765be8c9/FS-3406)
736	mod_conference: add moderator PIN controls (thanks Moy) (r:1936c2b0/FS-3493)
737	mod_conference: remove waste flags from both conference and member and explicitly always send audio from conferences to avoid random interop issues and general discomfort these flags are now deprecated (r:5d77e789)
738	mod_conference: add conference cdrs to mod_conference (r:127be02d)
739	mod_conference: add custom kick sound to conference (r:8fde25cc)
740	mod_conference: Fix bug where not entering PIN allows caller into PIN-protected conference (r:9dd45e35/FS-3661)
741	mod_conference: fix crash in video-bridge mode (r:4c13e7c0)
742	mod_curl: use method=post when post requested (r:c6a4ddd0/FSMOD-69)
743	mod_db: fix stack corruption (MODAPP-407)
744	mod_dialplan_xml: Add in the INFO log the caller id number when processing a request (Currenly only show the caller name) (r:e1df5e13)
745	mod_dialplan_xml: Add <regex> tag for OR logic in XML dialplan (r:c1615dbb/FS-3655)
746	mod_dialplan_xml: add xor to regex attr (r:7c7b0068/FS-3655)
747	mod_dialplan_xml: add tod_tz_offset variable to set to the integer value of the tz offset or the tz-offset tag on a per-tag basis (r:65a75664)
748	mod_dingaling: make mod_dingaling compat with google's new free phonecalls thing (r:ba0a2a32)
749	mod_dingaling: make dingaling work with google voice inbound too (r:4ee68141)
750	mod_dingaling: Fix crash when testing the new gv-dingaling with around 24 concurrent calls (r:73e1ec5e/FSCORE-667)
751	mod_dingaling: Fix NULL pointer (r:e3eff816/FS-1103)
752	mod_dingaling: fix leak in chat_send (r:eb109a85)
753	mod_dingaling: use the login as message source when not in component mode. (chat_send) (r:58c28aab)
754	mod_dingaling: fix mod_dingaling/iksemel/gnutls link error when using newer autotools (r:294b0779/FS-3182)
755	mod_dingaling: fix segmentation fault on mod_dingaling when receiving a discovery from the server (r:2e651c8f/FS-3391)
756	mod_dingaling: Remove unused but set variables GCC-4.6 -Wunused-but-set-variable (r:0f45b8ba/GCC-4)
757	mod_dingaling: Add from_jid (r:f0b52ef7/FS-3611)
758	mod_dingaling: autoflush durning bridge in dingaling (r:bd9317f2)
759	mod_directory: Add variable directory_search_order to allow to search by first name by default is set to "first_name" (r:163ca31f)
760	mod_directory: let mod_directory use non-XML dialplans (r:8895de1b)
761	mod_distributor: Add mod_distributor to VS2010 - not built by default (r:bac79ba1)
762	mod_dptools: add eavesdrop_enable_dtmf chan var (r:596c0012)
763	mod_dptools: Make park app not send 183 session progress (r:76932995/FSCORE-567)
764	mod_dptools: add block_dtmf and unblock_dtmf apps (r:d9eb0197)
765	mod_dptools: refactor export code and add new bridge_export app which is like export but exports across when one channel bridges another (r:4aa9a838)
766	mod_dptools: add bind_digit_action application (r:9537197b)
767	mod_dptools: emit event when user presses DTMFs (r:37298f56)
768	mod_dptools: Log error when there's no IVR menus configured when you call 'ivr' DP app (r:30034891)
769	mod_dptools: reset signal_bond variable back to its original value on failed dial in att_xfer (r:330d7418)
770	mod_dptools: Fix storage class for 'cause' in user_outgoing_channel() so that each call has its very own hangup cause (r:cb6f1ed6)
771	mod_dptools: transfer_on_fail note I changed the variable name to auto_cause (r:45edec4c/FS-3193)
772	mod_dptools: merge file_string into dptools (r:eefdb764)
773	mod_dptools: change mod_dptools to use the better method of fetching user xml that does not hang onto the xml root (r:e52e44e3)
774	mod_dptools: the intent for having the module and lang separate is for things where the same module can use different sets of sounds like en module and en-male or en-female lang (sound dirs) there was indeed a disconnect in the dialplan version of this app.  Originally say was only available in phrase macros so I change the syntax of the say app so you can specify both the module and the lang absolte from the dp with something like he:he as the module name. (r:44304f49)
775	mod_dptools: Set the default lang if not supplied (mod_say_en) (r:5382972a/FS-3215)
776	mod_dptools: add capture dp app (r:860d2a6c)
777	mod_dptools: Allow redefinition of continue_on_fail and failure_causes during bridge execution. (r:01d0250e/FS-1986)
778	mod_dptools: Fix "dial 0" 3-way call on att x-fer (r:d4fe85ed/FS-3275)
779	mod_dptools: fix campon to play music even on first run and cancel faster (r:9cf44f3a)
780	mod_dptools: fix small leak in strftime (r:bbbd67ba)
781	mod_dptools: resolve Heap corruption in strftime_api_function -thanks (r:707bd05b/FS-3417)
782	mod_dptools: fix seg on user_recurse_variables reported on the mailing list (r:01b2bd04)
783	mod_dptools: add digit_action_set_target app that can set the target (direction of the dtmf flow and subsequent channel who gets the events) to self or peer (bridged channel when possible) (r:cf9859ea)
784	mod_dptools: get rid of digit_action_set target and add target,bind_target params to bind_digit_action (r:42b64ccd)
785	mod_dptools: add flags to digit bindings (r:d93ed90b)
786	mod_dptools: New dialplan app: play_and_detect_speech (r:34338e5a/FS-3692)
787	mod_easyroute: Fix possible segfaults and memory leak during unload, and add new setting odbc-retries (r:7fbc47f8/FS-2973)
788	mod_enum: switch mod_enum to use new portable in-tree version (r:2bbc37e3)
789	mod_enum: fix race condition between ldns configure creating ldns/util.h and mod_enum (r:87884c5c)
790	mod_enum: fix ms resolution with new query-timeout-ms, query-timeout still works as expected (r:88f4828c/FS-3282)
791	mod_enum: fix ldns_lookup not respecting query-timeout (r:1d490df9/FS-3282)
792	mod_erlang_event: Make XML fetch reply ACKs distinguishable, update freeswitch.erl (r:9d44ed04)
793	mod_erlang_event: Add 3 new commands; session_event, session_noevents, session_nixevent (r:698fa045)
794	mod_erlang_event: generate long node names the same as erlang does (r:9ad509c2)
795	mod_erlang_event: Improve some logging to include UUIDs (r:c0d51b83)
796	mod_erlang_event: Support for reading erlang cookie from a file (r:094ffe37)
797	mod_erlang_event: Rewrite XML fetch conditional wait to be more sane (Reported by James Aimonetti) (r:6941c6eb/FS-2775)
798	mod_erlang_event: Don't urlencode events (and destroy an event after use) (r:4eccdfef)
799	mod_erlang_event Add proper locking for the list of XML bindings (r:9fe440b2)
800	mod_erlang_event: Fixed a memory leak, too short of connect times across data centers, a deadlock condition with the globals.bindings_rwlock not being released, a buffer overrun possibility or 4, and added the ability to send a body when injecting an event (r:994f9a8c)
801	mod_event_multicast: make multicast loopback configurable (r:97a7668c/FS-3416)
802	mod_event_socket: fix up other users of switch_event_xmlize() to use SWITCH_EVENT_NONE (r:d6eb7562)
803	mod_event_socket: Fix small mem leaks (r:e4f90584/MODEVENT-68)
804	mod_event_socket: Add "-ERR" to api cmd response when failure occurs (r:58759052/FS-2827)
805	mod_event_socket: clear unique headers on event_socket filters (r:436413e0)
806	mod_event_socket: Unlock mutex to prevent mortuus obfirmo (r:64bc1938/FS-3156/FS-3157)
807	mod_event_socket: (and mod_erlang_event) make empty apply-inbound-acl config line not deny all (r:8ae9ab5d/FS-3034)
808	mod_event_socket: allow duplicate headers to be parsed into events received on the wire (r:2b7a830d)
809	mod_event_socket: add optional format string after myevent (r:7ed7f539)
810	mod_event_socket: Allow ridiculously long commands over event socket (r:6bbde4e2/FS-3621)
811	mod_event_zmq: Intitial mod_event_zmq code (r:4d554067)
812	mod_event_zmq: Update download file from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 (2.1.3 tar file is gone from zmq server) (r:0b780702)
813	mod_event_zmq: Bump to zeromq-2.1.9 (r:3a352e67)
814	mod_fifo: allow multiple dtmf to exit fifo, set fifo_caller_exit_key to specify which (MODAPP-420)
815	mod_fifo: cancel outbound call if customer hangs up (r:cadb4d94)
816	mod_fifo: add taking_calls param to fifo member add and config file (r:821488bf)
817	mod_fifo: add nomedia flag (r:2d30a8c2)
818	mod_fifo: Fix inconsistency between the fifo queue and the channels (num callers in queue can become "-1") (r:07487114/FS-1659)
819	mod_fifo: fix issue leaving stale records in fifo_bridge table (r:b36d015f)
820	mod_fifo: fix fifo race in use count dec (r:402e383b)
821	mod_fifo: add outbound_ring_timeout param to mod_fifo (r:3885eea7)
822	mod_fifo: add default_lag to fifo (r:dd4fb5be)
823	mod_fifo: Fix crash when using fifo_destroy_after_use (r:ee562c82/FS-2879)
824	mod_fifo: don't seg in edge case error conditions (r:9ee13b72)
825	mod_fifo: set tracking data before enabling hooks (r:34267869)
826	mod_fifo: Fix fifo orbit timeout when not using a chime tested with and without chime (r:7fee1fd1)
827	mod_fifo: Fix URI (r:26039c57/FS-3548)
828	mod_fifo: add _continue_ value for fifo orbit exten that just means exit back to the next dp instruction (r:4d6ee827)
829	mod_file_string: Fix segfault when using file string in conference (r:9c40e8e9/FS-3122)
830	mod_flite: Update to flite 1.5.1 it should sound better now too (r:ecbd1db8)
831	mod_freetdm: Fix for TON and NPI not passed through to channel variables on incoming calls
832	mod_freetdm: add pvt data to freetdm channels fix fxs features (r:9d456900)
833	mod_freetdm: export and import boost custom data (r:edb2d582)
834	mod_freetdm: windows casting (r:74a3f20e)
835	mod_freetdm: add call waiting disable/enable feature (r:7256232a)
836	mod_freetdm: stop loop on call start (r:dcd02fe9)
837	mod_freetdm: use s<spanno>c<channo> notation for logging channel related msgs (r:9b6a9b6c)
838	mod_freetdm: Fix Windows build in release mode (patch by Peter Olsson) (r:dace9df1/FSBUILD-277)
839	mod_freetdm: disable DTMF app and cmd line option (r:f974cea8)
840	mod_freetdm: enable DTMF app (r:e00d2af9)
841	mod_freetdm: added scheduling API (r:041b8da5)
842	mod_freetdm: run sched in the background if requested (r:22e8a442)
843	mod_freetdm: fix makefile and remove binary app (r:63d9768d)
844	mod_freetdm: add trace/notrace commands to trace input and output from channels (r:f4da0e5c)
845	mod_freetdm: add logging when failing to read a frame in mod_freetdm (r:e596fc2e)
846	mod_freetdm: add new logging macro (r:75be3da8)
847	mod_freetdm: check for hw dtmf before enabling (r:b1fd88d7)
848	mod_freetdm: adding ftmod_sangoma_ss7 support (r:94283355)
849	mod_freetdm: added SIGEVENT_COLLISION (r:501f8704)
850	mod_freetdm: fix Windows build of mod_freetdm (r:71650ae1/FSBUILD-291)
851	mod_freetdm: call rate limit (r:a1fe7c8d)
852	mod_freetdm: fix hangup race (r:438c93e8)
853	mod_freetdm: added dtmf recording feature for debugging (r:9f9c4541)
854	mod_freetdm: add PRI tapping starting code (r:b485f25f)
855	mod_freetdm: Fix build of mod_freetdm in Windows (r:04dbc7bc/FSBUILD-295)
856	mod_freetdm: fix fxs dialtone - should be stopped on first digit (r:f822180f)
857	mod_freetdm: add bearer capability and layer1 pass-thru for boost (r:07b81760)
858	mod_freetdm: OPENZAP-107 - Patched by Jeff Lenk (r:aa075136/OPENZAP-107)
859	mod_freetdm: allocate channels in their own memory page when debugging (r:fcd8df0a)
860	mod_freetdm: lock the channel when placing call (r:705dd237)
861	mod_freetdm: created cmake files for freetdm (r:fc55997b)
862	mod_freetdm: ss7 - added support to control mtp2, mtp3, and isup timers via freetdm.conf.xml (r:4455d581)
863	mod_freetdm: made ftmod_r2 use FTDM_SPAN_USE_SIGNALS_QUEUE and properly send FTDM_SIGEVENT_SIGSTATUS_CHANGED (r:af5f0a4a)
864	mod_freetdm: add specific alarm status in dump (r:7c971707)
865	mod_freetdm: make ananlog alarm (r:23d86585)
866	mod_fsk: add mod_fsk (r:fcc912a9)
867	mod_gsmopen: copy from branch
868	mod_gsmopen: fix FS-2793, compilation stops (r:355c0dbb/FS-2793)
869	mod_gsmopen: retry serial initialization if failed, zeroing audio buffers, slower retry on soundcard busy (EAGAIN) (r:c7aefe93)
870	mod_h323: initial t.38 support. remake logical channel opening. add missing param name in example config. (r:8c58074c)
871	mod_h323: some t.38 and locking improvements. replace ptrace with switch_log_printf. (r:5efe5c88)
872	mod_h323: add missing conf praameter (r:0b353d7a)
873	mod_h323: Add mod_h323 to windows (r:015bcaf6/MODENDP-301)
874	mod_h323: move PTrace level set to FSH323EndPoint::Initialise. partially apply patch from from Peter Olsson, Remove UnLock() when TryLock() failed and DEBUG_RTP_PACKETS directiv e. (r:7b5803f7)
875	mod_h323: set network_addr of caller profile to signaling ip address. (requested by Steven Ayre) (r:072bf5ad)
876	mod_h323: fix race condition on destroying signaling thread in h323 library (r:c22aac0e)
877	mod_h323: move the switch_rtp_request_port() call from the contructor to FSH323Connection::CreateRealTimeLogicalChannel() - fix rtp port leak. tnx to Peter Olsson. (r:6f4c4ea0)
878	mod_h323: fix stale calls then fax send/recv in some circumstance (r:00fce043)
879	mod_hash: free all hashtables on shutdown (r:e76d7d92)
880	mod_hash: remove unneeded initializer (r:10d468a6)
881	mod_hash: begin working on remote support (r:c5ad49da)
882	mod_hash: remove runtime function properly (r:a55747aa)
883	mod_hash: remote sync in working state (r:f66ac890)
884	mod_hash: add hash_remote api function (r:7036c9b8)
885	mod_hash: fix syntax messages and add console autocomplete (r:67713fd6)
886	mod_hash: change tab spacing for api, remove unnecessary log at every connection attempt in case a box is down (r:6d8c0b19)
887	mod_hash: add hash.conf.xml (r:51bc65e2)
888	mod_hash: fix null check on API (r:52c278c2)
889	mod_hash: formatting and add an error message in the api (r:9e047ef1)
890	mod_hash: use 5 seconds connection timeouts for remote connections (r:7431fbe9)
891	mod_hash: use esl_recv_timed with a 5000ms timeout when doing api commands (r:27d8378f)
892	mod_hash: limit_remote_thread sending invalid handle to esl_connect_timeout causing core (r:6cdd3e2a/MODAPP-446)
893	mod_hash: avoid scheduler calling a function on null hash during shutdown (r:8458adeb)
894	mod_hash: add realm filter to hash_dump db command so that you can quickly dump all entries that belong only to a specific realm without getting the whole db (r:81347126)
895	mod_http_cache: Initial commit of new module (thanks crienzo) (r:c51acfcc/FS-3597)
896	mod_java: fix eventConsumer issue and add flush() method (r:7fd3aff6)
897	mod_java: Allow user defined java methods to be called at startup and shutdown of JVM (r:1339e218/MODLANG-117)
898	mod_json_cdr: Fix segfault in mod_json_cdr.c (r:f347698a/MODEVENT-66)
899	mod_khomp: Added mod_khomp Endpoint. (r:5fea197b)
900	mod_khomp: Removed alternative contexts / extensions - New struct for matchs - On calls originated from an FXS branch, the Endpoint searches for a valid extension (digits sent) after the DTMF '#' or after the timeout (option fxs-digit-timeout). That search is done in the context defined in section <fxs-options>, or if no context configured, the search is done in context defined in context-fxs. - Added "dialplan" configuration: Name of the dialplan module in use (default XML) - Group context enabled. If set, the search for a valid extension is done only in that context. - Updated documentation (r:1ef3fc9a)
901	mod_ladspa: Add mod_ladspa (Audio plugin framework for linux) (r:2d3d8f8d)
902	mod_ladspa: add string params to ladspa so you can connect files to audio ports (string params don't count towards number params) (r:b7891511)
903	mod_ladspa: putenv() breaks the process environment variables, use setenv() instead. (r:f6dadb58)
904	mod_lcr: Expand variables (MODAPP-418)
905	mod_lcr: add enable_sip_redir parameter (r:70bf7a0a/MODAPP-427)
906	mod_lcr: don't validate profiles with ${} vars since they are dynamic   and we can't guess what the proper value should be (r:af33afaa)
907	mod_lcr: fix dialplan issues with default profile and logging when no caller_profile set (r:00170558)
908	mod_lcr: assign default profile even if testing is skipped (r:6420099c)
909	mod_lcr: fix compiler warning on newer gcc (r:bfa414cb)
910	mod_lcr: don't count twice (r:eaeabc7b/FS-1810)
911	mod_lcr: properly destroy lcr object when done (r:084819a3/FS-3199)
912	mod_lcr: don't add routes that have no rate of the desired type (r:82e3ccf8)
913	mod_lcr: fix "as xml" for larger number of arguments (r:3dca2ebb/FS-3283)
914	mod_lcr: fix malformed XML when has embedded %s (r:5fa9619f/FS-3284)
915	mod_lcr: initial addition of very basic LRN (r:6d1d4a9c)
916	mod_logfile: Replace hard-coded file permissions w/ OS default or umask (r:513a9e1a/FS-3710)
917	mod_loopback: add loopback_bowout_on_execute var to make 1 legged loopback calls bow out of the picture
918	mod_loopback: only execute app once in app mode (r:64f58f2d)
919	mod_loopback: fix bug in mod_loopback where bowout=false (r:e9ab5368)
920	mod_loopback: pass indication when in app mode on mod_loopback (r:c423e209)
921	mod_loopback: fix voicemail failure (r:1a1881e8/FS-2795)
922	mod_loopback: pass ring_ready like we do with pre_answer (r:9d087d45)
923	mod_loopback: refactor mod_loopback timeout handling (r:43442e4f)
924	mod_loopback: Fix loopback_bowout_on_execute failure when doing txfax calls (r:895b505f/FS-3494)
925	mod_lua: Add switch_core_sqldb functionality from inside Lua script (r:26f2e095/FS-1384)
926	mod_lua: Made 2nd arg to freeswitch.Dbh:query (cb func) optional (r:87db11af)
927	mod_lua: Added SAF_ROUTING_EXEC flag to lua app, so it can be run inline (r:7d5ca1c0)
928	mod_lua: spelling error in -ERR return code encounterd -> encountered (r:86e7cdc5/FS-2949)
929	mod_lua: Make dbh:connected accessible from Lua - thanks Grmt (r:09e6fd3f)
930	mod_lua: Added optional core: prefix to first arg passed to freeswitch.Dbh for giving direct access to sqlite db (r:a0181479)
931	mod_lua: expose switch_simple_email as "email" method (r:89c5f3bf/FS-3023)
932	mod_lua: Fix setInputCallback crash (r:c49c1fde/FS-3161)
933	mod_managed: Added wrapper for switch_event_bind for .net (r:a5f07a80/MODLANG-165)
934	mod_managed: add additional support (r:5be58aac)
935	mod_managed: add mono 2.8 patch file see FS-2774 (r:6a948bd9/FS-2774)
936	mod_managed: resolve Memory leak in mod_managed by EventBinding and swig delete_switch_event (r:c6048134/FS-3381)
937	mod_managed: upgrade mono to support 2.8 - MichaelGG (r:1dcac642/FS-2774)
938	mod_mongo: New mod, initial commit; module for MongoDB (http://www.mongodb.org/) (r:dc6ca6f8/FS-3278)
939	mod_mongo: add mapreduce API (r:7c5b5797/FS-3357)
940	mod_mp4v: MP4V-ES passthru for washibechi on IRC
941	mod_mp4: New module. Supports playback of MP4 files. Depends on libmp4v2 <http://code.google.com/p/mp4v2/> (originally compiled against v1.6.1)
942	mod_nibblebill: free allocated mem at shutdown; free properly if using custom_sql
943	mod_nibblebill: Add SAF_SUPPORT_NOMEDIA to nibblebill
944	mod_nibblebill: fix compile issues in latest HEAD (r:b073e82b/FSMOD-51)
945	mod_nibblebill: remove on_reporting hook (r:897e6573/FS-2890)
946	mod_openzap: custom data (r:5d4db94d)
947	mod_openzap: more ss7 custom data (r:c93e392d)
948	mod_openzap: handle loop requests (r:23766e36)
949	mod_openzap: disable loop on call start (r:76e62fea)
950	mod_openzap: callwaiting disable (r:e1b60b4c)
951	mod_openzap: disable dtmf app and cmd line option (r:fb4b7f7a)
952	mod_openzap: add enable dtmf app (r:3c95106e)
953	mod_opus: add mod_opus (r:8f565277)
954	mod_opus: Use libtool archives for linking, add dependencies to fix parallel builds (r:74bbd4be)
955	mod_osp: initial check (Open Settlement Protocol)
956	mod_osp:Changed OSP TCP port from 1080 to 5045. (r:03abefdf)
957	mod_perl: add chat app to perl (r:18897f9e)
958	mod_pocketsphinx: Update PocketSphinx to the latest builds... only had to make two changes (r:1a39d7fb)
959	mod_pocketsphinx: They no longer ship the wsj model in pocketsphinx... and seems the dictionary has moved a bit. (r:23571680)
960	mod_portaudio: Fix inbound state (CS_ROUTING not CS_INIT) (MODENDP-302)
961	mod_portaudio: mod_portaudio improvements and bug fixes (r:33b74ca8/FS-3006)
962	mod_portaudio: Add pa devlist to portaudio webapi (r:e8f10ea3)
963	mod_portaudio: fix crash on bad init (r:6f49e6ba/FS-3361)
964	mod_portaudio: move load_config a bit lower since it needs to use the hashtables (r:1529c0ec)
965	mod_portaudio: Fix Windows crash (r:94c9cbf6/FS-3498)
966	mod_portaudio_stream: update to specify the channel index (r:d1169d6e)
967	mod_portaudio: mod_portaudio: fix incorrect use of pa input buffer that could lead to garbage audio (r:f2cf68bf)
968	mod_protovm: Removed by author; replaced by mod_voicemail_ivr
969	mod_python: add chat app to python (r:08917021)
970	mod_radius_cdr: Add 'Freeswitch-Direction' av pair (r:a5170df0)
971	mod_radius_cdr: Add 'Freeswitch-Other-Leg-Id' av pair (r:18d29b46)
972	mod_radius_cdr: log errors with the call's uuid (r:fee49b16)
973	mod_rtmp: RTMP as easy as A.B.C. Avant-Garde Solutions Inc. -- Barracuda Networks Inc. -- (r:0933a343)
974	mod_rtmp: Remove duplicate output from rtmp status profile xxx API command (r:2e016541)
975	mod_rtmp: Make all sockets non-blocking (r:affcdb0a)
976	mod_rtmp: mod_rtmp for windows (r:f8cda539/FS-3355)
977	mod_rtmp: flush buffer to avoid lag and enable plc (r:4bb76831)
978	mod_rtmp: add conf (r:4eaabd28)
979	mod_rtmp: set variables based on input hash (r:3815d188)
980	mod_rtmp: Remove duplicate output from rtmp status profile xxx API command (r:2e016541)
981	mod_rtmp: Make all sockets non-blocking (r:affcdb0a)
982	mod_rtmp: Lower default buffer size to 50ms (r:d52a254d)
983	mod_rtmp: CNG frames need to have codec set too (r:36f812d9)
984	mod_rtmp: remove superfluous hangup (r:50817655)
985	mod_rtmp: fix crash when call made from user not in domain (r:a5452174/FS-3353)
986	mod_rtmp: add params so xml curl can know who's calling the directory request (r:91b73d1f)
987	mod_rtmp: New feature: param disallow-multiple-registration on user directory logs out all other users on other sessions with the same user:domain pair. (r:624a2921)
988	mod_sangoma_codec: Add sample config file
989	mod_sangoma_codec: added load/noload options for the supported codecs
990	mod_sangoma_codec: rename load/noload to register/noregister
991	mod_sangoma_codec: silence suppression (r:73d9d56f)
992	mod_sangoma_codec: do not return 0 len frames and return silence instead when there is no transcoding output update stats only when we really receive a frame (r:dc4d19e9)
993	mod_sangoma_codec: flush sockets on first use (r:bbba1148)
994	mod_sangoma_codec: use native L16 for the source codec (r:d2e25519)
995	mod_sangoma_codec: default to G729 only and remove L16 since it did not make any sense (r:1d5aa062)
996	mod_sangoma_codec: add iLBC 13.3k and 15.2k (r:68abb39e)
997	mod_sangoma_codec: add G723.1 (r:3e33540a)
998	mod_sangoma_codec: register AMR (r:31cc2502)
999	mod_sangoma_codec: add G722 (r:ca8c2336)
1000	mod_sangoma_codec: add siren7 32kbps (r:fcaf2677)
1001	mod_sangoma_codec: add SIREN7 24kbps (r:3acc5fdb)
1002	mod_say: Fix crash for Say Number Pronounced with numbers of more than 9 digits (r:06bccf28/FS-3202)
1003	mod_say_de: method PRONOUNCED - grammatical fixes, thank you Christian Benke (r:5d46ddbc/FS-3195)
1004	mod_say_en: introduce new say_string method of doing say and use it in mod_say_en as an example.  try: eval ${say_string en.gsm en current_date_time pronounced ${strepoch()}} from the cli with this patch.  We can do more to centralize the say things and go back and apply it to other langs, using this method you can set the desired file ext as well which I think is a bounty.... (r:d5ef86d7)
1005	mod_say_en: If you only tell SAY CURRENCY to say 100 it should only say 100 dollars without the "0 cents" (r:426a4e76/FS-2922)
1006	mod_say_en: add "PRONOUNCED_YEAR" so 1985 is "nineteen eighty-five" (r:c0af0a85)
1007 	mod_say_es: fix grammar when saying dates and time (r:6bed19b2/MODAPP-429)
1008    mod_say_he: Add Hebrew say module (r:ebd9c83e/FS-3211)
1009	mod_say_ja: initial commit, still needs sound files (r:b2423158/FS-2755)
1010	mod_say_ru: Fix saying time with +1 hour of current time (r:68d74c31/MODAPP-444)
1011	mod_say_ru: now support say_string like mod_say_en. Now support channel variables gender,cases can be set in english and russian for example: <action application="set" data="cases=nominativus/>  <action application="set" data="gender=male_h"/> <action application="say" data="ru NUMBER PRONOUNCED  1001"/> (r:8b5ecd2f)
1012	mod_say_zh: Number reading should now be OK for the whole range of integers for Cantonese and Mandarin
1013	mod_shell_stream: Fix defunct processes being left behind (r:89666f44/FS-3316)
1014	mod_shout: bump mod_shout to use mpg123-1.13.2 to hopefully address unwanted calls to exit() and inherit other upstream fixes (r:079f3f73)
1015	mod_shout: add append flag to mod_shout, can append MP3's (r:0419c4e0)
1016	mod_shout: add ability to set bitrate, samplerate, and encoder quality in config file (r:8ea3cbd5/FS-1231)
1017	mod_shout: Initialize Lame sooner for file open (r:44b5cf82/FS-3646)
1018	mod_silk: Fix mod_silk compliance and performance issues (r:2ddbc457/MODCODEC-20)
1019	mod_skinny: Add the missing api files
1020	mod_skinny: add example dialplan and directory config (r:1bfcc17e)
1021	mod_skinny: rewrite of the skinny state machine (r:8cc89ab0)
1022	mod_skinny: More channel variables (r:5bdf8bcc)
1023	mod_skinny: Avoid message too short for off_hook (r:2cb595c7/SKINNY-1)
1024	mod_skinny: add mod_skinny vcproj file for windows build (r:f89cbdd6/MODSKINNY-3)
1025	mod_skinny: size_t has different sizes on different platforms (r:a2ceff14/MODSKINNY-5)
1026	mod_skinny: correct define_time_date (r:48c7bb32/SKINNY-4,SKINNY-7)
1027	mod_skinny: hangup and hold calls in PROCEED state (r:5e07bd33)
1028	mod_skinny: avoid crash with autocompletion when skinny is unloaded (r:db1289df)
1029	mod_skinny: corrected early media (r:b40804a5/MODSKINNY-8)
1030	mod_skinny: ib_calls stats (r:165140e0)
1031	mod_skinny: blind transfer MODSKINNY-10 (r:53f75e9c/MODSKINNY-10)
1032	mod_skinny: ring tone on dialing side (r:0a04ecb8)
1033	mod_skinny: stop media on early media hangup (ring-out) (r:ce352bcc)
1034	mod_skinny: add windows x64 build support for  mod_skinny (r:3e205683)
1035	mod_skinny: avoid "-ERR no reply" when using API commands from CLI (r:690ae1b3)
1036	mod_skinny: allow configuration of softkeys via xml (r:f5a6831f)
1037	mod_skinny: allow skinny-default-soft-key-set-set per device (r:07c3c94d)
1038	mod_skinny: Rename skinny-default-soft-key-set-set to skinny-soft-key-set-set (r:ba3a6ad6)
1039	mod_skinny: centralized registration (r:e7a8189b)
1040	mod_skypopen: making XEvents to works when EARLYMEDIA, and correctly manage threads death
1041	mod_skypopen: now answer a call only when directed to do it (before was trying to answer any incoming call). Lot of changes to a messy part, so maybe some problem will come out... (r:45c6c4d3)
1042	mod_skypopen: ignore early media sent by channels to be bridged before our channel is answered (r:ef14b78a)
1043	mod_skypopen: OSS driver, refinement (r:b0a23f8e)
1044	mod_skypopen: deleted osscuse subdir (r:4842a620)
1045	mod_skypopen: adding installer and Skype client configuration directories (to be announced :) ) (r:25ebf715)
1046	mod_skypopen: refining INTERACTIVE INSTALLER for Linux (to be announced :) ) (r:aa7f47ac)
1047	mod_skypopen: refining oss driver, removing audio sync during call (was each 20 secs), audio sync at the tcp interfacing with the skype client (reading more than 20ms worth) (r:891015e6)
1048	mod_skypopen: fixed a demented bug (incrementing a variable zeroed in the same loop) maybe responsible for moh sputtering under load on virtual machines (r:43eeeb82)
1049	mod_skypopen: avoid accumulating delay on VMs, better debug logging (r:1b4c78bf)
1050	mod_sms: add new chatplan concept and mod_sms.  Apps for chat messages: copy new base freeswitch.xml and chatplan dir if you are upgrading on existing config base (r:7333d46d)
1051	mod_sms: fix "format literal and no arguments" warning (r:a0e91001)
1052	mod_sms: allow chatplan apps to have null args (r:4feb26d3)
1053	mod_sms: only ignore events if you matched something on a cp (r:a14b20af)
1054	mod_snapshot: fix bad codepaths in mod_snapshot (r:844ac220)
1055	mod_sndfile: Add support for .alaw and .ulaw to mod_sndfile (r:facf09b8/MODFORM-41)
1056	mod_sndfile: return break in mod_sndfile when seek returns failure (r:564dc7e4)
1057	mod_snmp: initial checkin of mod_snmp (r:6e2b1bd3)
1058	mod_snmp: fix segfault when getting channel list (r:b6b4e6b5/FS-3114)
1059	mod_snmp: fix segv when snmpwalking ringing channels, fix segv in snmp getBulkRequest (r:9c4c1e81/FS-3120)
1060	mod_sofia: Send SIP MESSAGE to unregistered users by prefixing sip: to user@domain
1061	mod_sofia: fix callee being updated with callee information
1062	mod_sofia: set appearance-index in update statement for SLA
1063	mod_sofia: add killgw _all_ to delete all gws
1064	mod_sofia: Fix Callee is updated with Callee display information (FSCORE-586)
1065	mod_sofia: add RTCP separate on audio and video and add passthru
1066	mod_sofia: add outbound_redirect_fatal channel variable
1067	mod_sofia: fix RTCP port update on reINVITE (FSCORE-594/MODSOFIA-74)
1068	mod_sofia: don't put ':' in to user agent string (MODSOFIA-71)
1069	mod_sofia: add failed call statistics to gateways (MODENDP-238)
1070	mod_sofia: add 'sofia_count_reg' api function
1071	mod_sofia: add EXPSECS time till reg expire and total to status return
1072	mod_sofia: fix core in sofia_presence (MODENDP-304)
1073	mod_sofia: replace don't bridge when parsing replaces header on invite (also hangup)
1074	mod_sofia: add disable_hold var or disable-hold profile param
1075	mod_sofia: allow sendonly mode in IVR where caller listens only (no input) (MODENDP-303)
1076	mod_sofia: sip_acl_authed_by and sip_acl_token vars to tell when you are authed by an acl
1077	mod_sofia: fire an event for gateway ping
1078	mod_sofia: initial handling of udptl and t.38 re-invite
1079	mod_sofia: Implement "redirect server" functionality with 300 Multiple Choices (r:e15abcf9/BOUNTY-18)
1080	mod_sofia: allow video negotiation on re-invite (r:be92e5d/SFSIP-211)
1081	mod_sofia: use rfc recommended default session timeout of 30 min according to RFC 4028 4.2 (r:52cd8cdd/MODSOFIA-76)
1082	mod_sofia: add sip_force_audio_fmtp (r:6360264f)
1083	mod_sofia: add sip_copy_multipart to work like sip_copy_custom_headers (r:a291af57)
1084	mod_sofia: Rename sofia_glue_get_user_host to switch_split_user_domain and move to switch_utils. To allow use by other modules. (r:3f7cafd7)
1085	mod_sofia: allow the profile gateway config to set sip_cid_type for each gateway (r:0152706f/BOUNTY-19)
1086	mod_sofia: Adding subject to SEND_MESSAGE (r:2e347c93)
1087	mod_sofia: add multiple rtp-ip support to sofia profiles add extra rtp-ip params to a profile to add more ip which will be used round-robin as new calls progress. (r:22569d4a)
1088	mod_sofia: Fix segfault (r:72be253d/MODSOFIA-83)
1089	mod_sofia: Add openssl build support to windows - no external build support needed (step 1 - not hooked up yet) vs2008 pro+ only (r:b0de3585/MODSOFIA-92)
1090	mod_sofia: REFER: to-tag and from-tag should be set other way around when other (bridged) channel is incoming. (r:92d324d3/MODSOFIA-91)
1091	mod_sofia: fix 302 to hangup in the two cases where switch_ivr_transfer is used and not in the case when it should carry on and follow the redirect (r:00b51403)
1092	mod_sofia: Remove OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK - not needed (r:437c7805/MODSOFIA-92)
1093	mod_sofia: Send Instant Messages To All Endpoints Registered to Targeted Extension (r:96b790fa/BOUNTY-20)
1094	mod_sofia: increase sps during recovery (r:f1aead31)
1095	mod_sofia: Forward unsolicited MWI nofity (r:5481d9a9/MODSOFIA-86)
1096	mod_sofia: Add a quick fix for basic Polycom presence support.  A more sane solution need to be implemented (r:a55b9d07)
1097	mod_sofia: Unify gateway printing between 'sofia xmlstatus gateway' and 'sofia xmlstatus gateway <gatewayname>' (r:37c22467)
1098	mod_sofia: Fix memleak and mwi event not generated on first register (r:04b9b3e2)
1099	mod_sofia: when getting presence with no payload consider it an extension to the expires time in the dialog (r:70331e88)
1100	mod_sofia: don't put blank 'version' attr in dialog-info packets (r:749dc864)
1101	mod_sofia: speed up db action in sofia recover (r:8114b3f1)
1102	mod_sofia: Support display updates for Cisco SIP endpoints (tested on SPA series) (r:ac205288/FS-884)
1103	mod_sofia: dont put an rpid in 183 or 200 if pass-callee-id is false (r:86de47ff)
1104	mod_sofia: improve sofia recover in some nat cases (r:4526ba30)
1105	mod_sofia: edge cases for sofia recover (r:646a5609)
1106	mod_sofia: Correct the order what param and variables are overriding them self in user/group/domain (r:5a6f0f5c)
1107	mod_sofia: include accumulated stats from rtcp into vars (r:d5ff3e04)
1108	mod_sofia: make sure hold-related code is skipped 100% with disable-hold set (r:403bf6af)
1109	mod_sofia: make force-subscription-expires only work on nonzero expire deltas, 0 means unscubscribe (r:b7751868)
1110	mod_sofia: presence tweaks and addition of all-reg-options-ping which is like nat-options-ping only for every registered host (r:04b52156)
1111	mod_sofia: If sip_invite_domain is used lets use it for rpid_domain no matter what because I know best if I set it (r:8726104a)
1112	mod_sofia: add inline lists for tab complete db using ::[a:b syntax (r:445731ee)
1113	mod_sofia: add sofia profile <profile> gwlist up|down to list up or downed profiles for feeding into mod distributor to exclude dead gateways (r:0477cb67)
1114	mod_sofia: add 'sofia global siptrace on' so we don't have to always teach people to enable sip trace on each profile (r:09fa6678)
1115	mod_sofia: fix seg on subscribe with no contact host (r:c236541e)
1116	mod_sofia: fix typo and printf specifier resulting in incorrect output of call counts on profiles and gateways (r:29ea6e29)
1117	mod_sofia: fix t38 passthru when port changes on re-invite (r:72baaf6d)
1118	mod_sofia: let ~ signify that multipart content will contain headers (r:3548168d)
1119	mod_sofia: Fix rash with rxfax when no remote host (r:a9446ac1/FS-677)
1120	mod_sofia: Handle incorrectly formatted T.38 booleans (r:8f731f42/FS-957)
1121	mod_sofia: fix crash in sofia_reg_find_gateway_by_realm__ (r:721c8019/FS-488)
1122	mod_sofia: Handle 301 moved permanently. (r:ba59c51d/FS-2739)
1123	mod_sofia: don't passthru when its proxy media, bypass media or there is no rtp session, fixes seg (r:45e2b99d)
1124	mod_sofia: improve video support for new polycom phones (r:84a383fe)
1125	mod_sofia: Forward unsolicited MWI nofity (r:e946da9a/FS-861)
1126	mod_sofia: Support display updates for Cisco SIP endpoints (tested on SPA series) (r:6937ca39/FS-884)
1127	mod_sofia: BLF compliance with RFC-4235: dialog-info 'version=' field is reset to 0 on every new call instead of being incremented (r:589502d3/FS-2747)
1128	mod_sofia: fix parsing of sofia tracelevel param, moved param from profile params to global_settings as its global, and it only worked on reparse before anyways.  Please correct any documentation on this issue on the wiki (r:82c4c4cc/FS-523)
1129	mod_sofia: fix nat acl count check to check against the number of nat acls (r:e11550e7/FS-502)
1130	mod_sofia: add sofia_glue_find_parameter_value function to get a specific value from a url params string (r:c701d41c)
1131	mod_sofia: Sofia SIP Stack Lockup (r:8f13eb89/FS-2762)
1132	mod_sofia: ix memory leak caused by regression from FS-2747 (r:6c4cb07b/FS-2747)
1133	mod_sofia: Set SDP proper connection type of &quot;c=&quot; field to IP6 or IP4 when IPv6 called IPv4 (r:14361c09/FS-620)
1134	mod_sofia: FS wrongly assumes NAT on Cisco 7941G (r:42f534fa/FS-2773)
1135	mod_sofia: sofia_reg.c doesn't pass profile name into query, also, typo with all-reg-options-ping (r:6772c795/FS-2787)
1136	mod_sofia: adjust sql stmts in presence to allow even non-registered entities to be tracked (r:4e0399d0)
1137	mod_sofia: dont update display to ring when call is hungup in pidf presence (r:36851a90)
1138	mod_sofia: 1) Add force-publish-expires to set custom presence update expires delta (-1 means endless) 2) Check how many users are registered when receiving a PUBLISH AND Multiple Registrations is enabled: if there is more than just 1 AND you are sending a offline message: skip publishing it to everyone to prevent clients from thinking themselves has gone offline. (r:fd1736b3)
1139	mod_sofia: profile param ignore-183nosdp, chanvar sip_ignore_183nosdp FS-1978 (r:59d3b84d/FS-1978)
1140	mod_sofia: fix race in codec failure condition, then fix bug in sdp parsing (likely a regression from recent codec changes) to never have the problem in the first place so you are double-protected (r:19325c43)
1141	mod_sofia: fix mem leak (r:1970ec1d/FS-2810)
1142	mod_sofia: parse static route in sip uri in notify by event (r:35676e7e)
1143	mod_sofia: add support for NDLB-force-rport=safe param that does force-rport behavior only on endpoints we know are safe to do so on.  This is a dirty hack to try to work with certain endpoints behind sonicwall which does not use the same port when it does nat, when the devices do not support rport, while not breaking devices that acutally use different ports that force-rport will break (r:fc4d290c)
1144	mod_sofia: add separate reg timeout from retry sec (r:e5b891ee)
1145	mod_sofia: fix display of timeout (r:2043d5a)
1146	mod_sofia: fix missing name and potential segfault in gateway status (r:40ac860a)
1147	mod_sofia: Add missing RTP info for early SDP in bypass media (r:10119e9e/FS-2824)
1148	mod_sofia: add manual_rtp_bugs to profile and chan var and 3 new RTP bugs SEND_LINEAR_TIMESTAMPS|START_SEQ_AT_ZERO|NEVER_SEND_MARKER (r:b278dd23)
1149	mod_sofia: apparently some sip device vendors did not read the RFC (who knew?) adding verbose_sdp=true var to add needless a= lines for standard iana codecs that explicitly do not require them (r:6c4f49a8)
1150	mod_sofia: Fix registering a gateway, sofia always places a Via header with ext-sip-ip, even if this gateway is local (r:cf398e1a/FS-535)
1151	mod_sofia: add presence-probe-on-register sofia param to send a probe on register instead of presence to deal with some broken phones and add some general improvements to allow multi homed presence (r:14394994)
1152	mod_sofia: Fix issue when fs_path is used so we pick the correct media IP in our outbound invite this was soemthing that wouldn't work correctly over ATT on the iphone. (r:a669f76f)
1153	mod_sofia: Default T38 Options (r:92f43440/FS-2892)
1154	mod_sofia: Fix wrong IP in VIA and contact HEADER for MESSAGE method while fs run in private network (r:59ea4a1b/FS-2886)
1155	mod_sofia: SIP-header History-Info might exist multiple times, but only last header is exposed as a channel variable (r:8cf15012/FS-2881)
1156	mod_sofia: Add support to reboot Yealink phone remotely (r:fdc31908/FS-2897)
1157	mod_sofia: Add reuse-connections sofia profile param to allow users to turn off TPTAG_REUSE, thus not re-using TCP connections (r:98ed05cc)
1158	mod_sofia: Make sofia recover also work on custom uuid (r:3a645dee/FS-2913)
1159	mod_sofia: remove check for va_list completely in sofia since i don't even think it happens ever (r:dfecc914)
1160	mod_sofia: have mod_sofia always elect to be the session refresher so we know it will work, also make the session-expires set to 0 imply 100% disabled session timers (r:321013ef)
1161	mod_sofia: Do not set nat mode when the device's network_ip is within the acl also so if your FS is behind nat and your phone is too then it will still make the right decisions (r:6c6eab8c)
1162	mod_sofia: prevent race on codec change mid-call (r:668763f4)
1163	mod_sofia: improve fail2ban logging (r:f4d52d4c/FS-2943)
1164	mod_sofia: refactor sofia_contact to try the profile_name first then the domain to resolve the profile then fall back to querying every profile to reduce confusion with multi-homers (d'oh) also special profile name * will force a search-all situation (r:81608da0)
1165	mod_sofia: support allowing pidf-ful presence clients to share the same account and 'appear offline' without influencing each other =/ also refactor the contact generation string based on nat into a helper function (r:97a68c50)
1166	mod_sofia: gateway not identified when extension-in-contact is set (r:7b289941/FS-502)
1167	mod_sofia: Fix erroneous error log on SQL statement (r:2c595a6c/FS-2961)
1168	mod_sofia: Fix routing behavior of inbound calls from gateways that only match gateway based on the gw request uri param (r:0132cd3f)
1169	mod_sofia: don't say we are not for polycom phones (safe rport) when its not really nat (r:9462f53c)
1170	mod_sofia: Set route header as a var on channel like Diversion header (r:d41e6498)
1171	mod_sofia: fix seg related to ptime mismatch + CNG + PLC (if you ever get purple ptime mismatch warnings you want this patch) (r:54de293b)
1172	mod_sofia: be more iOS friendly when using TCP or TLS because the phone never sleeps thus drains the battery (r:159ae989)
1173	mod_sofia: add send-presence-on-register (true|false|first-only) param to sofia and api command sofia global debug [presence|sla|none]
1174	mod_sofia: disable media timeout when encountering a recvonly stream (r:029d68ce)
1175	mod_sofia: fix sofia flush_inbound_reg to work when @domain is given (r:68bf642c)
1176	mod_sofia: fix session timer failure when freeswitch is generating the sdp and there are enough dynamic codecs enabled to conflict with the 2833 pt (4 by default) (r:018a3800)
1177	mod_sofia: Places ;fs_path= within the contact string <...> when using NDLB-connectile-dysfunction-2.0, instead of just appending to the end of the contact string. (r:afc02747/FS-2989)
1178	mod_sofia: Fix handling SUBSCRIBE to &quot;park+&quot; fifo, the NOTIFY data was not being generated from mod_fifo data. (r:3dd9d5c0/FS-3007)
1179	mod_sofia: fsctl pause improvements (r:008e527c/FS-3012)
1180	mod_sofia: only pass publish on when you have a subscription (r:85913b70)
1181	mod_sofia: sip_codec_negotiation to override inbound-codec-negotiation setting (r:74a0cfd1/FS-3027)
1182	mod_sofia: fix uuid_jitterbuffer edge case debugging a non-existant jb causing a seg (r:88d410d3)
1183	mod_sofia: tell rtp stack about what remote payload type to expect when the receiving end follows the stupid SHOULD as WONT and sends a different dynamic payload number than the one in the offer (r:c565501f)
1184	mod_sofia: rip off the fs_ args on message like we do in SEND_MESSAGE (r:b7fd81de)
1185	mod_sofia: use the correct URI on endpoints behind nat (r:5f2857b8)
1186	mod_sofia: put transport in the request uri on outbound registers if register_transport is set and proxy does not already contain a transport param (r:4b62ff79)
1187	mod_sofia: pass custom headers backwards over sofia (r:13dc6058)
1188	mod_sofia: fix profile SIP INFO dtmf not working (r:4c4ca08d)
1189	mod_sofia: Fix SIP INFO DTMF (r:39ff78bf/FS-3078)
1190	mod_sofia: contact-params should not be set if the string is empty (r:06988e1a/FS-3084)
1191	mod_sofia: segfault with sofia_contact when invalid parameters are given (r:4e60f14a/FS-3072)
1192	mod_sofia: Fix minupnpd nat_map updated IP not getting set in SIP profiles (r:e7acd4d1/FS-3054)
1193	mod_sofia: add sip_execute_on_image variable similar to execute_on_answer etc so you can run t38_gateway or rxfax etc when you get a T.38 re-invite but no CNG tone or you want to ignore the tone and only react when getting a T.38 re-invite (r:53fc3f7f)
1194	mod_sofia: add sip_jitter_buffer_during_bridge which you can set to true to keep a jitter buffer on both ends of the call when you are NormT (r:01073a79)
1195	mod_sofia: fix race condition in sofia recover for atom processors (r:3eeb4995/FS-3117)
1196	mod_sofia: improve codec ordering in ep_codec_string (r:8fe24a29/FS-3121)
1197	mod_sofia: Send BYE to endpoints that lose race even if they answered  (r:8c3651fa/FS-640)
1198	mod_sofia: do not renegotiate codecs on hold re-invites (r:bfd0ba97)
1199	mod_sofia: add rtp-notimer-during-bridge (alternative to rtp-autoflush-during-bridge (r:2a35dfb5)
1200	mod_sofia: send another presence event on calls that were cancelled from LOSE_RACE to fix winnable race in Broadsoft SCA (r:59f6654e)
1201	mod_sofia: pass header in X-FS headers on attended transfer CID update to indicate specific situation to flip callee/caller id when targeting a 1 legged call (r:24a97292)
1202	mod_sofia: change text of error message to be more descriptive (r:4c435ec5)
1203	mod_sofia: Correct a problem where restarting profile would cause some profile hash entry to remain. (r:81bfe435)
1204	mod_sofia: New Sofia API to look up the username of a given user (r:7556ec57/FS-3187)
1205	mod_sofia: sip_authentication was not cleared after nonce expired -caused sofia_reg_internal.db grow bigger and bigger with time (r:c735e28a/FS-3190)
1206	mod_sofia: pass failure across in T.38 passthru mode (r:31273b42)
1207	mod_sofia: auto-aleg-full and auto-aleg-domain for from_domain field in gateway (r:fda2283b)
1208	mod_sofia:  After further review I can concede the point that we should always say partial considering how we do things.  With this commit we should at least be sending separate partial updates for each existing dialog to everyone with a subscription.  If we need to introduce more data, consolidate them etc.  We need to do it in small chunks and keep things sane. (r:7eae7f37/FS-2877)
1209	mod_sofia: Fix:Attended transfer with bypass media fails in various ways (r:4b706dac/FS-3227)
1210	mod_sofia: SO, If the RFC told you to jump off a cliff......? (r:07b9186d/FS-3226)
1211	mod_sofia: Don't assume incoming "gw" contact param is valid (prevent possible DoS) (r:2b6f7070/FS-3244)
1212	mod_sofia: offer both avp and savp when using srtp (r:5857495e)
1213	mod_sofia: fix race in sla (r:a4ed829d)
1214	mod_sofia: Fix segfault when no channel is present and need to print err msg (r:ce5c8462/FS-3236)
1215	mod_sofia: don't nat map on loopback addrs (r:e70af1f8)
1216	mod_sofia: Add reporting chan vars: sip_bye_content_type and sip_bye_payload (r:2d856f8f/FS-3276)
1217	mod_sofia: Add "tel:" patch - thanks jaybinks (r:154731a7)
1218	mod_sofia: fix rare t38 gateway issue (r:123eaa52)
1219	mod_sofia: fix sofia presence with dial does not maintain version number correctly (r:3ebd173c/FS-3307)
1220	mod_sofia: fix One way audio problem from B-leg of the call on Session Refresh and HOLD if B-leg is using a dynamic payload type (r:66d16d17/FS-3270)
1221	mod_sofia: chat API issue: dup_dest was being overwritten by switch_split_user_domain (r:765908f3/FS-3152)
1222	mod_sofia: Reformat sofia usage string and make it a static const char[]. (r:812fd727)
1223	mod_sofia: Add channel variable deny_refer_requests to make it possible to deny REFER requests (r:9e12983f/FS-3100)
1224	mod_sofia: Fix TLS crash when NAT configured w/o actual external IP addr (r:64f8ad3f/FS-3324)
1225	mod_sofia: only accept info dtmf when its configured to (r:51c21580)
1226	mod_sofia: add support for 3pcc-proxy when in bypass media. (r:68c389df/FS-3326)
1227	mod_sofia: release rwlock on error (r:0675b59b/FS-3321)
1228	mod_sofia: Mask remote party identity in SIP presence if channel var presence_privacy=true (r:8d8e5a23)
1229	mod_sofia: add check_sync to sofia cli (like flush_inbound_reg without the unreg) (r:079f4845)
1230	mod_sofia: pop ::<profile_name> off the domain name in mwi events to hint at the profile (r:e2ed8c08)
1231	mod_sofia: dig into the database to figure out what profile to send mwi on when they are not willing to alias the domain to the profile =/ (r:b14340a5)
1232	mod_sofia: add mutex around gateway access on per-profile basis and token based access to global profiles to prevent hanging on to the hash mutex while doing sql stmts which may cause issues/slowdowns (r:9df8169d)
1233	mod_sofia: add parallelism to sofia by offsetting sip messages to the concerned sessions and using multiple queue threads for message handling (r:fb68746e)
1234	mod_sofia: removed the vid refresh thing (r:49e52b4c/FS-3362)
1235	mod_sofia: add sip_liberal_dtmf chanvar and liberal-dtmf profile param to use the maximum methods of DTMF avoiding sticking to the spec which leads to incompatability (r:bc7cb400)
1236	mod_sofia: support final response in response header passing (r:acd0898e)
1237	mod_sofia: Fix failure to fall back to g.711 when t.38 attempt fails (r:07a79752/FS-3214)
1238	mod_sofia: pop ::<profile_name> off the domain name in mwi events to hint at the profile (r:e2ed8c08)
1239	mod_sofia: dig into the database to figure out what profile to send mwi on when they are not willing to alais the domain to the profile =/ (r:b14340a5)
1240	mod_sofia: Fix 3pcc codec negotiation issue with bypass_media (r:c5a2275f/FS-3340)
1241	mod_sofia: re-add not-so-superfluous-after-all NUTAG_AUTOANSWER(0) (r:927fde18/FS-3349)
1242	mod_sofia: add mutex around gateway access on per-profile basis and token based access to global profiles to prevent hanging on to the hash mutex while doing sql stmts which may cause issues/slowdowns (r:9df8169d)
1243	mod_sofia: add parallelism to sofia by offsetting sip messages to the concerned sessions and using multiple queue threads for message handling (r:fb68746e)
1244	mod_sofia: Fix sofia hang on shutdown (r:3be64cbf/FS-3354)
1245	mod_sofia: remove vid refresh from SDP on declined video connection (r:49e52b4c/FS-3362)
1246	mod_sofia: fix small mem leak in sofia (r:6f62f391/FS-3386)
1247	mod_sofia: add proxy tag to UPDATE packets if it was set by INVITE (r:e6605139)
1248	mod_sofia: resolve attended transfers, it fails to parse the Replaces when encoded (r:d9bbf129/FS-3304)
1249	mod_sofia: if user has set presence_id, don't override it (r:7cdc8342)
1250	mod_sofia: only list real profiles not aliases in presence code (r:f9969f38)
1251	mod_sofia: Fix 200 OK not passed for Callee-Initiated ReInvite for T.38 (r:b2299035/FS-3421)
1252	mod_sofia: destroy nh if SIP transaction terminated by a 488 (r:a0cec8ab/FS-3444)
1253	mod_sofia: use register contact to determine proper contact in 200 ok response to register (r:f9612fec)
1254	mod_sofia: add NDLB-allow-nondup-sdp to indicate you want to parse a differnt sdp in 200 ok from 1xx (previous default) this is a RFC violation so I decided not to support it by default anymore.  Enable this if you want that broken behaviour (r:3f489a2a)
1255	mod_sofia: add homer capture hooks to mod_sofia (r:98473085)
1256	mod_sofia: sdp_m_per_ptime is now implied to be true, if you don't like this set it to false but its going to be undefined behaviour.  This basically means if you call in with ptime 30 then you have a bunch of ptime 20 codecs in your outbound list that there will be one m= line with 30 and the original inbound codec and more m= lines for each discinct ptime in your list.  This is, of course, will depend on disable_trancoding or absolute_codec_string as well (r:56d67ead)
1257	mod_sofia: filter re-transmission of extra SIP headers (r:9e399c19/FS-3439)
1258	mod_sofia: Fix RTP handling bug to allow goofy & undefined behavior (r:77413ba9/FS-3451)
1259	mod_sofia: don't allow auto answer on an non-outbound call (r:61ee7fdc)
1260	mod_sofia: use the call_id of the original register in the unsolicited notify for MWI (r:53b0ecce)
1261	mod_sofia: Fix caller ID name on bridged appearance (r:7efa4fb2/FS-3532)
1262	mod_sofia: speed up restart speed of profiles (r:fb5f29c2)
1263	mod_sofia: this is actually compliant when mixing ptimes in the same sdp but since iLBC uses its own fmtp for ptime I will add this patch to make it beleive its 20 for the sake of arguement.  If you have any other problems with this, set the channel or global variable sdp_m_per_ptime=false to completely disable the default correct behaviour (r:247537a9/FS-3545)
1264	mod_sofia: I missed a few more spots to hack in the exception for iLBC, (thanks for marring my code iLBC ppl) it should work as expected now even with the m_per_ptime on (r:83a78fbf/FS-3545)
1265	mod_sofia: don't turn X-FS- headers into variables, they are reserved for FS specific communication and should not be passed on (r:7d399cce)
1266	mod_sofia: This patch will probably make it work but the bug is actually in the phone, the patch is simply tolerating the bad behaviour.  You are correct about the a=sendonly missing, this was fixed in a later revision of the polycom firmware.  I suggest that even if this patch works, that you update your phones to a newer firmware, preferably the most recent. (r:7acddfac/FS-3549)
1267	mod_sofia: add auth username to unreg event (r:1b9b3456)
1268	mod_sofia: fix wrong media ip in recover data issue (r:5154b881)
1269	mod_sofia: fix missing ACK that causes Polycom failure (r:408adb8d/FS-3558)
1270	mod_sofia: use bridge_to instead of signal_bond for recovering bridge (r:f4794620)
1271	mod_sofia: save telephony event data for recovery (r:4d1a76ee)
1272	mod_sofia: tighten up the parsing of these boolean vals issue in t38 sdp (r:626b5cb2/FS-3571,FS-3442,FS-957)
1273	mod_sofia: resolve race condition caused by unresponsive host when unregistering the gateway. (r:607c112f/FS-3583)
1274	mod_sofia: only require user and pass in gateway when register is true (r:9e4ca2c2)
1275	mod_sofia: Remove arbitrary 100 ACL limit (r:dd5188f3/FS-3605)
1276	mod_sofia: add t38_pass_broken_boolean to pass the broken boolean behaviour over to the other side of the call when detected (r:afd0e1fc)
1277	mod_sofia: Update handling of sub/notify (fixes broken Snom BLF) (r:51c22811/FS-2877)
1278	mod_sofia: Don't add Contact header to MESSAGE requests, per RFC3428 (libsofia still does it a bit) (r:1f6670e7/FS-3628)
1279	mod_sofia: add presence_map (r:4ee1722f)
1280	mod_sofia: add presence_map config (r:48416707)
1281	mod_sofia: add lookup params to presence_map (r:ea7f6a18)
1282	mod_sofia: add missing mod_sofia indexes (r:40df8d65)
1283	mod_sofia: When doing direct pickup send CANCEL with reason="call completed elsewhere" (r:6cd6a719/FS-3634)
1284	mod_sofia: Handle "isup-oli" in SIP From: field (similar to "gw" handling) (r:0ed54079/FS-3663)
1285	mod_sofia: Fix NOTIFY expiry time to conform to RFC 3265 (r:42c69c04/FS-3685)
1286	mod_sofia: Preserve VIA headers in sofia recovery (r:5a6231b6/FS-3686)
1287	mod_sofia: Add respond 503 "Maximum Calls In Progress" param for incoming SIP OPTIONS when busy (r:a891514c/FS-3697)
1288	mod_sofia: don't list all registrations when doing "sofia status profile foo" (use 'reg' option instead) (r:00e381f1/FS-3699)
1289	mod_sofia: Fix typo and possible memory corruption in sofia presence (r:ff910276/FS-3706)
1290	mod_sofia: comment out optional Require header from re-invites for the sake of interop with testy t.38 terminals (r:58c3c3a0)
1291	mod_sofia: Set reg and invite auto failures to loglevel debug10 to satisfy Fail2ban (r:35112f22/FS-3586)
1292	mod_sofia: Fix segfault on malformed NOTIFY (r:82807998/FS-3718)
1293	mod_soundtouch: updated soundtouch to library 1.5.0 to fix gcc > 4.3 incompatibilities (r:dfb5c629)
1294	mod_soundtouch: Update soundtouch to 1.6.0 to fix FS-3634 (r:d8ae59fd/FS-3634)
1295	mod_spandsp: initial checkin of mod_fax/mod_voipcodecs merge into mod_spandsp (r:fa9a59a8)
1296	mod_spandsp: rework of new mod_spandsp to have functions broken up into different c files (r:65400642)
1297	mod_spandsp: improve duplicate digit detection and add 'min_dup_digit_spacing_ms' channel variable for use with the dtmf detector (r:eab4f246/FSMOD-45)
1298	mod_spandsp: add start_tone_detect/stop_tone_detect app and api commands for tone and cadence detection (r:a6e65147/MODAPP-378)
1299	mod_spandsp: Fix mod_spandsp receive t38 fax error in windows7 (r:fca93f29/MODAPP-443)
1300	mod_spandsp: Moved spandsp to a more recent version. A huge number of little changes occur here, as recently spandsp lost all the $Id$ entries the source files had for the dark old days of CVS (r:f029f7ef)
1301	mod_spandsp: move app flag into 'T38' namespace for the sake of housekeeping (r:0d0b4b43)
1302	mod_spandsp: make t38 terminal mode more reliable (r:83da7bd3)
1303	mod_spandsp: deadlock in mod_spandsp (mod_spandsp_fax.c) (r:b02c69bb/FS-1690)
1304	mod_spandsp: T.38 reINVITE glare condition causes FAX processing to stop. (r:04aa7ef9/FS-1682)
1305	mod_spandsp: improve nat handling when using stun or host as ext-rtp-ip (r:03e74c51/FS-526)
1306	mod_spandsp: Fire event when fax is finished; indicates result of fax attempt (r:314a2a1e/FS-3004)
1307	mod_spandsp: new option to set sip_execute_on_image to 't38_gateway self nocng' this should skip the tone detection adn go right into the gateway mode so you should be able to do only this and have it work based on remote re-invite (r:9227b538/FS-3252)
1308	mod_spandsp: additional fix to this bug and add better fax detect code to mod_spandsp (r:7fe313cf/FS-3252)
1309	mod_spandsp: Fire event when fax finishes indicating result (r:a57336ba/FS-3004)
1310	mod_spandsp: Prevent hung chans on fax errors (r:789a9ce8/FS-3213)
1311	mod_spandsp: add more fax event information (r:0555b702/FS-3345)
1312	mod_spandsp: fix memory issue in spandsp_tone_detect (r:8793c2ed)
1313	mod_spandsp: add proper tone detect stop (r:8beb10d2/FS-3367)
1314	mod_spandsp: add more fax event information (r:0555b702/FS-3345)
1315	mod_spandsp: fix memory issue in spandsp_tone_detect (r:8793c2ed)
1316	mod_spandsp: Tweak link order of some libs to fix build on gcc platforms that have ld flag "--as-needed" as default. (r:0db88b59/FS-2873/FS-2874)
1317	mod_spandsp: Fix spandsp_start_fax_detect timeout issue (r:90a6e78d/FS-3619)
1318	mod_spandsp: Add tone_type param to start_fax_detect to handle outbound fax detection (r:d6d18748/FS-3624)
1319	mod_spidermonkey: allow vars to be set containing vars from languages (r:5cd072a3)
1320	mod_spidermonkey: fix seg in js hangup (r:7d554c11)
1321	mod_spidermonkey: Fix mod_spidermonkey build on FreeBSD, (Undefined symbol PR_LocalTimeParameters). (r:3edb8419)
1322	mod_spidermonkey: Add session.ringReady() to check for CF_RING_READY (r:7386b9f8)
1323	mod_spy: add support for loopback endpoint (MODAPP-416)
1324	mod_spy: fix crash when session can't be located (r:c4154633/FS-2929)
1325	mod_timer_fd: external timerfd module by Timo Ter?s (r:48b11935)
1326	mod_timer_fd: add timerfd support to the core for now you must enable it in switch.conf.xml with the param enable-softtimer-timerfd=true later if it proves to work well we can make it on by default, please test if you have a new kernel that supports this option kernel >= 2.6.25 and libc >= 2.8 (r:10174ea6)
1327	mod_tts_commandline: fix core dump, temp file problem. flush can be called several times (FSMOD-35)
1328	mod_unimrcp: fix fortify findings for mod_unimrcp (r:336f0b4e/FSMOD-67)
1329	mod_unimrcp: fix truncated TTS (r:e37dd41e/FS-3201)
1330	mod_unimrcp: Destroy schannel only *after* cleanup of its contents is done (r:0f17bcc5)
1331	mod_unimrcp: add locking to mrcp dtmf generator (r:f5704114/FS-3163)
1332	mod_unimrcp: check for NULL recog_hdr (r:478d5186/FS-3247)
1333	mod_unimrcp: Wait for unimrcp lib to timeout requests (r:ee176092)
1334	mod_valet_parking: add event data to valet parking hold event
1335	mod_valet_parking: add event for Valet Parking action exit
1336	mod_valet_parking: pass hold class on transfer (r:76a065ec)
1337	mod_valet_parking: add valet_announce_slot variable (r:293d7254)
1338	mod_valet_parking: make valet parking reserve a space for 10 seconds to allow time for an attended transfer switcharoo (r:308f44af)
1339	mod_valet_parking: refactor timeout tracker for valet (r:3514c780)
1340	mod_valet_parking: valet_info now returns uuid properly (r:34ddeb75/FS-3613)
1341	mod_valet_parking: add presence to mod_valet_parking subscribe to the lot name for general stats or individual slots to monitor with park+ prefix *note* this used to be used in mod_fifo which now will use queue+ going forward (r:9daa42c1)
1342	mod_valet_parking: lower token freq to 5, put it in a define and have more obvious warning about full lots (r:2f786a07)
1343	mod_valet_parking: make auto unpark choose the one waiting the longest instead of the earliest ext val (r:00cf5aed)
1344	mod_voicemail: Fix vm_prefs profile lock (MODAPP-417)
1345	mod_voicemail: add 'vm-enabled' param (default true)
1346	mod_voicemail: fix vm msg being deleted when pressing key to forward to email (MODAPP-403)
1347	mod_voicemail: make voicemails use the uuid of the channel who recorded it when applicable (r:98a5a30a)
1348	mod_voicemail: user unable to play or delete voicemail via web API (r:b5205c0b/MODAPP-447)
1349	mod_voicemail: Allow to forward a message or send it via email key during the playback of the recording, not just when the menu is playing. (r:83aeda79)
1350	mod_voicemail: fix vm_inject to a group and change syntax for sending to a whole domain to domain= for clarity sake (r:f30a1cc6)
1351	mod_voicemail: add quotes to vm_cc command generated internally to escape spaces in the caller id name (r:5f012813)
1352	mod_voicemail: Play caller id of callee prior to playing a vmail (r:e7b97907/FS-2719)
1353	mod_voicemail: FS-1776 Add support for per user operator exten override param vm-operator-extension (r:df5b3498/FS-1776)
1354	mod_voicemail: Set email address from within directory (r:83ce26b2/FS-2972)
1355	mod_voicemail: add events for record/change greeting and record name (r:54421f59)
1356	mod_voicemail: let vmain-key and operator-key be set empty (r:de49305a)
1357	mod_voicemail: add ability to jump to a specific message (r:0f8fb4b1)
1358	mod_voicemail: vm-skip-instructions param in xml directory to disable instructions how to record a file (r:ed7e1f39)
1359	mod_voicemail: Implement 10 new standard api function call that allow you to control fs voicemail storage system.  The goal is to have a standard API set for any additional storage system we wish the voicemail to run off.  Current list of added api name are : vm_fsdb_msg_count, vm_fsdb_msg_list, vm_fsdb_msg_get, vm_fsdb_msg_delete, vm_fsdb_msg_undelete, vm_fsdb_msg_purge, vm_fsdb_msg_save, vm_fsdb_pref_greeting_set, vm_fsdb_pref_recname_set, vm_fsdb_pref_password_set. (r:1f4cb488)
1360	mod_voicemail: Adding a new voicemail fsdb api vm_fsdb_auth_login that does basic login authentication for a user (r:bfdfac5e)
1361	mod_voicemail: Fix vm to email dial 8 option (r:8592b6d9/FS-3382)
1362	mod_voicemail: Add 2 new profile settings, db-password-override and allow-empty-password-auth.  By default, they have value of their previous behavior.  If db-password-override=true, the db password will only be used if present, if not present fallback to the xml config file vm-password.  If allow-empty-password-auth=false, it will disable login via a authentication method if there is no password set in the user account (This wont affect voicemail_authorize=true login). (r:a9db642a)
1363	mod_voicemail: remove pointless update_mwi() in vm_list api command (r:b952b2b2)
1364	mod_voicemail: add message_len to output of vm_list api command (r:77c5000d)
1365	mod_voicemail: use vm_email as notification address if vm_notify_email isn't set (that behavior was in voicemail_leave_main but not in deliver_vm) (r:8974f9d6)
1366	mod_voicemail: better fix for voicemail email key match (r:aff4bcbe/FS-3080)
1367	mod_voicemail: Prevent rewind key from breaking out of message playback (r:923a104b/FS-3637)
1368	mod_voicemail: add variable vm_auth_only or option auth_only to voicemail app so you can use it as a pin checker (r:3051480d)
1369	mod_voicemail: fix wrong message count with saved urgent messages (r:54b4b088)
1370	mod_voicemail: add voicemail_formatted_caller_id_number param for templates in vm (r:94b9cc0f)
1371	mod_xml_cdr: add force_process_cdr var to process b leg cdr on a case by case basis when b leg cdr is disabled (XML-17)
1372	mod_xml_cdr: add leg param to query string (XML-24)
1373	mod_xml_cdr: fix locked sessions (XML-26)
1374	mod_xml_cdr: fix minor memory leaks and config bug (r:19253d83/MODEVENT-62)
1375	mod_xml_cdr: Fix prefix-a-leg not respected for url submission (r:ea9021a2/FS-2998)
1376	mod_xml_cdr: Fix delay to 5 sec from 5000 sec (r:34a38009/FS-2815)
1377	mod_xml_cdr: Accept all 2xx messages, not just "200" (r:d39b7c6b/FS-3593)
1378	mod_xml_rpc: Fix crash if unauthorized XML RPC is attempted (r:9835395c/FS-184)
1379	scripts: added honeypot.pl and blacklist.pl which add extra SIP security options (r:b6a81ba7)
1380	scripts: do simple verification to make sure we are getting IP addresses from VoIP abuse blacklist (r:b0049160)
1381	scripts: add_user - cmd line utility that lets admin create new users very easily. (r:ec8f2c2b)
1382	sofia-sip: fix null derefernce segfault in soa (r:f356c5e6)
1383	sofia-sip: extend timeout for session expires on short timeouts to be 90% of timeout instead of 1/3 to handle devices that do not refresh in time such as polycom (r:a7f48928/SFSIP-212)
1384	support: update fscore_pb to work with git (r:8f67e93a)
1385	tools: Add fs_encode tool (r:89b17601)
1386	tools: Add randomize-passwords.pl script to main tree (r:5e6123ef)
1387	tools: Change logger.pl host flag to -H from -h (conflicted w/ -h for help); add -H/--host to usage (r:73ca862c)
1388	tools: Add sound_test.lua utility script (lets you listen to all the sound files in a particular rate/type combo (r:1a71dbf2)
1390freeswitch (1.0.6)
1392	all: migrate to git
1393	core: add ... and shutdown as a fail-safe when no modules are loaded
1394	core: fix high mem usage during shutdown
1396freeswitch (1.0.5)
1398	all: run indent on the whole tree and update copyright dates in prep for 1.0.5 (r:16579)
1399	applications: add inline dp to multiple apps (MODAPP-337/r:14922)
1400	build: Fix build to account for FreeBSD sed issues (FSBUILD-184/r:14479)
1401	build: build unimrcp after sofia (r:14507)
1402	build: Fix mod_ldap not building on Linux (FSBUILD-189/r:14725)
1403	build: add --with-rundir configure param and -run freeswitch runtime param to adjust the location of the pid file (FSBUILD-188/r:14768)
1404	build: fix compile on Ubuntu 8.10 (FSCORE-443/r:14928)
1405	build: add mod_cidlookup (r:14930)
1406	build: fix libtiff build (r:15034)
1407	build: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED is called too late. (FSBUILD-192/r:15050)
1408	build: remove broken modules from debian build (FSBUILD-193/r:15068)
1409	build: fix Build-Depends on debian build for skypiax (FSBUILD-197/r:15113)
1410	build: Debian build misses some packages (FSBUILD-201/r:15216)
1411	build: Win32 Dependencies do not download if there is a space in the path to sources (FSBUILD-203/r:15348)
1412	build: Handle BIGENDIAN Windows Bug (MODENDP-245/r:15410)
1413	build: fix spandsp installing (FSBUILD-198/r:15414)
1414	build: use same version of libtool and libtoolize (FSBUILD-205/r:15416)
1415	build: Update Debian build init script (FSBUILD-204/r:15417)
1416	build: Fix Debian script broken in r15417 (FSSCRIPS-21/r:15443)
1417	build: Add windows projects for Broadvoice only 2008 (r:15470)
1418	build: debian: remove incorrect option (FSBUILD-208/r:15496)
1419	build: fix automated libsrtp build (r:15523)
1420	build: fix --srcdir for modules.conf (r:15526)
1421	build: fix --srcdir for sounds_version.txt and swigall
1422	build: fix uclibc cross compile issues (stolen from http://astlinux.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/astlinux/trunk/package/freeswitch/freeswitch-sqlite-make.patch?revision=2455) (r:15531)
1423	build: add new broadvoice to windows solution and cleanup template (r:15562)
1424	build: Add initial build support to windows (MODUNIMRCP-6/r:15610)
1425	build: srcdir fixes for modmake.rules (FSBUILD-211/r:15644)
1426	build: srcdir fixes for Makefile.am (FSBUILD-211/r:15645)
1427	build: srcdir fixes for configure.in (FSBUILD-211/r:15646)
1428	build: fix srcdir for libs/apr/configure.gnu (FSBUILD-211/r:15648)
1429	build: fix calling of sub configure.gnu files during --srcdir build (FSBUILD-211/r:15661)
1430	build: fix --srcdir make error (FSBUILD-211/r:15673)
1431	build: Initial check in for Windows Inno Setup script (r:15681)
1432	build: add --disbale-cpp configure argument to disable the c++ build for the core (r:15717)
1433	build: pass configure args/vars to sub-configure commands run from module makefiles (r:15718)
1434	build: try to not insert -std=c99 into cflags passed to libs that are not ansi compliant (r:15739)
1435	build: add -Wdeclaration-after-statement for supported compilers (r:15762)
1436	build: add changes for sounds download to allow independent version specific selection (r:15777)
1437	build: move sounds out to their own packages as they do not change revisions with freeswitch (r:15809)
1438	build: fix setting of BASE passed to module makefiles when doing --srcdir builds (FSBUILD-211/r:15814)
1439	build: Numerous --srcdir fixes (FSBUILD-211/r:15849)
1440	build: compile by default on osx 10.6 and add --enable-64 support (with previous patch) for osx 10.6 (r:15862)
1441	build: add --enable-64 support for os x 10.4 and 10.5 (r:15874)
1442	build: add missing modules to modules.conf (FSBUILD-214/r:15879)
1443	build: fix mod_managed build on gcc 4.4 (r:15897)
1444	build: Disable rpath checking in freeswitch.spec (FSBUILD-217/r:16037)
1445	build: Remove libuuid from tree (r:16072)
1446	build: Avoid building static version of modules (e.g. mod_enum.a) by adding the "-shared" libtool option. (r:16225)
1447	build: Fix pidfile path in debian init script (FSBUILD-264/r:17040)
1448	build: Numerous debian improvements (r:17119)
1449	config: improvements to French language handling (MODASRTTS-20/r:14911)
1450	config: Add valet_parking to default config (r:15124)
1451	config: Add valet macros (r:15156)
1452	config: Fix dialplan 6000 - call park retrieval example (r:15292)
1453	config: clarify the info as the word IP in the option isn't clearly saying you can put an IP in the options value (r:15302)
1454	config: Convert lang/fr/vm/sounds.xml to utf8 and minor changes (MODASRTTS-22/r:15319)
1455	config: Fix default group calling so that the order is followed (FSCONFIG-12/r:15492)
1456	config: add commented uuid param to mod_logfile's default config (r:15537)
1457	config: add descriptions for broadvoice codecs (FSCORE-497/r:15626)
1458	config: Add core-db-dsn (commented) to switch.conf.xml (r:15756)
1459	config: Block intercepts after call has been answered (FSCONFIG-16/r:15828)
1460	config: Move erlang module's default config file to be with all the others (r:15881)
1461	config: Add confirm-key & -macro, tts-engine & -voice, confirm-attempts attributes, extra comments to ivr.conf.xml (r:15929)
1462	config: Allow specifying auth-scheme in config (r:16350/MDXMLINT-56)
1463	config: Improvements to french lang (FSCONFIG-18/r:16585)
1464	config: Add new English sounds, sound prompts (r:16911)
1465	config: Improvements to French sound prompts (FSCONFIG-23/r:17118)
1466	core: Add per-call logging (r:14509)
1467	core: Fix IVR menu timeout when caller presses no digits (DP-4/r:14548)
1468	core: re-factor node allocation and make a copy of userdata in case the session gets killed before the logger module gets the node (r:14555)
1469	core: don't expose node allocation functions outside of switch_log.c (r:14556)
1470	core: Fix leak in xml ivr menus (FSCORE-421/r:14579)
1471	core: add record_start and record_stop events (r:14591)
1472	core: re-factor mod_event_socket so it uses switch_log functions to duplicate and free log nodes while it uses them internally (fix bad ptr for userdata on event socket listeners) (r:14598)
1473	core: add answersec answermsec and answerusec to time how long it took for a call to be answered (r:14620)
1474	core: add recursive flags and workaround for nested broadcast in controlled situations (r:14644)
1475	core: add origination_cancel_key variable for a dtmf key that can abort an originating call (r:14645)
1476	core: add state change hooks for destroy (r:14647)
1477	core: fix reaction in att_xfer when call is cancelled or times out (r:14650)
1478	core: fix timeout while bridge is waiting for CF_BRIDGED flag (FSCORE-424/r:14702)
1479	core: set the hostname core variable in switch_core_init (r:14726)
1480	core: add more stuff to event in hangup hook api (r:14740)
1481	core: add graceful zrtp failure (r:14745)
1482	core: reduce poll timeout when dtmf is present (r:14749)
1483	core: fix start_dtmf muting input from portaudio (FSCORE-426/r:14755)
1484	core: fix missing reset causing the same timestamp forever on perfect storm of conditions involving transcoding and ptime combo (gotta love it) (r:14771)
1485	core: CoreSession::originate: set the uuid on success (r:14773)
1486	core: add optional prefix arg to set_user (FSCORE-429/r:14789)
1487	core: try to improve autoflush and other silly audio glitches from edge cases and help (FSCORE-416/r:14800)
1488	core: fix Windows mem leak (FSCORE-440/r:14882)
1489	core: tolerate offset dtmf payload (zoiper) (r:14883)
1490	core: Add the ability to seperate the spool and the storage directories for voicemail (BOUNTY-9/r:14889)
1491	core: Add min_dtmf_duration setting to FS core and modified default_dtmf_duration in rfc2833 queuing function to not be used as min (FSCORE-442/r:14893)
1492	core: Remove crash protection (r:14919)
1493	core: Move switch_util_quote_shell_arg to core functions (FSCORE-446:/r:14958)
1494	core: add preprocess framework for agc ec etc, ALPHA, needs work (r:14960)
1495	core: add i flag to bind_meta_app to do inline execute of the app (not wise to use unless app returns instantly) (r:14969)
1496	core: fix using native_file as ringback on codecs that have passthru only (r:14980)
1497	core: pita bypass media transfer fiasco fix (r:14983)
1498	core: don't enforce existing file check on streams (r:15014)
1499	core: re-INVITEs sent only after ~2 seconds (FSCORE-453/r:15021)
1500	core: changing default behavior ignore_early_media=true must be set together with ringback to generate local ringback on early media (r:15025)
1501	core: improve behavior of leg_delay_start, leg_timeout, leg_progress_timeout (FSCORE-439/r:15027)
1502	core: Fix spinning threads that receive 183 on bridge/originate with bypass_media set (FSCORE-452/r:15028)
1503	core: Check handling of SIGINT (FSCORE-456/r:15051)
1504	core: add bridge_answer_timeout variable, a timeout in seconds how long to tolerate a bridge that is in early media without being answered (can be set on either leg) (r:15057)
1505	core: Enable auto update displays in more places (r:15110)
1506	core: fix file handle mem leak (thanks pressuerman) (r:15114)
1507	core: add CALL_UPDATE event (r:15119)
1508	core: move accidental new behavior behind new param originate_continue_on_timeout=true (r:15121)
1509	core: fix att xfer to an app (r:15122)
1510	core: Fix CODEC event has duplicate codec name and rate in lowercase (MODEVENT-59/r:15123)
1511	core: add missing comma that causes buffer overflow in event socket (r:15128)
1512	core: expand range of acceptable chars (MODENDP-249/r:15129)
1513	core: Add 48k 30ms and 40ms codecs (r:15135)
1514	core: Fix playback cannot play stereo .wav files (FSCORE-463/r:15139)
1515	core: re-factor some of the message parsing code to use fifo to reduce threading contention (r:15142)
1516	core: send update after both sides are answered (r:15149)
1517	core: fix playback_ms and record_ms to work right and add playback_seconds and record_seconds (r:15155)
1518	core: delay update till after media has been confirmed to prevent SOA race in sip (r:15159)
1519	core: fix arg parsing on restart to not accumulate args (r:15164)
1520	core: add new macro to make sure we don't send bypass command too soon (r:15165)
1521	core: Fix shutdown not working on Windows with fs_cli (FSCORE-435/r:15167)
1522	core: Fix inbound calls with incompatible codecs can result in heap corruption and crash (FSCORE-467/r:15178)
1523	core: prevent unsolicited ring_ready (r:15179)
1524	core: make switch_core_sqldb_stop non-blocking (FSCORE-470/r:15183)
1525	core: add SWITCH_MESSAGE_INDICATE_UUID_CHANGE to warn a session when the uuid has changed (r:15193)
1526	core: Handle bypass_media_after_bridge with loopback (FSCORE-418/r:15195)
1527	core: hangup_after_bridge=false only works if bypass_media=false (FSCORE-417/r:15196)
1528	core: add api_on_answer var (r:15207)
1529	core: Fix thread runaway in switch_console_loop for Windows (FSCORE-472/r:15209)
1530	core: change switch_strlen_zero to zstr (r:15211)
1531	core: add ignore_display_updates variable to block display updates on that leg (r:15218)
1532	core: re-factor how record_answer_req=true works, add media_bug_answer_req=true variable and backport record_answer_req=true to use it (IRQ-00/r:15235)
1533	core: don't consider cng packets for rtp auto-adjust (r:15240)
1534	core: add RECORD_READ_ONLY and RECORD_WRITE_ONLY chan vars to influence session_record (r:15257)
1535	core: answer channel on record to ensure media (r:15265)
1536	core: re-factor ringback so it does not start early_media until it has to (r:15266)
1537	core: add record_min_sec chan var (r:15271)
1538	core: flush audio on reset of auto-adjust (r:15282)
1539	core: filter out unwanted media on rtp (r:15284)
1540	core: make switch_cmp_addr ipv6 friendly and cleanup/refactor autoadjust code in rtp (r:15289)
1541	core: add slide_write to switch_buffer (r:15297)
1542	core: add non opaque return for switch_thread_cond_timedwait (r:15322)
1543	core: fix some bypass xfer scenarios (r:15326)
1544	core: Originate/bride doesn't pass 183s, then times out on media while in bypass-media mode (FSCORE-479/r:15329)
1545	core: add flags to state_handler table (r:15356)
1546	core: send callee id info as caller id info when an outbound call becomes the a leg of another outbound call (r:15390)
1547	core: fix issue with global bypass_media_after_bridge messing up callflow (r:15404)
1548	core: add DUMP_EVENT macro (r:15439)
1549	core: Add Record-File-Path to SWITCH_EVENT_RECORD_* fired by switch_ivr_record_file() (FSCORE-486/r:15446)
1550	core: expand per-thread db caching to odbc (r:15453)
1551	core: add switch_ivr_enterprise_originate optional new dimension to originate strings every element in :_: separated list in originate strings will fire in a dedicated thread and can contain their own {} and , and | lists (r:15455)
1552	core: add read_frame_callback to gentones (r:15459)
1553	core: add ringback to enterprise_originate (r:15461)
1554	core: tolerate MySQL ODBC limitation (FSCORE-487/r:15465)
1555	core: add <> var container to enterprise_originate syntax to set variables to pass to every thread (r:15469)
1556	core: add cache_db handle api (odbc/sqlite abstraction) (r:15473)
1557	core: caller/ee id cleanup (r:15474)
1558	core: add support for running core-db over odbc (r:15487)
1559	core: Properly count CNG packets (FSCORE-489/r:15493)
1560	core: Fix segfault on exit (FSCORE-491/r:15499)
1561	core: add append and truncate to audio file API (r:15503)
1562	core: re-factor enterprise_originate (r:15565)
1563	core: fix thread saftey issue in expiring media bugs (r:15587)
1564	core: add debug-level to switch.conf.xml and tweak a few debugs (r:15595)
1565	core: re-factor/abstract the core sql stuff more (r:15599)
1566	core: don't hangup call on asr errors (FSCORE-493/r:15623)
1567	core: fix db connection hijacking issue (r:15624)
1568	core: send bridge/unbridge indication during eavesdrop (r:15638)
1569	core: record the correct remote_media_ip and remote_media_port even when we autoadjust (FSCORE-500/r:15659)
1570	core: improve chunked sql transaction submission (r:15672)
1571	core: add switch_caller_extension_add_application_printf() (r:15688)
1572	core: Fix switch_poll timeout that causes bad audio in Windows (FSCORE-501/r:15722)
1573	core: add switch_core_vsprintf (r:15737)
1574	core: allow recursive broadcasting (r:15757)
1575	core: Add support for coma-delimited lists in a user's auth-acl param (MODENDP-224/r:15760)
1576	core: allow listeners to pre-bind to subclasses before the main subscriber is loaded and fix off by one issue in unbinding event handler functions (r:15790)
1577	core: don't mix ptimes in the codec string lists, just discard conflicting ones (r:15797)
1578	core: Fix 'uuid_bridge' kills both channels if one of them is executing java app (FSCORE-508/r:15799)
1579	core: add io mutex to cache db for optional mutex protection (r:15800)
1580	core: add chan name to log lines (r:15835)
1581	core: fix caller_profile race in hangup that may cause some missing cdr data in certain cases (r:15839)
1582	core: add priority queue for events so important broadcasts like hold music can take precedence over event-lock (r:15865)
1583	core: Adding switch_mprintf (broken out from sqlite)
1584		Adding new %w to mprintf to auto escape both single quote and backslashes
1585		Improve the tab completion a tad and fix some sqlite/odbc compat with new mprintf opts
1586		Change the default stream writer to use switch_vmprintf so %q/%w can be used there too (r:15875)
1587	core: Fix choppy inband DTMF generation from FS (FSCORE-510/r:15896)
1588	core: fix record size causing mysql table create failure (FSCORE-512/r:15938)
1589	core: fix x-fer for SIP phones (FSCORE-513/r:15944)
1590	core: cleanup tab completion more and introduce new callback based expansion functions to do real time tab completion in some areas (r:15952)
1591	core: fix build without SWITCH_HAVE_LIBEDIT on Windows and perhaps others (r:15953)
1592	core: switch_ivr_parse_event(): allow execute-app-args to be specified in event body (FSCORE-514/r:15970)
1593	core: return true/false from sql tester incase you want to do more stuff when the table had to be created (r:15981)
1594	core: add fsctl flush_db_handles to expire any unused db handles (r:15982)
1595	core: allow mod_say to use more than nine digits (MODAPP-380/r:15984)
1596	core: reset audio level on mute/unmute (r:15991)
1597	core: Add tab complete to windows (r:16000)
1598	core: Fix playback during a record session causing invalid wav file (FSCORE-517/r:16003)
1599	core: don't restart runtime functions when shutting down (r:16008)
1600	core: Add tab complete to windows (ESL-24/r:16010)
1601	core: switch_play_and_get_digits now returns SWITCH_FALSE if caller doesn't dial anything (DP-10/r:16011)
1602	core: adding 12kHz and 24kHz (r:16026)
1603	core: Fix  dialplain looping over and over again when group_confirm_file is missing (DP-11/r:16063)
1604	core: trade some max call count for more accurate timing in full media situations, hint: use 30ms ptime for drastic reduction in resources (r:16081)
1605	core: add core param for controling timer (r:16093)
1606	core: Incorrect handling when rtp-timer-name=none causes medialess RTP sessions to never time out (FSRTP-10/r:16100)
1607	core: add SOCKET_EVENT event (r:16135)
1608	core: count runlevel to prevent dup calls to the core init routines (r:16140)
1609	core: fix power of 10 in cps counter (r:16144)
1610	core: add ;; delim to console (r:16166)
1611	core: fix mitm for audio for passing sas with zrtp (r:16204)
1612	core: setting jitter buffer keeps dtmf events from firing (FSCORE-523/r:16207)
1613	core: don't segfault when -nonat is used and nat_map reinit is called (r:16253)
1614	core: switch to conditional broadcast mode on slow kernels (r:16308)
1615	core: add bridge_early_media=true variable to hear early media from first channel with early media as ringback, this is 1 way audio (r:16313)
1616	core: fix progress_timeout sets incorrect originate_status (FSCORE-527/r:16314)
1617	core: switch_ivr_originate: fix windows compiler warning (r:16320)
1618	core: few new command line opts -vm for conditonal timer, -nocal to skip timer calibration and -nort to turn off clock_realtime fam of functions (r:16324)
1619	core: fix failed_xml_cdr prefix is not respected (FSCORE-529/r:16401)
1620	core: allow alias expansion from fs_cli (r:16416)
1621	core: allow double escape in parser for \ (r:16440)
1622	core: Add a -version flag to freeswitch binary (FSCORE-534/r:16482)
1623	core: Delay windows service startup so other command line options are processed (r:16558)
1624	core: ZRTP Video works with ZFone (but you have to set your endpoint to use 99 for the payload for video or 125 in mod_h26x.c for H264 becuase the payloads MUST match or it can't figure it out (r:16563)
1625	core: add new api funcs to xml (r:16605)
1626	core: disable cpu timer affinity by default but make it still possible via config and fix stray constant in tipping_point (r:16679)
1627	core: rename switch_socket_create_pollfd to switch_socket_create_pollset, add switch_socket_create_pollfd that really creates a pollfd out of a socket, expose switch_pollset_poll and switch_pollset_remove (r:16683)
1628	core: Fix play_and_get_digits not honoring max_tries param (FSCORE-554/r:16706)
1629	core: Fix bridge_answer_timeout dropping calls even after being answered (FSCORE-556/r:16737)
1630	core: add force_local_ip_v4 and force_local_ip_v6 global vars to override the core funcs to always discover the same ip (r:16801)
1631	core: compromising on timing code, remove -vm and make it default, make new -heavy-timing for previous default, change tipping-point to work of count of active timers rather than sessions, this should statisfy the droves of 'I wish it worked like 1.0.4 people' (r:16853)
1632	core: add events for bug start and stop (r:16858)
1633	core: "I want my two dollars, er, CPU percentage points" (r:16869)
1634	core: skip dialplan args with bad char sequences (r:16882)
1635	core: fix mem leak in phrases (r:16884)
1636	core: add an event to phrases to be used as possible variables in parsing (r:16885)
1637	core: Fix infinite loop that consumes RAM on bridge group/ and enterprise originate (r:16913)
1638	core: Fix crash in UniMRCP stream_write callback (r:16917)
1639	core: Fix dore dump in mod_stun.c (MODENDP-297/r:16953)
1640	core: add fsctl min_idle_cpu and min-idle-cpu feature to refuse calls after the system falls below a certain percentage of idle cpu (r:16962)
1641	core: add record_fill_cng var (r:16964)
1642	core: Remove proxy media flag on video calls when not in proxy media (FSRTP-12/r:16969)
1643	core: improve group_confirm:
1644		group_confirm_read_timeout=<ms>
1645		group_confirm_file=<file>
1646		group_confirm_error_file=<file>
1647		group_confirm_key=<now can be one or more keys>
1648	core: add uuid_bridge_continue_on_cancel var to move on in dialplan if uuid_bridged channel hits a bad b-leg (r:17044)
1649	core: switch_core_service_thread() causes crash in Windows (FSCORE-576/r:17065)
1650	core: Break the loop in switch_ivr_parse_all_events() if CF_BREAK flag has been set (FSCORE-577/r:17074)
1651	core: Fix memory leak caused by the function switch_core_codec_copy (FSCORE-579/r:17105)
1652	core: add sanity check to project size of decoded codec data (r:17108)
1653	core: handle some errors on missing db handle conditions (r:17136)
1654	core: Fix warning message (FSCORE-578)
1655	core: add switch_channel_export_variable
1656	docs: Add large Doxygen update (thanks Muhammed Shahzad) (r:14973)
1657	docs: update es phrase file (MODAPP-317/r:15575)
1658	embedded_languages: Prevent unloading of embedded languages modules (also fixes MODLANG-121/r:14491)
1659	embedded_languages: add session.hangupCause() (r:14912)
1660	embedded_languages: add session.getState() (r:14924)
1661	embedded_languages: Fix caller_profile old code forcing empty caller ID (FSCORE-450/r:15006)
1662	embedded_languages: add bridged method to scripting langs (r:16854)
1663	libapr: add new apr functions/macros needed by unimrcp update (r:15542)
1664	libbroadvoice: update to http://www.soft-switch.org/downloads/snapshots/voipcodecs/broadvoice-20091122.tar.gz (r:15602)
1665	libdingaling: patch libdingaling to use next_tag instead of child (r:14624)
1666	libesl: automatically load ESL.so in PHP (r:14707)
1667	libesl: fix php swig generation (ESL-20/r:14750)
1668	libesl: disable duplicate headers on request param events (r:14909)
1669	libesl: c# wrapper for esl lib (r:14955)
1670	libesl: add logger.pl a FS debug tool using ESL.pm (r:15377)
1671	libesl: Add send_info example  (r:15613)
1672	libesl: use event_clone type internally to not confuse people who think they are getting events in response to commands (r:15660)
1673	libesl: hook new complete api up to FSAPI and export tab completion down to fs_cli (r:15956)
1674	libesl: change execute and executeAsync to return the last event instead of status since it will almost always be 0 (r:15973)
1675	libesl: add help banner on connection failure (ESL-25/r:16040)
1676	libesl: add support for user level auth to esl and fs_cli (r:16161)
1677	libesl: tcl example thanks Mark Mann (r:16307)
1678	libesl: rename 'event' by 'Event', so it's C# keyword (r:16519)
1679	libesl: Improve C# support. Rename properties like C#-style (r:16520)
1680	libesl: fix filters (and please use JIRA instead of mailing list to report bugs) (r:16527)
1681	libesl: Add new examples about use ESL managed. Inbound and Outbound modes were documented. (r:16541)
1682	libesl: Fix possible ESL deadlock when waiting for non-existent data on socket (r:16721)
1683	libesl: fix esl sendevent issue and change the sendEvent method to return the reply text like sendRecv etc (r:16921)
1684	libesl: Add ESL Dispatch perl example (Thanks Jay Binks) (r:16922)
1685	libiksemel: fix iksemel build against gnutls 2.x (FSBUILD-219/r:16019)
1686	libjs: pass ldflags to dso builds for libjs and nspr (r:16549)
1687	libminiupnpc: make socket connection nonblocking to timeout to dead ip addrs (r:16611)
1688	libportaudio: Dither code in mod_portaudio doesn't properly compile on 64 bit systems (r:15422)
1689	libsofiasip: fix sofia build with new openssl (r:15426)
1690	libsofiasip: make sofia not auto-respond to SUBSCRIBE refresh requests (r:16273)
1691	libsofiasip: Assertion fails in nua_bye_server_report (SFSIP-197/r:16534)
1692	libsofiasip: Fix segfault in stun_encode_message (FSCORE-551/r:16635)
1693	libsofiasip: fix typo in sofia that causes endless loop when you have a challenge with 2 auth headers in it (r:17114)
1694	libspandsp: update to spandsp snapshot 20091005 (r:15084)
1695	libspandsp: update to spandsp-20091006 snapshot (r:15093)
1696	libspandsp: fix spandsp build on 32 bit 10.6 OS X builds (LBCODEC-4,MODAPP-351/r:15631)
1697	libstfu: add resize function (r:14871)
1698	libunimrcp: Update to unimrcp 1297, remove API change (r:15615)
1699	libunimrcp: unimrcp windows x64 build support and fix release builds (r:15621)
1700	libuuid: inital addition of libuuid to tree (r:16021)
1701	mod_alsa: update to new module api (r:14833)
1702	mod_bv: remove non-working bv codecs pending working lib from steve and mod_bv unified with both codecs in one module. (r:15559)
1703	mod_bv16: add support for BroadVoice16 codec (r:15464)
1704	mod_bv16: add plc (r:15466)
1705	mod_bv16: move bv16 so it doesn't use the same number as another codec in mod_voipcodecs (r:15468)
1706	mod_bv32: add support for BroadVoice32 codec (r:15464)
1707	mod_bv32: add plc (r:15466)
1708	mod_cdr_csv: try to rotate on failed write to cdr file (r:14948)
1709	mod_cdr_pg_csv: postgresql cdr module, requires some adjustments to make it more platform agnostic, good for solaris and centos (Cypromis) (r:17100)
1710	mod_celt: bring CELT up to the latest build we need more testers  (r:15278)
1711	mod_celt: add CELT for Windows (r:16414)
1712	mod_cidlookup: Fix segfault on no DSN (MODAPP-346/r:15019)
1713	mod_cidlookup: add whitepages.com support (r:15023)
1714	mod_cidlookup: add channel var / debug log for cidlookup src (r:15268)
1715	mod_cidlookup: fix minor bugs, make whitepages work if regular url not set (oops), channel var set for area,	ignore "UNKNOWN" and "UNAVAILABLE" from API (r:15331)
1716	mod_cidlookup: more cleanup, always try to get a location, add verbose option to api call, cache area and src so the cache is full rep of cid data (r:15333)
1717	mod_cidlookup: proper fix for working in npanxx only mode (thanks for the heads up bkw) (r:15341)
1718	mod_cidlookup: use new cached odbc api (r:15680)
1719	mod_cidlookup: add shorter timeout + warn on slow responses (r:15683)
1720	mod_commands: add host_lookup api call (r:14667)
1721	mod_commands: add uuid_exists api call (r:14668)
1722	mod_commands: add non-destructive regex substitution (MODAPP-319/r:14727)
1723	mod_commands: add bg_system (like system but in the bg) (r:14746)
1724	mod_commands: add optional trailing & to sched_api to denote running the task in a sep thread (r:14765)
1725	mod_commands: fix segfault (r:14961)
1726	mod_commands: Updating tab completion for show cli command (FSCORE-468/r:15180)
1727	mod_commands: add api hostname (r:15225)
1728	mod_commands: add uuid_debug_audio <uuid> <read|write|both> <on|off> (r:15274)
1729	mod_commands: add more autocomplete items (FSCORE-468/r:15506)
1730	mod_commands: Fix group_call returns nothing if one endpoint on the group is not registered (MODAPP-368/r:15530)
1731	mod_commands: fix parsing in time_test to prevent a few edge cases (r:15549)
1732	mod_commands: add db_cache API - shows db cache status (FSCORE-503/r:15697)
1733	mod_commands: add escape API to escape a string (r:15764)
1734	mod_commands: add uuid_recv_dtmf (r:15840)
1735	mod_commands: change name of 'key' field due to reserved name in sql (r:15842)
1736	mod_commands: add console_complete_xml api (r:15967)
1737	mod_commands: fix db_cache's auto-complete (r:15969)
1738	mod_commands: add uuid_audio cli cmd (r:15989)
1739	mod_commands: check for zstr(cmd) in escape_function (r:16029)
1740	mod_commands: Fix group_call_function not loading group-dial-string and dial-string from user type pointer (MODAPP-335/r:16034)
1741	mod_commands: add timer_test cli app (r:16079)
1742	mod_commands: fsctl add shutdown now for debugging (r:16220)
1743	mod_commands: add uuid_simplify and sip_auto_simplify (r:16420)
1744	mod_commands: switch_channel_expand_variables value escape enhancement (MODAPP-354/r:16465)
1745	mod_commands: Add missing show modules to mod_commands (FSCORE-468/r:17015)
1746	mod_conference: Fix conference floor ownership being ceded too easily (MODAPP-323/r:14703)
1747	mod_conference: Display callers' rates (r:14992)
1748	mod_conference: Don't start conf auto record until a second party arrives (MODAPP-348/r:15029)
1749	mod_conference: wait-mod doesn't loop moh-sound audio file (MODAPP-349/r:15171)
1750	mod_conference: Return additional flags in xml_list (MODAPP-360/r:15275)
1751	mod_conference: take pin from x header (MODAPP-333/r:15415)
1752	mod_conference: add more mutexes to video thread (r:15551)
1753	mod_conference: fix video thread (r:15590)
1754	mod_conference: add mute on/mute off actions in addition to toggle mute action (MODAPP-370/r:15845)
1755	mod_conference: add conference member data into the play-file-member-done event (r:15909)
1756	mod_conference: add waste-bandwidth flag to conference (r:16110)
1757	mod_conference: mix member play file data in with conference so you can hear the bg while hearing the member file (r:16408)
1758	mod_conference: mod_conference add conference_max_members channel variable that can be set on the first channel calling a conference to override the profiles max-members param (r:16597)
1759	mod_conference: Change conf recording to start properly when 2nd person joins (MODAPP-398/r:16681)
1760	mod_conference: Fix race condition that occasionally prevents conf "alone" sound from playing (MODAPP-400/r:16723)
1761	mod_conference: Add 'you are now muted' prompt to deaf-mute conference option. (MODAPP-402/r:16908)
1762	mod_console: Improved tab completions, and more description usage informations (LOGGER-2/r:15103)
1763	mod_curl: don't include response code in response data as it has its own var (MODAPP-369/r:15591)
1764	mod_dialplan_xml: Fix anti-action not being supported for time-based conditions (DP-6/r:14901)
1765	mod_dialplan_xml: add inline=true to actions to exec certain apps right away (also mod_dptools) (r:14906)
1766	mod_dialplan_xml: Fix condition "week of year" calculation (DP-7/r:14968)
1767	mod_dialplan_xml: Add holiday, week of year matching (Thanks Vagabond) (r:15721)
1768	mod_dialplan_xml: Add optional loops attr to xml dp extension (thanks MOC) (r:16886)
1769	mod_dingaling: fix segfault on unload (MODENDP-243/r:14588)
1770	mod_dingaling: Fix mod_dingaling does not reads profile information from configuration file at runtime till whole module is reloaded (LBDING-15/r:14917)
1771	mod_dingaling: force marked answer on dingaling outbound calls when accept is received (r:17043)
1772	mod_dingaling: Fix STUN-related core dump (MODENDP-299/r:17049)
1773	mod_directory: initial commit of real code (MODAPP-325/r:14981)
1774	mod_directory: fix segfault on failure (r:15076)
1775	mod_distributor: Initial commit (r:15421)
1776	mod_dptools: add optional level argument to info app to choose the log level it logs on (r:14643)
1777	mod_dptools: jump to a specific offset with the playback by appending @@<samples> to the path (r:14752)
1778	mod_dptools: make continue_on_fail trigger explicit matching and only do default behavior when it's not set (r:14972)
1779	mod_dptools: att_xfer sometimes doesn't detect B leg hanging up on PSTN - this is a patch to hangup B and initiate the transfer of A to C by pressing * (DP-8/r:15013)
1780	mod_dptools: Add Campon feature. (r:15201)
1781	mod_dptools: Add campon_stop_key and campon_announce_sound to tell the user how to force it to the end of the waiting period (r:15220)
1782	mod_dptools: Remove attended transfer from reasons for continue_on_fail (FSCORE-367/r:15367)
1783	mod_dptools: add dp apps for setting audio level and muting (r:15993)
1784	mod_dptools: make cn optional for mute 1 means absolute silence > 1 means generate cn level (r:15996)
1785	mod_dptools: add leading m:<delim>: to change delim on inline dp eg m:^:set:foo=bar^set=blah=true to put an end to Vagabond's suffering (r:16526)
1786	mod_dptools: make bridge_terminate_key work in bypass media when using info dtmf (r:16530)
1787	mod_dptools: Fix bypass_media ignored in dial string (DP-14/r:16588)
1788	mod_dptools: add param setting function to asr (r:16600)
1789	mod_dptools: add action='user_call' to xml_curl lookups for the user endpoint (r:17115)
1790	mod_enum: fix mod_enum build when udns is already on the base system
1791	mod_erlang_event: Add support for simply sending an arbitrary message to an arbitrary registered process at a node (r:14875)
1792	mod_erlang_event: Deprecate new_pid message in favor of get_pid which has an extra element, the call's UUID (r:14877)
1793	mod_erlang_event: optionally allow compatibility with nodes running older OTP releases (R7 through current) (r:15189)
1794	mod_erlagn_event: Don't exit the entire listener for a single session failure (reported by Timur Irmatov) (r:16516)
1795	mod_esf: Add ability to adjust multicast packet TTL with the config (MODAPP-338/r:14927)
1796	mod_esf: fix compile error on windows (r:14934)
1797	mod_event_multicast: clean up mod_event_multicast to use blocking recvfrom and better error checking (r:15791)
1798	mod_event_socket: add unique-id check to sendevent to send and event to a session instead of the system (r:14874)
1799	mod_event_socket: fix mem leak (MODEVENT-54/r:14891)
1800	mod_event_socket: fix CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE missing under myevents (MODEVENT-56/r:15011)
1801	mod_event_socket: fix event_sink race (r:15389)
1802	mod_event_socket: fix expires seg in event_sink (r:15594)
1803	mod_event_socket: only kill event socket on 100 consecutive errors (r:15671)
1804	mod_event_socket: add userauth <user>@<domain>:<pass> to event_socket to auth against user directory uses esl-password esl-allowed-api esl-allowed-events and esl-allowed-log to control resource access (r:16160)
1805	mod_fax: add spandsp_start_dtmf app to mod_fax (r:16727)
1806	mod_fax: put tx page count if its TX (r:16940)
1807	mod_fifo: fix mod_fifo not honoring member_timeout (MODAPP-322/r:14552)
1808	mod_fifo: add fifo_position var (r:14806)
1809	mod_fifo: add API: fifo_add_outbound to add outbound members to a FIFO (r:14809)
1810	mod_fifo: allow to call outbound member on on-the-fly fifo, also add a settings params to delete or keep all dynamic fifo entry (MODAPP-332/r:14989)
1811	mod_fifo: skip setting callerid when it's already set (r:15071)
1812	mod_fifo: convert mod_fifo to cache_db (r:15971)
1813	mod_fifo: Small bug in odbc-dsn settings parsing (MODAPP-383/r:16018)
1814	mod_fifo: Fix core dump on assert fail in switch_core_hash (FSCORE-574/r:17023)
1815	mod_fsv: wait for video before recording in mod_fsv (r:17103)
1816	mod_h323: initial commit (r:15223)
1817	mod_h323: fix faststart in progress handling (r:15352)
1818	mod_h323: remove SWITCH_RTP_FLAG_AUTOADJ because its not work correctly and not do anything reliable in our cases (r:15374)
1819	mod_h323: fix rtp timer initialisation.
1820		implement alerting-indication option and channel variable.
1821		implement progress-indication option and channel variable. (r:15905)
1822	mod_h323: move faststart to callproceeding due to some broken hardware not understand correctly faststart in progress. (r:15906)
1823	mod_h323: fix slow start handling (r:15935)
1824	mod_h323: add PI handling in alerting (r:15936)
1825	mod_h323: add PI handling in Call Proceeding (r:15397)
1826	mod_fifo: gracefully fail on missing config file (r:15106)
1827	mod_iax: avoiding buffer overflow in silly iax lib (r:14910)
1828	mod_iax: move to unsupported (r:16460)
1829	mod_lang: Change mod_lua so that it registers as a dialplan (MODLANG-140/r:15400)
1830	mod_lcr: fix possible null string passed to switch_log_printf (r:14514)
1831	mod_lcr: Add support for user_rates which are the (optional) end-user rates (MODAPP-340/r:15022)
1832	mod_lcr: fix potential buffer overflow (r:17051)
1833	mod_limit: set more chan vars in limit_function (r:14733)
1834	mod_limit: fix counter-only mode in limit_hash_execute (r:14829)
1835	mod_limit: add limit_ignore_transfer var (MODAPP-334/r:14830)
1836	mod_limit: add limit_execute (like limit_hash_execute); allow -#s to act as counter only; add INFO level logs to limit similar to limit_hash (r:14870)
1837	mod_limit: make limit work with neg count like limit_hash  (r:14920)
1838	mod_limit: move mod_limit to cache_db and clean up vm legacy code (r:15677)
1839	mod_limit: remove memcache version, it never worked right and is unworkable w/out a lot	of effort.  will revisit when pluggable limit implemented (r:15908)
1840	mod_limit: mod_limit: use = instead of like (r:16020)
1841	mod_limit: Fix stack corruption when calling an empty call-group (MODAPP-407/r:16957)
1842	mod_limit: Improve rate limit support add switch_core_hash_delete_multi (MODAPP-412/r:17085)
1843	mod_local_stream: add chime-list to local_stream (r:14966)
1844	mod_local_stream: Fix memory leak at mod_local_stream (MODFORM-36/r:15431)
1845	mod_logfile: add uuid parameter to prefix log files by the call's uuid (r:15502)
1846	mod_lua: add conjure-session code and make session available in API commands (r:14739)
1847	mod_lua: make luarun use a new pool every call (r:14763)
1848	mod_lua: fix seek function (MODLANG-124/r:14812)
1849	mod_lua: add argv[0] (MODLANG-122/r:15433)
1850	mod_lua: Fix unsetInputCallback() removing HangupHook (MODLANG-158/r:16843)
1851	mod_managed: Add utility function to create SWIGTYPE_p objects (r:14923)
1852	mod_managed: Add ProgressMediaTime to ChannelVariables (r:15001)
1853	mod_managed: Set stick flag on state handler so signal_bridge won't nuke it (r:15357)
1854	mod_managed: hangup handler should run in cs_reporting (r:15375)
1855	mod_managed: Add XmlSearchBinding (r:15406)
1856	mod_memcache: update to libmemcached 0.32 (r:14935)
1857	mod_memcache: add --with-memcached=no to libmemcached configure (r:14938)
1858	mod_nibblebill: Support custom sql with var expansion (MODAPP-409/r:17081)
1859	mod_nibblebill: Fix url (FSCORE-580/r:17129)
1860	mod_opal: Added setting of outgoing number and display name from extension number so H.323/Q.931 fields are set correctly in ALERTING and CONNECT messages sent for incoming calls.(r:14900)
1861	mod_opal: Fixed compile issues with latest Opal (r:15545)
1862	mod_portaudio: fix compilation failure in mod_portaudio_stream (MODFORM-35/r:14531)
1863	mod_portaudio: add context param (r:14737)
1864	mod_portaudio: make the ringfile configurable via new API command 'pa ringfile' (r:15633)
1865	mod_portaudio: fix mod_portaudio linux build with alsa (MODAPP-377/r:15899)
1866	mod_portaudio: Set a new channel variable with the call_id (MODAPP-277/r:16115)
1867	mod_portaudio: fix pa play bug (r:16188)
1868	mod_portaudio: default to dialplan 'XML' instead of 'default' (r:16345)
1869	mod_portaudio: Add event for audio device error and properly register/unregister custom event subclasses (MODENDP-282/r:16354)
1870	mod_python: Fix segfault on multiple calls to Python (MODLANG-133/r:14847)
1871	mod_python: Fix infinite recursion in python script causing crash (MODLANG-134/r:14898)
1872	mod_python: fix memory leak (MODLANG-136/r:15432)
1873	mod_python: Fix input callback with additional argument causes segfault (MODLANG-153/r:16536)
1874	mod_rad_auth: Add RADIUS authentication module (r:17012)
1875	mod_radius_cdr: Fix Framed-IP-Address in start and stop having wrong IP (MODEVENT-52/r:15197)
1876	mod_radius_cdr: Fix memory leak from large CPS test (MODEVENT-55/r:15198)
1877	mod_sangoma_codec: added to trunk - thanks Moy (r:17110)
1878	mod_say: first cut and say interface rework to include gender and put all args into a struct for easier future extension (r:16929)
1879	mod_say_es: Improve Spanish lang handling (MODAPP-317/r:15424)
1880	mod_say_fr: mod_say_fr: Update for better french support. Will probably have more stuff from FSCORE-528  to complement this patch (r:16933)
1881	mod_say_hr: add Croatian say module (r:17011)
1882	mod_say_hu: add mod_say_hu to trunk from csecket branch (r:15622)
1883	mod_say_it: Fix italian pronounce in mod_say_it (MODAPP-362/r:15407)
1884	mod_say_it: fix hundred pronunciation (MODAPP-367/r:15500)
1885	mod_say_th: add mod_say_th (MODLANG-144/r:15592)
1886	mod_silk: add new module FTW! (r:16945)
1887	mod_skinny: add new module, add conf.xml file and add to modules.in (r:16863)
1888	mod_skel_codec: Add (thanks Moy) (MODCODEC-14/r:14959)
1889	mod_skypiax: ubermegapatch, more stability, robustness, scalability. Memory leaks not yet investigated, we'll do next (r:14517)
1890	mod_skypiax: more stability, no dangling channels, MODSKYPIAX-42, added 'sk list' statistics (thanks Seven Du) MODENDP-236 (r:14533)
1891	mod_skypiax: now it accepts a max of 1 call from the same skypename to the same skypename (multiple instances of user A calling multiple instances of user B) each 1.5 seconds (r:14834)
1892	mod_skypiax: fires a custom event when an incoming CHATMESSAGE arrives. (r:14845)
1893	mod_skypiax: added skypiax_chat command.(r:14857)
1894	mod_skypiax: now outbound chatmessages follow the standard path, you can send them with: chat,<proto>|<from>|<to>|<message> or with: skypiax_chat,<interfacename> <to> <text>. (r:14884)
1895	mod_skypiax: when sending a chatmessage, do not report it as an incoming message (eg: do not report the messages sent by myself) (r:15327)
1896	mod_skypiax: added one more 'PROTOCOL 7' command, because windows was not getting it. Now CHATMESSAGES will probably work on windows too (r:15342)
1897	mod_skypiax: added 'report_incoming_chatmessages' configuration file per_interface setting. To activate it, put its value to '1' or 'true', any other value will be 'false'. Defualts to 'true' (r:15343)
1898	mod_skypiax: commented out 'XCloseDisplay' lines, seems to cause crashes... (r:15344)
1899	mod_skypiax: no more pipes for audio samples exchange between threads.(r:15541)
1900	mod_skypiax: do not add delay when a sleep() or play() are executed by a script after answer() and before sending audio. (MODSKYPIAX-29, MODSKYPIAX-58/r:15585)
1901	mod_skypiax: changed audio i/o tcp socket size and timing constant on linux, for better compatibility with virtual machines (r:16330)
1902	mod_skypiax: added FS timers, allow for better Virtual Machine (xen, ec2) conference behavior, to be polished (r:16521)
1903	mod_snipe_hunt: add mod_snipe_hunt to tree (r:14937)
1904	mod_sndfile: Fix core dump when trying to record ADCPM in stereo (MODFORM-39/r:16999)
1905	mod_sofia: allow custom SIP X-headers in 180/183/200 messages (MODSOFIA-20/r:14482)
1906	mod_sofia: use switch_mprintf to securely parse the user parameters for the SQL query for reboot in mod_sofia (MODENDP-233/r:14484)
1907	mod_sofia: display the profile name on sofia status gateway xxx (r:14520)
1908	mod_sofia: display the profile name on sofia xmlstatus gateway xxx (r:14527)
1909	mod_sofia: fix stun: from appearing in sdp round two (r:14532)
1910	mod_sofia: we need to handle redirects before checking for proxy mode if we want them to work in bypass or proxy media (IRC-00/r:14537)
1911	mod_sofia: refactor sofia_glue_tech_choose_[video_]port (r:14541)
1912	mod_sofia: Fix NAT Reboot notify by merging the MWI notify and Reboot notify to a unified function (MODENDP-242/r:14581)
1913	mod_sofia: FIX parsing of argument of sofia status AND add a new search option (MODENDP-232/r:14585)
1914	mod_sofia: add 10 second media timeout waiting for codec establishment (MODSOFIA-22/r:14586)
1915	mod_sofia: Enable creation of sip compact headers from sofia profile configuration (MODENDP-246/r:14698)
1916	mod_sofia: Fix race with hold/unhold in proxy media (FSCORE-432/r:14797)
1917	mod_sofia: ATTENTION BEHAVIOR CHANGE... you now have to explicitly set sip_invite_to_params to add params to the to field we will NO longer fall back to sip_invite_params in this case. (FSCORE-433/r:14849)
1918	mod_sofia: Fix missing NOTIFY MWI when registering via proxy (MODSOFIA-26/r:14851)
1919	mod_sofia: add set funcs for impls (r:14881)
1920	mod_sofia: Segfault when receiving 30x response without contact header (MODENDP-247/r:14953)
1921	mod_sofia: Added sip_rh_ response header addition capability (MODSOFIA-29/r:14967)
1922	mod_sofia: new param force-subscription-domain (r:14971)
1923	mod_sofia: improve bad timestamp detection (r:14979)
1924	mod_sofia: Override the MWI User@Domain used per user/group/domain (MODENDP-241/r:14987)
1925	mod_sofia: set extension=auto_to_user in gateway to make destination equal to user (r:15010)
1926	mod_sofia: cover up sofia bug parsing contact strings that do not have <> in them (r:15026)
1927	mod_sofia: no more 202 Accepted after REFER since changeset 14701 (MODSOFIA-31/r:15056)
1928	mod_sofia: append host when its not supplied on carrot dialing (r:15099)
1929	mod_sofia: Fix MESSAGE_QUERY causes event without minimum event information (MODEVENT-58/r:15117)
1930	mod_sofia: Add a log message when the invite has no SDP and 3pcc isn't enabled to aid troubleshooting (r:15140)
1931	mod_sofia: add variable for one legged 302's via originate so you can tell it happened. (r:15163)
1932	mod_sofia: clear up some more display issues and fix resume-media-on-hold sofia option (r:15177)
1933	mod_sofia: Fix bridge call seems to hangup as if originator_cancelled when it has not (FSCORE-471/r:15186)
1934	mod_sofia: fix issue with resume-media-on-hold and t38 re-invites (r:15187)
1935	mod_sofia: Fix RTP destination port is not updated (SFSIP-180/r:15190)
1936	mod_sofia: add sip-force-extension (r:15191)
1937	mod_sofia: add firing of event after processing re-INVITE (MODENDP-253/r:15205)
1938	mod_sofia: record path and template are two values with backwards compatibility tried  (r:15208)
1939	mod_sofia: make sure dest is not blank for rare edge case (r:15212)
1940	mod_sofia: Fix seg where INVITE w/o SDP + FS 3pcc-proxy + B leg has early media (MODSOFIA-33/r:15214)
1941	mod_sofia: sql-in-transactions profile param (only vaid on first load) whether or not to bundle sql stmts in transactions (r:15217)
1942	mod_sofia: add pass-callee-id (defaults to true) disable by setting it to false if you encounter something too stupid to ignore X headers (r:15230)
1943	mod_sofia: overcome ack via in nat (r:15277)
1944	mod_sofia: windows compiler fixes and switch_mprintf overflow(32bit only) (r:15286)
1945	mod_sofia: doing caret dialing to a location without a gateway will result in the host being null in some cases this will not allow that if you specify the full sip:dest@host it works fine but if you only specify the number then host will be null (r:15332)
1946	mod_sofia: add distinct-to=true|false to be used with from-domain when you don't want to change the to (r:15334)
1947	mod_sofia: make subscriptions time out, discard code that made them last forever (r:15364)
1948	mod_sofia: reset handle on bad reg (r:15365)
1949	mod_sofia: don't send blank update (r:15366)
1950	mod_sofia: fix sql stmt for blf subs (r:15396)
1951	mod_sofia: fix bug tolerating the other guy's bug (r:15401)
1952	mod_sofia: experimental support for send-message-query-on-register=first-only (r:15405)
1953	mod_sofia: add pai to responses (r:15408)
1954	mod_sofia: add columns to sip_dialogs (r:15420)
1955	mod_sofia: avoiding initial segfault (MODENDP-265/r:15427)
1956	mod_sofia: solve problem from MODENDP-258 with an alternate approach, and make send-message-query-on-register=first-only and sql-in-transactions=true the defaults (MODENDP-258/r:15441)
1957	mod_sofia: lookup gateway by realm when not found by name (r:15475)
1958	mod_sofia: if the phone is behind nat with us... don't consider nat processing fixes cases where things are EVIL like cisco 79xx (r:15486)
1959	mod_sofia: Fix sofia statistics (MODSOFIA-38/r:15491)
1960	mod_sofia: add content-disposition to SEND_INFO (r:15495)
1961	mod_sofia: video improvements (r:15524)
1962	mod_sofia: always check for callee update not just because of pai (r:15589)
1963	mod_sofia: add ani and aniii to caller profile (MODSOFIA-34/r:15596)
1964	mod_sofia: reset timestamp counter when we get new sdp etc because sonus likes to say ptime 20 and send 30ms timestamps in the 183 then once they say 200 ok with the same sdp they decide to actually send 20 for real this time (FSRTP-8/r:15597)
1965	mod_sofia: convert sofia to use new core version of cache db handles (r:15600)
1966	mod_sofia: Fix crash where client register request does not contain "nc" parameter (MODSOFIA-39/r:15609)
1967	mod_sofia: Add ping hysteresis for SIP peer qualification (MODSOFIA-40/r:15628)
1968	mod_sofia: add sip_profile_name go go with sip_gateway_name on outgoing calls (r:15629)
1969	mod_sofia: fail2ban support in mod_sofia thanks jay binks. (MODSOFIA-41/r:15654)
1970	mod_sofia: Revert part of MODSOFIA-41 r15654 that deals with phone reboot - breaks Aastra/Polycom (r:15656)
1971	mod_sofia: Fix call not hanging up after hold (FSCORE-481/r:15657)
1972	mod_sofia: add separate inbound/outound codec prefs params to sofia profile original codec-prefs sets both to the same value for back-compat (r:15658)
1973	mod_sofia: reset the remote_media ip/port vars more often (r:15676)
1974	mod_sofia: retry reg faster on dns timeouts (r:15763)
1975	mod_sofia: huge sonus infection (FSRTP-8/r:15781)
1976	mod_sofia: fix runaway ptime mismatch with xlite and bv (r:15788)
1977	mod_sofia: set sip_copy_custom_headers=false to avoid custom sip headers to be copied on the b-leg (r:15789)
1978	mod_sofia: send bye instead of cancel after invalid 200 OK (MODENDP-270/r:15808)
1979	mod_sofia: don't set auto-nat on ipv6 profiles (r:15829)
1980	mod_sofia: Fix att_xfer origination_cancel not working and b has no chance to talk with c in an A-B-C scenario (MODAPP-376/r:15838)
1981	mod_sofia: add disable_q850_reason chan var to disable sending Reason header in sip BYE messages (MODSOFIA-44/r:15850)
1982	mod_sofia: Fix UPDATE being sent to session creator without crypto (MODENDP-273/r:15851)
1983	mod_sofia: add shutdown-on-fail param to sofia profiles (MODSOFIA-45/r:15854)
1984	mod_sofia: fix send-message-query-on-register set to 'false' (MODSOFIA-42/r:15857)
1985	mod_sofia: move NUTAG_MIN_SE to sofia_glue_do_invite so it only appears on requests. (MODSOFIA-47/r:15943)
1986	mod_sofia: Fix redirect contacts not set correctly on 300 Mutliple Choices (SFSIP-190/r:15994)
1987	mod_sofia: Add fix for silly endpoints who use G729a improperly (MODSOFIA-48/r:16004)
1988	mod_sofia: Add ping hysteresis for SIP peer qualification (MODSOFIA-40/r:16039)
1989	mod_sofia: Major presence update (r:16053)
1990	mod_sofia: Fix sofia loglevel 9 (MODSOFIA-50/r:16058)
1991	mod_sofia: don't segfault on notify message with no contact (r:16130)
1992	mod_sofia: honor disabled soa flag in re-invite (r:16193)
1993	mod_sofia: share and share alike, only nothing is alike in sip =/ (r:16194)
1994	mod_sofia: Get sofia "auth-calls" parameter and directory "auth-acl" parameter to work through a proxy. (BOUNTY-12/r:16200)
1995	mod_sofia: add command-line completion for sofia xmlstatus (MODSOFIA-52/r:16260)
1996	mod_sofia: held-private now works (r:16295)
1997	mod_sofia: add event header to gateway registration events (MODENDP-281/r:16319)
1998	mod_sofia: fix PUBLISH/200 response sent without ETag (FSCORE-262/r:16388)
1999	mod_sofia: set chanvars on both directions in sip and introduce sip_to_tag and sip_from_tag vars (r:16395)
2000	mod_sofia: fix rpid and from correctly when auto-nat is enabled so polycom won't display the flipping URI and freak some poor souls out :P  (r:16473)
2001	mod_sofia: sip is stupid MODSOFIA-51, the 202 has to have the correct contact or the phone comes back and subscribes to the contact and not the actual extension (MODSOFIA-51/r:16500)
2002	mod_sofia: fix attended transfer bug where port specified in Refer-To header is ignored (MODENDP-291/r:16524)
2003	mod_sofia: exec sql stmt sooner to prevent race (r:16525)
2004	mod_sofia: add sip_append_audio_sdp var (r:16537)
2005	mod_sofia: add user-agent-filter and max-registrations-per-extension (BOUNTY-15/r:16557)
2006	mod_sofia: Fix FS-SIPX attendant transfer problem (SFSIP-86/r:16562)
2007	mod_sofia: fire presence_out when reg is flushed manually (r:16564)
2008	mod_sofia: exclude rows with the current call_id - could be an endpoint updating it's
2009	registration while we're at max_registrations (r:16567)
2010	mod_sofia: Multicast presence/mwi patch and a small registrations improvements with some NULL-proofing (MODSOFIA-46/r:16575)
2011	mod_sofia: document tracelevel, add completion for tracelevel (r:16599)
2012	mod_sofia: add extended info parsing feature to send api commands or queue messages to sessions over info packets (r:16688)
2013	mod_sofia: add ability for multiple profiles to share the same gateway names via profile::gwname syntax for normT (r:16698)
2014	mod_sofia: allow domains with no dot in them as long as you specify a profile name (r:16739)
2015	mod_sofia: add sofia_dig [xml] api func (r:16745)
2016	mod_sofia: Allow rewrite of the o= line either by detault or as an option when proxy_media=true (MODSOFIA-50/r:16806)
2017	mod_sofia: change default dtmf duration to 2000ms from 100ms (MODENDP-296/r:16888)
2018	mod_sofia: move exception for iLBC hack to sdp up to sofia (see Moc if anything breaks) (r:16898)
2019	mod_sofia: Rewrite of the s= line when proxy_media=true (Following MODSOFIA-50) (MODSOFIA-64/r:16919)
2020	mod_sofia: Add expires to PRESENCE_PROBE event (MODENDP-298/r:16968)
2021	mod_sofia: add display feature to SCA (r:17054)
2022	mod_sofia: fix it so the Cisco phones will update their display properly in these cases and not show Private for all calls (r:17066)
2023	mod_sofia: only allow barge-in on SCA mode when calls are from their own line (r:17067)
2024	mod_sofia: add sip_local_network_addr var to see the ip of the sip profile a call came in or went out on for cdr (FSCORE-562/r:17073)
2025	mod_sofia: mod_sofia: Add url encode to a var in the xml output to be valid xml. Also changed switch_url_encode to return the pointer of the string rather than the length, same as switch_amp_encode() (r:17087)
2026	mod_sofia: prevent race in killgw followed by an immediate rescan with the same gateway name (r:17096)
2027	mod_sofia: fix telephone-event negotiation with devices that don't do what the rfc says they SHOULD do (r:17097)
2028	mod_sofia: Double @ in To header (MODENDP-300/r:17098)
2029	mod_sofia: add killgw _all_ to delete all gws
2030	mod_spidermonkey: allow inline javascript, use a ~ as first script character (r:15598)
2031	mod_spidermonkey: fix mod_spidermonkey on OSX 10.6 (lets see if this breaks any other platforms) (r:15650)
2032	mod_spidermonkey: fix teletone issues in javascript (MODLANG-159/MODLANG-162/r:16909)
2033	mod_spidermonkey_core_db: Allow to bind value to parameters in prepared statements (MODLANG-139/r:15632)
2034	mod_syslog: Enable mod_syslog to log to a specific facility (LOGGER-3/r:15162)
2035	mod_syslog: mod_syslog does not respect facility setting, always logs to user.* (LOGGER-4/r:15447)
2036	mod_syslog: fixed mod_syslog.c on solaris since there is no LOF_FTP and LOG_AUTHPRIV in solaris syslog (r:15606)
2037	mod_syslog: add uuid logging support (r:16187)
2038	mod_tts_commandline: Add new module (r:14827)
2039	mod_tts_commandline: introduce the rate parameter, decrease useless verbosity (r:14885)
2040	mod_tts_commandline: cut samples in half (suggested by anthm), adjust and clean log levels (r:14886)
2041	mod_tts_commandline: add config (r:14887)
2042	mod_tts_commandline: quote shell args, create an unique tempfile (r:14931)
2043	mod_tts_commandline: improve, update config file (MODASRTTS-21/r:14932)
2044	mod_unimrcp: add support for file://, <speak, and <grammar (r:15236)
2045	mod_unimrcp: fixed pizza demo bug, other misc ungoodness (r:15330)
2046	mod_unimrcp: Add enable-profile-events param to mod_unimrcp (r:15528)
2047	mod_unimrcp: Add enable-profile-events param to mod_unimrcp config (r:15529)
2048	mod_unimrcp: Support UniMRCP 0.8.0 and new RTCP configuration params (r:15554)
2049	mod_unimrcp: Update Nuance MRCP configuration to send RTCP BYE (r:15555)
2050	mod_unimrcp: unimrcp - add windows 2008 project support - doesn't do anything yet (r:15569)
2051	mod_unimrcp: support resampling for TTS (UniMRCP 0.8.0 only) (r:15570)
2052	mod_unimrcp: update to new api in unimrcp r1297 (r:15616)
2053	mod_unimrcp: fix for loquendo MRCPv2 - destroy session instead of removing channel (r:15736)
2054	mod_unimrcp: Added synthparams and recogparams to config so that default MRCP params can be defined for SPEAK and RECOGNIZE requests (r:16717)
2055	mod_unimrcp: Added ssml-mime-type config param to deal with server that doesn't like application/ssml+xml (r:16720)
2056	mod_unimrcp: Do not allow speech_channel_destroy() to return unless MRCP session has been terminated. Do not explicitly destroy mutexes, buffers, and condvars that are allocated off of pool. (r:16938)
2057	mod_valet_parking: add (r:15072)
2058	mod_valet_parking: sense att xfer in valet (r:15126)
2059	mod_valet_parking: add events and valet_info fsapi to valet parking (r:15136)
2060	mod_valet_parking: add auto ext type and support for being called from bind_meta_app to valet_parking (needs some more) (r:15145)
2061	mod_valet_parking: add sleep to inline dp to make xfer to valet wait a second (r:15168)
2062	mod_valet_parking: enforce arg checking (r:15176)
2063	mod_valet_parking: Add mod_valet_parking to the windows build (r:15185)
2064	mod_vmd: fix glaring rwdeadlock in mod_vmd (r:14994)
2065	mod_vmd: make MIN_TIME configurable via channel variables(MODAPP-372/r:15825)
2066	mod_voicemail: fix operator-ext/operator-extension duplicate config declaration (r:14498)
2067	mod_voicemail: allow profile to be specified sep from domain user@domain.com@myprofile (r:14756)
2068	mod_voicemail: announce number of saved messages when there are no new messages (r:14964)
2069	mod_voicemail: Add new api call to get user mailbox settings (MODAPP-325/r:14982)
2070	mod_voicemail: Add ability to skip greeting and instructions when leaving voicemail (MODAPP-331/r:14990)
2071	mod_voicemail: Fix VM disk quota (MODAPP-353/r:15161)
2072	mod_voicemail: add missing switch_event_destroy in profile config function (r:15262)
2073	mod_voicemail: default samplerate to 0 instead of 8000 so that we record using the channel's native rate, thx bkw (r:15394)
2074	mod_voicemail: prevent obscure divide by zero code path (r:15413)
2075	mod_voicemail: create max timeouts feature like the one in ivr_menu (MODAPP-365/r:15471)
2076	mod_voicemail: decrease sql queries for message counts (MODAPP-359/r:15636)
2077	mod_voicemail: Fix r15636 so New are New, and Old are Old messages (r:15639)
2078	mod_voicemail: mod_voicemail: Change so total_new_messages and total_saved_messages include the count of new/saved urgent messages (Issue caused by MODAPP-359) (r:15670)
2079	mod_voicemail: Fix segfault (FSCORE-511/r:15876)
2080	mod_voicemail: passing originator's account name to cc'd accounts or groups to let them see who forwarded it (BOUNTY-13/r:16270)
2081	mod_voicemail: Allow param for voicemail to allow message file type to be changed (MODAPP-394/r:16576)
2082	mod_voicemail: copy user xml to a dynamic xml obj so you do not hold exclusive lock on global xml registry the whole time you are leaving a vm (r:16577)
2083	mod_voicemail: fix vm to inherit params from domain/group (r:16644)
2084	mod_voicemail: that shouldve been wrlock, and its missing an unlock (r:16647)
2085	mod_voicemail: add vm_list vm_delete and alias voicemail_inject to vm_inject (r:16673)
2086	mod_voicemail: update vm_list to include timestamps (r:17014)
2087	mod_voicemail: add vm_auto_play=false var if you do not wish the vm to auto-play new messages (r:17055)
2088	mod_voipcodecs: move mod_voipcodecs to use spandsp instead of libvoipcodecs (windows build to follow) (r:15036)
2089	mod_voipcodecs: move mod_voipcodecs to use spandsp instead of libvoipcodecs - windows (r:15088)
2090	mod_voipcodecs: rearrange codecs so we don't have crazy overlap and remove G723-32 and move it up to dynamic cuz people have nothing better to do then write stupid RFC's (r:16251)
2091	mod_xml_cdr: Allow specifying auth-scheme in config (MDXMLINT-56/r:16247)
2092	mod_xml_cdr: Add text/xml encoding and uuid to querystring for xml_cdr HTTP posting (XML-21/r:16570)
2093	mod_xml_cdr: Add param log-http-and-disk (bool) to let user log only to HTTP or to both (XML-16/r:16643)
2094	mod_xml_cdr: Fix regression (MODAPP-397/r:16656)
2095	mod_xml_curl: Fix crash when using use-dynamic-url (XML-10/r:14850)
2096	mod_xml_curl: Allow choice between HTTP Basic and Digest authentication (r:15107)
2097	mod_xml_curl: Don't use signals when a timeout is specified (XMLINT-13/r:15997)
2098	mod_xml_curl: change default to disable100continue, we don't acutally handle this case at all anyways, it just causes the request to fail (r:17102)
2099	mod_xml_rpc: Fix auth issue (XMLINT-54/r:14580)
2100	mod_xml_rpc: Fix crash in xml_rpc web interface (XML-23/r:16941)
2101	phrases: Add Recursive phrases support (FSCORE-458/r:15101)
2102	scripts: Fix Freeswitch gentls_cert script so the remove option works (FSBUILD-216/r:15965)
2103	support: add fscore_pb script for dumping core info directly to pastebin (r:14904)
2104	switch_utils: add a host lookup func (r:14653)
2105	mod_zeroconf: Move to unsupported (r:15429)
2108freeswitch (1.0.4)
2110	add: TextMate bundle for FreeSWITCH - thanks mrene (r:12559-12560)
2111	add: ZRTP Support please download your SDK from http://www.zfone.com and use build/buildzrtp.sh to build the lib. (r:13406)
2112	add: gdb helpers to .gdbinit
2113	all: numerous code cleanups, removal of unused variables
2114	all: update numerous Doxygen comments
2115	build: fix mod_flite (FSBUILD-126/r:12153)
2116	build: fix getlib.sh curl/wget detection (12175)
2117	build: add msvc 2005 project files (r:12197)
2118	build: rename spandsp project files windows (r:12195)
2119	build: fix spandsp windows build, msvc 2005 (r:12199-12202)
2120	build: merge x64 build for msvc9 (r:12207)
2121	build: add libtiff auto-download to msvc build (r:12212)
2122	build: update to match spandsp api (FSBUILD-129/r:12214)
2123	build: inital work on x64 windows build (FSBUILD-125/r:12215)
2124	build: fix spandsp msvc build issues (r:12218-12220,12223)
2125	build: fix msvc configuration manager for x64 targets in both 2008 sln files (r:12227)
2126	build: use compiler intrinsics for windows x64 build (FSBUILD-131/r:12245)
2127	build: fix version generator on windows (FSBUILD-115/FSBUILD-69/r:12247)
2128	build: fix various msvc build issues (r:12272-12276)
2129	build: silence nuisance sun cc warnings (r:12462)
2130	build: updated windows projects for flite (FSBUILD-128/FSBUILD-133/r:12477)
2131	build: download flite from right tarball location (FSBUILD-135/r:12482)
2132	build: rework Windows build for pocketsphinx 5.1 (MODASRTTS-13/r:12483,12541)
2133	build: fix automake 1.7 build (r:12487)
2134	build: build path cleanups (FSBUILD-130/r:12490)
2135	build: fix rebuild every time on msvc 2008 non team editions (FSBUILD-132/r:12492)
2136	build: add skypiax to sln file and fix some warnings (r:12502)
2137	build: fixed openzap.conf issue in deb package (r:12506)
2138	build: fix rlim_t build on Mac (FSCORE-325/r:12533)
2139	build: Solaris doesn't define RLIMIT_NPROC (FSCORE-326/r:12534)
2140	build: removal of file reference for flite (FSBUILD-139/r:12540)
2141	build: integrate mod_erlang_event into the buildsystem (FSBUILD-142/r:12587)
2142	build: Fix FreeBSD build (r:12678)
2143	build: fix libsoundtouch build dependencies after a configure failure (MODAPP-243/r:12783)
2144	build: fix odbc detection to not try to use odbc when no headers are installed (r:12788)
2145	build: add build of fs_ivrd (r:12843)
2146	build: sphinx downloads for windows (FSBUILD-146/r:12853)
2147	build: Build fails at bootstrap with libtool 2.2.6a (FSBUILD-82/r:12899)
2148	build: add python build dependency to debian package build (FSBUILD-145/r:12920)
2149	build: add libtool major version detection to configure in prep for supporting both libtool 2.x and 1.5.x at the same time (r:12922,12926-27)
2150	build: fix older gcc build (FSBUILD-150/r:12924)
2151	build: Add a fallback check in case libtool is not yet available in the builddir (get the version from build/config/ltmain.sh instead). print an error message and exit configure if that fails too (r:12933)
2152	build: Add mod_memcache (commented) to modules.conf.in (r:12955)
2153	build: make libtool version detection more robust (r:12979)
2154	build: we need DYNAMIC_LIB_EXTEN for mod_perl and others (r:13023)
2155	build: add mod_say_ru to modules.conf.in (r:13037)
2156	build: bump sounds version (r:13040)
2157	build: use different version file for moh version (r:13093)
2158	build: de-couple version numbers and builds of sound files and moh files (FSBUILD-153/r:13096)
2159	build: use sound_version.txt and moh_version.txt to determine sound file version on windows (FSBUILD-152/r:13097)
2160	build: use in tree libtiff for msvc build and fix some header generation checks (r:13097)
2161	build: clean esl on make current (r:13204,13205)
2162	build: fix warning-as-error that stops MSVC from building solution (FSCORE-367/r:13301)
2163	build: fix MSVC build issue from r13294 (FSBUILD-159/r:13302)
2164	build: remove broken code analysis test (r:13364)
2165	build: cleanup msvc code analysis warnings (r:13366)
2166	build: Add mod_file_string to build + misc cleaning and correction (FSBUILD-158/r:13367)
2167	build: add new files to debian package build (FSBUILD-148/r:13368)
2168	build: fix mod_file_string dependencies on windows (r:13370)
2169	build: fix mod_pocketsphinx build error (JANITOR-1/r:13372)
2170	build: fix PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE detection on SUSE 10 (r:13386,13390)
2171	build: remove regression caused by r13362 (r:13401)
2172	build: add mod_nibblebill (r:13462)
2173	build: fix msvc build (r:13467/FSBUILD-165)
2174	build: add siren to the default build and install (r:13470)
2175	build: add upnp to windows build (r:13535)
2176	build: fix msvc 64 bit build regression from upnp build (r:13538/FSBUILD-167)
2177	build: Check for ifaddrs.h before including it (r:13600/FSBUILD-168)
2178	build: fix jobserver unavailable bug in make -j (r:13623/FSBUILD-6)
2179	build: clean/uninstall disabled modules as well (r:13716/FSBUILD-85)
2180	build: fix msvc pcre build for pcre 7.9 (r:13729)
2181	build: trivial build fix (FSBUILD-174/r:13877)
2182	build: fix automake warnings about underquoted definitions in apr macros (FSBUILD-175/r:13882)
2183	build: make libtool version detection more portable (r:13926)
2184	build: change ODBC handling in code to be runtime instead of build time (r:13936)
2185	build: update of spec file for current trunk (FSBUILD-176/r:13988)
2186	build: replace mod_radius_cdr's Makefile.am with Makefile that pulls freeradius-client source when needed (r:14053)
2187	build: add experimental modules section to modules.conf.in (r:14062)
2188	build: allow comments (using ##) in modules.conf (r:14093)
2189	build: update to 0.6.0 celt codec (r:14206)
2190	build: fix 64 bit build of radius modules (FSBUILD-179/r:14201)
2191	build: use internal libtiff instead of system libtiff (r:14321)
2192	build: partial libsndfile build fix (FSBUILD-180/r14330)
2193	build: fix compile on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 (FSBUILD-178/r:14333)
2194	build:  nat pmp causes segfault on solaris, so we won't support upnp or nat pmp on solaris (FSCORE-410/r:14449)
2195	config: default config, calling own extension no longer goes to voicemail (r:12596)
2196	config: default config, 1000-1019 uses $${default_password} instead of hard-coded 1234 (FSCONFIG-5/r:12838)
2197	config: tweak the configs to bind siptrace on and off to F10 and F11 (r:12938)
2198	config: Update sample IVR to include ClueCon reg option :) (r:13043)
2199	config: Add ext 9991 as ClueCon ext; use transfer instead of bridge on demo ivr opt #4 (r:13046)
2200	config: remove invalid options from profiles (r:13153)
2201	config: add documention for dist-dtmf member flag in conference.conf.xml
2202	config: remove mailbox= attribute (r:13375)
2203	config: add default local stream (r:13376)
2204	config: small regex adjustment so we can dial PSTN numbers that happen to have 4000 in them (r:13409)
2205	config: you can call 9999 from a zrtp endpoint and enroll this should be replaced with an IVR to explain it a bit but most of the work happens client side at this point (r:13445)
2206	config: add mod_nibblebill (r:13458)
2207	config: clear up docs (r:13468)
2208	config: clarify zrtp docs in vars.xml and give link on where to get more info  (r:13469)
2209	config: tweaks to codecs in default config (r:13485)
2210	config: Add example of sending SAS from b-leg to display on a-leg's phone (r:13500)
2211	config: commit config options for new auto nat (r:13595)
2212	config: Remove use_profile from default dialplan, move to vars.xml, default value is 'internal'
2213	config: clean up configs and put wan.auto in by default commented out (r:13907)
2214	config: turn on rollover by default (r:13940)
2215	config: remove unused param comfort-noise-level from default conference config file (MODAPP-299/r:14350)
2216	core: fix suncc visibility support in libteletone (r:12154-12157)
2217	core: fix crash on FS shutdown with "..." (FSCORE-297/r:12173,12361,12402)
2218	core: add separate mutex for state related methods (r:12191)
2219	core: move media bug removal to hangup state (r:12225)
2220	core: create indexes for ODBC (r:12235)
2221	core: add direction col to sql db, add direction param to session_create, log DTMF digits to digits_dialed variable for CDR (r:12244)
2222	core: avoid operations on closed file handles in embedded languages (r:12255)
2223	core: fix bridging issue from r:12244 (FSCORE-308/r:12257)
2224	core: fix segfault after 2000 calls, 5 days uptime (FSCORE-309/r:12267-12270)
2225	core: fix crash in switch_ivr_digit_stream_parser_feed (MODAPP-221/r:12262)
2226	core: fix issue in monitor_early_media_fail (r:12271)
2227	core: fix leak in switch_event.c (r:12291-12292)
2228	core: clean up ivr_menu, prevent recursion (r:12295)
2229	core: improve memory usage (r:12317)
2230	core: fix leak in switch_ivr_async.c (r:12330)
2231	core: fix leak in switch_channel.c (r:12332)
2232	core: uuid_displace stopped working when limit arg used (MODAPP-225/r:12368)
2233	core: fix att_xfer media bug problem (FSCORE-317/r:12390)
2234	core: improve stability (FSCORE-297/FSCORE-305/FSCORE-315/r:12392,12403)
2235	core: add new state for CDR and leg_delay_start originate var (r:12403-12404)
2236	core: Make MESSAGE work with SIP PATH Exension (FSCORE-310/r:12426)
2237	core: fix uninitialized mutex in switch_core_media_bug (FSCORE-320/r:12428)
2238	core: fix segfault with eavesdrop (FSCORE-319/r:12429)
2239	core: add generic config parser - thanks mrene (r:12432)
2240	core: add sessions since start up to heartbeat event (r:12472)
2241	core: increase buffer size for regex api (MODAPP-228/r:12480)
2242	core: fix FreeSWITCH start failure - "Error: stacksize 240 is too large" (FSCORE-323/r:12509)
2243	core: unloading endpoint module now removes from endpoint list (MODENDP-196/r:12535)
2244	core: fix deadlock in fsctl hupall (r:12544)
2245	core: add origination_pricavy var to originate api (r:12546)
2246	core: increase stack limit for switch_system (FSCORE-328/r:12569)
2247	core: fix uuid_originate param not assigning uuid properly (FSCORE-322/r:12591)
2248	core: add check for a and b leg no answer on bridge (r:12595)
2249	core: fix origination_privacy var (r:12603)
2250	core: fix group_confirm regression from svn r12403 (r:12616)
2251	core: fix caller ID values not being set in CHANNEL_OUTGOING (FSCORE-336/r:12643)
2252	core: make -vg imply -waste so valgrind runs won't re-exec (r:12670)
2253	core: add apr_pool_mutex_set() to our apr to fix thread-saftey issue (r:12672)
2254	core: make port allocator more random (r:12673,12675)
2255	core: make switch_channel_get_variable strdup so the pointer returned is safe and clean up the state locking (r:12674)
2256	core: Empty audio files should not be created when RECORD_ANSWER_REQ is set to true and a call is not bridged (r:12682)
2257	core: add transfer_after_bridge var (r:12691)
2258	core: other_leg_unique_id incorrectly set when briding with using ',' (FSCORE-331/r:12704)
2259	core: make gaussian noise less noisy (FSCORE-340/r:12720)
2260	core: add import vars to FIFO (r:12722)
2261	core: fix switch_core_file_write method not writing the entire buffer to the file (FSCORE-341/r:12728)
2262	core: fix hanguphook order of operations vs destroy method issue in c++ code (r:12730)
2263	core: rearrange hangup callflow to do more work in the session's own thread (r:12784)
2264	core: Allow variables containing variables in set and export (MODAPP-241/r:12804)
2265	core: add read_terminator_used var (r:12840)
2266	core: change blocking rtp to psuedo-blocking to avoid endlessly blocking reads and refactor jitter buffer (r:12846)
2267	core: add rtp-autoflush profile param and rtp_autoflush var (r:12854)
2268	core: fix various small leaks (FSCORE-347/r:12873)
2269	core: add a couple, two tree stats (r:12913)
2270	core: fix play_and_get_digits to unset the var if the regex didn't match (r:12921)
2271	core: drop divide by 2 from normalize func (r12935)
2272	core: add missing begin/end, allow threads to read and play_and_get_digits methods (r:12958)
2273	core: fix windows calling conventions for modules with sub-modules broken in svn r12919 (r:12960)
2274	core: add flag to denote if a codec is init or not (FSCORE-349/r:12961)
2275	core: add more specific checks to new macro just to be safe (r:12973)
2276	core: change CS_DONE to CS_DESTROY and add state handler for destroy and tear down critical parts of the channel from this method which is not called until it's impossible for anything to be referencing the channel (after final write lock and before destroying the pool) (r:12986)
2277	core: fix regression from earlier commit (FSCORE-352/r:12987)
2278	core: expand channel variables for sound files in IVRs (MODAPP-257/r:13005)
2279	core: clone frames in loopback so we can smooth it out better, now with more memory usage (tm) maybe this will curb pepople from using it like candy (r:13011)
2280	core: run expand_vars if input contains a special escaped character not just when it contains a variable to eat up back slashes (r:13015)
2281	core: change names to be more explicit (r:13028)
2282	core: xml_config: Fix issue where default NULL strings were ignored on reload (r:13052)
2283	core: autoflush on bridge and add bridge_hangup_cause variable to indicate the hangup cause of the last bridged channel (r:13065)
2284	core: add record_ms, record_samples, playback_ms and playback_samples chanvars (r:13105)
2285	core: make state_handler macros not let you install the same one more than once (r:13111)
2286	core: Do not use struct fd_set uninitialized (always FD_ZERO() them, before using FD_SET() on a new one, or reusing them after select()). Fixes a segfault on solaris (r:13125)
2287	core: Fix missing UNPROTECT_INTERFACE in case pre_answer fails (r:13130)
2288	core: add record_waste_resources channel variable to send blank audio during recording (r:13144)
2289	core: add auto-sync idle timers in switch_time.c (r:13161)
2290	core: Add Q850 hangup cause variable (FSCORE-356/r:13163)
2291	core: keep presence up to date (r:13166)
2292	core: fix failed_xml_cdr_prefix is processed before all variables for the b-leg have been generated (FSCORE-357/r:13167,13176,13264,13274,13285)
2293	core: failed_xml_cdr_prefix doesn't work for list of destinations separated by pipe (FSCORE-359/r:13209)
2294	core: add support for gcc 4.4.0 (FSCORE-355/r:13210)
2295	core: add resume command to event socket and socket_resume variable (r:13212)
2296	core: prevent buffer destroy race (r:13219)
2297	core: move originate retry related vars to only be in {} not in channel variable list (r:13225)
2298	core: Make { } vars take precedence over channel variables (r:13228)
2299	core: fix memory issue in core file resampling code (r:13233)
2300	core: fix play and get digits when using phrase macros (r:13244)
2301	core: Don't set the caller name to origination_uuid's value (r:13248)
2302	core: Add switch_xml_parse_str_dynamic and switch_xml_parse_str_dup (r:13255)
2303	core: In IVR menu use menu-timeout instead of menu-inter-digit-timeout when no digits have been entered (r:13279)
2304	core: fix segault on OpenSolaris 2009.06 snv_111a (FSCORE-365/r:13286)
2305	core: allow socket app to operate without pre_answer (r:13294)
2306	core: ensure vasprintf is available on linux (FSBUILD-160/r:13358,13361)
2307	core: setgroup/initgroup availability on linux (FSBUILD-160/r:13359)
2308	core: use uint16_t instead of u_short (FSBUILD-160/r:13360)
2309	core: add configure checks for tm->tm_gmtoff and tm->tm_zone (FSBUILD-160/r:13362)
2310	core: Fix IVR key response broken when multiple files are played (MODAPP-280/r:13382)
2311	core: fixx off-by-one in xml preprocessor (r:13385)
2312	core: fix windows pch (r:13392)
2313	core: fix segfault on out of memory situation.  (r:13398/FSCORE-366)
2314	core: treat app::arg syntax in execute_on_answer as a broadcast request (r:13400)
2315	core: use our own handler so it won't get overriden by anyone if zrtp is on (r:13411)
2316	core: fix backslash getting removed from regex when using mod_xml_curl (r:13414/FSCORE-370)
2317	core: fix handle leak in switch_thread_self on windows (r:13421/FSCORE-371)
2318	core: allow switching from secure to clear and back (r:13422)
2319	core: add more options to zrtp (r:13424)
2320	core: add buffer flush (r:13425)
2321	core: add some stuff for zrtp (r:13426)
2322	core: can't flush because you have a chance of dumping zrtp control frames (r:13427)
2323	core: add zrtp_sas1_string and zrtp_sas2_string variables (r:13429)
2324	core: zrtp - this should make sure the secure mitm has a chance over latent connections (r:13436)
2325	core: properly detect unterminated (r:13438)
2326	core: zrtp - fix mitm to be more reliable (r:13443)
2327	core: zrtp - mark verified (r:13444)
2328	core: zrtp_secure_media=true will have to be set to true in order for your zrtp to work moving forward similar to how srtp_secure_media works.(r:13461)
2329	core: prevent zrtp and srtp at the same time (r:13486)
2330	core: add CALL_SECURE event (r:13487)
2331	core: add show secure channel status in "show channels" output (r:13502/FSRTP-2)
2332	core: add CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE event to take the place of CHANNEL_HANGUP, CHANNEL_HANGUP now fires as soon as the channel is hungup but you must wait for CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE for the CDR data (r:13505)
2333	core: fix core dump when calling session.execute (r:13508/FSCORE-373)
2334	core: add netmask detection for nat discovery work (r:13549)
2335	core: fix order of ops to enable logging sooner (r:13556)
2336	core: add hunt_caller_profile (r:13625,13626)
2337	core: add usec delta to log (r:13647)
2338	core: add padding to cycles on session_record (r:13648)
2339	core: Export swtich_inet_ntop so modules can use it (r:13738)
2340	core: record_sample_rate variable influences the rate record app will use (r:13767,13768,13769)
2341	core: init buffer in lead out on speak (r:13787)
2342	core: add local_var_clobber variable for {} to set if [] vars should clobber {} vars (default false) (r:13842)
2343	core: Fix switch_odbc_handle_callback_exec_detailed to handle floating point database columns properly (FSCORE-384/r:13866)
2344	core: set sound path in say app (r:13904)
2345	core: add wan.auto acl (r:13905)
2346	core: Fix ACL nat.auto (FSCORE-385/r:13925)
2347	core: add hostname variable (FSCORE-374/r:13982)
2348	core: decrement RWLOCK->rwlock->__data->__nr_readers after Redirect/Transfer (FSCORE-391/r:14030)
2349	core: add features to nat-pmp (Thanks Rupa) (FSCORE-381/r:14055)
2350	core: fix error message that gives wrong stack size (FSCORE-395/r:14058)
2351	core: Fix IVR menu timeout issue (MODAPP-301/r:14129)
2352	core: add time of day routing attrs to condition tags in xml dialplan (r:14137)
2353	core: change timing for media bug recording *yet again* (r:14143)
2354	core: Fix voicemail rewind key, improve file seek (MODAPP-305/FSCORE-401/r:14199)
2355	core: Fix uPNP for WRT-54TG-TM (FSCORE-402/r:14241)
2356	core: group_confirm_cancel_timeout=true to stop timers once a group_confirm is triggered (r:14247)
2357	core: Fix record_sample_rate when using stereo (FSCORE-403/r:14283)
2358	core: hit the xml registry to look up path information for the say app (r:14310)
2359	core: timeout calls stuck in CS_NEW after 1 minute (r:14313)
2360	core: use FREESWITCH_OPTS env var to hold a string of desired command line switches (r:14352)
2361	core: Handle UPNP from pfsense sending malformed header (FSCORE-405/r:14373)
2362	core: add switch_sockaddr_equal (LBAPR-3/r:14397)
2363	core: fix missing UNPROTECT_INTERFACE (r:14398)
2364	core: fire_asr_events should be true/false (FSCORE-406/r:14447)
2365	docs: Fix filename references in phrase_en.xml (r:12976)
2366	docs: Update phrase_en.xml to include v1.0.8 sound prompts (r:13041)
2367	docs: Updates to phrase_es.xml (r:13067)
2368	docs: Latest revision of Spanish prompts file (r:13115)
2369	docs: switch_core.h doxygen update (r:13181)
2370	docs: Add ZRTP phrases to phrase_en.xml (r:13488,13489,13490)
2371	docs: Add Stephane Alnet's French translations to phrase_fr.xml (r:13624)
2372	docs: Add AGL3.0 for zrtp (r:13848)
2373	formats: add mod_portaudio_stream to get audio from any dev (MODFORM-25/r:12178)
2374	fs_cli: fix solaris build (r:12160)
2375	ivr: make tts-engine and tts-voice valid attributes on the menu xml (r:12278)
2376	libapr: fix solaris build (r:13671/FSBUILD-169)
2377	libapr-util: add xml/expat stuff back to apr-utils (requires re-bootstrap) (r:13289,13290)
2378	libdingaling: hijack gcrypt init call to fix threadsafe race in dingaling and fix buffer overrun in iksemel (r:12575)
2379	libdingaling: add ldl_handle_running (r:13085)
2380	libdingaling: add a function to check for connected and authorized (r:13100)
2381	libdingaling: fix auto-restart on disconnect (r:13134)
2382	libesl: add api, bgapi methods (r:12179)
2383	libesl: add ruby example (r:12180)
2384	libesl: add python example (r:12184)
2385	libesl: fix missing Event-Name param (MODEVENT-39/r:12311)
2386	libesl: example of using esl to get events for ASR (r:12344)
2387	libesl: improved filter handling (r:12488-12489)
2388	libesl: fix ESL segfault when bgapi is called twice and BACKGROUD_JOB events are subscribed (ESL-5/r:12525)
2389	libesl: fix illegal free when invalid bgapi originate args (ESL-8/r:12623)
2390	libesl: add disconnect method; add ivrd (r:12724)
2391	libesl: add command line args to single_command.py example (ESL-9/r:12729)
2392	libesl: check in ESL::IVR perl mod (r:12760)
2393	libesl: fix ruby linking on debian (ESL-7/r:12805)
2394	libesl: fix esl coredumps in esl_event_serialize when using sendEvent from PHP (ESL-11/r:12884)
2395	libesl: add event name when sending (r:12889)
2396	libesl: add ESL::IVR::setVar from intralanman (r:12917)
2397	libesl: fix ESL/IVR to include the regex (r:12921)
2398	libesl: fix ctrl-D in fs_cli not to exit unless cmd line is empty (ESL-13/r:12952)
2399	libesl: fix undef check (r:13012)
2400	libesl: kill zombies (r:13013)
2401	libesl: don't double encode events when sending them  (r:13078)
2402	libesl: adding sendevent example for esl perl (r:13079)
2403	libesl: send content len with body in esl sendevent (r:13168)
2404	libesl: add arbitrary notify (r:13188)
2405	libesl: fix Phantom events when doing several bgapi calls without interleaving them with recvEvent (ESL-12/r:13217)
2406	libesl: add Ruby example for ESL (ESL-15/r:13235)
2407	libesl: add INFO example for Perl (r:13293)
2408	libesl: add socketDescriptor() method to ESL::Connection obj (r:13770)
2409	libesl: add prelims for Java ESL (r:13949,13950)
2410	libesl: add fs_cli command line editing (FSCORE-389/r:13964)
2411	libiksemel: let return 0 be a failure on read in iks to avoid cpu race (r:13123,13124,13133)
2412	libnatpmp: add (r:13510)
2413	libnspr: fix bsd port packaging (r:13715/FSBUILD-170)
2414	libpcre: update to pcre 7.9 (r:13706)
2415	libsndfile: add executable permissions to libs/libsndfile/src/create_symbols_file.py (FSBUILD-134/r:12535)
2416	libsndfile: update to 1.0.19 (r:13415/LBSNDF-7)
2417	libsofiasip: su.h - define su_family via struct sockaddr (r:12260)
2418	libsofiasip: sip_parser.c - fixed sip_transport_d() (r:12261)
2419	libsofiasip: Fix compile time out-of-bounds error in su_uniqueid.c (SFSIP-136/r:12914)
2420	libsofiasip: make info work out of dialog (r:13087)
2421	libsofiasip: silence solaris warning from missing braces (SFSIP-132/r:13369)
2422	libsofiasip: subscription-state subexp-params missing (r:13439/SFSIP-148)
2423	libsofiasip: fix re-register after 423 w/ Min-Expires (r:13619/SFSIP-143)
2424	libsofiasip: use addres, id, and version from user sdp if they exist (r:13621)
2425	libsofiasip: handle mid-line comments in resolv.conf patch from Lee Verberne (SFSIP-152/r:13749)
2426	libsofiasip: fix CNAME record resolve failure (SFSIP-129/r:13915)
2427	libspandsp: update to snapshot 20090308 (r:12514)
2428	libspandsp: update to snapshot spandsp-20090421 (r:13086)
2429	libspandsp: update to snapshot spandsp-20090427 (r:13177)
2430	libspandsp: update to spandsp-0.0.6pre12 (r:13311)
2431	libspandsp: use __cdecl calling convention for span_rx_handler_t and span_tx_handler_t type functions (r:13509)
2432	libspandsp: update to spandsp snapshot 20090714 (r:14316)
2433	libspandsp: add --enable-builtin-tiff configure arg to tell spandsp to use pre-built libtiff in parallel directory (r:14318)
2434	libspeex: Add visibility support for suncc on solaris (r:13117,13118)
2435	libteletone: update api visibility macros for windows
2436	libtiff: add libtiff, v3.8.2
2437	libxmlrpc: add select to read socket in abyss so we can timeout (r:13107)
2438	libxmlrpc: fix segfault (MODAPP-293/r:13906)
2439	mod_cdr_csv: add option to disable creation of multiple files if account code is set (MODEVENT-44/r:13968)
2440	mod_cidlookup: add new module, mod_cidlookup (r:12990)
2441	mod_cidlookup: switch to using CURL instead of mod_http (r:12992)
2442	mod_cidlookup: add config file (r:12994)
2443	mod_cidlookup: set initial value for status (r:13029)
2444	mod_clue_choo: add new module, mod_clue_choo (r:13068,13069,13070)
2445	mod_commands: Add show api [name] and show application [name] (r:12296)
2446	mod_commands: fix header_string "key" from being set twice from SWITCH_STANDARD_API(user_data_function) (MODAPP-242/r:12786)
2447	mod_commands: add show modules functionality (MODAPP-227/r:12806)
2448	mod_commands: add echo api command (echo back exact input) and add expand api command (executes another api command with variable expansion) (r:13101,13102)
2449	mod_commands: add "stun" fsapi command (r:13137)
2450	mod_commands: mod_commands: if no bind ip specified for stun fsapi command, use the guess ip (r:13140)
2451	mod_commands: add show channels like %foo% (no % in the string implies wrapped in %, no spaces allowed in match string (r:13193)
2452	mod_commands: Add max-sessions to status (MODAPP-254/r:13373)
2453	mod_commands: remove double safe_free's (r:13453,13454,13455)
2454	mod_commands: add nat_map API (r:13531)
2455	mod_commands: add show distinct_channels (mix of show channels and show calls) (r:13944)
2456	mod_commands: allow xml_locate to just take section (r:14317)
2457	mod_conference: fix read terminating on single digit when called from a meta-app inside a conference (MODAPP-226/r:12466)
2458	mod_conference: recording members should be invisible to commands (MODAPP-233/r:12582)
2459	mod_conference: add lock caller_control (r:12787)
2460	mod_conference: only first call to a conf requires a profile; fix bgdial (MODAPP-245/r:12809)
2461	mod_conference: add conference_enforce_security variable to bypass or require pin or locked flag (r:12863)
2462	mod_conference: clean up pin prommpting and make local override stay local (r:12864)
2463	mod_conference: keep new conference locked the whole time during transfer (r:12988)
2464	mod_conference: allow setting the moh_sound from a variable (r:13042)
2465	mod_conference: set perpetual_sound from channel var (r:13048)
2466	mod_conference: increase sanity timer for conference auto-record to 120 seconds (r:13104)
2467	mod_conference: serialize (r:13116)
2468	mod_conference: dist-dtmf flag in conference (r:13191)
2469	mod_conference: add transfer action to caller-controls (r:13194)
2470	mod_conference: fix dtmf queue issue in dist-dtmf feature (MODAPP-268/r:13206)
2471	mod_conference: add execute_application to custom controls (r:13216)
2472	mod_conference: disallow spaces in conference names (MODAPP-219/r:13313)
2473	mod_console: Fix mod_console (missing FD_ZERO before FD_SET) (r:13126)
2474	mod_conference: add conference wait-mod flags and member moderator flag to delay starting a conference until someone with a moderator flag has joined (r:13442)
2475	mod_conference: add member-type header to relevant events (r:13471)
2476	mod_conference: make endconf count cumulative (r:13526)
2477	mod_conference: don't transfer back to the same conference (r:13638)
2478	mod_conference: Add Job-UUID to conference bgdial  (MODAPP-304/r:14161)
2479	mod_curl: Add mod_curl (API for querying Web resources) and moved mod_http to experimental because of probable leaks (r:14092)
2480	mod_curl: Add ability to make a post request from dialplan (MODAPP-307/r:14348)
2481	mod_dahdi_codec: delay init of resources until the first time they are actually used to avoid unnecessary waste of resources in hardware codec (r:12962)
2482	mod_dahdi_codec: set mod_dahdi_codec dahdi transcoding device sockets to non-blocking to avoid hanging when there is no data and just return 0 bytes frame (MODCODEC-8/r:13257)
2483	mod_dahdi_codec: added proper waiting (up to 10ms) for the DAHDI transcoder output frame (r:13262)
2484	mod_dahdi_codec: return silence frame in dahdi codec when there is no output from the decoder (r:13265)
2485	mod_dahdi_codec: add 30ms G729 codec in mod_dahdi_codec (r:13404)
2486	mod_dialplan_xml: add min of day to time rules (r:14378)
2487	mod_dingaling: fix crash when unloading/reload mod_dingaling (LBDING-13/r:12612)
2488	mod_dingaling: fix no sound if phone picked up after 5th dingaling on Gtalk client (MODENDP-198/r:12641)
2489	mod_dingaling: fix core dump when calling Gtalk enabled FS using leg_timeout (MODENDP-199/r:12641)
2490	mod_dingaling: dl_login command line Usage and parameter doesn't match (MODENDP-202/r:12680)
2491	mod_dingaling: fix unload mod_dingaling core dump (MODENDP-204/r:12680)
2492	mod_dingaling: fix small memory (r:13374)
2493	mod_dingaling: fix potential core dump (MODENDP-230/r:14296)
2494	mod_dptools: prevent system crash when "user" in originate dialstring (FSCORE-313/r:12395)
2495	mod_dptools: added sched_heartbeat and enable_heartbeat dialplan apps (r:12491)
2496	mod_dptools: fix b & c legs not bridging when attended transfer used (FSCORE-334/r:12649)
2497	mod_dptools: Custom events fired from event application bypass filtering mechanism (MODAPP-249/r:12894)
2498	mod_dptools: change inline limit from 4 to 128 apps (MODAPP-253/r:12957)
2499	mod_dptools: improvements to presence function (r:13164)
2500	mod_dptools: add group_recurse_variables and user_recurse_variables to {} vars (default is true, set to false to not pass vars down to user or group channels) (r:13241,13246)
2501	mod_dptools: add param dial-timeout to directory (MODAPP-271/r:13247)
2502	mod_dptools: add set current_application_response channel variable (MODAPP-273/r:13298)
2503	mod_dptools: fix SEGV in strncasecmp call (MODAPP-278/r:13317)
2504	mod_dptools: fix leaks (r:13446, 13447, 13448)
2505	mod_dptools: add sleep_eat_digits channel variable (r:14102)
2506	mod_easyroute: fix leak (r:13449)
2507	mod_enum: fix enum_auto_route (MODAPP220/r:12243)
2508	mod_erlang_event: Bind to instead of by default; like most erlang nodes do. (r:12249)
2509	mod_erlang_event: Reply appropriately to net_adm:ping() (r:13066)
2510	mod_erlang_event: snprintf needs a format string too, and write has the warn_unused_result attribute set, so store the return value somewhere (r:13090)
2511	mod_erlang_event: fix erlang autoconf macro to deal with edge cases (MODEVENT-45/r:13288)
2512	mod_erlang_event: fix FreeSWITCH crashing when sending traffic (FSCORE-379/r:13746)
2513	mod_event_socket: disallow unloading mod_event_socket from event socket (r:12326,12334)
2514	mod_event_socket: fix api_exec crash on OSX (MODEVENT-40,r:12349)
2515	mod_event_socket: move connect command to always work on outbound socket not just the first time (r:12723)
2516	mod_event_socket: add nat-map option to mod_event_socket (r:13567)
2517	mod_event_socket: sendevent Fire events with correct event-name and subclass (MODEVENT-41/r:14354)
2518	mod_fax: can't print base 8 number that has a 9 in it.. use stringified version instead (r:13312)
2519	mod_fifo: consumer callback waiting an option in fifo.conf.xml (r:12685)
2520	mod_fifo: add fire events on bridge in fifo (r:12791)
2521	mod_fifo: fix fifo re-parse crash (FSCORE-343/r:12855)
2522	mod_fifo: fix uuid_transfer into mod_conference audio issue (MODAPP-259/r:13030)
2523	mod_fifo: add  fifo_orbit_dialplan and fifo_orbit_context vars (MODAPP-189/r:13038)
2524	mod_fifo: don't do wrapup when agent is in nowait mode or call has ended (r:13094)
2525	mod_fifo: don't call all members on on-hook mode and round robin based on next_avail (MODAPP-272/r:13240,13242)
2526	mod_fifo: abandon outbound calls when they are not needed, place queue name in the caller id (r:13240)
2527	mod_fifo: add "fifo_destroy_after_use" variable to allow quick destruction of one-time use FIFO queues (MODAPP-287/r:13897)
2528	mod_file_string: add new module, allows for playing ! delimited lists of sound files (r:13182)
2529	mod_flite: three new voices - rms, awb (male), slt (female) (r:12166)
2530	mod_flite: mod_flite_shutdown not called/used (MODASRTTS-15/r:13270)
2531	mod_g723_1: add more ptimes (r:14095)
2532	mod_iax: make mod_iax async (r:13021)
2533	mod_iax: autoflush these channels that use queues (r:13057)
2534	mod_lcr: allow channel vars in custom_sql (r:12198)
2535	mod_lcr: Add ifdefs around odbc calls in shutdown function (r:13268)
2536	mod_lcr: Adjust handling of strip parameters so entire number can be stripped (MODAPP-279/r:13365)
2537	mod_lcr: honor effective_caller_id_number for CID override (r:13611)
2538	mod_lcr: Add variable expansion in cid regexp processing (MODAPP-309/r:14287)
2539	mod_lcr: add "as xml" option (r:14311)
2540	mod_limit: Add events and a shutdown function (r:12497)
2541	mod_limit: close odbc handle (r:12632)
2542	mod_limit: Add more error checking to hash api/app (r:13007)
2543	mod_limit: prevent multiple bindings of the same event_hooks to make code simpler in mod_limit (MODAPP-264/r:13113)
2544	mod_limit: Move over-limit messages down to INFO (MODAPP-308/r:14275)
2545	mod_limit: Refactor and add limit_hash_execute application (see wiki) (r:14401)
2546	mod_local_stream: Add show_local_stream [stream name] (MODFORM-27/r:13165)
2547	mod_local_stream: fail over to default if desired stream is not found (r:13184,13185,13186)
2548	mod_local_stream: refactor resampling in mod_local_stream (r:13222)
2549	mod_loopback: mod_lopback: other_loopback _leg_uuid variables are sometimes unset while executing the dialplan (MODENDP-210/r:12905)
2550	mod_loopback: destroy codec (r:12936)
2551	mod_loopback: fix loopback channels that stay alive (FSCORE-349/r:12944,12953)
2552	mod_loopback: flush queued frames on audio sync event (r:13018)
2553	mod_loopback: autoflush these channels that use queues (r:13057)
2554	mod_loopback: pass flush indications across to the b leg (r:13146)
2555	mod_loopback: make mod_loopback render silence to prevent livelock (r:13147)
2556	mod_loopback: drop excess frames on loopback channel (r:13156,13157,13158)
2557	mod_loopback: add loopback_bowout variable (set to false to skip auto-bowout) (r:13162)
2558	mod_loopback: mod_loopback plays noise instead of silence (MODENDP-216/r:13214)
2559	mod_lua: windows build changes to support externally built modules. (MODLANG-101/r:12237)
2560	mod_lua: fix visibility support (FSCORE-302/r:12239-12240)
2561	mod_lua: fix windows build (FSBUILD-149/r:12919)
2562	mod_lua: fix memory leak (MODLANG-111/r:13298)
2563	mod_lua: fix error checking to be more reasonable (MODLANG-116/r:13993)
2564	mod_lua: fix  memory leak in xml binding (MODLAN-113/r:14158)
2565	mod_managed: fix recursive file record during file playback issue (r:13551/IRC-00)
2566	mod_managed: New mod_managed with multi-appdomain (reloading) and scripting support (r:14364)
2567	mod_memcache: add new module, mod_memcache; API for memcached (r:12871)
2568	mod_memcache: make -ERR for API call less verbose  (r:12949)
2569	mod_memcache: add hook reloadxml event (r:12950)
2570	mod_memcache: unbind the reloadxml event handler on shutdown (r:12954)
2571	mod_memcache: Fix C99 error, move var declaration out of the "for()" statement (no -std=c99?) (r:12959)
2572	mod_memcache: cleanup xml config handling (r:13050,13051)
2573	mod_memcache: fix compile failure (MODAPP-292/r:13883)
2574	mod_native_file: add fh->pos setting (MODFORM-34/r:14388)
2575	mod_nibblebill: mod_nibblebill question: DB Error while updating cash (MODAPP-229/r:12907)
2576	mod_nibblebill: Updated mod_nibblebill to work properly w/ postgres fields  (r:13031)
2577	mod_nibblebill: Added feature mod_nibblebill to check balance and transfer the caller to an alternate dialplan context & extension if they deplete their funds. (r:13432)
2578	mod_nibblebill: cleanup, fix leak (r:13463)
2579	mod_nibblebill: fix segfault (MODAPP-286/r:13662)
2580	mod_nibblebill: Fixed nibblebill to bill on call start (r:13753)
2581	mod_nibblebill: code before declaration (FSBUILD-172/r:13755)
2582	mod_opal: Fixed transmission of Q.931 Calling-Party-Number, and DisplayName on H.323 Setup (r:12347)
2583	mod_opal: allocate frame from session pool so it will not go out of scope (r:12811)
2584	mod_opal: disable visibility support broken in newer gcc (MODENDP-190/r:12923)
2585	mod_opal: add dtmf method to mod_opal (r:13002)
2586	mod_opal: Applied patch to fix some race conditions on call termination (r:13014)
2587	mod_opal: prevent endless loop (r:13034)
2588	mod_opal: Fixed ability to send a string as user indications (DTMF) (r:13049)
2589	mod_opal: try to flag CNG frames (MODOPAL-6/r:13098)
2590	mod_opal: Fixed incorrect include path (r:13239)
2591	mod_perl: Libtool build fix for mod_perl: use LIBTOOL_LIB_EXTEN to make libtool-2.2 happy and CXXLINK since we are linking a C++ lib (r:13080)
2592	mod_pocketsphinx: Revamp mod_pocketsphinx to use jsgf format (r:12224)
2593	mod_pocketsphinx: now you can specify the dictionary to use in the config file (r:13747)
2594	mod_pocketsphinx: add language weight (r:13910)
2595	mod_portaudio: fix audio issue in portaudio (r:12669)
2596	mod_python: fix core dump when using startup script (MODLANG-106/r:12648)
2597	mod_python: fix python failing during loading startup modules (MODLANG-105/r:12658)
2598	mod_python: fix EventConsumer::pop() can deadlock mod_python (MODLANG-109/r:12849)
2599	mod_python: fix seg on unload when scripts are running (MODLANG-107/r:13721)
2600	mod_say_en: fix missing "at" in time readback, change from cardinal to ordinal numbers on dates, e.g. "January 20th" vs. "January 20" (MODAPP-263/r:13099)
2601	mod_say_en: tweak grammar (MODAPP-310/r:14351)
2602	mod_say_es: Add stub phrase_es.xml (r:13019)
2603	mod_say_ru: add Russian language say module and config files (r:12966-12971)
2604	mod_say_ru: change encoding on phrase_ru.xml from cp1251 to utf8 (r:12974)
2605	mod_say_ru: add .wav and small fix (r:13000)
2606	mod_say_ru: change char million,thousand to enum (r:13009)
2607	mod_say_ru: rename currency (r:13024)
2608	mod_say_ru: change dollars and cents to rubles and kopecks (r:13025)
2609	mod_say_ru: add ru_ip (r:13026)
2610	mod_say_ru: Update phrase_ru.xml to include v1.0.8 sound prompts (r:13044,13045)
2611	mod_say_ru: add russian language support and makefile targets (r:14091)
2612	mod_say_ru: add mod_say_ru to windows build (r:14246)
2613	mod_shell_stream: Initial commit (r:13851)
2614	mod_shout: Fix race conditions; fix stutter when first 64k is drained from shoutcast stream (r:13218)
2615	mod_shout: bring media back so telecast of a no-media call will work. (MODFORM-28/r:13895)
2616	mod_shout: add mp3 improvements in seeking, cleanup (MODFORM-32/r:14223)
2617	mod_skel: add more example code and info (r:12459)
2618	mod_skypiax: move to trunk (r:12167)
2619	mod_skypiax: fix hang on invalid mod_skypiax.conf.xml (MODSKYPIAX-21/r:12320-12322,12343)
2620	mod_skypiax: modified configs/startskype.sh to specify which unix user will start the Skype client instance (r:12937)
2621	mod_skypiax: fixed assignment before declaration on Windows VC++ (r:12956)
2622	mod_skypiax: great startup speedup in Windows (using only one Broadcast sendmessage for each interface hunting) (r:13083)
2623	mod_skypiax: when repeatedly you try to connect to non-existing Skype account in a short period, the Skype client send you back the two halves of the message 'ERROR 92 CALL: Unrecognised identity' inverted in a way that breaks the flux of the API messages. Maybe an anti-spam feature? Anyway, let's try to work around it and restore sanity with a 1 second delay (r:13663)
2624	mod_skypiax: the Skype client sends us BOTH inband and out_of_band DTMFs, no way to shut the inbands. Let's intercept the out_of_bands ONLY if we are not bridged (eg: IVR, so not to waste CPU in detecting inband), but not propagate the out_of_band DTMFs if we are bridged (inband ones will be propagated) (r:13664)
2625	mod_skypiax: now it manages the REMOTEHOLD status, when the remote party puts the call on-hold (r:13667)
2626	mod_skypiax: removed FARMING ifdefs (r:13810)
2627	mod_skypiax: added XInitThreads() to configs/client.c, now is kind of a reliable tool (r:14125)
2628	mod_skypiax: added directory 'alsa', contains customized snd-dummy ALSA driver (r:14335)
2629	mod_skypiax: added directory 'kernel', contains .config file for compilation of kernel (64bit) tickless and 100HZ. (r:14336)
2630	mod_skypiax: added directory 'configs/multiple-instance-same-skype-username', contains configuration file and script to launch Skype clients with multiple instances of the same skype user (r:14337)
2631	mod_skypiax: added configs/windows-service directory, contains batch files needed to start skype instances as service, and then start FreeSWITCH (r:14359)
2632	mod_skypiax: patch from Muhammad Shahzad for adding and removing interfaces on the fly (r:14367)
2633	mod_skypiax: manage the 'BUSY' call status message (r:14371)
2634	mod_skypiax: manage the 'WAITING_REDIAL_COMMAND' call status message (r:14372)
2635	mod_skypiax: patch from Seven Du for hunting IDLE channels in a round-robin way (RR interface vs ANY interface). patch from Seven Du for removing interface as #'interface_id' and #'interface_name'. gmaruzz (meh) patch interface_remove() not to alter the global 'running' variable (it would cause all running signaling and API thread to exit) but to use a newly added tech_pvt->running variable. Also, changed behavior of interface_exists() for correct identification when using #interface_name and #interface_id. PLEASE TEST IT HEAVILY (r:14410)
2636	mod_skypiax: fixed crash when you set an interface as 'sk' console, then remove the interface, then use the 'sk' command to send a message to the API (it try to use a non-existing interface) (r:14411)
2637	mod_skypiax: now interprets correctly the_interface whichever it is: interface_id, interface_name, skype_username. And reload works too :-) (r:14414)
2638	mod_skypiax: fix segfault when used with record_session (MODSKYPIAX-35/r:14444)
2639	mod_skypiax: fix STATE_PRERING/STATE_DOWN issue (MODSKYPIAX-42/r:14453)
2640	mod_sndfile: fix off by one error (MODFORM-29/r:13890)
2641	mod_sndfile:  update pos on the file handle on reads (MODFORM-33/r:14377)
2642	mod_sofia: allow you to set invite, to and from params independently (r:12287)
2643	mod_sofia: allow add params to a contact that isn't a gateway (r:12289)
2644	mod_sofia: add sip_route_uri var to set proxy route (r:12408)
2645	mod_sofia: add sip_send_to Sofia dial param (MODEND-195/r:12409)
2646	mod_sofia: add siptrace on/off to sofia command (r:12410,12412)
2647	mod_sofia: add network_ip and network_port to registration ODBC table and registration event (MODENDP-194/r:12414)
2648	mod_sofia: add configurable outgoing cid types (r:12427)
2649	mod_sofia: send SIP INFO DTMF to the bridged leg in bypass media mode (FSCORE-263)
2650	mod_sofia: add extension-in-contact param for rare cases when provider makes you say a certain contact user (r:12511)
2651	mod_sofia: add contact-host param to gateways (r:12531)
2652	mod_sofia: add sip_from_display var and fix backwards switch_strisr calls (r:12566)
2653	mod_sofia: remove Redundant NTATAG_DEFAULT_PROXY (MODENDP-197/r:12583)
2654	mod_sofia: reset rtp timer on unhold operation (r:12617)
2655	mod_sofia: fix G.722 call with broken ptime triggers crash after transfer between contexts (FSCORE-337/r:12647)
2656	mod_sofia: fix presence subscription not automatically refreshed due to wrong Contact in 202 (refer accepted) response. (MODENDP-201/r:12657)
2657	mod_sofia: fix random segfaults (FSCORE-322/r:12676)
2658	mod_sofia: fix registration issue (r:/12715)
2659	mod_sofia: add username and realm to sip db (r:12785)
2660	mod_sofia: fix subscriptions  being checked even though it belongs to other host (MODAPP-207/r:12792)
2661	mod_sofia: reduce exponential mwi notifies (r:12801)
2662	mod_sofia: don't auto-disable, just warn on RFC2833 in transcoded call (r:12815)
2663	mod_sofia: add 603 for now (r:12883)
2664	mod_sofia: make nat options ping configurable and leave it off by default (r:12897)
2665	mod_sofia: continue_on_fail broken on SVN12881 (MODENDP-209/r:12902)
2666	mod_sofia: add rtp-autofix-timing (defauts to true even when not present) set to false to disable it (FSCORE-281/r:12903,12904)
2667	mod_sofia: add set r_sdp_codec_string to list of codecs offered in inbound call dsp (MODENDP-206/r:12946)
2668	mod_sofia: add sip_call_info variable (SFSIP-138/r:12977)
2669	mod_sofia: move rtp stats up to where they will be more useful (r:13017)
2670	mod_sofia: fix FreeSWITCH/SIPX transfer issue (SFSIP-86/r:13032)
2671	mod_sofia: ndlb_sendrecv_in_session var NDLB-sendrecv-in-session profile option to reverse the effects of MODENDP-148 (r:13084)
2672	mod_sofia: add sip info to event_socket gateway (r:13088)
2673	mod_sofia: switch_add_event_header needs a format specifier, or >=gcc-4.3 will be very unhappy (r:13089)
2674	mod_sofia: add calls count and failed calls count to sofia profile sorted by direction (r:13103)
2675	mod_sofia: only pass 2833 while bridged and while bridged to another channel that uses our RTP stack (r:13131)
2676	mod_sofia: send-message-query-on-register profile param, set it to false to disable default of true (r:13139)
2677	mod_sofia: fix segfault in sofia xmlstatus profile command (MODENDP-214/r:13141)
2678	mod_sofia: add contact lookup (r:13169)
2679	mod_sofia: parse out alert-info and call-info from infos (r:13173)
2680	mod_sofia: add arbitrary notify (r:13187,13189)
2681	mod_sofia: add experimental NDLB-connectile-dysfunction-2.0 (r:13197~13203)
2682	mod_sofia: allow register-transport (MODENDP-217/r:13226)
2683	mod_sofia: fix mem corruption on failed register (r:13229,13230)
2684	mod_sofia: Ignore ptime when missing instead of using @0i (MODENDP-206/r:13231)
2685	mod_sofia: fix evil send myself a refer bug (FSCORE-350/r:13237)
2686	mod_sofia: Add sofia profile params to fine-tune timers (r:13245)
2687	mod_sofia: Fix incoming anonymous from MetaSwitch will not bridge (SFSIP-144/r:13266)
2688	mod_sofia: Fix command "sofia xmlstatus profile internal reg" returns invalid xml text (SFSIP-145/r:13267)
2689	mod_sofia: Allow retrieval of redirect contact uri parameters via channel variable (MODSOFIA-7/r:13271)
2690	mod_sofia: Fix Polycom SRTP (r:13295)
2691	mod_sofia: preserve the transport on SLA interactions, still needs work for TLS but should work for UDP and TCP (r:13303)
2692	mod_sofia: now pickup, barge-in and various other things will work with SLA is turned on (r:13306)
2693	mod_sofia: Add ability to supply call-id when using SEND_INFO (MODENDP-219/r:13357)
2694	mod_sofia: Allow sending the flush/reboot all the registration of a domain (MODENDP-187/r:13363)
2695	mod_sofia: Fix double re-register problem (SFSIP-143/r:13384)
2696	mod_sofia: make autoflush on bridge the default (r:13389)
2697	mod_sofia: add contact-user profile param to override default contact username for a profile (MODSOFIA-8/r:13397)
2698	mod_sofia: add proxy-follow-redirect flag (experimental) (r:13402)
2699	mod_sofia: add proxy-follow-redirect flag (experimental) (r:13403)
2700	mod_sofia: Update CID on Polycom when doing an Attended transfer, Make send_display work with Polycom and others, add patch with mods from SFSIP-111 (r:13492/SFSIP-111)
2701	mod_sofia: handle vegastream broken sip info packets (r:13506)
2702	mod_sofia: Rewrite sofia_glue_get_user_host (r:13543)
2703	mod_sofia: Fix NOTIFY message sending incorrect information (MODENDP-225/r:13719)
2704	mod_sofia: add sofia tracelevel <level> and tracelevel param in <settings> (r:13735)
2705	mod_sofia: Fix wrong contact header in SIP on incoming calls and NAT (SFSIP-151/r:13736)
2706	mod_sofia: increase compat on NDLB-to-in-200-contact to handle NAT (r:13759)
2707	mod_sofia: fix segfault (FSCORE-382/r:13774)
2708	mod_sofia: Fix multicast replication of sofia registrations (r:13786)
2709	mod_sofia: don't put params in chan names on sofia urls (r:13841)
2710	mod_sofia: Fix mod_sofia is not looking fs_path for correct url if endpoint is behind NAT or proxy (MODENDP-221/r:13865)
2711	mod_sofia: Move sip-allow-multiple-registrations and similar variables from variables to params (MODENDP-222/r:13875)
2712	mod_sofia: fix segfault on refer with no content-type or body (SFSIP-153/r:13889)
2713	mod_sofia: fix segfault on reinvite on nomedia call when using uuid_media (r:13894)
2714	mod_sofia: use the register proxy for the R-URI on register when register-proxy is set (MODSOFIA-12/r:13911)
2715	mod_sofia: Dereferencing a null pointer causes segfault: sofia_handle_sip_r_invite doesn't check profile->extsipip before use (FSCORE-386/r:13937)
2716	mod_sofia: preserve transport on route (SFSIP-157/r:13948)
2717	mod_sofia: do not set route_uri unless there is actually one to go to (r:13952)
2718	mod_sofia: P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity headers now available as channel vars (BOUNTY-7 and MODENDP-146/r:13977)
2719	mod_sofia: this one was my fault, it shouldn't set them as sip_h just in case.  Moved it to set the full header into sip_HEADERNAME so you can use it as you see fit or re-export it to a sip_h on the b-leg if needed unchanged. (r:14081)
2720	mod_sofia: manually handle bye to delay the 200 OK till after the call is torn down (reversible with a define) (r:14121)
2721	mod_sofia: Have I said how dumb sip is sometimes? (r:14142)
2722	mod_sofia: fix SFSIP-163, don't blindly copy the extrtpip when ip is defined. (r:14209)
2723	mod_sofia: add sip_auto_answer_detected var set when we get intercom request on inbound invite. (r:14220)
2724	mod_sofia: Gateway Config option caller-id-in-from disables/ignores option from-domain (MODSOFIA-16/r:14244)
2725	mod_sofia: Fix OPTIONS ping sends OPTIONS of many gateways to one gateway (SFSIP-162/r:14249,14250)
2726	mod_sofia: Fix problem w/OCS after svn14200 with transport=tcp (MODSOFIA-17/r:14251)
2727	mod_sofia: Send outbound INVITES to outbound proxy (SFSIP-165/r:14263)
2728	mod_sofia: do not auto-set from-domain value (r:14304)
2729	mod_sofia: fix MODSOFIA-18 (r:14319)
2730	mod_sofia: add some err checking to sqlite case for nonce checking (r:14322)
2731	mod_sofia: Also support 300 redirections (r:14329)
2732	mod_sofia: Mitel interop (MODSOFIA-15/r:14332)
2733	mod_sofia: Fix issue of gateway parameters register-proxy and outbound-proxy being interchanged (SFSIP-167/r:14344)
2734	mod_sofia: Fix Multiple ODBC table creation issues (SFSIP-168/r:14346)
2735	mod_sofia: Optionally rewrite fs_path element of sip contact string on multicasted registrations (MODENDP-231/r:14353)
2736	mod_sofia: add sofia_gateway_data api (r:14425)
2737	mod_spidermonkey: fix segfaults on dtmf callback (FSCORE-327/r:12577)
2738	mod_spidermonkey: fix error loading mod_spidermonkey due to missing PR_* symbols (r:12934,12939)
2739	mod_spidermonkey: add destroy method to js (r:13016)
2740	mod_spidermonkey: Let session.destroy() take the cause as a string too (r:13020)
2741	mod_spidermonkey: add error checking on switch_core_db_column_text (r:14323)
2742	mod_spy: add new module, mod_spy (MODAPP-260/r:13035,13036)
2743	mod_syslog: Keep the indent string in memory (LOGGER-1/r:12852)
2744	mod_t38gateway: Introduction of the skeleton of a media bug implementing a T.38 gateway, so the
2745	related infrastructure work can take place around it (r:13082)
2746	mod_voicemail: remove endless loop on leaving message (MODAPP-233/r:12315-12316)
2747	mod_voicemail: add indexes to mod_voicemail (r:12341)
2748	mod_voicemail: fix audio cutoffs in voicemail_leave_main (MODAPP-225/r:12367)
2749	mod_voicemail: fix profile id mismatch when changing password via menu (MODAPP-236/r:12602)
2750	mod_voicemail: fix incorrect (NULL) recipient stored for VM on dynamic binding of FS directory. (MODAPP-240/r:12850)
2751	mod_voicemail: fix segfault on vm_boxcount when box has "sip:" prefix (MODAPP-250/r:12915)
2752	mod_voicemail: add parameter "login-keys" to allow user to customize which key is used to log in (MODAPP-251/r:12916)
2753	mod_voicemail: change len to seconds (r:13127)
2754	mod_voicemail: message-query-exact-match global param in settings section of voicemail to assume profile names match domain names (r:13138)
2755	mod_voicemail: allow unload and reload of mod_voicemail (MODAPP-177/r:13145)
2756	mod_voicemail: expand the right variable (r:13272)
2757	mod_voicemail: rework vm_boxcount api and add an optional profile parameter (r:13283)
2758	mod_voicemail: add voicemail disk quota (MODAPP-173/r:13314)
2759	mod_voicemail: abolish mailbox attribute in users and use number-alias attribute instead (MODAPP-218/r:13377,13378,13379,13380,13381)
2760	mod_voicemail: Implement new config parser (r:13878,13879)
2761	mod_voicemail: Implement reload in non-blocking way (r:13884)
2762	mod_voicemail: fix playback control keys being non-functional (MODAPP-302/r:14090)
2763	mod_voicemail: Fix seg fault and do some cleanup (r:14107)
2764	mod_voicemail: Flush DTMF Before Tone (MODAPP-312/r:14380)
2765	mod_voicemail: add option to move to next and previous message(MODAPP-313/r:14386)
2766	mod_voicemail: allow Voicemail FF REW key to have configurable millisec interval AND allow REW to limit at the begining of the recording. (MODAPP-311/r:14389)
2767	mod_voicemail: allow to skip the info section of a message by pressing a key (MODAPP-314/r:14392)
2768	mod_voicemail: fix isten to the msg again option after pressing # to stop info msg (MODAPP-316/r:14395)
2769	mod_unimrcp: add to trunk (r:13788,13789,13790,13791)
2770	mod_unimrcp: make mod_unimrcp compile with gcc 4.3 (MODUNIMRCP-1/r:13833)
2771	mod_unimrcp: mrcp_profile for unimrcpserver 0.6.0 (MODASRTTS-18/r:13835)
2772	mod_unimrcp: use paths referenced to the project file dir (r:13840)
2773	mod_unimrcp: Added LPCM (16-bit linear PCM) codec, which is used internally in host order; while L16 is RFC3551 defined 16-bit linear PCM codec in network order. (r:13859)
2774	mod_unimrcp: add speech_channel_set_state_unlocked() (r:14049)
2775	mod_xml_cdr: Implement optional directory rotation for mod_xml_cdr (XML-6/r:14300)
2776	mod_xml_cdr: use switch_true instead of atoi (r:14342)
2777	mod_xml_curl: fix data fetch (MODXMLINT-48/r:12586)
2778	mod_xml_curl mod_xml_cdr: fix ssl verify peer option and add cookie options (MDXMLINT-51/MDXMLINT-52/r:14208)
2779	mod_xml_rpc: xmlrpc fails to check security restrictions (MDXMLINT-53/r:13912)
2780	mod_xml_rpc: add virtual-host (default to true) and default-domain params (MDXMLINT-45/r:14349)
2781	scripts: Add -days option to set expiration time of certificates in gentls_cert (r:13825)
2782	scripts: Add zrtp enrollment script, we do auto enrollment and verification (r:13843)
2783	scripts: Add AT&T System 25 PBX style call pickup (FSSCRIPTS-16/FSSCRIPTS-17/r:13896)
2784	support: Add print_list gdb macro (r:12687)
2785	switch_cpp: fix leak (FSCORE-394/r:14097)
2788freeswitch (1.0.3)
2790	build: add targets cd-sounds[-install] and cd-moh[-install] for 48k sounds (r:11151)
2791	build: autoconf detect odbc library (FSBUILD-8)
2792	build: fix sound install on windows build (r:11635,11638)
2793	build: fix configure --sysconfdir (FSBUILD-84)
2794	build: fix uclibc build (MODLANG-99)
2795	build: fix adduser in debian (FSBUILD-122, FSBUILD-102)
2796	core: fix buffering issues (r:11101,11145,11152-11157,11162,11191,11200)
2797	core: fix c leg no hangup when converting attended to blind transfer before b leg answers (MODENDP-165/r:11061)
2798	core: fix codec and media handling issues (r:11104)
2799	core: fix double close of file handles and add recording of native files (r:11108-11113,11482,11483)
2800	core: fix file resampling issue (r:11090)
2801	core: fix incorrect call progress timestamps in timetable (r:11186-11187/FSCORE-268)
2802	core: fix media handling issues (r:11079-11082)
2803	core: fix multiple 2833 dtmf handling issues (r:11149,11261,11262,11266,11293,11294,11338/FSCORE-266,FSCORE-273)
2804	core: send more event types verbos bridge,unbridge,park,unpark (r:11097-11098)
2805	core: Prevent media setup on failed originates (r:11462/FSCORE-279)
2806	core: fix recorded soundfiles had random data at end of file (r:11491/MODAPP-205)
2807	core: fix user for windows service (r:11538/FSCORE-277)
2808	core: modify variable expansion code to expand in more places and to fix potential security issue from injecting variables (r:11569,11570)
2809	core: look for soundfiles in more locations based on rate (r:11601/MODFORM-23)
2810	core: state machine veto behavior changed (r:11610)
2811	core: add enable_file_write_buffering variable (r:11677)
2812	core: fix garbled audio on media bug during bridge using stateful codecs (FSCORE-288)
2813	core: fix tone detect running multiple bugs when detecting multiple tones
2814	core: add {instant_ringback=true} to make ringback not wait for indication to generate ringback
2815	core: fix segfault from race condition on multiple reloadxml calls (MOODAPP-211)
2816	core: modify xml locking so phrases do not lock the xml for the duration of playing them
2817	core: replace resampler with the speexdsp resampler
2818	core: fix windows calling convention on threads launched that return a value to fix shutdown segfault (FSCORE-298)
2819	core: do not auto-export origination_caller_id_* to avoid confusion (r:12052)
2820	core: API visibility support (GCC/SUNCC) (FSCORE-264)
2821	core: fix leak in exposed event class serialize method (r:12068)
2822	core: add volume as possible return value from input callback on embedded languages (r:12114)
2823	core: add resampler to seech handles (r:12141)
2824	core: add api.getTime to embedded languages (r:12149)
2825	freeswitch: allow you to specify -htdocs dir at runtime. (r:11614)
2826	fs_cli: add "debug" command to change the esl debug level at runtime (r:11057)
2827	iksemel: update to 1.3 (r:11645)
2828	libesl: fix disconnect failure (r:11078,11083)
2829	libesl: fix solaris build (r:11067,11068)
2830	libesl: add c++ wrapper and swigged wrappers for multiple scripting languages
2831	libg722_1: fix dct4.h code generator to include the "f" (r:11188-11189,11367)
2832	libilbc: update to new library from Steve Underwood
2833	mod_amrwb: add amr wideband passthrough codec (r:11971)
2834	mod_cepstral: fix failure return code handling (MODASRTTS-9)
2835	mod_conference: add 'conference xml_list' and 'conference [conf_name] xml_list' (r:11062-11063)
2836	mod_conference: make conference verbose-events param to control if events have all the channel data or not (r:11073-11077)
2837	mod_conference: add MINTWO flag to end conference when down to 1 participant (r:11523)
2838	mod_conference: refactor conference record function (r:11626)
2839	mod_conference: add conference list summary command (MODAPP-197)
2840	mod_conference: fix Deadlock or coredump on conference commands play, transfer (MODAPP-209)
2841	mod_dahdi_codec: added (MODCODEC-7)
2842	mod_dialplan_xml: make previous auto hunt feature optional and off by defaule use auto_hunt=true session or global variable to enable (r:12144)
2843	mod_dptools: Add failure_causes channel variable (r:12058)
2844	mod_easyroute: add configuration file example for custom-query (r:11055)
2845	mod_easyroute: add custom-query configuration option (r:11054)
2846	mod_easyroute: fix build error when not configured for odbc (r:11478)
2847	mod_easyroute: fix memory leak (r:11611)
2848	mod_erlang_event: add ability to spawn a process (module/function) outbound on a specified node. (r:11460,11477)
2849	mod_erlang_event: Fix some issues with standing up a new outbound listener and cleaning up after a failed session (r:11479)
2850	mod_erlang_event: Fix setting up a listener for an outbound session if one doesn't already exist (r:11488)
2851	mod_erlang_event: add "erlang" fscli command (r:11488)
2852	mod_erlang_event: Monitor spawned outbound processes for premature exits (r:11489)
2853	mod_erlang_event: Allow the event encoding strategy to be configurable; choices are string or binary (r:11495)
2854	mod_erlang_event: Allow certain tuple elements to be binaries or strings, to reduce conversion requirements on the erlang side (r:11496)
2855	mod_erlang_event: Support sending a message to a registered process to request a pid (when spawning won't cut it) (r:11499)
2856	mod_erlang_event: Ensure events received while a pid session is being created aren't discarded but are queued instead (r:11500)
2857	mod_erlang_event: Add freeswitch.erl - An erlang module to make talking to mod_erlang_event more painless (r:11525)
2858	mod_erlang_event: use rpc:call instead of spawn and to make the registered process argument to handlecall optional (r:11542)
2859	mod_event_socket: add ability to use a comma sep list of events on event-sink create-listener (r:11056)
2860	mod_event_socket: add debug logging to event-sink (r:11060)
2861	mod_event_socket: fix race condition (r:11680,12146)
2862	mod_dptools: add all modifier to break command (r:11557,11558)
2863	mod_dptools: add sound_test application (r:11658)
2864	mod_fax: Dont hangup after sending/receiving faxes
2865	mod_fifo: pause media bugs while not in a bridge (r:11466,11490)
2866	mod_fifo: allow unpark during chime list playing (r:11555/MODAPP-206)
2867	mod_fifo: fix outbound fifos doesn't check if the consumer is in the fifo in question. (r:11561/MODAPP-207)
2868	mod_fifo: Fix segfault when no argument were supplied to fifo_member call (MODAPP-210)
2869	mod_lcr: added (r:11180,11184,11532,11609)
2870	mod_limit: fix memory corruption caused by race condition when using limit hash (r:11070-11071)
2871	mod_limit: Fix transfer bug, fix leak and make the channel hangup if the extension is \!hangup_cause (r:11604,11932)
2872	mod_limit: add write different channel variables per realm_id (r:11608)
2873	mod_limit: Make max argument optional on the limit app, set the limit_usage variable to current count after inserting call in the db (r:11955)
2874	mod_lua: Create empty argv table when no args are passed to a Lua script (r:11559)
2875	mod_lua: use dll for lua windows build (FSCORE-299)
2876	mod_openmrcp: removed (r:11176-11179)
2877	mod_opal: added
2878	mod_pocketsphinx: fix leak (r:11974)
2879	mod_portaudio: fix stuck channels on outbound calls (r:11160,11470,11471,11472,11475,11476,11485)
2880	mod_python: fix build when site dir is not /usr/lib/python2.4 (r:12070)
2881	mod_say_en: add short form date/time (MODAPP-180)
2882	mod_sofia: add auto-rtp-bugs profile option to make rtp bug compensation configurable  (r :11146-11147)
2883	mod_sofia: add support in sdp for a=maxptime (r:11103)
2884	mod_sofia: fix codec change race condition (r:11143)
2885	mod_sofia: fix notify event wasn't allowing content-length 0 (r:11106/MODENDP-167)
2886	mod_sofia: fix sending extra sdp in 200 OK when using 100rel in violation of sdp o/a protocol draft-ietf-sipping-sip-offeranswer-10 (r:11088)
2887	mod_sofia: fix sip_auto_answer=true (r:11069)
2888	mod_sofia: improve outbound registration error message (r:11059)
2889	mod_sofia: reset media timeout on re-invite (r:11161)
2890	mod_sofia: fix segfault due to missing contact header in invite (r:11463/MODENDP-177)
2891	mod_sofia: allow <params> tag in gateways as well as <variables> with direction inbound/outbound (default both) and call counter (r:11468)
2892	mod_sofia: add support or SLA, works with Polycom and Snom(Sylantro mode). (r:11562/MODENDP-179)
2893	mod_sofia: tolerate missing user in the request uri (r:11636)
2894	mod_sofia: Add purpose=gateways and profile=[name] so xml_curl requests make sense (MDXMLINT-46)
2895	mod_sofia: Add disable-srv and disable-naptr params to sip profiles (default false) (MODENDP-183)
2896	mod_sofia: add outbound-proxy param (MODENDP-184)
2897	mod_sofia: fix segfault with stun-enabled=false (SFSIP-120)
2898	mod_sofia: Profile Name in Expire Event is incorrect (MODENDP-185)
2899	mod_sofia: add "scrooge" mode to "inbound-codec-negotiation" (r:11881)
2900	mod_sofia: Add context to reconfig_sofia (r:12080)
2901	mod_sofia: fix segfault when calling from a Cisco 7940 using bypass_media (FSCORE-301)
2902	mod_sofia: ilbc to default to 30 if no mode= fmtp is defined on the inbound (r:12110)
2903	mod_sofia: fix challenge-realm (r:12113)
2904	mod_sofia: Segmentation fault when running killgw command on sofia profile without specifying a gateway (MODENDP-189)
2905	mod_sofia: gateways will inherit the context from its parent unless manually provided (r:12138)
2906	mod_sndfile: Add IMA ADPCM support (MODFORM-22)
2907	mod_spidermonkey: fix loading of spidermonkey modules (r:11084-11085)
2908	mod_spidermonkey: block some unwanted behaviours in  session.originate
2909	mod_spidermonkey_socket: fix gc blocking (MODLANG-97)
2910	mod_xml_rpc: fixed authentication using @domain syntax (r:11064)
2911	mod_xml_rpc: fix http content types sent in responses (r:11099,11148,11150)
2912	mod_voicemail: voicemail insert into the proper fields (MODAPP-190)
2913	mod_voipcodecs: add  G.726 24k (r:12083)
2914	sofia-sip: update to current sofia-sip repository
2915	spandsp: sync to latest snapshot and fix windows build
2916	speex: updated to 1.2rc1
2917	sqlite: fix random assert on windows (FSCORE-292)
2920freeswitch (1.0.2)
2922	all: don't add module interfaces before returning from error conditions in module load functions (MDXMLINT-36)
2923	all: fixed multiple memory leaks
2924	all: improved module unloading/reloading support
2925	build: add support for --switchconfdir (FSBUILD-84)
2926	build: fixed netbsd build
2927	build: make freeswitch stop graceflly with /etc/init.d/freeswitch stop on debian add working dir to start-stop-dir so freeswitch dumps core in workdir
2928	build: multiple packaging fixes
2929	build: user freeswitch not added to audio group on deb install (FSBUILD-95)
2930	Configuration: many updates to default configuration
2931	core: Add ability to choose uuid from originate string, originate_uuid var (use at your own risk)
2932	core: add bridge_generate_comfort_noise option for bridge to generate comfort noise to the A leg when there is no audio on the B leg
2933	core: add chan vars to param event during hangup hook
2934	core: add exec directive to xml preprocessor (not available on windows)
2935	core: add force_transfer_dialplan and force_transfer_context variables
2936	core: add hashing to event header lookup
2937	core: add hits to tone_detect
2938	core: add last_dtmf_duration variable
2939	core: add msleep function to swigged languages
2940	core: add park_after_bridge variable
2941	core: add per leg timeouts and specific cause codes in reject_on_single_fail
2942	core: add runtime selection of the module dir (FSCORE-198)
2943	core: add scheduler support for heartbeat
2944	core: add session heartbeat feature
2945	core: add session.destroy psuedo method to sort of destroy a session at least for the sake of FS
2946	core: add session.unsetInputCallback
2947	core: add strftime format string validation for user supplied values
2948	core: add vars param to switch_ivr_originate for recursion (MODAPP-175)
2949	core: added a "group" concept to the user directory
2950	core: added ability to do dns lookup to find ip with host: like stun: (FSCORE-219)
2951	core: added better locking for codec changes during a call
2952	core: added current_application and current_application_data variables
2953	core: added error/ magic endpoint so modules can return error causes in situations like sofia_contact
2954	core: added read_result channel variable
2955	core: added support for "F" to indicate flash in dtmf (FSCORE-213)
2956	core: allow calls to be stolen from originate
2957	core: allow you to get the privacy bits in the caller_profile
2958	core: change dso code to load symbols local
2959	core: changes core flags to be array based so we have more
2960	core: eavesdrop causes the people being eavesdropped on to not hear ach other (MODAPP-140)
2961	core: expose time table to variable interface via caller field lookup
2962	core: fix 100% cpu when sending parked call to moh (FSCORE-234)
2963	core: fix bridge app to make sure both channels are ready for media when one is only in ringing state
2964	core: fix buffer overflow (FSCORE-188)
2965	core: fix conference dial by allowing multiple braces in originate, fix bad pointer op (FSCORE-208)
2966	core: fix double detection of DTMF in IVR (FSCORE-221)
2967	core: fix hangup_after_bridge is false on a bridge started with the intercept app
2968	core: fix issue where pid file is accidentally truncated
2969	core: fix ivr timeout (FSCORE-181)
2970	core: fix memory leak in alias tab completion code
2971	core: fix min digits in read app
2972	core: fix out-of-bounds pointer in variable expansion (FSCORE-171)
2973	core: fix segfault in media bugs when in bypass media (FSCORE-193)
2974	core: fix segfault on gtalk to sip calls (FSCORE-212)
2975	core: fix segfault on reloadxml (FSCORE-176)
2976	core: fix segfault on trasfering eavesdopping party (FSCORE-210)
2977	core: fix segfault using switch_system function (FSCORE-196)
2978	core: fix session.bridge
2979	core: fix setting effective_caller_id_name / effective_caller_id_number on bridge dialstring (MODAPP-122)
2980	core: fix stream_raw_write (MODAPP-145)
2981	core: fix using resampling on ringback file
2982	core: fixed performance bottleneck in sqlite db's
2983	core: fixed race in reloadxml
2984	core: increment app before execute in case it returns to execute it will go to the next item in the list and not the same
2985	core: ivr menu max_failures and max_timeouts now default to 3 if not specified or invalid (less than 1) values are specified (FSCORE-244)
2986	core: ivr_menu max-timeouts option, result in ivr_menu_status var (FSCORE-183)
2987	core: let b legs use park_after_bridge too
2988	core: make events less verbose unless verbose_events is set
2989	core: parse private events during originate
2990	core: pass pdd data to a leg on oubound calls using bridge
2991	core: prevent crash in crazy situation with xml interface lookup failures (FSCORE-169)
2992	core: reduce cpu requirement for generated comfort noise
2993	core: remove interface names from core db on unload
2994	core: reworked timing resulting in significant performance increase and better rtp timing
2995	core: rewrite switch_play_and_get_digits (MODAPP-166)
2996	core: session.recordFile never terminates (MODLANG-79)
2997	core: session.transfer make dialplan and context optional
2998	core: set_user app now sets domain vars as well as user vars
2999	core: tone_detect not triggering app after tone detection (MODAPP-182)
3000	core: unprivileged user setting bigger stack for switch_system thread failure (FSCORE-197)
3001	core: user_exists returns false when fetching a user from XML Curl or other xml interfaces
3002	libesl: added c event socket library and fs_cli
3003	libsndfile: fix autoconf 2.62 support (LBSNDF-5)
3004	mod commands: add "all" modifier to "break" command
3005	mod_celt: added new module
3006	mod_commands: Add support for more than 2 variables to uuid_setvar_multi (MODAPP-171)
3007	mod_commands: Add support for passing the cause of hangup to the uuid_kill command (FSCORE-217)
3008	mod_commands: add attr lookup to user_data
3009	mod_commands: add domain_exists fsapi command
3010	mod_commands: add eval fsapi command
3011	mod_commands: add flush_dtmf app and uuid_flush_dtmf api command
3012	mod_commands: add fsctl send_sighup, fsctl shutdown asap, unsched_api commands
3013	mod_commands: add fsctl shutdown [elegant|restart|cancel]
3014	mod_commands: add new syntax to uuid_setvar to allow you to unset a var. <uuid> <var> [value]   (MODAPP-167)
3015	mod_commands: add reload fsapi command to reload a module
3016	mod_commands: add system fsapi and application (MODAPP-138)
3017	mod_commands: added hupall fsapi command
3018	mod_commands: added strftime_tz api command
3019	mod_commands: break all now stops broadcast too
3020	mod_commands: fix api command sent through sched_api was getting the last char lopped off
3021	mod_commands: fix race on transfer with -both
3022	mod_commands: fix system dialplan app problems (MODAPP-86)
3023	mod_commands: only send content-type on status when it really is http.
3024	mod_conference: add fsapi to stop async playback too
3025	mod_conference: add video caps to mod_conference with video follow audio
3026	mod_conference: better sound prefix handling when using say: and allow say: on kick sounds.
3027	mod_conference: fix race in record
3028	mod_conference: fix runaway thread when floor holder has no video and other people do have video
3029	mod_conference: fix seg when kicking many members quickly (MODAPP-129)
3030	mod_conference: fix segfault on invalid chat event
3031	mod_conference: perpetual sound does not auto-mute, you can do that yourself if you want it
3032	mod_dialplan_xml: add Hunt- vars in dialplan lookup after transfer
3033	mod_dialplan_xml: fail call on extensions with nested conditions
3034	mod_dingaling: (LBDING-7) fix segfault on os x
3035	mod_dingaling: end call on ice timeout
3036	mod_dingaling: fix presence on jabber to be less protocol ambiguous
3037	mod_dingaling: fix segfault (LBDING-10)
3038	mod_dingaling: update to support latest client from google
3039	mod_dptools: add a mechanism to tell if a file played from sendmsg over event socket
3040	mod_dptools: add playback_terminator support to phrase and say app
3041	mod_dptools: add playback_terminator_used variable (MODAPP-132)
3042	mod_dptools: add presence application
3043	mod_dptools: fix originate api not parsing users properly (FSCORE-246)
3044	mod_dptools: fix record and record_session to create directory if it does not exist (FSCORE-250)
3045	mod_dptools: fixed limit and + parsing bug in record_session app (MODAPP-148)
3046	mod_dptools: remove_bugs added to remove all media bugs on a session
3047	mod_erlang_event: add new module
3048	mod_event_socket:  missing : after Content-Length in event socket (MODEVENT-33)
3049	mod_event_socket: add event socket listener filters
3050	mod_event_socket: add stateful listener fsapi commands for ajax-y type event interface over http
3051	mod_event_socket: fix arg parsing errors (MODEVENT-34)
3052	mod_event_socket: fix shutdown segfault race (MODEVENT-32)
3053	mod_event_socket: inbound connection to event_socket can now take over an existing channel with 'myevents <uuid>' to take on the behaviour of an outbound socket
3054	mod_event_socket: let any channel get messages
3055	mod_event_socket: make event socket wait for hangup on outbound mode and send disconnect message
3056	mod_expr: fix endless loop
3057	mod_fax: new module
3058	mod_fifo: add fifo_consumer_wrapup_time var (MODAPP-117)
3059	mod_fifo: added callback agents
3060	mod_fifo: honor keyword silence (MODAPP-118)
3061	mod_flite: added windows build
3062	mod_fsv: fix in a windows enviroment opening the record file in text mode. (MODAPP-169)
3063	mod_http: added new module
3064	mod_java: updated to new module api to support read/write locks on interface
3065	mod_limit: accept dialplan context for transfer (MODAPP-161)
3066	mod_limit: added hashtable based limit functions
3067	mod_limit: prevent empty error log message (MODAPP-134)
3068	mod_local_stream: add start_local_stream and stop_local_stream fsapi commands to start/stop dynamically (MODFORM-13)
3069	mod_local_stream: fix leak and improve error checking
3070	mod_local_stream: fix seg when no timer name specified in config file. (MODFORM-16)
3071	mod_loopback: add new module
3072	mod_lua: add local scripts directory support (MODLANG-86)
3073	mod_lua: don't eval blank string
3074	mod_lua: fix originate
3075	mod_lua: fix segfault (MODLANG-77)
3076	mod_lua: update to lua 5.1.4 (MODLANG-87)
3077	mod_lumenvox: removed
3078	mod_managed: new module replaces mod_mono now supports native .net runtime on windows as well
3079	mod_opal: added to trunk (still very beta)
3080	mod_perl: fix segfault (MODLANG-77)
3081	mod_pocketsphinx: fix rpm build
3082	mod_portaudio: fix cpu race on inbound call to pa when no ring file is set
3083	mod_radius_cdr: dictionary update for cause code changes (MODEVENT-27)
3084	mod_radius_cdr: fix unload (MODEVENT-29)
3085	mod_shout: add stereo recording broadcast support
3086	mod_shout: added windows build
3087	mod_shout: fix segfault when recording mp3's (MODFORM-12)
3088	mod_shout: improved stability of mp3 decoding
3089	mod_siren: added new module
3090	mod_sndfile added support to record 16bit for the various rates including 48kHz
3091	mod_sofia: Add filter to "sofia status profile XXX" (MODENDP-138)
3092	mod_sofia: Add force-register-db-domain which works in conjunction with force-register-domain.
3093	mod_sofia: Add optional <variables> and <params> tag to <gateway> tag.
3094	mod_sofia: Challenge the right realm when to_host is outside the users domain. (MODENDP-136)
3095	mod_sofia: Improve notify messages through a proxy (MODENDP-147)
3096	mod_sofia: MWI for multiple domains (MODAPP-126)
3097	mod_sofia: Move "a=sendrecv" from session to media section of SDP (MODENDP-148)
3098	mod_sofia: add 200 OK re-invite without sdp
3099	mod_sofia: add custom sofia::gateway_state event (MODENDP-112)
3100	mod_sofia: add fire events for the refer SIP NOTIFY event package (MODENDP-152)
3101	mod_sofia: add more params for xml_curl directory lookup
3102	mod_sofia: add new auto vals for challenge-realm param <param name="challenge-realm" value="auto_from|auto_to|<hardcoded_val>"/>
3103	mod_sofia: add option to turn of auto_restart of sofia profiles on ip change
3104	mod_sofia: add params to use sip callid as uuid on inbound calls and uuid as sip callid on outbound calls
3105	mod_sofia: add parsing of Privacy header for privacy info (MODENDP-133)
3106	mod_sofia: add proto_specific_hangup_cause to both legs
3107	mod_sofia: add proxy 3pcc mode
3108	mod_sofia: add redirect variable to channel as well as partner channe (MODENDP-135)
3109	mod_sofia: add sip-forbid-register to user params to refuse to let a certian user register
3110	mod_sofia: add sip: into register-proxy when it's not specified
3111	mod_sofia: add sip_history_info var for inbound invites.
3112	mod_sofia: add sip_via_protocol variable
3113	mod_sofia: add sofia xmlstatus (MODENDP-156)
3114	mod_sofia: add support for params other than Replaces in Refer-To (MODENDP-143)
3115	mod_sofia: add support for profiles sharing databases so that you can have a domain that uses multiple profiles for split dns type setups
3116	mod_sofia: add support for refer transfer involving multiple machines
3117	mod_sofia: add support to send a notify in the invite dialog by specifying the uuid of the call. (SFSIP-92)
3118	mod_sofia: add suppress_from_cidname var to not have display name in from header (MODENDP-153)
3119	mod_sofia: added sip_hangup_disposition variable
3120	mod_sofia: allow send_message and notify events to send a message/notify without a body if needed.
3121	mod_sofia: append -1 .. -N postfix after any X-headers as vars that have the same name
3122	mod_sofia: cache auth_gateway_name in sofia for challenged bye
3123	mod_sofia: cancel proxy or no-media mode if you purposely answer or pre_answer
3124	mod_sofia: correct result code mapping for Unallocated Number (MODENDP-124)
3125	mod_sofia: disable 100rel by default
3126	mod_sofia: don't accept crypto in the RTP/AVP (MODENDP-126)
3127	mod_sofia: don't put CN in sdp answer if it was not in the offer.
3128	mod_sofia: fix Incorrect IP address shows up in SDP "o" field when multiple external IPs available and FS not bound to first (MODENDP-132)
3129	mod_sofia: fix Wrong RTP media port destination after reinvite/UNHOLD (SFSIP-82)
3130	mod_sofia: fix bug on linksys where they lie about the ptime and handle linksys transfer problem
3131	mod_sofia: fix chat (send an IM) assumes that the user's profile is the same as their domain, which isn't necessarily so (SFSIP-83)
3132	mod_sofia: fix dtmf handling of broken info dtmf endpoints
3133	mod_sofia: fix eyebeam presence to be RFC compliant (MODENDP-144)
3134	mod_sofia: fix ip change detection when in proxy mode
3135	mod_sofia: fix register_proxy ignoring the paramaters (MODENDP-121)
3136	mod_sofia: fix remote session refresh triggers request glare (MODENDP-131)
3137	mod_sofia: fix rtp auto adjust running when it should not
3138	mod_sofia: fix rtp sent to wrong port after some re-INVITE scenarios (MODENDP-141)
3139	mod_sofia: fix sending of cn packets across bridge when we shouldn't
3140	mod_sofia: fix sqlite issue with select of the sip contact
3141	mod_sofia: fixed segfault on invalid presence payload
3142	mod_sofia: gateway ping needs to look for 501 (SFSIP-78)
3143	mod_sofia: handle multi contact register responses and register timeout better
3144	mod_sofia: improve gateway resilience
3145	mod_sofia: log ip and port you get reply to invite from
3146	mod_sofia: make multiple-registations=true use the contact method and call-id option to do it the old way
3147	mod_sofia: make proxy mode pull the port from m=image as well
3148	mod_sofia: make register-proxy preserve the url composed from proxy but target the packets to desired address (MODENDP-121)
3149	mod_sofia: many fixes for sonus rtp issues silence_when_idle=400 chanvar to send generated silence duing sleeps etc
3150	mod_sofia: many fixes in presence handling
3151	mod_sofia: passthrough t.38 fixes
3152	mod_sofia: pick ipv4 or ipv6 based on sipip instead of having mixed in sdp
3153	mod_sofia: send NOTIFY on TCP/UDP depending on the SUBSCRIBE (SFSIP-104)
3154	mod_sofia: setting profile option multiple-registrations=contact key multi reg off the contact string
3155	mod_sofia: wait for a reply on refer
3156	mod_soundtouch: fixes and improvements, many options changed (MODAPP-149)
3157	mod_soundtouch: updated to new module api
3158	mod_spidermonkey: Segmentation fault in check_hangup_hook at mod_spidermonkey.c:1589 (MODLANG-74)
3159	mod_spidermonkey: fix bug in apiExecute
3160	mod_spidermonkey: fix memory pool handling and leaks
3161	mod_spidermonkey: limit recursion busting through the stack (FSCORE-202)
3162	mod_spidermonkey: make session.getVariable return blank string not the word false
3163	mod_spidermonkey_curl: add optional content-type arg
3164	mod_spidermonkey_odbc: fix numRows and add numCols
3165	mod_spidermonkey_odbc: fix segfault (MODLANG-75)
3166	mod_stress: new module for voice stress analysis
3167	mod_syslog: don't log blank lines (FSCORE-163)
3168	mod_tone_stream: let silence_stream://0 indicate perpetual silence
3169	mod_vmd: add new module to detect voicemail "beep"
3170	mod_voicemail: Add vm_alternate_greet_id param to directory entry (MODAPP-174)
3171	mod_voicemail: Patch to add voicemail preference controlling date announcement new param 'play-date-announcement' to values 'first' 'last' or 'never'  defaults to first to retain previous behavior (MODAPP-121)
3172	mod_voicemail: Update mwi light after delete vm via web. (MODAPP-124)
3173	mod_voicemail: add ability to get to options without listening to every saved message (MODAPP-115)
3174	mod_voicemail: add ability to skip greeting when leaving a voicemail. (MODAPP-181)
3175	mod_voicemail: add change-pass-key config file option
3176	mod_voicemail: add forwarding support
3177	mod_voicemail: add local dtmf driven alternat vm pass
3178	mod_voicemail: add proper notification of a vm message being too short
3179	mod_voicemail: add support for auth via a1-hash
3180	mod_voicemail: add the "storage-dir" parameter to be set on a per-user basis (MODAPP-133)
3181	mod_voicemail: add voicemail_greeting_path variable
3182	mod_voicemail: added voicemail_alternate_greet_id variable
3183	mod_voicemail: allow changing of password from voicemail to update user directory if using non-static config (MODAPP-156)
3184	mod_voicemail: created email date (int overflow)  (MODAPP-125)
3185	mod_voicemail: don't try to deliver vm when no file was recorded. (MODAPP-133)
3186	mod_voicemail: fix MWI with xml_curl used for directory (MODAPP-176)
3187	mod_voicemail: fix Voicemail messages occasionally lost / stranded (MODAPP-178)
3188	mod_voicemail: fix invalid event after message deleted (MODAPP-170)
3189	mod_voicemail: fix mwi for phones with multiple registrations problem (MODAPP-153)
3190	mod_voicemail: fix voicemail segfault on incorrect password (FSCORE-187)
3191	mod_voicemail: fix voicemail_inject error handling (MODAPP-133)
3192	mod_voicemail: fix voicemail_inject usage api call
3193	mod_voicemail: improve error checking (MODAPP-142)
3194	mod_voicemail: localize notification emails (MODAPP-139)
3195	mod_voicemail: make more multi-domain friendly (MODAPP-162)
3196	mod_voicemail: make playback created file macros optional (MODAPP-150)
3197	mod_voicemail: recognize operator key in more places (MODAPP-159)
3198	mod_voicemail: web interface displays incorrect created / last heard dates (MODAPP-123)
3199	mod_wanpipe: removed
3200	mod_xml_cdr: add https support
3201	mod_xml_cdr: add optional a-leg prefix to xml cdr filenames (MDXMLINT-39)
3202	mod_xml_cdr: add support for fallback webserver for cdr posting (FSCORE-238)
3203	mod_xml_curl: Allow specification of HTTP method, and dynamic expansion of variables in URI. (MDXMLINT-41)
3204	mod_xml_curl: added redirect following (max 10)
3205	mod_xml_ldap: almost a complete rewrite of this module
3206	mod_xml_rpc: allow setting of global realm without a global user (MDXMLINT-45)
3207	mod_xml_rpc: fix multiple segfaults
3208	mod_xml_rpc: fix segfault on originate via http
3209	sofia-sip: updated to 1.12.10 (plus a few patches)
3211freeswitch (1.0.1)
3213	FIX: prevent intercept race condition that can also be solved with continue_on_fail=originator_cancel
3214	FIX: NULL dereference detected by klockwork (www.klockwork.com)
3215	FIX: don't open failed local stream (MODFORM-9)
3216	FIX: instability in mod_local_stream in failure scenarios
3217	FIX: xmlrpc-c build on OS X 10.4 (FSBUILD-47)
3218	ENHANCEMENT: Added tab completion on many api commands in console
3219	ENHANCEMENT: polycom BLF support
3220	FIX: many sip NAT related fixes in mod_sofia
3221	FIX: support sip unregister with Contact: *
3222	FIX: multiple segfaults in xmlrpc-c
3223	FIX: sip unregister event being skipped
3224	FIX: hangup properly on malformed sip 3pcc calls being used as a way to ping
3225	ADD: enable-3pcc sofia profile param, it is now disabled by default.
3226	ADD: presence events to sip proxy mode
3227	ADD: legs param to cdr_csv
3228	ADD: support for perl as an embedded lanugage
3229	ENHANCEMENT: many new api's and functions to the embedded languages including api support, xml interface support, auto start scripts,  and many new objects
3230	CHANGE: python embedded language api changed to match perl, lua, java
3231	FIX: many stability fixes in embedded langauges perl, lua, java, python
3232	ADD: failed_xml_cdr magic channel variable
3233	FIX: access free memory error in mod_sofia when using respond app
3234	ENHNACEMENT: make global_setvar only have 2 fields so you can set foo=bar=blah w/o quotes
3235	FIX: mod_spidermonkey keep hangup hook in the session thread
3236	ENHANCEMENT: mod_ldap added sasl support and search filters
3237	ADD: answered, waitForAnswer and mediaReady methods to embedded language Session object
3238	ENHANCEMENT: mod_voicemail param change to allow notification emails using templates
3239	ADD: per user acl in sofia
3240	FIX: deadlock in mod_portaudio
3241	ENHANCEMENT: blank username in sip will trigger a lookup for the user "nobody"
3242	ADD: import variable to import variables from a peer channel at time of originate
3243	FIX: api type fix for c++ modules when incorrectly using enums
3244	FIX: eliminate need for escaped , in [] on originate
3245	ADD: NDLB-force-rport option to force behavior as if rport was sent in the via
3246	ENHANCEMENT: honor execute_on_answer on outbound legs too
3247	ADD: execute_on_ring variable
3248	FIX: Seg fault in CoreSession() class destructor
3249	ADD: per channel caller id in originate
3250	ADD: sip_outgoing_call_id variable
3251	FIX: multiple memory leaks in mod_sofia
3252	FIX: find_local_ip IPv6 support
3253	ADD: variable expansion to on execute vars.(FSCORE-114)
3254	ADD: count optional arg to show calls and show channels (MODAPP-103)
3255	FIX: MODEVENT-25 (WSAWOULDBLOCK error on socket send in windows) in event socket
3256	FIX: multiple fixes to the logic in mod_say_zh
3257	ADD: inter digit timeout to swigged embedded languages getDigits method. (MODLANG-65)
3258	ADD: Linksys P-RTP-Stat SIP header values (SFSIP-66)
3259	FIX: small leak in core
3260	ADD: progress_timeout var to originate
3261	UPDATE: portaudio library
3262	FIX: added timeout to iax read
3263	ADD: 'pa rescan' to portaudio to look for new devices
3264	FIX: wait for broadcast to start when starting async hold to avoid race
3265	FIX: mod_rss, don't always play the first news feed
3266	FIX: mod_rss inverval to use the session inteval (audio problems on 30ms channels)
3267	ADD: Path: support in mod_sofia on register
3268	FIX: mod_shout record stream
3269	ENHANCEMENT: mod_voicemail support for effective_caller_id_name/number
3270	ADD: url encode/decode api calls
3271	FIX: "nua()" in debug information in sofia instead of the real function name
3272	FIX: better handling of sips: uris
3273	FIX: don't seg when using more than SWITCH_MAX_CODECS and bump SWITCH_MAX_CODECS to 50 (we have more than 30 in tree) (MODFORM-10)
3274	ADD: mod_yaml
3275	FIX: segfault on freeswitch startup if installed directories are removed
3276	FIX: segfault when intercept with inbound_late_negotiation=true set
3277	FIX: dont flood logs with eavesdrop messages (MODAPP-101)
3278	FIX: don't destroy a codec that has not been created (MODAPP-101)
3279	ENHANCEMENT: allows the "eavesdrop_group" variable to contain several groups, comma separated.  (MODAPP-101)
3280	FIX: cross compile (FSBUILD-53)
3281	FIX: add header that Nuaunce considers mandatory (MODASRTTS-5)
3282	ADD: write locks to the core and a function to unregister event bindings (adds better ability to unload modules)
3283	ENHANCEMENT: make modules unbind events and un-reserve subclasses on module unload
3284	ADD: removable xml hook bindings
3285	ADD: EventConsumer object to embedded languages so you can make event handlers
3286	FIX: sending CN with supress-cng true
3287	FIX: segfault in the event system when trying to remove NULL event
3288	ADD: flags to turn off srtp auth and rtp auto adj (FSCORE-149 && MODENDP-115)
3289	FIX: use lighter math and avoid infinite loop in port allocator  (FSCORE-148)
3290	ENHANCEMENT: let conference pin entry start during prompt (MODAPP-111)
3291	ADD: mod_pocketsphinx
3292	FIX: Misuse of SQLRowCount, issues with MSSQL (MODAPP-105)
3293	FIX: segfaults in mod_python with dtmf callback
3294	ENHANCEMENT: mod_conference auto-record parameter  (MODAPP-112)
3295	ENHANCEMENT: reload support to many modules
3296	FIX: mod_sofia add replaces to supported header
3297	ENHANCEMENT: add args callback to sleep so you can process dtmf and events while "sleeping"
3298	ADD: mod_flite
3299	ENHANCEMENT: switch_xml converted back to c code and support double globs on windows
3300	ENHANCEMENT: mod_sofia support for adding and removing gateways without restarting profiles
3301	ADD: extract contact header info into A channel when unhandled 3xx response is received (MODENDP-116)
3302	FIX: outbound event_socket + late negotiation
3303	ADD: copy_xml_cdr variable
3304	ADD: silence_stream (like tone_stream but silent)
3305	ADD: module_exists api call
3306	ADD: emailer implementation for windows
3307	ADD: wait_for_silence application
3308	FIX: no error message generated if OS is unable to load a module ( due to dependency/installation issues )
3309	FIX: segfault in media bugs
3310	FIX: acl lists not correctly matching all ip adresses
3311	FIX: mod_spidermonkey exit() does not stop script when called from the hangup callback (return "exit" from the callback)
3312	FIX: mod_syslog works again
3313	FIX: crash on terminal resize
3314	FIX: audio problems on big endian
3315	ENHANCEMENT: Disable multiple registrations on a per-device basis (MODENDP-117)
3316	ADD: fifo_consumer_exit_key variable (MODAPP-100)
3317	ADD: cidr based user auth in mod_sofia
3318	ADD: uuid_send_dtmf fsapi command (MODAPP-114)
3319	ADD: server registration fiels to sip_registration database (MODENDP-118)
3320	FIX: use a variable, realm or to host to find gateway when it's not obvious (handles challenged REFER)
3321	ADD: timeout to curl run in javascript
3322	ADD: voicemail_inject fsapi command
3323	ADD: reboot option for sip phones to flush_inboud_reg sofia profile api command
3324	FIX: add small padding to end of mp3 to avoid cut off mp3 recording
3325	FIX: patch multiple SDP connection lines in sdp for proxy media mode (MODENDP-109)
3326	FIX: don't parse ringback varable in proxy situations
3327	ADD: per call vm recording ext with vm_message_ext variable
3328	ADD: sip_bye_h prefix to add headers to bye
3329	ENHANCEMENT: more interfaces available in show fsapi command
3330	FIX: don't leak in buffers on realloc fail
3331	FIX: fail out of a conference call if write fails
3332	ADD: auto ip-change detection
3333	ADD: mod_snom
3334	FIX: mod_sofia don't send sipfrag on transfer to cisco so they don't hang up the call
3338freeswitch (1.0.0)
3340	Enhanced sofia sip nat handling
3341	Many fixes found by Klockwork (www.klocwork.com)
3342	Added disable_app_log variable
3343	Fixed mod_local_stream with rates on windows
3344	Fixed finding of files in rate dirs on windows
3345	Fixed memory corruption from sofia_contact function
3346	Added sofia profile param NDLB-received-in-nat-reg-contact
3347	Added sofia profile param aggressive-nat-detection
3348	Fixed video sip calls in proxy media mode
3349	Added bridge_terminate_key var
3350	Update xmlrpc-c lib to trunk revision from upstream, fix windows xmlrpc
3351	Enhanced nat handling in proxy media mode in sip
3352	Add progress media to timetable so you can calculate pdd
3353	Fixed seg when using unicast on socket when call has no read_codec
3354	Fixed missed log events on busy box
3355	Added -bleg to intercept
3356	Enhance configure detection of python
3357	Fixed build on solaris and freebsd for several modules
3358	Added param "vm-email-only" to make voicemail sent by email only (previously default behavior)
3359	Added param "vm-mailto-notify" to allow sending a notification email
3360	Fixed mod_java build
3361	Fixed mwi failures for some devices that don't subscribe
3362	Removed fsapi functions (killchan, transfer, session_displace, reject)
3363	Removed fsapi functions (session_record, broadcast, hold, media)
3364	Many updates to sofia-sip library including over 100 fixes
3366freeswitch (1.0.rc6)
3368	Changed to not allow pass_2833 on transcoded calls (it never worked, now it will tell you)
3369	Enhanced sofia sip nat handling
3370	Fix libedit build on solaris
3371	Fix session timers in mod_sofia
3372	Fix conference fire-call
3373	Change: add var_event down into the endpoints so chans with no parents can still pass options
3374	Added enable-post-var param to xml_rpc
3375	Fix mod_lua build on solaris
3376	Many fixes found by Klockwork (www.klocwork.com)
3377	Add unregister event in mod_sofia
3378	Enhance python configure detection
3379	Add vm_boxcount api func
3380	Fixed att_xfer issue
3381	Fix sip now includes the Allow-Events header in more places
3383freeswitch (1.0.rc5)
3385	Changed internal state names to avoid confusion
3386	Fixed video negotiation
3387	Enhanced accuracy of windows timer
3388	Fixed mod_ldap build
3389	Added dialplan and context to sql table for channels
3390	Multiple fixes to mod_lua and mod_perl
3391	Fixed logic bug in fifo causing segfault
3392	internal changes to sip stack so we can remove a hash redundant to the stack
3393	Fixed multiple memory leaks in mod_sofia
3394	Fixed event fetch segfault on sip subscribe
3395	Fixed segfault on timer rollover in sofia on 64bit
3396	Fixed audio timing issues in mod_portaudio
3397	Changed names of sip profiles in default config to avoid confusion
3398	Fixed memory usage leak-like behavior when playing files requiring resampling
3399	Removed some unused api's
3400	Fix rtp timeout when playing moh
3401	Removed some un-needed libraries and files from tree
3402	Fixed multiple issues in sip stack including multiple segfaults
3403	Added support for sip transfers on bypass_media and proxy_media calls
3404	Added say application
3405	Fixed --disable-debug configure option
3406	Enhanced switch_cpp wrapper (and perl, python, lua, java)
3407	Fixed segfault on inavalid stun response
3408	Fixed configure help output
3409	Fixed segfault on mp3 playback
3410	Fixed assert on invalid sdp (missing m= line)
3411	Added configurable windows service name
3412	Fixed proxy mode call transition to non proxy call
3413	Fixed solaris build of voipcodecs
3414	Fixed sofia seg when call failure edge case
3416freeswitch (1.0.rc4)
3418	Add tab completion in cli
3419	Add "inline" dialplan
3420	Fixed segfault in enum
3421	Enhance enum to fork dial equal priority entries
3422	Added auto-reload to enum
3423	Fixed odbc bug is mod_sofia presence handling
3424	Add presence for conference and dial an eavesdrop
3425	Fix stack overflow segfault when recursively parking calls
3426	Fixed race is sofia registration handling
3427	Enhance sofia registration, unregister on keep-alive OPTIONS failure
3428	Added internal routing loop detection/avoidance
3429	Fixed race in bgapi in event socket
3430	Fixed vars to execute apps before bridge "bridge_pre_execute_aleg_app" and "bridge_pre_execute_bleg_app"
3431	Fixed re-setting sound prefix to no prefix after a pharse
3432	Enhanced setting of bracket vars from originate so they show in the CHANNEL_ORIGINATE event
3433	Add "enable-timer" and "enable-100rel" options to turn off default behaviors in sofia
3434	Add originate_timeout to originate vars
3435	Fixed hanging channels in mod_portaudio
3436	Added auto time sync on vps migration to different hardware
3437	Fixed seg on transfer when both legs are not sip
3438	Added configurable dtmf duration defaults
3439	Enhanced voicemail, allow interruption of hello message
3440	Fixed voicemail to not light up light on saved messages
3441	Enhance mod_amr honor disable dtx in fmtp (MODCODEC-3)
3442	Fixed bootstrap to install automake dependencies so you can use tarball without same version of automake installed
3443	Fixed MODLANG-56 (bad audio on originate and javascript streamFile)
3444	Added hold/unhold dialplan apps
3445	Enhanced sofia error checking to outlaw in sofia ip params
3446	Backport fixes from sofia-sip tree
3447	Fixed MSVC build
3448	Fixed segfault on sip SUBSCRIBE with Expires: 0
3449	Added mod_say_zh
3450	Added --with-pyton and --with-pyton-config configure options
3451	Added mod_lua
3452	Enhanced switch_cpp wrapper in core and normalized interfaces for perl, python, lua, and java
3453	Fixed multiple issues in cpp wrapper and the languages perl, python, lua and java
3454	Added back mod_perl
3455	Added sofia gateway option ping to adjust options ping frequency
3456	Added .net event socket lib to contrib
3457	Fixed passing of exact response codes of sip across a bridge
3458	Added mod_reference, reference endpoint module
3459	Enhanced build so you can now make commented out modules using "make mod_name"
3461freeswitch (1.0.rc3)
3463        Enhance xml menu system
3464        Fixes upstream from sofia-sip library
3465        Enhance mod_fifo
3466        Added close method to ODBC spidermonkey class
3467        Fix multiple bugs in the cpp wrapper used in mod_java and mod_python
3468        Fix hung sip channel issue using respond app or on re-invite with bypass media after 1xx or 2xx responses
3470freeswitch (1.0.rc2)
3472	Fixed speex protocol negotiation issues (8k vs 16k)
3473	Fixed mod_iax race conditions
3474	Fixed ptime negotiation issues when re-packetizing
3475	Added ip based acl lists
3477freeswitch (1.0.rc1)