1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
2# Copyright 2018 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
15"""Common utility functions for Composer environment patch commands."""
17from __future__ import absolute_import
18from __future__ import division
19from __future__ import unicode_literals
21from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.composer import environments_util as environments_api_util
22from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.composer import operations_util as operations_api_util
23from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.composer import util as api_util
24from googlecloudsdk.calliope import base
25from googlecloudsdk.command_lib.composer import util as command_util
26from googlecloudsdk.core import log
27import six
30def Patch(env_resource,
31          field_mask,
32          patch,
33          is_async,
34          release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
35  """Patches an Environment, optionally waiting for the operation to complete.
37  This function is intended to perform the common work of an Environment
38  patching command's Run method. That is, calling the patch API method and
39  waiting for the result or immediately returning the Operation.
41  Args:
42    env_resource: googlecloudsdk.core.resources.Resource, Resource representing
43        the Environment to be patched
44    field_mask: str, a field mask string containing comma-separated paths to be
45        patched
46    patch: Environment, a patch Environment containing updated values to apply
47    is_async: bool, whether or not to perform the patch asynchronously
48    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
49        which Composer client library will be used.
51  Returns:
52    an Operation corresponding to the Patch call if `is_async` is True;
53    otherwise None is returned after the operation is complete
55  Raises:
56    command_util.Error: if `is_async` is False and the operation encounters
57    an error
58  """
59  operation = environments_api_util.Patch(
60      env_resource, patch, field_mask, release_track=release_track)
61  details = 'with operation [{0}]'.format(operation.name)
62  if is_async:
63    log.UpdatedResource(
64        env_resource.RelativeName(),
65        kind='environment',
66        is_async=True,
67        details=details)
68    return operation
70  try:
71    operations_api_util.WaitForOperation(
72        operation,
73        'Waiting for [{}] to be updated with [{}]'.format(
74            env_resource.RelativeName(), operation.name),
75        release_track=release_track)
76  except command_util.Error as e:
77    raise command_util.Error('Error updating [{}]: {}'.format(
78        env_resource.RelativeName(), six.text_type(e)))
81def ConstructPatch(env_ref=None,
82                   node_count=None,
83                   update_pypi_packages_from_file=None,
84                   clear_pypi_packages=None,
85                   remove_pypi_packages=None,
86                   update_pypi_packages=None,
87                   clear_labels=None,
88                   remove_labels=None,
89                   update_labels=None,
90                   clear_airflow_configs=None,
91                   remove_airflow_configs=None,
92                   update_airflow_configs=None,
93                   clear_env_variables=None,
94                   remove_env_variables=None,
95                   update_env_variables=None,
96                   update_image_version=None,
97                   update_web_server_access_control=None,
98                   cloud_sql_machine_type=None,
99                   web_server_machine_type=None,
100                   scheduler_cpu=None,
101                   worker_cpu=None,
102                   min_workers=None,
103                   max_workers=None,
104                   maintenance_window_start=None,
105                   maintenance_window_end=None,
106                   maintenance_window_recurrence=None,
107                   release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
108  """Constructs an environment patch.
110  Args:
111    env_ref: resource argument, Environment resource argument for environment
112      being updated.
113    node_count: int, the desired node count
114    update_pypi_packages_from_file: str, path to local requirements file
115      containing desired pypi dependencies.
116    clear_pypi_packages: bool, whether to uninstall all PyPI packages.
117    remove_pypi_packages: iterable(string), Iterable of PyPI packages to
118      uninstall.
119    update_pypi_packages: {string: string}, dict mapping PyPI package name to
120      extras and version specifier.
121    clear_labels: bool, whether to clear the labels dictionary.
122    remove_labels: iterable(string), Iterable of label names to remove.
123    update_labels: {string: string}, dict of label names and values to set.
124    clear_airflow_configs: bool, whether to clear the Airflow configs
125      dictionary.
126    remove_airflow_configs: iterable(string), Iterable of Airflow config
127      property names to remove.
128    update_airflow_configs: {string: string}, dict of Airflow config property
129      names and values to set.
130    clear_env_variables: bool, whether to clear the environment variables
131      dictionary.
132    remove_env_variables: iterable(string), Iterable of environment variables
133      to remove.
134    update_env_variables: {string: string}, dict of environment variable
135      names and values to set.
136    update_image_version: string, image version to use for environment upgrade
137    update_web_server_access_control: [{string: string}], Webserver access
138        control to set
139    cloud_sql_machine_type: str or None, Cloud SQL machine type used by the
140        Airflow database.
141    web_server_machine_type: str or None, machine type used by the Airflow web
142        server
143    scheduler_cpu: float or None, CPU allocated to Airflow scheduler.
144        Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
145    worker_cpu: float or None, CPU allocated to each Airflow worker.
146        Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
147    min_workers: int or None, minimum number of workers
148        in the Environment. Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
149    max_workers: int or None, maximumn number of workers
150        in the Environment. Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
151    maintenance_window_start: Datetime or None, a starting date of the
152        maintenance window.
153    maintenance_window_end: Datetime or None, an ending date of the maintenance
154        window.
155    maintenance_window_recurrence: str or None, recurrence RRULE for the
156        maintenance window.
157    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
158        which Composer client library will be used.
160  Returns:
161    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
163  Raises:
164    command_util.Error: if no update type is specified
165  """
166  if node_count:
167    return _ConstructNodeCountPatch(node_count, release_track=release_track)
168  if update_pypi_packages_from_file:
169    return _ConstructPyPiPackagesPatch(
170        True, [],
171        command_util.ParseRequirementsFile(update_pypi_packages_from_file),
172        release_track=release_track)
173  if clear_pypi_packages or remove_pypi_packages or update_pypi_packages:
174    return _ConstructPyPiPackagesPatch(
175        clear_pypi_packages,
176        remove_pypi_packages,
177        update_pypi_packages,
178        release_track=release_track)
179  if clear_labels or remove_labels or update_labels:
180    return _ConstructLabelsPatch(
181        clear_labels, remove_labels, update_labels, release_track=release_track)
182  if (clear_airflow_configs or remove_airflow_configs or
183      update_airflow_configs):
184    return _ConstructAirflowConfigsPatch(
185        clear_airflow_configs,
186        remove_airflow_configs,
187        update_airflow_configs,
188        release_track=release_track)
189  if clear_env_variables or remove_env_variables or update_env_variables:
190    return _ConstructEnvVariablesPatch(
191        env_ref,
192        clear_env_variables,
193        remove_env_variables,
194        update_env_variables,
195        release_track=release_track)
196  if update_image_version:
197    return _ConstructImageVersionPatch(
198        update_image_version, release_track=release_track)
199  if update_web_server_access_control is not None:
200    return _ConstructWebServerAccessControlPatch(
201        update_web_server_access_control, release_track=release_track)
202  if cloud_sql_machine_type:
203    return _ConstructCloudSqlMachineTypePatch(
204        cloud_sql_machine_type, release_track=release_track)
205  if web_server_machine_type:
206    return _ConstructWebServerMachineTypePatch(
207        web_server_machine_type, release_track=release_track)
208  if scheduler_cpu or worker_cpu or\
209      min_workers or max_workers:
210    return _ConstructAutoscalingPatch(
211        scheduler_cpu=scheduler_cpu,
212        worker_cpu=worker_cpu,
213        worker_min_count=min_workers,
214        worker_max_count=max_workers,
215        release_track=release_track)
216  if maintenance_window_start and maintenance_window_end and maintenance_window_recurrence:
217    return _ConstructMaintenanceWindowPatch(
218        maintenance_window_start,
219        maintenance_window_end,
220        maintenance_window_recurrence,
221        release_track=release_track)
222  raise command_util.Error(
223      'Cannot update Environment with no update type specified.')
226def _ConstructNodeCountPatch(node_count, release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
227  """Constructs an environment patch for node count.
229  Args:
230    node_count: int, the desired node count
231    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
232        which Composer client library will be used.
234  Returns:
235    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
236  """
237  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
238  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(nodeCount=node_count)
239  return 'config.node_count', messages.Environment(config=config)
242def _ConstructPyPiPackagesPatch(clear_pypi_packages,
243                                remove_pypi_packages,
244                                update_pypi_packages,
245                                release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
246  """Constructs an environment patch for partially updating PyPI packages.
248  Args:
249    clear_pypi_packages: bool, whether to clear the PyPI packages dictionary.
250    remove_pypi_packages: iterable(string), Iterable of PyPI package names to
251      remove.
252    update_pypi_packages: {string: string}, dict mapping PyPI package name
253      to optional extras and version specifier.
254    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
255        which Composer client library will be used.
257  Returns:
258    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
259  """
260  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
261  env_cls = messages.Environment
262  pypi_packages_cls = (messages.SoftwareConfig.PypiPackagesValue)
263  entry_cls = pypi_packages_cls.AdditionalProperty
265  def _BuildEnv(entries):
266    software_config = messages.SoftwareConfig(
267        pypiPackages=pypi_packages_cls(additionalProperties=entries))
268    config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(softwareConfig=software_config)
269    return env_cls(config=config)
271  return command_util.BuildPartialUpdate(
272      clear_pypi_packages, remove_pypi_packages, update_pypi_packages,
273      'config.software_config.pypi_packages', entry_cls, _BuildEnv)
276def _ConstructLabelsPatch(clear_labels,
277                          remove_labels,
278                          update_labels,
279                          release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
280  """Constructs an environment patch for updating labels.
282  Args:
283    clear_labels: bool, whether to clear the labels dictionary.
284    remove_labels: iterable(string), Iterable of label names to remove.
285    update_labels: {string: string}, dict of label names and values to set.
286    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
287        which Composer client library will be used.
289  Returns:
290    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
291  """
292  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
293  env_cls = messages.Environment
294  entry_cls = env_cls.LabelsValue.AdditionalProperty
296  def _BuildEnv(entries):
297    return env_cls(labels=env_cls.LabelsValue(additionalProperties=entries))
299  return command_util.BuildPartialUpdate(clear_labels, remove_labels,
300                                         update_labels, 'labels', entry_cls,
301                                         _BuildEnv)
304def _ConstructAirflowConfigsPatch(clear_airflow_configs,
305                                  remove_airflow_configs,
306                                  update_airflow_configs,
307                                  release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
308  """Constructs an environment patch for updating Airflow configs.
310  Args:
311    clear_airflow_configs: bool, whether to clear the Airflow configs
312      dictionary.
313    remove_airflow_configs: iterable(string), Iterable of Airflow config
314      property names to remove.
315    update_airflow_configs: {string: string}, dict of Airflow config property
316      names and values to set.
317    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
318        which Composer client library will be used.
320  Returns:
321    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
322  """
323  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
324  env_cls = messages.Environment
325  airflow_config_overrides_cls = (
326      messages.SoftwareConfig.AirflowConfigOverridesValue)
327  entry_cls = airflow_config_overrides_cls.AdditionalProperty
329  def _BuildEnv(entries):
330    software_config = messages.SoftwareConfig(
331        airflowConfigOverrides=airflow_config_overrides_cls(
332            additionalProperties=entries))
333    config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(softwareConfig=software_config)
334    return env_cls(config=config)
336  return command_util.BuildPartialUpdate(
337      clear_airflow_configs, remove_airflow_configs, update_airflow_configs,
338      'config.software_config.airflow_config_overrides', entry_cls, _BuildEnv)
341def _ConstructEnvVariablesPatch(env_ref,
342                                clear_env_variables,
343                                remove_env_variables,
344                                update_env_variables,
345                                release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
346  """Constructs an environment patch for updating environment variables.
348  Note that environment variable updates do not support partial update masks
349  unlike other map updates due to comments in (b/78298321). For this reason, we
350  need to retrieve the Environment, apply an update on EnvVariable dictionary,
351  and patch the entire dictionary. The potential race condition here
352  (environment variables being updated between when we retrieve them and when we
353  send patch request)is not a concern since environment variable updates take
354  5 mins to complete, and environments cannot be updated while already in the
355  updating state.
357  Args:
358    env_ref: resource argument, Environment resource argument for environment
359      being updated.
360    clear_env_variables: bool, whether to clear the environment variables
361      dictionary.
362    remove_env_variables: iterable(string), Iterable of environment variable
363      names to remove.
364    update_env_variables: {string: string}, dict of environment variable names
365      and values to set.
366    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
367        which Composer client library will be used.
369  Returns:
370    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
371  """
372  env_obj = environments_api_util.Get(env_ref, release_track=release_track)
373  initial_env_var_value = env_obj.config.softwareConfig.envVariables
374  initial_env_var_list = (
375      initial_env_var_value.additionalProperties
376      if initial_env_var_value else [])
378  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
379  env_cls = messages.Environment
380  env_variables_cls = messages.SoftwareConfig.EnvVariablesValue
381  entry_cls = env_variables_cls.AdditionalProperty
383  def _BuildEnv(entries):
384    software_config = messages.SoftwareConfig(
385        envVariables=env_variables_cls(additionalProperties=entries))
386    config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(softwareConfig=software_config)
387    return env_cls(config=config)
389  return ('config.software_config.env_variables',
390          command_util.BuildFullMapUpdate(
391              clear_env_variables, remove_env_variables, update_env_variables,
392              initial_env_var_list, entry_cls, _BuildEnv))
395def _ConstructImageVersionPatch(update_image_version,
396                                release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
397  """Constructs an environment patch for environment image version.
399  Args:
400    update_image_version: string, the target image version.
401    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
402      which Composer client library will be used.
404  Returns:
405    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
406  """
407  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
408  software_config = messages.SoftwareConfig(imageVersion=update_image_version)
409  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(softwareConfig=software_config)
411  return 'config.software_config.image_version', messages.Environment(
412      config=config)
415def _ConstructWebServerAccessControlPatch(web_server_access_control,
416                                          release_track):
417  """Constructs an environment patch for web server network access control.
419  Args:
420    web_server_access_control: [{string: string}], the target list of IP ranges.
421    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. It dictates
422      which Composer client library is used.
424  Returns:
425    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
426  """
427  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
428  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(
429      webServerNetworkAccessControl=environments_api_util
430      .BuildWebServerNetworkAccessControl(web_server_access_control,
431                                          release_track))
432  return 'config.web_server_network_access_control', messages.Environment(
433      config=config)
436def _ConstructCloudSqlMachineTypePatch(cloud_sql_machine_type, release_track):
437  """Constructs an environment patch for Cloud SQL machine type.
439  Args:
440    cloud_sql_machine_type: str or None, Cloud SQL machine type used by the
441      Airflow database.
442    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. It dictates
443      which Composer client library is used.
445  Returns:
446    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
447  """
448  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
449  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(
450      databaseConfig=messages.DatabaseConfig(
451          machineType=cloud_sql_machine_type))
452  return 'config.database_config.machine_type', messages.Environment(
453      config=config)
456def _ConstructWebServerMachineTypePatch(web_server_machine_type, release_track):
457  """Constructs an environment patch for Airflow web server machine type.
459  Args:
460    web_server_machine_type: str or None, machine type used by the Airflow web
461      server.
462    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. It dictates
463      which Composer client library is used.
465  Returns:
466    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
467  """
468  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
469  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(
470      webServerConfig=messages.WebServerConfig(
471          machineType=web_server_machine_type))
472  return 'config.web_server_config.machine_type', messages.Environment(
473      config=config)
476def _ConstructAutoscalingPatch(scheduler_cpu, worker_cpu, worker_min_count,
477                               worker_max_count, release_track):
478  """Constructs an environment patch for Airflow web server machine type.
480  Args:
481    scheduler_cpu: float or None, CPU allocated to Airflow scheduler.
482        Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
483    worker_cpu: float or None, CPU allocated to each Airflow worker.
484        Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
485    worker_min_count: int or None, minimum number of workers
486        in the Environment. Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
487    worker_max_count: int or None, maximumn number of workers
488        in the Environment. Can be specified only in Composer 2.0.0.
489    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. It dictates
490      which Composer client library is used.
492  Returns:
493    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
494  """
495  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
496  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(
497      workloadsConfig=messages.WorkloadsConfig(
498          schedulerCpu=scheduler_cpu,
499          workerCpu=worker_cpu,
500          workerMinCount=worker_min_count,
501          workerMaxCount=worker_max_count))
502  mask = ''
503  if scheduler_cpu:
504    mask = mask + 'config.workloads_config.scheduler_cpu'
505  if worker_cpu:
506    if mask:
507      mask = mask + ','
508    mask = mask + 'config.workloads_config.worker_cpu'
509  if worker_min_count:
510    if mask:
511      mask = mask + ','
512    mask = mask + 'config.workloads_config.worker_min_count'
513  if worker_max_count:
514    if mask:
515      mask = mask + ','
516    mask = mask + 'config.workloads_config.worker_max_count'
517  if scheduler_cpu and worker_cpu and worker_min_count and worker_max_count:
518    mask = 'config.workloads_config'
519  return mask, messages.Environment(config=config)
522def _ConstructMaintenanceWindowPatch(maintenance_window_start,
523                                     maintenance_window_end,
524                                     maintenance_window_recurrence,
525                                     release_track=base.ReleaseTrack.GA):
526  """Constructs an environment patch for updating maintenance window.
528  Args:
529    maintenance_window_start: Datetime or None, a starting date of the
530      maintenance window.
531    maintenance_window_end: Datetime or None, an ending date of the maintenance
532      window.
533    maintenance_window_recurrence: str or None, recurrence RRULE for the
534      maintenance window.
535    release_track: base.ReleaseTrack, the release track of command. Will dictate
536      which Composer client library will be used.
538  Returns:
539    (str, Environment), the field mask and environment to use for update.
540  """
541  messages = api_util.GetMessagesModule(release_track=release_track)
543  window_value = messages.MaintenanceWindow(
544      startTime=maintenance_window_start.isoformat(),
545      endTime=maintenance_window_end.isoformat(),
546      recurrence=maintenance_window_recurrence)
547  config = messages.EnvironmentConfig(maintenanceWindow=window_value)
549  return 'config.maintenance_window', messages.Environment(config=config)