1 // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
2 //
3 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 #include <config.h>
9 #include <dhcp/dhcp6.h>
10 #include <dhcp/iface_mgr.h>
11 #include <dhcp/option6_addrlst.h>
12 #include <dhcp/option_custom.h>
13 #include <dhcp/option_int.h>
14 #include <dhcp/option_string.h>
15 #include <dhcp/option_vendor.h>
16 #include <dhcpsrv/dhcp4o6_ipc.h>
17 #include <dhcpsrv/dhcpsrv_log.h>
19 #include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
21 #include <errno.h>
22 #include <netinet/in.h>
23 #include <fcntl.h>
24 #include <string>
26 using namespace isc::asiolink;
27 using namespace isc::util;
28 using namespace std;
30 namespace isc {
31 namespace dhcp {
Dhcp4o6IpcBase()33 Dhcp4o6IpcBase::Dhcp4o6IpcBase() : port_(0), socket_fd_(-1) {}
~Dhcp4o6IpcBase()35 Dhcp4o6IpcBase::~Dhcp4o6IpcBase() {
36     close();
37 }
open(uint16_t port,EndpointType endpoint_type)39 int Dhcp4o6IpcBase::open(uint16_t port, EndpointType endpoint_type) {
40     // Don't check if the value is greater than 65534 as it is done
41     // by callers before they cast the value to 16 bits.
43     if (port == port_) {
44         // No change: nothing to do
45         return (socket_fd_);
46     }
48     // Open socket
49     int sock = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
50     if (sock < 0) {
51         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "Failed to create DHCP4o6 socket.");
52     }
54     // Set no blocking
55     if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
56         ::close(sock);
57         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError,
58                   "Failed to set O_NONBLOCK on DHCP4o6 socket.");
59     }
61     // Bind to the local address
62     struct sockaddr_in6 local6;
63     memset(&local6, 0, sizeof(local6));
64     local6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
65 #ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN
66     local6.sin6_len = sizeof(local6);
67 #endif
68     if (endpoint_type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_V6) {
69         local6.sin6_port = htons(port);
70     } else {
71         local6.sin6_port = htons(port + 1);
72     }
73     // We'll connect to the loopback address so bind to it too.
74     local6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[15] = 1;
75     if (::bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&local6, sizeof(local6)) < 0) {
76         ::close(sock);
77         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "Failed to bind DHCP4o6 socket.");
78     }
80     // Connect to the remote address
81     struct sockaddr_in6 remote6;
82     memset(&remote6, 0, sizeof(remote6));
83     remote6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
84 #ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN
85     remote6.sin6_len = sizeof(remote6);
86 #endif
87     if (endpoint_type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_V6) {
88         remote6.sin6_port = htons(port + 1);
89     } else {
90         remote6.sin6_port = htons(port);
91     }
92     // At least OpenBSD requires the remote address to not be left
93     // unspecified, so we set it to the loopback address.
94     remote6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[15] = 1;
95     if (connect(sock, reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr*>(&remote6),
96                 sizeof(remote6)) < 0) {
97         ::close(sock);
98         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "Failed to connect DHCP4o6 socket.");
99     }
101     if (socket_fd_ != -1) {
102         if (dup2(sock, socket_fd_) == -1) {
103             ::close(sock);
104             isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "Failed to duplicate DHCP4o6 socket.");
105         }
106         if (sock != socket_fd_) {
107             ::close(sock);
108             sock = socket_fd_;
109         }
110     }
112     // Success
113     port_ = port;
114     socket_fd_ = sock;
115     return (socket_fd_);
116 }
close()118 void Dhcp4o6IpcBase::close() {
119     port_ = 0;
120     if (socket_fd_ != -1) {
121         IfaceMgr::instance().deleteExternalSocket(socket_fd_);
122         ::close(socket_fd_);
123         socket_fd_ = -1;
124     }
125 }
receive()127 Pkt6Ptr Dhcp4o6IpcBase::receive() {
128     uint8_t buf[65536];
129     ssize_t cc = recv(socket_fd_, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
130     if (cc < 0) {
131         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "Failed to receive on DHCP4o6 socket.");
132     }
133     Pkt6Ptr pkt = Pkt6Ptr(new Pkt6(buf, cc));
134     pkt->updateTimestamp();
136     // Get interface name and remote address
137     pkt->unpack();
139     // Vendor option is initially NULL. If we find the instance of the vendor
140     // option with the ISC enterprise id this pointer will point to it.
141     OptionVendorPtr option_vendor;
143     // Get all vendor option and look for the one with the ISC enterprise id.
144     OptionCollection vendor_options = pkt->getOptions(D6O_VENDOR_OPTS);
145     for (OptionCollection::const_iterator opt = vendor_options.begin();
146          opt != vendor_options.end(); ++opt) {
147         option_vendor = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<OptionVendor>(opt->second);
148         if (option_vendor) {
149             if (option_vendor->getVendorId() == ENTERPRISE_ID_ISC) {
150                 break;
151             }
152             option_vendor.reset();
153         }
154     }
156     // Vendor option must exist.
157     if (!option_vendor) {
158         LOG_WARN(dhcpsrv_logger, DHCPSRV_DHCP4O6_RECEIVED_BAD_PACKET)
159             .arg("no ISC vendor option");
160         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "malformed packet (no ISC vendor option)");
161     }
163     // The option carrying interface name is required.
164     OptionStringPtr ifname = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
165         OptionString>(option_vendor->getOption(ISC_V6_4O6_INTERFACE));
166     if (!ifname) {
167         LOG_WARN(dhcpsrv_logger, DHCPSRV_DHCP4O6_RECEIVED_BAD_PACKET)
168             .arg("no interface suboption");
169         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError,
170                   "malformed packet (interface suboption missing "
171                   "or has incorrect type)");
172     }
174     // Check if this interface is present in the system.
175     IfacePtr iface = IfaceMgr::instance().getIface(ifname->getValue());
176     if (!iface) {
177         LOG_WARN(dhcpsrv_logger, DHCPSRV_DHCP4O6_RECEIVED_BAD_PACKET)
178             .arg("can't get interface " + ifname->getValue());
179         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError,
180                   "malformed packet (unknown interface "
181                   + ifname->getValue() + ")");
182     }
184     // Get the option holding source IPv6 address.
185     OptionCustomPtr srcs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
186         OptionCustom>(option_vendor->getOption(ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_ADDRESS));
187     if (!srcs) {
188         LOG_WARN(dhcpsrv_logger, DHCPSRV_DHCP4O6_RECEIVED_BAD_PACKET)
189             .arg("no source address suboption");
190         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError,
191                   "malformed packet (source address suboption missing "
192                   "or has incorrect type)");
193     }
195     // Get the option holding source port.
196     OptionUint16Ptr sport = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
197         OptionUint16>(option_vendor->getOption(ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_PORT));
198     if (!sport) {
199         LOG_WARN(dhcpsrv_logger, DHCPSRV_DHCP4O6_RECEIVED_BAD_PACKET)
200             .arg("no source port suboption");
201         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError,
202                   "malformed packet (source port suboption missing "
203                   "or has incorrect type)");
204     }
206     // Update the packet.
207     pkt->setRemoteAddr(srcs->readAddress());
208     pkt->setRemotePort(sport->getValue());
209     pkt->setIface(iface->getName());
210     pkt->setIndex(iface->getIndex());
212     // Remove options that have been added by the IPC sender.
213     static_cast<void>(option_vendor->delOption(ISC_V6_4O6_INTERFACE));
214     static_cast<void>(option_vendor->delOption(ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_ADDRESS));
215     static_cast<void>(option_vendor->delOption(ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_PORT));
217     // If there are no more options, the IPC sender has probably created the
218     // vendor option, in which case we should remove it here.
219     if (option_vendor->getOptions().empty()) {
220         static_cast<void>(pkt->delOption(D6O_VENDOR_OPTS));
221     }
223     return (pkt);
224 }
send(const Pkt6Ptr & pkt)226 void Dhcp4o6IpcBase::send(const Pkt6Ptr& pkt) {
227     // This shouldn't happen, i.e. send() shouldn't be called if there is
228     // no message.
229     if (!pkt) {
230         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "DHCP4o6 message must not be NULL while"
231                   " trying to send it over the IPC");
232     }
234     // Disabled: nowhere to send
235     if (socket_fd_ == -1) {
236         isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError, "unable to send DHCP4o6 message because"
237                   " IPC socket is closed");
238     }
240     // Check if vendor option exists.
241     OptionVendorPtr option_vendor = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
242         OptionVendor>(pkt->getOption(D6O_VENDOR_OPTS));
244     // If vendor option doesn't exist or its enterprise id is not ISC's
245     // enterprise id, let's create it.
246     if (!option_vendor ||
247         (option_vendor->getVendorId() != ENTERPRISE_ID_ISC)) {
248         option_vendor.reset(new OptionVendor(Option::V6, ENTERPRISE_ID_ISC));
249         pkt->addOption(option_vendor);
251     }
253     // Push interface name and source address in it
254     option_vendor->addOption(OptionStringPtr(new OptionString(Option::V6,
255                                                        ISC_V6_4O6_INTERFACE,
256                                                        pkt->getIface())));
257     option_vendor->addOption(Option6AddrLstPtr(new Option6AddrLst(
258                                                        ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_ADDRESS,
259                                                        pkt->getRemoteAddr())));
260     option_vendor->addOption(OptionUint16Ptr(new OptionUint16(Option::V6,
261                                                        ISC_V6_4O6_SRC_PORT,
262                                                        pkt->getRemotePort())));
263     // Get packet content
264     OutputBuffer& buf = pkt->getBuffer();
265     buf.clear();
266     pkt->pack();
268     // Try to send the message.
269    if (::send(socket_fd_, buf.getData(), buf.getLength(), 0) < 0) {
270        isc_throw(Dhcp4o6IpcError,
271                  "failed to send DHCP4o6 message over the IPC: "
272                  << strerror(errno));
273    }
274 }
276 };  // namespace dhcp
278 };  // namespace isc