1#!/usr/bin/env python
3#   (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
4#       See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
7## NOTE: we do NOT allow this pgm to run via mpdroot
10usage: mpdcleanup [-h] [-v] [-f <hostsfile>] [-r <rshcmd>] [-u <user>] [-c <cleancmd>] [-k 'killcmd'] [-n <num_from_hostsfile>]
11   or: mpdcleanup [--help] [--verbose] [--file=<hostsfile>] [--rsh=<rshcmd>] [--user=<user>]
12                  [--clean=<cleancmd>] [--kill="killcmd"]
13Removes the Unix socket on local (the default) and remote machines
14This is useful in case the mpd crashed badly and did not remove it, which it normally does
16from time import ctime
17__author__ = "Ralph Butler and Rusty Lusk"
18__date__ = ctime()
19__version__ = "$Revision: 1.11 $"
20__credits__ = ""
23import sys, os, socket
25from getopt import getopt
26from mpdlib import mpd_get_my_username, mpd_same_ips, mpd_set_tmpdir
28def mpdcleanup():
29    rshCmd    = 'ssh'
30    user      = mpd_get_my_username()
31    killCmd   = ''  # perhaps '~/bin/kj mpd'  (in quotes)
32    cleanCmd  = 'rm -f '
33    hostsFile = ''
34    verbose = 0
35    numFromHostsFile = 0  # chgd below
36    try:
37	(opts, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvf:r:u:c:k:n:',
38                              ['help', 'verbose', 'file=', 'rsh=', 'user=', 'clean=','kill='])
39    except:
40        print 'invalid arg(s) specified'
41	usage()
42    else:
43	for opt in opts:
44	    if opt[0] == '-r' or opt[0] == '--rsh':
45		rshCmd = opt[1]
46	    elif opt[0] == '-u' or opt[0] == '--user':
47		user   = opt[1]
48	    elif opt[0] == '-f' or opt[0] == '--file':
49		hostsFile = opt[1]
50	    elif opt[0] == '-h' or opt[0] == '--help':
51		usage()
52	    elif opt[0] == '-v' or opt[0] == '--verbose':
53		verbose = 1
54	    elif opt[0] == '-n':
55		numFromHostsFile = int(opt[1])
56	    elif opt[0] == '-c' or opt[0] == '--clean':
57		cleanCmd = opt[1]
58	    elif opt[0] == '-k' or opt[0] == '--kill':
59		killCmd = opt[1]
60    if args:
61        print 'invalid arg(s) specified: ' + ' '.join(args)
62	usage()
64    if os.environ.has_key('MPD_CON_EXT'):
65        conExt = '_' + os.environ['MPD_CON_EXT']
66    else:
67        conExt = ''
68    if os.environ.has_key('MPD_TMPDIR'):
69        tmpdir = os.environ['MPD_TMPDIR']
70    else:
71        tmpdir = '/tmp'
72    cleanFile = tmpdir + '/mpd2.console_' + user + conExt
73    if rshCmd == 'ssh':
74	xOpt = '-x'
75    else:
76	xOpt = ''
77    try: localIP = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())[2]
78    except: localIP = 'unknownlocal'
80    if hostsFile:
81        try:
82	    f = open(hostsFile,'r')
83        except:
84	    print 'Not cleaning up on remote hosts; file %s not found' % hostsFile
85	    sys.exit(0)
86        hosts = f.readlines()
87        if numFromHostsFile:
88            hosts = hosts[0:numFromHostsFile]
89        for host in hosts:
90	    host = host.strip()
91	    if host[0] != '#':
92                try: remoteIP = socket.gethostbyname_ex(host)[2]
93                except: remoteIP = 'unknownremote'
94                if localIP == remoteIP:  # local machine handled last below loop
95                    continue
96	        cmd = '%s %s -n %s %s %s &' % (rshCmd, xOpt, host, cleanCmd, cleanFile)
97                if verbose:
98	            print 'cmd=:%s:' % (cmd)
99	        os.system(cmd)
100                if killCmd:
101	            cmd = "%s %s -n %s \"/bin/sh -c '%s' &\"" % (rshCmd, xOpt, host, killCmd)
102                    if verbose:
103	                print "cmd=:%s:" % (cmd)
104	            os.system(cmd)
106    ## clean up local machine last
107    cmd = '%s %s' % (cleanCmd,cleanFile)
108    if verbose:
109        print 'cmd=:%s:' % (cmd)
110    os.system(cmd)
111    if killCmd:
112        if verbose:
113            print 'cmd=:%s:' % (killCmd)
114        os.system(killCmd)
116def usage():
117    print __doc__
118    sys.exit(-1)
121if __name__ == '__main__':
122    mpdcleanup()