1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2009 University of Washington
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  */
21 #include "ns3/packet.h"
22 #include "ns3/callback.h"
23 #include "ns3/object.h"
24 #include "ns3/socket.h"
25 #include "ipv4-header.h"
26 #include "ns3/ipv4-interface-address.h"
27 #include "ipv4.h"
28 #include "ns3/output-stream-wrapper.h"
29 #include "ns3/nstime.h"
31 namespace ns3 {
33 class Ipv4MulticastRoute;
34 class Ipv4Route;
35 class NetDevice;
37 /**
38  * \ingroup internet
39  * \defgroup ipv4Routing IPv4 Routing Protocols.
40  *
41  * The classes in this group implement different routing protocols
42  * for IPv4. Other modules could implement further protocols
43  * (e.g., AODV, OLSR, etc.).
44  */
46 /**
47  * \ingroup ipv4Routing
48  * \brief Abstract base class for IPv4 routing protocols.
49  *
50  * Defines two virtual functions for packet routing and forwarding.  The first,
51  * RouteOutput(), is used for locally originated packets, and the second,
52  * RouteInput(), is used for forwarding and/or delivering received packets.
53  * Also defines the signatures of four callbacks used in RouteInput().
54  *
55  */
56 class Ipv4RoutingProtocol : public Object
57 {
58 public:
59   /**
60    * \brief Get the type ID.
61    * \return the object TypeId
62    */
63   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
65   /// Callback for unicast packets to be forwarded
66   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Ipv4Route>, Ptr<const Packet>, const Ipv4Header &> UnicastForwardCallback;
68   /// Callback for multicast packets to be forwarded
69   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<Ipv4MulticastRoute>, Ptr<const Packet>, const Ipv4Header &> MulticastForwardCallback;
71   /// Callback for packets to be locally delivered
72   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const Packet>, const Ipv4Header &, uint32_t > LocalDeliverCallback;
74   /// Callback for routing errors (e.g., no route found)
75   typedef Callback<void, Ptr<const Packet>, const Ipv4Header &, Socket::SocketErrno > ErrorCallback;
77   /**
78    * \brief Query routing cache for an existing route, for an outbound packet
79    *
80    * This lookup is used by transport protocols.  It does not cause any
81    * packet to be forwarded, and is synchronous.  Can be used for
82    * multicast or unicast.  The Linux equivalent is ip_route_output()
83    *
84    * The header input parameter may have an uninitialized value
85    * for the source address, but the destination address should always be
86    * properly set by the caller.
87    *
88    * \param p packet to be routed.  Note that this method may modify the packet.
89    *          Callers may also pass in a null pointer.
90    * \param header input parameter (used to form key to search for the route)
91    * \param oif Output interface Netdevice.  May be zero, or may be bound via
92    *            socket options to a particular output interface.
93    * \param sockerr Output parameter; socket errno
94    *
95    * \returns a code that indicates what happened in the lookup
96    */
97   virtual Ptr<Ipv4Route> RouteOutput (Ptr<Packet> p, const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr<NetDevice> oif, Socket::SocketErrno &sockerr) = 0;
99   /**
100    * \brief Route an input packet (to be forwarded or locally delivered)
101    *
102    * This lookup is used in the forwarding process.  The packet is
103    * handed over to the Ipv4RoutingProtocol, and will get forwarded onward
104    * by one of the callbacks.  The Linux equivalent is ip_route_input().
105    * There are four valid outcomes, and a matching callbacks to handle each.
106    *
107    * \param p received packet
108    * \param header input parameter used to form a search key for a route
109    * \param idev Pointer to ingress network device
110    * \param ucb Callback for the case in which the packet is to be forwarded
111    *            as unicast
112    * \param mcb Callback for the case in which the packet is to be forwarded
113    *            as multicast
114    * \param lcb Callback for the case in which the packet is to be locally
115    *            delivered
116    * \param ecb Callback to call if there is an error in forwarding
117    * \returns true if the Ipv4RoutingProtocol takes responsibility for
118    *          forwarding or delivering the packet, false otherwise
119    */
120   virtual bool RouteInput  (Ptr<const Packet> p, const Ipv4Header &header, Ptr<const NetDevice> idev,
121                             UnicastForwardCallback ucb, MulticastForwardCallback mcb,
122                             LocalDeliverCallback lcb, ErrorCallback ecb) = 0;
124   /**
125    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
126    *
127    * Protocols are expected to implement this method to be notified of the state change of
128    * an interface in a node.
129    */
130   virtual void NotifyInterfaceUp (uint32_t interface) = 0;
131   /**
132    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
133    *
134    * Protocols are expected to implement this method to be notified of the state change of
135    * an interface in a node.
136    */
137   virtual void NotifyInterfaceDown (uint32_t interface) = 0;
139   /**
140    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
141    * \param address a new address being added to an interface
142    *
143    * Protocols are expected to implement this method to be notified whenever
144    * a new address is added to an interface. Typically used to add a 'network route' on an
145    * interface. Can be invoked on an up or down interface.
146    */
147   virtual void NotifyAddAddress (uint32_t interface, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address) = 0;
149   /**
150    * \param interface the index of the interface we are being notified about
151    * \param address a new address being added to an interface
152    *
153    * Protocols are expected to implement this method to be notified whenever
154    * a new address is removed from an interface. Typically used to remove the 'network route' of an
155    * interface. Can be invoked on an up or down interface.
156    */
157   virtual void NotifyRemoveAddress (uint32_t interface, Ipv4InterfaceAddress address) = 0;
159   /**
160    * \param ipv4 the ipv4 object this routing protocol is being associated with
161    *
162    * Typically, invoked directly or indirectly from ns3::Ipv4::SetRoutingProtocol
163    */
164   virtual void SetIpv4 (Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4) = 0;
166   /**
167    * \brief Print the Routing Table entries
168    *
169    * \param stream The ostream the Routing table is printed to
170    * \param unit The time unit to be used in the report
171    */
172   virtual void PrintRoutingTable (Ptr<OutputStreamWrapper> stream, Time::Unit unit = Time::S) const = 0;
174 };
176 } // namespace ns3
178 #endif /* IPV4_ROUTING_PROTOCOL_H */