1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2005,2006 INRIA
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  *
18  * Author: Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr>
19  */
20 #ifndef PACKET_H
21 #define PACKET_H
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 #include "buffer.h"
25 #include "header.h"
26 #include "trailer.h"
27 #include "packet-metadata.h"
28 #include "tag.h"
29 #include "byte-tag-list.h"
30 #include "packet-tag-list.h"
31 #include "nix-vector.h"
32 #include "ns3/mac48-address.h"
33 #include "ns3/callback.h"
34 #include "ns3/assert.h"
35 #include "ns3/ptr.h"
36 #include "ns3/deprecated.h"
38 namespace ns3 {
40 // Forward declaration
41 class Address;
43 /**
44  * \ingroup network
45  * \defgroup packet Packet
46  */
48 /**
49  * \ingroup packet
50  * \brief Iterator over the set of byte tags in a packet
51  *
52  * This is a java-style iterator.
53  */
54 class ByteTagIterator
55 {
56 public:
57   /**
58    * \brief Identifies a byte tag and a set of bytes within a packet
59    * to which the tag applies.
60    */
61   class Item
62   {
63 public:
64     /**
65      * \returns the ns3::TypeId associated to this tag.
66      */
67     TypeId GetTypeId (void) const;
68     /**
69      * \returns the index of the first byte tagged by this tag.
70      *
71      * \brief The index is an offset from the start of the packet.
72      */
73     uint32_t GetStart (void) const;
74     /**
75      * \returns the index of the last byte tagged by this tag.
76      *
77      * \brief The index is an offset from the start of the packet.
78      */
79     uint32_t GetEnd (void) const;
80     /**
81      * \brief Read the requested tag and store it in the user-provided tag instance.
82      *
83      * \param tag the user tag to which the data should be copied.
84      *
85      * This method will crash if the type of the tag provided
86      * by the user does not match the type of the underlying tag.
87      */
88     void GetTag (Tag &tag) const;
89 private:
90     /// Friend class
91     friend class ByteTagIterator;
92     /**
93      * \brief Constructor
94      * \param tid the ns3::TypeId associated to this tag.
95      * \param start the index of the first byte tagged by this tag.
96      * \param end the index of the last byte tagged by this tag.
97      * \param buffer the buffer associated with this tag.
98      */
99     Item (TypeId tid, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, TagBuffer buffer);
101     TypeId m_tid;       //!< the ns3::TypeId associated to this tag.
102     uint32_t m_start;   //!< the index of the first byte tagged by this tag.
103     uint32_t m_end;     //!< the index of the last byte tagged by this tag.
104     TagBuffer m_buffer; //!< the buffer associated with this tag.
105   };
106   /**
107    * \returns true if calling Next is safe, false otherwise.
108    */
109   bool HasNext (void) const;
110   /**
111    * \returns the next item found and prepare for the next one.
112    */
113   Item Next (void);
114 private:
115   /// Friend class
116   friend class Packet;
117   /**
118    * Copy Constructor
119    * \param i object to copy
120    */
121   ByteTagIterator (ByteTagList::Iterator i);
122   ByteTagList::Iterator m_current; //!< actual position over the set of byte tags in a packet
123 };
125 /**
126  * \ingroup packet
127  * \brief Iterator over the set of packet tags in a packet
128  *
129  * This is a java-style iterator.
130  */
131 class PacketTagIterator
132 {
133 public:
134   /**
135    * Identifies a packet tag within a packet.
136    */
137   class Item
138   {
139 public:
140     /**
141      * \returns the ns3::TypeId associated to this tag.
142      */
143     TypeId GetTypeId (void) const;
144     /**
145      * Read the requested tag and store it in the user-provided tag instance.
146      *
147      * \param tag the user tag to which the data should be copied.
148      *
149      * This method will crash if the type of the tag provided
150      * by the user does not match the type of the underlying tag.
151      */
152     void GetTag (Tag &tag) const;
153 private:
154     /// Friend class
155     friend class PacketTagIterator;
156     /**
157      * Constructor
158      * \param data the data to copy.
159      */
160     Item (const struct PacketTagList::TagData *data);
161     const struct PacketTagList::TagData *m_data; //!< the tag data
162   };
163   /**
164    * \returns true if calling Next is safe, false otherwise.
165    */
166   bool HasNext (void) const;
167   /**
168    * \returns the next item found and prepare for the next one.
169    */
170   Item Next (void);
171 private:
172   /// Friend class
173   friend class Packet;
174   /**
175    * Constructor
176    * \param head head of the items
177    */
178   PacketTagIterator (const struct PacketTagList::TagData *head);
179   const struct PacketTagList::TagData *m_current;  //!< actual position over the set of tags in a packet
180 };
182 /**
183  * \ingroup packet
184  * \brief network packets
185  *
186  * Each network packet contains a byte buffer, a set of byte tags, a set of
187  * packet tags, and metadata.
188  *
189  * - The byte buffer stores the serialized content of the headers and trailers
190  * added to a packet. The serialized representation of these headers is expected
191  * to match that of real network packets bit for bit (although nothing
192  * forces you to do this) which means that the content of a packet buffer
193  * is expected to be that of a real packet.
194  *
195  * - The metadata describes the type of the headers and trailers which
196  * were serialized in the byte buffer. The maintenance of metadata is
197  * optional and disabled by default. To enable it, you must call
198  * Packet::EnablePrinting and this will allow you to get non-empty
199  * output from Packet::Print. If you wish to only enable
200  * checking of metadata, and do not need any printing capability, you can
201  * call Packet::EnableChecking: its runtime cost is lower than
202  * Packet::EnablePrinting.
203  *
204  * - The set of tags contain simulation-specific information which cannot
205  * be stored in the packet byte buffer because the protocol headers or trailers
206  * have no standard-conformant field for this information. So-called
207  * 'byte' tags are used to tag a subset of the bytes in the packet byte buffer
208  * while 'packet' tags are used to tag the packet itself. The main difference
209  * between these two kinds of tags is what happens when packets are copied,
210  * fragmented, and reassembled: 'byte' tags follow bytes while 'packet' tags
211  * follow packets. Another important difference between these two kinds of tags
212  * is that byte tags cannot be removed and are expected to be written once,
213  * and read many times, while packet tags are expected to be written once,
214  * read many times, and removed exactly once. An example of a 'byte'
215  * tag is a FlowIdTag which contains a flow id and is set by the application
216  * generating traffic. An example of a 'packet' tag is a cross-layer
217  * qos class id set by an application and processed by a lower-level MAC
218  * layer.
219  *
220  * Implementing a new type of Header or Trailer for a new protocol is
221  * pretty easy and is a matter of creating a subclass of the ns3::Header
222  * or of the ns3::Trailer base class, and implementing the methods
223  * described in their respective API documentation.
224  *
225  * Implementing a new type of Tag requires roughly the same amount of
226  * work and this work is described in the ns3::Tag API documentation.
227  *
228  * The performance aspects copy-on-write semantics of the
229  * Packet API are discussed in \ref packetperf
230  */
231 class Packet : public SimpleRefCount<Packet>
232 {
233 public:
235   /**
236    * \brief Create an empty packet with a new uid (as returned
237    * by getUid).
238    */
239   Packet ();
240   /**
241    * \brief Copy constructor
242    * \param o object to copy
243    */
244   Packet (const Packet &o);
245   /**
246    * \brief Basic assignment
247    * \param o object to copy
248    * \return the copied object
249    */
250   Packet &operator = (const Packet &o);
251   /**
252    * \brief Create a packet with a zero-filled payload.
253    *
254    * The memory necessary for the payload is not allocated:
255    * it will be allocated at any later point if you attempt
256    * to fragment this packet or to access the zero-filled
257    * bytes. The packet is allocated with a new uid (as
258    * returned by getUid).
259    *
260    * \param size the size of the zero-filled payload
261    */
262   Packet (uint32_t size);
263   /**
264    * \brief Create a new packet from the serialized buffer.
265    *
266    * This new packet
267    * is identical to the serialized packet contained in the buffer
268    * and is magically deserialized for you
269    *
270    * \param buffer the serialized packet to be created
271    * \param size the size of the packet for deserialization
272    * \param magic allows packet deserialization;
273    *        asserts when set to false
274    */
275   Packet (uint8_t const*buffer, uint32_t size, bool magic);
276   /**
277    * \brief Create a packet with payload filled with the content
278    * of this buffer.
279    *
280    * The input data is copied: the input
281    * buffer is untouched.
282    *
283    * \param buffer the data to store in the packet.
284    * \param size the size of the input buffer.
285    */
286   Packet (uint8_t const*buffer, uint32_t size);
287   /**
288    * \brief Create a new packet which contains a fragment of the original
289    * packet.
290    *
291    * The returned packet shares the same uid as this packet.
292    *
293    * \param start offset from start of packet to start of fragment to create
294    * \param length length of fragment to create
295    * \returns a fragment of the original packet
296    */
297   Ptr<Packet> CreateFragment (uint32_t start, uint32_t length) const;
298   /**
299    * \brief Returns the the size in bytes of the packet (including the zero-filled
300    * initial payload).
301    *
302    * \returns the size in bytes of the packet
303    */
304   inline uint32_t GetSize (void) const;
305   /**
306    * \brief Add header to this packet.
307    *
308    * This method invokes the
309    * Header::GetSerializedSize and Header::Serialize
310    * methods to reserve space in the buffer and request the
311    * header to serialize itself in the packet buffer.
312    *
313    * \param header a reference to the header to add to this packet.
314    */
315   void AddHeader (const Header & header);
316   /**
317    * \brief Deserialize and remove the header from the internal buffer.
318    *
319    * This method invokes Header::Deserialize (begin) and should be used for
320    * fixed-length headers.
321    *
322    * \param header a reference to the header to remove from the internal buffer.
323    * \returns the number of bytes removed from the packet.
324    */
325   uint32_t RemoveHeader (Header &header);
326   /**
327    * \brief Deserialize and remove the header from the internal buffer.
328    *
329    * This method invokes Header::Deserialize (begin, end) and should be
330    * used for variable-length headers (where the size is determined somehow
331    * by the caller).
332    *
333    * \param header a reference to the header to remove from the internal buffer.
334    * \param size number of bytes to deserialize
335    * \returns the number of bytes removed from the packet.
336    */
337   uint32_t RemoveHeader (Header &header, uint32_t size);
338   /**
339    * \brief Deserialize but does _not_ remove the header from the internal buffer.
340    * s
341    * This method invokes Header::Deserialize.
342    *
343    * \param header a reference to the header to read from the internal buffer.
344    * \returns the number of bytes read from the packet.
345    */
346   uint32_t PeekHeader (Header &header) const;
347   /**
348    * \brief Deserialize but does _not_ remove the header from the internal buffer.
349    * s
350    * This method invokes Header::Deserialize (begin, end) and should be used
351    * for variable-length headers (where the size is determined somehow
352    * by the caller).
353    *
354    * \param header a reference to the header to read from the internal buffer.
355    * \param size number of bytes to deserialize
356    * \returns the number of bytes read from the packet.
357    */
358   uint32_t PeekHeader (Header &header, uint32_t size) const;
359   /**
360    * \brief Add trailer to this packet.
361    *
362    * This method invokes the
363    * Trailer::GetSerializedSize and Trailer::Serialize
364    * methods to reserve space in the buffer and request the trailer
365    * to serialize itself in the packet buffer.
366    *
367    * \param trailer a reference to the trailer to add to this packet.
368    */
369   void AddTrailer (const Trailer &trailer);
370   /**
371    * \brief Remove a deserialized trailer from the internal buffer.
372    *
373    * This method invokes the Deserialize method.
374    *
375    * \param trailer a reference to the trailer to remove from the internal buffer.
376    * \returns the number of bytes removed from the end of the packet.
377    */
378   uint32_t RemoveTrailer (Trailer &trailer);
379   /**
380    * \brief Deserialize but does _not_ remove a trailer from the internal buffer.
381    *
382    * This method invokes the Trailer::Deserialize method.
383    *
384    * \param trailer a reference to the trailer to read from the internal buffer.
385    * \returns the number of bytes read from the end of the packet.
386    */
387   uint32_t PeekTrailer (Trailer &trailer);
389   /**
390    * \brief Concatenate the input packet at the end of the current
391    * packet.
392    *
393    * This does not alter the uid of either packet.
394    *
395    * \param packet packet to concatenate
396    */
397   void AddAtEnd (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
398   /**
399    * \brief Add a zero-filled padding to the packet.
400    *
401    * \param size number of padding bytes to add.
402    */
403   void AddPaddingAtEnd (uint32_t size);
404   /**
405    * \brief Remove size bytes from the end of the current packet.
406    *
407    * It is safe to remove more bytes than are present in
408    * the packet.
409    *
410    * \param size number of bytes from remove
411    */
412   void RemoveAtEnd (uint32_t size);
413   /**
414    * \brief Remove size bytes from the start of the current packet.
415    *
416    * It is safe to remove more bytes than are present in
417    * the packet.
418    *
419    * \param size number of bytes from remove
420    */
421   void RemoveAtStart (uint32_t size);
423   /**
424    * \brief Copy the packet contents to a byte buffer.
425    *
426    * \param buffer a pointer to a byte buffer where the packet data
427    *        should be copied.
428    * \param size the size of the byte buffer.
429    * \returns the number of bytes read from the packet
430    *
431    * No more than \b size bytes will be copied by this function.
432    */
433   uint32_t CopyData (uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size) const;
435   /**
436    * \brief Copy the packet contents to an output stream.
437    *
438    * \param os pointer to output stream in which we want
439    *        to write the packet data.
440    * \param size the maximum number of bytes we want to write
441    *        in the output stream.
442    */
443   void CopyData (std::ostream *os, uint32_t size) const;
445   /**
446    * \brief performs a COW copy of the packet.
447    *
448    * \returns a COW copy of the packet.
449    *
450    * The returns packet will behave like an independent copy of
451    * the original packet, even though they both share the
452    * same datasets internally.
453    */
454   Ptr<Packet> Copy (void) const;
456   /**
457    * \brief Returns the packet's Uid.
458    *
459    * A packet is allocated a new uid when it is created
460    * empty or with zero-filled payload.
461    *
462    * Note: This uid is an internal uid and cannot be counted on to
463    * provide an accurate counter of how many "simulated packets" of a
464    * particular protocol are in the system. It is not trivial to make
465    * this uid into such a counter, because of questions such as what
466    * should the uid be when the packet is sent over broadcast media, or
467    * when fragmentation occurs. If a user wants to trace actual packet
468    * counts, he or she should look at e.g. the IP ID field or transport
469    * sequence numbers, or other packet or frame counters at other
470    * protocol layers.
471    *
472    * \returns an integer identifier which uniquely
473    *          identifies this packet.
474    */
475   uint64_t GetUid (void) const;
477   /**
478    * \brief Print the packet contents.
479    *
480    * \param os output stream in which the data should be printed.
481    *
482    * Iterate over the headers and trailers present in this packet,
483    * from the first header to the last trailer and invoke, for
484    * each of them, the user-provided method Header::DoPrint or
485    * Trailer::DoPrint methods.
486    */
487   void Print (std::ostream &os) const;
489   /**
490    * \brief Return a string representation of the packet
491    *
492    * An empty string is returned if you haven't called EnablePrinting ()
493    *
494    * \return String representation
495    */
496   std::string ToString (void) const;
498   /**
499    * \brief Returns an iterator which points to the first 'item'
500    * stored in this buffer.
501    *
502    * Note that this iterator will point
503    * to an empty array of items if you don't call EnablePrinting
504    * or EnableChecking before.
505    *
506    * \returns an iterator
507    *
508    * \sa EnablePrinting EnableChecking
509    */
510   PacketMetadata::ItemIterator BeginItem (void) const;
512   /**
513    * \brief Enable printing packets metadata.
514    *
515    * By default, packets do not keep around enough metadata to
516    * perform the operations requested by the Print methods. If you
517    * want to be able the Packet::Print method,
518    * you need to invoke this method at least once during the
519    * simulation setup and before any packet is created.
520    */
521   static void EnablePrinting (void);
522   /**
523    * \brief Enable packets metadata checking.
524    *
525    * The packet metadata is also used to perform extensive
526    * sanity checks at runtime when performing operations on a
527    * Packet. For example, this metadata is used to verify that
528    * when you remove a header from a packet, this same header
529    * was actually present at the front of the packet. These
530    * errors will be detected and will abort the program.
531    */
532   static void EnableChecking (void);
534   /**
535    * \brief Returns number of bytes required for packet
536    * serialization.
537    *
538    * \returns number of bytes required for packet
539    * serialization
540    *
541    * For packet serialization, the total size is checked
542    * in order to determine the size of the buffer
543    * required for serialization
544    */
545   uint32_t GetSerializedSize (void) const;
547   /**
548    * \brief Serialize a packet, tags, and metadata into a byte buffer.
549    *
550    * \param buffer a raw byte buffer to which the packet will be serialized
551    * \param maxSize the max size of the buffer for bounds checking
552    *
553    * \returns one if all data were serialized, zero if buffer size was too small.
554    */
555   uint32_t Serialize (uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t maxSize) const;
557   /**
558    * \brief Tag each byte included in this packet with a new byte tag.
559    *
560    * \param tag the new tag to add to this packet
561    *
562    * Note that adding a tag is a const operation which is pretty
563    * un-intuitive. The rationale is that the content and behavior of
564    * a packet is _not_ changed when a tag is added to a packet: any
565    * code which was not aware of the new tag is going to work just
566    * the same if the new tag is added. The real reason why adding a
567    * tag was made a const operation is to allow a trace sink which gets
568    * a packet to tag the packet, even if the packet is const (and most
569    * trace sources should use const packets because it would be
570    * totally evil to allow a trace sink to modify the content of a
571    * packet).
572    */
573   void AddByteTag (const Tag &tag) const;
575   /**
576    * \brief Tag the indicated byte range of this packet with a new byte tag.
577    *
578    * As parameters for this method, we do not use indexes, but byte position.
579    * Moreover, as there is no 0-th position, the first position is 1.
580    *
581    * As example, if you want to tag the first 10 bytes, you have to call
582    * the method in this way:
583    *
584    * \code{.cpp}
585        Ptr<Packet> p = ... ;
586        SomeTag tag;
587        p->AddByteTag (tag, 1, 10);
588      \endcode
589    *
590    * \param tag the new tag to add to this packet
591    * \param start the position of the first byte tagged by this tag
592    * \param end the position of the last byte tagged by this tag
593    */
594   void AddByteTag (const Tag &tag, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) const;
595   /**
596    * \brief Returns an iterator over the set of byte tags included in this packet
597    *
598    * \returns an iterator over the set of byte tags included in this packet.
599    */
600   ByteTagIterator GetByteTagIterator (void) const;
601   /**
602    * \brief Finds the first tag matching the parameter Tag type
603    *
604    * \param tag the byte tag type to search in this packet
605    * \returns true if the requested tag type was found, false otherwise.
606    *
607    * If the requested tag type is found, it is copied in the user's
608    * provided tag instance.
609    */
610   bool FindFirstMatchingByteTag (Tag &tag) const;
612   /**
613    * \brief Remove all byte tags stored in this packet.
614    */
615   void RemoveAllByteTags (void);
617   /**
618    * \param os output stream in which the data should be printed.
619    *
620    * \brief Iterate over the byte tags present in this packet, and
621    * invoke the Print method of each tag stored in the packet.
622    */
623   void PrintByteTags (std::ostream &os) const;
625   /**
626    * \brief Add a packet tag.
627    *
628    * \param tag the packet tag type to add.
629    *
630    * Note that this method is const, that is, it does not
631    * modify the state of this packet, which is fairly
632    * un-intuitive.  See AddByteTag"()" discussion.
633    */
634   void AddPacketTag (const Tag &tag) const;
635   /**
636    * \brief Remove a packet tag.
637    *
638    * \param tag the packet tag type to remove from this packet.
639    *        The tag parameter is set to the value of the tag found.
640    * \returns true if the requested tag is found, false
641    *          otherwise.
642    */
643   bool RemovePacketTag (Tag &tag);
644   /**
645    * \brief Replace the value of a packet tag.
646    *
647    * \param tag the packet tag type to replace.  To get the old
648    *        value of the tag, use PeekPacketTag first.
649    * \returns true if the requested tag is found, false otherwise.
650    *        If the tag isn't found, Add is performed instead (so
651    *        the packet is guaranteed to have the new tag value
652    *        either way).
653    */
654   bool ReplacePacketTag (Tag & tag);
655   /**
656    * \brief Search a matching tag and call Tag::Deserialize if it is found.
657    *
658    * \param tag the tag to search in this packet
659    * \returns true if the requested tag is found, false
660    *          otherwise.
661    */
662   bool PeekPacketTag (Tag &tag) const;
663   /**
664    * \brief Remove all packet tags.
665    */
666   void RemoveAllPacketTags (void);
668   /**
669    * \brief Print the list of packet tags.
670    *
671    * \param os the stream on which to print the tags.
672    *
673    * \sa Packet::AddPacketTag, Packet::RemovePacketTag, Packet::PeekPacketTag,
674    *  Packet::RemoveAllPacketTags
675    */
676   void PrintPacketTags (std::ostream &os) const;
678   /**
679    * \brief Returns an object which can be used to iterate over the list of
680    *  packet tags.
681    *
682    * \returns an object which can be used to iterate over the list of
683    *  packet tags.
684    */
685   PacketTagIterator GetPacketTagIterator (void) const;
687   /**
688    * \brief Set the packet nix-vector.
689    *
690    * Note: This function supports a temporary solution
691    * to a specific problem in this generic class, i.e.
692    * how to associate something specific like nix-vector
693    * with a packet.  This design methodology
694    * should _not_ be followed, and is only here as an
695    * impetus to fix this general issue.
696    *
697    * \param nixVector the nix vector
698    */
699   void SetNixVector (Ptr<NixVector> nixVector);
700   /**
701    * \brief Get the packet nix-vector.
702    *
703    * See the comment on SetNixVector
704    *
705    * \returns the Nix vector
706    */
707   Ptr<NixVector> GetNixVector (void) const;
709   /**
710    * TracedCallback signature for Ptr<Packet>
711    *
712    * \param [in] packet The packet.
713    */
714   typedef void (* TracedCallback) (Ptr<const Packet> packet);
716   /**
717    * TracedCallback signature for packet and Address.
718    *
719    * \param [in] packet The packet.
720    * \param [in] address The address.
721    */
722   typedef void (* AddressTracedCallback)
723     (Ptr<const Packet> packet, const Address &address);
725    /**
726     * TracedCallback signature for packet and source/destination addresses.
727     *
728     * \param [in] packet The packet.
729     * \param [in] srcAddress The source address.
730     * \param [in] destAddress The destination address.
731     */
732   typedef void (* TwoAddressTracedCallback)
733     (const Ptr<const Packet> packet, const Address &srcAddress, const Address &destAddress);
735   /**
736    * TracedCallback signature for packet and Mac48Address.
737    *
738    * \param [in] packet The packet.
739    * \param [in] mac The Mac48Address.
740    */
741   typedef void (* Mac48AddressTracedCallback)
742     (Ptr<const Packet> packet, Mac48Address mac);
744   /**
745    * TracedCallback signature for changes in packet size.
746    *
747    * \param [in] oldSize The previous packet's size.
748    * \param [in] newSize The actual packet's size.
749    */
750   typedef void (* SizeTracedCallback)
751     (uint32_t oldSize, uint32_t newSize);
753   /**
754    * TracedCallback signature for packet and SINR.
755    *
756    * \param [in] packet The packet.
757    * \param [in] sinr The received SINR.
758    */
759   typedef void (* SinrTracedCallback)
760     (Ptr<const Packet> packet, double sinr);
763 private:
764   /**
765    * \brief Constructor
766    * \param buffer the packet buffer
767    * \param byteTagList the ByteTag list
768    * \param packetTagList the packet's Tag list
769    * \param metadata the packet's metadata
770    */
771   Packet (const Buffer &buffer, const ByteTagList &byteTagList,
772           const PacketTagList &packetTagList, const PacketMetadata &metadata);
774   /**
775    * \brief Deserializes a packet.
776    * \param [in] buffer the input buffer.
777    * \param [in] size the buffer size.
778    * \returns the number of deserialized bytes.
779    */
780   uint32_t Deserialize (uint8_t const*buffer, uint32_t size);
782   Buffer m_buffer;                //!< the packet buffer (it's actual contents)
783   ByteTagList m_byteTagList;      //!< the ByteTag list
784   PacketTagList m_packetTagList;  //!< the packet's Tag list
785   PacketMetadata m_metadata;      //!< the packet's metadata
787   /* Please see comments above about nix-vector */
788   Ptr<NixVector> m_nixVector; //!< the packet's Nix vector
790   static uint32_t m_globalUid; //!< Global counter of packets Uid
791 };
793 /**
794  * \brief Stream insertion operator.
795  *
796  * \param os the stream
797  * \param packet the packet
798  * \returns a reference to the stream
799  */
800 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Packet &packet);
802 /**
803  * \ingroup network
804  * \defgroup packetperf Packet Performance
805  * The current implementation of the byte buffers and tag list is based
806  * on COW (Copy On Write. An introduction to COW can be found in Scott
807  * Meyer's "More Effective C++", items 17 and 29). What this means is that
808  * copying packets without modifying them is very cheap (in terms of cpu
809  * and memory usage) and modifying them can be also very cheap. What is
810  * key for proper COW implementations is being
811  * able to detect when a given modification of the state of a packet triggers
812  * a full copy of the data prior to the modification: COW systems need
813  * to detect when an operation is "dirty".
814  *
815  * Dirty operations:
816  *   - ns3::Packet::AddHeader
817  *   - ns3::Packet::AddTrailer
818  *   - both versions of ns3::Packet::AddAtEnd
819  *   - ns3::Packet::RemovePacketTag
820  *   - ns3::Packet::ReplacePacketTag
821  *
822  * Non-dirty operations:
823  *   - ns3::Packet::AddPacketTag
824  *   - ns3::Packet::PeekPacketTag
825  *   - ns3::Packet::RemoveAllPacketTags
826  *   - ns3::Packet::AddByteTag
827  *   - ns3::Packet::FindFirstMatchingByteTag
828  *   - ns3::Packet::RemoveAllByteTags
829  *   - ns3::Packet::RemoveHeader
830  *   - ns3::Packet::RemoveTrailer
831  *   - ns3::Packet::CreateFragment
832  *   - ns3::Packet::RemoveAtStart
833  *   - ns3::Packet::RemoveAtEnd
834  *   - ns3::Packet::CopyData
835  *
836  * Dirty operations will always be slower than non-dirty operations,
837  * sometimes by several orders of magnitude. However, even the
838  * dirty operations have been optimized for common use-cases which
839  * means that most of the time, these operations will not trigger
840  * data copies and will thus be still very fast.
841  */
843 } // namespace ns3
845 /****************************************************
846  *  Implementation of inline methods for performance
847  ****************************************************/
849 namespace ns3 {
851 uint32_t
GetSize(void)852 Packet::GetSize (void) const
853 {
854   return m_buffer.GetSize ();
855 }
857 } // namespace ns3
859 #endif /* PACKET_H */