1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2020 Orange Labs
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  *
18  * Authors: Rediet <getachew.redieteab@orange.com>
19  *          Sébastien Deronne <sebastien.deronne@gmail.com> (for logic ported from wifi-phy)
20  *          Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr> (for logic ported from wifi-phy)
21  */
23 #ifndef ERP_OFDM_PHY_H
24 #define ERP_OFDM_PHY_H
26 #include "ofdm-phy.h"
28 /**
29  * \file
30  * \ingroup wifi
31  * Declaration of ns3::ErpOfdmPhy class.
32  */
34 namespace ns3 {
36 /**
37  * \brief PHY entity for ERP-OFDM (11g)
38  * \ingroup wifi
39  *
40  * ERP-OFDM PHY is based on OFDM PHY.
41  * ERP-DSSS/CCK mode is not supported.
42  *
43  * Refer to IEEE 802.11-2016, clause 18.
44  */
45 class ErpOfdmPhy : public OfdmPhy
46 {
47 public:
48   /**
49    * Constructor for ERP-OFDM PHY
50    */
51   ErpOfdmPhy ();
52   /**
53    * Destructor for ERP-OFDM PHY
54    */
55   virtual ~ErpOfdmPhy ();
57   Ptr<WifiPpdu> BuildPpdu (const WifiConstPsduMap & psdus, const WifiTxVector& txVector, Time ppduDuration) override;
58   uint32_t GetMaxPsduSize (void) const override;
60   /**
61    * Initialize all ERP-OFDM modes.
62    */
63   static void InitializeModes (void);
64   /**
65    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM
66    * corresponding to the provided rate.
67    *
68    * \param rate the rate in bps
69    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM
70    */
71   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate (uint64_t rate);
73   /**
74    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 6 Mbps.
75    *
76    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 6 Mbps
77    */
78   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate6Mbps (void);
79   /**
80    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 9 Mbps.
81    *
82    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 9 Mbps
83    */
84   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate9Mbps (void);
85   /**
86    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 12 Mbps.
87    *
88    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 12 Mbps
89    */
90   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate12Mbps (void);
91   /**
92    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 18 Mbps.
93    *
94    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 18 Mbps
95    */
96   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate18Mbps (void);
97   /**
98    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 24 Mbps.
99    *
100    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 24 Mbps
101    */
102   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate24Mbps (void);
103   /**
104    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 36 Mbps.
105    *
106    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 36 Mbps
107    */
108   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate36Mbps (void);
109   /**
110    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 48 Mbps.
111    *
112    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 48 Mbps
113    */
114   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate48Mbps (void);
115   /**
116    * Return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 54 Mbps.
117    *
118    * \return a WifiMode for ERP-OFDM at 54 Mbps
119    */
120   static WifiMode GetErpOfdmRate54Mbps (void);
122   /**
123    * Return the WifiCodeRate from the ERP-OFDM mode's unique name using
124    * ModulationLookupTable. This is mainly used as a callback for
125    * WifiMode operation.
126    *
127    * \param name the unique name of the ERP-OFDM mode
128    * \return WifiCodeRate corresponding to the unique name
129    */
130   static WifiCodeRate GetCodeRate (const std::string& name);
131   /**
132    * Return the constellation size from the ERP-OFDM mode's unique name using
133    * ModulationLookupTable. This is mainly used as a callback for
134    * WifiMode operation.
135    *
136    * \param name the unique name of the ERP-OFDM mode
137    * \return constellation size corresponding to the unique name
138    */
139   static uint16_t GetConstellationSize (const std::string& name);
140   /**
141    * Return the PHY rate from the ERP-OFDM mode's unique name and
142    * the supplied parameters. This function calls OfdmPhy::CalculatePhyRate
143    * and is mainly used as a callback for WifiMode operation.
144    *
145    * \param name the unique name of the ERP-OFDM mode
146    * \param channelWidth the considered channel width in MHz
147    * \param guardInterval the considered guard interval duration in nanoseconds
148    * \param nss the considered number of streams
149    *
150    * \return the physical bit rate of this signal in bps.
151    */
152   static uint64_t GetPhyRate (const std::string& name, uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss);
153   /**
154    * Return the PHY rate corresponding to
155    * the supplied TXVECTOR.
156    * This function is mainly used as a callback
157    * for WifiMode operation.
158    *
159    * \param txVector the TXVECTOR used for the transmission
160    * \param staId the station ID (only here to have a common signature for all callbacks)
161    * \return the physical bit rate of this signal in bps.
162    */
163   static uint64_t GetPhyRateFromTxVector (const WifiTxVector& txVector, uint16_t staId);
164   /**
165    * Return the data rate corresponding to
166    * the supplied TXVECTOR.
167    * This function is mainly used as a callback
168    * for WifiMode operation.
169    *
170    * \param txVector the TXVECTOR used for the transmission
171    * \param staId the station ID (only here to have a common signature for all callbacks)
172    * \return the data bit rate in bps.
173    */
174   static uint64_t GetDataRateFromTxVector (const WifiTxVector& txVector, uint16_t staId);
175   /**
176    * Return the data rate from the ERP-OFDM mode's unique name and
177    * the supplied parameters. This function calls OfdmPhy::CalculateDataRate
178    * and is mainly used as a callback for WifiMode operation.
179    *
180    * \param name the unique name of the ERP-OFDM mode
181    * \param channelWidth the considered channel width in MHz
182    * \param guardInterval the considered guard interval duration in nanoseconds
183    * \param nss the considered number of streams
184    *
185    * \return the data bit rate of this signal in bps.
186    */
187   static uint64_t GetDataRate (const std::string& name, uint16_t channelWidth, uint16_t guardInterval, uint8_t nss);
188   /**
189    * Check whether the combination of <WifiMode, channel width, NSS> is allowed.
190    * This function is used as a callback for WifiMode operation, and always
191    * returns true since there is no limitation for any mode in ErpOfdmPhy.
192    *
193    * \param channelWidth the considered channel width in MHz
194    * \param nss the considered number of streams
195    * \returns true.
196    */
197   static bool IsModeAllowed (uint16_t channelWidth, uint8_t nss);
199 private:
200   WifiMode GetHeaderMode (const WifiTxVector& txVector) const override;
201   Time GetPreambleDuration (const WifiTxVector& txVector) const override;
202   Time GetHeaderDuration (const WifiTxVector& txVector) const override;
204   /**
205    * Create an ERP-OFDM mode from a unique name, the unique name
206    * must already be contained inside ModulationLookupTable.
207    * This method binds all the callbacks used by WifiMode.
208    *
209    * \param uniqueName the unique name of the WifiMode
210    * \param isMandatory whether the WifiMode is mandatory
211    * \return the ERP-OFDM WifiMode
212    */
213   static WifiMode CreateErpOfdmMode (std::string uniqueName, bool isMandatory);
215   static const ModulationLookupTable m_erpOfdmModulationLookupTable; //!< lookup table to retrieve code rate and constellation size corresponding to a unique name of modulation
216 }; //class ErpOfdmPhy
218 } //namespace ns3
220 #endif /* ERP_OFDM_PHY_H */