1:draft-nts: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp
2= NTS support specification
4== Cisco's Statement of Work requirements
6The NTS implementation shall:
8* Use OpenSSL 1.1.1 for its crypto functions.
10* Address RFC5705 Keying Material Exporting and AES_SIV (RFC5297) code
11  support which may not be natively supported in OpenSSL.
13* Comply with the standardized specification of link:{draft-nts}[NTS]
15* Be interoperable with the other reference implementations in IETF hackathons.
17== General Ideas
19The NTP server maintains no per-client state.  The necessary state
20is provided by a cookie that is included with each NTP request.  An
21initial batch of cookies is provided by the NTS-KE server.  The
22NTP client treats the cookies as opaque data and sends one to the
23NTP server with each request.
25A cookie contains the AEAD algorithm and keys necessary to
26authenticate a request.  They are encrypted with the NTP servers
27key.  The NTP server decrypts the cookie to retrieve the
28encryption parameters (AEAD algorithm and keys) and then uses
29them to authenticate the packet.  To issue a new cookie, the NTP
30server makes a new nonce and uses the AEAD algorithm and keys
31from the old cookie.
33NTS should avoid exposing information that would be useful in
34tracking the client.  (Consider a laptop that moves from home
35to work to a coffee shop.)  Thus cookies should only be used once.
36To implement that, each NTP response includes a new cookie, which is
37encrypted when sent to the client.  (Otherwise, the cookie could be
38observed in transit, which would allow for tracking the client when
39it later echoes that cookie back to the server.)
41NTS should not assist DDoS amplification.  All NTP responses
42are the same length as the request.  This means that some
43fields are padded to match the length of the response that
44will replace them.
46== System Partitioning
48This picture is for discussion.  In actual packaging Alpha and Bravo
49will both be inside ntpd. In the simple case, Charlie and Delta can
50also be packaged together.  In complicated cases, Delta could serve multiple
51Charlies, e.g. in a data-center deployment or for load sharing.
56  ╔═══════════════════╗
57  ║     Client        ║
58  ║ ┌───────────────┐ ║           ┌───────────────┐
59  ║ │ Bravo         │ ║           │ Delta         │
60  ║ │ NTS-KE client ├─╫──────────►│ NTS-KE server │◄─┐
61  ║ └───────────────┘ ║           └─────┬─────────┘  │
62  ║     ▲             ║                 │            │
63  ║     │             ║                 │       ┌────┴───────┐
64  ║     │             ║                 │       │ Admin: Key │
65  ║     │             ║                 │       └────┬───────┘
66  ║     │             ║                 ▼            │
67  ║ ┌───┴────────┐    ║           ┌─────────────┐    │
68  ║ │ Alpha      │    ║           │ Charlie     │◄───┘
69  ║ │ NTP client ├────╫──────────►│ NTP server  │
70  ║ └────────────┘    ║           └─────────────┘
71  ╚═══════════════════╝
74In this diagram, an arrow means "initiates requests to".
75Responses flow in the other direction.  Each connection
76is used for one request/response transaction.
79The NTS-KE server has to make cookies that the NTP server
80will process.  There are 2 ways to do that.  First, they can share
81the same key, new-cookie recipe, and new-key recipe.  If they are
82in separate systems, the admin must set up the initial key and keep
83the keys in sync if either system gets trashed.  The second way is
84for the NTS-KE server to ask the NTP server for new cookies.  If it
85does that, it doesn't need to know the key or anything about the
86contents of a cookie.
89=== Alpha -> Bravo
90NTP client to NTS-KE client (Alpha to Bravo) is pretty simple.
91As these will both be inside ntpd, this will be function calls,
92not a network connection.
94====  NTS-KE client sends:
95-    Hostname of NTS-KE server
96-    Optional preferred NTPD server hostname or IP Address
97     link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.7[4.1.7]
98-    A sorted list of AEAD algorithms link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.5[4.1.5]
100====  NTS-KE server and NTS-KE client compute from the TLS connection:
101-    C2S and S2C encryption keys link:{draft-nts}#section-4.2[4.2],
102     link:{draft-nts}#section-5.1[5.1]
104====  NTS-KE client gets back:
105-    NTPD server hostname or IP Address link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.7[4.1.7]
106-    1 to 8 cookies link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.6[4.1.6]
107-    The selected AEAD algorithm link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.5[4.1.5]
109For AEAD, we need libaes_siv.so, RFC 5297
110It's not in OpenSSL yet.
111  https://github.com/dfoxfranke/libaes_siv
113An NTP client SHOULD NOT initiate NTS-KE by default.  Configuration
114parameters from the NTPD config file will tell the NTPD client when and
115how to initiate NTS-KE.
117While it is technically permitted (see RFC5280, page 35) to put an IP
118address in a subjectAltName in a certificate, this is essentially never
119done in practice, and rarely with public CAs.  Accordingly, the NTS-KE
120client SHOULD NOT generally initiate NTS for servers specified by IP
121address (whether IPv4 or IPv6).  The NTS-KE client MAY initiate NTS
122for servers specified by IP address (whether IPv4 or IPv6) for testing
125Additionally, the NTP client SHOULD NOT initiate NTS for pool
126associations by default.  The most common pool is the public pool at
127pool.ntp.org.  The volunteer NTP servers will never be able to pass a
128certificate check for <anything>.pool.ntp.org, so NTS-KE will always
129fail, and represents a useless load on the public pool servers.  As the
130pool statement can be used in other configurations that could work
131with NTS-KE, the NTP client SHOULD allow NTS to be enabled on pool
134The NTS-KE client SHOULD provide a configuration parameter to
135configure the root CAs used to validate TLS certificates.
137The NTS-KE client SHOULD have a configuration parameter to specify
138which TLS protocols are permissible.  Regardless of what is
139configured, because the NTS specification relies on RFC 5705, and
140also because it explicitly says so, TLS 1.3 is the minimum TLS
141version allowed.
143The NTS-KE client SHOULD provide a configuration parameter to
144configure an OpenSSL cipher string for the TLS connection.
146The NTS-KE client SHOULD provide a configuration parameter to
147configure an OpenSSL cipher string for the AEAD algorithms.
149The NTP client SHOULD provide a mechanism for the administrator to
150see whether NTS is currently in use on a given server association.
152=== Bravo -> Delta
153The NTS-KE client to NTS-KE server (Bravo to Delta) communication is
154mostly the above in TLS 1.3 (or later) over TCP in the format
155specified in the NTS draft.
157The NTS-KE client (Bravo) and NTS-KE server (Delta) independently
158derive the C2S and S2C keys.  For OpenSSL, this is implemented by
159making two calls to SSL_export_keying_material(), which implements
160RFC5705.  The label and context inputs are provided in
162This process is deterministic, so both ends generate the same C2S and S2C.
164The NTS-KE client passes C2S and S2C to the NTP client.  The NTS-KE
165server uses them to make the initial cookies.
167The NTS-KE server then generates and returns 8 cookies using, for
168example, the suggested format in section 6 of the NTS draft.  To do
169so, the NTS-KE server needs a master key, called "K" in the draft.
171=== Alpha -> Charlie
172NTP client to NTP server (Alpha to Charlie)
174If all goes well (no lost packets) the client sends:
176-  The normal 48 byte NTP packet
177-  A 32+ byte unique ID link:{draft-nts}#section-5.3[5.3]
178-  A cookie link:{draft-nts}#section-5.4[5.4]
179-  Authentication using C2S link:{draft-nts}#section-5.6[5.6]
181It gets back the same, with the cookie replaced with a new cookie
182and S2C used for authentication and to encrypt the new cookie.
184The response is the same length.
186All the extra data is in real NTP extensions.  (No more of
187the magic length kludgery for the current shared key authentication.)
189If packets (and hence cookies) are lost, the client will include
190a cookie-placeholder for each extra cookie it wants.
192Those slots will be returned with new cookies.
194The AEAD algorithm used for authentication is set up to encrypt some
195data as well.  For the request, the encrypted data is empty.  For the
196response, it contains a new cookie (or cookies). AEAD also needs a nonce;
197see below for discussion and security concerns.
199== Configuration
201The NTS-KE server SHOULD have a configuration parameter to specify
202which TLS protocols are permissible.  Regardless of what is
203configured, because the NTS specification relies on RFC 5705, and
204also because it explicitly says so, TLS 1.3 is the minimum TLS
205version allowed.
207The NTS-KE server SHOULD have a configuration parameter to specify its
208preferred AEAD algorithms for the TLS connection in preference order.
209This SHOULD be provided as an OpenSSL cipher string.
211The NTS-KE server SHOULD have a configuration parameter to specify
212its preferred AEAD algorithms for the NTPD connection in preference
213order.  This SHOULD be provided as an OpenSSL cipher string.
214AEAD_AES_SIV_CMAC_256 [RFC5297] MUST be supported[4.1.5].
216The nonce situation has impacts on algorithm choice.  There are two ways
217to generate a nonce: randomly or as a counter.  Given the hard
218requirement that the server be stateless, the only place for the server
219to store state is in the cookie.  Clients are allowed to reuse cookies,
220so the server cannot use the cookie to store nonce state.  No matter what
221state the server stores in the cookie, if the client replays a cookie,
222the server would replay the nonce.
224Unless the AEAD algorithm is specifically designed to be nonce-misuse
225resistant, then reusing the nonce catastrophically breaks the security.
226For example, the AES-GCM RFC [RFC5116] says, "
227   The inadvertent reuse of the same nonce by two invocations of the GCM
228   encryption operation, with the same key, but with distinct plaintext
229   values, undermines the confidentiality of the plaintexts protected in
230   those two invocations, and undermines all of the authenticity and
231   integrity protection provided by that key.  For this reason, GCM
232   should only be used whenever nonce uniqueness can be provided with
233   assurance."
235So we might as well generate the nonce randomly rather than jumping
236through hoops to try to implement a counter-based nonce that will fail
237anyway under cookie reuse.  A random nonce also prevents the client from
238gaining some advantage by reusing the cookie maliciously.  But a
239randomly-generated nonce also does not _guarantee_ that nonce reuse will
240not happen.  Thus, absent contrary guidance from a cryptography expert,
241the AEAD algorithm MUST be nonce-misuse resistant.  The only current AEAD
242algorithms with this property are AEAD_AES_SIV_CMAC in 256, 384, and 512
243variants and AEAD_AES_128_GCM_SIV in 128 and 256 variants.  This can be
244verified by checking each AEAD algorithm's specification.
246Honoring the NTS-KE client's AEAD preference order for the NTPD
247connection is OPTIONAL[4.1.5].  The typical approach is to honor the
248client's order by default (i.e. pick the first algorithm in the client's
249list which is supported by the server), unless a configuration option has
250been set on the server to reverse that (i.e. pick the first algorithm in
251the server's list which is supported by the client).
253The NTS-KE server SHOULD have a configuration parameter to specify
254the TLS key, certificate, and intermediate certificate bundles.
256The NTS-KE server MAY have a method to reload the key, certificate,
257and intermediate certificate bundles without a full daemon restart.
259== NTS Configuration parameters (client side)
261Options now implemented in the config parser are now described in
264To avoid having to hand-configure TLS versions, the right (and
265conformant) thing is to do is honor the global mintls and maxtls
266options, then just use the most recent version at or above it your TLS
267library and the remote both support. If the remote can't cope, you
270To avoid having to hand-configure ciphers offered to the remote, we
271can initially have a list of common known-good ones wired in.  Eventually,
272this list should be configurable.  For the reasons discussed above in the
273server section, the client's default list of ciphers SHOULD be restricted
274to only those algorithms known to be nonce-misuse resistant.
276== NTS-KE Server Configuration parameters
278== TLS Options
280The directory with the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CAs).
283TLSCACertificatePath directory-path
286A file with this NTS-KE servers certificate data in PEM format.  May
287include chain certificates.
290TLSCertificateFile file-path
293The PEM-encoded private key file for the server.
296TLSCertificateKeyFile file-path
299A colon-separated cipher-spec string consisting of OpenSSL cipher
300specifications to configure the Cipher Suite the client is permitted
301to negotiate in the TLS handshake phase.
304TLSCipherSuite TLS1.3 cipher-spec
307A colon-separated cipher-spec string consisting of OpenSSL AEAD cipher
308specifications to configure the cipher suite for the NTP traffic.
310Therefore, the server MUST restrict the list of AEAD algorithms to only
311those algorithms known to be nonce-misuse resistant.
313For the reasons discussed above, the server MUST limit the accepted AEAD
314algorithms in this to only those algorithms known to be nonce-misuse
315resistant.  Maybe this should be downgraded to a SHOULD, because a new
316nonce-misuse resistant algorithm could be added to OpenSSL and ntpd would
317not know about it.  If it is possible to just pass a cipher string to
318OpenSSL and let it filter the list of AEAD algorithms (as is possible with
319TLS), that makes sense.  But if the NTS-KE server implementation has to
320parse this list itself and switch-case on the value, then it would have to
321be updated for new algorithms anyway, and it makes sense to leave this at
322a MUST.
324If no list is specified, the default list MUST include
325AEAD_AES_SIV_CMAC_256.  However, if the user specifies a list, the server
326MUST NOT add AEAD_AES_SIV_CMAC_256 to that list implicitly, as this would
327preclude the user from disabling AEAD_AES_SIV_CMAC_256 in the future,
328should that become necessary.
331NTPCipherSuite cipher-spec
334Option to prefer the server's cipher preference order for the TLS connection.
335Default on.
338TLSHonorCipherOrder on|off
341Option to prefer the server's cipher preference order for the NTP packets.
342Default on.
345NTPHonorCipherOrder on|off
348Which versions of the TLS protocol will be accepted in new TLS connections.
351TLSProtocol [+TLS1.3]
354Configures one or more sources for seeding the Pseudo Random Number
355Generator (PRNG) in OpenSSL at startup time.  One source per directive.
356Multiple directives may be used.  Source may be: builtin, "file:/dev/random",
357"file:/dev/urandom", etc.
360TLSRandomSeed source [bytes]
363Sets the Certificate verification level for the Client Authentication.
364The level may be: none: no client Certificate is required at all, optional:
365the client may present a valid Certificate, require: the client has to
366present a valid Certificate, optional_no_ca: the client may present a
367valid Certificate but it need not be verifiable.
370TLSVerifyClient level
374== Key Generation and Usage
376NTS makes use of three keys:
378* Client to Server key (C2S)
380* Server to Client key (S2C)
382* NTS Master Key (called K in the NTS draft)
384Because one of the goals of NTS is to not require any per-client
385state in the servers, the servers (both NTP and NTS-KE) do not
386store either of C2S/S2C.  Both servers possess the NTS Master Key,
387which is expected to be updated somewhat regularly, with old versions
388being kept for some time (SHOULD be two rotation cycles) to allow for
389old cookies to be decrypted.
391The C2S and S2C keys are derived from the TLS session data between
392the NTS-KE client and the NTS-KE server using the RFC5705 algorithm.
393These are not the same as the keys used by TLS to protect the data
394flowing over the TLS connection itself.
396As part of the setup, NTS-KE will create a variable number of cookies
397(which SHOULD be 8).  These cookies are encrypted with the NTS Master
398Key, and are opaque to the client. The cookies contain C2S and S2C in
399a form that the NTP server will understand, and this is how the NTP
400server is able to en/decrypt data without needing to store per-client
403When sending an NTP packet, the client attaches a cookie blob in
404cleartext, then authenticates the packet using the C2S key. When
405the NTP server receives the packet, it decrypts the cookie using its
406NTS Master Key to recover C2S and S2C.  It uses C2S to authenticate the
407packet. For the response, S2C is used to encrypt the new cookies and
408authenticate the return packet.
410== Certificate Verification
412To recap: In normal operation, the client MUST verify the NTS-KE
413server's TLS certificate in the usual way, checking the certificate
414chain and the hostname.  For testing or workaround purposes, a
415`noval` or similar configuration option SHOULD be provided which
416skips certificate validation.
418It is desirable to include a middle-ground option, where the
419certificate chain is validated, but certificate timestamps (`notBefore`
420and `notAfter`) are ignored.  This would be useful to allow the client to
421correct for a bogus system clock.  A specific subset of bogus system
422clock scenarios is that the system lacks an RTC, or the RTC's battery
423has died.  However, such a mode should be carefully constructed to
424minimize the loss of security.  If such a mode is implemented, the client
425MUST have a configuration option to enable/disable it.
427One possible implementation is as follows.
429If certificate validation is disabled entirely with the `noval` option,
430pass `SSL_VERIFY_NONE` to `SSL_CTX_set_verify()` and do not register any
431custom verification hook.  These peers will be treated as if certificate
432verification succeeded, without any of the special "suspect" behavior
433or `notBefore`/`notAfter` checks.
435If the configuration option is set to strict security or if ntpd has
436already set the system clock, let OpenSSL handle certificate verification
437normally.  That is, do not register a custom verification callback.  This
438way, the risk of any bugs in the custom certificate verification code is
439contained to initial startup.  Otherwise, register a custom callback
440with `SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback()`, passing some state (e.g. a
441`peer` object) as the `arg` parameter.  When the callback is called,
442perform certificate verification (leveraging built-in OpenSSL
443functionality to the extent possible!).  If the verification fails for a
444reason other than certificate validity times, return failure.  If a
445verification step fails due to certificate validity times, set a
446`peer->suspect` flag, but otherwise continue.
448As each certificate in the chain is inspected, save the _latest_
449`notBefore` and _earliest_ `notAfter` into the peer object.  In other
450words, if no value is saved (i.e. this is the first certificate), save
451the certificate's values; otherwise save the certificate's `notBefore`
452only if it is later than the existing `peer->notBefore` and save the
453certificate's `notAfter` only if it is earlier than the existing
454`peer->notAfter`.  If an OCSP stapled response is present, similarly
455limit the peer's `notBefore` and `notAfter` values to the validity range
456of the OCSP stapled response.
458The objective of this is to limit the possible forged times that the
459client will accept.  If the client is configured to require multiple
460sources of time (e.g. `minsane 3`), an attacker trying to re-use
461compromised expired certificates would need multiple such certificates
462with overlapping validity, and would still only be able to get the
463client to accept times within that period of overlap.  This helps limit
464attacks.  If a certificate uses OCSP "must staple", the attacker needs to
465replay OCSP responses too, which have much shorter validity periods (e.g.
4667 days), significantly limiting this even further.
468In the clock selection algorithm, very early on, add something like:
471if (peer->suspect) {
472    /* Suspect peers are ignored ("leave the island"), unless
473     * <some condition>.
474     */
476    // <some condition> is something that indicates we would have
477    // "normally" synced the clock by now.  My example was that
478    // reach (as output by ntpq -p) was 377 (i.e. we had 8 successful
479    // polls on that peer), or maybe allow for one missed? It probably
480    // cannot be time passed because the network could be down for an
481    // indeterminate length of time when ntpd comes up.
483    if (!<some condition>)
484        continue;
488The idea here is that we spin up the suspect associations normally, but
489we ignore them for "a while" which would normally be sufficient to set
490the clock.  If there are enough other associations working, great, we
491didn't use the suspect association(s) at all, so there was no loss in
492security.  Only if we couldn't set the clock in a reasonable amount of
493time or whatever would we then fall back to considering the suspect
494associations.  But, because they have been running the whole time rather
495than just starting now, we minimize the time to clock update when we do
496need to use the suspect associations.
498Once the clock is set the first time, kill all suspect associations
499(including those used to set the time), forcing those peers to re-run
500NTS-KE and start over.  They will either pass normally or fail normally.
501Since the clock has now been set, only normal certificate validation will
502be allowed moving forward.
504Additionally, if the NTP server gives (authenticated) time earlier than
505the `peer->notBefore` value (if set), discard that time or mark the peer
506as a falseticker.  If the server gives valid time, set a flag in the peer
507indicating that.  If the server gives time after the `notAfter` and the
508peer's valid time flag is unset (the server has never given valid time),
509discard that time or mark the peer as a falseticker.  These checks should
510never trigger on legitimate traffic, as that would mean the NTP server
511disagrees with its NTS-KE server's CA about time.
514It might be considered useful to always apply these
515`notBefore`/`notAfter` sanity checks, not just for "suspect"
516associations.  If that is the case, then the `peer->notBefore` and
517`peer->notAfter` values will have to be set in all cases.  However, in
518that event, it is still probably desirable to skip the custom certificate
519verification code, so determining the `notBefore` and `notAfter` values
520should be moved from the custom certificate verification callback to
521happen after certificate validation.
523== Odds and ends
525How many cookies should the NTP client try to hold?  8
527There is no hard reason, but it is what the NTS-KE server SHOULD return.
529It also matches the number of samples that ntpd remembers (the reach bit
530mask in ntpq/peers) and running out of responses is a good time to do
531special things like getting a new pool server or getting new cookies by running
532NTS-KE again.
536We need an exponential backoff when the NTS-KE step fails.
540Note that the communication between NTS-KE client and NTP client
541needs to be kept private.  (aka encrypted if it goes over the net)
542Same for NTS-KE server and NTP server.
543Both connections contain C2S and S2C keys.
547Some interesting notes on OCSP stapling:
550Also, here are some notes about how to implement good OCSP stapling on
551the server side:
553linked from:
556== Potential cookie recipe(s)
558. Form a plaintext "P" comprised of records
559.. minimum of an AEAD algorithm record, c2s, and s2c key records
560.. (optional) previously connected network address (for academic purposes)
561.. (optional) a timestamp when to stop honoring the current cookie series
562.. (optional) a timestamp when the current cookie series began (for expiration)
563.. (optional) a Modified Julian Date when to stop honoring the current cookie series
564.. (optional) a MJD when the current cookie series began (for expiration)
565.. (optional) a number of cookies remaining before series expiration.
566.. (optional) the number of cookies (estimated) since series began for expiration.
567. encrypt it with the master key "K" (which has nothing to do w/ TLS)
568. form the cookie w/ records for the master key number "I", an unsized nonce "N", and the ciphertext "C".
573btai	3753708891
574etai	3761747291
575bmjd	58460
576emjd	58557
577cdown	3460
578cup	4210
581An overly complicated example plaintext. records are carriage return terminated and fields are horizontal tab separated.
582The example is set in January of 2019 for a chain starting mid-December and ending mid-March.
583It is likely that only one of the expiry fields is desirable.
584The cookie count up/down counter should change by the number of cookies issued (8).
585The c2s/s2c fields should be base64 encoded.
58827391	MjI4MGVlYWY2ZWMzOGZjNmQ4MmFjMjhmMGViYzYxZTQ=	U2FsdGVkX1/dO8WX4e+daOzR2dcRvbHOUv3jAMT51NttWrK+CnBUDWuhm54Hz31TG1P+VkWlrMGHAIHea9gQ3+shZj+I8pdPLrEn9V/E+1VJMC96qBo+x55yQmOyRLEJJSJMs25dSQ0idndKAOYqUOyulwruTe7QuPr+L5fVB9qSw2n18w/6BtnXsivAEjMpfxP9X7ZDZ46LHm1ayAcmMoccdjuwKqgPaa2ez33rlruXmcsF5omlguBZWxjm/iNZ
591A wholly made up example cookie.
593== Unresolved issues for the next RFC WG
595The binary KE request-response format is unfortunate for all the usual
596reasons (endianness issues etc). At the expected transaction volume,
597the encode/decode overhead shouldn't be an issue.
599How to make NTS-KE work, securely, with pooled servers?
601link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.3[4.1.3], link:{draft-nts}#section-4.1.4[4.1.4]
603Is the response in case of abuse 'continue the abuse, just wait a minute'?
607Does the unique identifier extension need to be omniversally unique?
609Why are the timestamps, unique identifier extension etc. seemingly not tamper resisted?
611Can NTSN and other KODs get signed?
613== NTS/mode 7 next
615=== NTS and mode 6 and 7
617Network Time Security explicitly only supports modes 3 and 4 at this time.
618I see no reason why NTS could not be expanded to cover modes 1, 2, 6, and 7.
619Expansion to cover modes 6&7 should require an authentication token extension.
621More discussion of how to re-do Mode 6 has been moved to ntpv5.adoc.
623// end