1 /*
2  * refclock_gpsdjson.c - clock driver as GPSD JSON client
3  * Copyright Juergen Perlinger <perlinger@ntp.org>
4  * Copyright the NTPsec project contributors
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: NTP
6  *
7  *	Heavily inspired by refclock_nmea.c
8  *
9  * Special thanks to Gary Miller and Hal Murray for their comments and
10  * ideas.
11  *
12  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
13  *
14  * This driver works slightly different from most others, as the PPS
15  * information (if available) is also coming from GPSD via the data
16  * connection. This makes using both the PPS data and the serial data
17  * easier, but OTOH it's not possible to use the PPS driver to feed a
18  * raw PPS stream to the core of NTPD.
19  *
20  * To go around this, the driver can use a secondary clock unit
21  * (units>=128) that operate in tandem with the primary clock unit
22  * (unit%128). The primary clock unit does all the IO stuff and data
23  * decoding; if a a secondary unit is attached to a primary unit, this
24  * secondary unit is feed with the PPS samples only and can act as a PPS
25  * source to the clock selection.
26  *
27  * The drawback is that the primary unit must be present for the
28  * secondary unit to work.
29  *
30  * This design is a compromise to reduce the IO load for both NTPD and
31  * GPSD; it also ensures that data is transmitted and evaluated only
32  * once on the side of NTPD.
33  *
34  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
35  *
36  * trouble shooting hints:
37  *
38  *   Enable and check the clock stats. Check if there are bad replies;
39  *   there should be none. If there are actually bad replies, then the
40  *   driver cannot parse all JSON records from GPSD, and some record
41  *   types are vital for the operation of the driver. This indicates a
42  *   problem on the protocol level.
43  *
44  *   When started on the command line with a debug level >= 2, the
45  *   driver dumps the raw received data and the parser input to
46  *   stdout. Since the debug level is global, NTPD starts to create a
47  *   *lot* of output. It makes sense to pipe it through '(f)grep
48  *   GPSD_JSON' before writing the result to disk.
49  *
50  *   A bit less intrusive is using netcat or telnet to connect to GPSD
51  *   and snoop what NTPD would get. If you try this, you have to send a
52  *   WATCH command to GPSD:
53  *
54  * ?WATCH={"device":"/dev/gps0","enable":true,"json":true,"pps":true};<CRLF>
55  *
56  *   should show you what GPSD has to say to NTPD. Replace "/dev/gps0"
57  *   with the device link used by GPSD, if necessary.
58  *
59  */
62 #include "config.h"
63 #include "ntp.h"
64 #include "ntp_types.h"
65 #include "ntp_debug.h"
67 /* =====================================================================
68  * Get the little JSMN library directly into our guts. Use the 'parent
69  * link' feature for maximum speed.
70  */
71 #define JSMN_STATIC
73 #include "jsmn.h"
75 /* =====================================================================
76  * JSON parsing stuff
77  */
79 #define JSMN_MAXTOK	350
80 #define INVALID_TOKEN (-1)
82 typedef struct json_ctx {
83 	char        * buf;
84 	int           ntok;
85 	jsmntok_t     tok[JSMN_MAXTOK];
86 } json_ctx;
88 typedef int tok_ref;
90 /* We roll our own integer number parser.
91  */
92 typedef signed   long int json_int;
93 typedef unsigned long int json_uint;
97 /* =====================================================================
98  * header stuff we need
99  */
101 #include <netdb.h>
102 #include <unistd.h>
103 #include <fcntl.h>
104 #include <string.h>
105 #include <ctype.h>
106 #include <math.h>
108 #include <sys/types.h>
109 #include <sys/socket.h>
110 #include <sys/stat.h>
111 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
113 #include <sys/select.h>
115 #include "ntpd.h"
116 #include "ntp_io.h"
117 #include "ntp_refclock.h"
118 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
119 #include "ntp_calendar.h"
120 #include "timespecops.h"
122 /* get operation modes from mode word.
124  * + SERIAL (default) evaluates only in-band time ('IBT') as
125  *   provided by TPV and TOFF records. TPV evaluation suffers from a
126  *   bigger jitter than TOFF, sine it does not contain the receive time
127  *   from GPSD and therefore the receive time of NTPD must be
128  *   substituted for it. The network latency makes this a second rate
129  *   guess.
130  *
131  *   If TOFF records are detected in the data stream, the timing
132  *   information is gleaned from this record -- it contains the local
133  *   receive time stamp from GPSD and therefore eliminates the
134  *   transmission latency between GPSD and NTPD. The timing information
135  *   from TPV is ignored once a TOFF is detected or expected.
136  *
137  *   TPV is still used to check the fix status, so the driver can stop
138  *   feeding samples when GPSD says that the time information is
139  *   effectively unreliable.
140  *
141  * + STRICT means only feed clock samples when a valid IBT/PPS pair is
142  *   available. Combines the reference time from IBT with the pulse time
143  *   from PPS. Masks the serial data jitter as long PPS is available,
144  *   but can rapidly deteriorate once PPS drops out.
145  *
146  * + AUTO tries to use IBT/PPS pairs if available for some time, and if
147  *   this fails for too long switches back to IBT only until the PPS
148  *   signal becomes available again. See the HTML docs for this driver
149  *   about the gotchas and why this is not the default.
150  */
151 #define MODE_OP_MASK   0x03
152 #define MODE_OP_IBT    0
153 #define MODE_OP_STRICT 1
154 #define MODE_OP_AUTO   2
155 #define MODE_OP_MAXVAL 2
156 #define MODE_OP_MODE(x)		((x) & MODE_OP_MASK)
158 #define	PRECISION	(-9)	/* precision assumed (about 2 ms) */
159 #define	PPS_PRECISION	(-20)	/* precision assumed (about 1 us) */
160 #define	REFID		"GPSD"	/* reference id */
161 #define	NAME		"GPSD"	/* shortname */
162 #define	DESCRIPTION	"GPSD JSON client clock" /* who we are */
164 /* MAX_PDU_LEN needs to be bigger than GPS_JSON_RESPONSE_MAX from gpsd.
165  * As of March 2019 that is 4096 */
166 #define MAX_PDU_LEN	8192
168 #define TICKOVER_LOW	10
169 #define TICKOVER_HIGH	120
172 /* Primary channel PPS avilability dance:
173  * Every good PPS sample gets us a credit of PPS_INCCOUNT points, every
174  * bad/missing PPS sample costs us a debit of PPS_DECCOUNT points. When
175  * the account reaches the upper limit we change to a mode where only
176  * PPS-augmented samples are fed to the core; when the account drops to
177  * zero we switch to a mode where TPV-only timestamps are fed to the
178  * core.
179  * This reduces the chance of rapid alternation between raw and
180  * PPS-augmented time stamps.
181  */
182 #define PPS_MAXCOUNT	60	/* upper limit of account  */
183 #define PPS_INCCOUNT     3	/* credit for good samples */
184 #define PPS_DECCOUNT     1	/* debit for bad samples   */
186 /* The secondary (PPS) channel uses a different strategy to avoid old
187  * PPS samples in the median filter.
188  */
189 #define PPS2_MAXCOUNT 10
191 #define PROTO_VERSION(hi,lo) \
192 	    ((((uint32_t)(hi) << 16) & 0xFFFF0000u) | \
193 	     ((uint32_t)(lo) & 0x0FFFFu))
195 /* some local typedefs: The NTPD formatting style cries for short type
196  * names, and we provide them locally. Note:the suffix '_t' is reserved
197  * for the standard; I use a capital T instead.
198  */
199 typedef struct peer         peerT;
200 typedef struct refclockproc clockprocT;
201 typedef struct addrinfo     addrinfoT;
203 /* =====================================================================
204  * We use the same device name scheme as does the NMEA driver; since
205  * GPSD supports the same links, we can select devices by a fixed name.
206  */
207 #define	DEVICE		"/dev/gps%d"	/* GPS serial device */
209 /* =====================================================================
210  * forward declarations for transfer vector and the vector itself
211  */
213 static	void	gpsd_init	(void);
214 static	bool	gpsd_start	(int, peerT *);
215 static	void	gpsd_shutdown	(struct refclockproc *);
216 static	void	gpsd_receive	(struct recvbuf *);
217 static	void	gpsd_poll	(int, peerT *);
218 static	void	gpsd_control	(int, const struct refclockstat *,
219 				 struct refclockstat *, peerT *);
220 static	void	gpsd_timer	(int, peerT *);
222 static  int     myasprintf(char**, char const*, ...) NTP_PRINTF(2, 3);
224 static void     enter_opmode(peerT *peer, int mode);
225 static void	leave_opmode(peerT *peer, int mode);
227 struct refclock refclock_gpsdjson = {
228 	NAME,			/* basename of driver */
229 	gpsd_start,		/* start up driver */
230 	gpsd_shutdown,		/* shut down driver */
231 	gpsd_poll,		/* transmit poll message */
232 	gpsd_control,		/* fudge and option control */
233 	gpsd_init,		/* initialize driver */
234 	gpsd_timer		/* called once per second */
235 };
237 /* =====================================================================
238  * our local clock unit and data
239 */
241 struct gpsd_unit;
242 typedef struct gpsd_unit gpsd_unitT;
244 struct gpsd_unit {
245 	/* links for sharing between master/slave units */
246 	gpsd_unitT *next_unit;
247 	size_t      refcount;
249 	/* data for the secondary PPS channel */
250 	peerT      *pps_peer;
252 	/* unit and operation modes */
253 	int      unit;
254 	int      mode;
255 	char    *logname;	/* cached name for log/print */
256 	char    *device;	/* device name of unit */
258 	/* current line protocol version */
259 	uint32_t proto_version;
261 	/* PPS time stamps primary + secondary channel */
262 	l_fp pps_local;	/* when we received the PPS message */
263 	l_fp pps_stamp;	/* related reference time */
264 	l_fp pps_recvt;	/* when GPSD detected the pulse */
265 	l_fp pps_stamp2;/* related reference time (secondary) */
266 	l_fp pps_recvt2;/* when GPSD detected the pulse (secondary)*/
267 	int  ppscount;	/* PPS counter (primary unit) */
268 	int  ppscount2;	/* PPS counter (secondary unit) */
270 	/* TPV or TOFF serial time information */
271 	l_fp ibt_local;	/* when we received the TPV/TOFF message */
272 	l_fp ibt_stamp;	/* effective GPS time stamp */
273 	l_fp ibt_recvt;	/* when GPSD got the fix */
275 	/* precision estimates */
276 	int16_t	    ibt_prec;	/* serial precision based on EPT */
277 	int16_t     pps_prec;	/* PPS precision from GPSD or above */
279 	/* fudge values for correction, mirrored as 'l_fp' */
280 	l_fp pps_fudge;		/* PPS fudge primary channel */
281 	l_fp pps_fudge2;	/* PPS fudge secondary channel */
282 	l_fp ibt_fudge;		/* TPV/TOFF serial data fudge */
284 	/* Flags to indicate available data */
285 	bool fl_nosync: true;	/* GPSD signals bad quality */
286 	bool fl_ibt   : true;	/* valid TPV/TOFF seen (have time) */
287 	bool fl_pps   : true;	/* valid pulse seen */
288 	bool fl_pps2  : true;	/* valid pulse seen for PPS channel */
289 	bool fl_rawibt: true;	/* permit raw TPV/TOFF time stamps */
290 	bool fl_vers  : true;	/* have protocol version */
291 	bool fl_watch : true;	/* watch reply seen */
292 	/* protocol flags */
293 	bool pf_nsec  : true;	/* have nanosec PPS info */
294 	bool pf_toff  : true;	/* have TOFF record for timing */
296 	/* admin stuff for sockets and device selection */
297 	int         fdt;	/* current connecting socket */
298 	addrinfoT * addr;	/* next address to try */
299 	unsigned int       tickover;	/* timeout countdown */
300 	unsigned int       tickpres;	/* timeout preset */
302 	/* tallies for the various events */
303 	unsigned int       tc_recv;	/* received known records */
304 	unsigned int       tc_breply;	/* bad replies / parsing errors */
305 	unsigned int       tc_nosync;	/* TPV / sample cycles w/o fix */
306 	unsigned int       tc_ibt_recv;/* received serial time info records */
307 	unsigned int       tc_ibt_used;/* used        --^-- */
308 	unsigned int       tc_pps_recv;/* received PPS timing info records */
309 	unsigned int       tc_pps_used;/* used        --^-- */
311 	/* log bloat throttle */
312 	unsigned int       logthrottle;/* seconds to next log slot */
314 	/* The parse context for the current record */
315 	json_ctx    json_parse;
317 	/* record assemby buffer and saved length */
318 	int  buflen;
319 	char buffer[MAX_PDU_LEN];
320 };
322 /* =====================================================================
323  * static local helpers forward decls
324  */
325 static void gpsd_init_socket(peerT * const peer);
326 static void gpsd_test_socket(peerT * const peer);
327 static void gpsd_stop_socket(peerT * const peer);
329 static void gpsd_parse(peerT * const peer,
330 		       const l_fp  * const rtime);
331 static bool convert_ascii_time(l_fp * fp, const char * gps_time);
332 static void save_ltc(clockprocT * const pp, const char * const tc);
333 static bool syslogok(clockprocT * const pp, gpsd_unitT * const up);
334 static void log_data(peerT *peer, const char *what,
335 		     const char *buf, size_t len);
336 static int16_t clamped_precision(int rawprec);
338 /* =====================================================================
339  * local / static stuff
340  */
342 /* The logon string is actually the ?WATCH command of GPSD, using JSON
343  * data and selecting the GPS device name we created from our unit
344  * number. We have an old a newer version that request PPS (and TOFF)
345  * transmission.
346  * Note: These are actually format strings!
347  */
348 static const char * const s_req_watch[2] = {
349 	"?WATCH={\"device\":\"%s\",\"enable\":true,\"json\":true};\r\n",
350 	"?WATCH={\"device\":\"%s\",\"enable\":true,\"json\":true,\"pps\":true};\r\n"
351 };
353 static const char * const s_req_version =
354     "?VERSION;\r\n";
356 /* We keep a static list of network addresses for 'localhost:gpsd' or a
357  * fallback alias of it, and we try to connect to them in round-robin
358  * fashion. The service lookup is done during the driver init
359  * function to minmise the impact of 'getaddrinfo()'.
360  *
361  * Alas, the init function is called even if there are no clocks
362  * configured for this driver. So it makes sense to defer the logging of
363  * any errors or other notifications until the first clock unit is
364  * started -- otherwise there might be syslog entries from a driver that
365  * is not used at all.
366  */
367 static addrinfoT  *s_gpsd_addr;
368 static gpsd_unitT *s_clock_units;
370 /* list of service/socket names we want to resolve against */
371 static const char * const s_svctab[][2] = {
372 	{ "localhost", "gpsd" },
373 	{ "localhost", "2947" },
374 	{ "", "2947" },
375 	{ NULL, NULL }
376 };
378 /* list of address resolution errors and index of service entry that
379  * finally worked.
380  */
381 static int s_svcerr[sizeof(s_svctab)/sizeof(s_svctab[0])];
382 static int s_svcidx;
384 /* =====================================================================
385  * log throttling
386  */
387 static bool
syslogok(clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)388 syslogok(
389 	clockprocT * const pp,
390 	gpsd_unitT * const up)
391 {
392 	int res = (0 != (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG3))
393 	       || (0           == up->logthrottle )
394 	       || (LOGTHROTTLE == up->logthrottle );
395 	if (res)
396 		up->logthrottle = LOGTHROTTLE;
397 	return res;
398 }
400 /* =====================================================================
401  * the clock functions
402  */
404 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
405  * Init: This currently just gets the socket address for the GPS daemon
406  */
407 static void
gpsd_init(void)408 gpsd_init(void)
409 {
410 	addrinfoT   hints;
411 	int         idx;
413 	memset(s_svcerr, 0, sizeof(s_svcerr));
414 	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
415 	hints.ai_family   = AF_UNSPEC;
416 	hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
417 	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
419 	for (idx = 0; s_svctab[idx][0] && !s_gpsd_addr; idx++) {
420 		int rc = getaddrinfo(s_svctab[idx][0], s_svctab[idx][1],
421 				     &hints, &s_gpsd_addr);
422 		s_svcerr[idx] = rc;
423 		if (0 == rc) {
424 			break;
425 		}
426 		s_gpsd_addr = NULL;
427 	}
428 	s_svcidx = idx;
429 }
431 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
432  * Init Check: flush pending log messages and check if we can proceed
433  */
434 static bool
gpsd_init_check(void)435 gpsd_init_check(void)
436 {
437 	int idx;
439 	/* Check if there is something to log */
440 	if (s_svcidx == 0) {
441 		return (s_gpsd_addr != NULL);
442 	}
444 	/* spool out the resolver errors */
445 	for (idx = 0; idx < s_svcidx; ++idx) {
446 		msyslog(LOG_WARNING,
447 			"REFCLOCK: GPSD_JSON: failed to resolve '%s:%s', rc=%d (%s)",
448 			s_svctab[idx][0], s_svctab[idx][1],
449 			s_svcerr[idx], gai_strerror(s_svcerr[idx]));
450 	}
452 	/* check if it was fatal, or if we can proceed */
453 	if (s_gpsd_addr == NULL)
454 		msyslog(LOG_ERR,
455 			"REFCLOCK: GPSD_JSON: failed to get socket address, giving up.");
456 	else if (idx != 0)
457 		msyslog(LOG_WARNING,
458 			"REFCLOCK: GPSD_JSON: using '%s:%s' instead of '%s:%s'",
459 			s_svctab[idx][0], s_svctab[idx][1],
460 			s_svctab[0][0], s_svctab[0][1]);
462 	/* make sure this gets logged only once and tell if we can
463 	 * proceed or not
464 	 */
465 	s_svcidx = 0;
466 	return (s_gpsd_addr != NULL);
467 }
469 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
470  * Start: allocate a unit pointer and set up the runtime data
471  */
472 static bool
gpsd_start(int unit,peerT * peer)473 gpsd_start(
474 	int     unit,
475 	peerT * peer)
476 {
477 	clockprocT  * const pp = peer->procptr;
478 	gpsd_unitT  * up;
479 	gpsd_unitT ** uscan    = &s_clock_units;
481 	struct stat sb;
482         int ret;
484 	/* check if we can proceed at all or if init failed */
485 	if ( ! gpsd_init_check())
486 		return false;
488 	/* search for matching unit */
489 	while ((up = *uscan) != NULL && up->unit != (unit & 0x7F)) {
490 		uscan = &up->next_unit;
491 	}
492 	if (up == NULL) {
493 		/* alloc unit, add to list and increment use count ASAP. */
494 		up = emalloc_zero(sizeof(*up));
495 		*uscan = up;
496 		++up->refcount;
498 		/* initialize the unit structure */
499 		pp->clockname     = NAME; /* Hack, needed by refclock_name */
500 		up->logname  = estrdup(refclock_name(peer));
501 		up->unit     = unit & 0x7F;
502 		up->fdt      = -1;
503 		up->addr     = s_gpsd_addr;
504 		up->tickpres = TICKOVER_LOW;
506 		/* Create the device name and check for a Character
507 		 * Device. It's assumed that GPSD was started with the
508 		 * same link, so the names match. (If this is not
509 		 * practicable, we will have to read the symlink, if
510 		 * any, so we can get the true device file.)
511 		 */
512                 if ( peer->cfg.path ) {
513                     /* use the ntp.conf path name */
514 		    ret = myasprintf(&up->device, "%s", peer->cfg.path);
515                 } else {
516                     ret = myasprintf(&up->device, DEVICE, up->unit);
517                 }
518 		if (-1 == ret ) {
519                         /* more likely out of RAM */
520 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
521                                 "REFCLOCK: %s: clock device name too long",
522 				up->logname);
523 			goto dev_fail;
524 		}
525 		if (-1 == stat(up->device, &sb) || !S_ISCHR(sb.st_mode)) {
526 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
527                                 "REFCLOCK: %s: '%s' is not a character device",
528 				up->logname, up->device);
529 			goto dev_fail;
530 		}
531 	} else {
532 		/* All set up, just increment use count. */
533 		++up->refcount;
534 	}
536 	/* setup refclock processing */
537 	pp->unitptr       = (void *)up;
538 	pp->io.fd         = -1;
539 	pp->io.clock_recv = gpsd_receive;
540 	pp->io.srcclock   = peer;
541 	pp->io.datalen    = 0;
542 	pp->a_lastcode[0] = '\0';
543 	pp->lencode       = 0;
544 	pp->clockname     = NAME;
545 	pp->clockdesc     = DESCRIPTION;
546 	memcpy(&pp->refid, REFID, REFIDLEN);
547 	peer->sstclktype = CTL_SST_TS_UHF;
549 	/* Initialize miscellaneous variables */
550 	if (unit >= 128)
551 		peer->precision = PPS_PRECISION;
552 	else
553 		peer->precision = PRECISION;
555 	/* If the daemon name lookup failed, just give up now. */
556 	if (NULL == up->addr) {
557 		msyslog(LOG_ERR,
558 			"REFCLOCK: %s: no GPSD socket address, giving up",
559 			up->logname);
560 		goto dev_fail;
561 	}
564 	      (LOG_NOTICE, "%s: startup, device is '%s'",
565 	       refclock_name(peer), up->device));
566 	up->mode = MODE_OP_MODE(peer->cfg.mode);
567 	if (up->mode > MODE_OP_MAXVAL) {
568 		up->mode = 0;
569 	}
570 	if (unit >= 128) {
571 		up->pps_peer = peer;
572 	} else {
573 		enter_opmode(peer, up->mode);
574 	}
575 	return true;
577 dev_fail:
578 	/* On failure, remove all UNIT resources and declare defeat. */
580 	INSIST (up);
581 	if (!--up->refcount) {
582 		*uscan = up->next_unit;
583 		free(up->device);
584 		free(up);
585 	}
587 	pp->unitptr = NULL;
588 	return false;
589 }
591 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
593 static void
gpsd_shutdown(struct refclockproc * pp)594 gpsd_shutdown(
595 	struct refclockproc *pp)
596 {
597 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
598 	gpsd_unitT ** uscan   = &s_clock_units;
600 	/* The unit pointer might have been removed already. */
601 	if (up == NULL) {
602 		return;
603 	}
605 	if (up->pps_peer == NULL) {
606 		/* This is NULL if no related PPS */
607 		DPRINT(1, ("%s: pps_peer found NULL", up->logname));
608 	} else if (pp != up->pps_peer->procptr) {
609 		/* now check if we must close IO resources */
610 		if (-1 != pp->io.fd) {
611 			DPRINT(1, ("%s: closing clock, fd=%d\n",
612 				   up->logname, pp->io.fd));
613 			io_closeclock(&pp->io);
614 			pp->io.fd = -1;
615 		}
616 		if (up->fdt != -1) {
617 			close(up->fdt);
618 		}
619 	}
620 	/* decrement use count and eventually remove this unit. */
621 	if (!--up->refcount) {
622 		/* unlink this unit */
623 		while (*uscan != NULL) {
624 			if (*uscan == up) {
625 				*uscan = up->next_unit;
626 			} else {
627 				uscan = &(*uscan)->next_unit;
628 			}
629 		}
630 		free(up->logname);
631 		free(up->device);
632 		free(up);
633 	}
634 	pp->unitptr = NULL;
636 	      (LOG_NOTICE, "shutdown: gpsd_json(%d)", (int)pp->refclkunit));
637 }
639 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
641 static void
gpsd_receive(struct recvbuf * rbufp)642 gpsd_receive(
643 	struct recvbuf * rbufp)
644 {
645 	/* declare & init control structure ptrs */
646 	peerT	   * const peer = rbufp->recv_peer;
647 	clockprocT * const pp   = peer->procptr;
648 	gpsd_unitT * const up   = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
650 	const char *psrc, *esrc;
651 	char       *pdst, *edst, ch;
653 	/* log the data stream, if this is enabled */
654 	log_data(peer, "recv", (const char*)rbufp->recv_buffer,
655 		 (size_t)rbufp->recv_length);
658 	/* Since we're getting a raw stream data, we must assemble lines
659 	 * in our receive buffer. We can't use neither 'refclock_gtraw'
660 	 * not 'refclock_gtlin' here...  We process chars until we reach
661 	 * an EoL (that is, line feed) but we truncate the message if it
662 	 * does not fit the buffer.  GPSD might truncate messages, too,
663 	 * so dealing with truncated buffers is necessary anyway.
664 	 */
665 	psrc = (const char*)rbufp->recv_buffer;
666 	esrc = psrc + rbufp->recv_length;
668 	pdst = up->buffer + up->buflen;
669 	edst = pdst + sizeof(up->buffer) - 1; /* for trailing NUL */
671 	while (psrc < esrc) {
672 		ch = *psrc++;
673 		if (ch == '\n') {
674 			/* trim trailing whitespace & terminate buffer */
675 			while (pdst != up->buffer && pdst[-1] <= ' ') {
676 				--pdst;
677 			}
678 			*pdst = '\0';
679 			/* process data and reset buffer */
680 			up->buflen = (int)(pdst - up->buffer);
681 			gpsd_parse(peer, &rbufp->recv_time);
682 			pdst = up->buffer;
683 		} else if (pdst < edst) {
684 			/* add next char, ignoring leading whitespace */
685 			if (ch > ' ' || pdst != up->buffer) {
686 				*pdst++ = ch;
687 			}
688 		}
689 	}
690 	up->buflen = (int)(pdst - up->buffer);
691 	up->tickover = TICKOVER_LOW;
692 }
694 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
696 static void
poll_primary(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)697 poll_primary(
698 	peerT      * const peer ,
699 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
700 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
701 {
702 	if (pp->coderecv != pp->codeproc) {
703 		/* all is well */
704 		pp->lastref = pp->lastrec;
705 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_NOMINAL);
706 		refclock_receive(peer);
707 	} else {
708 		/* Not working properly, admit to it. If we have no
709 		 * connection to GPSD, declare the clock as faulty. If
710 		 * there were bad replies, this is handled as the major
711 		 * cause, and everything else is just a timeout.
712 		 */
713 		peer->precision = PRECISION;
714 		if (-1 == pp->io.fd)
715 			refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_FAULT);
716 		else if (0 != up->tc_breply)
717 			refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADREPLY);
718 		else
719 			refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
720 	}
722 	if (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG4)
723 		mprintf_clock_stats(
724 			peer,"%u %u %u %u %u %u %u",
725 			up->tc_recv,
726 			up->tc_breply, up->tc_nosync,
727 			up->tc_ibt_recv, up->tc_ibt_used,
728 			up->tc_pps_recv, up->tc_pps_used);
730 	/* clear tallies for next round */
731 	up->tc_breply   = 0;
732 	up->tc_recv     = 0;
733 	up->tc_nosync   = 0;
734 	up->tc_ibt_recv = 0;
735 	up->tc_ibt_used = 0;
736 	up->tc_pps_recv = 0;
737 	up->tc_pps_used = 0;
738 }
740 static void
poll_secondary(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)741 poll_secondary(
742 	peerT      * const peer ,
743 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
744 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
745 {
746 	UNUSED_ARG(up);
747 	if (pp->coderecv != pp->codeproc) {
748 		/* all is well */
749 		pp->lastref = pp->lastrec;
750 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_NOMINAL);
751 		refclock_receive(peer);
752 	} else {
753 		peer->precision = PPS_PRECISION;
754 		peer->cfg.flags &= ~FLAG_PPS;
755 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
756 	}
757 }
759 static void
gpsd_poll(int unit,peerT * peer)760 gpsd_poll(
761 	int     unit,
762 	peerT * peer)
763 {
764 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
765 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
767 	UNUSED_ARG(unit);
769 	++pp->polls;
770 	if (peer == up->pps_peer) {
771 		poll_secondary(peer, pp, up);
772 	} else {
773 		poll_primary(peer, pp, up);
774 	}
775 }
777 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
779 static void
gpsd_control(int unit,const struct refclockstat * in_st,struct refclockstat * out_st,peerT * peer)780 gpsd_control(
781 	int                         unit,
782 	const struct refclockstat * in_st,
783 	struct refclockstat       * out_st,
784 	peerT                     * peer  )
785 {
786 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
787 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
789 	UNUSED_ARG(unit);
790 	UNUSED_ARG(in_st);
791 	UNUSED_ARG(out_st);
793 	if (peer == up->pps_peer) {
794 		up->pps_fudge2 = dtolfp(pp->fudgetime1);
795 		if ( ! (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG1))
796 			peer->cfg.flags &= ~FLAG_PPS;
797 	} else {
798 		/* save preprocessed fudge times */
799 		up->pps_fudge = dtolfp(pp->fudgetime1);
800 		up->ibt_fudge = dtolfp(pp->fudgetime2);
802 		if (MODE_OP_MODE((uint32_t)up->mode ^ peer->cfg.mode)) {
803 			leave_opmode(peer, up->mode);
804 			up->mode = MODE_OP_MODE(peer->cfg.mode);
805 			enter_opmode(peer, up->mode);
806 		}
807 	}
808  }
810 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
812 static void
timer_primary(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)813 timer_primary(
814 	peerT      * const peer ,
815 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
816 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
817 {
818 	int rc;
820 	/* This is used for timeout handling. Nothing that needs
821 	 * sub-second precision happens here, so receive/connect/retry
822 	 * timeouts are simply handled by a count down, and then we
823 	 * decide what to do by the socket values.
824 	 *
825 	 * Note that the timer stays at zero here, unless some of the
826 	 * functions set it to another value.
827 	 */
828 	if (up->logthrottle) {
829 		--up->logthrottle;
830 	}
831 	if (up->tickover) {
832 		--up->tickover;
833 	}
834 	switch (up->tickover) {
835 	case 4:
836 		/* If we are connected to GPSD, try to get a live signal
837 		 * by querying the version. Otherwise just check the
838 		 * socket to become ready.
839 		 */
840 		if (-1 != pp->io.fd) {
841 			size_t rlen = strlen(s_req_version);
842 			DPRINT(2, ("%s: timer livecheck: '%s'\n",
843 				   up->logname, s_req_version));
844 			log_data(peer, "send", s_req_version, rlen);
845 			rc = write(pp->io.fd, s_req_version, rlen);
846 			(void)rc;
847 		} else if (-1 != up->fdt) {
848 			gpsd_test_socket(peer);
849 		}
850 		break;
852 	case 0:
853 		if (-1 != pp->io.fd)
854 			gpsd_stop_socket(peer);
855 		else if (-1 != up->fdt) {
856 			gpsd_test_socket(peer);
857 		} else if (NULL != s_gpsd_addr) {
858 			gpsd_init_socket(peer);
859 		}
860 		break;
862 	default:
863 		if (-1 == pp->io.fd && -1 != up->fdt)
864 			gpsd_test_socket(peer);
865 	}
866 }
868 static void
timer_secondary(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)869 timer_secondary(
870 	peerT      * const peer ,
871 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
872 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
873 {
874 	/* Reduce the count by one. Flush sample buffer and clear PPS
875 	 * flag when this happens.
876 	 */
877 	up->ppscount2 = max(0, (up->ppscount2 - 1));
878 	if (0 == up->ppscount2) {
879 		if (pp->coderecv != pp->codeproc) {
880 			refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
881 			pp->coderecv = pp->codeproc;
882 		}
883 		peer->cfg.flags &= ~FLAG_PPS;
884 	}
885 }
887 static void
gpsd_timer(int unit,peerT * peer)888 gpsd_timer(
889 	int     unit,
890 	peerT * peer)
891 {
892 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
893 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
895 	UNUSED_ARG(unit);
897 	if (peer == up->pps_peer) {
898 		timer_secondary(peer, pp, up);
899 	} else {
900 		timer_primary(peer, pp, up);
901 	}
902 }
904 /* =====================================================================
905  * handle opmode switches
906  */
908 static void
enter_opmode(peerT * peer,int mode)909 enter_opmode(
910 	peerT *peer,
911 	int    mode)
912 {
913 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
914 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
916 	DPRINT(1, ("%s: enter operation mode %d\n",
917 		   up->logname, MODE_OP_MODE(mode)));
919 	if (MODE_OP_MODE(mode) == MODE_OP_AUTO) {
920 		up->fl_rawibt = false;
921 		up->ppscount  = PPS_MAXCOUNT / 2;
922 	}
923 	up->fl_pps = false;
924 	up->fl_ibt = false;
925 }
927 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
929 static void
leave_opmode(peerT * peer,int mode)930 leave_opmode(
931 	peerT *peer,
932 	int    mode)
933 {
934 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
935 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
937 	DPRINT(1, ("%s: leaving operation mode %d\n",
938 		   up->logname, MODE_OP_MODE(mode)));
940 	if (MODE_OP_MODE(mode) == MODE_OP_AUTO) {
941 		up->fl_rawibt = false;
942 		up->ppscount  = 0;
943 	}
944 	up->fl_pps = false;
945 	up->fl_ibt = false;
946 }
948 /* =====================================================================
949  * operation mode specific evaluation
950  */
952 static void
add_clock_sample(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,l_fp stamp,l_fp recvt)953 add_clock_sample(
954 	peerT      * const peer ,
955 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
956 	l_fp               stamp,
957 	l_fp               recvt)
958 {
959 	pp->lastref = stamp;
960 	if (pp->coderecv == pp->codeproc)
961 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_NOMINAL);
962 	refclock_process_offset(pp, stamp, recvt, 0.0);
963 }
965 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
967 static void
eval_strict(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)968 eval_strict(
969 	peerT      * const peer ,
970 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
971 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
972 {
973 	if (up->fl_ibt && up->fl_pps) {
974 		/* use TPV reference time + PPS receive time */
975 		add_clock_sample(peer, pp, up->ibt_stamp, up->pps_recvt);
976 		peer->precision = (int8_t)up->pps_prec;
977 		/* both packets consumed now... */
978 		up->fl_pps = false;
979 		up->fl_ibt = false;
980 		++up->tc_ibt_used;
981 	}
982 }
984 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
985 /* PPS processing for the secondary channel. GPSD provides us with full
986  * timing information, so there's no danger of PLL-locking to the wrong
987  * second. The belts and suspenders needed for the raw ATOM clock are
988  * unnecessary here.
989  */
990 static void
eval_pps_secondary(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)991 eval_pps_secondary(
992 	peerT      * const peer ,
993 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
994 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
995 {
996 	if (up->fl_pps2) {
997 		/* feed data */
998 		add_clock_sample(peer, pp, up->pps_stamp2, up->pps_recvt2);
999 		peer->precision = (int8_t)up->pps_prec;
1000 		/* PPS peer flag logic */
1001 		up->ppscount2 = min(PPS2_MAXCOUNT, (up->ppscount2 + 2));
1002 		if ((PPS2_MAXCOUNT == up->ppscount2) &&
1003 		    (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG1) )
1004 			peer->cfg.flags |= FLAG_PPS;
1005 		/* mark time stamp as burned... */
1006 		up->fl_pps2 = false;
1007 		++up->tc_pps_used;
1008 	}
1009 }
1011 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1013 static void
eval_serial(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)1014 eval_serial(
1015 	peerT      * const peer ,
1016 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
1017 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
1018 {
1019 	if (up->fl_ibt) {
1020 		add_clock_sample(peer, pp, up->ibt_stamp, up->ibt_recvt);
1021 		peer->precision = (int8_t)up->ibt_prec;
1022 		/* mark time stamp as burned... */
1023 		up->fl_ibt = false;
1024 		++up->tc_ibt_used;
1025 	}
1026 }
1028 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1029 static void
eval_auto(peerT * const peer,clockprocT * const pp,gpsd_unitT * const up)1030 eval_auto(
1031 	peerT      * const peer ,
1032 	clockprocT * const pp   ,
1033 	gpsd_unitT * const up   )
1034 {
1035 	/* If there's no TPV available, stop working here... */
1036 	if (!up->fl_ibt)
1037 		return;
1039 	/* check how to handle IBT+PPS: Can PPS be used to augment IBT
1040 	 * (or vice versae), do we drop the sample because there is a
1041 	 * temporary missing PPS signal, or do we feed on IBT time
1042 	 * stamps alone?
1043 	 *
1044 	 * Do a counter/threshold dance to decide how to proceed.
1045 	 */
1046 	if (up->fl_pps) {
1047 		up->ppscount = min(PPS_MAXCOUNT,
1048 				   (up->ppscount + PPS_INCCOUNT));
1049 		if ((PPS_MAXCOUNT == up->ppscount) && up->fl_rawibt) {
1050 			up->fl_rawibt = false;
1051 			msyslog(LOG_INFO,
1052 				"REFCLOCK: %s: expect valid PPS from now",
1053 				up->logname);
1054 		}
1055 	} else {
1056 		up->ppscount = max(0, (up->ppscount - PPS_DECCOUNT));
1057 		if ((0 == up->ppscount) && !up->fl_rawibt) {
1058 			up->fl_rawibt = true;
1059 			msyslog(LOG_WARNING,
1060 				"REFCLOCK: %s: use TPV alone from now",
1061 				up->logname);
1062 		}
1063 	}
1065 	/* now eventually feed the sample */
1066 	if (up->fl_rawibt)
1067 		eval_serial(peer, pp, up);
1068 	else
1069 		eval_strict(peer, pp, up);
1070 }
1072 /* =====================================================================
1073  * JSON parsing stuff
1074  */
1076 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1077 /* Parse a decimal integer with a possible sign. Works like 'strtoll()'
1078  * or 'strtol()', but with a fixed base of 10 and without eating away
1079  * leading whitespace. For the error codes, the handling of the end
1080  * pointer and the return values see 'strtol()'.
1081  */
1082 static json_int
strtojint(const char * cp,char ** ep)1083 strtojint(
1084 	const char *cp, char **ep)
1085 {
1086 	json_uint     accu, limit_lo, limit_hi;
1087 	int           flags; /* bit 0: overflow; bit 1: sign */
1088 	const char  * hold;
1090 	/* pointer union to circumvent a tricky/sticky const issue */
1091 	union {	const char * c; char * v; } vep;
1093 	/* store initial value of 'cp' -- see 'strtol()' */
1094 	vep.c = cp;
1096 	/* Eat away an optional sign and set the limits accordingly: The
1097 	 * high limit is the maximum absolute value that can be returned,
1098 	 * and the low limit is the biggest value that does not cause an
1099 	 * overflow when multiplied with 10. Avoid negation overflows.
1100 	 */
1101 	if (*cp == '-') {
1102 		cp += 1;
1103 		flags    = 2;
1104 		limit_hi = (json_uint)-(JSON_INT_MIN + 1) + 1;
1105 	} else {
1106 		cp += (*cp == '+');
1107 		flags    = 0;
1108 		limit_hi = (json_uint)JSON_INT_MAX;
1109 	}
1110 	limit_lo = limit_hi / 10;
1112 	/* Now try to convert a sequence of digits. */
1113 	hold = cp;
1114 	accu = 0;
1115 	while (isdigit(*(const unsigned char*)cp)) {
1116 	    flags |= (accu > limit_lo);
1117 	    accu = accu * 10 + (json_uint)(*(const unsigned char*)cp++ - '0');
1118 	    flags |= (accu > limit_hi);
1119 	}
1120 	/* Check for empty conversion (no digits seen). */
1121 	if (hold != cp) {
1122 		vep.c = cp;
1123 	} else {
1124 		errno = EINVAL;	/* accu is still zero */
1125 	}
1126 	/* Check for range overflow */
1127 	if (flags & 1) {
1128 		errno = ERANGE;
1129 		accu  = limit_hi;
1130 	}
1131 	/* If possible, store back the end-of-conversion pointer */
1132 	if (ep) {
1133 		*ep = vep.v;
1134 	}
1135 	/* If negative, return the negated result if the accu is not
1136 	 * zero. Avoid negation overflows.
1137 	 */
1138 	if ((flags & 2) && accu) {
1139 		return -(json_int)(accu - 1) - 1;
1140 	} else {
1141 		return (json_int)accu;
1142 	}
1143 }
1145 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1147 static tok_ref
json_token_skip(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid)1148 json_token_skip(
1149 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1150 	tok_ref          tid)
1151 {
1152 	if (tid >= 0 && tid < ctx->ntok) {
1153 		int len = ctx->tok[tid].size;
1154 		/* For arrays and objects, the size is the number of
1155 		 * ITEMS in the compound. That's the number of objects in
1156 		 * the array, and the number of key/value pairs for
1157 		 * objects. In theory, the key must be a string, and we
1158 		 * could simply skip one token before skipping the
1159 		 * value, which can be anything. We're a bit paranoid
1160 		 * and lazy at the same time: We simply double the
1161 		 * number of tokens to skip and fall through into the
1162 		 * array processing when encountering an object.
1163 		 */
1164 		switch (ctx->tok[tid].type) {
1165 		case JSMN_OBJECT:
1166 			len *= 2;
1167 			/* FALLTHROUGH */
1168 		case JSMN_ARRAY:
1169 			for (++tid; len; --len)
1170 				tid = json_token_skip(ctx, tid);
1171 			break;
1173                 case JSMN_PRIMITIVE:
1174                 case JSMN_STRING:
1175 		default:
1176 			++tid;
1177 			break;
1178 		}
1179 		if (tid > ctx->ntok) { /* Impossible? Paranoia rulez. */
1180 			tid = ctx->ntok;
1181 		}
1182 	}
1183 	return tid;
1184 }
1186 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1188 static int
json_object_lookup(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key,int what)1189 json_object_lookup(
1190 	const json_ctx * ctx ,
1191 	tok_ref          tid ,
1192 	const char     * key ,
1193 	int              what)
1194 {
1195 	int len;
1197 	if (tid < 0 || tid >= ctx->ntok ||
1198 	    ctx->tok[tid].type != JSMN_OBJECT)
1199 		return INVALID_TOKEN;
1201 	len = ctx->tok[tid].size;
1202 	for (++tid; len && tid+1 < ctx->ntok; --len) {
1203 		if (ctx->tok[tid].type != JSMN_STRING) { /* Blooper! */
1204 			tid = json_token_skip(ctx, tid); /* skip key */
1205 			tid = json_token_skip(ctx, tid); /* skip val */
1206 		} else if (strcmp(key, ctx->buf + ctx->tok[tid].start)) {
1207 			tid = json_token_skip(ctx, tid+1); /* skip key+val */
1208 		} else if (what < 0 || what == (int)ctx->tok[tid+1].type) {
1209 			return tid + 1;
1210 		} else {
1211 			break;
1212 		}
1213 		/* if skipping ahead returned an error, bail out here. */
1214 		if (tid < 0) {
1215 			break;
1216 		}
1217 	}
1218 	return INVALID_TOKEN;
1219 }
1221 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1223 static const char*
json_object_lookup_primitive(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key)1224 json_object_lookup_primitive(
1225 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1226 	tok_ref          tid,
1227 	const char     * key)
1228 {
1229 	tid = json_object_lookup(ctx, tid, key, JSMN_PRIMITIVE);
1230 	if (INVALID_TOKEN  != tid) {
1231 		return ctx->buf + ctx->tok[tid].start;
1232 	} else {
1233 		return NULL;
1234 	}
1235 }
1236 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1237 /* look up a boolean value. This essentially returns a tribool:
1238  * 0->false, 1->true, (-1)->error/undefined
1239  */
1240 static int
json_object_lookup_bool(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key)1241 json_object_lookup_bool(
1242 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1243 	tok_ref          tid,
1244 	const char     * key)
1245 {
1246 	const char *cp;
1247 	cp  = json_object_lookup_primitive(ctx, tid, key);
1248 	switch ( cp ? *cp : '\0') {
1249 	case 't': return  1;
1250 	case 'f': return  0;
1251 	default : return -1;
1252 	}
1253 }
1255 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1257 static const char*
json_object_lookup_string(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key)1258 json_object_lookup_string(
1259 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1260 	tok_ref          tid,
1261 	const char     * key)
1262 {
1263 	tid = json_object_lookup(ctx, tid, key, JSMN_STRING);
1264 	if (INVALID_TOKEN != tid)
1265 		return ctx->buf + ctx->tok[tid].start;
1266 	return NULL;
1267 }
1269 static const char*
json_object_lookup_string_default(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key,const char * def)1270 json_object_lookup_string_default(
1271 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1272 	tok_ref          tid,
1273 	const char     * key,
1274 	const char     * def)
1275 {
1276 	tid = json_object_lookup(ctx, tid, key, JSMN_STRING);
1277 	if (INVALID_TOKEN != tid)
1278 		return ctx->buf + ctx->tok[tid].start;
1279 	return def;
1280 }
1282 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1284 static json_int
json_object_lookup_int(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key)1285 json_object_lookup_int(
1286 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1287 	tok_ref          tid,
1288 	const char     * key)
1289 {
1290 	json_int     ret;
1291 	const char * cp;
1292 	char       * ep;
1294 	cp = json_object_lookup_primitive(ctx, tid, key);
1295 	if (NULL != cp) {
1296 		ret = strtojint(cp, &ep);
1297 		if (cp != ep && '\0' == *ep) {
1298 			return ret;
1299 		}
1300 	} else {
1301 		errno = EINVAL;
1302 	}
1303 	return 0;
1304 }
1306 static json_int
json_object_lookup_int_default(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key,json_int def)1307 json_object_lookup_int_default(
1308 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1309 	tok_ref          tid,
1310 	const char     * key,
1311 	json_int         def)
1312 {
1313 	json_int     ret;
1314 	const char * cp;
1315 	char       * ep;
1317 	cp = json_object_lookup_primitive(ctx, tid, key);
1318 	if (NULL != cp) {
1319 		ret = strtojint(cp, &ep);
1320 		if (cp != ep && '\0' == *ep) {
1321 			return ret;
1322 		}
1323 	}
1324 	return def;
1325 }
1327 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1329 static double
json_object_lookup_float_default(const json_ctx * ctx,tok_ref tid,const char * key,double def)1330 json_object_lookup_float_default(
1331 	const json_ctx * ctx,
1332 	tok_ref          tid,
1333 	const char     * key,
1334 	double           def)
1335 {
1336 	double       ret;
1337 	const char * cp;
1338 	char       * ep;
1340 	cp = json_object_lookup_primitive(ctx, tid, key);
1341 	if (NULL != cp) {
1342 		ret = strtod(cp, &ep);
1343 		if (cp != ep && '\0' == *ep) {
1344 			return ret;
1345 		}
1346 	}
1347 	return def;
1348 }
1350 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1352 static bool
json_parse_record(json_ctx * ctx,char * buf,size_t len)1353 json_parse_record(
1354 	json_ctx * ctx,
1355 	char     * buf,
1356 	size_t     len)
1357 {
1358 	jsmn_parser jsm;
1359 	int         idx, rc;
1361 	jsmn_init(&jsm);
1362 	rc = jsmn_parse(&jsm, buf, len, ctx->tok, JSMN_MAXTOK);
1363 	if (rc <= 0)
1364 		return false;
1365 	ctx->buf  = buf;
1366 	ctx->ntok = rc;
1368 	if (JSMN_OBJECT != ctx->tok[0].type)
1369 		return false; /* not object!?! */
1371 	/* Make all tokens NUL terminated by overwriting the
1372 	 * terminator symbol. Makes string compares and number parsing a
1373 	 * lot easier!
1374 	 */
1375 	for (idx = 0; idx < ctx->ntok; ++idx)
1376 		if (ctx->tok[idx].end > ctx->tok[idx].start)
1377 			ctx->buf[ctx->tok[idx].end] = '\0';
1378 	return true;
1379 }
1382 /* =====================================================================
1383  * static local helpers
1384  */
1385 static bool
get_binary_time(l_fp * const dest,json_ctx * const jctx,const char * const time_name,const char * const frac_name,long fscale)1386 get_binary_time(
1387 	l_fp       * const dest     ,
1388 	json_ctx   * const jctx     ,
1389 	const char * const time_name,
1390 	const char * const frac_name,
1391 	long               fscale   )
1392 {
1393 	bool            retv = false;
1394 	struct timespec ts;
1396 	errno = 0;
1397 	ts.tv_sec  = (time_t)json_object_lookup_int(jctx, 0, time_name);
1398 	ts.tv_nsec = (long  )json_object_lookup_int(jctx, 0, frac_name);
1399 	if (0 == errno) {
1400 		ts.tv_nsec *= fscale;
1401 		*dest = tspec_stamp_to_lfp(ts);
1402 		retv  = true;
1403 	}
1404 	return retv;
1405 }
1407 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1408 /* Process a WATCH record
1409  *
1410  * Currently this is only used to recognise that the device is present
1411  * and that we're listed subscribers.
1412  */
1413 static void
process_watch(peerT * const peer,json_ctx * const jctx,const l_fp * const rtime)1414 process_watch(
1415 	peerT      * const peer ,
1416 	json_ctx   * const jctx ,
1417 	const l_fp * const rtime)
1418 {
1419 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1420 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1422 	const char * path;
1424 	UNUSED_ARG(rtime);
1426 	path = json_object_lookup_string(jctx, 0, "device");
1427 	if (NULL == path || strcmp(path, up->device)) {
1428 		return;
1429 	}
1431 	if (json_object_lookup_bool(jctx, 0, "enable") > 0 &&
1432 	    json_object_lookup_bool(jctx, 0, "json"  ) > 0  )
1433 		up->fl_watch = true;
1434 	else
1435 		up->fl_watch = false;
1436 	DPRINT(2, ("%s: process_watch, enabled=%d\n",
1437 		   up->logname, up->fl_watch));
1438 }
1440 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1442 static void
process_version(peerT * const peer,json_ctx * const jctx,const l_fp * const rtime)1443 process_version(
1444 	peerT      * const peer ,
1445 	json_ctx   * const jctx ,
1446 	const l_fp * const rtime)
1447 {
1448 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1449 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1451 	size_t len;
1452 	ssize_t ret;
1453 	char * buf;
1454 	const char *revision;
1455 	const char *release;
1456 	uint16_t    pvhi, pvlo;
1458 	UNUSED_ARG(rtime);
1460 	/* get protocol version number */
1461 	revision = json_object_lookup_string_default(
1462 		jctx, 0, "rev", "(unknown)");
1463 	release  = json_object_lookup_string_default(
1464 		jctx, 0, "release", "(unknown)");
1465 	errno = 0;
1466 	pvhi = (uint16_t)json_object_lookup_int(jctx, 0, "proto_major");
1467 	pvlo = (uint16_t)json_object_lookup_int(jctx, 0, "proto_minor");
1469 	if (0 == errno) {
1470 		if ( ! up->fl_vers)
1471 			msyslog(LOG_INFO,
1472 				"REFCLOCK: %s: GPSD revision=%s release=%s "
1473 				"protocol=%u.%u",
1474 				up->logname, revision, release,
1475 				pvhi, pvlo);
1476 		up->proto_version = PROTO_VERSION(pvhi, pvlo);
1477 		up->fl_vers = true;
1478 	} else {
1479 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1480 			msyslog(LOG_INFO,
1481 				"REFCLOCK: %s: could not evaluate version data",
1482 				up->logname);
1483 		return;
1484 	}
1485 	/* With the 3.9 GPSD protocol, '*_musec' vanished from the PPS
1486 	 * record and was replace by '*_nsec'.
1487 	 */
1488 	up->pf_nsec = up->proto_version >= PROTO_VERSION(3,9);
1490 	/* With the 3.10 protocol we can get TOFF records for better
1491 	 * timing information.
1492 	 */
1493 	up->pf_toff = up->proto_version >= PROTO_VERSION(3,10);
1495 	/* request watch for our GPS device if not yet watched.
1496 	 *
1497 	 * The version string is also sent as a life signal, if we have
1498 	 * seen usable data. So if we're already watching the device,
1499 	 * skip the request.
1500 	 *
1501 	 * Reuse the input buffer, which is no longer needed in the
1502 	 * current cycle. Also assume that we can write the watch
1503 	 * request in one sweep into the socket; since we do not do
1504 	 * output otherwise, this should always work.  (Unless the
1505 	 * TCP/IP window size gets lower than the length of the
1506 	 * request. We handle that when it happens.)
1507 	 */
1508 	if (up->fl_watch)
1509 		return;
1511 	snprintf(up->buffer, sizeof(up->buffer),
1512 		 s_req_watch[up->pf_toff], up->device);
1513 	buf = up->buffer;
1514 	len = strlen(buf);
1515 	log_data(peer, "send", buf, len);
1516 	ret = write(pp->io.fd, buf, len);
1517 	if ( (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret != len) && (syslogok(pp, up))) {
1518 		/* Note: if the server fails to read our request, the
1519 		 * resulting data timeout will take care of the
1520 		 * connection!
1521 		 */
1522 		msyslog(LOG_ERR,
1523                         "REFCLOCK: %s: failed to write watch request (%s)",
1524 			up->logname, strerror(errno));
1525 	}
1526 }
1528 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1530 static void
process_tpv(peerT * const peer,json_ctx * const jctx,const l_fp * const rtime)1531 process_tpv(
1532 	peerT      * const peer ,
1533 	json_ctx   * const jctx ,
1534 	const l_fp * const rtime)
1535 {
1536 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1537 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1539 	const char * gps_time;
1540 	int          gps_mode;
1541 	double       ept;
1542 	int          xlog2;
1544 	gps_mode = (int)json_object_lookup_int_default(
1545 		jctx, 0, "mode", 0);
1547 	gps_time = json_object_lookup_string(
1548 		jctx, 0, "time");
1550 	/* accept time stamps only in 2d or 3d fix */
1551 	if (gps_mode < 2 || NULL == gps_time) {
1552 		/* receiver has no fix; tell about and avoid stale data */
1553 		if ( ! up->pf_toff)
1554 			++up->tc_ibt_recv;
1555 		++up->tc_nosync;
1556 		up->fl_ibt    = false;
1557 		up->fl_pps    = false;
1558 		up->fl_nosync = true;
1559 		return;
1560 	}
1561 	up->fl_nosync = false;
1563 	/* convert clock and set resulting ref time, but only if the
1564 	 * TOFF sentence is *not* available
1565 	 */
1566 	if ( ! up->pf_toff) {
1567 		++up->tc_ibt_recv;
1568 		/* save last time code to clock data */
1569 		save_ltc(pp, gps_time);
1570 		/* now parse the time string */
1571 		if (convert_ascii_time(&up->ibt_stamp, gps_time)) {
1572 			DPRINT(2, ("%s: process_tpv, stamp='%s',"
1573 				   " recvt='%s' mode=%d\n",
1574 				   up->logname,
1575 				   prettydate(up->ibt_stamp),
1576 				   prettydate(up->ibt_recvt),
1577 				   gps_mode));
1579 			/* have to use local receive time as substitute
1580 			 * for the real receive time: TPV does not tell
1581 			 * us.
1582 			 */
1583 			up->ibt_local = *rtime;
1584 			up->ibt_recvt = *rtime;
1585 			up->ibt_recvt -= up->ibt_fudge;
1586 			up->fl_ibt = true;
1587 		} else {
1588 			++up->tc_breply;
1589 			up->fl_ibt = false;
1590 		}
1591 	}
1593 	/* Set the precision from the GPSD data
1594 	 * Use the ETP field for an estimation of the precision of the
1595 	 * serial data. If ETP is not available, use the default serial
1596 	 * data precision instead. (Note: The PPS branch has a different
1597 	 * precision estimation, since it gets the proper value directly
1598 	 * from GPSD!)
1599 	 */
1600 	ept = json_object_lookup_float_default(jctx, 0, "ept", 2.0e-3);
1601 	ept = frexp(fabs(ept)*0.70710678, &xlog2); /* ~ sqrt(0.5) */
1602 	if (ept < 0.25)
1603 		xlog2 = INT_MIN;
1604 	if (ept > 2.0)
1605 		xlog2 = INT_MAX;
1606 	up->ibt_prec = clamped_precision(xlog2);
1607 }
1609 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1611 static void
process_pps(peerT * const peer,json_ctx * const jctx,const l_fp * const rtime)1612 process_pps(
1613 	peerT      * const peer ,
1614 	json_ctx   * const jctx ,
1615 	const l_fp * const rtime)
1616 {
1617 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1618 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1620 	int xlog2;
1622 	++up->tc_pps_recv;
1624 	/* Bail out if there's indication that time sync is bad or
1625 	 * if we're explicitly requested to ignore PPS data.
1626 	 */
1627 	if (up->fl_nosync)
1628 		return;
1630 	up->pps_local = *rtime;
1631 	/* Now grab the time values. 'clock_*' is the event time of the
1632 	 * pulse measured on the local system clock; 'real_*' is the GPS
1633 	 * reference time GPSD associated with the pulse.
1634 	 */
1635 	if (up->pf_nsec) {
1636 		if ( ! get_binary_time(&up->pps_recvt2, jctx,
1637 				       "clock_sec", "clock_nsec", 1))
1638 			goto fail;
1639 		if ( ! get_binary_time(&up->pps_stamp2, jctx,
1640 				       "real_sec", "real_nsec", 1))
1641 			goto fail;
1642 	} else {
1643 		if ( ! get_binary_time(&up->pps_recvt2, jctx,
1644 				       "clock_sec", "clock_musec", 1000))
1645 			goto fail;
1646 		if ( ! get_binary_time(&up->pps_stamp2, jctx,
1647 				       "real_sec", "real_musec", 1000))
1648 			goto fail;
1649 	}
1651 	/* Try to read the precision field from the PPS record. If it's
1652 	 * not there, take the precision from the serial data.
1653 	 */
1654 	xlog2 = (int)json_object_lookup_int_default(
1655 			jctx, 0, "precision", up->ibt_prec);
1656 	up->pps_prec = clamped_precision(xlog2);
1658 	/* Get fudged receive times for primary & secondary unit */
1659 	up->pps_recvt = up->pps_recvt2;
1660 	up->pps_recvt -= up->pps_fudge;
1661 	up->pps_recvt2 -= up->pps_fudge2;
1662 	pp->lastrec = up->pps_recvt;
1664 	/* Map to nearest full second as reference time stamp for the
1665 	 * primary channel. Sanity checks are done in evaluation step.
1666 	 */
1667 	up->pps_stamp = up->pps_recvt;
1668 	up->pps_stamp += 0x80000000U;
1669 	setlfpfrac(up->pps_stamp, 0);
1671 	if (NULL != up->pps_peer)
1672 		save_ltc(up->pps_peer->procptr, prettydate(up->pps_stamp2));
1673 	DPRINT(2, ("%s: PPS record processed,"
1674 		   " stamp='%s', recvt='%s'\n",
1675 		   up->logname,
1676 		   prettydate(up->pps_stamp2),
1677 		   prettydate(up->pps_recvt2)));
1679 	up->fl_pps  = !(pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG2);
1680 	up->fl_pps2 = true;
1681 	return;
1683   fail:
1684 	DPRINT(1, ("%s: PPS record processing FAILED\n",
1685 		   up->logname));
1686 	++up->tc_breply;
1687 }
1689 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1691 static void
process_toff(peerT * const peer,json_ctx * const jctx,const l_fp * const rtime)1692 process_toff(
1693 	peerT      * const peer ,
1694 	json_ctx   * const jctx ,
1695 	const l_fp * const rtime)
1696 {
1697 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1698 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1700 	++up->tc_ibt_recv;
1702 	/* remember this! */
1703 	up->pf_toff = true;
1705 	/* bail out if there's indication that time sync is bad */
1706 	if (up->fl_nosync)
1707 		return;
1709 	if ( ! get_binary_time(&up->ibt_recvt, jctx,
1710 			       "clock_sec", "clock_nsec", 1))
1711 			goto fail;
1712 	if ( ! get_binary_time(&up->ibt_stamp, jctx,
1713 			       "real_sec", "real_nsec", 1))
1714 			goto fail;
1715 	up->ibt_recvt -= up->ibt_fudge;
1716 	up->ibt_local = *rtime;
1717 	up->fl_ibt    = true;
1719 	save_ltc(pp, prettydate(up->ibt_stamp));
1720 	DPRINT(2, ("%s: TOFF record processed,"
1721 		   " stamp='%s', recvt='%s'\n",
1722 		   up->logname,
1723 		   prettydate(up->ibt_stamp),
1724 		   prettydate(up->ibt_recvt)));
1725 	return;
1727   fail:
1728 	DPRINT(1, ("%s: TOFF record processing FAILED\n",
1729 		   up->logname));
1730 	++up->tc_breply;
1731 }
1733 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1735 static void
gpsd_parse(peerT * const peer,const l_fp * const rtime)1736 gpsd_parse(
1737 	peerT      * const peer ,
1738 	const l_fp * const rtime)
1739 {
1740 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1741 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1743 	const char * clsid;
1745         DPRINT(2, ("%s: gpsd_parse: time %s '%.*s'\n",
1746 		   up->logname, ulfptoa(*rtime, 6),
1747 		   up->buflen, up->buffer));
1749 	/* See if we can grab anything potentially useful. JSMN does not
1750 	 * need a trailing NUL, but it needs the number of bytes to
1751 	 * process. */
1752 	if (!json_parse_record(&up->json_parse, up->buffer,
1753                                (size_t)up->buflen)) {
1754 		++up->tc_breply;
1755 		return;
1756 	}
1758 	/* Now dispatch over the objects we know */
1759 	clsid = json_object_lookup_string(&up->json_parse, 0, "class");
1760 	if (NULL == clsid) {
1761 		++up->tc_breply;
1762 		return;
1763 	}
1765 	if      (!strcmp("TPV", clsid)) {
1766 		process_tpv(peer, &up->json_parse, rtime);
1767 	} else if (!strcmp("PPS", clsid)) {
1768 		process_pps(peer, &up->json_parse, rtime);
1769 	} else if (!strcmp("TOFF", clsid)) {
1770 		process_toff(peer, &up->json_parse, rtime);
1771 	} else if (!strcmp("VERSION", clsid)) {
1772 		process_version(peer, &up->json_parse, rtime);
1773 	} else if (!strcmp("WATCH", clsid)) {
1774 		process_watch(peer, &up->json_parse, rtime);
1775 	} else {
1776 		return; /* nothing we know about... */
1777 	}
1778 	++up->tc_recv;
1780 	/* if possible, feed the PPS side channel */
1781 	if (up->pps_peer)
1782 		eval_pps_secondary(
1783 			up->pps_peer, up->pps_peer->procptr, up);
1785 	/* check PPS vs. IBT receive times:
1786 	 * If IBT is before PPS, then clearly the IBT is too old. If PPS
1787 	 * is before IBT by more than one second, then PPS is too old.
1788 	 * Weed out stale time stamps & flags.
1789 	 */
1790 	if (up->fl_pps && up->fl_ibt) {
1791 		l_fp diff;
1792 		diff = up->ibt_local;
1793 		diff -= up->pps_local;
1794 		if (lfpsint(diff) > 0)
1795 			up->fl_pps = false; /* pps too old */
1796 		else if (lfpsint(diff) < 0)
1797 			up->fl_ibt = false; /* serial data too old */
1798 	}
1800 	/* dispatch to the mode-dependent processing functions */
1801 	switch (up->mode) {
1802 	default:
1803 	case MODE_OP_IBT:
1804 		eval_serial(peer, pp, up);
1805 		break;
1807 	case MODE_OP_STRICT:
1808 		eval_strict(peer, pp, up);
1809 		break;
1811 	case MODE_OP_AUTO:
1812 		eval_auto(peer, pp, up);
1813 		break;
1814 	}
1815 }
1817 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1819 static void
gpsd_stop_socket(peerT * const peer)1820 gpsd_stop_socket(
1821 	peerT * const peer)
1822 {
1823 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1824 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1826 	if (-1 != pp->io.fd) {
1827 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1828 			msyslog(LOG_INFO,
1829 				"REFCLOCK: %s: closing socket to GPSD, fd=%d",
1830 				up->logname, pp->io.fd);
1831 		else
1832 			DPRINT(1, ("%s: closing socket to GPSD, fd=%d\n",
1833 				   up->logname, pp->io.fd));
1834 		io_closeclock(&pp->io);
1835 		pp->io.fd = -1;
1836 	}
1837 	up->tickover = up->tickpres;
1838 	up->tickpres = min(up->tickpres + 5, TICKOVER_HIGH);
1839 	up->fl_vers  = false;
1840 	up->fl_ibt   = false;
1841 	up->fl_pps   = false;
1842 	up->fl_watch = false;
1843 }
1845 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1847 static void
gpsd_init_socket(peerT * const peer)1848 gpsd_init_socket(
1849 	peerT * const peer)
1850 {
1851 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1852 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1853 	addrinfoT  * ai;
1854 	int          rc;
1855 	int          ov;
1857 	/* draw next address to try */
1858 	if (NULL == up->addr) {
1859 		up->addr = s_gpsd_addr;
1860 	}
1861 	ai = up->addr;
1862 	up->addr = ai->ai_next;
1864 	/* try to create a matching socket */
1865 	up->fdt = socket(
1866 		ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol);
1867 	if (-1 == up->fdt) {
1868 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1869 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
1870 				"REFCLOCK: %s: cannot create GPSD socket: %s",
1871 				up->logname, strerror(errno));
1872 		goto no_socket;
1873 	}
1875 	/* Make sure the socket is non-blocking. Connect/reconnect and
1876 	 * IO happen in an event-driven environment, and synchronous
1877 	 * operations wreak havoc on that.
1878 	 */
1879 	rc = fcntl(up->fdt, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK, 1);
1880 	if (-1 == rc) {
1881 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1882 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
1883 				"REFCLOCK: %s: cannot set GPSD socket "
1884                                 "to non-blocking: %s",
1885 				up->logname, strerror(errno));
1886 		goto no_socket;
1887 	}
1888 	/* Disable nagling. The way both GPSD and NTPD handle the
1889 	 * protocol makes it record-oriented, and in most cases
1890 	 * complete records (JSON serialised objects) will be sent in
1891 	 * one sweep. Nagling gives not much advantage but adds another
1892 	 * delay, which can worsen the situation for some packets.
1893 	 */
1894 	ov = 1;
1895 	rc = setsockopt(up->fdt, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,
1896 			(char*)&ov, sizeof(ov));
1897 	if (-1 == rc) {
1898 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1899 			msyslog(LOG_INFO,
1900 				"REFCLOCK: %s: cannot disable TCP nagle: %s",
1901 				up->logname, strerror(errno));
1902 	}
1904 	/* Start a non-blocking connect. There might be a synchronous
1905 	 * connection result we have to handle.
1906 	 */
1907 	rc = connect(up->fdt, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
1908 	if (-1 == rc) {
1909 		if (errno == EINPROGRESS) {
1910 			DPRINT(1, ("%s: async connect pending, fd=%d\n",
1911 				   up->logname, up->fdt));
1912 			return;
1913 		}
1915 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1916 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
1917 				"REFCLOCK: %s: cannot connect GPSD socket: %s",
1918 				up->logname, strerror(errno));
1919 		goto no_socket;
1920 	}
1922 	/* We had a successful synchronous connect, so we add the
1923 	 * refclock processing ASAP. We still have to wait for the
1924 	 * version string and apply the watch command later on, but we
1925 	 * might as well get the show on the road now.
1926 	 */
1927 	DPRINT(1, ("%s: new socket connection, fd=%d\n",
1928 		   up->logname, up->fdt));
1930 	pp->io.fd = up->fdt;
1931 	up->fdt   = -1;
1932 	if (0 == io_addclock(&pp->io)) {
1933 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
1934 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
1935 				"REFCLOCK: %s: failed to register "
1936                                 "with I/O engine",
1937 				up->logname);
1938 		goto no_socket;
1939 	}
1941 	return;
1943   no_socket:
1944 	if (-1 != pp->io.fd)
1945 		close(pp->io.fd);
1946 	if (-1 != up->fdt) {
1947 		close(up->fdt);
1948 	}
1949 	pp->io.fd    = -1;
1950 	up->fdt      = -1;
1951 	up->tickover = up->tickpres;
1952 	up->tickpres = min(up->tickpres + 5, TICKOVER_HIGH);
1953 }
1955 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1957 static void
gpsd_test_socket(peerT * const peer)1958 gpsd_test_socket(
1959 	peerT * const peer)
1960 {
1961 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
1962 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
1964 	int       ec, rc;
1965 	socklen_t lc;
1967 	/* Check if the non-blocking connect was finished by testing the
1968 	 * socket for writeability. Use the 'poll()' API if available
1969 	 * and 'select()' otherwise.
1970 	 */
1971 	DPRINT(2, ("%s: check connect, fd=%d\n",
1972 		   up->logname, up->fdt));
1974 	{
1975 		struct timespec tout;
1976 		fd_set         wset;
1978 		memset(&tout, 0, sizeof(tout));
1979 		FD_ZERO(&wset);
1980 		FD_SET(up->fdt, &wset);
1981 		rc = pselect(up->fdt+1, NULL, &wset, NULL, &tout, NULL);
1982 		if (0 == rc || !(FD_ISSET(up->fdt, &wset))) {
1983 			return;
1984 		}
1985 	}
1987 	/* next timeout is a full one... */
1988 	up->tickover = TICKOVER_LOW;
1990 	/* check for socket error */
1991 	ec = 0;
1992 	lc = sizeof(ec);
1993 	rc = getsockopt(up->fdt, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &ec, &lc);
1994 	if (-1 == rc || 0 != ec) {
1995 		const char *errtxt;
1996 		if (0 == ec)
1997 			ec = errno;
1998 		errtxt = strerror(ec);
1999 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
2000 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
2001 				"REFCLOCK: %s: async connect to GPSD failed,"
2002 				" fd=%d, ec=%d(%s)",
2003 				up->logname, up->fdt, ec, errtxt);
2004 		else
2005 			DPRINT(1, ("%s: async connect to GPSD failed,"
2006 				   " fd=%d, ec=%d(%s)\n",
2007 				   up->logname, up->fdt, ec, errtxt));
2008 		goto no_socket;
2009 	} else {
2010 		DPRINT(1, ("%s: async connect to GPSD succeeded, fd=%d\n",
2011 			   up->logname, up->fdt));
2012 	}
2014 	/* swap socket FDs, and make sure the clock was added */
2015 	pp->io.fd = up->fdt;
2016 	up->fdt   = -1;
2017 	if (0 == io_addclock(&pp->io)) {
2018 		if (syslogok(pp, up))
2019 			msyslog(LOG_ERR,
2020 			    "REFCLOCK: %s: failed to register with I/O engine",
2021 			    up->logname);
2022 		goto no_socket;
2023 	}
2024 	return;
2026   no_socket:
2027 	if (-1 != up->fdt) {
2028 		DPRINT(1, ("%s: closing socket, fd=%d\n",
2029 			   up->logname, up->fdt));
2030 		close(up->fdt);
2031 	}
2032 	up->fdt      = -1;
2033 	up->tickover = up->tickpres;
2034 	up->tickpres = min(up->tickpres + 5, TICKOVER_HIGH);
2035 }
2037 /* =====================================================================
2038  * helper stuff
2039  */
2041 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
2042  * store a properly clamped precision value
2043  */
2044 static int16_t
clamped_precision(int rawprec)2045 clamped_precision(
2046 	int rawprec)
2047 {
2048 	if (rawprec > 0) {
2049 		rawprec = 0;
2050 	}
2051 	if (rawprec < -32) {
2052 		rawprec = -32;
2053 	}
2054 	return (int16_t)rawprec;
2055 }
2057 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
2058  * Convert a GPSD timestamp (ISO 8601 Format) to an l_fp
2059  */
2060 static bool
convert_ascii_time(l_fp * fp,const char * gps_time)2061 convert_ascii_time(
2062 	l_fp       * fp      ,
2063 	const char * gps_time)
2064 {
2065 	char           *ep;
2066 	struct tm       gd;
2067 	struct timespec ts;
2068 	long   dw;
2070 	/* Use 'strptime' to take the brunt of the work, then parse
2071 	 * the fractional part manually, starting with a digit weight of
2072 	 * 10^8 nanoseconds.
2073 	 */
2074 	ts.tv_nsec = 0;
2075 	ep = strptime(gps_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &gd);
2076 	if (NULL == ep)
2077 		return false; /* could not parse the mandatory stuff! */
2078 	if (*ep == '.') {
2079 		dw = 100000000;
2080 		while (isdigit(*(unsigned char*)++ep)) {
2081 		    ts.tv_nsec += (long)(*(unsigned char*)ep - '0') * dw;
2082 		    dw /= 10;
2083 		}
2084 	}
2085 	if (ep[0] != 'Z' || ep[1] != '\0')
2086 		return false; /* trailing garbage */
2088 	/* Now convert the whole thing into a 'l_fp'. We do not use
2089 	 * 'mkgmtime()' since its not standard and going through the
2090 	 * calendar routines is not much effort, either.
2091 	 */
2092 	ts.tv_sec = (ntpcal_tm_to_rd(&gd) - DAY_NTP_STARTS) * SECSPERDAY
2093 	          + ntpcal_tm_to_daysec(&gd);
2094 	*fp = tspec_intv_to_lfp(ts);
2096 	return true;
2097 }
2099 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
2100  * Save the last timecode string, making sure it's properly truncated
2101  * if necessary and NUL terminated in any case.
2102  */
2103 static void
save_ltc(clockprocT * const pp,const char * const tc)2104 save_ltc(
2105 	clockprocT * const pp,
2106 	const char * const tc)
2107 {
2109         if (NULL == tc) {
2110 	    pp->a_lastcode[0] = '\0';
2111         } else {
2112 	    strlcpy(pp->a_lastcode, tc, sizeof(pp->a_lastcode));
2113 	}
2114 }
2116 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
2117  * asprintf replacement... it's not available everywhere...
2118  */
2119 static int
myasprintf(char ** spp,char const * fmt,...)2120 myasprintf(
2121 	char      ** spp,
2122 	char const * fmt,
2123 	...             )
2124 {
2125 	size_t alen, plen;
2127 	alen = 32;
2128 	*spp = NULL;
2129 	do {
2130 		va_list va;
2132 		alen += alen;
2133 		free(*spp);
2134 		*spp = (char*)malloc(alen);
2135 		if (NULL == *spp) {
2136 			return -1;
2137 		}
2139 		va_start(va, fmt);
2140 		plen = (size_t)vsnprintf(*spp, alen, fmt, va);
2141 		va_end(va);
2142 	} while (plen >= alen);
2144 	return (int)plen;
2145 }
2147 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
2148  * dump a raw data buffer
2149  *
2150  * Maybe this could be used system wide?
2151  */
2153 static void
log_data(peerT * peer,const char * what,const char * buf,size_t len)2154 log_data(
2155 	peerT      *peer,
2156 	const char *what,
2157 	const char *buf ,
2158 	size_t      len )
2159 {
2160 #ifndef DEBUG
2161 	UNUSED_ARG(peer);
2162 	UNUSED_ARG(what);
2163 	UNUSED_ARG(buf);
2164 	UNUSED_ARG(len);
2165 #else
2166 	char s_lbuf[MAX_PDU_LEN];
2168 	clockprocT * const pp = peer->procptr;
2169 	gpsd_unitT * const up = (gpsd_unitT *)pp->unitptr;
2171 	if (debug > 1) { /* SPECIAL DEBUG */
2172 		const char *sptr = buf;
2173 		const char *stop = buf + len;
2174 		char       *dptr = s_lbuf;
2175                 /* leave room for hex (\\x23) + NUL */
2176 		char       *dtop = s_lbuf + sizeof(s_lbuf) - 10;
2178 		while (sptr != stop && dptr < dtop) {
2179 			if (*sptr == '\\') {
2180                                 /* replace with two \ */
2181 				*dptr++ = '\\';
2182 				*dptr++ = '\\';
2183 			} else if (isprint(*sptr)) {
2184 				*dptr++ = *sptr;
2185 			} else {
2186                                dptr += snprintf(dptr, dtop - dptr, "\\%#.2x",
2187                                                 *(const uint8_t*)sptr);
2189 			}
2190 			sptr++;
2191 		}
2192 		*dptr = '\0';
2193 		printf("%s[%s]: '%s'\n", up->logname, what, s_lbuf);
2194 	}
2195 #endif
2196 }