1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Trustees of Indiana University and Indiana
3  *                         University Research and Technology
4  *                         Corporation.  All rights reserved.
5  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The University of Tennessee and The University
6  *                         of Tennessee Research Foundation.  All rights
7  *                         reserved.
8  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
9  *                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.
10  * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of the University of California.
11  *                         All rights reserved.
12  * Copyright (c) 2012      Los Alamos National Security, Inc.  All rights reserved.
14  *
15  * Additional copyrights may follow
16  *
17  * $HEADER$
18  */
20 #include "opal_config.h"
22 #include "opal/dss/dss_internal.h"
opal_dss_register(opal_dss_pack_fn_t pack_fn,opal_dss_unpack_fn_t unpack_fn,opal_dss_copy_fn_t copy_fn,opal_dss_compare_fn_t compare_fn,opal_dss_print_fn_t print_fn,bool structured,const char * name,opal_data_type_t * type)24 int opal_dss_register(opal_dss_pack_fn_t pack_fn,
25                       opal_dss_unpack_fn_t unpack_fn,
26                       opal_dss_copy_fn_t copy_fn,
27                       opal_dss_compare_fn_t compare_fn,
28                       opal_dss_print_fn_t print_fn,
29                       bool structured,
30                       const char *name, opal_data_type_t *type)
31 {
32     opal_dss_type_info_t *info, *ptr;
33     int32_t i;
35     /* Check for bozo cases */
37     if (NULL == pack_fn || NULL == unpack_fn || NULL == copy_fn || NULL == compare_fn ||
38         NULL == print_fn || NULL == name || NULL == type) {
39         return OPAL_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
40     }
42     /* check if this entry already exists - if so, error - we do NOT allow multiple type registrations */
43     for (i=0; i < opal_pointer_array_get_size(&opal_dss_types); i++) {
44         ptr = opal_pointer_array_get_item(&opal_dss_types, i);
45         if (NULL != ptr) {
46             /* check if the name exists */
47             if (0 == strcmp(ptr->odti_name, name)) {
48                 return OPAL_ERR_DATA_TYPE_REDEF;
49             }
50             /* check if the specified type exists */
51             if (*type > 0 && ptr->odti_type == *type) {
52                 return OPAL_ERR_DATA_TYPE_REDEF;
53             }
54         }
55     }
57     /* if type is given (i.e., *type > 0), then just use it.
58      * otherwise, it is an error
59      */
60     if (0 >= *type) {
61         return OPAL_ERR_BAD_PARAM;
62     }
64     /* Add a new entry to the table */
65     info = (opal_dss_type_info_t*) OBJ_NEW(opal_dss_type_info_t);
66     if (NULL == info) {
67         return OPAL_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
68     }
69     info->odti_type = *type;
70     info->odti_name = strdup(name);
71     info->odti_pack_fn = pack_fn;
72     info->odti_unpack_fn = unpack_fn;
73     info->odti_copy_fn = copy_fn;
74     info->odti_compare_fn = compare_fn;
75     info->odti_print_fn = print_fn;
76     info->odti_structured = structured;
78     return opal_pointer_array_set_item(&opal_dss_types, *type, info);
79 }