1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.10.1" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>Net_LDAP2</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <extends>Net_LDAP</extends>
6 <summary>Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries</summary>
7 <description>Net_LDAP2 is the successor of Net_LDAP which is a clone of Perls Net::LDAP
8                object interface to directory servers. It does contain most of Net::LDAPs
9                features but has some own too.
10                 With Net_LDAP2 you have:
11                 * A simple object-oriented interface to connections, searches entries and filters.
12                 * Support for TLS and LDAP v3.
13                 * Simple modification, deletion and creation of LDAP entries.
14                 * Support for schema handling.
16                 Net_LDAP2 layers itself on top of PHP&apos;s existing ldap extensions.</description>
17 <lead>
18  <name>Benedikt Hallinger</name>
19  <user>beni</user>
20  <email>beni@php.net</email>
21  <active>yes</active>
22 </lead>
23 <date>2015-10-30</date>
24 <time>20:33:00</time>
25 <version>
26  <release>2.2.0</release>
27  <api>2.2.0</api>
28 </version>
29 <stability>
30  <release>stable</release>
31  <api>stable</api>
32 </stability>
33 <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
34 <notes>
35* Fix bug #20969: Fatal error with PEAR 1.10.0 / constructor visiblity
36* Add support for PHP 7
37* Improve unit tests
38 </notes>
39 <contents>
40  <dir name="/">
41   <file md5sum="14692880bc39519e25661bb496d7c8d5" name="Net/LDAP2/Entry.php" role="php" />
42   <file md5sum="d5ec0fa3cba28e11cf0cc0c50d6f8404" name="Net/LDAP2/Filter.php" role="php" />
43   <file md5sum="f480bb4793e0cc99d2f4bcf678ce7e5a" name="Net/LDAP2/RootDSE.php" role="php" />
44   <file md5sum="986a0127145e29b20f871d297671a872" name="Net/LDAP2/Schema.php" role="php" />
45   <file md5sum="6f769daa0a4a1ff1fd8b50ef4b2b7c95" name="Net/LDAP2/Search.php" role="php" />
46   <file md5sum="f85fa566011849eb40943253f41d2d57" name="Net/LDAP2/Util.php" role="php" />
47   <file md5sum="c4191615fc3df8ee4e33972747cbadff" name="Net/LDAP2/LDIF.php" role="php" />
48   <file md5sum="c1b7d28801b57e66de6c8410221138bc" name="Net/LDAP2/SchemaCache.interface.php" role="php" />
49   <file md5sum="1fc951713c57a779e77a592092f0f4dd" name="Net/LDAP2/SimpleFileSchemaCache.php" role="php" />
50   <file md5sum="656074820c5eac6464baa43b5b4a0022" name="Net/LDAP2.php" role="php" />
51   <file md5sum="0a3edb58e5abb2d2a4a71fb299f371ef" name="doc/manual.html" role="doc" />
52   <file md5sum="f7a30a3acb682c23879c15f33c5ea165" name="doc/README.txt" role="doc" />
53   <file md5sum="542c5f79a0c65a6145dc46b91109ed47" name="doc/RootDSE.txt" role="doc" />
54   <file md5sum="5c1910ade9e547f171320575d7114819" name="doc/Schema.txt" role="doc" />
55   <file md5sum="1d6dfba1d68134fac237f1b1f2ccbfcf" name="doc/utf8.txt" role="doc" />
56   <file md5sum="c6dcf5904b2f689cc8aa16c7775eefe7" name="doc/examples/connecting.php" role="doc" />
57   <file md5sum="226cbede6ee38f12798a6b76728590e9" name="doc/examples/fetch_entry.php" role="doc" />
58   <file md5sum="c3f8c2de85caf3c5ff17e4b7d4dacc64" name="doc/examples/search_entries.php" role="doc" />
59   <file md5sum="1abf3f70a7aff5f890ddced2ff57486b" name="doc/examples/add_entry.php" role="doc" />
60   <file md5sum="75bdbca18104a6da0d88dc28d37b405f" name="doc/examples/modify_entry.php" role="doc" />
61   <file md5sum="1d5e00f2f7dae4e960eaba1ad73a00ef" name="doc/examples/modify_entry2.php" role="doc" />
62   <file md5sum="9279cfaa392f216c745879bef5958862" name="doc/examples/schema_cache.php" role="doc" />
63   <file md5sum="67f90e554fcc6cab77641608f2268c97" name="tests/phpunit.xml" role="test" />
64   <file md5sum="710ec68f4b125326e5f82ec215c5ea97" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_TestBase.php" role="test" />
65   <file md5sum="24b6ac543953a3fa821100b605365553" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_EntryTest.php" role="test" />
66   <file md5sum="8bef3249d6dd36d46ee455d71ec786d2" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_FilterTest.php" role="test" />
67   <file md5sum="07c1c3eb551852eb8ea586c69575427b" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_RootDSETest.php" role="test" />
68   <file md5sum="7ec4e53a71232d8da2ab1d5073195326" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_SearchTest.php" role="test" />
69   <file md5sum="470398974f906e994ecf35ef2a74b679" name="tests/Net_LDAP2Test.php" role="test" />
70   <file md5sum="733f64df757387fd6b4ae573569240f7" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_UtilTest.php" role="test" />
71   <file md5sum="67e68908a944033be32f5f7ca5ab9caf" name="tests/Net_LDAP2_LDIFTest.php" role="test" />
72   <file md5sum="af7ef40a1d3701e295b332210d3d8288" name="tests/ldapconfig.ini.dist" role="test" />
73   <file md5sum="ccb1f94444301641296a93696d5c4684" name="tests/ldapldifconfig.ini.dist" role="test" />
74   <file md5sum="2e8d78fdfb445088a9501429d37f250e" name="tests/ldif_data/base.ldif" role="test" />
75   <file md5sum="943abc2b2a56e75fb40cb8c540f81654" name="tests/ldif_data/malformed_syntax.ldif" role="test" />
76   <file md5sum="943abc2b2a56e75fb40cb8c540f81654" name="tests/ldif_data/malformed_syntax.ldif" role="test" />
77   <file md5sum="5ad541535eaf5aa53ba7acac6b031aa2" name="tests/ldif_data/malformed_wrapping.ldif" role="test" />
78   <file md5sum="ce78c73f224573cc8dbfbe9d58d1886a" name="tests/ldif_data/slapd.conf" role="test" />
79   <file md5sum="3bba5bc3056b59c5a085d04ae9c84bf9" name="tests/ldif_data/sorted_w40.ldif" role="test" />
80   <file md5sum="e56033dfba0cdd53f86dbf8b0c92ce31" name="tests/ldif_data/sorted_w50.ldif" role="test" />
81   <file md5sum="6b15381edca12019aaa5603b175ab128" name="tests/ldif_data/unsorted_w30.ldif" role="test" />
82   <file md5sum="659dbbb2fe28ccb1b786dd2a39d26a2a" name="tests/ldif_data/unsorted_w50.ldif" role="test" />
83   <file md5sum="f999e45facc87052eecabe349a1748ae" name="tests/ldif_data/unsorted_w50_WIN.ldif" role="test" />
84   <file md5sum="0c67fab862688f53aaf1fae64b86e21a" name="tests/ldif_data/changes.ldif" role="test" />
85  </dir>
86 </contents>
87 <dependencies>
88  <required>
89   <php>
90    <min>5.4</min>
91   </php>
92   <pearinstaller>
93    <min>1.10.1</min>
94   </pearinstaller>
95   <extension>
96    <name>ldap</name>
97   </extension>
98  </required>
99 </dependencies>
100 <phprelease />
101 <changelog>
102  <release>
103   <version>
104    <release>0.1</release>
105    <api>0.1</api>
106   </version>
107   <stability>
108    <release>beta</release>
109    <api>beta</api>
110   </stability>
111   <date>2003-06-23</date>
112   <license>LGPL License</license>
113   <notes>
114Initial release
115   </notes>
116  </release>
117  <release>
118   <version>
119    <release>0.2</release>
120    <api>0.2</api>
121   </version>
122   <stability>
123    <release>beta</release>
124    <api>beta</api>
125   </stability>
126   <date>2003-08-23</date>
127   <license>LGPL License</license>
128   <notes>
129Fixed a lot of bugs that jumped in during the pearification process
130   </notes>
131  </release>
132  <release>
133   <version>
134    <release>0.3</release>
135    <api>0.3</api>
136   </version>
137   <stability>
138    <release>beta</release>
139    <api>beta</api>
140   </stability>
141   <date>2003-09-21</date>
142   <license>LGPL License</license>
143   <notes>
144More bug squashing! Much better errorhandling in the -&gt;search() function.
145                   Also, all errors that create a Pear_error now includes the errornumber if
146                   appropriate (i.e. it was an ldap generated error).
147   </notes>
148  </release>
149  <release>
150   <version>
151    <release>0.4</release>
152    <api>0.4</api>
153   </version>
154   <stability>
155    <release>beta</release>
156    <api>beta</api>
157   </stability>
158   <date>2003-10-01</date>
159   <license>LGPL License</license>
160   <notes>
161Many more bugfixes. Jan Wagner fixed the shift_entry function.
162                   Also a new Net_LDAP_Entry::modify function has been added that goes far making a simple way to modify entries.
163   </notes>
164  </release>
165  <release>
166   <version>
167    <release>0.5</release>
168    <api>0.5</api>
169   </version>
170   <stability>
171    <release>beta</release>
172    <api>beta</api>
173   </stability>
174   <date>2003-10-11</date>
175   <license>LGPL License</license>
176   <notes>
177Jan Wagner Contributed a new RootDSE object and a Schema object and some fixes to the Net_LDAP::search() method
178                   The new Net_ldap_entry::modify() method seems to work very nice now.
179   </notes>
180  </release>
181  <release>
182   <version>
183    <release>0.6</release>
184    <api>0.6</api>
185   </version>
186   <stability>
187    <release>beta</release>
188    <api>beta</api>
189   </stability>
190   <date>2003-10-17</date>
191   <license>LGPL License</license>
192   <notes>
193New Net_LDAP::ArrayUTF8Decode and Net_LDAP::ArrayUTF8Encode functions. These are used by the Net_LDAP::Entry objects to ensure that things work ok.
194   </notes>
195  </release>
196  <release>
197   <version>
198    <release>0.6.3</release>
199    <api>0.6.3</api>
200   </version>
201   <stability>
202    <release>beta</release>
203    <api>beta</api>
204   </stability>
205   <date>2003-11-12</date>
206   <license>LGPL License</license>
207   <notes>
208It seems that 0.6.2 was out too fast. So this is mainly a bugfix release:
209                   - Removed remaining Net_LDAP::UTF8Encode and Net_LDAP::UTF8Decode calls in Net_LDAP_Entry,
210                     which stopped attributes() and get_entry() from working
211                   - The UTF8 functions somehow got outside the Net_LDAP class ... FIXED.
212                   - The usuage example of the last release was wrong. We decided to move UTF8 handling into Net_LDAP.
213                     Handling should be done this way:
215                         $attr = $ldap-&gt;utf8Encode($attr);
216                         $entry-&gt;modify($attr);
217                         $attr = $ldap-&gt;utf8Decode( $entry-&gt;attributes() );
218                   - This means Net_LDAP_Util is useless right now, but will be extended in the future.
219                   - Jan did a complete overhaul of the phpdoc stuff. Everything seems to be fine now with phpDocumentor.
220   </notes>
221  </release>
222  <release>
223   <date>2007-02-05</date>
224   <version>
225    <release>0.7.0</release>
226    <api>0.7.0</api>
227   </version>
228   <stability>
229    <release>beta</release>
230    <api>beta</api>
231   </stability>
232   <license>LGPL License</license>
233   <notes>
234This long awaited release of Net_LDAP features more stability and new functionality.
235                   The main changes are:
236                   - Rewrite of much of the code (including some api changes!)
237                   - LOTS of fixed bugs!
238                   - New class for easy filter handling (Net_LDAP_Filter)
239                   - Sorting support for searchresults (including multivalued sorting!)
240                   - Searched Entries can now be fetched as_struct() (array)!
241                   - Some memory optimizations
243                   Please note also that Net_LDAPs configuration changed slightly. Please see $_config in LDAP.php for the new parameters.
244   </notes>
245  </release>
246  <release>
247   <date>2007-02-23</date>
248   <version>
249    <release>0.7.1</release>
250    <api>0.7.0</api>
251   </version>
252   <stability>
253    <release>beta</release>
254    <api>beta</api>
255   </stability>
256   <license>LGPL License</license>
257   <notes>
258This is not just a bugfix release of 0.7.0 but also introduces some internal optimisations:
259                   - Fixed a connection bug whith LDAP V3 only servers
260                   - clearer sanitizing of the host config parameter
261   </notes>
262  </release>
263  <release>
264   <date>2007-05-07</date>
265   <version>
266    <release>0.7.2</release>
267    <api>0.7.2</api>
268   </version>
269   <stability>
270    <release>beta</release>
271    <api>beta</api>
272   </stability>
273   <license>LGPL License</license>
274   <notes>
275This release features some internal code movements to be more compatible to PERL::Net_LDAP.
276               The movements include:
277                  * Removed UTF8 en-/decoding stuff from Net_LDAP_Utils class since this was moved to Net_LDAP class in 0.6.6
278                  * Moved Filter encoding from Net_LDAP_Filter to Net_LDAP_Util
279                  * Moved ldap_explode_dn_escaped() from Net_LDAP_Entry to Net_LDAP_Util
280                  * Added perls functions from Net_LDAP::Util to our Util class, but they still need some work
281               Please note that ldap_explode_dn_escaped() is not available from Net_LDAP_Entry anymore.
283               Additionally some new functionality has been introduced:
284                  * You can now apply regular expressions directly to a entrys attributes
285                    and don&apos;t need to fetch the attribute values manually.
286                  * Net_LDAP_Schema can check if a attributes syntax is binary
288               The following bugs have been resolved:
289                  * Connections to LDAP servers that forbid anonymous binds are possible again
290                  * The JPEG attribute is now properly returned as binary value instead of string
291                  * If the array describing selected attributes in searches didn&apos;t contain consecutive keys, there was a problem sometimes
292                  * Some PHP5 return issues
293   </notes>
294  </release>
295  <release>
296   <date>2007-06-12</date>
297   <version>
298    <release>0.7.3</release>
299    <api>0.7.2</api>
300   </version>
301   <stability>
302    <release>beta</release>
303    <api>beta</api>
304   </stability>
305   <license>LGPL License</license>
306   <notes>
307This release introduces some example files showing you in detail how to work with Net_LDAP.
308                   Additionally, a bug at recursive deletion of an entry is fixed and the Net_LDAP_Filter
309                   class is slightly optimized.
310   </notes>
311  </release>
312  <release>
313   <date>2007-06-20</date>
314   <version>
315    <release>1.0.0RC1</release>
316    <api>1.0.0RC1</api>
317   </version>
318   <stability>
319    <release>beta</release>
320    <api>beta</api>
321   </stability>
322   <license>LGPL License</license>
323   <notes>
324Again some small Bugfixes, most notably a bug within $ldap-&gt;modify() that occured when using the
325                    combined &apos;changes&apos; array.
326                    Besides that, $search-&gt;popEntry() and the corresponding alias pop_entry() has been implemented.
327                    Net_LDAP_Util::unescape_filter_value() is available too now and Net_LDAP_Util::escape_filter_value()
328                    can handle ASCII chars smaller than 32. Above that, Net_LDAP_Util::canonical_dn() has been fully implemented.
329                    A new method createFresh() was added to Net_LDAP_Entry, so creation of initial entries is more
330                    standardized and clearer.
331                    A new example is available, describing the $ldap-&gt;modify() method.
332                    The add_entry.php example was updated, it shows the use of Net_LDAP_Entry::createFresh().
333                    $ldap-&gt;add() links unlinked entries now to the connection used for the add.
334                    Some new additional utility functions are available in Net_LDAP_Util to assist you in handling attributes and dns.
335                    The LDAP-Rename command now uses this functions to deal with DN escaping issues.
336                    Please note that ldap_explode_dn_escaped() is not available from Net_LDAP_Util anymore; it got superseeded by Net_LDAP_Util::ldap_explode_dn().
337   </notes>
338  </release>
339  <release>
340   <date>2007-06-28</date>
341   <version>
342    <release>1.0.0RC2</release>
343    <api>1.0.0RC2</api>
344   </version>
345   <stability>
346    <release>beta</release>
347    <api>beta</api>
348   </stability>
349   <license>LGPL License</license>
350   <notes>
351Net_LDAP-&gt;dnExists() uses the Util class now, which makes it safer.
352                A new move() method is available from Net_LDAP.
353                Please note, that the copy() method was removed from the Net_LDAP_Entry class since
354                people would expect attribute moving because of the overall API of Net_LDAP.
355                Instead use the more failsafer copy() from Net_LDAP.
356   </notes>
357  </release>
358  <release>
359   <date>2007-07-24</date>
360   <version>
361    <release>1.0.0RC3</release>
362    <api>1.0.0RC3</api>
363   </version>
364   <stability>
365    <release>beta</release>
366    <api>beta</api>
367   </stability>
368   <license>LGPL License</license>
369   <notes>
370Fixed a bug with dnExists() that was caused mainly by bad behavior of Net_LDAP_UTIL::ldap_explode_dn().
371Fixed a bug with call time pass-by-reference if calling $entry-&gt;update(); however this inflicted a API change:
372The parameter $ldap is not available anymore, you need to use $entry-&gt;setLDAP() prior update now if you want to change the LDAP
373object. This brought us a more logical API now, since Entry operations should be performed by the Net_LDAP object.
374   </notes>
375  </release>
376  <release>
377   <date>2007-09-18</date>
378   <version>
379    <release>1.0.0RC4</release>
380    <api>1.0.0RC4</api>
381   </version>
382   <stability>
383    <release>beta</release>
384    <api>beta</api>
385   </stability>
386   <license>LGPL License</license>
387   <notes>
388- Fixed some minor bugs of RC3
389- Reintroduced $ldap parameter for
390$entry-&lt;update(), but it is not prefferred to use this way.
391    The Parameter is there for perl interface compatibility
392   </notes>
393  </release>
394  <release>
395   <date>2007-10-29</date>
396   <version>
397    <release>1.0.0</release>
398    <api>1.0.0</api>
399   </version>
400   <stability>
401    <release>stable</release>
402    <api>stable</api>
403   </stability>
404   <license>LGPL License</license>
405   <notes>
406After more than four years of development, we are very proud to announce the
407        ~ FIRST STABLE Net_LDAP RELEASE 1.0.0 ~
408Net_LDAP ist tested now and should be stable enough for production use.
409The API is finished so far, no changes should be neccessary in the future.
411Changes to Release candidate 4:
412    - Implemented PHPUnit tests
413    - Fixed some minor bugs of RC4 (including the schema loading warning-generation)
414    - Fixed several bugs in Net_LDAP_Util
415    - Improved Net_LDAP_Filter and Net_LDAP_Util error handling and code cleanness
416    - Completely implemented Net_LDAP_Filter perl interface
417    - Improved several doc comments and fixed some spelling errors
418   </notes>
419  </release>
420  <release>
421   <date>2008-01-14</date>
422   <version>
423    <release>1.1.0a1</release>
424    <api>1.1.0a1</api>
425   </version>
426   <stability>
427    <release>beta</release>
428    <api>beta</api>
429   </stability>
430   <license>LGPL License</license>
431   <notes>
432* Added LDIF reading and writing support
433* Fixed minor issues of 1.0.0 release
434   </notes>
435  </release>
436  <release>
437   <date>2008-01-21</date>
438   <version>
439    <release>1.1.0a2</release>
440    <api>1.1.0a2</api>
441   </version>
442   <stability>
443    <release>beta</release>
444    <api>beta</api>
445   </stability>
446   <license>LGPL License</license>
447   <notes>
448* Added parseLines() to Net_LDAP_LDIF for more convinience
449* Added some handy methods to Net_LDAP_Entry
450* Enhanced tests
451   </notes>
452  </release>
453  <release>
454   <date>2008-02-27</date>
455   <version>
456    <release>1.1.0</release>
457    <api>1.1.0</api>
458   </version>
459   <stability>
460    <release>stable</release>
461    <api>stable</api>
462   </stability>
463   <license>LGPL License</license>
464   <notes>
465* Fixed a little bug at cross directory move
466            * Fixed a bug when deleting a subtree containing several subentries that failed if
467            one called dnExists() prior calling delete()
468            * Fixed some minor bugs at NeT_LDAP-&gt;move() and Net_LDAP-&gt;dnExists()
469            * Added Net_LDAP tests
470            * Changed API of Net_LDAP-&gt;copy() to only accept Net_LDAP_Entry objects, because with DNs
471            Attribute values will be lost
472            /!\ This is the last release of Net_LDAP supporting PHP4 /!\
473   </notes>
474  </release>
475  <release>
476   <date>2008-03-19</date>
477   <version>
478    <release>2.0.0RC1</release>
479    <api>2.0.0RC1</api>
480   </version>
481   <stability>
482    <release>beta</release>
483    <api>beta</api>
484   </stability>
485   <license>LGPL License</license>
486   <notes>
487/!\ This release is PHP5 only, replacing the Net_LDAP package.
488                    If you still need PHP4 support, use Net_LDAP instead.
489                * Implemented iterable search results so one can use foreach() with Net_LDAP2_Search objects
490                * Fixed a problem with Net_LDAP2_LDIF and files with DOS line endings
491   </notes>
492  </release>
493  <release>
494   <date>2008-03-20</date>
495   <version>
496    <release>2.0.0RC2</release>
497    <api>2.0.0RC2</api>
498   </version>
499   <stability>
500    <release>beta</release>
501    <api>beta</api>
502   </stability>
503   <license>LGPL License</license>
504   <notes>
505* Implemented PHP5 language stuff (thanks to Torsten Roehr for his helpful patches)
506* Changed Net_LDAP2-&gt;_markAsNew() to public access, since this is required by the api
507and may be useful to developers too
508* Changed API to create schema object, there is now a factory. Net_LDAP2-&gt;schema() calls
509that factory now instead of fetching the Schema itself
510* Changed API to create rootDSE object, there is now a factory. Net_LDAP2-&gt;rootDSE() calls
511that factory now instead of fetching the rootDSE itself
512* Net_LDAP2_Entry has a new factory constructor: createConnected() can be used to
513establish a new Net_LDAP2_Entry object that represents an already existing entry inside
514some directory
515   </notes>
516  </release>
517  <release>
518   <date>2008-06-04</date>
519   <version>
520    <release>2.0.0RC3</release>
521    <api>2.0.0RC3</api>
522   </version>
523   <stability>
524    <release>beta</release>
525    <api>beta</api>
526   </stability>
527   <license>LGPL License</license>
528   <notes>
529* New constructor factory for Entry objects: createExisting()
530* Several small improvements
531* New method Entry-&gt;isNew()
532* Net_LDAP2-&gt;search() and Net_LDAP2-&gt;dnExists() can handle entry objects now
533* Added &quot;present&quot; matching rule as stated by RFC 2254 (is an alias of the former &quot;any&quot;)
534* Bugfix in filter class for approx matching and not combination
535* Bugfix for Schema-&gt;isBinary() bug if unknown attribute type is requested
536   </notes>
537  </release>
538  <release>
539   <date>2008-10-16</date>
540   <version>
541    <release>2.0.0RC4</release>
542    <api>2.0.0RC4</api>
543   </version>
544   <stability>
545    <release>beta</release>
546    <api>beta</api>
547   </stability>
548   <license>LGPL License</license>
549   <notes>
550* Net_LDAP2_Filter::create*() methods are declared static now
551* Net_LDAP2 is able to reconnect now in case link is down during operation (thanks Del)
552* Complex updates fail: under some circumstances, $entry-&gt;update() will fail. This is
553caused by mandatory attributes set and the internal behaviour of Net_LDAP2. A
554workaround is documented in the code and in the user manual.
555* Bugfixes in Dels patches. Soemtimes there where endless loops and deleting entries
556did not always succeed.
557* Bugfix to reset unicodePwd (Active Directory): a new $force parameter was introduced to Net_LDAP2_Entry-&gt;replace()
558that forces &quot;replace&quot; mode. If not set and attribute is empty (or could not be read like in the AD case)
559replace() resulted in Net_LDAP2 thinking it should add the attribute. This can now be overriden.
560* Bugfix in unit tests: the Net_LDAP2Test suite had huge memory consumtion caused by a little error in
561Net_LDAP2-&gt;checkLDAPExtension(). If that method is called before any Net_LDAP class was instanciated, a PEAR
562error is returned instead of the documented Net_LDAP2_Error which causes the unit test to plot out very much
563debug information.
564   </notes>
565  </release>
566  <release>
567   <date>2009-01-09</date>
568   <version>
569    <release>2.0.0RC5</release>
570    <api>2.0.0RC5</api>
571   </version>
572   <stability>
573    <release>beta</release>
574    <api>beta</api>
575   </stability>
576   <license>LGPL License</license>
577   <notes>
578* Fixed a little issue with repetive adding the same attribute value
579* Fixed Bug #14886 that caused problems with OpenLDAP and V3 only connects
580* Fixed Bug #14903 and #15494, now bind attempt is also encrypted if TLS is requested
581* Fixed issue with repetitve adding or deleting values causing Net_LDAP to send the same change multiple times
582* Fixed Bug #15364 that caused a problem with setting the ldap version if only one version is supported by server
583   </notes>
584  </release>
585  <release>
586   <date>2009-05-08</date>
587   <version>
588    <release>2.0.0RC6</release>
589    <api>2.0.0RC6</api>
590   </version>
591   <stability>
592    <release>beta</release>
593    <api>beta</api>
594   </stability>
595   <license>LGPL License</license>
596   <notes>
597* Bugfix in LDIF writer concerning needless base64 encoding of values
598* New schema caching facility
599* PHPCS fixes, some comment changes and general code cleanup
600   </notes>
601  </release>
602  <release>
603   <date>2009-05-28</date>
604   <version>
605    <release>2.0.0</release>
606    <api>2.0.0</api>
607   </version>
608   <stability>
609    <release>stable</release>
610    <api>stable</api>
611   </stability>
612   <license>LGPL License</license>
613   <notes>
614* Fixed bug #16242 (arguments for createFresh in wrong order when calling Net_LDAP2_Entry::createFresh())
615* Fixed bug #16253 (strict checking of isError())
616   </notes>
617  </release>
618  <release>
619   <date>2009-06-15</date>
620   <version>
621    <release>2.0.1</release>
622    <api>2.0.0</api>
623   </version>
624   <stability>
625    <release>stable</release>
626    <api>stable</api>
627   </stability>
628   <license>LGPL License</license>
629   <notes>
630* Fixed Bugs #16272 and #16278 (Problem in starttls function)
631   </notes>
632  </release>
633  <release>
634   <date>2009-06-29</date>
635   <version>
636    <release>2.0.2</release>
637    <api>2.0.0</api>
638   </version>
639   <stability>
640    <release>stable</release>
641    <api>stable</api>
642   </stability>
643   <license>LGPL License</license>
644   <notes>
645* Fixed some bugs that rendered the new schema caching facility unusable
646   </notes>
647  </release>
648  <release>
649   <date>2009-07-03</date>
650   <version>
651    <release>2.0.3</release>
652    <api>2.0.0</api>
653   </version>
654   <stability>
655    <release>stable</release>
656    <api>stable</api>
657   </stability>
658   <license>LGPL License</license>
659   <notes>
660* Fixed LDAP RFC-1777 violation: bind has to be performed prior setting LDAP version
661* Fixed wrong version reported from version()
662   </notes>
663  </release>
664  <release>
665   <date>2009-07-08</date>
666   <version>
667    <release>2.0.4</release>
668    <api>2.0.0</api>
669   </version>
670   <stability>
671    <release>stable</release>
672    <api>stable</api>
673   </stability>
674   <license>LGPL License</license>
675   <notes>
676* Fixed Bug #16404 (Bind fails at OpenLDAP with protocol error)
677   </notes>
678  </release>
679  <release>
680   <date>2009-07-14</date>
681   <version>
682    <release>2.0.5</release>
683    <api>2.0.0</api>
684   </version>
685   <stability>
686    <release>stable</release>
687    <api>stable</api>
688   </stability>
689   <license>LGPL License</license>
690   <notes>
691* Fixed bug #16438 (SimplefileSchemaCache could not be configured due to wrong var name)
692   </notes>
693  </release>
694  <release>
695   <date>2009-08-04</date>
696   <version>
697    <release>2.0.6</release>
698    <api>2.0.0</api>
699   </version>
700   <stability>
701    <release>stable</release>
702    <api>stable</api>
703   </stability>
704   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
705   <notes>
706* switched LICENSE to LGPL v3
707* added some documentation
708   </notes>
709  </release>
710  <release>
711   <date>2009-10-28</date>
712   <version>
713    <release>2.0.7</release>
714    <api>2.0.0</api>
715   </version>
716   <stability>
717    <release>stable</release>
718    <api>stable</api>
719   </stability>
720   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
721   <notes>
722* Corrected bug #16738 (Problem with Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse() with complex filter, when first subfilter was an combined filter too)
723   </notes>
724  </release>
725  <release>
726   <version>
727    <release>2.0.8</release>
728    <api>2.0.0</api>
729   </version>
730   <stability>
731    <release>stable</release>
732    <api>stable</api>
733   </stability>
734   <date>2010-02-12</date>
735   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
736   <notes>
737* Fixed Bug #16940 (Net_LDAP2::startTLS should ignore errors before ldap_start_tls() being called)
738* Fixed Bug #17023 (improper handling of wrapped lines in LDIF files)
739   </notes>
740  </release>
741  <release>
742   <date>2010-02-16</date>
743   <version>
744    <release>2.0.8</release>
745    <api>2.0.0</api>
746   </version>
747   <stability>
748    <release>stable</release>
749    <api>stable</api>
750   </stability>
751   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
752   <notes>
753* Fixed Bug #16940 (Net_LDAP2::startTLS should ignore errors before ldap_start_tls() being called)
754* Fixed Bug #17023 (improper handling of wrapped lines in LDIF files)
755* Fixed Bug #17057 (problem with parsing certain NOT-Filters)
756   </notes>
757  </release>
758  <release>
759   <date>2010-02-16</date>
760   <version>
761    <release>2.0.9</release>
762    <api>2.0.0</api>
763   </version>
764   <stability>
765    <release>stable</release>
766    <api>stable</api>
767   </stability>
768   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
769   <notes>
770* fixed package (package.xml was unclean so 2.0.8 wouldnt install)
771   </notes>
772  </release>
773  <release>
774   <date>2010-08-23</date>
775   <version>
776    <release>2.0.10</release>
777    <api>2.0.0</api>
778   </version>
779   <stability>
780    <release>stable</release>
781    <api>stable</api>
782   </stability>
783   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
784   <notes>
785* Added schema handling methods to make schema checks more easily accessible
786* Bugfix for #17245. The check in the code was not working properly. Schema checking is considered the users responsibility.
787  If now an attribute is requested that is not set at the entry, an empty string is returned.
788* Bugfix for #17770. Some Net_LDAP2 files were included with relative path (&quot;Util.php&quot;), not absolute (&quot;Net/LDAP2/Util.php&quot;).
789* Bugfix for #17314. LDIF support for attributes with modifiers (&quot;attr1;binary&quot;).
790   </notes>
791  </release>
792  <release>
793   <date>2011-01-19</date>
794   <version>
795    <release>2.0.11</release>
796    <api>2.0.0</api>
797   </version>
798   <stability>
799    <release>stable</release>
800    <api>stable</api>
801   </stability>
802   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
803   <notes>
804* (doc issue) Fix for #17861: Missing komma in example
805* Fix for #18202: Adding attributes to a Fresh Entry saving and laterly updating fails
806   </notes>
807  </release>
808  <release>
809   <date>2011-10-27</date>
810   <version>
811    <release>2.0.12</release>
812    <api>2.0.0</api>
813   </version>
814   <stability>
815    <release>stable</release>
816    <api>stable</api>
817   </stability>
818   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
819   <notes>
820* inmproved performance with large search results
821* Fixed some minor issues with Net_LDAP2_Filter and Net_LDAP2-&gt;dnExists()
822* Added NOT filter to Net_LDAP2_Filter::create() so negating is more easily now
823   </notes>
824  </release>
825  <release>
826   <date>2013-12-09</date>
827   <version>
828    <release>2.1.0</release>
829    <api>2.0.0</api>
830   </version>
831   <stability>
832    <release>stable</release>
833    <api>stable</api>
834   </stability>
835   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
836   <notes>
837* New feature: Filter::matches() can do simple filtering on entry sets (supported: equals, contain, begin, end, any; NOT, AND, OR. Filtering is simple based on regexp, no schema checks and matchRules yet!)
838* Fixed minor bugs in Filter, LDAP and Entry class
839* Util::split_attribute_string(): Added support for extended match operators from filters
840* Util::split_attribute_string(): Added support for delimeter retrieval
841   </notes>
842  </release>
843  <release>
844   <date>2015-10-30</date>
845   <version>
846    <release>2.2.0</release>
847    <api>2.2.0</api>
848   </version>
849   <stability>
850    <release>stable</release>
851    <api>stable</api>
852   </stability>
853   <license>LGPLv3 License</license>
854   <notes>
855* Fix bug #20969: Fatal error with PEAR 1.10.0 / constructor visiblity
856* Add support for PHP 7
857* Improve unit tests
858   </notes>
859  </release>
860 </changelog>