2 *
3 * Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 */
19package rls
21import (
22	"bytes"
23	"encoding/json"
24	"fmt"
25	"time"
27	"github.com/golang/protobuf/jsonpb"
28	"github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"
29	durationpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration"
30	"google.golang.org/grpc/balancer"
31	"google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/rls/internal/keys"
32	rlspb "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/rls/internal/proto/grpc_lookup_v1"
33	"google.golang.org/grpc/internal/grpcutil"
34	"google.golang.org/grpc/resolver"
35	"google.golang.org/grpc/serviceconfig"
38const (
39	// This is max duration that we are willing to cache RLS responses. If the
40	// service config doesn't specify a value for max_age or if it specified a
41	// value greater that this, we will use this value instead.
42	maxMaxAge = 5 * time.Minute
43	// If lookup_service_timeout is not specified in the service config, we use
44	// a default of 10 seconds.
45	defaultLookupServiceTimeout = 10 * time.Second
46	// This is set to the targetNameField in the child policy config during
47	// service config validation.
48	dummyChildPolicyTarget = "target_name_to_be_filled_in_later"
51// lbConfig contains the parsed and validated contents of the
52// loadBalancingConfig section of the service config. The RLS LB policy will
53// use this to directly access config data instead of ploughing through proto
54// fields.
55type lbConfig struct {
56	serviceconfig.LoadBalancingConfig
58	kbMap                keys.BuilderMap
59	lookupService        string
60	lookupServiceTimeout time.Duration
61	maxAge               time.Duration
62	staleAge             time.Duration
63	cacheSizeBytes       int64
64	defaultTarget        string
65	cpName               string
66	cpTargetField        string
67	cpConfig             map[string]json.RawMessage
70func (lbCfg *lbConfig) Equal(other *lbConfig) bool {
71	return lbCfg.kbMap.Equal(other.kbMap) &&
72		lbCfg.lookupService == other.lookupService &&
73		lbCfg.lookupServiceTimeout == other.lookupServiceTimeout &&
74		lbCfg.maxAge == other.maxAge &&
75		lbCfg.staleAge == other.staleAge &&
76		lbCfg.cacheSizeBytes == other.cacheSizeBytes &&
77		lbCfg.defaultTarget == other.defaultTarget &&
78		lbCfg.cpName == other.cpName &&
79		lbCfg.cpTargetField == other.cpTargetField &&
80		cpConfigEqual(lbCfg.cpConfig, other.cpConfig)
83func cpConfigEqual(am, bm map[string]json.RawMessage) bool {
84	if (bm == nil) != (am == nil) {
85		return false
86	}
87	if len(bm) != len(am) {
88		return false
89	}
91	for k, jsonA := range am {
92		jsonB, ok := bm[k]
93		if !ok {
94			return false
95		}
96		if !bytes.Equal(jsonA, jsonB) {
97			return false
98		}
99	}
100	return true
103// This struct resembles the JSON respresentation of the loadBalancing config
104// and makes it easier to unmarshal.
105type lbConfigJSON struct {
106	RouteLookupConfig                json.RawMessage
107	ChildPolicy                      []*loadBalancingConfig
108	ChildPolicyConfigTargetFieldName string
111// loadBalancingConfig represents a single load balancing config,
112// stored in JSON format.
114// TODO(easwars): This code seems to be repeated in a few places
115// (service_config.go and in the xds code as well). Refactor and re-use.
116type loadBalancingConfig struct {
117	Name   string
118	Config json.RawMessage
121// MarshalJSON returns a JSON encoding of l.
122func (l *loadBalancingConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
123	return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: loadBalancingConfig.MarshalJSON() is unimplemented")
126// UnmarshalJSON parses the JSON-encoded byte slice in data and stores it in l.
127func (l *loadBalancingConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
128	var cfg map[string]json.RawMessage
129	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &cfg); err != nil {
130		return err
131	}
132	for name, config := range cfg {
133		l.Name = name
134		l.Config = config
135	}
136	return nil
139// ParseConfig parses and validates the JSON representation of the service
140// config and returns the loadBalancingConfig to be used by the RLS LB policy.
142// Helps implement the balancer.ConfigParser interface.
144// The following validation checks are performed:
145// * routeLookupConfig:
146//   ** grpc_keybuilders field:
147//      - must have at least one entry
148//      - must not have two entries with the same Name
149//      - must not have any entry with a Name with the service field unset or
150//        empty
151//      - must not have any entries without a Name
152//      - must not have a headers entry that has required_match set
153//      - must not have two headers entries with the same key within one entry
154//   ** lookup_service field:
155//      - must be set and non-empty and must parse as a target URI
156//   ** max_age field:
157//      - if not specified or is greater than maxMaxAge, it will be reset to
158//        maxMaxAge
159//   ** stale_age field:
160//      - if the value is greater than or equal to max_age, it is ignored
161//      - if set, then max_age must also be set
162//   ** valid_targets field:
163//      - will be ignored
164//   ** cache_size_bytes field:
165//      - must be greater than zero
166//      - TODO(easwars): Define a minimum value for this field, to be used when
167//        left unspecified
168// * childPolicy field:
169//  - must find a valid child policy with a valid config (the child policy must
170//    be able to parse the provided config successfully when we pass it a dummy
171//    target name in the target_field provided by the
172//    childPolicyConfigTargetFieldName field)
173// * childPolicyConfigTargetFieldName field:
174//   - must be set and non-empty
175func (*rlsBB) ParseConfig(c json.RawMessage) (serviceconfig.LoadBalancingConfig, error) {
176	cfgJSON := &lbConfigJSON{}
177	if err := json.Unmarshal(c, cfgJSON); err != nil {
178		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: json unmarshal failed for service config {%+v}: %v", string(c), err)
179	}
181	m := jsonpb.Unmarshaler{AllowUnknownFields: true}
182	rlsProto := &rlspb.RouteLookupConfig{}
183	if err := m.Unmarshal(bytes.NewReader(cfgJSON.RouteLookupConfig), rlsProto); err != nil {
184		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: bad RouteLookupConfig proto {%+v}: %v", string(cfgJSON.RouteLookupConfig), err)
185	}
187	var childPolicy *loadBalancingConfig
188	for _, lbcfg := range cfgJSON.ChildPolicy {
189		if balancer.Get(lbcfg.Name) != nil {
190			childPolicy = lbcfg
191			break
192		}
193	}
195	kbMap, err := keys.MakeBuilderMap(rlsProto)
196	if err != nil {
197		return nil, err
198	}
200	lookupService := rlsProto.GetLookupService()
201	if lookupService == "" {
202		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: empty lookup_service in service config {%+v}", string(c))
203	}
204	parsedTarget := grpcutil.ParseTarget(lookupService, false)
205	if parsedTarget.Scheme == "" {
206		parsedTarget.Scheme = resolver.GetDefaultScheme()
207	}
208	if resolver.Get(parsedTarget.Scheme) == nil {
209		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: invalid target URI in lookup_service {%s}", lookupService)
210	}
212	lookupServiceTimeout, err := convertDuration(rlsProto.GetLookupServiceTimeout())
213	if err != nil {
214		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: failed to parse lookup_service_timeout in service config {%+v}: %v", string(c), err)
215	}
216	if lookupServiceTimeout == 0 {
217		lookupServiceTimeout = defaultLookupServiceTimeout
218	}
219	maxAge, err := convertDuration(rlsProto.GetMaxAge())
220	if err != nil {
221		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: failed to parse max_age in service config {%+v}: %v", string(c), err)
222	}
223	staleAge, err := convertDuration(rlsProto.GetStaleAge())
224	if err != nil {
225		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: failed to parse staleAge in service config {%+v}: %v", string(c), err)
226	}
227	if staleAge != 0 && maxAge == 0 {
228		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: stale_age is set, but max_age is not in service config {%+v}", string(c))
229	}
230	if staleAge >= maxAge {
231		logger.Info("rls: stale_age {%v} is greater than max_age {%v}, ignoring it", staleAge, maxAge)
232		staleAge = 0
233	}
234	if maxAge == 0 || maxAge > maxMaxAge {
235		logger.Infof("rls: max_age in service config is %v, using %v", maxAge, maxMaxAge)
236		maxAge = maxMaxAge
237	}
238	cacheSizeBytes := rlsProto.GetCacheSizeBytes()
239	if cacheSizeBytes <= 0 {
240		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: cache_size_bytes must be greater than 0 in service config {%+v}", string(c))
241	}
242	if childPolicy == nil {
243		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: childPolicy is invalid in service config {%+v}", string(c))
244	}
245	if cfgJSON.ChildPolicyConfigTargetFieldName == "" {
246		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: childPolicyConfigTargetFieldName field is not set in service config {%+v}", string(c))
247	}
248	// TODO(easwars): When we start instantiating the child policy from the
249	// parent RLS LB policy, we could make this function a method on the
250	// lbConfig object and share the code. We would be parsing the child policy
251	// config again during that time. The only difference betweeen now and then
252	// would be that we would be using real targetField name instead of the
253	// dummy. So, we could make the targetName field a parameter to this
254	// function during the refactor.
255	cpCfg, err := validateChildPolicyConfig(childPolicy, cfgJSON.ChildPolicyConfigTargetFieldName)
256	if err != nil {
257		return nil, err
258	}
260	return &lbConfig{
261		kbMap:                kbMap,
262		lookupService:        lookupService,
263		lookupServiceTimeout: lookupServiceTimeout,
264		maxAge:               maxAge,
265		staleAge:             staleAge,
266		cacheSizeBytes:       cacheSizeBytes,
267		defaultTarget:        rlsProto.GetDefaultTarget(),
268		// TODO(easwars): Once we refactor validateChildPolicyConfig and make
269		// it a method on the lbConfig object, we could directly store the
270		// balancer.Builder and/or balancer.ConfigParser here instead of the
271		// Name. That would mean that we would have to create the lbConfig
272		// object here first before validating the childPolicy config, but
273		// that's a minor detail.
274		cpName:        childPolicy.Name,
275		cpTargetField: cfgJSON.ChildPolicyConfigTargetFieldName,
276		cpConfig:      cpCfg,
277	}, nil
280// validateChildPolicyConfig validates the child policy config received in the
281// service config. This makes it possible for us to reject service configs
282// which contain invalid child policy configs which we know will fail for sure.
284// It does the following:
285// * Unmarshals the provided child policy config into a map of string to
286//   json.RawMessage. This allows us to add an entry to the map corresponding
287//   to the targetFieldName that we received in the service config.
288// * Marshals the map back into JSON, finds the config parser associated with
289//   the child policy and asks it to validate the config.
290// * If the validation succeeded, removes the dummy entry from the map and
291//   returns it. If any of the above steps failed, it returns an error.
292func validateChildPolicyConfig(cp *loadBalancingConfig, cpTargetField string) (map[string]json.RawMessage, error) {
293	var childConfig map[string]json.RawMessage
294	if err := json.Unmarshal(cp.Config, &childConfig); err != nil {
295		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: json unmarshal failed for child policy config {%+v}: %v", cp.Config, err)
296	}
297	childConfig[cpTargetField], _ = json.Marshal(dummyChildPolicyTarget)
299	jsonCfg, err := json.Marshal(childConfig)
300	if err != nil {
301		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: json marshal failed for child policy config {%+v}: %v", childConfig, err)
302	}
303	builder := balancer.Get(cp.Name)
304	if builder == nil {
305		// This should never happen since we already made sure that the child
306		// policy name mentioned in the service config is a valid one.
307		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: balancer builder not found for child_policy %v", cp.Name)
308	}
309	parser, ok := builder.(balancer.ConfigParser)
310	if !ok {
311		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: balancer builder for child_policy does not implement balancer.ConfigParser: %v", cp.Name)
312	}
313	_, err = parser.ParseConfig(jsonCfg)
314	if err != nil {
315		return nil, fmt.Errorf("rls: childPolicy config validation failed: %v", err)
316	}
317	delete(childConfig, cpTargetField)
318	return childConfig, nil
321func convertDuration(d *durationpb.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
322	if d == nil {
323		return 0, nil
324	}
325	return ptypes.Duration(d)