1 /*                                                                              */
2 /* Copyright (C) 2001 International Business Machines                           */
3 /* All rights reserved.                                                         */
4 /*                                                                              */
5 /* This file is part of the GPFS user library.                                  */
6 /*                                                                              */
7 /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without           */
8 /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions           */
9 /* are met:                                                                     */
10 /*                                                                              */
11 /*  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,   */
12 /*     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.                    */
13 /*  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright        */
14 /*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the      */
15 /*     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.     */
16 /*  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products    */
17 /*     derived from this software without specific prior written                */
18 /*     permission.                                                              */
19 /*                                                                              */
29 /* ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                   */
30 /*                                                                              */
31 /* @(#)42  src/avs/fs/mmfs/ts/util/gpfs.h, mmfs, avs_rttn423, rttn423s001a 4/10/17 10:46:33 */
32 /*
33  *  Library calls for GPFS interfaces
34  */
35 #ifndef H_GPFS
36 #define H_GPFS
38 #include <stddef.h>
40 /* Define GPFS_64BIT_INODES to map the default interface definitions
41    to 64-bit interfaces. Without this define, the 32-bit interface
42    is the default. Both interfaces are always present, but the
43    define sets the default. The actual mapping can be found near the
44    end of this header. */
45 /* #define GPFS_64BIT_INODES 1 */
47 #define NFS_IP_SIZE 32
49 #ifdef __cplusplus
50 extern "C" {
51 #endif
53 #if defined(WIN32) && defined(GPFSDLL)
55   /* The following errno values either are missing from Windows errno.h or
56      have a conflicting value. Other errno values (e.g. EPERM) are okay. */
57   #define GPFS_EALREADY     37      /* Operation already in progress        */
58   #define GPFS_EOPNOTSUPP   45      /* Operation not supported              */
59   #define GPFS_EDQUOT       69      /* Disk quota exceeded                  */
60   #define GPFS_ESTALE       9       /* No file system (mapped to EBADF)      */
61   #define GPFS_EFORMAT      19      /* Unformatted media (mapped to ENODEV) */
63   /* specify the library calling convention */
64   #define GPFS_API __stdcall
66   /* On Windows, this is a HANDLE as returned by CreateFile() */
67   typedef void* gpfs_file_t;
69 #else /* not gpfs.dll on Windows */
71   #define GPFS_API
72   /* On UNIX systems, this is a file descriptor as returned by open() */
73   typedef int gpfs_file_t;
75 #endif
78 typedef unsigned int gpfs_uid_t;
79 typedef long long gpfs_off64_t;
80 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_uid64_t;
82 typedef struct gpfs_timestruc
83 {
84   unsigned int tv_sec;
85   unsigned int tv_nsec;
86 } gpfs_timestruc_t;
88 typedef struct gpfs_timestruc64
89 {
90   long long    tv_sec;
91   unsigned int tv_nsec;
92 } gpfs_timestruc64_t;
94 #define GPFS_SLITE_SIZE_BIT     0x00000001
95 #define GPFS_SLITE_BLKSIZE_BIT  0x00000002
96 #define GPFS_SLITE_BLOCKS_BIT   0x00000004
97 #define GPFS_SLITE_ATIME_BIT    0x00000010
98 #define GPFS_SLITE_MTIME_BIT    0x00000020
99 #define GPFS_SLITE_CTIME_BIT    0x00000040
100 #define GPFS_SLITE_EXACT_BITS   0x00000077
102 /* Returns "1" if the attribute is requested to be accurate.
103    (On output, indicates the value returned in statbufP is accurate). */
104 #define GPFS_SLITE(m)         (0 == (m))
105 #define GPFS_SLITE_SIZET(m)   (0 != ((m) & GPFS_SLITE_SIZE_BIT))
106 #define GPFS_SLITE_BLKSIZE(m) (0 != ((m) & GPFS_SLITE_BLKSIZE_BIT))
107 #define GPFS_SLITE_BLOCKS(m)  (0 != ((m) & GPFS_SLITE_BLOCKS_BIT))
108 #define GPFS_SLITE_ATIME(m)   (0 != ((m) & GPFS_SLITE_ATIME_BIT))
109 #define GPFS_SLITE_MTIME(m)   (0 != ((m) & GPFS_SLITE_MTIME_BIT))
110 #define GPFS_SLITE_CTIME(m)   (0 != ((m) & GPFS_SLITE_CTIME_BIT))
111 #define GPFS_SLITE_EXACT(m)   (GPFS_SLITE_EXACT_BITS == (m))
113 /* Sets the litemask bit indicating that the attribute should be accurate */
114 #define GPFS_S_SLITE(m)         (m) = 0
115 #define GPFS_S_SLITE_SIZET(m)   (m) |= GPFS_SLITE_SIZE_BIT
123 #define GPFS_STATLITE 0
124 #define GPFS_NOFOLLOW 1
126 /* Mapping of buffer for gpfs_getacl, gpfs_putacl. */
127 typedef struct gpfs_opaque_acl
128 {
129   int            acl_buffer_len;  /* INPUT:  Total size of buffer (including this field).
130                                      OUTPUT: Actual size of the ACL information.  */
131   unsigned short acl_version;     /* INPUT:  Set to zero.
132                                      OUTPUT: Current version of the returned ACL. */
133   unsigned char  acl_type;        /* INPUT:  Type of ACL: access (1) or default (2). */
134   char           acl_var_data[1]; /* OUTPUT: Remainder of the ACL information. */
135 } gpfs_opaque_acl_t;
137 /* ACL types (acl_type field in gpfs_opaque_acl_t or gpfs_acl_t) */
138 #define GPFS_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS  1
140 #define GPFS_ACL_TYPE_NFS4    3
142 /* gpfs_getacl, gpfs_putacl flag indicating structures instead of the
143    opaque style data normally used.  */
144 #define GPFS_GETACL_STRUCT 0x00000020
145 #define GPFS_PUTACL_STRUCT 0x00000020
147 /* gpfs_getacl, gpfs_putacl flag indicating smbd is the caller */
148 #define GPFS_ACL_SAMBA     0x00000040
150 /* Defined values for gpfs_aclVersion_t */
151 #define GPFS_ACL_VERSION_POSIX   1
153 #define GPFS_ACL_VERSION_NFS4    4
155 /* Values for gpfs_aclLevel_t  */
156 #define GPFS_ACL_LEVEL_BASE    0 /* compatible with all acl_version values */
157 #define GPFS_ACL_LEVEL_V4FLAGS 1 /* requires GPFS_ACL_VERSION_NFS4 */
159 /* Values for gpfs_aceType_t (ACL_VERSION_POSIX) */
160 #define GPFS_ACL_USER_OBJ  1
161 #define GPFS_ACL_GROUP_OBJ 2
162 #define GPFS_ACL_OTHER     3
163 #define GPFS_ACL_MASK      4
164 #define GPFS_ACL_USER      5
165 #define GPFS_ACL_GROUP     6
167 /* Values for gpfs_acePerm_t (ACL_VERSION_POSIX) */
168 #define ACL_PERM_EXECUTE 001
169 #define ACL_PERM_WRITE   002
170 #define ACL_PERM_READ    004
171 #define ACL_PERM_CONTROL 010
173 /* Values for gpfs_aceType_t (ACL_VERSION_NFS4) */
174 #define ACE4_TYPE_ALLOW 0
175 #define ACE4_TYPE_DENY  1
176 #define ACE4_TYPE_AUDIT 2
177 #define ACE4_TYPE_ALARM 3
179 /* Values for gpfs_aceFlags_t (ACL_VERSION_NFS4) */
180 #define ACE4_FLAG_FILE_INHERIT    0x00000001
181 #define ACE4_FLAG_DIR_INHERIT     0x00000002
182 #define ACE4_FLAG_NO_PROPAGATE    0x00000004
183 #define ACE4_FLAG_INHERIT_ONLY    0x00000008
184 #define ACE4_FLAG_SUCCESSFUL      0x00000010
185 #define ACE4_FLAG_FAILED          0x00000020
186 #define ACE4_FLAG_GROUP_ID        0x00000040
187 #define ACE4_FLAG_INHERITED       0x00000080
189 /* GPFS-defined flags.  Placed in a separate ACL field to avoid
190    ever running into newly defined NFSv4 flags. */
191 #define ACE4_IFLAG_SPECIAL_ID     0x80000000
193 /* Values for gpfs_aceMask_t (ACL_VERSION_NFS4) */
194 #define ACE4_MASK_READ         0x00000001
195 #define ACE4_MASK_LIST_DIR     0x00000001
196 #define ACE4_MASK_WRITE        0x00000002
197 #define ACE4_MASK_ADD_FILE     0x00000002
198 #define ACE4_MASK_APPEND       0x00000004
199 #define ACE4_MASK_ADD_SUBDIR   0x00000004
200 #define ACE4_MASK_READ_NAMED   0x00000008
201 #define ACE4_MASK_WRITE_NAMED  0x00000010
202 #define ACE4_MASK_EXECUTE      0x00000020
204 /* The rfc doesn't provide a mask equivalent to "search" ("x" on a
205  * directory in posix), but it also doesn't say that its EXECUTE
206  * is to have this dual use (even though it does so for other dual
207  * use permissions such as read/list.  Going to make the assumption
208  * here that the EXECUTE bit has this dual meaning... otherwise
209  * we're left with no control over search.
210  */
211 #define ACE4_MASK_SEARCH       0x00000020
213 #define ACE4_MASK_DELETE_CHILD 0x00000040
214 #define ACE4_MASK_READ_ATTR    0x00000080
215 #define ACE4_MASK_WRITE_ATTR   0x00000100
216 #define ACE4_MASK_DELETE       0x00010000
217 #define ACE4_MASK_READ_ACL     0x00020000
218 #define ACE4_MASK_WRITE_ACL    0x00040000
219 #define ACE4_MASK_WRITE_OWNER  0x00080000
220 #define ACE4_MASK_SYNCHRONIZE  0x00100000
221 #define ACE4_MASK_ALL          0x001f01ff
223 /* Values for gpfs_uid_t (ACL_VERSION_NFS4) */
224 #define ACE4_SPECIAL_OWNER              1
225 #define ACE4_SPECIAL_GROUP              2
226 #define ACE4_SPECIAL_EVERYONE           3
228 /* per-ACL flags imported from a Windows security descriptor object */
229 #define ACL4_FLAG_OWNER_DEFAULTED               0x00000100
230 #define ACL4_FLAG_GROUP_DEFAULTED               0x00000200
231 #define ACL4_FLAG_DACL_PRESENT                  0x00000400
232 #define ACL4_FLAG_DACL_DEFAULTED                0x00000800
233 #define ACL4_FLAG_SACL_PRESENT                  0x00001000
234 #define ACL4_FLAG_SACL_DEFAULTED                0x00002000
235 #define ACL4_FLAG_DACL_UNTRUSTED                0x00004000
236 #define ACL4_FLAG_SERVER_SECURITY               0x00008000
237 #define ACL4_FLAG_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ         0x00010000
238 #define ACL4_FLAG_SACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ         0x00020000
239 #define ACL4_FLAG_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED           0x00040000
240 #define ACL4_FLAG_SACL_AUTO_INHERITED           0x00080000
241 #define ACL4_FLAG_DACL_PROTECTED                0x00100000
242 #define ACL4_FLAG_SACL_PROTECTED                0x00200000
243 #define ACL4_FLAG_RM_CONTROL_VALID              0x00400000
244 #define ACL4_FLAG_NULL_DACL                     0x00800000
245 #define ACL4_FLAG_NULL_SACL                     0x01000000
246 #define ACL4_FLAG_VALID_FLAGS                   0x01ffff00
249 /* Externalized ACL defintions */
250 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aclType_t;
251 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aclLen_t;
252 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aclLevel_t;
253 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aclVersion_t;
254 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aclCount_t;
255 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aclFlag_t;
257 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aceType_t;
258 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aceFlags_t;
259 typedef unsigned int gpfs_acePerm_t;
260 typedef unsigned int gpfs_aceMask_t;
262 /* A POSIX ACL Entry */
263 typedef struct gpfs_ace_v1
264 {
265   gpfs_aceType_t  ace_type; /* POSIX ACE type */
266   gpfs_uid_t      ace_who;  /* uid/gid */
267   gpfs_acePerm_t  ace_perm; /* POSIX permissions */
268 } gpfs_ace_v1_t;
270 /* An NFSv4 ACL Entry */
271 typedef struct gpfs_ace_v4
272 {
273   gpfs_aceType_t  aceType;   /* Allow or Deny */
274   gpfs_aceFlags_t aceFlags;  /* Inherit specifications, etc. */
275   gpfs_aceFlags_t aceIFlags; /* GPFS Internal flags */
276   gpfs_aceMask_t  aceMask;   /* NFSv4 mask specification */
277   gpfs_uid_t      aceWho;    /* User/Group identification */
278 } gpfs_ace_v4_t;
281 typedef struct v4Level1_ext /* ACL extension */
282 {
283   gpfs_aclFlag_t acl_flags; /* per-ACL flags */
284   gpfs_ace_v4_t ace_v4[1];
285 } v4Level1_t;
287 /* The GPFS ACL */
288 typedef struct gpfs_acl
289 {
290   gpfs_aclLen_t     acl_len;     /* Total length of this ACL in bytes */
291   gpfs_aclLevel_t   acl_level;   /* Reserved (must be zero) */
292   gpfs_aclVersion_t acl_version; /* POSIX or NFS4 ACL */
293   gpfs_aclType_t    acl_type;    /* Access, Default, or NFS4 */
294   gpfs_aclCount_t   acl_nace;    /* Number of Entries that follow */
295   union
296   {
297     gpfs_ace_v1_t  ace_v1[1]; /* when GPFS_ACL_VERSION_POSIX */
298     gpfs_ace_v4_t  ace_v4[1]; /* when GPFS_ACL_VERSION_NFS4  */
299     v4Level1_t     v4Level1;  /* when GPFS_ACL_LEVEL_V4FLAGS */
300   };
301 } gpfs_acl_t;
304 /* NAME:        gpfs_getacl()
305  *
306  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves the ACL information for a file.
307  *
308  *              The aclP parameter must point to a buffer mapped by either:
309  *                - gpfs_opaque_acl_t (when flags are zero).  In this case,
310  *                  the opaque data that is intended to be used by a backup
311  *                  program (restoreed by passing this data back on a subsequent
312  *                  call to gpfs_putacl).
313  *                - gpfs_acl_t (when GPFS_GETACL_STRUCT is specified).  In this
314  *                  case, the data can be interpreted by the calling application
315  *                  (and may be modified and applied to the file by passing it
316  *                  to gpfs_putacl...along with the GPFS_PUTACL_STRUCT flag).
317  *
318  *              On input, the first four bytes of the buffer must contain its
319  *              total size.
320  *
321  * Returns:     0       Successful
322  *              -1      Failure
323  *
324  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
325  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return the entire ACL.
326  *                      Needed size is returned in the first four
327  *                      bytes of the buffer pointed to by aclP.
328  *              EINVAL  Invalid arguments
329  *              ENOTDIR Not on directory
330  *              ENOMEM  Out of memory
331  */
332 int GPFS_API
333 gpfs_getacl(const char *pathname,
334             int flags,
335             void *acl);
338 /* NAME:        gpfs_putacl()
339  *
340  * FUNCTION:    Sets the ACL information for a file.
341  *              The buffer passed in should contain the ACL data
342  *              that was obtained by a previous call to gpfs_getacl.
343  *
344  * Returns:     0       Successful
345  *              -1      Failure
346  *
347  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
348  *              EINVAL  Invalid arguments
349  *              ENOTDIR Not on directory
350  *              ENOMEM  Out of memory
351  *              EPERM   Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
352  */
353 int GPFS_API
354 gpfs_putacl(const char *pathname,
355             int flags,
356             void *acl);
359 /* NAME:        gpfs_prealloc()
360  *
361  * FUNCTION:    Preallocate disk storage for a file or directory, starting
362  *              at the specified startOffset and covering at least the number
363  *              of bytes requested by bytesToPrealloc.  Allocations are rounded
364  *              to block boundaries (block size can be found in st_blksize
365  *              returned by fstat()), or possibly larger sizes.  For files, the
366  *              file descriptor must be open for write, but any existing data
367  *              already present will not be modified.  Reading the preallocated
368  *              blocks will return zeros.  For directories, the file descriptor
369  *              may be open for read but the caller must have write permission,
370  *              and existing entries are unaffected; startOffset must be zero.
371  *
372  *              This function implements the behavior of mmchattr when invoked
373  *              with --compact[=minimumEntries].  The minimumEntries value
374  *              specifies both the lower bound on automatic compaction and the
375  *              desired size for pre-allocation.  It defaults to zero, meaning
376  *              no pre-allocation and compact the directory as much as
377  *              possible.  The mapping between minimumEntries and the
378  *              bytesToPrealloc is given by GPFS_PREALLOC_DIR_SLOT_SIZE, see
379  *              below.
380  *
381  *              Directory compaction (zero bytesToPrealloc) requires a file
382  *              system supporting V2 directories (format version 1400, v4.1).
383  *              Directories created before upgrading the file system to version
384  *              4.1, are upgraded from V1 to V2 by this operation even if no
385  *              other change is made.  Since v4.2.2, bytesToPrealloc may be
386  *              nonzero effecting pre-allocation by setting a minimum
387  *              compaction size.  Prior to v4.2.2 the minimum size of any
388  *              directory is zero.
389  *
390  * Returns:     0       Success
391  *              -1      Failure
392  *
393  * Errno:       ENOSYS  No prealloc service available
394  *              EBADF   Bad file descriptor
395  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
396  *              EINVAL  Not a regular file or directory
397  *              EINVAL  Directory pre-allocation not supported
398  *              EINVAL  startOffset or bytesToPrealloc < 0
399  *              EACCES  File not opened for writing
400  *              EACCES  Caller does not have write access to directory.
401  *              EDQUOT  Quota exceeded
402  *              ENOSPC  Not enough space on disk
403  *              EPERM   File is in a snapshot
404  */
405 int GPFS_API
406 gpfs_prealloc(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
407               gpfs_off64_t startOffset,
408               gpfs_off64_t bytesToPrealloc);
410 /* Directory entries are nominally (assuming compact names of 19 bytes or less)
411    32 bytes in size.  This conversion factor is used in mapping between a
412    number of entries (for mmchattr) and a size when calling gpfs_prealloc. */
413 #define GPFS_PREALLOC_DIR_SLOT_SIZE 32  /* for size => bytes per entry */
416 typedef struct gpfs_winattr
417 {
418   gpfs_timestruc_t creationTime;
419   unsigned int winAttrs; /* values as defined below */
420 } gpfs_winattr_t;
422 /* winAttrs values */
423 #define GPFS_WINATTR_ARCHIVE              0x0001
424 #define GPFS_WINATTR_COMPRESSED           0x0002
425 #define GPFS_WINATTR_DEVICE               0x0004
426 #define GPFS_WINATTR_DIRECTORY            0x0008
427 #define GPFS_WINATTR_ENCRYPTED            0x0010
428 #define GPFS_WINATTR_HIDDEN               0x0020
429 #define GPFS_WINATTR_NORMAL               0x0040
431 #define GPFS_WINATTR_OFFLINE              0x0100
432 #define GPFS_WINATTR_READONLY             0x0200
433 #define GPFS_WINATTR_REPARSE_POINT        0x0400
434 #define GPFS_WINATTR_SPARSE_FILE          0x0800
435 #define GPFS_WINATTR_SYSTEM               0x1000
436 #define GPFS_WINATTR_TEMPORARY            0x2000
437 #define GPFS_WINATTR_HAS_STREAMS          0x4000
440 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_winattrs()
441  *              gpfs_get_winattrs_path()
442  *
443  * FUNCTION:    Returns gpfs_winattr_t attributes
444  *
445  * Returns:      0      Success
446  *              -1      Failure
447  *
448  * Errno:       ENOENT  file not found
449  *              EBADF   Bad file handle, not a GPFS file
450  *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
451  *              EACCESS Permission denied
452  *              EFAULT  Bad address provided
453  *              EINVAL  Not a regular file
454  *              ENOSYS  function not available
455  */
456 int GPFS_API
457 gpfs_get_winattrs(gpfs_file_t fileDesc, gpfs_winattr_t *attrP);
459 int GPFS_API
460 gpfs_get_winattrs_path(const char *pathname, gpfs_winattr_t *attrP);
463 /* NAME:        gpfs_set_winattrs()
464  *              gpfs_set_winattrs_path()
465  *
466  * FUNCTION:    Sets gpfs_winattr_t attributes (as specified by
467  *              the flags).
468  *
469  * Returns:      0      Success
470  *              -1      Failure
471  *
472  * Errno:       ENOENT  file not found
473  *              EBADF   Bad file handle, not a GPFS file
474  *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
475  *              EACCESS Permission denied
476  *              EFAULT  Bad address provided
477  *              EINVAL  Not a regular file
478  *              ENOSYS  function not available
479  */
480 int GPFS_API
481 gpfs_set_winattrs(gpfs_file_t fileDesc, int flags, gpfs_winattr_t *attrP);
483 int GPFS_API
484 gpfs_set_winattrs_path(const char *pathname, int flags, gpfs_winattr_t *attrP);
486 /* gpfs_set_winattr flag values */
488 #define GPFS_WINATTR_SET_ATTRS         0x10
490 /*
491  * NAME:        gpfs_set_times(), gpfs_set_times_path()
492  *
493  * FUNCTION:    Sets file access time, modified time, change time,
494  *              and/or creation time (as specified by the flags).
495  *
496  * Input:       flagsfileDesc : file descriptor of the object to set
497  *              pathname      : path to a file or directory
498  *              flag          : define time value to set
499  *              GPFS_SET_ATIME - set access time
500  *              GPFS_SET_MTIME - set mod. time
501  *              GPFS_SET_CTIME - set change time
502  *              GPFS_SET_CREATION_TIME - set creation time
503  *              GPFS_SET_TIME_NO_FOLLOW - don't follow links
504  *              times         : array to times
505  *
506  * Returns:      0      Successful
507  *              -1      Failure
508  *
509  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
510  *              EBADF   Not a GPFS File
511  *              EINVAL  invalid argument
512  *              EACCES  Permission denied
513  *              EROFS   Filesystem is read only
514  *              ENOENT  No such file or directory
515  */
516 typedef gpfs_timestruc_t gpfs_times_vector_t[4];
518 int GPFS_API
519 gpfs_set_times(gpfs_file_t fileDesc, int flags, gpfs_times_vector_t times);
521 int GPFS_API
522 gpfs_set_times_path(char *pathname, int flags, gpfs_times_vector_t times);
524 /* gpfs_set_times flag values */
525 #define GPFS_SET_ATIME          0x01
526 #define GPFS_SET_MTIME          0x02
527 #define GPFS_SET_CTIME          0x04
528 #define GPFS_SET_CREATION_TIME  0x08
529 #define GPFS_SET_TIME_NO_FOLLOW 0x10
532 /* NAME:        gpfs_set_share()
533  *
534  * FUNCTION:    Acquire shares
535  *
536  * Input:       fileDesc : file descriptor
537  *              allow    : share type being requested
538  *                         GPFS_SHARE_NONE, GPFS_SHARE_READ,
539  *                         GPFS_SHARE_WRITE, GPFS_SHARE_BOTH
540  *              deny     : share type to deny to others
541  *                         GPFS_DENY_NONE, GPFS_DENY_READ,
542  *                         GPFS_DENY_WRITE, GPFS_DENY_BOTH
543  *
544  * Returns:      0      Success
545  *              -1      Failure
546  *
547  * Errno:       EBADF   Bad file handle
548  *              EINVAL  Bad argument given
549  *              EFAULT  Bad address provided
550  *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
551  *              EACCES  share mode not available
552  *              ENOSYS  function not available
553  */
555 /* allow/deny specifications */
556 #define GPFS_SHARE_NONE   0
557 #define GPFS_SHARE_READ   1
558 #define GPFS_SHARE_WRITE  2
559 #define GPFS_SHARE_BOTH   3
560 #define GPFS_SHARE_ALL    3
561 #define GPFS_DENY_NONE    0
562 #define GPFS_DENY_READ    1
563 #define GPFS_DENY_WRITE   2
564 #define GPFS_DENY_BOTH    3
565 #define GPFS_DENY_DELETE  4
566 #define GPFS_DENY_ALL     7
568 int GPFS_API
569 gpfs_set_share(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
570                unsigned int share,
571                unsigned int deny);
574 /* NAME:        gpfs_set_lease()
575  *
576  * FUNCTION:    Acquire leases for Samba
577  *
578  * Input:       fileDesc  : file descriptor
579  *              leaseType : lease type being requested
580  *                          GPFS_LEASE_NONE GPFS_LEASE_READ,
581  *                          GPFS_LEASE_WRITE
582  *
583  * Returns:      0      Success
584  *              -1      Failure
585  *
586  * Errno:       EBADF   Bad file handle
587  *              EINVAL  Bad argument given
588  *              EFAULT  Bad address provided
589  *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
590  *              EAGAIN  lease not available
591  *              EACCES  permission denied
592  *              EOPNOTSUPP unsupported leaseType
593  *              ESTALE  unmounted file system
594  *              ENOSYS  function not available
595  */
597 /* leaseType specifications */
598 #define GPFS_LEASE_NONE    0
599 #define GPFS_LEASE_READ    1
600 #define GPFS_LEASE_WRITE   2
602 int GPFS_API
603 gpfs_set_lease(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
604                unsigned int leaseType);
607 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_lease()
608  *
609  * FUNCTION:    Returns the type of lease currently held
610  *
611  * Returns:     GPFS_LEASE_READ
612  *              GPFS_LEASE_WRITE
613  *              GPFS_LEASE_NONE
614  *
615  * Returns:  >= 0       Success
616  *             -1       Failure
617  *
618  * Errno:       EINVAL
619  */
620 int GPFS_API
621 gpfs_get_lease(gpfs_file_t fileDesc);
624  /* NAME:        gpfs_get_realfilename(), gpfs_get_realfilename_path()
625   *
626   * FUNCTION:    Interface to get real name of a file.
627   *
628   * INPUT:       File descriptor, pathname, buffer, bufferlength
629   * OUTPUT:      Real file name stored in file system
630   *
631   * Returns:     0       Success
632   *             -1       Failure
633   *
634   * Errno:       EBADF   Bad file handle
635   *              EINVAL  Not a regular file
636   *              EFAULT  Bad address provided
637   *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return the real file name.
638   *                      Needed size is returned in buflen parameter.
639   *              ENOENT  File does not exist
640   *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
641   *              EACCESS Permission denied
642   *              ENOSYS  function not available
643   */
644 int GPFS_API
645 gpfs_get_realfilename(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
646                       char *fileNameP,
647                       int *buflen);
649 int GPFS_API
650 gpfs_get_realfilename_path(const char *pathname,
651                            char *fileNameP,
652                            int *buflen);
654  /* NAME:        gpfs_ftruncate()
655   *
656   * FUNCTION:    Interface to truncate a file.
657   *
658   * INPUT:       File descriptor
659   *              length
660   * Returns:     0       Successful
661   *              -1      Failure
662   *
663   * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
664   *              EBADF   Bad file handle
665   *              EBADF   Not a GPFS file
666   *              EINVAL  Not a regular file
667   *              ENOENT  File does not exist
668   *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
669   *              EINVAL  length < 0
670   *              EACCESS  Permission denied
671   */
672 int GPFS_API
673 gpfs_ftruncate(gpfs_file_t fileDesc, gpfs_off64_t length);
675 #define GPFS_WIN_CIFS_REGISTERED   0x02000000
676 typedef struct cifsThreadData_t
677 {
678   unsigned int dataLength; /* Total buffer length */
679   unsigned int share;      /* gpfs_set_share declaration */
680   unsigned int deny;       /* gpfs_set_share specification */
681   unsigned int lease;      /* gpfs_set_lease lease type */
682   unsigned int secInfoFlags; /* Future use.  Must be zero */
683   gpfs_uid_t   sdUID;      /* Owning user */
684   gpfs_uid_t   sdGID;      /* Owning group */
685   int          shareLocked_fd; /* file descriptor with share locks */
686   unsigned int aclLength ; /* Length of the following ACL */
687   gpfs_acl_t   acl;        /* The initial ACL for create/mkdir */
688 } cifsThreadData_t;
690  /* NAME:        gpfs_register_cifs_export()
691   *
692   * FUNCTION:    Register a CIFS export process.
693   *
694   * INPUT:       implicit use of the process ids
695   *
696   * Returns:     0       Successful
697   *              ENOSYS  function not available
698   *              EACCES  cannot establish credentials
699   *              ENOMEM  temporary shortage of memory
700   *              EINVAL  prior process/thread registrations exist
701   *              EBADF   unable to allocate a file descriptor
702   */
703 int GPFS_API
704 gpfs_register_cifs_export(void);
706  /* NAME:        gpfs_unregister_cifs_export()
707   *
708   * FUNCTION:    remove a registration for a CIFS export
709   *
710   * INPUT:       implicit use of the process ids
711   *
712   * Returns:     0       Successful
713   *              ENOSYS  function not available
714   *              EACCES  cannot establish credentials
715   *              ENOMEM  temporary shortage of memory
716   */
717 int GPFS_API
718 gpfs_unregister_cifs_export(void);
720  /* NAME:        gpfs_register_cifs_buffer()
721   *
722   * FUNCTION:    Register a CIFS thread/buffer combination
723   *
724   * INPUT:       implicit use of the process and thread ids
725   *              Address of a cifsThreadData_t structure that will include
727   *              that can be applied at file/dir creation.
728   *
729   * Returns:     0       Successful
730   *              ENOSYS  function not available
731   *              EACCES  cannot establish credentials
732   *              ENOMEM  unable to allocate required memory
733   *              EINVAL  no associated process registrion exists
734   *                      bad dataLength in buffer.
735   */
736 int GPFS_API
737 gpfs_register_cifs_buffer(cifsThreadData_t *bufP);
739  /* NAME:        gpfs_unregister_cifs_buffer()
740   *
741   * FUNCTION:    remove a CIFS thread/buffer registration
742   *
743   * INPUT:       implicit use of the process and thread ids
744   *
745   * Returns:     0       Successful
746   *              ENOSYS  function not available
747   *              EACCES  cannot establish credentials
748   *              ENOMEM  unable to allocate required memory
749   *              EINVAL  no associated process registrion exists
750   */
751 int GPFS_API
752 gpfs_unregister_cifs_buffer(void);
754 /* NAME:        gpfs_lib_init()
755  *
756  * FUNCTION:    Open GPFS main module device file
757  *
758  * INPUT:       Flags
759  * Returns:     0       Successful
760  *              -1      Failure
761  *
762  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
763  */
764 int GPFS_API
765 gpfs_lib_init(int flags);
767 /* NAME:        gpfs_lib_term()
768  *
769  * FUNCTION:    Close GPFS main module device file
770  *
771  * INPUT:       Flags
772  * Returns:     0       Successful
773  *              -1      Failure
774  *
775  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
776  */
777 int GPFS_API
778 gpfs_lib_term(int flags);
780 /* Define maximum length of the name for a GPFS named object, such
781    as a snapshot, storage pool or fileset. The name is a null-terminated
782    character string, which is not include in the max length */
783 #define GPFS_MAXNAMLEN       255
785 /* Define maximum length of the path to a GPFS named object
786    such as a snapshot or fileset. If the absolute path name exceeds
787    this limit, then use a relative path name. The path is a null-terminated
788    character string, which is not included in the max length */
789 #define GPFS_MAXPATHLEN     1023
791 /* ASCII code for "GPFS" in the struct statfs f_type field */
792 #define GPFS_SUPER_MAGIC     0x47504653
794 /* GPFS inode attributes
795    gpfs_uid_t - defined above
796    gpfs_uid64_t - defined above
797    gpfs_off64_t - defined above
799    gpfs_mode_t may include gpfs specific values including 0x02000000
800    To have a gpfs_mode_t be equivalent to a mode_t mask that value out.
801    */
802 typedef unsigned int gpfs_mode_t;
803 typedef unsigned int gpfs_gid_t;
804 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_gid64_t;
805 typedef unsigned int gpfs_ino_t;
806 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_ino64_t;
807 typedef unsigned int gpfs_gen_t;
808 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_gen64_t;
809 typedef unsigned int gpfs_dev_t;
810 typedef unsigned int gpfs_mask_t;
811 typedef unsigned int gpfs_pool_t;
812 typedef unsigned int gpfs_snapid_t;
813 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_snapid64_t;
814 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_fsid64_t[2];
815 typedef short gpfs_nlink_t;
816 typedef long long gpfs_nlink64_t;
819 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_MS_SUA_)
820   typedef struct gpfs_stat64
821   {
822     gpfs_dev_t         st_dev;        /* id of device containing file */
823     gpfs_ino64_t       st_ino;        /* file inode number */
824     gpfs_mode_t        st_mode;       /* access mode */
825     gpfs_nlink64_t     st_nlink;      /* number of links */
826     unsigned int       st_flags;      /* flag word */
827     gpfs_uid64_t       st_uid;        /* owner uid */
828     gpfs_gid64_t       st_gid;        /* owner gid */
829     gpfs_dev_t         st_rdev;       /* device id (if special file) */
830     gpfs_off64_t       st_size;       /* file size in bytes */
831     gpfs_timestruc64_t st_atime;      /* time of last access */
832     gpfs_timestruc64_t st_mtime;      /* time of last data modification */
833     gpfs_timestruc64_t st_ctime;      /* time of last status change */
834     int                st_blksize;    /* preferred block size for io */
835     gpfs_off64_t       st_blocks;     /* 512 byte blocks of disk held by file */
836     long long          st_fsid;       /* file system id */
837     unsigned int       st_type;       /* file type */
838     gpfs_gen64_t       st_gen;        /* inode generation number */
839     gpfs_timestruc64_t st_createtime; /* time of creation */
840     unsigned int       st_attrs;      /* Windows flags */
841   } gpfs_stat64_t;
842 #else
843   typedef struct stat64 gpfs_stat64_t;
844 #endif
846 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_MS_SUA_)
847   typedef struct gpfs_statfs64
848   {
849     gpfs_off64_t       f_blocks;      /* total data blocks in file system */
850     gpfs_off64_t       f_bfree;       /* free block in fs */
851     gpfs_off64_t       f_bavail;      /* free blocks avail to non-superuser */
852     int                f_bsize;       /* optimal file system block size */
853     gpfs_ino64_t       f_files;       /* total file nodes in file system */
854     gpfs_ino64_t       f_ffree;       /* free file nodes in fs */
855     gpfs_fsid64_t      f_fsid;        /* file system id */
856     int                f_fsize;       /* fundamental file system block size */
857     int                f_sector_size; /* logical disk sector size */
858     char               f_fname[32];   /* file system name (usually mount pt.) */
859     char               f_fpack[32];   /* file system pack name */
860     int                f_name_max;    /* maximum component name length for posix */
861   } gpfs_statfs64_t;
862 #else
863   typedef struct statfs64 gpfs_statfs64_t;
864 #endif
866 /* Declarations for backwards compatibility. */
867 typedef gpfs_stat64_t stat64_t;
868 typedef gpfs_statfs64_t statfs64_t;
871 /* Define a version number for the directory entry data to allow
872    future changes in this structure. Careful callers should also use
873    the d_reclen field for the size of the structure rather than sizeof,
874    to allow some degree of forward compatibility */
875 #define GPFS_D_VERSION 1
877 typedef struct gpfs_direntx
878 {
879   int            d_version;     /* this struct's version */
880   unsigned short d_reclen;      /* actual size of this struct including
881                                    null terminated variable length d_name */
882   unsigned short d_type;        /* Types are defined below */
883   gpfs_ino_t     d_ino;         /* File inode number */
884   gpfs_gen_t     d_gen;         /* Generation number for the inode */
885   char           d_name[256];   /* null terminated variable length name */
886 } gpfs_direntx_t;
889 #define GPFS_D64_VERSION 2
891 typedef struct gpfs_direntx64
892 {
893   int            d_version;     /* this struct's version */
894   unsigned short d_reclen;      /* actual size of this struct including
895                                    null terminated variable length d_name */
896   unsigned short d_type;        /* Types are defined below */
897   gpfs_ino64_t   d_ino;         /* File inode number */
898   gpfs_gen64_t   d_gen;         /* Generation number for the inode */
899   unsigned int   d_flags;       /* Flags are defined below */
900   char           d_name[1028];  /* null terminated variable length name */
901                                 /* (1020+null+7 byte pad to double word) */
902                                 /* to handle up to 255 UTF-8 chars */
903 } gpfs_direntx64_t;
905 /* File types for d_type field in gpfs_direntx_t */
906 #define GPFS_DE_OTHER    0
907 #define GPFS_DE_FIFO     1
908 #define GPFS_DE_CHR      2
909 #define GPFS_DE_DIR      4
910 #define GPFS_DE_BLK      6
911 #define GPFS_DE_REG      8
912 #define GPFS_DE_LNK     10
913 #define GPFS_DE_SOCK    12
914 #define GPFS_DE_DEL     16
916 /* Define flags for gpfs_direntx64_t */
917 #define GPFS_DEFLAG_NONE      0x0000 /* Default value, no flags set */
918 #define GPFS_DEFLAG_JUNCTION  0x0001 /* DirEnt is a fileset junction */
919 #define GPFS_DEFLAG_IJUNCTION 0x0002 /* DirEnt is a inode space junction */
920 #define GPFS_DEFLAG_ORPHAN    0x0004 /* DirEnt is an orphan (pcache) */
921 #define GPFS_DEFLAG_CLONE     0x0008 /* DirEnt is a clone child */
923 /* Define a version number for the iattr data to allow future changes
924    in this structure. Careful callers should also use the ia_reclen field
925    for the size of the structure rather than sizeof, to allow some degree
926    of forward compatibility */
927 #define GPFS_IA_VERSION 1
928 #define GPFS_IA64_VERSION 3 /* ver 3 adds ia_repl_xxxx bytes instead of ia_pad2 */
929 #define GPFS_IA64_RESERVED 4
930 #define GPFS_IA64_UNUSED 8
932 typedef struct gpfs_iattr
933 {
934   int              ia_version;    /* this struct version */
935   int              ia_reclen;     /* sizeof this structure */
936   int              ia_checksum;   /* validity check on iattr struct */
937   gpfs_mode_t      ia_mode;       /* access mode; see gpfs_mode_t comment */
938   gpfs_uid_t       ia_uid;        /* owner uid */
939   gpfs_gid_t       ia_gid;        /* owner gid */
940   gpfs_ino_t       ia_inode;      /* file inode number */
941   gpfs_gen_t       ia_gen;        /* inode generation number */
942   gpfs_nlink_t     ia_nlink;      /* number of links */
943   short            ia_flags;      /* Flags (defined below) */
944   int              ia_blocksize;  /* preferred block size for io */
945   gpfs_mask_t      ia_mask;       /* Initial attribute mask (not used) */
946   unsigned int     ia_pad1;       /* reserved space */
947   gpfs_off64_t     ia_size;       /* file size in bytes */
948   gpfs_off64_t     ia_blocks;     /* 512 byte blocks of disk held by file */
949   gpfs_timestruc_t ia_atime;      /* time of last access */
950   gpfs_timestruc_t ia_mtime;      /* time of last data modification */
951   gpfs_timestruc_t ia_ctime;      /* time of last status change */
952   gpfs_dev_t       ia_rdev;       /* id of device */
953   unsigned int     ia_xperm;      /* extended attributes (defined below) */
954   unsigned int     ia_modsnapid;  /* snapshot id of last modification */
955   unsigned int     ia_filesetid;  /* fileset ID */
956   unsigned int     ia_datapoolid; /* storage pool ID for data */
957   unsigned int     ia_pad2;       /* reserved space */
958 } gpfs_iattr_t;
961 typedef struct gpfs_iattr64
962 {
963   int                ia_version;    /* this struct version */
964   int                ia_reclen;     /* sizeof this structure */
965   int                ia_checksum;   /* validity check on iattr struct */
966   gpfs_mode_t        ia_mode;       /* access mode; see gpfs_mode_t comment */
967   gpfs_uid64_t       ia_uid;        /* owner uid */
968   gpfs_gid64_t       ia_gid;        /* owner gid */
969   gpfs_ino64_t       ia_inode;      /* file inode number */
970   gpfs_gen64_t       ia_gen;        /* inode generation number */
971   gpfs_nlink64_t     ia_nlink;      /* number of links */
972   gpfs_off64_t       ia_size;       /* file size in bytes */
973   gpfs_off64_t       ia_blocks;     /* 512 byte blocks of disk held by file */
974   gpfs_timestruc64_t ia_atime;      /* time of last access */
975   unsigned int       ia_winflags;   /* windows flags (defined below) */
976   unsigned int       ia_pad1;       /* reserved space */
977   gpfs_timestruc64_t ia_mtime;      /* time of last data modification */
978   unsigned int       ia_flags;      /* flags (defined below) */
979   /* next four bytes were ia_pad2 */
980   unsigned char      ia_repl_data;  /* data replication factor */
981   unsigned char      ia_repl_data_max; /* data replication max factor */
982   unsigned char      ia_repl_meta;  /* meta data replication factor */
983   unsigned char      ia_repl_meta_max; /* meta data replication max factor */
984   gpfs_timestruc64_t ia_ctime;      /* time of last status change */
985   int                ia_blocksize;  /* preferred block size for io */
986   unsigned int       ia_pad3;       /* reserved space */
987   gpfs_timestruc64_t ia_createtime; /* creation time */
988   gpfs_mask_t        ia_mask;       /* initial attribute mask (not used) */
989   int                ia_pad4;       /* reserved space */
990   unsigned int       ia_reserved[GPFS_IA64_RESERVED]; /* reserved space */
991   unsigned int       ia_xperm;      /* extended attributes (defined below) */
992   gpfs_dev_t         ia_dev;        /* id of device containing file */
993   gpfs_dev_t         ia_rdev;       /* device id (if special file) */
994   unsigned int       ia_pcacheflags; /* pcache inode bits */
995   gpfs_snapid64_t    ia_modsnapid;  /* snapshot id of last modification */
996   unsigned int       ia_filesetid;  /* fileset ID */
997   unsigned int       ia_datapoolid; /* storage pool ID for data */
998   gpfs_ino64_t       ia_inode_space_mask; /* inode space mask of this file system */
999                                           /* This value is saved in the iattr structure
1000                                              during backup and used during restore */
1001   gpfs_off64_t       ia_dirminsize; /* dir pre-allocation size in bytes */
1002   unsigned int       ia_unused[GPFS_IA64_UNUSED];  /* reserved space */
1003 } gpfs_iattr64_t;
1005 /* Define flags for inode attributes */
1006 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_SNAPDIR         0x0001 /* (obsolete) */
1007 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_USRQUOTA        0x0002 /* inode is a user quota file */
1008 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_GRPQUOTA        0x0004 /* inode is a group quota file */
1009 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_ERROR           0x0008 /* error reading inode */
1010 /* Define flags for inode replication attributes */
1011 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_FILESET_ROOT    0x0010 /* root dir of a fileset */
1012 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_NO_SNAP_RESTORE 0x0020 /* don't restore from snapshots */
1013 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_FILESETQUOTA    0x0040 /* inode is a fileset quota file */
1014 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_COMANAGED       0x0080 /* file data is co-managed */
1015 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_ILLPLACED       0x0100 /* may not be properly placed */
1016 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_REPLMETA        0x0200 /* metadata replication set */
1017 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_REPLDATA        0x0400 /* data replication set */
1018 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_EXPOSED         0x0800 /* may have data on suspended disks */
1019 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_ILLREPLICATED   0x1000 /* may not be properly replicated */
1020 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_UNBALANCED      0x2000 /* may not be properly balanced */
1021 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_DATAUPDATEMISS  0x4000 /* has stale data blocks on
1022                                               unavailable disk */
1023 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_METAUPDATEMISS  0x8000 /* has stale metadata on
1024                                               unavailable disk */
1026 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_IMMUTABLE       0x00010000 /* Immutability */
1027 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_INDEFRETENT     0x00020000 /* Indefinite retention */
1028 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_SECUREDELETE    0x00040000 /* Secure deletion */
1030 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_TRUNCMANAGED    0x00080000 /* dmapi truncate event enabled */
1031 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_READMANAGED     0x00100000 /* dmapi read event enabled */
1032 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_WRITEMANAGED    0x00200000 /* dmapi write event enabled */
1034 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_APPENDONLY      0x00400000 /* AppendOnly only */
1035 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_DELETED         0x00800000 /* inode has been deleted */
1036 #ifdef ZIP
1037 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_ILLCOMPRESSED   0x01000000 /* may not be properly compressed */
1038 #endif
1039 #define GPFS_IAFLAG_FPOILLPLACED    0x02000000 /* may not be properly placed per
1040                                                   FPO attributes (bgf, wad, wadfg) */
1042 /* Define flags for window's attributes */
1043 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_ARCHIVE       0x0001 /* Archive */
1044 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_HIDDEN        0x0002 /* Hidden */
1045 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_NOTINDEXED    0x0004 /* Not content indexed */
1046 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_OFFLINE       0x0008 /* Off-line */
1047 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_READONLY      0x0010 /* Read-only */
1048 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_REPARSE       0x0020 /* Reparse point */
1049 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_SYSTEM        0x0040 /* System */
1050 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_TEMPORARY     0x0080 /* Temporary */
1051 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_COMPRESSED    0x0100 /* Compressed */
1052 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_ENCRYPTED     0x0200 /* Encrypted */
1053 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_SPARSE        0x0400 /* Sparse file */
1054 #define GPFS_IWINFLAG_HASSTREAMS    0x0800 /* Has streams */
1056 /* Define flags for extended attributes */
1057 #define GPFS_IAXPERM_ACL            0x0001 /* file has acls */
1058 #define GPFS_IAXPERM_XATTR          0x0002 /* file has extended attributes */
1059 #define GPFS_IAXPERM_DMATTR         0x0004 /* file has dm attributes */
1060 #define GPFS_IAXPERM_DOSATTR        0x0008 /* file has non-default dos attrs */
1061 #define GPFS_IAXPERM_RPATTR         0x0010 /* file has restore policy attrs */
1063 /* Define flags for pcache bits defined in the inode */
1064 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_CACHED   0x0001  /* "cached complete"  */
1065 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_CREATE   0x0002  /* "created"          */
1066 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_DIRTY    0x0004  /* "data dirty"       */
1067 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_LINK     0x0008  /* "hard linked"      */
1068 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_SETATTR  0x0010  /* "attr changed"     */
1069 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_LOCAL    0x0020  /* "local"            */
1070 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_APPEND   0x0040  /* "append"           */
1071 #define GPFS_ICAFLAG_STATE    0x0080  /* "has remote state" */
1073 /* Define pointers to interface types */
1074 typedef struct gpfs_fssnap_handle gpfs_fssnap_handle_t;
1075 typedef struct gpfs_iscan gpfs_iscan_t;
1076 typedef struct gpfs_ifile gpfs_ifile_t;
1077 typedef struct gpfs_restore gpfs_restore_t;
1079 typedef struct gpfs_fssnap_id
1080 {
1081   char opaque[48];
1082 } gpfs_fssnap_id_t;
1085 /* Define extended return codes for gpfs backup & restore
1086    calls without an explicit return code will return the value in errno */
1087 #define GPFS_NEW_ERRNO_BASE 185
1088 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_INUM           (GPFS_NEW_ERRNO_BASE+0) /* invalid inode number */
1090 #define GPFS_ERRNO_BASE  190
1091 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID       (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+0) /* invalid fssnap id */
1092 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN          (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+1) /* invalid iscan pointer */
1093 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE          (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+2) /* invalid ifile pointer */
1094 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_IATTR          (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+3) /* invalid iattr structure */
1095 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_RESTORE        (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+4) /* invalid restore pointer */
1096 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE   (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+5) /* invalid fssnap handle */
1097 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_SNAPNAME       (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+6) /* invalid snapshot name */
1098 #define GPFS_E_FS_NOT_RESTORABLE    (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+7) /* FS is not clean */
1099 #define GPFS_E_RESTORE_NOT_ENABLED  (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+8) /* Restore was not enabled */
1100 #define GPFS_E_RESTORE_STARTED      (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+9) /* Restore is running */
1101 #define GPFS_E_INVAL_XATTR          (GPFS_ERRNO_BASE+10) /* invalid extended
1102                                                             attribute pointer */
1104 /* Define flags parameter for get/put file attributes.
1105    Used by gpfs_fgetattr, gpfs_fputattr, gpfs_fputattrwithpath
1106    gpfs_igetattrsx, gpfs_iputattrsx
1107    and gpfs_lwe_getattrs, gpfs_lwe_putattrs
1108 */
1109 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_DEFAULT            0x0000  /* default behavior */
1110 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT       0x0001  /* exclude file placement attributes */
1111 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL        0x0002  /* saved poolid is not valid */
1112 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_USE_POLICY         0x0004  /* use restore policy rules to
1113                                                     determine poolid */
1114 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_DMAPI         0x0008  /* Include dmapi attributes */
1115 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_FINALIZE_ATTRS     0x0010  /* Finalize immutability attributes */
1116 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_SKIP_IMMUTABLE     0x0020  /* Skip immutable attributes */
1117 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_ENCR          0x0040  /* Include encryption attributes */
1118 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_SKIP_CLONE         0x0080  /* Skip clone attributes */
1119 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_MODIFY_CLONEPARENT 0x0100  /* Allow modification on clone parent */
1120 #ifdef ZIP
1121 #define GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_COMPRESSED      0x0200  /* exclude "compressed" attribute */
1122 #endif
1124 /* Define structure used by gpfs_statfspool */
1125 typedef struct gpfs_statfspool_s
1126 {
1127   gpfs_off64_t f_blocks;     /* total data blocks in pool */
1128   gpfs_off64_t f_bfree;      /* free blocks in pool */
1129   gpfs_off64_t f_bavail;     /* free blocks avail to non-superuser */
1130   gpfs_off64_t f_mblocks;    /* total metadata blocks in pool */
1131   gpfs_off64_t f_mfree;      /* free blocks avail for system metadata */
1132   int          f_bsize;      /* optimal storage pool block size */
1133   int          f_files;      /* total file nodes assigned to pool */
1134   gpfs_pool_t  f_poolid;     /* storage pool id */
1135   int          f_fsize;      /* fundamental file system block size */
1136   unsigned int f_usage;      /* data and/or metadata stored in pool */
1137   int          f_replica;    /* replica */
1138   int          f_bgf;        /* block group factor */
1139   int          f_wad;        /* write affinity depth */
1140   int          f_allowWriteAffinity;   /* allow write affinity depth. 1 means yes */
1141   int          f_reserved[3];/* Current unused and set to  zero */
1142 } gpfs_statfspool_t;
1144 #define STATFSPOOL_USAGE_DATA      0x0001 /* Pool stores user data */
1145 #define STATFSPOOL_USAGE_METADATA  0x0002 /* Pool stores system metadata */
1148 /* NAME:        gpfs_fstat(), gpfs_stat()
1149  *
1150  * FUNCTION:    Get exact stat information for a file descriptor (or filename).
1151  *              Forces all other nodes to flush dirty data and metadata to disk.
1152  * Returns:     0       Successful
1153  *              -1      Failure
1154  *
1155  * Errno:       ENOSYS  The gpfs_fstat() (or) gpfs_stat() subroutine is not supported
1156  *                      under the current file system format
1157  *              EBADF   The file descriptor is not valid.
1158  *              EINVAL  The file descriptor does not refer to a GPFS file or a
1159  *                      regular file.
1160  *              ESTALE  The cached file system information was not valid.
1161  */
1162 int GPFS_API
1163 gpfs_fstat(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
1164            gpfs_stat64_t *buffer);
1166 int GPFS_API
1167 gpfs_stat(const char *pathname, /* File pathname */
1168           gpfs_stat64_t *buffer);
1170 /* NAME:        gpfs_fstat_x(), gpfs_stat_x()
1171  *
1172  * FUNCTION:    Returns extended stat() information with specified accuracy
1173  *              for a file descriptor (or filename)
1174  *
1175  * Input:       fileDesc    : file descriptor or handle
1176  *              pathname    : path to a file or directory
1177  *              iattrBufLen : length of iattr buffer
1178  *
1179  * In/Out:      st_litemaskP: bitmask specification of required accuracy
1180  *              iattr       : buffer for returned stat information
1181  *
1182  * Returns:     0       Successful
1183  *              -1      Failure
1184  *
1185  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
1186  *              ENOENT  invalid pathname
1187  *              EBADF   Bad file desc
1188  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1189  *              ESTALE  cached fs information was invalid
1190  */
1191 int GPFS_API
1192 gpfs_fstat_x(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
1193              unsigned int *st_litemaskP,
1194              gpfs_iattr64_t *iattr,
1195              size_t iattrBufLen);
1197 int GPFS_API
1198 gpfs_stat_x(const char *pathname, /* File pathname */
1199             unsigned int *st_litemaskP,
1200             gpfs_iattr64_t *iattr,
1201             size_t iattrBufLen);
1203 /* NAME:        gpfs_statfs64()
1204  *
1205  * FUNCTION:    Get information about the file system.
1206  *
1207  * Returns:     0       Successful
1208  *              -1      Failure
1209  *
1210  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
1211  *              EBADF   Bad file desc
1212  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1213  *              ESTALE  cached fs information was invalid
1214  */
1215 int GPFS_API
1216 gpfs_statfs64(const char *pathname, /* File pathname */
1217               gpfs_statfs64_t *buffer);
1219 /* NAME:        gpfs_statlite()
1220  *              gpfs_lstatlite() - do not follow a symlink at the end of the path
1221  *
1222  * FUNCTION:    Returns stat() information with specified accuracy
1223  *
1224  * Input:       pathname    : path to a file or directory
1225  *
1226  * In/Out:      st_litemaskP: bitmask specification of required accuracy
1227  *              statbufP    : buffer for returned stat information
1228  *
1229  * Returns:     0       Successful
1230  *              -1      Failure
1231  *
1232  * Errno:       Specific error indication
1233  *              EINVAL
1234  *
1235  */
1236 int GPFS_API
1237 gpfs_statlite(const char *pathname,
1238               unsigned int *st_litemaskP,
1239               gpfs_stat64_t *statbufP);
1241 int GPFS_API
1242 gpfs_lstatlite(const char *pathname,
1243                unsigned int *st_litemaskP,
1244                gpfs_stat64_t *statbufP);
1247 /* NAME:        gpfs_fgetattrs()
1248  *
1249  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves all extended file attributes in opaque format.
1250  *              This function together with gpfs_fputattrs is intended for
1251  *              use by a backup program to save (gpfs_fgetattrs) and
1252  *              restore (gpfs_fputattrs) all extended file attributes
1253  *              (ACLs, user attributes, ...) in one call.
1254  *
1255  *              NOTE: This call does not return extended attributes used for
1256  *                    the Data Storage Management (XDSM) API (aka DMAPI).
1257  *
1258  * Input:       flags   Define behavior of get attributes
1259  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes for placement
1260  *                      are not saved, neither is the current storage pool.
1261  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes for placement
1262  *                      are saved, but the current storage pool is not.
1263  *
1264  * Returns:     0       Successful
1265  *              -1      Failure
1266  *
1267  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
1268  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1269  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
1270  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return all attributes
1271  *                      *attrSizeP will be set to the size necessary
1272  */
1273 int GPFS_API
1274 gpfs_fgetattrs(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
1275                int flags,
1276                void *bufferP,
1277                int bufferSize,
1278                int *attrSizeP);
1281 /* NAME:        gpfs_fputattrs()
1282  *
1283  * FUNCTION:    Sets all extended file attributes of a file
1284  *              and sets the file's storage pool and data replication
1285  *              to the values saved in the extended attributes.
1286  *
1287  *              If the saved storage pool is not valid or if the IGNORE_POOL
1288  *              flag is set, then it will select the storage pool by matching
1289  *              a PLACEMENT rule using the saved file attributes.
1290  *              If it fails to match a placement rule or if there are
1291  *              no placement rules installed it will assign the file
1292  *              to the "system" storage pool.
1293  *
1294  *              The buffer passed in should contain extended attribute data
1295  *              that was obtained by a previous call to gpfs_fgetattrs.
1296  *
1297  * Input:       flags   Define behavior of put attributes
1298  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes are restored
1299  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are unchanged
1300  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes are restored
1301  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are selected
1302  *                      by matching the saved attributes to a placement rule
1303  *                      instead of restoring the saved storage pool.
1304  *
1305  * Returns:     0       Successful
1306  *              -1      Failure
1307  *
1308  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
1309  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1310  *              EINVAL  the buffer does not contain valid attribute data
1311  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
1312  */
1313 int GPFS_API
1314 gpfs_fputattrs(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
1315                int flags,
1316                void *bufferP);
1319 /* NAME:        gpfs_fputattrswithpathname()
1320  *
1321  * FUNCTION:    Sets all extended file attributes of a file and invokes
1322  *              the policy engine to match a RESTORE rule using the file's
1323  *              attributes saved in the extended attributes to set the
1324  *              file's storage pool and data replication. The caller should
1325  *              include the full path to the file, including the file name,
1326  *              to allow rule selection based on file name or path.
1327  *
1328  *              If the file fails to match a RESTORE rule, or if there are
1329  *              no RESTORE rules installed, then the storage pool and data
1330  *              replication are selected as when calling gpfs_fputattrs().
1331  *
1332  *              The buffer passed in should contain extended attribute data
1333  *              that was obtained by a previous call to gpfs_fgetattrs.
1334  *
1335  *              pathName is a UTF-8 encoded string. On Windows, applications
1336  *              can convert UTF-16 ("Unicode") to UTF-8 using the platforms
1337  *              WideCharToMultiByte function.
1338  *
1339  *
1340  * Input:       flags   Define behavior of put attributes
1341  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes are restored
1342  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are unchanged
1343  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes are restored
1344  *                      but if the file fails to match a RESTORE rule, it
1345  *                      ignore the saved storage pool and select a pool
1346  *                      by matching the saved attributes to a PLACEMENT rule.
1347  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_SKIP_IMMUTABLE - Skip immutable/appendOnly flags
1348  *                      before restoring file data. Then use GPFS_ATTRFLAG_FINALIZE_ATTRS
1349  *                      to restore immutable/appendOnly flags after data is restored.
1350  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_FINALIZE_ATTRS - file attributes that are restored
1351  *                      after data is retored. If file is immutable/appendOnly
1352  *                      call without this flag before restoring data
1353  *                      then call with this flag after restoring data
1354  *
1355  * Returns:     0       Successful
1356  *              -1      Failure
1357  *
1358  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
1359  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1360  *              EINVAL  the buffer does not contain valid attribute data
1361  *              ENOENT  invalid pathname
1362  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
1363  */
1364 int GPFS_API
1365 gpfs_fputattrswithpathname(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
1366                            int flags,
1367                            void *bufferP,
1368                            const char *pathName);
1371 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path()
1372  *
1373  * FUNCTION:    Get a volatile handle to uniquely identify a file system
1374  *              and snapshot by the path to the file system and snapshot
1375  *
1376  * Input:       pathName: path to a file or directory in a gpfs file system
1377  *                        or to one of its snapshots
1378  *
1379  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_fssnap_handle_t (Successful)
1380  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1381  *
1382  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1383  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1384  *              ENOENT invalid pathname
1385  *              see system calls open(), fstatfs(), and malloc() ERRORS
1386  */
1387 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t * GPFS_API
1388 gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_path(const char *pathName);
1391 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name()
1392  *
1393  * FUNCTION:    Get a volatile handle to uniquely identify a file system
1394  *              and snapshot by the file system name and snapshot name.
1395  *
1396  * Input:       fsName: unique name for gpfs file system (may be specified
1397  *                      as fsName or /dev/fsName)
1398  *              snapName: name for snapshot within that file system
1399  *                        or NULL to access the active file system rather
1400  *                        than a snapshot within the file system.
1401  *
1402  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_fssnap_handle_t (Successful)
1403  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1404  *
1405  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1406  *              ENOENT invalid file system name
1407  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_SNAPNAME invalid snapshot name
1408  *              see system calls open(), fstatfs(), and malloc() ERRORS
1409  */
1410 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t * GPFS_API
1411 gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_name(const char *fsName,
1412                               const char *snapName);
1415 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid()
1416  *
1417  * FUNCTION:    Get a volatile handle to uniquely identify a file system
1418  *              and snapshot by a fssnapId created from a previous handle.
1419  *
1420  * Input:       fssnapId: unique id for a file system and snapshot
1421  *
1422  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_fssnap_handle_t (Successful)
1423  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1424  *
1425  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1426  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID invalid snapshot id
1427  *              see system calls open(), fstatfs(), and malloc() ERRORS
1428  */
1429 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t * GPFS_API
1430 gpfs_get_fssnaphandle_by_fssnapid(const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId);
1432 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fset_snaphandle_by_path()
1433  *
1434  * FUNCTION:    Get a volatile handle to uniquely identify an inode space within a
1435  *              filesyetsm and snapshot by the path to the file system and snapshot.
1436  *
1437  * Input:       pathName: path to a file or directory in a gpfs file system
1438  *                        or to one of its snapshots
1439  *
1440  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_fssnap_handle_t (Successful)
1441  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1442  *
1443  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1444  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
1445  *              ENOENT invalid pathname
1446  *              see system calls open(), fstatfs(), and malloc() ERRORS
1447  */
1448 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t * GPFS_API
1449 gpfs_get_fset_snaphandle_by_path(const char *pathName);
1451 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fset_snaphandle_by_name()
1452  *
1453  * FUNCTION:    Get a volatile handle to uniquely identify an inode space within a
1454  *              file system and snapshot by the independent fileset name, file system
1455  *              name and snapshot name.
1456  *
1457  * Input:       fsName: unique name for gpfs file system (may be specified
1458  *                      as fsName or /dev/fsName)
1459  *              fsetName name of the independent fileset that owns the inode space
1460  *              snapName: name for snapshot within that file system
1461  *                        or NULL to access the active file system rather
1462  *                        than a snapshot within the file system.
1463  *
1464  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_fssnap_handle_t (Successful)
1465  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1466  *
1467  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1468  *              ENOENT invalid file system name
1469  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSETNAME invalid fset nsmae
1470  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_SNAPNAME invalid snapshot name
1471  *              see system calls open(), fstatfs(), and malloc() ERRORS
1472  */
1473 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t * GPFS_API
1474 gpfs_get_fset_snaphandle_by_name(const char *fsName,
1475                                  const char *fsetName,
1476                                  const char *snapName);
1478 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fset_snaphandle_by_fset_snapid()
1479  *
1480  * FUNCTION:    Get a volatile handle to uniquely identify a file system
1481  *              and snapshot by a fssnapId created from a previous handle.
1482  *
1483  * Input:       fssnapId: unique id for a file system and snapshot
1484  *
1485  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_fssnap_handle_t (Successful)
1486  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1487  *
1488  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1489  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID invalid snapshot id
1490  *              see system calls open(), fstatfs(), and malloc() ERRORS
1491  */
1492 gpfs_fssnap_handle_t * GPFS_API
1493 gpfs_get_fset_snaphandle_by_fset_snapid(const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fsetsnapId);
1495 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle()
1496  *
1497  * FUNCTION:    Get the mountpoint and path to a file system
1498  *              and snapshot identified by a fssnapHandle
1499  *
1500  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1501  *
1502  * Returns:     ptr to path name to the file system  (Successful)
1503  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1504  *
1505  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1506  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnapHandle
1507  */
1508 const char * GPFS_API
1509 gpfs_get_pathname_from_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
1512 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle()
1513  *
1514  * FUNCTION:    Get the unique name for the file system
1515  *              identified by a fssnapHandle
1516  *
1517  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1518  *
1519  * Returns:     ptr to name of the file system  (Successful)
1520  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1521  *
1522  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1523  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnapHandle
1524  */
1525 const char * GPFS_API
1526 gpfs_get_fsname_from_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
1529 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle()
1530  *
1531  * FUNCTION:    Get the name for the snapshot
1532  *              uniquely identified by a fssnapHandle
1533  *
1534  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1535  *
1536  * Returns:     ptr to name assigned to the snapshot (Successful)
1537  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1538  *
1539  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1540  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnaphandle
1541  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_SNAPNAME snapshot has been deleted
1542  *
1543  * Notes:       If the snapshot has been deleted from the file system
1544  *              the snapId may still be valid, but the call will fail
1545  *              with errno set to GPFS_E_INVAL_SNAPNAME.
1546  */
1547 const char * GPFS_API
1548 gpfs_get_snapname_from_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
1551 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_snapid_from_fssnaphandle()
1552  *
1553  * FUNCTION:    Get the numeric id for the snapshot identified
1554  *              by a fssnapHandle. The snapshots define an ordered
1555  *              sequence of changes to each file. The file's iattr
1556  *              structure defines the snapshot id in which the file
1557  *              was last modified (ia_modsnapid). This numeric value
1558  *              can be compared to the numeric snapid from a fssnaphandle
1559  *              to determine if the file changed before or after the
1560  *              snapshot identified by the fssnaphandle.
1561  *
1562  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1563  *
1564  * Returns:     Numeric id for the snapshot referred to by the fssnaphandle
1565  *              0 if the fssnaphandle does not refer to a snapshot
1566  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1567  *
1568  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1569  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnaphandle
1570  *
1571  * Notes:       The snapshot need not be on-line to determine the
1572  *              snapshot's numeric id.
1573  */
1574 gpfs_snapid_t GPFS_API
1575 gpfs_get_snapid_from_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
1577 gpfs_snapid64_t GPFS_API
1578 gpfs_get_snapid_from_fssnaphandle64(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
1581 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle()
1582  *
1583  * FUNCTION:    Get a unique, non-volatile file system and snapshot id
1584  *              for the file system and snapshot identified by a
1585  *              volatile fssnap handle.
1586  *
1587  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1588  *              fssnapId: returned fssnapId uniquely identifying the
1589  *                        file system and snapshot being scanned
1590  *
1591  * Returns:     0 and fssnapId is set with id (Successful)
1592  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1593  *
1594  * Errno:       GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnaphandle
1595  *              EINVAL null ptr given for returned fssnapId
1596  *              EFAULT size mismatch for fssnapId
1597  */
1598 int GPFS_API
1599 gpfs_get_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1600                                     gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId);
1603 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_restore_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle()
1604  *
1605  * FUNCTION:    Get the unique, non-volatile file system and snapshot id
1606  *              used for the last complete restore of a mirrored file
1607  *              system. The file system must been a previous restore
1608  *              target and ready for additional incremental restore.
1609  *
1610  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1611  *              fssnapId: returned fssnapId uniquely identifying the
1612  *                        last complete restored file system.
1613  *
1614  * Returns:     0 and fssnapId is set with id (Successful)
1615  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1616  *
1617  * Errno:       GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnaphandle
1618  *              EINVAL null ptr given for returned fssnapId
1619  *              EFAULT size mismatch for fssnapId
1620  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1621  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
1622  *              GPFS_E_FS_NOT_RESTORABLE fs is not clean for restore
1623  */
1624 int GPFS_API
1625 gpfs_get_restore_fssnapid_from_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1626                                             gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId);
1628 /* NAME:        gpfs_free_fssnaphandle()
1629  *
1630  * FUNCTION:    Free a fssnapHandle
1631  *
1632  * Input:       fssnapHandle: ptr to file system & snapshot handle
1633  *
1634  * Returns:     void
1635  *
1636  * Errno:       None
1637  */
1638 void GPFS_API
1639 gpfs_free_fssnaphandle(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
1641 /* NAME:        gpfs_get_snapdirname()
1642  *
1643  * FUNCTION:    Get the name of the directory containing snapshots.
1644  *
1645  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for the file system
1646  *              snapdirName: buffer into which the name of the snapshot
1647  *                directory will be copied
1648  *              bufLen: the size of the provided buffer
1649  *
1650  * Returns:     0 (Successful)
1651  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1652  *
1653  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1654  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1655  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
1656  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
1657  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE fssnapHandle is invalid
1658  *              E2BIG buffer too small to return the snapshot directory name
1659  */
1660 int GPFS_API
1661 gpfs_get_snapdirname(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1662                      char *snapdirName,
1663                      int bufLen);
1666 /* NAME:        gpfs_open_inodescan()
1667  *
1668  * FUNCTION:    Open inode file for inode scan.
1669  *
1670  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for file system and snapshot
1671  *                            to be scanned
1672  *              prev_fssnapId:
1673  *                if NULL, all inodes of existing file will be returned;
1674  *                if non-null, only returns inodes of files that have changed
1675  *                since the specified previous snapshot;
1676  *                if specifies the same snapshot as the one referred by
1677  *                fssnapHandle, only the snapshot inodes that have been
1678  *                copied into this snap inode file are returned;
1679  *              maxIno: if non-null, returns the maximum inode number
1680  *                available in the inode file being scanned.
1681  *
1682  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_iscan_t (Successful)
1683  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1684  *
1685  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1686  *              EINVAL bad parameters
1687  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1688  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
1689  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
1690  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE fssnapHandle is invalid
1691  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID prev_fssnapId is invalid
1692  *              EDOM prev_fssnapId is from a different fs
1693  *              ERANGE prev_fssnapId is  more recent than snapId
1694  *                     being scanned
1695  *              see system calls dup() and malloc() ERRORS
1696  */
1697 gpfs_iscan_t * GPFS_API
1698 gpfs_open_inodescan(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1699                     const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *prev_fssnapId,
1700                     gpfs_ino_t *maxIno);
1702 gpfs_iscan_t * GPFS_API
1703 gpfs_open_inodescan64(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1704                       const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *prev_fssnapId,
1705                       gpfs_ino64_t *maxIno);
1708 /* NAME:        gpfs_open_inodescan_with_xattrs()
1709  *
1710  * FUNCTION:    Open inode file and extended attributes for an inode scan
1711  *
1712  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for file system and snapshot
1713  *                            to be scanned
1714  *              prev_fssnapId: if NULL, all inodes of existing file will
1715  *                be returned; if non-null, only returns inodes of files
1716  *                that have changed since the specified previous snapshot;
1717  *                if specifies the same snapshot as the one referred by
1718  *                fssnapHandle, only the snapshot inodes that have been
1719  *                copied into this snap inode file are returned;
1720  *              nxAttrs: count of extended attributes to be returned.
1721  *                if nxAttrs is set to 0, call returns no extended
1722  *                attributes, like gpfs_open_inodescan.
1723  *                if nxAttrs is set to -1, call returns all extended attributes
1724  *              xAttrList: pointer to array of pointers to names of extended
1725  *                attribute to be returned. nxAttrList may be null if nxAttrs
1726  *                is set to 0 or -1.
1727  *              maxIno: if non-null, returns the maximum inode number
1728  *                available in the inode file being scanned.
1729  *
1730  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_iscan_t (Successful)
1731  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
1732  *
1733  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1734  *              EINVAL bad parameters
1735  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1736  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
1737  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
1738  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE fssnapHandle is invalid
1739  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID prev_fssnapId is invalid
1740  *              EDOM prev_fssnapId is from a different fs
1741  *              ERANGE prev_fssnapId is more recent than snapId
1742  *                     being scanned
1743  *              see system calls dup() and malloc() ERRORS
1744  */
1745 gpfs_iscan_t * GPFS_API
1746 gpfs_open_inodescan_with_xattrs(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1747                                 const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *prev_fssnapId,
1748                                 int nxAttrs,
1749                                 const char *xattrsList[],
1750                                 gpfs_ino_t *maxIno);
1752 gpfs_iscan_t * GPFS_API
1753 gpfs_open_inodescan_with_xattrs64(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
1754                                   const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *prev_fssnapId,
1755                                   int nxAttrs,
1756                                   const char *xattrList[],
1757                                   gpfs_ino64_t *maxIno);
1760 /* NAME:        gpfs_next_inode()
1761  *
1762  * FUNCTION:    Get next inode from inode scan. Scan terminates before
1763  *              the last inode specified or the last inode in the
1764  *              inode file being scanned.
1765  *
1766  *              If the inode scan was opened to expressly look for inodes
1767  *              in a snapshot, and not dittos, gets the next inode skipping
1768  *              holes, if any.
1769  *
1770  * Input:       iscan: ptr to inode scan descriptor
1771  *              termIno: scan terminates before this inode number
1772  *                caller may specify maxIno from gpfs_open_inodescan()
1773  *                or 0 to scan the entire inode file.
1774  *              iattr: pointer to returned pointer to file's iattr.
1775  *
1776  * Returns:     0 and *iattr set to point to gpfs_iattr_t (Successful)
1777  *              0 and *iattr set to NULL for no more inodes before termIno
1778  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1779  *
1780  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1781  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1782  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
1783  *              ENOMEM buffer too small
1784  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad parameters
1785  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID the snapshot id provided in the
1786  *                                    gpfs iscan is not valid
1787  *
1788  * Notes:       The data returned by gpfs_next_inode() is overwritten by
1789  *              subsequent calls to gpfs_next_inode() or gpfs_seek_inode().
1790  *
1791  *              The termIno parameter provides a means to partition an
1792  *              inode scan such that it may be executed on more than one node.
1793  */
1794 int GPFS_API
1795 gpfs_next_inode(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1796                 gpfs_ino_t termIno,
1797                 const gpfs_iattr_t **iattr);
1799 int GPFS_API
1800 gpfs_next_inode64(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1801                   gpfs_ino64_t termIno,
1802                   const gpfs_iattr64_t **iattr);
1805 /* NAME:        gpfs_next_inode_with_xattrs()
1806  *
1807  * FUNCTION:    Get next inode and its extended attributes from the inode scan.
1808  *              The set of extended attributes returned were defined when
1809  *              the inode scan was opened. The scan terminates before the last
1810  *              inode specified or the last inode in the inode file being
1811  *              scanned.
1812  *
1813  *              If the inode scan was opened to expressly look for inodes
1814  *              in a snapshot, and not dittos, gets the next inode skipping
1815  *              holes, if any.
1816  *
1817  * Input:       iscan: ptr to inode scan descriptor
1818  *              termIno: scan terminates before this inode number
1819  *                caller may specify maxIno from gpfs_open_inodescan()
1820  *                or 0 to scan the entire inode file.
1821  *              iattr: pointer to returned pointer to file's iattr.
1822  *              xattrBuf: pointer to returned pointer to xattr buffer
1823  *              xattrBufLen: returned length of xattr buffer
1824  *
1825  *
1826  * Returns:     0 and *iattr set to point to gpfs_iattr_t (Successful)
1827  *              0 and *iattr set to NULL for no more inodes before termIno
1828  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1829  *
1830  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1831  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1832  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
1833  *              EFAULT buffer data was overwritten
1834  *              ENOMEM buffer too small
1835  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad parameters
1836  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_XATTR bad parameters
1837  *
1838  * Notes:       The data returned by gpfs_next_inode() is overwritten by
1839  *              subsequent calls to gpfs_next_inode(), gpfs_seek_inode()
1840  *              or gpfs_stat_inode().
1841  *
1842  *              The termIno parameter provides a means to partition an
1843  *              inode scan such that it may be executed on more than one node.
1844  *
1845  *              The returned values for xattrBuf and xattrBufLen must be
1846  *              provided to gpfs_next_xattr() to obtain the extended attribute
1847  *              names and values. The buffer used for the extended attributes
1848  *              is overwritten by subsequent calls to gpfs_next_inode(),
1849  *              gpfs_seek_inode() or gpfs_stat_inode();
1850  *
1851  *              The returned pointers to the extended attribute name and value
1852  *              will be aligned to a double-word boundary.
1853  */
1854 int GPFS_API
1855 gpfs_next_inode_with_xattrs(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1856                             gpfs_ino_t termIno,
1857                             const gpfs_iattr_t **iattr,
1858                             const char **xattrBuf,
1859                             unsigned int *xattrBufLen);
1861 int GPFS_API
1862 gpfs_next_inode_with_xattrs64(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1863                               gpfs_ino64_t termIno,
1864                               const gpfs_iattr64_t **iattr,
1865                               const char **xattrBuf,
1866                               unsigned int *xattrBufLen);
1869 /* NAME:        gpfs_next_xattr()
1870  *
1871  * FUNCTION:    Iterate over the extended attributes buffer returned
1872  *              by get_next_inode_with_xattrs to return the individual
1873  *              attributes and their values. Note that the attribute names
1874  *              are null-terminated strings, whereas the atttribute value
1875  *              contains binary data.
1876  *
1877  * Input:       iscan: ptr to inode scan descriptor
1878  *              xattrBufLen: ptr to attribute buffer length
1879  *              xattrBuf: ptr to the ptr to the attribute buffer
1880  *
1881  * Returns:     0 and *name set to point attribue name (Successful)
1882  *                also sets: *valueLen to length of attribute value
1883  *                           *value to point to attribute value
1884  *                           *xattrBufLen to remaining length of buffer
1885  *                           **xattrBuf to index next attribute in buffer
1886  *              0 and *name set to NULL for no more attributes in buffer
1887  *                also sets: *valueLen to 0
1888  *                           *value to NULL
1889  *                           *xattrBufLen to 0
1890  *                           **xattrBuf to NULL
1891  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1892  *
1893  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1894  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN invalid iscan parameter
1895  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_XATTR invalid xattr parameters
1896  *
1897  * Notes:       The caller is not allowed to modify the returned attribute
1898  *              names or values.  The data returned by gpfs_next_attribute()
1899  *              may be overwritten by subsequent calls to gpfs_next_attribute()
1900  *              or other gpfs library calls.
1901  */
1902 int GPFS_API
1903 gpfs_next_xattr(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1904                 const char **xattrBuf,
1905                 unsigned int *xattrBufLen,
1906                 const char **name,
1907                 unsigned int *valueLen,
1908                 const char **value);
1912 /* NAME:        gpfs_seek_inode()
1913  *
1914  * FUNCTION:    Seek to a given inode number.
1915  *
1916  * Input:       iscan: ptr to inode scan descriptor
1917  *              ino: next inode number to be scanned
1918  *
1919  * Returns:     0       Successful
1920  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
1921  *
1922  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1923  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad parameters
1924  */
1925 int GPFS_API
1926 gpfs_seek_inode(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1927                 gpfs_ino_t ino);
1929 int GPFS_API
1930 gpfs_seek_inode64(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1931                   gpfs_ino64_t ino);
1934 #ifdef SNAPSHOT_ILM
1936 /* define GPFS generated errno */
1937 #define GPFS_E_HOLE_IN_IFILE  238 /* hole in inode file */
1939 #endif
1940 /* NAME:        gpfs_stat_inode()
1941  * NAME:        gpfs_stat_inode_with_xattrs()
1942  *
1943  * FUNCTION:    Seek to the specified inode and get that inode and
1944  *              its extended attributes from the inode scan. This is
1945  *              simply a combination of gpfs_seek_inode and get_next_inode
1946  *              but will only return the specified inode.
1947  *
1948  * Input:       iscan: ptr to inode scan descriptor
1949  *              ino: inode number to be returned
1950  *              termIno: prefetch inodes up to this inode
1951  *                caller may specify maxIno from gpfs_open_inodescan()
1952  *                or 0 to allow prefetching over the entire inode file.
1953  *              iattr: pointer to returned pointer to file's iattr.
1954  *              xattrBuf: pointer to returned pointer to xattr buffer
1955  *              xattrBufLen: returned length of xattr buffer
1956  *
1957  * Returns:     0 and *iattr set to point to gpfs_iattr_t (Successful)
1958  *              0 and *iattr set to NULL for no more inodes before termIno
1959  *                or if requested inode does not exist.
1960  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
1961  *
1962  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
1963  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
1964  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
1965  *              ENOMEM buffer too small
1966  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad parameters
1967  *              GPFS_E_HOLE_IN_IFILE if we are expressly looking for inodes in
1968  *                                   the snapshot file and this one has yet not
1969  *                                   been copied into snapshot.
1970  *
1971  * Notes:       The data returned by gpfs_next_inode() is overwritten by
1972  *              subsequent calls to gpfs_next_inode(), gpfs_seek_inode()
1973  *              or gpfs_stat_inode().
1974  *
1975  *              The termIno parameter provides a means to partition an
1976  *              inode scan such that it may be executed on more than one node.
1977  *              It is only used by this call to control prefetching.
1978  *
1979  *              The returned values for xattrBuf and xattrBufLen must be
1980  *              provided to gpfs_next_xattr() to obtain the extended attribute
1981  *              names and values. The buffer used for the extended attributes
1982  *              is overwritten by subsequent calls to gpfs_next_inode(),
1983  *              gpfs_seek_inode() or gpfs_stat_inode();
1984  */
1985 int GPFS_API
1986 gpfs_stat_inode(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1987                 gpfs_ino_t ino,
1988                 gpfs_ino_t termIno,
1989                 const gpfs_iattr_t **iattr);
1991 int GPFS_API
1992 gpfs_stat_inode64(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1993                   gpfs_ino64_t ino,
1994                   gpfs_ino64_t termIno,
1995                   const gpfs_iattr64_t **iattr);
1997 int GPFS_API
1998 gpfs_stat_inode_with_xattrs(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
1999                             gpfs_ino_t ino,
2000                             gpfs_ino_t termIno,
2001                             const gpfs_iattr_t **iattr,
2002                             const char **xattrBuf,
2003                             unsigned int *xattrBufLen);
2005 int GPFS_API
2006 gpfs_stat_inode_with_xattrs64(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
2007                               gpfs_ino64_t ino,
2008                               gpfs_ino64_t termIno,
2009                               const gpfs_iattr64_t **iattr,
2010                               const char **xattrBuf,
2011                               unsigned int *xattrBufLen);
2014 /* NAME:        gpfs_close_inodescan()
2015  *
2016  * FUNCTION:    Close inode file.
2017  *
2018  * Input:       iscan: ptr to inode scan descriptor
2019  *
2020  * Returns:     void
2021  *
2022  * Errno:       None
2023  */
2024 void GPFS_API
2025 gpfs_close_inodescan(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan);
2028 /* NAME:        gpfs_cmp_fssnapid()
2029  *
2030  * FUNCTION:    Compare two fssnapIds for the same file system to
2031  *              determine the order in which the two snapshots were taken.
2032  *              The 'result' variable will be set as follows:
2033  *                *result < 0:  snapshot 1 was taken before snapshot 2
2034  *                *result == 0: snapshot 1 and 2 are the same
2035  *                *result > 0:  snapshot 1 was taken after snapshot 2
2036  *
2037  * Input:      fssnapId1: ptr to fssnapId 1
2038  *             fssnapId2: ptr to fssnapId id 2
2039  *             result: ptr to returned results
2040  *
2041  * Returns:     0 and *result is set as described above (Successful)
2042  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2043  *
2044  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2045  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID fssnapid1 or fssnapid2 is not a
2046  *                valid snapshot id
2047  *              EDOM the two snapshots cannot be compared because
2048  *                they were taken from two different file systems.
2049  */
2050 int GPFS_API
2051 gpfs_cmp_fssnapid(const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId1,
2052                   const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *fssnapId2,
2053                   int *result);
2056 /* NAME:        gpfs_iopen()
2057  *
2058  * FUNCTION:    Open a file or directory by inode number.
2059  *
2060  * Input: fssnapHandle: handle for file system and snapshot
2061  *                      being scanned
2062  *        ino: inode number
2063  *        open_flags: O_RDONLY for gpfs_iread()
2064  *                    O_WRONLY for gpfs_iwrite()
2065  *                    O_CREAT create the file if it doesn't exist
2066  *                    O_TRUNC if the inode already exists delete it
2067  *           caller may use GPFS_O_BACKUP to read files for backup
2068  *                      and GPFS_O_RESTORE to write files for restore
2069  *        statxbuf: used only with O_CREAT/GPFS_O_BACKUP
2070  *                  all other cases set to NULL
2071  *        symLink: used only with O_CREAT/GPFS_O_BACKUP for a symbolic link
2072  *                 all other cases set to NULL
2073  *
2074  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_ifile_t (Successful)
2075  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
2076  *
2077  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2078  *              ENOENT file not existed
2079  *              EINVAL missing or bad parameter
2080  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2081  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2082  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2083  *              EFORMAT invalid fs version number
2084  *              EIO error reading original inode
2085  *              ERANGE error ino is out of range, should use gpfs_iopen64
2086  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_INUM reserved inode is not allowed to open
2087  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IATTR iattr structure was corrupted
2088  *              see dup() and malloc() ERRORS
2089  */
2090 gpfs_ifile_t * GPFS_API
2091 gpfs_iopen(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
2092            gpfs_ino_t ino,
2093            int open_flags,
2094            const gpfs_iattr_t *statxbuf,
2095            const char *symLink);
2097 gpfs_ifile_t * GPFS_API
2098 gpfs_iopen64(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
2099              gpfs_ino64_t ino,
2100              int open_flags,
2101              const gpfs_iattr64_t *statxbuf,
2102              const char *symLink);
2105 /* Define gpfs_iopen flags as used by the backup & restore by inode.
2106    The backup code will only read the source files.
2107    The restore code writes the target files & creates them if they
2108    don't already exist. The file length is set by the inode attributes.
2109    Consequently, to restore a user file it is unnecessary to include
2110    the O_TRUNC flag. */
2111 #define GPFS_O_BACKUP  (O_RDONLY)
2115 /* NAME:        gpfs_iread()
2116  *
2117  * FUNCTION:    Read file opened by gpfs_iopen.
2118  *
2119  * Input:       ifile:      pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2120  *              buffer:     buffer for data to be read
2121  *              bufferSize: size of buffer (ie amount of data to be read)
2122  * In/Out       offset:     offset of where within the file to read
2123  *                          if successful, offset will be updated to the
2124  *                          next byte after the last one that was read
2125  *
2126  * Returns:     number of bytes read (Successful)
2127  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2128  *
2129  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2130  *              EISDIR file is a directory
2131  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2132  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2133  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
2134  *              see system call read() ERRORS
2135  */
2136 int GPFS_API
2137 gpfs_iread(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2138            void *buffer,
2139            int bufferSize,
2140            gpfs_off64_t *offset);
2143 /* NAME:        gpfs_iwrite()
2144  *
2145  * FUNCTION:    Write file opened by gpfs_iopen.
2146  *
2147  * Input:       ifile:    pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2148  *              buffer:   the data to be written
2149  *              writeLen: how much to write
2150  * In/Out       offset:   offset of where within the file to write
2151  *                        if successful, offset will be updated to the
2152  *                        next byte after the last one that was written
2153  *
2154  * Returns:     number of bytes written (Successful)
2155  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2156  *
2157  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2158  *              EISDIR file is a directory
2159  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2160  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2161  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
2162  *              see system call write() ERRORS
2163  */
2164 int GPFS_API
2165 gpfs_iwrite(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2166             void *buffer,
2167             int writeLen,
2168             gpfs_off64_t *offset);
2171 /* NAME:        gpfs_ireaddir()
2172  *
2173  * FUNCTION:    Get next directory entry.
2174  *
2175  * Input:       idir:   pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2176  *              dirent: pointer to returned pointer to directory entry
2177  *
2178  * Returns:     0 and pointer to gpfs_direntx set (Successful)
2179  *              0 and pointer to gpfs_direntx set to NULL (End of directory)
2180  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2181  *
2182  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2183  *              ENOTDIR file is not a directory
2184  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2185  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2186  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameter
2187  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2188  *
2189  * Notes:       The data returned by gpfs_ireaddir() is overwritten by
2190  *              subsequent calls to gpfs_ireaddir().
2191  */
2192 int GPFS_API
2193 gpfs_ireaddir(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
2194               const gpfs_direntx_t **dirent);
2196 int GPFS_API
2197 gpfs_ireaddir64(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
2198                 const gpfs_direntx64_t **dirent);
2201 int GPFS_API
2202 gpfs_ireaddirx(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
2203                gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,      /* in only  */
2204                const gpfs_direntx_t **dirent);
2206 int GPFS_API
2207 gpfs_ireaddirx64(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
2208                  gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,      /* in only  */
2209                  const gpfs_direntx64_t **dirent);
2212 /* NAME:        gpfs_iwritedir()
2213  *
2214  * FUNCTION:    Create a directory entry in a directory opened by gpfs_iopen.
2215  *
2216  * Input:       idir:   pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2217  *              dirent: directory entry to be written
2218  *
2219  * Returns:     0 (Successful)
2220  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2221  *
2222  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2223  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad file pointer
2224  *              ENOTDIR file is not a directory
2225  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2226  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2227  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2228  *              EFORMAT invalid dirent version number
2229  *              see system call write() ERRORS
2230  */
2231 int GPFS_API
2232 gpfs_iwritedir(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
2233                const gpfs_direntx_t *dirent);
2235 int GPFS_API
2236 gpfs_iwritedir64(gpfs_ifile_t *idir,
2237                  const gpfs_direntx64_t *dirent);
2240 /* NAME:        gpfs_igetattrs()
2241  *
2242  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves all extended file attributes in opaque format.
2243  *              This function together with gpfs_iputattrs is intended for
2244  *              use by a backup program to save (gpfs_igetattrs) and
2245  *              restore (gpfs_iputattrs) all extended file attributes
2246  *              (ACLs, user attributes, ...) in one call.
2247  *
2248  *              NOTE: This call does not return extended attributes used for
2249  *                    the Data Storage Management (XDSM) API (aka DMAPI).
2250  *
2251  * Input:       ifile:      pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2252  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned attributes
2253  *              bufferSize: size of buffer
2254  *              attrSize:   ptr to returned size of attributes
2255  *
2256  * Returns:     0       Successful
2257  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2258  *
2259  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2260  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2261  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2262  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return all attributes
2263  *                      *attrSizeP will be set to the size necessary
2264  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
2265  */
2266 int GPFS_API
2267 gpfs_igetattrs(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2268                void *buffer,
2269                int bufferSize,
2270                int *attrSize);
2272 /* NAME:        gpfs_igetattrsx()
2273  *
2274  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves all extended file attributes in opaque format.
2275  *              This function together with gpfs_iputattrsx is intended for
2276  *              use by a backup program to save (gpfs_igetattrsx) and
2277  *              restore (gpfs_iputattrsx) all extended file attributes
2278  *              (ACLs, user attributes, ...) in one call.
2279  *
2280  *              NOTE: This call can optionally return extended attributes
2281  *                    used for the Data Storage Management (XDSM) API
2282  *                    (aka DMAPI).
2283  *
2284  * Input:       ifile:      pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2285  *              flags   Define behavior of get attributes
2286  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes for placement
2287  *                      are not saved, neither is the current storage pool.
2288  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes for placement
2289  *                      are saved, but the current storage pool is not.
2290  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_DMAPI - file attributes for dmapi are
2291  *                      included in the returned buffer
2292  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_ENCR - file attributes for encryption
2293  *                      are included in the returned buffer
2294  *
2295  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned attributes
2296  *              bufferSize: size of buffer
2297  *              attrSize:   ptr to returned size of attributes
2298  *
2299  * Returns:     0       Successful
2300  *              -1      Failure
2301  *
2302  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2303  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
2304  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
2305  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return all attributes
2306  *                      *attrSizeP will be set to the size necessary
2307  */
2308 int GPFS_API
2309 gpfs_igetattrsx(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2310                 int flags,
2311                 void *buffer,
2312                 int bufferSize,
2313                 int *attrSize);
2316 /* NAME:        gpfs_igetxattr()
2317  *
2318  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves an extended file attributes from ifile which has been open
2319  *              by gpfs_iopen().
2320  *
2321  *              NOTE: This call does not return extended attributes used for
2322  *                    the Data Storage Management (XDSM) API (aka DMAPI).
2323  *
2324  * Input:       ifile:      pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2325  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for key and returned extended
2326  *                          attribute value
2327  *              bufferSize: size of buffer, should be enough to save attribute value
2328  *              attrSize:   ptr to key length as input and ptr to the returned
2329  *                          size of attributes as putput.
2330  *
2331  * Returns:      0      Successful
2332  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2333  *
2334  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2335  *              EPERM caller must have superuser priviledges
2336  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2337  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return all attributes
2338  *                      *attrSize will be set to the size necessary
2339  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
2340  */
2341 int GPFS_API
2342 gpfs_igetxattr(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2343 	       void *buffer,
2344 	       int bufferSize,
2345 	       int *attrSize);
2348 /* NAME:        gpfs_iputattrs()
2349  *
2350  * FUNCTION:    Sets all extended file attributes of a file.
2351  *              The buffer passed in should contain extended attribute data
2352  *              that was obtained by a previous call to gpfs_igetattrs.
2353  *
2354  *              NOTE: This call will not restore extended attributes
2355  *                    used for the Data Storage Management (XDSM) API
2356  *                    (aka DMAPI). They will be silently ignored.
2357  *
2358  * Input:       ifile:  pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2359  *              buffer: pointer to buffer for returned attributes
2360  *
2361  * Returns:     0       Successful
2362  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2363  *
2364  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2365  *              EINVAL  the buffer does not contain valid attribute data
2366  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2367  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2368  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
2369  */
2370 int GPFS_API
2371 gpfs_iputattrs(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2372                void *buffer);
2375 /* NAME:        gpfs_iputattrsx()
2376  *
2377  * FUNCTION:    Sets all extended file attributes of a file.
2378  *
2379  *              This routine can optionally invoke the policy engine
2380  *              to match a RESTORE rule using the file's attributes saved
2381  *              in the extended attributes to set the file's storage pool and
2382  *              data replication as when calling gpfs_fputattrswithpathname.
2383  *              When used with the policy the caller should include the
2384  *              full path to the file, including the file name, to allow
2385  *              rule selection based on file name or path.
2386  *
2387  *              By default, the routine will not use RESTORE policy rules
2388  *              for data placement. The pathName parameter will be ignored
2389  *              and may be set to NULL.
2390  *
2391  *              If the call does not use RESTORE policy rules, or if the
2392  *              file fails to match a RESTORE rule, or if there are no
2393  *              RESTORE rules installed, then the storage pool and data
2394  *              replication are selected as when calling gpfs_fputattrs().
2395  *
2396  *              The buffer passed in should contain extended attribute data
2397  *              that was obtained by a previous call to gpfs_fgetattrs.
2398  *
2399  *              pathName is a UTF-8 encoded string. On Windows, applications
2400  *              can convert UTF-16 ("Unicode") to UTF-8 using the platforms
2401  *              WideCharToMultiByte function.
2402  *
2403  *              NOTE: This call will restore extended attributes
2404  *                    used for the Data Storage Management (XDSM) API
2405  *                    (aka DMAPI) if they are present in the buffer.
2406  *
2407  * Input:       ifile:  pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2408  *              flags   Define behavior of put attributes
2409  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes are restored
2410  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are unchanged
2411  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes are restored
2412  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are selected
2413  *                      by matching the saved attributes to a placement rule
2414  *                      instead of restoring the saved storage pool.
2415  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_USE_POLICY - file attributes are restored
2416  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are selected
2417  *                      by matching the saved attributes to a RESTORE rule
2418  *                      instead of restoring the saved storage pool.
2419  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_FINALIZE_ATTRS - file attributes that are restored
2420  *                      after data is retored. If file is immutable/appendOnly
2421  *                      call without this flag before restoring data
2422  *                      then call with this flag after restoring data
2423  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_ENCR - file attributes for encryption
2424  *                      are restored. Note that this may result in the file's
2425  *                      File Encryption Key (FEK) being changed, and in this
2426  *                      case any prior content in the file is effectively lost.
2427  *                      This option should only be used when the entire file
2428  *                      content is restored after the attributes are restored.
2429  *
2430  *              buffer: pointer to buffer for returned attributes
2431  *              pathName: pointer to file path and file name for file
2432  *                        May be set to NULL.
2433  *
2434  * Returns:     0       Successful
2435  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2436  *
2437  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2438  *              EINVAL  the buffer does not contain valid attribute data
2439  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
2440  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2441  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2442  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
2443  */
2444 int GPFS_API
2445 gpfs_iputattrsx(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,
2446                 int flags,
2447                 void *buffer,
2448                 const char *pathName);
2451 /* NAME:        gpfs_igetfilesetname()
2452  *
2453  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves the name of the fileset which contains this file.
2454  *              The fileset name is a null-terminated string, with a
2455  *              a maximum length of GPFS_MAXNAMLEN.
2456  *
2457  * Input:       iscan:      ptr to gpfs_iscan_t from gpfs_open_inodescan()
2458  *              filesetId:  ia_filesetId returned in an iattr from the iscan
2459  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned fileset name
2460  *              bufferSize: size of buffer
2461  *
2462  * Returns:     0       Successful
2463  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2464  *
2465  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2466  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2467  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2468  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return fileset name
2469  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad iscan parameter
2470  */
2471 int GPFS_API
2472 gpfs_igetfilesetname(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
2473                      unsigned int filesetId,
2474                      void *buffer,
2475                      int bufferSize);
2478 /* NAME:        gpfs_igetstoragepool()
2479  *
2480  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves the name of the storage pool assigned for
2481  *              this file's data. The storage pool name is a null-terminated
2482  *              string, with a maximum length of GPFS_MAXNAMLEN.
2483  *
2484  * Input:       iscan:      ptr to gpfs_iscan_t from gpfs_open_inodescan()
2485  *              dataPoolId: ia_dataPoolId returned in an iattr from the iscan
2486  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned attributes
2487  *              bufferSize: size of buffer
2488  *
2489  * Returns:     0       Successful
2490  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2491  *
2492  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2493  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2494  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2495  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return all storage pool name
2496  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad iscan parameters
2497  */
2498 int GPFS_API
2499 gpfs_igetstoragepool(gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,
2500                      unsigned int dataPoolId,
2501                      void *buffer,
2502                      int bufferSize);
2505 /* NAME:        gpfs_iclose()
2506  *
2507  * FUNCTION:    Close file opened by inode and update dates.
2508  *
2509  * Input:       ifile:   pointer to gpfs_ifile_t from gpfs_iopen
2510  *
2511  * Returns:     void
2512  */
2513 void GPFS_API
2514 gpfs_iclose(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile);
2517 /* NAME:        gpfs_ireadlink()
2518  *
2519  * FUNCTION:    Read symbolic link by inode number.
2520  *
2521  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for file system & snapshot being scanned
2522  *              ino:        inode number of link file to read
2523  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned link data
2524  *              bufferSize: size of the buffer
2525  *
2526  * Returns:     number of bytes read (Successful)
2527  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2528  *
2529  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2530  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2531  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2532  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnap handle
2533  *              see system call readlink() ERRORS
2534  */
2535 int GPFS_API
2536 gpfs_ireadlink(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
2537                gpfs_ino_t ino,
2538                char *buffer,
2539                int bufferSize);
2541 int GPFS_API
2542 gpfs_ireadlink64(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
2543                gpfs_ino64_t ino,
2544                char *buffer,
2545                int bufferSize);
2548 /* NAME:        gpfs_sync_fs()
2549  *
2550  * FUNCTION:    sync file system.
2551  *
2552  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for file system being restored
2553  *
2554  * Returns:      0 all data flushed to disk (Successful)
2555  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2556  *
2557  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
2558  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2559  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2560  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2561  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnapHandle
2562  */
2563 int GPFS_API
2564 gpfs_sync_fs(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle);
2567 /* NAME:        gpfs_enable_restore()
2568  *
2569  * FUNCTION:    Mark file system as enabled for restore on/off
2570  *
2571  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for file system to be enabled
2572  *                            or disabled for restore
2573  *              on_off:   flag set to 1 to enable restore
2574  *                                    0 to disable restore
2575  *
2576  * Returns:      0 (Successful)
2577  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2578  *
2579  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2580  *              EINVAL bad parameters
2581  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnapHandle
2582  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2583  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2584  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2585  *              E_FS_NOT_RESTORABLE fs is not clean
2586  *              EALREADY fs already marked as requested
2587  *              E_RESTORE_STARTED restore in progress
2588  *
2589  * Notes: EALREADY indicates enable/disable restore was already called
2590  * for this fs. The caller must decide if EALREADY represents an
2591  * error condition.
2592  */
2593 int GPFS_API
2594 gpfs_enable_restore(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
2595                     int on_off);
2598 /* NAME:        gpfs_start_restore()
2599  *
2600  * FUNCTION:    Start a restore session.
2601  *
2602  * Input:       fssnapHandle: handle for file system to be restored
2603  *              restore_flags: Flag to indicate the restore should be started
2604  *                             even if a prior restore has not completed.
2605  *              old_fssnapId: fssnapId of last restored snapshot
2606  *              new_fssnapId: fssnapId of snapshot being restored
2607  *
2608  * Returns:     pointer to gpfs_restore_t (Successful)
2609  *              NULL and errno is set (Failure)
2610  *
2611  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2612  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2613  *              EINVAL missing parameter
2614  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2615  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2616  *              EDOM restore fs does not match existing fs
2617  *              ERANGE restore is missing updates
2618  *              EFORMAT invalid fs version number
2619  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnaphandle
2620  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPID bad fssnapId parameter
2621  *              E_FS_NOT_RESTORABLE fs is not clean for restore
2622  *              E_RESTORE_NOT_ENABLED fs is not enabled for restore
2623  *              EALREADY Restore already in progress
2624  *
2625  * Note: EALREADY indicates start restore was already called for
2626  * this fs. This could be due to a prior restore process that failed
2627  * or it could be due to a concurrent restore process still running.
2628  * The caller must decide if EALREADY represents an error condition.
2629  */
2630 gpfs_restore_t * GPFS_API
2631 gpfs_start_restore(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t *fssnapHandle,
2632                    int restore_flags,
2633                    const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *old_fssnapId,
2634                    const gpfs_fssnap_id_t *new_fssnapId);
2636 #define GPFS_RESTORE_NORMAL 0   /* Restore not started if prior restore
2637                                    has not completed. */
2638 #define GPFS_RESTORE_FORCED 1   /* Restore starts even if prior restore
2639                                    has not completed. */
2642 /* NAME:        gpfs_end_restore()
2643  *
2644  * FUNCTION:    End a restore session.
2645  *
2646  * Input:       restoreId: ptr to gpfs_restore_t
2647  *
2648  * Returns:     0 (Successful)
2649  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2650  *
2651  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2652  *              EINVAL bad parameters
2653  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2654  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2655  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_RESTORE bad restoreId parameter
2656  *              GPFS_E_FS_NOT_RESTORABLE fs is not clean for restore
2657  *              GPFS_E_RESTORE_NOT_ENABLED fs is not enabled for restore
2658  *              EALREADY Restore already ended
2659  *
2660  * Note: EALREADY indicates end restore was already called for
2661  * this fs. This could be due to a concurrent restore process that
2662  * already completed. The caller must decide if EALREADY represents
2663  * an error condition.
2664  */
2665 int GPFS_API
2666 gpfs_end_restore(gpfs_restore_t *restoreId);
2669 /* NAME:        gpfs_ireadx()
2670  *
2671  * FUNCTION:    Block level incremental read on a file opened by gpfs_iopen
2672  *              with a given incremental scan opened via gpfs_open_inodescan.
2673  *
2674  * Input:       ifile:      ptr to gpfs_ifile_t returned from gpfs_iopen()
2675  *              iscan:      ptr to gpfs_iscan_t from gpfs_open_inodescan()
2676  *              buffer:     ptr to buffer for returned data
2677  *              bufferSize: size of buffer for returned data
2678  *              offset:     ptr to offset value
2679  *              termOffset: read terminates before reading this offset
2680  *                          caller may specify ia_size for the file's
2681  *                          gpfs_iattr_t or 0 to scan the entire file.
2682  *              hole:       ptr to returned flag to indicate a hole in the file
2683  *
2684  * Returns:     number of bytes read and returned in buffer
2685  *              or size of hole encountered in the file. (Success)
2686  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2687  *
2688  *              On input, *offset contains the offset in the file
2689  *              at which to begin reading to find a difference same file
2690  *              in a previous snapshot specified when the inodescan was opened.
2691  *              On return, *offset contains the offset of the first
2692  *              difference.
2693  *
2694  *              On return, *hole indicates if the change in the file
2695  *              was data (*hole == 0) and the data is returned in the
2696  *              buffer provided. The function's value is the amount of data
2697  *              returned. If the change is a hole in the file,
2698  *              *hole != 0 and the size of the changed hole is returned
2699  *              as the function value.
2700  *
2701  *              A call with a NULL buffer pointer will query the next increment
2702  *              to be read from the current offset. The *offset, *hole and
2703  *              returned length will be set for the next increment to be read,
2704  *              but no data will be returned. The bufferSize parameter is
2705  *              ignored, but the termOffset parameter will limit the
2706  *              increment returned.
2707  *
2708  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2709  *              EINVAL missing or bad parameter
2710  *              EISDIR file is a directory
2711  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2712  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2713  *              ENOMEM unable to allocate memory for request
2714  *              EDOM fs snapId does match local fs
2715  *              ERANGE previous snapId is more recent than scanned snapId
2716  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameter
2717  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_ISCAN bad iscan parameter
2718  *              see system call read() ERRORS
2719  *
2720  * Notes:       The termOffset parameter provides a means to partition a
2721  *              file's data such that it may be read on more than one node.
2722  */
2723 gpfs_off64_t GPFS_API
2724 gpfs_ireadx(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,      /* in only  */
2725             gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,      /* in only  */
2726             void *buffer,             /* in only  */
2727             int bufferSize,           /* in only  */
2728             gpfs_off64_t *offset,     /* in/out   */
2729             gpfs_off64_t termOffset,  /* in only */
2730             int *hole);               /* out only */
2733 /* NAME:        gpfs_ireadx_ext
2734  *
2735  * FUNCTION:    gpfs_ireadx_ext is used to find different blocks between clone
2736  *              child and parent files. Input and output are the same as
2737  *              gpfs_ireadx.
2738  *
2739  * Returns:     See gpfs_ireadx()
2740  */
2741 gpfs_off64_t GPFS_API
2742 gpfs_ireadx_ext(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,      /* in only  */
2743             gpfs_iscan_t *iscan,      /* in only  */
2744             void *buffer,             /* in only  */
2745             int bufferSize,           /* in only  */
2746             gpfs_off64_t *offset,     /* in/out   */
2747             gpfs_off64_t termOffset,  /* in only */
2748             int *hole);
2751 /* NAME:        gpfs_iwritex()
2752  *
2753  * FUNCTION:    Write file opened by gpfs_iopen.
2754  *              If parameter hole == 0, then write data
2755  *              addressed by buffer to the given offset for the
2756  *              given length. If hole != 0, then write
2757  *              a hole at the given offset for the given length.
2758  *
2759  * Input:       ifile :   ptr to gpfs_ifile_t returned from gpfs_iopen()
2760  *              buffer:   ptr to data buffer
2761  *              writeLen: length of data to write
2762  *              offset:   offset in file to write data
2763  *              hole:     flag =1 to write a "hole"
2764  *                             =0 to write data
2765  *
2766  * Returns:     number of bytes/size of hole written (Success)
2767  *              -1 and errno is set (Failure)
2768  *
2769  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2770  *              EINVAL missing or bad parameter
2771  *              EISDIR file is a directory
2772  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
2773  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
2774  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameter
2775  *              see system call write() ERRORS
2776  */
2777 gpfs_off64_t GPFS_API
2778 gpfs_iwritex(gpfs_ifile_t *ifile,    /* in only */
2779              void *buffer,           /* in only */
2780              gpfs_off64_t writeLen,  /* in only */
2781              gpfs_off64_t offset,    /* in only */
2782              int hole);              /* in only */
2785 /* NAME:        gpfs_statfspool()
2786  *
2787  * FUNCTION:    Obtain status information about the storage pools
2788  *
2789  * Input:       pathname   : path to any file in the file system
2790  *              poolId     : id of first pool to return
2791  *                           on return set to next poolId or -1
2792  *                           to indicate there are no more pools.
2793  *              options    : option flags (currently not used)
2794  *              nPools     : number of stat structs requested or 0
2795  *                           on return number of stat structs in buffer
2796  *                           or if nPools was 0 its value is the max number
2797  *                           of storage pools currently defined
2798  *              buffer     :  ptr to return stat structures
2799  *              bufferSize : sizeof stat buffer
2800  *
2801  *              The user is expected to issue two or more calls. On the first
2802  *              call the user should pass nPools set to 0 and gpfs will
2803  *              return in nPools the total number of storage pools currently
2804  *              defined for the file system indicated by the pathname
2805  *              and it returns in poolId the id of the first storage pool.
2806  *              The buffer parameter may be set to NULL for this call.
2807  *
2808  *              The user may then allocate a buffer large enough to contain
2809  *              a gpfs_statfspool_t structure for each of the pools and issue
2810  *              a second call to obtain stat information about each pool.
2811  *              Parameter nPools should be set the number of pools requested.
2812  *              On return, nPools will be set to the number of stat structs
2813  *              contained in the buffer, and poolId will be set to the id
2814  *              of the next storage pool or -1 to indicate there are no
2815  *              additional storage pools defined.
2816  *
2817  *              Alternatively, if the user has a valid poolId from a previous
2818  *              call, the user may provide that poolId and a buffer large
2819  *              enough for a single gpfs_statfspool_t structure, and the call
2820  *              will return the status for a single storage pool.
2821  *
2822  *
2823  * Returns:     0       Successful
2824  *              -1      Failure
2825  *
2826  * Errno:       Specific error indication
2827  *              EINVAL
2828  */
2829 int GPFS_API
2830 gpfs_statfspool(const char *pathname, /* in only: path to file system*/
2831                 gpfs_pool_t *poolId,  /* in out: id of first pool to return
2832                                          on return set to next poolId
2833                                          or -1 when there are no more pools */
2834                 unsigned int options, /* in only: option flags */
2835                 int *nPools,          /* in out: number of pool stats requested
2836                                          on return number of stat structs
2837                                          returned in buffer or if nPools was
2838                                          set to 0, the return value is the
2839                                          number of pools currently defined */
2840                 void *buffer,         /* ptr to return stat structures */
2841                 int bufferSize);      /* sizeof stat buffer or 0 */
2844 /* NAME:        gpfs_getpoolname()
2845  *
2846  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves the name of the storage pool assigned for
2847  *              this file's data. The storage pool name is a null-terminated
2848  *              string, with a maximum length of GPFS_MAXNAMLEN.
2849  *
2850  * Input:       pathname:   path to any file in the file system
2851  *              poolId:     f_poolid returned in gpfs_statfspool_t
2852  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned name
2853  *              bufferSize: size of buffer
2854  *
2855  * Returns:     0       Successful
2856  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
2857  *
2858  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
2859  *              ESTALE file system was unmounted
2860  *              E_FORMAT_INCOMPAT file system does not support pools
2861  *              E2BIG  buffer too small to return storage pool name
2862  */
2863 int GPFS_API
2864 gpfs_getpoolname(const char *pathname,
2865                  gpfs_pool_t poolId,
2866                  void *buffer,
2867                  int bufferSize);
2870 /* /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h includes /usr/src/linux/include/linux/quota.h
2871    which has conflicting definitions. */
2872 #ifdef _LINUX_QUOTA_
2873   #undef Q_SYNC
2874   #undef Q_GETQUOTA
2875   #undef Q_SETQUOTA
2876   #undef Q_QUOTAON
2877   #undef Q_QUOTAOFF
2878 #endif
2881 /* GPFS QUOTACTL */
2883 /*
2884  * Command definitions for the 'gpfs_quotactl' system call.
2885  * The commands are broken into a main command defined below
2886  * and a subcommand that is used to convey the type of
2887  * quota that is being manipulated (see above).
2888  */
2890 #define SUBCMDMASK      0x00ff
2891 #define SUBCMDSHIFT     8
2892 #define GPFS_QCMD(cmd, type) (((cmd) << SUBCMDSHIFT) | ((type) & SUBCMDMASK))
2894 #define Q_QUOTAON       0x0100  /* enable quotas */
2895 #define Q_QUOTAOFF      0x0200  /* disable quotas */
2896 #define Q_GETQUOTA      0x0300  /* get limits and usage */
2898   /* Standard AIX definitions of quota commands */
2899   #define Q_SETQUOTA    0x0400  /* set limits */
2900   #define Q_SETQLIM     Q_SETQUOTA
2901 #else
2902   /* Alternate definitions, for Linux Affinity */
2903   #define Q_SETQLIM     0x0400  /* set limits */
2904   #define Q_SETQUOTA    0x0700  /* set limits and usage */
2905 #endif
2906 #define Q_SETUSE        0x0500  /* set usage */
2907 #define Q_SYNC          0x0600  /* sync disk copy of a file systems quotas */
2908 #define Q_SETGRACETIME  0x0900  /* set grace time */
2909 #define Q_SETGRACETIME_ENHANCE  0x0800  /* set grace time and update all
2910                                          * quota entries */
2911 #define Q_GETDQPFSET    0x0A00  /* get default quota per fileset */
2912 #define Q_SETDQPFSET    0x0B00  /* set default quota per fileset */
2913 #define Q_SETQUOTA_UPDATE_ET 0x0C00 /* this SETQUOTA needs to update entryType */
2914 #define Q_GETDQPFSYS    0x0D00  /* get default quota per file system */
2915 #define Q_SETDQPFSYS    0x0E00  /* set default quota per file system */
2917 /* gpfs quota types */
2918 #define GPFS_USRQUOTA     0
2919 #define GPFS_GRPQUOTA     1
2920 #define GPFS_FILESETQUOTA 2
2922 /* define GPFS generated errno */
2923 #define GPFS_E_NO_QUOTA_INST  237 /* file system does not support quotas */
2925 typedef struct gpfs_quotaInfo
2926 {
2927   gpfs_off64_t blockUsage;      /* current block count in 1 KB units*/
2928   gpfs_off64_t blockHardLimit;  /* absolute limit on disk blks alloc */
2929   gpfs_off64_t blockSoftLimit;  /* preferred limit on disk blks */
2930   gpfs_off64_t blockInDoubt;    /* distributed shares + "lost" usage for blks */
2931   int          inodeUsage;      /* current # allocated inodes */
2932   int          inodeHardLimit;  /* absolute limit on allocated inodes */
2933   int          inodeSoftLimit;  /* preferred inode limit */
2934   int          inodeInDoubt;    /* distributed shares + "lost" usage for inodes */
2935   gpfs_uid_t   quoId;           /* uid, gid or fileset id */
2936   int          entryType;       /* entry type, not used */
2937   unsigned int blockGraceTime;  /* time limit for excessive disk use */
2938   unsigned int inodeGraceTime;  /* time limit for excessive inode use */
2939 } gpfs_quotaInfo_t;
2942 /* NAME:        gpfs_quotactl()
2943  *
2944  * FUNCTION:    Manipulate disk quotas
2945  * INPUT:       pathname: specifies the pathname of any file within the
2946  *                        mounted file system to which the command is to
2947  *                        be applied
2948  *              cmd: specifies a quota control command to be applied
2949  *                   to UID/GID/FILESETID id. The cmd parameter can be
2950  *                   constructed using GPFS_QCMD(cmd, type) macro defined
2951  *                   in gpfs.h
2952  *              id:  UID or GID or FILESETID that command applied to.
2953  *              bufferP: points to the address of an optional, command
2954  *                       specific, data structure that is copied in or out of
2955  *                       the system.
2956  *
2957  * OUTPUT:      bufferP, if applicable.
2958  *
2959  * Returns:     0 success
2960  *              -1 failure
2961  *
2962  * Errno:       EACCESS
2963  *              EFAULT        An invalid bufferP parameter is supplied;
2964  *                            the associated structure could not be copied
2965  *                            in or out of the kernel
2966  *              EINVAL
2967  *              ENOENT        No such file or directory
2968  *              EPERM         The quota control command is privileged and
2969  *                            the caller did not have root user authority
2970  *              EOPNOTSUPP
2971  *              GPFS_E_NO_QUOTA_INST The file system does not support quotas
2972  */
2973 int GPFS_API
2974 gpfs_quotactl(const char *pathname,
2975               int cmd,
2976               int id,
2977               void *bufferP);
2980 /* NAME:        gpfs_getfilesetid()
2981  *
2982  * FUNCTION:    Translate FilesetName to FilesetID
2983  *
2984  * INPUT:       pathname: specifies the pathname of any file within the
2985  *                        mounted file system to which the command is to
2986  *                        be applied
2987  *              name: name of the fileset
2988  *
2989  * OUTPUT:      idP:  points to the address of an integer that receives the ID
2990  *
2991  * Returns:     0 success
2992  *              -1 failure
2993  *
2994  * Errno:       EACCESS
2995  *              EFAULT        An invalid pointer is supplied; the associated
2996  *                            data could not be copied in or out of the kernel
2997  *              EINVAL
2998  *              ENOENT        No such file, directory or fileset
2999  */
3000 int GPFS_API
3001 gpfs_getfilesetid(const char *pathname,
3002                   const char *name,
3003                   int *idP);
3006 /* NAME:        gpfs_clone_snap()
3007  *
3008  * FUNCTION:    Create an immutable clone parent from a source file
3009  *
3010  * Input:       sourcePathP:  path to source file, which will be cloned
3011  *              destPathP:    path to destination file, to be created
3012  *
3013  *              If destPathP is NULL, then the source file will be changed
3014  *              in place into an immutable clone parent.
3015  *
3016  * Returns:     0       Successful
3017  *              -1      Failure
3018  *
3019  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
3020  *              ENOENT  File does not exist
3021  *              EACCESS Write access to target or source search permission denied
3022  *              EINVAL  Not a regular file or not a GPFS file system
3023  *              EFAULT  Input argument points outside accessible address space
3024  *              ENAMETOOLONG  Source or destination path name too long
3025  *              ENOSPC  Not enough space on disk
3026  *              EISDIR  Destination is a directory
3027  *              EXDEV   Source and destination aren't in the same file system
3028  *              EROFS   Destination is read-only
3029  *              EPERM   Invalid source file
3030  *              EEXIST  Destination file already exists
3031  *              EBUSY   Source file is open
3032  *              EFORMAT File system does not support clones
3033  *              EMEDIUMTYPE File system does not support clones
3034  */
3035 int GPFS_API
3036 gpfs_clone_snap(const char *sourcePathP, const char *destPathP);
3038 /* NAME:        gpfs_clone_copy()
3039  *
3040  * FUNCTION:    Create a clone copy of an immutable clone parent file
3041  *
3042  * Input:       sourcePathP:  path to immutable source file, to be cloned
3043  *              destPathP:    path to destination file, to be created
3044  *
3045  * Returns:     0       Successful
3046  *              -1      Failure
3047  *
3048  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
3049  *              ENOENT  File does not exist
3050  *              EACCESS Write access to target or source search permission denied
3051  *              EINVAL  Not a regular file or not a GPFS file system
3052  *              EFAULT  Input argument points outside accessible address space
3053  *              ENAMETOOLONG  Source or destination path name too long
3054  *              ENOSPC  Not enough space on disk
3055  *              EISDIR  Destination is a directory
3056  *              EXDEV   Source and destination aren't in the same file system
3057  *              EROFS   Destination is read-only
3058  *              EPERM   Invalid source or destination file
3059  *              EEXIST  Destination file already exists
3060  *              EFORMAT File system does not support clones
3061  *              EMEDIUMTYPE File system does not support clones
3062  */
3063 int GPFS_API
3064 gpfs_clone_copy(const char *sourcePathP, const char *destPathP);
3067 /* NAME:        gpfs_declone()
3068  *
3069  * FUNCTION:    Copy blocks from clone parent(s) to child so that the
3070  *              parent blocks are no longer referenced by the child.
3071  *
3072  * Input:       fileDesc:  File descriptor for file to be de-cloned
3073  *              ancLimit:  Ancestor limit (immediate parent only, or all)
3074  *              nBlocks:   Maximum number of GPFS blocks to copy
3075  * In/Out:      offsetP:   Pointer to starting offset within file (will be
3076  *                         updated to offset of next block to process or
3077  *                         -1 if no more blocks)
3078  *
3079  * Returns:     0       Successful
3080  *              -1      Failure
3081  *
3082  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
3083  *              EINVAL  Invalid argument to function
3084  *              EBADF   Bad file descriptor or not a GPFS file
3085  *              EPERM   Not a regular file
3086  *              EACCESS Write access to target file not permitted
3087  *              EFAULT  Input argument points outside accessible address space
3088  *              ENOSPC  Not enough space on disk
3089  */
3091 /* Values for ancLimit */
3092 #define GPFS_CLONE_ALL         0
3095 int GPFS_API
3096 gpfs_declone(gpfs_file_t fileDesc, int ancLimit, gpfs_off64_t nBlocks,
3097              gpfs_off64_t *offsetP);
3099 /* NAME:        gpfs_clone_split()
3100  *
3101  * FUNCTION:    Split a clone child file from its parent.  Must call
3102  *              gpfs_declone first, to remove all references.
3103  *
3104  * Input:       fileDesc:  File descriptor for file to be split
3105  *              ancLimit:  Ancestor limit (immediate parent only, or all)
3106  *
3107  * Returns:     0       Successful
3108  *              -1      Failure
3109  *
3110  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
3111  *              EINVAL  Invalid argument to function
3112  *              EBADF   Bad file descriptor or not a GPFS file
3113  *              EPERM   Not a regular file or not a clone child
3114  *              EACCESS Write access to target file not permitted
3115  */
3116 int GPFS_API
3117 gpfs_clone_split(gpfs_file_t fileDesc, int ancLimit);
3119 /* NAME:        gpfs_clone_unsnap()
3120  *
3121  * FUNCTION:    Change a clone parent with no children back into a
3122  *              normal file.
3123  *
3124  * Input:       fileDesc:  File descriptor for file to be un-snapped
3125  *
3126  * Returns:     0       Successful
3127  *              -1      Failure
3128  *
3129  * Errno:       ENOSYS  Function not available
3130  *              EINVAL  Invalid argument to function
3131  *              EBADF   Bad file descriptor or not a GPFS file
3132  *              EPERM   Not a regular file or not a clone parent
3133  *              EACCESS Write access to target file not permitted
3134  */
3135 int GPFS_API
3136 gpfs_clone_unsnap(gpfs_file_t fileDesc);
3138 /* NAME:       gpfs_get_fset_masks()
3139  *
3140  * FUNCTION:   return bit masks governing "external" inode and inode-space numbering
3141  *
3142  * Input:      fset_snaphandle: ptr to an fset snaphandle
3143  * Output:     the bit masks and inodes per block factor.
3144  *
3145  * Returns:    0       Success
3146  *            -1       Failure
3147  *
3148  * Errno:       ENOSYS function not available
3149  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_FSSNAPHANDLE invalid fssnapHandle
3150  */
3151 int GPFS_API
3152 gpfs_get_fset_masks(gpfs_fssnap_handle_t* fset_snapHandle,
3153                     gpfs_ino64_t* inodeSpaceMask,
3154                     gpfs_ino64_t* inodeBlockMask,
3155                     int* inodesPerInodeBlock);
3158 /*
3159  *   API functions for Light Weight Event
3160  */
3162 /*
3163  * Define light weight event types
3164  */
3165 typedef enum
3166 {
3167   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_UNKNOWN         = 0, /* "Uknown event" */
3168   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEOPEN        = 1, /* 'OPEN' - look at getInfo('OPEN_FLAGS') if you care */
3169   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILECLOSE       = 2, /* "File Close Event" 'CLOSE' */
3170   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEREAD        = 3, /* "File Read Event" 'READ' */
3171   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEWRITE       = 4, /* "File Write Event" 'WRITE' */
3172   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEDESTROY     = 5, /* File is being destroyed 'DESTROY' */
3173   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEEVICT       = 6, /* OpenFile object is being evicted from memory 'FILE_EVICT' */
3174   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_BUFFERFLUSH     = 7, /* Data buffer is being written to disk 'BUFFER_FLUSH' */
3175   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_POOLTHRESHOLD   = 8, /* Storage pool exceeded defined utilization 'POOL_THRESHOLD' */
3176   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEDATA        = 9, /* "Read/Write/Trunc" event on open file */
3177   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILERENAME      = 10, /* Rename event on open file */
3178   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEUNLINK      = 11, /* Unlink file event */
3179   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILERMDIR       = 12, /* Remove directory event */
3180   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_EVALUATE        = 13, /* Evaluate And Set Events */
3182   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEOPEN_READ   = 14, /* Open for Read Only -  EVENT 'OPEN_READ' - deprecated, use 'OPEN' */
3183   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEOPEN_WRITE  = 15, /* Open with Writing privileges - EVENT 'OPEN_WRITE' - deprecated, use 'OPEN' */
3185   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_FILEPOOL_CHANGE = 16, /* Open with Writing privileges - EVENT 'OPEN_WRITE' - deprecated, use 'OPEN' */
3187   GPFS_LWE_EVENT_MAX = 17, /* 1 greater than any of the above */
3188 } gpfs_lwe_eventtype_t;
3191 /* Define light weight event response types */
3192 typedef enum
3193 {
3194   GPFS_LWE_RESP_INVALID  = 0,  /* "Response Invalid/Unknown" */
3195   GPFS_LWE_RESP_CONTINUE = 1,  /* "Response Continue" */
3196   GPFS_LWE_RESP_ABORT    = 2,  /* "Response Abort" */
3197   GPFS_LWE_RESP_DONTCARE = 3   /* "Response DontCare" */
3198 } gpfs_lwe_resp_t;
3200 /*
3201  * Define light weight event inofrmation
3202  */
3203 #define LWE_DATA_FS_NAME          0x00000001  /* "fsName" */
3204 #define LWE_DATA_PATH_NAME        0x00000002  /* "pathName" */
3205 #define LWE_DATA_PATH_NEW_NAME    0x00000004  /* "pathNewName" for reanem */
3206 #define LWE_DATA_URL              0x00000008  /* "URL" */
3207 #define LWE_DATA_INODE            0x00000010  /* "inode" */
3208 #define LWE_DATA_OPEN_FLAGS       0x00000020  /* "openFlags" */
3209 #define LWE_DATA_POOL_NAME        0x00000040  /* "poolName" */
3210 #define LWE_DATA_FILE_SIZE        0x00000080  /* "fileSize" */
3211 #define LWE_DATA_OWNER_UID        0x00000100  /* "ownerUserId" */
3212 #define LWE_DATA_OWNER_GID        0x00000200  /* "ownerGroupId" */
3213 #define LWE_DATA_ATIME            0x00000400  /* "atime" */
3214 #define LWE_DATA_MTIME            0x00000800  /* "mtime" */
3215 #define LWE_DATA_NOW_TIME         0x00001000  /* "nowTime" */
3216 #define LWE_DATA_ELAPSED_TIME     0x00002000  /* "elapsedTime" */
3217 #define LWE_DATA_CLIENT_UID       0x00004000  /* "clientUserId" */
3218 #define LWE_DATA_CLIENT_GID       0x00008000  /* "clientGroupId" */
3219 #define LWE_DATA_NFS_IP           0x00010000  /* "clientIp" */
3220 #define LWE_DATA_PROCESS_ID       0x00020000  /* "processId" */
3221 #define LWE_DATA_TARGET_POOL_NAME 0x00040000  /* "targetPoolName" */
3222 #define LWE_DATA_BYTES_READ       0x00080000  /* "bytesRead" */
3223 #define LWE_DATA_BYTES_WRITTEN    0x00100000  /* "bytesWritten" */
3224 #define LWE_DATA_CLUSTER_NAME     0x00200000  /* "clusterName" */
3225 #define LWE_DATA_NODE_NAME        0x00400000  /* "nodeName" */
3227 /*
3228  * Define light weight events
3229  */
3230 #define LWE_EVENT_EVALUATED       0x00000001  /* policy was evaluated */
3231 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEOPEN        0x00000002  /* "op_open" */
3232 #define LWE_EVENT_FILECLOSE       0x00000004  /* "op_close" */
3233 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEREAD        0x00000008  /* "op_read" */
3234 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEWRITE       0x00000010  /* "op_write" */
3235 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEDESTROY     0x00000020  /* "op_destroy" */
3236 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEEVICT       0x00000040  /* "op_evict" OpenFile object is being evicted from memory 'FILE_EVICT' */
3237 #define LWE_EVENT_BUFFERFLUSH     0x00000080  /* "op_buffer_flush" Data buffer is being written to disk 'BUFFER_FLUSH' */
3238 #define LWE_EVENT_POOLTHRESHOLD   0x00000100  /* "op_pool_threshhold" Storage pool exceeded defined utilization 'POOL_THRESHOLD' */
3239 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEDATA        0x00000200  /* "op_data" "Read/Write/Trunc" event on open file */
3240 #define LWE_EVENT_FILERENAME      0x00000400  /* "op_rename" Rename event on open file */
3241 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEUNLINK      0x00000800  /* "op_unlink" Unlink file event */
3242 #define LWE_EVENT_FILERMDIR       0x00001000  /* "op_rmdir" Remove directory event */
3243 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEOPEN_READ   0x00002000  /* "op_open_read" Open for Read Only -  EVENT 'OPEN_READ' - deprecated, use 'OPEN' */
3244 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEOPEN_WRITE  0x00004000  /* "op_open_write" Open with Writing privileges - EVENT 'OPEN_WRITE' - deprecated, use 'OPEN' */
3245 #define LWE_EVENT_FILEPOOL_CHANGE 0x00008000  /* "op_pool_change" Open with Writing privileges - EVENT 'OPEN_WRITE' - deprecated, use 'OPEN' */
3247 /*
3248  * Defines for light weight sessions
3249  */
3250 typedef unsigned long long gpfs_lwe_sessid_t;
3251 #define GPFS_LWE_NO_SESSION  ((gpfs_lwe_sessid_t) 0)
3252 #define GPFS_LWE_SESSION_INFO_LEN 256
3255 /*
3256  * Define light weight token to identify access right
3257  */
3258 typedef struct gpfs_lwe_token
3259 {
3260   unsigned long long high;
3261   unsigned long long low;
3263 #ifdef __cplusplus
3264   bool operator == (const struct gpfs_lwe_token& rhs) const
3265     { return high == rhs.high && low == rhs.low; };
3266   bool operator != (const struct gpfs_lwe_token& rhs) const
3267     { return high != rhs.high || low != rhs.low; };
3268 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
3270 } gpfs_lwe_token_t;
3272 /* Define special tokens */
3273 static const gpfs_lwe_token_t  _gpfs_lwe_no_token = { 0, 0 };
3274 #define GPFS_LWE_NO_TOKEN      _gpfs_lwe_no_token
3276 static const gpfs_lwe_token_t  _gpfs_lwe_invalid_token = { 0, 1 };
3277 #define GPFS_LWE_INVALID_TOKEN _gpfs_lwe_invalid_token
3279 /*
3280  * Note: LWE data managers can set a file's off-line bit
3281  * or any of the managed bits visible to the policy language
3282  * by calling dm_set_region or dm_set_region_nosync
3283  * with a LWE session and LWE exclusive token. To set the bits
3284  * there must be  * exactly one managed region with offset = -1
3285  * and size = 0. Any other values will return EINVAL.
3286  */
3288 /* LWE also provides light weight regions
3289  * that are set via policy rules.
3290  */
3291 #define GPFS_LWE_MAX_REGIONS 2
3293 /* LWE data events are generated from user access
3294  * to a LWE managed region. */
3295 #define GPFS_LWE_DATAEVENT_NONE     (0x0)
3296 #define GPFS_LWE_DATAEVENT_READ     (0x1)
3297 #define GPFS_LWE_DATAEVENT_WRITE    (0x2)
3302 /*
3303  * Define light weight event structure
3304  */
3305 typedef struct gpfs_lwe_event {
3306   int                   eventLen;        /* offset 0 */
3307   gpfs_lwe_eventtype_t  eventType;       /* offset 4 */
3308   gpfs_lwe_token_t      eventToken;      /* offset 8 <--- Must on DWORD */
3309   int                   isSync;          /* offset 16 */
3310   int                   parmLen;         /* offset 20 */
3311   char*                 parmP;           /* offset 24 <-- Must on DWORD */
3312 } gpfs_lwe_event_t;
3316 /*
3317  * Define light weight access rights
3318  */
3319 #define GPFS_LWE_RIGHT_NULL           0
3320 #define GPFS_LWE_RIGHT_SHARED         1
3321 #define GPFS_LWE_RIGHT_EXCL           2
3324 /* Flag indicating whether to wait
3325  * when requesting a right or an event
3326  */
3327 #define GPFS_LWE_FLAG_NONE   0
3328 #define GPFS_LWE_FLAG_WAIT   1
3334 /* NAME:       gpfs_lwe_create_session()
3335  *
3336  * FUNCTION:   create a light weight event session
3337  *
3338  * Input:      oldsid: existing session id,
3339  *                     Set to GPFS_LWE_NO_SESSION to start new session
3340  *                       - If a session with the same name and id already exists
3341  *                         it is not terminated, nor will outstanding events
3342  *                         be redelivered. This is typically used if a session
3343  *                         is shared between multiple processes.
3344  *                     Set to an existing session's id to resume that session
3345  *                       - If a session with the same name exists, that session
3346  *                         will be terminated. All pending/outstanding events
3347  *                         for the old session will be redelivered on the new one.
3348  *                         This is typically used to take over a session from a
3349  *                         failed/hung process.
3350  *             sessinfop: session string, unique for each session
3351  *
3352  * Output:     newsidp: session id for new session
3353  *
3354  * Returns:    0       Success
3355  *            -1       Failure
3356  *
3357  * Errno:     ENOSYS Function not available
3358  *            EINVAL invalid parameters
3359  *            ENFILE maximum number of sessions have already been created
3360  *            ENOMEM insufficient memory to create new session
3361  *            ENOENT session to resume does not exist
3362  *            EEXIST session to resume exists with different id
3363  *            EPERM  Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3364  */
3365 int GPFS_API
3366 gpfs_lwe_create_session(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  oldsid,        /* IN */
3367                         char              *sessinfop,     /* IN */
3368                         gpfs_lwe_sessid_t *newsidp);      /* OUT */
3374 /* NAME:       gpfs_lwe_destroy_session()
3375  *
3376  * FUNCTION:   destroy a light weight event session
3377  *
3378  * Input:      sid: id of the session to be destroyed
3379  *
3380  * Returns:    0       Success
3381  *            -1       Failure
3382  *
3383  * Errno:     ENOSYS Function not available
3384  *            EINVAL sid invalid
3385  *            EBUSY  session is busy
3386  *            EPERM  Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3387  */
3388 int GPFS_API
3389 gpfs_lwe_destroy_session(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t sid);         /* IN */
3394 /* NAME:       gpfs_lwe_getall_sessions()
3395  *
3396  * FUNCTION:   fetch all lwe sessions
3397  *
3398  * Input:      nelem:   max number of elements
3399  *             sidbufp: array of session id
3400  *             nelemp:  number of session returned in sidbufp
3401  *
3402  * Returns:    0       Success
3403  *            -1       Failure
3404  *
3405  * Errno:     ENOSYS Function not available
3406  *            EINVAL pass in args invalid
3407  *            E2BIG  information is too large
3408  *            EPERM  Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3409  */
3410 int GPFS_API
3411 gpfs_lwe_getall_sessions(unsigned int        nelem,      /* IN */
3412                          gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  *sidbufp,    /* OUT */
3413                          unsigned int       *nelemp);    /* OUT */
3416 /* NAME:       gpfs_lw_query_session()
3417  *
3418  * FUNCTION:   query session string by id
3419  *
3420  * Input:      sid:    id of session to be queryed
3421  *             buflen: length of buffer
3422  *             bufp:   buffer to store sessions string
3423  *             rlenp:  returned length of bufp
3424  *
3425  * Returns:    0       Success
3426  *            -1       Failure
3427  *
3428  * Errno:      ENOSYS  Function not available
3429  *             EINVAL  pass in args invalid
3430  *             E2BIG   information is too large
3431  *             EPERM   Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3432  */
3433 int GPFS_API
3434 gpfs_lwe_query_session(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,     /* IN */
3435                        size_t             buflen,  /* IN */
3436                        void              *bufp,    /* OUT */
3437                        size_t            *rlenP);  /* OUT */
3440 /* NAME:       gpfs_lwe_get_events()
3441  *
3442  * FUNCTION:   get events from a light weight session
3443  *
3444  * Input:      sid:     id of the session
3445  *             maxmsgs: max number of event to fetch,
3446  *                      0 to fetch all possible
3447  *             flags:   GPFS_LWE_EV_WAIT: waiting for new events if event
3448  *                      queue is empty
3449  *             buflen:  length of the buffer
3450  *             bufp:    buffer to hold events
3451  *             rlenp:   returned length of bufp
3452  *
3453  * Returns:    0        Success
3454  *             E2BIG    information is too large
3455  *             EINVAL   pass in args invalid
3456  */
3457 int GPFS_API
3458 gpfs_lwe_get_events(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,     /* IN  */
3459                     unsigned int       maxmsgs, /* IN  */
3460                     unsigned int       flags,   /* IN  */
3461                     size_t             buflen,  /* IN  */
3462                     void              *bufp,    /* OUT */
3463                     size_t            *rlenp);  /* OUT */
3465 /* NAME:      gpfs_lwe_respond_event()
3466  *
3467  * FUNCTION:  response to a light weight event
3468  *
3469  * Input:     sid:      id of the session
3470  *            token:    token of the event
3471  *            response: response to the event
3472  *            reterror: return error to event callers
3473  *
3474  * Returns:   0         Success
3475  *            EINVAL    pass in args invalid
3476  *
3477  */
3478 int GPFS_API
3479 gpfs_lwe_respond_event(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,       /* IN */
3480                        gpfs_lwe_token_t   token,     /* IN */
3481                        gpfs_lwe_resp_t    response,  /* IN */
3482                        int                reterror); /* IN */
3485 /* NAME:      gpfs_lwe_request_right
3486  *
3487  * FUNCTION:  Request an access right to a file using a dmapi handle
3488  *
3489  * Input:     sid       Id of lw session
3490  *            hanp      Pointer to dmapi handle
3491  *            hlen      Length of dmapi handle
3492  *            right     Shared or exclusive access requested
3493  *            flags     Caller will wait to acquire access if necessary
3494  *
3495  * Output:    token     Unique identifier for access right
3496  *
3497  * Returns:   0         Success
3498  *            -1        Failure
3499  *
3500  * Errno:     ENOSYS    Function not available
3501  *            ESTALE    GPFS not available
3502  *            EINVAL    Invalid arguments
3503  *            EFAULT    Invalid pointer provided
3504  *            EBADF     Bad file
3505  *            ENOMEM    Uable to allocate memory for request
3506  *            EPERM     Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3507  *            EAGAIN    flags parameter did not include WAIT
3508  *                      and process would be blocked
3509  *
3510  */
3511 int GPFS_API
3512 gpfs_lwe_request_right(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,       /* IN */
3513                        void              *hanp,      /* IN */
3514                        size_t             hlen,      /* IN */
3515                        unsigned int       right,     /* IN */
3516                        unsigned int       flags,     /* IN */
3517                        gpfs_lwe_token_t  *token);    /* OUT */
3520 /* NAME:      gpfs_lwe_upgrade_right
3521  *
3522  * FUNCTION:  Upgrade an access right from shared to exclusive
3523  *
3524  *            This is a non-blocking call to upgrade an access right
3525  *            from shared to exclusive. If the token already conveys
3526  *            exclusive access this call returns imediately with sucess.
3527  *            If another process also holds a shared access right
3528  *            this call fails with EBUSY to avoid deadlocks.
3529  *
3530  * Input:     sid       Id of lw session
3531  *            hanp      Pointer to dmapi handle
3532  *            hlen      Length of dmapi handle
3533  *            token     Unique identifier for access right
3534  *
3535  * Output:    None
3536  *
3537  * Returns:   0         Success
3538  *            -1        Failure
3539  *
3540  * Errno:     ENOSYS    Function not available
3541  *            ESTALE    GPFS not available
3542  *            EINVAL    Invalid arguments
3543  *            EINVAL    The token is invalid
3544  *            EFAULT    Invalid pointer provided
3545  *            EPERM     Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3546  *            EPERM     Token's right is not shared or exclusive
3547  *            EBUSY     Process would be blocked
3548  *
3549  */
3550 int GPFS_API
3551 gpfs_lwe_upgrade_right(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,       /* IN */
3552                        void              *hanp,      /* IN */
3553                        size_t             hlen,      /* IN */
3554                        gpfs_lwe_token_t token);      /* IN */
3557 /* NAME:      gpfs_lwe_downgrade_right
3558  *
3559  * FUNCTION:  Downgrade an access right from exclusive to shared
3560  *
3561  *            This reduces an access right from exclusive to shared
3562  *            without dropping the exclusive right to acquire the shared.
3563  *            The token must convey exclusive right before the call.
3564  *
3565  * Input:     sid       Id of lw session
3566  *            hanp      Pointer to dmapi handle
3567  *            hlen      Length of dmapi handle
3568  *            token     Unique identifier for access right
3569  *
3570  * Output:    None
3571  *
3572  * Returns:   0         Success
3573  *            -1        Failure
3574  *
3575  * Errno:     ENOSYS    Function not available
3576  *            ESTALE    GPFS not available
3577  *            EINVAL    Invalid arguments
3578  *            EINVAL    The token is invalid
3579  *            EFAULT    Invalid pointer provided
3580  *            EPERM     Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3581  *            EPERM     Token's right is not exclusive
3582  *
3583  */
3584 int GPFS_API
3585 gpfs_lwe_downgrade_right(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,   /* IN */
3586                          void              *hanp,  /* IN */
3587                          size_t             hlen,  /* IN */
3588                          gpfs_lwe_token_t token);  /* IN */
3591 /* NAME:      gpfs_lwe_release_right
3592  *
3593  * FUNCTION:  Release an access right conveyed by a token
3594  *
3595  *            This releases the access right held by a token
3596  *            and invalidates the token. Once the access right
3597  *            is released the token cannot be reused.
3598  *
3599  * Input:     sid       Id of lw session
3600  *            hanp      Pointer to dmapi handle
3601  *            hlen      Length of dmapi handle
3602  *            token     Unique identifier for access right
3603  *
3604  * Output:    None
3605  *
3606  * Returns:   0         Success
3607  *            -1        Failure
3608  *
3609  * Errno:     ENOSYS    Function not available
3610  *            ESTALE    GPFS not available
3611  *            EINVAL    Invalid arguments
3612  *            EINVAL    The token is invalid
3613  *            EFAULT    Invalid pointer provided
3614  *            EPERM     Caller does not hold appropriate privilege
3615  */
3616 int GPFS_API
3617 gpfs_lwe_release_right(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,       /* IN */
3618                        void              *hanp,      /* IN */
3619                        size_t             hlen,      /* IN */
3620                        gpfs_lwe_token_t token);      /* IN */
3623 /* NAME:        gpfs_lwe_getattrs()
3624  *
3625  * FUNCTION:    Retrieves all extended file attributes in opaque format.
3626  *              This function together with gpfs_lwe_putattrs is intended for
3627  *              use by a backup program to save (gpfs_lwe_getattrs) and
3628  *              restore (gpfs_lwe_putattrs) all extended file attributes
3629  *              (ACLs, user attributes, ...) in one call.
3630  *
3631  *              NOTE: This call is the lwe equivalent of gpfs_igetattrsx
3632  *                    but uses a file handle to identify the file
3633  *                    and an existing LWE token for locking it.
3634  *
3635  *
3636  * Input:       sid       Id of lw session
3637  *              hanp      Pointer to dmapi handle
3638  *              hlen      Length of dmapi handle
3639  *              token     Unique identifier for access right
3640  *              flags   Define behavior of get attributes
3641  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes for placement
3642  *                      are not saved, neither is the current storage pool.
3643  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes for placement
3644  *                      are saved, but the current storage pool is not.
3645  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_DMAPI - file attributes for dmapi are
3646  *                      included in the returned buffer
3647  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_ENCR - file attributes for encryption
3648  *                      are included in the returned buffer
3649  *
3650  *              buffer:     pointer to buffer for returned attributes
3651  *              bufferSize: size of buffer
3652  *              attrSize:   ptr to returned size of attributes
3653  *
3654  * Returns:     0       Successful
3655  *              -1      Failure
3656  *
3657  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
3658  *              EINVAL  Not a GPFS file
3659  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
3660  *              ENOSPC  buffer too small to return all attributes
3661  *                      *attrSizeP will be set to the size necessary
3662  */
3663 int GPFS_API
3664 gpfs_lwe_getattrs(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,
3665                   void              *hanp,
3666                   size_t             hlen,
3667                   gpfs_lwe_token_t   token,
3668                   int                flags,
3669                   void              *buffer,
3670                   int                bufferSize,
3671                   int               *attrSize);
3674 /* NAME:        gpfs_lwe_putattrs()
3675  *
3676  * FUNCTION:    Sets all extended file attributes of a file.
3677  *
3678  *              This routine can optionally invoke the policy engine
3679  *              to match a RESTORE rule using the file's attributes saved
3680  *              in the extended attributes to set the file's storage pool and
3681  *              data replication as when calling gpfs_fputattrswithpathname.
3682  *              When used with the policy the caller should include the
3683  *              full path to the file, including the file name, to allow
3684  *              rule selection based on file name or path.
3685  *
3686  *              By default, the routine will not use RESTORE policy rules
3687  *              for data placement. The pathName parameter will be ignored
3688  *              and may be set to NULL.
3689  *
3690  *              If the call does not use RESTORE policy rules, or if the
3691  *              file fails to match a RESTORE rule, or if there are no
3692  *              RESTORE rules installed, then the storage pool and data
3693  *              replication are selected as when calling gpfs_fputattrs().
3694  *
3695  *              The buffer passed in should contain extended attribute data
3696  *              that was obtained by a previous call to gpfs_fgetattrs.
3697  *
3698  *              pathName is a UTF-8 encoded string. On Windows, applications
3699  *              can convert UTF-16 ("Unicode") to UTF-8 using the platforms
3700  *              WideCharToMultiByte function.
3701  *
3702  *              NOTE: This call is the lwe equivalent of gpfs_iputaattrsx
3703  *                    but uses a file handle to identify the file
3704  *                    and an existing LWE token for locking it.
3705  *
3706  *
3707  * Input:        sid       Id of lw session
3708  *               hanp      Pointer to dmapi handle
3709  *               hlen      Length of dmapi handle
3710  *               token     Unique identifier for access right
3711  *               flags   Define behavior of put attributes
3712  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_NO_PLACEMENT - file attributes are restored
3713  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are unchanged
3714  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_IGNORE_POOL - file attributes are restored
3715  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are selected
3716  *                      by matching the saved attributes to a placement rule
3717  *                      instead of restoring the saved storage pool.
3718  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_USE_POLICY - file attributes are restored
3719  *                      but the storage pool and data replication are selected
3720  *                      by matching the saved attributes to a RESTORE rule
3721  *                      instead of restoring the saved storage pool.
3722  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_FINALIZE_ATTRS - file attributes that are restored
3723  *                      after data is retored. If file is immutable/appendOnly
3724  *                      call without this flag before restoring data
3725  *                      then call with this flag after restoring data
3726  *                GPFS_ATTRFLAG_INCL_ENCR - file attributes for encryption
3727  *                      are restored. Note that this may result in the file's
3728  *                      File Encryption Key (FEK) being changed, and in this
3729  *                      case any prior content in the file is effectively lost.
3730  *                      This option should only be used when the entire file
3731  *                      content is restored after the attributes are restored.
3732  *
3733  *              buffer: pointer to buffer for returned attributes
3734  *              pathName: pointer to file path and file name for file
3735  *                        May be set to NULL.
3736  *
3737  * Returns:     0       Successful
3738  *              -1      Failure and errno is set
3739  *
3740  * Errno:       ENOSYS  function not available
3741  *              EINVAL  the buffer does not contain valid attribute data
3742  *              EINVAL  invalid flags provided
3743  *              EPERM caller must have superuser privilege
3744  *              ESTALE cached fs information was invalid
3745  *              GPFS_E_INVAL_IFILE bad ifile parameters
3746  */
3747 int GPFS_API
3748 gpfs_lwe_putattrs(gpfs_lwe_sessid_t  sid,
3749                   void              *hanp,
3750                   size_t             hlen,
3751                   gpfs_lwe_token_t   token,
3752                   int                flags,
3753                   void              *buffer,
3754                   const char        *pathName);
3758 const char* GPFS_API
3759 gpfs_get_fspathname_from_fsname(const char* fsname_or_path);
3760 /* Check that fsname_or_path refers to a GPFS file system and find the path to its root
3761  Return a strdup()ed copy of the path -OR- NULL w/errno
3762 */
3764 int GPFS_API
3765 /* experimental */
3766 gpfs_qos_getstats(
3767                    const char *fspathname, /* in only: path to file system*/
3768                    unsigned int options, /* in only: option flags: 0=begin at specified qip, 1=begin after qip */
3769                    unsigned int qosid,   /* in only: 0 or a specific qosid at which to start or continue */
3770                    gpfs_pool_t  poolid,  /* in only: -1 or a specific poolid at which to start or continue */
3771                    unsigned int mqips,   /* in only: max number of qip=(qosid,poolid) histories to retrieve */
3772                    unsigned int nslots,  /* in only: max number of time slots of history to retrieve */
3773                    void *bufferP,        /* ptr to return stat structures */
3774                    unsigned int bufferSize);  /* sizeof stat buffer or 0 */
3776 int GPFS_API
3777 /* experimental */
3778 gpfs_qos_control(
3779                    const char *fspathname, /* in only: path to file system*/
3780                    void *bufferP,        /* in/out control/get/set structs */
3781                    unsigned int bufferSize);
3783 int GPFS_API
3784 gpfs_qos_set(
3785              const char *fspathname,
3786              const char *classname, /* "gold", "silver", or .. "1" or "2" .. */
3787              int   id,        /* process id or  pgrp or userid */
3788              int   which,    /* process, pgrp or user */
3789              double* qshareP); /* return the share, percentage or when negative IOP limit */
3790 /* if id==0 then getpid() or getpgrp() or getuid()
3791    if which==0 or 1 then process, if 2 process then group, if 3 then userid
3792    Return -1 on error, with errno=
3793     ENOSYS if QOS is not available in the currently installed GPFS software.
3794     ENOENT if classname is not recognized.
3795     ENXIO  if QOS throttling is not active
3796         (but classname is recognized and *qshareP has configured value)
3797 */
3799 /* For the given process get QOS info */
3800 int GPFS_API
3801 gpfs_qos_get(
3802              const char *fspathname,
3803 	     int  *classnumP,
3804              char  classname[18], /* "gold", "silver", or .. "1" or "2" .. */
3805              int   id,        /* process id or  pgrp or userid */
3806              int   which,    /* process, pgrp or user */
3807              double* qshareP); /* return the share, percentage or when negative IOP limit */
3809 /* given classname, set *classnumP and  set *qshareP
3810    Return -1 on error, with errno=
3811     ENOSYS if QOS is not available in the currently installed GPFS software.
3812     ENOENT if classname is not recognized.
3813     ENXIO  if QOS throttling is not active
3814         (but classname is recognized, *classnumP and *qshareP have configured values)
3815 */
3816 int GPFS_API
3817 gpfs_qos_lkupName(
3818                   const char *fspathname,
3819 		  int        *classnumP,
3820                   const char *classname,
3821                   double* qshareP);
3823 /* given classnumber, find name and share (similar to above), but start with number instead of name */
3824 int GPFS_API
3825 gpfs_qos_lkupVal(
3826                   const char *fspathname,
3827 		  int        val,
3828                   char    classname[18],
3829                   double* qshareP);
3831 int GPFS_API
3832 gpfs_ioprio_set(int,int,int); /* do not call directly */
3834 int GPFS_API
3835 gpfs_ioprio_get(int,int); /* do not call directly */
3838 /* NAME:        gpfs_enc_file_rewrap_key()
3839  *
3840  * FUNCTION:    Re-wrap the File Encryption Key (FEK) for the file,
3841  *              replacing the usage of the original (second parameter)
3842  *              Master Encryption Key (MEK) with the new key provided as
3843  *              the third parameter. The content of the file remains intact.
3844  *
3845  *              If the FEK is not currently being wrapped with the MEK
3846  *              identified by the second parameter then no action is taken.
3847  *
3848  *              This function is normally invoked before the original MEK is
3849  *              removed.
3850  *
3851  *              The file may be opened in read-only mode for this function
3852  *              to perform the key rewrap.
3853  *
3854  *              Superuser privilege is required to invoke this API.
3855  *
3856  * INPUT:       fileDesc: File descriptor for file whose key is to be rewrapped
3857  *              orig_key_p: Key ID for the key (MEK) to be replaced
3858  *              new_key_p: Key ID for the new key (MEK) to be used
3859  *
3860  * OUTPUT:      N/A
3861  *
3862  * Returns:     0 success
3863  *              -1 failure
3864  *
3865  * Errno:
3866  *              EACCESS    Existing or new key cannot be retrieved
3867  *                         The new key is already being used to wrap the
3868  *                         file's FEK
3869  *              EBADF      Bad file descriptor
3870  *              EINVAL     Arguments are invalid: key format is incorrect
3871  *              EFAULT     An invalid pointer is supplied; the associated
3872  *                         data could not be copied in or out of the kernel
3873  *              E2BIG      Key IDs provided are too long
3874  *              ENOSYS     Function not available (cluster or file system not
3875  *                         enabled for encryption)
3876  *              EPERM      File is in a snapshot
3877  *                         Caller must have superuser privilege
3878  */
3880 /* The Key ID is a string comprised of the key ID and the remote key
3881    server RKM ID, separated by ':' */
3882 typedef const char *gpfs_enc_key_id_t;    /* "<KEY ID> : <KMS ID>" */
3884 int GPFS_API
3885 gpfs_enc_file_rewrap_key(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
3886                          gpfs_enc_key_id_t orig_key_p,
3887                          gpfs_enc_key_id_t new_key_p);
3890 /* NAME:        gpfs_enc_get_algo()
3891  *
3892  * FUNCTION:    Retrieve a string describing the encryption algorithm, key
3893  *              length, Master Encryption Key(s) ID, and wrapping and combining
3894  *              mechanisms used for the file.
3895  *
3896  * INPUT:       fileDesc: File descriptor for file whose encryption
3897  *                        algorithm is being retrieved
3898  *              encryption_xattrP: content of the gpfs.Encryption
3899  *                        extended attribute, retrieved by a call to
3900  *                        gpfs_fcntl (with structure type GPFS_FCNTL_GET_XATTR)
3901  *              xattr_len: length of the data in encryption_xattrP
3902  *              algo_txt_size: space reserved by the caller for algo_txtP
3903  *
3904  * OUTPUT:      algo_txtP: NULL-terminated string describing the
3905  *                        encryption for the file
3906  *
3907  * Returns:     0 success
3908  *              -1 failure
3909  *
3910  * Errno:
3911  *              ENOENT    File not found
3912  *              EBADF     Bad file handle, not a GPFS file
3913  *              EACCESS   Permission denied
3914  *              EFAULT    Bad address provided
3915  *              EINVAL    Not a regular file
3916  *              EINVAL    Invalid values for xattr_len or algo_txt_size
3917  *              EINVAL    Invalid content of encryption extended attribute
3918  *              ENOSYS    Function not available
3919  *              E2BIG     Output string does not fit in algo_txtP
3920  */
3922 int GPFS_API
3923 gpfs_enc_get_algo(gpfs_file_t fileDesc,
3924                   const char *encryption_xattrP,
3925                   int xattr_len,
3926                   char *algo_txtP,
3927                   int algo_txt_size);
3930 /* NAME:        gpfs_init_trace()
3931  *
3932  * FUNCTION:    Initialize the GPFS trace facility and start to use it.
3933  *              Must be called before calling gpfs_add_trace().
3934  *
3935  * Returns:      0      Success
3936  *              -1      Failure
3937  *
3938  * Errno:       ENOENT  file not found
3939  *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
3940  *              EACCESS Permission denied
3941  *              ENFILE  Too many open files
3942  *              ENOSYS  Function not available
3943  */
3944 int GPFS_API
3945 gpfs_init_trace(void);
3947 /* NAME:        gpfs_query_trace()
3948  *
3949  * FUNCTION:    Query and cache the latest settings of GPFS trace facility.
3950  *              Generally this should be called by the notification handler
3951  *              for the "traceConfigChanged" event, which is invoked when
3952  *              something changes in the configuration of the trace facility.
3953  *
3954  * Returns:      0      Success
3955  *              -1      Failure
3956  *
3957  * Errno:       ENOENT  file not found
3958  *              ENOMEM  Memory allocation failed
3959  *              EACCESS Permission denied
3960  *              ENFILE  Too many open files
3961  *              ENOSYS  Function not available
3962  */
3963 int GPFS_API
3964 gpfs_query_trace(void);
3966 /* NAME:        gpfs_add_trace()
3967  *
3968  * FUNCTION:    write the logs into GPFS trace driver. When the user specified
3969  *              parameter "level" is less than or equal to the GPFS trace level,
3970  *              the log message pointed to by parameter "msg" would be written to
3971  *              GPFS trace buffer, and user can use mmtracectl command to cut
3972  *              the GPFS trace buffer into a file to observe. Must be called after
3973  *              the call to gpfs_init_trace(). Also ensure the gpfs_query_trace()
3974  *              is called properly to update the gpfs trace level cached in
3975  *              application, otherwise, the trace may miss to write down to
3976  *              GPFS trace driver.
3977  *
3978  * Input:       level: the level for this trace generation. When the level
3979  *                     is less than or equal to the GPFS trace level, this
3980  *                     trace record would be written to GPFS trace buffer.
3981  *              msg: the message string that would be put into GPFS trace buffer.
3982  *
3983  * Returns:     None.
3984  */
3985 void GPFS_API
3986 gpfs_add_trace(int level, const char *msg);
3988 /* NAME:        gpfs_fini_trace()
3989  *
3990  * FUNCTION:    Stop using GPFS trace facility. This should be paired with
3991  *              gpfs_init_trace(), and must be called after the last
3992  *              gpfs_add_trace().
3993  *
3994  * Returns:     None.
3995  */
3997 void gpfs_fini_trace(void);
3999 /*
4000  * When GPFS_64BIT_INODES is defined, use the 64-bit interface definitions as
4001  * the default.
4002  */
4004 #ifdef GPFS_64BIT_INODES
4005   #undef  GPFS_D_VERSION
4007   #undef  GPFS_IA_VERSION
4010   #define gpfs_ino_t gpfs_ino64_t
4011   #define gpfs_gen_t gpfs_gen64_t
4012   #define gpfs_uid_t gpfs_uid64_t
4013   #define gpfs_gid_t gpfs_gid64_t
4014   #define gpfs_snapid_t gpfs_snapid64_t
4015   #define gpfs_nlink_t gpfs_nlink64_t
4016   #define gpfs_timestruc_t gpfs_timestruc64_t
4017   #define gpfs_direntx_t gpfs_direntx64_t
4018   #define gpfs_direntx gpfs_direntx64
4019   #define gpfs_iattr_t gpfs_iattr64_t
4021   #define gpfs_get_snapid_from_fssnaphandle gpfs_get_snapid_from_fssnaphandle64
4022   #define gpfs_open_inodescan gpfs_open_inodescan64
4023   #define gpfs_open_inodescan_with_xattrs gpfs_open_inodescan_with_xattrs64
4024   #define gpfs_next_inode gpfs_next_inode64
4025   #define gpfs_next_inode_with_xattrs gpfs_next_inode_with_xattrs64
4026   #define gpfs_seek_inode gpfs_seek_inode64
4027   #define gpfs_stat_inode gpfs_stat_inode64
4028   #define gpfs_stat_inode_with_xattrs gpfs_stat_inode_with_xattrs64
4029   #define gpfs_iopen gpfs_iopen64
4030   #define gpfs_ireaddir gpfs_ireaddir64
4031   #define gpfs_ireaddirx gpfs_ireaddirx64
4032   #define gpfs_iwritedir gpfs_iwritedir64
4033   #define gpfs_ireadlink gpfs_ireadlink64
4034 #endif
4036 #define gpfs_icreate gpfs_icreate64
4038 #ifdef __cplusplus
4039 }
4040 #endif
4042 #endif /* H_GPFS */