1-- AUTOGENERATED BY storj.io/dbx
3CREATE TABLE accounting_rollups (
4	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
5	start_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
6	put_total bigint NOT NULL,
7	get_total bigint NOT NULL,
8	get_audit_total bigint NOT NULL,
9	get_repair_total bigint NOT NULL,
10	put_repair_total bigint NOT NULL,
11	at_rest_total double precision NOT NULL,
12	PRIMARY KEY ( node_id, start_time )
14CREATE TABLE accounting_timestamps (
15	name text NOT NULL,
16	value timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
17	PRIMARY KEY ( name )
19CREATE TABLE bucket_bandwidth_rollups (
20	bucket_name bytea NOT NULL,
21	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
22	interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
23	interval_seconds integer NOT NULL,
24	action integer NOT NULL,
25	inline bigint NOT NULL,
26	allocated bigint NOT NULL,
27	settled bigint NOT NULL,
28	PRIMARY KEY ( bucket_name, project_id, interval_start, action )
30CREATE TABLE bucket_bandwidth_rollup_archives (
31	bucket_name bytea NOT NULL,
32	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
33	interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
34	interval_seconds integer NOT NULL,
35	action integer NOT NULL,
36	inline bigint NOT NULL,
37	allocated bigint NOT NULL,
38	settled bigint NOT NULL,
39	PRIMARY KEY ( bucket_name, project_id, interval_start, action )
41CREATE TABLE bucket_storage_tallies (
42	bucket_name bytea NOT NULL,
43	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
44	interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
45	total_bytes bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
46	inline bigint NOT NULL,
47	remote bigint NOT NULL,
48	total_segments_count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
49	remote_segments_count integer NOT NULL,
50	inline_segments_count integer NOT NULL,
51	object_count integer NOT NULL,
52	metadata_size bigint NOT NULL,
53	PRIMARY KEY ( bucket_name, project_id, interval_start )
55CREATE TABLE coinpayments_transactions (
56	id text NOT NULL,
57	user_id bytea NOT NULL,
58	address text NOT NULL,
59	amount bytea NOT NULL,
60	received bytea NOT NULL,
61	status integer NOT NULL,
62	key text NOT NULL,
63	timeout integer NOT NULL,
64	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
65	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
67CREATE TABLE coupons (
68	id bytea NOT NULL,
69	user_id bytea NOT NULL,
70	amount bigint NOT NULL,
71	description text NOT NULL,
72	type integer NOT NULL,
73	status integer NOT NULL,
74	duration bigint NOT NULL,
75	billing_periods bigint,
76	coupon_code_name text,
77	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
78	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
80CREATE TABLE coupon_codes (
81	id bytea NOT NULL,
82	name text NOT NULL,
83	amount bigint NOT NULL,
84	description text NOT NULL,
85	type integer NOT NULL,
86	billing_periods bigint,
87	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
88	PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
89	UNIQUE ( name )
91CREATE TABLE coupon_usages (
92	coupon_id bytea NOT NULL,
93	amount bigint NOT NULL,
94	status integer NOT NULL,
95	period timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
96	PRIMARY KEY ( coupon_id, period )
98CREATE TABLE graceful_exit_progress (
99	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
100	bytes_transferred bigint NOT NULL,
101	pieces_transferred bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
102	pieces_failed bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
103	updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
104	PRIMARY KEY ( node_id )
106CREATE TABLE graceful_exit_segment_transfer_queue (
107	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
108	stream_id bytea NOT NULL,
109	position bigint NOT NULL,
110	piece_num integer NOT NULL,
111	root_piece_id bytea,
112	durability_ratio double precision NOT NULL,
113	queued_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
114	requested_at timestamp with time zone,
115	last_failed_at timestamp with time zone,
116	last_failed_code integer,
117	failed_count integer,
118	finished_at timestamp with time zone,
119	order_limit_send_count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
120	PRIMARY KEY ( node_id, stream_id, position, piece_num )
122CREATE TABLE nodes (
123	id bytea NOT NULL,
124	address text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
125	last_net text NOT NULL,
126	last_ip_port text,
127	protocol integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
128	type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
129	email text NOT NULL,
130	wallet text NOT NULL,
131	wallet_features text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
132	free_disk bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
133	piece_count bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
134	major bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
135	minor bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
136	patch bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
137	hash text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
138	timestamp timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00',
139	release boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
140	latency_90 bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
141	vetted_at timestamp with time zone,
142	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
143	updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
144	last_contact_success timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT 'epoch',
145	last_contact_failure timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT 'epoch',
146	contained boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
147	disqualified timestamp with time zone,
148	suspended timestamp with time zone,
149	unknown_audit_suspended timestamp with time zone,
150	offline_suspended timestamp with time zone,
151	under_review timestamp with time zone,
152	exit_initiated_at timestamp with time zone,
153	exit_loop_completed_at timestamp with time zone,
154	exit_finished_at timestamp with time zone,
155	exit_success boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
156	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
158CREATE TABLE node_api_versions (
159	id bytea NOT NULL,
160	api_version integer NOT NULL,
161	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
162	updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
163	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
165CREATE TABLE offers (
166	id serial NOT NULL,
167	name text NOT NULL,
168	description text NOT NULL,
169	award_credit_in_cents integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
170	invitee_credit_in_cents integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
171	award_credit_duration_days integer,
172	invitee_credit_duration_days integer,
173	redeemable_cap integer,
174	expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
175	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
176	status integer NOT NULL,
177	type integer NOT NULL,
178	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
180CREATE TABLE peer_identities (
181	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
182	leaf_serial_number bytea NOT NULL,
183	chain bytea NOT NULL,
184	updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
185	PRIMARY KEY ( node_id )
187CREATE TABLE projects (
188	id bytea NOT NULL,
189	name text NOT NULL,
190	description text NOT NULL,
191	usage_limit bigint,
192	bandwidth_limit bigint,
193	rate_limit integer,
194	burst_limit integer,
195	max_buckets integer,
196	partner_id bytea,
197	user_agent bytea,
198	owner_id bytea NOT NULL,
199	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
200	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
202CREATE TABLE project_bandwidth_daily_rollups (
203	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
204	interval_day date NOT NULL,
205	egress_allocated bigint NOT NULL,
206	egress_settled bigint NOT NULL,
207	egress_dead bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
208	PRIMARY KEY ( project_id, interval_day )
210CREATE TABLE project_bandwidth_rollups (
211	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
212	interval_month date NOT NULL,
213	egress_allocated bigint NOT NULL,
214	PRIMARY KEY ( project_id, interval_month )
216CREATE TABLE registration_tokens (
217	secret bytea NOT NULL,
218	owner_id bytea,
219	project_limit integer NOT NULL,
220	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
221	PRIMARY KEY ( secret ),
222	UNIQUE ( owner_id )
224CREATE TABLE repair_queue (
225	stream_id bytea NOT NULL,
226	position bigint NOT NULL,
227	attempted_at timestamp with time zone,
228	updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
229	inserted_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
230	segment_health double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
231	PRIMARY KEY ( stream_id, position )
233CREATE TABLE reputations (
234	id bytea NOT NULL,
235	audit_success_count bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
236	total_audit_count bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
237	vetted_at timestamp with time zone,
238	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
239	updated_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp,
240	contained boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
241	disqualified timestamp with time zone,
242	suspended timestamp with time zone,
243	unknown_audit_suspended timestamp with time zone,
244	offline_suspended timestamp with time zone,
245	under_review timestamp with time zone,
246	online_score double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
247	audit_history bytea NOT NULL,
248	audit_reputation_alpha double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
249	audit_reputation_beta double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
250	unknown_audit_reputation_alpha double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
251	unknown_audit_reputation_beta double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
252	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
254CREATE TABLE reset_password_tokens (
255	secret bytea NOT NULL,
256	owner_id bytea NOT NULL,
257	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
258	PRIMARY KEY ( secret ),
259	UNIQUE ( owner_id )
261CREATE TABLE revocations (
262	revoked bytea NOT NULL,
263	api_key_id bytea NOT NULL,
264	PRIMARY KEY ( revoked )
266CREATE TABLE segment_pending_audits (
267	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
268	stream_id bytea NOT NULL,
269	position bigint NOT NULL,
270	piece_id bytea NOT NULL,
271	stripe_index bigint NOT NULL,
272	share_size bigint NOT NULL,
273	expected_share_hash bytea NOT NULL,
274	reverify_count bigint NOT NULL,
275	PRIMARY KEY ( node_id )
277CREATE TABLE storagenode_bandwidth_rollups (
278	storagenode_id bytea NOT NULL,
279	interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
280	interval_seconds integer NOT NULL,
281	action integer NOT NULL,
282	allocated bigint DEFAULT 0,
283	settled bigint NOT NULL,
284	PRIMARY KEY ( storagenode_id, interval_start, action )
286CREATE TABLE storagenode_bandwidth_rollup_archives (
287	storagenode_id bytea NOT NULL,
288	interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
289	interval_seconds integer NOT NULL,
290	action integer NOT NULL,
291	allocated bigint DEFAULT 0,
292	settled bigint NOT NULL,
293	PRIMARY KEY ( storagenode_id, interval_start, action )
295CREATE TABLE storagenode_bandwidth_rollups_phase2 (
296	storagenode_id bytea NOT NULL,
297	interval_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
298	interval_seconds integer NOT NULL,
299	action integer NOT NULL,
300	allocated bigint DEFAULT 0,
301	settled bigint NOT NULL,
302	PRIMARY KEY ( storagenode_id, interval_start, action )
304CREATE TABLE storagenode_payments (
305	id bigserial NOT NULL,
306	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
307	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
308	period text NOT NULL,
309	amount bigint NOT NULL,
310	receipt text,
311	notes text,
312	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
314CREATE TABLE storagenode_paystubs (
315	period text NOT NULL,
316	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
317	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
318	codes text NOT NULL,
319	usage_at_rest double precision NOT NULL,
320	usage_get bigint NOT NULL,
321	usage_put bigint NOT NULL,
322	usage_get_repair bigint NOT NULL,
323	usage_put_repair bigint NOT NULL,
324	usage_get_audit bigint NOT NULL,
325	comp_at_rest bigint NOT NULL,
326	comp_get bigint NOT NULL,
327	comp_put bigint NOT NULL,
328	comp_get_repair bigint NOT NULL,
329	comp_put_repair bigint NOT NULL,
330	comp_get_audit bigint NOT NULL,
331	surge_percent bigint NOT NULL,
332	held bigint NOT NULL,
333	owed bigint NOT NULL,
334	disposed bigint NOT NULL,
335	paid bigint NOT NULL,
336	distributed bigint NOT NULL,
337	PRIMARY KEY ( period, node_id )
339CREATE TABLE storagenode_storage_tallies (
340	node_id bytea NOT NULL,
341	interval_end_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
342	data_total double precision NOT NULL,
343	PRIMARY KEY ( interval_end_time, node_id )
345CREATE TABLE stripe_customers (
346	user_id bytea NOT NULL,
347	customer_id text NOT NULL,
348	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
349	PRIMARY KEY ( user_id ),
350	UNIQUE ( customer_id )
352CREATE TABLE stripecoinpayments_invoice_project_records (
353	id bytea NOT NULL,
354	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
355	storage double precision NOT NULL,
356	egress bigint NOT NULL,
357	objects bigint NOT NULL,
358	period_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
359	period_end timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
360	state integer NOT NULL,
361	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
362	PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
363	UNIQUE ( project_id, period_start, period_end )
365CREATE TABLE stripecoinpayments_tx_conversion_rates (
366	tx_id text NOT NULL,
367	rate bytea NOT NULL,
368	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
369	PRIMARY KEY ( tx_id )
371CREATE TABLE users (
372	id bytea NOT NULL,
373	email text NOT NULL,
374	normalized_email text NOT NULL,
375	full_name text NOT NULL,
376	short_name text,
377	password_hash bytea NOT NULL,
378	status integer NOT NULL,
379	partner_id bytea,
380	user_agent bytea,
381	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
382	project_limit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
383	paid_tier boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
384	position text,
385	company_name text,
386	company_size integer,
387	working_on text,
388	is_professional boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
389	employee_count text,
390    have_sales_contact boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
391	mfa_enabled boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
392	mfa_secret_key text,
393	mfa_recovery_codes text,
394    signup_promo_code text,
395	PRIMARY KEY ( id )
397CREATE TABLE value_attributions (
398	project_id bytea NOT NULL,
399	bucket_name bytea NOT NULL,
400	partner_id bytea NOT NULL,
401	user_agent bytea,
402	last_updated timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
403	PRIMARY KEY ( project_id, bucket_name )
405CREATE TABLE api_keys (
406	id bytea NOT NULL,
407	project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
408	head bytea NOT NULL,
409	name text NOT NULL,
410	secret bytea NOT NULL,
411	partner_id bytea,
412	user_agent bytea,
413	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
414	PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
415	UNIQUE ( head ),
416	UNIQUE ( name, project_id )
418CREATE TABLE bucket_metainfos (
419	id bytea NOT NULL,
420	project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects( id ),
421	name bytea NOT NULL,
422	partner_id bytea,
423	user_agent bytea,
424	path_cipher integer NOT NULL,
425	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
426	default_segment_size integer NOT NULL,
427	default_encryption_cipher_suite integer NOT NULL,
428	default_encryption_block_size integer NOT NULL,
429	default_redundancy_algorithm integer NOT NULL,
430	default_redundancy_share_size integer NOT NULL,
431	default_redundancy_required_shares integer NOT NULL,
432	default_redundancy_repair_shares integer NOT NULL,
433	default_redundancy_optimal_shares integer NOT NULL,
434	default_redundancy_total_shares integer NOT NULL,
435	PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
436	UNIQUE ( project_id, name )
438CREATE TABLE project_members (
439	member_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES users( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
440	project_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES projects( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
441	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
442	PRIMARY KEY ( member_id, project_id )
444CREATE TABLE stripecoinpayments_apply_balance_intents (
445	tx_id text NOT NULL REFERENCES coinpayments_transactions( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
446	state integer NOT NULL,
447	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
448	PRIMARY KEY ( tx_id )
450CREATE TABLE user_credits (
451	id serial NOT NULL,
452	user_id bytea NOT NULL REFERENCES users( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE,
453	offer_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES offers( id ),
454	referred_by bytea REFERENCES users( id ) ON DELETE SET NULL,
455	type text NOT NULL,
456	credits_earned_in_cents integer NOT NULL,
457	credits_used_in_cents integer NOT NULL,
458	expires_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
459	created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
460	PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
461	UNIQUE ( id, offer_id )
463CREATE INDEX accounting_rollups_start_time_index ON accounting_rollups ( start_time ) ;
464CREATE INDEX bucket_bandwidth_rollups_project_id_action_interval_index ON bucket_bandwidth_rollups ( project_id, action, interval_start ) ;
465CREATE INDEX bucket_bandwidth_rollups_action_interval_project_id_index ON bucket_bandwidth_rollups ( action, interval_start, project_id ) ;
466CREATE INDEX bucket_bandwidth_rollups_archive_project_id_action_interval_index ON bucket_bandwidth_rollup_archives ( project_id, action, interval_start ) ;
467CREATE INDEX bucket_bandwidth_rollups_archive_action_interval_project_id_index ON bucket_bandwidth_rollup_archives ( action, interval_start, project_id ) ;
468CREATE INDEX bucket_storage_tallies_project_id_interval_start_index ON bucket_storage_tallies ( project_id, interval_start ) ;
469CREATE INDEX graceful_exit_segment_transfer_nid_dr_qa_fa_lfa_index ON graceful_exit_segment_transfer_queue ( node_id, durability_ratio, queued_at, finished_at, last_failed_at ) ;
470CREATE INDEX node_last_ip ON nodes ( last_net ) ;
471CREATE INDEX nodes_dis_unk_off_exit_fin_last_success_index ON nodes ( disqualified, unknown_audit_suspended, offline_suspended, exit_finished_at, last_contact_success ) ;
472CREATE INDEX nodes_type_last_cont_success_free_disk_ma_mi_patch_vetted_partial_index ON nodes ( type, last_contact_success, free_disk, major, minor, patch, vetted_at ) WHERE nodes.disqualified is NULL AND nodes.unknown_audit_suspended is NULL AND nodes.exit_initiated_at is NULL AND nodes.release = true AND nodes.last_net != '' ;
473CREATE INDEX nodes_dis_unk_aud_exit_init_rel_type_last_cont_success_stored_index ON nodes ( disqualified, unknown_audit_suspended, exit_initiated_at, release, type, last_contact_success ) WHERE nodes.disqualified is NULL AND nodes.unknown_audit_suspended is NULL AND nodes.exit_initiated_at is NULL AND nodes.release = true ;
474CREATE INDEX repair_queue_updated_at_index ON repair_queue ( updated_at ) ;
475CREATE INDEX repair_queue_num_healthy_pieces_attempted_at_index ON repair_queue ( segment_health, attempted_at ) ;
476CREATE INDEX storagenode_bandwidth_rollups_interval_start_index ON storagenode_bandwidth_rollups ( interval_start ) ;
477CREATE INDEX storagenode_bandwidth_rollup_archives_interval_start_index ON storagenode_bandwidth_rollup_archives ( interval_start ) ;
478CREATE INDEX storagenode_payments_node_id_period_index ON storagenode_payments ( node_id, period ) ;
479CREATE INDEX storagenode_paystubs_node_id_index ON storagenode_paystubs ( node_id ) ;
480CREATE INDEX storagenode_storage_tallies_node_id_index ON storagenode_storage_tallies ( node_id ) ;
481CREATE UNIQUE INDEX credits_earned_user_id_offer_id ON user_credits ( id, offer_id ) ;
483INSERT INTO "offers" ("id", "name", "description", "award_credit_in_cents", "invitee_credit_in_cents", "expires_at", "created_at", "status", "type", "award_credit_duration_days", "invitee_credit_duration_days") VALUES (1, 'Default referral offer', 'Is active when no other active referral offer', 300, 600, '2119-03-14 08:28:24.636949+00', '2019-07-14 08:28:24.636949+00', 1, 2, 365, 14);
484INSERT INTO "offers" ("id", "name", "description", "award_credit_in_cents", "invitee_credit_in_cents", "expires_at", "created_at", "status", "type", "award_credit_duration_days", "invitee_credit_duration_days") VALUES (2, 'Default free credit offer', 'Is active when no active free credit offer', 0, 300, '2119-03-14 08:28:24.636949+00', '2019-07-14 08:28:24.636949+00', 1, 1, NULL, 14);
486-- MAIN DATA --
488INSERT INTO "accounting_rollups"("node_id", "start_time", "put_total", "get_total", "get_audit_total", "get_repair_total", "put_repair_total", "at_rest_total") VALUES (E'\\367M\\177\\251]t/\\022\\256\\214\\265\\025\\224\\204:\\217\\212\\0102<\\321\\374\\020&\\271Qc\\325\\261\\354\\246\\233'::bytea, '2019-02-09 00:00:00+00', 3000, 6000, 9000, 12000, 0, 15000);
490INSERT INTO "accounting_timestamps" VALUES ('LastAtRestTally', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00');
491INSERT INTO "accounting_timestamps" VALUES ('LastRollup', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00');
492INSERT INTO "accounting_timestamps" VALUES ('LastBandwidthTally', '0001-01-01 00:00:00+00');
494INSERT INTO "nodes"("id", "address", "last_net", "protocol", "type", "email", "wallet", "free_disk", "piece_count", "major", "minor", "patch", "hash", "timestamp", "release","latency_90", "created_at", "updated_at", "last_contact_success", "last_contact_failure", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended", "exit_success") VALUES (E'\\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001', '', '', 0, 4, '', '', -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'epoch', false, 0, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', 'epoch', 'epoch', false, NULL, NULL, false);
495INSERT INTO "nodes"("id", "address", "last_net", "protocol", "type", "email", "wallet", "free_disk", "piece_count", "major", "minor", "patch", "hash", "timestamp", "release","latency_90","created_at", "updated_at", "last_contact_success", "last_contact_failure", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended","exit_success") VALUES (E'\\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n', '', '', 0, 4, '', '', -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'epoch', false, 0, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', 'epoch', 'epoch', false, NULL, NULL, false);
496INSERT INTO "nodes"("id", "address", "last_net", "protocol", "type", "email", "wallet", "free_disk", "piece_count", "major", "minor", "patch", "hash", "timestamp", "release","latency_90","created_at", "updated_at", "last_contact_success", "last_contact_failure", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended","exit_success") VALUES (E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\014', '', '', 0, 4, '', '', -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'epoch', false, 0, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', 'epoch', 'epoch', false, NULL, NULL,false);
497INSERT INTO "nodes"("id", "address", "last_net", "protocol", "type", "email", "wallet", "free_disk", "piece_count", "major", "minor", "patch", "hash", "timestamp", "release","latency_90","created_at", "updated_at", "last_contact_success", "last_contact_failure", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended","exit_success") VALUES (E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\015', '', '', 0, 4, '', '', -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'epoch', false, 0, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', 'epoch', 'epoch', false, NULL, NULL,false);
498INSERT INTO "nodes"("id", "address", "last_net", "protocol", "type", "email", "wallet", "free_disk", "piece_count", "major", "minor", "patch", "hash", "timestamp", "release","latency_90","created_at", "updated_at", "last_contact_success", "last_contact_failure", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended","exit_success", "vetted_at") VALUES (E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016', '', '', 0, 4, '', '', -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'epoch', false, 0, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', 'epoch', 'epoch', false, NULL, NULL, false, '2020-03-18 12:00:00.000000+00');
499INSERT INTO "nodes"("id", "address", "last_net", "protocol", "type", "email", "wallet", "free_disk", "piece_count", "major", "minor", "patch", "hash", "timestamp", "release","latency_90","created_at", "updated_at", "last_contact_success", "last_contact_failure", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended","exit_success") VALUES (E'\\154\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001', '', '', 0, 4, '', '', -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'epoch', false, 0, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', 'epoch', 'epoch', false, NULL, NULL, false);
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509INSERT INTO "projects"("id", "name", "description", "usage_limit", "bandwidth_limit", "max_buckets", "partner_id", "owner_id", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300'::bytea, 'ProjectName', 'projects description', 5e11, 5e11, NULL, NULL, E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, '2019-02-14 08:28:24.254934+00');
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512INSERT INTO "project_members"("member_id", "project_id", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, E'\\022\\217/\\014\\376!K\\023\\276\\031\\311}m\\236\\205\\300'::bytea, '2019-02-13 08:28:24.677953+00');
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553INSERT INTO "coupon_codes" ("id", "name", "amount", "description", "type", "billing_periods", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\362\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\015'::bytea, 'STORJ75', 75, '$75 for your first 5 months', 0, 2, '2019-06-01 08:28:24.267934+00');
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562INSERT INTO "projects"("id", "name", "description", "usage_limit", "bandwidth_limit", "max_buckets","rate_limit", "partner_id", "owner_id", "created_at") VALUES (E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\345'::bytea, 'egress101', 'High Bandwidth Project', 5e11, 5e11, NULL, 2000000, NULL, E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, '2020-05-15 08:46:24.000000+00');
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575INSERT INTO "projects"("id", "name", "description", "usage_limit", "bandwidth_limit", "rate_limit", "partner_id", "owner_id", "created_at", "max_buckets") VALUES (E'300\\273|\\342N\\347\\347\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\252\\230'::bytea, 'Limit Test 2', 'This project is below the default', 5e11, 5e11, 2000000, NULL, E'265\\343U\\303\\312\\312\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci",'::bytea, '2020-10-14 10:10:11.000000+00', NULL);
577INSERT INTO "storagenode_bandwidth_rollups_phase2" ("storagenode_id", "interval_start", "interval_seconds", "action", "allocated", "settled") VALUES (E'\\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n', '2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000' AT TIME ZONE current_setting('TIMEZONE'), 3600, 1, 1024, 2024);
579INSERT INTO "storagenode_bandwidth_rollup_archives" ("storagenode_id", "interval_start", "interval_seconds", "action", "allocated", "settled") VALUES (E'\\006\\223\\250R\\221\\005\\365\\377v>0\\266\\365\\216\\255?\\347\\244\\371?2\\264\\262\\230\\007<\\001\\262\\263\\237\\247n', '2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000' AT TIME ZONE current_setting('TIMEZONE'), 3600, 1, 1024, 2024);
580INSERT INTO "bucket_bandwidth_rollup_archives" ("bucket_name", "project_id", "interval_start", "interval_seconds", "action", "inline", "allocated", "settled") VALUES (E'testbucket'::bytea, E'\\170\\160\\157\\370\\274\\366\\113\\364\\272\\235\\301\\243\\321\\102\\321\\136'::bytea,'2019-03-06 08:00:00.000000' AT TIME ZONE current_setting('TIMEZONE'), 3600, 1, 1024, 2024, 3024);
582INSERT INTO "storagenode_paystubs"("period", "node_id", "created_at", "codes", "usage_at_rest", "usage_get", "usage_put", "usage_get_repair", "usage_put_repair", "usage_get_audit", "comp_at_rest", "comp_get", "comp_put", "comp_get_repair", "comp_put_repair", "comp_get_audit", "surge_percent", "held", "owed", "disposed", "paid", "distributed") VALUES ('2020-12', '\x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', '2020-04-07T20:14:21.479141Z', '', 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 117);
583INSERT INTO "storagenode_payments"("id", "created_at", "period", "node_id", "amount") VALUES (1, '2020-04-07T20:14:21.479141Z', '2020-12', '\x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', 117);
585INSERT INTO "reputations"("id", "audit_success_count", "total_audit_count", "created_at", "updated_at", "contained", "disqualified", "suspended", "audit_reputation_alpha", "audit_reputation_beta", "unknown_audit_reputation_alpha", "unknown_audit_reputation_beta", "online_score", "audit_history") VALUES (E'\\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001', 0, 5, '2019-02-14 08:07:31.028103+00', '2019-02-14 08:07:31.108963+00', false, NULL, NULL, 50, 0, 1, 0, 1, '\x0a23736f2f6d616e792f69636f6e69632f70617468732f746f2f63686f6f73652f66726f6d120a0102030405060708090a');
587INSERT INTO "graceful_exit_segment_transfer_queue" ("node_id", "stream_id", "position", "piece_num", "durability_ratio", "queued_at", "requested_at", "last_failed_at", "last_failed_code", "failed_count", "finished_at", "order_limit_send_count") VALUES (E'\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\256\\263\\300\\273|\\342N\\347\\016',  E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, 10 , 8, 1.0, '2019-09-12 10:07:31.028103+00', '2019-09-12 10:07:32.028103+00', null, null, 0, '2019-09-12 10:07:33.028103+00', 0);
589INSERT INTO "segment_pending_audits" ("node_id", "piece_id", "stripe_index", "share_size", "expected_share_hash", "reverify_count", "stream_id", position) VALUES (E'\\153\\313\\233\\074\\327\\177\\136\\070\\346\\001'::bytea, E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\265\\343U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, 5, 1024, E'\\070\\127\\144\\013\\332\\344\\102\\376\\306\\056\\303\\130\\106\\132\\321\\276\\321\\274\\170\\264\\054\\333\\221\\116\\154\\221\\335\\070\\220\\146\\344\\216'::bytea, 1, '\x010101', 1);
591INSERT INTO "users"("id", "full_name", "short_name", "email", "normalized_email", "password_hash", "status", "partner_id", "created_at", "is_professional", "project_limit", "paid_tier") VALUES (E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\266\\342U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, 'Noahson', 'William', '100email1@mail.test', '100EMAIL1@MAIL.TEST', E'some_readable_hash'::bytea, 1, NULL, '2019-02-14 08:28:24.614594+00', false, 10, true);
593INSERT INTO "repair_queue" ("stream_id", "position", "attempted_at", "segment_health", "updated_at", "inserted_at") VALUES ('\x01', 1, null, 1, '2020-09-01 00:00:00.000000+00', '2021-09-01 00:00:00.000000+00');
595INSERT INTO "users"("id", "full_name", "email", "normalized_email", "password_hash", "status", "created_at", "mfa_enabled", "mfa_secret_key", "mfa_recovery_codes") VALUES (E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\266\\344U\\303\\312\\204",'::bytea, 'Noahson William', '101email1@mail.test', '101EMAIL1@MAIL.TEST', E'some_readable_hash'::bytea, 1, '2019-02-14 08:28:24.614594+00', true, 'mfa secret key', '["1a2b3c4d","e5f6g7h8"]');
597INSERT INTO "projects"("id", "name", "description", "usage_limit", "bandwidth_limit", "rate_limit", "burst_limit", "partner_id", "owner_id", "created_at", "max_buckets") VALUES (E'300\\273|\\342N\\347\\347\\363\\342\\363\\371>+F\\251\\247'::bytea, 'Limit Test 2', 'This project is below the default', 5e11, 5e11, 2000000, 4000000, NULL, E'265\\343U\\303\\312\\312\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci",'::bytea, '2020-10-14 10:10:11.000000+00', NULL);
599-- NEW DATA --
600INSERT INTO "users"("id", "full_name", "email", "normalized_email", "password_hash", "status", "created_at", "mfa_enabled", "mfa_secret_key", "mfa_recovery_codes", "signup_promo_code") VALUES (E'\\363\\311\\033w\\222\\303Ci\\266\\344U\\303\\312\\205",'::bytea, 'Felicia Smith', '99email1@mail.test', '99EMAIL1@MAIL.TEST', E'some_readable_hash'::bytea, 1, '2021-08-14 09:13:44.614594+00', true, 'mfa secret key', '["1a2b3c4d","e5f6d7h8"]', 'promo123');