1 /*
2    Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Karl J. Runge <runge@karlrunge.com>
3    All rights reserved.
5 This file is part of x11vnc.
7 x11vnc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
10 your option) any later version.
12 x11vnc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with x11vnc; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
20 or see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, as a special exception, Karl J. Runge
23 gives permission to link the code of its release of x11vnc with the
24 OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it
25 that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute
26 the linked executables.  You must obey the GNU General Public License
27 in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL".  If you
28 modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the
29 file, but you are not obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do
30 so, delete this exception statement from your version.
31 */
33 #ifndef _SSLTOOLS_H
34 #define _SSLTOOLS_H
36 /* quoted scripts, edit source not this file. */
39 char genCA[] =
40 "#!/bin/sh\n"
41 "\n"
42 "DIR=$BASE_DIR\n"
43 "if [ \"x$DIR\" = \"x\" ]; then\n"
44 "	DIR=\"$HOME/dotkjr_vnc/certs\"\n"
45 "	rm -rf \"$DIR\"\n"
46 "fi\n"
47 "if echo \"$DIR\" | grep '^/' > /dev/null; then\n"
48 "        :\n"
49 "else\n"
50 "        DIR=\"`pwd`/$DIR\"\n"
51 "fi\n"
52 "\n"
53 "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH\n"
54 "if [ \"x$OPENSSL\" = \"x\" ]; then\n"
55 "	OPENSSL=\"openssl\"\n"
56 "fi\n"
57 "\n"
58 "type \"$OPENSSL\" > /dev/null	|| exit 1\n"
59 "\n"
60 "if [ -f \"$DIR/CA/cacert.pem\" ]; then\n"
61 "	echo \"Files will be overwritten in $DIR/CA\"\n"
62 "	printf \"Continue? [y]/n \"\n"
63 "	read x\n"
64 "	if [ \"x$x\" = \"xn\" ]; then\n"
65 "		exit 1;\n"
66 "	fi\n"
67 "fi\n"
68 "\n"
69 "#mkdir -p \"$DIR/HASH\"		|| exit 1\n"
70 "mkdir -p \"$DIR/clients\"		|| exit 1\n"
71 "#mkdir -p \"$DIR/clients/HASH\"	|| exit 1\n"
72 "mkdir -p \"$DIR/CA/certs\"	|| exit 1\n"
73 "mkdir -p \"$DIR/CA/crl\"		|| exit 1\n"
74 "mkdir -p \"$DIR/CA/newcerts\"	|| exit 1\n"
75 "mkdir -p \"$DIR/CA/private\"	|| exit 1\n"
76 "chmod go-rwx \"$DIR/CA/private\"	|| exit 1\n"
77 "mkdir -p \"$DIR/tmp\"		|| exit 1\n"
78 "chmod go-rwx \"$DIR/tmp\"		|| exit 1\n"
79 "touch \"$DIR/CA/index.txt\"	|| exit 1\n"
80 "if [ ! -f \"$DIR/CA/serial\" ]; then\n"
81 "	echo \"01\" > \"$DIR/CA/serial\"	|| exit 1\n"
82 "fi\n"
83 "\n"
84 "cnf='\n"
85 "HOME			= .\n"
86 "RANDFILE		= $ENV::HOME/.rnd\n"
87 "\n"
88 "####################################################################\n"
89 "[ ca ]\n"
90 "default_ca	= CA_default		# The default ca section\n"
91 "\n"
92 "####################################################################\n"
93 "[ CA_default ]\n"
94 "\n"
95 "dir		= ./CA			# Where everything is kept\n"
96 "certs		= $dir/certs		# Where the issued certs are kept\n"
97 "crl_dir		= $dir/crl		# Where the issued crl are kept\n"
98 "database	= $dir/index.txt	# database index file.\n"
99 "new_certs_dir	= $dir/newcerts		# default place for new certs.\n"
100 "certificate	= $dir/cacert.pem 	# The CA certificate\n"
101 "serial		= $dir/serial 		# The current serial number\n"
102 "crl		= $dir/crl.pem 		# The current CRL\n"
103 "private_key	= $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key\n"
104 "RANDFILE	= $dir/private/.rand	# private random number file\n"
105 "\n"
106 "x509_extensions	= usr_cert		# The extentions to add to the cert\n"
107 "\n"
108 "name_opt 	= ca_default		# Subject Name options\n"
109 "cert_opt 	= ca_default		# Certificate field options\n"
110 "\n"
111 "default_days	= 730			# how long to certify for\n"
112 "default_crl_days= 30			# how long before next CRL\n"
113 "default_md	= md5			# which md to use.\n"
114 "preserve	= no			# keep passed DN ordering\n"
115 "\n"
116 "policy		= policy_match\n"
117 "\n"
118 "# For the CA policy\n"
119 "[ policy_match ]\n"
120 "countryName		= match\n"
121 "stateOrProvinceName	= match\n"
122 "organizationName	= match\n"
123 "organizationalUnitName	= optional\n"
124 "commonName		= supplied\n"
125 "emailAddress		= optional\n"
126 "\n"
127 "[ policy_anything ]\n"
128 "countryName		= optional\n"
129 "stateOrProvinceName	= optional\n"
130 "localityName		= optional\n"
131 "organizationName	= optional\n"
132 "organizationalUnitName	= optional\n"
133 "commonName		= supplied\n"
134 "emailAddress		= optional\n"
135 "\n"
136 "####################################################################\n"
137 "[ req ]\n"
138 "default_bits		= 2048\n"
139 "default_keyfile 	= privkey.pem\n"
140 "distinguished_name	= req_distinguished_name\n"
141 "attributes		= req_attributes\n"
142 "x509_extensions	= v3_ca	# The extentions to add to the self signed cert\n"
143 "\n"
144 "string_mask = nombstr\n"
145 "\n"
146 "# req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request\n"
147 "\n"
148 "[ req_distinguished_name ]\n"
149 "countryName			= Country Name (2 letter code)\n"
150 "countryName_default		= AU\n"
151 "countryName_min			= 2\n"
152 "countryName_max			= 2\n"
153 "\n"
154 "stateOrProvinceName		= State or Province Name (full name)\n"
155 "stateOrProvinceName_default	= mystate\n"
156 "\n"
157 "localityName			= Locality Name (eg, city)\n"
158 "\n"
159 "0.organizationName		= Organization Name (eg, company)\n"
160 "0.organizationName_default	= x11vnc server CA\n"
161 "\n"
162 "organizationalUnitName		= Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)\n"
163 "\n"
164 "commonName			= Common Name (eg, YOUR name)\n"
165 "commonName_default		= %USER x11vnc server CA\n"
166 "commonName_max			= 64\n"
167 "\n"
168 "emailAddress			= Email Address\n"
169 "emailAddress_default		= x11vnc@CA.nowhere\n"
170 "emailAddress_max		= 64\n"
171 "\n"
172 "[ req_attributes ]\n"
173 "challengePassword		= A challenge password\n"
174 "challengePassword_min		= 4\n"
175 "challengePassword_max		= 20\n"
176 "\n"
177 "unstructuredName		= An optional company name\n"
178 "\n"
179 "[ usr_cert ]\n"
180 "\n"
181 "basicConstraints=CA:FALSE\n"
182 "\n"
183 "nsComment			= \"OpenSSL Generated Certificate\"\n"
184 "\n"
185 "subjectKeyIdentifier=hash\n"
186 "authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer:always\n"
187 "\n"
188 "[ v3_req ]\n"
189 "\n"
190 "basicConstraints = CA:FALSE\n"
191 "keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment\n"
192 "\n"
193 "[ v3_ca ]\n"
194 "\n"
195 "subjectKeyIdentifier=hash\n"
196 "\n"
197 "authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always\n"
198 "\n"
199 "basicConstraints = CA:true\n"
200 "\n"
201 "[ crl_ext ]\n"
202 "\n"
203 "authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always\n"
204 "\n"
205 "'\n"
206 "selfcnf='\n"
207 "####################################################################\n"
208 "[ req ]\n"
209 "default_bits		= 2048\n"
210 "encrypt_key		= yes\n"
211 "distinguished_name	= req_distinguished_name\n"
212 "x509_extensions		= cert_type\n"
213 "\n"
214 "[ req_distinguished_name ]\n"
215 "countryName			= Country Name (2 letter code)\n"
216 "countryName_default		= AU\n"
217 "countryName_min			= 2\n"
218 "countryName_max			= 2\n"
219 "\n"
220 "stateOrProvinceName		= State or Province Name (full name)\n"
221 "stateOrProvinceName_default	= mystate\n"
222 "\n"
223 "localityName			= Locality Name (eg, city)\n"
224 "\n"
225 "0.organizationName		= Organization Name (eg, company)\n"
226 "0.organizationName_default	= x11vnc server self-signed\n"
227 "\n"
228 "organizationalUnitName		= Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)\n"
229 "\n"
230 "commonName			= Common Name (eg, YOUR name)\n"
231 "commonName_default		= x11vnc server self-signed %NAME\n"
232 "commonName_max			= 64\n"
233 "\n"
234 "emailAddress			= Email Address\n"
235 "emailAddress_default		= x11vnc@self-signed.nowhere\n"
236 "emailAddress_max		= 64\n"
237 "\n"
238 "[ cert_type ]\n"
239 "nsCertType = server\n"
240 "\n"
241 "'\n"
242 "echo \"$cnf\" | sed -e \"s/%USER/$USER/\" \\\n"
243 "	> \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf\" || exit 1\n"
244 "echo \"$cnf\" | sed -e \"s/%USER *//\" -e 's/server CA/server %NAME/g' -e 's/@CA/@server/' \\\n"
245 "	> \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf.server\" || exit 1\n"
246 "echo \"$cnf\" | sed -e \"s/%USER *//\" -e 's/server CA/client %NAME/g' -e 's/@CA/@client/' \\\n"
247 "	> \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf.client\" || exit 1\n"
248 "\n"
249 "echo \"$selfcnf\" > \"$DIR/CA/self.cnf.server\" || exit 1\n"
250 "echo \"$selfcnf\" | sed -e 's/ server/ client/g' \\\n"
251 "	> \"$DIR/CA/self.cnf.client\" || exit 1\n"
252 "\n"
253 "cd \"$DIR\"	|| exit 1\n"
254 "\n"
255 "echo \"\"\n"
256 "echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
257 "echo \"Generating your x11vnc CA (certificate authority) key and certificate:\"\n"
258 "echo \"\"\n"
259 "echo \"Please supply a passphrase and any other information you care to.\"\n"
260 "echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
261 "echo \"\"\n"
262 "\n"
263 "req_args=$REQ_ARGS\n"
264 "if echo \"$req_args\" | grep 'days' > /dev/null; then\n"
265 "	:\n"
266 "else\n"
267 "	req_args=\"$req_args -days 730\"\n"
268 "fi\n"
269 "\n"
270 "\"$OPENSSL\" req -config \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf\" -new -x509 -days 730 $req_args  \\\n"
271 "	-keyout \"$DIR/CA/private/cakey.pem\" \\\n"
272 "	-out \"$DIR/CA/cacert.pem\"\n"
273 "\n"
274 "if [ $? != 0 ]; then\n"
275 "	echo \"openssl failed.\"\n"
276 "	exit 1\n"
277 "fi\n"
278 "\n"
279 "chmod go-rwx \"$DIR/CA/private/cakey.pem\"\n"
280 "\n"
281 "echo \"\"\n"
282 "echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
283 "echo \"Your public x11vnc CA cert is:\"\n"
284 "echo \"\"\n"
285 "echo \"        $DIR/CA/cacert.pem\"\n"
286 "echo \"\"\n"
287 "echo \"   It may be copied to other applications, e.g. Web browser, Java\"\n"
288 "echo \"   Applet keystore, or stunnel cfg, to use to verify signed server\"\n"
289 "echo \"   or client certs, etc.\"\n"
290 "echo \"\"\n"
291 "echo \"Your private x11vnc CA key is:\"\n"
292 "echo \"\"\n"
293 "echo \"        $DIR/CA/private/cakey.pem\"\n"
294 "echo \"\"\n"
295 "echo \"   It will be used to sign server or client certs, keep it secret.\"\n"
296 "echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
297 "echo \"\"\n"
298 "printf \"Press Enter to print the cacert.pem certificate to the screen: \"\n"
299 "read x\n"
300 "echo \"\"\n"
301 "cat \"$DIR/CA/cacert.pem\"\n"
302 ;
304 char genCert[] =
305 "#!/bin/sh\n"
306 "\n"
307 "direrror() {\n"
308 "	echo \"\"\n"
309 "	echo \"You need first to run:\"\n"
310 "	echo \"\"\n"
311 "	if echo \"$DIR\" | grep '/\\.vnc/certs' > /dev/null; then\n"
312 "		echo \"	x11vnc -sslGenCA\"\n"
313 "	else\n"
314 "		echo \"	x11vnc -sslGenCA $DIR\"\n"
315 "	fi\n"
316 "	echo \"\"\n"
317 "	echo \"to create the CA cert file and other needed config files and directories.\"\n"
318 "	echo \"\"\n"
319 "	echo \"Then you can run: x11vnc -sslGenCert $type $name0\"\n"
320 "	echo \"\"\n"
321 "	if [ \"X$1\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
322 "		echo \"(missing file/dir: $1)\"\n"
323 "		echo \"\"\n"
324 "	fi\n"
325 "	exit 1\n"
326 "}\n"
327 "\n"
328 "make_HASH() {\n"
329 "	crt=\"$1\"\n"
330 "	remove=\"$2\"\n"
331 "	if [ ! -f \"$crt\" ]; then\n"
332 "		return\n"
333 "	fi\n"
334 "	dirhash=`dirname \"$crt\"`/HASH\n"
335 "	bashash=`basename \"$crt\"`\n"
336 "	if [ ! -d \"$dirhash\" ]; then\n"
337 "		return\n"
338 "	fi\n"
339 "	hash=`\"$OPENSSL\" x509 -hash -noout -in \"$crt\" 2>/dev/null | head -1`\n"
340 "	if [ \"X$hash\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
341 "		for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n"
342 "		do\n"
343 "			lnk=\"$dirhash/$hash.$i\"\n"
344 "			if [ \"X$remove\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
345 "				if [ -h \"$lnk\" ]; then\n"
346 "					if cmp \"$lnk\" \"$crt\" > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
347 "						ls -l \"$lnk\"\n"
348 "						rm -i \"$lnk\"\n"
349 "					fi\n"
350 "				fi\n"
351 "			else\n"
352 "				if [ -h \"$lnk\" ]; then\n"
353 "					if [ ! -f \"$lnk\" ]; then\n"
354 "						rm -f \"$lnk\" 1>/dev/null 2>&1\n"
355 "					else\n"
356 "						continue\n"
357 "					fi\n"
358 "				fi\n"
359 "				if [ \"x$HASH_verbose\" = \"x1\" ]; then\n"
360 "					echo \"creating: $lnk -> ../$bashash\"\n"
361 "				fi\n"
362 "				ln -s \"../$bashash\" \"$lnk\"\n"
363 "				break\n"
364 "			fi\n"
365 "		done\n"
366 "	fi\n"
367 "}\n"
368 "\n"
369 "create_key() {\n"
370 "	\n"
371 "	echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
372 "	echo \"Creating new x11vnc certificate and key for name: $type $name0\"\n"
373 "	echo \"\"\n"
374 "\n"
375 "	req_args=$REQ_ARGS\n"
376 "	if echo \"$req_args\" | grep 'days' > /dev/null; then\n"
377 "		:\n"
378 "	else\n"
379 "		req_args=\"$req_args -days 730\"\n"
380 "	fi\n"
381 "\n"
382 "	cnf=\"$DIR/tmp/cnf.$$\"\n"
383 "	trap \"rm -f \\\"$cnf\\\"\" 0 1 2 15\n"
384 "\n"
385 "	rm -f \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \"$DIR/$dest.crt\" \"$DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
386 "\n"
387 "	if [ \"x$self\" = \"x1\" ]; then\n"
388 "		if [ ! -f \"$DIR/CA/self.cnf.$type\" ]; then\n"
389 "			direrror \"$DIR/CA/self.cnf.$type\"\n"
390 "		fi\n"
391 "		cat \"$DIR/CA/self.cnf.$type\" | sed -e \"s/%NAME/$name0/\" > \"$cnf\" || exit 1\n"
392 "		\"$OPENSSL\" req -config \"$cnf\" -nodes -new -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 $req_args \\\n"
393 "			-keyout \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \\\n"
394 "			-out    \"$DIR/$dest.crt\"\n"
395 "	else\n"
396 "		if [ ! -f \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf.$type\" ]; then\n"
397 "			direrror \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf.$type\"\n"
398 "		fi\n"
399 "		cat \"$DIR/CA/ssl.cnf.$type\" | sed  -e \"s/%NAME/$name0/\" > \"$cnf\" || exit 1\n"
400 "		\"$OPENSSL\" req -config \"$cnf\" -nodes -new -newkey rsa:2048 $req_args \\\n"
401 "			-keyout \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \\\n"
402 "			-out    \"$DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
403 "	fi\n"
404 "	rc=$?\n"
405 "	if [ -f \"$DIR/$dest.key\" ]; then\n"
406 "		chmod go-rwx \"$DIR/$dest.key\"\n"
407 "	fi\n"
408 "\n"
409 "\n"
410 "\n"
411 "	if [ $rc != 0 ]; then\n"
412 "		echo \"openssl 'req' command failed\"\n"
413 "		rm -f \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \"$DIR/$dest.crt\" \"$DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
414 "		exit 1\n"
415 "	fi\n"
416 "}\n"
417 "\n"
418 "enc_key() {\n"
419 "	\n"
420 "	echo \"\"\n"
421 "	echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
422 "	echo \"Do you want to protect the generated private key with a passphrase?\"\n"
423 "	echo \"Doing so will significantly decrease the chances someone could steal\"\n"
424 "	if [ \"x$type\" = \"xserver\" ]; then\n"
425 "	echo \"the key and pretend to be your x11vnc server.  The downside is it is\"\n"
426 "	else\n"
427 "	echo \"the key and pretend to be your VNC client.  The downside is it is\"\n"
428 "	fi\n"
429 "	echo \"inconvenient because you will need to supply the passphrase EVERY\"\n"
430 "	if [ \"x$type\" = \"xserver\" ]; then\n"
431 "	echo \"time you start x11vnc using this key.\"\n"
432 "	else\n"
433 "	echo \"time you start the VNC viewer SSL tunnel using this key.\"\n"
434 "	fi\n"
435 "	echo \"\"\n"
436 "	if [ \"X$GENCERT_NOPROMPT\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
437 "		x=\"\"\n"
438 "		for tp in 1 2 3\n"
439 "		do\n"
440 "			printf \"Protect key with a passphrase?  y/n \"\n"
441 "			read x\n"
442 "			x=`echo \"$x\" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sed -e 's/[ 	]//g'`\n"
443 "			if [ \"X$x\" = \"Xy\" -o \"X$x\" = \"Xn\" ]; then\n"
444 "				break;\n"
445 "			else \n"
446 "				echo \"Please reply with \\\"y\\\" or \\\"n\\\".\"\n"
447 "			fi\n"
448 "		done\n"
449 "		if [ \"X$x\" != \"Xy\" -a \"X$x\" != \"Xn\" ]; then\n"
450 "			echo \"Assuming reply \\\"n\\\".\"\n"
451 "			x=n\n"
452 "		fi\n"
453 "	else\n"
454 "		echo \"NOT protecting private key with passphrase.\"\n"
455 "		x=n\n"
456 "	fi\n"
457 "	estr=\" *unencrypted*\"\n"
458 "	if [ \"x$ENCRYPT_ONLY\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
459 "		target=\"$ENCRYPT_ONLY\"\n"
460 "	else\n"
461 "		target=\"$DIR/$dest.key\"\n"
462 "		bdir=`dirname \"$DIR/$dest.key\"`\n"
463 "		if [ ! -d \"$bdir\" ]; then\n"
464 "			direrror \"$bdir\"\n"
465 "		fi\n"
466 "	fi\n"
467 "	if [ \"x$x\" != \"xn\" ]; then\n"
468 "		\"$OPENSSL\" rsa -in \"$target\" -des3 -out \"$target\"\n"
469 "		if [ $? != 0 ]; then\n"
470 "			echo \"openssl 'rsa' command failed\"\n"
471 "			rm -f \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \"$DIR/$dest.crt\" \"$DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
472 "			exit 1\n"
473 "		fi\n"
474 "		estr=\" encrypted\"\n"
475 "	fi\n"
476 "	echo \"\"\n"
477 "}\n"
478 "\n"
479 "sign_key() {\n"
480 "	cd \"$DIR\" || exit 1\n"
481 "\n"
482 "	if [ \"x$self\" = \"x1\" ]; then\n"
483 "		:\n"
484 "	else\n"
485 "		if echo \"$name0\" | grep '^req:' > /dev/null; then\n"
486 "			echo \"\"\n"
487 "			echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
488 "			echo \"Your x11vnc $type certificate request is:\"\n"
489 "			echo \"\"\n"
490 "			echo \"        $DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
491 "			echo \"\"\n"
492 "			echo \"   It may be sent to an external CA for signing, afterward you can\"\n"
493 "			echo \"   save the cert they send you in:\"\n"
494 "			echo \"\"\n"
495 "			echo \"        $DIR/$dest.crt\"\n"
496 "			echo \"\"\n"
497 "			echo \"Your$estr private x11vnc $type key is:\"\n"
498 "			echo \"\"\n"
499 "			echo \"        $DIR/$dest.key\"\n"
500 "			echo \"\"\n"
501 "			echo \"   You should combine it and the received cert in the file:\"\n"
502 "			echo \"\"\n"
503 "			echo \"        $DIR/$dest.pem\"\n"
504 "			echo \"\"\n"
505 "			echo \"   It will be needed by applications to identify themselves.\"\n"
506 "			echo \"   This file should be kept secret.\"\n"
507 "			echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
508 "			echo \"\"\n"
509 "			if [ \"X$GENCERT_NOPROMPT\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
510 "				printf \"Press Enter to print the $dest.req cert request to the screen: \"\n"
511 "				read x\n"
512 "			fi\n"
513 "			echo \"\"\n"
514 "			cat \"$DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
515 "			exit 0\n"
516 "		fi\n"
517 "		echo \"\"\n"
518 "		echo \"\"\n"
519 "		echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
520 "		echo \"Now signing the new key with CA private key.  You will need to supply\"\n"
521 "		echo \"the CA key passphrase and reply \\\"y\\\" to sign and commit the key.\"\n"
522 "		echo \"\"\n"
523 "		\"$OPENSSL\" ca -config \"$cnf\" -policy policy_anything -notext \\\n"
524 "			-in  \"$DIR/$dest.req\" \\\n"
525 "			-out \"$DIR/$dest.crt\"\n"
526 "		if [ $? != 0 ]; then\n"
527 "			echo \"\"\n"
528 "			echo \"openssl 'ca' command failed\"\n"
529 "			echo \"\"\n"
530 "			echo \"  You may have a duplicate DN entry for this name in:\"\n"
531 "			echo \"\"\n"
532 "			echo \"          $DIR/CA/index.txt\"\n"
533 "			echo \"\"\n"
534 "			echo \"  remove the duplicate in that file and try again.\"\n"
535 "			echo \"\"\n"
536 "			rm -f \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \"$DIR/$dest.crt\" \"$DIR/$dest.req\"\n"
537 "			exit 1\n"
538 "		fi\n"
539 "	fi\n"
540 "\n"
541 "	cat  \"$DIR/$dest.key\"  \"$DIR/$dest.crt\" \\\n"
542 "		> \"$DIR/$dest.pem\" || exit 1 \n"
543 "\n"
544 "	make_HASH \"$DIR/$dest.crt\" 0\n"
545 "\n"
546 "	rm -f \"$DIR/$dest.key\" \"$DIR/$dest.req\" || exit 1\n"
547 "	chmod go-rwx \"$DIR/$dest.pem\" || exit 1\n"
548 "\n"
549 "	if [ \"x$type\" = \"xserver\" -o \"x$type\" = \"xclient\" ]; then\n"
550 "		echo \"\"\n"
551 "		echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
552 "		echo \"Your public x11vnc $type cert is:\"\n"
553 "		echo \"\"\n"
554 "		echo \"        $DIR/$dest.crt\"\n"
555 "		echo \"\"\n"
556 "		echo \"   It may be copied to other machines / applications to be used for\"\n"
557 "		echo \"   authentication.  However, since it is signed with the x11vnc CA\"\n"
558 "		echo \"   key, all the applications need is the x11vnc CA certificate.\"\n"
559 "		echo \"\"\n"
560 "		echo \"Your$estr private x11vnc $type key is:\"\n"
561 "		echo \"\"\n"
562 "		echo \"        $DIR/$dest.pem\"\n"
563 "		echo \"\"\n"
564 "		echo \"   It will be needed by applications to identify themselves.\"\n"
565 "		echo \"   This file should be kept secret.\"\n"
566 "		echo \"----------------------------------------------------------------------\"\n"
567 "		echo \"\"\n"
568 "	fi\n"
569 "\n"
570 "	if [ \"X$GENCERT_NOPROMPT\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
571 "		printf \"Press Enter to print the $dest.crt certificate to the screen: \"\n"
572 "		read x\n"
573 "	fi\n"
574 "	echo \"\"\n"
575 "	cat \"$DIR/$dest.crt\"\n"
576 "}\n"
577 "\n"
578 "DIR=$BASE_DIR\n"
579 "if [ \"x$DIR\" = \"x\" ]; then\n"
580 "        DIR=\"$HOME/dotkjr_vnc/certs\"\n"
581 "fi\n"
582 "if echo \"$DIR\" | grep '^/' > /dev/null; then\n"
583 "	:\n"
584 "else\n"
585 "	DIR=\"`pwd`/$DIR\"\n"
586 "fi\n"
587 "\n"
588 "if [ \"x$HASHON\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
589 "	for dir in \"$DIR/HASH\" \"$DIR/clients/HASH\"\n"
590 "	do\n"
591 "		if [ -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n"
592 "			rm -rf \"$dir\"\n"
593 "		fi\n"
594 "	done\n"
595 "	dir=\"$DIR/HASH\"\n"
596 "	mkdir -p \"$dir\" || exit 1\n"
597 "	dir=\"$DIR/clients/HASH\"\n"
598 "	mkdir -p \"$dir\" || exit 1\n"
599 "	HASH_verbose=1\n"
600 "	for f in \"$DIR\"/*.crt \"$DIR\"/clients/*.crt\n"
601 "	do\n"
602 "		if [ -f \"$f\" ]; then\n"
603 "			make_HASH \"$f\" 0\n"
604 "		fi\n"
605 "	done\n"
606 "	exit\n"
607 "fi\n"
608 "if [ \"x$HASHOFF\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
609 "	dir=\"$DIR/HASH\"\n"
610 "	for dir in \"$DIR/HASH\" \"$DIR/clients/HASH\"\n"
611 "	do\n"
612 "		if [ -d \"$dir\" ]; then\n"
613 "			for f in \"$dir\"/*\n"
614 "			do\n"
615 "				if [ -f \"$f\" ]; then\n"
616 "					echo \"deleting: $f\"\n"
617 "					rm -f \"$f\"\n"
618 "				fi\n"
619 "			done\n"
620 "			rm -rf \"$dir\"\n"
621 "		fi\n"
622 "	done\n"
623 "	exit\n"
624 "fi\n"
625 "\n"
626 "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH\n"
627 "if [ \"x$OPENSSL\" = \"x\" ]; then\n"
628 "        OPENSSL=\"openssl\"\n"
629 "fi\n"
630 "\n"
631 "type \"$OPENSSL\" > /dev/null	|| exit 1\n"
632 "\n"
633 "self=\"\"\n"
634 "if [ \"x$SELF\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
635 "	self=1\n"
636 "elif [ \"x$1\" = \"x-self\" ]; then\n"
637 "	shift\n"
638 "	self=1\n"
639 "fi\n"
640 "\n"
641 "if [ \"x$TYPE\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
642 "	type=\"$TYPE\"\n"
643 "else\n"
644 "	if [ \"X$1\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
645 "		type=\"$1\"\n"
646 "		shift\n"
647 "	fi\n"
648 "fi\n"
649 "if [ \"x$NAME\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
650 "	name=\"$NAME\"\n"
651 "else\n"
652 "	if [ \"X$1\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
653 "		name=\"$1\"\n"
654 "		shift\n"
655 "	fi\n"
656 "fi\n"
657 "\n"
658 "if echo \"$name\" | grep '^self:' > /dev/null; then\n"
659 "	self=1\n"
660 "fi\n"
661 "\n"
662 "if [ \"x$type\" = \"xserver\" ]; then\n"
663 "	name0=\"$name\"\n"
664 "	if echo \"$name\" | grep '^-' > /dev/null; then\n"
665 "		:\n"
666 "	elif [ \"x$name\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
667 "		name=\"-$name\";\n"
668 "	fi\n"
669 "	dest=\"server$name\"\n"
670 "elif [ \"x$type\" = \"xclient\" ]; then\n"
671 "	if [ \"x$name\" = \"x\" ]; then\n"
672 "		name=\"nobody\"\n"
673 "	fi\n"
674 "	name0=\"$name\"\n"
675 "	dest=\"clients/$name\"\n"
676 "else\n"
677 "	exit 1\n"
678 "fi\n"
679 "\n"
680 "#set -xv\n"
681 "\n"
682 "if [ \"x$INFO_ONLY\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
683 "	echo \"\"\n"
684 "	echo \"VNC Certificate file:\"\n"
685 "	echo \"	$INFO_ONLY\"\n"
686 "	echo \"\"\n"
687 "	\"$OPENSSL\" x509 -text -in \"$INFO_ONLY\"\n"
688 "	exit \n"
689 "elif [ \"x$DELETE_ONLY\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
690 "	echo \"\"\n"
691 "	echo \"VNC Certificate file:\"\n"
692 "	echo \"	$DELETE_ONLY\"\n"
693 "	echo \"\"\n"
694 "	\n"
695 "	base=`echo \"$DELETE_ONLY\" | sed -e 's/\\....$//'`\n"
696 "	for suff in crt pem key req\n"
697 "	do\n"
698 "		try=\"$base.$suff\"\n"
699 "		if [ -f \"$try\" ]; then\n"
700 "			make_HASH \"$try\" 1\n"
701 "			rm -i \"$try\"\n"
702 "		fi\n"
703 "	done\n"
704 "	if echo \"$base\" | grep 'CA/cacert$' > /dev/null; then\n"
705 "		base2=`echo \"$base\" | sed -e 's,cacert$,private/cakey,'`\n"
706 "	else\n"
707 "		echo \"\"\n"
708 "		exit\n"
709 "	fi\n"
710 "	echo \"\"\n"
711 "	for suff in crt pem key req\n"
712 "	do\n"
713 "		try=\"$base2.$suff\"\n"
714 "		if [ -f \"$try\" ]; then\n"
715 "			make_HASH \"$try\" 1\n"
716 "			rm -i \"$try\"\n"
717 "		fi\n"
718 "	done\n"
719 "	echo \"\"\n"
720 "	exit \n"
721 "elif [ \"x$ENCRYPT_ONLY\" != \"x\" ]; then\n"
722 "	if [ \"x$type\" = \"x\" ]; then\n"
723 "		type=\"server\"\n"
724 "	fi\n"
725 "	echo \"\"\n"
726 "	echo \"Key PEM file:\"\n"
727 "	echo \"	$ENCRYPT_ONLY\"\n"
728 "	enc_key\n"
729 "	exit\n"
730 "fi\n"
731 "\n"
732 "if [ ! -d \"$DIR/tmp\" ]; then\n"
733 "	direrror \"$DIR/tmp\"\n"
734 "fi\n"
735 "bdir=`dirname \"$DIR/$dest.key\"`\n"
736 "if [ ! -d \"$bdir\" ]; then\n"
737 "	direrror \"$bdir\"\n"
738 "fi\n"
739 "if [ ! -f \"$DIR/CA/cacert.pem\" ]; then\n"
740 "	direrror \"$DIR/CA/cacert.pem\"\n"
741 "fi\n"
742 "\n"
743 "create_key\n"
744 "enc_key\n"
745 "sign_key\n"
746 ;
748 char find_display[] =
749 "#!/bin/sh\n"
750 "#\n"
751 "# Script for use in -display WAIT:cmd=FINDDISPLAY -unixpw mode.\n"
752 "# Attempts to find 1) DISPLAY and 2) XAUTH data for the user and\n"
753 "# returns them to caller.\n"
754 "#\n"
755 "# The idea is this script is run via su - user -c ... and returns\n"
756 "# display + xauth info to caller (x11vnc running as root or nobody).\n"
757 "# x11vnc then uses the info to open the display.\n"
758 "#\n"
759 "# If not called with -unixpw, root, etc. uses current $USER.\n"
760 "\n"
761 "#FIND_DISPLAY_OUTPUT=/tmp/fdo.$USER.txt\n"
762 "\n"
763 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
764 "	if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_EXEC\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
766 "		export FIND_DISPLAY_EXEC\n"
767 "		# we rerun ourselves with verbose output to a file:\n"
768 "		#\n"
769 "		if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
770 "			/bin/sh $0 \"$@\" 2> $FIND_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\n"
771 "		else\n"
772 "			/bin/sh $0 \"$@\" 2> /dev/null\n"
773 "		fi\n"
774 "		exit $?\n"
775 "	fi\n"
776 "fi\n"
777 "\n"
778 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
779 "	# turn on verbose output\n"
780 "	set -xv\n"
781 "fi\n"
782 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_DEBUG\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
783 "	# print environment and turn on verbose output\n"
784 "	env\n"
785 "	set -xv\n"
786 "fi\n"
787 "\n"
788 "if [ \"X$X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY\" = \"Xall\" ]; then\n"
789 "	exit 1\n"
790 "fi\n"
791 "\n"
792 "# Set PATH to pick up utilities we use below.\n"
793 "PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/ucb\n"
794 "export PATH\n"
795 "\n"
796 "# This is to try to trick ps(1) into writing wide lines: \n"
797 "COLUMNS=256\n"
798 "export COLUMNS\n"
799 "\n"
800 "# -n means no xauth, -f prescribes file to use.\n"
801 "showxauth=1\n"
802 "if [ \"X$1\" = \"X-n\" ]; then\n"
803 "	showxauth=\"\"\n"
804 "	shift\n"
805 "fi\n"
806 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_NO_SHOW_XAUTH\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
807 "	showxauth=\"\"\n"
808 "fi\n"
809 "\n"
810 "# -f means use this xauthority file:\n"
811 "if [ \"X$1\" = \"X-f\" ]; then\n"
812 "	shift\n"
813 "	if [ ! -r $1 ]; then\n"
814 "		echo \"\"\n"
815 "		exit 1\n"
816 "	fi\n"
817 "	export XAUTHORITY=\"$1\"\n"
818 "	shift\n"
819 "fi\n"
820 "\n"
821 "# we need to set user:\n"
822 "#\n"
823 "user=\"$1\"			# cmd line arg takes precedence\n"
824 "if [ \"X$user\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
825 "	user=$X11VNC_USER	# then X11VNC_USER\n"
826 "fi\n"
827 "if [ \"X$user\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
828 "	user=$USER		# then USER\n"
829 "fi\n"
830 "if [ \"X$user\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
831 "	user=$LOGNAME		# then LOGNAME\n"
832 "fi\n"
833 "if [ \"X$user\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
834 "	user=`whoami 2>/dev/null`	# desperation whoami\n"
835 "fi\n"
836 "if [ \"X$user\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
837 "	echo \"\"		# failure\n"
838 "	exit 1\n"
839 "fi\n"
840 "\n"
841 "LC_ALL=C\n"
842 "export LC_ALL\n"
843 "\n"
844 "# util to try to match a display with a Linux VT and print\n"
845 "# disp,VT=... etc.  Otherwise just print out display.\n"
846 "#\n"
847 "prdpy () {\n"
848 "	d1=$1\n"
849 "	chvt0=\"\"\n"
850 "	if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_NO_VT_FIND\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
851 "		:\n"
852 "	# we can only do chvt on Linux:\n"
853 "	elif [ \"X$uname\" = \"XLinux\" ]; then\n"
854 "		d2=$d1\n"
855 "		d3=`echo \"$d2\" | sed -e 's/^.*:/:/' -e 's/\\..*$//'`\n"
856 "		d4=\"($d2|$d3)\"\n"
857 "\n"
858 "		# vt is usually in X server line:\n"
859 "		#\n"
860 "		ps_tmp=`ps wwaux | grep X`\n"
861 "		vt=`echo \"$ps_tmp\" | grep X | egrep -v 'startx|xinit' | egrep \" $d4 \" | egrep ' vt([789]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]*) ' | grep -v grep | head -n 1`\n"
862 "\n"
863 "		if [ \"X$vt\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
864 "			# strip it out and add it.\n"
865 "			vt=`echo \"$vt\" | sed -e 's/^.* vt\\([0-9][0-9]*\\) .*$/\\1/'`\n"
866 "			if echo \"$vt\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
867 "				chvt0=\",VT=$vt\"\n"
868 "			fi\n"
869 "		else\n"
870 "			# otherwise look for tty:\n"
871 "			vt=`echo \"$ps_tmp\" | grep X | egrep \" $d4 \" | egrep ' tty([789]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]*) ' | grep -v grep | head -n 1`\n"
872 "			if [ \"X$vt\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
873 "				vt=`echo \"$vt\" | sed -e 's/^.* tty\\([0-9][0-9]*\\) .*$/\\1/'`\n"
874 "				if echo \"$vt\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
875 "					chvt0=\",VT=$vt\"\n"
876 "				fi\n"
877 "			else\n"
878 "				# otherwise try lsof:\n"
879 "				pvt=`echo \"$ps_tmp\" | grep X | egrep -v 'startx|xinit' | egrep \" $d4 \" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}'`\n"
880 "				if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_NO_LSOF\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
881 "					if [ \"X$pvt\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
882 "						chvt0=\",XPID=$pvt\"\n"
883 "					fi\n"
884 "				elif [ \"X$pvt\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
885 "					vt=`lsof -b -p \"$pvt\" 2>/dev/null | egrep '/dev/tty([789]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]*)$' | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's,/dev/tty,,'`\n"
886 "					if echo \"$vt\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
887 "						chvt0=\",VT=$vt\"\n"
888 "					else\n"
889 "						# if this fails, at least tell them the XPID:\n"
890 "						chvt0=\",XPID=$pvt\"\n"
891 "					fi\n"
892 "				fi\n"
893 "			fi\n"
894 "		fi\n"
895 "	fi\n"
896 "\n"
897 "	# return the string, possibly with ,VT=... appended:\n"
898 "	#\n"
899 "	echo \"$d1$chvt0\"\n"
900 "}\n"
901 "\n"
902 "# save uname, netstat, and ps output:\n"
903 "uname=`uname`\n"
904 "is_bsd=\"\"\n"
905 "if echo \"$uname\" | grep -i bsd > /dev/null; then\n"
906 "	is_bsd=1\n"
907 "fi\n"
908 "\n"
909 "if [ \"X$uname\" = \"XDarwin\" ]; then\n"
910 "	psout=`ps aux 2>/dev/null              | grep -wv PID | grep -v grep`\n"
911 "elif [ \"X$uname\" = \"XLinux\" -o \"X$is_bsd\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
912 "	psout=`ps wwaux 2>/dev/null           | grep -wv PID | grep -v grep`\n"
913 "elif [ \"X$uname\" = \"XSunOS\" -a -x /usr/ucb/ps ]; then\n"
914 "	psout=`/usr/ucb/ps wwaux 2>/dev/null  | grep -wv PID | grep -v grep`\n"
915 "else\n"
916 "	psout=`ps -ef 2>/dev/null | grep -wv PID | grep -v grep`\n"
917 "fi\n"
918 "pslist=`echo \"$psout\" | awk '{print $2}'`\n"
919 "\n"
920 "nsout=`netstat -an`\n"
921 "\n"
922 "rchk() {\n"
923 "	rr=rr	\n"
924 "}\n"
925 "\n"
926 "dL=\"-L\"\n"
927 "if uname -sr | egrep 'SunOS 5\\.[5-8]' > /dev/null; then\n"
928 "	dL=\"-h\"\n"
929 "fi\n"
930 "\n"
931 "# a portable tmp file creator\n"
932 "mytmp() {\n"
933 "	tf=$1\n"
934 "	if type mktemp > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
935 "		# if we have mktemp(1), use it:\n"
936 "		tf2=\"$tf.XXXXXX\"\n"
937 "		tf2=`mktemp \"$tf2\"`\n"
938 "		if [ \"X$tf2\" != \"X\" -a -f \"$tf2\" ]; then\n"
939 "			if [ \"X$DEBUG_MKTEMP\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
940 "				echo \"mytmp-mktemp: $tf2\" 1>&2\n"
941 "			fi\n"
942 "			echo \"$tf2\"\n"
943 "			return\n"
944 "		fi\n"
945 "	fi\n"
946 "	# fallback to multiple cmds:\n"
947 "	rm -rf \"$tf\" || exit 1\n"
948 "	if [ -d \"$tf\" ]; then\n"
949 "		echo \"tmp file $tf still exists as a directory.\"\n"
950 "		exit 1\n"
951 "	elif [ $dL \"$tf\" ]; then\n"
952 "		echo \"tmp file $tf still exists as a symlink.\"\n"
953 "		exit 1\n"
954 "	elif [ -f \"$tf\" ]; then\n"
955 "		echo \"tmp file $tf still exists.\"\n"
956 "		exit 1\n"
957 "	fi\n"
958 "	touch \"$tf\" || exit 1\n"
959 "	chmod 600 \"$tf\" || exit 1\n"
960 "	rchk\n"
961 "	if [ \"X$DEBUG_MKTEMP\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
962 "		echo \"mytmp-touch: $tf\" 1>&2\n"
963 "	fi\n"
964 "	echo \"$tf\"\n"
965 "}\n"
966 "\n"
967 "skip_display() {\n"
968 "	dtry=$1\n"
969 "	dtry1=`echo \"$dtry\" | sed -e 's/^://'`\n"
970 "	dtry2=`echo \"$dtry\" | sed -e 's/\\.[0-9][0-9]*$//'`\n"
971 "\n"
972 "	if [ \"X$X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
973 "		# no skip list, return display:\n"
974 "		echo \"$dtry\"\n"
975 "	else\n"
976 "		# user supplied skip list:\n"
977 "		mat=\"\"\n"
978 "		slist=\"\"\n"
979 "		for skip in `echo \"$X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY\" | tr ',' '\\n'`\n"
980 "		do\n"
981 "			if echo \"$skip\" | sed -e 's/://g' | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*-[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
982 "				# a range n-m\n"
983 "				min=`echo \"$skip\" | sed -e 's/://g' | awk -F- '{print $1}'`\n"
984 "				max=`echo \"$skip\" | sed -e 's/://g' | awk -F- '{print $2}'`\n"
985 "				if [ \"$min\" -le \"$max\" ]; then\n"
986 "					while [ $min -le $max ]\n"
987 "					do\n"
988 "						if [ \"X$slist\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
989 "							slist=\"$min\"\n"
990 "						else\n"
991 "							slist=\"$slist $min\"\n"
992 "						fi\n"
993 "						min=`expr $min + 1`\n"
994 "					done\n"
995 "					continue\n"
996 "				fi\n"
997 "			fi\n"
998 "			# a simple :n or n (or user supplied garbage).\n"
999 "			if [ \"X$slist\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1000 "				slist=\"$skip\"\n"
1001 "			else\n"
1002 "				slist=\"$slist $skip\"\n"
1003 "			fi\n"
1004 "		done\n"
1005 "\n"
1006 "		for skip in $slist\n"
1007 "		do\n"
1008 "			if echo \"$skip\" | grep \"^:\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1009 "				:\n"
1010 "			else\n"
1011 "				skip=\":$skip\"\n"
1012 "			fi\n"
1013 "			skip2=`echo \"$skip\" | sed -e 's/\\.[0-9][0-9]*$//'`\n"
1014 "\n"
1015 "			if echo \"$skip\" | grep \":$dtry1\\>\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1016 "				mat=1\n"
1017 "				break\n"
1018 "			elif echo \"$skip\" | grep \":$dtry2\\>\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1019 "				mat=1\n"
1020 "				break\n"
1021 "			elif [ \"X$skip2\" = \"X:$dtry1\" ]; then\n"
1022 "				mat=1\n"
1023 "				break\n"
1024 "			elif [ \"X$skip2\" = \"X:$dtry2\" ]; then\n"
1025 "				mat=1\n"
1026 "				break\n"
1027 "			fi\n"
1028 "		done\n"
1029 "		if [ \"X$X11VNC_SKIP_DISPLAY_NEGATE\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1030 "			if [ \"X$mat\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1031 "				echo \"\"\n"
1032 "			else\n"
1033 "				echo \"$dtry\"\n"
1034 "			fi\n"
1035 "		else\n"
1036 "			if [ \"X$mat\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1037 "				echo \"$dtry\"\n"
1038 "			else\n"
1039 "				echo \"\"\n"
1040 "			fi\n"
1041 "		fi\n"
1042 "	fi\n"
1043 "}\n"
1044 "\n"
1045 "am_root=\"\"\n"
1046 "if id | sed -e 's/ gid.*$//' | grep -w root > /dev/null; then\n"
1047 "	am_root=1\n"
1048 "fi\n"
1049 "am_gdm=\"\"\n"
1050 "if id | sed -e 's/ gid.*$//' | grep -w gdm > /dev/null; then\n"
1051 "	am_gdm=1\n"
1052 "fi\n"
1053 "\n"
1054 "# this mode is to try to grab a display manager (gdm, kdm, xdm...) display\n"
1055 "# when we are run as root (e.g. no one is logged in yet).  We look at the\n"
1056 "# -auth line in the X/Xorg commandline.\n"
1057 "#\n"
1058 "if [ \"X$FD_XDM\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1059 "	list=\"\"\n"
1060 "	for pair in `echo \"$psout\" | grep '/X.* :[0-9][0-9]* .*-auth' | egrep -v 'startx|xinit' | sed -e 's,^.*/X.* \\(:[0-9][0-9]*\\) .* -auth \\([^ ][^ ]*\\).*$,\\1\\,\\2,' | sort -u`\n"
1061 "	do\n"
1062 "		da=`echo \"$pair\" | awk -F, '{print $1}'`\n"
1063 "		xa=`echo \"$pair\" | awk -F, '{print $2}'`\n"
1064 "		da=`skip_display \"$da\"`\n"
1065 "		if [ \"X$da\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1066 "			continue\n"
1067 "		fi\n"
1068 "		if [ -f $xa -a -r $xa ]; then\n"
1069 "			# if we have an xauth file, we proceed to test it:\n"
1070 "			#\n"
1071 "			env XAUTHORITY=\"$xa\" xdpyinfo -display \"$da\" >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
1072 "			if [ $? = 0 ]; then\n"
1073 "				si_root=\"\"\n"
1074 "				si_gdm=\"\"\n"
1075 "				# recent gdm seems to use SI:localuser: for xauth.\n"
1076 "				if env DISPLAY=\"$da\" xhost 2>/dev/null | grep -i '^SI:localuser:root$' > /dev/null; then\n"
1077 "					si_root=1\n"
1078 "				fi\n"
1079 "				if env DISPLAY=\"$da\" xhost 2>/dev/null | grep -i '^SI:localuser:gdm$'  > /dev/null; then\n"
1080 "					si_gdm=1\n"
1081 "				fi\n"
1082 "				env XAUTHORITY=/dev/null xdpyinfo -display \"$da\" >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
1083 "				rc=$?\n"
1084 "				if [ \"X$rc\" = \"X0\" ]; then\n"
1085 "					# assume it is ok for server interpreted case.\n"
1086 "					if [ \"X$am_root\" = \"X1\" -a \"X$si_root\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1087 "						rc=5\n"
1088 "					elif [ \"X$am_gdm\" = \"X1\" -a \"X$si_gdm\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1089 "						rc=6\n"
1090 "					fi\n"
1091 "				fi\n"
1092 "				if [ $rc != 0 ]; then\n"
1093 "					y=`prdpy $da`\n"
1094 "					if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_NO_SHOW_DISPLAY\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1095 "						echo \"DISPLAY=$y\"\n"
1096 "					fi\n"
1097 "					if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_XAUTHORITY_PATH\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1098 "						# caller wants XAUTHORITY printed out too.\n"
1099 "						if [ \"X$xa\" != \"X\" -a -f \"$xa\" ]; then\n"
1100 "							echo \"XAUTHORITY=$xa\"\n"
1101 "						else\n"
1102 "							echo \"XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY\"\n"
1103 "						fi\n"
1104 "					fi\n"
1105 "					if [ \"X$showxauth\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1106 "						# copy the cookie:\n"
1107 "						cook=`xauth -f \"$xa\" list | head -n 1 | awk '{print $NF}'`\n"
1108 "						xtf=$HOME/.xat.$$\n"
1109 "						xtf=`mytmp \"$xtf\"`\n"
1110 "						if [ ! -f $xtf ]; then\n"
1111 "							xtf=/tmp/.xat.$$\n"
1112 "							xtf=`mytmp \"$xtf\"`\n"
1113 "						fi\n"
1114 "						if [ ! -f $xtf ]; then\n"
1115 "							xtf=/tmp/.xatb.$$\n"
1116 "							rm -f $xtf\n"
1117 "							if [ -f $xtf ]; then\n"
1118 "								exit 1\n"
1119 "							fi\n"
1120 "							touch $xtf 2>/dev/null\n"
1121 "							chmod 600 $xtf 2>/dev/null\n"
1122 "							if [ ! -f $xtf ]; then\n"
1123 "								exit 1\n"
1124 "							fi\n"
1125 "						fi\n"
1126 "						xauth -f $xtf add \"$da\" . $cook\n"
1127 "						xauth -f $xtf extract - \"$da\" 2>/dev/null\n"
1128 "						rm -f $xtf\n"
1129 "					fi\n"
1130 "					# DONE\n"
1131 "					exit 0\n"
1132 "				fi\n"
1133 "			fi\n"
1134 "		fi\n"
1135 "	done\n"
1136 "	if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_XAUTHORITY_PATH\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1137 "		echo \"\"		# failure\n"
1138 "	fi\n"
1139 "	if [ \"X$showxauth\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1140 "		echo \"\"\n"
1141 "	fi\n"
1142 "	# DONE\n"
1143 "	exit 1\n"
1144 "fi\n"
1145 "\n"
1146 "# Normal case here (not xdm...).\n"
1147 "\n"
1148 "# Try to match X DISPLAY to user:\n"
1149 "\n"
1150 "# who(1) output column 2:\n"
1151 "#gone=`last $user | grep 'gone.*no.logout' | awk '{print $2}' | grep '^:' | sed -e 's,/.*,,' | tr '\\n' '|'`\n"
1152 "#gone=\"${gone}__quite_impossible__\"\n"
1153 "#display=`who 2>/dev/null | grep \"^${user}[ 	][ 	]*:[0-9]\" | egrep -v \" ($gone)\\>\" | head -n 1 \\\n"
1154 "#    | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`\n"
1155 "\n"
1156 "poss=\"\"\n"
1157 "list=`who 2>/dev/null | grep \"^${user}[ 	][ 	]*:[0-9]\" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`\n"
1158 "list=\"$list \"`w -h \"$user\" 2>/dev/null | grep \"^${user}[ 	][ 	]*:[0-9]\" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`\n"
1159 "list=\"$list \"`who 2>/dev/null | grep \"^${user}[ 	]\" | awk '{print $NF}' | grep '(:[0-9]' | sed -e 's/[()]//g'`\n"
1160 "host=`hostname 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\\..*$//'`\n"
1161 "\n"
1162 "got_local_dm_file=\"\"\n"
1163 "\n"
1164 "if [ \"X$X11VNC_FINDDISPLAY_SKIP_XAUTH\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1165 "	# do a normal xauth list:\n"
1166 "	list=\"$list \"`xauth list | awk '{print $1}' | grep /unix | grep \"^${host}\" | sed -e 's/^.*:/:/' | sort -n | uniq`\n"
1167 "\n"
1168 "	# check for gdm and kdm non-NFS cookies in /tmp: (and now /var/run/gdm)\n"
1169 "	for xa in /tmp/.gdm* /tmp/.Xauth* /var/run/gdm*/auth-for-*/database /var/run/gdm*/auth-cookie-*-for-*\n"
1170 "	do\n"
1171 "		# try to be somewhat careful about the real owner of the file:\n"
1172 "		if [ \"X$am_root\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1173 "			break\n"
1174 "		fi\n"
1175 "		if [ -f $xa -a -r $xa ]; then\n"
1176 "			if ls -l \"$xa\" | sed -e 's,/tmp.*$,,' -e 's,/var.*$,,' | grep -w \"$user\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1177 "				# append these too:\n"
1178 "				if find \"$xa\" -user \"$user\" -perm 600 > /dev/null; then\n"
1179 "					:\n"
1180 "				else\n"
1181 "					continue\n"
1182 "				fi\n"
1183 "				# it passes the ownership tests, add it:\n"
1184 "				# since the directory is (evidently) local, \"localhost\" is good too. (but beware XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME in libxcb)\n"
1185 "				sav0=\"$list \"\n"
1186 "				list=\"$list \"`xauth -f \"$xa\" list | awk '{print $1}' | grep /unix | egrep -i \"^${host}|^localhost\" | sed -e 's/^.*:/:/' | sort -n | uniq | sed -e \"s,\\$,\\,$xa,\"`\n"
1187 "				if [ \"X$sav0\" != \"X$list\" ]; then\n"
1188 "					got_local_dm_file=1\n"
1189 "				fi\n"
1190 "			fi\n"
1191 "		fi\n"
1192 "	done\n"
1193 "fi\n"
1194 "\n"
1195 "if [ \"X$uname\" = \"XDarwin\" ]; then\n"
1196 "	# macosx uses \"console\" string (in leopard X11 runs/launched by default)\n"
1197 "	if who 2>/dev/null | grep -i \"^${user}[ 	][ 	]*console[ 	]\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1198 "		echo \"DISPLAY=console\"\n"
1199 "		if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_ALL\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1200 "			if [ \"X$showxauth\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1201 "				echo \"\"\n"
1202 "			fi\n"
1203 "			exit 0\n"
1204 "		fi\n"
1205 "	fi\n"
1206 "fi\n"
1207 "\n"
1208 "# try the items in the list:\n"
1209 "#\n"
1210 "nsout_trim=`echo \"$nsout\" | grep \"/tmp/.X11-unix/\"`\n"
1211 "#\n"
1212 "for p in $list\n"
1213 "do\n"
1214 "	xa=`echo \"$p\" | awk -F, '{print $2}'`\n"
1215 "	d=`echo \"$p\" | sed -e 's/,.*$//' -e 's/://' -e 's/\\..*$//'`\n"
1216 "	ok=\"\"\n"
1217 "	d=`skip_display \"$d\"`\n"
1218 "	if [ \"X$d\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1219 "		continue;\n"
1220 "	fi\n"
1221 "\n"
1222 "	# check for the local X11 files:\n"
1223 "	xd=\"/tmp/.X11-unix/X$d\"\n"
1224 "	if [ -r \"$xd\" -o -w \"$xd\" -o -x \"$xd\" ]; then\n"
1225 "		if echo \"$nsout_trim\" | grep \"/tmp/.X11-unix/X$d[  ]*\\$\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1226 "			ok=1\n"
1227 "		fi\n"
1228 "	fi\n"
1229 "	if [ \"X$ok\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1230 "		# instead check for the lock:\n"
1231 "		if [ -f \"/tmp/.X$d-lock\" ]; then\n"
1232 "			pid=`cat \"/tmp/.X$d-lock\" | sed -e 's/[ 	]//g'`\n"
1233 "			if echo \"$pid\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
1234 "				if [ \"X$uname\" = \"XLinux\" -o \"X$uname\" = \"XSunOS\" ]; then\n"
1235 "					if [ -d \"/proc/$pid\" ]; then\n"
1236 "						ok=1\n"
1237 "					fi\n"
1238 "				elif echo \"$pslist\" | grep -w \"$pid\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1239 "					ok=1\n"
1240 "				fi\n"
1241 "			fi\n"
1242 "		fi\n"
1243 "	fi\n"
1244 "\n"
1245 "	if [ \"X$ok\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1246 "		# ok, put it on the list\n"
1247 "		poss=\"$poss $p\"\n"
1248 "	fi\n"
1249 "done\n"
1250 "\n"
1251 "seenvalues=\"\"\n"
1252 "\n"
1253 "seen() {\n"
1254 "	# simple util to skip repeats\n"
1255 "	v=$1\n"
1256 "	if [ \"X$seenvalues\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1257 "		for v2 in $seenvalues\n"
1258 "		do\n"
1259 "			if [ \"X$v\" = \"X$v2\" ]; then\n"
1260 "				seenret=1\n"
1261 "				return\n"
1262 "			fi\n"
1263 "		done\n"
1264 "	fi\n"
1265 "	if [ \"X$seenvalues\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1266 "		seenvalues=\"$v\"\n"
1267 "	else\n"
1268 "		seenvalues=\"$seenvalues $v\"\n"
1269 "	fi\n"
1270 "	seenret=0\n"
1271 "}\n"
1272 "\n"
1273 "# now get read to try each one in $poss\n"
1274 "#\n"
1275 "poss=`echo \"$poss\" | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//'`\n"
1276 "display=\"\"\n"
1277 "xauth_use=\"\"\n"
1278 "\n"
1279 "if [ \"X$X11VNC_FINDDISPLAY_SKIP_XAUTH\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1280 "	# we are not supposed to call xauth(1), simply report\n"
1281 "	if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_ALL\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1282 "		for p in $poss\n"
1283 "		do\n"
1284 "			if [ \"X$p\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1285 "				continue\n"
1286 "			fi\n"
1287 "			seen \"$p\"\n"
1288 "			if [ \"X$seenret\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1289 "				continue\n"
1290 "			fi\n"
1291 "			# get rid of any ,xauth\n"
1292 "			p=`echo \"$p\" | sed -e 's/,.*$//'`\n"
1293 "			y=`prdpy $p`\n"
1294 "			echo $y\n"
1295 "		done\n"
1296 "		exit 0\n"
1297 "	fi\n"
1298 "	display=`echo \"$poss\" | tr ' ' '\\n' | head -n 1`\n"
1299 "else\n"
1300 "	freebie=\"\"\n"
1301 "	xauth_freebie=\"\"\n"
1302 "	for p in $poss\n"
1303 "	do\n"
1304 "		if [ \"X$p\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1305 "			continue\n"
1306 "		fi\n"
1307 "		seen \"$p\"\n"
1308 "		if [ \"X$seenret\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1309 "			continue\n"
1310 "		fi\n"
1311 "\n"
1312 "		# extract ,xauth if any.\n"
1313 "		xa=\"\"\n"
1314 "		xa=`echo \"$p\" | awk -F, '{print $2}'`\n"
1315 "		p=`echo \"$p\" | sed -e 's/,.*$//'`\n"
1316 "\n"
1317 "		# check xauth for it:\n"
1318 "		if [ \"X$xa\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1319 "			myenv=\"XAUTHORITY=$xa\"\n"
1320 "		else\n"
1321 "			myenv=\"FOO_BAR_=baz\"\n"
1322 "		fi\n"
1323 "		p=`skip_display \"$p\"`\n"
1324 "		if [ \"X$p\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1325 "			continue\n"
1326 "		fi\n"
1327 "\n"
1328 "		env \"$myenv\" xdpyinfo -display \"$p\" >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
1329 "		rc=$?\n"
1330 "\n"
1331 "		if [ $rc != 0 ]; then\n"
1332 "			# guard against libxcb/desktop silliness: \n"
1333 "			xalhn_save=$XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME\n"
1334 "\n"
1335 "			if [ \"X$xalhn_save\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1336 "				# try it again unset\n"
1337 "				unset XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME\n"
1338 "				env \"$myenv\" xdpyinfo -display \"$p\" >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
1339 "				rc=$?\n"
1340 "				if [ $rc != 0 ]; then\n"
1341 "					# did not work; put it back\n"
1342 "					XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=$xalhn_save\n"
1343 "					export XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME\n"
1344 "				fi\n"
1345 "			fi\n"
1346 "			if [ $rc != 0 -a \"X$xalhn_save\" != \"Xlocalhost\" ]; then\n"
1347 "				# try it again with localhost\n"
1348 "				env \"$myenv\" XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=localhost xdpyinfo -display \"$p\" >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
1349 "				rc=$?\n"
1350 "				if [ $rc = 0 ]; then\n"
1351 "					# better export it for cmds below...\n"
1352 "					XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=localhost\n"
1353 "					export XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME\n"
1354 "				fi\n"
1355 "			fi\n"
1356 "		fi\n"
1357 "\n"
1358 "		if [ $rc = 0 ]; then\n"
1359 "			if [ \"X$FD_TAG\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1360 "				# look for x11vnc special FD_TAG property:\n"
1361 "				if [ \"X$xa\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1362 "					if xprop -display \"$p\" -root -len 128 FD_TAG | grep -iv no.such.atom \\\n"
1363 "					    | grep \"=[ 	][ 	]*\\\"$FD_TAG\\\"\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1364 "						:\n"
1365 "					else\n"
1366 "						continue\n"
1367 "					fi\n"
1368 "				else\n"
1369 "					if env XAUTHORITY=\"$xa\" xprop -display \"$p\" -root -len 128 FD_TAG | grep -iv no.such.atom \\\n"
1370 "					    | grep \"=[ 	][ 	]*\\\"$FD_TAG\\\"\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1371 "						:\n"
1372 "					else\n"
1373 "						continue\n"
1374 "					fi\n"
1375 "				fi\n"
1376 "			fi\n"
1377 "\n"
1378 "			# Now try again with no authority:\n"
1379 "			env XAUTHORITY=/dev/null xdpyinfo -display \"$p\" >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
1380 "\n"
1381 "			# 0 means got in for free... skip it unless we don't find anything else.\n"
1382 "			if [ $? != 0 ]; then\n"
1383 "				# keep it\n"
1384 "				display=\"$p\"\n"
1385 "				xauth_use=\"$xa\"\n"
1386 "				if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_ALL\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1387 "					y=`prdpy $p`\n"
1388 "					echo \"DISPLAY=$y\"\n"
1389 "					continue\n"
1390 "				fi\n"
1391 "				break\n"
1392 "			else\n"
1393 "				# store in freebie as fallback\n"
1394 "				if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_ALL\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1395 "					y=`prdpy $p`\n"
1396 "					echo \"$y,NOXAUTH\"\n"
1397 "					continue\n"
1398 "				fi\n"
1399 "				if [ \"X$freebie\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1400 "					freebie=\"$p\"\n"
1401 "					xauth_freebie=\"$xa\"\n"
1402 "				fi\n"
1403 "			fi\n"
1404 "		fi\n"
1405 "	done\n"
1406 "	if [ \"X$display\" = \"X\" -a \"X$freebie\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1407 "		# fallback to the freebie (if any)\n"
1408 "		display=\"$freebie\"\n"
1409 "		xauth_use=\"$xauth_freebie\"\n"
1410 "	fi\n"
1411 "fi\n"
1412 "\n"
1413 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_ALL\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1414 "	# we have listed everything, get out.\n"
1415 "	exit\n"
1416 "fi\n"
1417 "if [ \"X$display\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1418 "	if [ \"X$FINDDISPLAY_run\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1419 "		echo \"\"		# failure\n"
1420 "		if [ \"X$showxauth\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1421 "			echo \"\"\n"
1422 "		fi\n"
1423 "	fi\n"
1424 "	exit 1\n"
1425 "fi\n"
1426 "\n"
1427 "# append ,VT=n if applicable:\n"
1428 "dpy2=`prdpy \"$display\"`\n"
1429 "\n"
1430 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_NO_SHOW_DISPLAY\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1431 "	echo \"DISPLAY=$dpy2\"\n"
1432 "fi\n"
1433 "if [ \"X$FIND_DISPLAY_XAUTHORITY_PATH\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1434 "	# caller wants XAUTHORITY printed out too.\n"
1435 "	if [ \"X$xauth_use\" != \"X\" -a -f \"$xauth_use\" ]; then\n"
1436 "		echo \"XAUTHORITY=$xauth_use\"\n"
1437 "	else\n"
1438 "		echo \"XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY\"\n"
1439 "	fi\n"
1440 "fi\n"
1441 "if [ \"X$showxauth\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1442 "	# show the (binary) xauth data:\n"
1443 "	if [ \"X$xauth_use\" != \"X\" -a -f \"$xauth_use\" ]; then\n"
1444 "		xauth -f \"$xauth_use\" extract - \"$display\" 2>/dev/null\n"
1445 "	else\n"
1446 "		xauth extract - \"$display\" 2>/dev/null\n"
1447 "	fi\n"
1448 "fi\n"
1449 "\n"
1450 "exit 0\n"
1451 ;
1453 char create_display[] =
1454 "#!/bin/sh\n"
1455 "\n"
1456 "#CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT=/tmp/cdo.txt\n"
1457 "\n"
1458 "if echo \"$USER\" | egrep 'runge' > /dev/null ; then\n"
1459 "	CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT=/tmp/cdo.$USER.txt\n"
1460 "	if [ -f $CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT -a ! -w $CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT ]; then\n"
1462 "	fi\n"
1463 "fi\n"
1464 "if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1465 "	if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_EXEC\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1467 "		export CREATE_DISPLAY_EXEC\n"
1468 "		if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1469 "			/bin/sh $0 \"$@\" 2> $CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\n"
1470 "		else\n"
1471 "			/bin/sh $0 \"$@\" 2> /dev/null\n"
1472 "		fi\n"
1473 "		exit $?\n"
1474 "	fi\n"
1475 "fi\n"
1476 "if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_PERL_SETPGRP\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1479 "	if type perl >/dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
1480 "		perl -e \"setpgrp(0,0); exec '/bin/sh $0 $*'\";\n"
1481 "		exit $?\n"
1482 "	fi\n"
1483 "fi\n"
1484 "\n"
1485 "\n"
1486 "if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1487 "	set -xv\n"
1488 "fi\n"
1489 "\n"
1490 "COLUMNS=256\n"
1491 "export COLUMNS\n"
1492 "\n"
1493 "LC_ALL_save=$LC_ALL\n"
1494 "LC_ALL=C\n"
1495 "export LC_ALL\n"
1496 "\n"
1497 "findfree() {\n"
1498 "	try=20\n"
1499 "	dpymax=79\n"
1500 "	if [ \"X$X11VNC_CREATE_STARTING_DISPLAY_NUMBER\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1502 "	fi\n"
1503 "	if [ \"X$X11VNC_CREATE_MAX_DISPLAYS\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1504 "		dpymax=$X11VNC_CREATE_MAX_DISPLAYS\n"
1505 "	fi\n"
1506 "	sry=`expr $try + $dpymax`\n"
1507 "	n=\"\"\n"
1508 "	nsout=\"\"\n"
1509 "	if [ \"X$have_netstat\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1510 "		nsout=`$have_netstat -an`\n"
1511 "	fi\n"
1512 "	nsout_trim=`echo \"$nsout\" | grep \"/tmp/.X11-unix/\"`\n"
1513 "	while [ $try -lt $sry ]\n"
1514 "	do\n"
1515 "		tlock=\"/tmp/.X${try}-lock\"\n"
1516 "		if [ -r $tlock ]; then\n"
1517 "			if echo \"$nsout_trim\" | grep \"/tmp/.X11-unix/X${try}[ 	]*\\$\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1518 "				:\n"
1519 "			else\n"
1520 "				pid=`head -n 1 $tlock 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/[ 	]//g' | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$'`\n"
1521 "				if [ \"X$pid\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1522 "					exists=0\n"
1523 "					if [ -d /proc/$pid ]; then\n"
1524 "						exists=1\n"
1525 "					elif kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; then\n"
1526 "						exists=1\n"
1527 "					fi\n"
1528 "					if [ \"X$exists\" = \"X0\" ]; then\n"
1529 "						rm -f $tlock\n"
1530 "					fi\n"
1531 "				fi\n"
1532 "			fi\n"
1533 "		fi\n"
1534 "		if [ ! -f $tlock ]; then\n"
1535 "			if echo \"$nsout_trim\" | grep \"/tmp/.X11-unix/X${try}[ 	]*\\$\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1536 "				:\n"
1537 "			else\n"
1538 "				n=$try\n"
1539 "				break\n"
1540 "			fi\n"
1541 "		fi\n"
1542 "		try=`expr $try + 1`\n"
1543 "	done\n"
1544 "	echo \"$n\"\n"
1545 "}\n"
1546 "\n"
1547 "random() {\n"
1548 "	if [ \"X$RANDOM\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1549 "		echo \"$RANDOM\"\n"
1550 "	else\n"
1551 "		r1=`bash -c 'echo $RANDOM' 2>/dev/null`\n"
1552 "		if echo \"$r1\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
1553 "			echo \"$r1\"\n"
1554 "		else\n"
1555 "			r2=`sh -c 'echo $$; date; ps -elf' 2>&1 | sum -r 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}'`\n"
1556 "			if echo \"$r2\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
1557 "				echo \"$r2\"\n"
1558 "			else\n"
1559 "				r3=`sh -c 'echo $$'`\n"
1560 "				echo \"$r3\"\n"
1561 "			fi\n"
1562 "		fi\n"
1563 "	fi\n"
1564 "}\n"
1565 "\n"
1566 "findsession() {\n"
1567 "	if [ \"X$FD_PROG\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1568 "		echo \"$FD_PROG\"\n"
1569 "		return\n"
1570 "	fi\n"
1571 "	if [ \"X$have_gnome_session\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xgnome\" ]; then\n"
1572 "		if [ \"X$have_dbus_launch\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1573 "			echo \"$have_dbus_launch --exit-with-session $have_gnome_session\"\n"
1574 "		else\n"
1575 "			echo \"$have_gnome_session\"\n"
1576 "		fi\n"
1577 "		return\n"
1578 "	elif [ \"X$have_startkde\" != \"X\"    -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xkde\" ]; then\n"
1579 "		echo \"$have_startkde\"\n"
1580 "		return\n"
1581 "	elif [ \"X$have_startlxde\" != \"X\"    -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xlxde\" ]; then\n"
1582 "		echo \"$have_startlxde\"\n"
1583 "		return\n"
1584 "	elif [ \"X$have_twm\" != \"X\"         -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xtwm\" ]; then\n"
1585 "		echo \"$have_twm\"\n"
1586 "		return\n"
1587 "	elif [ \"X$have_fvwm2\" != \"X\"       -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xfvwm\" ]; then\n"
1588 "		echo \"$have_fvwm2\"\n"
1589 "		return\n"
1590 "	elif [ \"X$have_mwm\" != \"X\"         -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xmwm\" ]; then\n"
1591 "		echo \"$have_mwm\"\n"
1592 "		return\n"
1593 "	elif [ \"X$have_dtwm\" != \"X\"        -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xdtwm\" ]; then\n"
1594 "		echo \"$have_dtwm\"\n"
1595 "		return\n"
1596 "	elif [ \"X$have_windowmaker\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xwmaker\" ]; then\n"
1597 "		echo \"$have_windowmaker\"\n"
1598 "		return\n"
1599 "	elif [ \"X$have_wmaker\" != \"X\"      -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xwmaker\" ]; then\n"
1600 "		echo \"$have_wmaker\"\n"
1601 "		return\n"
1602 "	elif [ \"X$have_startxfce\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xxfce\" ]; then\n"
1603 "		echo \"$have_startxfce\"\n"
1604 "		return\n"
1605 "	elif [ \"X$have_startxfce4\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xxfce\" ]; then\n"
1606 "		echo \"$have_startxfce4\"\n"
1607 "		return\n"
1608 "	elif [ \"X$have_enlightenment\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xenlightenment\" ]; then\n"
1609 "		echo \"$have_enlightenment\"\n"
1610 "		return\n"
1611 "	elif [ \"X$have_Xsession\" != \"X\"    -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"XXsession\" ]; then\n"
1612 "		echo \"$have_Xsession\"\n"
1613 "		return\n"
1614 "	elif [ \"X$have_Xsession\" != \"X\"    -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xcde\" ]; then\n"
1615 "		echo \"$have_Xsession\"\n"
1616 "		return\n"
1617 "	elif [ \"X$have_xterm\" != \"X\"       -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xfailsafe\" ]; then\n"
1618 "		echo \"$have_xterm\"\n"
1619 "		return\n"
1620 "	elif [ \"X$have_xterm\" != \"X\"       -a \"X$FD_SESS\" = \"Xxterm\" ]; then\n"
1621 "		echo \"$have_xterm\"\n"
1622 "		return\n"
1623 "	fi\n"
1624 "	if type csh > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
1625 "		home=`csh -f -c \"echo ~$USER\"`\n"
1626 "	elif type tcsh > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
1627 "		home=`tcsh -f -c \"echo ~$USER\"`\n"
1628 "	elif type bash > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
1629 "		home=`bash -c \"echo ~$USER\"`\n"
1630 "	else\n"
1631 "		home=\"\"\n"
1632 "	fi\n"
1633 "	if [ \"X$home\" = \"X\" -o ! -d \"$home\" ]; then\n"
1634 "		if [ \"X$have_root\" != \"X\" -a \"X$USER\" != \"Xroot\" ]; then\n"
1635 "			home=`su - $USER -c 'echo $HOME'`\n"
1636 "		fi\n"
1637 "	fi\n"
1638 "	if [ \"X$home\" = \"X\" -o ! -d \"$home\" ]; then\n"
1639 "		if [ -d \"/home/$USER\" ]; then\n"
1640 "			home=\"/home/$USER\"\n"
1641 "		else \n"
1642 "			home=__noplace__\n"
1643 "		fi\n"
1644 "	fi\n"
1645 "	if [ -f \"$home/.dmrc\" ]; then\n"
1646 "		if [ \"X$have_startkde\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1647 "			if egrep -i 'Session=kde' \"$home/.dmrc\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1648 "				echo \"$have_startkde\"\n"
1649 "				return\n"
1650 "			fi\n"
1651 "		fi\n"
1652 "		if [ \"X$have_startlxde\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1653 "			if egrep -i 'Session=lxde' \"$home/.dmrc\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1654 "				echo \"$have_startlxde\"\n"
1655 "				return\n"
1656 "			fi\n"
1657 "		fi\n"
1658 "		if [ \"X$have_gnome_session\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1659 "			if egrep -i 'Session=gnome' \"$home/.dmrc\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1660 "				echo \"$have_gnome_session\"\n"
1661 "				return\n"
1662 "			fi\n"
1663 "		fi\n"
1664 "		for wm in blackbox fvwm icewm wmw openbox twm mwm windowmaker enlightenment metacity startxfce4 startxfce\n"
1665 "		do\n"
1666 "			eval \"have=\\$have_$wm\"\n"
1667 "			if [ \"X$have\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1668 "				continue\n"
1669 "			fi\n"
1670 "			if grep -i \"Session=$wm\" \"$home/.dmrc\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1671 "				echo \"$have\"\n"
1672 "				return\n"
1673 "			fi\n"
1674 "			\n"
1675 "		done\n"
1676 "		if egrep -i 'Session=default' \"$home/.dmrc\" > /dev/null; then\n"
1677 "			if [ \"X$have_gnome_session\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1678 "				echo \"$have_gnome_session\"\n"
1679 "				return\n"
1680 "			elif [ \"X$have_startkde\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1681 "				echo \"$have_startkde\"\n"
1682 "				return\n"
1683 "			elif [ \"X$have_startxfce\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1684 "				echo \"$have_startxfce\"\n"
1685 "				return\n"
1686 "			fi\n"
1687 "		fi\n"
1688 "	fi\n"
1689 "	if [ -f \"$home/.xsession\" ]; then\n"
1690 "		echo \"$home/.xsession\"\n"
1691 "		return\n"
1692 "	elif [ -f \"$home/.xinitrc\" ]; then\n"
1693 "		echo \"$home/.xinitrc\"\n"
1694 "		return\n"
1695 "	fi\n"
1696 "	if [ \"X$have_xterm\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1697 "		echo $have_xterm\n"
1698 "		return\n"
1699 "	else\n"
1700 "		echo \".xinitrc\"\n"
1701 "	fi\n"
1702 "}\n"
1703 "\n"
1704 "check_redir_services() {\n"
1705 "	redir_daemon=\"\"\n"
1706 "	need_env=\"\"\n"
1707 "	if echo \"$sess\" | grep '^env ' > /dev/null; then\n"
1708 "		sess=`echo \"$sess\" | sed -e 's/^env //'`\n"
1709 "		need_env=1\n"
1710 "	fi\n"
1711 "	if [ \"X$FD_ESD\" != \"X\" -a \"X$have_esddsp\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1712 "		if echo \"$FD_ESD\" | grep '^DAEMON-' > /dev/null; then\n"
1713 "			FD_ESD=`echo \"$FD_ESD\" | sed -e 's/DAEMON-//'`\n"
1714 "			rport=`echo \"$FD_ESD\" | sed -e 's/^.*://'`\n"
1715 "			dport=`expr $rport + 1`\n"
1716 "			dport=`freeport $dport`\n"
1717 "			FD_ESD=$dport\n"
1718 "			redir_daemon=\"$redir_daemon,TS_ESD_REDIR:$dport:$rport\"\n"
1719 "		fi\n"
1720 "		if echo \"$FD_ESD\" | grep ':' > /dev/null; then\n"
1721 "			:\n"
1722 "		else\n"
1723 "			FD_ESD=\"localhost:$FD_ESD\"\n"
1724 "		fi\n"
1725 "		sess=\"ESPEAKER=$FD_ESD $have_esddsp -s $FD_ESD $sess\"\n"
1726 "		need_env=1\n"
1727 "	fi\n"
1728 "	if [ \"X$FD_CUPS\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1729 "		if echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | grep '^DAEMON-' > /dev/null; then\n"
1730 "			FD_CUPS=`echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | sed -e 's/DAEMON-//'`\n"
1731 "			rport=`echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | sed -e 's/^.*://'`\n"
1732 "			dport=`expr $rport + 1`\n"
1733 "			dport=`freeport $dport`\n"
1734 "			FD_CUPS=$dport\n"
1735 "			redir_daemon=\"$redir_daemon,TS_CUPS_REDIR:$dport:$rport\"\n"
1736 "		fi\n"
1737 "		if echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | grep ':' > /dev/null; then\n"
1738 "			:\n"
1739 "		else\n"
1740 "			FD_CUPS=\"localhost:$FD_CUPS\"\n"
1741 "		fi\n"
1742 "		csr=`echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | awk -F: '{print $1}'`\n"
1743 "		ipp=`echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | awk -F: '{print $2}'`\n"
1744 "		old=`strings -a /usr/sbin/cupsd 2>/dev/null | grep 'CUPS.v1\\.[01]'`\n"
1745 "		if [ \"X$old\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1746 "			FD_CUPS=`echo \"$FD_CUPS\" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`\n"
1747 "		fi\n"
1748 "		sess=\"CUPS_SERVER=$FD_CUPS IPP_PORT=$ipp $sess\"\n"
1749 "		need_env=1\n"
1750 "	fi\n"
1751 "\n"
1752 "	if [ \"X$FD_SMB\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1753 "		if echo \"$FD_SMB\" | grep '^DAEMON-' > /dev/null; then\n"
1754 "			FD_SMB=`echo \"$FD_SMB\" | sed -e 's/DAEMON-//'`\n"
1755 "			rport=`echo \"$FD_SMB\" | sed -e 's/^.*://'`\n"
1756 "			dport=`expr $rport + 1`\n"
1757 "			dport=`freeport $dport`\n"
1758 "			FD_SMB=$dport\n"
1759 "			redir_daemon=\"$redir_daemon,TS_SMB_REDIR:$dport:$rport\"\n"
1760 "		fi\n"
1761 "		if echo \"$FD_SMB\" | grep ':' > /dev/null; then\n"
1762 "			:\n"
1763 "		else\n"
1764 "			FD_SMB=\"localhost:$FD_SMB\"\n"
1765 "		fi\n"
1766 "		smh=`echo \"$FD_SMB\" | awk -F: '{print $1}'`\n"
1767 "		smp=`echo \"$FD_SMB\" | awk -F: '{print $2}'`\n"
1768 "		if [ \"X$smh\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1769 "			smh=localhost\n"
1770 "		fi\n"
1771 "		sess=\"SMB_SERVER=$FD_SMB SMB_HOST=$smh SMB_PORT=$smp $sess\"\n"
1772 "		need_env=1\n"
1773 "	fi\n"
1774 "\n"
1775 "	if [ \"X$FD_NAS\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1776 "		if echo \"$FD_NAS\" | grep '^DAEMON-' > /dev/null; then\n"
1777 "			FD_NAS=`echo \"$FD_NAS\" | sed -e 's/DAEMON-//'`\n"
1778 "			rport=`echo \"$FD_NAS\" | sed -e 's/^.*://'`\n"
1779 "			dport=`expr $rport + 1`\n"
1780 "			dport=`freeport $dport`\n"
1781 "			FD_NAS=$dport\n"
1782 "			redir_daemon=\"$redir_daemon,TS_NAS_REDIR:$dport:$rport\"\n"
1783 "		fi\n"
1784 "		if echo \"$FD_NAS\" | grep ':' > /dev/null; then\n"
1785 "			:\n"
1786 "		else\n"
1787 "			FD_NAS=\"tcp/localhost:$FD_NAS\"\n"
1788 "		fi\n"
1789 "		sess=\"AUDIOSERVER=$FD_NAS $sess\"\n"
1790 "		need_env=1\n"
1791 "	fi\n"
1792 "	if [ \"X$need_env\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1793 "		sess=\"env $sess\"\n"
1794 "	fi\n"
1795 "	redir_daemon=`echo \"$redir_daemon\" | sed -e 's/^,*//'`\n"
1796 "	echo \"redir_daemon=$redir_daemon\" 1>&2\n"
1797 "}\n"
1798 "\n"
1799 "rchk() {\n"
1800 "	rr=rr\n"
1801 "}\n"
1802 "\n"
1803 "dL=\"-L\"\n"
1804 "if uname -sr | egrep 'SunOS 5\\.[5-8]' > /dev/null; then\n"
1805 "	dL=\"-h\"\n"
1806 "fi\n"
1807 "\n"
1808 "# a portable tmp file creator\n"
1809 "mytmp() {\n"
1810 "	tf=$1\n"
1811 "	if type mktemp > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
1812 "		# if we have mktemp(1), use it:\n"
1813 "		tf2=\"$tf.XXXXXX\"\n"
1814 "		tf2=`mktemp \"$tf2\"`\n"
1815 "		if [ \"X$tf2\" != \"X\" -a -f \"$tf2\" ]; then\n"
1816 "			if [ \"X$DEBUG_MKTEMP\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1817 "				echo \"mytmp-mktemp: $tf2\" 1>&2\n"
1818 "			fi\n"
1819 "			echo \"$tf2\"\n"
1820 "			return\n"
1821 "		fi\n"
1822 "	fi\n"
1823 "	# fallback to multiple cmds:\n"
1824 "	rm -rf \"$tf\" || exit 1\n"
1825 "	if [ -d \"$tf\" ]; then\n"
1826 "		echo \"tmp file $tf still exists as a directory.\"\n"
1827 "		exit 1\n"
1828 "	elif [ $dL \"$tf\" ]; then\n"
1829 "		echo \"tmp file $tf still exists as a symlink.\"\n"
1830 "		exit 1\n"
1831 "	elif [ -f \"$tf\" ]; then\n"
1832 "		echo \"tmp file $tf still exists.\"\n"
1833 "		exit 1\n"
1834 "	fi\n"
1835 "	touch \"$tf\" || exit 1\n"
1836 "	chmod 600 \"$tf\" || exit 1\n"
1837 "	rchk\n"
1838 "	if [ \"X$DEBUG_MKTEMP\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1839 "		echo \"mytmp-touch: $tf\" 1>&2\n"
1840 "	fi\n"
1841 "	echo \"$tf\"\n"
1842 "}\n"
1843 "\n"
1844 "missing_mesg() {\n"
1845 "	echo \"\" 1>&2\n"
1846 "	echo \"The program \\\"$1\\\" could not be found in PATH and standard locations.\" 1>&2\n"
1847 "	echo \"You probably need to install a package that provides the \\\"$1\\\" program.\" 1>&2\n"
1848 "	echo \"\" 1>&2\n"
1849 "}\n"
1850 "\n"
1851 "put_back_LC_ALL() {\n"
1852 "	if [ \"X$X11VNC_CREATE_LC_ALL_C_OK\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1853 "		if [ \"X$LC_ALL_save\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1854 "			unset LC_ALL\n"
1855 "		else\n"
1856 "			LC_ALL=\"$LC_ALL_save\"\n"
1857 "		fi\n"
1858 "	fi\n"
1859 "}\n"
1860 "\n"
1861 "server() {\n"
1862 "	authfile=`auth`\n"
1863 "	sess=`findsession`\n"
1864 "	DISPLAY=:$N\n"
1865 "	export DISPLAY\n"
1866 "	stmp=\"\"\n"
1867 "	noxauth=\"\"\n"
1868 "	if [ \"X$have_root\" != \"X\" -a \"X$USER\" != \"Xroot\" ]; then\n"
1869 "		sess=\"env DISPLAY=:$N $sess\"\n"
1870 "		noxauth=\"1\"\n"
1871 "	fi\n"
1872 "\n"
1873 "	redir_daemon=\"\"\n"
1874 "	check_redir_services\n"
1875 "\n"
1876 "	rmf=\"/nosuch\"\n"
1877 "	if echo \"$sess\" | grep '[ 	]' > /dev/null; then\n"
1878 "		stmp=/tmp/.cd$$`random`\n"
1879 "		stmp=`mytmp \"$stmp\"`\n"
1880 "		touch $stmp\n"
1881 "		chmod 755 $stmp || exit 1\n"
1882 "		echo \"#!/bin/sh\" > $stmp\n"
1883 "		#echo \"(id; env; env | grep XAUTHORITY | sed -e 's/XAUTHORITY=//' | xargs ls -l) > /tmp/ENV.OUT.$$\" >> $stmp\n"
1884 "		if [ \"X$SAVE_PATH\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1885 "			echo \"PATH=\\\"$SAVE_PATH\\\"\" >> $stmp\n"
1886 "			echo \"export PATH\" >> $stmp\n"
1887 "		fi\n"
1888 "		if [ \"X$noxauth\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1889 "			echo \"unset XAUTHORITY\"   >> $stmp\n"
1890 "		fi\n"
1891 "		echo \"$sess\"   >> $stmp\n"
1892 "		echo \"sleep 1\"   >> $stmp\n"
1893 "		echo \"rm -f $stmp\" >> $stmp\n"
1894 "		sess=$stmp\n"
1895 "		rmf=\"$stmp\"\n"
1896 "	fi\n"
1897 "\n"
1898 "	if [ \"X$have_root\" != \"X\" -a \"X$USER\" != \"Xroot\" ]; then\n"
1899 "		ctmp1=/tmp/.xat1_$$`random`\n"
1900 "		ctmp1=`mytmp \"$ctmp1\"`\n"
1901 "		ctmp2=/tmp/.xat2_$$`random`\n"
1902 "		ctmp2=`mytmp \"$ctmp2\"`\n"
1903 "		touch $ctmp1 $ctmp2\n"
1904 "		$have_xauth -f $authfile nextract -           :$N > $ctmp1\n"
1905 "		$have_xauth -f $authfile nextract - `hostname`:$N > $ctmp2\n"
1906 "		chown $USER $ctmp1 $ctmp2\n"
1907 "		(unset XAUTHORITY; su - $USER -c \"$have_xauth nmerge - < $ctmp1\" 1>&2)\n"
1908 "		(unset XAUTHORITY; su - $USER -c \"$have_xauth nmerge - < $ctmp2\" 1>&2)\n"
1909 "		rm -f $ctmp1 $ctmp2\n"
1910 "		XAUTHORITY=$authfile\n"
1911 "		export XAUTHORITY\n"
1912 "		sess=\"/bin/su - $USER -c $sess\"\n"
1913 "	else\n"
1914 "		$have_xauth -f $authfile nextract -           :$N | $have_xauth nmerge -\n"
1915 "		$have_xauth -f $authfile nextract - `hostname`:$N | $have_xauth nmerge -\n"
1916 "	fi\n"
1917 "\n"
1918 "	result=0\n"
1919 "	#ns=4\n"
1920 "	ns=0\n"
1921 "	ns2=1\n"
1922 "	#if uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
1923 "	#	ns=2\n"
1924 "	#fi\n"
1925 "\n"
1926 "\n"
1927 "	if [ \"X$use_xdmcp_query\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
1928 "		# we cannot use -nolisten tcp\n"
1929 "		if [ \"X$FD_XDMCP_IF\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1930 "			lhost=$FD_XDMCP_IF\n"
1931 "		elif [ \"X$have_netstat\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
1932 "			lhost=localhost\n"
1933 "		elif $have_netstat -an | grep -w 177 | grep -w udp > /dev/null; then\n"
1934 "			lhost=localhost\n"
1935 "		elif $have_netstat -an | grep -w 177 | grep -w udp6 > /dev/null; then\n"
1936 "			lhost=::1\n"
1937 "		else\n"
1938 "			lhost=localhost\n"
1939 "		fi\n"
1940 "		echo \"$* -once -query $lhost $FD_OPTS\" 1>&2\n"
1941 "		put_back_LC_ALL\n"
1942 "		if [ \"X$have_root\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1943 "			if [ -r $authfile ]; then\n"
1944 "				$have_nohup $* -once -query $lhost -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS 1>&2 &\n"
1945 "			else\n"
1946 "				# why did we have this?\n"
1947 "				$have_nohup $* -once -query $lhost $FD_OPTS 1>&2 &\n"
1948 "			fi\n"
1949 "		else\n"
1950 "			if [ \"X$ns\" = \"X0\" ]; then\n"
1951 "				$have_nohup sh -c \"$* -once -query $lhost -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS\" 1>&2 &\n"
1952 "			else\n"
1953 "				$have_nohup sh -c \"(sleep $ns; $* -once -query $lhost -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS)\" 1>&2 &\n"
1954 "				#result=1\n"
1955 "			fi\n"
1956 "		fi\n"
1957 "		pid=$!\n"
1958 "		sleep 10\n"
1959 "	elif [ \"X$have_startx\" != \"X\" -o \"X$have_xinit\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1960 "		if [ \"X$have_xinit\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1961 "			sxcmd=$have_xinit\n"
1962 "		else\n"
1963 "			sxcmd=$have_startx\n"
1964 "		fi\n"
1965 "		echo \"$sxcmd $sess -- $* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS\" 1>&2\n"
1966 "		put_back_LC_ALL\n"
1967 "		if [ \"X$have_root\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1968 "			$sxcmd $sess -- $* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS 1>&2 &\n"
1969 "		else\n"
1970 "			if [ \"X$ns\" = \"X0\" ]; then\n"
1971 "				$have_nohup sh -c \"$sxcmd $sess -- $* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS\" 1>&2 &\n"
1972 "			else\n"
1973 "				# Why did we ever sleep before starting the server??\n"
1974 "				$have_nohup sh -c \"(sleep $ns; $sxcmd $sess -- $* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS)\" 1>&2 &\n"
1975 "				#result=1\n"
1976 "			fi\n"
1977 "		fi\n"
1978 "		pid=$!\n"
1979 "	else\n"
1980 "		# need to emulate startx/xinit ourselves...\n"
1981 "		echo \"$* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS\" 1>&2\n"
1982 "		put_back_LC_ALL\n"
1983 "		if [ \"X$have_root\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
1984 "			$have_nohup $* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS 1>&2 &\n"
1985 "			pid=$!\n"
1986 "			sleep 3\n"
1987 "			$have_nohup $sess 1>&2 &\n"
1988 "		else\n"
1989 "			if [ \"X$ns\" = \"X0\" ]; then\n"
1990 "				$have_nohup sh -c \"$* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS\" 1>&2 &\n"
1991 "			else\n"
1992 "				$have_nohup sh -c \"(sleep $ns; $* $nolisten -auth $authfile $FD_OPTS)\" 1>&2 &\n"
1993 "				#result=1\n"
1994 "			fi\n"
1995 "			pid=$!\n"
1996 "			sleep 3\n"
1997 "			$have_nohup sh -c \"(sleep 3; $sess)\" 1>&2 &\n"
1998 "		fi\n"
1999 "	fi\n"
2000 "\n"
2001 "	LC_ALL=C\n"
2002 "	export LC_ALL\n"
2003 "\n"
2004 "	if uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
2005 "		$have_nohup sh -c \"(sleep 150; rm -f $rmf)\" 1>&2 &\n"
2006 "	else\n"
2007 "		$have_nohup sh -c \"(sleep 150; rm -f $rmf $authfile)\" 1>&2 &\n"
2008 "	fi\n"
2009 "\n"
2010 "	t=0\n"
2011 "	tmax=5\n"
2012 "	while [ $t -lt $tmax ]\n"
2013 "	do\n"
2014 "		t=`expr $t + 1`\n"
2015 "		sleep $ns2\n"
2016 "		pid2=`head -n 1 \"/tmp/.X$N-lock\" 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/[ 	]//g' | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$'`\n"
2017 "		if [ \"X$pid2\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2018 "			pid2=9999999\n"
2019 "		fi\n"
2020 "		if [ \"X$result\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
2021 "			break\n"
2022 "		elif [ -d /proc/$pid2 ]; then\n"
2023 "			result=1\n"
2024 "			break\n"
2025 "		elif kill -0 $pid2 2>/dev/null; then\n"
2026 "			result=1\n"
2027 "			break\n"
2028 "		elif [ -d /proc/$pid ]; then\n"
2029 "			result=1\n"
2030 "			break\n"
2031 "		elif kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; then\n"
2032 "			result=1\n"
2033 "			break\n"
2034 "		else\n"
2035 "			result=0\n"
2036 "		fi\n"
2037 "		if [ \"X$have_netstat\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2038 "			if $have_netstat -an | grep \"/tmp/.X11-unix/X$N\\$\" > /dev/null; then\n"
2039 "				result=1\n"
2040 "			fi\n"
2041 "		fi\n"
2042 "	done\n"
2043 "\n"
2044 "	if [ \"X$redir_daemon\" != \"X\" -a \"X$result\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
2045 "		redir_daemon=`echo \"$redir_daemon\" | sed -e 's/[~!$&*()|;?<>\"]//g' -e \"s/'//g\"`\n"
2046 "		xprog=$X11VNC_PROG\n"
2047 "		if [ \"X$xprog\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2048 "			xprog=x11vnc\n"
2049 "		fi\n"
2050 "		echo \"running: $xprog -sleepin 10 -auth $authfile -tsd '$redir_daemon'\" 1>&2\n"
2051 "		$have_nohup sh -c \"$xprog -sleepin 10 -auth $authfile -tsd '$redir_daemon' &\" 2>.tsd.log.$USER 1>&2 &\n"
2052 "	fi\n"
2053 "}\n"
2054 "\n"
2055 "try_X() {\n"
2056 "	if [ \"X$use_xdmcp_query\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
2057 "		if [ \"X$have_X\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2058 "			server $have_X :$N\n"
2059 "		elif [ \"X$have_Xorg\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2060 "			server $have_Xorg :$N\n"
2061 "		elif [ \"X$have_XFree86\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2062 "			server $have_XFree86 :$N\n"
2063 "		elif [ \"X$have_Xsun\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2064 "			server $have_Xsun :$N\n"
2065 "		fi\n"
2066 "	elif [ \"X$have_xinit\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2067 "		save_have_startx=$have_startx\n"
2068 "		have_startx=\"\"\n"
2069 "		server :$N\n"
2070 "		have_startx=$save_have_startx\n"
2071 "	else\n"
2072 "		server :$N\n"
2073 "	fi\n"
2074 "}\n"
2075 "\n"
2076 "try_Xvnc() {\n"
2077 "	if [ \"X$have_Xvnc\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2078 "		missing_mesg Xvnc\n"
2079 "		return\n"
2080 "	fi\n"
2081 "\n"
2082 "	server $have_Xvnc :$N -geometry $geom -depth $depth\n"
2083 "}\n"
2084 "\n"
2085 "try_Xsrv() {\n"
2086 "	if [ \"X$FD_XSRV\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2087 "		return\n"
2088 "	fi\n"
2089 "\n"
2090 "	server $FD_XSRV :$N -geometry $geom -depth $depth\n"
2091 "}\n"
2092 "\n"
2093 "add_modmap() {\n"
2094 "	if [ \"X$have_root\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2095 "	    $have_nohup sh -c \"(\n"
2096 "		sleep 10;\n"
2097 "		$have_xmodmap -display :$N -e 'keycode any = Shift_R' \\\n"
2098 "			-e 'add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R' \\\n"
2099 "			-e 'keycode any = Control_R' \\\n"
2100 "			-e 'add Control = Control_L Control_R' \\\n"
2101 "			-e 'keycode any = Alt_L' \\\n"
2102 "			-e 'keycode any = Alt_R' \\\n"
2103 "			-e 'keycode any = Meta_L' \\\n"
2104 "			-e 'clear Mod1' \\\n"
2105 "			-e 'add Mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L';\n"
2106 "		if uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
2107 "			for sym in SunAudioMute SunAudioLowerVolume SunAudioRaiseVolume\n"
2108 "			do\n"
2109 "				if $have_xmodmap -pk | grep -w \\$sym > /dev/null; then\n"
2110 "					:\n"
2111 "				else\n"
2112 "					$have_xmodmap -e \\\"keycode any = \\$sym\\\"\n"
2113 "				fi\n"
2114 "			done\n"
2115 "		fi\n"
2116 "\n"
2117 "	    )\" 1>&2 &\n"
2118 "	else\n"
2119 "	    (\n"
2120 "		sleep 6;\n"
2121 "		$have_xmodmap -display :$N -e 'keycode any = Shift_R' \\\n"
2122 "			-e 'add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R' \\\n"
2123 "			-e 'keycode any = Control_R' \\\n"
2124 "			-e 'add Control = Control_L Control_R' \\\n"
2125 "			-e 'keycode any = Alt_L' \\\n"
2126 "			-e 'keycode any = Alt_R' \\\n"
2127 "			-e 'keycode any = Meta_L' \\\n"
2128 "			-e 'clear Mod1' \\\n"
2129 "			-e 'add Mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L';\n"
2130 "		# this is to workaround a bug with JDS Solaris 10 gnome-session-daemon.\n"
2131 "		if uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
2132 "			for sym in SunAudioMute SunAudioLowerVolume SunAudioRaiseVolume\n"
2133 "			do\n"
2134 "				if $have_xmodmap -pk | grep -w $sym > /dev/null; then\n"
2135 "					:\n"
2136 "				else\n"
2137 "					$have_xmodmap -e \"keycode any = $sym\"\n"
2138 "				fi\n"
2139 "			done\n"
2140 "		fi\n"
2141 "	    ) 1>&2 &\n"
2142 "	fi\n"
2143 "}\n"
2144 "\n"
2145 "try_Xvfb() {\n"
2146 "	if [ \"X$have_Xvfb\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2147 "		missing_mesg Xvfb\n"
2148 "		return\n"
2149 "	fi\n"
2150 "\n"
2151 "	sarg=\"-screen\"\n"
2152 "	if uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
2153 "		if grep /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun $have_Xvfb > /dev/null; then\n"
2154 "			sarg=\"screen\"\n"
2155 "		fi\n"
2156 "	fi\n"
2157 "	margs=\"\"\n"
2158 "	if $have_Xvfb -help 2>&1 | grep '^\\+kb[ 	].*Keyboard Extension' >/dev/null; then\n"
2159 "		margs=\"+kb\"\n"
2160 "	fi\n"
2161 "\n"
2162 "	# currently not enabled in Xvfb's we see.\n"
2163 "#	if $have_Xvfb -extension MOOMOO 2>&1 | grep -w RANDR >/dev/null; then\n"
2164 "#		margs=\"$margs +extension RANDR\"\n"
2165 "#	fi\n"
2166 "\n"
2167 "	if [ $depth -ge 16 ]; then\n"
2168 "		# avoid DirectColor for default visual:\n"
2169 "		margs=\"$margs -cc 4\"\n"
2170 "	fi\n"
2171 "	server $have_Xvfb :$N $sarg 0 ${geom}x${depth} $margs\n"
2172 "\n"
2173 "	if [ \"X$result\" = \"X1\" -a \"X$have_xmodmap\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2174 "		add_modmap\n"
2175 "	fi\n"
2176 "}\n"
2177 "\n"
2178 "try_Xdummy() {\n"
2179 "	if [ \"X$have_Xdummy\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2180 "		missing_mesg Xdummy\n"
2181 "		return\n"
2182 "	fi\n"
2183 "	if [ \"X$FD_XDUMMY_RUN_AS_ROOT\" != \"X\" -a \"X$have_root\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2184 "		return\n"
2185 "	fi\n"
2186 "\n"
2187 "	server $have_Xdummy :$N -geometry $geom -depth $depth\n"
2188 "	\n"
2189 "	if [ \"X$result\" = \"X1\" -a \"X$have_xprop\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2190 "		(sleep 1; $have_xprop -display :$N -root -f X11VNC_TRAP_XRANDR 8s -set X11VNC_TRAP_XRANDR 1 >/dev/null 2>&1) &\n"
2191 "		sleep 1\n"
2192 "	fi\n"
2193 "}\n"
2194 "\n"
2195 "\n"
2196 "cookie() {\n"
2197 "	cookie=\"\"\n"
2198 "	if [ \"X$have_mcookie\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2199 "		cookie=`mcookie`\n"
2200 "	elif [ \"X$have_md5sum\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2201 "		if [ -c /dev/urandom ]; then\n"
2202 "			cookie=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=32 2>/dev/null | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`\n"
2203 "		elif [ -c /dev/random ]; then\n"
2204 "			cookie=`dd if=/dev/random count=32 2>/dev/null | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`\n"
2205 "		fi\n"
2206 "		if [ \"X$cookie\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2207 "			r=`random`\n"
2208 "			cookie=`(echo $r; date; uptime; ps -ealf 2>&1) | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`\n"
2209 "		fi\n"
2210 "	elif [ \"X$have_xauth\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2211 "		if uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
2212 "			cookie=`$have_xauth list | awk '{print $NF}' | tail -1`\n"
2213 "		else\n"
2214 "			cookie=`$have_xauth list | awk '{print $NF}' | tail -n 1`\n"
2215 "		fi\n"
2216 "	fi\n"
2217 "	if [ \"X$cookie\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2218 "		# oh well..\n"
2219 "		for k in 1 2 3 4\n"
2220 "		do\n"
2221 "			r=`random`\n"
2222 "			cookie=$cookie`printf \"%08x\" \"${r}$$\"`\n"
2223 "		done\n"
2224 "	fi\n"
2225 "	echo \"$cookie\"\n"
2226 "}\n"
2227 "\n"
2228 "auth() {\n"
2229 "	if [ \"X$have_xauth\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2230 "		exit 1\n"
2231 "	fi\n"
2232 "	tmp=/tmp/.xas$$`random`\n"
2233 "	tmp=`mytmp \"$tmp\"`\n"
2234 "	touch $tmp\n"
2235 "	chmod 600 $tmp || exit 1\n"
2236 "	if [ ! -f $tmp ]; then\n"
2237 "		exit 1\n"
2238 "	fi\n"
2239 "	cook=`cookie`\n"
2240 "	$have_xauth -f $tmp add :$N . $cook  1>&2\n"
2241 "	$have_xauth -f $tmp add `hostname`:$N . $cook  1>&2\n"
2242 "	if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_EXEC\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2243 "		ls -l $tmp 1>&2\n"
2244 "		$have_xauth -f $tmp list 1>&2\n"
2245 "	fi\n"
2246 "	echo \"$tmp\"\n"
2247 "}\n"
2248 "\n"
2249 "freeport() {\n"
2250 "	base=$1\n"
2251 "	if [ \"X$have_uname\" != \"X\" -a \"X$have_netstat\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2252 "		inuse=\"\"\n"
2253 "		if $have_uname | grep Linux > /dev/null; then\n"
2254 "			inuse=`$have_netstat -ant | egrep 'LISTEN|WAIT|ESTABLISH|CLOSE' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^.*://'`\n"
2255 "		elif $have_uname | grep SunOS > /dev/null; then\n"
2256 "			inuse=`$have_netstat -an -f inet -P tcp | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/^.*\\.//'`\n"
2257 "		elif $have_uname | grep -i bsd > /dev/null; then\n"
2258 "			inuse=`$have_netstat -ant -f inet | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/^.*\\.//'`\n"
2259 "		# add others...\n"
2260 "		fi\n"
2261 "	fi\n"
2262 "	i=0\n"
2263 "	ok=\"\"\n"
2264 "	while [ $i -lt 500 ]\n"
2265 "	do\n"
2266 "		tryp=`expr $base + $i`\n"
2267 "		if echo \"$inuse\" | grep -w \"$tryp\" > /dev/null; then\n"
2268 "			:\n"
2269 "		elif echo \"$palloc\" | tr ' ' '\\n' | grep -w \"$tryp\" > /dev/null; then\n"
2270 "			:\n"
2271 "		else\n"
2272 "			ok=$tryp\n"
2273 "			break\n"
2274 "		fi\n"
2275 "		i=`expr $i + 1`\n"
2276 "	done\n"
2277 "	if [ \"X$ok\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2278 "		base=$ok\n"
2279 "	fi\n"
2280 "	if [ \"X$palloc\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2281 "		palloc=\"$base\"\n"
2282 "	else\n"
2283 "		palloc=\"$palloc $base\"\n"
2284 "	fi\n"
2285 "	echo \"$base\"\n"
2286 "}\n"
2287 "\n"
2288 "\n"
2289 "depth0=24\n"
2290 "geom0=1280x1024\n"
2291 "depth=${depth:-24}\n"
2292 "geom=${geom:-1280x1024}\n"
2293 "\n"
2294 "nolisten=${FD_NOLISTEN:-\"-nolisten tcp\"}\n"
2295 "\n"
2296 "if [ \"X$X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_GEOM\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2298 "fi\n"
2299 "\n"
2300 "if [ \"X$FD_GEOM\" != \"X\" -a \"X$FD_GEOM\" != \"XNONE\" ]; then\n"
2301 "	x1=`echo \"$FD_GEOM\" | awk -Fx '{print $1}'`\n"
2302 "	y1=`echo \"$FD_GEOM\" | awk -Fx '{print $2}'`\n"
2303 "	d1=`echo \"$FD_GEOM\" | awk -Fx '{print $3}'`\n"
2304 "	if [ \"X$x1\" != \"X\" -a \"X$y1\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2305 "		geom=\"${x1}x${y1}\"\n"
2306 "	fi\n"
2307 "	if [ \"X$d1\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2308 "		depth=\"${d1}\"\n"
2309 "	fi\n"
2310 "fi\n"
2311 "\n"
2312 "depth=`echo \"$depth\" | head -n 1`\n"
2313 "geom=`echo \"$geom\" | head -n 1`\n"
2314 "\n"
2315 "if echo \"$depth\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
2316 "	:\n"
2317 "else\n"
2318 "	depth=$depth0\n"
2319 "fi\n"
2320 "if echo \"$geom\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
2321 "	:\n"
2322 "else\n"
2323 "	geom=$geom0\n"
2324 "fi\n"
2325 "\n"
2326 "if [ \"X$USER\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2327 "	USER=$LOGNAME\n"
2328 "fi\n"
2329 "if [ \"X$USER\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2330 "	USER=`whoami`\n"
2331 "fi\n"
2332 "\n"
2333 "# Set PATH to have a better chance of finding things:\n"
2334 "SAVE_PATH=$PATH\n"
2335 "PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/opt/kde4/bin:/opt/kde3/bin:/opt/gnome/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/local/bin\n"
2336 "\n"
2337 "have_root=\"\"\n"
2338 "id0=`id`\n"
2339 "if id | sed -e 's/ gid.*$//' | grep -w root > /dev/null; then\n"
2340 "	have_root=\"1\"\n"
2341 "fi\n"
2342 "\n"
2343 "p_ok=0\n"
2344 "if [ \"`type -p /bin/sh`\" = \"/bin/sh\" ]; then\n"
2345 "	p_ok=1\n"
2346 "fi\n"
2347 "\n"
2348 "for prog in startx xinit xdm gdm kdm xterm Xdummy Xvfb Xvnc xauth xdpyinfo mcookie md5sum xmodmap startkde startlxde dbus-launch gnome-session blackbox fvwm2 mwm openbox twm windowmaker wmaker enlightenment metacity X Xorg XFree86 Xsun Xsession dtwm netstat nohup esddsp konsole gnome-terminal x-terminal-emulator perl startxfce4 startxfce xprop\n"
2349 "do\n"
2350 "	p2=`echo \"$prog\" | sed -e 's/-/_/g'`\n"
2351 "	eval \"have_$p2=''\"\n"
2352 "	if type $prog > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
2353 "		bpath=`which $prog | awk '{print $NF}'`\n"
2354 "		if [ ! -x \"$bpath\" -o -d \"$bpath\" ]; then\n"
2355 "			if [ \"X$p_ok\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
2356 "				bpath=`type -p $prog | awk '{print $NF}'`\n"
2357 "			fi\n"
2358 "			if [ ! -x \"$bpath\" -o -d \"$bpath\" ]; then\n"
2359 "				bpath=`type $prog | awk '{print $NF}'`\n"
2360 "			fi\n"
2361 "		fi\n"
2362 "		eval \"have_$p2=$bpath\"\n"
2363 "	fi\n"
2364 "done\n"
2365 "if [ \"X$have_xterm\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2366 "	if [ \"X$have_gnome_terminal\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2367 "		have_xterm=$have_gnome_terminal\n"
2368 "	elif [ \"X$have_konsole\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2369 "		have_xterm=$have_konsole\n"
2370 "	elif [ \"X$have_x_terminal_emulator\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2371 "		have_xterm=$have_x_terminal_emulator\n"
2372 "	fi\n"
2373 "fi\n"
2374 "\n"
2375 "if [ \"X$have_nohup\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2376 "	have_nohup=\"nohup\"\n"
2377 "fi\n"
2378 "\n"
2379 "N=`findfree`\n"
2380 "\n"
2381 "if [ \"X$N\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2382 "	exit 1\n"
2383 "fi\n"
2384 "echo \"trying N=$N ...\" 1>&2\n"
2385 "\n"
2386 "if [ \"X$CREATE_DISPLAY_OUTPUT\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2387 "	set | grep \"^have_\" 1>&2\n"
2388 "fi\n"
2389 "\n"
2390 "TRY=\"$1\"\n"
2391 "if [ \"X$TRY\" = \"X\" ]; then\n"
2392 "	TRY=Xvfb,Xdummy\n"
2393 "fi\n"
2394 "\n"
2395 "for curr_try in `echo \"$TRY\" | tr ',' ' '`\n"
2396 "do\n"
2397 "	result=0\n"
2398 "	use_xdmcp_query=0\n"
2399 "	if echo \"$curr_try\" | egrep '[+.-]xdmcp' > /dev/null; then\n"
2400 "		use_xdmcp_query=1\n"
2401 "	fi\n"
2402 "\n"
2403 "	if [ \"X$X11VNC_XDM_ONLY\" = \"X1\" -a \"X$use_xdmcp_query\" = \"X0\" ]; then\n"
2404 "		echo \"SKIPPING NON-XDMCP item '$curr_try' in X11VNC_XDM_ONLY=1 mode.\" 1>&2\n"
2405 "		continue\n"
2406 "	fi\n"
2407 "	\n"
2408 "	curr_try=`echo \"$curr_try\" | sed -e  's/[+.-]xdmcp//'`\n"
2409 "	curr_try=`echo \"$curr_try\" | sed -e  's/[+.-]redirect//'`\n"
2410 "\n"
2411 "	if echo \"$curr_try\"   | grep -i '^Xdummy\\>' > /dev/null; then\n"
2412 "		try_Xdummy\n"
2413 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xdummy$'  > /dev/null; then\n"
2414 "		try_Xdummy\n"
2415 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xvfb\\>'   > /dev/null; then\n"
2416 "		try_Xvfb\n"
2417 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xvfb$'    > /dev/null; then\n"
2418 "		try_Xvfb\n"
2419 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xvnc\\>'   > /dev/null; then\n"
2420 "		try_Xvnc\n"
2421 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xvnc$'    > /dev/null; then\n"
2422 "		try_Xvnc\n"
2423 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xsrv\\>'   > /dev/null; then\n"
2424 "		try_Xsrv\n"
2425 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^Xsrv$'    > /dev/null; then\n"
2426 "		try_Xsrv\n"
2427 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^X\\>'      > /dev/null; then\n"
2428 "		try_X\n"
2429 "	elif echo \"$curr_try\" | grep -i '^X$'       > /dev/null; then\n"
2430 "		try_X\n"
2431 "	fi\n"
2432 "	if [ \"X$result\" = \"X1\" ]; then\n"
2433 "		echo \"DISPLAY=:$N\"\n"
2434 "		$have_xauth -f $authfile extract - :$N\n"
2435 "		if [ \"X$FD_EXTRA\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2436 "			$have_nohup env DISPLAY=:$N sh -c \"(sleep 2; $FD_EXTRA) &\" 1>&2 &\n"
2437 "		fi\n"
2438 "		exit 0\n"
2439 "	fi\n"
2440 "done\n"
2441 "\n"
2442 "exit 1\n"
2443 ;
2445 char macosx_solid_background[] =
2446 "#!/bin/sh\n"
2447 "\n"
2448 "#set -xv\n"
2449 "\n"
2450 "# This is where the user's screen/slide savers are stored:\n"
2451 "#\n"
2452 "SS_DIR=\"$HOME/Library/Screen Savers\"\n"
2453 "\n"
2454 "if [ ! -d \"$SS_DIR\" ]; then\n"
2455 "	exit\n"
2456 "fi\n"
2457 "\n"
2458 "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH\n"
2459 "\n"
2460 "# Check to see if our tarball has already been unpacked.  If it has been\n"
2461 "# we don't unpack it again.  This lets the user overwrite the png with\n"
2462 "# a different color if they want.  At some point we could try to create\n"
2463 "# or own PPM file or something on the fly...\n"
2464 "#\n"
2465 "test_file=\"$SS_DIR/VncSolidColor.slideSaver/Contents/Resources/VncSolidColor01.png\"\n"
2466 "if [ ! -f \"$test_file\" ]; then\n"
2467 "	# get the line number the tarball data starts at:\n"
2468 "	N=`grep -n ^void_func \"$0\" | awk -F: '{print $1}' | head -n 1`\n"
2469 "	if echo \"$N\" | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then\n"
2470 "		:\n"
2471 "	else\n"
2472 "		exit\n"
2473 "	fi\n"
2474 "	N=`expr $N + 1`\n"
2475 "\n"
2476 "	# pipe the bottom of this file through uudecode and tar:\n"
2477 "	tail -n +$N \"$0\" | (cd \"$SS_DIR\" || exit 1; uudecode -o /dev/stdout | tar xzf -)\n"
2478 "fi\n"
2479 "if [ ! -f \"$test_file\" ]; then\n"
2480 "	# some problem unpacking...\n"
2481 "	exit\n"
2482 "fi\n"
2483 "\n"
2484 "# on exit or interrupt, we kill the screen saver we started:\n"
2485 "#\n"
2486 "trap 'kill -CONT $SS_PID >/dev/null 2>&1; kill -TERM $SS_PID >/dev/null 2>&1' 0 2 15\n"
2487 "SS_PID=9999999\n"
2488 "\n"
2489 "# start the screensaver and record its pid:\n"
2490 "#\n"
2491 "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background -module VncSolidColor &\n"
2492 "SS_PID=$!\n"
2493 "\n"
2494 "# wait a bit for it to get started...\n"
2495 "#\n"
2496 "sleep 10\n"
2497 "\n"
2498 "# loop forever waiting for some change:\n"
2499 "#\n"
2500 "while [ 1 ]\n"
2501 "do\n"
2502 "	if kill -0 $SS_PID >/dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
2503 "		:\n"
2504 "	else\n"
2505 "		# screen saver is gone, exit.\n"
2506 "		break\n"
2507 "	fi\n"
2508 "\n"
2509 "	# we stop the screen saver to avoid unnecessary CPU usage\n"
2510 "	# (it pans even though the color is solid)\n"
2511 "	#\n"
2512 "	kill -STOP $SS_PID >/dev/null 2>&1\n"
2513 "\n"
2514 "	# check every 5 seconds:\n"
2515 "	sleep 5\n"
2516 "\n"
2517 "	if [ \"X$SS_WATCH_PID\" != \"X\" ]; then\n"
2518 "		if kill -0 $SS_WATCH_PID >/dev/null 2>&1; then\n"
2519 "			:\n"
2520 "		else\n"
2521 "			# watch pid (x11vnc) is gone, exit.\n"
2522 "			break\n"
2523 "		fi\n"
2524 "	fi \n"
2525 "done\n"
2526 "\n"
2527 "exit 0\n"
2528 "\n"
2529 "# This contains the directory VncSolidColor.slideSaver directory\n"
2530 "# with a single png (with solid color)\n"
2531 "#\n"
2532 "void_func() {\n"
2533 "begin 644 vsc.tar.gz\n"
2534 "M'XL(`$+,#TD``^V706_32!2`714*%)!6@@,@D*9!2,NAMB=V;+9*4Y(X+1%M\n"
2535 "M&NJT`B'06O;$]=:QC3UIVA,5)T#\\`M0+?P!QWE-7NQ*'E?;`826N'.\"`]@\\L\n"
2536 "M%YZ3\"*EI32ATLR#FDYR)Q^^]&<][;^9YR3-UWW6LHN_Z(1_!/Z(;JR04N/U#\n"
2537 "M!-1,IM.J8KL5TW*G[<!AC$5)E66<D3@1RXHJ<RBSCW-(I!E1(T2(\"YN>33XB\n"
2538 "M!V+U^B`F-%B6DOQ?]#U*/!KM0R#LP?]I6<3@?T56).;_0=#?_V6O[O.!ZT3T\n"
2539 "M<\\>(':S(<I+_L:2F/_A?4B!.TJ(LJQP2]_-%D_C._9^=6FNX\"!P>.;XWF<*\\\n"
2540 "MF$+$,WW+\\>S)U&)M>OQ2:BHWFAW3YHNU&]42:D<\"JBX69LM%E!H7A'P0N$00\n"
2541 "MM)J&JK-EO8;`AB\"4*BF46J8TF!\"$5JO%&[$4;_J-6#`2JJ$?D)\"NSX*Q<5#@\n"
2542 "M+6JE8)B.]6W3@5[+,6EN]$AVA:SGBM.%IF>Y1\".KQ/6#!L3H`K%!.BO$CT$J\n"
2543 "MHB%,/E?R;#\"VG!6Z]SWZ,X3&D:VW'_;JME,\"F7%.H,@,\"?%0%&<%:OA6TR6H\n"
2544 "M#OU+E6*2[;(%LW+J#@E[#<,\"=)>B8[9ME=^6A(E&8;8:+`2\\JA&N+W66J->^\n"
2545 "MPHM)^A6C07K%I_V01#1)HVJ8*X9-:NO!#L5\"19M-4M.7_9!VY[?[\\F(>)RH[\n"
2546 "MMF?09KACQ\"D@22EA,;8-DQ4Z4905VC&6&_V_,^_KH/_^OT`BOQF:Y/,K@;W4\n"
2547 "M?QG<W?\\S[/P?!'OQ_S99$?.!9W_2&'W.?X@-M>M_J`324/]#%2A+[/P?!`^J\n"
2548 "ME9GCHV?BW?!X^8JV`.U&?!T>@=_?<\\:?T!RP\\W-YCGLY7/A[_@G<'PFNW(@X\n"
2549 "M[NB)^!KB'F^>@LXQ6KI.=;].6T9(N&M-QURI.0V\",G\"X*^C'.<.<UR]ROSXL\n"
2550 "MG07A0[0\\5SKTXL\"9DQ,7+Z2OPEA#U\\I:OK:V^<\\+/+2%N*UG.+K^&_=O?F3F\n"
2551 "MQ,')B=>WWYQ_>_?<ULV1^]+ES:%7QWZP-RX-_W$:_<7=85V[=]V*IH?//WK^\n"
2552 "M\\EWLYG*IHCTM_'QOA__[YW^W&/N\"3X\"^^0_??%A4U(R\"TZJD0/[C-*O_!\\,W\n"
2553 "M5_\\7FHYK)11\\JB3])T7II]27'0UXKU^(27>KM?5V;BW[K:A726^?KPF#_!1G\n"
2554 "?\"\"MC&0P&@\\%@,!@,!H/!8#`8#,;>>0_24O15`\"@`````\n"
2555 "`\n"
2556 "end\n"
2557 "}\n"
2558 ;
2560 #endif /* _SSLTOOLS_H */