1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                 (C) Copyright 1995-1997  Alberto Pasquale                 */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /*                   A L L   R I G H T S   R E S E R V E D                   */
6 /*                                                                           */
7 /*****************************************************************************/
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /* This source code is NOT in the public domain and it CANNOT be used or     */
10 /* distributed without written permission from the author.                   */
11 /*                                                                           */
12 /*****************************************************************************/
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /*   How to contact the author:  Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet       */
15 /*                               Viale Verdi 106                             */
16 /*                               41100 Modena                                */
17 /*                               Italy                                       */
18 /*                                                                           */
19 /*****************************************************************************/
21 // FBlib.Hpp 100
23 #ifndef _FBlib_HPP_
24 #define _FBlib_HPP_
26 #ifdef __OS2__
27     #define INCL_DOS
28     #include <os2.h>
29 #endif
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include <huskylib/cvtdate.h>
33 #include <apgenlib.hpp>
35 #pragma pack (1)
37 #define FBBSLSIZE 1024      // size of files.bbs line buffer
39 class namelist;
40 class FBD;
41 class ANumLst;
42 struct AreaData;
43 struct FIDX;
44 struct _area;
46 typedef void (*DupeF) (FIDX *p, BOOL included);
47 typedef void (*ShowF) (char *AreaName, char *AreaPath, int Code);
49                             // FileBase function, flags parameter
51 #define _UniqueDmpLine_     0x0001  // Change '\n' to ' ' in .DMP
54                             // for ShowF, BuildArea, OpenArea
55 #define _Error_            -3
56 #define _BbsPathNotFound_  -2       // for files.*
57 #define _FilePathNotFound_ -1       // for area files
58 #define _OK_                0
59 #define _BegProc_           1    // Processing begun (normally)
60 #define _ReadOnly_          2
61 #define _WriteProtected_    3
62 #define _NoFilesBbs_        4
64                 // for Build action
66 #define _FBUpdate_       0x0001     // update main index, otherwise rebuild
67 #define _FBNoLocBase_    0x0002     // don't write local dat/dmp/idx
68 #define _FBMarkedOnly_   0x0004     // Build marked areas only, even with Rebuild
69 #define _FBAutoDate_     0x0008     // Date and Size must be read from dir (by default)
70 #define _FBNewAsMarked_  0x0010     // Consider areas with FILESBBS newer
71                                     // than FILESIDX as marked. RO/CDROM skipped.
72 #define _FBSkipSlow_     0x0020     // Skip areas of type Slow (CD etc.) and
73                                     // build all others !
75                 // for flag in AreaAddEntry
78 #define FF_FILE     0x01 /* Entry is a filename */
79 #define FF_NOTIME   0x10 /* Don't deduct file from user's time limit */
80 #define FF_NOBYTES  0x20 /* Don't deduce file from user's DL bytes limit */
83 struct FAH;
86 class FileBase {
87     private:
88         namelist *AreaNameList;
89         namelist *AreaPathList;
90         FBD *fbd;
91         AreaData *ad;
93         char cont;          // continuation character
94         int cpos;           // spaces before cont char
95         word flags;         // special flags
97         BOOL AreaNameMatch (const char *areaname);
98         BOOL AreaPathMatch (const char *areapath);
99         int DmpWrite (const char *text, dword *ofs);
100             // Writes text to files.dmp, stores offset into ofs.
101             // returns 0 on success
102         int BuildArea (word areanum, const char *filepath, const char *filesbbs,
103                        const char *acs, word fattr, sword date_style,
104                        BOOL NoLocBase = FALSE);
105             // Builds files.dat .dmp .idx, stores data for maxfiles.idx
106             // NoLocBase can be passed along to AreaOpen
107             // returns _OK_, _BbsPathNotFound_, _FilePathNotFound_,
108             //         _ReadOnly_, _WriteProtected_, _Error_
109         BOOL IsBuild (const FAH *fahp, word action);
110             // return TRUE if area must be built.
112     public:
113         FileBase (char cont = ' ',  // cont. character
114                   int cpos = 31,    // cont. column, -1 to disable
115                   word flags = 0    // Special flags.
116                   );
117         ~FileBase (void);
118         int AreaOpen (word areanum, const char *filesbbs,
119                       BOOL NoLocBase = FALSE);
120                     // areanum: number of area in area.dat
121                     // filesbbs: "<path>\<name>" (can have an extension)
122                     // NoLocBase: Do Not Build local DAT/DMP/IDX
123                     // Opens files.dat and files.dmp and prepares for addentry
124                     // returns _OK_, _BbsPathNotFound_, _ReadOnly_,
125                     //         _WriteProtected_, _Error_
126         int AreaAddEntry (const char *filename, word flag,
127                           const _stamp *cre_date, const _stamp *mod_date,
128                           dword size, const char *desc, const char *acs,
129                           const char *path = NULL);
130                     // Appends files.dat and files.dmp
131                     // Stores file data for later index build
132                     // cre_date is the date of creation (upload)
133                     // mod_date is the date of last write (dir)
134                     // path optionally indicates an override path
135                     // Returns 0 on success
136         int AreaClose (void);
137                     // Closes files.dat and files.dmp
138                     // Builds the current area index from stored data
139                     // Returns 0 on success
140         void AddName (const char *areaname, const char *AreaDat = NULL);
141                      // area tag to be rebuilt
142                     // AreaDat != NULL -> add the upload path of areaname
143         void AddPath (const char *areapath);  // area path to be rebuilt
144         int Build (const char *AreaDat, word action, const char *FullIdx,
145                    const char *NoDupeIdx = NULL, ShowF sf = NULL,
146                    DupeF df = NULL);
147           // NoDupeIdx is the full pathname for the file-request, no dupes,
148           // Index file. In case of dupes, it contains the file in the
149           // lowest area number.
150           // df is a function called for each Dupe found while building NoDupeIdx
151           // sf is a function called for each area processed
152           // AreaDat && update  -> Build marked areas, update main index
153           // AreaDat && !update -> Build all areas, rebuild main index
154           // AreaDat,!update,MarkedOnly -> Build marked areas, rebuild index
155           // Stored data is always used in addition to the built areas.
156           // !AreaDat -> use stored data only, rebuild/update main index
157           // returns 0 on success
158 };
163 #endif