3    This is an installation checklist written by Rebecca Ore, intended to be
4    the beginning of a different presentation of the information in INSTALL,
5    since getting started with installing INN can be complex.  Further
6    clarifications, updates, and expansion are welcome.
10    *   Make sure there is a "news" user (and a "news" group to which the
11        "news" user belongs).  If necessary, you can use:
13            adduser --group --home /usr/local/news news
15        where /usr/local/news is the home directory for the "news" user.
16        This directory will be passed to configure via the --prefix option.
17        It will also be set as *pathnews* in inn.conf.
19    *   Create a local mail alias for "usenet" (editing your aliases file
20        for instance).
22    *   Make sure the directory /usr/local/news and its subdirectories are
23        owned by "news", group "news".
25        You want to be careful that things in that directory stay owned by
26        "news" -- but you can't just "chown -R news:news" after the install,
27        because you may have binaries that are SUID root.  You can do the
28        build as any user, but you need to be root when doing "make install"
29        so as to set the permissions correctly.  After that point, though,
30        you may want to "su news -s /bin/sh" to avoid creating any files as
31        root.  (For routine maintenance once INN is working, you can
32        generally be root.  However, it is always better to be accustomed to
33        doing that as the news user.)
35    *   If necessary, add ~news/bin (that is to say *pathbin*) to the news
36        user's path and ~news/share/man (that is to say
37        *pathnews*/share/man) to the news user's MANPATH in your shell
38        config files.  (You may want to do this, especially the second part,
39        on your regular account; the man pages are very useful.)
41        You can do this now or later, but you will certainly want the man
42        pages to help with configuring INN.
44        For bash, try:
46            PATH=<pathbin in inn.conf>:$PATH
47            export PATH
48            MANPATH=<pathnews in inn.conf>/share/man:$MANPATH
49            export MANPATH
51        or csh:
53            setenv PATH <pathbin in inn.conf>:$PATH
54            setenv MANPATH <pathnews in inn.conf>/share/man:$MANPATH
56        although if you don't already have MANPATH set, the above may give
57        an error or override your defaults (making it so you can only read
58        the news man pages); if "echo $MANPATH" does not give some
59        reasonable path, you'll need to look up what the default is for your
60        system (such as /usr/man or /usr/share/man).
64    *   Download the INN tarball and unpack.  Make sure that you download
65        the last release from <https://ftp.isc.org/isc/inn/> or a snapshot
66        from <https://ftp.isc.org/isc/inn/snapshots/>.
68    *   Work out configure options ("./configure --help" for a list).  If
69        you aren't working out of /usr/local/news, or want to put some files
70        on a different partition, you can set the directories now (or later
71        in *pathnews* in inn.conf if you change your mind).  By default,
72        --prefix=/usr/local/news is used.
74        You probably want --with-perl.  If you're not using NetBSD with
75        cycbuffs or OpenBSD, perhaps --with-tagged-hash.  You might want to
76        compile in TLS/SSL and SQLite, if your system supports them.  You
77        will need to have the relevant external libraries to compile
78        (depending on whether you use OpenSSL for TLS/SSL access to your
79        news server, GnuPG to verify the authenticity of Usenet control
80        messages, Perl, Python, etc.).
82            ./configure --with-perl ...
83            make
85            su
86            make install
88        (If you do the last step as root, all of the ownerships and
89        permissions will be correct.)
91        Note that if you update a previous installation of INN, you should
92        use "make update" instead of "make install" to keep your
93        configuration files.
95        If you wish to use TLS/SSL, you can use "make cert" to generate a
96        certificate and a private key.
100    *   Find INSTALL and open a separate window for it.  A printout is
101        probably a good idea -- it's long but very helpful.  Any time the
102        instructions below ask you to make a decision, you can probably find
103        help in INSTALL.
105    *   Now it's time to work on the files in ~news/etc (the default
106        *pathetc* location set in inn.conf).  Start with inn.conf; you must
107        fill in the default moderators address, your fully qualified domain
108        names and path.  Fill in all the blanks.  Change the file descriptor
109        limits to something like 500.
111    *   If using cycbuffs (the CNFS storage method), open cycbuff.conf in
112        one window and a shell in another to create the cycbuff as described
113        in INSTALL.  As you create them, record in cycbuff.conf the paths
114        and sizes.  Save paths and sizes in a separate text file on another
115        machine in case you ever blow away the wrong file.
117        Name the metacycbuff, then configure storage.conf.
119    *   In storage.conf, be sure that all sizes of articles can be
120        accommodated.  If you want to throw away large articles, do it
121        explicitly by using the "trash" storage method (you can also set a
122        lower *maxartsize* in inn.conf).
124    *   The default options in expire.ctl work fine if you have cycbuffs; if
125        not, configure to suit (depending on your disk space and your
126        interest in some hierarchies, you can define how long you keep
127        articles in your news spool).
129    *   Check over moderators and control.ctl.  You may want to also
130        configure the process of newsgroup control messages (see the
131        corresponding section in INSTALL).
133    *   Run "<pathbin in inn.conf>/inncheck -a -v -f --pedantic --perm" and
134        fix anything noted: inncheck gives a rough check on the
135        appropriateness of the configuration files as you go.  (It's the
136        equivalent of "perl -cw yourfile.pl" for Perl scripts.)
138        Note that inncheck is very conservative about permissions; there's
139        no reason most of the config files can't be world-readable if you
140        prefer that.
142    *   You can now import an active file (*pathdb in inn.conf*/active) and
143        run inncheck again.  You may want to look at
144        <https://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/CONFIG/active> and only keep the
145        lines corresponding to the newsgroups you are interested in.  Also
146        import a newsgroups file which contains the descriptions of these
147        newsgroups (see for instance
148        <https://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/CONFIG/newsgroups>).
150        Note that it is not necessary to do that now.  INN is shipped with
151        minimal active and newsgroups files and you can add newsgroups later
152        with "ctlinnd newgroup" or actsync.
154        In case you need to create empty initial database files, import an
155        active file (owned by "news") and execute as the news user:
157            cd <pathdb in inn.conf>
159            touch newsgroups
160            touch active.times
162            touch history
163            <pathbin in inn.conf>/makedbz -i
164            mv history.n.hash  history.hash
165            mv history.n.index history.index
166            mv history.n.dir   history.dir
168            chmod 644 *
170        (However, it is not necessary to do that since INN takes care of
171        these files during the setup.)
173    *   Create the cron jobs (especially news.daily), the log files, and
174        make the changes to your system's syslog.conf as noted in INSTALL.
175        Also create the cron job for nntpsend if you've chosen that over
176        innfeed.
178    *   For the time being, we can see if everything initially works without
179        worrying about feeds or reader access.
183    *   Start innd by running *pathbin*/rc.news as the news user.  It is
184        also what you should launch in your init scripts:
186            su news -s /bin/sh -c <pathbin in inn.conf>/rc.news
188        Check *pathlog*/news.notice to see if everything went well; also use
189        "ps" to see if innd is running.
191        "telnet localhost 119" and you should see either a welcome banner or
192        a "no permission to talk" message.  If not, investigate.
194    *   "man ctlinnd" now; you'll use "ctlinnd reload" as you complete your
195        configuration.  You can also see whether "ctlinnd checkfile" reports
196        any problems.
200    All of this can be done while INN is running.
202    *   To get your incoming feeds working, edit incoming.conf.  When done,
203        "ctlinnd reload incoming.conf 'reason'" (where "reason" is some text
204        that will show up in the logs -- anything will do).
206    *   To get your outgoing feeds working, decide whether to use innfeed or
207        nntpsend.  Edit newsfeeds and either innfeed.conf or nntpsend.ctl.
209        In newsfeeds, if using innfeed, use the option which doesn't require
210        you to do a separate innfeed configuration unless you know more than
211        I do.
213        Then "ctlinnd reload newsfeeds 'reason'".
217    *   In readers.conf, remember that auth and access blocks can be
218        separated.
220        Begin with auth.  Your auth for password users could look like this:
222            auth "foreignokay" {
223                auth: "ckpasswd -d <pathdb in inn.conf>/newsusers"
224                default: "<unauthenticated>"
225            }
227        There is a Perl script in the ckpasswd(8) man page if you want to do
228        authentications by password and have the appropriate libraries.
229        Copy it to *pathbin*, name the file something like makepasswd.pl and
230        change the internal paths to whatever you're using and wherever
231        you're putting the newsusers database.  The standard Apache htpasswd
232        tool also works just fine to create INN password files.  For
233        instance, a line for the newsusers database corresponding to the
234        user "user" with the password "pass" would be "user:LIfOpbjNaEQYE"
235        as obtained by the following command:
237            % htpasswd -nbd user pass
238            user:LIfOpbjNaEQYE
240        In case htpasswd is not installed or if you do not want to depend on
241        it, another command involving Perl does a similar job:
243            % perl -e 'print "user:".crypt("pass", "LI")."\n";'
244            user:LIfOpbjNaEQYE
246        Follow with the access stanzas.  Something for people with
247        passwords:
249            access "generalpeople" {
250                users: "*"
251                newsgroups: "*,!junk,!control,!control.*"
252            }
254        And then something like one of the following two, depending on
255        whether unauthenticated users get any access:
257            access "restrictive" {
258                users: "<unauthenticated>"
259                newsgroups: "!*"
260            }
262            access "readonly" {
263                users: "<unauthenticated>"
264                read: "local.*"
265                post: "!*"
266            }
268        You don't need to reload anything after modifying readers.conf;
269        every time an nnrpd launches, it reads its configuration from disk.
271    *   If you wish to use TLS/SSL for your readers, you can either use the
272        same readers.conf file or use two different files (for instance
273        readers.conf and readers-ssl.conf).  The syntax is similar for both
274        these files.  You then need to start a second nnrpd to listen to
275        these connections to NNTPS port 563 and put something like that in
276        your init scripts:
278            su news -s /bin/sh -c '<pathbin>/nnrpd -D -c <pathetc>/readers-ssl.conf -p 563 -S'
280        Note that a news client which supports the STARTTLS command can also
281        use the conventional NNTP port 119 to dynamically upgrade from
282        unencrypted to TLS-protected traffic during an NNTP session.
283        However, this practice is discouraged in favour of using the
284        separate port 563.  See nnrpd(8) for more information about TLS
285        support.