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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


READMEH A D14-Apr-2005235 64

aspellH A D29-Apr-19952.7 KiB8273

cnH A D29-Apr-1995688 2221

howto-metamailH A D29-Apr-19951.6 KiB4440

mail-aliasH A D29-Apr-19952.1 KiB7332

nn-use-mhH A D29-Apr-1995835 3526

nn_elmH A D29-Apr-1995658 4220

nnsumH A D29-Apr-19951.4 KiB5826

recmail.cH A D29-Apr-19957.5 KiB305221

recmail.shH A D29-Apr-19951.6 KiB8468


1The software available in this directory was submitted in the hope that it
2will be useful to somebody else.  I have included it in this spirit, but I
3take no responsibilities for this software, and I have no intentions to
4support it.