1--  This file is covered by the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) License
2--  Reference: ../License.txt
4with Ada.Command_Line;
5with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
6with PortScan.Ops;
7with PortScan.Packages;
8with PortScan.Buildcycle.Ports;
9with PortScan.Buildcycle.Pkgsrc;
10with Signals;
11with Unix;
13package body PortScan.Pilot is
15   package CLI renames Ada.Command_Line;
16   package ASF renames Ada.Strings.Fixed;
17   package OPS renames PortScan.Ops;
18   package PKG renames PortScan.Packages;
19   package CYC renames PortScan.Buildcycle;
20   package FPC renames PortScan.Buildcycle.Ports;
21   package NPS renames PortScan.Buildcycle.Pkgsrc;
22   package SIG renames Signals;
24   ---------------------
25   --  store_origins  --
26   ---------------------
27   function store_origins return Boolean
28   is
29      function trimmed_catport (S : String) return String;
30      function trimmed_catport (S : String) return String
31      is
32         last : constant Natural := S'Last;
33      begin
34         if S (last) = '/' then
35            return S (S'First .. last - 1);
36         else
37            return S (S'First .. last);
38         end if;
39      end trimmed_catport;
40   begin
41      if CLI.Argument_Count <= 1 then
42         return False;
43      end if;
44      portlist.Clear;
45      load_index_for_store_origins;
47      if CLI.Argument_Count = 2 then
48         --  Check if this is a file
49         declare
50            Arg2 : constant String := trimmed_catport (CLI.Argument (2));
51            vfresult : Boolean;
52         begin
53            if AD.Exists (Arg2) then
54               vfresult := valid_file (Arg2);
55               clear_store_origin_data;
56               return vfresult;
57            end if;
58            if input_origin_valid (candidate => Arg2) then
59               if Arg2 /= pkgng then
60                  plinsert (Arg2, 2);
61               end if;
62               clear_store_origin_data;
63               return True;
64            else
65               suggest_flavor_for_bad_origin (candidate => Arg2);
66               clear_store_origin_data;
67               return False;
68            end if;
69         end;
70      end if;
71      for k in 2 .. CLI.Argument_Count loop
72         declare
73            Argk : constant String := trimmed_catport (CLI.Argument (k));
74         begin
75            if input_origin_valid (candidate => Argk) then
76               if Argk /= pkgng then
77                  plinsert (Argk, k);
78               end if;
79            else
80               suggest_flavor_for_bad_origin (candidate => Argk);
81               clear_store_origin_data;
82               return False;
83            end if;
84         end;
85      end loop;
86      clear_store_origin_data;
87      return True;
88   end store_origins;
91   -------------------------------
92   --  prerequisites_available  --
93   -------------------------------
94   function prerequisites_available return Boolean is
95   begin
96      case software_framework is
97         when ports_collection => return build_pkg8_as_necessary;
98         when pkgsrc           => return build_pkgsrc_prerequisites;
99      end case;
100   end prerequisites_available;
103   -------------------------------
104   --  build_pkg8_as_necessary  --
105   -------------------------------
106   function build_pkg8_as_necessary return Boolean
107   is
108      pkg_good  : Boolean;
109      good_scan : Boolean;
110      stop_now  : Boolean;
111      selection : PortScan.port_id;
112      result    : Boolean := True;
113   begin
114      OPS.initialize_hooks;
115      REP.initialize (testmode => False, num_cores => PortScan.cores_available);
116      REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
117      good_scan := PortScan.scan_single_port (catport => pkgng,
118                                              always_build => False,
119                                              fatal => stop_now);
121      if good_scan then
122         PortScan.set_build_priority;
123      else
124         TIO.Put_Line ("Unexpected pkg(8) scan failure!");
125         result := False;
126         goto clean_exit;
127      end if;
129      PKG.limited_sanity_check
130        (repository => JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_repository),
131         dry_run    => False, suppress_remote => True);
133      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested or else PKG.queue_is_empty then
134         goto clean_exit;
135      end if;
137      CYC.initialize (test_mode => False, jail_env => REP.jail_environment);
138      selection := OPS.top_buildable_port;
139      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested or else selection = port_match_failed
140      then
141         goto clean_exit;
142      end if;
143      TIO.Put ("Stand by, building pkg(8) first ... ");
145      pkg_good := FPC.build_package (id => PortScan.scan_slave,
146                                     sequence_id => selection);
147      OPS.run_hook_after_build (pkg_good, selection);
149      if not pkg_good then
150         TIO.Put_Line ("Failed!!" & bailing);
151         result := False;
152         goto clean_exit;
153      end if;
155      TIO.Put_Line ("done!");
157      <<clean_exit>>
158      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
159         TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
160         result := False;
161      end if;
162      REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
163      REP.finalize;
164      reset_ports_tree;
165      return result;
167   end build_pkg8_as_necessary;
170   ----------------------------------
171   --  build_pkgsrc_prerequisites  --
172   ----------------------------------
173   function build_pkgsrc_prerequisites return Boolean
174   is
175      function scan_it (the_catport : String) return Boolean;
176      function build_it (desc : String) return Boolean;
178      mk_files  : constant String := "pkgtools/bootstrap-mk-files";
179      cp_bmake  : constant String := "devel/bmake";
180      cp_digest : constant String := "pkgtools/digest";
181      result    : Boolean := True;
183      function scan_it (the_catport : String) return Boolean
184      is
185         good_scan : Boolean;
186         stop_now  : Boolean;
187      begin
188         good_scan := PortScan.scan_single_port (catport => the_catport,
189                                                 always_build => False,
190                                                 fatal => stop_now);
191         if good_scan then
192            PortScan.set_build_priority;
193         else
194            TIO.Put_Line ("Unexpected " & the_catport & " scan failure!");
195            return False;
196         end if;
198         PKG.limited_sanity_check
199           (repository => JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_repository),
200            dry_run    => False, suppress_remote => True);
202         if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
203            return False;
204         end if;
206         return True;
207      end scan_it;
209      function build_it (desc : String) return Boolean
210      is
211         pkg_good  : Boolean;
212         selection : PortScan.port_id;
213      begin
214         CYC.initialize (test_mode => False, jail_env => REP.jail_environment);
215         selection := OPS.top_buildable_port;
216         if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested or else selection = port_match_failed
217         then
218            return False;
219         end if;
220         TIO.Put ("Stand by, building " & desc & " package ... ");
221         pkg_good := NPS.build_package (id => PortScan.scan_slave,
222                                        sequence_id => selection);
223         OPS.run_hook_after_build (pkg_good, selection);
224         if not pkg_good then
225            TIO.Put_Line ("Failed!!" & bailing);
226            return False;
227         end if;
228         TIO.Put_Line ("done!");
229         return True;
230      end build_it;
231   begin
232      OPS.initialize_hooks;
233      REP.initialize (testmode => False, num_cores => PortScan.cores_available);
234      REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => npsboot);
235      if not PLAT.host_pkgsrc_mk_install (id => PortScan.scan_slave) or else
236        not PLAT.host_pkgsrc_bmake_install (id => PortScan.scan_slave) or else
237        not PLAT.host_pkgsrc_pkg8_install (id => PortScan.scan_slave)
238      then
239         TIO.Put_Line ("Failed to install programs from host system.");
240         result := False;
241         goto clean_exit;
242      end if;
244      result := scan_it (mk_files);
245      if not result then
246         goto clean_exit;
247      end if;
249      if not PKG.queue_is_empty then
250         --  the mk files package does not exist or requires rebuilding
251         result := build_it ("mk files");
252         if not result then
253            goto clean_exit;
254         end if;
255      end if;
256      reset_ports_tree;
258      result := scan_it (cp_bmake);
259      if not result then
260         goto clean_exit;
261      end if;
263      if not PKG.queue_is_empty then
264         --  the bmake package does not exist or requires rebuilding
265         result := build_it ("bmake");
266         if not result then
267            goto clean_exit;
268         end if;
269      end if;
270      reset_ports_tree;
272      result := scan_it (cp_digest);
273      if not result then
274         goto clean_exit;
275      end if;
277      if not PKG.queue_is_empty then
278         --  the digest package does not exist or requires rebuilding
279         result := build_it ("digest");
280         if not result then
281            goto clean_exit;
282         end if;
283      end if;
284      reset_ports_tree;
286      result := scan_it (pkgng);
287      if not result then
288         goto clean_exit;
289      end if;
291      if not PKG.queue_is_empty then
292         --  the pkg(8) package does not exist or requires rebuilding
293         result := build_it ("pkg(8)");
294      end if;
296      <<clean_exit>>
297      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
298         TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
299         result := False;
300      end if;
301      REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
302      REP.finalize;
303      reset_ports_tree;
304      return result;
306   end build_pkgsrc_prerequisites;
309   ----------------------------------
310   --  scan_stack_of_single_ports  --
311   ----------------------------------
312   function scan_stack_of_single_ports (testmode : Boolean;
313                                        always_build : Boolean := False)
314                                        return Boolean
315   is
316      procedure scan (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor);
317      successful : Boolean := True;
318      just_stop_now : Boolean;
320      procedure scan (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor)
321      is
322         origin : constant String := JT.USS (portkey_crate.Key (plcursor));
323      begin
324         if not successful then
325            return;
326         end if;
327         if origin = pkgng then
328            --  we've already built pkg(8) if we get here, just skip it
329            return;
330         end if;
331         if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
332            successful := False;
333            return;
334         end if;
335         if not PortScan.scan_single_port (origin, always_build, just_stop_now)
336         then
337            if just_stop_now then
338               successful := False;
339            else
340               TIO.Put_Line
341                 ("Scan of " & origin & " failed" & PortScan.obvious_problem
342                    (JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_portsdir), origin) &
343                    ", it will not be considered.");
344            end if;
345         end if;
346      end scan;
348   begin
349      REP.initialize (testmode, PortScan.cores_available);
350      REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
351      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
352         goto clean_exit;
353      end if;
354      if not PLAT.standalone_pkg8_install (PortScan.scan_slave) then
355         TIO.Put_Line ("Failed to install pkg(8) scanner" & bailing);
356         successful := False;
357         goto clean_exit;
358      end if;
359      portlist.Iterate (Process => scan'Access);
360      if successful then
361         PortScan.set_build_priority;
362         if PKG.queue_is_empty then
363            successful := False;
364            TIO.Put_Line ("There are no valid ports to build." & bailing);
365         end if;
366      end if;
368      <<clean_exit>>
369      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
370         successful := False;
371         TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
372      end if;
373      REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
374      REP.finalize;
375      return successful;
376   end scan_stack_of_single_ports;
379   ---------------------------------
380   --  sanity_check_then_prefail  --
381   ---------------------------------
382   function sanity_check_then_prefail (delete_first : Boolean := False;
383                                       dry_run : Boolean := False)
384                                       return Boolean
385   is
386      procedure force_delete (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor);
387      ptid : PortScan.port_id;
388      num_skipped : Natural;
389      block_remote : Boolean := True;
390      update_external_repo : constant String := host_pkg8 &
391                    " update --quiet --repository ";
392      no_packages : constant String :=
393                    "No prebuilt packages will be used as a result.";
395      procedure force_delete (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor)
396      is
397         origin : JT.Text := portkey_crate.Key (plcursor);
398         pndx   : constant port_index := ports_keys.Element (origin);
399         tball  : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_repository) &
400                           "/" & JT.USS (all_ports (pndx).package_name);
401      begin
402         if AD.Exists (tball) then
403            AD.Delete_File (tball);
404         end if;
405      end force_delete;
406   begin
407      start_time := CAL.Clock;
409      if delete_first and then not dry_run then
410         portlist.Iterate (Process => force_delete'Access);
411      end if;
413      case software_framework is
414         when ports_collection =>
415            if not PKG.limited_cached_options_check then
416               --  Error messages emitted by function
417               return False;
418            end if;
419         when pkgsrc =>
420            --  There's no analog to cached options on pkgsc.
421            --  We could detect unused settings, but that's it.
422            --  And maybe that should be detected by the framework itself
423            null;
424      end case;
426      if PM.configuration.defer_prebuilt then
427         --  Before any remote operations, find the external repo
428         if PKG.located_external_repository then
429            block_remote := False;
430            --  We're going to use prebuilt packages if available, so let's
431            --  prepare for that case by updating the external repository
432            TIO.Put ("Stand by, updating external repository catalogs ... ");
433            if not Unix.external_command (update_external_repo &
434                                            PKG.top_external_repository)
435            then
436               TIO.Put_Line ("Failed!");
437               TIO.Put_Line ("The external repository could not be updated.");
438               TIO.Put_Line (no_packages);
439               block_remote := True;
440            else
441               TIO.Put_Line ("done.");
442            end if;
443         else
444            TIO.Put_Line ("The external repository does not seem to be " &
445                            "configured.");
446            TIO.Put_Line (no_packages);
447         end if;
448      end if;
450      OPS.run_start_hook;
451      PKG.limited_sanity_check
452        (repository => JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_repository),
453         dry_run    => dry_run, suppress_remote => block_remote);
454      bld_counter := (OPS.queue_length, 0, 0, 0, 0);
455      if dry_run then
456         return True;
457      end if;
458      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
459         TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
460         return False;
461      end if;
463      OPS.delete_existing_web_history_files;
465      start_logging (total);
466      start_logging (ignored);
467      start_logging (skipped);
468      start_logging (success);
469      start_logging (failure);
471      loop
472         ptid := OPS.next_ignored_port;
473         exit when ptid = PortScan.port_match_failed;
474         exit when SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested;
475         bld_counter (ignored) := bld_counter (ignored) + 1;
476         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (total), CYC.elapsed_now & " " &
477                         OPS.port_name (ptid) & " has been ignored: " &
478                         OPS.ignore_reason (ptid));
479         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (ignored), CYC.elapsed_now & " " &
480                         OPS.port_name (ptid) & ": " &
481                         OPS.ignore_reason (ptid));
482         OPS.cascade_failed_build (id         => ptid,
483                                   numskipped => num_skipped,
484                                   logs       => Flog);
485         OPS.record_history_ignored (elapsed   => CYC.elapsed_now,
486                                     origin    => OPS.port_name (ptid),
487                                     reason    => OPS.ignore_reason (ptid),
488                                     skips     => num_skipped);
489         bld_counter (skipped) := bld_counter (skipped) + num_skipped;
490      end loop;
491      stop_logging (ignored);
492      TIO.Put_Line (Flog (total), CYC.elapsed_now & " Sanity check complete. "
493                    & "Ports remaining to build:" & OPS.queue_length'Img);
494      TIO.Flush (Flog (total));
495      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
496         TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
497      else
498         if OPS.integrity_intact then
499            return True;
500         end if;
501      end if;
502      --  If here, we either got control-C or failed integrity check
503      if not SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
504         TIO.Put_Line ("Queue integrity lost! " & bailing);
505      end if;
506      stop_logging (total);
507      stop_logging (skipped);
508      stop_logging (success);
509      stop_logging (failure);
510      return False;
511   end sanity_check_then_prefail;
514   ------------------------
515   --  perform_bulk_run  --
516   ------------------------
517   procedure perform_bulk_run (testmode : Boolean)
518   is
519      num_builders : constant builders := PM.configuration.num_builders;
520      show_tally   : Boolean := True;
521   begin
522      if PKG.queue_is_empty then
523         TIO.Put_Line ("After inspection, it has been determined that there " &
524                         "are no packages that");
525         TIO.Put_Line ("require rebuilding; the task is therefore complete.");
526         show_tally := False;
527      else
528         REP.initialize (testmode, PortScan.cores_available);
529         CYC.initialize (testmode, REP.jail_environment);
530         OPS.initialize_web_report (num_builders);
531         OPS.initialize_display (num_builders);
532         OPS.parallel_bulk_run (num_builders, Flog);
533         REP.finalize;
534      end if;
535      stop_time := CAL.Clock;
536      stop_logging (total);
537      stop_logging (success);
538      stop_logging (failure);
539      stop_logging (skipped);
540      if show_tally then
541         TIO.Put_Line (LAT.LF & LAT.LF);
542         TIO.Put_Line ("The task is complete.  Final tally:");
543         TIO.Put_Line ("Initial queue size:" & bld_counter (total)'Img);
544         TIO.Put_Line ("    packages built:" & bld_counter (success)'Img);
545         TIO.Put_Line ("           ignored:" & bld_counter (ignored)'Img);
546         TIO.Put_Line ("           skipped:" & bld_counter (skipped)'Img);
547         TIO.Put_Line ("            failed:" & bld_counter (failure)'Img);
548         TIO.Put_Line ("");
549         TIO.Put_Line (CYC.log_duration (start_time, stop_time));
550         TIO.Put_Line ("The build logs can be found at: " &
551                         JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_logs));
552      end if;
553   end perform_bulk_run;
556   -------------------------------------------
557   --  verify_desire_to_rebuild_repository  --
558   -------------------------------------------
559   function verify_desire_to_rebuild_repository return Boolean
560   is
561      answer : Boolean;
562      YN : Character;
563      screen_present : constant Boolean := Unix.screen_attached;
564   begin
565      if not screen_present then
566         return False;
567      end if;
568      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
569         --  catch previous shutdown request
570         return False;
571      end if;
572      Unix.cone_of_silence (deploy => False);
573      TIO.Put ("Would you like to rebuild the local repository (Y/N)? ");
574      loop
575         TIO.Get_Immediate (YN);
576         case YN is
577            when 'Y' | 'y' =>
578               answer := True;
579               exit;
580            when 'N' | 'n' =>
581               answer := False;
582               exit;
583            when others => null;
584         end case;
585      end loop;
586      TIO.Put (YN & LAT.LF);
587      Unix.cone_of_silence (deploy => True);
588      return answer;
589   end verify_desire_to_rebuild_repository;
592   -----------------------------------------
593   --  verify_desire_to_install_packages  --
594   -----------------------------------------
595   function verify_desire_to_install_packages return Boolean is
596      answer : Boolean;
597      YN : Character;
598   begin
599      Unix.cone_of_silence (deploy => False);
600      TIO.Put ("Would you like to upgrade your system with the new packages now (Y/N)? ");
601      loop
602         TIO.Get_Immediate (YN);
603         case YN is
604            when 'Y' | 'y' =>
605               answer := True;
606               exit;
607            when 'N' | 'n' =>
608               answer := False;
609               exit;
610            when others => null;
611         end case;
612      end loop;
613      TIO.Put (YN & LAT.LF);
614      Unix.cone_of_silence (deploy => True);
615      return answer;
616   end verify_desire_to_install_packages;
619   -----------------------------
620   --  fully_scan_ports_tree  --
621   -----------------------------
622   function fully_scan_ports_tree return Boolean
623   is
624      goodresult : Boolean;
625   begin
626      PortScan.reset_ports_tree;
627      REP.initialize (testmode => False, num_cores => PortScan.cores_available);
628      REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
629      case software_framework is
630         when ports_collection => null;
631         when pkgsrc =>
632            if not PLAT.standalone_pkg8_install (PortScan.scan_slave) then
633               TIO.Put_Line ("Full Tree Scan: Failed to bootstrap builder");
634            end if;
635      end case;
636      goodresult := PortScan.scan_entire_ports_tree
637        (JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_portsdir));
638      REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
639      REP.finalize;
640      if goodresult then
641         PortScan.set_build_priority;
642         return True;
643      else
644         if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
645            TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
646         else
647            TIO.Put_Line ("Failed to scan ports tree " & bailing);
648         end if;
649         CLI.Set_Exit_Status (1);
650         return False;
651      end if;
652   end fully_scan_ports_tree;
655   ---------------------------------
656   --  rebuild_local_respository  --
657   ---------------------------------
658   function rebuild_local_respository (remove_invalid_packages : Boolean) return Boolean
659   is
660      repo : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_repository);
661      main : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_packages);
662      packed_meta    : constant String := main & "/meta.pkg";
663      packed_digest  : constant String := main & "/digests.pkg";
664      packed_pkgsite : constant String := main & "/packagesite.pkg";
665      bs_error   : constant String := "Rebuild Repository: Failed to bootstrap builder";
666      build_res  : Boolean;
667   begin
668      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
669         --  In case it was previously requested
670         return False;
671      end if;
673      if remove_invalid_packages then
674         REP.initialize (testmode => False,
675                         num_cores => PortScan.cores_available);
676         REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
677         case software_framework is
678         when ports_collection => null;
679         when pkgsrc =>
680            if not PLAT.standalone_pkg8_install (PortScan.scan_slave) then
681               TIO.Put_Line (bs_error);
682            end if;
683         end case;
685         PKG.preclean_repository (repo);
687         REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
688         REP.finalize;
689         if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
690            TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
691            return False;
692         end if;
693      end if;
695      TIO.Put ("Stand by, recursively scanning");
696      if Natural (portlist.Length) = 1 then
697         TIO.Put (" 1 port");
698      else
699         TIO.Put (portlist.Length'Img & " ports");
700      end if;
701      TIO.Put_Line (" serially.");
702      PortScan.reset_ports_tree;
703      if scan_stack_of_single_ports (testmode => False) then
704         PKG.limited_sanity_check (repository      => repo,
705                                   dry_run         => False,
706                                   suppress_remote => True);
707         if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
708            TIO.Put_Line (shutreq);
709            return False;
710         end if;
711      else
712         return False;
713      end if;
715      if AD.Exists (packed_meta) then
716         AD.Delete_File (packed_meta);
717      end if;
718      if AD.Exists (packed_digest) then
719         AD.Delete_File (packed_digest);
720      end if;
721      if AD.Exists (packed_pkgsite) then
722         AD.Delete_File (packed_pkgsite);
723      end if;
724      TIO.Put_Line ("Packages validated, rebuilding local repository.");
725      REP.initialize (testmode => False, num_cores => PortScan.cores_available);
726      REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
727      case software_framework is
728         when ports_collection => null;
729         when pkgsrc =>
730            if not PLAT.standalone_pkg8_install (PortScan.scan_slave) then
731               TIO.Put_Line (bs_error);
733            end if;
734      end case;
735      if valid_signing_command then
736         build_res := REP.build_repository (id => PortScan.scan_slave,
737                                            sign_command => signing_command);
738      elsif acceptable_RSA_signing_support then
739         build_res := REP.build_repository (PortScan.scan_slave);
740      else
741         build_res := False;
742      end if;
743      REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
744      REP.finalize;
745      if build_res then
746         TIO.Put_Line ("Local repository successfully rebuilt");
747         return True;
748      else
749         TIO.Put_Line ("Failed to rebuild repository" & bailing);
750         return False;
751      end if;
752   end rebuild_local_respository;
755   ------------------
756   --  valid_file  --
757   ------------------
758   function valid_file (path : String) return Boolean
759   is
760      handle : TIO.File_Type;
761      good   : Boolean;
762      total  : Natural := 0;
763   begin
764      TIO.Open (File => handle, Mode => TIO.In_File, Name => path);
765      good := True;
766      while not TIO.End_Of_File (handle) loop
767         declare
768            line : constant String := JT.trim (TIO.Get_Line (handle));
769         begin
770            if not JT.IsBlank (line) then
771               if input_origin_valid (candidate => line) then
772                  plinsert (line, total);
773                  total := total + 1;
774               else
775                  suggest_flavor_for_bad_origin (candidate => line);
776                  good := False;
777                  exit;
778               end if;
779            end if;
780         end;
781      end loop;
782      TIO.Close (handle);
783      return (total > 0) and then good;
784   exception
785      when others => return False;
786   end valid_file;
789   ----------------
790   --  plinsert  --
791   ----------------
792   procedure plinsert (key : String; dummy : Natural)
793   is
794      key2 : JT.Text := JT.SUS (key);
795      ptid : constant PortScan.port_id := PortScan.port_id (dummy);
796   begin
797      if not portlist.Contains (key2) then
798         portlist.Insert (key2, ptid);
799         duplist.Insert (key2, ptid);
800      end if;
801   end plinsert;
804   ---------------------
805   --  start_logging  --
806   ---------------------
807   procedure start_logging (flavor : count_type)
808   is
809      logpath : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_logs)
810        & "/" & logname (flavor);
811   begin
812      if AD.Exists (logpath) then
813         AD.Delete_File (logpath);
814      end if;
815      TIO.Create (File => Flog (flavor),
816                  Mode => TIO.Out_File,
817                  Name => logpath);
818      if flavor = total then
819         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), "-=>  Chronology of last build  <=-");
820         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), "Started: " & timestamp (start_time));
821         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), "Ports to build:" &
822                                      PKG.original_queue_size'Img);
823         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), "");
824         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), "Purging any ignored/broken ports " &
825                                      "first ...");
826         TIO.Flush (Flog (flavor));
827      end if;
828      exception
829      when others =>
830         raise pilot_log
831           with "Failed to create or delete " & logpath & bailing;
832   end start_logging;
835   --------------------
836   --  stop_logging  --
837   --------------------
838   procedure stop_logging (flavor : count_type) is
839   begin
840      if flavor = total then
841         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), "Finished: " & timestamp (stop_time));
842         TIO.Put_Line (Flog (flavor), CYC.log_duration (start => start_time,
843                                                        stop  => stop_time));
844         TIO.Put_Line
845           (Flog (flavor), LAT.LF &
846              "---------------------------" & LAT.LF &
847              "--  Final Statistics" & LAT.LF &
848              "---------------------------" & LAT.LF &
849              " Initial queue size:" & bld_counter (total)'Img & LAT.LF &
850              "     packages built:" & bld_counter (success)'Img & LAT.LF &
851              "            ignored:" & bld_counter (ignored)'Img & LAT.LF &
852              "            skipped:" & bld_counter (skipped)'Img & LAT.LF &
853              "             failed:" & bld_counter (failure)'Img);
854      end if;
855      TIO.Close (Flog (flavor));
856   end stop_logging;
859   -----------------------
860   --  purge_distfiles  --
861   -----------------------
862   procedure purge_distfiles
863   is
864      type disktype is mod 2**64;
865      procedure scan (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor);
866      procedure kill (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor);
867      procedure walk (name : String);
868      function display_kmg (number : disktype) return String;
869      abort_purge  : Boolean := False;
870      bytes_purged : disktype := 0;
871      distfiles    : portkey_crate.Map;
872      rmfiles      : portkey_crate.Map;
874      procedure scan (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor)
875      is
876         origin   : JT.Text := portkey_crate.Key (plcursor);
877         tracker  : constant port_id := portkey_crate.Element (plcursor);
878         pndx     : constant port_index := ports_keys.Element (origin);
879         distinfo : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_portsdir) &
880                     "/" & JT.USS (origin) & "/distinfo";
881         handle   : TIO.File_Type;
882         bookend  : Natural;
883      begin
884         TIO.Open (File => handle, Mode => TIO.In_File, Name => distinfo);
885         while not TIO.End_Of_File (handle) loop
886            declare
887               Line : String := TIO.Get_Line (handle);
888            begin
889               if Line (1 .. 4) = "SIZE" then
890                  bookend := ASF.Index (Line, ")");
891                  declare
892                     S : JT.Text := JT.SUS (Line (7 .. bookend - 1));
893                  begin
894                     if not distfiles.Contains (S) then
895                        distfiles.Insert (S, tracker);
896                     end if;
897                  exception
898                     when failed : others =>
899                        TIO.Put_Line ("purge_distfiles::scan: " & JT.USS (S));
900                        TIO.Put_Line (EX.Exception_Information (failed));
901                  end;
902               end if;
903            end;
904         end loop;
905         TIO.Close (handle);
906      exception
907         when others =>
908            if TIO.Is_Open (handle) then
909               TIO.Close (handle);
910            end if;
911      end scan;
913      procedure walk (name : String)
914      is
915         procedure walkdir (item : AD.Directory_Entry_Type);
916         procedure print (item : AD.Directory_Entry_Type);
917         uniqid     : port_id := 0;
918         leftindent : Natural :=
919           JT.SU.Length (PM.configuration.dir_distfiles) + 2;
921         procedure walkdir (item : AD.Directory_Entry_Type) is
922         begin
923            if AD.Simple_Name (item) /= "." and then
924              AD.Simple_Name (item) /= ".."
925            then
926               walk (AD.Full_Name (item));
927            end if;
928         exception
929            when AD.Name_Error =>
930               abort_purge := True;
931               TIO.Put_Line ("walkdir: " & name & " directory does not exist");
932         end walkdir;
933         procedure print (item : AD.Directory_Entry_Type)
934         is
935            FN    : constant String := AD.Full_Name (item);
936            tball : JT.Text := JT.SUS (FN (leftindent .. FN'Last));
937         begin
938            if not distfiles.Contains (tball) then
939               if not rmfiles.Contains (tball) then
940                  uniqid := uniqid + 1;
941                  rmfiles.Insert (Key => tball, New_Item => uniqid);
942                  bytes_purged := bytes_purged + disktype (AD.Size (FN));
943               end if;
944            end if;
945         end print;
946      begin
947         AD.Search (name, "*", (AD.Ordinary_File => True, others => False),
948                    print'Access);
949         AD.Search (name, "", (AD.Directory => True, others => False),
950                    walkdir'Access);
951      exception
952         when AD.Name_Error =>
953            abort_purge := True;
954            TIO.Put_Line ("The " & name & " directory does not exist");
955         when AD.Use_Error =>
956            abort_purge := True;
957            TIO.Put_Line ("Searching " & name & " directory is not supported");
958         when failed : others =>
959            abort_purge := True;
960            TIO.Put_Line ("purge_distfiles: Unknown error - directory search");
961            TIO.Put_Line (EX.Exception_Information (failed));
962      end walk;
964      function display_kmg (number : disktype) return String
965      is
966         type kmgtype is delta 0.01 digits 6;
967         kilo : constant disktype := 1024;
968         mega : constant disktype := kilo * kilo;
969         giga : constant disktype := kilo * mega;
970         XXX  : kmgtype;
971      begin
972         if number > giga then
973            XXX := kmgtype (number / giga);
974            return XXX'Img & " gigabytes";
975         elsif number > mega then
976            XXX := kmgtype (number / mega);
977            return XXX'Img & " megabytes";
978         else
979            XXX := kmgtype (number / kilo);
980            return XXX'Img & " kilobytes";
981         end if;
982      end display_kmg;
984      procedure kill (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor)
985      is
986         tarball : String := JT.USS (portkey_crate.Key (plcursor));
987         path    : JT.Text := PM.configuration.dir_distfiles;
988      begin
989         JT.SU.Append (path, "/" & tarball);
990         TIO.Put_Line ("Deleting " & tarball);
991         AD.Delete_File (JT.USS (path));
992      end kill;
994   begin
995      read_flavor_index;
996      TIO.Put ("Scanning the distinfo file of every port in the tree ... ");
997      ports_keys.Iterate (Process => scan'Access);
998      TIO.Put_Line ("done");
999      walk (name => JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_distfiles));
1000      if abort_purge then
1001         TIO.Put_Line ("Distfile purge operation aborted.");
1002      else
1003         rmfiles.Iterate (kill'Access);
1004         TIO.Put_Line ("Recovered" & display_kmg (bytes_purged));
1005      end if;
1006   end purge_distfiles;
1009   ------------------------------------------
1010   --  write_pkg_repos_configuration_file  --
1011   ------------------------------------------
1012   function write_pkg_repos_configuration_file return Boolean
1013   is
1014      repdir : constant String := get_repos_dir;
1015      target : constant String := repdir & "/00_synth.conf";
1016      pkgdir : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_packages);
1017      pubkey : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" &
1018               JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-public.key";
1019      keydir : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/keys";
1020      tstdir : constant String := keydir & "/trusted";
1021      autgen : constant String := "# Automatically generated." & LAT.LF;
1022      fpfile : constant String := tstdir & "/fingerprint." &
1023               JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile);
1024      handle : TIO.File_Type;
1025      vscmd  : Boolean := False;
1026   begin
1027      if AD.Exists (target) then
1028         AD.Delete_File (target);
1029      elsif not AD.Exists (repdir) then
1030         AD.Create_Path (repdir);
1031      end if;
1032      TIO.Create (File => handle, Mode => TIO.Out_File, Name => target);
1033      TIO.Put_Line (handle, autgen);
1034      TIO.Put_Line (handle, "Synth: {");
1035      TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  url      : file://" & pkgdir & ",");
1036      TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  priority : 0,");
1037      TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  enabled  : yes,");
1038      if valid_signing_command then
1039         vscmd := True;
1040         TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  signature_type : FINGERPRINTS,");
1041         TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  fingerprints   : " & keydir);
1042      elsif set_synth_conf_with_RSA then
1043         TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  signature_type : PUBKEY,");
1044         TIO.Put_Line (handle, "  pubkey         : " & pubkey);
1045      end if;
1046      TIO.Put_Line (handle, "}");
1047      TIO.Close (handle);
1048      if vscmd then
1049         if AD.Exists (fpfile) then
1050            AD.Delete_File (fpfile);
1051         elsif not AD.Exists (tstdir) then
1052            AD.Create_Path (tstdir);
1053         end if;
1054         TIO.Create (File => handle, Mode => TIO.Out_File, Name => fpfile);
1055         TIO.Put_Line (handle, autgen);
1056         TIO.Put_Line (handle, "function    : sha256");
1057         TIO.Put_Line (handle, "fingerprint : " & profile_fingerprint);
1058         TIO.Close (handle);
1059      end if;
1060      return True;
1061   exception
1062      when others =>
1063         TIO.Put_Line ("Error: failed to create " & target);
1064         if TIO.Is_Open (handle) then
1065            TIO.Close (handle);
1066         end if;
1067         return False;
1068   end write_pkg_repos_configuration_file;
1071   ---------------------------------
1072   --  upgrade_system_everything  --
1073   ---------------------------------
1074   procedure upgrade_system_everything (skip_installation : Boolean := False;
1075                                        dry_run : Boolean := False)
1076   is
1077      command : constant String := host_pkg8 &
1078                                   " upgrade --yes --repository Synth";
1079      query   : constant String := host_pkg8 & " query -a %o:%n";
1080      sorry   : constant String := "Unfortunately, the system upgrade failed.";
1081   begin
1082      if not prescanned then
1083         read_flavor_index;
1084      end if;
1085      portlist.Clear;
1086      TIO.Put_Line ("Querying system about current package installations.");
1087      begin
1088         declare
1089            comres  : constant String := JT.USS (CYC.generic_system_command (query));
1090            markers : JT.Line_Markers;
1091            uniqid  : Natural := 0;
1092         begin
1093            JT.initialize_markers (comres, markers);
1094            loop
1095               exit when not JT.next_line_present (comres, markers);
1096               declare
1097                  line      : constant String := JT.extract_line (comres, markers);
1098                  origin    : constant String := JT.part_1 (line, ":");
1099                  pkgbase   : constant String := JT.part_2 (line, ":");
1100                  flvquery  : constant String := host_pkg8 & " query %At:%Av " & pkgbase;
1101                  errprefix : constant String := "Installed package ignored, ";
1102                  origintxt : JT.Text := JT.SUS (origin);
1103                  target_id : port_id := port_match_failed;
1104                  maxprobe  : port_index := port_index (so_serial.Length) - 1;
1105                  found_it  : Boolean := False;
1106                  flvresult : JT.Text;
1107               begin
1108                  --  This approach isn't the greatest, but we're missing information.
1109                  --  At this port, all_ports array is not populated, so we can't compare the
1110                  --  package names to determine flavors.  So what we do is search so_serial
1111                  --  for the origin.  If it exists, the port has no flavors and we take the
1112                  --  target id.  Otherwise, we have to query the system for the installed
1113                  --  flavor.  It it fail on pre-flavor installations, though.  Once all packages
1114                  --  are completely replaced, this approach should work fine.
1116                  if so_porthash.Contains (origintxt) then
1117                     if so_serial.Contains (origintxt) then
1118                        target_id := so_porthash.Element (origintxt);
1119                        found_it := True;
1120                     else
1121                        flvresult := CYC.generic_system_command (flvquery);
1122                        declare
1123                           contents : constant String := JT.USS (flvresult);
1124                           markers  : JT.Line_Markers;
1125                        begin
1126                           JT.initialize_markers (contents, markers);
1127                           if JT.next_line_with_content_present (contents, "flavor:", markers) then
1128                              declare
1129                                 line : constant String := JT.extract_line (contents, markers);
1130                                 flvorigin : JT.Text;
1131                              begin
1132                                 flvorigin := JT.SUS (origin & "@" & JT.part_2 (line, ":"));
1133                                 if so_serial.Contains (flvorigin) then
1134                                    target_id := so_serial.Find_Index (flvorigin);
1135                                    found_it := True;
1136                                 end if;
1137                              end;
1138                           end if;
1139                        end;
1140                     end if;
1141                     if found_it then
1142                        uniqid := uniqid + 1;
1143                        plinsert (get_catport (all_ports (target_id)), uniqid);
1144                     else
1145                        TIO.Put_Line (errprefix & origin & " package unmatched");
1146                     end if;
1147                  else
1148                     TIO.Put_Line (errprefix & "missing from ports: " & origin);
1149                  end if;
1150               end;
1151            end loop;
1152         end;
1153      exception
1154         when others =>
1155            TIO.Put_Line (sorry & " (system query)");
1156            return;
1157      end;
1158      TIO.Put_Line ("Stand by, comparing installed packages against the ports tree.");
1159      if prerequisites_available and then
1160        scan_stack_of_single_ports (testmode => False) and then
1161        sanity_check_then_prefail (delete_first => False, dry_run => dry_run)
1162      then
1163         if dry_run then
1164            display_results_of_dry_run;
1165            return;
1166         else
1167            perform_bulk_run (testmode => False);
1168         end if;
1169      else
1170         if not SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
1171            TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1172         end if;
1173         return;
1174      end if;
1175      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
1176         return;
1177      end if;
1178      if rebuild_local_respository (remove_invalid_packages => True) then
1179         if not skip_installation then
1180            if not Unix.external_command (command) then
1181               TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1182            end if;
1183         end if;
1184      end if;
1185   end upgrade_system_everything;
1188   ------------------------------
1189   --  upgrade_system_exactly  --
1190   ------------------------------
1191   procedure upgrade_system_exactly
1192   is
1193      procedure build_train (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor);
1194      base_command : constant String := host_pkg8 &
1195                                        " install --yes --repository Synth";
1196      caboose : JT.Text;
1198      procedure build_train (plcursor : portkey_crate.Cursor)
1199      is
1200         full_origin : JT.Text renames portkey_crate.Key (plcursor);
1201         pix : constant port_index := ports_keys.Element (full_origin);
1202         pkgfile : constant String := JT.USS (all_ports (pix).package_name);
1203      begin
1204         JT.SU.Append (caboose, " " & JT.head (pkgfile, "."));
1205      end build_train;
1206   begin
1207      duplist.Iterate (Process => build_train'Access);
1208      declare
1209         command : constant String := base_command & JT.USS (caboose);
1210      begin
1211         if not Unix.external_command (command) then
1212            TIO.Put_Line ("Unfortunately, the system upgraded failed.");
1213         end if;
1214      end;
1215   end upgrade_system_exactly;
1218   -------------------------------
1219   --  insufficient_privileges  --
1220   -------------------------------
1221   function insufficient_privileges return Boolean
1222   is
1223      command : constant String := "/usr/bin/id -u";
1224      result  : JT.Text := CYC.generic_system_command (command);
1225      topline : JT.Text;
1226   begin
1227      JT.nextline (lineblock => result, firstline => topline);
1228      declare
1229         resint : constant Integer := Integer'Value (JT.USS (topline));
1230      begin
1231         return (resint /= 0);
1232      end;
1233   end insufficient_privileges;
1236   ---------------
1237   --  head_n1  --
1238   ---------------
1239   function head_n1 (filename : String) return String
1240   is
1241      handle : TIO.File_Type;
1242   begin
1243      TIO.Open (File => handle, Mode => TIO.In_File, Name => filename);
1244      if TIO.End_Of_File (handle) then
1245         TIO.Close (handle);
1246         return "";
1247      end if;
1249      declare
1250         line : constant String := TIO.Get_Line (handle);
1251      begin
1252         TIO.Close (handle);
1253         return line;
1254      end;
1255   end head_n1;
1258   -----------------------
1259   --  already_running  --
1260   -----------------------
1261   function already_running return Boolean
1262   is
1263      pid    : Integer;
1264      comres : JT.Text;
1265   begin
1266      if AD.Exists (pidfile) then
1267         declare
1268            textpid : constant String := head_n1 (pidfile);
1269            command : constant String := "/bin/ps -p " & textpid;
1270         begin
1271            --  test if valid by converting it (exception if fails)
1272            pid := Integer'Value (textpid);
1274            --  exception raised by line below if pid not found.
1275            comres := CYC.generic_system_command (command);
1276            if JT.contains (comres, "synth") then
1277               return True;
1278            else
1279               --  pidfile is obsolete, remove it.
1280               AD.Delete_File (pidfile);
1281               return False;
1282            end if;
1283         exception
1284            when others =>
1285               --  pidfile contains garbage, remove it
1286               AD.Delete_File (pidfile);
1287               return False;
1288         end;
1289      end if;
1290      return False;
1291   end already_running;
1294   -----------------------
1295   --  destroy_pidfile  --
1296   -----------------------
1297   procedure destroy_pidfile is
1298   begin
1299      if AD.Exists (pidfile) then
1300         AD.Delete_File (pidfile);
1301      end if;
1302   exception
1303      when others => null;
1304   end destroy_pidfile;
1307   ----------------------
1308   --  create_pidfile  --
1309   ----------------------
1310   procedure create_pidfile
1311   is
1312      pidtext : constant String := JT.int2str (Get_PID);
1313      handle  : TIO.File_Type;
1314   begin
1315      TIO.Create (File => handle, Mode => TIO.Out_File, Name => pidfile);
1316      TIO.Put_Line (handle, pidtext);
1317      TIO.Close (handle);
1318   end create_pidfile;
1321   ------------------------------
1322   --  set_replicant_platform  --
1323   ------------------------------
1324   procedure set_replicant_platform is
1325   begin
1326      REP.set_platform;
1327   end set_replicant_platform;
1330   ------------------------------------
1331   --  previous_run_mounts_detected  --
1332   ------------------------------------
1333   function previous_run_mounts_detected return Boolean is
1334   begin
1335      return REP.synth_mounts_exist;
1336   end previous_run_mounts_detected;
1339   -------------------------------------
1340   --  previous_realfs_work_detected  --
1341   -------------------------------------
1342   function previous_realfs_work_detected return Boolean is
1343   begin
1344      return REP.disk_workareas_exist;
1345   end previous_realfs_work_detected;
1348   ---------------------------------------
1349   --  old_mounts_successfully_removed  --
1350   ---------------------------------------
1351   function old_mounts_successfully_removed return Boolean is
1352   begin
1353      if REP.clear_existing_mounts then
1354         TIO.Put_Line ("Dismounting successful!");
1355         return True;
1356      end if;
1357      TIO.Put_Line ("The attempt failed. " &
1358                      "Check for stuck or ongoing processes and kill them.");
1359      TIO.Put_Line ("After that, try running Synth again or just manually " &
1360                      "unmount everything");
1361      TIO.Put_Line ("still attached to " &
1362                      JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase));
1363      return False;
1364   end old_mounts_successfully_removed;
1367   --------------------------------------------
1368   --  old_realfs_work_successfully_removed  --
1369   --------------------------------------------
1370   function old_realfs_work_successfully_removed return Boolean is
1371   begin
1372      if REP.clear_existing_workareas then
1373         TIO.Put_Line ("Directory removal successful!");
1374         return True;
1375      end if;
1376      TIO.Put_Line ("The attempt to remove the work directories located at ");
1377      TIO.Put_Line (JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase) & "failed.");
1378      TIO.Put_Line ("Please remove them manually before continuing");
1379      return False;
1380   end old_realfs_work_successfully_removed;
1383   -------------------------
1384   --  synthexec_missing  --
1385   -------------------------
1386   function synthexec_missing return Boolean
1387   is
1388      synthexec : constant String := host_localbase & "/libexec/synthexec";
1389   begin
1390      if AD.Exists (synthexec) then
1391         return False;
1392      end if;
1393      TIO.Put_Line (synthexec & " missing!" & bailing);
1394      return True;
1395   end synthexec_missing;
1398   ----------------------------------
1399   --  display_results_of_dry_run  --
1400   ----------------------------------
1401   procedure display_results_of_dry_run
1402   is
1403      procedure print (cursor : ranking_crate.Cursor);
1404      listlog  : TIO.File_Type;
1405      filename : constant String := "/var/synth/synth_status_results.txt";
1406      max_lots : constant scanners := get_max_lots;
1407      elap_raw : constant String := CYC.log_duration (start => scan_start,
1408                                                      stop  => scan_stop);
1409      elapsed  : constant String := elap_raw (elap_raw'First + 10 ..
1410                                                elap_raw'Last);
1411      goodlog  : Boolean;
1413      procedure print (cursor : ranking_crate.Cursor)
1414      is
1415         id     : port_id := ranking_crate.Element (cursor).ap_index;
1416         kind   : verdiff;
1417         diff   : constant String := version_difference (id, kind);
1418         origin : constant String := get_catport (all_ports (id));
1419      begin
1420         case kind is
1421            when newbuild => TIO.Put_Line ("  N => " & origin);
1422            when rebuild  => TIO.Put_Line ("  R => " & origin);
1423            when change   => TIO.Put_Line ("  U => " & origin & diff);
1424         end case;
1425         if goodlog then
1426            TIO.Put_Line (listlog, origin & diff);
1427         end if;
1428      end print;
1429   begin
1430      begin
1431         --  Try to defend malicious symlink: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symlink_race
1432         if AD.Exists (filename) then
1433            AD.Delete_File (filename);
1434         end if;
1435         TIO.Create (File => listlog, Mode => TIO.Out_File, Name => filename);
1436         goodlog := True;
1437      exception
1438         when others => goodlog := False;
1439      end;
1440      TIO.Put_Line ("These are the ports that would be built ([N]ew, " &
1441                   "[R]ebuild, [U]pgrade):");
1442      rank_queue.Iterate (print'Access);
1443      TIO.Put_Line ("Total packages that would be built:" &
1444                      rank_queue.Length'Img);
1445      if goodlog then
1446         TIO.Put_Line
1447           (listlog, LAT.LF &
1448              "------------------------------" & LAT.LF &
1449              "--  Statistics" & LAT.LF &
1450              "------------------------------" & LAT.LF &
1451              " Ports scanned :" & last_port'Img & LAT.LF &
1452              "  Elapsed time : " & elapsed & LAT.LF &
1453              "   Parallelism :" & max_lots'Img & " scanners" & LAT.LF &
1454              "          ncpu :" & number_cores'Img);
1455         TIO.Close (listlog);
1456         TIO.Put_Line ("The complete build list can also be found at:"
1457                       & LAT.LF & filename);
1458      end if;
1459   end display_results_of_dry_run;
1462   ---------------------
1463   --  get_repos_dir  --
1464   ---------------------
1465   function get_repos_dir return String
1466   is
1467      command : String := host_pkg8 & " config repos_dir";
1468      content : JT.Text;
1469      topline : JT.Text;
1470      crlen1  : Natural;
1471      crlen2  : Natural;
1472   begin
1473      content := CYC.generic_system_command (command);
1474      crlen1 := JT.SU.Length (content);
1475      loop
1476         JT.nextline (lineblock => content, firstline => topline);
1477         crlen2 := JT.SU.Length (content);
1478         exit when crlen1 = crlen2;
1479         crlen1 := crlen2;
1480         if not JT.equivalent (topline, "/etc/pkg/") then
1481            return JT.USS (topline);
1482         end if;
1483      end loop;
1484      --  fallback, use default
1485      return host_localbase & "/etc/pkg/repos";
1486   end get_repos_dir;
1489   ------------------------------------
1490   --  interact_with_single_builder  --
1491   ------------------------------------
1492   function interact_with_single_builder return Boolean
1493   is
1494      EA_defined : constant Boolean := Unix.env_variable_defined (brkname);
1495   begin
1496      if Natural (portlist.Length) /= 1 then
1497         return False;
1498      end if;
1499      if not EA_defined then
1500         return False;
1501      end if;
1502      return CYC.valid_test_phase (Unix.env_variable_value (brkname));
1503   end interact_with_single_builder;
1506   ----------------------------------------------
1507   --  bulk_run_then_interact_with_final_port  --
1508   ----------------------------------------------
1509   procedure bulk_run_then_interact_with_final_port
1510   is
1511      uscatport : JT.Text := portkey_crate.Key (Position => portlist.First);
1512      brkphase : constant String := Unix.env_variable_value (brkname);
1513      buildres : Boolean;
1514      ptid     : port_id;
1515   begin
1516      if ports_keys.Contains (Key => uscatport) then
1517         ptid := ports_keys.Element (Key => uscatport);
1518      end if;
1520      OPS.unlist_port (ptid);
1521      perform_bulk_run (testmode => True);
1522      if SIG.graceful_shutdown_requested then
1523         return;
1524      end if;
1525      if bld_counter (ignored) > 0 or else
1526        bld_counter (skipped) > 0 or else
1527        bld_counter (failure) > 0
1528      then
1529         TIO.Put_Line ("It appears a prerequisite failed, so the interactive" &
1530                         " build of");
1531         TIO.Put_Line (JT.USS (uscatport) & " has been cancelled.");
1532         return;
1533      end if;
1534      TIO.Put_Line ("Starting interactive build of " & JT.USS (uscatport));
1535      TIO.Put_Line ("Stand by, building up to the point requested ...");
1537      REP.initialize (testmode => True, num_cores => PortScan.cores_available);
1538      CYC.initialize (test_mode => True, jail_env => REP.jail_environment);
1539      REP.launch_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
1541      Unix.cone_of_silence (deploy => False);
1542      case software_framework is
1543         when ports_collection =>
1544            buildres := FPC.build_package (id          => PortScan.scan_slave,
1545                                           sequence_id => ptid,
1546                                           interactive => True,
1547                                           interphase  => brkphase);
1548         when pkgsrc =>
1549            if PLAT.standalone_pkg8_install (PortScan.scan_slave) then
1550               buildres := NPS.build_package (id => PortScan.scan_slave,
1551                                              sequence_id => ptid,
1552                                              interactive => True,
1553                                              interphase  => brkphase);
1554            end if;
1555      end case;
1557      REP.destroy_slave (id => PortScan.scan_slave, opts => noprocs);
1558      REP.finalize;
1559   end bulk_run_then_interact_with_final_port;
1562   --------------------------
1563   --  synth_launch_clash  --
1564   --------------------------
1565   function synth_launch_clash return Boolean
1566   is
1567      function get_usrlocal return String;
1568      function get_usrlocal return String is
1569      begin
1570         if JT.equivalent (PM.configuration.dir_system, "/") then
1571            return host_localbase;
1572         end if;
1573         return JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_system) & host_localbase;
1574      end get_usrlocal;
1576      cwd      : constant String  := AD.Current_Directory;
1577      usrlocal : constant String  := get_usrlocal;
1578      portsdir : constant String  := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_portsdir);
1579      ullen    : constant Natural := usrlocal'Length;
1580      pdlen    : constant Natural := portsdir'Length;
1581   begin
1582      if cwd = usrlocal or else cwd = portsdir then
1583         return True;
1584      end if;
1585      if cwd'Length > ullen and then
1586        cwd (1 .. ullen + 1) = usrlocal & "/"
1587      then
1588         return True;
1589      end if;
1590      if cwd'Length > pdlen and then
1591        cwd (1 .. pdlen + 1) = portsdir & "/"
1592      then
1593         return True;
1594      end if;
1595      return False;
1596   exception
1597      when others => return True;
1598   end synth_launch_clash;
1601   --------------------------
1602   --  version_difference  --
1603   --------------------------
1604   function version_difference (id : port_id; kind : out verdiff) return String
1605   is
1606      dir_pkg : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_repository);
1607      current : constant String := JT.USS (all_ports (id).package_name);
1608      version : constant String := JT.USS (all_ports (id).port_version);
1609   begin
1610      if AD.Exists (dir_pkg & "/" & current) then
1611         kind := rebuild;
1612         return " (rebuild " & version & ")";
1613      end if;
1614      declare
1615         pkgbase : constant String := JT.head (current, "-");
1616         pattern : constant String := pkgbase & "-*.pkg";
1617         upgrade : JT.Text;
1619         pkg_search : AD.Search_Type;
1620         dirent     : AD.Directory_Entry_Type;
1621      begin
1622         AD.Start_Search (Search    => pkg_search,
1623                          Directory => dir_pkg,
1624                          Filter    => (AD.Ordinary_File => True, others => False),
1625                          Pattern   => pattern);
1626         while AD.More_Entries (Search => pkg_search) loop
1627            AD.Get_Next_Entry (Search => pkg_search, Directory_Entry => dirent);
1628            declare
1629               sname    : String := AD.Simple_Name (dirent);
1630               testbase : String := PKG.query_pkgbase (dir_pkg & "/" & sname);
1631               testver  : String := JT.tail (JT.head (sname, "."), "-");
1632            begin
1633               if testbase = pkgbase then
1634                  upgrade := JT.SUS (" (" & testver & " => " & version & ")");
1635               end if;
1636            end;
1637         end loop;
1638         if not JT.IsBlank (upgrade) then
1639            kind := change;
1640            return JT.USS (upgrade);
1641         end if;
1642      end;
1643      kind := newbuild;
1644      return " (new " & version & ")";
1645   end version_difference;
1648   ------------------------
1649   --  file_permissions  --
1650   ------------------------
1651   function file_permissions (full_path : String) return String
1652   is
1653      command : constant String := "/usr/bin/stat -f %Lp " & full_path;
1654      content  : JT.Text;
1655      topline  : JT.Text;
1656      status   : Integer;
1657   begin
1658      content := Unix.piped_command (command, status);
1659      if status /= 0 then
1660         return "000";
1661      end if;
1662      JT.nextline (lineblock => content, firstline => topline);
1663      return JT.USS (topline);
1664   end file_permissions;
1667   --------------------------------------
1668   --  acceptable_RSA_signing_support  --
1669   --------------------------------------
1670   function acceptable_RSA_signing_support return Boolean
1671   is
1672      file_prefix   : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" &
1673                      JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-";
1674      key_private   : constant String := file_prefix & "private.key";
1675      key_public    : constant String := file_prefix & "public.key";
1676      found_private : constant Boolean := AD.Exists (key_private);
1677      found_public  : constant Boolean := AD.Exists (key_public);
1678      sorry         : constant String := "The generated repository will not " &
1679                      "be signed due to the misconfiguration.";
1680      repo_key      : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_buildbase)
1681                      & ss_base & "/etc/repo.key";
1682   begin
1683      if not found_private and then not found_public then
1684         return True;
1685      end if;
1686      if found_public and then not found_private then
1687         TIO.Put_Line ("A public RSA key file has been found without a " &
1688                         "corresponding private key file.");
1689         TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1690         return True;
1691      end if;
1692      if found_private and then not found_public then
1693         TIO.Put_Line ("A private RSA key file has been found without a " &
1694                         "corresponding public key file.");
1695         TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1696         return True;
1697      end if;
1698      declare
1699         mode : constant String := file_permissions (key_private);
1700      begin
1701         if mode /= "400" then
1702            TIO.Put_Line ("The private RSA key file has insecure file " &
1703                            "permissions (" & mode & ")");
1704            TIO.Put_Line ("Please change the mode of " & key_private &
1705                            " to 400 before continuing.");
1706            return False;
1707         end if;
1708      end;
1709      declare
1710      begin
1711         AD.Copy_File (Source_Name => key_private,
1712                       Target_Name => repo_key);
1713         return True;
1714      exception
1715         when failed : others =>
1716            TIO.Put_Line ("Failed to copy private RSA key to builder.");
1717            TIO.Put_Line (EX.Exception_Information (failed));
1718            return False;
1719      end;
1720   end acceptable_RSA_signing_support;
1723   ----------------------------------
1724   --  acceptable_signing_command  --
1725   ----------------------------------
1726   function valid_signing_command return Boolean
1727   is
1728      file_prefix   : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" &
1729                      JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-";
1730      fingerprint   : constant String := file_prefix & "fingerprint";
1731      ext_command   : constant String := file_prefix & "signing_command";
1732      found_finger  : constant Boolean := AD.Exists (fingerprint);
1733      found_command : constant Boolean := AD.Exists (ext_command);
1734      sorry         : constant String := "The generated repository will not " &
1735                      "be externally signed due to the misconfiguration.";
1736   begin
1737      if found_finger and then found_command then
1738         if JT.IsBlank (one_line_file_contents (fingerprint)) or else
1739           JT.IsBlank (one_line_file_contents (ext_command))
1740         then
1741            TIO.Put_Line ("At least one of the profile signing command " &
1742                            "files is blank");
1743            TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1744            return False;
1745         end if;
1746         return True;
1747      end if;
1749      if found_finger then
1750         TIO.Put_Line ("The profile fingerprint was found but not the " &
1751                         "signing command");
1752         TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1753      elsif found_command then
1754        TIO.Put_Line ("The profile signing command was found but not " &
1755                        "the fingerprint");
1756         TIO.Put_Line (sorry);
1757      end if;
1759      return False;
1760   end valid_signing_command;
1763   -----------------------
1764   --  signing_command  --
1765   -----------------------
1766   function signing_command return String
1767   is
1768      filename : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" &
1769                 JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-signing_command";
1770   begin
1771      return one_line_file_contents (filename);
1772   end signing_command;
1775   ---------------------------
1776   --  profile_fingerprint  --
1777   ---------------------------
1778   function profile_fingerprint return String
1779   is
1780      filename : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" &
1781                 JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-fingerprint";
1782   begin
1783      return one_line_file_contents (filename);
1784   end profile_fingerprint;
1787   -------------------------------
1788   --  set_synth_conf_with_RSA  --
1789   -------------------------------
1790   function set_synth_conf_with_RSA return Boolean
1791   is
1792      file_prefix   : constant String := PM.synth_confdir & "/" &
1793                      JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-";
1794      key_private   : constant String := file_prefix & "private.key";
1795      key_public    : constant String := file_prefix & "public.key";
1796      found_private : constant Boolean := AD.Exists (key_private);
1797      found_public  : constant Boolean := AD.Exists (key_public);
1798   begin
1799      return
1800        found_public and then
1801        found_private and then
1802        file_permissions (key_private) = "400";
1803   end set_synth_conf_with_RSA;
1806   ------------------------------
1807   --  one_line_file_contents  --
1808   ------------------------------
1809   function one_line_file_contents (filename : String) return String
1810   is
1811      target_file : TIO.File_Type;
1812      contents    : JT.Text := JT.blank;
1813   begin
1814      TIO.Open (File => target_file, Mode => TIO.In_File, Name => filename);
1815      if not TIO.End_Of_File (target_file) then
1816         contents := JT.SUS (TIO.Get_Line (target_file));
1817      end if;
1818      TIO.Close (target_file);
1819      return JT.USS (contents);
1820   end one_line_file_contents;
1823   -------------------------
1824   --  valid_system_root  --
1825   -------------------------
1826   function valid_system_root return Boolean is
1827   begin
1828      if REP.boot_modules_directory_missing then
1829         TIO.Put_Line ("The /boot directory is optional, but when it exists, " &
1830                         "the /boot/modules directory must also exist.");
1831         TIO.Put ("Please create the ");
1832         if not JT.equivalent (PM.configuration.dir_system, "/") then
1833            TIO.Put (JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_system));
1834         end if;
1835         TIO.Put_Line ("/boot/modules directory and retry.");
1836         return False;
1837      end if;
1838      return True;
1839   end valid_system_root;
1842   ------------------------------------------
1843   --  host_pkg8_conservative_upgrade_set  --
1844   ------------------------------------------
1845   function host_pkg8_conservative_upgrade_set return Boolean
1846   is
1847      command : constant String := host_pkg8 & " config CONSERVATIVE_UPGRADE";
1848      content : JT.Text;
1849      topline : JT.Text;
1850   begin
1851      content := CYC.generic_system_command (command);
1852      JT.nextline (lineblock => content, firstline => topline);
1853      return JT.equivalent (topline, "yes");
1854   end host_pkg8_conservative_upgrade_set;
1857   -----------------------------------
1858   --  TERM_defined_in_environment  --
1859   -----------------------------------
1860   function TERM_defined_in_environment return Boolean
1861   is
1862      defined : constant Boolean := Unix.env_variable_defined ("TERM");
1863   begin
1864      if not defined then
1865         TIO.Put_Line ("Please define TERM in environment first and retry.");
1866         TIO.Put_Line ("If synth is being called in a cron job, define TERM=" & dumterm & ".");
1867      end if;
1868      return defined;
1869   end TERM_defined_in_environment;
1872   -------------------------
1873   --  ensure_port_index  --
1874   -------------------------
1875   function ensure_port_index return Boolean
1876   is
1877      index_file  : constant String := "/var/cache/synth/" &
1878                    JT.USS (PM.configuration.profile) & "-index";
1879      needs_gen   : Boolean := True;
1880      tree_newer  : Boolean;
1881      valid_check : Boolean;
1882      answer      : Character;
1883      portsdir    : constant String := JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_portsdir);
1884      command     : constant String := "/usr/bin/touch " & index_file;
1885      stars : String (1 .. 67) := (others => '*');
1886      msg1  : String := " The ports tree has at least one file newer than the flavor index.";
1887      msg2  : String := " However, port directories perfectly match.  Should the index be";
1888      msg3  : String := " regenerated? (Y/N) ";
1889   begin
1890      if AD.Exists (index_file) then
1891         tree_newer := index_out_of_date (index_file, valid_check);
1892         if not valid_check then
1893            return False;
1894         end if;
1895         if tree_newer then
1896            --  TERM guaranteed to already be defined (see TERM_defined_in_environment)
1897            if Unix.env_variable_value ("TERM") /= dumterm then
1898               if tree_directories_match (index_file, portsdir) then
1899                  TIO.Put_Line (stars);
1900                  TIO.Put_Line (msg1);
1901                  TIO.Put_Line (msg2);
1902                  TIO.Put      (msg3);
1903                  loop
1904                     Ada.Text_IO.Get_Immediate (answer);
1905                     case answer is
1906                        when 'Y' | 'y' =>
1907                           TIO.Put_Line ("yes");
1908                           exit;
1909                        when 'N' | 'n' =>
1910                           TIO.Put_Line ("no");
1911                           if Unix.external_command (command) then
1912                              needs_gen := False;
1913                           end if;
1914                           exit;
1915                        when others => null;
1916                     end case;
1917                  end loop;
1918                  TIO.Put_Line (stars);
1919               end if;
1920            end if;
1921         else
1922            needs_gen := False;
1923         end if;
1924      end if;
1926      if needs_gen then
1927         return generate_ports_index (index_file, portsdir);
1928      else
1929         return True;
1930      end if;
1931   end ensure_port_index;
1934   -------------------------
1935   --  index_out_of_date  --
1936   -------------------------
1937   function index_out_of_date (index_file : String; valid : out Boolean) return Boolean
1938   is
1939      index_file_modtime : CAL.Time;
1940      result : Boolean;
1941   begin
1942      valid := False;
1943      begin
1944         index_file_modtime := AD.Modification_Time (index_file);
1945      exception
1946         when AD.Use_Error =>
1947            TIO.Put_Line ("File system doesn't support modification times, must eject!");
1948            return False;
1949         when others =>
1950            TIO.Put_Line ("index_out_of_date: problem getting index file modification time");
1951            return False;
1952      end;
1953      result := PortScan.tree_newer_than_reference
1954        (portsdir  => JT.USS (PM.configuration.dir_portsdir),
1955         reference => index_file_modtime,
1956         valid     => valid);
1957      if valid then
1958         return result;
1959      else
1960         TIO.Put_Line ("Failed to determine if index is out of date, must eject!");
1961         return False;
1962      end if;
1963   end index_out_of_date;
1966   ------------------------------
1967   --  tree_directories_match  --
1968   ------------------------------
1969   function tree_directories_match (index_file, portsdir : String) return Boolean
1970   is
1971      procedure flavor_line (cursor : string_crate.Cursor);
1973      last_entry : JT.Text;
1974      broken     : Boolean := False;
1976      procedure flavor_line (cursor : string_crate.Cursor)
1977      is
1978         line    : constant String := JT.USS (string_crate.Element (Position => cursor));
1979         catport : JT.Text := JT.SUS (JT.part_1 (line, "@"));
1980      begin
1981         if not broken then
1982            if not JT.equivalent (last_entry, catport) then
1983               last_entry := catport;
1984               if ports_keys.Contains (catport) then
1985                  ports_keys.Delete (catport);
1986               else
1987                  broken := True;
1988               end if;
1989            end if;
1990         end if;
1991      end flavor_line;
1992   begin
1993      load_index_for_store_origins;
1994      prescan_ports_tree (portsdir);
1996      so_serial.Iterate (flavor_line'Access);
1997      if not broken then
1998         --  Every port on the flavor index is present in the ports tree
1999         --  We still need to check that there are not ports in the tree not listed in index
2000         if not ports_keys.Is_Empty then
2001            broken := True;
2002         end if;
2003      end if;
2005      reset_ports_tree;
2006      clear_store_origin_data;
2007      return not broken;
2008   end tree_directories_match;
2010end PortScan.Pilot;