1Accented glyphs, ligatures, lookups and features
5Building accented glyphs
8Latin, Greek and Cyrillic all have a large complement of accented glyphs.
9FontForge provides several ways to build accented glyphs out of base glyphs.
11The most obvious mechanism is simple copy and paste: :ref:`Copy <editmenu.Copy>`
12the letter "A" and :ref:`Paste <editmenu.Paste>` it to "Ã" then
13:ref:`copy <editmenu.Copy>` the tilde accent and
14:ref:`Paste it Into <editmenu.PasteInto>` "Ã" (note Paste Into is subtly
15different from Paste. Paste clears out the glyph before pasting, while Paste
16Into merges what was in the glyph with the what is in the clipboard). Then you
17open up "Ã" and position the accent so that it appears properly centered over
18the A.
20This mechanism is not particularly efficient, if you change the shape of the
21letter "A" you will need to regenerate all the accented glyphs built from it.
22FontForge has the concept of a :ref:`Reference <overview.References>` to a
23glyph. So you can Copy a Reference to "A", and Paste it, the Copy a Reference to
24tilde and Paste it Into, and then again adjust the position of the accent over
25the A.
27Then if you change the shape of the A the shape of the A in "Ã" will be updated
28automagically -- as will the width of "Ã".
30But FontForge knows that "Ã" is built out of "A" and the tilde accent, and it
31can easily create your accented glyphs itself by placing the references in "Ã"
32and then positioning the accent over the "A". (The Unicode consortium provides a
33database which lists the components of every accented glyph in Unicode and
34FontForge uses this).
36As an example, open the file: tutorial/Ambrosia.sfd, then select all the glyphs
37at encodings 0xc0-0xff, and then press
38:ref:`Element->Build->Build Accented <elementmenu.Accented>` all the accented
39glyphs will magically appear (there are a few glyphs in this range which are not
40accented, and they will remain blank).
42FontForge has a heuristic for positioning accents (most accents are centered
43over the highest point of the glyph), sometimes this will produce bad results
44(if the one of the two stems of "u" is slightly taller than the other the accent
45will be placed over it rather than being centered over the glyph), so you should
46be prepared to look at your accented glyphs after creating them. You may need to
47adjust one or two (or you may even want to redesign your base glyphs slightly).
50.. _editexample4.ligature:
52Creating a ligature
55Unicode contains a number of ligature glyphs (in latin we have: Æ, OE, fi, etc.
56while in arabic there are hundreds). Again Unicode provides a database listing
57the components of each standard ligature.
59FontForge cannot create a nice ligature for you, but what it can do is put all
60the components of the ligature into the glyph with
61:ref:`Element->Build->Build Composite <elementmenu.Accented>`. This makes it
62slightly easier (at least in latin) to design a ligature.
64.. rubric:: Steps to building a ligature
66.. flex-grid::
68   * - .. image:: /images/ffi-refs.png
69          :alt: ffi ligature as references
71       Use the :ref:`Element -> Glyph Info <elementmenu.CharInfo>` dialog to name
72       the glyph and mark it as a ligature. Then use
73       :ref:`Element -> Build -> Build Composite <elementmenu.Accented>` to insert
74       references to the ligature components.
75     - .. image:: /images/ffi-unlink.png
76          :alt: ffi after unlinking references
78       Use the :ref:`Edit-> Unlink References <editmenu.Unlink>` command to turn the
79       references into a set of contours.
80     - .. image:: /images/ffi-moved.png
81          :alt: ffi after lowering first f
83       Adjust the components so that they will look better together. Here the stem
84       of the first f has been lowered.
85     - .. image:: /images/ffi-rmoverlap.png
86          :alt: ffi after doing remove overlap
88       Use the :ref:`Element -> Remove Overlap <elementmenu.Remove>` command to
89       clean up the glyph.
90     - .. image:: /images/ffi-caret.png
91          :alt: ffi after adjusting ligature carets
93       Finally drag the ligature caret lines from the origin to more appropriate
94       places between the components.
96Some word processors will allow the editing caret to be placed inside a ligature
97(with a caret position between each component of the ligature). This means that
98the user of that word processor does not need to know s/he is dealing with a
99ligature and sees behavior very similar to what s/he would see if the components
100were present. But if the word processor is to be able to do this it must have
101some information from the font designer giving the locations of appropriate
102caret positions. As soon as FontForge notices that a glyph is a ligature it will
103insert in it enough caret location lines to fit between the ligature's
104components. FontForge places these on the origin, if you leave them on the
105origin FontForge will ignore them. But once you have built your ligature you
106might want to move the pointer tool over to the origin line, press the button
107and drag one of the caret lines to its correct location. (Only Apple Advanced
108Typography and OpenType support this).
110There are a good many ligatures needed for the indic scripts, but Unicode does
111not provide an encoding for them. If you wish to build a ligature that is not
112part of Unicode you may do so. First
113:ref:`add an unencoded glyph to your font <faq.new-name>` (or if your font is a
114Unicode font, you could use a code point in the private use area), and name the
115glyph. The name is important, if you name it correctly FontForge will be able to
116figure out that it is a ligature and what its components are. If you want to
117build a ligature out of the glyphs "longs", "longs" and "l" then name it
118"longs_longs_l", if you want to build a ligature out of Unicode 0D15, 0D4D and
1190D15 then name it "uni0D15_uni0D4D_uni0D15".
121Once you have named your ligature, and inserted its components (with Build
122Composite), you probably want to open the glyph,
123:ref:`Unlink your References <editmenu.Unlink>` and edit them to make a pleasing
124shape (as above).
127.. _editexample4.lookups:
129Lookups and Features
132.. image:: /images/fontinfo-lookups.png
133   :align: right
135Unfortunately simply creating a ligature glyph is not enough. You must also
136include information in the font to say that the glyph is a ligature, and to say
137what components it is built from.
139In OpenType this is handled by lookups and features. A lookup is a collection of
140tables in the font which contain transformation information. A feature is a
141collection of lookups and is a provides semantic information to the world
142outside the font about what that set of lookups can be expected to do. So in the
143example above the lookup would contain the information that "f" + "f" + "i"
144should turn into "ffi", while the feature would say that this is a standard
145ligature for the latin script.
147So the first time you create a ligature glyph you will need to create a lookup
148(and a lookup subtable) in which the information for that glyph will reside. Any
149subsequent ligatures can probably share the same lookup and subtable.
151(This may seem like overkill for latin ligatures, and perhaps it is, bt the
152complexity is needed for more complex writing systems).
154You would open the Lookups pane of the
155:ref:`Element->FontInfo <fontinfo.Lookups>` command and press the
156``[Add Lookup]`` button. This will give you a new dialog in which you can fill
157in the attributes of your new lookup.
159.. image:: /images/AddLookup-Liga.png
160   :align: left
162You must first choose the lookup type. For ligatures this should be "Ligature
163Substitution". You may then bind this lookup to a feature, script and language
164set. The "ffi" ligature is a standard ligature in latin typesetting so it should
165be bound to the 'liga' tag, and the 'latn' script. (If you click on the little
166box to the right of "liga" you will get a pulldown list of the so-called
167"friendly names" for the features. "liga" corresponds to "Standard Ligatures").
169The language is a bit tricky. This ligature should probably be active for all
170languages except Turkish that use the latin script (Turkish uses a dotlessi and
171it is not clear whether the "i" in the "fi" and "ffi" ligatures has a dot over
172it). So we want to list all languages but Turkish. That's a lot of languages.
173The convention instead is that if a language isn't mentioned explicitly anywhere
174in the font then that language will be treated as the "default" language. So to
175make this feature not be active for Turkish, we'd have to create some other
176feature which specifically mentioned Turkish in its language list.
178Underneath the feature list is a set of flags. In latin ligatures none of these
179flags need be set. In Arabic one might want to set both "Right to Left" and
180"Ignore Combining Marks".
182Next the lookup must be given a name. This name is for your use and will never
183be seen in the real font. The name must be distinct from the name of any other
184lookup however.
186Finally you get to decide whether you want the ligatures in this lookup to be
187stored in afm files.
189.. image:: /images/subtable-ffi.png
190   :align: right
192Once you have created a lookup, you must create a subtable in that lookup.
193Select the lookup line (in the Lookups pane of Font Info) and press
194``[Add Subtable]``. This is a fairly simple dialog... you simply provide a name
195for the sub-table, and then another dialog will pop up and you will (finally) be
196able to store your ligature information.
198.. warning::
200   OpenType engines will only apply features which they believe are appropriate
201   for the current script (in Latin scripts, Uniscribe will apply 'liga'). Even
202   worse, some applications may choose not to apply any features ever (Word does
203   not do ligatures in latin -- though this may have changed with the 2007
204   release?).
205   `Microsoft tries to document <http://www.microsoft.com/typography/specs/default.htm>`__
206   what features they apply for which scripts in Uniscribe, but that isn't very
207   helpful since Word and Office have quite different behavior than the default.