1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
8    modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
9    of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
11    Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
12    Artifex Software, Inc.,  7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael,
13    CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
14 */
17 /* LZW encoding filter */
18 #include "stdio_.h"	/* includes std.h */
19 #include "gdebug.h"
20 #include "strimpl.h"
21 #include "slzwx.h"
23 /********************************************************/
24 /* LZW routines are based on:				*/
25 /* Dr. Dobbs Journal --- Oct. 1989. 			*/
26 /* Article on LZW Data Compression by Mark R. Nelson 	*/
27 /********************************************************/
29 /* Define the special codes */
30 #define code_reset 256
31 #define code_eod 257
32 #define code_0 258			/* first assignable code */
34 /* Import the stream closing procedure */
35 extern stream_proc_release(s_LZW_release);
37 typedef struct lzw_encode_s {
38         byte datum;			/* last byte of this code */
39         ushort prefix;			/* code for prefix of this code */
40 } lzw_encode;
42 #define encode_max 4095		/* max # of codes, must be */
43                                 /* > code_0 and <= 4095 */
44 #define hash_size (encode_max + encode_max / 4)
46 struct lzw_encode_table_s {
47         lzw_encode encode[encode_max];
48         ushort hashed[hash_size];
49 };
50 gs_private_st_simple(st_lzwe_table, lzw_encode_table, "lzw_encode_table");
52 /* Hashing function */
53 #define encode_hash(code, chr)\
54   ((uint)((code) * 59 + (chr) * ((hash_size / 256) | 1)) % hash_size)
56 /* Internal routine to put a code into the output buffer. */
57 /* Let S = ss->code_size, M = ss->next_code, N = 1 << M. */
58 /* Relevant invariants: 9 <= S <= 12; N / 2 <= M < N; 0 <= code < N; */
59 /* 1 <= ss->bits_left <= 8; only the rightmost (8 - ss->bits_left) */
60 /* bits of ss->bits contain valid data. */
61 static byte *
lzw_put_code(register stream_LZW_state * ss,byte * q,uint code)62 lzw_put_code(register stream_LZW_state *ss, byte *q, uint code)
63 {	uint size = ss->code_size;
64         byte cb = (ss->bits << ss->bits_left) +
65                 (code >> (size - ss->bits_left));
66         if_debug2('W', "[w]writing 0x%x,%d\n", code, ss->code_size);
67         *++q = cb;
68         if ( (ss->bits_left += 8 - size) <= 0 )
69         {	*++q = code >> -ss->bits_left;
70                 ss->bits_left += 8;
71         }
72         ss->bits = code;
73         return q;
74 }
76 /* Internal routine to reset the encoding table */
77 static void
lzw_reset_encode(stream_LZW_state * ss)78 lzw_reset_encode(stream_LZW_state *ss)
79 {	register int c;
80         lzw_encode_table *table = ss->table.encode;
81         ss->next_code = code_0;
82         ss->code_size = 9;
83         ss->prev_code = code_eod;
84         for ( c = 0; c < hash_size; c++ )
85                 table->hashed[c] = code_eod;
86         for ( c = 0; c < 256; c++ )
87         {	lzw_encode *ec = &table->encode[c];
88                 register ushort *tc = &table->hashed[encode_hash(code_eod, c)];
89                 while ( *tc != code_eod )
90                   if ( ++tc == &table->hashed[hash_size] )
91                     tc = &table->hashed[0];
92                 *tc = c;
93                 ec->datum = c, ec->prefix = code_eod;
94         }
95         table->encode[code_eod].prefix = code_reset;	/* guarantee no match */
96 }
98 #define ss ((stream_LZW_state *)st)
100 /* Initialize LZWEncode filter */
101 static int
s_LZWE_init(stream_state * st)102 s_LZWE_init(stream_state *st)
103 {	ss->bits_left = 8;
104         ss->bits = 0; /* for Purify, the value unimportant due to ss->bits_left == 8 */
105         ss->table.encode = gs_alloc_struct(st->memory,
106                         lzw_encode_table, &st_lzwe_table, "LZWEncode init");
107         if ( ss->table.encode == 0 )
108                 return ERRC;		/****** WRONG ******/
109         ss->first = true;
110         lzw_reset_encode(ss);
111         return 0;
112 }
114 /* Process a buffer */
115 static int
s_LZWE_process(stream_state * st,stream_cursor_read * pr,stream_cursor_write * pw,bool last)116 s_LZWE_process(stream_state *st, stream_cursor_read *pr,
117   stream_cursor_write *pw, bool last)
118 {	register const byte *p = pr->ptr;
119         const byte *rlimit = pr->limit;
120         register byte *q = pw->ptr;
121         byte *wlimit = pw->limit;
122         int code = ss->prev_code;
123         lzw_encode_table *table = ss->table.encode;
124         ushort *table_end = &table->hashed[hash_size];
125         int status = 0;
126         int limit_code;
127 #define set_limit_code()\
128   limit_code = (1 << ss->code_size) - ss->EarlyChange;\
129   if ( limit_code > encode_max ) limit_code = encode_max
130         set_limit_code();
131         if ( ss->first )
132         {	/* Emit the initial reset code. */
133                 if ( wlimit - q < 2 )
134                         return 1;
135                 q = lzw_put_code(ss, q, code_reset);
136                 ss->first = false;
137         }
138         while ( p < rlimit )
139         {	byte c = p[1];
140                 ushort *tp;
141                 for ( tp = &table->hashed[encode_hash(code, c)]; ; )
142                 {	lzw_encode *ep = &table->encode[*tp];
143                         if ( ep->prefix == code && ep->datum == c )
144                         {	code = *tp;
145                                 p++;
146                                 break;
147                         }
148                         else if ( *tp != code_eod )
149                         {	if ( ++tp == table_end )
150                                   tp = &table->hashed[0]; /* wrap around */
151                         }
152                         else
153                         {	/* end of recognized sequence */
154                                 if ( wlimit - q <= 4 )
155                                 {	status = 1;
156                                         goto out;
157                                 }
158                                 q = lzw_put_code(ss, q, code);
159                                 if ( ss->next_code == limit_code )
160                                 {	/* Reached power of 2 or limit. */
161                                         /* Determine which. */
162                                         if ( ss->next_code == encode_max )
163                                         {	q = lzw_put_code(ss, q, code_reset);
164                                                 lzw_reset_encode(ss);
165                                                 set_limit_code();
166                                                 goto cx;
167                                         }
168                                         ss->code_size++;
169                                         set_limit_code();
170                                 }
171                                 if_debug3('W', "[W]encoding 0x%x=0x%x+%c\n",
172                                           ss->next_code, code, c);
173                                 *tp = ss->next_code++;
174                                 ep = &table->encode[*tp];
175                                 ep->datum = c;
176                                 ep->prefix = code;
177 cx:				code = code_eod;
178                                 break;
179                         }
180                 }
181         }
182         if ( last && status == 0 )
183         {	if ( wlimit - q < 4 )
184                         status = 1;
185                 else
186                   {	if ( code != code_eod )
187                           {	q = lzw_put_code(ss, q, code);	/* put out final code */
188                                 if (ss->next_code == limit_code && ss->next_code != encode_max)
189                                     ss->code_size++;
190                           }
191                         q = lzw_put_code(ss, q, code_eod);
192                         if ( ss->bits_left < 8 )
193                           *++q = ss->bits << ss->bits_left;  /* final byte */
194                   }
195         }
196 out:	ss->prev_code = code;
197         pr->ptr = p;
198         pw->ptr = q;
199         return status;
200 }
202 #undef ss
204 /* Stream template */
205 const stream_template s_LZWE_template =
206 {	&st_LZW_state, s_LZWE_init, s_LZWE_process, 1, 4, s_LZW_release,
207         s_LZW_set_defaults
208 };