1 /*
2 **
3 ** gv_messages.h
4 **
5 ** Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Johannes Plass
6 **
7 ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 ** (at your option) any later version.
11 **
12 ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ** GNU General Public License for more details.
16 **
17 ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ** along with GNU gv; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
19 ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
20 ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 **
22 ** Author:   Johannes Plass (plass@thep.physik.uni-mainz.de)
23 **           Department of Physics
24 **           Johannes Gutenberg-University
25 **           Mainz, Germany
26 **
27 */
29 char *message_usage = "\
30 Usage: gv [OPTION]... [FILE]\n\
31 PostScript and PDF viewer.\n\
32   [-]-monochrome                      display document using only black and white\n\
33   [-]-grayscale                       display document without colors\n\
34   [-]-color                           display document as usual\n\
35   [-]-safer                           start ghostscript in safe mode\n\
36   [-]-nosafer                         do not start ghostscript in safe mode\n\
37   [-]-safedir                         start ghostscript from a safe diretory\n\
38   [-]-nosafedir                       do not start ghostscript from a safe diretory\n\
39   [-]-quiet                           start ghostscript with the -dQUIET option\n\
40   [-]-noquiet                         do not start ghostscript with the -dQUIET option\n\
41   [-]-infoSilent                      do not show any messages in the info popup window\n\
42   [-]-infoErrors                      do not show warning messages in the info popup window\n\
43   [-]-infoAll                         do show all messages in the info popup window\n\
44   [-]-arguments=ARGS                  start ghostscript with additional options as specified\n\
45                                       by the string ARGS\n\
46   [-]-page=LABEL                      display the page with label LABEL first\n\
47   [-]-center                          the page should be centered automatically\n\
48   [-]-nocenter                        the page should not be centered automatically\n\
49   [-]-media=MEDIA                     selects the paper size to be used\n\
50   [-]-orientation=ORIENTATION         sets the orientation of the page\n\
51   [-]-scale=N|f.f                     selects the scale N, or arbitrary scale f.f\n\
52   [-]-scalebase=N                     selects the scale base N\n\
53   [-]-swap                            interchange the meaning of the orientations landscape\n\
54                                       and seascape\n\
55   [-]-noswap                          do not interchange the meaning of the orientation\n\
56                                       landscape and seascape\n\
57   [-]-antialias                       use antialiasing\n\
58   [-]-noantialias                     do not use antialiasing\n\
59   [-]-dsc                             dsc comments are respected\n\
60   [-]-nodsc                           dsc comments are not respected\n\
61   [-]-eof                             ignore the postscript EOF comment while scanning\n\
62                                       documents\n\
63   [-]-noeof                           do not ignore the postscript EOF comment while\n\
64                                       scanning documents\n\
65   [-]-pixmap                          use backing pixmap\n\
66   [-]-nopixmap                        do not use backing pixmap\n\
67   [-]-watch                           watch the document file for changes\n\
68   [-]-nowatch                         do not watch the document file for changes\n\
69   [-]-help                            print a help message and exit\n\
70   [-]-usage                           print a usage message and exit\n\
71   [-]-resize                          fit the size of the window to the size of the page\n\
72   [-]-noresize                        do not fit the size of the window to the size of the page\n\
73   -geometry [<width>][x<height>][{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>]\n\
74   [-]-ad=FILE                         read and use additional resources from FILE\n\
75   [-]-style=FILE                      read and use additional resources from FILE. These resources\n\
76                                       have lower priority than those provided on the context of --ad\n\
77   [-]-password=PASSWORD               Sets the password for opening encrypted PDF files\n\
78   [-]-spartan                         shortcut for --style=gv_spartan.dat\n\
79   [-]-widgetless                      shortcut for --style=gv_widgetless.dat\n\
80   [-]-fullscreen                      start in fullscreen mode (needs support from WM)\n\
81   [-]-presentation                    Presentation mode (fullscreen, Fit to window,\n\
82                                       widgetless and no resizing of window)\n\
83   [-]-version                         show gv version and exit\n\
84 ";