1;;;; This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter.
3;;;; Copyright (C) 1998--2021 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
4;;;;                 Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
6;;;; LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8;;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9;;;; (at your option) any later version.
11;;;; LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
16;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17;;;; along with LilyPond.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19(use-modules (lily safe-utility-defs))
21(use-modules (ice-9 optargs))
22(use-modules (srfi srfi-11))
24;;; ly:music-property with setter
25;;; (ly:music-property my-music 'elements)
26;;;   ==> the 'elements property
27;;; (set! (ly:music-property my-music 'elements) value)
28;;;   ==> set the 'elements property and return it
29(define-public ly:music-property
30  (make-procedure-with-setter ly:music-property
31                              ly:music-set-property!))
33(define-safe-public (music-is-of-type? mus type)
34  "Does @var{mus} belong to the music class @var{type}?"
35  (memq type (ly:music-property mus 'types)))
38 (define-safe-public (music-type-predicate types)
39   "Return a predicate function that can be used for checking
40music to have one of the types listed in @var{types}."
41   (if (cheap-list? types)
42       (lambda (m)
43         (any (lambda (t) (music-is-of-type? m t)) types))
44       (lambda (m) (music-is-of-type? m types)))))
46;; TODO move this
47(define-public ly:grob-property
48  (make-procedure-with-setter ly:grob-property
49                              ly:grob-set-property!))
51(define-public ly:grob-object
52  (make-procedure-with-setter ly:grob-object
53                              ly:grob-set-object!))
55(define-public ly:grob-parent
56  (make-procedure-with-setter ly:grob-parent
57                              ly:grob-set-parent!))
59(define-public ly:prob-property
60  (make-procedure-with-setter ly:prob-property
61                              ly:prob-set-property!))
63(define-public ly:context-property
64  (make-procedure-with-setter ly:context-property
65                              ly:context-set-property!))
67(define-public (music-selective-map descend? function music)
68  "Apply @var{function} recursively to @var{music}, but refrain
69from mapping subexpressions of music that does not satisfy
71  (define (worker m)
72    (music-selective-map descend? function m))
73  (if (descend? music)
74      (let ((arts (ly:music-property music 'articulations))
75            (es (ly:music-property music 'elements))
76            (e (ly:music-property music 'element)))
77        (if (pair? es)
78            (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
79                  (map worker es)))
80        (if (pair? arts)
81            (set! (ly:music-property music 'articulations)
82                  (map worker arts)))
83        (if (ly:music? e)
84            (set! (ly:music-property music 'element)
85                  (worker e)))))
86  (recompute-music-length (function music)))
88(define-public (music-map function music)
89  "Apply @var{function} to @var{music} and all of the music it contains.
91First it recurses over the children, then the function is applied to
93  (music-selective-map ly:music? function music))
95(define-public (music-selective-filter descend? pred? music)
96  "Recursively filter out music expressions that do not satisfy
97  @var{pred?}, but refrain from filtering the subexpressions of
98  music that does not satisfy @var{descend?}."
100  (define (inner-music-filter music)
101    "Recursive function."
102    (if (not (descend? music))
103        (if (not (pred? music))
104            (set! music '()))
105        (let* ((es (ly:music-property music 'elements))
106               (e (ly:music-property music 'element))
107               (as (ly:music-property music 'articulations))
108               (filtered-as (filter ly:music? (map inner-music-filter as)))
109               (filtered-e (if (ly:music? e)
110                               (inner-music-filter e)
111                               e))
112               (filtered-es (filter ly:music? (map inner-music-filter es))))
113          (if (not (null? e))
114              (set! (ly:music-property music 'element) filtered-e))
115          (if (not (null? es))
116              (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements) filtered-es))
117          (if (not (null? as))
118              (set! (ly:music-property music 'articulations) filtered-as))
119          ;; if filtering invalidated 'element, we remove the music unless
120          ;; there are remaining 'elements in which case we just hope and
121          ;; pray.
122          (if (or (not (pred? music))
123                  (and (null? filtered-es)
124                       (not (ly:music? filtered-e))
125                       (ly:music? e)))
126              (set! music '()))
127          (if (ly:music? music)
128              (recompute-music-length music))))
129    music)
131  (set! music (inner-music-filter music))
132  (if (ly:music? music)
133      music
134      (make-music 'Music)))       ;must return music.
136(define-public (music-filter pred? music)
137  "Filter out music expressions that do not satisfy @var{pred?}."
138  (music-selective-filter ly:music? pred? music))
140(define*-public (display-music music #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
141  "Display @var{music}, not done with @code{music-map} for clarity of
143  (display music port)
144  (display ": { " port)
145  (let ((es (ly:music-property music 'elements))
146        (e (ly:music-property music 'element)))
147    (display (ly:music-mutable-properties music) port)
148    (if (pair? es)
149        (begin (display "\nElements: {\n" port)
150               (for-each (lambda (m) (display-music m port)) es)
151               (display "}\n" port)))
152    (if (ly:music? e)
153        (begin
154          (display "\nChild:" port)
155          (display-music e port))))
156  (display " }\n" port)
157  music)
160;;; A scheme music pretty printer
162(define (markup-expression->make-markup markup-expression)
163  "Transform `markup-expression' into an equivalent, hopefuly readable, scheme expression.
164For instance,
165  \\markup \\bold \\italic hello
167  (markup #:line (#:bold (#:italic (#:simple \"hello\"))))"
168  (define (proc->command-keyword proc)
169    "Return a keyword, eg. `#:bold', from the `proc' function, eg. #<procedure bold-markup (layout props arg)>"
170    (let ((cmd-markup (symbol->string (procedure-name proc))))
171      (symbol->keyword (string->symbol (substring cmd-markup 0 (- (string-length cmd-markup)
172                                                                  (string-length "-markup")))))))
173  (define (transform-arg arg)
174    (cond ((and (pair? arg) (markup? (car arg))) ;; a markup list
175           (append-map inner-markup->make-markup arg))
176          ((and (not (string? arg)) (markup? arg)) ;; a markup
177           (inner-markup->make-markup arg))
178          (else                                  ;; scheme arg
179           (music->make-music arg))))
180  (define (inner-markup->make-markup mrkup)
181    (if (string? mrkup)
182        `(#:simple ,mrkup)
183        (let ((cmd (proc->command-keyword (car mrkup)))
184              (args (map transform-arg (cdr mrkup))))
185          `(,cmd ,@args))))
186  ;; body:
187  (if (string? markup-expression)
188      markup-expression
189      `(markup ,@(inner-markup->make-markup markup-expression))))
191(define-public (music->make-music obj)
192  "Generate an expression that, once evaluated, may return an object
193equivalent to @var{obj}, that is, for a music expression, a
194@code{(make-music ...)} form."
195  (define (if-nonzero num)
196    (if (zero? num) '() (list num)))
197  (cond (;; markup expression
198         (markup? obj)
199         (markup-expression->make-markup obj))
200        (;; music expression
201         (ly:music? obj)
202         `(make-music
203           ',(ly:music-property obj 'name)
204           ,@(append-map (lambda (prop)
205                           `(',(car prop)
206                             ,(music->make-music (cdr prop))))
207                         (remove (lambda (prop)
208                                   (eqv? (car prop) 'origin))
209                                 (ly:music-mutable-properties obj)))))
210        (;; moment
211         (ly:moment? obj)
212         `(ly:make-moment
213           ,@(let ((main (ly:moment-main obj))
214                   (grace (ly:moment-grace obj)))
215               (cond ((zero? grace) (list main))
216                     ((negative? grace) (list main grace))
217                     (else ;;positive grace requires 4-arg form
218                      (list (numerator main)
219                            (denominator main)
220                            (numerator grace)
221                            (denominator grace)))))))
222        (;; note duration
223         (ly:duration? obj)
224         `(ly:make-duration ,(ly:duration-log obj)
225                            ,@(if (= (ly:duration-scale obj) 1)
226                                  (if-nonzero (ly:duration-dot-count obj))
227                                  (list (ly:duration-dot-count obj)
228                                        (ly:duration-scale obj)))))
229        (;; note pitch
230         (ly:pitch? obj)
231         `(ly:make-pitch ,(ly:pitch-octave obj)
232                         ,(ly:pitch-notename obj)
233                         ,@(if-nonzero (ly:pitch-alteration obj))))
234        (;; scheme procedure
235         (procedure? obj)
236         (or (procedure-name obj) obj))
237        (;; a symbol (avoid having an unquoted symbol)
238         (symbol? obj)
239         `',obj)
240        (;; an empty list (avoid having an unquoted empty list)
241         (null? obj)
242         `'())
243        (;; a proper list
244         (list? obj)
245         `(list ,@(map music->make-music obj)))
246        (;; a pair
247         (pair? obj)
248         `(cons ,(music->make-music (car obj))
249                ,(music->make-music (cdr obj))))
250        (else
251         obj)))
253(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
254(define*-public (display-scheme-music obj #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
255  "Display @var{obj}, typically a music expression, in a friendly fashion,
256which often can be read back in order to generate an equivalent expression."
257  (pretty-print (music->make-music obj) port)
258  (newline port))
261;;; Scheme music expression --> Lily-syntax-using string translator
263(use-modules (srfi srfi-39)
264             (lily display-lily))
266(define*-public (display-lily-music expr #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
267  "Display the music expression @var{expr} using LilyPond syntax."
268  (memoize-clef-names supported-clefs)
269  (parameterize ((*indent* 0)
270                 (*omit-duration* #f))
271    (display (music->lily-string expr) port)
272    (newline port)))
276(define-public (shift-one-duration-log music shift dot)
277  "Add @var{shift} to @code{duration-log} of @code{'duration} in
278@var{music} and optionally @var{dot} to any note encountered.
279The number of dots in the shifted music may not be less than zero."
280  (let ((d (ly:music-property music 'duration)))
281    (if (ly:duration? d)
282        (let* ((cp (ly:duration-scale d))
283               (nd (ly:make-duration
284                    (+ shift (ly:duration-log d))
285                    (max 0 (+ dot (ly:duration-dot-count d)))
286                    cp)))
287          (set! (ly:music-property music 'duration) nd)))
288    ;; clear cached length, since it's no longer valid
289    (set! (ly:music-property music 'length) '())
290    music))
292(define-public (shift-duration-log music shift dot)
293  (music-map (lambda (x) (shift-one-duration-log x shift dot))
294             music))
296(define-safe-public (volta-spec-music number-list music)
297  "Add \\volta @var{number-list} to @var{music}."
298  (make-music 'VoltaSpeccedMusic
299              'element music
300              'volta-numbers number-list))
302(define-public (make-repeat name times main alts)
303  "Create a repeat music expression, with all properties initialized
305  (let* ((sane-times (max times 1)) ; TODO: Warn?
306         (type (or (assoc-get name '(("volta" . VoltaRepeatedMusic)
307                                     ("unfold" . UnfoldedRepeatedMusic)
308                                     ("percent" . PercentRepeatedMusic)
309                                     ("tremolo" . TremoloRepeatedMusic)))
310                   (begin (ly:warning (_ "unknown repeat type `~S': \
311must be volta, unfold, percent, or tremolo") name)
312                          'VoltaRepeatedMusic)))
313         (alt-music
314          (if (ly:music? alts)
315              (begin
316                ;; TODO: Consider accepting plain sequential-music,
317                ;; which would allow this:
318                ;;
319                ;;     alts = { a b } % note no \alternative here
320                ;;     \repeat volta 2 {} \alternative \alts
321                ;;
322                (if (not (music-is-of-type? alts 'sequential-alternative-music))
323                    (ly:music-warning alts (_ "alternative music expected")))
324                alts)
325              ;; Accept a bare element list for backward compatibility.
326              (make-music 'SequentialAlternativeMusic
327                          'elements alts
328                          'origin (ly:music-property main 'origin)))))
330    ;; If the user did not specify volta numbers, wrap the
331    ;; alternatives for consistency with the legacy behavior.
332    (define (elaborate-alternative-music alt-music times)
333      (let* ((alts (ly:music-property alt-music 'elements))
334             (lalts (length alts))
335             (talts (if (< times lalts)
336                        (let ((message (_ "More alternatives than repeats.  \
337Junking excess alternatives")))
338                          ;; The \repeat and \the alternative are not
339                          ;; necessarily close together in the source.
340                          ;; Warn twice to point to both.
341                          (ly:music-warning main message)
342                          (ly:music-warning alt-music message)
343                          (set! lalts times)
344                          (take alts times))
345                        alts)))
347        (define (is-specced music)
348          (music-is-of-type? music 'volta-specification))
350        (if (not (any is-specced alts))
351            (let* ((alt-1-count (1+ (- times lalts)))
352                   ;; volta numbers for each alternative (list of lists)
353                   (volta-numbers (cons
354                                   (map 1+ (iota alt-1-count))
355                                   (map (lambda (i) (list (+ alt-1-count 1 i)))
356                                        (iota (- times 1))))))
357              ;; wrap the alternatives and set their volta numbers
358              (set! talts (map volta-spec-music volta-numbers talts))))
359        (make-music 'SequentialAlternativeMusic
360                    'elements talts)))
362    (define (pass-over-repeated-music music)
363      (not (music-is-of-type? music 'repeated-music)))
365    (define (map-alternatives m)
366      (if (music-is-of-type? m 'sequential-alternative-music)
367          (elaborate-alternative-music m sane-times)
368          m))
370    (make-music type
371                'element (music-selective-map
372                          pass-over-repeated-music
373                          map-alternatives
374                          main)
375                'repeat-count sane-times
376                'elements
377                (ly:music-property
378                 (elaborate-alternative-music alt-music sane-times)
379                 'elements))))
381(define (calc-repeat-slash-count music)
382  "Given the child-list @var{music} in @code{PercentRepeatMusic},
383calculate the number of slashes based on the durations.  Returns @code{0}
384if durations in @var{music} vary, allowing slash beats and double-percent
385beats to be distinguished."
386  (let* ((durs (map duration-of-note
387                    (extract-named-music music '(EventChord NoteEvent
388                                                            RestEvent SkipEvent))))
389         (first-dur (car durs)))
391    (if (every (lambda (d) (equal? d first-dur)) durs)
392        (max (- (ly:duration-log first-dur) 2) 1)
393        0)))
396;; clusters.
398(define-public (note-to-cluster music)
399  "Replace @code{NoteEvents} by @code{ClusterNoteEvents}."
400  (if (eq? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'NoteEvent)
401      (make-music 'ClusterNoteEvent
402                  'pitch (ly:music-property music 'pitch)
403                  'duration (ly:music-property music 'duration))
404      music))
406(define-public (notes-to-clusters music)
407  (music-map note-to-cluster music))
410;; repeats.
412(define-public (unfold-repeats types music)
413  "Replace repeats of the types given by @var{types} with unfolded repeats.
414If @var{types} is an empty list, @code{repeated-music} is taken, unfolding all."
415  (let* ((types-list
416          (if (or (null? types) (not (list? types)))
417              (list types)
418              types))
419         (repeat-types-alist
420          '((volta . volta-repeated-music)
421            (percent . percent-repeated-music)
422            (tremolo . tremolo-repeated-music)
423            (() . repeated-music)))
424         (repeat-types-hash (alist->hash-table repeat-types-alist)))
425    (for-each
426     (lambda (type)
427       (let ((repeat-type (hashq-ref repeat-types-hash type)))
428         (if repeat-type
429             (let ((es (ly:music-property music 'elements))
430                   (e (ly:music-property music 'element)))
431               (if (music-is-of-type? music repeat-type)
432                   (set! music (make-music 'UnfoldedRepeatedMusic music)))
433               (if (pair? es)
434                   (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
435                         (map (lambda (x) (unfold-repeats types x)) es)))
436               (if (ly:music? e)
437                   (set! (ly:music-property music 'element)
438                         (unfold-repeats types e))))
439             (ly:warning (_ "unknown repeat-type ~a, ignoring.") type))))
440     types-list)
441    music))
443(define-public (unfold-repeats-fully music)
444  "Unfold repeats and expand the resulting @code{unfolded-repeated-music}."
445  (map-some-music
446   (lambda (m)
447     (and (music-is-of-type? m 'unfolded-repeated-music)
448          (make-sequential-music
449           (ly:music-deep-copy (make-unfolded-set m)))))
450   (unfold-repeats '() music)))
453;; property setting music objs.
455;; Can't use define* behavior since Guile-1.8 has a bug when combining
456;; #:optional with #:key and leaving optional args off.
457(define-safe-public (check-grob-path path . rest)
458  "Check a grob path specification @var{path}, a symbol list (or a
459single symbol), for validity and possibly complete it.  Returns the
460completed specification, or @code{#f} if invalid, optionally using
461@var{location} for an error message.  If an optional keyword argument
462@code{#:start @var{start}} is given, the parsing starts at the given
463index in the sequence @samp{Context.@/Grob.@/property.@/sub-property...},
464with the default of @samp{0} implying the full path.
466If there is no valid first element of @var{path} fitting at the given
467path location, an optionally given @code{#:default @var{default}} is
468used as the respective element instead without checking it for
469validity at this position.
471The resulting path after possibly prepending @var{default} can be
472constrained in length by optional arguments @code{#:min @var{min}} and
473@code{#:max @var{max}}, defaulting to @samp{1} and unlimited,
475  (define (unspecial? s)
476    (not (or (object-property s 'is-grob?)
477             (object-property s 'backend-type?))))
478  (define (grob? s)
479    (object-property s 'is-grob?))
480  (define (property? s)
481    (object-property s 'backend-type?))
482  (define (check c p) (c p))
483  (let-keywords
484   (if (or (null? rest) (keyword? (car rest)))
485       rest
486       (cdr rest))
487   #f
488   ((start 0)
489    default
490    (min 1)
491    max)
492   (let* ((path (if (symbol? path) (list path) path))
493          (location (and (pair? rest) (not (keyword? (car rest)))
494                         (car rest)))
495          (checkers
496           (and (< start 3)
497                (drop (list unspecial? grob? property?) start)))
498          (res
499           (cond
500            ((null? path)
501             ;; tricky.  Should we make use of the default when the
502             ;; list is empty?  In most cases, this question should be
503             ;; academical as an empty list can only be generated by
504             ;; Scheme and is likely an error.  We consider this a case
505             ;; of "no valid first element, and default given".
506             ;; Usually, invalid use cases should be caught later using
507             ;; the #:min argument, and if the user explicitly does not
508             ;; catch this, we just follow through.
509             (if default (list default) '()))
510            ((not checkers)
511             ;; no checkers, so we have a valid first element and just
512             ;; take the path as-is.
513             path)
514            (default
515              (if ((car checkers) (car path))
516                  (and (every check (cdr checkers) (cdr path))
517                       path)
518                  (and (every check (cdr checkers) path)
519                       (cons default path))))
520            (else
521             (and (every check checkers path)
522                  path)))))
523     (if (and res
524              (if max (<= min (length res) max)
525                  (<= min (length res))))
526         res
527         (begin
528           (ly:parser-error
529            (format #f (_ "bad grob property path ~a")
530                    path)
531            location)
532           #f)))))
534(define-safe-public (check-context-path path #:optional location)
535  "Check a context property path specification @var{path}, a symbol
536list (or a single symbol), for validity and possibly complete it.
537Returns the completed specification, or @code{#f} when rising an
538error (using optionally @var{location})."
539  (let* ((path (if (symbol? path) (list path) path)))
540    ;; A Guile 1.x bug specific to optargs precludes moving the
541    ;; defines out of the let
542    (define (property? s)
543      (object-property s 'translation-type?))
544    (define (unspecial? s)
545      (not (property? s)))
546    (define (check c p) (c p))
547    (or (case (length path)
548          ((1) (and (property? (car path)) (cons 'Bottom path)))
549          ((2) (and (unspecial? (car path)) (property? (cadr path)) path))
550          (else #f))
551        (begin
552          (ly:parser-error
553           (format #f (_ "bad context property ~a")
554                   path)
555           location)
556          #f))))
558;; Cannot use #:optional and #:key at the same time because of Guile
559;; bug in version 1.8
560(define-safe-public (check-music-path path . rest)
561  "Check a music property path specification @var{path}, a symbol
562list (or a single symbol), for validity and possibly complete it.
563Returns the completed specification, or @code{#f} when rising an
564error (using optionally @var{location})."
565  (define (property? s)
566    (object-property s 'music-type?))
567  (define (unspecial? s)
568    (not (property? s)))
569  (let-keywords
570   (if (or (null? rest) (keyword? (car rest)))
571       rest
572       (cdr rest))
573   #f
574   (default)
575   (let* ((path (if (symbol? path) (list path) path))
576          (location (and (pair? rest) (not (keyword? (car rest)))
577                         (car rest))))
578     (or (case (length path)
579           ((1) (and (property? (car path)) (cons default path)))
580           ((2) (and (unspecial? (car path)) (property? (cadr path)) path))
581           (else #f))
582         (begin
583           (ly:parser-error
584            (format #f (_ "bad music property ~a")
585                    path)
586            location)
587           #f)))))
589(define-public (make-grob-property-set grob gprop val)
590  "Make a @code{Music} expression that overrides a @var{gprop} to
591@var{val} in @var{grob}.  Does a pop first, i.e., this is not a
592@code{\\temporary \\override}."
593  (make-music 'OverrideProperty
594              'symbol grob
595              'grob-property gprop
596              'grob-value val
597              'pop-first #t))
599(define-public (make-grob-property-override grob gprop val)
600  "Make a @code{Music} expression that overrides @var{gprop} to
601@var{val} in @var{grob}.  This is a @code{\\temporary \\override},
602making it possible to @code{\\revert} to any previous value afterwards."
603  (make-music 'OverrideProperty
604              'symbol grob
605              'grob-property gprop
606              'grob-value val))
608(define-public (make-grob-property-revert grob gprop)
609  "Revert the grob property @var{gprop} for @var{grob}."
610  (make-music 'RevertProperty
611              'symbol grob
612              'grob-property gprop))
614(define direction-polyphonic-grobs
615  '(AccidentalSuggestion
616    DotColumn
617    Dots
618    Fingering
619    LaissezVibrerTie
620    LigatureBracket
621    MultiMeasureRest
622    PhrasingSlur
623    RepeatTie
624    Rest
625    Script
626    Slur
627    Stem
628    TextScript
629    Tie
630    TupletBracket
631    TrillSpanner))
633(define general-grace-settings
634  `((Voice Stem font-size -3)
635    (Voice Flag font-size -3)
636    (Voice NoteHead font-size -3)
637    (Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4)
638    (Voice Dots font-size -3)
639    (Voice Stem length-fraction 0.8)
640    (Voice Stem no-stem-extend #t)
641    (Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.384)
642    (Voice Beam length-fraction 0.8)
643    (Voice Accidental font-size -4)
644    (Voice AccidentalCautionary font-size -4)
645    (Voice Script font-size -3)
646    (Voice Fingering font-size -8)
647    (Voice StringNumber font-size -8)))
649(define-public score-grace-settings
650  (append
651   `((Voice Stem direction ,UP)
652     (Voice Slur direction ,DOWN))
653   general-grace-settings))
655;; Getting a unique context id name
657(define-session unique-counter -1)
658(define-safe-public (get-next-unique-voice-name)
659  (set! unique-counter (1+ unique-counter))
660  (format #f "uniqueContext~s" unique-counter))
663(define-safe-public (make-voice-props-set n)
664  (make-sequential-music
665   (append
666    (map (lambda (x) (make-grob-property-set x 'direction
667                                             (if (odd? n) -1 1)))
668         direction-polyphonic-grobs)
669    (list
670     (make-property-set 'graceSettings general-grace-settings)
671     (make-grob-property-set 'NoteColumn 'horizontal-shift (quotient n 2))))))
673(define-safe-public (make-voice-props-override n)
674  (make-sequential-music
675   (append
676    (map (lambda (x) (make-grob-property-override x 'direction
677                                                  (if (odd? n) -1 1)))
678         direction-polyphonic-grobs)
679    (list
680     (make-property-set 'graceSettings general-grace-settings)
681     (make-grob-property-override 'NoteColumn 'horizontal-shift (quotient n 2))))))
683(define-safe-public (make-voice-props-revert)
684  (make-sequential-music
685   (append
686    (map (lambda (x) (make-grob-property-revert x 'direction))
687         direction-polyphonic-grobs)
688    (list (make-property-unset 'graceSettings)
689          (make-grob-property-revert 'NoteColumn 'horizontal-shift)))))
692(define-safe-public (context-spec-music m context #:optional id mods)
693  "Add @code{\\context @var{context} = @var{id} \\with @var{mods}} to @var{m}."
694  (let ((cm (make-music 'ContextSpeccedMusic
695                        'element m
696                        'context-type context)))
697    (if (string? id)
698        (set! (ly:music-property cm 'context-id) id))
699    (if mods
700        (set! (ly:music-property cm 'property-operations)
701              (if (ly:context-mod? mods)
702                  (ly:get-context-mods mods)
703                  mods)))
704    cm))
706(define-safe-public (descend-to-context m context #:optional id mods)
707  "Like @code{context-spec-music}, but only descending."
708  (let ((cm (context-spec-music m context id mods)))
709    (ly:music-set-property! cm 'search-direction DOWN)
710    cm))
712(define-public (make-non-relative-music mus)
713  (make-music 'UnrelativableMusic
714              'element mus))
716(define-public (make-apply-context func)
717  (make-music 'ApplyContext
718              'procedure func))
720(define-public (make-sequential-music elts)
721  (make-music 'SequentialMusic
722              'elements elts))
724(define-public (make-simultaneous-music elts)
725  (make-music 'SimultaneousMusic
726              'elements elts))
728(define-safe-public (make-event-chord elts)
729  (make-music 'EventChord
730              'elements elts))
732(define-public (make-skip-music dur)
733  (make-music 'SkipMusic
734              'duration dur))
736(define-public (make-grace-music music)
737  (make-music 'GraceMusic
738              'element music))
742;; mmrest
743(define-public (make-multi-measure-rest duration location)
744  (make-music 'MultiMeasureRestMusic
745              'origin location
746              'duration duration))
748(define-public (make-property-set sym val)
749  (make-music 'PropertySet
750              'symbol sym
751              'value val))
753(define-public (make-property-unset sym)
754  (make-music 'PropertyUnset
755              'symbol sym))
757(define-safe-public (make-articulation name . properties)
758  (apply make-music 'ArticulationEvent
759         'articulation-type name
760         properties))
762(define-public (make-lyric-event string duration)
763  (make-music 'LyricEvent
764              'duration duration
765              'text string))
767(define-safe-public (make-span-event type span-dir)
768  (make-music type
769              'span-direction span-dir))
771(define-public (override-head-style heads style)
772  "Override style for @var{heads} to @var{style}."
773  (make-sequential-music
774   (if (pair? heads)
775       (map (lambda (h)
776              (make-grob-property-override h 'style style))
777            heads)
778       (list (make-grob-property-override heads 'style style)))))
780(define-public (revert-head-style heads)
781  "Revert style for @var{heads}."
782  (make-sequential-music
783   (if (pair? heads)
784       (map (lambda (h)
785              (make-grob-property-revert h 'style))
786            heads)
787       (list (make-grob-property-revert heads 'style)))))
789(define-public (style-note-heads heads style music)
790  "Set @var{style} for all @var{heads} in @var{music}.  Works both
791inside of and outside of chord construct."
792  ;; are we inside a <...>?
793  (if (eq? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'NoteEvent)
794      ;; yes -> use a tweak
795      (begin
796        (set! (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)
797              (acons 'style style (ly:music-property music 'tweaks)))
798        music)
799      ;; not in <...>, so use overrides
800      (make-sequential-music
801       (list
802        (override-head-style heads style)
803        music
804        (revert-head-style heads)))))
806(define-public (get-tweakable-music mus)
807  "When tweaking music, return a list of music expressions where the
808tweaks should be applied.  Relevant for music wrappers and event
810  (cond ((music-is-of-type? mus 'music-wrapper-music)
811         (get-tweakable-music (ly:music-property mus 'element)))
812        ((music-is-of-type? mus 'event-chord)
813         (filter (music-type-predicate 'rhythmic-event)
814                 (ly:music-property mus 'elements)))
815        (else (list mus))))
817(define-public (set-mus-properties! m alist)
818  "Set all of @var{alist} as properties of @var{m}."
819  (if (pair? alist)
820      (begin
821        (set! (ly:music-property m (caar alist)) (cdar alist))
822        (set-mus-properties! m (cdr alist)))))
824(define-public (music-separator? m)
825  "Is @var{m} a separator?"
826  (let ((ts (ly:music-property m 'types)))
827    (memq 'separator ts)))
829;;; expanding repeat chords
830(define-public (copy-repeat-chord original-chord repeat-chord duration
831                                  event-types)
832  "Copy all events in @var{event-types} (be sure to include
833@code{rhythmic-events}) from @var{original-chord} over to
834@var{repeat-chord} with their articulations filtered as well.  Any
835duration is replaced with the specified @var{duration}."
836  ;; First remove everything from event-types that can already be
837  ;; found in the repeated chord.  We don't need to look for
838  ;; articulations on individual events since they can't actually get
839  ;; into a repeat chord given its input syntax.
841  (define keep-element? (music-type-predicate event-types))
843  (for-each
844   (lambda (field)
845     (for-each (lambda (e)
846                 (for-each (lambda (x)
847                             (set! event-types (delq x event-types)))
848                           (ly:music-property e 'types)))
849               (ly:music-property repeat-chord field)))
850   '(elements articulations))
852  ;; now treat the elements
853  (set! (ly:music-property repeat-chord 'elements)
854        (let ((elts
855               (ly:music-deep-copy (filter keep-element?
856                                           (ly:music-property original-chord
857                                                              'elements))
858                                   repeat-chord)))
859          (for-each
860           (lambda (m)
861             (let ((arts (ly:music-property m 'articulations)))
862               (if (pair? arts)
863                   (set! (ly:music-property m 'articulations)
864                         (ly:set-origin! (filter! keep-element? arts)
865                                         repeat-chord)))
866               (if (ly:duration? (ly:music-property m 'duration))
867                   (set! (ly:music-property m 'duration) duration))
868               (if (ly:music-property m 'cautionary #f)
869                   (set! (ly:music-property m 'cautionary) #f))
870               (if (ly:music-property m 'force-accidental #f)
871                   (set! (ly:music-property m 'force-accidental) #f))))
872           elts)
873          (append! elts (ly:music-property repeat-chord 'elements))))
874  (let ((arts (filter keep-element?
875                      (ly:music-property original-chord
876                                         'articulations))))
877    (if (pair? arts)
878        (set! (ly:music-property repeat-chord 'articulations)
879              (append!
880               (ly:music-deep-copy arts repeat-chord)
881               (ly:music-property repeat-chord 'articulations)))))
882  repeat-chord)
885(define-public (expand-repeat-chords! event-types music)
886  "Walk through @var{music} and fill repeated chords (notable by
887having a duration in @code{duration}) with the notes from their
888respective predecessor chord."
889  (let loop ((music music) (last-chord #f))
890    (if (music-is-of-type? music 'event-chord)
891        (let ((chord-repeat (ly:music-property music 'duration)))
892          (cond
893           ((not (ly:duration? chord-repeat))
894            (if (any (lambda (m) (ly:duration?
895                                  (ly:music-property m 'duration)))
896                     (ly:music-property music 'elements))
897                music
898                last-chord))
899           (last-chord
900            (set! (ly:music-property music 'duration) '())
901            (copy-repeat-chord last-chord music chord-repeat event-types))
902           (else
903            (ly:music-warning music (_ "Bad chord repetition"))
904            #f)))
905        (let ((elt (ly:music-property music 'element)))
906          (fold loop (if (ly:music? elt) (loop elt last-chord) last-chord)
907                (ly:music-property music 'elements)))))
908  music)
910;;; This does _not_ copy any articulations.  Rationale: one main
911;;; incentive for pitch-repeating durations is after ties, such that
912;;; 4~2~8. can stand in for a 15/16 note in \partial 4 position.  In
913;;; this use case, any repeated articulations will be a nuisance.
915;;; String assignments in TabStaff might seem like a worthwhile
916;;; exception, but they would be better tackled by the respective
917;;; engravers themselves (see issue 3662).
919;;; Repeating chords as well seems problematic for things like
920;;; \score {
921;;;   <<
922;;;     \new Staff { c4 c c <c e> }
923;;;     \new RhythmicStaff { 4 4 4 4 }
924;;;   >>
925;;; }
927;;; However, because of MIDI it is not advisable to use RhythmicStaff
928;;; without any initial pitch/drum-type.  For music functions taking
929;;; pure rhythms as an argument, the running of expand-repeat-notes!
930;;; at scorification time is irrelevant: at that point of time, the
931;;; music function has already run.
933(define-public (expand-repeat-notes! music)
934  "Walk through @var{music} and give pitchless notes (not having a
935pitch in @code{pitch} or a drum type in @code{drum-type}) the pitch(es)
936from the predecessor note/chord if available."
937  (let ((last-pitch #f))
938    (map-some-music
939     (lambda (m)
940       (define (set-and-ret last)
941         (set! last-pitch last)
942         m)
943       (cond
944        ((music-is-of-type? m 'event-chord)
945         (if (any (lambda (m) (music-is-of-type? m 'rhythmic-event))
946                  (ly:music-property m 'elements))
947             (set! last-pitch m))
948         m)
949        ((music-is-of-type? m 'note-event)
950         (cond
951          ((or (ly:music-property m 'pitch #f)
952               (ly:music-property m 'drum-type #f))
953           => set-and-ret)
954          ;; ok, naked rhythm.  Go through the various cases of
955          ;; last-pitch
956          ;; nothing available: just keep as-is
957          ((not last-pitch) m)
958          ((ly:pitch? last-pitch)
959           (set! (ly:music-property m 'pitch) last-pitch)
960           m)
961          ((symbol? last-pitch)
962           (set! (ly:music-property m 'drum-type) last-pitch)
963           m)
964          ;; Ok, this is the big bad one: the reference is a chord.
965          ;; For now, we use the repeat chord logic.  That's not
966          ;; really efficient as cleaning out all articulations is
967          ;; quite simpler than what copy-repeat-chord does.
968          (else
969           (copy-repeat-chord last-pitch
970                              (make-music 'EventChord
971                                          'elements
972                                          (ly:music-property m 'articulations)
973                                          'origin
974                                          (ly:music-property m 'origin))
975                              (ly:music-property m 'duration)
976                              '(rhythmic-event)))))
977        (else #f)))
978     music)))
980;;; splitting chords into voices.
981(define (voicify-list locs lst id)
982  "Make a list of Musics.
984voicify-list :: [ [Music ] ] -> id -> [Music]
985LST is a list music-lists.
987id is 1-based, i.e., Voice=1 (upstems) has number 1.
989id may be a symbol or string giving a specific voice id: in this
990case, no \voiceXXX style is selected, merely the context given.
992locs is a list of music expressions suitable for giving
993error locations (enclosing expression for the first element,
994preceding \\\\ separator for the others)
996  (define (voicify-sublist loc sublist id)
997    (cond ((string? id)
998           (context-spec-music
999            (make-simultaneous-music sublist)
1000            'Bottom id))
1001          ((symbol? id)
1002           (voicify-sublist loc sublist (symbol->string id)))
1003          ((and (integer? id) (exact? id) (positive? id))
1004           (context-spec-music
1005            (make-sequential-music
1006             (list (make-voice-props-set (1- id))
1007                   (make-simultaneous-music sublist)))
1008            'Bottom (number->string id)))
1009          (else
1010           (ly:music-warning loc (_ "Bad voice id: ~a") id)
1011           (context-spec-music (make-simultaneous-music sublist) 'Bottom))))
1013  (cond ((null? lst) '())
1014        ((number? id)
1015         (cons (voicify-sublist (car locs) (car lst) id)
1016               (voicify-list (cdr locs) (cdr lst) (1+ id))))
1017        ((pair? id)
1018         (cons (voicify-sublist (car locs) (car lst) (car id))
1019               (voicify-list (cdr locs) (cdr lst) (cdr id))))
1020        ((null? id)
1021         (ly:music-warning (car locs) (_ "\\voices needs more ids"))
1022         (voicify-list locs lst 1))))
1024(define (voicify-chord ch id)
1025  "Split the parts of a chord into different Voices using separator"
1026  (let ((es (ly:music-property ch 'elements)))
1027    (set! (ly:music-property  ch 'elements)
1028          (voicify-list (cons ch (filter music-separator? es))
1029                        (split-list-by-separator es music-separator?)
1030                        id))
1031    ch))
1033(define*-public (voicify-music m #:optional (id 1))
1034  "Recursively split chords that are separated with @code{\\\\}.
1035Optional @var{id} can be a list of context ids to use.  If numeric,
1036they also indicate a voice type override.  If @var{id} is just a single
1037number, that's where numbering starts."
1038  (let loop ((m m))
1039    (if (not (ly:music? m))
1040        (ly:error (_ "music expected: ~S") m))
1041    (let ((es (ly:music-property m 'elements))
1042          (e (ly:music-property m 'element)))
1044      (if (pair? es)
1045          (set! (ly:music-property m 'elements) (map loop es)))
1046      (if (ly:music? e)
1047          (set! (ly:music-property m 'element) (loop e)))
1048      (if (and (equal? (ly:music-property m 'name) 'SimultaneousMusic)
1049               (any music-separator? es))
1050          (context-spec-music (voicify-chord m id) 'Staff)
1051          m))))
1053(define-public (empty-music)
1054  (make-music 'Music))
1056;; Make a function that checks score element for being of a specific type.
1057(define-public (make-type-checker symbol)
1058  (lambda (elt)
1059    (grob::has-interface elt symbol)))
1061(define ((outputproperty-compatibility func sym val) grob g-context ao-context)
1062  (if (func grob)
1063      (set! (ly:grob-property grob sym) val)))
1064(export outputproperty-compatibility)
1067(define ((set-output-property grob-name symbol val)  grob grob-c context)
1068  "Usage example:
1069@code{\\applyoutput #(set-output-property 'Clef 'extra-offset '(0 . 1))}"
1070  (let ((meta (ly:grob-property grob 'meta)))
1071    (if (equal? (assoc-get 'name meta) grob-name)
1072        (set! (ly:grob-property grob symbol) val))))
1073(export set-output-property)
1076(define-public (skip->rest mus)
1077  "Replace @var{mus} by @code{RestEvent} of the same duration if it is a
1078@code{SkipEvent}.  Useful for extracting parts from crowded scores."
1080  (if  (memq (ly:music-property mus 'name) '(SkipEvent SkipMusic))
1081       (make-music 'RestEvent 'duration (ly:music-property mus 'duration))
1082       mus))
1085(define-public (music-clone music . music-properties)
1086  "Clone @var{music} and set properties according to
1087@var{music-properties}, a list of alternating property symbols and
1091(music-clone start-span 'span-direction STOP)
1092@end example
1094Only properties that are not overridden by @var{music-properties} are
1095actually fully cloned."
1096  (let ((old-props (list-copy (ly:music-mutable-properties music)))
1097        (new-props '())
1098        (m (ly:make-music (ly:prob-immutable-properties music))))
1099    (define (set-props mus-props)
1100      (if (and (not (null? mus-props))
1101               (not (null? (cdr mus-props))))
1102          (begin
1103            (set! old-props (assq-remove! old-props (car mus-props)))
1104            (set! new-props
1105                  (assq-set! new-props
1106                             (car mus-props) (cadr mus-props)))
1107            (set-props (cddr mus-props)))))
1108    (set-props music-properties)
1109    (for-each
1110     (lambda (pair)
1111       (set! (ly:music-property m (car pair))
1112             (ly:music-deep-copy (cdr pair))))
1113     old-props)
1114    (for-each
1115     (lambda (pair)
1116       (set! (ly:music-property m (car pair)) (cdr pair)))
1117     new-props)
1118    m))
1121;; warn for bare chords at start.
1123(define-public (ly:music-message music msg . rest)
1124  (let ((ip (ly:music-property music 'origin)))
1125    (if (ly:input-location? ip)
1126        (apply ly:input-message ip msg rest)
1127        (apply ly:message msg rest))))
1129(define-public (ly:music-warning music msg . rest)
1130  (let ((ip (ly:music-property music 'origin)))
1131    (if (ly:input-location? ip)
1132        (apply ly:input-warning ip msg rest)
1133        (apply ly:warning msg rest))))
1135(define-public (ly:music-error music msg . rest)
1136  (ly:parser-error (apply format #f msg rest)
1137                   (ly:music-property music 'origin)))
1139(define-public (ly:event-warning event msg . rest)
1140  (let ((ip (ly:event-property event 'origin)))
1141    (if (ly:input-location? ip)
1142        (apply ly:input-warning ip msg rest)
1143        (apply ly:warning msg rest))))
1145(define-public (ly:grob-warning grob path msg . rest)
1146  (let* ((name (assoc-get 'name (ly:grob-property grob 'meta)))
1147         (path-string (string-join
1148                       (map symbol->string
1149                            (if path
1150                                ((if (list? path) cons list) name path)
1151                                (list name)))
1152                       "."))
1153         (event (event-cause grob)))
1154    (if event (apply ly:event-warning event (string-append path-string ": " msg) rest)
1155        (apply ly:warning (string-append path-string ": " msg) rest))))
1159;; setting stuff for grace context.
1162(define (vector-extend v x)
1163  "Make a new vector consisting of V, with X added to the end."
1164  (let* ((n (vector-length v))
1165         (nv (make-vector (+ n 1) '())))
1166    (vector-move-left! v 0 n nv 0)
1167    (vector-set! nv n x)
1168    nv))
1170(define (vector-map f v)
1171  "Map F over V.  This function returns nothing."
1172  (do ((n (vector-length v))
1173       (i 0 (+ i 1)))
1174      ((>= i n))
1175    (f (vector-ref v i))))
1177(define (vector-reverse-map f v)
1178  "Map F over V, N to 0 order.  This function returns nothing."
1179  (do ((i (- (vector-length v) 1) (- i 1)))
1180      ((< i 0))
1181    (f (vector-ref v i))))
1183(define-public (add-grace-property context-name grob sym val)
1184  "Set @var{sym}=@var{val} for @var{grob} in @var{context-name}."
1185  (define (set-prop context)
1186    (let* ((where (or (ly:context-find context context-name) context))
1187           (current (ly:context-property where 'graceSettings))
1188           (new-settings (append current
1189                                 (list (list context-name grob sym val)))))
1190      (ly:context-set-property! where 'graceSettings new-settings)))
1191  (make-apply-context set-prop))
1193(define-public (remove-grace-property context-name grob sym)
1194  "Remove all @var{sym} for @var{grob} in @var{context-name}."
1195  (define (sym-grob-context? property sym grob context-name)
1196    (and (eq? (car property) context-name)
1197         (eq? (cadr property) grob)
1198         (eq? (caddr property) sym)))
1199  (define (delete-prop context)
1200    (let* ((where (or (ly:context-find context context-name) context))
1201           (current (ly:context-property where 'graceSettings))
1202           (prop-settings (filter
1203                           (lambda(x) (sym-grob-context? x sym grob context-name))
1204                           current))
1205           (new-settings current))
1206      (for-each (lambda(x)
1207                  (set! new-settings (delete x new-settings)))
1208                prop-settings)
1209      (ly:context-set-property! where 'graceSettings new-settings)))
1210  (make-apply-context delete-prop))
1213(defmacro-public def-grace-function (start stop . docstring)
1214  "Helper macro for defining grace music"
1215  `(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
1216     ,@docstring
1217     (make-music 'GraceMusic
1218                 'element (make-music 'SequentialMusic
1219                                      'elements (list (ly:music-deep-copy ,start)
1220                                                      music
1221                                                      (ly:music-deep-copy ,stop))))))
1223(defmacro-public define-syntax-function (type args signature . body)
1224  "Helper macro for `ly:make-music-function'.
1226  (define-syntax-function result-type? (arg1 arg2 ...) (arg1-type arg2-type ...)
1227    ...function body...)
1229argX-type can take one of the forms @code{predicate?} for mandatory
1230arguments satisfying the predicate, @code{(predicate?)} for optional
1231parameters of that type defaulting to @code{#f}, @code{@w{(predicate?
1232value)}} for optional parameters with a specified default
1233value (evaluated at definition time).  An optional parameter can be
1234omitted in a call only when it can't get confused with a following
1235parameter of different type.
1237@code{result-type?} can specify a default in the same manner as
1238predicates, to be used in case of a type error in arguments or
1241  (define (has-parser/location? arg where)
1242    (let loop ((arg arg))
1243      (if (list? arg)
1244          (any loop arg)
1245          (memq arg where))))
1246  (define (currying-lambda args doc-string? body)
1247    (if (and (pair? args)
1248             (pair? (car args)))
1249        (currying-lambda (car args) doc-string?
1250                         `((lambda ,(cdr args) ,@body)))
1251        (let* ((compatibility? (if (list? args)
1252                                   (= (length args) (+ 2 (length signature)))
1253                                   (and (pair? args) (pair? (cdr args))
1254                                        (eq? (car args) 'parser))))
1255               (realargs (if compatibility? (cddr args) args)))
1256          `(lambda ,realargs
1257             ,(format #f "~a\n~a" realargs (or doc-string? ""))
1258             ,@(if (and compatibility?
1259                        (has-parser/location? body (take args 2)))
1260                   `((let ((,(car args) (*parser*)) (,(cadr args) (*location*)))
1261                       ,@body))
1262                   body)))))
1264  (let ((docstring
1265         (and (pair? body) (pair? (cdr body))
1266              (if (string? (car body))
1267                  (car body)
1268                  (and (pair? (car body))
1269                       (eq? '_i (caar body))
1270                       (pair? (cdar body))
1271                       (string? (cadar body))
1272                       (null? (cddar body))
1273                       (cadar body))))))
1274    ;; When the music function definition contains an i10n doc string,
1275    ;; (_i "doc string"), keep the literal string only
1276    `(ly:make-music-function
1277      (list ,@(map (lambda (pred)
1278                     (if (pair? pred)
1279                         `(cons ,(car pred)
1280                                ,(and (pair? (cdr pred)) (cadr pred)))
1281                         pred))
1282                   (cons type signature)))
1283      ,(currying-lambda args docstring (if docstring (cdr body) body)))))
1285(defmacro-public define-music-function rest
1286  "Defining macro returning music functions.
1288  (define-music-function (arg1 arg2 ...) (arg1-type? arg2-type? ...)
1289    ...function body...)
1291argX-type can take one of the forms @code{predicate?} for mandatory
1292arguments satisfying the predicate, @code{(predicate?)} for optional
1293parameters of that type defaulting to @code{#f}, @code{@w{(predicate?
1294value)}} for optional parameters with a specified default
1295value (evaluated at definition time).  An optional parameter can be
1296omitted in a call only when it can't get confused with a following
1297parameter of different type.
1299Must return a music expression.  The @code{origin} is automatically
1300set to the @code{location} parameter."
1302  `(define-syntax-function (ly:music? (make-music 'Music 'void #t)) ,@rest))
1305(defmacro-public define-scheme-function rest
1306  "Defining macro returning Scheme functions.
1308  (define-scheme-function (arg1 arg2 ...) (arg1-type? arg2-type? ...)
1309    ...function body...)
1311argX-type can take one of the forms @code{predicate?} for mandatory
1312arguments satisfying the predicate, @code{(predicate?)} for optional
1313parameters of that type defaulting to @code{#f}, @code{@w{(predicate?
1314value)}} for optional parameters with a specified default
1315value (evaluated at definition time).  An optional parameter can be
1316omitted in a call only when it can't get confused with a following
1317parameter of different type.
1319Can return arbitrary expressions.  If a music expression is returned,
1320its @code{origin} is automatically set to the @code{location}
1323  `(define-syntax-function scheme? ,@rest))
1325(defmacro-public define-void-function rest
1326  "This defines a Scheme function like @code{define-scheme-function} with
1327void return value (i.e., what most Guile functions with `unspecified'
1328value return).  Use this when defining functions for executing actions
1329rather than returning values, to keep Lilypond from trying to interpret
1330the return value."
1331  `(define-syntax-function (void? *unspecified*) ,@rest *unspecified*))
1333(defmacro-public define-event-function rest
1334  "Defining macro returning event functions.
1336  (define-event-function (arg1 arg2 ...) (arg1-type? arg2-type? ...)
1337    ...function body...)
1339argX-type can take one of the forms @code{predicate?} for mandatory
1340arguments satisfying the predicate, @code{(predicate?)} for optional
1341parameters of that type defaulting to @code{#f}, @code{@w{(predicate?
1342value)}} for optional parameters with a specified default
1343value (evaluated at definition time).  An optional parameter can be
1344omitted in a call only when it can't get confused with a following
1345parameter of different type.
1347Must return an event expression.  The @code{origin} is automatically
1348set to the @code{location} parameter."
1350  `(define-syntax-function (ly:event? (make-music 'Event 'void #t)) ,@rest))
1354;; Urgh.  This documentation string is completely incomprehensible – right
1355;; now, `quote-substitute` is undocumented.
1356(define-public (cue-substitute quote-music)
1357  "Must happen after @code{quote-substitute}."
1359  (if (vector? (ly:music-property quote-music 'quoted-events))
1360      (let* ((dir (ly:music-property quote-music 'quoted-voice-direction))
1361             (clef (ly:music-property quote-music 'quoted-music-clef #f))
1362             (main-voice (case dir ((1) 1) ((-1) 0) (else #f)))
1363             (cue-voice (and main-voice (- 1 main-voice)))
1364             (cue-type (ly:music-property quote-music 'quoted-context-type #f))
1365             (cue-id (ly:music-property quote-music 'quoted-context-id))
1366             (main-music (ly:music-property quote-music 'element))
1367             (return-value quote-music))
1369        (if main-voice
1370            (set! (ly:music-property quote-music 'element)
1371                  (make-sequential-music
1372                   (list
1373                    (make-voice-props-override main-voice)
1374                    main-music
1375                    (make-voice-props-revert)))))
1377        ;; if we have stem dirs, change both quoted and main music
1378        ;; to have opposite stems.
1380        ;; cannot context-spec Quote-music, since context
1381        ;; for the quotes is determined in the iterator.
1383        (make-sequential-music
1384         (delq! #f
1385                (list
1386                 (and clef (make-cue-clef-set clef))
1387                 (and cue-type cue-voice
1388                      (context-spec-music
1389                       (make-voice-props-override cue-voice)
1390                       cue-type cue-id))
1391                 quote-music
1392                 (and cue-type cue-voice
1393                      (context-spec-music
1394                       (make-voice-props-revert)
1395                       cue-type cue-id))
1396                 (and clef (make-cue-clef-unset))))))
1397      quote-music))
1399(define ((quote-substitute quote-tab) music)
1400  (let* ((quoted-name (ly:music-property music 'quoted-music-name))
1401         (quoted-vector (and (string? quoted-name)
1402                             (hash-ref quote-tab quoted-name #f))))
1405    (if (string? quoted-name)
1406        (if (vector? quoted-vector)
1407            (begin
1408              (set! (ly:music-property music 'quoted-events) quoted-vector)
1409              (set! (ly:music-property music 'iterator-ctor)
1410                    ly:quote-iterator::constructor))
1411            (ly:music-warning music (format #f (_ "cannot find quoted music: `~S'") quoted-name))))
1412    music))
1413(export quote-substitute)
1417;; switch it on here, so parsing and init isn't checked (too slow!)
1419;; automatic music transformations.
1421(define (music-check-error music)
1422  (define found #f)
1423  (define (signal m)
1424    (if (and (ly:music? m)
1425             (eq? (ly:music-property m 'error-found) #t))
1426        (set! found #t)))
1428  (for-each signal (ly:music-property music 'elements))
1429  (signal (ly:music-property music 'element))
1431  (if found
1432      (set! (ly:music-property music 'error-found) #t))
1433  music)
1435(define (precompute-music-length music)
1436  (set! (ly:music-property music 'length)
1437        (ly:music-length music))
1438  music)
1440(define (recompute-music-length music)
1441  ;; If the length property is set to a value inconsistent with the
1442  ;; length callback, correct it.  In other words, avoid setting the
1443  ;; length property when it doesn't need to be set.
1444  (let ((length-callback (ly:music-property music 'length-callback)))
1445    (if (procedure? length-callback)
1446        (let ((current-length (ly:music-property music 'length)))
1447          (if (ly:moment? current-length)
1448              (let ((new-length (length-callback music)))
1449                (if (not (eq? current-length new-length))
1450                    (set! (ly:music-property music 'length) new-length)))))))
1451  music)
1453(define-public (make-duration-of-length moment)
1454  "Make duration of the given @code{moment} length."
1455  (ly:make-duration 0 0
1456                    (ly:moment-main-numerator moment)
1457                    (ly:moment-main-denominator moment)))
1459(define (make-skipped moment bool)
1460  "Depending on BOOL, set or unset skipTypesetting,
1461then make SkipMusic of the given MOMENT length, and
1462then revert skipTypesetting."
1463  (make-sequential-music
1464   (list
1465    (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'skipTypesetting bool)
1466                        'Score)
1467    (make-music 'SkipMusic 'duration
1468                (make-duration-of-length moment))
1469    (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'skipTypesetting (not bool))
1470                        'Score))))
1472(define (skip-as-needed music)
1473  "Replace MUSIC by
1475 << @{  \\set skipTypesetting = ##f
1476 LENGTHOF(\\showFirstLength)
1477 \\set skipTypesetting = ##t
1478 LENGTHOF(\\showLastLength) @}
1479 MUSIC >>
1480@end example
1481 if appropriate.
1483 When only @code{showFirstLength} is set,
1484 the @code{length} property of the music is
1485 overridden to speed up compiling."
1486  (let*
1487      ((show-last (ly:parser-lookup 'showLastLength))
1488       (show-first (ly:parser-lookup 'showFirstLength))
1489       (show-last-length (and (ly:music? show-last)
1490                              (ly:music-length show-last)))
1491       (show-first-length (and (ly:music? show-first)
1492                               (ly:music-length show-first)))
1493       (orig-length (ly:music-length music)))
1495    ;;FIXME: if using either showFirst- or showLastLength,
1496    ;; make sure that skipBars is not set.
1498    (cond
1500     ;; both properties may be set.
1501     ((and show-first-length show-last-length)
1502      (let
1503          ((skip-length (ly:moment-sub orig-length show-last-length)))
1504        (make-simultaneous-music
1505         (list
1506          (make-sequential-music
1507           (list
1508            (make-skipped skip-length #t)
1509            ;; let's draw a separator between the beginning and the end
1510            (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'whichBar "||")
1511                                'Timing)))
1512          (make-skipped show-first-length #f)
1513          music))))
1515     ;; we may only want to print the last length
1516     (show-last-length
1517      (let
1518          ((skip-length (ly:moment-sub orig-length show-last-length)))
1519        (make-simultaneous-music
1520         (list
1521          (make-skipped skip-length #t)
1522          music))))
1524     ;; we may only want to print the beginning; in this case
1525     ;; only the first length will be processed (much faster).
1526     (show-first-length
1527      ;; the first length must not exceed the original length.
1528      (if (ly:moment<? show-first-length orig-length)
1529          (set! (ly:music-property music 'length)
1530                show-first-length))
1531      music)
1533     (else music))))
1536(define-session-public toplevel-music-functions
1537  (list
1538   (lambda (music) (expand-repeat-chords!
1539                    (cons 'rhythmic-event
1540                          (ly:parser-lookup '$chord-repeat-events))
1541                    music))
1542   expand-repeat-notes!
1543   voicify-music
1544   (lambda (x) (music-map music-check-error x))
1545   (lambda (x) (music-map precompute-music-length x))
1546   (lambda (music)
1547     (music-map (quote-substitute (ly:parser-lookup 'musicQuotes))  music))
1549   (lambda (x) (music-map cue-substitute x))
1551   skip-as-needed))
1554;;; general purpose music functions
1556(define (shift-octave pitch octave-shift)
1557  (_i "Add @var{octave-shift} to the octave of @var{pitch}.")
1558  (ly:make-pitch
1559   (+ (ly:pitch-octave pitch) octave-shift)
1560   (ly:pitch-notename pitch)
1561   (ly:pitch-alteration pitch)))
1565;; lyrics
1567(define (apply-durations lyric-music durations)
1568  (define (apply-duration music)
1569    (if (and (not (equal? (ly:music-length music) ZERO-MOMENT))
1570             (ly:duration?  (ly:music-property music 'duration)))
1571        (begin
1572          (set! (ly:music-property music 'duration) (car durations))
1573          (set! durations (cdr durations)))))
1575  (music-map apply-duration lyric-music))
1579;; accidentals
1581(define (recent-enough? bar-number alteration-def laziness)
1582  (or (number? alteration-def)
1583      (equal? laziness #t)
1584      (<= bar-number (+ (cadr alteration-def) laziness))))
1586(define (accidental-invalid? alteration-def)
1587  "Checks an alteration entry for being invalid.
1589Non-key alterations are invalidated when tying into the next bar or
1590when there is a clef change, since neither repetition nor cancellation
1591can be omitted when the same note occurs again.
1593Returns @code{#f} or the reason for the invalidation, a symbol."
1594  (let* ((def (if (pair? alteration-def)
1595                  (car alteration-def)
1596                  alteration-def)))
1597    (and (symbol? def) def)))
1599(define (extract-alteration alteration-def)
1600  (cond ((number? alteration-def)
1601         alteration-def)
1602        ((pair? alteration-def)
1603         (car alteration-def))
1604        (else 0)))
1606(define (check-pitch-against-signature context pitch barnum laziness octaveness all-naturals)
1607  "Checks the need for an accidental and a @q{restore} accidental against
1608@code{localAlterations} and @code{keyAlterations}.
1609The @var{laziness} is the number of measures
1610for which reminder accidentals are used (i.e., if @var{laziness} is zero,
1611only cancel accidentals in the same measure; if @var{laziness} is three,
1612we cancel accidentals up to three measures after they first appear.
1613@var{octaveness} is either @code{'same-octave} or @code{'any-octave} and
1614specifies whether accidentals should be canceled in different octaves.
1615If @var{all-naturals} is ##t, notes that do not occur in @code{keyAlterations}
1616also get an accidental."
1617  (let* ((ignore-octave (cond ((equal? octaveness 'any-octave) #t)
1618                              ((equal? octaveness 'same-octave) #f)
1619                              (else
1620                               (ly:warning (_ "Unknown octaveness type: ~S ") octaveness)
1621                               (ly:warning (_ "Defaulting to 'any-octave."))
1622                               #t)))
1623         (key (ly:context-property context 'keyAlterations))
1624         (local (ly:context-property context 'localAlterations))
1625         (notename (ly:pitch-notename pitch))
1626         (octave (ly:pitch-octave pitch))
1627         (pitch-handle (cons octave notename))
1628         (need-restore #f)
1629         (need-accidental #f)
1630         (previous-alteration #f)
1631         (from-other-octaves #f)
1632         (from-same-octave (assoc-get pitch-handle local))
1633         (from-key-sig (or (assoc-get notename local)
1635                           ;; If no notename match is found from localAlterations, we may have a custom
1636                           ;; type with octave-specific entries of the form ((octave . pitch) alteration)
1637                           ;; instead of (pitch . alteration).  Since this type cannot coexist with entries in
1638                           ;; localAlterations, try extracting from keyAlterations instead.
1639                           (assoc-get pitch-handle key))))
1641    ;; loop through localAlterations to search for a notename match from other octaves
1642    (let loop ((l local))
1643      (if (pair? l)
1644          (let ((entry (car l)))
1645            (if (and (pair? (car entry))
1646                     (= (cdar entry) notename))
1647                (set! from-other-octaves (cdr entry))
1648                (loop (cdr l))))))
1650    ;; find previous alteration-def for comparison with pitch
1651    (cond
1652     ;; from same octave?
1653     ((and (not ignore-octave)
1654           from-same-octave
1655           (recent-enough? barnum from-same-octave laziness))
1656      (set! previous-alteration from-same-octave))
1658     ;; from any octave?
1659     ((and ignore-octave
1660           from-other-octaves
1661           (recent-enough? barnum from-other-octaves laziness))
1662      (set! previous-alteration from-other-octaves))
1664     ;; not recent enough, extract from key signature/local key signature
1665     (from-key-sig
1666      (set! previous-alteration from-key-sig)))
1668    (if (accidental-invalid? previous-alteration)
1669        (set! need-accidental #t)
1671        (let* ((prev-alt (extract-alteration previous-alteration))
1672               (this-alt (ly:pitch-alteration pitch)))
1674          (if (or (and all-naturals (eq? #f previous-alteration)) (not (= this-alt prev-alt)))
1675              (begin
1676                (set! need-accidental #t)
1677                (if (and (not (= this-alt 0))
1678                         (and (< (abs this-alt) (abs prev-alt))
1679                              (> (* prev-alt this-alt) 0)))
1680                    (set! need-restore #t))))))
1682    (cons need-restore need-accidental)))
1684(define ((make-accidental-rule octaveness laziness) context pitch barnum)
1685  "Create an accidental rule that makes its decision based on the octave of
1686the note and a laziness value.
1688@var{octaveness} is either @code{'same-octave} or @code{'any-octave} and
1689defines whether the rule should respond to accidental changes in other
1690octaves than the current.  @code{'same-octave} is the normal way to typeset
1691accidentals -- an accidental is made if the alteration is different from the
1692last active pitch in the same octave.  @code{'any-octave} looks at the last
1693active pitch in any octave.
1695@var{laziness} states over how many bars an accidental should be remembered.
1696@code{0}@tie{}is the default -- accidental lasts over 0@tie{}bar lines, that
1697is, to the end of current measure.  A positive integer means that the
1698accidental lasts over that many bar lines.  @w{@code{-1}} is `forget
1699immediately', that is, only look at key signature.  @code{#t} is `forever'."
1701  (check-pitch-against-signature context pitch barnum laziness octaveness #f))
1702(export make-accidental-rule)
1704(define ((make-accidental-dodecaphonic-rule octaveness laziness) context pitch barnum)
1705  "Variation on function make-accidental-rule that creates an dodecaphonic
1706accidental rule."
1708  (check-pitch-against-signature context pitch barnum laziness octaveness #t))
1709(export make-accidental-dodecaphonic-rule)
1711(define (key-entry-notename entry)
1712  "Return the pitch of an @var{entry} in @code{localAlterations}.
1713The @samp{car} of the entry is either of the form @code{notename} or
1714of the form @code{(octave . notename)}.  The latter form is used for special
1715key signatures or to indicate an explicit accidental.
1717The @samp{cdr} of the entry is either a rational @code{alter} indicating
1718a key signature alteration, or of the form
1719@code{(alter . (barnum . end-mom))} indicating an alteration caused by
1720an accidental in music."
1721  (if (pair? (car entry))
1722      (cdar entry)
1723      (car entry)))
1725(define (key-entry-octave entry)
1726  "Return the octave of an entry in @code{localAlterations}
1727or @code{#f} if the entry does not have an octave.
1728See @code{key-entry-notename} for details."
1729  (and (pair? (car entry)) (caar entry)))
1731(define (key-entry-bar-number entry)
1732  "Return the bar number of an entry in @code{localAlterations}
1733or @code{#f} if the entry does not have a bar number.
1734See @code{key-entry-notename} for details."
1735  (and (pair? (cdr entry)) (caddr entry)))
1737(define (key-entry-end-mom entry)
1738  "Return the end moment of an entry in @code{localAlterations}
1739or @code{#f} if the entry does not have an end moment.
1740See @code{key-entry-notename} for details."
1741  (and (pair? (cdr entry)) (cdddr entry)))
1743(define (key-entry-alteration entry)
1744  "Return the alteration of an entry in localAlterations
1746For convenience, returns @code{0} if entry is @code{#f}."
1747  (if entry
1748      (if (number? (cdr entry))
1749          (cdr entry)
1750          (cadr entry))
1751      0))
1753(define-public (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch accept-global accept-local)
1754  "Return the first entry in @var{keysig} that matches @var{pitch}
1755by notename and octave.  Alteration is not considered.
1756@var{accept-global} states whether key signature entries should be included.
1757@var{accept-local} states whether local accidentals should be included.
1758If no matching entry is found, @code{#f} is returned."
1759  (and (pair? keysig)
1760       (let* ((entry (car keysig))
1761              (entryoct (key-entry-octave entry))
1762              (entrynn (key-entry-notename entry))
1763              (nn (ly:pitch-notename pitch)))
1764         (if (and (equal? nn entrynn)
1765                  (or (not entryoct)
1766                      (= entryoct (ly:pitch-octave pitch)))
1767                  (if (key-entry-bar-number entry)
1768                      accept-local
1769                      accept-global))
1770             entry
1771             (find-pitch-entry (cdr keysig) pitch accept-global accept-local)))))
1773(define-public (neo-modern-accidental-rule context pitch barnum)
1774  "An accidental rule that typesets an accidental if it differs from the
1775key signature @emph{and} does not directly follow a note on the same
1776staff line.  This rule should not be used alone because it does neither
1777look at bar lines nor different accidentals at the same note name."
1778  (let* ((keysig (ly:context-property context 'localAlterations))
1779         (entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #t #t)))
1780    (if (not entry)
1781        (cons #f #f)
1782        (let* ((global-entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #t #f))
1783               (key-acc (key-entry-alteration global-entry))
1784               (acc (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))
1785               (entry-end-mom (key-entry-end-mom entry))
1786               (entry-bn (key-entry-bar-number entry))
1787               (now (ly:context-current-moment context)))
1788          (cons #f (not (or (equal? acc key-acc)
1789                            (and (equal? entry-bn barnum)
1790                                 (equal? entry-end-mom now)))))))))
1792(define-public (dodecaphonic-no-repeat-rule context pitch barnum)
1793  "An accidental rule that typesets an accidental before every
1794note (just as in the dodecaphonic accidental style) @emph{except} if
1795the note is immediately preceded by a note with the same pitch. This
1796is a common accidental style in contemporary notation."
1797  (let* ((keysig (ly:context-property context 'localAlterations))
1798         (entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #f #t)))
1799    (if (not entry)
1800        (cons #f #t)
1801        (let ((entry-end-mom (key-entry-end-mom entry))
1802              (entry-bn (key-entry-bar-number entry))
1803              (entry-alt (key-entry-alteration entry))
1804              (alt (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))
1805              (now (ly:context-current-moment context)))
1806          (cons #t ; FIXME: why is this different from dodecaphonic? --JeanAS
1807                (not (and (equal? entry-bn barnum)
1808                          (or (equal? now entry-end-mom)
1809                              (ly:moment<? now entry-end-mom))
1810                          (equal? entry-alt alt))))))))
1812(define-public (teaching-accidental-rule context pitch barnum)
1813  "An accidental rule that typesets a cautionary accidental if it is
1814included in the key signature @emph{and} does not directly follow a note
1815on the same staff line."
1816  (let* ((keysig (ly:context-property context 'localAlterations))
1817         (entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #t #t))
1818         (now (ly:context-current-moment context)))
1819    (if (not entry)
1820        (cons #f #f)
1821        (let* ((global-entry (find-pitch-entry keysig pitch #f #f))
1822               (key-acc (key-entry-alteration global-entry))
1823               (acc (ly:pitch-alteration pitch))
1824               (entry-end-mom (key-entry-end-mom entry))
1825               (entry-bn (key-entry-bar-number entry))
1826               (now (ly:context-current-moment context)))
1827          (cons #f (not (or (equal? acc key-acc)
1828                            (and (equal? entry-bn barnum)
1829                                 (equal? entry-end-mom now)))))))))
1831(define-session-public accidental-styles
1832  ;; An alist containing specification for all accidental styles.
1833  ;; Each accidental style needs three entries for the context properties
1834  ;; extraNatural, autoAccidentals and autoCautionaries.
1835  ;; An optional fourth entry may specify a default context for the accidental
1836  ;; style, for use with the piano styles.
1837  `(
1838    ;; accidentals as they were common in the 18th century.
1839    (default #t
1840      (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1841      ())
1842    ;; accidentals from one voice do NOT get canceled in other voices
1843    (voice #t
1844           (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1845           ())
1846    ;; accidentals as suggested by Kurt Stone in
1847    ;; ‘Music Notation in the 20th century’.
1848    ;; This includes all the default accidentals, but accidentals also need
1849    ;; canceling in other octaves and in the next measure.
1850    (modern #f
1851            (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1852                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1853                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1))
1854            ())
1855    ;; the accidentals that Stone adds to the old standard as cautionaries
1856    (modern-cautionary #f
1857                       (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1858                       (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1859                              ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)))
1860    ;; same as modern, but accidentals different from the key signature are
1861    ;; always typeset - unless they directly follow a note of the same pitch.
1862    (neo-modern #f
1863                (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1864                       ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1865                       ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1866                       ,neo-modern-accidental-rule)
1867                ())
1868    (neo-modern-cautionary #f
1869                           (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1870                           (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1871                                  ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1872                                  ,neo-modern-accidental-rule))
1873    (neo-modern-voice #f
1874                      (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1875                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1876                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1877                             ,neo-modern-accidental-rule
1878                             Staff
1879                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1880                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1881                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1882                             ,neo-modern-accidental-rule)
1883                      ())
1884    (neo-modern-voice-cautionary #f
1885                                 (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1886                                 (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1887                                        ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1888                                        ,neo-modern-accidental-rule
1889                                        Staff
1890                                        ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1891                                        ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1892                                        ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1893                                        ,neo-modern-accidental-rule))
1895    ;; Accidentals as they were common in dodecaphonic music with no tonality.
1896    ;; Each note gets one accidental.
1897    (dodecaphonic #f
1898                  (Staff ,(lambda (c p bn) '(#f . #t)))
1899                  ())
1900    ;; As in dodecaphonic style with the exception that immediately
1901    ;; repeated notes (in the same voice) don't get an accidental
1902    (dodecaphonic-no-repeat #f
1903                            (Staff ,dodecaphonic-no-repeat-rule)
1904                            ())
1905    ;; Variety of the dodecaphonic style. Each note gets an accidental,
1906    ;; except notes that were already handled in the same measure.
1907    (dodecaphonic-first #f
1908                        (Staff ,(make-accidental-dodecaphonic-rule 'same-octave 0))
1909                        ())
1911    ;; Multivoice accidentals to be read both by musicians playing one voice
1912    ;; and musicians playing all voices. Accidentals are typeset for each
1913    ;; voice, but they ARE canceled across voices.
1914    (modern-voice #f
1915                  (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1916                         ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1917                         ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1918                         Staff
1919                         ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1920                         ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1921                         ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1))
1922                  ())
1923    ;; same as modernVoiceAccidental except that all special accidentals
1924    ;; are typeset as cautionaries
1925    (modern-voice-cautionary #f
1926                             (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1927                             (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1928                                    ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1929                                    Staff
1930                                    ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1931                                    ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1932                                    ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)))
1934    ;; Stone's suggestions for accidentals on grand staff.
1935    ;; Accidentals are canceled across the staves
1936    ;; in the same grand staff as well
1937    (piano #f
1938           (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1939                  ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1940                  ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1941                  GrandStaff
1942                  ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1943                  ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1))
1944           ()
1945           GrandStaff)
1946    (piano-cautionary #f
1947                      (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1948                      (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1949                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1950                             GrandStaff
1951                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1952                             ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1))
1953                      GrandStaff)
1955    ;; Accidentals on a choir staff for simultaneous reading of the
1956    ;; own voice and the surrounding choir. Similar to piano, except
1957    ;; that the first alteration within a voice is always printed.
1958    (choral #f
1959            (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1960                   Staff
1961                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1962                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1963                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1964                   ChoirStaff
1965                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1966                   ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1))
1967            ()
1968            ChoirStaff)
1969    (choral-cautionary #f
1970                       (Voice ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0)
1971                              Staff
1972                              ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1973                       (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1974                              ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1975                              ChoirStaff
1976                              ,(make-accidental-rule 'any-octave 0)
1977                              ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1))
1978                       ChoirStaff)
1980    ;; same as modern, but cautionary accidentals are printed for all
1981    ;; non-natural tones specified by the key signature.
1982    (teaching #f
1983              (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 0))
1984              (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave 1)
1985                     ,teaching-accidental-rule))
1987    ;; do not set localAlterations when a note alterated differently from
1988    ;; localAlterations is found.
1989    ;; Causes accidentals to be printed at every note instead of
1990    ;; remembered for the duration of a measure.
1991    ;; accidentals not being remembered, causing accidentals always to
1992    ;; be typeset relative to the time signature
1993    (forget ()
1994            (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave -1))
1995            ())
1996    ;; Do not reset the key at the start of a measure.  Accidentals will be
1997    ;; printed only once and are in effect until overridden, possibly many
1998    ;; measures later.
1999    (no-reset ()
2000              (Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave #t))
2001              ())
2002    ))
2004(define-public (set-accidental-style style . rest)
2005  "Set accidental style to @var{style}.  Optionally take a context
2006argument, e.g., @code{'Staff} or @code{'Voice}.  The context defaults
2007to @code{Staff}, except for piano styles, which use @code{GrandStaff}
2008as a context."
2009  (let ((spec (assoc-get style accidental-styles)))
2010    (if spec
2011        (let ((extra-natural (first spec))
2012              (auto-accs (second spec))
2013              (auto-cauts (third spec))
2014              (context (cond ((pair? rest) (car rest))
2015                             ((= 4 (length spec)) (fourth spec))
2016                             (else 'Staff))))
2017          (context-spec-music
2018           (make-sequential-music
2019            (append (if (boolean? extra-natural)
2020                        (list (make-property-set 'extraNatural extra-natural))
2021                        '())
2022                    (list (make-property-set 'autoAccidentals auto-accs)
2023                          (make-property-set 'autoCautionaries auto-cauts))))
2024           context))
2025        (begin
2026          (ly:warning (_ "unknown accidental style: ~S") style)
2027          (make-sequential-music '())))))
2029(define-public (invalidate-alterations context)
2030  "Invalidate alterations in @var{context}.
2032Elements of @code{'localAlterations} corresponding to local
2033alterations of the key signature have the form
2034@code{'((octave . notename) . (alter barnum . end-mom))}.
2035Replace them with a version where @code{alter} is set to @code{'clef}
2036to force a repetition of accidentals.
2038Entries that conform with the current key signature are not invalidated."
2039  (let* ((keysig (ly:context-property context 'keyAlterations)))
2040    (set! (ly:context-property context 'localAlterations)
2041          (map-in-order
2042           (lambda (entry)
2043             (let* ((localalt (key-entry-alteration entry)))
2044               (if (or (accidental-invalid? localalt)
2045                       (not (key-entry-bar-number entry))
2046                       (= localalt
2047                          (key-entry-alteration
2048                           (find-pitch-entry
2049                            keysig
2050                            (ly:make-pitch (key-entry-octave entry)
2051                                           (key-entry-notename entry)
2052                                           0)
2053                            #t #t))))
2054                   entry
2055                   (cons (car entry) (cons 'clef (cddr entry))))))
2056           (ly:context-property context 'localAlterations)))))
2060(define-public (ly:music-compress mus scale)
2061  "Compress @var{mus} by @var{scale}."
2062  (let ((factor (scale->factor scale)))
2063    ;; compress the 'duration property of all elements recursively
2064    (for-some-music
2065     (lambda (m)
2066       (let ((d (ly:music-property m 'duration)))
2067         (if (ly:duration? d)
2068             (set! (ly:music-property m 'duration)
2069                   (ly:duration-compress d factor)))
2070         #f))
2071     mus)
2072    mus))
2074(define-public (skip-of-length mus)
2075  "Create a skip of exactly the same length as @var{mus}."
2076  (let* ((skip
2077          (make-music
2078           'SkipEvent
2079           'duration (ly:make-duration 0 0))))
2081    (make-event-chord (list (ly:music-compress skip (ly:music-length mus))))))
2083(define-public (skip-of-moment-span start-moment end-moment)
2084  "Make skip music fitting between @var{start-moment} and
2085@var{end-moment}.  The grace part of @var{end-moment} matters only if
2086@var{start-moment} and @var{end-mom} have the same main part."
2087  (let ((delta-moment (ly:moment-sub end-moment start-moment)))
2088    (if (zero? (ly:moment-main delta-moment))
2089        ;; start and end have same main part
2090        (if (zero? (ly:moment-grace delta-moment))
2091            ;; neither main time nor grace time
2092            (make-skip-music ZERO-DURATION)
2093            ;; grace time only
2094            (make-grace-music
2095             (make-skip-music
2096              (ly:make-duration 0 0 (ly:moment-grace delta-moment)))))
2097        ;; start and end have different main parts
2098        (if (zero? (ly:moment-grace start-moment))
2099            ;; main time only
2100            (make-skip-music (make-duration-of-length delta-moment))
2101            ;; grace time and main time
2102            (make-sequential-music
2103             (list
2104              (make-grace-music
2105               (make-skip-music
2106                (ly:make-duration 0 0 (- (ly:moment-grace start-moment)))))
2107              (make-skip-music
2108               (ly:make-duration 0 0 (ly:moment-main delta-moment)))))))))
2110(define-public (mmrest-of-length mus)
2111  "Create a multi-measure rest of exactly the same length as @var{mus}."
2113  (let* ((skip
2114          (make-multi-measure-rest
2115           (ly:make-duration 0 0) '())))
2116    (ly:music-compress skip (ly:music-length mus))
2117    skip))
2119(define-public (pitch-of-note event-chord)
2120  (let ((evs (filter (lambda (x)
2121                       (music-is-of-type? x 'note-event))
2122                     (ly:music-property event-chord 'elements))))
2124    (and (pair? evs)
2125         (ly:music-property (car evs) 'pitch))))
2127(define-public (duration-of-note event-chord)
2128  (cond
2129   ((pair? event-chord)
2130    (or (duration-of-note (car event-chord))
2131        (duration-of-note (cdr event-chord))))
2132   ((ly:music? event-chord)
2133    (let ((dur (ly:music-property event-chord 'duration)))
2134      (if (ly:duration? dur)
2135          dur
2136          (duration-of-note (ly:music-property event-chord 'elements)))))
2137   (else #f)))
2141(define-public (map-some-music map? music)
2142  "Walk through @var{music}, transform all elements calling @var{map?}
2143and only recurse if this returns @code{#f}.  @code{elements} or
2144@code{articulations} that are not music expressions are discarded:
2145this allows some amount of filtering.
2147@code{map-some-music} may overwrite the original @var{music}."
2148  (let loop ((music music))
2149    (or (map? music)
2150        (let ((elt (ly:music-property music 'element))
2151              (elts (ly:music-property music 'elements))
2152              (arts (ly:music-property music 'articulations)))
2153          (if (ly:music? elt)
2154              (set! (ly:music-property music 'element)
2155                    (loop elt)))
2156          (if (pair? elts)
2157              (set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
2158                    (filter! ly:music? (map! loop elts))))
2159          (if (pair? arts)
2160              (set! (ly:music-property music 'articulations)
2161                    (filter! ly:music? (map! loop arts))))
2162          music))))
2164(define-public (for-some-music stop? music)
2165  "Walk through @var{music}, process all elements calling @var{stop?}
2166and only recurse if this returns @code{#f}."
2167  (let loop ((music music))
2168    (if (not (stop? music))
2169        (let ((elt (ly:music-property music 'element)))
2170          (if (ly:music? elt)
2171              (loop elt))
2172          (for-each loop (ly:music-property music 'elements))
2173          (for-each loop (ly:music-property music 'articulations))))))
2175(define-public (fold-some-music pred? proc init music)
2176  "This works recursively on music like @code{fold} does on a list,
2177calling @samp{(@var{pred?} music)} on every music element.  If
2178@code{#f} is returned for an element, it is processed recursively
2179with the same initial value of @samp{previous}, otherwise
2180@samp{(@var{proc} music previous)} replaces @samp{previous}
2181and no recursion happens.
2182The top @var{music} is processed using @var{init} for @samp{previous}."
2183  (let loop ((music music) (previous init))
2184    (if (pred? music)
2185        (proc music previous)
2186        (fold loop
2187              (fold loop
2188                    (let ((elt (ly:music-property music 'element)))
2189                      (if (null? elt)
2190                          previous
2191                          (loop elt previous)))
2192                    (ly:music-property music 'elements))
2193              (ly:music-property music 'articulations)))))
2195(define-public (extract-music music pred?)
2196  "Return a flat list of all music matching @var{pred?} inside of
2197@var{music}, not recursing into matches themselves."
2198  (reverse! (fold-some-music pred? cons '() music)))
2200(define-public (extract-named-music music music-name)
2201  "Return a flat list of all music named @var{music-name} (either a
2202single event symbol or a list of alternatives) inside of @var{music},
2203not recursing into matches themselves."
2204  (extract-music
2205   music
2206   (if (cheap-list? music-name)
2207       (lambda (m) (memq (ly:music-property m 'name) music-name))
2208       (lambda (m) (eq? (ly:music-property m 'name) music-name)))))
2210(define-public (extract-typed-music music type)
2211  "Return a flat list of all music with @var{type} (either a single
2212type symbol or a list of alternatives) inside of @var{music}, not
2213recursing into matches themselves."
2214  (extract-music music (music-type-predicate type)))
2216(define-public (event-chord-wrap! music)
2217  "Wrap isolated rhythmic events and non-postevent events in
2218@var{music} inside of an @code{EventChord}.  Chord repeats @samp{q}
2219are expanded using the default settings of the parser."
2220  (map-some-music
2221   (lambda (m)
2222     (cond ((music-is-of-type? m 'event-chord)
2223            (if (pair? (ly:music-property m 'articulations))
2224                (begin
2225                  (set! (ly:music-property m 'elements)
2226                        (append (ly:music-property m 'elements)
2227                                (ly:music-property m 'articulations)))
2228                  (set! (ly:music-property m 'articulations) '())))
2229            m)
2230           ((music-is-of-type? m 'rhythmic-event)
2231            (let ((arts (ly:music-property m 'articulations)))
2232              (if (pair? arts)
2233                  (set! (ly:music-property m 'articulations) '()))
2234              (make-event-chord (cons m arts))))
2235           (else #f)))
2236   (expand-repeat-notes!
2237    (expand-repeat-chords!
2238     (cons 'rhythmic-event
2239           (ly:parser-lookup '$chord-repeat-events))
2240     music))))
2242(define-public (event-chord-notes event-chord)
2243  "Return a list of all notes from @var{event-chord}."
2244  (filter
2245   (lambda (m) (eq? 'NoteEvent (ly:music-property m 'name)))
2246   (ly:music-property event-chord 'elements)))
2248(define-public (event-chord-pitches event-chord)
2249  "Return a list of all pitches from @var{event-chord}."
2250  (map (lambda (x) (ly:music-property x 'pitch))
2251       (event-chord-notes event-chord)))
2253(define-public (music-pitches music)
2254  "Return a list of all pitches from @var{music}."
2255  ;; Opencoded for efficiency.
2256  (reverse!
2257   (let loop ((music music) (pitches '()))
2258     (let ((p (ly:music-property music 'pitch)))
2259       (if (ly:pitch? p)
2260           (cons p pitches)
2261           (let ((elt (ly:music-property music 'element)))
2262             (fold loop
2263                   (if (ly:music? elt)
2264                       (loop elt pitches)
2265                       pitches)
2266                   (ly:music-property music 'elements))))))))
2268(define-public (event-chord-reduce music)
2269  "Reduce event chords in @var{music} to their first note event,
2270retaining only the chord articulations.  Returns the modified music."
2271  (map-some-music
2272   (lambda (m)
2273     (and (music-is-of-type? m 'event-chord)
2274          (let*-values (((notes arts) (partition
2275                                       (lambda (mus)
2276                                         (music-is-of-type? mus 'rhythmic-event))
2277                                       (ly:music-property m 'elements)))
2278                        ((dur) (ly:music-property m 'duration))
2279                        ((full-arts) (append arts
2280                                             (ly:music-property m 'articulations)))
2281                        ((first-note) (and (pair? notes) (car notes))))
2282            (cond (first-note
2283                   (set! (ly:music-property first-note 'articulations)
2284                         full-arts)
2285                   first-note)
2286                  ((ly:duration? dur)
2287                   ;; A repeat chord. Produce an unpitched note.
2288                   (make-music 'NoteEvent
2289                               'duration dur
2290                               'articulations full-arts))
2291                  (else
2292                   ;; This is an empty chord.  Ugh.  We cannot really
2293                   ;; reduce this in any manner, so we just keep it.
2294                   m)))))
2295   music))
2297(defmacro-public make-relative (variables reference music)
2298  "The list of pitch or music variables in @var{variables} is used as
2299a sequence for creating relativable music from @var{music}.
2301When the constructed music is used outside of @code{\\relative}, it
2302just reflects plugging in the @var{variables} into @var{music}.
2304The action inside of @code{\\relative}, however, is determined by
2305first relativizing the surrogate @var{reference} with the variables
2306plugged in and then using the variables relativized as a side effect
2307of relativizing @var{reference} for evaluating @var{music}.
2309Since pitches don't have the object identity required for tracing the
2310effect of the reference call, they are replaced @emph{only} for the
2311purpose of evaluating @var{reference} with simple pitched note events.
2313The surrogate @var{reference} expression has to be written with that
2314in mind.  In addition, it must @emph{not} contain @emph{copies} of
2315music that is supposed to be relativized but rather the
2316@emph{originals}.  This @emph{includes} the pitch expressions.  As a
2317rule, inside of @code{#@{@dots{}#@}} variables must @emph{only} be
2318introduced using @code{#}, never via the copying construct @code{$}.
2319The reference expression will usually just be a sequential or chord
2320expression naming all variables in sequence, implying that following
2321music will be relativized according to the resulting pitch of the last
2322or first variable, respectively.
2324Since the usual purpose is to create more complex music from general
2325arguments and since music expression parts must not occur more than
2326once, one @emph{does} generally need to use copying operators in the
2327@emph{replacement} expression @var{music} when using an argument more
2328than once there.  Using an argument more than once in @var{reference},
2329in contrast, does not make sense.
2331There is another fine point to mind: @var{music} must @emph{only}
2332contain freshly constructed elements or copied constructs.  This will
2333be the case anyway for regular LilyPond code inside of
2334@code{#@{@dots{}#@}}, but any other elements (apart from the
2335@var{variables} themselves which are already copied) must be created
2336or copied as well.
2338The reason is that it is usually permitted to change music in-place as
2339long as one does a @var{ly:music-deep-copy} on it, and such a copy of
2340the whole resulting expression will @emph{not} be able to copy
2341variables/values inside of closures where the information for
2342relativization is being stored.
2345  ;; pitch and music generator might be stored instead in music
2346  ;; properties, and it might make sense to create a music type of its
2347  ;; own for this kind of construct rather than using
2348  ;; RelativeOctaveMusic
2349  (define ((make-relative::to-relative-callback variables music-call ref-call)
2350           music pitch)
2351    (let* ((ref-vars (map (lambda (v)
2352                            (if (ly:pitch? v)
2353                                (make-music 'NoteEvent 'pitch v)
2354                                (ly:music-deep-copy v)))
2355                          variables))
2356           (after-pitch (ly:make-music-relative! (apply ref-call ref-vars) pitch))
2357           (actual-vars (map (lambda (v r)
2358                               (if (ly:pitch? v)
2359                                   (ly:music-property r 'pitch)
2360                                   r))
2361                             variables ref-vars))
2362           (rel-music (apply music-call actual-vars)))
2363      (set! (ly:music-property music 'element) rel-music)
2364      after-pitch))
2365  `(make-music 'RelativeOctaveMusic
2366               'to-relative-callback
2367               (,make-relative::to-relative-callback
2368                (list ,@variables)
2369                (lambda ,variables ,music)
2370                (lambda ,variables ,reference))
2371               'element ,music))
2374;; The following functions are all associated with the crossStaff
2375;;  function
2377(define (close-enough? x y)
2378  "Values are close enough to ignore the difference"
2379  (< (abs (- x y)) 0.0001))
2381(define (extent-combine extents)
2382  "Combine a list of extents"
2383  (if (pair? (cdr extents))
2384      (interval-union (car extents) (extent-combine (cdr extents)))
2385      (car extents)))
2387(define ((stem-connectable? ref root) stem)
2388  "Check if the stem is connectable to the root"
2389  ;; The root is always connectable to itself
2390  (or (eq? root stem)
2391      (and
2392       ;; Horizontal positions of the stems must be almost the same
2393       (close-enough? (car (ly:grob-extent root ref X))
2394                      (car (ly:grob-extent stem ref X)))
2395       ;; The stem must be in the direction away from the root's notehead
2396       (positive? (* (ly:grob-property root 'direction)
2397                     (- (car (ly:grob-extent stem ref Y))
2398                        (car (ly:grob-extent root ref Y))))))))
2400(define (stem-span-stencil span)
2401  "Connect stems if we have at least one stem connectable to the root"
2402  (let* ((system (ly:grob-system span))
2403         (root (ly:grob-parent span X))
2404         (stems (filter (stem-connectable? system root)
2405                        (ly:grob-object span 'stems))))
2406    (if (<= 2 (length stems))
2407        (let* ((yextents (map (lambda (st)
2408                                (ly:grob-extent st system Y)) stems))
2409               (yextent (extent-combine yextents))
2410               (layout (ly:grob-layout root))
2411               (blot (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'blot-diameter)))
2412          ;; Hide spanned stems
2413          (for-each (lambda (st)
2414                      (set! (ly:grob-property st 'stencil) #f))
2415                    stems)
2416          ;; Draw a nice looking stem with rounded corners
2417          (ly:round-filled-box (ly:grob-extent root root X) yextent blot))
2418        ;; Nothing to connect, don't draw the span
2419        #f)))
2421(define ((make-stem-span! stems trans) root)
2422  "Create a stem span as a child of the cross-staff stem (the root)"
2423  (let ((span (ly:engraver-make-grob trans 'Stem '())))
2424    (ly:grob-set-parent! span X root)
2425    (set! (ly:grob-object span 'stems) stems)
2426    ;; Suppress positioning, the stem code is confused by this weird stem
2427    (set! (ly:grob-property span 'X-offset) 0)
2428    (set! (ly:grob-property span 'stencil) stem-span-stencil)))
2430(define-public (cross-staff-connect stem)
2431  "Set cross-staff property of the stem to this function to connect it to
2432other stems automatically"
2433  #t)
2435(define (stem-is-root? stem)
2436  "Check if automatic connecting of the stem was requested.  Stems connected
2437to cross-staff beams are cross-staff, but they should not be connected to
2438other stems just because of that."
2439  (eq? cross-staff-connect (ly:grob-property-data stem 'cross-staff)))
2441(define (make-stem-spans! ctx stems trans)
2442  "Create stem spans for cross-staff stems"
2443  ;; Cannot do extensive checks here, just make sure there are at least
2444  ;; two stems at this musical moment
2445  (if (<= 2 (length stems))
2446      (let ((roots (filter stem-is-root? stems)))
2447        (for-each (make-stem-span! stems trans) roots))))
2449(define-public (Span_stem_engraver ctx)
2450  "Connect cross-staff stems to the stems above in the system."
2451  (let ((stems '()))
2452    (make-engraver
2453     ;; Record all stems for the given moment
2454     (acknowledgers
2455      ((stem-interface trans grob source)
2456       (set! stems (cons grob stems))))
2457     ;; Process stems and reset the stem list to empty
2458     ((process-acknowledged trans)
2459      (make-stem-spans! ctx stems trans)
2460      (set! stems '())))))
2463;; The following is used by the alterBroken function.
2465(define ((value-for-spanner-piece arg) grob)
2466  "Associate a piece of broken spanner @var{grob} with an element
2467of list @var{arg}."
2468  (if (ly:spanner? grob)
2469      (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
2470             (siblings (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)))
2472        (define (helper sibs arg)
2473          (if (null? arg)
2474              arg
2475              (if (eq? (car sibs) grob)
2476                  (car arg)
2477                  (helper (cdr sibs) (cdr arg)))))
2479        (if (>= (length siblings) 2)
2480            (helper siblings arg)
2481            (car arg)))
2482      (ly:event-warning (event-cause grob)
2483                       "this ~a is not a spanner"
2484                       (grob::name grob))))
2485(export value-for-spanner-piece)
2488;; The following are used by the \offset function
2490(define (find-value-to-offset grob prop self alist)
2491  "Return the first value of the property @var{prop} in the property
2492alist @var{alist} -- after having found @var{self}.  If @var{self} is
2493not found, return the first value of @var{prop}."
2494  (let* ((lookfor (cons prop self))
2495         (segment (member lookfor alist)))
2496    (if (not segment)
2497        (assoc-get prop alist)
2498        (if (member lookfor (cdr segment))
2499            (begin
2500              (ly:grob-warning grob prop (_ "giving up on cloned grob transform"))
2501              (find-value-to-offset grob prop self (cdr segment)))
2502            (assoc-get prop (cdr segment))))))
2504(define (offset-multiple-types arg offsets)
2505  "Displace @var{arg} by @var{offsets} if @var{arg} is a number, a
2506number pair, or a list of number pairs.  If @var{offsets} is an empty
2507list or if there is a type-mismatch, @var{arg} will be returned."
2508  (cond
2509   ((and (number? arg) (number? offsets))
2510    (+ arg offsets))
2511   ((and (number-pair? arg)
2512         (or (number? offsets)
2513             (number-pair? offsets)))
2514    (coord-translate arg offsets))
2515   ((and (number-pair-list? arg) (number-pair-list? offsets))
2516    (map coord-translate arg offsets))
2517   (else arg)))
2519(define-public (grob-transformer property func)
2520  "Create an override value good for applying @var{func} to either
2521pure or unpure values.  @var{func} is called with the respective grob
2522as first argument and the default value (after resolving all callbacks)
2523as the second."
2524  (define (worker self caller grob . rest)
2525    (let* ((immutable (ly:grob-basic-properties grob))
2526           ;; We need to search the basic-properties alist for our
2527           ;; property to obtain values to offset.  Our search is
2528           ;; complicated by the fact that calling the music function
2529           ;; `offset' as an override conses a pair to the head of the
2530           ;; alist.  This pair must be discounted.  The closure it
2531           ;; contains is named `self' so it can be easily recognized.
2532           ;; If `offset' is called as a tweak, the basic-property
2533           ;; alist is unaffected.
2534           (target (find-value-to-offset grob property self immutable))
2535           ;; if target is a procedure, we need to apply it to our
2536           ;; grob to calculate values to offset.
2537           (vals (apply caller target grob rest)))
2538      (func grob vals)))
2539  ;; return the container named `self'.  The container self-reference
2540  ;; seems like chasing its own tail but gets dissolved by
2541  ;; define/lambda separating binding and referencing of "self".
2542  (define self (ly:make-unpure-pure-container
2543                (lambda (grob)
2544                  (worker self ly:unpure-call grob))
2545                (lambda (grob . rest)
2546                  (apply worker self ly:pure-call grob rest))))
2547  self)
2549(define-public (offsetter property offsets)
2550  "Apply @var{offsets} to the default values of @var{property} of @var{grob}.
2551Offsets are restricted to immutable properties and values of type @code{number},
2552@code{number-pair}, or @code{number-pair-list}."
2553  (define (offset-fun grob vals)
2554    (let ((can-type-be-offset?
2555           (or (number? vals)
2556               (number-pair? vals)
2557               (number-pair-list? vals))))
2558      (if can-type-be-offset?
2559          ;; '(+inf.0 . -inf.0) would offset to itself.  This will be
2560          ;; confusing to a user unaware of the default value of the
2561          ;; property, so issue a warning.
2562          (if (equal? empty-interval vals)
2563              (ly:warning (_ "default '~a of ~a is ~a and can't be offset")
2564                          property grob vals)
2565              (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob))
2566                     (siblings
2567                      (if (ly:spanner? grob)
2568                          (ly:spanner-broken-into orig)
2569                          '()))
2570                     (total-found (length siblings))
2571                     ;; Since there is some flexibility in input
2572                     ;; syntax, structure of `offsets' is normalized.
2573                     (offsets
2574                      (if (or (not (pair? offsets))
2575                              (number-pair? offsets)
2576                              (and (number-pair-list? offsets)
2577                                   (number-pair-list? vals)))
2578                          (list offsets)
2579                          offsets)))
2581                (define (helper sibs offs)
2582                  ;; apply offsets to the siblings of broken spanners
2583                  (if (pair? offs)
2584                      (if (eq? (car sibs) grob)
2585                          (offset-multiple-types vals (car offs))
2586                          (helper (cdr sibs) (cdr offs)))
2587                      vals))
2589                (if (>= total-found 2)
2590                    (helper siblings offsets)
2591                    (offset-multiple-types vals (car offsets)))))
2593          (begin
2594            (ly:warning (_ "the property '~a of ~a cannot be offset") property grob)
2595            vals))))
2596  (grob-transformer property offset-fun))
2599;; \magnifyMusic and \magnifyStaff
2601;; defined as a function instead of a list because the
2602;; all-grob-descriptions alist is not available yet
2603(define-public (find-named-props prop-name grob-descriptions)
2604  "Used by @code{\\magnifyMusic} and @code{\\magnifyStaff}.  If
2605@var{grob-descriptions} is equal to the @code{all-grob-descriptions}
2606alist (defined in @file{scm/define-grobs.scm}), this finds all grobs
2607that can have a value for the @var{prop-name} property, and return them
2608as a list in the following format:
2610'((grob prop-name)
2611  (grob prop-name)
2612  ...)
2613@end example"
2614  (define (find-grobs-with-interface interface grob-descriptions)
2615    (define (has-this-interface? grob-desc)
2616      (let* ((meta (ly:assoc-get 'meta (cdr grob-desc)))
2617             (interfaces (ly:assoc-get 'interfaces meta '())))
2618        (memq interface interfaces)))
2619    (let* ((grob-descriptions-with-this-interface
2620            (filter has-this-interface? grob-descriptions))
2621           (grob-names-with-this-interface
2622            (map car grob-descriptions-with-this-interface)))
2623      grob-names-with-this-interface))
2624  (let* ((interface
2625          (case prop-name
2626            ((baseline-skip word-space) 'text-interface)
2627            ((space-alist)              'break-aligned-interface)
2628            (else (ly:programming-error
2629                   "find-named-props: no interface associated with ~s"
2630                   prop-name))))
2631         (grobs-with-this-prop
2632          (find-grobs-with-interface interface grob-descriptions)))
2633    (map (lambda (x) (list x prop-name))
2634         grobs-with-this-prop)))
2637(define (magnifyStaff-is-set? context mag)
2638  (let* ((Staff (ly:context-find context 'Staff))
2639         (old-mag (ly:context-property Staff 'magnifyStaffValue)))
2640    (not (null? old-mag))))
2642(define (staff-magnification-is-changing? context mag)
2643  (let* ((Staff (ly:context-find context 'Staff))
2644         (old-mag (ly:context-property Staff 'magnifyStaffValue 1)))
2645    (not (= old-mag mag))))
2647(define-public (scale-fontSize func-name mag)
2648  "Used by @code{\\magnifyMusic} and @code{\\magnifyStaff}.  Look up the
2649current @code{fontSize} in the appropriate context and scale it by the
2650magnification factor @var{mag}.  @var{func-name} is either
2651@code{'magnifyMusic} or @code{'magnifyStaff}."
2652  (make-apply-context
2653   (lambda (context)
2654     (if (or (eq? func-name 'magnifyMusic)
2655             ;; for \magnifyStaff, only scale the fontSize
2656             ;; if staff magnification is changing
2657             ;; and does not equal 1
2658             (and (staff-magnification-is-changing? context mag)
2659                  (not (= mag 1))))
2660         (let* ((where (case func-name
2661                         ((magnifyMusic) context)
2662                         ((magnifyStaff) (ly:context-find context 'Staff))))
2663                (fontSize (ly:context-property where 'fontSize 0))
2664                (new-fontSize (+ fontSize (magnification->font-size mag))))
2665           (ly:context-set-property! where 'fontSize new-fontSize))))))
2667(define-public (revert-fontSize func-name mag)
2668  "Used by @code{\\magnifyMusic} and @code{\\magnifyStaff}.  Calculate
2669the previous @code{fontSize} value (before scaling) by factoring out the
2670magnification factor @var{mag} (if @var{func-name} is
2671@code{'magnifyMusic}), or by factoring out the context property
2672@code{magnifyStaffValue} (if @var{func-name} is @code{'magnifyStaff}).
2673Revert the @code{fontSize} in the appropriate context accordingly.
2675With @code{\\magnifyMusic}, the scaling is reverted after the music
2676block it operates on.  @code{\\magnifyStaff} does not operate on a music
2677block, so the scaling from a previous call (if there is one) is reverted
2678before the new scaling takes effect."
2679  (make-apply-context
2680   (lambda (context)
2681     (if (or (eq? func-name 'magnifyMusic)
2682             ;; for \magnifyStaff...
2683             (and
2684              ;; don't revert the user's fontSize choice
2685              ;; the first time \magnifyStaff is called
2686              (magnifyStaff-is-set? context mag)
2687              ;; only revert the previous fontSize
2688              ;; if staff magnification is changing
2689              (staff-magnification-is-changing? context mag)))
2690         (let* ((where
2691                 (case func-name
2692                   ((magnifyMusic) context)
2693                   ((magnifyStaff) (ly:context-find context 'Staff))))
2694                (old-mag
2695                 (case func-name
2696                   ((magnifyMusic) mag)
2697                   ((magnifyStaff)
2698                    (ly:context-property where 'magnifyStaffValue 1))))
2699                (fontSize (ly:context-property where 'fontSize 0))
2700                (old-fontSize (- fontSize (magnification->font-size old-mag))))
2701           (ly:context-set-property! where 'fontSize old-fontSize))))))
2703(define-public (scale-props func-name mag allowed-to-shrink? props)
2704  "Used by @code{\\magnifyMusic} and @code{\\magnifyStaff}.  For each
2705prop in @var{props}, find the current value of the requested prop, scale
2706it by the magnification factor @var{mag}, and do the equivalent of a
2707@code{\\temporary@tie{}\\override} with the new value in the appropriate
2708context.  If @var{allowed-to-shrink?} is @code{#f}, don't let the new
2709value be less than the current value.  @var{func-name} is either
2710@code{'magnifyMusic} or @code{'magnifyStaff}.  The @var{props} list is
2711formatted like:
2713'((Stem thickness)
2714  (Slur line-thickness)
2715  ...)
2716@end example"
2717  (make-apply-context
2718   (lambda (context)
2719     (define (scale-prop grob-prop-list)
2720       (let* ((grob (car grob-prop-list))
2721              (prop (cadr grob-prop-list))
2722              (where (if (eq? grob 'SpacingSpanner)
2723                         (ly:context-find context 'Score)
2724                         (case func-name
2725                           ((magnifyMusic) context)
2726                           ((magnifyStaff) (ly:context-find context 'Staff)))))
2727              (grob-def (ly:context-grob-definition where grob)))
2728         (if (eq? prop 'space-alist)
2729             (let* ((space-alist (ly:assoc-get prop grob-def))
2730                    (scale-spacing-tuple (lambda (x)
2731                                           (cons (car x)
2732                                                 (cons (cadr x)
2733                                                       (* mag (cddr x))))))
2734                    (scaled-tuples (if space-alist
2735                                       (map scale-spacing-tuple space-alist)
2736                                       '()))
2737                    (new-alist (append scaled-tuples space-alist)))
2738               (ly:context-pushpop-property where grob prop new-alist))
2739             (let* ((val (ly:assoc-get prop grob-def (case prop
2740                                                       ((baseline-skip) 3)
2741                                                       ((word-space)    0.6)
2742                                                       (else            1))))
2743                    (proc (lambda (x)
2744                            (if allowed-to-shrink?
2745                                (* x mag)
2746                                (* x (max 1 mag)))))
2747                    (new-val (if (number-pair? val)
2748                                 (cons (proc (car val))
2749                                       (proc (cdr val)))
2750                                 (proc val))))
2751               (ly:context-pushpop-property where grob prop new-val)))))
2752     (if (or (eq? func-name 'magnifyMusic)
2753             ;; for \magnifyStaff, only scale the properties
2754             ;; if staff magnification is changing
2755             ;; and does not equal 1
2756             (and (staff-magnification-is-changing? context mag)
2757                  (not (= mag 1))))
2758         (for-each scale-prop props)))))
2760(define-public (revert-props func-name mag props)
2761  "Used by @code{\\magnifyMusic} and @code{\\magnifyStaff}.  Revert each
2762prop in @var{props} in the appropriate context.  @var{func-name} is
2763either @code{'magnifyMusic} or @code{'magnifyStaff}.  The @var{props}
2764list is formatted like:
2766'((Stem thickness)
2767  (Slur line-thickness)
2768  ...)
2769@end example"
2770  (make-apply-context
2771   (lambda (context)
2772     (define (revert-prop grob-prop-list)
2773       (let* ((grob (car grob-prop-list))
2774              (prop (cadr grob-prop-list))
2775              (where (if (eq? grob 'SpacingSpanner)
2776                         (ly:context-find context 'Score)
2777                         (case func-name
2778                           ((magnifyMusic) context)
2779                           ((magnifyStaff) (ly:context-find context 'Staff))))))
2780         (ly:context-pushpop-property where grob prop)))
2781     (if (or (eq? func-name 'magnifyMusic)
2782             ;; for \magnifyStaff...
2783             (and
2784              ;; don't revert the user's property overrides
2785              ;; the first time \magnifyStaff is called
2786              (magnifyStaff-is-set? context mag)
2787              ;; revert the overrides from the previous \magnifyStaff,
2788              ;; but only if staff magnification is changing
2789              (staff-magnification-is-changing? context mag)))
2790         (for-each revert-prop props)))))
2792;; \magnifyMusic only
2793(define-public (scale-beam-thickness mag)
2794  "Used by @code{\\magnifyMusic}.  Scaling @code{Beam.beam-thickness}
2795exactly to the @var{mag} value will not work.  This uses two reference
2796values for @code{beam-thickness} to determine an acceptable value when
2797scaling, then does the equivalent of a
2798@code{\\temporary@tie{}\\override} with the new value."
2799  (make-apply-context
2800   (lambda (context)
2801     (let* ((grob-def (ly:context-grob-definition context 'Beam))
2802            (val (ly:assoc-get 'beam-thickness grob-def 0.48))
2803            (ratio-to-default (/ val 0.48))
2804            ;; gives beam-thickness=0.48 when mag=1 (like default),
2805            ;; gives beam-thickness=0.35 when mag=0.63 (like CueVoice)
2806            (scaled-default (+ 119/925 (* mag 13/37)))
2807            (new-val (* scaled-default ratio-to-default)))
2808       (ly:context-pushpop-property context 'Beam 'beam-thickness new-val)))))
2810;; tag management
2813(define tag-groups (make-hash-table))
2815(define-public (define-tag-group tags)
2816  "Define a tag group consisting of the given @var{tags}, a@tie{}list
2817of symbols.  Returns @code{#f} if successful, and an error message if
2818there is a conflicting tag group definition."
2819  (cond ((not (symbol-list? tags)) (format #f (_ "not a symbol list: ~a") tags))
2820        ((any (lambda (tag) (hashq-ref tag-groups tag)) tags)
2821         => (lambda (group) (and (not (lset= eq? group tags))
2822                                 (format #f (_ "conflicting tag group ~a") group))))
2823        (else
2824         (for-each
2825          (lambda (elt) (hashq-set! tag-groups elt tags))
2826          tags)
2827         #f)))
2829;; Isolate LilyPond's internal tags from the user's tags.
2830(define-tag-group '($autoChange))
2831(define-tag-group '($partCombine))
2833;; Save the default tag groups and restore them after every session.
2834(define default-tag-groups (hash-table->alist tag-groups))
2835(call-after-session (lambda ()
2836                      (set! tag-groups (alist->hash-table default-tag-groups))))
2838(define-public (tag-group-get tag)
2839  "Return the tag group (as a list of symbols) that the given
2840@var{tag} symbol belongs to, @code{#f} if none."
2841  (hashq-ref tag-groups tag))
2843(define-public (tags-remove-predicate tags)
2844  "Return a predicate that returns @code{#f} for any music that is to
2845be removed by @code{\\removeWithTag} on the given symbol or list of
2846symbols @var{tags}."
2847  (if (symbol? tags)
2848      (lambda (m)
2849        (not (memq tags (ly:music-property m 'tags))))
2850      (lambda (m)
2851        (not (any (lambda (t) (memq t tags))
2852                  (ly:music-property m 'tags))))))
2854(define-public (tags-keep-predicate tags)
2855  "Return a predicate that returns @code{#f} for any music that is to
2856be removed by @code{\\keepWithTag} on the given symbol or list of symbols
2858  (if (symbol? tags)
2859      (let ((group (tag-group-get tags)))
2860        (lambda (m)
2861          (let ((music-tags (ly:music-property m 'tags)))
2862            (or
2863             (null? music-tags) ; redundant but very frequent
2864             ;; We know of only one tag to keep.  Either we find it in
2865             ;; the music tags, or all music tags must be from a
2866             ;; different group
2867             (memq tags music-tags)
2868             (not (any (lambda (t) (eq? (tag-group-get t) group)) music-tags))))))
2869      (let ((groups (delete-duplicates (map tag-group-get tags) eq?)))
2870        (lambda (m)
2871          (let ((music-tags (ly:music-property m 'tags)))
2872            (or
2873             (null? music-tags) ; redundant but very frequent
2874             (any (lambda (t) (memq t tags)) music-tags)
2875             ;; if no tag matches, no tag group should match either
2876             (not (any (lambda (t) (memq (tag-group-get t) groups)) music-tags))))))))