VPTOVF 1 "16 December 1994" "Web2C @VERSION@"
the same but obliqued
BX definition must follow TX so BX can use TX
LX definition must follow TX so LX can use TX
vptovf - convert virtual property lists to virtual font metrics
vptovf [ -verbose ] vpl_name [ .vpl ] [ vfm_name [ .vf ] [ tfm_name [ .tfm ]]] =====================================================================
This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive. The complete documentation for this version of \*(TX can be found in the info file or manual "Web2C: A TeX implementation" .

The vptovf program translates a (human-oriented) property list file to a pair of (program-oriented) files in the VF (virtual font) and TFM (\*(TX font metric) formats. Thus, a virtual font file can be edited and its exact contents can be displayed mnemonically. New virtual fonts, which map characters as seen by \*(TX into an arbitrary sequence of low-level typesetting operations, can also be created in this way.

All three filenames, vpl_name , vf_name , and tfm_name , are extended with the appropriate suffix, if they lack one. =====================================================================

Without the -verbose option, vptovf operates silently. With it, a banner and progress report are printed on stdout . =====================================================================
pltotf (1), tftopl (1), vftovp (1). =====================================================================
Donald E. Knuth wrote the program, based in part on an idea of David Fuchs, starting with the code for pltotf (1). Karl Berry adapted it for compilation with web2c .