1This directory contains the programs that convert the original web
2sources to C.
4The convert shell script is the thing that actually gets invoked from
5the Makefile.  It runs web2c, fixwrites, and splitup in turn, plus
6various sed nonsense.  web2c parses Pascal and outputs C; fixwrites
7shouldn't be necessary, it converts multiple-argument writes into C;
8splitup splits the output file into pieces for the sake of broken
11To define a new symbol (e.g., a function) to be used in the change
12files, it's necessary to add it to texmf.defines (if it's only used in
13TeX/MF/MP) or common.defines (otherwise) here, as well as making the
14actual definition.  New functions in the library should be declared
15somewhere, probably cpascal.h.  Of course no underscores are allowed,
16since tangle removes them.