1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction_hxx
19 #define itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction_hxx
21 #include "itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction.h"
22 #include "itkImage.h"
23 #include "itkMatrix.h"
24 #include "itkMath.h"
25 #include "itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h"
27 namespace itk
28 {
29 /** Constructor */
30 template< typename TCoordRep, unsigned int VSpaceDimension,
31           unsigned int VSplineOrder >
32 BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension, VSplineOrder >
BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction()33 ::BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction()
34 {
35   // Initialize the number of weights;
36   m_NumberOfWeights =
37     static_cast< unsigned int >( std::pow( static_cast< double >( SplineOrder + 1 ),
38                                           static_cast< double >( SpaceDimension ) ) );
40   // Initialize support region is a hypercube of length SplineOrder + 1
41   m_SupportSize.Fill(SplineOrder + 1);
43   // Initialize offset to index lookup table
44   m_OffsetToIndexTable.set_size(m_NumberOfWeights, SpaceDimension);
46   using CharImageType = Image< char, SpaceDimension >;
47   typename CharImageType::Pointer tempImage = CharImageType::New();
48   tempImage->SetRegions(m_SupportSize);
49   tempImage->Allocate(true); // initialize buffer to zero
51   using IteratorType = ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< CharImageType >;
52   IteratorType iterator( tempImage, tempImage->GetBufferedRegion() );
53   unsigned int counter = 0;
55   while ( !iterator.IsAtEnd() )
56     {
57     for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < SpaceDimension; j++ )
58       {
59       m_OffsetToIndexTable[counter][j] = iterator.GetIndex()[j];
60       }
61     ++counter;
62     ++iterator;
63     }
65   // Initialize the interpolation kernel
66   m_Kernel = KernelType::New();
67 }
69 /**
70  * Standard "PrintSelf" method
71  */
72 template< typename TCoordRep, unsigned int VSpaceDimension,
73           unsigned int VSplineOrder >
74 void
75 BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension, VSplineOrder >
PrintSelf(std::ostream & os,Indent indent) const76 ::PrintSelf(
77   std::ostream & os,
78   Indent indent) const
79 {
80   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
82   os << indent << "NumberOfWeights: " << m_NumberOfWeights << std::endl;
83   os << indent << "SupportSize: " << m_SupportSize << std::endl;
84 }
86 /** Compute weights for interpolation at continuous index position */
87 template< typename TCoordRep, unsigned int VSpaceDimension,
88           unsigned int VSplineOrder >
89 typename BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension,
90                                              VSplineOrder >
91 ::WeightsType
92 BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension, VSplineOrder >
Evaluate(const ContinuousIndexType & index) const93 ::Evaluate(
94   const ContinuousIndexType & index) const
95 {
96   WeightsType weights(m_NumberOfWeights);
97   IndexType   startIndex;
99   this->Evaluate(index, weights, startIndex);
101   return weights;
102 }
104 /** Compute weights for interpolation at continuous index position */
105 template< typename TCoordRep, unsigned int VSpaceDimension,
106           unsigned int VSplineOrder >
107 void BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension,
108                                          VSplineOrder >
Evaluate(const ContinuousIndexType & index,WeightsType & weights,IndexType & startIndex) const109 ::Evaluate(
110   const ContinuousIndexType & index,
111   WeightsType & weights,
112   IndexType & startIndex) const
113 {
114   unsigned int j, k;
116   // Find the starting index of the support region
117   for ( j = 0; j < SpaceDimension; j++ )
118     {
119     // Note that the expression passed to Math::Floor is adapted to work around
120     // a compiler bug which caused endless compilations (apparently), by
121     // Visual C++ 2015 Update 3, on 64-bit builds of Release configurations.
122     startIndex[j] = Math::Floor< IndexValueType >(index[j] + 0.5 - SplineOrder/2.0);
123     }
125   // Compute the weights
126   Matrix< double, SpaceDimension, SplineOrder + 1 > weights1D;
127   for ( j = 0; j < SpaceDimension; j++ )
128     {
129     double x = index[j] - static_cast< double >( startIndex[j] );
131     for ( k = 0; k <= SplineOrder; k++ )
132       {
133       weights1D[j][k] = m_Kernel->Evaluate(x);
134       x -= 1.0;
135       }
136     }
138   for ( k = 0; k < m_NumberOfWeights; k++ )
139     {
140     weights[k] = 1.0;
142     for ( j = 0; j < SpaceDimension; j++ )
143       {
144       weights[k] *= weights1D[j][m_OffsetToIndexTable[k][j]];
145       }
146     }
147 }
148 } // end namespace itk
150 #endif