1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 /*=========================================================================
19  *
20  *  Portions of this file are subject to the VTK Toolkit Version 3 copyright.
21  *
22  *  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
23  *
24  *  For complete copyright, license and disclaimer of warranty information
25  *  please refer to the NOTICE file at the top of the ITK source tree.
26  *
27  *=========================================================================*/
28 #ifndef itkMath_h
29 #define itkMath_h
31 #include "itkMathDetail.h"
32 #include "itkConceptChecking.h"
33 #include <vnl/vnl_math.h>
35 /* Only maintain backwards compatibility with old versions
36  * of VXL back to the point where vnl_math:: was introduced
37  * versions of VXL where only vnl_math_ was available are not
38  * supported.
39  */
40 #include <vxl_version.h>
42 namespace itk
43 {
44 namespace Math
45 {
46 // These constants originate from VXL's vnl_math.h. They have been
47 // moved here to improve visibility, and to ensure that the constants
48 // are available during compile time ( as opposed to static ITK_CONSTEXPR
49 // member vaiables ).
52 /** \brief \f[e\f] The base of the natural logarithm or Euler's number */
53 static constexpr double e                = vnl_math::e;
54 /** \brief  \f[ \log_2 e \f] */
55 static constexpr double log2e            = vnl_math::log2e;
56 /** \brief \f[ \log_{10} e \f] */
57 static constexpr double log10e           = vnl_math::log10e;
58 /** \brief \f[ \log_e 2 \f] */
59 static constexpr double ln2              = vnl_math::ln2;
60 /** \brief \f[ \log_e 10 \f] */
61 static constexpr double ln10             = vnl_math::ln10;
62 /** \brief \f[ \pi \f]  */
63 static constexpr double pi               = vnl_math::pi;
64 /** \brief \f[ 2\pi \f]  */
65 static constexpr double twopi            = vnl_math::twopi;
66 /** \brief \f[ \frac{\pi}{2} \f]  */
67 static constexpr double pi_over_2        = vnl_math::pi_over_2;
68 /** \brief \f[ \frac{\pi}{4} \f]  */
69 static constexpr double pi_over_4        = vnl_math::pi_over_4;
70 /** \brief \f[ \frac{\pi}{180} \f]  */
71 static constexpr double pi_over_180      = vnl_math::pi_over_180;
72 /** \brief \f[ \frac{1}{\pi} \f]  */
73 static constexpr double one_over_pi      = vnl_math::one_over_pi;
74 /** \brief \f[ \frac{2}{\pi} \f]  */
75 static constexpr double two_over_pi      = vnl_math::two_over_pi;
76 /** \brief \f[ \frac{180}{\pi} \f]  */
77 static constexpr double deg_per_rad      = vnl_math::deg_per_rad;
78 /** \brief \f[ \sqrt{2\pi} \f]  */
79 static constexpr double sqrt2pi          = vnl_math::sqrt2pi;
80 /** \brief \f[ \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \f]  */
81 static constexpr double two_over_sqrtpi  = vnl_math::two_over_sqrtpi;
82 /** \brief \f[ \frac{2}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \f]  */
83 static constexpr double one_over_sqrt2pi = vnl_math::one_over_sqrt2pi;
84 /** \brief \f[ \sqrt{2} \f]  */
85 static constexpr double sqrt2            = vnl_math::sqrt2;
86 /** \brief \f[ \sqrt{ \frac{1}{2}} \f] */
87 static constexpr double sqrt1_2          = vnl_math::sqrt1_2;
88 /** \brief \f[ \sqrt{ \frac{1}{3}} \f] */
89 static constexpr double sqrt1_3          = vnl_math::sqrt1_3;
90 /** \brief euler constant */
91 static constexpr double euler            = vnl_math::euler;
93 //: IEEE double machine precision
94 static constexpr double eps              = vnl_math::eps;
95 static constexpr double sqrteps          = vnl_math::sqrteps;
96 //: IEEE single machine precision
97 static constexpr float  float_eps        = vnl_math::float_eps;
98 static constexpr float  float_sqrteps    = vnl_math::float_sqrteps;
100 /** A useful macro to generate a template floating point to integer
101  *  conversion templated on the return type and using either the 32
102  *  bit, the 64 bit or the vanilla version */
103 #define itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro(name)                                     \
104   template< typename TReturn, typename TInput >                                     \
105   inline TReturn name(TInput x)                                                     \
106     {                                                                               \
107                                                                                     \
108     if ( sizeof( TReturn ) <= 4 )                                                   \
109       {                                                                             \
110       return static_cast< TReturn >( Detail::name##_32(x) );                        \
111       }                                                                             \
112     else if ( sizeof( TReturn ) <= 8 )                                              \
113       {                                                                             \
114       return static_cast< TReturn >( Detail::name##_64(x) );                        \
115       }                                                                             \
116     else                                                                            \
117       {                                                                             \
118       return static_cast< TReturn >( Detail::name##_base< TReturn, TInput >(x) );   \
119       }                                                                             \
120     }
122 /** \brief Round towards nearest integer
123  *
124  *  \tparam TReturn must be an integer type
125  *  \tparam TInput must be float or double
126  *
127  *          halfway cases are rounded towards the nearest even
128  *          integer, e.g.
129     \code
130             RoundHalfIntegerToEven( 1.5) ==  2
131             RoundHalfIntegerToEven(-1.5) == -2
132             RoundHalfIntegerToEven( 2.5) ==  2
133             RoundHalfIntegerToEven( 3.5) ==  4
134     \endcode
135  *
136  *  The behavior of overflow is undefined due to numerous implementations.
137  *
138  *  \warning We assume that the rounding mode is not changed from the default
139  *  one (or at least that it is always restored to the default one).
140  */
141 itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro(RoundHalfIntegerToEven);
143 /** \brief Round towards nearest integer
144  *
145  *  \tparam TReturn must be an integer type
146  *  \tparam TInput must be float or double
147  *
148  *          halfway cases are rounded upward, e.g.
149     \code
150             RoundHalfIntegerUp( 1.5) ==  2
151             RoundHalfIntegerUp(-1.5) == -1
152             RoundHalfIntegerUp( 2.5) ==  3
153     \endcode
154  *
155  *  The behavior of overflow is undefined due to numerous implementations.
156  *
157  *  \warning The argument absolute value must be less than
158  *  NumbericTraits<TReturn>::max()/2 for RoundHalfIntegerUp to be
159  *  guaranteed to work.
160  *
161  *  \warning We also assume that the rounding mode is not changed from
162  *  the default one (or at least that it is always restored to the
163  *  default one).
164  */
165 itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro(RoundHalfIntegerUp);
167 /** \brief Round towards nearest integer (This is a synonym for RoundHalfIntegerUp)
168  *
169  *  \tparam TReturn must be an integer type
170  *  \tparam TInput must be float or double
171  *
172  *  \sa RoundHalfIntegerUp<TReturn, TInput>()
173  */
174 template< typename TReturn, typename TInput >
Round(TInput x)175 inline TReturn Round(TInput x) { return RoundHalfIntegerUp< TReturn, TInput >(x); }
177 /** \brief Round towards minus infinity
178  *
179  *  The behavior of overflow is undefined due to numerous implementations.
180  *
181  *  \warning argument absolute value must be less than
182  *  NumbericTraits<TReturn>::max()/2 for vnl_math_floor to be
183  *  guaranteed to work.
184  *
185  *  \warning We also assume that the rounding mode is not changed from
186  *  the default one (or at least that it is always restored to the
187  *  default one).
188  */
189 itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro(Floor);
191 /** \brief Round towards plus infinity
192  *
193  *  The behavior of overflow is undefined due to numerous implementations.
194  *
195  *  \warning argument absolute value must be less than INT_MAX/2
196  *  for vnl_math_ceil to be guaranteed to work.
197  *  \warning We also assume that the rounding mode is not changed from
198  *  the default one (or at least that it is always restored to the
199  *  default one).
200  */
201 itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro(Ceil);
203 #undef  itkTemplateFloatingToIntegerMacro
205 template< typename TReturn, typename TInput >
CastWithRangeCheck(TInput x)206 inline TReturn CastWithRangeCheck(TInput x)
207 {
209   itkConceptMacro( OnlyDefinedForIntegerTypes1, ( itk::Concept::IsInteger< TReturn > ) );
210   itkConceptMacro( OnlyDefinedForIntegerTypes2, ( itk::Concept::IsInteger< TInput > ) );
213   auto ret = static_cast< TReturn >( x );
214   if ( sizeof( TReturn ) > sizeof( TInput )
215        && !( !itk::NumericTraits< TReturn >::is_signed &&  itk::NumericTraits< TInput >::is_signed ) )
216     {
217     // if the output type is bigger and we are not converting a signed
218     // integer to an unsigned integer then we have no problems
219     return ret;
220     }
221   else if ( sizeof( TReturn ) >= sizeof( TInput ) )
222     {
223     if ( itk::NumericTraits< TInput >::IsPositive(x) != itk::NumericTraits< TReturn >::IsPositive(ret) )
224       {
225       itk::RangeError _e(__FILE__, __LINE__);
226       throw _e;
227       }
228     }
229   else if ( static_cast< TInput >( ret ) != x
230             || ( itk::NumericTraits< TInput >::IsPositive(x) != itk::NumericTraits< TReturn >::IsPositive(ret) ) )
231     {
232     itk::RangeError _e(__FILE__, __LINE__);
233     throw _e;
234     }
235   return ret;
236 }
238 /** \brief Return the signed distance in ULPs (units in the last place) between two floats.
239  *
240  * This is the signed distance, i.e., if x1 > x2, then the result is positive.
241  *
242  * \sa FloatAlmostEqual
243  * \sa FloatAddULP
244  */
245 template <typename T>
246 inline typename Detail::FloatIEEE<T>::IntType
FloatDifferenceULP(T x1,T x2)247 FloatDifferenceULP( T x1, T x2 )
248 {
249   Detail::FloatIEEE<T> x1f(x1);
250   Detail::FloatIEEE<T> x2f(x2);
251   return x1f.AsULP() - x2f.AsULP();
252 }
254 /** \brief Add the given ULPs (units in the last place) to a float.
255  *
256  * If the given ULPs can are negative, they are subtracted.
257  *
258  * \sa FloatAlmostEqual
259  * \sa FloatDifferenceULP
260  */
261 template <typename T>
262 inline T
FloatAddULP(T x,typename Detail::FloatIEEE<T>::IntType ulps)263 FloatAddULP( T x, typename Detail::FloatIEEE<T>::IntType ulps )
264 {
265   Detail::FloatIEEE<T> representInput( x );
266   Detail::FloatIEEE<T> representOutput( representInput.asInt + ulps );
267   return representOutput.asFloat;
268 }
270 /** \brief Compare two floats and return if they are effectively equal.
271  *
272  * Determining when floats are almost equal is difficult because of their
273  * IEEE bit representation.  This function uses the integer representation of
274  * the float to determine if they are almost equal.
275  *
276  * The implementation is based off the explanation in the white papers:
277  *
278  * - http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition/
279  * - http://randomascii.wordpress.com/category/floating-point/
280  *
281  * This function is not a cure-all, and reading those articles is important
282  * to understand its appropriate use in the context of ULPs, zeros, subnormals,
283  * infinities, and NANs.  For example, it is preferable to use this function on
284  * two floats directly instead of subtracting them and comparing them to zero.
285  *
286  * The tolerance is specified in ULPs (units in the last place), i.e. how many
287  * floats there are in between the numbers.  Therefore, the tolerance depends on
288  * the magnitude of the values that are being compared.  A second tolerance is
289  * a maximum difference allowed, which is important when comparing numbers close to
290  * zero.
291  *
292  * A NAN compares as not equal to a number, but two NAN's may compare as equal
293  * to each other.
294  *
295  * \param x1                    first floating value to compare
296  * \param x2                    second floating values to compare
297  * \param maxUlps               maximum units in the last place to be considered equal
298  * \param maxAbsoluteDifference maximum absolute difference to be considered equal
299  */
300 template <typename T>
301 inline bool
302 FloatAlmostEqual( T x1, T x2,
303   typename Detail::FloatIEEE<T>::IntType maxUlps = 4,
304   typename Detail::FloatIEEE<T>::FloatType maxAbsoluteDifference = 0.1*itk::NumericTraits<T>::epsilon() )
305 {
306   // Check if the numbers are really close -- needed
307   // when comparing numbers near zero.
308   const T absDifference = std::abs(x1 - x2);
309   if ( absDifference <= maxAbsoluteDifference )
310     {
311     return true;
312     }
314 #if defined(__APPLE__) && (__clang_major__ == 3) && (__clang_minor__ == 0) && defined(NDEBUG) && defined(__x86_64__)
315   Detail::FloatIEEE<T> x1f(x1);
316   Detail::FloatIEEE<T> x2f(x2);
317   double x1fAsULP = static_cast<double>(x1f.AsULP());
318   double x2fAsULP = static_cast<double>(x2f.AsULP());
319   double ulps = x1fAsULP - x2fAsULP;
320   if(ulps < 0)
321     {
322     ulps = -ulps;
323     }
324   return ulps <= static_cast<double>(maxUlps);
325 #else
326    typename Detail::FloatIEEE<T>::IntType
327     ulps = FloatDifferenceULP(x1, x2);
328   if(ulps < 0)
329     {
330     ulps = -ulps;
331     }
332   return ulps <= maxUlps;
333 #endif
334 }
336 // The following code cannot be moved to the itkMathDetail.h file without introducing circular dependencies
337 namespace Detail  // The Detail namespace holds the templates used by AlmostEquals
338 {
339 // The following structs and templates are used to choose
340 // which version of the AlmostEquals function
341 // should be implemented base on input parameter types
343 // Structs for choosing AlmostEquals function
345 struct AlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat
346 {
347   template <typename TFloatType1, typename TFloatType2>
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat348   static bool AlmostEqualsFunction(TFloatType1 x1, TFloatType2 x2)
349   {
350     return FloatAlmostEqual<double>(x1, x2);
351   }
353   template <typename TFloatType1, typename TFloatType2>
354   static bool
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat355   AlmostEqualsFunction(double x1, double x2)
356   {
357     return FloatAlmostEqual<double>(x1, x2);
358   }
360   template <typename TFloatType1, typename TFloatType2>
361   static bool
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat362   AlmostEqualsFunction(double x1, float x2)
363   {
364     return FloatAlmostEqual<float>(x1, x2);
365   }
367   template <typename TFloatType1, typename TFloatType2>
368   static bool
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat369   AlmostEqualsFunction(float x1, double x2)
370   {
371     return FloatAlmostEqual<float>(x1, x2);
372   }
374   template <typename TFloatType1, typename TFloatType2>
375   static bool
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat376   AlmostEqualsFunction(float x1, float x2)
377   {
378     return FloatAlmostEqual<float>(x1, x2);
379   }
380 };
382 struct AlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger
383 {
384   template <typename TFloatType, typename TIntType>
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger385   static bool AlmostEqualsFunction(TFloatType floatingVariable, TIntType integerVariable)
386   {
387     return FloatAlmostEqual<TFloatType> (floatingVariable, integerVariable);
388   }
389 };
391 struct AlmostEqualsIntegerVsFloat
392 {
393   template <typename TIntType, typename TFloatType>
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsIntegerVsFloat394   static bool AlmostEqualsFunction(TIntType integerVariable, TFloatType floatingVariable)
395   {
396     return AlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger::AlmostEqualsFunction(floatingVariable, integerVariable);
397   }
398 };
400 struct AlmostEqualsSignedVsUnsigned
401 {
402   template <typename TSignedInt, typename TUnsignedInt>
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsSignedVsUnsigned403   static bool AlmostEqualsFunction(TSignedInt signedVariable, TUnsignedInt unsignedVariable)
404   {
405     if(signedVariable < 0) return false;
406     if( unsignedVariable > static_cast< size_t >(itk::NumericTraits<TSignedInt>::max()) ) return false;
407     return signedVariable == static_cast< TSignedInt >(unsignedVariable);
408   }
409 };
411 struct AlmostEqualsUnsignedVsSigned
412 {
413   template <typename TUnsignedInt, typename TSignedInt>
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsUnsignedVsSigned414   static bool AlmostEqualsFunction(TUnsignedInt unsignedVariable, TSignedInt signedVariable)
415   {
416     return AlmostEqualsSignedVsUnsigned::AlmostEqualsFunction(signedVariable, unsignedVariable);
417   }
418 };
420 struct AlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals
421 {
422   template <typename TIntegerType1, typename TIntegerType2>
AlmostEqualsFunctionAlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals423   static bool AlmostEqualsFunction(TIntegerType1 x1, TIntegerType2 x2)
424   {
425     return x1 == x2;
426   }
427 };
428 // end of structs that choose the specific AlmostEquals function
430 // Selector structs, these select the correct case based on its types
431 //        input1 is int?  input 1 is signed? input2 is int?  input 2 is signed?
432 template<bool TInput1IsIntger, bool TInput1IsSigned, bool TInput2IsInteger, bool TInput2IsSigned>
433 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector
434 { // default case
435   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals;
436 };
439 template<>
440 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector < false, true, false, true>
441 // floating type v floating type
442 {
443   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat;
444 };
446 template<>
447 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector <false, true, true, true>
448 // float vs signed int
449 {
450   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger;
451 };
453 template<>
454 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector <false, true, true,false>
455 // float vs unsigned int
456 {
457   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger;
458 };
460 template<>
461 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector <true, false, false, true>
462 // unsigned int vs float
463 {
464   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsIntegerVsFloat;
465 };
467 template<>
468 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector <true, true, false, true>
469 // signed int vs float
470 {
471   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsIntegerVsFloat;
472 };
474 template<>
475 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector<true, true, true, false>
476 // signed vs unsigned
477 {
478   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsSignedVsUnsigned;
479 };
481 template<>
482 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector<true, false, true, true>
483 // unsigned vs signed
484 {
485   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsUnsignedVsSigned;
486 };
488 template<>
489 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector<true, true, true, true>
490 //   signed vs signed
491 {
492   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals;
493 };
495 template<>
496 struct AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector<true, false, true, false>
497 // unsigned vs unsigned
498 {
499   using SelectedVersion = AlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals;
500 };
501 // end of AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector structs
503  // The implementor tells the selector what to do
504 template<typename TInputType1, typename TInputType2>
505 struct AlmostEqualsScalarImplementer
506 {
507   static constexpr bool TInputType1IsInteger = itk::NumericTraits<TInputType1>::IsInteger;
508   static constexpr bool TInputType1IsSigned  = itk::NumericTraits<TInputType1>::IsSigned;
509   static constexpr bool TInputType2IsInteger = itk::NumericTraits<TInputType2>::IsInteger;
510   static constexpr bool TInputType2IsSigned  = itk::NumericTraits<TInputType2>::IsSigned;
512   using SelectedVersion = typename AlmostEqualsFunctionSelector< TInputType1IsInteger, TInputType1IsSigned,
513                                               TInputType2IsInteger, TInputType2IsSigned >::SelectedVersion;
514 };
516 // The AlmostEqualsScalarComparer returns the result of an
517 // approximate comparison between two scalar values of
518 // potentially different data types.
519 template <typename TScalarType1, typename TScalarType2>
520 inline bool
521 AlmostEqualsScalarComparer( TScalarType1 x1, TScalarType2 x2 )
522 {
523   return AlmostEqualsScalarImplementer<TScalarType1, TScalarType2>::SelectedVersion:: template AlmostEqualsFunction<TScalarType1, TScalarType2>(x1, x2);
524 }
526 // The following structs are used to evaluate approximate comparisons between
527 // complex and scalar values of potentially different types.
529 // Comparisons between scalar types use the AlmostEqualsScalarComparer function.
530 struct AlmostEqualsScalarVsScalar
531 {
532   template <typename TScalarType1, typename TScalarType2>
533   static bool
534   AlmostEqualsFunction(TScalarType1 x1, TScalarType2 x2)
535   {
536     return AlmostEqualsScalarComparer(x1, x2);
537   }
538 };
540 // Comparisons between two complex values compare the real and imaginary components
541 // separately with the AlmostEqualsScalarComparer function.
542 struct AlmostEqualsComplexVsComplex
543 {
544   template <typename TComplexType1, typename TComplexType2>
545   static bool
546   AlmostEqualsFunction(TComplexType1 x1, TComplexType2 x2)
547   {
548     return AlmostEqualsScalarComparer(x1.real(), x2.real()) && AlmostEqualsScalarComparer( x1.imag(), x2.imag() );
549   }
550 };
552 // Comparisons between complex and scalar values first check to see if the imaginary component
553 // of the complex value is approximately 0. Then a ScalarComparison is done between the real
554 // part of the complex number and the scalar value.
555 struct AlmostEqualsScalarVsComplex
556 {
557   template <typename TScalarType, typename TComplexType>
558   static bool
559   AlmostEqualsFunction(TScalarType scalarVariable, TComplexType complexVariable)
560   {
561     if( !AlmostEqualsScalarComparer( complexVariable.imag(), itk::NumericTraits< typename itk::NumericTraits< TComplexType >::ValueType >::ZeroValue() ) )
562       {
563       return false;
564       }
565     return AlmostEqualsScalarComparer(scalarVariable, complexVariable.real());
566   }
567 };
569 struct AlmostEqualsComplexVsScalar
570 {
571   template <typename TComplexType, typename TScalarType>
572   static bool
573   AlmostEqualsFunction(TComplexType complexVariable, TScalarType scalarVariable)
574   {
575     return AlmostEqualsScalarVsComplex::AlmostEqualsFunction(scalarVariable, complexVariable);
576   }
577 };
579 // The AlmostEqualsComplexChooser structs choose the correct case
580 // from the input parameter types' IsComplex property
581 // The default case is scalar vs scalar
582 template < bool T1IsComplex, bool T2IsComplex > //Default is false, false
583 struct AlmostEqualsComplexChooser
584 {
585   using ChosenVersion = AlmostEqualsScalarVsScalar;
586 };
588 template <>
589 struct AlmostEqualsComplexChooser< true, true >
590 {
591   using ChosenVersion = AlmostEqualsComplexVsComplex;
592 };
594 template <>
595 struct AlmostEqualsComplexChooser< false, true >
596 {
597   using ChosenVersion = AlmostEqualsScalarVsComplex;
598 };
600 template <>
601 struct AlmostEqualsComplexChooser< true, false>
602 {
603   using ChosenVersion = AlmostEqualsComplexVsScalar;
604 };
605 // End of AlmostEqualsComplexChooser structs.
607 // The AlmostEqualsComplexImplementer determines which of the input
608 // parameters are complex and which are real, and sends that information
609 // to the AlmostEqualsComplexChooser structs to determine the proper
610 // type of evaluation.
611 template <typename T1, typename T2>
612 struct AlmostEqualsComplexImplementer
613 {
614   static constexpr bool T1IsComplex = NumericTraits< T1 >::IsComplex;
615   static constexpr bool T2IsComplex = NumericTraits< T2 >::IsComplex;
617   using ChosenVersion = typename AlmostEqualsComplexChooser< T1IsComplex, T2IsComplex >::ChosenVersion;
618 };
619 /// \endcond
621 } // end namespace Detail
623 /** \brief Provide consistent equality checks between values of potentially different scalar or complex types
624  *
625  * template< typename T1, typename T2 >
626  * AlmostEquals( T1 x1, T2 x2 )
627  *
628  * template< typename T1, typename T2 >
629  * NotAlmostEquals( T1 x1, T2 x2 )
630  *
631  * This function compares two scalar or complex values of potentially different types.
632  * For maximum extensibility the function is implemented through a series of templated
633  * structs which direct the AlmostEquals() call to the correct function by evaluating
634  * the parameter's types.
635  *
636  * Overall algorithm:
637  *   If both values are complex...
638  *     separate values into real and imaginary components and compare them separately
639  *
640  *   If one of the values is complex..
641  *     see if the imaginary part of the complex value is approximately 0 ...
642  *       compare real part of complex value with scalar value
643  *
644  *   If both values are scalars...
645  *
646  *   To compare two floating point types...
647  *     use FloatAlmostEqual.
648  *
649  *   To compare a floating point and an integer type...
650  *        Use static_cast<FloatingPointType>(integerValue) and call FloatAlmostEqual
651  *
652  *   To compare signed and unsigned integers...
653  *     Check for negative value or overflow, then cast and use ==
654  *
655  *   To compare two signed or two unsigned integers ...
656  *     Use ==
657  *
658  *   To compare anything else ...
659  *     Use ==
660  *
661  * \param x1                    first scalar value to compare
662  * \param x2                    second scalar value to compare
663  */
665 // The AlmostEquals function
666 template <typename T1, typename T2>
667 inline bool
668 AlmostEquals( T1 x1, T2 x2 )
669 {
670   return Detail::AlmostEqualsComplexImplementer<T1,T2>::ChosenVersion::AlmostEqualsFunction(x1, x2);
671 }
673 // The NotAlmostEquals function
674 template <typename T1, typename T2>
675 inline bool
676 NotAlmostEquals( T1 x1, T2 x2 )
677 {
678   return ! AlmostEquals( x1, x2 );
679 }
682 /** \brief  Return the result of an exact comparison between two scalar values of potetially different types.
683  *
684  * template <typename TInput1, typename TInput2>
685  * inline bool
686  * ExactlyEquals( const TInput & x1, const TInput & x2 )
687  *
688  * template <typename TInput1, typename TInput2>
689  * inline bool
690  * NotExactlyEquals( const TInput & x1, const TInput & x2 )
691  *
692  * These functions complement the EqualsComparison functions and determine if two scalar
693  * values are exactly equal using the compilers casting rules when comparing two different types.
694  * While this is also easily accomplished by using the equality operators,
695  * use of this function demonstrates the intent of an exact equality check and thus improves
696  * readability and clarity of code. In addition, this function suppresses float-equal warnings
697  * produced when using Clang.
698  *
699  * \param x1                    first floating point value to compare
700  * \param x2                    second floating point value to compare
701  */
703 // The ExactlyEquals function
704 template <typename TInput1, typename TInput2>
705 inline bool
706 ExactlyEquals( const TInput1 & x1, const TInput2 & x2 )
707 {
709 CLANG_SUPPRESS_Wfloat_equal
710   return x1 == x2;
712 }
714 //The NotExactlyEquals function
715 template <typename TInput1, typename TInput2>
716 inline bool
717 NotExactlyEquals( const TInput1 & x1, const TInput2 & x2 )
718 {
719   return !ExactlyEquals(x1, x2);
720 }
723 /** Return whether the number is a prime number or not.
724  *
725  * \note Negative numbers cannot be prime.
726  */
727 ITKCommon_EXPORT bool IsPrime( unsigned short n );
728 ITKCommon_EXPORT bool IsPrime( unsigned int n );
729 ITKCommon_EXPORT bool IsPrime( unsigned long n );
730 ITKCommon_EXPORT bool IsPrime( unsigned long long n );
733 /** Return the greatest factor of the decomposition in prime numbers. */
734 ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned short     GreatestPrimeFactor( unsigned short n );
735 ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned int       GreatestPrimeFactor( unsigned int n );
736 ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned long      GreatestPrimeFactor( unsigned long n );
737 ITKCommon_EXPORT unsigned long long GreatestPrimeFactor( unsigned long long n );
740 /*==========================================
741  * Alias the vnl_math functions in the itk::Math
742  * namespace. If possible, use the std:: equivalents
743  */
744 using std::isnan;
745 using std::isinf;
746 using std::isfinite;
747 using std::isnormal;
748 using std::cbrt;
749 using std::hypot;
750 using vnl_math::angle_0_to_2pi;
751 using vnl_math::angle_minuspi_to_pi;
752 using vnl_math::rnd_halfinttoeven;
753 using vnl_math::rnd_halfintup;
754 using vnl_math::rnd;
755 using vnl_math::floor;
756 using vnl_math::ceil;
757 using vnl_math::sgn;
758 using vnl_math::sgn0;
759 using vnl_math::remainder_truncated;
760 using vnl_math::remainder_floored;
761 using vnl_math::abs;
762 using vnl_math::sqr;
763 using vnl_math::cube;
764 using vnl_math::squared_magnitude;
766 } // end namespace Math
767 } // end namespace itk
769 #endif // end of itkMath.h