1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkPeriodicBoundaryCondition_h
19 #define itkPeriodicBoundaryCondition_h
20 #include "itkImageBoundaryCondition.h"
22 namespace itk
23 {
24 /** \class PeriodicBoundaryCondition
25  * \brief
26  * A function object that determines values outside of image boundaries
27  * according to periodic (wrap-around) conditions.
28  *
29  * The input to this function object is a neighborhood iterator.  This boundary
30  * condition object is designed to be given as a template argument to a
31  * NeighborhoodIterator or any of the NeighborhoodIterator subclasses.
32  *
33  * \ingroup DataRepresentation
34  * \ingroup ImageObjects
35  * \ingroup ITKCommon
36  */
37 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage = TInputImage >
38 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT PeriodicBoundaryCondition:
39     public ImageBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
40 {
41 public:
42   /** Standard class type aliases. */
43   using Self = PeriodicBoundaryCondition;
44   using Superclass = ImageBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage >;
46   /** Extract information from the image type. */
47   using PixelType = typename Superclass::PixelType;
48   using PixelPointerType = typename Superclass::PixelPointerType;
49   using OutputPixelType = typename Superclass::OutputPixelType;
50   using RegionType = typename Superclass::RegionType;
51   using IndexType = typename Superclass::IndexType;
52   using SizeType = typename Superclass::SizeType;
53   using OffsetType = typename Superclass::OffsetType;
54   using NeighborhoodType = typename Superclass::NeighborhoodType;
56   using NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType = typename Superclass::NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType;
58   /** Extract information from the image type. */
59   static constexpr unsigned int ImageDimension = Superclass::ImageDimension;
61   /** Default constructor. */
62   PeriodicBoundaryCondition() = default;
64   /** Runtime information support. */
GetNameOfClass()65   const char * GetNameOfClass() const override
66   {
67     return "itkPeriodicBoundaryCondition";
68   }
70   /** Computes and returns a neighborhood of appropriate values from
71    * neighborhood iterator data.. */
72   OutputPixelType operator()(const OffsetType & point_index,
73                                      const OffsetType & boundary_offset,
74                                      const NeighborhoodType *data) const override;
76   /** Computes and returns the appropriate pixel value from
77    * neighborhood iterator data, using the functor. */
78   OutputPixelType operator()(
79     const OffsetType & point_index,
80     const OffsetType & boundary_offset,
81     const NeighborhoodType *data,
82     const NeighborhoodAccessorFunctorType & neighborhoodAccessorFunctor) const override;
84   /** Determines the necessary input region for the output region.
85    * For this boundary condition, the output region is mapped into the
86    * input image index space. If the mapped region crosses an image
87    * boundary in some dimension, then the entire size of the image in
88    * that dimension is requested. For this reason, it is most memory
89    * efficient to request regions that map to regions that do cross
90    * image boundaries.
91    *
92    * \param inputLargestPossibleRegion Largest possible region of the input image.
93    * \param outputRequestedRegion The output requested region.
94    * \return The necessary input region required to determine the
95    * pixel values in the outputRequestedRegion.
96    */
97   RegionType GetInputRequestedRegion( const RegionType & inputLargestPossibleRegion,
98                                               const RegionType & outputRequestedRegion ) const override;
100   /** Returns a value for a given pixel at an index. If the index is inside the
101    * bounds of the input image, then the pixel value is obtained from
102    * the input image. Otherwise, the pixel at the desired index (modulo
103    * the size of the image) is returned.
104    *
105    * \param index The index of the desired pixel.
106    * \param image The image from which pixel values should be determined.
107    */
108   OutputPixelType GetPixel( const IndexType & index, const TInputImage * image ) const override;
110 };
111 } // end namespace itk
114 #include "itkPeriodicBoundaryCondition.hxx"
115 #endif
117 #endif